Neo-bronchol - instructions for use. Instructions for the use of "Codelk Neo" and "Broncho" for children: syrup, drops and cough tablets Composition and form

Codelak - long known and effective drug From cough. He copes with any kind, acts quickly and for a long period. The medicine is suitable for the treatment of children over 2 years old, but in pediatrics is used with caution due to codes contained in the composition.

Today, the kids are most often prescribed new forms of the drug Codelk with a safer composition and without the content of Codein. With a dry cough, neo is used, and for the removal of sputum - "bronchi". We did their review in this article.

Codela has an expectorant and painful properties.

Codelk Neo - Fighting an unproductive cough

Active substance Funds codelk neo - butamirat. It reduces the irritation of the bronchi and the trach, has a moderate anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Does not affect breathing and does not cause dependence. Used by obsessive unproductive (dry) cough in acute and chronic form.

Acts quickly - for an hour, and the effect lasts about 6 hours.

Forms of release Codelk neo:

  • drops (5 mg of butamirate per 1 ml) - suitable for kids from 2 months;
  • syrup (per 1 ml of 1.5 mg of the current component) - appointed Karapuzam from 3 years;
  • tablets (50 mg of active substance in 1 pc.) - Used to treat children from 12 years.

The only contraindication for small patients is intolerance to the constituent drugs. In the treatment, such side effects are allowed as nausea, allergies, drowsiness. Judging by the reviews of the parents, the remedy rarely causes negative reactions in kids. You can buy it without a doctor's prescription.


The drug is sold in bottles of 100 and 200 ml. In each box, in addition to the medicine itself, there is an instruction for use () and a measuring bilateral spoon. The tool is a liquid with vanilla smell and sweet taste. In pharmacies, its average cost - 150 rubles (per vial 100 ml).

Syrup accepted before meal According to the diagram appointed by the doctor. It is not necessary to dilute it. If the pediatrician has not recommended special instructions, let's give the child a drug in accordance with the instructions - 3 times a day, no longer than five days.

  • 3-6 years old - on a large dimensional spoon, i.e. 5 ml (15 ml per day);
  • 6-2 years old - 2 large spoons, i.e. 10 ml (30 ml per day).

Natalia, Mom Lisa:

"Syrup is very sweet and tasty, children drink him with pleasure. I liked that the manufacturer provides the cover that the little child will not open. To unscrew it, you need to press first, and then unscrew. Very comfortably! My daughter is constantly climbing everywhere, and hide something tasty from it. The medicine itself is inexpensive and efficient, quickly translates the dry cough into the wet. "


In a cardboard pack, you will find the instructions and a glass bottle-dropper (20 ml) with a medicine. Such a form of release provides accurate dosing required for the treatment of the smallest. Price - about 230 rubles.

Drops are prescribed to suppress bouts of dry cough.

You need to drink drops before accepting food 4 times a day. The dose is determined by the patient's age:

  • from 2 months to a year - 10 drops (i.e. 40 drops per day);
  • 1-3 years - one-time dose 15 drops (60 per day);
  • from 3 years - 25 drops (100 per day).

Consult a doctor if 5 days of treatment are not observed.

Codelk Broncho with a chamber - we treat wet cough

Codelat Broncho - combined drug, eliminating the causes of the appearance of sputum and facilitating its destruction. The integrated effect of the means is due to the following components:

  • glycyrrhizinic acid - has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • ambroxol and soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • castabre extract (in children's elixir) - heals the bronchi mucosa, damaged by cough and infection;
  • thermopsis (in tablets) - has an expectorant effect.

Codelk Broncho weakens the cough reflex and contributes to the dishevement of the mucus from respiratory tract.

Codela Croncho is prescribed in respiratory diseases, accompanied by the formation of sputum (bronchitis, COPD, pneumonia and others). Anti-tech drugs make it difficult to effect, so do not apply in parallel.

The medicine rarely causes allergies and others. sideflines. Caution is prescribed with renal and liver failure, stomach ulcer, bronchial asthma.

Codela Croncho is considered the most effective tool among ambroxol-based analogs, which confirm positive feedback from patients. Produced in the form of tablets (for children from 12 years) and elixir (for kids older than 2 years). About it a little more.


It is a light brown liquid in a glass bottle, 50, 100 or 125 ml volume. A measured spoon (double-sided) and instruction is attached to the drug. In the process of storage, a precipitate is formed, which is eliminated after scolding the bubble. The approximate price of elixir - 140 rubles (per 100 ml).

Take the medicine you need 3 times a day during feeding.

