Dry cough in a dream in a Komarovsky child. Cough at night in a child: causes and treatment

A child's cough at night, and there is no symptom during the day - this is a sign of a certain disease. To eliminate it, it is necessary to treat the main ailment that caused it. It is possible to improve the condition of the child with the help of syrups, pills and other means, but the disease can be cured only with the help of well-chosen treatment. Let's try to figure out what contributes to this development of events, and how to stop coughing at night.

Reasons why the child coughs while falling asleep, in a lying position

Cough is very common. Strengthening at night occurs as a result of the fact that in a horizontal position the distribution of fluid in the body is carried out evenly, and not, as usual, rushes to the legs. As a result, phlegm accumulates and the cough worsens.
Such a cough can be provoked by the most various diseases... For example, gastroesophageal reflux can cause a child to cough at night. It is possible to recognize the ailment earlier in children at an older age, since they can explain the attacks of heartburn they have.

In infants, it occurs at night. The child simply chokes on saliva, which is released in large quantities at this moment, and begins to cough up. During this period, put the baby to sleep on its side, and put a small mattress under the head.

A nighttime cough can also indicate the presence of dry air in the room where the child sleeps. It is very simple to fix this problem, you just need to ventilate the room. You can also use improvised means, for example, lay a damp towel on the battery.

Why does a child cough and grit his teeth when he sleeps

If, when the child goes to bed, during a night cough, the child still grinds his teeth, then these are clear signs of a runny nose, inflammation of the pharynx and trachea. In addition, a night squeak in combination with a cough can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Allergy.
  2. Helminthic invasion.
  3. Foreign body in the bronchi.

If the cough is accompanied by the discharge of snot during a night's sleep

Often a cough at night is accompanied by a runny nose. At the same time, the child's temperature does not rise. The causes of these symptoms are infectious or allergic reactions.


Cough and severe rhinitis with normal performance temperatures speak of colds of viral origin. If there are bacterial diseases, then a rise in temperature is observed. With untimely therapy, the following consequences may occur:

  • sinusitis (the link can be read,);
  • sinusitis (symptoms of sinusitis in children are described);
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis (find out what antibiotics to take for pharyngitis in children);
  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis.

A viral cold greatly weakens the immune system, which contributes to joining bacterial infection... Against the background of a common cold, chronic ailments can wake up and pathogenic microorganisms come into play.


Symptoms such as coughing and snot at night are often associated with an allergic reaction. As in the previous case, there is no rise in body temperature. With allergies, the following symptoms occur:

  • dry cough;
  • severe discharge from the nose;
  • swelling in the nose;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • erythema and skin rash.

To understand the nature of cough, it is important to know the symptoms of certain types of cough.

Allergies can occur for the following reasons:

  • prolonged stay in a smoky room;
  • very dusty room;
  • people who smoke are near the child;
  • flowering period of trees and plants;
  • the use of cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • dry air in the baby's room.

If you have recently been ill, the illness manifests itself at night

Often, a cough occurs at night after a long illness. Most often these are manifestations of inflammatory and allergic bronchitis, which take on a chronic form. Thus, the baby will have a cough at the stage of exacerbation. In addition to coughing, a small patient can visit a strong OTC of the bronchial mucosa. As a result, breathing worsens and an intense cough occurs.

Another ailment that can leave a trail in the form of a nocturnal cough is called the respiratory syncytial virus. It affects children within the first 2 years. This disease most often occurs when the baby visits kindergarten. Typical symptoms the disease is swelling of the bronchial mucosa, poor air passage and obstruction of the lower respiratory tract. After a while, the baby may experience shortness of breath, prolonged exhalation and convulsions. The suppressive cough strikes him at night.

What to do: The baby starts coughing when he goes to bed.

Do not give your child antibiotics to treat cough. When wet, do not give antitussive drugs, and when dry, expectorants. Rubbing with small patients should be done with extreme caution. Do not use antihistamines without your doctor's approval. If you want to make it easier for your child to sleep during a coughing attack, then you just need to change his body position.

If the coughing fits do not leave the car for a long time and all the above recommendations do not give desired effect, then you need to urgently go to the clinic. There the doctor will be able to determine the causes of a nocturnal cough and prescribe effective treatment to eliminate it.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends to be more often outdoors with the child to relieve the attacks of nocturnal cough. This is what is most better prevention drying out mucus. A runny nose of a crumbs requires special attention. The child's nose must not be allowed to breathe. Otherwise, he will inhale air through his mouth, and this contributes to the desolation of mucus.

If the child has a high fever in addition to coughing, then this also dries out the mucous discharge. Komarovsky advises giving the baby antipyretic drugs in this case. They are released in the form of syrup, candles. But before using them, you must consult with a specialist.

