Gordeev F.I. Etymological dictionary Main etymological dictionaries of the Russian language

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# study


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Gordeev Fedor Ivanovich- candidate of philological sciences (1961), professor (1992).

Born March 28, 1929 in the village. Irmuchash, Paranginsky District, Mari ASSR. In 1954 he graduated from the department of the Mari language and literature of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Mari State Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya. In 1954–1957 Studied at the graduate school of the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Moscow. Here, under the guidance of Prof. B.A. Serebrennikov, he wrote a Ph.D. thesis on "Indirect Moods and Forms of the Subjective Evaluation of the Verb in the Mari Language" and defended it in 1961 at the Council of the University of Tartu. In his dissertation, F.I. Gordeev considers the issues of the use and origin of the imperative, desirable and conditional subjunctive moods, as well as the forms of qualitative characteristics of the action and state, gives detailed description the use and origin of all forms of moods in the Mari language.

F.I. Gordeev is known in science as a scientist with diverse interests. He made a significant contribution to the historical morphology, lexicology and onomastics of the Mari language. Recognized as a compiler of school textbooks and teaching aids. But the greatest fame brought him etymological research. IN last years was engaged in establishing historical links between the Mari language and other languages. As a result of many years of searching, he accumulated rich material on etymology. In 1979 he published the first volume of his main work - "The Etymological Dictionary of the Mari Language", and in 1983 - the second volume. This is the first in-depth study of this kind in Mari linguistics. In 1985, he published the monograph “Historical Development of the Vocabulary of the Mari Language”, where, using rich factual material, he traces the ways of forming the vocabulary of the Mari language from ancient times to the present.

Member of many international congresses and all-Union conferences of Finno-Ugric studies. Since 1957, his scientific and pedagogical activity was associated with the Mari State Pedagogical Institute, where he worked as a professor at the department of the Mari language and literature.

Major writings

Articles published in journals, collections, dissertations, books, programs, abstracts, reviews

  • On the truncated and full forms of some verbs in the imperative mood of the Mari language // Uchenye zapiski MGPI im. N.K. Krupskaya. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1958. - T. 16. - S. 61-67.
  • On the affectionate form of the verbs of the modern Mari language // Proceedings of the MarNII. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1958. - Issue. XII. - S. 180-188.
  • On the way of expressing involuntary desire in the Mari language // Uchenye zapiski MGPI im. N.K. Krupskaya. - Yoshkar Ola, 1958. - T. 21. - S. 112-121.
  • Mondaltshe // Onchyko. - 1958. - No. 4. - S. 107-108.
  • 70 years of the founder of the Mari linguistics V.M. Vasiliev // Questions of linguistics. - 1958 - No. 4. - P. 155.
  • On the phonetic development of Tatar borrowings in the modern Mari language // Proceedings of the MarNII. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1960. - Issue. XII.– S. 153-163.
  • Imperative mood in the modern Mari language // Proceedings of the MarNII. - Yoshkar-Ola. - Issue. XIII. - S. 101-120.
  • Inclinations. Forms of subjective evaluation. imitative words. Interjections // Modern Mari language. Morphology. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1961. - S. 161-180, 308-313.
  • Forms expressing the incompleteness of action in the modern Mari language // ESA. T. VII. - Tallinn, 1961. - S. 206-209.
  • Influence of other languages ​​on the development of the mood category of the Mari language // Proceedings of the MarNII. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1961. - Issue. XV. - S. 59-88.
  • On the origin of the conditional union gyn "if" in the Mari language // Proceedings of the MarNII. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1961. - Issue. XV.–pp. 141-143.
  • On the origin of the ethnonyms of the Mari people // All-Union Conference on Finno-Ugric Philology. Abstracts of reports. - Petrozavodsk, 1961. - S. 135-136.
  • Mari Yilme textbook. 2 cells - Yoshkar-Ola, 1963, 1967, 1972. - 104 p.
  • Difficult muddy haul shotyshto G.G. Karmazin's principle - chyn principle // Onchyko. - 1963. - No. 1. - S. 103-106. (Co-author Andreev V.).
  • From the history of Russian toponymy of the Mari ASSR // Abstracts of reports and messages for the All-Union Conference on Finno-Ugric Linguistics. - Uzhgorod, 1963. - S. 32-34.
  • Mariy Yilme. 4 classlan. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1964, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972. - 160 p.
  • From the history of the suffix of the desirable mood of the Mari language // Proceedings of the MarNII. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1964. - Issue. XVIII. - S. 201-205.
  • From the history of the ethnonym Cheremis // Proceedings of the MarNII. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1964. - Issue. XVIII. - S. 207-214.
  • On the question of the origin of complex sentences in the Mari language // Questions of theory and methods of studying the Russian language. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1964. - Issue. III. - S. 91-97.
  • Russian toponymy of the Mari ASSR // Questions of the Mari linguistics. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1964. - Issue. I. - pp. 45-59.
  • To the question of the origin of the ethnonym Mari // Problems of Mari linguistics. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1964. - Issue. I. - pp. 63-65.
  • On the origin of the conditionally subjunctive suffix - getsy of the Mari language // Questions of the Mari linguistics. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1964. - Issue. I. - pp. 119-122.
  • Kÿtÿchö ale kÿtÿzö? // Issues of Mari linguistics. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1964. - Issue. I. - pp. 125-127. (Co-author Patrushev G.S.).
  • Professor N.T. Pengitovlan - 50th // Onchyko. - 1964. - No. 2. - S. 50-51.
  • Mariy kalyk and tudyn yylmyzhe // Onchyko. - 1964. - No. 6. - S. 93-103.
  • On the origin of the hydronym Moscow // All-Union Conference on Toponymy of the Soviet Union. Abstracts of reports and communications. – L., 1965. – P. 98-101.
  • On the issue of Chuvash borrowings in the Mari language // All-Union Conference on Finno-Ugric Studies. - Syktyvkar, 1965. - S. 34-36.
  • On the origin of the ethnonym por // Abstracts of reports at the scientific session following the results research work Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature and History for 1964 - Yoshkar-Ola, 1965. - S. 20-28.
  • Iranian-Turkic borrowings in the Mari language // Scientific session on the ethnogenesis of the Mari people. Abstracts. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1965. - S. 25-29.
  • Keche da tylze-vlakyn lyamysht kushech lektynyt? // Onchyko. - 1965. - No. 6. - S. 107-108.
  • Pagalyme scientist B.A. Serebrennikov // Onchiko. - 1966. - No. 4. - S. 102-103.
  • Russian-Mari dictionary (letter M). - M., 1966. - S. 304-334.
  • Baltic hydronymy of the Volga-Oka interfluve // ​​Conference on toponymy of the northwestern zone of the USSR: Abstracts of reports. - Riga, 1966. - S. 103-105.
  • On the origin of the ethnonyms of the Udmurt people // Conference on toponymy of the northwestern zone of the USSR. Abstracts of reports. - Riga, 1966. - S. 103-105.
  • On the origin of the ethnonyms of the Udmurt people // Abstracts of reports at the scientific session of teachers of the Mari Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya for 1965 - Yoshkar-Ola, 1966. - S. 107-109.
  • From the history of Turkic ethnonymy // Proceedings of the All-Union Conference on General Linguistics "Main Problems of Language Evolution". - Samarkand, 1966. - S. 491-495.
  • Iranian substratum phenomena in the Mari and Chuvash languages ​​// Abstracts of the scientific conference on the results of the research work of teachers of the Mari Pedagogical Institute for 1966 - Yoshkar-Ola, 1967. - P. 104-107.
  • Baltic and Iranian borrowings in the Mari language // Origin of the Mari people. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1967. - S. 180-202.
  • Notes on Mari etymology // Issues of Finno-Ugric linguistics. - Izhevsk, 1967. - Issue. IV. - S. 80-83.
  • On the origin of the form expressing the incompleteness of the action in the Mari language // Siberian Federal University. - 1968. - No. 2. - S. 127-131.
  • From the history of two formants in the morphology of the Mari language // Materials of the scientific session on the results of the research work of the institute for 1967 - Yoshkar-Ola, 1968. - P. 6-9.
  • On the origin of the Turkic ethnonyms // Questions of the Mari linguistics. Issue II. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1968. - S. 10-29.
  • Notes on Mari etymology // Issues of Mari linguistics. Issue. II. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1968. - S. 10-29.
  • Notes on Mari etymology // Issues of Mari linguistics. Issue II. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1968. - S. 34-38.
  • On the origin of the hydronym Volga // Onomastics of the Volga region. - Ulyanovsk, 1969. - Issue. I. - pp. 122-128.
  • On the origin of the ethnonym Bashkirs // Scientific session on the ethnogenesis of the Bashkir people. - Ufa, 1968. - S. 162-165.
  • On late Sarmatian borrowings in the Eastern Finnish languages ​​// Questions of Finno-Ugric studies. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1970. - Issue. V. - pp. 8-14.
  • On the personal names of the Mari // Personal names in the past, present, future. Problems of anthroponymy. - M., 1970. - S. 258-263.
  • On the origin of the ethnonym Bashkirs // Archeology, Ethnography of Bashkiria. Materials of the scientific session on the ethnogenesis of the Bashkirs. - Ufa, 1971. - T. IV. - S. 314-317.
  • To the etymology of some Chuvashisms of the Mari language // Dialects and toponymy of the Volga region. Issue. II. - Cheboksary, 1972. - S. 24-37.
  • Imperative interjections of the Mari language, addressed to animals and birds // Issues of Soviet Finno-Ugric Studies. Linguistics. - Saransk, 1972. - S. 8-10.
  • On Tatar lexical borrowings in the Mari language // Problems of Mari linguistics. Issue. III. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1973. - S. 9-53.
  • Oikonymy of the Tatar-speaking regions of the Mari ASSR // Dialects and toponymy of the Volga region. Materials and messages. - Cheboksary, 1973. - Issue. II. - S. 46-52.
  • From the history of Baltic borrowings in the Mari language // Baltic languages ​​and their relationship with the Slavs, Finno-Ugric peoples and Germanic languages. Abstracts of reports. - Riga, 1973. - S. 56-58.
  • From the history of the Baltic vocabulary of the Mari language // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR. - 1973. - No. 4 (309). - S. 98-106.
  • On the origin of the hydronym Ilet // Onomastics of the Volga region. - Ufa, 1973. - Issue. III. - S. 228-230.
  • Kokymsho classyshte mariy yylmym tunyktymash. Methodological aids. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1973. - 84 p.
  • On Chuvash lexical borrowings in the Mari language // Issues of Soviet Finno-Ugric Studies. Linguistics. Abstracts of reports and communications. - Petrozavodsk, 1974. - S. 90-93.
  • About Tatar borrowings in the vocabulary of the Mari language // Dialects and toponymy of the Volga region. - Cheboksary, 1975. - Issue. III. - P. 3-41.
  • Iranisms in the languages ​​of the Eastern Finno-Ugric and Turkic // Third International Congress of Finno-Ugric Studies. - Tallinn, 1975. - T. I. - P. 78-80.
  • On the etymology of common tribal terms of the Eastern Finno-Ugric peoples and Bashkiria // Problems of the Mari language. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1975. - S. 38-49.
  • Baltic parallels of some toponyms of the Mari ASSR // Abstracts of the conference of graduate students and young employees. Literary criticism, textual criticism and linguistics. – M., 1975. – P. 102-103. (Co-author Rilina V.).
  • About the dictionary of the first grammar // Abstracts of reports and messages of the scientific session "200 years of Mari writing". - Yoshkar-Ola, 1975. - S. 37-38.
  • About Tatar penetrations in the vocabulary of the Mari language // Dialects and toponymy of the Volga region. - Cheboksary, 1976. - Issue. IV. - P. 3-25.
  • Tatarisms in the vocabulary of the Mari language // Issues of Mari linguistics. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1976. - S. 3-18.
  • Tatarisms in the vocabulary of the Mari language // Siberian Federal University. - 1976. - No. 2. - S. 94-103.
  • Several Mari-Baltic toponymic parallels // Abstracts of the conference of graduate students and young employees. Literary criticism, linguistics. - M., 1976. - S. 81-82.
  • Nylymshe classyshte sochmo yylme. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1976. - 120 p.
  • 1-3 classes of mariy yilme dene tables kuze kuchyltman. – Yoshkar-Ola, 1976. (Coauthor Dmitriev S.D., Sapaev V.F.).
  • New Finno-Ugric etymologies // Studies of the Finno-Ugric languages ​​and literatures in their relationship with the languages ​​\u200b\u200band == Literature == of the peoples of the USSR. - Uzhgorod, 1977. - S. 20-21.
  • Mari names of potatoes // Dialects and toponymy of the Volga region. - Cheboksary, 1977. - Issue. V. - pp. 10-23.
  • On the dictionary of the first printed grammar of the Mari language // 200 years of Mari writing. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1977. - S. 59-66.
  • Etymological dictionary of the Mari language. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1979. - T. I. - 255 p.
  • The main types of Mari topoformants // Issues of Finno-Ugric studies: Abstracts of the XVI All-Union Conference of Finno-Ugric Studies. - Syktyvkar, 1979. - P. 84. (Co-author Galkin I.S.).
  • Etymology of Mari anthroponyms // Issues of Mari onomastics. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1980. - Issue. II. – S. 79-143.
  • Imitative words and their etymologies // Questions of the Mari dialectology. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1981. - S. 138-147.
  • About Tatarisms in the vocabulary of the Mari language // Fourth International Congress of Finno-Ugric Studies. T. III. - Budapest, 1981. - S. 391-393.
  • Words of children's speech as a subject of historical and etymological research // Questions of the Mari language. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1982. - S. 81-96.
  • Mari language: A textbook for the second grade, 5th edition, revised. - Yoshkar-Ola: Mari book. publishing house, 1983. - 127 p. ill.
  • Etymology of Mari anthroponyms // Issues of Mari onomastics. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1982. - Issue. III. - S. 101-172.
  • Etymological dictionary of the Mari language. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1983. - V. 2. - 287 p.
  • German-Russian-Cheremis phrasebook with a dictionary. Manual for Finno-Ugric departments. - Hamburg, 1985. - 156 p. (Coauthor Feenker V.).
  • Historical development of the vocabulary of the Mari language. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1985. - 142 p.
  • Mari language: Textbook for the 2nd grade, 6th edition. - Yoshkar-Ola: Mari book. publishing house, 1987. - 126 p. ill.
  • Mari language: Textbook for the 3rd grade, four-year Primary School. - Yoshkar-Ola: Mari book. publishing house, 1988. - 141 p. ill.
  • On the Finno-Ugric toponyms of the Lower Volga // The Sixth Conference on Onomastics of the Volga Region. - Volgograd, 1989.
  • Pre-Russian substrate toponymy of Central Russia and its Mari parallels // Uralo-Indogermanica. - M., 1990. - T. 1. - P. 60-62.
  • Mari language: Proc. for the 5th class. - Yoshkar-Ola Mari book. publishing house, 1990.– 167 p. ill. (Co-author Smolentseva L.P.).
  • Reverse dictionary of the Mari language. - Yoshkar-Ola, 2003. - 312 p. (Co-authored by Loskutov V.A. et al.)
  • Russian North and toponymy of the Mari region // Actual problems of intercultural and interlingual contacts. - Yoshkar-Ola, 2004. - S. 36-39.