Already 30 minutes after receiving the medication, the result is visible.

Dosage for children:

  • 2-6 years - at once a small dimensional spoon (2.5 ml), i.e. 7.5 ml per day;
  • 6-12 years old - a large dimensional spoon (5 ml), 15 ml per day.

The duration of application is 5 days. A longer course is determined by the doctor.

Daria, Mom Vika and Sasha:

"When one child is caught in the family, sick and the second. I prefer to buy drugs that are suitable and a three-year-old daughter, and the Ten-year-old son. So practical and more economical. This elixir has a clear instruction, a comfortable dosage spoon: on the one hand for kids, and on the other - for children older. Taste, of course, an amateur, but helps quickly. Already after half an hour, the sputum is displayed, and it is much easier to breathe. For sale the drug almost every pharmacy, the price is available. "

How to replace the medicine?

For the treatment of dry cough, children use such drugs as:

  • And - analogues of the Codela in Neo (for children) on the active substance. Available in the form of droplets and syrup, have identical properties and contraindications.
  • Broncholitin is effective but not the most safe toolsuitable for children from three years old. Contains ethanol and has many contraindications.
  • Glycodine is prescribed to kids over 1 year old. Does not fit patients with bronchial asthma and liver disorders.

Analogs of Codelak Broncho (expectorant):

Analogue of the drug Codelk Broncho - Gedelix - Syrup helps to get rid of the reason why the cough arose at the child.

  • - long known and effective tool For children from 3 years;
  • - medicine for kids older than a year, contraindicated with peptic disease digestive organs.

The components of each tool are able to cause allergies from a child. If your baby has individual intolerance to the medicine, use a drug with another active ingredient for treatment. The doctor will help to pick it up.

The range of preparations from cough is huge, and many of them are sold without a doctor's prescription. This does not mean that they are absolutely safe and can be used at the first manifestations of the disease.

The choice of funds depends on the character of cough, related symptoms, individual characteristics and age of the patient. Therefore, only a pediatrician can prescribe a cursory child.

PS: just a code model - the differences of an adult version

The drug is produced in the form of yellow-brown tablets with splashes. Its cost ranges from 140 to 300 rubles and depends on the pharmacy, the realization region. The tool is produced by the domestic company Pharmstandard. Since 2003, this manufacturer has been developing and delivered accessible, but at the same time quality products.

Codeine, which is part of the drug, belongs to the group of narcotic analgesics.

Medicine acts after 30 minutes (maximum hour) after use, the effect lasts 2-6 hours. The duration of treatment and the dosage is determined by the doctor.

Lisa, Mom Pasha:

"I used to buy a simple codelk when coughing. I know what is it strong preparation Codene, so I was very surprised when the pediatrician appointed a son of some "neo". It turned out that the names and the manufacturer are the same, and the composition is completely different! The discharged medicine helped quickly. The doctor said that it is safer than ordinary codela, and Codein does not contain. When the dry cough passed, we switched to the version of "Broncho". This tool displays a sputum. It turned out comprehensive treatment. Baby drinking syrups with pleasure, no side effects and allergies. "

Codelat weakens unproductive cough, caused by any bronchophole disease. His effective action Explained by the combined composition:

  • sodium bicarbonate (soda) - reduces the viscosity of sputum;
  • licorice - Provides antispasmodic effect;
  • grass thermopsis - accelerates the removal of sputum, excites the respiratory center;
  • codeine - Narcotic analgesic, has an action on the cough center, reducing the manifestations of the symptom, regardless of its causes.

For long use The drug causes addiction.

Overdose threatens with pronounced side effects: the oppression of the operation of the respiratory organs, the effect on the peristaltics, the coordination disorder, headache and other unpleasant symptoms. For these reasons, since 2012, the non-receptible sale of codes with codes is prohibited in Russia. Because of the composition, the Codelak is appointed to children only in extreme cases.

Anastasia Vorobyova

Tablets Codelak have long been used by adults with dry cough. But for children's age and others are produced medicinal forms. In addition, modern drugs Codelk is distinguished by the composition and action.

Among them, there is both the overwhelming cough reflex and contributing spooky of sputum. The choice of such a drug depends on the type of cough and the disease, so it is important not to be mistaken and pick up proper toolTo help the child faster cure both dry and wet cough.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in such forms:

  • Tablets Codelk.The main ingredient of such yellow-brown tablets is Codeine. It is supplemented with sodium bicarbonate and thermopsis and licorice powder. The auxiliary components are MCC, talc and starch. One pack contains 10 or 20 tablets.

