Hepatomegaly in dogs. Increased liver in the dog

The liver disease in dogs is difficult to diagnose at the initial stage, and the missed time can cause the death of the animal. The article will help to recognize the insidious disease and start on time. proper treatment four-legged friend.

If only our four-legged family members could talk! But, the extinct look and the absence of appetite and interest in all that is happening is the only signals about the unhealthy, which can serve dogs to the owners. Unfortunately, when the dog is unhealthy, we can only guess what bothers it.

And even timely appeal to the veterinarian does not always solve the problem. Some diseases at the initial stage are unable to recognize even an experienced branch. These, first of all, include liver disease in dogs.

Symptoms and first signs of liver disease in dogs

Liver diseases, both in humans and dogs, can be sharp and chronic. Talk about any common symptomsCharacteristic of all diseases of the liver in dogs does not have. It can be noted, except that, weight loss, rejection of food and a general painful state.

Veterinarians allocate 8 major syndromes, each of which has its own manifestations:

  1. Sounds shunt syndrome - represents blood poisoning with hazardous substances, manifested by violations in the work of the CNS of the animal
  2. Hepatolyenal syndrome - It is primarily noticeable simultaneous enthusiasm for the liver and spleen
  3. Portal hypertension - Increases belly, veins in this area are noticeably expanded and swollen
  4. With a mesenchymal - inflammatory syndrome - immunoglobulin (LGE indicator) increased in the blood of the animal
  5. Cholestatic syndrome It flows with a secretion violation, the release of bile and an increase in the liver. In the analyzes, the hepatic enzymes are overestimated. The dog is affected by the skin, the color of the feces changes, the body temperature rises. Animal often scratch
  6. Hemorrhagic syndrome characterized by bleeding, blood test shows low hemoglobin
  7. For disps syndrome There is a rapid slimming of a dog. An animal is losing interest in what is happening, abides in an depressed state, it suffers with defecation, vomiting happens
  8. Hepatodepresisive syndrome You can recognize the uninforcedness, the depression of the dog. The remaining symptoms are inexpressive. In the liver, irreversible pathological changes occur, its main functions are violated.

Important: The cunning of liver diseases in dogs is that by the time the symptoms of unhealthy become obvious, the liver is usually amazed more than half.

Also, any liver disease can be accompanied by an increase in the body temperature of the animal and an increase in the liver. With a launched disease, a dog has a pearless abdomen. It acquires such a form due to the accumulation of echo fluid in it.

Important: Sometimes symptoms of liver disease in dogs are similar to rabies symptoms. Pay attention to how the dog belongs to water. Hepatic diseases in most cases are accompanied by a strong thirst for an animal.

and liver diseases in dogs

Increased liver in dog: reasons

With any liver disease, the liver itself increases slightly. The reasons for this may be:

Important: If one or more of the listed circumstances could affect the health of your dog, be sure to inform the veterinarian.

One of the reasons for increased liver in the dog - feeding with low-quality dry food

Interpretation of ultrasound in dogs with liver disease

When the symptoms of the disease are unclear, and the dog is getting worse and worse, putting all the points over "I" will help ultrasonic research Liver.

Important: liver ultrasound is carried out by animals to identify pathological changes.

The state of the liver of the dogs is assessed by the following criteria:

  • position
  • the size
  • the form
  • clarity of borders
  • ehogenesis
  • uniformity
  • capsule condition
  • condition of Vascular Figure
  • the state of the gallbladder

Dog liver ultrasound

With the help of ultrasound, you can reveal the following peat pathology:

  • Calcinate - Dense sections in the liver consisting of calcium salts. Formed when infectious diseases flow
  • Tumors of the liver - Liquid formation filled with liquid: blood, pus or bile
  • Spots on the liver - indicate a glitstic defeat
  • Seals - often incubating cirrhosis

On the ultrasound of the liver disease look different:

  • When hepatitis The liver is enlarged, compacted, heterogeneous. Vascular drawing fuzzy
  • Cirrhosis Diagnosed with extended corners, rounded edges, mosaic liver structure. On the initial stages Diseases The liver is increased, at the end of the disease - significantly decreases.
  • Tumor Differs on its inhomogeneous structure, fuzzy boundaries, deformed vessels around
  • Symptom at the same time, several diseases may be diffuse changes liver

Ultrasound liver allows you to put a dog exact diagnosis

What to treat liver from a dog?

Evaluating the general condition of the dog and the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes the antibiotic course and dropper of antioxic solutions. Plasm-substituting solutions such as Hemodez, Polyglyukin, Enterodez, Polyamin, Hydrolyzingare extremely important with the full fee of dogs from food and strong weight loss.

Assign Hepatovet suspension (independently or in the complex), Divopraid, Tioprotectin. In severe cases, droplets of the solution are prescribed Ringer, Ringer-Loca, Trisole, Disol etc.

Anesthetics ( Novokoin, Analgin) Help to remove pain syndrome and normalize the body temperature of the dog.

Toxic hepatitis requires compulsory stomach wash Weak Warm Potassium Permanganate. Also need to be set clamps with chamomile decoction.