  • Gruzov L. Usta linguist // "Mary Commune". - 1961. - July 2.
  • Feoktistov A.P. Review of the "Etymological Dictionary of the Mari Language" // Etymology. - M., 1982. - S. 186-193.
  • Anduganov Y. Dictionary of the Mari language // Mariyskaya Pravda. - 1983. - November 24.
  • Gruzov L. A new word of the Mari linguists // Mariyskaya Pravda. - 1985. - December 24.
  • Vershinin V. Review of the "Etymological Dictionary of the Mari Language" // Siberian Federal University. - 1985. - No. 3. - S. 221-226.
  • Galkin I. Mariy yylmyn etymological muterzhe // "Mary Commune". - 1983. - October 21.
  • Hauzenberg A.-R. Modern etymological dictionaries // KK. - 1983. - No. 6. - P. 329-331 (in Estonian).
  • Galkin I. Anniversary F.I. Gordeeva // Siberian Federal University. - 1989. - No. 2. - S. 132-134.
  • Galkin I. Anniversary of Professor F.I. Gordeeva // LU. - 1999. - No. 2. - S. 122-123.
  • Vasiliev V.N. Cholga shymlyze, the mouth of the tunyktysho // "Mari El". - 2004. - March 24.
  • Fyodor Ivanovich Gordeev. Obituary // "Mari El". - 2005. - January 12.

Vershinin V.I. Etymological dictionary of Mordovian (Erzya and Moksha) languages. Volume III. (Meksh-Pile) Yoshkar-Ola, 2005. - 117p.

Perhaps, after the appearance of this dictionary, some will say that it could have appeared later, after more thorough work, which would have given it a higher scientific level. However, in the life of the Finno-Ugric languages, changes - often very bleak - are now taking place too quickly. Therefore, the compilers of dictionaries of these languages ​​should not be in a hurry, especially if such a dictionary can somehow contribute to the preservation of our (let's face it: disappearing) languages ​​and increase interest in them. It should also be noted that the author-compiler of the dictionary is not a Mordvinian and is not fluent in either the Moksha or Erzya languages, although scientifically he is well versed in the vocabulary of these languages. But this can sometimes be a plus - neither the emotions that are inevitable when a person deals with their native language, nor the prevailing stereotypes and too well-established views, which sometimes overly affect the nature of the work, affect the work. In any case, this dictionary cannot but be useful for further studying the origin of the words of the Mordovian languages ​​and compiling their more complete etymological dictionaries. The compiler does not expect more. Ten years ago, the author compiled an etymological dictionary of the Mari language, but doubts about the sufficiency of the scientific level of this work prompted him to compile etymological reference books on related languages ​​- Sami, Nenets, Selkup, Nganasan, and Yukagir; since the reference book on the Mordovian languages ​​was compiled last, then, unlike the others, for the compiler it seems to be the most prepared for publication as an experiment in an etymological dictionary. At the same time, he accepted the facts of the language as the most trustworthy, that is, the author relied primarily on the vocabulary recorded by modern (i.e., already of a high lexicographic level) dictionaries, because etymologies, like the proto-forms established by scientists, ultimately still are guesses. To build assumptions, relying mainly on assumptions, even if they are accepted by the majority of specialists, probably cannot always be considered justified. In any case, the experience of a dictionary, where they mainly rely on the vocabulary of languages, is not useless, since it somehow protects against moving along the "knurled track", because until now, in the explanations of the words of the Mari, Udmurt, Mordovian languages, an exaggerated tendency was sometimes clearly felt see in most of them only borrowings from the Turkic, Iranian and other languages, while ignoring the possibility of a different explanation of their origin.
The author tried to present the material as briefly as possible, perhaps sometimes even to the detriment of understandability for users of the dictionary. Unfortunately, references in the dictionary are not always sufficient, although they can be found if desired - mainly through references in the UEW, where sources of etymology are given complete list. Pages for SKES are often not given because they can be easily identified from the Finnish word in question, which is always listed in the dictionary. The words under consideration are arranged according to the alphabet of the Mordovian languages. In order to save space, explicit (etymologically transparent) Russianisms, n., loaf, buyan, etc., as well as foreign words, n., subscription, computer, etc. are not given for consideration of their origin. For the same purpose, phonetic variants and close (from the same stem) forms of words are considered in one article, therefore, to facilitate their detection in the dictionary, all Mordovian words (that is, taken from the dictionaries of the Moksha and Erzya languages) are given in bold, and those given from other languages words are in italics.
The first volume of this dictionary was compiled on the computer of the language department of the MarNIYALI.

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  • 12.43 MB
  • added 03/19/2010

Vershinin V.I. Etymological dictionary of Mordovian (Erzya and Moksha) languages. Volume I. (Aba-Kever) Yoshkar-Ola, 2004. - 120s.

Perhaps, after the appearance of this dictionary, some will say, it could have appeared later, after more thorough work, which would have given it a higher scientific level ...

  • 12.38 MB
  • added 06.10.2010

Vershinin V.I. Etymological dictionary of Mordovian (Erzya and Moksha) languages. Volume ii. (Kevetie - Meksnems) Yoshkar-Ola, 2005. - 119p.

(Augmented version of the old file.)

perhaps, after the appearance of this dictionary, some will say, it could appear later, after a more thorough ...

  • 4.28 MB
  • added 04/19/2011

Saransk: Ed. house "Book", 2009. - 80 p.
Comp. according to the Program for the Study of Moksha. and erz. languages ​​in the early class schools with Russian language. or mixed, according to nat. composition of the student body.
ISBN 978-5-98344-111-8.
The letter "A" steps towards the letter "I".
Moksha lessons.
We get acquainted.
My family.
Favorite toys.

  • 19.09 MB
  • added 03/12/2010

Buzakova R.N. Dictionary of synonyms of the Erzya language. Saransk: Mordovian book publishing house, 1982. - 192p.


The proposed dictionary represents the first experience of collecting and describing synonyms of the Erzya language. Therefore, the author does not claim to fully cover all synonyms and disclose the synonymic wealth of e...

  • 1.02 MB
  • added 03/12/2010

Polyakov O. E. Contemporary Issues Mordovian languages. Proceedings, issue
105. Saransk: Mordovian book publishing house, 1991. - 97 p.

Buzakova R. N. Synonymy of relative clauses of time and circumstances of time of simple sentences
Polyakov O. E. On the sources of studying the historical phonetics of the Mordovian languages

  • 4.9 MB
  • added 01/10/2011

This monograph is a generalization and, at the same time, a continuation of our other works devoted to the study of the pre-revolutionary period in the development of Mordovian written and literary languages. When studying the features of the language of Mordovian texts of past centuries, the principles of linguistic analysis, which were...

Etymological dictionary

Etymological dictionary is a dictionary containing information about the history of individual words, and sometimes morphemes, that is, information about the phonetic and semantic changes that they have undergone. Large explanatory dictionaries may also contain notes on the etymology of words. Since the origin of many words does not lend itself to an exact unambiguous definition, etymological dictionaries record different points of view and contain references to the relevant literature.

The tradition of compiling etymologies of individual words originates in antiquity, but etymological dictionaries in the modern sense of the word appeared only at the end of the 18th century. Their predecessors in the 17th century were Etymologikum Latin(lat. Etymologicum linguae Latinae) Vossius (1662), Etymologion in English(lat. Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae: Seu Explicatio Vocum Anglicarum Etymologica Ex Proprils Fontibus Scil. Ex Linguis Duodecim ) Stephen Skinner (1671). After the establishment in the XIX century. laws of regular sound changes, the compilation of etymological dictionaries has become one of the important tasks of specialists working in the field of comparative historical linguistics.

In Russia, the first attempts occur in the 19th century: F.S. Shimkevich ( The root word of the Russian language, compared with all the main Slavic dialects and with twenty-four foreign languages. At 2 o'clock - St. Petersburg. : Typ. Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1842. - 186 + 165 p.), M. M. Izyumov ( The experience of the dictionary of the Russian language in comparison with the Indo-European languages: in 4 departments: for students in gymnasiums of the Ministry of Education. - St. Petersburg. : Ed. bookseller N. A. Shigin, 1880. - LXXXII, 598, p.), N. V. Goryaev ( Experience of a comparative etymological dictionary of the literary Russian language. - Tiflis: Printing Office of the Office of the Chief Civilian Unit in the Caucasus, Loris-Melikovskaya St., government house, 1892. - III, 256, XXXVI p.; Comparative etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - 2nd ed. - Tiflis: Typography office. Chief gr. hours in the Caucasus, Loris-Melik. y. House Kaz., 1896. - 4, 452, XL, LXII p.; Towards a Comparative Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language (1896 ed.). Additions and amendments. - Tiflis: [B.i.], 1901. - 4, 63 p.; Etymological explanations of the most difficult and mysterious words in the Russian language: new additions and corrections to a comparative etymological dictionary of the Russian language (Tiflis, 1896). - Tiflis: [B.i.], 1905. - 4, 53 p.) tried to put together their etymological research; the work of A. Kh. Vostokov remained in the manuscript - with a huge number of words, according to the estimates of I. I. Sreznevsky, approximately 40 sheets of small typesetting. At the beginning of the 20th century, there appeared « » A. G. Preobrazhensky .

The most authoritative etymological dictionary of the Russian language was considered "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" M. Vasmer (1953-1958). In 1993, the "Historical and Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" by P. Ya. Chernykh became available to the general reader and linguists.

Some etymological dictionaries include information about language groups and contain a reconstruction vocabulary parent language and its contacts with other reconstructed parent languages.

List of etymological dictionaries of the modern Russian language

The main etymological dictionaries of the Russian language

  • Preobrazhensky A. G. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. In 3 t.
  • Vasmer, Max. Russisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. bd. 1-3 / Indogermanische Bibliothek herausgegeben von Hans Krahe. 2. Reihe: Wörterbücher. - Heidelberg: Carl Winter; Universitätsverlag, 1953-1958. - 755+715+702pp.
    • Fasmer M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. In 4 vols. / Per. with him. O. N. Trubacheva. - M .: Progress, 1964-1973.
    • Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 vols. / Per. with him. O. N. Trubacheva. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M .: Progress, 1986-1987.
    • Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. In 4 vols. / Per. with him. O. N. Trubacheva. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka - Terra, 1996. - T. I - 576 p.; T. II - 672 pages; T. III - 832 p.; T. IV - 864 c.
    • Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 vols. / Per. with him = Russisches etymologisches Wörterbuch / Translation and additions by O. N. Trubachev. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M .: Astrel - AST, 2004-2007.
  • Etymological dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. N. M. Shansky. Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1963-2007-. (publishing continues, 10 issues published on A-M)
  • Chernykh P. Ya. Historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language. In 2 volumes - 3rd ed. - M .: Russian language, 1999. (reprinted)
  • Anikin A. E. Russian etymological dictionary. - M .: Handwritten monuments Ancient Rus', 2007-2011-. (publishing continues, 5 issues published before the beginning of the letter B)