  • Elixir Codec Phito.This brown fragrant liquid placed in a volume of 50, 100 or 125 ml bottles. It also contains codeine in the form of phosphate, supplemented with extracts from licorice root and from thermopsis. However, sodium bicarbonate in this form is replaced by liquid videos. Additionally, the drug includes water, nipazole, sorbitol and nipagin. In the box, in addition to a glass bottle, there is a measured spoon.

  • Drops and syrup Codelat neo. The medication with this name is also available in tablet form, but it is not used in the treatment of children. The drops are represented by a colorless or yellow transparent liquid with vanilla flavor in 20 ml bottles. Syrup is also a colorless vanilla fluid and produced in 100 and 200 ml bottles. The acting ingredient of both forms is the bumps in the form of citrate. It is contained in 1 ml of drops in a dose of 5 mg, and in syrup - at a concentration of 1.5 mg / ml. Additionally, both medications include sodium hydroxide, benzoic acid, water, glycerin, 95% ethanol, sodium saccharinate, sorbitol and vanillin.

  • Tablets Codelat Broncho. They are characterized by a creamy-yellowish tint, flat round form and are produced in packs of 10 and 20 pieces. The active components of such tablets are ambroxol (20 mg in 1 tablet), extract from licorice root (represented by glycyrrhizinic acid at a dose of 30 mg), dry extract of thermopsis and sodium bicarbonate. Additionally, the medication includes povidone, MCC, starch, stearic acid, talc and sodium carboxymethyl starch.

  • Elixir Codela Croncho with a chamber. This brown liquid, which in 1 vial there is 100 or 200 ml. It, as well as the bronchi tablets, also contains an ambroxol in the form of hydrochloride (10 mg / 5 ml) and glycyrrhosis, but instead of the extract of thermopsis and sodium bicarbonate, its composition includes liquid extract Cabinet. Additional components - water, sorbitol, nipazole and nigigin.

  • Gel Codelk Pulmo.It is produced in plastic tubes containing 50 ml of medication. Coniferous plants are used for the manufacture of such gel mass. Active biocomponents, the means are fir-oil, turpentine and camphor. They are supplemented with glycerin, water, vegetable oil and other connections.

The appointment of any medicines to children with the cough, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky calls the prerogative of the doctor.

Operating principle

In such drugs, as a codelk in tablets and Podield Codela, there is an anti-key action due to the influence of Codein on the cough center in the brain.

Also, such medicines have an expectorant effect associated with other active ingredients:

  • The sodium bicarbonate present in the solid form changes the pH of the mucus in bronchi, as a result of which the sputum becomes less viscous.
  • In the grass, the thermopsis is noted the property to enhance the function of bronchial glands and epithelium, so that the secret is emitted more active, and then output from the lungs.
  • The licorice root acts as sources of glycyrrizin, which also stimulates the formation of the bronchial secret and increases the activity of the college cells in bronchi and trachea. In addition, licorice flavon compounds have some antispasmodic effect.
  • The essential oils present in the extract are not only expectorant, but also a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

The result of such drugs will weaken the cough reflex and easier removal of mucus from the respiratory tract during cough. The maximum effect is observed 30-60 minutes after the reception and lasts from 2 to 6 hours.

Butamirata in the composition of the drugs Codelak neo also has an antitussive effect, affecting the cough center in the brain.Such a substance not only suppresses the reflex, but also reduces the reactivity of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which helps to eliminate the painful dry cough.

But the effect of funds with the prefix broncho is directed not to the cough reflex, but on the inflammatory process in bronchi and the state of sputum. Thanks to Ambroxol, these drugs make a mucus less viscous and stimulate its elimination. The presence of glycyrrhizic acid reduces inflammation activity and has some antiviral action. Plant extracts and sodium bicarbonate are also thinning the sputum and contribute to expectoration, and the videos extract in the elixir composition has antimicrobial properties.

Gel Codelk Pulmo affects the patient both locally and inhaled.Fir oil in its composition has bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The camphor enhances blood supply in the field of lungs, thanks to which the tissues are stronger than oxygen and the sputum is better. She, like a turpidar, is noted distracting and irritating.


Tableled Codela, Elixir Fieldo and Preparations Codelak Neo applied with a dry cough, as symptomatic means for different diseases of the respiratory system. Such medicines are in demand with cold, cough, flu and other diseases, as well as after operations and during bronchoscopy. Preparations neo are also used during recovery when a child suffers a low-product residual cough.