For toxic hepatitis need enemas with chamomile decoction

In cirrhosis is prescribed choleretic means: Allahol, Bisulfat, Holyagol, Holosas. In the late period of cirrhosis, it is not amenable to treatment.

Important: if you fail to get rid of the disease, and the treatment only facilitates the symptoms, then in a short time the dog will develop cirrhosis or acute irreversible liver failure. As a result, the animal will die.

Diet and dog food with liver disease, how to feed?

Together with the beginning medical treatment To successfully get rid of the disease, it is necessary to translate the dog to the diet. The purpose of this diet is to provide an animal organism by those substances with which the recovery of liver cells will occur and prevent further influence on the liver of harmful products:

  • At the very beginning of treatment it is necessary 24-hour unloading period with drink access. Very good if the dog does not refuse the offered decoctions healing herbs: Chamomiles, turn, sage, hunter. When leaving fasting, offer a dog frown meat or fish broth
  • Menu 2 - 4 days It consists mainly of porridge: oatmeal, rice, manna with the addition of boiled beef or chicken minced meat. Food divide on 4 - 6 receptions
  • FROM 3 days Permissible to introduce kefir, low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese
  • FROM 5 - 6 days You can offer boiled vegetables: carrots, potatoes, zucchini. Vegetables should be rubbed on a grater or skip through a meat grinder by adding boiled chicken or beef mince

Important: It should be noted that the modified diet is prescribed a dog with a liver disease for life. Especially should be avoided fatty food.

Which dog needs medical feed when problems with the liver?

Depending on the state of the dog and the features of the disease, the veterinarian may recommend special medicinal powered in the form of canned or dry food.

As the main nutrition, such from the following feed can be selected, for example:

  • dry food Royal Canin Hepatic Canine
  • Hill's PD Canine L / D - Dry food recommended for hepatoenatephalopathy, copper toxicosis (copper wrist deposits)
  • cannedize Royal Canin Hepatic Canine Cans
  • Royal Canin Convalescence Supp Canine Cans - Wet diet feed, recommended during recovery

IMPORTANT: In no case can not feed the dog with a patient with the liver foods of economy class consisting of lower class grain and sub-products of animals "forced slaughter". Such food is capable of harming the health of the PSA even more.

Unfortunately, many liver diseases in dogs cannot be treated. In such cases, all the efforts of the owner, any treatment and special diet only extend the torment of the dog.

Sometimes it may seem that the dog has become better. But after the improvements, the attacks come: the animal is clogged into corners, howls, behaves inadequately - can accelerate and crash into the walls, furniture and trees on the street, not recognize the owners. The vision and scent is gradually lost, coordination of movements is strongly disturbed.

Inadequate behavior and unjustified dog aggression - signs of progressive liver disease

In such situations, you can not even think about recovery. To save a dog from torment, you will have to resort to euthanasia.

However, the correct diagnosis at an early stage of the disease and the timely started treatment sharply increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Therefore, in order not to lose precious time, the owners must immediately turn to the vet at the first signs of the dog's unhealthy.

Video: liver failure in dogs. Treatment

The liver performs several vital functions. It produces and cleans blood, frees the body from waste, stores fats and carbohydrates, produces substances to digest food.

Due to such a load, the liver is subject to a variety of acute and chronic diseases. Sharp and rather rare for dogs are leptospirosis and infectious hepatitis. More often dogs are sick of chronic liver diseases. In the risk group primarily old dogs.

The breed of the Bedlington Terrier often occurs such a liver disease as copper toxicosis.

Causes of liver diseases in dogs

Chronic liver diseases are often caused by long-term inflammations, weakening the whole organism, disorders bile ductsat which bile enters the intestine from the liver. The incidence is strongly affected by violations immune system.

The second group of hepatitis can be caused:

  • toxins of pathogenic microbes, viruses and mushrooms,
  • spoiled feed,
  • poisonous plants I. chemicals (nitrite, nitrates, phosphates, arsenic, zoocumary, hexahloretan, mercury).

Symptoms of liver diseases in dogs

Each disease has its own special symptoms, but there are general signs that a pet's liver is not all right. It:

  1. weight loss due to food failure
  2. vomiting
  3. excessive thirst
  4. drowsiness,
  5. on the mucous membranes, the jaundice is noticeable, especially strongly yellowed eye proteins,
  6. diarrhea may appear at the dog, while the feces look too pale,
  7. an animal becomes apathetic.

The symptoms of hepatitis add up from the signs of the main infectious disease. It is more often an oppressed state of the animal, an increase in body temperature, an increase and soreness of the liver during palpation. Bilirubin level rises in the blood. The body does not absorb fat, digestion is frustrated, the spleen also increases.

Puppies often appear conjunctivitis, keratitis, often paralysis. In the cirrhosis of the liver on the conjunctival, and the mucous membranes of the nose and the mouth manifests. The liver increases and is forgiven for the last edge.