Private etymological dictionaries of the Russian language

  • Shansky N. M., Ivanov V. V., Shanskaya T. V. Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: Uchpedgiz, 1961. - 404 p.
    • Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language: a guide for teachers / Shansky N. M. and others; ed. Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the USSR S. G. Barkhudarova. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M .: Education, 1971. - 542 p.
    • Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language: a guide for teachers / Shansky N. M. and others; ed. Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the USSR S. G. Barkhudarova. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M .: Education, 1975. - 543 p.
  • Nikonov V. A. Brief toponymic dictionary. - M .: Thought, 1966. - 508 p.
    • Nikonov V. A. Brief toponymic dictionary. - 2nd ed. - M .: Librokom, 2010. - 512 p.
  • G. P. Tsyganenko Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - K.: Radyansk school, 1970. - 597 p.
    • G. P. Tsyganenko Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: More than 5,000 words. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional / Ed. N. N. Golubkova. - K. : Radianska school, 1989. - 511 p.
  • Matveev A.K. Etymology of Russian dialect words. - Sverdlovsk: UGU, 1978. - 193 p.
  • Shansky N. M., Zimin V. I., Filippov A. V. Experience of the etymological dictionary of Russian phraseology. - M .: Rus. yaz., 1987. - 240 p.
  • Anikin A. E., Kornilaeva I. A., Mladenov O. M., Mushinskaya M. S., Pichkhadze A. A., Sabenina A. M., Utkin A. A., Chelysheva I. I. From the history of Russian words: Dictionary manual. - M .: School-Press, 1993. - 224 p.
  • Shansky N. M., Bobrova T. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: Education, 1994. - 400 p.
  • Anikin A. E. Etymological dictionary of Russian dialects of Siberia: Borrowings from the Ural, Altai and Paleoasian languages. - M.; Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2000. - 783 p.
  • Anikin A. E. Experience of the Dictionary of Lexical Baltisms in the Russian Language. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2005. - 394 p.
  • Fedosyuk Yu. A. Russian surnames: a popular etymological dictionary. [For med. And. Art. age]. / Rev. ed. A. V. Yasinovskaya. - M .: Children's literature, 1972. - 223 p.
    • Fedosyuk Yu. A. Russian surnames: a popular etymological dictionary. - 2nd ed. - M .:: Children's literature, 1981. - 239 p.
    • Fedosyuk Yu. A. Russian surnames: a popular etymological dictionary. - 3rd ed. correct and additional - M .: Russian dictionaries, 1996. - 286 p.
    • Fedosyuk Yu. A. Russian surnames: a popular etymological dictionary. - 4th ed. correct and additional - M .: Flint; Science, 2002. - 237, p.
    • Fedosyuk Yu. A. Russian surnames: a popular etymological dictionary. - 5th ed. correct and additional - M .: Flint; Science, 2004. - 237, p.
    • Fedosyuk Yu. A. Russian surnames: a popular etymological dictionary. - 6th ed., corrected. - M .: Flint; Nauka, 2006. - 240 p.
    • Fedosyuk Yu. A. Russian surnames: a popular etymological dictionary. - 7th ed., Rev. - M .: Flinta, Nauka, 2009. - 240 p.
    • Fedosyuk Yu. A. Russian surnames: a popular etymological dictionary. - 7th ed., Rev. stereotypical. - M .: Flinta, Nauka, 2009. - 240 p.
  • Krylov P. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. / Comp. Krylov P. A. - St. Petersburg. : LLC "Polygraph services", 2005. - 432 p.
    • Krylov P. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. / Comp. Krylov P. A. - St. Petersburg. : Victoria plus, 2009. - 432 p.
  • Ruth M. E. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language for schoolchildren. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2007. - 345 p.
    • Ruth M. E. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language for schoolchildren. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria; Vladimir: VKT, 2008. - 288 p.
    • Ruth M. E. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language for schoolchildren. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria; Vladimir: VKT, 2009. - 304 p.
  • Anikin A. E. Russian Etymological Dictionary (Project). - M .: Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradov RAN, 2007. - 71 p.
  • Shetelya V. M. Historical and etymological dictionary of Polonisms in Russian texts of the 19th-20th centuries. - M .: MGOU, 2007. - 295 p.
  • Shelepova L. I. (ed.), Gamayunova Yu. I., Zlobina T. I., Kamova I. M., Rygalina M. G., Sorokina M. O. Historical and etymological dictionary of Russian dialects of Altai. - Barnaul: Alt. un-ta, 2007-. (The publication continues, issues 1-3 (A-Z) have been published, brought to - perish)
  • Grachev M. A., Mokienko V. M. Historical and etymological dictionary of thieves' jargon. - St. Petersburg. : Folio-Press, 2000. - 256 p.
  • Grachev M. A., Mokienko V. M. Russian jargon. Historical and etymological dictionary. - M .: AST - Press Book, 2009. - 336 p.
  • Birikh A. K., Mokienko V. M., Stepanova L. I. Russian phraseology. Historical and etymological dictionary / Ed. V. M. Mokienko. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M .: AST, Astrel, Keeper, 2005. - 704 p.
  • Shapovalova O. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. / Under the total. ed. A. Sitnikova. - 2nd ed. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007. - 240 p. - (Dictionaries)
    • Shapovalova O. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. / Under the total. ed. A. Sitnikova. - 4th ed. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008. - 240 p. - (Dictionaries)
    • Shapovalova O. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. / Under the total. ed. A. Sitnikova. - 5th ed. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009. - 240 p. - (Dictionaries)
  • Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - LadKom, 2008. - 608 p.
  • Fedorova T. L., Shcheglova O. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: 60 thousand words. - Junves, 2010. - 608 p.
    • Fedorova T. L., Shcheglova O. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: 60 thousand words. - 2nd ed. - LadKom, 2012. - 607 p.
  • Glinkina L. A. Modern etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Explaining difficult spellings. - M .: AST, Astrel, VKT, 2009. - 384 p. - (Modern Dictionary)
  • Shaposhnikov A. K. Etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language: In 2 volumes - M .: Flint, Nauka, 2010. - 583 p. + 576 p.
  • Belkin M. V., Rumyantsev I. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language in tabular form. - M .: Flinta, 2011. - 784 p.

List of etymological dictionaries (other languages)

Dictionaries by language groups

Indo-European languages

  • Walde A. Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der indogermanischen Sprachen. / Hrsg. von J. Pokorny. I-III. - Berlin, 1928.
  • Buck C.D. A dictionary of selected synonyms in the principal Indo-European languages. - Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949. - 416 p.
  • Buck C.D. A dictionary of selected synonyms in the principal Indo-European languages. - 2nd ed. - Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. - 416 p.
  • Carnoy A.J. Dictionnaire étymologique du proto-indo-européen. - Louvain: Institut orientaliste, 1955. - Pp. XII + 224. 250 fr.
  • Pokorny J. Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. bd. 1-2. - Bern; Munich, 1959-1965. 2nd ed. Bern; Stuttgart, 1989.
  • Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben. Die Wurzeln und ihre Primärstammbildungen. /Ed. Rix H. et al. Wiesbaden, 1998. 2 Aufl. 2001. 823 p.
  • Trubachev O. N., Shaposhnikov A. K. Etymological dictionary of language relics of Indoarica // Trubachev O. N. Indoarica in the Northern Black Sea region. Reconstruction of language relics. Etymological dictionary. - M .: Nauka, 1999. - 320 p.
  • Lexikon der indogermanischen Nomina. / Hrsg. D. S. Wodtko, B. S. Irslinger, C. Schneider. - Heidelberg: Universitaetsverlag Winter, 2008. - 995 p.
Slavic languages
  • Miklosich F. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der slavischen Sprachen. - Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1886. - 549 p.
    • Miklosich F. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der slavischen Sprachen. - Amsterdam: Philo Press, 1970. - viii, 547 p.
    • Miklosich F. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der slavischen Sprachen. - Charleston, South Carolina U.S.: Nabu Press, 2011. - viii, 562 p.
  • Berneker E. Slavisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. I-II. - Heldelberg, 1913-1915. 2nd ed. 1924.
  • Etymologický slovník slovanských jazyků. Sv. I-V. - Prague, 1973-1995.
  • Etymologický slovník slovanských jazyků. Word grammaticka a zajmena. / Sest. F. Kopečny , V. Šaur, V. Polák. - Prague, 1973-1980.
  • Etymologický slovník slovanských jazyků. Decide custom. - Brno, 1966.
  • Słownik prasłowianski, pod red. F. Sławskiego, t. 1-8. - Wrocław-, 1974-2001. (volumes published on A-Gy)
  • Etymological dictionary of Slavic languages. Proto-Slavic lexical fund. / Ed. O. N. Trubacheva (1974-2002), A. F. Zhuravlev (2002-2011). - M .: Nauka, 1963 [Prospect. Prob. Art.], 1974-2011-. (publication continues, 37 issues published, brought to *otаpasti)
  • Lauchyute Yu. A. Dictionary of Baltisms in Slavic languages. - L.: Nauka, 1982. 210 p.
  • Derksen R. Etymological dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon. / Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. vol. 4. - Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2008. - 726 p.
Iranian languages
  • Rastorgueva V. S., Edelman D. I. Etymological Dictionary of Iranian Languages. - M .: Eastern literature, 2000-2011-. (started, 4 volumes published)
  • Cheung J. Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb. / Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. vol. 2. - Leiden: Brill, 2007. - 600 p.
Germanic languages
  • Levitsky V.V. Etymological Dictionary of German Languages. T. 1-3. Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2000.
  • Kroonen G. Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic. / Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. vol. 11. Leiden: Brill, 2010. 1000 p.
  • Heidermann F. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der germanischen Primäradjektive. Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1993. 719 p.
Celtic languages
  • Kalygin V.P. Etymological dictionary of Celtic theonyms / V. P. Kalygin; [res. ed. K. G. Krasukhin]; Institute of Linguistics RAS. - M .: Nauka, 2006. - 183 p.
  • Matasovic R. Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic. / Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. vol. 9. Leiden: Brill, 2009. 458 p.
Romance languages
  • Diez F. Ch. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Romanischen Sprachen. 1st ed. 1853. (engl. trans. 1864) vol. 1-2. Bonn, 1869-1870. 4th ed. Bonn, 1878.
  • Meyer-Lubke W. Romanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, 1911, 3 Aufl., Hdlb., 1935.

Other Nostratic languages

Uralic languages
  • Collider B. Fenno-Ugric Vocabulary. An etymological dictionary of the Uralic languages. Stockholm, 1955.
  • Redei, Karoly. Uralisches etymologisches Wörterbuch / Unter mitarbeit von M. Bakró-Nagy et al. I-III. Wiesbaden, 1986-1991.
Altaic languages
  • Starostin S. A. , Dybo A. V. , Mudrak O. A. Etymological Dictionary of the Altaic Languages, 3 Vol. - Leiden; Boston: Brill Academic Pub, 2003. - 2106 p. (Handbuch Der Orientalistik - Part 8: Uralic & Central Asian Studies, 8)
  • Tsintsius V.I. Comparative dictionary of the Tungus-Manchu languages. Materials for the etymological dictionary. In 2 volumes - L .: Nauka, 1975-1977.
Turkic languages
  • Clauson G. An etymological dictionary of pre-thirteenth-century Turkish. - London: Oxford University Press, 1972.
  • Rasanen M. Versuch eines etymologischen Wörterbuchs der Türksprachen. 2 vol. - Helsinki: Suomalais-ugriainen seura, 1969-1971. - (Lexica Societatis FennoUgricae XVII, 1)
  • Etymological dictionary Turkic languages: Common Turkic and Inter-Turkic Foundations. / Comp. E. V. Sevortyan, L. S. Levitskaya, A. V. Dybo, V. I. Rassadin - M .: Nauka; Eastern Literature, 1974-2003-. (publication continues, for 2003 7 volumes were published)
Dravidian languages
  • Burrow T ., Emeneau M. B. A Dravidian etymological dictionary. Oxford, 1961. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1986. XLI, 823 p.
Kartvelian languages
  • Klimov G. A. Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages. - M .: Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1964. - 309 p.
  • Klimov G.A. Etymological dictionary of the Kartvelian languages. - Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1998. (expanded edition)
  • Etymological dictionary of Kartvelian languages ​​/ Heinz Fenrich, Zurab Sarjveladze. - Tbilisi: Tbil Publishing House. un-ta, 1990. - 618, p., 2nd supplement. ed - Tbilisi, 2000. (in Georgian)
  • Fahnrich H., Sardshweladse S., Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Kartwel-Sprachen. - Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995. - 682 p.
  • Fahnrich H. Kartwelisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. - Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2007. - 876 p.
Afroasian languages
  • Militarev A. , Kogan L. Semitic etymological dictionary. Vol. I-II. Münster, 2000-2005-. (publication in progress)
  • Orel V., Stolbova O. Hamito-Semitic etymological dictionary. Leiden; N.Y.; Koln, 1995.
  • Leslaw W. Etymological dictionary of Gurage (Ethiopic). I-III. Wiesbaden, 1979.

Non-Nostratic languages ​​of Eurasia

Austronesian languages
  • C. D. Grijns et al. (eds). Loan words in Indonesian and Malay. - Leiden: KITLV Press, 2007. - vli, 360 p.
North Caucasian languages
  • Nikolayev S. L. , Starostin S. A. A North-Caucasian etymological dictionary. 2 Vol. - Moscow: Asterisk Publishers, 1994.
  • Shagirov A.K. Etymological dictionary of the Adyghe (Circassian) languages. In 2 volumes / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Linguistics. - M .: Nauka, 1977.
Chukchi-Kamchatka languages
  • Mudrak O. A. Etymological dictionary of the Chukchi-Kamchatka languages. - M .: Yaz. Russian culture, 2000. - 284, p.

Amerindian macro hypothesis

  • Ruhlen M. , Greenberg J. H. An Amerind Etymological dictionary. Stanford UP, 2007. 311 p.