This video will tell you about the causes of cough and its treatment:

To relieve nocturnal coughing attacks, Komarovsky advises using massage. But it is allowed to carry it out only if the child has normal temperature body. Lay the baby on his knees so that his head is below the fifth point. Place 2 fingers on the back in the lungs. Perform light and smooth tapping with the fingers of the other hand. Such activities will facilitate the discharge of sputum in a natural way. As a result, the disease will begin to leave the child's body.

Komarovsky does not recommend the use of medications that inhibit the cough reflex or thin mucus with the help of chemical components; it is unreasonable without the permission of a doctor. Such treatment will only allow you to forget about the symptoms, but will not eliminate the disease itself.

A cough in itself is a very unpleasant symptom, especially if it occurs at night. And it doesn't matter what nature it is - viral or allergic - it must be treated. If you do not start therapy on time, the disease can take on a chronic form, and it will be almost impossible to cure it.

A child's night cough is an unpleasant phenomenon that interferes with the baby's rest. It deprives the child of the strength and worries his parents. Many adults start to panic and immediately give their child antibiotics, making the situation worse. In order to start helping the baby on time and correctly, it is necessary to accurately establish the cause of this symptom.

You should not be afraid that children are coughing, since this is a reflex, the same as snot or an increase in body temperature. Similar symptoms occur during the body's fight against infectious infection. This means that the immune system functions, resisting pathogens that are unusual for the system and starting to get rid of them.

Basically, such a manifestation as a cough is exacerbated precisely at night, because when the body is lying down, there is an accumulation of mucous secretions that are in the nasopharynx of the sick person. They begin to clog the nasopharynx, provoking a reflex cough.

Most likely, many mothers and fathers more than once paid attention to the fact that during the day their baby coughs a little, and at night begins to "choke" with a cough. This can be explained by the fact that when the patient lies down, it is much more difficult for him to clear his throat. Because of this, you have to cough longer and harder.

Dr. Komarovsky recalls that a cough in itself is not a disease, it is only evidence of an ailment. That is why it is unacceptable to give drink syrups or other medicationsto relieve a child's cough at night.

It is likely that this symptom will become less pronounced for some time, but the causes of it will remain. They need to be identified and eliminated.

Naturally, it is necessary to treat a persistent cough, but therapeutic measures should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, because the nature of this symptomatology can be different.

Each specific case needs appropriate therapy. Therefore, after a painful night without sleep, it is worth taking the baby to an appointment with a pediatrician (only if in the morning the little patient feels well, and there is no need to call the doctor home).

Causes of children's nighttime cough

A child's cough at night can be provoked by both a serious illness and everyday factors.

Exacerbations at night are a sign of the following ailments:

Viral infections

This is the most common origin of nighttime coughing in children. If the cough when the child is sleeping is caused by ARVI, then its manifestation at night is easily explained. It is at nighttime that the mucous masses caused by infection begin to accumulate in the patient's lungs. When air is inhaled, they contract and provoke suffocating coughing attacks.

With a cold, the nose of a small sick person is stuffy, which is why he has to breathe through his mouth. Breath oral cavity and there is the very reason due to which a coughing attack in a child is aggravated in the dark.

It is necessary to pay close attention to whether sputum is produced during a night cough. Their appearance is evidence of an acquired virus.

Chronic sinusitis and rhinitis

These diseases cause bouts of dry, annoying cough.

Chronic pharyngitis

A barking cough develops against the background of a condition in which it constantly tickles and tingles in the throat.


May cause a baby coughing in the dark. It is a reaction of the walls of the nasopharynx to an irritant that has entered the body. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by nocturnal coughing. The acute form of the disease is characterized by an exacerbation of the condition closer to the morning. At dawn, the likelihood of a pulmonary attack increases.

If a painful cough in the morning in a small patient is not accompanied by the excretion of characteristic phlegm, but is so strong that the baby can vomit and he begins to choke, this is clear evidence of the development of bronchitis.


She has a cough at night with characteristic whistling sounds when exhaling. In children with asthma mild form this symptomatology may be the only one. The initial stage of the disease occurs only with attacks at night, which are caused by a spasm of the lungs. At the same time, the patient begins to choke.

The consequences of whooping cough

They are characterized by a long cough that appears only in the dark. Whooping cough often accompanies a dry cough. With this problem, a cough attack begins at the same time intervals, and intensifies in the dark.

Signs of the disease:

  • intermittent prolonged cough with a leaden deep breath;
  • red complexion;
  • tears on eyes.

In this case, the baby may begin to vomit.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Older children may complain of heartburn. With this problem, coughing attacks at night are also observed.


For children with enlarged adenoids, manifestations of a nocturnal cough are characteristic, which occurs as a result of accumulations of secretions entering the pharynx and drying out of the mucous membrane when breathing through the mouth.

Baby teeth

In a baby, coughing at night can be caused by erupting milk teeth. The cough occurs due to pain syndrome. It is difficult for the child to swallow saliva and he goes into an attack. If this reason provoked a cough attack at night, then it is necessary to turn the child over on a side or put something under his head so that he falls asleep in a half-sitting position.