Funds Codela Croncho are used in the pathologies of the respiratory tract, in which a very viscous sputum is formed, and its detection is difficult. Such drugs are prescribed with bronchitis, bronchiectasses, pneumonia and other diseases.

Codelk Pulmo can be used in any kind of cough, as auxiliary means in a complex of treatment of cold, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis and other pathologies. This tool is also used for prophylactic massage to prevent colds when overcooling.

From what age is prescribed?

Codela in tablets and its analogue as an elixir is contraindicated to children under 2 years old.

If you need to assign an antifursement to the smallest, choose drops of Codelak neo, allowed from 2 months of age.

Codelk Neo in the form of a syrup is assigned from 3 years.

Elixir Codelak Broncho is used from a two-year-old age, and a tablet shape - from 12 years. Lubricate the skin gel Codelk Pulmo in childhood Allowed from three years.


Tablets Codelak and Elixir Fito Codelk are not prescribed:

  • With bronchial asthma.
  • With respiratory failure.
  • With hypersensitivity to their ingredients.

Contraindications to the means of Codelak Neo are intolerance to fructose and any components of droplets or syrup. Such drugs due to the content of ethanol are prescribed with caution in epilepsy, brain pathologies and liver diseases.

Broncho ruler means are not prescribed only in sensitivity to their ingredients, but applications in children with bronchial asthma, diseases of the stomach, kidney or liver requires caution.

Side effects

  • In the treatment of tablets, Codelak or the filo elixir is nausea, drowsiness, urticaria, constipation, headaches and other reaction. If you take such medicines for a long time, it will lead to a dependence.
  • Liquid forms of Codelak neo do not inhibit breathing and do not provoke addiction, but can cause allergies, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness or drowsiness.
  • Reception of drugs Broncho can cause allergies, a liquid chair, dryness in the mouth, weaknesses, headaches, rinores or constipation.
  • Application of gel Codelak Pulmo sometimes causes allergic reaction. Others side effects There are no such means.

Instructions for use

  • Tablets Codelk are appointed for short time (several days). The medicine takes 1 tablet twice or three times a day.
  • Feto Elixir is discharged in a daily dose of 5 ml for a child of 2-5 years, 10 ml for a child of 5-8 years, from 10 to 15 ml for a child of 8-12 years and from 15 to 20 ml for children over 12 years old. Such a quantity is divided into two or three receptions. The medication is accepted between meals. It, as well as a solid form, is prescribed only for several days.
  • Drops Codelk neo are prescribed before eating four-time 10 drops to the taking kids up to a year and 15 drops to one application for a child for 1-3 years. If the child turned 3 years, then the single dosage of the medication is 25 drops. When saving cough after 5 days of reception, you need to contact the pediatrician.
  • Syrup Codelk neo give 5 ml to the reception at the age of 3-6 years, 10 ml for a child is 6-12 years old and 15 ml at times older than 12 years old. Such a medication take three times a day before meals.
  • Tablets Codelk Broncho are assigned to children over 12 years old 1 tablet while eating 3 times a day. The duration of reception without consultation does not have to exceed 4-5 days.
  • Elixir Codelk Broncho with a chamber gives at the time of eating three times a day. For 2-6 years, the drug is prescribed 2.5 ml to the reception, and at the age of 6-12 years - 5 ml. Children over 12 years old elixir gives 10 ml four times a day. Often the medicine prescribe a course of 3-5 days.
  • Gel Codelk Pulmo is applied to the skin of a sick child from 2 to 4 times a day. The drug is lubricated top Spins I. chest. The skin of the lubricated area should be clean and dry. The applied tool is rubbed to its complete absorption. If the gel is used with a prophylactic goal, it is applied once when overcooling, and then bury the child.


If you take the Codela in the tablets in the exceedable dose, it will lead to bradycardia, drowsiness, vomiting, violation of heartbeat rhythm and other symptoms. Also manifests overdose and elixira of Podield Codela, and liquid forms of Codelaka neo. Excess dose of elixir or pills Broncho provokes nausea and other symptoms of dyspepsia. When they appear, you need to immediately show the child to the doctor.

Medicinal interaction

Tablets Codelak and Elixir Phyto cannot be used together with other means that oppress the CNS (sleeping pills, analgesics, antihistamine and others), since it will strengthen the sedative effect and influence on the respiratory center. They are also not prescribed together with mulitics or expectorant drugs. When combined with astringent, adsorbing or enveloping drugs, the absorption of active substances from tablets or elixir will decrease. Appointment with chloramphenicol enhances therapeutic action Codelaka.

