Polyoxide capsules instructions for use. Polyoxide: Instructions for use

Description Actually by 25.07.2017
  • Latin name:Polyoxidonium.
  • ATH code:L03.
  • Active substance: Azoximer Bromide (AZOXIMER BROMIDE)
  • Manufacturer:Petrovaks Farm NGOs (Russia)


The composition of one pills Polyoxidia consists of 12 mg of active substance azoxymerbromide , as well as potato starch (Amylum Solani), monohydrate lactose (Lactose Monohydrate), stearinic acid (acidum stearicum) as auxiliary components.

In one floor with lyophilisolite There are 6 mg of the active substance, as well as mannitis (E421 Mannit), Povidonum and BetaCoten (BetacaroteNum) as auxiliary components.

For the manufacture of one rectal vaginal suppository 6 or 12 mg of the active substance and auxiliary components are used: mannitis (E421 Mannit), Povidonum, Beta Caroten (BetacaroteNum), Cacao oil (Butyrum Cacao).

Form release

Polyoxide has three dosage forms:

  • pills;
  • rectal vaginal suppositories;
  • lyophilized powder.

Suppositories have a torpedo shape, painted in light yellow color and specifically smells of cocoa butter.

Flat-cylinder tablets, each of them has a chamfer. Their color can vary from yellowish white to orange yellow. The tablets allow the presence of slightly noticeable particles of more intense color.

pharmachologic effect

Polyoxidonium belongs to the group of means that have an immunocorrigating and disinfect action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Polyoxidonium (or azoximer Bromide ) It helps to increase the body's resistance in relation to viruses caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi infections.

The mechanism of its action is associated with the ability of a substance to influence phagocitising cells and NK cells (Natural or natural killers), as well as stimulate the process of formation of antibodies.

The drug contributes to the restoration of immune status in secondary immunodeficiency states caused by various kinds of infections transferred injuries, burns, complications after surgical interventions, treatment with the use of chemotherapeutic drugs, including including cytostatic means and steroid hormones .

Along with immunocorrorizing action azoximer, bromide also has a pronounced detox action, which is due to the structure and high molecular weight nature of this substance.

The result of its impact on the body is to increase sustainability. cell membranes to cytotoxic ( causing damage cells up to their death) the action of drugs and chemical substances, as well as a decrease in the toxicity of the latter.

Purpose of polyoxide in combination with other drugs an order increases the effectiveness of therapy, reduces its duration, reduces the dose or avoid use at all, broncholitical and glucocorticosteroids , promotes an increase in the period of remission (that is, the periods of weakening or the complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease).

Polyoxidonium is well tolerated by patients, does not show mitogenic or polyclonal activity, does not have antigenic properties, does not provoke development, mutations And others future Development Defects , does not possess teratogenic action The developing fruit does not have carcinogenic and embryotoxic properties.

Azoximer Bromide It is characterized by a high rate of bioavailability, which is about 89 percent. With intramuscular administration of the drug Cmax in is noted 40 minutes after the injection.

The substance is quickly distributed in the tissues. In organism azoximer Bromide Biotransformed. His elimination is carried out mainly by the kidneys.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of tablets

Adult patients and teenagers older than 12 years old Polyoxidonium in tablets Assign, as a rule, as an addition to the therapy used.

The medicine is shown in acute and chronic recurrent inflammatory and infectious diseases in oral cavity, putty sinusesoh nose, upper departments Respiratory tract, in the internal and middle ear.

Immunocomplete patients (patients with secondary immune failure ) Polyoxidoniums are prescribed to take sublingual as a monotherapeutic tools for prevention and others. sharp respiratory infections In the period preceding seasonal epidemics.

Indications for the use of lyophilisate

Solutionwhich is prepared from lyophilized powder, designed to introduce into the muscle or vein, as well as for outdoor use.

Adult patients are prescribed as an addition to the main therapy with:

  • standard therapy resistant inflammatory diseases various genes during their exacerbation and during remission (including chronic and recurrent diseases);
  • (In the event that the patient passed long treatment immunosuppressive drugs );
  • complicated Orz or , rheumatoid arthritis ;
  • occurring in the acute or chronic form of infectious diseases provoked by the activity of viruses or bacteria (including the diseases of the urogenital tract);
  • diseases of allergic nature that are complicated by chronic recurrent bacterial or viral infection;
  • states arising against the background or malignant neoplasms.

As an addition to the main therapy of polyoxidoniums apply in cases where it is necessary to reduce hepato and nephrotoxic effect of drugs . Since the drug stimulates tissue regeneration, its use is also appropriate for treatment burns , fractures of bones and trophic Yazv .

Monotherapy using polyoxidonium injections is shown:

  • to prevent development infectious complications in the postoperative period;
  • for correction secondary immunodeficiency which are the consequence of the aging of the body or adverse effects external factors;
  • and Orz .

Children of polyoxidonium in the form of a solution are allowed to apply from six months. The drug is prescribed as an addition to the main therapy:

  • in infectious and inflammatory diseases (including including ENT disease adenoid vegetation , inflammation of pelvis almonds, nasal mucosa or its apparent sinuses, etc.);
  • with sharp and toxico-allergic lesions;
  • with complications proceeding;
  • with complicated purulent infection ;
  • under states accompanied by a violation of the normal bacterial composition of the intestine;
  • for the rehabilitation of children with syndrome ChBD ;
  • in preventive purposes for warning influenza and Orz .

Indications for the use of suppositories

Indications for the drug in the form of suppositories for rectal and vaginal application The same as for the solution. The use of suppositories is advisable in inflammatory diseases of various location and various etiology, for treatment, for prevention infectious diseases In children and the elderly.

Polyoxidonium candles are often prescribed for treatment. female diseases. Candles in gynecology are prescribed when salpingite. , etc..


The drug is contraindicated to persons with individual intolerance to its components.

Side effects

The side effects of the use of tablets and suppositories are hypersensitivity reactions. With intramuscular administration of the drug in individual patients, redness and pain may occur at the injection site. After the first injections of the polyoxide can increase body temperature.

Instructions for polyoxide (method and dosage)

The dose and the route of administration will determine depending on the diagnosis, the features of the course of the disease and the age of the patient.

Instructions for polyoxide tablets

Tablets are designed for sublingual (under the tongue) or oral (inside) reception. They are drinking daily, one, two or three times a day (the multiplicity of receptions depends on the nature of the disease and severity clinical picture) 20-30 minutes before meals.

One-time dose for adults - 1 tablet (equivalent to 12 mg azoximer Brommit ), Children from 3 to 10 years old are prescribed to receive 0.5 tablets for taking.

Instructions for the use of polyoxide in the form of lyophilisate

The solution is injected with intramuscularly or drip in vein, used intranasal.

For treatment inflammatory diseases B. acute form The drug is introduced daily for 3 days at a dose of 6 mg. Next, polyoxide injections continue to do every other day. As a rule, the patient takes from five to ten injections.

For treatment inflammatory diseases in chronic form and rheumatoid arthritis The first 5 injections are made every other day, then the drug continues to enter 2 times a week. The one-time dose of the active substance is 6 mg. The full course involves at least ten injections.

Patients who are diagnosed are prescribed to introduce 6 mg of the drug 2 times a week. Full course - from ten to twenty injections.

Patients S. diseases of the urogenital tract It is recommended to conduct ten injections (every other day). One-time dose - 6 mg. Therapy is complemented by appointment chemoplasts .

According to a similar scheme, patients with chronic recurrent . At the same time, polyoxidoniums are prescribed in combination with stimulants of synthesis of endogenous interferon, antiviral drugs, preparations interferon .

