Graft from tick-borne encephalitis storage. Medicinal reference Gootar

Spring time as no other, brings people exciting joy. All try to get into the forest or stroll in the park. Insects come to life and the greatest danger of which are pincers. Of course, not all of them are infectious. But the risk of bite by infected tick is high, and can not be determined in advance, whether the tick is infected. Infection can be submitted as residents of countryside and townspeople. According to statistics, 80% of infectious people make up city inhabitants dumart sites Or in the park, where the ticks live.

The immunoprophylaxis of encephalitis in Russia is carried out by epidemic testimony. One of the vaccines for preventing the population from tick-borne encephalitis - "tick-e-wak". The drug is not included in the Russian vaccination calendar. Consider what kind of vaccine and how it is used for children and adults.

What is dangerous ticky encephalitis

The pathogen of encephalitis is in ticks that live in the forest and the taiga of many countries. According to statistics, most cases of Encephalitis infection occur in Russia, namely in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Urals, central, as well as the North-West areas. In the spring ticks are activated and scented with people and animals to get drunk with blood.

The main part of the busted people make up the townspeople who came to the endemic area. Collection of berries, mushrooms and cones from urban residents, non-obstant precautions in the forest, sometimes end with infection. Increased temperature and nausea after tick bite are signs of encephalitis. Corollary further development Diseases - paralysis, loss of consciousness, a comatose state, death is possible.

Description of the vaccine

The "tick-e-wak" is a vaccine from tick-borne encephalitis. After two-time vaccination in the blood, protective antibodies are formed to all types of encephalitis virus in 90% of vaccinated persons. Manufacturer "Klechk-E-VAK" Russian enterprise FSUE "PIPVE them. MP Chumakov. " The vaccine is created by reproduction on chicken embryos. The drug is used in Russia since 2012, the tick-e-vaccine vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis is produced in ampoules of 0.5 and 0.25 ml for adults and children, respectively.

The vaccination is shown for the immunoprophylaxis of children from one year old age and adults according to the planned or emergency vaccination scheme. Seasonal prevention is needed to all residents of the endemic region and coming. Emergency vaccination "tick-e-vacc" is carried out after the bite insect or to go to the endemic area.

Method and scheme of application "Tick-E-WAK"

With planned and emergency immunization, the "tick-e-vaccine" vaccine for children from 1 year to 16 years to be administered at a dose of 0.25 ml, and adults are 0.5 ml. The vaccine of the "tick-e-vacc" baby and adult make intramuscularly in the external side surface of the shoulder.

The vaccinations of the "tick-e-wak" from tick-borne encephalitis put in two vaccination schemes.

  1. Seasonal immunization is carried out by two injections with a break of 1-7 months.
  2. The accelerated immunoprophylaxis consists of two injections with a two-week break.

Revaccination is required after a year after any vaccination scheme in doses by age. To maintain immunity, further revaccination is needed 1 time in three years in doses corresponding to age. We can make the prevention of the mite-e-vaccine vaccine and in the summer. The grafting of the "tick-e-vacc" can be combined with other calendar vaccines, except for anti-library.

When to vaccinate the tick-borne encephalitis

The planned immunoprophylaxis of "tick-e-wak" begin in March or April. When planning a trip to the endemic region, immunization according to the planned scheme starts three months before arrival. It is recommended to come to the endemic area 2 weeks after the coup-e-vaccine vaccination course.

Accelerated immunoprophylaxis is used by epidemic testimony. According to this scheme, the grafting of the "tick-e-vacc" make twice with a break in 2 weeks with an adult 0.5 ml, a child older than a year - 0.25 ml. The epidemic region is recommended to leave 2 weeks after the injection course. If there is no possibility to make the vaccination "tick-e-vacc", you can apply immunoglobulin.

The drug "tick-e-wak" is used to obtain immunoglobulin in donor people after vaccination. Vaccinations donors are made in two schemes. Vaccination according to 1 scheme is carried out twice 0.5 ml with a break of 5-7 months. According to the second scheme, 3 injections are made with intervals of 3-5 weeks between injections. After 6-12 months, revaccination is carried out. The best immunity induces a double grafting "Tick-E-WAK".