Often there is a pear-like abdomen due to accumulation in abdominal cavity transudate. The most dangerous lies in the fact that at the time the symptoms become noticeable, may already refuse about 80% of the liver. Therefore, even if some of the symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and examine the animal.

Treatment and proper nutrition for the disease

Chronic liver diseases in dogs to cure almost impossible. Therefore, the doctor puts the main task - weaken the action of symptoms and stop further development Diseases. First of all, for this is necessary for a lifelong right diet. Due to her, it can be dramatically reduced the influence of harmful slags, which remain from the splitting of proteins.

The dietary diet includes such easily handed carbohydrates as rice. Eggs are also necessary. The daily diet is divided into 4-6 small portions. For dogs that feed on dry food is well suited. The dog should have a calm way of life, do not overvolt.

Medicines are selected depending on the symptoms and concomitant diseases. Hepatitis treatment begins with elimination primary cause Diseases and daily hunger strikes. Later out of the diet exclude oily food, except for the water in the first days of treatment it is useful to give fish and meat broths. An intravenous injection of isotonic sodium solution chloride is useful to remove intoxicate the organism.

And with pain syndrome prescribe soothing and painkillers:

  • bellalgin
  • besalol
  • bekarbon,
  • bellatesin and others.

Also give gastropharm, almagel, salicylates. The metabolism is improved by hepatoprotectors:

  • lesson,
  • silbor
  • esssential Forte,
  • sirepar.

In cases of toxic hepatitis and intoxication, the stomach is washed, they put enemas with champs medicinal herbal or disinfectants. With infectious etiology of hepatitis, sulfanimides and antibiotics are prescribed. For the treatment of liver cirrhosis, first eliminate the reasons that contribute to its appearance. However, in the later stages of the disease medical therapy ineffective.

The liver is one of the most important internal organs. It performs a number of vital functions: blood production, the transformation of waste from the tested proteins into the substance, which can be removed through the kidneys, the production and storage of carbohydrates and fats, blood purification and the production of substances to digest food.

The liver is subject to acute diseases - such as leptospirosis or infectious hepatitis, but, fortunately, they happen quite rarely. Much more often the liver of the dog is exposed to chronic diseases.

Causes of liver disease in the dog
Chronic liver diseases can be the result of anatomical disorders. To others possible reasons Cancer, not even liver, but any other organ, long inflammation, impairment of the immune system or bile ducts, when bile from the liver enters the intestine.

General symptoms
Symptoms are very different, but include the following:

  • Refusal to eat.
  • Weight loss.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Vomiting.
  • Irrepressible thirst.
  • Justice (especially noticeable yellowing of the proteins of the eyes).
  • Pale feces.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Abnormal behavior, for example, apathy.
Dogs in the risk group
Chronic liver diseases are more likely to occur in old dogs, but for the reason for the anatomical disorders can manifest themselves in young puppies. Bedlington Terriers are subject to a special liver disease, called copper toxicosis.

How dangerous is it? By that time, when symptoms of the disease become noticeable, 80% of the liver may already refuse. Unfortunately, in most cases the future of patients with dogs are very impossible.

How to act
If a dog has some of the symptoms described or she feels bad, consult a doctor. Reasons suspect chronic disease The liver is often quite a bit, as the symptoms are very uncertain and because the liver can be amazed by another disease. There is also no simple analyzes in the arsenal, which could definitely indicate the disease or its causes.

The doctor examines the dog, take blood tests, urine, some liquids from abdominal departmentwill make an x-ray, ultrasound and biopsy. Sometimes you have to resort to surgical operationTo observe the liver directly.

Treatment of liver diseases
To cure chronic liver disease is almost impossible, so the main task is attempts to stop the further development of the disease and weaken the action of symptoms. For this apply:

Diet with liver diseases in dog
The correct diet is the cornerstone of the treatment of chronic liver disease. It helps to dramatically reduce bad influence slag remaining from the splitting of proteins, which cause the manifestation of many symptoms. Dietary food includes:

  • Available carbohydrates, such as rice (for energy generation).
  • High quality, easily split sources of proteins (eggs).
  • The daily diet is divided into 4-6 minor portions.
  • A sufficient amount of food so that the dog does not lose weight in weight (some dogs have to register forcibly).
Useful to use designed specifically for such cases. The attending physician will definitely give you advice on diet nutrition dogs.

When the beloved dog falls, the owner does everything to rather return the health to his pet. Unfortunately, our four-legged friends Sounded by a large number of diseases that are long and difficult to tremble. Such problems include liver disease in dogs.

The liver is one of the most important organs in the animal organism, which has a unique ability to recover, even if the disease struck more than 50% of its volume. From what state is the liver, the quality and life expectancy of your pet depends.

Symptoms and first signs of liver disease in dogs

Liver diseases, both in humans and dogs, can be sharp and chronic. Talk about any common symptoms characteristic of all diseases of the liver in dogs does not have. It can be noted, except that, weight loss, rejection of food and a general painful state.