Although the interactions of drugs Codelk Neo with other means, the manufacturer does not notice, but such medicines also do not advise to combine with neuroleptics, sleeping pills and other drugs depressing the CNS.

Funds codelk broncho should not be used with antitussive medicines, as this will create difficulties for wetting sputum. In the treatment of bacterial lesions of the lungs, it should be borne in mind that the preparations of the Broncho improve the penetration of antibacterial drugs into the secret of the bronchi.

Terms of sale

All drugs cameras are non-prescription and freely sold in pharmacies, except for Elixira Codelk Fito, to buy which you need a recipe from the doctor. average price 100 ml of Syrope Codelak Neo is 130-150 rubles, and the drug in drops is 230-280 rubles. The cost of 10 tablets Codelk Broncho is about 120 rubles, and 100 ml of elixir with a chamber - from 120 to 170 rubles.

Storage conditions

Tablets Codelak, gel Codelak Pulmo, drugs Codec Neo and Codela Croncho need to be stored in a dry place where the medicine will not get small child At temperatures below +25 degrees. For the storage of Elixira, the Phuto Codelak requires a lower temperature (+ 12 + 15 degrees).

The shelf life of Elxira Codelack Fito is 1.5 years, liquid forms of Codello NEO, gel Codelak Pulmo and Tablets Codela Croncho - 2 years. Elixir Broncho with a chamber can be kept from the date of manufacture 3 years, Codela tablets - 4 years.

Most pathologies, in the clinical picture of which there are cough syndrome, can be eliminated by expectorant and antitussive drugs. When selecting medicines, the type of cough must necessarily take into account. This symptom is wet or dry. Among the most popular funds are distinguished by Codela Croncho with a chamber, Codelak Neo and the ACC. Despite the relative security of these medicines, patients should not ignore the advice of the attending physician and the prescriptions of the manufacturer. Instructions for use must be attached to each of the listed funds.

Codelat Broncho

Codela Croncho is a brown syrup. With long-term storage at the bottom of the bottle, a precipitate may form. Therapeutic composition includes the following ingredients:

  • sodium glycyrrizinate;
  • castabre extract in liquid form;
  • ambroxol hydrochloride;
  • propyl paragidroxybenzoate;
  • sorbitol;
  • methyl apograproxybenzoate.

Elixir is placed in glass bottles. To quickly dial the required amount of medication, use a dimensional spoon, which is placed in cardboard packaging. The drug is prescribed if there are a history of such ailments as:

  • pneumonia;
  • obstructive pathology of the lungs;
  • bronchiectatic diseases;
  • chronic and acute bronchitis.

Thanks this medicine The sputum is much easier, and well-being is significantly improved.

Codelak Broncho - a Russian combined drug, characterized by expectorant, mercolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. It normalizes the ratio of the ingredients, dilutes the sputum accumulated in bronchi, and makes it easier for it. With regular medication, a membrane-stabilizing, cytoprotective and antioxidant action is observed.

It often includes vocabulary extract. Thanks to it healing properties Eliminate muscle spasms. The useful effect of the medication is due to essential oils. There are no structural analogues from Codelaka Broncho. If there are contraindications, the drug is replaced by another medicine. His selection is engaged in the attending physician.

What can replace the codelk bronchi

Codelk neo

Codelk neo is also implemented in the form of a suspension. The drug is based on the bayamirat citrate. Positive effect The active component is enhanced by means of auxiliary ingredients. This type of Codelaka is prescribed when the diseases of the respiratory system are progressing with dry cough attacks. A strong reason for his reception becomes bells, preparations for conducting diagnostic procedures.

Codelak neo is characterized by a powerful antitussive effect. The nonopoidal compound oppresses the cough syndrome and stops the inflammatory process. With regular use of the medication, an increase in the indicators of spirometry and the saturation of the body with oxygen. The maximum concentration of the active component is fixed after 1.5-2 hours after receiving the codec. The medication is removed from the body by the urinary system. Syrup can be bought in any stationary pharmacy, the recipe is not required. The only substitute for the code is considered a sysecode.

After several techniques of the ACC, the cough intensity is significantly reduced. As a result, the process of cleanement becomes more productive. The medicine helps with serious hereditary agers, fibrous in them is counted. The ACC is rendered good effect With trachekit, swivel, riti of acute character, rinoparing.