Therapy occurring in complicated form allergic diseases It assumes the introduction of five one-time doses of the drug (6 mg). The first two injections are recommended to do daily, the remaining three injections are made every other day.

Patients who pass the course Chemotherapy (as well as after its end) to reduce the specific effects of chemotherapeutic agents, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 6-12 mg. The optimal is considered to hold at least ten injections (withsting daily interval between them).

To correct the immunodeficiency state after radiation and chemotherapy, after removal of the tumor surgically Patient 1-2 times a week is administered a dose of 6 mg. The course of treatment is quite long - as a rule, from 2-3 to 12 months.

According to the instructions for use, injections of polyoxide patients with acute Enter the drug is allowed not more than 2 times a week.

To prepare a solution for intramuscular injections 6 mg of the active substance (the contents of one ampoule or vial) are connected from 1.5-2 ml of a solution of NACl or water for injection.

A drip administration solution to a vein is prepared by mixing the contents of one ampoule or a vial with 3 ml of a solution of NACl, a plasma-substituting preparation or a 5% glucose solution. The resulting solution is necessary in sterile conditions to transfer to the bottle with any of the specified solutions with a volume of 0.2-0.4 liters.

A solution for parenteral administration must be used immediately after cooking, it is not subject to storage.

Intranasal use is shown in acute and chronic infectious LOR diseases, to accelerate the regeneration of mucous membranes, to prevent the development of complications and relapses of diseases, the prevention of influenza and respiratory diseases.

To prepare a nasal solution, 6 mg of lyophilisate is combined with one milliliter (20-drops) of distilled water, NaCl solution or conventional boiled water. In this case, the temperature of the fluid should be room.

The solution is at least 3-4 times during the day are injected into each nasal stroke, withsting 2-3 hours between the bundles. One-time dose - from 1 to 3 drops into each nostril. Treatment continues for five to a day.

After dilution, the drug retains stability during the day, after which it is impossible to use it.

Polyoxidonium candles, instructions for use

Candles 12 mg and 6 mg are introduced rectally, after conducting the intestinal cleansing procedure, once a day (before bed). One-time dose is one suppository. The diagram of their introduction is as follows: daily one in the first 3 days, then - as well as one after 2 days. 10 suppositories are required for the full course.

Intravaginal use is shown for the treatment of gynecological diseases: dysplasia , leoplacia cervical uterus , colpitov , adnexita , endometritis , as well as diseases provoked papillomavirus man (HPV).

Treatment implies daily administration within three days by one suppository with a dosage of an active substance of 12 mg, after which the candles continue to enter in a day. The course is carried out using 10 suppositories. In cases where it is advisable, the course of treatment is allowed to repeat after 3-4 months.

Patients who are diagnosed with chronic immune failure (including in terms of patients who have such a state effect oncological disease ) Polyoxidoniums are prescribed as a supporting agent at a dose of 6 or 12 mg (according to the doctor's testimony) 1-2 times a week. Treatment is long.


There are no data on the overdose of polyoxide in the form of tablets and suppositories. When applying a solution in assignable therapeutic doses, overdose cases were also not recorded. Potentially it is possible to strengthen side effects.

In case of signs of an overdose, symptomatic therapy is recommended.


It is allowed to use polyoxide in combination with, antiviral and antihistamine agents, antimicotics , cytostatic, glucocorticosteroid and bronchological drugs, β-adrenostimulators .

If it is necessary to introduce a solution with a drip method in Vienna, it should not be dissociated by its infusion solutions, which contains proteins.

Terms of sale

Tablets and suppositories belong to the categories of non-receptible vacation preparations, a recipe is required to acquire a lyophilisate.

Storage conditions

Pills Store at a temperature of not more than 25 ° C. Bear from children

Suppositories Listed B. Store them are recommended in a dry, dark place. Take care of children. Optimal temperature regime - from 2 ° to 15 ° C.

Lyophilisate It should be stored in a dry, dark place. The optimal temperature range is from 4 to 8 ° C. Take care of children.

Shelf life

Analogs of polyoxide

Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:

Analogs of the drug on the mechanism of action: Aktinolizat , Arpetolid. , Affinoleykin , Bestin , Bioaron , Vilozen , , Herbion. , Globacim. , Isoophone , Immunofan , Neuroferon , Florexyl , Polymuramil , Ismgen .

Polyoxidoniums for children

In pediatric practice, the use of tablets is allowed from 3 years, suppositories are used from six-year-old, lyophilisate is used from six months.

Polyoxidonium children are prescribed as an addition to the main therapy. Indications for use are acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases (including including ARVI and ENT disease ), allergy and toxico-allergic conditions complicated by chronic infectious processes in the respiratory tract flowing with complications (including complicated by purulent infection) atopic dermatitis, dysbacteriosis .

Children included in the ChBD group, the drug is used to speed up the process of their rehabilitation. In addition, polyoxidonium has preventive action against influenza and colds .

Tablets are taken sublingual or orally at a dose of 6 mg (by half a tablet), daily, with multiplication of applications 1, 2 or 3 times a day.

The optimal dose, the number and multiplicity of injections determine depending on the diagnosis and age of the child:

  • With acutely occurring inflammatory diseases Showing a day from five to seven injections. Dose - 100 μg / kg. If the disease is chronic, the dose increases to 150 μg / kg. The introduction of the drug is carried out every other day. The course assumes the introduction of up to ten one-time doses.
  • For treatment Allergies and toxico-allergies The drip administration of the drug in Vienna in a dose of 150 μg / kg is shown. Therapy is complemented by the appointment and other drugs that have an antiallergic effect. If the disease proceeds with complications, injections are prescribed as a supplement to basic therapy. The patient shows the conduct of 5 intramuscular injections in a dose of 100 μg / kg. The interval between the introductions is 1-2 days.

Solution for intramuscular administration prepare, dissolving 3 mg of the drug in 1 ml of NaCl solution (you can use water for injections).

Solution for intravenous administration prepare, spreading 3 mg of the drug in 1.5-2 ml of NaCl solution, 5% glucose solution, or After which, in sterile conditions, added to a bottle with one of the indicated solutions of 0.15-0.25 liters.

Intranasal polyoxides are used daily within five to ten days, instiling it at least 3-4 times a day into each nostril in a dose equal to 1 to 3 drops. Daily dose - 150 μg / kg body weight. The interval between the procedures is 2-3 hours.

To prepare a solution for local applications, 1 ml (equivalent to 20 drops) of room temperature fluid (0.9% NaCl solution, distilled or conventional boiled water) is added to 3 mg of the preparation.

Children's solution is prescribed at a dose of 150 μg of the active substance per kilogram of body weight (this amount is contained in one drop of solution).

Sublingual drug is prescribed to take daily for 10 days. Daily dose for all indications - 150 μg / kg. If the drug is used for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, the course lasts, as a rule, from 10 to 20 days.

The solution is stored in the refrigerator no more than one week. Before injection of the drug, a pipette with a solution must be heated to room temperature.

According to the instructions for candles for children, the drug in this dosage form is allowed to apply rectally for the treatment of patients over 6 years. Suppositories according to the testimony of the doctor are introduced one daily or after a day before bedtime.

Candles of polyoxidoniums for children - the reviews of this confirmation - the means is effective, however, it is possible to achieve the desired effect on their application only in cases where the treatment regimen is picked up by an experienced doctor, and takes into account the characteristics of the disease and the body of a particular child.

Application for pregnant and nursing women

There are no data on the safety of the use of polyoxide in pregnant women and nursing women, and therefore the drug is not prescribed by these categories of patients.

Reviews of polyoxidonium

Reviews about the preparation are predominantly positive. This is due to the fact that it effectively treats chronic and occasional diseases with complications that cannot be treated with the use of standard therapy.

