How to get rid of nervous tick in a child. Nervous tick in children: symptoms, signs, treatment, traditional medicine

It is the opinion that children suffering from teaks lag behind in their studies, several scattered, cannot concentrate their attention to a long time. But it's not always the case. Among those who know what tick is not at all, there are excellent students, and athletes, and professional young dancers. Perhaps they will make history. But now these are children. And the fact that they are subject to ticks, prevents them from living: they are complex and even shame when they start often blinking and lightly pull their shoulders or somehow actually show neurological problems.

informationChildren are facing tick from 2 to 18 years. This is one of the leading neurological diseases of children's age.

General information about ticks

It occurs approximately equally both in girls and boys (11% to 13%). Up to ten years, almost every fifth child is experiencing one or more of the manifestations of teak:

  • raising eyebrows;
  • shuddering;
  • upper the corner of the mouth and others.

Parents of children prone to ticks should be prepared for the fact that the acopeition of the disease arises at a three-year or in the period between the family and ten years. The nature of teaks and the place of origin depends on different factors: the time of year, mood, classes. If the child is particularly passionate about, for example, an interesting game or requiring attention to the exercise, teaks are muffled, but it is worth it in one position, as an aggravation immediately comes.

To distinguish nervous tick In a child from cutting muscles during convulsion caused by other diseases, it is necessary to know that the child can control the manifestations of a neurological problem. For example, if he wants to take a pencil and hold a flat line for a ruler, it will succeed.

importantAnother specific feature of this disease is that it is possible to get rid of it forever and not find treatment. In short, in order to fully deal with the nervous tick, you need to clearly understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Tikov classification in children

Distinguish the following types of teak:

  • vocal (associated with sound accompaniment: groove, etc.);
  • motor (with muscle involving: blink, etc.);
  • generalized (combining several teaks);
  • ritual (associated with actions: jerking UH, etc.)

The specificity of tick is that this disease can very much can manifest itself in different points. For example, the duration of the disease is unpredictable: it may arise for several hours and never happen again, but can stretch for many years. It can be done very slightly, even almost imperceptibly, and sometimes accompanied by such a form at which a person does not have the opportunity to go to people. In different ways to express yourself during the day: it is often rare, then rarely.

Symptoms and reasons

Nervous tick in children, as a rule, is combined with hyperactive behavior and disruption of the concentration of attention accompanied by obsessive behavior, which indicates the symptoms of this disease:

  • "Game" with strands of hair;
  • nail spraying;
  • spinning-spinning of edges of clothing.

informationChildren with ticks most often fell asleep, sleep restlessly, they have discomfort in closed crowded rooms.

A significant role in the diagnosis of Tikov is given by hereditary predisposition. The studies have made it possible to argue that the disease is provoked, if we are talking about heredity, it is easier for boys, and in more early agethan parents.

It should be added that a lot of climate depends on the climate. If the parents are reasonably combining the "whip and gingerbread" method, the problems of a neurological nature will bypass the child. Looks like cases when ticks arose against the background of viral infections or other diseases. For example, problems with vision led to the blinks, respiratory diseases - to cumulatives or duty nose.

The above allows you to call the main causes of nervous tick in children:

  • heredity;
  • improper education;
  • stress;
  • the consequences of other diseases.

Treatment of nervous tick in children

importantWhatever precedes the appearance of ticks, they cannot be left without treatment. Inaction can lead to complications, aggravate problems.

  • First you need find out the cause of the occurrence And, if possible, try to eliminate it.
  • The next step will effectively connect psychotherapy. Even in prosperous families, consultations of psychologists and psychiatrists will not be superfluous, at least they will help to change the attitude towards ticks: they are, you need to fight with them, but they cannot be looped.
  • Very by the way in the overall treatment complex will psychological correctionwhich can be viewed as very importantly from nervous tick. Psychological correction can be carried out both individually and in the group:
    • With an individual approach The attention is developing, memory, you can help the child to cope with internal anxiety and at the same time raise self-esteem. Effective techniques are role-playing, conversations, drawings.
    • Classes in the group Allow the child to feel more confident, because he sees: this is not only his problem, there are other people who understand it very well. Communicating with them, playing the conflict situations under the control of a specialist, children learn to find the right solutions, as if "rehearsed" some kind of life situation that can meet in life, and in response to her already there is a "home blank". This allows you to reduce the likelihood of tick exacerbation.

Medical therapy

If the methods mentioned above are exhausted, but there are no desired results, then you need to connect medications.

informationNervous tick in children requires an integrated approach to eliminate the problem, and drug therapy should continue half a year after the complete disappearance of Tikov.

At the same time can be applied:

  • antidepressants ("Phoenibut", "Zoloft", "Paxilla", etc.);
  • reduce explicitly pronounced motor manifestations will help Tiapridal, Teralen and similar drugs;
  • nootropic or vascular drugs that will improve brain metabolic processes;
  • will not be superfluous vitamins.

Help the child to cope with the problem should a neurologist who, having studied the clinical picture, will appoint proper treatment Medicinal preparations.

  • If the disease declared from 3 to 6 years, usually observation of it and treatment requires a long time - up to a puberty period.
  • Interval of origin 6-8 years old Call "favorable" to combat ticks - they pass without returning.
  • Especially vigilant should be parents who noticed neurological problems with their child up to 3 years.

    dangerousThis may be an alarming signal of severe diseases, such as: schizophrenia, autism, brain tumors and other, less common states. The child needs to be seriously examined to eliminate the named diagnoses.

Doctors repeatedly emphasize that they can raise parents to raise a healthy child if the parents themselves want it. The question of nervous ticks as it is impossible to confirm this idea again and again. Stable balanced psychological climate in the family - prevention of neurological disorders in children.

The incomparated psyche of the child turns out to be very vulnerable in the reaction on various types of stress. It can be a permanent quarrel between parents, and their frequent bans to the freedom of action of the kid who will educate the insecure man and the inadequate reaction of the elders on the crumbling of crumbs and the like.

If there is no natural predisposition in your family, then you are able to prevent nervous tick, which will cause complications in a child later. Take care of your baby's psyche, do not provoke the development of fears, do not scare anything, do not give to phobiam, do not give a mentally unhealthy person. And the nerve tick is only an external manifestation of these reasons.

Each mommy dreams that her little miracle grew a strong and healthy child. Alas, no matter how hard she tried, sooner or later the kid is ill. If many are ready for viral infections and various acities for viral infections, then the child's nervous tick can scare even the most experienced parents. To provide timely help, avoid complications and just save our own nerves, it is enough to know the basic information about the disease: symptoms, causes, varieties and treatment.

Nervous tick may arise not only in an adult, but also at the kid - parents must pay special attention to the symptom such nervous tick and how to distinguish it from other similar disorders?

Nervous Tick can be described as a sudden and involuntary short-term movement of the face or limbs caused by muscle contraction. In certain cases, accompanied by sounds. Externally, you can observe the child:

  • blinking;
  • twitching the corners of the mouth or cheek;
  • shuddering and shrugs;
  • raising eyebrows;
  • pumping heads and more.

Teaks may appear in the period from 2 to 18 years, but most often they can be found in the child at the age of 3 and 7-11 years. According to statistics, 20% of children under 10 years have suffered with teak disorder - this is every fifth kid.

It is important to be able to distinguish a nervous tick from convulsive muscle contractions that may accompany another disease. These features include:

  1. The ability of a child to reproduce, partially monitor and temporarily suppress ticks.
  2. The dependence of the frequency of teaks from the mood, the activities of the kid, the time of year and even the time of day.
  3. No ticks with arbitrary movements (drink from a cup, food spoon and other).
  4. Localization change. For example, twitching the corners of the mouth can go to shrugging or blinking. It is necessary to understand: most likely, this is a new attack of an old disease, and not another disease.

When a child is concentrated and is very fascinated by an interesting occupation, nervous ticks can relax, and sometimes completely stop. After the end of the game, drawing, reading or other activities, the symptoms are returned with a new force. Also strengthen the manifestation of Tikov can long stay a child in the same position.

In children exposed to this disorder, violation of attention and perception is noticeably expressed. Their movements cease to be smooth and coordinated, it is possible to note the difficulty in performing familiar motor acts. In particularly severe cases, the child may suffer from a violation of spatial perception.

When a child draws or engaged in other interesting things for him, tick is often temporarily retreated by nervous ticks

First, ticks are two species:

  • simple;
  • sophisticated.

The first type includes teaks that affect only one specific muscle group: eyes or head, arms or feet. Combined ticks are a combined contraction of the muscles at once of several different groups.

Secondly, teaks are divided, pushing out of their external manifestation:

  • motor;
  • vocal;
  • rituals;
  • generalized forms.

The first type believes: blinking, shrug shrugs, throwing the head, twitching the corners of the mouth or cheeks and other involuntary movements of the body. Vocal ticks received their name as a result of their sound accompanying - a nose, snap-off or shame. Constantly repeating actions - walking forward-back or in a circle, belong to the so-called rituals. With the last form of Tikov, a child appears several of their options.

The classic path of symptoms are described in the special literature: first blinking, then the shrinkage, the flipping, then - the movements of the shoulders and the complex repetitive movements of the hands and legs, plus speech stereotypes, arising several years after the disease ("say no" - "No, no, no, no "). However, in practice, such a picture is rare. So, if the occurrence of teak coincided with a cold, then during this period over-use of the nasopharynx will lead to a cough or shrimp, and the flashing will join later. In this case, one symptom can be transformed into another, single signs are replaced by their combinations. In the absence of qualified assistance and tightening treatment, a severe form of ticose disorder can develop - the syndrome de la turrette - a combination of voice and multiple motor disorders, plus hyperactivity with a deficit of attention and obsessive fears.

FROM medical point The following forms of nerve ticks are distinguished:

  • transient, in other words turning;
  • chronic.

In the first case, the child appears complex or simple varieties of teaks, which are repeated every day for a month, but no longer than a year. Control the baby such mannered and fast repetitive movements are very difficult. Chronic disorder form can last for more than a year with almost daily, but not simultaneous repetition different species nervous ticks.