When the cough against the background of an elevated temperature does not go away for several days, and the patient's well-being worsens, the little patient should be quickly taken to an appointment with the doctor in order to prevent the development of unwanted complications.

The manifestation of cough in childhood at night can also be evidence of allergic reactions. Allergies are characterized by the following symptoms: slight swelling on the face (especially near the eyes and on the cheeks), increased tearing and sweating. The obvious allergic symptomatology is rhinitis.

When a cough is observed in a child exclusively at night, then this is a sure sign that allergens provocateurs of the problem are in or near the crib. Bedding, pajamas, and much more that a child comes into contact with in a dream can cause allergic manifestations.

A debilitating cough in a small patient in the middle of the night can be caused by powder for washing bedding or things that are in the immediate vicinity of the bed.

To determine the real cause of this problem, it is necessary to gradually limit the child's contact with things that arouse suspicion in the parents. If possible, replace the blanket with sheets, as well as the detergent.

In addition to all of the above, a cough attack can be triggered by dry air in the nursery. At night, the air in the apartment becomes drier due to the habit of closing the window to avoid drafts. And in the colder months, turning on the heating dries up the air masses.

Dry air irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, thereby intensifying the cough. Poorly humidified air in the nursery leads to other health problems in the child. He may snore and even suffer from respiratory arrest (apnea).

In what cases is medical assistance required

If a child suffers from a paroxysmal nocturnal cough, prolonged and suddenly appearing, it must be urgently shown to a doctor.

A particular danger is a wet cough with wheezing, accompanied by the release of greenish mucus with blood particles contained in it.

Apply for medical help it is also necessary in those cases when, in addition to attacks of continuous nocturnal cough, the child has shortness of breath and a high body temperature. In such a situation, you need to bring down the temperature, giving the child an antipyretic, and call a doctor at home.


To remove the unpleasant symptom of a cough that is tormenting a child in the dark, you need to see a doctor to diagnose the underlying disease. Only a specialist can prescribe an effective drug treatment.

It depends not only on the causes of the cough, but also on its nature. Self-medication can harm the health of the baby, therefore, the use of drugs by caring mothers at their own discretion is fraught with serious complications.

Therapy for nocturnal cough, taking into account the causes of it, involves taking different groups medicines:


  1. Drugs that suppress cough reflexes like "Sinekod", "Sedotussin", "Glauvent";
  2. Medicines to desensitize cough receptors. We are talking about "Libeksin", "Levopront".
  3. Combined funds: "Bronholitin", "Stopussin".
  4. Homeopathy: Drosera.

When wet (productive):

  1. Drugs with an expectorant effect. We are talking about “Pertussin”, marshmallow syrup, “Doctor Mom” syrup, “Glytsiram”, “Mukaltin”.
  2. Mucolytic drugs (with viscous and thick sputum, the excretion of which is difficult) like Ambrobene, Gerbion, Prospan, Bromhexin.
  3. Preparations with antihistamine action (with an allergic origin of cough) like Fenistil, Suprastin, Gismanal, Erius.
  4. Antibiotic medicines. Are prescribed by a doctor when serious illnessesthat cause coughing in the baby (for example, with pneumonia, sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngitis).

In cases of nighttime cough attacks in a baby due to heartburn, also called gastroesophageal reflux, drug treatment by a gastroenterologist.

If the problem is triggered by bronchial asthma, medications in the form of aerosols are very effective, which provide quick admission. medicinal substances into the respiratory tract and effectively stop coughing attacks in children and adults.

One of the most effective means of treating this ailment, according to doctors, is "Pulmicort" with active ingredient budesonide.

It is used in procedures with a nebulizer (inhaler) to treat very young patients and older children suffering from severe asthma.


Comprehensive treatment of the problem of nocturnal cough in children involves not only drug therapy, but also the use of funds traditional medicine... However, before using them, you must consult with your doctor. This is especially true for the treatment of very young children who have not yet turned 6 months old.

  1. Warm milk with baking soda (250 ml ¼ teaspoon).
  2. Abundant drinking regime. Tea with raspberry jam works well.
  3. Honey (preferably buckwheat) for slow absorption by a child over one year of age. Give no more than ½ teaspoon at a time;

The following remedies help with a wet cough:

  1. Herbal infusions (we are talking about pharmacy breast fees No. 1, 2, 3).
  2. Compresses from mashed potatoes made from boiled potatoes. A warm mass is applied to the baby's back and insulated with plastic wrap and a terry sheet. The compress can be kept for no more than one hour. This method is contraindicated in children under six months of age and in cases where coughing occurs against a background of elevated temperature.

With bronchitis or laryngitis, warm foot baths with the addition of mustard powder help well. The duration of the warming up procedure is 10-20 minutes. Upon completion, it is necessary to insulate the baby's legs with woolen socks.