Separate groups

  • Rensch, Calvin R. An Etymological Dictionary of the Chinantec Languages, Arlington, Texas. 1989.
  • Kuipers A.H. Salish etymological dictionary. - Missoula, MT: Linguistics Laboratory, University of Montana, 2002. - 240 p. (Occasional papers in linguistics, vol. 16 (UMOPL 16))

Dictionaries of ancient languages

Indo-European languages

  • Juret A. Vocabulaire étymologique de la langue hittite. Limoges, 1942.
  • Kronasser H. Etymologie der hethitischen Sprache. Wiesbaden. 4 Bde. 1962-1966.
  • Tischler J. Hethitisch etymologisches Glossary. bd. 1-3 (fasc. 1-10). Innsbruck, 1977-1994. (3 volumes published in letters A-T)
  • Puhvel J. Hittite etymological dictionary. Berlin; N. Y., 1984-2007- (7 volumes published)
  • Kloekhorst A. Etymological dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon. / Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. vol. 5 Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2008. 1162 p.
Old Indian language (Vedic and Sanskrit)
  • Mayrhofer M. Kurzgefaßtes etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindischen, Bd 1-4. - Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1956-1980.
  • Mayrhofer M. Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen. bd. I-III. - Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1986-2001.
Ancient Greek
  • Boisacq E. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. Étudiée dans ses rapports avec les autres langues indo-européens. 2nd ed. Heidelberg; Paris, 1923.
  • Hofmann J.B. Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Griechischen. Min., 1950.
  • Frisk H. Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. bd. 1-3. Heidelberg, 1954-1972.
  • Frisk H. Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. Heidelberg, 1960-1972
  • Chantrain P. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. Histoire des mots. T.I-IV. Paris, 1968-1980.
  • Regnaud P.
  • Beekes R.S.P., van Beek L. Etymological Dictionary of Greek. / Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. vol. 10 Leiden: Brill, 2009-2010
Latin and other Italic languages
  • de Vaan M.A.S.. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages. / Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. vol. 7. Brill, 2008. 825 p.
  • Breal M., Bailly A. Dictionnaire étymologique Latin. Paris: Hachette, 1906. 463 rubles.
  • Ernout A. et Meiilet A. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine. Histoire des mots. 4th ed. Paris, 1959.
  • Regnaud P. Spécimen d'un dictionnaire étymologique du latin et du grec dans ses rapports avec le latin: d'après la méthode évolutionniste. Chalon-sur-Saone: impr. de F. Bertrand, 1904. 32 p.
  • Vanicek, Alois. Griechisch-lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. bd. 1-2. Leipzig: Teubner, 1877.
  • Walde A. Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. 1 Aufl. - Winter: Heidelberg, 1906
    • Walde A. Lateinisches Etymologisches Woerterbuch. 3 Aufl., bearb. bei Johann B. B. Hoffmann. - Winter: Heidelberg, 1938. 2045 p.
    • Walde A. Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. bd. 1-3. 4 Aufl. - Winter: Heidelberg, 1965.
    • Walde A. Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. 5 Aufl., bearb. bei Johann B. B. Hoffmann. - 1982
    • Walde A. Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. 6 Aufl., 2 Bande. - 2007-2008.
  • Etymological dictionary Latin names plants found in the vicinity of the Chashnikovo agricultural biostation of Moscow State University. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow University, 1975. 205 p.
  • Kaden N. N., Terentyeva N. N. Etymological Dictionary of Scientific Names of Vascular Plants Cultivated and Wild in the USSR. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow University, 1979. 268 p.
  • Svetlichnaya E. I., Tolok I. A. Etymological dictionary of Latin botanical names medicinal plants[Text]: Proc. allowance for students of higher education. textbook institutions / Nat. pharmaceutical un-t. - H .: Publishing house of NFAU: Golden Pages, 2003. - 287 p.
Old Welsh
  • Falileyev, A.I. Etymological Glossary of Old Welsh. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 2000.
Old Irish
  • Vendryes J. Lexique étymologique de l'irlandais ancien. Paris, 1959-1987-. (not completed, vol. A, B, C, M-N-O-P, R-S, T-U, with separate pagination for each letter)
Old Cornish
  • Campanile E. Profilo etimologico del corico antico. / Biblioteca dell'Italia dialettale e di studi e saggi linguistici. T. 7. Pisa: Pacini, 1974. 136 p.
Gothic language
  • Uhlenbeck S.S. Kurzgefasstes Etymologisches Wörterbuch Der Gotischen Sprache. - Amsterdam: Verlag Von Jon. Müller, 1923.
    • Uhlenbeck S.S. Kurzgefasstes Etymologisches Wörterbuch Der Gotischen Sprache. - Abdruck. - Biblio Bazaar, 2009.
  • Feist S. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Gotischen Sprache. - 2-te auflage. - Halle (Saale), 1923.
  • Holthausen F. Gotisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. - Heidelberg, 1934.
  • Lehmann W. P., Hewitt Helen-Jo J. A Gothic etymological dictionary. - Leiden: Brill, 1986.
Old Norse (Old Norse) language
  • Jacobsen J. Etymologisk ordbog over det norrøne sprog på Shetland. - København: Vïlhelm Priors kgl. hofboghandel, 1921. - xlviii, 1032, xviiip.
  • Holthausen F. Vergleichendes und etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altwestnordischen, Altnorwegisch-isländischen, einschliesslich der Lehn- und Fremdwörter sowie der Eigennamen. - Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1948. - 368 p.
  • Vries J. de. Altnordisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. - Leiden: Brill Archive, 1957-1961. - $689
Old English
  • Holthausen F. Altenglisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. Heidelberg, 1934. 3rd ed. Heidelberg, 1974.
Old High German
  • Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen / Von Albert L. Lloyd u. Otto Springer. Göttingen; Zürich: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Cop. 1988-1998-. (publication in progress)
Old Frisian
  • Boutkan D., Siebinga S. M. Old Frisian Etymological Dictionary. / Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. vol. 1. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2005.
Old Slavonic language
  • Etymologický slovník jazyka staroslověnského / Českosl. acad. ved. Ust. slavistic; Hl. red.: Eva Havlova. Seš. 1-14-. Praha: Akademie věd České republiky, Ústav pro jazyk český, 1989-2004-. (publication in progress)
  • Etymological dictionary of literary geographical names of Pivdenny Rus / Vdp. ed. O. S. Strizhak. - K.: "Naukova Dumka", 1985. - 256 p.
Polab language
  • Polański K. , Lehr-Spławiński T. Słownik etymologiczny języka Drzewian połabskich. T.I-VI. - Wroclaw: Wydawn. Energeia. Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1962-1994
Tocharian languages
  • Windekens A. J. van. Lexique étimologique des dialectes tokhariens. Louvin, 1941.
  • Jörundur Hilmarsson, Materials for a Tocharian Historical and Etymological Dictionary, edited by Alexander Lubotsky and Guðrún Þórhallsdóttir with the assistance of Sigurður H. Pálsson. Reykjavík (Málvísindastofnun Háskola Íslands), 1996.

Afroasian languages

Ancient Egyptian and Coptic languages
  • Takacs G. Etymological dictionary of Egypt. Leiden; Brill. 1999-2008-. (3 volumes published in 2007)
  • Cerny J. Coptic Etymological Dictionary. cm., 1976.
  • Vycichl W. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue copte. Leuven, 1983.
Hebrew and Aramaic
  • Steinberg O. M. Hebrew and Chaldean etymological dictionary for the books of the Old Testament. T. 1-2. Vilna: Typography of L. L. Mats, 1878-1881. 292 p.

Sino-Tibetan languages

ancient chinese
  • Schuessler A. ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese. University of Hawaii Press. 2006. 656 p.

Dictionaries of modern languages

Slavic languages ​​(except Russian)

Ukrainian language
  • Rudnyc'kyj J. B. An Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language. Part 1-16. - Winnipeg: Ukrainian free Academy of Sciences, 1962-1977.
    • Rudnyc'kyj J. B. An Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian language. 2 Vols. - Winnipeg: Ukrainian free Academy of Sciences; Ottawa: Ukrainain Mohylo-Mazepian Academy of Sciences, 1972-1982. - 968 + 1128p.
  • Ogienko I. I. (metropolitan Ilarion) Etymological and semantic dictionary of Ukrainian language. Have 4 volumes. / Ed. Y. Mulika-Lutsik. - Vinnipeg: Volin, 1979-1995. - 365 + 400 + 416 + 557 s.
  • Etymological dictionary of Ukrainian language. / Head. ed. O. S. MELNICHUK In 7 volumes - K.: "Naukova Dumka", 1982-2012-. (6 volumes published, see)
  • Chekaluk, Peter W. A concise etymological dictionary of the Ukrainian language. 2 Vol. . - Sydney: Thesis, Macquarie University, 1988. - 2 v. (602 leaves)
  • Farion I. D. Ukrainian nicknames of the Carpathian Lviv region, for example, the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century (with an etymological dictionary) / NAS of Ukraine; Institute of National Studies. - Lviv: Litopis, 2001. - 371 p.
  • Chuchka P.P. Names of Transcarpathian Ukrainians: Historical and Etymological Dictionary. - Lviv: Svit, 2005. - 704+XLVIII p.
  • Tishchenko K. M. Inshomological toponyms of Ukraine: Etymological dictionary-helper. - Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2010. - 240 p.
  • Chuchka P.P. Words "Janian Special Names of Ukrainians: Historical and Etymological Dictionary. - Uzhgorod: Lira, 2011. - 428 p.
Belarusian language
  • These are the sloўnіchny sloўnіk of Belarusian language. / Red. V. Ў. Martynaў, G. A. Tsykhun. - Minsk: Academy of Sciences of the BSSR; Belarusian science, 1978-2006-. (published 11 volumes, brought to A-C, publication continues)
  • Zhuchkevich, V. A. Brief toponymic dictionary of Belarus. - Minsk: BSU Publishing House, 1974. - 447 p.
Polish language
  • Bruckner A. Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego. - 1 wyd. - Krakow: Krakow, Krakowska Spółka Wydawnicza, 1927.
    • Bruckner A. Slownik etymologiczny języka polskiego. - 9 wyd. - przedruk. - Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 2000.
  • Slawski F. Slownik etymologiczny języka polskiego. T. 1-5. - Krakow: Nak. tow. Milosnikow Jezyka Polskiego, 1952-1982- (volumes published in A-Ł)
  • Rospond S. Słownik etymologiczny miast i gmin PRL. - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolińskich Wydawnictwo, 1984. - 463 s.
  • Rospond S., Sochacka S. Słownik etymologiczny nazw geograficznych Śląska. T. 1-14. - Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Instytutu Śląskiego w Opolu: Książki. Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1970-2009
  • Rymut K. Nazwiska Polakow. Słownik historyczno-etymologiczny. T.I-II. - Krakow: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Języka Polskiego PAN, 1999-2001.
  • Bańkowski A. Etymologiczny slownik języka polskiego. I-III t. - Warszawa: Wydawn. Naukowe PWN, 2000. - 873 s.
  • Malec M. Słownik etymologiczny nazw geograficznych Polski. - Warszawa: Wydawn. Naukowe PWN, 2002. - 290 s.
  • Abramowicz Z. Słownik etymologiczny nazwisk żydów białostockich. - Bialystok: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, 2003. - 364 s.
  • Długosz-Kurczabowa K. Nowy slownik etymologiczny języka polskiego. - Warszawa: Wydawn. Naukowe PWN, 2003. - 658 s.
  • Borys W. Slownik etymologiczny języka polskiego. - Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2005. - 861 s.
  • Długosz-Kurczabowa K. Slownik etymologiczny języka polskiego. - Warszawa: Wydawn. Naukowe PWN, 2005. - 658 s.
  • Długosz-Kurczabowa K. Wielki slownik etymologiczno-historyczny języka polskiego. - Warszawa: Wydawn. Naukowe PWN, 2008. - XII + 884 s.
  • Malmor I. Slownik etymologiczny języka polskiego. - Warszawa - Bielsko-Biała: ParkEdukacja - Wydawnictwo Szkolne PWN, 2009. - 543 s.
  • Boryś W. , Hanna Popowska-Taborska H. Slownik etymologiczny kaszubszczyzny. - Warszawa: Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy, 1994-2002 (volumes published on A-S)
  • Holub J., Kopečny F. Etymologický slovník jazyka českého. Prague: Statení nakl. ucebnic, 1952. 575 s.
  • Machek V. Etymologický slovník jazyka českého, 2 vyd., Praha: Academia, 1968. 866 s.
  • Rejzek J.Český etymologický slovnik. Leda, 2001. 752 s.
  • Machek V. Etymologický slovník jazyka českého a slovenského. - Praha: Československá akademie věd, 1957. - 867 s.
Bulgarian language
  • Mladenov S. Etymologically and spelled riverman in Bulgarian book ezik. - Sofia: Publishing House Christo G. Danov - O. O. D-vo, 1941. - 704 p.
  • Bulgarian etymological riverman. / Ed. V. Georgiev, I. Duridanova. - Sofia: , Publishing House on the Bulgarian Academy of Science in Science, 1971-1996-. (5 volumes published, publication continues)
  • Skok P., Deanovic M., Jonke L. Etimologijski rječnik hrvatskoga or srpskoga jezika, t. 1-4. Zagreb: Jugoslavenska akademija znatosti i umjetnosti, 1971-74.
  • Schuster-Sewc H. Historisch-etymologisches Woerterbuch der ober- und niedersorbischen Sprache. bn. 1-24. - Veb Domowina, 1978-1989, 1996.
  • Gluhak F. Hrvatski etimologijski rjecnik. Zagreb, 1993.
  • France Bezlaj. Etimološki slovar slovenskega jezika. Ljubljana: Slovenia. acad. knowledge in umetnosti. Inst. za sloven. jezik, t. 1-4, 1976-2005.

Baltic languages

  • Karulis K. Latviešu etimologijas vārdnīca. Sej. 1-2. Riga, 1992.
  • Fraenkel E. Litauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. bd. I-II. Heidelberg, 1962-1965.
  • Vanagas A. Lietuvių hidronimų etimologinis žodynas. Vilnius: Mokslas, 1981. 408 p.
  • Smoczynski W. Slownik etymologiczny języka litewskiego. Vilnius, 2007-2009.
Prussian language
  • Toporov V. N. Prussian language. M., 1975-1989-. (5 volumes published, not completed)
  • Maziulis V. Prūsų kalbos etimologijos žodynas. T.I-IV. Vilnius, 1988-1997.