Causes of the disease

Before you begin to treat the disorder from the baby, it is necessary to find out its cause. Such can be:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. The likelihood of disorder in children increases in that family, where some of the close relatives suffers from such a disease.
  2. The behavior of parents and the atmosphere in the family. Of course, genetics and the environment occupy no last place in the formation of the child's personality, the features of his character and the ability to adequately respond to external stimuli, but the family and its inner state plays a paramount role in this. A pronounced violation in the ratio of verbal and non-verbal communication of parents with children and among themselves provokes unnatural behavior and anomalies in the nature of the child. Permanent prohibitions and comments, hard control and voltage, endless cries can lead to the deterrence of physiological activity, which, in turn, is able to pour into one of the forms of nerve ticks in the future. A similar final may end and the situation with permissiveness and consignment can be completed, so that children need to find a golden middle, which is individual for each child, depending on its temperament and personal qualities.

The causes of the occurrence of Tikov refute the common myth that only the restless and freeware children are subject to this nervous disorder, because at a certain period of their life, absolutely all children are nervous, capricious and uncontrollable.

Tiki-provoking factors

What exactly can be the impetus for the appearance of ticks? The answer is obvious - psychological stress caused by the inability of the child to independently cope with the problem or difficult for him.

Quarrels or stretched relationships between parents are acutely felt, even if he does not see confirmation with his guess. This can be one of the reasons for a tickle state.

For parents, the situation can remain everyday and they are completely able to not notice that their child received psychological trauma. As a result, the baby begins to demand more attention, does not want to stay and play alone, then Mimic is changing, unconscious movements and gestures begin to appear, which are especially noticeable when the kid is emotionally excited or worried. It is they who subsequently turn into nervous ticks. Also suffered heavy long-term LOR diseases, as an angina, ARVI or eye-related diseases may also cause ticks.

Diagnosis of disease

Bringing treatment is directly after the doctor's diagnosis. This will require an inspection of a neurologist and a mandatory examination of the mental and emotional state Little patient. The latter will help learn the reasons and factors that caused the appearance of teaks, find out their nature and adjust the future treatment.

Sometimes for the diagnosis, additional measures may be required: a psychiatrist consultation, magnetic resonance tomography, electroencephalography. The appointment on them should give exclusively the doctor.

Stages of treatment

To begin with, the influence of factors that cause ticks should be eliminated. At the same time, it is important to comply with sleep and nutrition modes, ensure that the toddler's physical exertion is adequate. There are several stages of treating such a nervous disorder:

  1. Family psychotherapy. First of all, it is necessary for families in which the internal constituent situation directly affects the psychological state of the child. It is no means that this practice will be for families in which the child grows in a favorable and harmonious atmosphere - it will only benefit in relationships in a family circle and will prevent possible errors in the future.
  2. Correction with a psychologist. On the individual occupationsUsing a variety of psychological techniques, the child helps to cope with an internal feeling of anxiety and discomfort, lift self-esteem. With the help of conversations and games stimulate the development of lagging spheres of mental activity: memory, self-control, attention. In group classes there are children with such diseases or violations, and the main idea of \u200b\u200bclasses is to create conflict situations in the game form. Thus, the child learns to behave in conflicts, look for possible solutions and draw conclusions. Additionally, the scope of communication and communications with others is developing.
  3. Medical treatment. To resort to the last method of treatment is only if all the previous ones did not have a proper effect. Appoints medicinal drugs Children's neurologist based on data from all surveys.

Seriously worry in the case of this disease it is worth the symptoms before the three-year age - this may indicate the presence of another mental illness. If ticks appear later, then you should not panic ahead of time, as Dr. Komarovsky is recommended. Tiki, which emerged at the age of 3-6 years, are reduced over time, and those that appeared in 6-8 years can be finally cured without consequences.

Often parents, especially young, can not understand that in the behavior of children is a symptom of violation, and what is considered the norm, and this is not only scarying, but also causes a lot of concern. If a child suddenly begins to lick her lips or blink, many parents start panic, but in fact, the nervous tick in children is enough frame problemHowever, it is impossible to leave it without attention.

What is nervous tick and how it externally manifests itself in children

Nervous tick is an involuntary spasm of muscles, in which they make the movement of a neurotic, but stereotypical nature. Such spasmodic movements are often manifested in stressful situations and may increase at the same time.. As a rule, children allocate several types of such a state that differ in the severity of the flow, as well as the need for therapy.

Among the types of ticks allocate 2: primary and secondary, while primary can be:

  • Chronic motor nature;
  • Transient;
  • Tickies arising from the syndrome of the housing de la turrette.

Transient ticks

They occur under the influence of pulses of the central nervous system of electrochemical nature and are muscle spasms. Most often, such ticks arise on face, in the eye area, on hand, torso or neck. Tiki is distinguished by temporary character and do not pose health hazards. This state can continue for about a year, while ticks are manifested periodically without forested symptoms, but in most cases the problem completely disappears in a few weeks.

Externally ticks of transient type manifest:

  • Private grimacing.
  • Permanent loss of lips, as well as prolonged language from the mouth.
  • Frequent shaking.
  • Blinking through the eyes and frequent blink, twitching the external corners of the eyes.

Such manifestations are considered motor and simple. In rare cases, complex signs may be observed, for example, involuntary feeling of objects, as well as constant discarding (stroking the head of his forehead to the back of the head) of the hair.

The main properties of transient ticks in children can be called:

  • Lack of a certain rhythm.
  • Small duration of spasms.
  • Their spontaneity or manifestation in stressful situations.
  • The high frequency of spasms, as a rule, they go for each other.
  • The change in the intensity and nature of muscle movements, which usually occurs with age.

Children are able to suppress such manifestations, but for a short time.

Chronic ticks

This category includes teaks whose manifestations are preserved for longer than a year, but they are rare enough, especially in children. Gradually, such manifestations can weaken, become more smoothedBut often stored for life, intensifying in stress.

Some scientists call chronic ticks with a light form of a disease, called turret Tourette syndrome, but they are most often highlighted in a separate special group.

As a rule, the first manifestations of turret syndrome are observed in children of age up to 15 yearsAt the same time, ticks can be not only motor, but also voice, manifested peculiar vocal phenomena in the form of a grunt or gavkanya, meowukanya and other sounds against the backdrop of juggling. Motor phenomena can appear in the form of drops, jumps, jumps on one leg, imitating any movements.

The disease has hereditary etiology and the boys meet once in 5 more often than girls.

The manifestations of secondary ticks are usually associated with a violation of the work of certain organs. In this case, muscle twitching eyes and face are observed in the presence of encephalitis, meningitis, schizophrenia, autism, as well as Huntington's disease. At the same time, external signs are often similar to the manifestations of the primary category, but this is added to this. various symptoms The main disease.

Causes of nervous tick in children

As a rule, a starting factor in the appearance of ticks in children becomes a stressful situation associated with changes in life, in the very form of existence. For example, when moving, changing the usual composition of the family (with the appearance of younger children in the family, the divorce of parents, the appearance of a stepmother or stepfather), when changing the usual conditions.

The reason for the appearance of a nervous tick can be even the first trip to the kindergarten or the transition from the garden to school.

At the same time, if parents in childhood have such manifestations (or preserved in adulthood), then in children the risk of nervous tick increases significantly. Starting to the disease can only serve as anything, including the uncontrolled TV view, as well as permanent games on the computer.

Often, doctors forget about that the reason for the appearance of tick is many diseases of themselves, not a hereditary or psychological factor. For example, dust falls into the eye of the baby or falls the eyelashes, which causes discomfort, pain and irritation of the mucous membrane, as well as the natural desire to lose eye. At the same time, the baby begins to blink hard, and if the situation is repeated often, then the usual spasmodic movement is also formed.

In the future, when the foreign bodies are removed, muscle contractions may continue for a long time. Some diseases lead to this, so if any eye twisters, it is important to apply primarily to an ophthalmologist.

Epilepsy attacks are accompanied by convulsionsAt the same time, the motor activity of all body muscles is changing under the action of signals from the brain. Epileptic seizures and bursts may have a different degree of severity, and various situations may result in their occurrence, in particular, stress, some diseases, the state of choking, caused, for example, a strong stuffing around, as well as an increase in body temperature, including The cause of heat.

Chorea is an uncontrolled stereotypical movement of any part of the bodyarising from different situations, for example, in charge of carbon monoxide or any medicaments, as well as in the presence of nerve diseases of a hereditary nature, in case of injury and certain types of infections. Such movements are involuntary and impossible to control them.

Medical diagnosis

If nervous ticks are not related to eye disease, a neuropathologist will be involved in their diagnosis, as a further treatment, in this case. To the doctor should be treated immediately if:

  • Tick \u200b\u200bin the child is distinguished by strong severity.
  • TIK is multiple.
  • The condition causes serious physical inconvenience to the kid.
  • The state provokes difficulties in the social adaptation of the baby.
  • Tik is observed longer than one year.

At the reception, the doctor may set a few questions to clarify the situation and clarify the entire status picture. For example, when Tick manifested itself for the first time, in what situation it happened, about the existing history, about possible heredity. As diagnostic measures, the doctor may not be evaluated not only general status Child, but also its motor activity, as well as sensitive functions and reflexes.

As additional research is often appointed general studies blood, analysis on helminths, ionograms, as well as electroencephalography and MRI (magnetic resonance tomography).

In some cases, additional consultations of other specialists may also be required, in particular: infectiousnessist, genetics, psychotherapist, oncologist, toxicologist.

What to do if the child has nervous tick

If the tick appeared delivers a child to the child's emotional or physical plan, you should help him use several simple techniques to quickly eliminate the muscular spasm.

It is important to distract the baby from the problem. This method is very effective and allows you to eliminate tick for a while. You can involve a child in the game or come up with any interesting lesson, but cannot be distracted by a cartoon or computer game.

Any interesting occupation creates in the brain the zone of special activity, emitting special impulses, thanks to which the nervous tick disappears quickly. But, unfortunately, such a measure gives only a temporary result, and when the occupation is completed, Tik can very quickly begin again.

To quickly eliminate nervous tick, follows:

  1. Press a little on the Abrasion Arc area with a large or index finger, approximately in the middle. In this place is the nerve that controls the upper centuries. The finger should be delayed for about 10 seconds.
  2. Then, with the same force, it is necessary to press the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes of the eye, it is best to hold at the same time within 10 seconds.
  3. After that, the baby should be asked to slightly clog the eyes for about 5 seconds, and the eyelids should be most tense. After a minute rest, the clogging should be repeated twice.

Such events allow you to quickly remove the muscle tension, but the effect will be temporary and can last from a few minutes to 2 to 3 hours.