Veterinarians allocate 8 major syndromes, each of which has its own manifestations:

  1. Sounds shunt syndrome - represents blood poisoning with hazardous substances, manifested by violations in the work of the CNS of the animal
  2. Hepatolyenal syndrome - It is primarily noticeable simultaneous enthusiasm for the liver and spleen
  3. Portal hypertension - Increases belly, veins in this area are noticeably expanded and swollen
  4. With a mesenchymal - inflammatory syndrome - immunoglobulin (LGE indicator) increased in the blood of the animal
  5. Cholestatic syndrome It flows with a secretion violation, the release of bile and an increase in the liver. In the analyzes, the hepatic enzymes are overestimated. The dog is affected by the skin, the color of the feces changes, the body temperature rises. Animal often scratch
  6. Hemorrhagic syndrome characterized by bleeding, blood test shows low hemoglobin
  7. For disps syndrome There is a rapid slimming of a dog. An animal is losing interest in what is happening, abides in an depressed state, it suffers with defecation, vomiting happens
  8. Hepatodepresisive syndrome You can recognize the uninforcedness, the depression of the dog. The remaining symptoms are inexpressive. In the liver, irreversible pathological changes occur, its main functions are violated.

Important: The cunning of liver diseases in dogs is that by the time the symptoms of unhealthy become obvious, the liver is usually amazed more than half.

Also, any liver disease can be accompanied by an increase in the body temperature of the animal and an increase in the liver. With a launched disease, a dog has a pearless abdomen. It acquires such a form due to the accumulation of echo fluid in it.

Important: Sometimes symptoms of liver disease in dogs are similar to rabies symptoms. Pay attention to how the dog belongs to water. Hepatic diseases in most cases are accompanied by a strong thirst for an animal.

and liver diseases in dogs

Views, Classification of Pathology

The role of the liver cannot be overestimated. After all, she has so multifaceted, because much is connected with her work. This is both metabolism, blood supply, carbohydrate, fats, proteins, vitamin balance, bile production, etc. In this regard, it is still considered the most vulnerable. For this reason, it is often amazed different diseaseswhich are related to the impact. Failures in the functioning of certain internal organs, systems equally contribute to this.

To the most frequently encountered hepatic diseases of our pets belong:

  • Infectious hepatitis is ailment, transmitted mainly through an infected food virus. Treated with antibiotics, and even medical agents Supporting directions. An animal shows a gentle diet consisting of dietary chicken, rubbed vegetables;
  • Leptospirosis - represents too infectious diseases liver in dogs. Distinctive feature Diseases - specific urine color. It acquires a pronounced brown shade. His pathogens in the body of the pet fall from infected water and products. The source of infection can also be feces. The sick dog can also distribute infection;
  • Mycosis - refers to infectious diseases Mushroom etiology, strongly affecting the liver. An animal can be infected with the damage to microscopic fungi bedding, toys, items used to care. Mycosis is not easy to determine, but also hard to heal, as it can be easily taken for dermatitis or deprive. True, in dogs, this pathology is characterized by a noticeable symptom - increased purulent glanders;
  • Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) is inflammation. One of the causes of hepatitis. The blown of the abdomen, difficulty, the loss of water, the refusal of food - those signs that require urgent advice from the veterinarian. Acute form Diseases, if not to take action, can endure badly for a pet;
  • Heart failure - also affects the hepatic disease. As a "conveyor", producing blood, liver, happily oxygen, begins to lose cells - hepatocytes. If you get rid of heart failure, then the problem will leave. Cells are characterized by the ability to regenerate;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver - forms against the background of the chronic form of hepatitis. The liver almost ceases to function. With a non-time-started treatment, this process is almost impossible to stop, so the animal dies. The disease implies two types of it: there are hypertrophic cirrhosis and atrophic. In the first case, the liver increases, in the second - decreases. Typically, such a state is a consequence of untimely, long-term ignoring therapy of other hepatic pathologies;
  • Ascites (Water Tank) is more not to illness, but to a state caused by the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum. It may occur for other reasons, but most importantly, still remain liver disease. The condition is easily recognized - swollen belly, explicit problems of the tract of the dog;
  • Cushing Syndrome is airs-like based on a super-email presence of cortisol - stress hormone. This happens with prolonged and uncontrolled use for the treatment of hormonal and painkillers, which, it happens, is bugged without the knowledge of the veterinarian of their favorites their owners. Against the background of this, both hepatitis and hepatosis may occur, which is violations of intercellular metabolism in the one.

Increased liver in dog: reasons

With any liver disease, the liver itself increases slightly. The reasons for this may be:

Important: If one or more of the listed circumstances could affect the health of your dog, be sure to inform the veterinarian.

Clinical signs

As a rule, the disease, especially primary, is not yet manifested by any signs, and when they appear, the animal is almost nothing to help. The exception is secondary ailment. Then the signs of another disease will allow owners on time to notice liver rebirth.

Ascites indicates problems with the liver.