Reviews for polyoxide in candles, tablets and a solution are evidence of the effectiveness of each of these dosage forms. Against the background of the use of the drug in complex therapy, the patient recovers faster, and the disease proceeds in much easier form.

The use of medication as a preventive agent for children reduces the frequency of diseases. Reviews of doctors on polyoxidonium allow us to conclude that this tool is indeed indispensable.

The appointment of candles, tablets or nasal solutions contributes to a faster adaptation to stay in the team (at school or children's garden). At the same time, children are much less susceptible to infections even during seasonal epidemics.

Most of the positive feedback on polyoxide in candles and other dosage forms due to the fact that the drug is convenient for use, well tolerated by children and practically does not cause side Effects.

Adult polyoxidonium is most often prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases. The use of candles in gynecology in combination with the main therapy contributes not only to the effective elimination of the symptoms of the disease, but also significantly increases

Polyoxidonium - an immunomodulator to activate immunity, has a detoxifying effect. Increases the body's immune resistance in relation to local and generalized infections. Restores immune responses in immunodeficiency states. In the spectrum of testimony: correction of secondary immunodeficiency; infectious inflammatory diseases, incl. Chronic recurrent (ENT organs, upper respiratory tract, urogenital, etc.); surgical infections; tuberculosis; allergic diseases with secondary immune failure; intestinal dysbiosis; rheumatoid arthritis; malignant neoplasms (in the process and after chemotherapy and radiation therapy); Trophic ulcers, etc.


For 1 suppository: active substance: polyoxidonium (azoxymer bromide) - 12 mg

Form release

Suppositories vaginal and rectal 10 pieces per pack

pharmachologic effect

The polyoxidonium has an immunomodulatory effect, increases the resistance of the body against local and generalized infections. The basis of the mechanism of the immunomodulatory action of polyoxide is a direct impact on phagocytic cells and natural killers, as well as stimulation of antibody formation.

Polyoxidonium restores immunity in secondary immunodeficiency states caused by various infections, injuries, burns, autoimmune diseases, malignant neoplasmscomplications after surgical operations, applying chemotherapeutic tools, cytostatics, steroid hormones.

Along with the immunomodulatory effect, polyoxidonium has a pronounced disinoxication and antioxidant activity, has the ability to remove toxins from the body, salts of heavy metals, inhibits lipid peroxidation.

These properties are determined by the structure and high molecular weight of polyoxide. Inclusion of polyoxide B. comprehensive therapy Oncological patients reduces intoxication against the background of cheaters and radiation therapy, in most cases it allows treatment without changing the standard therapy scheme due to the development of infectious complications and side effects (myelosuppression, vomiting, diarrhea, cystitis, colitis and others). The use of polyoxide on the background of secondary immunodeficiency states Allows you to increase efficiency and reduce the duration of treatment, significantly reduce the use of antibiotics, bronchoditics, glucocorticosteroids, lengthen the remission.

The drug is well tolerated, does not have mitogenic, polyclonal activity, antigenic properties, does not have allergizing, mutagenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and carcinogenic action.

Indication to application

In adults and children over 6 years old in complex therapy for immune failure correction:

  • chronic recurrent infectious-inflammatory diseases that are unable to standard therapy, both at the stage of exacerbation and in the remission stage;
  • acute viral, bacterial and fungal infections;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract, including urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, salpingooforita, endomyometritis, collision, cervicitis, cervicosis, bacterial vaginosis, including viral etiology;
  • various forms of tuberculosis;
  • allergic diseases complicated by a recurrent bacterial, fungal and viral infection (including half aulinosis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis);
  • rheumatoid arthritis, long-term immunosuppressants; with a complicated Orz or ORVI during the disease;
  • to activate regenerator processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers);
  • for rehabilitation often and long (more than 4-5 times a year) of ill people;
  • in the process and after chemo and radiation therapy of tumors;
  • to reduce nephro - and hepatotoxic action medicinal preparations.

In the form of monotherapy:

  • for the prevention of recurrent herpetic infection;
  • for seasonal prevention of exacerbations of chronic foci of infections; for the prevention of influenza and acto in the pre-subidemic period;
  • to correct secondary immunodeficiency devices arising from aging or affecting adverse factors.

Methods of application and dose

Polyoxidonium suppositorium 6 mg and 12 mg apply rectally and vaginally 1 time per day. The method and mode of dispensing is determined by the doctor, depending on the diagnosis, sharpness and severity of the process. Polyoxidonium can be used rectally and vaginally daily, every other day or 2 times a week.

  • 12 mg suppositories of 12 mg is used in adults rectally 1 suppository 1 time per day after cleansing the intestines;

in gynecological diseases and vaginally 1 suppository 1 time per day (overnight) is introduced into the vagina in the lying position.

  • 6 mg suppositories 6 mg applied:

in children over 6 years, rectally 1 suppository 1 time per day after cleansing the intestine;

in adults, rectally and vaginally, as a supporting dose of 1 suppository 1 time per night (overnight) is introduced into the vagina in the lying position.

Standard application scheme (if the doctor is not assigned otherwise)

1 Suppository 6 mg or 12 mg 1 time per day Daily within 3 days, then a day of 10-20 suppositories. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated in 3-4 months. For patients, long-term immunosuppressive therapy, oncological, which have acquired defect immune system - HIV exposed to irradiation, is shown long from 2-3 months to 1 year supporting therapy with polyoxide (adults of 12 mg, children over 6 years old - 6 mg 1-2 times a week).


  • Increased individual sensitivity.
  • Pregnancy, lactation (clinical experience is absent).

special instructions

Polyoxidonium compatible with antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal and antihistamine drugs, Broncholitics, glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics.

Not exceeding the specified doses and the duration of the course of treatment without consultation with the attending physician.

Storage conditions

In a dry-protected place at temperatures from 2 to 15 ° C. Take care of children.



L03 Immunostimulators

Pharmacological group

Other immunomodulators

Nonological Classification (ICD-10)

- H74.9 Middle Ear Disease and Cell Pressure Unclean - H83.9 Disease inner ear unspecified - J01 sharp sinusitis - J06 Acute infections Upper respiratory tract multiple and unspecified localization - J11 flu, virus is not identified - J32 chronic sinusitis

Composition and form of release

Tablets 1 tabl.
Azoximer Bromide 12 mg
Auxiliary substances: lactose; potato starch; Stearinic acid - before receiving a tablet weighing 0.25 g

In the contour cellular package 10 pcs.; In a pack of cardboard 1 or 2 packs.

Azoximer Bromide 3 mg
Auxiliary substances: mannitol; Povidone; Betakoten - up to 4.5 mg

In ampoules or bottles of colorless or dark neutral glass of 4.5 mg; In a pack of cardboard 5 ampoules or bottles; or in the contour cellular package 5 ampoules or bottles; in a pack of cardboard 1 package; or in a pack of cardboard 5 ampoules or vials complete with a solvent in ampoules (5 ampoules of water for injection or 5 ampoules 0.9% sodium solution isotonic sodium).
Lyophilisate for the preparation of the solution for injection and local application of 1 AMP. or FL.
Azoximer Bromide 6 mg

In ampoules or bottles of colorless or dark neutral glass of 9 mg; In a pack of cardboard 5 ampoules or bottles; or in the contour cellular package 5 ampoules or bottles; in a pack of cardboard 1 package; or in a pack of cardboard 5 ampoules or vials complete with a solvent in ampoules (5 ampoules of water for injection or 5 ampoules 0.9% sodium solution isotonic sodium).
Suppositories 1 SUPP.
Azoximer Bromide 6 mg
Auxiliary substances: mannitol; Povidone; Betakoten - up to 9 mg

In the contour cellular packaging 5 pcs.; In a pack of cardboard 2 packs.
Suppositories 1 SUPP.
Azoximer Bromide 12 mg
Auxiliary substances: mannitol; Povidone; Betakoten - up to 18 mg
Basis: cocoa oil - before receiving a suppository weighing 1.3 g

Description of the dosage form

Tablets: from white with a yellowish tinge to yellow color With an orange tint, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer, with a risk - on the one hand and the inscription "software" - on the other. It is allowed for the presence of a hardly noticeable enclosures of more intense color.