An annotation attached to the ACC is indicated that this drug has no age limit. In the list of indications for use is present:

The ACC has detoxifying and mercolytic properties. He is prescribed to adults and children suffering from strong cough. The ACC effectively dilute the mucus, quickly displays it from the respiratory tract, improves the secret engine function. This medicine is included in the group of budgetary medicines. The ACC is produced in several forms, among them syrup, powder, pills and capsules. The spectrum of the action of this medicinal product is quite wide. The composition of the mucus does not have much importance, the ACC helps to get rid of even from purulent sputum.

The pharmacological product when treating treatment can be replaced by the following medicines:

  • Fluimucil;
  • Azestin;
  • Ambroben;
  • Lazolyvan.

The list can be complemented by Mukosol, Linkas, Svin, Mountains and acetud.

How to accept

Take Codela Broncho with a chamber need before eating. One-time standard depends on the age of the patient, the course lasts no more than 7 days. Violation of the prescribed therapeutic scheme is fraught with the development of overdose. This state is characterized by the occurrence of dyspeptic disorder and allergic reaction.

To eliminate the negative effects of the patient, it is necessary to wash the stomach. The procedure is carried out in the first 2 hours after the adoption of an excessively large dose.

  • under two years;
  • suffering from deficiency of parenchymal organs, asthma, ulcerative disease;
  • a history of which is present diabetes (The nature of pathology does not matter).

The drug Codelk neo should be applied only after consulting the attending physician. Before the start of the therapeutic course, the patient should be familiar with the instructions for use. Contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to the current component;
  • children's age (less than 3 years);
  • combining several musolithic preparations.

The medication is designed for oral reception. Codelk Neo needs to drink several times a day before meals. Suspension is used in non-diluted form. The drug is not prescribed by pregnant and lactating women. Ignoring the Doctor's recommendations is fraught with the appearance adverse Reactions. Complications can touch:

Against the background of reception of drugs from cough may occur strong headache
  • CNS - loss of orientation in space, weakness in the whole body, severe headache, drowsiness during daytime, apathy;
  • skin cover - allergic rash, swelling of mucous membranes, itching;
  • the gastrointestinal tract is the loss of appetite, painful sensations in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, excessive gas formation.

The ACC gives the maximum good effect when wet cough. Thanks to the rapid elimination of the accumulated viscous mucus, the health of the child is significantly improved. From the drug produced in the form of granules or powder, prepare therapeutic fluid. Children's ADC are implemented in the form of tablets. Before use, they are dissolved in a small amount of water. The finished solution is often used as an inhalation solution.

When using everyone medicinal preparation clinical picture complemented by anemia and jumps arterial pressure. To eliminate pathological changes, the patient is prescribed symptomatic therapy. To complications that arose as a result of the interaction of Codelaka Neo (ACC, Codelaka Broncho) and other medicines, are counted secondary bacterial infection and broncho-construction.

It is categorically prohibited to engage in self-treatment. If there is no therapeutic effect, the patient is directed to an additional examination.

Codelak - an expectorant and antitussive drug, which is used in the treatment of respiratory pathologies, accompanied by a difficult wet wet branch.

Composition, release form, packaging

The drug is produced in the form of tablets of 10 pieces in 1 package. There are also varieties of the drug - Codelak Broncho and Codelak Neo.

These types of funds are produced in the form of syrups, elixirs, tablets. The active ingredients are codeine, sodium bicarbonate, licorice root, lanceal thermopsis grass.

In a variant of the preparation "Broncho" is also present instead of Codein of ambroxol hydrochloride, vacam extract, glycyrrhizinic acid. The Neo Oo Codec contains citrate butamirate.


The manufacturer is the Russian company Pharmstandard.


Indications are states accompanied by wet and with the difficult separation of the secretion of the respiratory tract.

Used in the pathologies of respiratory tract - colds and to pneumonia of various etiologies. The highest efficiency means with an unproductive cough.


Contraindications to use are the following states:

  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Respiratory failure;
  • Age less than 2 years for syrup;
  • Age less than 2 months for droplets;
  • Children's age up to 2 years for tablets;
  • Pregnancy (especially I trimester), lactation;

Mechanism of action

The Codela in the classical version in the composition contains codeine, which is a narcotic analgesic with a pronounced antitussive effect. It reduces the excitability of a cough center.

This contributes to the elimination of an unproductive cough. In doses exceeding the recommended, the substance can coagulate the respiratory function.

The thermopsis grass has an action on respiratory and vomiting centers, and also contributes to sputum. As a result, the secret is naturally eliminated by their respiratory organs.

Sodium bicarbonate changes the pH of the mucus, making it alkaline. As a result, the viscosity of sputum decreases. The root of licorice has a pronounced expectorant effect, stimulating the camcorder epithelium and enhancing the secretory activity of the Bronchi gland.