Who shows the vaccine vaccine vaccine-e-vaccine

Prevention is carried out to protect against encephalitis of adults and children from year to 16 years. Vaccinations also make donors to obtain immunoglobulin. Encephalitis vaccination is carried out to all residents of endemic regions, as well as visit people there. Mandatory vaccinations "Tick-E-Vak" put faces arriving for the fulfillment of various types of work in the forest zone:

For people traveling in abroad, you should know that Karelia, Austria and the Czech Republic are unfavorable for encephalitis. In Russia, endemic areas - Ural, Far East, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Volga region and Khabarovsk region.

What are the consequences of vaccinations

After vaccination is possible side effects. In adults, according to the instructions, after the "tick-e-vaccine" vaccine, such general manifestations are observed:

  • awacing I. headache;
  • hyperthermia is often up to 38.5 ° C.

Rarely after vaccination, the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C. For a local reaction from vaccination is characterized by hyperemia and infiltration at the injection site. In children, the side reaction after the "tick-e-vacc" manifests itself in a slight redness after the injection, which takes place in 2-3 days. The body temperature can increase to 38.5 ° C, there is a unwitting weakness. Side effects continue no longer than 3 days. For the most part, the reaction is developing only after the first injection of the tick-e-vaccine. After immunization, an allergic reaction is rarely.

What are there any contraindications

Acute and aggravation of chronic diseases is a temporary contraindication for the "tick-e-vaccine" vaccine, as well as for any other. Basic contraindications for immunization:

When conducting donor vaccination, there are special contraindications for them.

After the suffering disease with high temperatures The vaccination is postponed for a month. People who have surtered viral hepatitis or meningococcal infection, vaccinating permissible to do after six months after clinical and laboratory recovery. During pregnancy, the vaccination can not be done. If an immunoglobulin was introduced to the bite with a tick, the vaccine "tick-e-vacc" put only a month later. The vaccination may be ineffective in individuals suffering from immunodeficient diseases, including HIV-infected people.

Similar vaccines

The Russian Clean-E-Vac vaccine has a similar composition with foreign analogues. It can replace them at any stage of the immunoprophylaxis.

The "tick-e-vacc" has analogues:

  • An Adult Enceptor - German adult vaccine;
  • "Children's Enceptur" - introduce kids from 12 months of age;
  • "FSME IMUNU" Austrian release is used for adults;
  • "FSME-IMUNUN JUNIOR" is used in children from 12 months of age.

What vaccine from tick-borne encephalitis is better? All imported vaccines are interchangeable with "tick-e-wak". They contain identical antigens, but differ in the degree of cleaning. Imported vaccines are more purified and therefore give fewer side effects and is best transferred. The Enceptur vaccine for children and adults is convenient because it has the shortest emergency vaccination: 0-1-7-21 day. Imported children's vaccines can be made by kids in a year old.

In conclusion, we emphasize the features of the "Tick-E-Vak" vaccine. The drug does not contain antibiotics and preservatives, has high immunogenic properties and minimal side effects. The "tick-e-vak" vaccine produces immunity to all types of Encephalitis virus. Vaccination interchangeable with imported vaccines. The "tick-e-vaccine" vaccine is used with the planned and emergency prevention of encephalitis.


The most dangerous seasons in the frequency of tick attacks are considered to be the end of spring and summer. At this time, there is a peak of incidence of tick-borne encephalitis, especially for regions where insects live in large quantities and are actively developing. Prevention dangerous disease It implies grafting adults and children. Vaccine from tick-borne encephalitis is administered according to a specific scheme, while it is important to learn in advance about the possible side effects and contraindications.

What is a vaccine from tick-borne encephalitis

To date, the grafting from the tick is the only effective prevention From the deadly virus of tick-borne encephalitis. Vaccines contain a dose of a dose of a weakened causative agent for a person. After its introduction, the body begins to develop antibodies that recognize and quickly destroy the components of the virus. After that, a person has developed immunity to encephalitis: antibodies that remain in the body after the procedure, they are long preserved and when the pathogen is infected, it is promptly neutralized by it.

The vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis is safe, so it is impossible to infect the disease after vaccination, since the tool contains dead forms of the virus. Due to vaccination, 95% of people produces steady immunity to pathology. Even in the case of repeated ticks, the clashes in most cases will not hurt. Despite a slight risk to get tick-borne encephalitis (5%), even with such an outcome, the vaccinated will be much easier to leak pathology: without complications or serious health consequences.

Indications for use

The prevention of the tick-borne should be held people living in areas with forest landscape and wet climate. In addition, indications of injections of immunoglobulin are:

  • planned trips to endemic areas (especially in the summer and spring time, when the ticks of the peak activity);
  • work in the environmental sphere, on farms, logging, military bases;
  • frequent hiking, hunting.

Lee vaccinated

The virus, the carrier of which are clashes, falls into the blood of a man after the insect is sinking. In order to prevent infection, adults and children, it is necessary to prevent the disease in a timely manner. For this purpose, special serums are used, which are entered using a syringe. The procedure is recommended to people of any age, but the effectiveness of vaccination will be high, only if it has been held, at least a month to possible contact with the carrier of the virus.

Doctors recommend pursing the preventive vaccination of babies after reaching one year old. To do this, use special children's serum imports against tick-borne encephalitis (injection, enceptur, etc.). At the same time, the drug is administered to small children, only in the case of a high risk of infection with a virus. The vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is prescribed by the doctor after evaluating the health of the baby.

When putting vaccinations

According to the standard diagram, a vaccine is introduced three times, after certain intervals. It is better to carry out the first procedure in the fall, the second vaccination is pushed after 3-7 weeks, and the final dose of the drug is introduced a year after the start of vaccination. Thanks to this schedule, the action of inactivated vaccines as efficient as possible: the body generates immunity-resistant to encephalitis, which should be updated every three years.

If a person has a urgent trip to the endemic territory, an emergency vaccination is carried out. Its scheme implies 2 vaccinations in the interval of 2-4 weeks. In this case, immunity is formed after 3-4 weeks, and with standard vaccination - after 1.5 months. For this reason, the doctor is strongly recommended to be attached to the patient who may face the carrier of the disease less than in a month. To determine whether the development of immunoglobulins has stimulated the development of immunity to encephalitis, it is necessary to pass the blood test after all procedures.

Vaccination scheme

The prophylactic procedure prevents the development of pathology after contact with its carrier. When do you need to make an adult tick-borne encephalitis, a child? According to the instructions, it is possible to conduct vaccination from the tick-borne virus in two schemes - standard or accelerated.

The standard graph of the introduction of an inactivated virus looks like this:

  • dry peeled tick-borne encephalitis vaccine - the first dose is introduced to the dose at any time, the second one after 6-7 months;
  • eitsevir vaccine - the first vaccination is placed at any time, revaccination is carried out after 5-6 months;
  • Enceptur Adult - Primary vaccination is carried out at any time, repeated - 4-8 months;
  • Junior's injection - the first vaccination put on any day, the second - after 4-12 months.

Accelerated prevention of tick-borne encephalitis, at which vaccination is carried out quickly, looks like this:

  • dry peeled tick-borne encephalitis vaccine - the first dose is introduced to the dose at any time, the second - after 2 months;
  • eitsevir vaccine - the first vaccination is placed at any time, revaccination is carried out after 2 weeks;
  • Enceptur adult - primary vaccination is carried out at any time, repeatedly after 1 week, the third - after 3 weeks;
  • Junior's injection - the first vaccination put on any day, the second - after 2 weeks.