  • Nearby neurological attacks begin to manifest, in some cases the animal will be blind.
  • The stomach increases in the volume - the liquid is recruited inside the peritoneum, ascites. Belubo strongly disperses down, has an ugly shape. There is apathy, weakness, lethargy.
  • The pet does not respond to others, does not respond to the call of the owner, refuses to walk, does not show any activity.
  • The absence of appetite is registered, anorexia is developing.
  • Alternate constipation and diarrhea, nausea comes, vomiting.
  • Fecal masses are pale, practically white, but if blood is present in the excrement - almost black.
  • The thirst increases, the urination is rapidly.
  • Visible mucous membranes - sclera, gums - pale, and if cirrhosis performs the complication of hepatitis, then the jaggility appears.
  • Skin covers are covered with ulcerations that are constantly bleed and poorly dragged. At the same time, the skin is dry, cracks yellow.

Interpretation of ultrasound in dogs with liver disease

When the symptoms of the disease are unclear, and the dog is getting worse and worse, put all the points over "I" will help the results of ultrasound liver research.

Important: liver ultrasound is carried out by animals to identify pathological changes.

The state of the liver of the dogs is assessed by the following criteria:

  • position
  • the size
  • the form
  • clarity of borders
  • ehogenesis
  • uniformity
  • capsule condition
  • condition of Vascular Figure
  • the state of the gallbladder

Dog liver ultrasound
With the help of ultrasound, you can reveal the following peat pathology:

  • Calcinate - Dense sections in the liver consisting of calcium salts. Formed when infectious diseases flow
  • Tumors of the liver - Liquid formation filled with liquid: blood, pus or bile
  • Spots on the liver - indicate a glitstic defeat
  • Seals - often incubating cirrhosis

On the ultrasound of the liver disease look different:

  • When hepatitis The liver is enlarged, compacted, heterogeneous. Vascular drawing fuzzy
  • Cirrhosis Diagnosed with extended corners, rounded edges, mosaic liver structure. At the initial stages of the disease, the liver is increased, at the end of the disease - significantly decreases.
  • Tumor Differs on its inhomogeneous structure, fuzzy boundaries, deformed vessels around
  • Symptom at the same time, several diseases may be diffuse liver changes

Ultrasound liver allows you to put a dog exact diagnosis

Forecast Disease

The quality and life expectancy of the dog depends on the timely identification of pathology and competently prescribed treatment. In the launched form of the disease, euthanasia is recommended, since the animal will not be able to live for more than 3 months.

Table 5. Disease forecast

Stage of DiseaseCharacteristics of occurring processes
  • intoxication of the body;
  • irregular sleep;
  • lack of reaction to external stimuli;
  • reduction of the energy resource in brain tissues;
  • savs of head and paws;
  • violation of spatial orientation;
  • sweet odor from the oral cavity;
  • frequent loss of consciousness. Pet behavior becomes analogous: the dog flows into the state of euphoria, replacing panic attacks. At this stage, pathological processes are reversible and treatable.
  • convulsions;
  • coordination loss;
  • behavioral failures;
  • excessive aggression;
  • partial loss of vision.
  • strong exhaustion;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • thinning wool.

What to treat liver from a dog?

Evaluating the general condition of the dog and the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes the antibiotic course and dropper of antioxic solutions. Plasm-substituting solutions such as Hemodez, Polyglyukin, Enterodez, Polyamin, Hydrolyzingare extremely important with the full fee of dogs from food and strong weight loss.

Assign Hepatovet suspension (independently or in the complex), Divopraid, Tioprotectin. In severe cases, droplets of the solution are prescribed Ringer, Ringer-Loca, Trisole, Disol etc.

Anesthetics ( Novokoin, Analgin) Help to remove pain syndrome and normalize the body temperature of the dog.

Toxic hepatitis requires compulsory stomach wash weak Warm Potassium Permanganate. Also need to be set clamps with chamomile decoction.

With toxic hepatitis, enemas are needed with a chamomile decoction

Corridges are prescribed during cereal: Allahol, Bisulfat, Holyagol, Holosas. In the late period of cirrhosis, it is not amenable to treatment.

Important: If you cannot completely get rid of the disease, and the treatment will only facilitate the symptoms, then in a short time the dog will develop cirrhosis or acute irreversible hepatic insufficiency. As a result, the animal will die.

Dog breeds prone to cirrhosis

Perhaps it is not a secret for anyone that almost every breed some diseases tolerates easier, some harder, and some do not get sick at all. This applies not only to dogs, but also to the breed of any animal, artificially derived by man.

To breeds of dogs that are most often sick cirrhosis include:

  • Labradors.
  • Cocker spaniel.
  • Padel.
  • Rottweilers.
  • Doberman.

But it should be understood that the above breeds more often suffer from the predisposition to the hereditary cirrhosis of the liver. There may be a dog of absolutely any breed, especially if cirrhosis is caused by poisoning. In addition, as mentioned above, the dog cirrhosis can develop from hepatitis, and they, in turn, can be infected on the street from a sick animal, dirty water or just street garbage. Therefore, which breed would be your pet, always control his health and do not neglect preventive vaccinations and vaccination.

Diet and dog food with liver disease, how to feed?