The lyophilisate for the preparation of the solution for injection and local application: porous weight from white with a yellowish tinge to yellow. The drug is hygroscopic and photosensitive.

Suppositories: torpedo-shaped, light yellow color with a weak specific smell of cocoa oil.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - immunomodulating, detoxifying, antioxidant.


Polyoxidonium has a high bioavailability (89%); The time of reaching CMAX in the blood after the introduction is 40 minutes; Quickly distributed over all organs and tissues. The period of semi-distribution in the body with B / in the introduction - 25 min, T1 / 2 (slow phase) - 25.4 hours, at the I / M of the introduction - 36.2 hours. In the body, the drug is hydrolyzed to oligomers, which are predominantly by the kidneys.

For suppositories: bioavailability - high (up to 70%); Cmax in the blood is achieved 1 hour after administration; T1 / 2 (Fast phase - about 30 minutes, slow phase - 36.2 h).


Increases the body's resistance in relation to bacterial, fungal and viral infections. The basis of the mechanism of the immunomodulatory action of polyoxide is a direct impact on phagocytic cells and natural killers, as well as stimulation of antibody formation. Restores immune reactions in secondary immunodeficiency states caused by infections, injuries, burns, malignant neoplasms, complications after surgical operations, the use of chemotherapeutic agents, incl. Cytostatics, steroid hormones.

With sublingual use of polyoxidonium, lymphoid cells are activated in bronchi, nasal cavity, eusticheye tubes, thereby increasing the stability of these organs to infectious agents.

In terms of oral administration, the lymphoid cells are activated in the intestines, namely B-cells producing secretory IgAs. The consequence of this is to increase the stability of the tract and respiratory tract to infectious agents. In addition, during oral administration of polyoxidonium, tissue macrophages activates, which contributes to a faster elimination of the pathogen from the body in the presence of a focus of infection.

Along with the immunomodulatory effect, polyoxidonium has pronounced detoxifying and antioxidant activity, which are determined by the structure and high molecular weight nature of the drug. Increases the stability of cell membranes to the cytotoxic effect of drugs and chemicals, reduces their toxicity.

The use of polyoxide in comprehensive therapy makes it possible to increase efficiency and reduce the duration of treatment, significantly reduce the use of antibiotics, bronchologists, GKS, lengthen the term of remission.

The drug is well tolerated, does not have mitogenic activity, antigenic properties; It does not have allergizing, mutagenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and carcinogenic action.

Indications of the drug polyoxidonium


In adults and adolescents over 12 years old in complex therapy:
acute and chronic inflammatory recurrent bacterial, viral and fungal infections of the oral cavity, the incomplete sinuses, the upper respiratory tract, internal and middle ear.

The group of immunocomplete adolescents and adults in the form of monotherapy (sublingual):
Flu prevention and other sharp respiratory infections in the pre-epidemic period.

Lyophilisate for the preparation of the solution for injection and local application. Correction of immune failure in adults and children.
In adults in complex therapy (6 mg):
chronic recurrent inflammatory diseases of any etiology, non-standard therapy, both at the stage of aggravation and in the remission stage;
rheumatoid arthritis, long-term immunosuppressants; or complicated by the emergence of ORZ or ORVI;
sharp and chronic viral and bacterial infections (including urogenital infectious inflammatory diseases);
acute and chronic allergic diseases (including pollinosis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis) complicated by chronic recurrent bacterial and viral infection;
in the process and after chemo and radiation therapy of tumors; to reduce the nephro- and hepatotoxic effects of drugs;
To activate regenerator processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers).

In the form of monotherapy
for the prevention of postoperative infectious complications;
correction of secondary immunodeficials arising from aging or affecting adverse factors;
Influenza and ORZ prevention.

In children from 6 months in complex therapy (3 mg):
acute and chronic inflammatory diseases caused by pathogens of bacterial, viral, fungal infections (including Lor organs - sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, hyperrophy of pharyngeal almond, ORVI);
acute allergic and toxic-allergic conditions;
bronchial asthma complicated by chronic infections of the respiratory tract;
atopic dermatitis complicated by purulent infection;
intestinal dysbiosis (combined with specific therapy);
for rehabilitation often and long-friendly children;
For the prevention of influenza and ac.

In adults and children over 6 years old in complex therapy (for immune failure correction):
with chronic recurrent inflammatory diseases of any etiology, non-standard therapy, both in the aggravation stage and in the remission stage;
sharp and chronic viral and bacterial infections (including urethritis, cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis in the latent stage and in the stage of exacerbation, prostatitis, chronic salpingooforite, endometritis, colpit; diseases caused by the papilloma virus; ectopia cervix; dysplasia and leukoplakia); various forms tuberculosis;
allergic diseases (including pollinosis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis) complicated by a recurrent bacterial and viral infection; rheumatoid arthritis, long-term immunosuppressants; or complicated by the emergence of ARS or ORVI;
to activate regenerator processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers);
for rehabilitation often and long-friendly people (more than 4-5 times a year);
in the process and after chemo and radiation therapy of tumors;
To reduce the nephro- and hepatotoxic effects of drugs.

In the form of monotherapy:
With seasonal prevention of exacerbations of chronic foci of infections, incl. people of elderly;
for the prevention of recurrent herpetic infection;
To correct the secondary immunodeficials arising from aging or the impact of adverse factors;
For the prevention of influenza and ac.


Increased individual sensitivity, pregnancy (there is no clinical experience).

With caution - acute renal failure.

Additionally, for lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for injection and local application: With caution - childhood Up to 6 months (clinical experience is limited).

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy.

Side effects of the drug of polyoxide

Possible pain in the injection site at the I / M administration (lyophilisate for the preparation of the injection solution).


Compatible with antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal and antihistamine preparations, bronchodens, GKS, cytostatics and beta adrenomimetics.

Method of application and dose

Sublingual and inside, 20-30 minutes before meals. Adults in doses of 12 or 24 mg, adolescents at a dose of 12 mg daily 1, 2 or 3 times a day, depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease.
Sublingual at a dose of 12 mg:
For inflammatory processes The oral cavity (bacterial, viral and fungal nature) - 2 times a day at intervals of 12 hours, within 10-14 days. With severe forms of herpetic and fungal infection of the oral cavity - 3 times a day at intervals of 8 hours for 15 days.
For chronic diseases Occonductive apparel sinuses and chronic otitis - 2 times a day at intervals of 12 hours, within 5-10 days.
In chronic tonsillitis - 3 times a day at intervals of 8 hours for 10-15 days.
With chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract - adults at a dose of 24 mg 2 times a day, adolescents at a dose of 12 mg 2 times a day, at intervals of 12 hours, within 10-14 days.
For the prevention of influenza and sharp respiratory infections - immunocomplete-friendly persons who are ill-friendly ORZ more than 4 times a year, polyoxidonium is recommended in the pre-subidemic period of adults at a dose of 24 mg, adolescents at a dose of 12 mg sublingual 2 times a day for 10-15 days.
Inside. With chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract - adults at a dose of 24 mg 2 times a day, adolescents at a dose of 12 mg 2 times a day, with an interval of 12 hours, within 10-14 days.
Lyophilisate for the preparation of the solution for injection and local application. V / m, V / B, intranasally, sublingual. Methods of use are chosen by a doctor depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, the age of the patient.
In / m or in / in (drip). The drug is prescribed by adults in doses of 6-12 mg 1 time per day daily, or every other day, or 1-2 times a week, depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease.
For the introduction of the introduction, the contents of the ampoule or the vial are dissolved in 1.5-2 ml of 0.9% sodium solution of chloride or water for injections. For in / in (drip) administration, the drug is dissolved in 3 ml of 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, hemodesa, refooliglukin, or 5% dextrose solution, then sterilically transferred to the bottle with said solutions of 200-400 ml.
The prepared solution for parenteral injection is not subject to storage.