Germanic languages

English language
  • Muller E. Etymologisches Woerterbuch der englischen Sprache. I-II. Cöthen: P. Schettler, 1867.
  • Skeat W.W. Etymological dictionary of the English language. Oxford, 1953. New ed. 1963. (reissues)
  • Klein E. A comprehensive etymological dictionary of the English language. I-II. Amsterdam, 1966-1967. 1776 p.
  • The Oxford dictionary of English etymology. /Ed. by C. T. Onions. Oxford, 1966.
  • The Concise Oxford dictionary of English etymology / Ed. by T.F. Head. Oxford: Clarendon press, 1986-XIV, 552 pp.
  • Partridge E. Origins: A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English. London & New York: Routledge, 1977. 992 p.
  • Partridge E. Origins: An etymological dictionary of Modern English. New York: Routledge, 2009. 972 p.
  • Liberman A. A Bibliography of English Etymology: Sources and Word List. University of Minnesota Press, 2009. 974 p.
  • Loewe R., Deutsches etymologisches Wörterbuch. W. de Gruyter, 1930. 186 p.
  • Kluge Fr. Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Deutschen Sprache. Berlin, . Berlin-N. Y., 1989. (reprinted several times, since 1989 revised by E. Seebold)
  • Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Deutschen // Aut.: Wilhelm Braun, Gunhild Ginschel, Gustav Hagen et al. Berlin: Akademie, 1989. - Bd. I-III
  • Hiersche R. Deutsches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. I-. Heidelberg, 1986-1990-. (publication started, 2 volumes published)
  • Gerhard Kobler. Deutsches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. 1995
  • Bahlow, Hans. Deutschlands geographische Namenwelt: Etymologisches Lexikon der Fluss-und Ortsnamen alteurop. Herkunft. : Suhrkamp, ​​1985-XVI, 554 p.
  • Regnaud P. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue allemande sur le plan de celui de M. Kluge mais d'après les principes nouveaux de la méthode évolutionniste. Paris: A. Fontemoing, 1902. 503 p.
  • Francks etymologisch woordenboek der nederlandsche taal. 's-Gravenhage, 1949.
  • Vries J. de. Nederlands etymologisch woordenboek. Leiden, 1971.
  • Johannesson A. Islandisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. - Bern: A. Francke, 1951-1956.
  • Magnusson A. B. Íslensk orðsifjabók. - Reykjavík: Orðabók Háskóláns, 1989. - xli, 1231 p.
    • Magnusson A. B. Íslensk orðsifjabók. - 2. prentun. - Reykjavík: Orðabók Háskóláns, 1995. - xli, 1231 p.
    • Magnusson A. B. Íslensk orðsifjabók. - 3. prentun. - Reykjavík: Orðabók Háskóláns, 2008. - xli, 1231 p.
Danish and Norwegian
  • Falk H., Torp A. Norwegisch-Dänisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, v. 1-2. Heidelberg, 1910-1911. 2nd ed. 1960.
  • Torp A. Nynorsk etymologisk Ordbok. Chr., 1919.
Swedish language
  • Hellquist E. Svensk etymologisk ordbok, v. 1-2. Lund, 1920-1922. 2nd ed. 1948.
  • Jakobsen J., (Jakobsen) Horsböl A. An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland. - 2 vol. - London: D. Nutt (A.G. Berry); Copenhagen: V. Prior, 1928–1932.
    • Jacobsen J. An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland. - 2 vol. - AMS Press, 1985. (repr.)

Romance languages

  • Roque Barcia & Eduardo de Echegaray. Diccionario general etimológico de la lengua española. Madrid: J. M. Faquineto, 1887.
  • Coromines J. Diccionario crítico etimologico de la lengua castellana. 4 vol. - Madrid: Editorial Gredos; Berna: Editorial Francke, 1954-1957.
  • Coromines J., Pascual J. A. Diccionario crítico etimologico castellano e hispanico. Obra completeta. I-VI vol. - Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1991-1997.
  • Coromines J. Breve diccionario etimologico de la lengua castellana. - 4ª edicion. - Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 2008.
Italian language
  • Pianigiani O. Vocabolario etimologico della lingua italiana. 1907 Vol. 1-2. Mil., 1943.
  • Cortelazzo M., Zolli P. Dizionario etimologico della lingua italiana. Vol. 1-5. Bologna, 1979-1988.
Latin language
  • Kramer J. Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Dolomitenladinischen. bd. 1-8. Hamburg: Buske Verlag, 1988-1998.
  • Dictionnaire étymologique de l'ancien occitan / Susanne Hächler, Conchita Orga, Barbara Ute Junker, Flavia Löpfe, Rachel Kolly-Gobet, Monika Gut, Muriel Bützberger. - 1990-
  • Houaiss A. Dicionário Houaiss da Lingua Portuguesa. - Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Antônio Houaiss de Lexicografia, 2001.
Romanian language
  • Sextil Puşcariu. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der rumänischen Sprache. Heidelberg, 1905.
  • Wagner M.L. Dizionario etimologico sardo. Heidelberg, 1957-1964.
  • Dauzat A. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue française. P., 1938.
  • Baldinger K. Dictionnaire étymologique de l'ancien français. Fasc. 1-3. Quebec; Tübingen; Paris, 1971.
  • Wartburg W.v. Französischen etymologisches Wörterbuch. 23 fast. Bonn; Lpz.; Paris; Basel, 1922-1970.
  • Bloch O., Wartburg W. Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue française, 2 ed., P., 1950; 9. ed. Paris: Presses univ. de France, 1991 - XXXII, 682 pp.
  • Gamillscheg E. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Französischen Sprache. Heidelberg, 1965.
  • Picoche, Jacqueline. Dictionnaire étymologique du français. Paris: Dict. le Robert, 1993-X, 619 pp.
  • Dauzat A., Deslandes G., Rostaing Ch. Dictionnaire étymologique des noms de rivières et de montagnes en France. Paris, 1978.
  • Pellegrini G. B., Cortelazzo M., Zamboni A. et al. Dizionario etimologico storico friulano. Vol. 1-2. Udine, 1984-1987.

Celtic languages

  • Louis Le Pelletier, Etymological Dictionary of the Breton Language: Dictionnaire Etymologique de la Langue Bretonne. French & European Publications, Incorporated, 1973. 1716 p.
  • Jameson J. An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language; illustrating the words in their different significations by example from Ancient and Modern Writers; shewing their Affinity to those of other Languages, and especially the Northern; explaining many terms which though now obsolete in England were formerly common to both countries; and elucidating National Rites, Customs and Institutions and their Analogy to those of other nations; to which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Origin of the Scottish Language. Vol. 1-2. - London: W. Creech, Constable, and Blackwood, 1808.
    • Jameson J. An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language; in which the words are explained in their different senses, authorized by the names of the writers by whom they are used, or the titles of the works in which they occur, and deduced from their originals. Vol. 1-2. - Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constable and Company, and Alexander Jameson by Abernethy & Walker, 1818.
    • Jamieson J., Longmuir J., Donaldson D. An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language; illustrating the words in their different significations by example from Ancient and Modern Writers; shewing their Affinity to those of other Languages, and especially the Northern; explaining many terms which though now obsolete in England were formerly common to both countries; and elucidating National Rites, Customs and Institutions and their Analogy to those of other nations; to which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Origin of the Scottish Language. Vol. 1-2. - New ed., carefully rev. and collated, with the entire suppl. incorporated. - Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1879-1997
  • Macbain A. An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language. - Inverness: The Northern Counties Printing And Publishing Company, Limited, 1896.
    • Macbain A. An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language. - 2nd ed. (revised) - Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1911. - xvi, xxxvii, A-D p., 1 l., 412 p.
    • Macbain A. An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language. - Glasgow: Gairm Publications, 1982. -

Iranian languages

Wakhan language
  • Steblin-Kamensky I. M. Etymological dictionary of the Wakhan language. - St. Petersburg. : Petersburg Oriental Studies, 1999. - 480 p.
  • Tsabolov R. L. Etymological dictionary of the Kurdish language: [in 2 volumes] - M .: Eastern Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001-2010.
Ossetian language
  • Abaev V.I. Historical and etymological dictionary of the Ossetian language. In 5 vols. M.-L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1958-1995.
Persian language
  • Hasandus M. An etymological dictionary of Persian language. Tehran: Iranian Academy of Persian language and literature, 2004.
  • Asatrian G.S. Etymological Dictionary of Persian. / Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series. vol. 12. Leiden: Brill, 2010. 1000 p.
  • Golāma Makasūda Hilālī, Kalīm Sahasrāmī. A concise etymological dictionary of Persian language. Patna: Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, 1996. 32 p.
Pashto language
  • Morgenstierne G. An Etymological Vocabulary of Pashto. - Oslo: J. Dybwad, 1927. - 120 p.
    • Morgenstierne G. New Etymological Vocabulary of Pashto. / Compiled and Edited by J. Elfenbein, D. N. M. MacKenzie and Nicholas Sims-Williams. (Beiträge zur Iranistik, Bd. 23.). - Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2003. - VIII, 140 p. (in English)


As a manuscript



10.02.07.- Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic languages

dissertations for the degree of candidate of philological sciences

Saransk 1997

The work was carried out in the Department of Mordovian Linguistics of the Order of the Badge of Honor of the Research Institute of Language, Literature, History and Economics under the Government of the Republic of Mordovia.

Scientific adviser:

Official opponents:

Doctor of Philology, Professor, M.V. Mosin

Doctor of Philology, Professor, I.G. Ivanov Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, N.I. Ruzankin

Leading institution: Mari Order "Badge of Honor" scientific and

Research Institute of Language, Literature and History named after V.M. Vasiliev under the Government of the Republics!! Mari El Republic.

The defense of the dissertation will take place on June 26, 1997 at 14.00 at a meeting of the dissertation council K 063.72.01 for the defense of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences at the Mordovian Order of Friendship of Peoples State University named after N.P. Ogaryov (430000, Saransk, st. Bolshevik, 68).

The dissertation can be found in the scientific library of the Mordovian Order of Friendship of Peoples of the State University named after N.P. Ogaryov.

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council, candidate of philological sciences

A.M. Grebneva


Relevance of the topic. The study of the vocabulary of the Finno-Ugric languages ​​in comparative terms began two hundred years ago, however, its study is still of constant interest to all Finno-Ugric studies.

At present, scientists have proven that after the separation (at the end of the 3rd millennium BC) from the Finno-Ugric linguistic unity of the Ugric peoples, and later (in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC) of the Permian peoples, the Mordovian, Mari and The Baltic-Finnish languages ​​constituted the Finno-Volga community. Regarding the existence of this community, the opinions of many scientists do not coincide. The problem of the relationship between the branches of this linguistic community remains unresolved. The doubt of a number of researchers raises the question of the so-called Volga community, meaning the Mari-Mordovian community. In this regard, it seems to us very necessary to consider the general Finno-Ugric vocabulary in the Mordovian and Mari languages.

It is known that the main vocabulary of the Mordovian languages ​​consists of words of Uralic and Finno-Ugric origin. In the linguistic process, in the course of historical development, there have been changes in both Mordovian and Mari languages. During the independent life of these peoples in their languages, most derivative and compound words were formed from words of common Finno-Ugric origin, a number of specific features were formed in their sound composition, morphemic word production and semantics.

If the types of phonetic and morphological correspondences between related languages ​​have been studied quite well, then in Finno-Ugric linguistics there are no special studies devoted to the lexical-semantic characteristics of Finno-Ugric vocabulary between separate branches of related languages. Their comparative study in synchronic and diachronic terms provides new information about the genetic links between related languages. Subject this study is a common Finno-Ugric vocabulary in the Mordovian and Mari languages, as well as borrowings

from the Indo-European, Indo-Iranian and Iranian languages, which entered the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​in different periods of their joint existence.

The aim and task of the work is to identify the vocabulary of Finno-Ugric origin in these languages, to establish their relative chronology and ways of semantic changes, to reveal the etymology of the given words, to establish general trends and features that have developed as a result of the historical development of these languages.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

1) etymology is revealed common words in the Mordovian and Mari languages, they are given a lexical-semantic characteristic;

2) the periodization of the origin of the general vocabulary is carried out (Ural, Finno-Ugric, Finno-Permian and Finno-Volga periods);

3) a comparative description of the features of the evolution of the semantics of the Finno-Ugric word is given: the causes and methods of the semantic development of the primary meaning, the types of interlingual semantic correlations in the studied languages.

The scientific novelty of the problem posed in the dissertation and their solution is as follows:

1) for the first time, a chronological systematization of the etymology of the general vocabulary in the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​is carried out;

2) for the first time, a synchronic and diachronic description of the development of the semantics of the Finno-Ugric word in the compared languages ​​is given;

3) an analysis of the vocabulary is carried out in terms of comparing it with the reconstructed forms of the base language;

4) for the first time, types of interlingual semantic correlations are revealed in the general vocabulary of the Mordovian and Mari languages.

Methodology and research methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of this work were the works of leading researchers of general and Finno-Ugric linguistics.

The main research methods are descriptive and comparative historical. All aspects are covered in diachrony (using data from related languages). In order to substantiate the theoretical provisions and conclusions, illustrative material of the Moksha,

Erzya and Mari languages ​​and their dialects, as well as reconstructed forms of the base language and individual related languages.

Research sources. The material of the study was etymological, spelling, thematic and bilingual dictionaries of Mordovian, Mari and other Finno-Ugric languages; descriptive, normative, and historical grammars of Mordovian, Mari and other Finno-Ugric languages; personal field observations and dialect records made in some settlements of the Republic of Mordovia and beyond; vocabulary card index of the Moksha and Erzya languages ​​of the laboratory "Finno-Ugric Studies" at the Faculty of Philology of the Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev.