Treatment of nervous tick in a child

Usually, most of The nervous ticks of the primary group passes independently after a certain time, while not in particular influence on the state of health of the crumbs and without creating serious problems. But if the severity of Tikov is strong if they cause discomfort and influence the condition and life of the baby, it is important to carry out treatment, and it should be reached as early as possible.

Treatment can be carried out by 3 methods:

  • Methods ne. medical therapy.
  • With the help of medicines and medical procedures.
  • Methods of traditional medicine.

The priority direction of therapy is always considered a non-drug approach, which is used independently to eliminate the primary type of ticks, as well as in the composition complex therapy In the treatment of teaks of the secondary category.

Directions of non-drug therapy in this case may be different:

  • Individually conducted psychotherapySince most of the ticks are manifested precisely as a result of stressful situations.
  • Family ChangeCreation favorable conditions For crumbs. Parents should understand that the manifestation of nervous tick is not a whim or pampiness. This is a disease that requires appropriate treatment, so it is impossible to scold it for it and require control of it. It will not be able to cope with this to yourself.
  • Changes in parents' behaviorIf necessary. It is important that relatives do not try to focus on the existing problem, and belonged to the baby, as an ordinary healthy and completely normal child. It is important to protect the crumb from various stresses, to ensure a relaxed atmosphere, to support it and consult a doctor in a timely manner if the need for it.

The mode of the day is of great importance, or rather, its correct organization. It is important that the child is fully rested, especially at night. Time during the day should be properly distributed. You should wake up a child no later than 7 hours, while putting it to sleep no later than 21-00.

After waking up, you need to charge and spend the morning water treatments, then be sure to eat nutritious and useful breakfast And go to school (kindergarten). Returning home, do not hurry, it is better to go a walking step to stay in the air about half an hour.

After lunch, the child must relax, and it is better to sleep, about 1.5 hours, then take a walk on the street again about half an hour, eat the afternoon snack and get to perform homework if he visits the school. After that, he must fulfill his duties around the house, dinner, half an hour walk, relax and start prepare for sleep.

Full sleep is an important point, since during this period all systems are restored, including nervous. If sleep mode is broken, if the child is constantly inappropriate, it causes excessive nervous voltage and may worsen the situation. On average, children under 14 should sleep about 10 hours, given day rest.

Full nutrition also has a particular importance to the health of the child. The baby should be ensured with useful and natural food, from which it will receive every day to receive all the necessary elements. It is important to enrich the ration with products containing a large amount of calcium, since the insufficient volume of this element contributes to the strengthening of muscle spasms.

To medication treatment It applies to the use of certain drugs, mainly the sedative category, as well as antipsychotic drugs. But, in addition, medications that improve the activity of the brain are used, its metabolic processes and blood circulation. It is important that drugs are light, not seriously action, and the doses of these funds are minimal.

Most often, in the treatment of nerve ticks, new-passite, cinnarizin, thiuridazine (sonopax), phenibut, calcium gluconate (or glycelophosphate), haloperidol, diazepam (which can be replaced with relagnium, sybazone or schuksane) are prescribed.

Treatment of nervous ticks in children by folk remedies

Of course, to treat children it is best to use folk remedieswho have a favorable influence on the nervous system of kids. The use of sedative herbal fees, eyelids and braveraging of herbs helps reduce the intensity of nervous ticks to a large extent.

Most often apply:

  • Infusion of dyeing. For its preparation, dry crushed raw materials should be taken (2 tbsp. L.), Pour it with a glass of boiling water and insist about 2 hours to complete cooling. Finished infusion thoroughly strain and remove into a dark cool place outside the refrigerator. You need to give such infusion three times a day for half an hour before meals.. Children up to 14 years old dosage is 1 teaspoon for reception, those who are over 14 years old, it is necessary to give a means of a dessert spoon.
  • Infusion of the root of Valerians. Crumpled raw materials (1 tbsp.) Pour the glass of boiling water and warm up in a water bath for 15 minutes in a closed container. Instruct to fully cool (about 2 hours), strain and store outside the refrigerator, but in a cool and dark place. I need to give infusion 4 times a day half an hour before meals, as well as before going to bed 1 teaspoon. But you should not take this infusion longer than 6 weeks.
  • Infusion of Haradshnika. Dry crushed berries (1 art. L.) Pour the glass of boiling water, insist within 2 hours, strain. Giving a child on a tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before meals.
  • Camomile tea. Dry flowers (1 Art. L.) Pour a glass of steep boiling water, insist about 3 hours, strain. Giving a child by ΒΌ part of a glass for half an hour before eating three times a day.

Nervous Tick Face and Eye

Most often, according to statistics, in children of different ages Tick \u200b\u200bis found in the area of \u200b\u200beyes and face. In most cases, for any certain reason, TIC is manifested in children of various ages, ranging from 2 years to the moment of growing up.

On average, the first manifestation of teak is celebrated between 6 and 7 years, which is associated with the change of the situation and the child's usual life, with his entry to school, to a new children's team, to the society of other people and unfamiliar people (teachers and classmates).

In the preschool period, the tick of the face and the eye is much less common than in the group of younger students, mainly from excessively emotional kids. Practically in 96% of cases for the first time, TIC arises up to 11 yearsAt the same time, an externally, the problem is manifested by twitching the facial muscles or very frequent blinking.

The intensity of manifestations is different. The peak of the disease, as a rule, occurs in the period 10 - 11 years, after which the intensity of manifestations (with a benign illness) is reduced, and gradually the manifestations disappear. In some cases, the child may need treatment.

Prevention of nervous tick repetition

The emergence of such a violation of the child is impossible to predict. Today, among children, this violation is common enough, because the situation itself modern life Creates a lot of stressful situations and nervous overvoltage, especially in children living in large cities.

This is due to the fact that in children the nervous system has not yet sufficient maturity and cannot function in full, therefore the risk of the appearance of Tikov in childhood is very large, especially in cases where they have genetic predisposition. But today this problem is healing.

It is important after therapy to prevent the disease repetition, for which it is necessary:

  • Ensure that a normal psychological situation is maintained in the family.
  • Educating in the baby stress resistance, not to be corrected from him when problems arise, but, on the contrary, discuss them with him, together to seek the decision so that the child gets used to adulthood and perceived difficult situations correctly.
  • Provide a child a normal sufficient sleep and a full healthy nutrition.
  • To ensure that he makes every day a walk with a total of at least an hour per day.
  • Engage with baby meditation or yoga.
  • To air accommodation, especially the child's room (must be done before bedtime).
  • To protect the baby from everything that can provoke the re-occurrence of ticks.

Any short-term involuntarily performed movement arising from the reduction of one or several muscles on the erroneous brain team is called hypercines. If an inappropriate movement becomes a rapid, repeated, this phenomenon is called tick.

At the same time, not only the muscular apparatus can be addressed, but also vocal. Along with the movements, it may be combining, uttering any sounds, etc. Man understands that the data of manifestations are inappropriate, but they cannot cope with them. Unfortunately, this problem It occurs increasingly and more often and manifests itself on average every fourth child under the age of 10 years.

Among the neurological diseases at child age, it takes one of the leading places. Next, we suggest to find out what it is - a nervous tick in the child, what are the causes of the twitching eyes, khekhan and cading, movements of shoulders and other symptoms, how to get rid of it, how to treat primers and what is the treatment of older children.

Causes of development depending on age

The mechanism of the occurrence of Tikov is complicated and on many issues is finally not defined. All researchers agree that not only genetic, but also psychological factors are involved here.And also assumes possible organic brain damage in the perinatal period.

To appear nervous tick, you need a coincidence of at least three factors:

  • The predisposition is often called heredity. Often, when ticking is found that the father or grandfather had the same problem, and the mother or grandmother suffered from neurosis of obsessive states.
  • Incorrect education. Increased control and uncompromising parents, a shortage of communication, intra-day conflicts and a formal attitude towards a child contributes to the creation of a problem.
  • A strong stress to which a severe viral disease or surgery can be attributed.

Usually initially the child has an increased anxiety, which leads to chronic stress.

We also give frequent small stresses, as a result of which the Baby's brain goes into a permanent expectation of any danger and does not rest even in a dream.

The mechanisms adapting to stress are gradually depleted, and if initially the baby had a predisposition to the insufficiency of brain inhibition of pathological reactions, the traumatic factor can cause the beginning of teak.

In the infants immediately after birth, a tremor may occur, in which physiological twisting of legs and / or pens arise, lower jawlips. The reason for the beginning of the tremor becomes anything: colic, crying, bathing, dressing, hunger. All these manifestations usually disappear for the first three months of life.

It should be worried when the head begins to twitch everything else. This is already pathology, which over time is usually enhanced. The tremor may occur on any part of the body and as the baby is growing up and more intensively and longer.

Often the inexperienced parents of infants are frightened, seeing almost in every movement deviation, and begin to beat the alarm. As a rule, it turns out that there are no pathologies behind all this, the baby will grow. For your own calm, it is enough to consult a pediatrician.

Main species, signs, description

You can classify ticks in several indicators:

  • by etiology - hereditary, primary (psychogenic, nervous), secondary (symptomatic, which are a consequence of any disease);
  • in length Select transient and chronic;
  • by complexity - consisting of elementary movements (simple) and consisting of complex movements (complex);
  • on the involvement of muscular groups - nervous ticks of limbs, mimic (the muscles of the child in the child) are involved), vocal (voice muscles are involved);
  • according to prevalence - involving several muscle groups (generalized) and involving one muscle group (localized);
  • by manifestation - Motor (expressed motion, here include tick limbs and mimic) and vocal (sound).

The method of manifestation of teak is an obvious characteristic that is not even a non-specialist. As an example, several common types of nervous tick in children can be given:

Such manifestations occurring once may gradually disappear themselves. But if the child does not find support in the environment, all this turns into a pathological habit and gradually transforms into TIK. Often it happens after severe viral diseases.

The exacerbations of the problems begin in autumn and in winter, which is associated with an increasing mental load during school education. In summer, remission often comes (attenuation of symptoms).

Complex manifestations

Some muscle groups are involved in the complex TIC: abdomen, back, limbs, neck, mimic, voice. Most children have nervous ticks begin with blissful eyes, the shoulders establish, the establishment of the head, turns the head, the movement of the limbs, which prevents the child to perform written buildings in training.