Recommended Adult Treatment Schemes
With acute inflammatory diseases: 6 mg daily for 3 days, then in a day, a common course of 5-10 injections.
In chronic inflammatory diseases: 6 mg in a day of 5 injections, then 2 times a week with a course of at least 10 injections.
With tuberculosis: 6 mg 2 times a week, the course of 10-20 injections.
With rheumatoid arthritis: 6 mg in a day - 5 injections, then 2 times a week with a course of at least 10 injections.
In patients with acute and chronic urogenital diseases: 6 mg in a day, a course of 10 injections in combination with chemotherapy drugs.
In case of chronic recurrent herpes: 6 mg across the day of injection courses in combination with antiviral drugs, interferons and interferon synthesis inductors.
For the treatment of complicated forms of allergic diseases: 6 mg, a course of 5 injections - 2 first injections daily, then every other day. With acute allergic and toxic-allergic conditions, it was introduced into / in 6-12 mg in combination with antiallergic drugs.
On-cancer patients:
- before and on the background of chemotherapy to reduce immunosuppressive, hepato and nephrotoxic effects of chemotherapeutic agents of 6-12 mg in a day of at least 10 injections;
- for the prevention of immunosuppressive influence of the tumor, to correct the immunodeficiency after chemo and radiation therapy, after surgical removal Tumors are shown long use Polyoxide (from 2-3 months to 1 year) 6 mg 1-2 times a week.
In patients with acute renal failure Assign no more than 2 times a week.
It is intranasally prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic infections of the ENT organs, to enhance the regenerator processes of mucous membranes, for the prevention of complications and relapses of diseases, for the prevention of influenza and the ARZ: 1-3 drops in each nasal stroke in 2-3 hours (at least 3 -4 times a day) for 5-10 days. The dose of 6 mg is dissolved in 1 ml of distilled water, 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or boiled water temperature (20 drops) and use a solution during the day.

Children. Methods of use are chosen by a doctor depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, age and mass of the patient's body.
Parenterally (in / m or in / in drip) at a dose of 0.1-0.15 mg / kg daily, every other day or 2 times a week, a course of 5-10 injections.
For in / m, the drug is dissolved in 1 ml of water for injection or 0.9% sodium chloride solution.
For in / in drip administration, the drug is dissolved in 1.5-2 ml of a sterile 0.9% sodium solution of chloride, polyglyukin, hemodesa, or 5% dextrose solution, are sterile to the vial with the specified 150-250 ml solutions.

Recommended Children's Treatment Schemes
With acute inflammatory diseases: 0.1 mg / kg every other day, 5-7 injections.
In chronic inflammatory diseases: 0.15 mg / kg 2 times a week with a course of up to 10 injections.
With acute allergic and toxic-allergic conditions: V / in drip in a dose of 0.15 mg / kg in combination with antiallergic drugs.
For the treatment of complicated forms of allergic diseases in combination with base therapy: in / m at a 0.1 mg / kg rate of 5 injections with an interval of 1-2 days.
Intranasal: daily in a daily dose of 0.15 mg / kg for 5-10 days.
Intranasally the drug is introduced 1-3 drops into one nasal stroke after 2-3 hours (at least 3-4 times a day).
For the preparation of a solution for intranasal and sublingual use, a dose of 3 mg is dissolved in 1 ml (20 drops), a dose of 6 mg - in 2 ml of distilled water, 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or boiled water temperature. 1 drop of prepared solution (50 μl) contains 0.15 mg of polyoxide, which are prescribed by 1 kg of the body weight of the child.
Sublingual: in all indications - daily in a daily dose of 0.15 mg / kg for 10 days, for the treatment of bowel dysbiosis for 10-20 days.
Suppositories. Rectally (after cleansing the intestines), intravaginal. The method of administration and dosing mode is determined by the doctor depending on the diagnosis, sharpness and severity of the process.
Polyoxidonium can be used daily, every other day or 2 times a week.
Power Suppositories of 12 mg is used in adults rectally and intravaginal.
Rectally: 1 time per day 1 soup (after cleansing the intestines).
Intravaginal: The suppository is introduced into the vagina in the "lying" position 1 time per day, at night.
6 mg suppositories of 6 mg are applied: in adults - rectally and intravaginally as a supporting dose; In children over 6 years - rectally at the rate of 0.20-0.25 mg / kg.
Standard Polyoxide Application Scheme - 1 Supplies. 6 or 12 mg for 3 days, and then - 1 time in 2 days the course 10-15 SPP. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 3-4 months.
Patients with chronic immune failure (including oncological diseases) is shown long (from 2-3 months to 1 year) supporting therapy with polyoxide: adults - 6-12 mg, children over 6 years old - 6 mg 2 times a week.

Recommended schemes and doses
As part of comprehensive therapy. Rectally.
In chronic recurrent inflammatory diseases in the aggravation stage, according to the standard scheme, in the remission stage - 1 SUP. 12 mg after 1-2 days, the total course is 10-15 SPP.
With acute infectious processes - 1 SUP. Every day, a common course - 10 administrations.
With tuberculosis - according to the standard scheme. The course of treatment is at least 15 SPPs., It is further possible to use supporting therapy for 2 SPPs. a week with a course of 2-3 months.
In allergic diseases complicated by a recurrent bacterial and viral infection, according to the standard scheme.
In the process and after chemistry and radiation therapy of tumors - 1 sore. Every day in 2-3 days before the start of the therapy. Next, the frequency of administration of suppositories is determined by the doctor, depending on the nature and duration of basic therapy.
To reduce the nephro- and hepatotoxic effects of drugs. The duration and scheme of destination of suppositories is determined by the doctor depending on the basic therapy.
To correct the secondary immunodeficials arising from aging - 12 mg 2 times a week. Course - 10 SPP.
For rehabilitation, often (more than 4-5 times a year) and long-friendly persons - 1 SUP. in one day. Course treatment - 10 SPP.
With rheumatoid arthritis, long-term immunosuppressants, - 1 SUP. every other day the total course of 15 injections; With a complicated ARZ or ORVI rheumatoid arthritis - according to the standard scheme.
To activate regenerator processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers) - daily by 1 sore. Course treatment - 10-15 SUPP.
In the form of monotherapy:
For seasonal prevention of exacerbations of chronic foci of infections, for the prevention of a recurrent herpetic infection - after an adult day - 6-12 mg, children - 6 mg. Course - 10 SPP.
To correct the secondary immunodeficiency devices, the prevention of influenza and the ORZ - according to the standard scheme.
In gynecological diseases (rectally or intravaginal) - 1 SUP. (12 mg) for 3 days, and then - 1 time in 2-3 days. Course of treatment 10-15 SPP.

special instructions

Lyophilisate for the preparation of the solution for injection and local application. In case of pain in the injection site, the drug is dissolved in 1 ml of 0.25% solution of the procaine in the absence of a patient an increased individual sensitivity to pronel.
The solution for sublingual and intranasal use can be stored in the refrigerator not more than 7 days. Before use, the pipette with the solution should be heated to room temperature (20-25 ° C).
Suppositories. Not exceeding the specified doses and the duration of the course of treatment without consultation with the attending physician.