As sources for etymology, the following were involved: "The Etymological Dictionary of the Finnish Language" (Suomen kielen etymologinen sanakiija, I-VI, Helsinki, 1955-1981) by J.H. Toivonen, E. Itkonen,

A.I. Yoki, R. Peltola; "Etymological dictionary of the Chuvash language"

V.G. Egorova (1964); "Komi etymological dictionary" by V.I. Lytkin, E.S. Gulyaev (1970); "Ural etymological dictionary" K. Redei, T. I-VII (Uralisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch, I-VII (1986 - 1988); "Brief etymological dictionary of the Erzya language" (Erzyan Kelen Nurkin etymological dictionary) D.V. Tsygankina, M. V. Mosina (1977); "Brief Etymological Dictionary of the Moksha Language" (Mokshen kyalen shorkhkyanya etymological dictionary) by M. A. Kelina, M. V. Mosina, D. V. Tsygankina (1981); -II, F.I.Gordeeva (1979; 1983); "History of Mordovian consonantism II, Etymological reference material" L.Kerestesh (Geschichte des mordwinischen Konsonantismus II. Etymologisches Belegmaterial) L.Keresztes (i 986); bilingual dictionaries of Mordovian and Mari languages: " Erzya-Russian Dictionary" by R.N. Buzakova, R.S. Shirmankina, E.N. Lisina (1974); "Erzya-Russian Dictionary" by M.N. Russian Dictionary" by S.G. Potapkin, A.K. Imyarekov (1949); "Russian-Mari Dictionary" by I.F. Andreev, L.P. Vasnkova, F.I. Gordeev (1966); "Mari-Russian Dictionary " A.A. Asylbaeva, V.M. Vasiliev, P.G. Rybakova (1956); "Dictionary of the Mari language"

A.A. Abramova, I.S. Galkina, A.S. Efremova, T. TsA-Z), (1990); "Dictionary of the Mari language" by A.A. Abramova, V.I. Vershinin, A.S. Efremov, T. II I, Y, K (tavern-braid), (1992); "Dictionary of the Mari language" by L.I. Bartseva, V.I. Vershinin, L.P.

When working on the dissertation, the scientific works of domestic and foreign Finno-Ugric scholars were used: E. Setial (1916), H. Paasonen (1917), O. Donner (1936), N.F. Tsyganov (1947: 142-145), D. V.Bubrikh (1948), Y.Toivonen (1952), L.Hakulinen (1953), B.Collinder (1955), P.Ariste (1956), A.P.Feoktistov (1966:172-220), Dy. Dechi (1965), B.A. Serebrennikova (1965:237-257; 1967:165-180); (1989:820, 133-174), V.N.Belitser (1965), I.S.Galkin (1958:121-136; 1978:5-12, 1967:203-210), L.P.Gruzova ( 1967:214-230; 1969,1970:14-25), G.A. Arkhipova (1967:36-52), K.Yu. Mark (1967:106-1 10), F.I. :180-203; 1983:3-280; 1985), D.E. Kazantseva (1967:230-250; 1976; 1979:79-106; 1980:90119, 1985), N.F. Mokshna (1967: 125 -129)

V.I. Lytkina (1974: 108-213), J. Guya (1974), G. Beretsky (1974), E.I. Kovedyaeva (1976:3-97), M.V. Mosina (1977:3- 120; 1976, 1979: 65-81; 1980:20-32; 1989:35-41; 1985), E.A. Khelimsky (1979), D.T. Nadkin (1979:81-103); K.Hyakinen (1980), D.Geno (1981), M.A.Kedina (1981:3-90), P.Khaidu (1985), K.E.Maitinsky (1964; 1969; 1979; 1989: 175- 263), G.I. Ermushkin (1989:30-1 18), R.N. Buzakova (1995), O.E. Polyakova (1995) and others.

The practical significance of the work. The material presented in the work will contribute to further research in the field of comparative historical lexicology and semasiology of the Fnnno-Ugric languages. Many conclusions and provisions will find application in describing individual sections of descriptive and historical grammar, compiling various dictionaries, teaching aids and programs, on the history of the language and modern Mordovian and Mari languages, and can be used as special courses when studying the vocabulary of the Finno-Ugric languages.

Approbation. The main results of the work were reported and discussed at intra-university conferences (Mordovia

State Pedagogical Institute, 1994), All-Union Conferences on Finno-Ugric Studies (Yoshkar-Ola, 1994), at the 8th International Congress of Ugrian Studies (Yyväskylä, 1995), attestations of the Mordovian Research Institute of Language, Literature, History and Economics. The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in 6 published works.

Structure and scope of work. The work is presented on 218 typewritten pages. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of conditional abbreviations and references.

Dissertation preparation. When describing the etymology of words, all parallels from related Finno-Ugric languages ​​are not given, which are considered in the dictionary entry of the source, but correspondences are given only in the Mordovian and Mari languages. Examples in the Erzya, Moksha and Mari literary languages ​​and dialects are given in the orthographic spelling adopted for these languages. Correspondences given in the "Ural Etymological Dictionary", or in the "Etymological Dictionary of the Finnish Language", as well as the reconstructed forms of the base language in the dissertation are also issued in Finno-Ugric transcription. At the end of the dictionary entry with a (-) sign, the abbreviated name of the sources is given.

In order to save space, references to the source are given as follows: after the author's surname, the year of publication of the work is given, and after the colon, the page, for example (Gruzov 1969:34), denotes L.P. Historical grammar of the Mari language. Introduction and phonetics. -Yoshkar-Ola, 1969. - P. 34. In the absence of the author's surname, the name of the source is given in abbreviated form, after it the number or volume of the issue, then the page, for example. (OMD T.5:24) means Essays on Mordovian dialects.

In the introduction, the relevance of the topic is considered, the goals, objectives, materials on the basis of which the work is written are formulated, the novelty and significance of the results obtained are revealed, and the approbation of the main results of the dissertation is reported.

The first chapter "History of the study of the issue" contains the formulation of the problem and reveals the state of its study. It outlines the views of scientists on the problem of historical relationships between the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​in the aspect of the Finno-Volga linguistic community.

The Mordovian (Erzya and Moksha) languages ​​belong to the Finno-Ugric family of languages, which together with the Samoyedic forms the larger Uralic family.

The opinions of many scientists agree that before the III millennium BC. Fishu-Ugrians constituted some kind of ethnic and linguistic unity, which later split into two parts: Ugric - in the east and Finno-Perm - in the west. In the middle of the II millennium BC. the Finno-Permian branch was divided into Permian and Volga. After the division of the Finno-Volga community and the departure of the Baltic-Finnish tribes to the northwest, for some time the Volga (Mari-Mordovian) linguistic community, according to individual Finno-Ugric scholars, maintained unity.

The existence of the Volga language community was first written by E. Setälä (Setälä 1916:5). O. Donner assumed that the Baltic Finns, Mordovians and Mari once formed one people (Donner 1936:75). I. Toivonen (1952) and Decsy (Decsy 1965:188) state the same. B.A. Serebrennikov relates the Mordovian-Mari linguistic unity to the beginning of our era and notes: “That in ancient times the Mari language was closer to Mordovian, because those features of the grammatical structure of the Mari language that connect it with Mordovian testify to the organic unity grammatical systems of these languages ​​(Serebrennikov 1965:288).

The Hungarian scientist J.Guya refutes the existence of such a community and believes that the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​are independent branches of the Finno-Permian linguistic community (Guya 1974:37). He is supported by G. Beretsky: "The Mordovian and Cheremis languages ​​​​are very different from each other .... In these languages ​​there is not a single feature that would go back to the time of the joint existence of the Finno-Volga languages. Therefore) - there is no reason to assert the existence base language, from which the Cheremis and Mordovian languages ​​gradually arose" (Bereczki 1974:5). D. Geno has the same opinion (Gheno 1981:121).

As P. Khaidu notes: "Between the two modern Finno-Ugric languages ​​- Mari and Mordovian - there are not so many common features as, for example, between two Permian languages. At the same time, the Mordovian language reveals closer ties with the Baltic-Finnish languages, From this it is natural to conclude that the links between the Volga languages ​​after the collapse of the Finno-Volga community were not strong enough and that the ancestors of the Mordovians occupied the western, closer to the Baltic Finns, and the ancestors of the Mari, more eastern regions "(Khaidu 1985: 202).

K.E. Maitinskaya admits the existence in the past of a special genetic Mordovian-Mari community that preceded the separate Mordovian and Mari languages, but does not exclude that the features indicated by her may be coincidences or natural convergent development and the final conclusions, in her opinion, may be obtained only after a corresponding check of all areas of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary (Maitinskaya 1989:261).

G. Zaits believes that the results of G. Beretsky, E. N. Setialya, the research of I. Erdeni, D. Geno, L. Kerestesh and other linguists indicate that there is hardly any reason to talk about the existence of the Volga base language, which so far no one has been able to reconstruct (Zaitz 1996:300).

The Mari linguist L.P. Gruzov notes that between the Mari and Mordovian (Erzya and Moksha) languages ​​there are a large number common features of a grammatical and phonetic nature, and on the basis of the above-mentioned general phenomena, he concludes: “The noted facts certainly testify to the existence of the Mari-Mordovian linguistic community, but this community did not exist for a very long time. Its collapse should be attributed, obviously, to the 1st millennium BC. e." (Gruzov 1967:230). The Mari etymologist F.I. Gordeev argues that "with sufficient certainty it can be assumed that there was no ancient Volga linguistic community, and the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​\u200b\u200bare independent branches of the Volga-Permian proto-language, and perhaps the Finno-Permian linguistic community" (Gordeev 1985: 70). D.E. Kazantsev has the following opinion on this matter: "Anthropologists have long pointed out the proximity of the physical type of the Mari and Mordovians. But especially important

to solve the ethnogenetic issue are the data of linguistics. The Mari and Mordovian languages ​​have common phenomena that are absent in the languages ​​of the Baltic-Finnish branch. In addition, there are Permian elements in the Mari language. They are established in phonetics, morphology and vocabulary. The organic combination in the structure of the Mari language of elements characteristic of the Mordovian and Perm languages ​​indicates that the Mari as an ethno-linguistic unity were formed as a result of the integration of the Finno-Ugric tribes: some of which were the basis for the formation of the Mordovians, and others - the Permians" (Kazantsev 1985: 155) I.S.Galkin claims that "... the ancient Mari tribes occupied the territory between the Perm (from the north and northeast) and Mordovian (from the south and southwest) tribes, that lexical and toponymic materials indicate an intermediate position trembling Mari both in linguistic and territorial relations" (Galkin 1995: 306). E.I. Kovedyaeva admits the existence of such a community: "... in the history of the Volga languages ​​there are separate time) of the Mari-Mordovian linguistic community" (Kovedyaeva 1976:6).

Mordovian linguists also have an extraordinary opinion on this controversial issue, as A.P. Feoktistov states: "Traditionally, the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​\u200b\u200bare traditionally combined into a separate - Volga group of Finno-Ugric language family. However, there are not sufficient grounds for such a combination: morphologically and lexically, the Mordovian languages ​​show a great similarity with the Baltic-Finnic languages ​​than with the Mari. Studying especially practical work to create and improve the literary norms of each of these languages ​​were carried out separately "(Feoktistov 1986: 222). D.V. Tsygankin believes that "After the division of the Finno-Volga community and the departure of the Baltic-Finnish tribes to the north-west, for some -Mordovian) linguistic community retained unity "(Tsygankin 198 1:50). M.V. Mosin explains such heterogeneity of judgments by the poorly studied problem, the historical relationships between its branches (Mosin 1989: 5).

Archaeologists, ethnographers and anthropologists have also dealt with this problem to some extent. In L.L. Trube we find: "For former connections and

the proximity of the Mari and Mordovians, which are now separated by a large space occupied by the Russian population, also indicate common elements in their language, as well as in ethnography (Trube 1965: 214).

The well-known ethnographer V.N.Belitser (Belitser 1965: 73), oshshvok - T.A.Kryukova points out the proximity in the clothes of the Mordovian and Mari peoples: meadow Mari and Moksha Mordovians" (Kryukova 1965:182). Researcher-ethnographer K.I. Kozlova also finds a number of similarities in the traditional women's clothing of the Mordovians and the Mari: "... when comparing the traditional women's clothing of the Mari, Moksha and Erzi, many common features of all three ethnic groups are found, but the Mari costume is closer to the costume Mokshankas, rather than Erzyankas... Marikas, like Mokshankas, wore trousers.They also thickly wrapped around the shins of the legs with onuchs.Beads and cowrie shells were widely used for the manufacture of pectoral and other decorations.Mariikas and Mokshankas did not have a typical for the Erzya women, the lumbar decoration is a pulaya or a pulaga. All this allows us to talk about the same style of women's clothing of the Mari and Moksha" (Kozlova 1995: 134).

Mordovian ethnographer N.F. Mokshin looked at this problem from the position of ethnic relations. He notes: "... a comparative study of the beliefs and rituals of the Finno-Ugric peoples shows that in terms of religious beliefs and rituals, the Mordvins and the Mari are the closest" (Mokshin 1967:125).

The Estonian anthropologist K.Yu.Mark argues that "... the mountain Mari anthropologically differ little from the meadow ones. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the mountain Mari, in comparison with the meadow ones, are taller, their chin is less developed, they have wavy hair more common. In these, as well as in some other ways, the mountain Mari are more similar to the Mordovians, especially to the Moksha Mordvins "(Mark 1967: 108).

The second chapter "Lexical Correspondences of the Mordovian and Mari Languages" considers the etymologies of the Mordovian and Mari lexicon, beginning with the Uralic and ending with the Finno-Volga periods.

The general vocabulary in the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​is very diverse in its composition and semantics. It is subdivided into many lexical-thematic groups and reflects various aspects of the life and activities of a person, the world around him.