Together with the beginning of drug treatment, it is necessary to translate a dog on a diet to a successful getting rid of the disease. The purpose of this diet is to provide an animal organism by those substances with which the recovery of liver cells will occur and prevent further influence on the liver of harmful products:

  • At the very beginning of treatment it is necessary 24-hour unloading period with drink access. Very good, if the dog does not refuse the healing herbs proposed by the healing grasses: chamomiles, turns, sage, hormour. When leaving fasting, offer a dog frown meat or fish broth
  • Menu 2 - 4 days It consists mainly of porridge: oatmeal, rice, manna with the addition of boiled beef or chicken minced meat. Food divide on 4 - 6 receptions
  • FROM 3 days Permissible to introduce kefir, low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese
  • FROM 5 - 6 days You can offer boiled vegetables: carrots, potatoes, zucchini. Vegetables should be rubbed on a grater or skip through a meat grinder by adding boiled chicken or beef mince

Important: It should be noted that the modified diet is prescribed a dog with a liver disease for life. Especially should be avoided fatty food.

From which cirrhosis begins

There are two varieties of cirrhosis:

Hypertrophic. The liver begins to increase and under the palpation of this area is tightly through the ribs. Its volume is growing due to an increase in connective tissue inside the lobe of the liver.

Atrophic. Connective tissue Between slices begins to grow and as a result, the liver is tightened. The diagnosis of such a form of the disease is quite complex and requires additional methods, for example, ultrasound, blood test.

Which dog needs medical feed when problems with the liver?

Depending on the state of the dog and the features of the disease, the veterinarian may recommend special medicinal powered in the form of canned or dry food.

As the main nutrition, such from the following feed can be selected, for example:

  • dry food Royal Canin Hepatic Canine
  • Hill's PD Canine L / D - Dry food recommended for hepatoenatephalopathy, copper toxicosis (copper wrist deposits)
  • cannedize Royal Canin Hepatic Canine Cans
  • Royal Canin Convalescence Supp Canine Cans - Wet diet feed, recommended during recovery

IMPORTANT: In no case can not feed the dog with a patient with the liver foods of economy class consisting of lower class grain and sub-products of animals "forced slaughter". Such food is capable of harming the health of the PSA even more.

Unfortunately, many liver diseases in dogs cannot be treated. In such cases, all the efforts of the owner, any treatment and special diet only extend the torment of the dog.

Sometimes it may seem that the dog has become better. But after the improvements, the attacks come: the animal is clogged into corners, howls, behaves inadequately - can accelerate and crash into the walls, furniture and trees on the street, not recognize the owners. The vision and scent is gradually lost, coordination of movements is strongly disturbed.

Inadequate behavior and unjustified dog aggression - signs of progressive liver disease

In such situations, you can not even think about recovery. To save a dog from torment, you will have to resort to euthanasia.

However, the correct diagnosis at an early stage of the disease and the timely started treatment sharply increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Therefore, in order not to lose precious time, the owners must immediately turn to the vet at the first signs of the dog's unhealthy.


Warning a dog from possible hepatic ailments will help preventive measures:

During the problems of the liver of dry feeds for dogs, you can forget, especially about cheap. Cooked from poor-quality grain crops and sub-products from animals, which "forcedly" scored, they bring only harm. It is important to remember that it is much easier to comply with all the advice of prevention, rather than heal the pet from serious pathologies that threaten their lives.

Now read:

  1. Will hepatoes help for the treatment of liver in the dog
  2. Diagnosis and treatment and liver cholestasis in dogs
  3. Recommendations of the dog obedience if she grows
  4. Violations of function thyroid gland In dogs (hypothyroidism)


All you can do after the detection of all these signs is running to rush in veterinary clinic. Hepatic insufficiency with complete confidence you can only diagnose the doctor. The vet will take the blood test, urine and feces, may need to carry out a biopsy of hepatic tissue, a fairly ordinary procedure for such diseases. No one can do all of the above at home.

It is difficult to imagine how many animals die from this disease. After all, if you can still expect a reverent attitude towards a pet, then in the village absolutely all the symptoms can go unnoticed. The dog will die, will lead a new one. It is most often not powdish patternsThere are considerable money, and ordinary mounds, which are killed with ease at birth.

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Features of the right treatment

The lesion of the liver, jaundice in dogs treatment provides for a whole complex of medical manipulations. To do this, it is initially correct to evaluate how this or that case is launched and what kind of treatment is necessary for complete healing of the animal. The main therapeutic process in most cases provides for use antibacterial therapy and funds that improve the work of the intestine and the stomach. Their need is due to the fact that the pet can intensively lose weight due to abandonment of food.

If pain syndrome is very active, the treatment with painkillers is quite justified. The same applies to antibiotics with pronounced inflammation of the affected organ.

In the case when the pet has a very resistant liver failure or hepatitis, it is necessary to put it enemas with a daisy solution to purify the body from toxins. Also, the use of funds that are used for the active intake of the bile and removal of intoxication of the body are justified here.

It is very important to note that in the case when completely eliminating the hepatic misunderstanding fails, it can take the chronic course that a significant measure will affect general condition Animal and will be exacerbated when influencing negative factors.