The shelf life of polyoxidonium

2 years.

Storage conditions of polyoxide

List B.: In the dry, protected from light, at a temperature of 4-8 ° C.
tamara 2019-02-25 17:48:48.

allergist prescribed polyoxidonium with allergic bronchial asthma, but I still take a singular tablets 10 mg 1 time per day for the night and losage, it is possible to put polyoxidonium together with these drugs together

Valentina 2018-12-26 05:02:02.

Hello. After the hysterespectoscopy, the gynecologist prescribed candles vaginally Longidase and rectally polyoxidonium. But I remembered that they need to store them in the refrigerator, kept 2 days at room temperature, can I use them?

Azamat 2018-10-30 11:27:22

Good afternoon! Tell me, in March, he received a polyoxidonium injection injections during a hymorite, now he wanted to take polyoxide pills for sinking into the throat, is it possible to use the drug if you have received injections in March?

Menchikova Galina Vladimirovna doctor dermatovenerologist, dermatonologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Physician first category. The experience of more than 15 years answers:

Good day. Yes, you can. Only these pills are absorbed under the tongue. There is an alternative drug - Spray Panavir Inline.




International non-proprietary title

Azoximer Bromide

Dosage form

Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injections and local applications, 3 mg and 6 mg


One ampoule or bottle contains

active substance - Azoximer Bromide 3 mg or 6 mg,

excipients:mannitol, Pisidon, Betakoten.


Porous mass from white with yellowish tint to yellow. The drug is hygroscopic and photosensitive.

Pharmacotherapeutic group


PBX code l0z

Pharmacological properties


With intramuscular administration of azoxymer bromide has a high bioavailability (89%); The time to achieve maximum blood concentration is 40 minutes. The period of semi-distribution in the body (fast phase) is 0.44 hours, half-life (slow phase) - 36.2 hours. In the body, the drug is rapidly distributed in all organs and tissues, hydrolyzed to oligomers, which are predominantly illustrated by the kidneys.


Polyoxidonium® has an immunomodulatory effect, increases the resistance of the body against local and generalized infections. The basis of the mechanism of the immunomodulating effect of the drug of polyoxidonium® is a direct impact on phagocytic cells and natural killers, as well as stimulation of antibody formation.

Polyoxidonium® reduces immunity in secondary immunodeficiency states caused by various infections, injuries, burns, autoimmune diseases, malignant neoplasms, complications after surgical operations, the use of chemotherapeutic, cytostatics, steroid hormones.

Along with the immunomodulatory action, the polyoxidonium® has detoxification and antioxidant activity, has the ability to remove toxins from the body, salts of heavy metals, inhibits the reaction of free-radical oxidation. These properties are determined by the structure and high molecular weight nature of the drug. The inclusion of polyoxide® into complex therapy of oncological patients reduces intoxication, prevents the development of infectious complications and side effects in the form of myelosuppression, vomiting, diarrhea, cystitis, colitis, arising against the background of cheaters and radiation therapy, which in most cases allows standard therapy without Change schemes.

The use of the drug of polyoxidonium® against the background of secondary immunodeficiency states allows to increase efficiency and reduce the duration of treatment, significantly reduce the use of antibiotics, bronchoditics, glucocorticosteroids, lengthen the term of remission.

The drug is well tolerated, does not have mitogenic, polyclonal activity, antigenic properties, does not have allergizing, mutagenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and carcinogenic action.

Indications for use

Correction of immunity in adults and children from 6 months.

In adults in complex therapy:

Chronic recurrent infectious inflammatory diseases that are not amenable to standard therapy in the stages of exacerbation and in the remission stage

Acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections (including urogenital infectious inflammatory diseases)


Acute and chronic allergic diseases (including pollinosis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis) complicated by chronic recurrent bacterial and viral infection

Rheumatoid arthritis, long-term treatment with immunosuppressants; With rheumatoid arthritis complicated by ORVI

In oncology in the process and after chemotherapy and radiation therapy to reduce immunosuppressive, nephro- and hepatotoxic effects of drugs

To activate regenerator processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers)

For the prevention of postoperative infectious complications

For the prevention of influenza and avvi

In children in complex therapy:

Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases caused by pathogens of bacterial, viral, fungal infections (including ENT organs - sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, hyperrophy of pharyngeal almond, ORVI)

Acute allergic and toxic-allergic conditions

Bronchial asthma complicated by chronic respiratory tract infections

Atopic dermatitis complicated by purulent infection;

Intestinal dysbiosis (combined with specific therapy);

For rehabilitation often and long-friendly

Influenza and ORVI prevention

Method of application and dose

D. la in adults :

Methods for using the drug polyoxide®: parenteral, intranasal. Methods of use are chosen by a doctor depending on the severity of the disease and age of the patient.

Intramuscular or intravenously (drip): The drug is prescribed for adults in doses of 6-12 mg 1 time per day daily, every other day, or 1-2 times a week, depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease.

For intramuscular administration, the contents of the ampoule or the vial are dissolved in 1.5-2 ml of 0.9% sodium solution of chloride or water for injection.

For intravenous (drip) administration, the drug is dissolved in 2 ml of 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, refooliglukin or 5% dextrose solution, then sterilly transferred to the bottle with said solutions of 200-400 ml.

Intranasalthe drug is prescribed daily at a dose of 6 mg per day ; the dose of 6 mg is dissolved in 1 ml (20 drops), 0.9% sodium solution of chloride, distilled water or boiled water temperature.

The prepared solution is stored in the refrigerator for 12 hours, warm to room temperature before use.


With sharp inflammatory diseases: 6 mg daily for 3 days, then in a day, a common course of 5-10 injections.

In chronic inflammatory diseases: 6 mg in a day of 5 injections, then 2 times a week with a course of at least 10 injections.

With tuberculosis: 6-12 mg 2 times a week with a course of 10-20 injections.

In patients with acute and chronic urogenital diseases: 6 mg in a day, a course of 10 injections in combination with chemotherapy drugs.

With chronic recurrent herpes: 6 mg across the day of injection courses in combination with antiviral drugs, interferons and / or interferon synthesis inductors.

For the treatment of complicated forms of allergic diseases: 6 mg, a course of injection: two first injections daily, then every other day. With acute allergic and toxic-allergic conditions, administered intravenously 6-12 mg in combination with antiallergic drugs.

With rheumatoid arthritis: 6 mg in a day of 5 injections, then 2 times a week with a course of at least 10 injections.

On-cancer patients:

Before and against the background of chemotherapy to reduce immunosuppressive, hepato and nephrotoxic effects of chemotherapeutic agents of 6 -12 mg in a day of at least 10 injections; To prevent the immunosuppressive effect of the tumor, to correct the immunodeficiency after chemotherapy and radiation therapy, after surgical removal of the tumor, the long-term use of the drug of polyoxidonium® (from 2-3 months to 1 year) is 6-12 mg 1-2 times a week. The frequency and the duration of administration is determined by the doctor depending on the tolerability and duration of cheaters and radiation therapy;

In patients with acute renal failure, they are prescribed no more than 2 times a week.

Intranasal It is prescribed 6 mg per day for the treatment of acute and chronic ENV infections, to enhance the regenerator processes of mucous membranes, for the prevention of complications and relapses of diseases, for the prevention of influenza and ARVI. 3 drops in each nasal stroke in 2-3 hours (3 times a day) for 5-10 days.

Method of application and dose for children

Methods for using the drug polyoxide® are chosen by a doctor depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, age and mass of the body of the patient: parenterally, intranasally, sublingual.