4 types of vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis

The choice of the drug is performed by the patient himself, while use, as a rule, one of the following imported or domestic vaccines listed below. The most popular means for the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis are:

  1. Inactivated purified dry cultural serum. The drug of domestic production can be applied from 3 years and gives a guarantee of 80% on the production of immunoglobulins. Can be used simultaneously with alive or inactivated means. The interval between the administration of doses should be at least 4 weeks. The main advantage of serum is its relatively low cost. In addition, the drug extremely rarely gives side effects.
  2. Entsevir. Domestic vaccine gives 90% guaranteed to generate immunity to encephalitis. Allowed to apply adults from 18 years. The drug struggles with such viral strains as European and Far Eastern. In order to prevent the population, vaccination is carried out not only before the tick activity season, but also accelerated graphics. After the end of the vaccination to secure the developed immunity in a year, revaccination is carried out. Subsequent repeated preventive procedures are held every three years. The advantage of the drug is the absence of preservatives, antibiotics or formalin, so that the tool is safe and easily transferred.
  3. FSME-immun injection junior. Australian vaccine is allowed to apply kids from 8 months to 8 years. The drug gives a 98-100% guarantee of the formation of immunity to the virus. The tool is produced in a children's dosage - 0.25 ml in the syringe. The vaccination of the kids at the age of 1-2 makes intramuscularly into the outside of the thigh, the older kids are put into the protruding zone of the shoulder. The advantage of vaccination with this serum is in the durability of the developed immunity: it is worth spending a re-vaccination only after 3 years.
  4. Enceptur. German Preparation Gives 99% guarantees for the formation of the protection of the body from viral infection. Vaccine is fine even one year old kids (This is the lower age threshold of this drug). The main advantage of serum is its maximum reliability: to infect encephalitis is almost unrealistic. In addition, among other imported vaccines, only enceptur does not give any side effects.

Basic Rules for the introduction of the drug

The vaccination from the tick-borne encephalitis is installed intramuscularly and in no case cannot be administered intravenously. Vaccine manufacturers provide that before applying the drug, the ampoule should be kept at a temperature of at least 20 degrees within 2 hours. To prevent foam formation, the remedy is gaining a needle with a wide channel. An opaque ampoule cannot be stored. When implementing urgent prevention, the solution is introduced first unqualified to people or those who have suspicion of Encephalitis infection.


In order not to infect encephalitis, it is strongly recommended to conduct in a timely manner. preventive actions. As a rule, the vaccination from encephalitis is transferred to people well, without manifestation negative effects. However, about 5% patients registered allergic reactions in the form of rashes in the serum administration zone. Some vaccinated can be climbed the body temperature and the general deterioration of well-being is observed. Such symptoms take place independently after 1-2 days.


Vaccines counter dangerous infections, including ticking encephalitis, have a number of contraindications. For the preventive procedure there are relative and absolute prohibitions. The first are temporary, and after their disappearance, patients are allowed to vaccinate. These include:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • infectious pathology of the liver, kidneys;
  • skin infections;
  • temperature increase;
  • ORVI.

Absolute contraindications are:

  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • congenital immunodeficiency;
  • malignant tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy to chicken protein;
  • ischemia vessels, hearts;
  • diseases blood system (chronic);
  • endocrine diseases.

Side effects

Many virus drugs that are used for vaccination can cause unpleasant consequences. In this case, imported solutions are less likely to stimulate side effects. Possible reactions The organism is on the introduced serum are:

  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • swelling, redness at the point of puncture;
  • pain in muscles, joints, lubrication, stiffness;
  • apathy, drowsiness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • an increase in lymph nodes;
  • scattered, fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • intestinal disorder.

Does vaccination need after tick bite


In many clinics where vaccination is conducted, special offers and discounts are provided when ordering collective immunization. At the same time, despite the difference in price difference, imported and domestic serums have about the same efficacy. Below in the table indicates the cost of one dose of vaccine from the tick-borne encephalitis of different production (it must be borne in mind that the procedure implies several vaccinations).


Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Articles do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Vaccine from tick-borne encephalitis: instruction and contraindications

Similar drugs:



Dosage form: & nbsp.suspension for intramuscular administration Structure:

One vaccination dose for persons from 16 years and older (0.5 ml) contains :

active Component:

excipients: Albumin of a person (solution for infusion * 10% or 20%) 0.25 mg; sucrose 30 mg; aluminum hydroxide 0.4 mg; Salts of the buffer system: sodium chloride 3.8 mg, thrometamol 0.06 mg.