This may be accompanied by Koprolalia (by the pronunciation of curses), Echolalia (repetition of individual words), or quickly unintelligible speech (paralillary), most often in this case repeats the last word in the spoken offer.

The clinical picture is complicated usually from top to bottom: first the muscles of the face are involved in the process, then the problem is capturing the shoulders and arms, later the torso and legs are connected to uncontrollable movements.

The most severe form is Turache syndrome, described in the XIX century as a disease of multiple ticks.

In the clinical picture, the neurosis of obsessive state are presented together against the background of attention deficit, voice and motor ticks.

This disease occurs with a frequency of one case per 1 thousand boys or 10 thousand girls. The first time the problem appears at the age of 3-7 years twitching shoulders and local facial tics.

One kind of ticks is replaced by another. After a few years, vocal ticks join, but in some cases the disease begins with them, it all depends on the age of the child and the characteristics of the body. Consciousness in the child during ticks is fully preserved, but it cannot control these movements.

The peak of manifestations falls at age 8-11 years. From excess movements may appear muscle pain, for example, in the cervical spine due to frequent and strong turns of the head or because of a sharp thumbnail of the head back, the child can hit the rear-found solid object, which is fraught with injuries.

In the period of exacerbations, children appear a problem with self-service, and they cannot attend school. In 12-15 years, the disease passes into the residual phase - the final, in which the process stopsIn a clinical picture, residual symptoms are observed.

This manifests itself most often with local ticks. If the turrette syndrome was not complicated by the neurosis of an obsessive state, then in the residual phase there may be a complete cess termination.

Watch the video about Turache syndrome in children:

How to save kid from ail

The duration and nature of the course of the disease affects the age in which the disease began to develop:

  • up to 3 years - often this is a symptom of an existing complex disease (brain tumor, schizophrenia, autism, etc.);
  • in the interval from 3 to 6 years - the problem is usually delayed to adolescent age and then begins to gradually decrease;
  • in the interval from 6 to 8 years old - a favorable forecast, the problem will pass without a trace.

The main principle of therapy is an integrated approach and accounting of individual characteristics of the body And the flow of the disease. First, during a conversation with parents, the doctor finds out possible reasons The emergence of the problem, methods of pedagogical adjustment are discussed. Not immediately resorted to medication therapy.

Signs of concussion of the brain in a child - how to determine and what to do in this situation? About everything in detail in a separate article.

Who is interested in the question whether epilepsy in children is treated, what types of disorder are and how to provide first aid in the attack, we recommend going here.

And what if at a temperature of the child, cramps began, you will learn here.

What can be done at home

First of all, the identified provoking factors are eliminated. Often, the severity of ticks is reduced by reducing the requirements for the child. It is necessary to observe the mode of the day, adjust the diet, removing products from it that do not benefit the body (soda, fast food, etc.), to establish adequate physical exertion.

If periodically emerging injuries of intra-family situations are found, family psychotherapy may be needed. Any joint activity (apartment cleaning, cooking, cake baking), on time, affectionate word will help the child to get rid of inner tensions.

The easiest thing is the nervous system soothes by evening walks, swimming, warm baths with lavender essential oils and Melissa.

Watch the video about how a nervous tick is manifested in a child and what are the symptoms and treatment of disorder in children of primary school age:

What will the doctor help

The diagnosis is set by a neurologist after inspecting the child. It will be fine if parents will prepare the shooting of the problem at home, because during communication with the doctor a picture can be "lubricated".

The child should also inspect the psychologist and evaluate its emotional features, the degree of care, the ability to memorize and the ability to control impulsive behavior.

Consultation of psychiatrist, magnetic resonance imaging or electroencephalogram. The doctor may advise the course of psychological correction individually or in group classes.

Specially trained specialists will help you adjust the emergence of the emotional or mental sphere, using games, conversations or drawing to work on the self-esteem of the baby.

Teen in the group will be able to beat possible conflict situations with peers And, whether to choose in advance, to choose the best behavior, which will increase the chance to avoid exacerbation of teak.

Drug treatment is resorted only when the previous capabilities of therapy exhausted themselves, without giving tangible results.

Preparations are prescribed by a neurologist, self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

After a complete disappearance of teak, the reception of drugs continues at least half a year, then the dose gradually decreases until complete cancellation.

What medications are prescribed

Neuroleptics, which have an anesthetic, anticonvulsant complex, can be assigned., antihistamine, sedative, antipsychotic effects: fluufenazine, haloperidol, pimozide, thiaprid, risperidone.

It is often auxiliary tools to the main rate: to maintain overall well-being (vitamins), vascular preparations and nootropics that improve metabolic processes in the brain.

If the neurosis of obsessive states is also present, then antidepressants are added to treatment Fluoxetine (Prose), Clomipramine (Clofranil, Calm, Anafranil).

When choosing a drug for a child, the convenience of titration (dosing) means should be taken into account. The most comfortable are drops (risperidone, haloperidol) - with a liquid form it is convenient to measure the necessary supporting volume, avoiding unjustified overdose. This is very relevant when appointing long courses.

Folk remedies

As an easily accessible tool, the easiest to use the dying tincture, giving it a child before bedtime. Or you can buy a few herbs and make fees yourself.:

  • The grass of dryers, thyme, the roots of Valerian and chicory, the leaves of the heather to grind and mix, adding to 1 pieces of chicory 2 parts of the other components. A tablespoon of a mixture of brewing like tea in a glass of boiling water about half an hour, a child to give three times a day from 50 to 150 ml, depending on age. Such infusion quickly removes the tension and soothes.
  • To 3 parts of the pharmacy chamomile, add 1 part of the Valerian root and 2 pieces of mint and melt. Brewing in the same dosage as in the previous recipe, take in the morning to eating and before bedtime from 50 to 150 ml, depending on age.

Massage and exercise

With nervous ticks, the massage has proven itself in the best possible way effective tool. But it should be understood that the features of the procedure depend on the type of disorder. The essence of all manipulations lies in the relaxation of the necessary part of the body.. Light stroking, rubbing, kneading are performed.

A sharp strong effects are not allowed, tonic muscles, the goal of all movements is relaxation. To improve the blood supply to the brain massifice the collar zone.

Improving blood circulation in the brain contributes to improving the state of the whole nervous system.

Beautifully relieves muscle tension and underwater massive shower. Usually prescribed a course of 10 sessions, it is completely necessary to pass, even if the well-being improves before. Great help exercises, in particular, breathing exercises Strelnoye.

Effective will be therapeutic stretch with burden. With the help of a complex of the complex, it is possible to change the muscle tone and form the proper work of the brain. Due to biological feedback between muscles and brain neurons, it is possible to change the available behavioral programs.

Alternation of stretching and relaxation has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

The loads should be directed not to the elasticity of one muscle, but on the body completely, emphasizing the vertebral pole, as well as joints shoulder and hip.

Features of treating breasts

Breasts with pathological tremor Massage are assigned to be assigned to avoid such severe consequences as hyperglycemia, pathological changes in intracranial pressure, hypocalcemia, brain hemorrhage, and so on. Children's healing massage with nervous tick in a child under a year can be applied from 1.5 months of ageMuscle spasms are removed with it, the nervous system is stabilized.

It is preferable for a massage course to contact a specialist or at least go through it several initial sessions in order to continue to carry out the house massage on their own.

Movements are used simple (stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration)But it should be learn to perform them correctly and see what areas on the body infants should be avoided (lymph nodes, heart, liver and spine).

For infants up to 3 months, the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes, for the kids older time can be increased, but the duration of the session should not exceed 20 minutes.

The main criterion during the massage is the behavior of a child if he behaves restlessly or capricious, the procedure is stopped.

Prevention not only ticks, but also any psycho-emotional problems is a friendly, calm situation in a family, balanced nutrition in which limited all nervous system products and drinks (coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa).

Conducting time at a computer and the TV should be limited to half an hour per day, and dedicate all my free time to exercise sports, needlework, walks.

The psychological aspect is very important, it needs to be remembered to all parents, therefore it follows at each other case:

  • listen to the opinion of the kid;
  • avoid unbearable tasks
  • praise a child if deserved;
  • a vulnerable child to send to the classroom to a psychologist.

You need to be patient to the child and engage in its upbringing, and not to start development on samonek. The state of physical and mental health of the child largely depends on the relationships of relations with peers in children's garden And the school, from the fulfillment by the parents of their duties, from their attitude towards himself and to each other.

In a comfortable microclimate, the self-assessment of each increases, which eliminates the appearance of neuroses and them of similar states that can lead to the formation of a nervous tick.

If it happened that Tick still began, should not be expected in the hope that it would pass by himself, but should immediately contact a specialist.

What if you notice the manifestations of a nervous tick in a child, and how to cure a disease, you will learn from this video:

Nervous ticks are intrusive, involuntary and repeating muscle contractions, which may be disorderly, or imitate targeted movements and vocalisms. This disease occurs for various reasons, but always has neurological nature.

The first symptoms usually arise in children's or adolescence. This disease is diagnosed in 6-10% of children aged 6-7 years. The most frequent manifestations of the disease are blinking, shaking and surname nose. Boys are subject to ticks more often than girls.

The reasons

Most often, this pathological condition is manifested by a child in crisis periods of life (in 5-7 and 10-11 years). It often occurs as a result of sharp emotional experiences, sometimes a consequence of the damage to the CNS or a lack of magnesium in the body. Tik facial muscles can be triggered by the focus of inflammation on the face.

Main reasons:

  1. Psychogenic. Such a nervous tick arises in children in five to seven years, at this age they are most emotionally vulnerable. Psycho-emotional injury (family quarrels, dislike parents, a sense of loneliness, increased demands for the child) often becomes the cause of teak.
  2. Symptomatic. The disease provoke generic injuries, a tumor or ischemia of the brain, transferred viral diseases.
  3. Hereditary. Turater syndrome is manifested in one family, although its manifestations may vary.

Contributing factors:

  1. Disorders of the CNS work. Tiki often suffer hyperactive children, children with a deficit of attention and minimal brain dysfunctions.
  2. Stresses. In cases of nervous shock (the death of relatives, the divorce of parents, etc.), the risk of ticks reaches 80%.
  3. Start school sessions. Neurologists call it "Tech on September 1." He arises from first-graders when they adapt to school.
  4. Influence external factors. For example, conjunctivitis can cause recurring blinking.