Having also a minor antispasmodic effect, the extract contributes to a decrease in tone smooth muscles respiratory tract.

The therapeutic effect develops in half an hour and hour and lasts up to 6 hours.

What preparations are better to treat cough in a child, tells Dr. Komarovsky:

Instructions for use

Tablets are accepted 1 piece up to 3 times a day. One-time maximum - 50mg Codeine, daily - up to 200mg. The course lasts about 3-5 days.

Syrium is accepted:

  • 3-6 years - 5ml 3 times a day;
  • 6-12 years old - 10ml 3 times a day;
  • 12-18 years old - 15ml 3 times a day;
  • Adults are given 15ml 4 times a day.

The drip form is also given according to age:

  • 2-12 months - 10 drops (per day 4 times);
  • 1-3 years - 15 drops (4 times a day);
  • Older 3 years - 25 drops (per day 4 times)

All forms are accepted, regardless of food and time of day. In general, it is recommended to make the last reception within 6 hours before sleep.

Side effects

Side effects manifest often, but may arise in the form of epilepsy and brain diseases. The drug is able to influence the ability to control transport and complex mechanismsTherefore, when conducting a course, it is impossible to engage in such activities.

Medicinal interaction

Any interactions are not described by the manufacturer. But it is still not recommended to use Codela in parallel to neuroleptics, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, or other means that oppress the CNS.

Drugs from cough in our time a great set. One of these means for children is a long-known Codela. The manufacturer significantly expanded the range of the drug, a list of active substances and forms of release, making it applicable to children of different ages.

What represents medicinewhen and how is it applied? From what age can I give a codelk to a child? Does contraindications or features in application have?

Composition and form of release of drugs Codela

Codela is an antifreeze with an expectorant and bactericidal effect. The drug is combined, that is, it consists of synthetic and natural vegetable components.

The form of the drug and the composition:

  1. Tablets Codelk. Active substance Yellow or brownish tablets actor codes. Its action is complemented and reinforced natural hoods from licorice and thermopsis, as well as sodium bicarbonate.
  2. Molk Neo is produced in the form of droplets, syrup with a pleasant vanilla smell and transparent consistency, as well as tablets that are prohibited in early age. Therapeutic effect Provides butamirat at a concentration of 5 mg / ml in drops and 1.5 mg / ml in syrup. The composition includes sodium bicarbonate, benzoic acid and other auxiliary components.
  3. Elixir phyto with a chamber. The suspension has a rich fragrance and similar with tablets. The active substance is coder, the action of which is complemented by licorice extract and thermopsis. Sodium bicarbonate is replaced by a liquid extract from the vocabulary.
  4. Elixir Broncho with a chamber. The main components are ambroxol, glycyrrhizinic acid and vacambum extract in liquid form.
  5. Codela Croncho in tablets. Based on ambroxole, powder from licorice and thermopsis. Each pill contains 20 mg of ambroxol.
  6. Gel for rubbing pulbe. The gel contains natural extracts of coniferous plants - fir oil, turpentine and camphor.

Mechanism of action

Tablets Codelak, Forto's Forto series with a chamber and neo have a pronounced antitussive effect. In the first two cases, it is achieved with the help of Codeina, and in the latter - butamirat. Substances are similar on the principle of action.

Codeine and butamirat affect the cough cerebral cough center, suppressing it. With their help, you can get rid of choking dry cough. The substance reduces the activity of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, which increases the effectiveness of the drug.

Preparations of the Broncho series do not suppress cough. Ambroxol is aimed at the discharge and lightweight of sputum, elimination inflammatory process in bronchi and lungs. As a result, the viscous and dense mucus diluted and faster excreted from the body. Additional components have an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and less pronounced antiviral action.

Action of additional components:

  • the thermopsis plant allows the wets to go faster and easier (activates the work of the bronchial glands);
  • the root of licorice increases the expectorant effect;
  • sodium bicarbonate changes the pH of mucus in bronchi, making it less viscous;
  • castabre extract acts as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

Maximum therapeutic effect It starts approximately 1 hour after taking medication. Its duration ranges from 2 to 6 hours.

Indications for use in children

The medicine is used for symptomatic treatment cough of various origin. Depending on the character of cough, shown different types drug.

Media based on codewayin and butamirate (classical tablet forms, neo and phyto with a chamber) are used with dry soul cough. The task of the medication in this case is to suppress the cough reflex that annoys the respiratory system and its mucous membranes.