One vaccination dose for children from 1 year to 16 years (0.25 ml) contains :

active Component: Inactivated CE virus antigen is a titer at least 1: 128;

excipients: Albumin of man (solution for infusions * 10% or 20%) 0.125, mg; sucrose 15 mg; aluminum hydroxide 0.2 mg; Salts of the buffer system: sodium chloride 1.9 mg, thrometamol 0.03 mg.

* Albumin infusion solutions contain (in addition to albumin) sodium pebbles and sodium chloride.

The drug does not contain formaldehyde, antibiotics and preservatives.


Homogeneous suspension white color, without extraneous inclusions.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:MIBP - ATX Vaccine: & NBSP

J.07.B.A. Vaccine for the prevention of encephalitis

J.07.B.A.01 Tick-borne encephalitis virus - inactivated whole


Vaccine is a purified concentrated suspension of an inactivated formaline mite encephalitis virus (CE)strain "Sofyin", obtained by reproduction in the primary culture of cells of chickens embryos, sorbed on aluminum hydroxide.

Chicken embryos are obtained only from healthy birds from chickens who are safe for infectious incidence of chickens, the quality of the supplied embryos is confirmed by veterinary certificates and certificates of the veterinary laboratory on the sanitary condition of the livestock, including microbiological and biochemical controls.

The vaccine includes (a solution for infusion 10 ortwenty%). The manufacturer guarantees the absence of antibodies in HIV, HIV-2 vaccine, to the hepatitis C virus and the surfactant antigen of the hepatitis B virus, based on the documents represented by the manufacturer of the human albumin ( registration certificate, analytical passport, certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity).

Vaccine stimulates the production of cellular and humoral immunity tovirus tick-borne encephalitis. After two injections of the drug (vaccination rate), the virus substralizing antibodies are detected by no less than 90% of the grafts.


Specific prevention of tick-borne encephalitis for persons from 16 yearsand older at a dose of 0.5 ml and for children from 1 to 16 years in a dose of 0.25 ml;

Immunization of donors in order to obtain a specific immunoglo globulin.

Contingents to be specific to specific prevention:

1. The population living on enzyotic tick-borne encephalitis territories.

2. A person who arrived on these territories performing the following works:

Agricultural, hydro-elevative, construction, in the excavation and movement of soil, procurement, commercial, geological, survey, expeditionary, derativational and disinsectional.

On logging, clearing and landscaping of the forest, zones of recovery and recreation of the population.

3. Persons visiting the endemic territories of the territory with the goal of rest, tourism, work in the country and garden sites.

4. Persons working with alive cultures of the causative agent of tick-borne encephalitis.


1. Acute infectious and non-infectious diseasesChronicdiseases in the aggravation stage - vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 1 month after recovery (remission);

2. Heavy allergic reactions in history; bronchial asthma; autoimmune diseases.

3. Allergies to the components of the drug in history.

4. Heavy reaction (temperature increases above 40 ° C; at the injection site of the vaccine - swelling, hyperemia is more than 8 cm in diameter) or complications on the previous dose of the vaccine.

5. Children up to 1 year.

When donor vaccinations, contraindications listed above should be taken into account, as well as contraindications related to donor selection.

In each case, the disease not contained in the present list of contraindications, vaccination is carried out by permission from the doctor, based on the health status of the vaccinated and risk of infection with tick-borne encephalitis. In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (Feldsher) spends the survey on the day and inspection of the mandatory thermometry.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Clinical studies of the safety of the application of the tick-e-vaccine vaccine for pregnant women and nursing women were not conducted.

Vaccination of pregnant women can only be carried out after thoroughly determining the risk of their possible infection with the CE virus.

Vaccination of nursing women can be carried out 2 weeks after childbirth.

Method of use and dose:

The drug is injected intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

1. Preventive vaccination.

1.1. Planned vaccination.

The primary vaccination rate consists of two intramuscular injections 1 dose with interval 1-7 months. One vaccination dose is:for persons from 16 years and older - 0.5 ml; For children from 1 year to 16 years - 0.25 ml.