Depending on the causes of the occurrence, teaks are divided into:

  • organic;
  • psychogenic;
  • negros-like;
  • reflex;
  • tick-like hypercines;
  • idiopathic.

Depending on the number of muscles involved distinguish:

  • local - one group of muscles is involved;
  • generalized - several muscle groups are involved.

Depending on the number of elements, ticks are:

  • simple - consist of one movement (twitching the eye muscles);
  • complicated - a whole group of coordinated, uncontrolled movements (bouncing) is involved.

By the nature of manifestation:

  • mimic - wink, blink, combustion;
  • motor-cotton with hands, bouncing, pouring, shrug shrugs;
  • vocal - coughing, whipping, shrimp, soup, phrases, words, curses;
  • ritual - walking in a circle, from side side.

By the duration of the flow:

  • temporary - last no more than a year;
  • chronic - regularly appear for several years.

Tick \u200b\u200beyes in children

Usually the cause of the occurrence of the disease remains unexplained.

Before contacting the neuropathologist and psychotherapist, parents can independently provide all the assistance:

  1. Soothing herbal tinctures with plantain, mint, nettle.
  2. Vitamin complexes containing magnesium and calcium.
  3. The usual cold compress that is put on the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Review the diet of the child:
  • add: Nuts, soy, bran, watermelon, blueberries, black currant, dairy products, fish and greens;
  • exclude: coffee, strong tea, chocolate, carbonated drinks.

Distinguish between a simple and complex teak eye:

  1. With simple - the reflex movement of the eye muscle takes place once.
  2. In case of complex - the eyes there is a double or long-lasting cut in the muscles, accompanied by additional movements.

Features of the disease in adolescents

The peak of manifestations of nerve ticks falls for 10-12 years, then symptoms becomes less pronounced. In adolescents, these symptoms often arise against the background of unrecognized depression and increased anxiety. Therefore, it is very important to find out the reason, and if possible to eliminate it.

Tiki in adolescents most often arise on the background:

  • puberty;
  • psychotrauming situation;
  • violations of the emotional-volitional sphere;
  • conflicting parenting and despotism of parents;
  • high school burden (in private schools and gymnasiums).
  • increased anxiety.


Symptoms of the disease are not manifested immediately, sometimes the child can not be aware of them. Usually on strange behavior pay attention to others. Then, the sick itself begins to feel the onset of an attack, it can briefly suppress it with the effort of will.

Tiki often begin with an increasing feeling of tension, from which you want to get rid of. This feeling is enhanced if the child is trying to hold back. After temporary relief occurs.

The severity of the pathological state depends on many factors, such as the time of year, time of day, psycho-emotional state of the child. Bright emotions (anger, joy) increase the frequency of attacks. And at the concentration of attention and during sleep, they can completely disappear.


The diagnosis puts a neurologist, excluding the disorders of the psyche and the defeat of the brain. Sometimes vocal teaks take for loose behavior, so the doctor's diagnosis is very important.

Parents may observe such features of the disease:

  1. If the child strongly tries, the weak tick can be stopped by a strong-willed force.
  2. Nervous ticks in children can migrate by changing their localization.
  3. Tiki never anxious child when he sleeps, but they become stronger from excitement.

Psychotherapist can diagnose:

  • reduction of memory and attention;
  • reduced mental performance;
  • motor disorders;
  • depression;
  • evidence.


Treatment depends on the causes of the occurrence, and is carried out only under the supervision of a neuropathologist with the involvement of other specialists.

  1. If the nervous tick is caused by the organic process in the central nervous system, treatment is aimed at the main disease.
  2. Treatment of this state that arose due to stress is aimed at removing the external and internal tension of the child. For this purpose soothing and soothing means, baths and massages are prescribed.
  3. Psychotherapist can help the child with a slight suggestion, and also work with the whole family.
  4. Soft sedatives are used to normalize the impaired emotional background.
  5. Some children helps close communication with horses and dolphins.
  6. Neurosurgical intervention is used only in the greatest cases. However, children are practically prescribed to children.

Temporary ticks are usually manifested in easy form, so they should not be treated. They can gradually or completely pass, or become almost imperceptible.

Prevention and forecast

The forecast of the disease is favorable in 90% of cases. The severity of symptoms will significantly decrease if parents reduce the requirements for the child, will not focus on its disadvantages. Very positively influence regular sports, long-term airwalks, consistent with the neuropathologist the day of the day.

The violent movements, called tics, belong to the variety of hypercines. The nervous tick appeared in a child is able to alarmed many parents. Incoming mimic cuts or twitching hands, legs and shoulders cause real panic at the municipal mothers. Others for a long time do not pay due attention, considering this phenomenon temporary.

In fact, to understand whether the nervous tick in children in itself or requires treatment, it is necessary to know the causes of its occurrence, as well as determine the species. Only on the basis of this can be understood by the need for medical intervention.


Nervous ticks in children depending on the causes of the occurrence are divided into 2 types: primary and secondary. By type of manifestation, they are motor and vocal. With the first type, a variety of people do not appear.

These include normally coordinated, short-term, multiple repetitive actions:

  • extension or flexion of fingers;
  • frowning or lifting eyebrows;
  • grimaciation, nose wrinkling;
  • movement of hands, legs, heads or shoulders;
  • chopping or biting lips;
  • chopping or blinking eyes;
  • expansion of the nostril or twitching shoes.

The most common is various mimic ticks, especially movement through the eyes. Motor hypercines of large parts of the body arise significantly less often, although noticeable immediately, as well as vivid voice actions. Incoming low-rise vocal manifestations for a long time remain unnoticed. Parents consider them pampering and scold children, without understanding the reason for the inappropriate sounds.

  • snort, hiss;
  • touchpoint, whipping;
  • rhythmic cading;
  • various repetitive sounds.

In addition to fission on the basis of manifestation and primary causes of the occurrence of nervous ticks, two more classifications have:

  1. According to the degree of severity - local, multiple, generalized.
  2. Duration - transient, for a period of up to 1 year, and chronic.

The degree of manifestation and duration is often dependent on the factors of manifestation. The causes of the occurrence are different, and some of them threaten the life of the child.

The reasons

Adults do not always pay due attention to the appearance of teak in a child, relating to its emergence for fatigue or excessive emotionality. This may be fairly in relation to the light of the primary hyperkinesu.

Primary ticks are often caused by insignificant situations at first glance and do not always need medical supervision. The reasons for the appearance of secondary hypercines are very serious and require an urgent reaction.

Primary Tika

Tiki of this type is not related to other diseases and arise due to specific psychological or physiological factors. They directly indicate the disorder of the nervous system and in some cases can be eliminated without specific treatment.


Often parents may notice the appearance of teak in a child in 3 years. With a high probability, its appearance at this age indicates the primacy of the disease. Children are experiencing a psychological crisis of independence called "I myself!", Rendering a load on the psyche. It is the age crises that children are often provocatives of teaks.

Parents note! The maximum frequent appearance of Tika in a child is 7-8 years old falls on September 1. New responsibilities and acquaintances are able to overload the rapid psyche of first-graders, causing subsequent ticose hyperkines. Schoolchildren, passing in grade 5, are subjected to similar stress, which contributes to the emergence of primary teaks in children of 10-11 years.

In addition to crisis, there are other psychological reasons:

  1. Emotional shock - fright, quarrel, the death of close people or a pet.
  2. Features of education - excessive severity of parents, excessive demanding.
  3. Psychological situation - attention deficit, home conflicts, in kindergarten or school.


The appearance of such reasons is a direct connection with biochemical processes in the body. Some of them can also be easily eliminated, hoping in treatment without medical care. Others cannot be eliminated without simultaneously creating a favorable psychological situation in the family and surroundings. This type includes the hereditary predisposition associated with the transfer of genes responsible for the increased activity of the extrapyramid system.

Attention! The presence of one or both parents of hyperkinesov increases the likelihood of their occurrence of 50%. Such children is important to provide proper nutrition and calm in the family. It is also desirable to follow the day of the day and minimize stressful situations.

Other physiological factors can also have an illusory hereditary influence. These are family habits that negatively affect the child's psyche. They are associated with lifestyle, nutrition, drinking mode and insufficient hygiene.

Hyperkines may occur for such reasons:

  1. The presence of helminths.
  2. Calcium and magnesium food deficit.
  3. An excess of psychostimulating drinks is tea, coffee, energy.
  4. Incorrect day of the day and lack of sleep.
  5. Insufficient level of lighting in the evening.
  6. Physical overwork or long-term voltage from computer games.

Secondary Tika

Not all parents know what to do if a child has nervous tick, they are all kinds of hyperkinase on the nerves and are not suspected of possible consequences. In the case of the advent of secondary ticks, the disregard may be dangerous. They are developing under the influence various diseases nervous system or aggressive influence on it.

Alone can only pass in 2 cases - if they occur under the influence of medicines or as a result of insignificant carbon monoxication. In other cases, it is necessary to eliminate the initial disease, although sometimes it is impossible.

The reasons for the appearance may be:

  1. Herpes, Cytomegalovirus.
  2. Neuralgia trigeminal nerve.
  3. Congenital or obtained cranopy and brain injury.
  4. Encephalitis and streptococcal infections.
  5. Acquired and genetic diseases of the nervous system.

In the primary and secondary nervous ticks, the symptoms are quite similar. Therefore, it is difficult to suspect serious diseases Without other concomitant manifestations or specific diagnostics.


Signs of the appearance of a nervous tick will notice any attentive parent. Combining the muscles in the zone of increased innervation or the constantly published sound, especially emerging in the excitement of the child, are the only symptoms.

Interesting! If the child is simply blinking with his eyes, it does not always indicate the presence of motor hyperkinosis. Tick \u200b\u200bis always repeated after certain intervals of time, it has a specific rhythm. Simple blinking is nehyrtic, but may be excessively frequent due to the fatigue of the eyes or too dry air indoors.

The combination of visually noticeable and voice manifestations, as well as multiple motor hypercines, require more attention from parents. With such symptoms, it is better to visit the neuropathologist and go through additional diagnosis. The presence of local or multiple teak combined with a high temperature or a child's lethargy require urgent appeal to doctors.


A single occurrence of short-term hyperkinosis should not be ignored, but also should not cause panic from the parents. For an additional examination, you need to consult a doctor if a child has multiple hypercines or regularly emerging local ticks for a month.