Possible complications

One of the main functions of the liver is to neutralize toxins entering the body. In case, the body does not cope with its functions, due to the poisoning of the body becomes systematic. Toxicosis occurs - the condition is dangerous for the life of the animal. All organs and systems suffer. Hepatic encephalopathy develops.

With severe cirrhosis, ascites develops, gastrointestinal bleeding, anemia and hepatic coma.

Fundamental principles of treatment of hepatic pathologies

  • Mandatory removal of intoxication.
  • The dog should rest more time, serious loads are strictly contraindicated.
  • Diet nutrition. Only light feed, for the assimilation of which the body will spend the minimum of their strength. It is advisable to strictly limit the dog in fats.
  • If the PSA has developed ascites, the fluid should be deleted in a timely manner.
  • Antibiotics injections are prescribed. So warn the development of secondary infections.
  • Mandatory identification of secondary, concomitant diseases that are often the priority cause of liver damage.

It is difficult for us in more detail to reveal the entire volume of this topic in a limited framework for the article. The liver disease is a huge topic, which even at today's level of development of medicine and veterinary medicine, a lot of problems and mysteries in themselves.

Risk group and transfer path

Cirrhosis has a liver genetic predisposition. Labradors, Dobermans and Cocker Spaniels are prone to the disease.

Also, the risk group includes animals with chronic diseases of the digestive and dog organs that are subjected to regular effects of toxins.

Basic information

Actually, this is not one disease, but their whole complex. The same pathologies are often united under the term "liver failure". As a rule, this definition means various dystrophic and degenerative processes occurring in the police parenchym. It is known that some animals have a pronounced predisposition to the development of liver disease.

The predisposing factors are as follows:

  • A breed "tendency" to adrenal diseases (hypercorticism or Cushing syndrome). This includes miniature poodles, fees, boxers, Boston terriers.
  • Promotes diseases and obesity, as well as consumption of feed with a high lipid content. Especially predisposed to this Scottish terriers, as well as miniature schnauzers.

In 75% of cases of liver disease develop in middle-aged dogs. The remaining 25% falls on pings of advanced years. Young dog pathology dogs are extremely rare. The main causes of their development are as follows:

Unfortunately, this list of reasons cannot be called. To serious liver damage can even lead chronic illness Periodonts, especially severe cases of dental stone. The inflammatory pathologies of the stomach and intestines, as well as pancreatitis, are very dangerous in this regard. To complete the liver (and, accordingly, the loss of her functions) also give various cases of oncology. Low levels of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) are also dangerous.

Causes of occurrence

If it all the time to feed the pebble, fucked, rotten, and in general, somehow spoiled food, the problems will begin sooner or later. Most likely it will be a chronic type of disease.

Predisposing factors

In development various shapes The following factors have basic importance to this serious illness:

  • Infective liver damage (main pathogens - hepatitis, cytomegalovirus viruses, herpes virus, helminthiasis).
  • Medicinal and toxic liver poisoning. Diuretics, analgesics or tranquilizers can have such an action from drugs. Poisonous mushrooms are most dangerous from toxins, as well as chemical elements: yellow phosphorus, mercury.
  • Liver hypoperfusion (insufficient blood supply) as a result of cardiovascular diseases, hypoxia.
  • Other diseases I. traumatic lesions Liver.
  • Eating for a long time spoiled or cheap feed.

Sleep or not

If the pet has a waterfront in the abdominal cavity, then it is necessary to regularly eliminate it. The owner should be understood by humanely to torment the animal or easier to put it to sleep, so as not to cause him extra suffering. Of course, I don't want to part with your beloved dog, but sometimes you have to go on these measures to make the animal to suffer.

If the pet has a dropsy, the therapy is usually only in the extension of the life of the animal. He is introduced to the needle in the belly for pumping fluid. If there is anorexia, then glucose is introduced into the blood and solutions. Maybe, additional treatment With the help of cholifol or essential. In addition, the animal is fed by multivitamins to activate immunity.

When it comes to the most important organs In the body of animals and man, as well as the function they perform, the heart and brain comes to mind immediately. The liver remembers much less frequently. And in vain. This giant iron is a source of constant scientific discoveries and to the end of the not studied mysteries. It is extremely important, and therefore the liver disease in dogs are extremely dangerous, as they directly threaten the lives of your pet.

This body is really unique. The fact is that the regeneration ability of the liver simply amazes: when 70-80% are affected by the disease, it is almost always restored. Alas, but it is not always good: often the animal feels great and does not show any signs of the disease, being, in fact, on the verge of death. Simply put, with diagnosis in the case of liver there are considerable problems. Since the external manifestations of pathologies arise too late, regular customer surveys at the veterinarian acquire a huge role.

Unfortunately, in some cases, to identify one or another disease, you have to resort to biopsy. The procedure is painful, but necessary. Do not worry: as we said, the ability to restore the liver is fantastic, so that the health of your dog threatens.