Main indications for use:

  • flu;
  • cold;
  • whooping cough;
  • after surgical interventions (when coughing may break the seams);
  • when carrying out bronchoscopy (during the procedure it is impossible to cough) and other diseases.

The means of Broncho are shown in any diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by the formation of a large amount of viscous sputum and the difficulty of its disheaval. Ambroxol contributes to the discharge and removal of mucus, withdrawing the inflammatory process. Medication is used for bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

Depending on the type of cough, the doctor appoints the "neo" code or "broncho"


The use of media based on Codein is prohibited in the following cases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • renal failure and other problems of the urinary system ( most of substances are excreted by kidney);
  • respiratory pathology, respiratory failure (codeine in large quantities inhibits breathing);
  • individual intolerance to one of the components.

The means of broncho and neo are contraindicated to children with allergies and intolerance to the drug. Most often it is a reaction to fructose, which is contained in syrup.

Medicines are prescribed with special caution, if the patient has:

  • pathology and brain injuries;
  • cookie problems;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects, overdose

The drug must be taken strictly according to the instructions, otherwise an overdose of negative consequences is possible.

Possible side effects depending on the type of product:

  1. Reception Codeina can lead to head pains, drowsiness, depressed state, constation, nausea and vomiting, Harpivnice on the skin (allergic reaction). The substance can be taken no more than a few days, as it is addictive and dependent.
  2. Boutarath, part of neo preparations, sometimes causes allergies, disorder, nausea, drowsiness. It does not affect the respiratory process and does not lead to addiction.
  3. The means of broncho can cause an allergic reaction, constipation or diarrhea, headaches, general ailment, dry mouth.

Codene overdose is dangerous for children's body. Excess daily allowable dose is fraught with the oppression of the respiratory process. Long-term use of the medication often leads to medicinal addiction.

Instructions for applying Codelk Neo, Phyto and Broncho

Rules for receiving Codelaka by children of different ages are presented in Table:

A drugAgeOne-time dose (for one reception)special instructions
PillsFrom 2 years1 PC.Take 2-3 times a day. Treatment is short.
PhytoFrom 2 years:
  • 8–12;
  • 12 and older
  • 2.5 ml;
  • 5 ml;
  • 5-7.5 ml;
  • 7.5-10 ml
Drink twice a day between meals. The course of treatment is a few days.
Neo dropsFrom 2 months:
  • up to 1 year;
  • 1-3 years;
  • after 3 years
  • 10 drops;
  • 15 drops;
  • 25 drops
Drink 4 times a day before meals. The middle course is 5 days.
Neo syrupFrom 3 years:
  • 6–12;
  • older 12.
  • 5 ml;
  • 10 ml;
  • 15 ml
Take three times a day before meals.
Broncho pillFrom 12 years old1 PC.Three times a day during food intake. Take 4-5 days.
Broncho ElixirFrom 2 years:
  • 6–12;
  • older 12.
  • 2.5 ml;
  • 5 ml;
  • 10 ml
From 2 to 12 years to drink 3 times a day. After 12 - 4 times a day. Take at the time of food for 3-5 days.

Interaction with other medicines

Codein is not compatible with drugs that overwhelm the activity of the Central nervous system. These include antihistamines, sleeping pills and painkillers.

It is impossible to take an expectorant means in parallel. Absorbents ( activated carbon, Phosphhalugel, etc.) reduce the suction of substances, therefore it is better to refuse them.

In the instructions for Neoo, the manufacturer does not indicate a strict drug incompatibility. Do not at the same time take neuroleptics, painkillers, sleeping pills.

Broncho is not compatible with antitussive preparations that depress the cough reflex - they interfere with the normal discharge of mucus. Ambroxol is well combined with antibiotics (if the cough caused bacteria) - it increases their effectiveness.

Cost and analogs

The cost of the drug is medium and quite affordable. It varies depending on the series and volume - from 160 to 350 rubles.

Anti-tech analogues suitable for children:

  1. drops syncion;
  2. panatus suspension;
  3. droplets of stop vehicles;
  4. glycodine syrup;
  5. Omnitus;
  6. Alex Plus;
  7. Broncholitin et al.

The exact analogues of the composition of the Broncho series does not exist. The doctor may pick up a different expectorant drug based on ambroxol or other substance.

Possible Analogues:

  1. Mukaltin (recommend reading :);
  2. cook syrup;
  3. Broncholitin;
  4. Bronchosan;
  5. Ambroxol;
  6. Lazolyvan;
  7. Thermopswic;
  8. Bronchipret and others.

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