According to lexico-semantic features, these correspondences are divided into 10 large categories, each of which, in turn, is divided into smaller thematic groups, namely:

II.I. HUMAN. FAMILY II SOCIETY ii.i.1. kinship terms and properties

Within this lexico-semantic subgroup, terms of kinship in general, terms of kinship by marriage, terms of kinship by blood are considered.

a) General concepts of kinship:

Erz. bee, stump "tribe", "genus", "son", Mar. nv puergy "guy", "man"< ф.-у *poika "мальчик, сын" ОФУЯ 1:413, SKES 3:590, UEW 4:390, КЭСК:221, ЭКНЭС:76, Kerestzes 1986:123. В современном эрзянском literary language found only in geographical names, where, according to M.V. Mosin, it shows tribal relations: Kechenbie, Tarasbue (1977:76). As I.S. Galkin notes, according to F.I. Gordeev, the Mari word puergy is an Iranian borrowing. It is complex, its constituent parts are por (cf. Scythian, vir (a) "man", Avest. viir (a) + eir- "man" (cf. Skt. jane "man", omjan "give birth, produce, occur ", Osset. zänäg "children, offspring", Avest. ziin "to produce, give birth". I.S. Galkin believes that it consists of three components: nö-p-en, from which Finno-Ugric appears * ri "young man, guy, son", ^ is a preserved consonant of the independent word erge "son", obviously, notes I.S. Galkin, of Turkic origin, ey - "man", obviously,

Uralic time and it is unlikely that it was borrowed from the Iranian languages, cf. Ketsk den "people". This word entered the Ket language from Chinese, cf. whale. zhen "man, people" (Galkin 1985:117).

b) Terms of kinship by blood:

Moksh. ode "father's brother (older than father)", otsto "big", "senior", "elder", Mar. eza, nza "older brother", "younger paternal uncle (younger than father)"< ур. *icä "отец", "большой" - ОФУЯ 1:402, SKES 1:110, UEW 1:78, Казанцев 1985:44.

c) Terms of kinship by marriage (property terms):

Md. chiche. shiche: shichala "sister's husband", "big sister's husband", Mar. chuchu "uncle", "mother's younger brother"< ур. *cecä "дядя" - ОФУЯ 1:401, SKES 4:1005, UEW 1:35, КЭСК:308, МКНЭС:87, Грузов 1969:164, Keresztes 1986:158, ЭКЭВ(рукоп.). В настоящее время это слово стало архаизмом, в мордовских литературных языках встречается редко.

ii.1.2. vocabulary related to the anatomy and physiology of humans and animals (somatic words)

a) Names of body parts:

Erz. kepe, moksh.kepe "barefoot", Mar. cop "paw"< ф.-в. *käppä "лапа" ЭКНЭС:33, МКНЭС:39, ЭКЭВ(рукоп.). Л.П.Грузов приводит к мордовскнм словам марийское соответствие кавал "каблук" (1970:30). Нам представляется, что сравнения авторов ЭКНЭС и МКНЭС словарей вернее как в фонетическом, так и в семантическом плане.

b) Names internal organs human and animals:

Erz. maxo, moksh. max "liver", Mar. moksh "liver"< ур. *maksa "печень" - ОФУЯ 1:400, SKES 2:329, UEW 3:264, КЭСК:179, ЭКНЭС.-55, Keresztes 1986:83, ЭКЭВ(рукоп.).

ii. 1.3. diseases and their treatment

Erz. lemme "a sore on the head (a type of eczema)" Mar. l\"mo "sore", "scab"< ф.-п. *1атэ "короста", "струп" - ОФУЯ 1:426, UEW 6:686, ЭКНЭС:50, КЭСК:162, Keresztes 1986:77.

ii l.4. social ii public relations

Md. Azoro, Azor "master", "master", "owner", Mar. ozark "evil", "cruel"< ф.-п. *asyrj - КЭСК: 203, Гордеев 1967:186. Коми озыр "богатый", манс.ооЫ 0:ter "князь", венг. иг "господин" (ср. санскр. asura "дух, верховная власть духа", алеет, abura "князь"). По словам авторов КЭСК слово заимствовано в прапермское время или ещё раньше.

clause 1.5. terminology of physiological ii fpzpologo-

psychological11chesk1ix i ie "oi ibccob. state 11 properties

Erz. emams. moksh. umams "perish", "die", "abyss", "disappear", Mar. yamash "abyss", "disappear", "perish", "get lost"< ур. »jama "болеть" ->"ymqieri." (JEW 2:90, KESK:337, EKNES:20, MKNES:89, Kereszfes 1986:44.

11.11. NATURE

This large lexical-semantic section is divided into three thematic groups: the animal world, the plant world and geographical concepts, which, in their description, are divided into smaller subgroups.

ii.11.1. animal world

a) Animals:

Erz. from yar to "deer", "moose", moksh. one yard. Mar. shordo "moose". B. Kollnder compares Ugric lexemes with Mordovian ejardo and also gives Samoyed variants (FUV:55). M. Mospn draws a parallel between the Mordovian eyardo "deer", "elk", Fin. hirvi "moose"), art. hirv "noble deer". L.Gruzov believes that the Finno-Ugric basis has been preserved behind the name of the elk in the Mari language< \р. *sarta "лось", "молодой олень" -Коллиндер 1955:55, UEW4.-464, Гру ши 1969:156, Мосин 1985:79, Keresztes 1986:131.

Erch. varaka, moksh. Varen "crow", Mar. varash "hawk"< ур. *и-агэ "ворона" - ОФУЯ 1:404, SKES 5:1655, КЭСК:48, ЭКНЭС:13, МКНЭС: 13, ЭСМар.Я 2:46, Keresztes 1986:182. Считается чв\ коподражательным словом.

Erch. ser-ge, moksh. sarga "roach, rudd", Mar. U. sereiffi M. scrc^y-) "rudd", "dense"<ф.-у. *sarko "плотва, краснопёрка" SKES 4:1171, UEW 4:436.

i) Reptiles and insects:

Erch. rvit, moksh. kuy, mar. gut "snake"< ур. *kije или кй]е"змея" ОФУЯ 1:404, SKES 2:257, ЭКНЭС:19, МКНЭС:36, Keresztes 1986:69. По слонам авторов ЭКНЭС, в эрзянском языке это слово когда-то тоже начиналось с глухого согласного, мокшанская форма считается более древним.

ii.ii.2. ras p1tkly1yp mnr

a) Names of trees, shrubs, herbs, their parts and substances emitted by them:

Erch. .chem, moksh. cherry lime, mar. lombo "cherry"< ур. *ñcmc "черёмуха" ОФУЯ 1:404, SKES 5:1408, ЭКНЭС:51, КЭСК:164. Авторы ЭКНЭС приводят такое толкование: лём - "пойма, пойменные земли" Сура лём "пойма Суры". Лём - является основой для обра зованпя слова лемчёр "ягода": лём "дерево, которое растёт на мокром месте, в пойме + сюро "зерно".

c) Starting berries and mushrooms:

Erch. pnzen, moksh. pnezp "raspberry", Mar. engyzh, yngyzh "raspberry"< ф.-у. *стсэ "малина" ОФУЯ 1:415, UEW 1:26, ЭКНЭС:22, КЭСК:211. МКНЭС:22.

ii.ii.3. geographical concepts

Md. mastor 1) earth, world, light, universe; 2) country, state; 3) land, soil; 4) homeland; 5) side; 6) floor, kepedems mastorsto "raise from the floor", mar. mu-. mUlande, mlaide 1) earth, earthly, mlande globe "globe"; 2) land, lands, land yara kiishe mlande "fallow lands"; 3) earth, earthen, soil, soil shem mlande "chernozem"; 4) land, country, locality, place sochmo-kushmo-mlande "native land" - EKNES: 56, MKNES: 46. However, this comparison is very doubtful in the phonetic sense, since it does not correspond to the established patterns in the Finno-Ugric languages.

i.p.4. natural elements ii atmospheric phenomena

Erz. after all, moksh. after all, vyad "water", Mar. view, wood "water"< ур. *wete "вода" - ОФУЯ 1:402, SKES 6:1715, UEW 5:570, КЭСК:46, ЭКНЭС: 14, МКНЭС: 14, Грузов 1969:149, ЭСМар.Я 2:191, Keresztes 1986:188. Считается это слово индоевропейским, *tvcd, ср. др.-англ. «act, русск. вода.

11.11.5. words expressing time

Erz. was ni a, moksh. vvasenda "at first", "in the first place; c.", Mar. KV. azro.UB.ozno "early", "former", "old"<ф.-п. *\\асе "сначала" UEW 6:605.

Moksh. say "Wednesday", Mar. vurgeche "tzh". This name is complex, consists of mokshas. ver, mar. gvß "blood" + moksh. Thu, Mar. keche "sun" - Polyakov 1995:381. Apparently, this day in ancient times was intended for sacrifice.

11.11.6. words expressing spatial concepts

Erz. hello, moksh. ala "vnnzu", mar. ulio "below"< ур. *ala "hidkiuiíí, нижняя часть"-ОФУЯ 1:407, SKES 1:14, UEW 1:6, КЭСК:295, ЭКНЭС:8, Keresztes 1986:33, ЭКЭВ(рукоп.). Авторы ЭКНЭС отмечают, что это слово в древние времена произносилось как ално, которое сначала превратилось

in hello, then in alo. There are matches in Finnish. ala "place", "region", "field", alla "under", "below", est. ala "region", alà "lower", Sami, vuolle "down", Udm. st, komi st-: jodge-ul- "place, basement under the floor" (jodge "floor").


The ongoing processes of cultural and economic interaction in the material life of the Mordovian and Mari peoples are reflected in the general lexical correspondences of the languages ​​under consideration. Below we give separate lexical-thematic groups of words, reflecting various aspects of the material culture of the Mordovian and Mari peoples.

11.111.1. names of outbuildings ii other buildings, building details

Erz. kudo. moksh. kud "house (building, structure)", "room", "house (own apartment)", Mar. kudy "shack", "hut", "summer kitchen (light log building without floor, ceiling and windows)", "estate", "courtyard"< ф.-у. *kota "юрта", "хижина", "шалаш" - ОФУЯ 1:423, SKES 2:224, UEW2:190, КЭСК:114, ЭКНЭС:43, Грузов 1969:105. С близким понятием и звучанием встречается в финском, карельском, эстонском, удмуртском, хантыйском языках. Первоисточник - индоевропейский. Авторы ЭКНЭС Д.В.Цыганкин и М.В.Мосин приводят перс, kodo, kod "дом", авест. kata "погреб", "склеп", согд. kad, kada "дом". По словам Д.В.Цыганкина и М.В.Моснна, В.А.Абаев (Этимологические заметки) считает: основа kat, kata связана с иранской (общеиндоевропейской) основой kan, которая означает "копать", "поднимать землю".

11.111.2. terminology for household utensils 11 kitchen utensils

Erz. chovar, moksh. product "stupa", Mar. iguar "wooden mortar", "deck"< ф.-в. »sumar "ступа" " - SKES 1:83, UEW 7:789, ЭКНЭС:114, МКНЭС:85, Keresztes 1968:161. В финском huhmar, эст. uhmcr "ступа".

p.sh.z. terminology of clothes, shoes and jewelry

Erz. sulgamo. moksh. syulgam "syulgamo (a special type of women's chest clasp)", mar. SZ, G. shyrkama, JI. sholkam. vyshyrkama "hairpin", shyrkama "ancient breast decoration of Mari women"< ф.-в. *solke "пряжка, застёжка"- SKES 4:1065, UEW 7:774, ЭКНЭС:97, МКНЭС:71, ЭСМар.Я 2:164, Keresztes 1986:148.

ii.iii.4. nutrition terms

Erz. lem "fat", "lard", "greasy film on the broth", moksh. lem "shchi", Mar. lem "soup", "broth"< ф.-у. *1ете "сок", "суп" - ОФУЯ 1:423, SKES 2:290, UEW 2:245, КЭСК:159, Keresztes 1986:77.

Erz. lovso. moksh. lofia "milk", Mar. lustash "to milk"< ф.-п. *lüsD "доить" - ОФУЯ 1:431, SKES 2:136, ЭКНЭС:53, МКНЭС:44. В коми языке лысьты "доить".


This lexico-semantic group includes words related to the labor activity of a person, with his various occupations and trades. We have divided this section into the following groups:

i1.iv.1. agricultural terminology

Md. videms "sow, sow (sth.)", Mar. woodash V, L, lit. udash JI., V., G. udash "sow", "sow (sth.)"< ф.-в. *\\Из - Грузов 1970:20, ЭКНЭС: 18, МКНЭС:16, ЭСМар.Я 2:183, Keresztes 1986:191. Есть соответствия в фин. vätkää, венг. vet - "бросать".

ii.iv.2. names related to animal husbandry

Erz. ashko "collar", "package (canvas, etc.)", moksh. ashka "tzh", Mar. ysyk G. mouth. "patch of mothers"< ф.-п. *аска ЭКНЭС:9, МКНЭС:! 1, Keresztes 1986:36, ЭКЭВ(рукол.), ЭСМар.Я 1:159.


Erz. aftermath. altum, my", aftoma "fishing net", "trap", Mar. optysh "lay", "stack", "heap", "pour", optysh "horsehair snare (for catching birds and animals)"< ф.-в. *akta -SKES 1:7, UEW 1:5, КЭСК:204, МКНЭС:11.


Md. kodams "weave", "weave", "knit (sth.)", Mar. kuash "weave", "weave", "weave (sth.)"< ф.-п. *ku5a "ткать, вязать" -ОФУЯ 1:433, SKES 2:249, UEW 6:675, КЭСК:153, ЭКНЭС:38, Грузов 1969:167, Keresztes 1986:67. С таким же понятием и близким звучанием встречается в финском kuto-, эстонском kudu и коми 1ш- "ткать, вязать, плести".


Erz. meksh, moksh. met, mar. muksh "bee"< ф.-у. *mekse "пчела" - ОФУЯ 1:416, SKES 2:339, КЭСК:169, ЭКНЭС:57, МКНЭС:48. Учёные считают, что в фшшо-угорские языки это слово вошло из индоевропейских языков, ср. индоиран. mekscaHCKp. maksas "муха". Есть соответствия в фин. mehiläinen, эст. mehiläne, удм. муш "пчела" языках.


In this section, we have included words from the field of the spiritual life of society, culture and education, folk customs and rituals, religious and mythical ideas.

Erz. altams, "promise", "give (vow)", Mar. jumildaS, uldaS "pray", "say a prayer"< ф.-у. *ab "говорить заклинания, колдовать" -UEW 1:7.