The doctor will evaluate sensitive and motor functions, check the presence of hyperreflexia. Parents should be ready to answer questions about recent traumatic situations, child nutrition, drugs accepted and day. According to the results of the inspection, it is possible to appoint such analyzes and surveys:

  1. General blood analysis;
  2. Analyzes for helminths;
  3. Tomography;
  4. Ipography;
  5. Encephalography;
  6. Consultation with a psychologist.

Even before appeal to the doctor, parents can learn how to treat a nervous tick in a child. In a timely manner, a non-drug treatment initiated in some cases allows us to do without medical care.


Often, for the treatment of primary ticks, it is sufficient to eliminate their factors. In addition, physiological and folk methods can be used, contributing to the rapid restoration of the nervous system. Secondary hypercines require specialized treatment or are not subject to elimination.

Folk ways

Relevant folk remedies will be various sedatives and decoctions. They can be used instead of drinking or give separately.

Can be used:

  • chamomile tea;
  • a drink from the fruit of a hawthorn;
  • infusion of Anisa Seeds;
  • decoction of a labaznik with honey;
  • collection with valerian, dyeing or mint.

If the child calmly refers to herbal teas, then it is better to replace all stimulating drinks by them, offering thickening thirst with champs or natural lemonade with honey and mint. The elimination of ordinary tea and coffee in combination with soothing influences allows you to quickly reduce the load on the nervous system.

It is worth knowing! In a timely manner, the treatment of folk remedies in ticks of a psychological nature can be very effective. Hypercines due to improper nutrition or secondary ticks cannot be overcome with the help of sedative fees and other people's ways.

You can also apply a warm compress from fresh geranium leaves 1-2 times a day. They need to grind and attach to the place of increased innervation for one hour, covering your handkerchief or scarf. This method cannot be applied more than 7 days.

Non-traditional treatment

Unusual treatments or special Chinese techniques may seem inactive only at first glance. To remove stress, relaxing procedures aimed at calming the nervous system are allowed.

These include:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • electroscone;
  • aromatherapy;
  • water procedures.

Visiting a bath, swimming in the pool and a relaxing massage are able to remove the tension by themselves. Electroson and aromotherapy have not only soothing effect, but also subsequently contribute to increasing the resistance to nervous overvoltage.

Nervous teak eyes can be eliminated point massage. It is necessary to find a small hole on the outbrow arc, located closer to the center and press it with a finger, holding 10 seconds. After that, repeat the procedure from the outer and outer edge of the eye, pressing on the eye, and not on soft tissues.


Treatment with the use of drugs is associated with the causes of the occurrence. Secondary ticks are treated only after overcoming the disease that caused their illness or together with it, and primary according to the survey data.

The list of medicines is wide (only a doctor can assign):

  • soothing - Novopalsit, tenoten;
  • antipsychotropic - Sonapaks, haloperidol;
  • nootropic - piracetam, phenibut, cinnarizine;
  • tranquilizers - diazepam, Sibazole, Seduksen;
  • mineral preparations - calcium glucanate, calcium d3.

To cure a nervous tick in a child sometimes takes a lot of time. It is much easier to ensure prevention in advance, it is especially true for primary teaks.


The most effective measures to prevent nerve ticks in children are healthy relations in the family, proper nutrition, compliance with the regime of the day and adequate loads.

It is worth spending more time in the fresh air, be sure to play sports and teach the child to correctly splash out negative emotions, as well as reduce the amount of time spent on video games. Timely treatment of melted invasions also contributes to preventing nervous ticks.

It is important to remember that frequent blinking eyes can be nervous tick and requires timely reaction. Hyperkinesis eyes in children are very common and in most cases are easily eliminated immediately after occurrence.

Parents should be aware of the age crises and raise the right attitude towards changing circumstances. Multiple or long-term ticks, especially in combination with other symptoms, require additional surveys and should not be ignored.

Pretty often parents notice that the kid twitches the upper or lower eyelid. Sometimes it happens with one children's eyebound, and sometimes with another. Do not hurry to make speaking conclusions, for example, "a child has nervous tick, he has been blinking a lot with his eyes."

Symptoms pathology The child has

It is necessary to watch the situation carefully, and understand when these symptoms appear. In this case, there will be really blinking in this case, but this that attracts attention to the following symptoms:

  • fast, pair, or "cluster", that is, blinking portions. Instead of one time a pair or even group blink occurs;
  • if the blink periodically goes into grinding;
  • if extraordinary blinking of one eye is observed, and the second is not blinking;
  • if, along with the usual, "next" blink there are any contraction of the muscles of the face, shoulders, for example, pulling the lips with a tube or turn a head.

In the latter case, the nervous tick of the child (blinking) is obvious, and it is necessary to contact a neurologist, as this state may be the debut of generalized tick, or the disease of the turret.

About the causes of nervous tick in a child

Almost always these rapid movements (they are also called hyperkinases) they say not about the defeat of the eye and the lacrimal apparatus, but show that there are some violations in the nervous system. At the same time, if the tick captures both eyes, then this process can be more favorable, and it will be more successful for the treatment than a tick of one eye. The fact is that at the same time the normal mechanism of the friendly work of the eyelid is not divided, and in the case of an asymmetric defeat, the disagreement is obvious.

Eye and tear gland

Much less often hypercines may be accompanied by tearing, conjunctivitis, edema. In this case, the baby must be at first to show children's ophthalmologist or pediatrician.

TO frequent reasons Teak development includes the functional weakness of the nervous system, transferred diseases, especially ORVI. In the event that they were accompanied by conjunctivitis or bluffy, then such a tick can be character residual phenomenaAnd to the children's neurologist need to show the baby only after the symptoms do not pass within a month, but to observe the ophthalmologist.

Blepharitis - Inflammation of the edges of the eyelids

Nervous tick in a child of 2 years and earlier may be associated with the clogging of the nasal canal. Typically, this condition is found at the age of the kid to 3-4 months, but sometimes the blockage is recurrent, and then the invention is observed and the absence of tears in the eye that blinks.

Do not exclude such a factor as heredity. Remember whether something like you have in childhood, or your parents.

In addition, emotional and physical overwork The child is also capable of calling tick. It is observed in preschool and younger school age when the load on the shoulders of the child lies such that sometimes the adult is hard to withstand a similar mode. After all, sometimes the first grader after 5 lessons goes to english English, then - to the sports section, then - in the midst of study, and in the evening it is so exhausted that the systematic observance of such a regime is simply impossible.

Nervous tick in a child (blinking eyes) can develop and due to excessive attachment to the computer. It often happens that blinking from overwork simply turns into a habit, or an obsessive state, from which it is difficult to get rid of.

Control the time of finding a child at a computer

If all of the above is not suitable as a reason, then you need to remember the history of the development of the baby: it did not have a perinatal injury of the central nervous system during childbirth, or a violation of the development of the nervous system (later began to hold the head, turn over, crawl). If this is present, then immediately need to contact the children's neurologist.

Metabolic Nature: Sometimes similar reductions in the eyelids and the champions of other muscle beams can be observed during a shortage of potassium, calcium, vitamins of the group "B", since it is these vitamins that are responsible for the formation of a normal impulse.

Another reason for teak can serve high level The tensions of family relationships, scandals, constant fear, cultivated in the child's behavior of parents, for example, the father's drunkenness and his attitude towards the mother.

About treatment

How to treat nervous teak eyes in a child at home? First of all, you need my knowledge about nervous tick and your guesses do not voice the child so that the incompleteness complex does not develop. You need to change the mode, post the sleep and rest, which should be mobile, outdoors. You need to limit communication time with a computer up to 2 hours per day.

Vitamin and mineral children's complexes, multivitamin preparations should be taken. Glycine acts well, which improves braking processes in the central nervous system.

Children's vitamins

And, only in the event that the measures taken were ineffective, it is necessary to contact the children's neurologist.

Incultuous twitching of the muscles of the eye in children, as a rule, neurological nature is usually. Nervous tick is expressed in frequent blinking, grilled, wide eye opening. The peculiarity of Tikov is the inability to control movements, as they are not amenable to volitional control. What if the child appeared the symptoms of the nervous teach of the eyes?

What is nervous teak eye

Nervous teak eye is stereotypical movements that arise suddenly and repeated I repeatedly. Even if you draw the child's attention to his feature, he will not be able to prevent the appearance of movements. On the contrary, if the parents are desired, it is difficult to stop the blink, the TIK increases and manifests itself with greater force.

Experts lead research data for which this problem is often found in children. Up to 30% of children of different ages suffer from manifestations of nerve obsessive movements. Boys are subject to neurotic reaction three times more often. Usually this phenomenon appears during the period of addiction to the conditions of kindergarten, schools or after a strong fright. Often, the nervous teak of the eye passes without a trace, but when chronic form should be consulted. It happens that Tick is bright and causes a child or adolescent unpleasant emotional experiences.

Causes of appearance

Nervous teak eyes in children is divided into:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

The primary tick appears as a result of the disorder of the nervous system. Secondary ticks are formed as a result of transferred diseases of the CNS. Eye tweeters usually begins in a period of five to twelve years. It is during this period that children are most vulnerable to emotional overloads. The main reasons for teak eyes:

  1. Strong emotional injury. It may be a fright, conflict situation in the family, experienced violence. Children can save internal stress due to authoritarian education, unbearable requirements, formal attitude of adults without affection. The inner negative comes out in a child with a tick, so children get rid of neurotic discharge.
  2. Overwork, lack of physical activity. With children, they walk little, it is hung and overwhelming, not allowing it to develop naturally and splashing excitability as a result of physical exertion.
  3. Heredity. According to research, nervous ticks are transmitted from close relatives. If one of the parents in childhood had ticks, then the chance of inheritance is likely to 50%.

Influence of parent education

Experts note that some moments of parent education appear in children a nervous teak eye. What distinguishes such parents?

  1. Parents have hyperocialized character traits. This is an excessive categorization of judgment, increased principle, unjustified perseverance. Parents often make their careers, their attitude to the son or daughter is characterized by dry, large number of moral morals. There is no warm and living communication.
  2. Anxiety of one of the parents. Such a person is trying to envisage everything, worried about trifles, regulates the life of a child, controls its activity and protects against imaginary hazards. The manifestations of the nervous teak of the eye in this case - the child cannot be himself.

Frequent restrictions and prohibitions cause intolerable internal voltage. As a rule, a nervous teak eye in children is psychomotor discharges of psychological stress, which cannot be expressed by external.