General symptomatics

To reveal the liver disease in dogs for maximum early stagesYou need to be very attentive. Fix the smallest signs and, with any suspicions of anyone's health with the dog, urgently lead it to the clinic. You may save her life. Here is a common clinical picture, which one way or another manifests itself with any trouble with the liver:

  • Unstable, but recurring digestive disorders: loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation.
  • Progressive depression or lethargy. The dog does not want to play, the walk also comes out with reluctance.
  • In the most difficult cases, the abdominal cavity) occurs. The stomach in the dog's dyed, barely does not drag on the ground.
  • Pale gray cal. The fact is that the color of feces gives the sterkobilin derived from the salts of bile acids. If the bile for some reason is not (not produced, or does not fall into digestive tract), then excrement will be "faded".
  • "Orange urine." Again, with problems with the processing of bile acids in the liver, huge amounts of bilirubin begin to derive from the body by the kidneys. By the way, this process causes strong harm to the entire selection system.
  • . This phenomenon is also directly connected with bile acids. If the liver cannot process them, these substances accumulate in the tissues of the body, painting them into a characteristic yellowish color.
  • Occasionally, problems arise with blood clotting. This is due to the fact that some proteins that are the most important components of this protective mechanism are also synthesized in the liver.
  • Hepatic encephalopathy. Accompanied by severe behavioral anomalies. The dog can fall into someone, becoming aggressive, too affectionate. It is possible to transform into a "vegetable", indifferent to what is happening around.
  • The soreness of the abdominal cavity. It is relatively easy to notice, causing his dog. Patient Animal is immediately strained, sculits; The dog tries to escape as soon as you start ironing her in the stomach.
  • Chronic weight loss. It's simple. The liver processes a huge amount of toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. If this does not happen, the body itself pokes. The inxication process is accompanied by intensive weight loss.

See also: Warts in dogs - causes and 6 ways to eliminate

These are such signs of liver disease in dogs can be observed in the overwhelming majority of cases. And now we will discuss some specific pathologies.

The most characteristic diseases

Infectious hepatitis

As a rule, has a viral nature. Most often, the causative agent is transmitted to an alimentary (together with food) by. The treatment is supporting therapy, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the development of secondary bacterial infections. With all hepatitis, it is necessary to assign the correct diet. Dog gives only low-fat quality chicken, low-fat sub-products, failed and finely rubbed vegetables, prescribe vitamin preparations.

There are also quite a few bacterial infections that affect the liver. In this case, shock doses of antibiotics and hepatoprotectors are prescribed, which level the negative effects of action antibacterial drugs On the liver itself.

Other reasons hepatitis

Blastomicosis, histoplasmosis and coccidomyomycosis are mikozami. These are fungal infections that, among other things, are especially hung on the liver. It is very difficult to tremble, and the diagnosis delivers a lot of problems. Also a greater danger of the organ represents tuberculosis and. As for the first, it is not treated with animals, since the danger of infection of people is great. Leptospirosis won strong antibiotics, polyvalent vaccines are used for prophylaxis.

See also: Treatment of chumki in dogs

Secondary liver diseases

So called pathologies, which, directly to the liver, does not affect in any way, contribute to its defeat. Such, for example, is acute pancreatitis. Pancreas and its ducts are quite closely anatomically associated with the liver, and therefore, in the case of their inflammation, there is always far from the zero chance of hepatitis development. As a rule, for the treatment of pancreatitis, quite powerful antibiotics of a wide range of action are used, and therefore some additional measures for the treatment of the liver are not taken.

Similarly - inflammatory phenomena in the thick and thin intestines. Since the gallbladder ducts are opened in the clearance of these organs, the pathogenic microflora can migrate it into it. With all the ensuing consequences. The diagnosis is based on the general clinical picture, as well as making sowing pathological material to nutrient media.

Very dangerous for the liver ... stagnant, acute and chronic, hypoxia. The fact is that this body is the largest blood depot. If there is no oxygen in this blood itself, this is fraught with mass death of hepatocytes (liver cells). Of course, in this case, anemia or hypoxia should be focused on the treatment of actually. The liver is subsequently regenerated, but the brain fabric is no longer subject to recovery.

All the abdominal cavity injuries are extremely dangerous: they are fraught with liver breaks, the formation of adhesions, other unpleasant and deadly dangerous consequences. Therapy is only urgent surgical intervention. If a simple liver injury is diagnosed (due to fall, a biker), the organ regenerates independently. For the period of treatment, the diet can be recommended, general which we have already spoken above.

Toxic rebirth of the liver

Many medicinal substances, Mineral fertilizers, pesticides, salts of heavy metals and other compounds when entering the body of animals and humans, it is extremely negatively affected by their liver. In particular, all this is fraught with fat rebirth of the organ, when normal hepatocytes, roughly speaking, are replaced by the lard. It leads to a very strong drop in its functionality. The authority can no longer perform its physiological functions. As a rule, such a disease is incurable in recent stages.

The position can be saved in cases where the dog has at least 10-12% of the normal hepatic tissue. Veterinarians remove intoxication, prescribe hepatoprojectors and a healing diet, involving the consumption of a dog of only lungs, well-digestible feeds that do not contain a lot of fat.

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