Erz. valgoms, moksh. valgondoms "to go down", "to go down", "to get off", "to go down", Mar. Valash G. "go down", "go down", "go down", "decrease", "subside", "decrease", "give way in price"< ф.-у. »walka- "слезать", "сходить вниз", "спускаться" - ОФУЯ 1:419, ЭКНЭС: 12, МКНЭС: 13, ЭСМар.Я 2:134, Грузов 1969:149, Keresztes 1986:181.


Erz. in hello, moksh. valda "light", "bright", Mar. G. valgydy "light", "light", valgy G., "hue", "color", "ebb"< ф.-в. *>valcda or »walkeda "light", "light" - SKES 5:162, UEW 5:555, KESK:62, EKNES: 12, ESMar.I 2:35. With the same concept and close sounding is found in Finn. valkca "white", "pale", Est. valge "white", Sami, viel göd "light, light", Komi ox, ox, volyd "light", "light" languages.


This includes words expressing commodity-money relations, which included numerals, units of length and weight, words related to the account.

Erz. sel, moksh. sel "sazhen", "thread obtained by hand yarn", "top", "fiber", "flying fathom (a unit of measurement equal to the length of arms extended to the sides)", Mar. rear G.. gnule, shulo "a measure of length equal to the girth of the arms of an adult"< ур. *sile или süle "сажень" ОФУЯ 1:401, SKES 4:1145, UEW 4:444, КЭСЮ267, ЭКНЭС:96, МКНЭС-.66, Грузов 1969:155, Исанбаев 1969:45, Keresztes 1986:135.


In the Volga languages, the ist articles, the elements that act as a definite article, are not presented as separate words,

and as formants of demonstrative declension (in Mordovian) or personal possessive suffixes.

Erz. kirda "in the meaning of the postposition "raz", Mar. pulagerdy "quite a long time ago", shukerdy ​​"for a long time"< ф.-в. *кег!а "ряд", "слой", "порядок", "род", "время" - SK.ES 1:184, ШУ/ 6:659. В эрзянском литературном языке и в диалектах слово кирда встречается послелогом после числительных и слова ламонь: ламонь кирда "много раз". По словам авторов ЭКНЭС, в древнемордовском языке это слово было знаменательным. Это видно из того, что в родственных финно-угорских языках оно до сих пор является самостоятельным словом, см. фин. кегЧа "слой, пласт", эст. когс! "слой, ряд, очередь", вепс, керд "раз" (ЭКНЭС:35).


The system of pronouns of modern Finno-Ugric languages, according to many scientists, was formed back in the Ural era from deGzhetic words: these were personal, demonstrative and interrogative pronouns.

Erz. kie, km, moksh. cue, mar. ku. ko interrogative pronoun "who"< ур. *кс или "кто?" - ОФУЯ 1:398, БКЕБ 1:181, ЦЕШ 2:140, КЭСК:124, ЭКНЭС:34, МКНЭС:30, Кеге5г1е5 1986:59. С таким же понятием встречается в финском, эстонском, коми, удмуртском и венгерском языках. По мнению Д.В.Цыгашшна н М.В.Мосина, в основе финно-угорского языка оно начиналось с согласного к, после которого следовал гласный переднего ряда -ке или ¡ш (ку).

In these lexical-thematic groups, the general vocabulary in the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​is given, which has correspondences in other related languages. Along with them, in this - a special section we have given the words that are present, according to the available etymological sources, in the languages ​​under consideration. It is difficult to talk about the common Finno-Ugric etymology of these words in these languages, because they are recorded only in the Mordovian and Mari languages. It is very possible that these words were present in other related languages, but in the process of their historical development they are in them.

could disappear. Along with this, it is also possible that they appeared only in the Mordovian and Mari languages. Based on such few correspondences, individual Finno-Ugric scholars: N. Mokshin (1967), JI. Gruzov (1969), E. Kovedyaeva (1976) make an assumption about a separate Volga commonality of the Mordovian and Mari languages. However, a broader analysis of the phonetic and morphological systems of the languages ​​under consideration does not allow us to speak of the Volga unity of these peoples.

In this regard, the opinion of many other scientists P. Ariste (1956), G. Beretsky (1974), J. Guy (1974), (1994), D. Geno (1981), M. Mosin (1984), F .Gordeeva (1985), D.Kazantseva (1985), P.Khaidu (1985).

The assertion that the Mari language, in terms of its phonetic and morphological features, is closer to the Permian languages, still remains scientifically invulnerable, despite the fact that certain lexical elements noted above are present only in the Mordovian and Mari languages. We counted 25 of them.

Along with the words that have a reconstructed model of the Finno-Ugric stem, in the Mordovian and Mari languages, for the first time, on the basis of recently published lexicographic sources of the languages ​​under consideration, we have identified a significant number of etymological correspondences, the structural model of which has not yet been reconstructed. There are 38 such examples.

1. Simple etymological pairs.

Erz. asatovks "lack, omission", "shortage, shortage"; trans. "need" - ERS:60, Mar. axites "deficiency", "lack" -РМС-.372.

2. Numerals.

Erz. kavtosadt. moksh. cafta syatt "two hundred" - ERS:222, Mar. kokshudo "two hundred" - RMS: 139.

The given examples of complex numerals in the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​indicate that the method of formation of these constructions is the same: the names of hundreds in the Mordovian and Mari languages

are formed by adding quantitative numerals to the word syado / sada in the Mordovian and Shudo "one hundred" in the Mari languages. They probably developed on the basis of the Finno-Volgian period as part of the independent development of these languages.

3. Composite structures, when one of the components is Turkic, the other is Finno-Ugric:

Erz. asho varaka "grey crow" - ERS:66, Mar. shvarags "white raven" -RMS:35. First lexeme: erz. wow, mar. osh "white" is of Turkic origin, the second is erz. varaka. Mar. varash "raven", refers to the Ural layer and is considered an onomatopoeic word.

4. Complex structures, when one of the components is Finno-Ugric, the other is Turkic:

Erz. after all, barsey "algae" - ERS: 117, Mar. woodporsyn "algae" - MRS: 91. The first component of this word: erz. because Mar. wood "water" refers to the Ural period, the second - Erz. parse. Mar. porsyn "algae" - is a Turkic borrowing (EKEV (rukop.).

5. Composite constructions: when the first component is of Finno-Ugric origin, and the second is Russian borrowing.

Erz. ked paw "palm", moksh. kyad paw "brush" - ERS: 246, Moksh.RS: 138; Mar. efficiency paw "hand (part of the hand)" - RMS: 258. This nomination consists of two words: erz. cad, mar. kid "hand", referring to the Ural era + Russian paw.

6. Complex structures, when both components are Finno-Ugric.

Erz. afterzelme "soil water" - ERS: 117, Mar. woodsynza. woodshincha "well, spring, source" - MRS: 91. The nomination consists of two words: erz. after all, mar.wood "water" and erz.selme. Mar. shincha "eye". Both bases belong to the Ural period.

7. Composite structures, when both components are fshpgo-ugorekpmn.

Erz. chow (dial.), moksh. because the seam is "water foam", Mar. woodshong "water foam" - MRS: 91. In Erzya, after all, Mari wood

"water" see above, second component erz. chov. mar shong "foam" appeared in these languages ​​in the Finno-Volga time.

The third chapter examines the semantic development of Finno-Ugric vocabulary on the material of two branches of the Volga (Mordovian and Mari) languages. Based on the original meanings of the reconstructed Finno-Ugric stems in the Mordovian and Mari languages, we have made a classification according to the following semantic types:

I. The identity of the primary form of the word and the primary meaning (A = A) - erz. believe, moksh. ver, mar. to ftp, ex< ф.-у. »wire или *\vere "кровь"; эрз. максо, мокш. макса, мар. мокш < ур. *maksa "печень"; эрз. сельме, мокш. сельмя. мар. шинча < ур. *silma "глаз" и др.

II. The generality of the primary form of the word is the unequal nature of its semantic volume in the compared languages ​​(A = A + B or A + B = A) - (AA + B or A + BA):

1) the primary meaning of the root morpheme, ascending to the Finno-Ugric language-base + an additional semantic component in the Mordovian languages ​​(md. A + B = mar. A), for example: erz. promo, moksh. purom "gadfly", "bee", Mar. pormo< ф.-в. *parma "слепень, овод", эрз. сэпе, мокш. сяпе " желчь, желчный пузырь"; "горечь, горький", мар. "желчь, желчный" < ф.-у. *säppä "желчь", эрз. удем "мозг", "ум, умственные способности", "голова", мар. вем "мозг" < ф.-у. *«15э-шэ "мозг" и др.;

2) the primary meaning of the root morpheme, ascending to the Finno-Ugric language-base, + an additional semantic component in the Mari language (md. A = mar. A + B), for example: md. komams "to bend down, to bend over", "to bend over", Mar. kumalash "pray", "pray", "beg, beg someone, bow, bow to someone (with a request)"< ур. *kuma "наклониться", "поклониться"; эрз. штере, мокш. кштирь "веретено", мар. шудыр I. "ось", 11. "звезда", III. "веретено" < ф.-в. *kecrii (< kesträ) "веретено" и др.;

3) the primary meaning of the root morpheme, ascending to the Finno-Ugric language-base, + additional meanings in the languages ​​of both branches (md. A + B ... = mar. A + B ...), for example: erz. yomams, moksh. umams "abyss", "perish", "get lost", "get lost", "disappear", Mar. yomash "disappear, disappear, get lost, be lost, be lost", "perish", "get lost"< ур. *jomo "болеть", "умереть"; эрз. кенже,

moksh. kepzhe "nail, claw, hoof", Mar. heaps "nail", "claw (in birds)", "claw, hoof (in animals)"< ф.-у. *kince "ноготь", "коготь"; эрз. муськемс. мокш. муськомс "стирать бельё", перен. "обсуждать кого-либо" - сонзэ вадрясто муськизь берянь валсо / сонь лап муськозь кальдяв валса "его ругали плохими словами", мар. мушкаш "мыть, вымыть, помыть, отмыть", "умывать, умываться", "стирать, выстирать", "обмывать, обмыть кого-что-л." < ур. *muske- (moske-) "стирать" и др.

III. Words that have non-identical meanings, for example: md. andoms "feed", "feed", Mar. omdash "accumulate (of milk in the udder)"< ф.-у. *amta "давать", "отдавать", мокш. карзи "скрипка", мар. КВ. Käpui "гусли" < ф.-п. *кагез "цитровый инструмент", мокш. крхка "глубокий (о колодце, реке, яме)", мар. курык "гора", "холм" < ф.-п. *когкз "высокий", мокш. уча "овца", мар. ыжга "шуба (из овчины)" < ф.-у. *иса "овца", и др.

1. Names in which there was a change in one of the branches:

a) in the Mordovian and in the Finno-Ugric basis there is a coincidence, and in the Mari a change, for example:

Erz. varaka, moksh. varsi "crow", Mar. varash "hawk"< ур. ♦war) "ворона"; эрз. кавалалкс (диал. канал), мокш. кавлал "подмышка", мар. конгла "клин (врубахе, сорочке)" < ур. *копэ или капа "подмышка" и др.;

b) in the Finno-Ugric basis and in the Mari language there is a coincidence, in Mordovian changes, for example:

Erz. lovso "milk", moksh. Loftsa "tzh", Mar. lushtash "to milk, to milk"< ф.-п. *Iüst3 "доить"; эрз. ялго, мокш. ялга "пешком", мар. ял "нога" < ф.-у. *jalka "нога" и др.;

c) the coincidence of the meaning in the Mordovian and Mari languages, for example:

Erz. koime, moksh. border "shovel", mar. kolmo "shovel"< ф.-п. *kojwa "копать, рыть, черпать"; мд. сиве "ворот, воротник", мар. шуша "воротник" < ф.-у. *sepä "шея" и др.;

d) change in both Mordovian and Mari languages, for example:

Md. andoms "feed", "feed", Mar. omdash "accumulate (about milk in the udder"< ф.-у. *ат(а "давать"; эрз. норов, мокш. ноду "плодородный",мар. нергышташ "развариваться (о лапше)" < ф.-п. *погз "хлеб, мука, зерно" и др.;

2. Names found in the Mordovian and Mari languages,

the ancient Finno-Ugric basis for which has not been reconstructed:

a) words that have received parallel development in both languages, for example:

Erz. pongo. moksh. pov "bosom", mar. pomysh sinus"; erz. rizan. Mar. rod "sweet and sour", etc.;

b) words in which the semantics in each of the languages ​​under consideration is very different, for example:

Erz. wakan "dish", mar. vak, vyak object"; erz. vacho, moksh. vacha "hungry", mar. vocho "ruthless", cruel"; erz. kepe, moksh. kyape "barefoot", Mar. cop "paw", etc.

The conclusion contains conclusions and generalizations made on the basis of the studied material.

The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in the following publications:

1. Some botanical names in the Volga (Mordovian and Mari) languages ​​// Mordovian enlightenment: origins, problems, directions of development. - Ch.N. - Saransk. - MGPI im. M.E.Evsevyeva, 1995. - S.68-70.

2. Craft terms in the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​// Key problems of modern Phisho-Ugric studies: Proceedings of the I All-Russian Scientific Conference of Finno-Ugric Studies. - Yoshkar-Ola, 1995. - S.363-364.

3.Mordvian-mari lecikalparallels in fauna names// Congressus Octavus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum. - JyvSkyla, 1995. -s.81.

4. Mordovian-Mari lexical parallels in the names of fauna / / Vocabulary and grammar of the Finno-Ugric languages. - Saransk, 1996. - S. 177-

5. Geographical concepts in the Mordovian and Mari languages ​​N Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference "Structure and development of the Volga-Finnish languages". - Yoshkar-Ola, 1996. - S.69-71.

6. Mordovian-Marnian lexical correspondences in the names of fauna // Congressus Ostauush MegpaiopaIv Reppo-Schp51agum. - .GuuazkuSh, 1995. - e.! 18-120.

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