Home methods and prevention

Thanks to the following tips, parents can help alleviate the condition of the baby with a cough and prevent his appearance at night:

  1. Airing the nursery on the eve of a night's rest. This measure is recommended by the well-known children's doctor, Dr. Komarovsky, to humidify the air in the room and prevent drying out of the nasopharyngeal mucosa in a child. This will help alleviate coughs, improve overall well-being, and improve sleep quality.
  2. Warm drink in the evening. It is advisable to treat the child with milk, herbal decoction or tea. These funds will soothe the baby, help facilitate the elimination of sputum, and moisturize the throat mucosa.
  3. Sanitation of the nasal passages saline solutions, homemade or pharmacy.
  4. Strict adherence to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. And to prevent the accumulation of phlegm, parents should make sure that the baby sleeps on its side.

Every mother should understand that a prolonged exhausting night cough in a child is a symptom of a certain disease that requires timely and adequate therapy. Therefore, it is impossible to delay solving this problem. The child should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible and treatment should be started.

Causes of a night cough in a child

The coughing mechanism consists of the coordinated work of nerve endings and a pulmonary reaction to an irritant. Nocturnal cough goes away against the background of complete absence characteristic features respiratory diseases. Which baffles parents when trying to figure out the causes of the problem on their own.

Defense mechanism and signs of illness

Cough occurs as a defensive reaction of the lungs and muscle tissue of the larynx to provocateurs:

  • virus activity;
  • dry air;
  • accumulation of phlegm in the passages of the lungs;
  • removal of penetrated particles;
  • inflammation of the bronchi.

A cough occurs when the body cannot cope with the task of naturally moisturizing and removing dust from the air.

Why exactly at night?

The manifestation of cough at night is associated with the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi and nasopharynx. Body accepts vertical position, the muscles enter the resting stage. Volumetric compartments fill the passages in the lungs, causing the body to reflex.

Cough is associated with slow blood circulation, provoked by soft tissue damage. Failures in the diversion of fluids cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the larynx and nasopharynx. The result is a cough of varying degrees of strength.

Nocturnal coughing fits

Nocturnal cough combines several types of reflex reactions to stimuli. They are divided according to the degree of depth, intensity and frequency of manifestation. The provoking source determines further measures and treatment.

The cough is divided into several types:

  • dry - no discharge, severe attacks;
  • wet - excess sputum;
  • bronchial or spastic - is deep in nature;
  • protracted - profuse sputum production, formed by the nasopharynx with inflammation of the tonsil;
  • paroxysmal - there is a release of gel-like hard lumps, it can last up to 6 weeks.

The dry stage precedes sputum separation. The treatment strategies for these types differ dramatically.


Pediatricians distinguish between two types of duration of a coughing fit:

  • acute - characterized by a sudden onset, the duration of the manifestations is 2-3 weeks;
  • chronic - attacks make themselves felt above 3 weeks.

Both options signal bronchial dysfunction and can be triggered by latent stages of colds and flu.

What do the symptoms say?

Nocturnal attacks signal defeat child's body one of the diseases:

  • viral infection;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • asthma;
  • the effects of whooping cough;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • cardiac pathology;
  • ingestion of stomach contents into the esophagus;
  • roundworm;
  • chlamydia.

At the first manifestations of a nocturnal cough, it is necessary to undergo an examination with tests.

How to treat a children's night cough?

Before contacting a specialist, parents are able to provide first aid to the baby in order to alleviate his condition. The correct course of action will help relieve seizures without masking the traces of the pathogen.

First steps

It is recommended to install a humidifier in the baby's room. Regular damp cleaning will eliminate mechanical causative agents of cough. It is necessary to keep the room temperature under control, it should not exceed 25 ° C.

Children under one year old should be helped by changing their position during sleep. The bed should not be in the immediate vicinity of the radiator. The child should be given plenty of fluids to dilute and remove phlegm.

Unconditional taboos

Forbidden for manifestations of cough:

  • give antibiotics or antibacterials without prescription;
  • suppress the reflex in the wet stage;
  • give an expectorant for dry and deep cough;
  • any drugs without consulting a therapist.

The first step is to determine the source of the disease. Any manifestations are eliminated under the strict guidance of a specialist.

Traditional methods of treating nocturnal cough in children

Traditional medicine has several improvised recipes in its arsenal that will support the affected organism. Based on the properties of natural products, they gently and gently eliminate the cause of the ailment.

Lemon, honey and glycerin

Latent or difficult to identify causes of cough are eliminated simple recipe our grandmothers. The active anti-inflammatory properties of honey are known from many publications. Combined with a vitamin supplement, this effect is enhanced several times.

  1. Punctures are applied to the surface of a whole lemon.
  2. Dip in a container and boil for 5 minutes on the quietest flame;
  3. Juice is squeezed out.
  4. Glycerin and the resulting lemon concentrate are mixed in a glass.
  5. Introduced honey mass, previously slightly warmed to a liquid state.
  6. The mixture is cooled and insisted, the waiting period is 2-4 hours.