Vaccinations can be carried out throughout the year, includingepidseason. A visit to the CE focus to the epidseason is allowed not earlier than 2 weeks after the second vaccination.

The most optimal interval between the first and second vaccinations is 5-7 months (autumn - spring).

1.2. Emergency vaccination.

Extra vaccination can be carried out on epidemic testimony. In this case, the vaccine is injected twice with intervals of 2 weeks to persons.from 16 years and older at a dose of 0.5 ml; Children from 1 year to 16 years at a dose of 0.25 ml.

A visit to the CE focus to the epidseason is allowed not earlier than 2 weeks after the second vaccination.

The first revaccination with both schemes is carried out once, after 1 year after the completion of the primary vaccination rate with a dose of 0.5 ml for persons from16 years and older and dose of 0.25 ml for children from 1 to 16 years.

Subsequent remote revaccinations spend every three years,once in the age dosage.

The overall vaccination scheme is presented in the table:

Type of vaccination

Primary vaccination

First revaccination






0 day


1-7 months after the first vaccination

After 12 months after the second


Every 3 years


2 weeks after the first vaccination

Dose for persons from 16 years and older

0.5 ml

0.5 ml

0.5 ml

0.5 ml

Dose for children from 1 to 16 years

0.25 ml

0.25 ml

0.25 ml

0.25 ml

2. DONOR vaccination.

The vaccination course is two intramuscular injections of 0.5 ml with an interval of 5-7 months or three injections of 0.5 ml with an interval of 3-5 weeks between vaccinations. The first scheme provides the best immunization effect.

Revaccination - once a dose of 0.5 ml after 6-12 months. The first blood pressure for donors should be carried out after 14-30 days after the vaccination course.

Side effects:

After the introduction of vaccine in some cases, local andcommon reactions.

When evaluating adverse Reactions The drug formed the following databy frequency:

very often\u003e 10%;

often - from 1 to 10%;

on occasion to occasion - from 0.1 to 1%;

rarely from 0.01 to 0.1%;

rarely -< 0,01 %, включая единичные случаи.

For persons from 16 fly older

Local reactions: Often - redness, swelling, soreness at the place of administration; Very rarely - the development of infiltrate, as well as in very rare cases - a slight increase in regional lymph nodes.

General reactions:often - overall malaise, headache, nausea, temperature increase (up to 37.5 ° C (weak reaction) - often; from 37.5 ° C to 38.5 ° C (average reaction) - on occasion to occasion; over 38 , 5 ° С (strong reaction) -cluded).

Common reactions can develop for 2 days after vaccination, theirduration does not exceed 2 days.

For children from 1 year to 6 years

Local reactions: Often - redness, swelling, pain in placeintroduction is very rare - the development of infiltrate, as well as in very rare cases - a slight increase in regional lymph nodes.

Local reactions can manifest themselves within 2 days after vaccination. The duration of local reactions does not exceed 3 days.

General reactions: Often - general ailment, headache, nausea; Very often - an increase in temperature (up to 37.5 ° C (weak reaction) - often; from 37.5 ° C to 38.5 ° C (average reaction) - often; over 38.5 ° C (strong reaction) - rarely ). Common reactions can develop for 3 days after vaccination, their duration does not exceed 3 days.

Local and general reactions are more often developed after the first vaccination.

In isolated cases, vaccinations may be accompanied by the development of allergic reactions of the immediate type, and therefore the grafts should be under medical supervision within 30 minutes after vaccination. Vacation venues must be provided with anti-shock therapy.


Overdose cases have not been detected.

Extremely rarely vaccinations can be accompanied by the development of an immediate-type allergic reaction, and therefore the vaccine must be under medical supervision within 30 minutes after vaccination. Vacation venues must be provided with anti-shock therapy.


It is allowed to conduct vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis at the same time (one day) with other vaccinations inactivated vaccines of the national calendar of prophylactic vaccinations and a calendar of prophylactic vaccinations over epidemic testimony (with the exception of anti-grades). In other cases, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is carried out no earlier than 1 month after vaccination against another infectious disease.

Special instructions:

Vaccinations are carried out with strict compliance with the rules of asepsis andantiseptics. The room must be equipped with anti-shock and anti-allergic therapy.