An example from the practice of psychotherapist A.I. Zakharov

Boy V. 5 years Afraid of other people's people, timid, recently became unsalted, sluggish. Teaks appeared - frequent blinking and inflating cheeks. Mother had an alarming character, Kutal Kalyusha, fell. With eight months, the child often began to hurt. In 4 years, the surgery suffered, heavily moved the absence of a mother in the hospital. It was at this time that the first signs of eye teak arose.

The situation has complicated the beginning of a kindergarten visit. The boy was afraid of the teacher, tasks, other children. For a child, this load has become an unbearable burden. Tiki intensified. Parents regarded this as a crushing, wicked, often shouted.

How to treat

Children's neuropathologist is engaged in the initial diagnosis of nervous ticks, then, if necessary, other specialists are connected to the treatment. Usually, the doctor appeals when the nervous eye of the eye is greatly expressed, causes physical and emotional inconvenience, does not pass within one month and is accompanied by other symptoms.

What is included in treatment?

  1. Normalization of the mental state of the child. For this, psychotherapy is used, including work with both a child and parents. To improve the condition, it is important to create a favorable family microclimate, organization of recreation mode and inclusion of leisure physical activity.
  2. If necessary, use drug treatment. It includes sedatives, as well as drugs that impair the exchange processes of the brain.
  3. Relaxing massage. Special technique removes emotional tension, improves the blood circulation of muscles and brain. For a child suffering from a nervous eye of eyes, a relaxing face massage, heads, backs are recommended.

Prevention of Tikov

Children have high sensitivity to overvoltage, as the nervous system has not yet been formed and has immaturity. For the prevention of nervous ticks, the child should adhere to the rules:

  • ensuring regular physical exertion;
  • avoiding stress and conflict situations in the family;
  • regular walks for at least an hour at any time of the year.

It is advisable to avoid viewing a TV with criminal news, parents should track what looks and what is the fond of their child. It is useful to learn to talk with the child, avoiding control and evaluation judgment.

An involuntary twitching of small muscles near the eye can be observed for each person. At insignificant nervous tike, it is usually not sharpened, but it happens that this problem does not pass within a few days or periodically repeats. Without attention, this ailment cannot be left, since its cause can be both simple psycho-emotional overloads and serious failures in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Why nerve tick most often arises

An involuntary reduction in small muscles can be observed almost on any part of the human body, but still most often they are bothering in the area around the eyes.

This is associated with anatomical features near the orbital region:

  • Large number of nerve endings and muscles on the skin of the face;
  • The weakest muscles are in the orbital zone;
  • The person's face is directly connected with the expression of the main emotions.

Nervous ticks suffer both adults and children. If this disease is constant and interferes with a normal lifestyle, it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the causes and ways to eliminate the problem.

Nervous tick to some extent can be symptom VD and osteochondrosis, since the nearby nerve endings are involved in this process.

It happens that it is he who can provoke insomnia in the early period of pregnancy. Read more ..

Causes of nervous teak eyes

Lead to the emergence of involuntary twitching muscles under the eye There can be several factors, the main ones are:

  • Banal overwork of an eye related to work on a computer reading books with small fonts.
  • Violation in the work of the nervous system. These reasons may be caused by injuries, atherosclerosis transferred by meningitis.
  • Nervous tick in children is developing after transferred generic injury, suffocation during childbirth.
  • Psyche disorders - depression, neurosis.
  • Lack in the body of the main groups of trace elements.
  • Drug therapy with preparations of some pharmaceutical groups.
  • Hereditary predisposition. Nervous teak of different areas of the body can be registered with blood relatives. Moreover, some family members can be expressed by twisting the muscles of the eye, in other committing obsessive movements.
  • In children or in adults with an unstable mental psyche provoke a nervous teak of eyes can be a strong fright. In childhood, the cause of teak can be helminths.

Some doctors associate the appearance of teak near the eye with impaired liver functions - the nerve end of the organ is related to this area on the face.


Signs of nervous teak eyes are especially noticeable to others. Twisted muscles begin unexpectedly for a person, at the initial stage they can be suppressed by the effort of will, but in the end they will still be shown in a short period of time.

In some people, Tick occurs at the time of the greatest physical or psycho-emotional tension, others, on the contrary, during the rest.

It often happens that provoking the attack can close attention to the surrounding people, which is especially characteristic in childhood.

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In children

Nervous teak of the child in most cases occurs in preschool age, doctors associate this with the fact that at this age the child's psyche is forming and any psycho-emotional injury can negatively affect the state of the nervous system.

The peculiarity of the nervous tick flow in children is also the fact that the child does not pay attention to his condition, it can consider it the norm and if parents or others will not focus on this fact and will not start wondering how to stop nervous tick, then It will not feel its vulnerability.

During pregnancy

Nervous tick during pregnancy is also not rare, since the future mother is still experiencing about his position. They are inherent with light nervousness, which is associated with concern about the safe tooling the child.

To remove nervous teak eyes mommies need to try to calm down, relax more and walk in the fresh air.

Nervous teak eye can continue from a few seconds, minutes and up to several days. The duration of the attack depends on the state of the nervous system, the reception of the drugs recommended by the doctor and the use of its recommendations will significantly reduce the time of involuntary twigs.

The disease does not affect the remaining organism systems, does not reduce the performance and intellectual potential of a person, but can significantly reduce self-esteem due to the negative attitude of others.

This is especially often happening in adolescence, when the formation of the personality and warehouse of character largely depends on the opinion of peers.


The diagnosis is exhibited on the basis of the visual determination of muscle twitching. Since Nervous TIK can sign about disorder in other organism systems, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination.

The main methods of research belongs to the encephalography of the brain, ultrasound internal organs, and especially liver, deployed blood tests with the definition of trace elements. Children with tick recommend to take analyzes for helminths.

Based on these analyzes, the doctor prescribes treatment. In most cases, the elimination of the main reason also leads to a decrease in or complete disappearance of muscle twitching.

It is known that neuropathic pain is a very unpleasant phenomenon.

What tablets from stress are used to read it in this article.

About how the diagnosis of ICT is made by hypertension.

Treatment of nervous teak eyes

People suffering from this problem are very often asked: "How to cure a nervous teak eye more?"

Therapy of the disease consists of using medicinal preparations, special exercises and household methods of treatment. Only the totality of these methods will allow a sick person to reduce the symptoms of the ailment or completely get rid of it.

Medical therapy

The main thing medicinal group Preparations in the treatment of nervous tick are sedatives, that is, soothing means. Therapy must be started with the easiest drugs, it is best, if it is plant remedies - a mother-in-law, Valerian.

The course use of magnesium and calcium preparations is shown, it is these trace elements that affect the transmission of nerve pulses.

In the treatment of the disease, it is better to give preference to natural natural means, rather than pills or medicines.

In the treatment of children The stabilization of relations in the family is to the fore, the relaxed atmosphere, goodwill, the absence of stress helps to minimize the manifestation of nervous tick.

Parents and others need to learn not to focus on this ailment, then the baby will not perceive him seriously. Nervous tick, resulting from school age, usually passes to the teenage period.

In severe cases of the nervous teak of the eye in adults, the doctor can prescribe Botox injections - a drug that gives the muscles elasticity, thereby decreases the visibility of nerve contractions.

Treatment by people's methods

Herbs with a soothing effect allow a person to relax, to fully relax in the night hours, which is an important success in eliminating the manifestations of the disease.

With nervous teach associated with eye fatigue, apply compresses from tea, laurel sheet, decoction of anti-inflammatory plants.

Reduce nervous twitching will help a cold compress, superimposed on a disturbing part of the face. Compresses change as cold water warming.

Helps remove the tension honey compress made from melted honey. The tampons impregnated with the means are applied to the eye around the eyes and leave for a few minutes.

If you have any teach, it is desirable to take a bath with sea salt or relaxing essential oils. Warm water and a calm atmosphere will remove an excessive stress, and a cup of soothing tea will strengthen the effect.

The folk remedies used for the treatment of nervous twitching are aimed at stabilizing the psycho-emotional background and to remove the external manifestations of the disease.

Prevention of the disease

Nervous teak eye appearing once maybe in any, the most unnecessary moment will return again.

To prevent this situation, you need to learn to control your emotions, ordering the body, to eat correctly.

Will help to prevent the appearance of ailment and the right relaxation, that is, the relaxation of the entire body and the use of smell essential oils with soothing effect.


Man with an unstable nervous system and a tendency to appear nervous tick need to learn how to properly select products that can fill the body necessary trace elements. The food must be included in food containing magnesium and calcium:

  • Nuts.
  • Berries are black currant, cherry, blueberries, watermelon.
  • It is useful for strengthening the nervous system there is fish and seafood.

It is necessary to reduce the use of such products like carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee.


To master the relaxation technique, that is, relaxation and disconnecting emotions from what is happening around the events, if desired, can anyone. There are various relaxation techniques in the teachings of yogis, it is possible to get a charge of calm and during a daily massage.

Help relax will help calm music, smells of essential oils.

A person is able to disconnect from problems and when connected with nature. Therefore, daily walks through a beautiful park, around the lakes and next to the rivers should become an option for the norm.

Children long journey through forests or mountains are also useful as adults. They are not only distracted by problems, but also increase their immunity, they sleep hard, which only positively affects the state of the nervous system.

Essential oils

The use of essential oils in airolampas or simply to inhalation helps to relax the nervous system.

The main thing is to choose a suitable agent, since not all odors can have a positive effect on the stabilization of a psycho-emotional background.

Relaxing essential oils:

  • Basil - helps to get rid of concern and depression, relieves mental overvoltage.
  • Benzoin - has a relaxing effect.
  • Gerana - removes the alarm, restores mental balance.
  • Ylang - Ylang - a stabilizer of the main emotion of man, has a sedative effect.
  • Lavender - has a relaxing and soothing effect.

The use of oils should be started with a few drops, each person may have intolerance to a particular smell, so the test use will help prevent the occurrence of unnecessary symptoms.

Nervous teak eye is a problem with which a person of any age may face. But, as it turned out, it is easy enough to cope with the problem. This will help properly selected treatment and measures of prevention.

Video about the problem of nervous tick:

Often the nervous ticks are subject to children 5-7 and 10-11 years. This phenomenon arises due to psychological experiences. At the same time, the nerve tick may appear as a result of the damage to the CNS, which happens in epidemic encephalitis.