The frequency of use and the dose depends on the condition of the child. At one time, no more than half a tablespoon is given. Homemade mixture is taken a couple of hours before meals. Frequency up to 2-3 times a weak cough, and 4-7 receptions with an enhanced reflex.

Onion broth

Onions in their composition have many active ingredients that can actively resist viral and inflammatory diseases. A concentrated broth can help with a strong and dry cough.

The recipe includes ingredients:

  • a pair of medium-sized onions;
  • milk;
  • honey (a teaspoon per 200 ml of liquid).
  1. The peeled onions are placed in a shallow container.
  2. Milk is poured so that the liquid completely covers the bulbs.
  3. The quietest fire is set, the onion mass is brought to a soft state.
  4. The broth is slightly cooled, honey is added.

The mixture is applied in a tablespoon every hour. The duration of admission is on average 1-3 days, until disappearance acute manifestation cough.

Black radish and honey

Radish is an amazingly effective antiseptic. In addition, it has a stimulating property for the body. A medium-sized vegetable is suitable for getting the right medicine.

The recipe includes ingredients:

  1. The top "cover" of the radish is cut off, the core is selected. The depth and width of the recess can be adjusted by eye.
  2. The cavity is filled with honey, leaving little space to the brim.
  3. It is covered with a cut "lid" and placed under a light press.

Duration of separation of internal radish juices is 4-5 hours. The dosage of a child's portion is a teaspoon with a frequency of taking 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course can be 1-2 weeks. The vegetable can be used many times, which is very beneficial and convenient.

  • prevent blood thickening;
  • the liquid used for drinking should be at body temperature;
  • the more actively the baby's body loses fluids, the more it needs to be soldered;
  • the child must go to the potty every 3 hours;
  • make room air cool and humid.

Listen to the experts, and let your baby not get sick.

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Cough at night in a child: causes and treatment. How to calm down?

In the event of a symptom such as a night cough in a child, it is important to exclude not only acute infectious pathology, but also chronic damage to the lungs and heart.

The intensification of the symptom at night is dictated by the peculiarities of the innervation, as well as the activation of sputum production. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, it is important to prescribe rational and safe therapy for the child.

Night cough in children: the main causes

A cough at night is an unpleasant, sometimes painful symptom that does not allow a child to sleep. There are a significant number of diseases that occur with the activation of the cough reflex.

In some cases, the child coughs at night due to hyperplasia of the lymphoepithelial pharyngeal ring (adenoid vegetation, hypertrophied palatine tonsils).

Enlarged glands, adenoids interfere with normal nasal breathing during sleep. As a result, dry mucous membranes and irritation of the cough receptors.

In more severe cases, coughing during sleep is a sign of heart disease ( congenital defects, cardiomyopathy).

In addition, in such children, shortness of breath, acrocyanosis with physical activity or at rest, a high tendency to "colds" diseases.

If there is a temperature

A rise in body temperature most often indicates the development of an infectious process. If the baby begins to cough and has a fever, you should consult a pediatrician to diagnose and prescribe a competent treatment. In some cases, an infectious disease specialist is involved in treatment.

What does the rise in temperature and frequent coughing at night indicate:

  • Banal ARVI. Always begins with fever of various sizes, nasal congestion and other catarrhal phenomena.
  • Inflammation in the bronchi. With bronchitis, both dry and productive cough occurs against a background of low hyperthermia. In this case, the doctor during auscultation will listen to the characteristic bilateral wheezing in the lungs.
  • Whooping cough, acute laryngitis. Common feature these diseases - persistent cough at night in children during an infectious process.
  • Acute adenoiditis. Inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsils also provokes the appearance of nocturnal cough, snoring and mild intoxication syndrome.

The presence of prolonged fever indicates the need for medical advice, the appointment of etiotropic drugs. In order to remove cough, antitussives are used.

If without temperature

In most cases, stenosing laryngitis, despite the infectious nature, proceeds without intoxication syndrome, but with a painful "barking" cough due to which the child does not sleep, shortness of breath and hoarseness.

With exacerbation bronchial asthma there is also no rise in body temperature. The attack begins suddenly, most often at night, after the entry of the allergen into the body.

The child begins to cough, experience shortness of breath, takes a forced position (sitting or half-sitting with arms wide apart).

With the development of status asthmaticus, the baby cannot cough up due to total spasm of the bronchi, acrocyanosis, noisy wheezing appears.

If healthy infant cannot sleep due to coughing, possibly post-anasal drip due to rhinovirus infection or teething syndrome.

In both cases, mucus from the mouth or nose flows down the back of the pharynx, irritating its mucous membrane, thereby activating the cough reflex.

Children's age does not exclude the presence of a congenital stridor - an abnormal structure of the larynx, in which the baby breathes with a whistle, coughs at night.


A dry, or unproductive, cough is characterized by lack of phlegm, high pitchedness, and often sore throat and chest.

With this symptom, the usual viral infectionsaffecting the respiratory tract; whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia. Gradually, the cough becomes moist, which is considered normal.