Parenteral (intramuscularly or intravenously drip) The drug is prescribed to children from 6 months at a dose of 0.1-0.15 mg / kg daily, every other day or 2 times a week, depending on the severity of the disease, a common course of 5-10 injections. Maximum daily dose of 3 mg.

The calculation of the dose in ml on the weight of the child is specified in the table (third column).

For intramuscular administration, the preparation is dissolved in 1 ml of water for injection or 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

For intravenous drip administration, the drug is dissolved in 1.5-2 ml of a sterile 0.9% sodium solution of chloride, refooliglukin, or a 5% dextrose solution, are sterile to the bottle with the specified solutions of 150-250 ml.

The prepared solution for parenteral injection is not subject to storage.

Sublingual: Daily 1 time per day at a dose of 0.15 mg / kg for 10-20 days.

Intranasalevery day in a daily dose of 0.15 mg / kg for 5-10 days. The drug is administered by 2-3 drops into each nasal stroke after 1-2 hours, 2 times a day before reaching the daily dose specified below in the table.

To prepare a solution for intranasal and sublingual use, a dose of 3 mg is dissolved in 1 ml (20 drops), a dose of 6 mg - in 2 ml of distilled water, 0.9% sodium solution of chloride or boiled water temperature. In one drop of the prepared solution contains 0.05 ml of polyoxidonium®, which are prescribed by 1 kg of the body weight of the child.

The solution for sublingual and intranasal use is stored in the refrigerator not more than 7 days. Before using a pipette with a solution must be heated to room temperature (20-25 o C).

    With acute inflammatory diseases: intramuscularly or intravenously drip at 0.1 mg / kg daily for 3 days, then a day of the course of 5-7 injections.

    In chronic inflammatory diseases: intramuscularly 0.15 mg / kg 2 times a week with a course of up to 10 injections.

    With acute allergic and toxic-allergic conditions: intravenously drip at a dose of 0.15 mg / kg daily for 3 days, then a day of the injection rate in combination with antiallergic preparations.

    For the treatment of complicated forms of allergic diseases in combination with basic therapy: intramuscularly at 0.1 mg / kg rate of 5 injections with an interval of 48 hours.

    For the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis sublingual daily in a daily dose of 0.15 mg / kg for 10-20 days.

    Intranasally introduced 1-3 drops in each nasal stroke after 1-2 hours (2 times a day) 5-10 days

    For the treatment of acute and chronic ENT infections (sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, tonsillites, ORVI, and DR;

    For the prevention of infectious complications and recurrences of diseases in preoperative preparation of patients and postoperative treatment;

    To enhance the regenerator processes of mucous membranes;

    For the prevention of ORVI and influenza;

Side effects

Infrequently 1/1000 is possible pain in the injection site under intramuscular administration


Individual elevated sensitivity

Pregnancy and lactation period (there is no clinical experience)

With caution: acute renal failure, children's age up to 6 months (clinical experience is limited).

Medicinal interactions

Polyoxidonium® is compatible with antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal and antihistamine preparations, bronchodiolics, glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics.

special instructions

In case of pain in the injection site, the drug is dissolved in 1 ml of 0.25% solution of procaine, subject to the absence of a patient an increased individual sensitivity to pronel. When intravenous (drip), administration should not be dissolved in protein-containing infusion solutions.

Pregnancy and lactation

Should not be prescribed during pregnancy and in the period of breastfeeding.

Features of the drug influence on the ability to manage vehicle or potentially hazardous mechanisms.

Does not affect.


Cases of overdose are not described.

Release form and packaging

Lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for injection and local use of 4.5 mg of the drug (for dosage 3 mg) or 9 mg of the drug (for a dosage of 6 mg) in ampoules or bottles of hydrolytic glass glass, hermetically baked rubber stoppers and compressed aluminum caps .

Latin name: Polyoxidonium.
ATH code: L03.
Active substance: Azoxymer bromide
Manufacturer: NPO Petrovaks Farm LLC,
Pharmacy vacation condition: Without recipe
Price: from 150 to 1015 rubles.

"Polyoxidonium" is a medicine that stimulates immunity and has a disintellation effect on the body. Its active ingredient - the azoxime bromide increases the production of specific antibodies, activates blood protection cells, stimulates its phagocytic function. Improves immune response even with severe immunodeficiency forms (congenital and acquired), reduces the toxic effects of drugs, chemical compounds. There is no teratogenic and carcinogenic effect on the patient's body.

Indications for use

The drug is intended for the treatment and prevention of virus, bacterial and fungal nature diseases.

"Polyoxide" is shown as a component of comprehensive treatment:

  1. Infectious diseases affecting the nose, ear and sip (sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis)
  2. Upper and lower respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchoplo earth, tracheitis, pharyngitis)
  3. Complicated allergy (including bronchial asthma, half aulinosis)
  4. Tuberculosis
  5. Cancer of various organs and systems at any stages.

The drug is prescribed in the complex conservative treatment And How independent therapy For frequently and long-suffering persons, incl. and children.

"Polyoxidonium" can be used for:

  • Monotherapy of recurrences of chronic infections affecting the nose, ear and sip, the urinary sphere (applied with frequent repeated flashes of thrush and herpes)
  • Prevention of seasonal diseases (flu and ORVI) in the epidemic period
  • Correction of congenital and acquired immunodeficiency.

Tablets, lyophilisate and "polyoxidonium" in the candlelight, which includes bromide, is prescribed to relieve the pathological effects of radiation irradiation, chemical and toxic damage to the body.


Paloxidonium tablets contain: active substance - azoxymer bromide 12 mg. Additionally: Mennitol, Pisidone, Betakoten, Lactose Monohydrate, Potato Starch, Stearic Acid.

The lyophilisate for the manufacture of fluid for injection injections and local focal uses contain: active substance - azoxime meter bromide 3 and 6 mg. Optional: Mennitol, Pisidon, Betakoten.

Suppositories for vaginal and rectal application. Active substance - Azoximer Bromide 6 and 12 mg. Optional: Mennitol, Pisidon, Betakoten. Basis for candles - cocoa buta oil.

Medical properties

The immunomodulator in a tablet form after reception quickly penetrates the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration in serum preparation reaches 3 hours after oral administration.

The drug introduced by injection is actively applied to all organs and tissues, activating the production of blood cells-killers, stimulates the process of antibody formation as a whole. Tablets, during oral administration, dissolved in gastric juice, contribute to natural lymphoid tissue metamorphosis in the intestine; Sublingval and intranasal use allows you to activate the formation of protective cells on the nasopharynx mucosa, the Eustachius pipe, in bronchi and lungs, after which the body becomes less susceptible to microbial agents. The drug introduced rectally improves the state of the intestinal protective flora, effectively absorbed from the rectum to the blood

It is removed mainly with the urine, a small part leaves the organism with bile and feces.

The average price is from 700 to 750 rubles.

Tablets "Polyoxide"

Polyoxidonium is available in tablets as a bromide azoxime lyophilisate for sublingual reception and administration in the form of injections and candles used rectally and vaginally.

Tablets - white, yellowish or creamy color of a flat rounded shape with a longitudinal feature and letters "by" on the sides. Dark spractions are lowered on the surface. Packed in blisters of 5 pieces and cardboard box. 3 blisters in the box.

Mode of application

Pets of polyoxide are prescribed orally (by swallowing) and sublingual (by laying under the tongue).

Doses of the drug and the duration of adults for adults Next:

  • Chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract - 2 tablets (24 mg) 2 times / day for 10-14 days
  • Viral, fungal, bacterial diseases, poorly aware of therapy - 1 tablet 2 / day for 15 days
  • Frequent exacerbations of chronic diseases affecting the nose, ear and throat - 1 tablet 2 times / day 10 days
  • Prevention of respiratory diseases (influenza, ORVI) in the epidemic period - 2 tablets 2 times / day from 10 to 15 days
  • ORVI prevention from often sick patients - 2 tablets 2 times / day - 10-15 days
  • Supporting therapy tuberculosis, oncological diseases, Immunodeficiency - 1 tablet 2 times / day for up to 12 months.