In addition, the reason for teak faces may be inflammatory processes in this region. Movement, similar to TIK, is able to cause magnesium deficiency in the body. To fill the lack of this trace element, it is necessary to use bean plants - peas and beans, oatmeal and buckwheat.

It is necessary to eliminate exactly the cause, and therefore the method of treating teak depends on its nature. In particular, if it is caused by organic problems, first of all, these problems should be eliminated. However, in any case, treatment will be sufficiently long, requiring observation from a neuropathologist and great patience.

Stressful nervous tick in a child

Cured stressful nervous tick in a child harder. Most often, intelligent and emotional children, well enough, suddenly begin to show signs of teak - trembling of the eyelids, lips, hands, etc.

However, this is not a disease, but the feature of the device of the nervous system, inherent in impressionable kids. Their nervous system is tense to a greater extent than in phlegmatics. There are such manifestations for quite a long time, but they usually disappear to the teenage period. And the more calm and benevolent will be the situation in the family, the smaller the child will be stress, the faster the nervous tick will pass.

The child began a nervous tick: what to do?

No need to think that it should simply calm down and expect the disappearance of the manifestation of nervous tick, folded hands. On the contrary, you need to identify all the problems in the family relations, in kindergarten or at school, with friends. Then it is necessary to stop the excessive load on the sensitive child in a timely manner.

It is impossible to allow different long-term impacts that injure his psyche. Excessive demanding and severity, lack of attention from parents, their warmth and manifestations of love for the child, as well as the lack of interest in his alarms and concerns can easily disrupt sincere equilibrium.

For a receptive child, a friendly and calm atmosphere at home is extremely important. The same can be said about school issues, as well as tension, which requires study, the fear of checking school knowledge and evaluating classmates. Finding out such moments in all contact places of the child, you may be able to determine the real cause of stress. Then it becomes much easier to fight him.

At the same time, you should help the child to remove the inner and external tension. This will help soothing and soothing means, bathtubs, massages.

It should be borne in mind that drugs acting on the nervous system have side effects. Therefore, the assistance of a neuropathologist is necessary, which will appoint medicines that are most suitable for your child. The help of a psychotherapist with various special techniques and techniques will also be very helpful.

The engineering function corresponds to the extrapyramid area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, the muscle tone depends on it. When moving, one muscles group relaxes, another is strained. Increased activity of the system leads to the appearance of ticks, varieties of hypercines. Movements are not amenable to control, spontaneously arise, are short-term.

Tremor in newborns is a common phenomenon. It is observed from the first day of life in 50% of babies. The muscles of the chin, eye, lower and upper limbs are involved in the process. This is the reaction of an unforestable nervous system to external or internal stimuli. When the four-monthly age is reached, involuntary muscle contraction passes.

Timer's views and reasons

Two categories of states are determined: physiological and pathological tick. The first appearance is short and short on amplitude, occurs during crying or feeding. Muscles of the chin, lips, less frequent limbs are involved. Distinctive features of physiological tremor:

  • the short-term attack, the tone is normalized for 5 seconds;
  • it appears immediately after provoking factors, the reason is eliminated, shivering stops;
  • the debut falls on the first days of life, after the episodes, they become rare and disappear at all.

Signs are clearly expressed in premature babies, in this case the symptoms are found much more often.

As the nervous manifestation system is being generated. Physiological tremor - the state is normal and should not cause anxiety from the parents.

The pathological variety is characterized by the fact that Tick affects not only the muscles of the face and limbs, but also heads. It may be an indicator of neurological disease. In this case, convulsions can spread to the whole body of the child, accompanied by crying and anxiety.

In newborns

The cause of short-term muscular abbreviation in babies is an immature nervous system and poorly formed endocrine. Physiological tick can cause:

  • supercooling;
  • pain;
  • bloating;
  • hunger;
  • sharp sound or light.

In this case, Tremor chin in infants can become the only manifestation of the overexcitation of the nervous system.

If the condition is long-term, accompanied by the formation of the skin, shake, tick arises without an explicit stimulus, we are talking about pathology.

Nervous twitching is capable of a number of factors that caused the brain disorders:

  • discontinuation of the placenta;
  • fetal infection in the perinatal period;
  • hypoxia because of the wrenches around the cord neck;
  • weak or premature generic activity;
  • use narcotic substances, alcohol woman.

The basis of the pathological phenomenon is frequent stress during pregnancy.

In children after 1 year

Nervous tick in a child preschool age And older manifests itself in 25% of cases in boys and 15% of girls. In most cases, the condition is not a disease and passes independently. If the nervous twitching is clearly expressed, bring discomfort to the child, entail psycho-emotional inconvenience, we are talking about the pathological symptom of the nervous system. After the year of life, hyperkinesis of this type is divided into motor and vocal. To the first type applies:

  • frequent blinking with children in children;
  • change of facial expressions (grimace);
  • wrinkles on the forehead and nose;
  • twitching with leg or hand head;
  • squeak teeth (worms can be the cause).

  • periodic snort;
  • noisy exhalation of air through the nose;
  • involuntary hissing;
  • intermittent cough.

Depending on the state of the nervous system, the tremor is divided into primary and secondary.

Idiopathic manifests itself aged from 10 to 13 years, during the period of psychomotor formation. For reasons that caused disorder belongs:

  • stressful overvoltage: insufficient attention from parents, severe household conditions, unhealthy microclimate in the family or children's team;
  • mental injury: quarrel with peers, fright, violence;
  • emotional shock associated with the variety of the usual lifestyle: the first day at school, unfamiliar team, new rules;
  • a defective diet in which there is not enough calcium and magnesium;
  • mental overwork;
  • heredity.

According to the nature of the spread of muscle contractions, the primary type is defined as a local, multiple, generalized. According to the duration of the manifestation of transient - from 14 days to 12 months, chronic - from year to year and more.

Secondary tremor arises against the background of anomalies:

  • genetic violation in the nervous system;
  • hereditary deviations - dystonia or ferret;
  • infectious diseases and viruses: encephalitis, streptococcus, herpes;
  • head injury, intracranial tumors;
  • neuralgia facial nerve;
  • reception of medicines of antipsychotic properties, antidepressants.

Signs of pathology

Tremor newborns manifests itself differently than muscular spasms in older children. Physiological form determines:

  • short-term chin trembling;
  • convulsive twitching with hands and legs;
  • a slight tick of the lower jaw and lips;
  • symmetrical or asymmetric contraction of the muscles of the upper limbs.

Shivering is not observed if the baby is at rest or sleep.

Symptoms of nervous tick in the child to be paid attention to:

  1. The phenomenon extends not only to the front part, limb, but also on the head, torso.
  2. The baby's condition is sluggish, depressed, he is constantly crying.
  3. Shivering is noted without reasons and is characterized by the duration of attacks.
  4. Paroxysms cause the formation skin Pokrov, Sprianu on the forehead.

Such a child requires a child emergency careIn this case, the tremor can be a symptom of intracranial damage, intrauterine encephalopathy, insufficient calcium or magnesium, hyperglycemia.

Effective treatment methods

Physiological type muscular spasms Does not require medical intervention, the state is self-sufficient to achieve the newborn 90 days, in the case of premature births a little longer. The pathological manifestation of nervous tick in children requires treatment. Therapeutic measures provide for the use of medicines, massage courses, gymnastics. Unconventional techniques that buy nervous tick use prayers and conspiracies, recipes of homeopathy.


For the treatment of the disease, assigned:

  1. "Sonapaks" is a drug of antipsychotic action.
  2. "Novopalsit" is a sedative.
  3. "Phoenibut" improves brain circulation.
  4. "Cinnarizin" blocks the flow of calcium in the walls of the vessels.
  5. "Relanium", affecting the dorsal and brain, relaxes muscles.
  6. Calcium Gluconate is a drug that improves blood composition.
  7. "Haloperidol" - a medicine that eliminates the feeling of anxiety.

In school children, the use of medicines is carried out in a complex with psychocorrection. The method gives nice resultsIf the nervous ticks have an emotional background. The psychiatrist will help to figure out and cope with the cause that causes the excitability of the nervous system.


Therapeutic relaxing technique is carried out from five weeks of life by a qualified specialist. If there is no possibility, the procedure is done at home by mommy, pre-lasting consultation on the technique. It is not recommended to use oils and creams, except for a kindergarten. Movements should be smooth, without a strong pressure, directed from the bottom up, the duration of the session is not more than 5 minutes. Algorithm of actions:

  1. The fingers of the right hand are warm up, a gradual sliding movement rises to the shoulder joint (the same manipulations with the left).
  2. Massioned chest, for this there are two hands at the bottom of the neck of the child. Smooth movements disagree in different directions, mentally drawn "Christmas tree", thus we go to the abdomen.
  3. The impact on the abdominal cavity region is carried out with the right hand with a circular motion.
  4. As well as upper limbs, knead the bottom.
  5. Gently turn the child on the stomach, massaging the back, first parallel movements from the buttock to the shoulders, then we complete the procedure with the "Christmas tree" method.

The duration of the session and the number of manipulations is negotiated with the doctor. It is necessary to observe the condition after the massage. If the child feels comfortable, then everything is done correctly.


Exercise are carried out in a well-wedrid room, on a solid surface. Provide alternate bending of the upper, then the lower extremities. By holding the body of a child with hands from top to bottom, the posture of "Soldatika" is given. Gently turns the head left, then right. The baby is stacked on the stomach, the head holds on the same level with the torso.

Non-traditional treatment

Newborn and older children recommended taking a bath with herbs with a sedative effect, with the condition that no allergic reaction on components. Valerian root, mother-in-law, peppermint, Melissa, pharmacy chamomile - in equal parts. 100 grams are taken, boiled in a water liter of 10 minutes, they insist 2 hours, a decoction is added with the evening bathing in the bath.

Prayer from nervous tick:

"Lord, the creator and defender, I ask you, I ask for help. Heal of the Lamb of the Immaculate (Name), His Grace. Clear blood (name) rays saints. Touch the brow, Leno Bless, Ravory and Pain, Rodi, True and Mental Power. Hear the Lord my prayer, thank you and gratitude. Amen".

Danger of tremor for health

The physiological form takes place over time independently without complications. If the manifestations of the nervous tick is observed after 3 months of the child's life and do not disappear up to the year, this indicates the defeat of the brain in one part or another. Without timely treatment, there is a risk of following complications.

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