A similar manifestation is typical for allergic diseases: bronchial asthma, respiratory allergy, obstructive bronchitis.

If the baby is tortured by an unproductive unproductive cough, you need to seek help from a doctor and start taking special antitussive drugs that inhibit this reflex.


Cough with a wet component appears during the peak period clinical picture SARS, pneumonia, acute bronchitis, laryngitis. It is characterized by the formation and discharge of sputum from the bronchial tree, overproduction of mucus.

With a weak protective reflex, sputum leaves with difficulty, accumulating in the lower parts of the respiratory system. This threatens with the addition of a bacterial infection or aggravation of the course of the underlying pathology.

This symptom is also characteristic of a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma, in which the production of mucus by the bronchial glands increases. One way to confirm the diagnosis is to find special crystals (Charcot-Leiding) in morning sputum.

A prolonged productive (wet) cough may indicate chronic diseases lungs and heart:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • congenital emphysema;
  • acquired, congenital heart defects;
  • heart failure;
  • cardiomyopathy;

They often have an asthenic physique, deformed chest, belong to the group of children with frequent and long-term illnesses.

Night cough before vomiting in child. Causes

Vomiting during or at the end of the cough usually occurs in three cases: a strong gag reflex even with slight irritation of the pharyngeal wall, the root of the tongue; pertussis infection, in which the cough center is constantly irritated by toxins; regurgitation in the oral cavity of the contents of the esophagus.

If the baby constantly or periodically chokes from vomit or mucus during sleep, and there are no signs of infectious pathology, the cause should be sought in the organs of the digestive system.

Most often it lies in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is characterized by frequent nocturnal cough after taking a horizontal position and vomiting.

Gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus and the oral cavity, as a result of which the receptors of the mucous membranes are irritated, and the gag reflex is activated.


Allergic conditions in the form of cough, bronchial asthma, and respiratory allergy occur in response to provoking agents entering the baby's body.

It can be food, dust, fluff, medicines, animal hair and epithelium, pollen.

To diagnose allergic diseases, use: clinical research blood (will show high level eosinophils), tests for immunoglobulins E (general and specific) - special antibodies that increase in the presence of atopy.

Night cough in a child causes: Komarovsky

Coughing all night in children is a great concern for parents, as frequent attacks contribute to sleep disturbance.

Dr. Komarovsky identifies several common causes of nighttime symptoms:

  • Rhinitis. The drainage of mucus leads to the activation of the reflex.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Dry air. Excessively high or low humidity, high temperature in the baby's room "dries up" the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which provokes a cough.
  • Teething. The accumulation of a significant amount of saliva in the mouth is a common cause of the symptom.
  • Helminthic invasion, foreign body in the trachea, larynx, pathology of the nervous system.
  • Serious diseases: whooping cough, bronchial asthma, acute laryngitis, bronchitis.

Do I need to see a doctor for diagnosis?

Rare coughing at night with high temperature the environment is not a cause for concern. If there are signs of intoxication (fever, weakness, lethargy of the baby, loss of appetite), frequent recurrence of attacks, you should consult a doctor.

Only a specialist will be able to recognize alarming symptoms, prescribe all necessary tests and appropriate treatment.

  • shortness of breath (labored and noisy breathing);
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  • retraction of the intercostal muscles, jugular fossa;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • pronounced hoarseness of the voice or its complete disappearance;
  • distant wheezing heard from a distance.

If the described manifestations have arisen suddenly and are increasing, it is necessary to call an ambulance team to the house.

How to stop a child's nighttime cough?

In order to safely stop a night attack, it is important to know what pathology the baby has. With pertussis infection, it is advisable to use a central antitussive agent.

It is possible to relieve exacerbation of bronchial asthma with the help of inhalation through a nebulizer, baby-highler or aerosol inhaler (Berotek, Salbutamol, Ventolin). In some cases, only injections of a hormone, theophylline, can help.

In the event of stenosing laryngitis, inhalation with hydrocortisone, mezaton, intramuscular injection antispasmodics, glucocorticoid hormones.

How to relieve a child's nighttime cough?

When the baby coughs for a long time, in the daytime and in sleep, parents must create all conditions to alleviate the patient's condition.

What can make your baby feel better:

  • Frequent ventilation, humidification of the room. If it is normal to ventilate the living room three times every day, then it is recommended to ventilate the patient's room 5-6 times. Humid air should be in the range of 40-60%.
  • Walking in the fresh air with relatively satisfactory health, low body temperature.
  • Frequent warm drinks (black tea, water, dried fruit compote).
  • Raising the head end of the bed with pillows, rollers.
  • Elimination of potential allergens (citrus fruits, chocolate, juices, seafood, feather pillows, flowers).

In the absence of portable humidifiers, it is possible to use improvised means (containers with water, wet towels). It is not recommended to put mustard plasters on children, which intensify the attack.

How to treat a child's cough at night? What to do?