With the same diseases, children drink 1 tablets 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is similar.

The tablets can be swallowed, not chewing, after which it is better to drink a lot of water without gas, it is better 30 minutes before meals, and there can be 1 hour after reception. The duration of reception and dose of the drug in some cases can be changed after the conclusions of doctors carrying out the patient's treatment, in which the age of the patient will necessarily be taken into account, the presence of concomitant diseases, the severity of their flow, the state of immunity

Sublingual taking polyoxide for adults and children, over 6 years old is carried out by resolving the tablet placed under the patient's tongue. Treatment is carried out according to a standard scheme similar to the oral admission.

The average price from 140 to 1000 rubles.

"Polyoxide" for injection and intranal administration

The lyophilisate is a porous bulk mass of white, cream or yellowish color. Powder photosensitive and well absorbs fluid. Packed in glass ampoules and cardboard box. 1 box - 5 bottles.

Mode of application

Intranasal introduction is shown to adult patients and children, over 6 years old. The solution is prepared according to the scheme - the ampoule of the lyophilisate of nazoximer of bromide 6 mg is separated by 1 mg of boiled water or sodium chloride 9%. The medicine must be carefully stolen into ampoules, then it can be pouring into a sterile syringe and bury the patient into the nose, be sure to remove the needle. The solution can be stored for 7 days at room temperature. Before use, the substance should be asked to the body temperature.

"Polyoxidonium": Instructions for the use of internal use;

  1. Bacterial and fungal diseases of the oral cavity are treated from 10 to 15 days. Adults drip 3 drops per day, children - 1-2 4 times
  2. Herpetic infection is treated from 10 to 15 days. The dosage is similar to the above
  3. 7-10 days long therapy lasts with chronic complicated diseases affecting the nose and throat. Every 2-3 hours, children drip 1-2 drops, adults 3
  4. With influenza and ORVI, droplets use every 2 hours. Adults: 3-5 drops. Children: 2-3. All treatment is designed for a week or a little more.

The lyophilisate 3 and 6 mg is used for injections intramuscularly and intravenously for adults and children, over 12 years old. The solution is prepared immediately before the administration itself, since it cannot be stored.

For injections, intramuscularly ampoules drugs need to breed 1.5-2 ml of a solution of physiological or distilled water. To reduce pain syndrome, when administered, dissolution of novocaine and lidocaine in a similar proportion is allowed. The dose of the drug and the duration of reception determines the attending physician, but usually they constitute 12 mg of bromide for an adult and 6 mg for a child, over 12 years per day for 10-15 days.

For intravenous injections, the ampoules should be breed 2 ml of hemodesa and 2 ml of 5% descratery. In compliance with the sterility conditions, the solution is transferred to the dropper and 200-400 ml of adult saline and 150-200 ml for the introduction of a teenager is diluted. The diagram of treatment is similar to the order of intramuscular administration.

The average price is from 800 to 1100 rubles.

"Polyoxide", candles

Candles are produced by bullet-shaped and color - from white to yellow-brown. Have a pronounced cocoa smell. Packed in contour plastic packaging of 5 pieces and a box of cardboard. 1 box - 2 blisters (10 candles).

Mode of application

Suppositories are used rectally and vaginally in adults (12 mg). "Polyoxidonium" for children from 6 months prescribed only rectally (6 mg). Use for the treatment of the above diseases in the obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal pathology, the indomitable vomiting, which prevent overtoral application. Vaginalnave candles are shown for local therapy in the thrush, herpes of the mucous genital organs in women, chronic diseases of the urinary sphere.

The course of treatment is at least 15 candles.

Rectally candles are introduced into the rectum after the cleansing enema for the night of 1 pcs / day. Vaginal reception of suppositories also spend 1p / day per night after hygienic wickers of external genital organs.


The drug is contraindicated in patients with personal intolerance to the components, as well as during pregnancy.

The preparation in tablets is contraindicated to children under 12 years old. It is also impossible to prick to patients before this age. Candles can be used in children from 6 months ..

To eliminate possible allergies, taking Polyoxide begin with a 1-fold low dose. If the reaction I. side effects Not manifested, further use continues according to the scheme of attending physicians.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Studies on the use of "polyoxidonium" during pregnancy were not carried out, therefore it is impossible to assess the risks of theratoid and mutaging of the drug. It is unclear whether azoxymer penetrates bromide in breast milkTherefore, "polyoxidonium" in various forms are not prescribed during pregnancy and nursing mothers.


The immunostimulator with pricing is used to treat patients with acute renal failure, lactase lactase and glucose. If necessary, the drug is used by controlling the results of laboratory research.

Cross drug interactions

Compatibility "Polyoxidonia" with other drugs has not yet been officially studied, however, the results of practical studies have shown that immunomodulator combined with antimicrobial, antihistamine, antifungal agents and corticosteroids.

Polyoxidonium and alcohol has satisfactory compatibility, so it can be prescribed with ethyl alcohol-based drugs.

Side effects

The unwanted effect of the drug is very rare. As a rule, it is nausea, vomiting and diarrhea for oral, sublingual and intranasal reception, soreness of soft tissues in the place of lyophilisate injections. In the case of severe forms of these states, the immunomodulator should be replaced by analogue or apply another medication form.


Cases of negative effects of drugs when doses are exceeded and applying dates are not described.

Storage conditions and deadlines

Paloxide tablets are preserved in a dry darkened place at a temperature of 4-25 degrees. Use time - 2 years.

Lyophilisate - similar conditions and shelf life at a temperature of from 4 to 8 degrees. Suppositories - at a temperature of 2-15.


Sandoz, Slovenia
Price from 241 to 350 rubles.

"Immunal" - vegetable immunomodulatorstimulating the production of natural interferon and protective blood cells. The active ingredient of drops - extract of purple echinacea, tablets - the extract of dried echinacea. Appearance Droplets - from transparent to light brown and a specific herbal and alcoholic smell. Tablets are round, flat, cream or light brown with dark splashes. Have the smell of vanillina.


  • The base is vegetable medicine - Does not cause resistance to individual components of chemicals
  • Gently affects the body


  • The drug contains ethanolTherefore, contraindicated persons suffering from alcohol addiction, epilepsy, renal pathology
  • It is intended only for short-term treatment of respiratory diseases (influenza, ORVI), ineffective with long systemic and monotherapy
  • It does not apply in children, under 12 years old (extract), and tablets for children up to 4 years.

Feron, Russia
Price from 167 to 865 rubles.

"Viferon" - immunomodulator and antiviral drug. Allows you to increase the body's resistance to viral respiratory diseases (flu, ARVI). Therapeutic effect "Viferon" is achieved by increasing interferon alpha-2B in the blood plasma. Additional means - Tokopoferon acetate, ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate increase immunoderating effect.

"Viferon" is used to treat and prevent respiratory diseases (influenza, ARVI), meningitis, herpes, sepsis, candidiasis, chlamydia in adults and children, and for supporting therapy hepatitis B, with, D.


  • "Viferon" showed a good combination with other medicines (antibiotics, steroids, drugs for conducting chemotherapy at cancer)
  • "Viferon" can be taken during pregnancy, but not earlier than 14 gestation weeks. The lactation period is not a reason for the termination of medication therapy.


  • Both during rectal and local application It is possible to redness of the mucous membranes, swelling
  • Ointment is used in children, older than 12 months.
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