Stopping a cough is a symptomatic therapy, which in isolation is justified only in the case of a mild course of a banal ARVI. Otherwise, treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at the etiological factor.

How to calm a dry cough in children:

How can you treat a productive (wet) cough with phlegm?

  1. Drugs that help remove phlegm (mucokinetics) - Mukaltin, Althea syrup, Bronchikum, Pertussin.
  2. Means changing physicochemical properties sputum (mucolytics) - Herbion, Ambrobene, ACC, Ambroxol, Bromhexin.
  3. When a wet cough is caused allergic reactions, appoint antihistamines - Fenistil, Zodak, Loratadin, Suprastin, Claritin.
  4. For GERD, prokinetics (domperidone, duspatalin, domrid) are used.

Treatment may be prescribed only by a pediatrician, knowledgeable features the child's body, dosage of drugs and contraindications to them.

Treatment with folk remedies

Ginger tea. Two large tablespoons of ginger root crushed with a grater pour boiling water, insist for two hours. After that, a slice of lemon is added to the tea, they give the child a drink at night.

Sage infusion (has an expectorant effect). Two large spoons of the plant are poured into 200 ml of boiled water, insist for a minute. It is drunk before going to bed, a small amount of honey (in the absence of allergies) or lemon can be added to the infusion.

Warm milk with the addition of soda. Add a quarter of a small spoonful of baking soda to a glass of warmed milk. The drink helps very well and is allowed for children 2 years and older - a third of a glass 2-3 times a day.

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Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 12 years

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 8 years

At night, the child is usually worried about a productive, or wet cough. Among the causes of a nocturnal cough can be both minor irritants and diseases that are dangerous to the child's health that require immediate medical attention.

Cough can be caused by foreign bodies, dust particles, volatile chemicals, changes in temperature and, most often in children, phlegm arising from allergies or inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

You must understand that in a horizontal position, fluids in the body are not evenly distributed, but tend to the legs. therefore

  • phlegm in the throat
  • or runny nose
  • with a hoarse cough
  • and swallowing air.

Often without fever or his body temperature is only slightly elevated. Hoarseness of the voice, by passing air through a narrow part, is caused by vibration of the surrounding structures, which can be in the form of rough "scrapings" in the throat when

  • breathing
  • cough
  • or .

The sound resembles a dog barking. Children wake up restless and scared due to lack of air. In most cases, this cause of nocturnal cough is mild and responds quickly to treatment. However, be aware that there are other life-threatening upper respiratory tract infections that initially may have the same symptoms as viral laryngitis.

Allergic asthma

A common cause of nocturnal coughing fits in children. Recently, unfortunately, there has been a significant increase in the number of childrensuffering from allergic asthma. This is mainly a hypersensitivity to allergens of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The most common allergens are

  • grass pollen
  • weeds
  • trees
  • house dust
  • dust mites
  • tobacco smoke
  • and hair of cats or dogs.

Allergens cause allergic inflammation of the mucous membrane, which becomes fertile ground for the development of infections caused by bacteria and viruses.

When to Seek Medical Help

  1. If difficulty breathing while sleeping.
  2. If the baby is only a few months old.
  3. The kid "swallows" air (raised his chin, mouth open, dilated nostrils, expressed through the muscles of the neck, chest and abdominal breathing).
  4. He is very restless and tries to find a position in which he can breathe easier.
  5. Doesn't cry and refuses to play sound.
  6. His skin color is pale or bluish.
  7. Complains of sore throat (refuses to drink fluids, painful "swallowing").
  8. He cannot be on his knees pressed to his chest.
  9. Has a temperature of more than 38.5 ° C.
  10. High heart rate (over 160 beats per minute).
  11. If he loses consciousness.
  12. If the baby looks very sick, regardless of the difficulty of breathing.
  13. If you, as a parent, are very scared.
  14. Long-term coughing requires a visit to your doctor.

Dr. Komarovsky: causes of a nocturnal cough and how to treat

  • No temperature
  • Massage
  • Drainage massage
  • A cough in a child worries not only the baby, but also his parents, who strive to help their son or daughter in every way. Some begin to use folk recipes on the advice of relatives, others go to the pharmacy for syrup, and someone does inhalations. Let's figure out whose actions are correct in the opinion of a specialist, and how the popular pediatrician Komarovsky advises to treat a cough.

    Symptomatic treatment

    First of all, when a child of any age coughs, Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that this is just a symptom of some diseaseaffecting the respiratory tract. In addition, this symptom is protective, so in most cases it should not be suppressed.

    The popular doctor calls ARVI the main cause of cough in childhood. And therefore, in the overwhelming number of cases of cough in a child, eliminating its cause, according to Komarovsky, is impossible. But there is no need to leave the child without help, so a well-known pediatrician advises symptomatic treatment.

    Wherein he calls the main principle of such a cough treatment not eliminating the symptom itself, but increasing the effectiveness of the cough. This can be achieved by influencing the quantity and quality of sputum using:

    1. Humid and cool air.
    2. Drink plenty of fluids.

    For more details, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

    Moisturizing and purifying the air

    Komarovsky calls providing a child with moist and cool air one of the most important tasks of parents. it will reduce the load on the baby's respiratory tract, as well as prevent drying out of the mucous membranes.

    If you optimize the conditions in which the child is, his body will not spend efforts on air processing (heating, cleaning and humidifying it), but will focus on developing antiviral immunity.

    In addition to temperature and humidity, a popular doctor pays attention to the need for clean air in the room where the coughing child stays. Komarovsky notes that children's need for clean air when coughing increases several times... This is primarily due to nasal congestion in acute respiratory infections and decreased activity of the epithelium in respiratory tract... When dust enters the respiratory tract, it leads to impaired ventilation and additional production of phlegm.

    Komarovsky advises:

    • Reduce the number of possible dust collectors in the room, for example, hide books behind glass, put toys in boxes, take out carpets.
    • Avoid contact of the child with foreign odors and substances, for example, do not use deodorants and perfumes indoors, do not wash the floor with chlorine, do not spray insect repellent.
    • Eliminate exposure of the child to tobacco smoke.
    • Carry out frequent wet cleaning... A well-known pediatrician does not recommend vacuuming in a room with a sick child, and if the vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning, the child should be sent to another room while cleaning the room.
    • Maintain the room temperature at +18 degrees.
    • Maintain indoor humidity at 60-70%. The best choice will use a humidifier, but if there is no such device in the family, Komarovsky recommends using containers with water and wet sheets.

    It is especially important to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels at night. This will be the prevention of a night cough caused by dry mucous membranes and staying in a supine position, as well as cough after sleep.

    Give your child more to drink

    According to Komarovsky, drinking plenty of fluids for a child with a cough is irreplaceable. It will maintain and restore the properties of phlegm, affecting the rheology of the blood, that is, first drinking will make the blood more fluid, which will increase blood circulation in the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and improve their ability to form normal mucus. In addition, the child's body wastes a lot of fluid when elevated temperature and rapid breathing, which also necessitates frequent drinking.

    So that the drunk liquid is absorbed faster, Komarovsky advises giving any drink warmed up to about body temperature... In this case, the liquid will immediately be absorbed in the stomach and enter the bloodstream.

    As for the drinks themselves, the child can be given:

    • Rehydration solutions.
    • A weak tea, it is possible with sugar and safe fruits.
    • Dried fruits compote.
    • Infusion of raisins (insist a tablespoon of raisins, filled with 200 ml of water for 30-40 minutes).
    • Compote of berries and fruits that the child tried before the illness.
    • Fruit drink or juice.
    • Still mineral water with a neutral taste.
    • Watermelon.

    The best choice drinking Komarovsky calls rehydration solutions, however, at a body temperature of up to + 38 ° C, sufficient humidification of the air and the absence of breathing problems, you can be guided by the wishes of the child.

    A popular doctor advises babies with a cough to drink in addition to breastfeeding, since breast milk does not cover pathological waste of fluid. IN early age the baby can be given a rehydration solution, baby tea, still mineral water and raisin decoction.

    You need to water the baby more actively if:

    • Indoor air is dry and warm.
    • The child's body temperature is high.
    • Urination is infrequent and the urine is darker than usual.
    • There is severe shortness of breath and dry cough.
    • The skin and mucous membranes are dry.

    With a slight deterioration in the condition, low temperature, as well as access to cool and humid air, Komarovsky calls the child's thirst as the main criterion for the frequency of drinking. At the same time, you need to offer a drink very often and at every opportunity. Drinking support is also important when a child has a lingering and residual cough.

    Drug treatment

    Appointment of any medicines Komarovsky calls children with coughs the prerogative of a doctor. This is especially true for coughing in infants.

    Protic drugs

    Since the cough is a necessary protective reflex, in most cases such medications are not needed. Komarovsky calls their appointment justified for whooping cough, when the child is tormented by coughing up to vomiting. Also, drugs that inhibit the cough reflex are needed for pleurisy, an oncological process in the respiratory tract and for an irritating cough caused by factors affecting the nerve endings.

    Komarovsky is categorically against the independent prescription of antitussive drugs by parents to their children. He reminds that some drugs in this group are narcotic and can cause addiction. In addition, many antitussives can also depress the respiratory center, which is especially dangerous in children under 2 years of age. So it is possible to use these drugs in children over 2 years old only when indicated and after being prescribed by a pediatrician.


    The popular pediatrician calls the main purpose of using such drugs to cleanse the respiratory tract from sputum. It is very dangerous, according to Komarovsky, to combine such medications with antitussives, because in such cases the phlegm accumulated in the lungs will not cough up.

    A well-known doctor divides all expectorants according to their mode of action into resorptive (they are absorbed in the stomach and secreted in the bronchi, affecting mucus) and reflex (they activate the nerve endings in the stomach and affect the muscles of the bronchi and the production of mucus).

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