Before opening the ampoule, it is necessary to conduct its visual inspection. The drug is not suitable in ampoules with impaired integrity, marking, when discoverished inclusions, in the presence of large uninterested conglomerates, with an expiration date, with a violation of the temperature regime of storage or transportation.

Immediately before injection, the Vaccine in the ampoule shakes to obtain a homogeneous suspension. The drug is administered immediately after opening the ampoule intramuscularly into the delicid muscle of the shoulder.

Conducted vaccinations are registered in the established accounting forms, indicating the name of the drug, vaccination dates, doses, series numbers, manufacturer's enterprises, reactions to vaccination.

The drug cannot be introduced intravenously!

Vaccination of children and adults, having chronic diseases, in the aggravation stage is carried out no earlier than 1 month after recovery (remission).

Vaccine does not apply to children up to 1 year.

Impact on the ability to control the transc. cf. And Meh.:

Pronounced general reactions to the introduction of vaccine (a significant increase in temperature, severe headache) are contraindications for control vehicles and mechanisms.

Release form / Dosage:

Suspension for intramuscular administration.


Vaccine in ampoules of 0.5 ml (1 dose for persons from 16 years and older) or 0.25 ml (1 dose for children from 1 year to 16).

Packaging contains 10 ampoules in a pack, instructions for use, an amplule knife - if necessary.

Storage conditions:

The drug is stored and transported at temperatures from 2 to 8 ° C.

It is allowed short-term (no more than 24 hours) transportation at a temperature of from 9 ° C to 20 ° C.

Freezing is not allowed.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life:

2 years.

The preparation with an expired application is not subject to use.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies:For hospitals Registration number:LP-001584. Registration date:15.03.2012 Date of cancellation:2017-03-15 Registration Certificate Owner:Enterprise for the production of bacterium and viral preparations of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and viral encephalitis them. M.P.Chumakova Ramne FSUE

The calendar mandatory vaccinations There is almost all countries for a long time. These vaccinations are made to everyone, with the exception of people who have medical contraindications. But in addition to mandatory vaccinations, there are vaccines that are entered only at the request of a person.

The grafting from the tick is one of these. She was not introduced into the calendar of mandatory vaccinations, the injection did not put all patients in a row. But some people really need protection and they need to know everything about the vaccinations from encephalitis.

There are many types of vaccines from tick-borne encephalitis. All of them differ in both the composition and cost for the patient. It is better to choose in advance which vaccine to give preference. If there is a desire to hurt for free, then it is enough to visit the clinic. But in this case, the procedure will be performed free domestic Vaccine Either even cheaper. Choose exactly what to get, it will not work.

But for people who want to make grafting from ticks at their own expense, there is a rich choice of various vaccines. These patients need to get acquainted with different options before making the final choice.

So, what vaccines exist now:

  • European-made vaccines. These are German and Austrian drugs: "FSME-Immun", "Enceptur". In addition to these two trade names, there are also options for preventing the disease in children. They cost more than Russian, but their advantages are that after vaccination, many complications and side effects are developing much less often, and children can be applied from the first year of life. Therefore, if the patient's high price does not confuse, it is better to choose this particular option.

If the patient fluctuates, he needs to know that the selection of the vaccine must be fully based on an individual approach. A person needs to know how he generally transfers the vaccine.

Vaccify young children is better mainly by foreign drugs. Of course, the cost of vaccination will be higher, but the child will cost without unnecessary negative health effects.

How much across the vaccine

There are two variants of protection against illness: it preventive vaccine and the introduction of the ready-made immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulin is a substance that protects us from the disease. He is introduced to those who have already suffered from. Immunity from such a drug is not preserved for a long time, as a rule, it is a period of less than a month. The side effects of such an introduction is developing much more, and they appear much more often.

The preventive vaccine retains the effect much longer. As a rule, immunity remains in a patient for about three years, after which it comes to vaccinated again.

Therefore, if you live in the territory in which the tick-borne encephalitis is common or your plans for the summer imply a trip to such a region, you need to make a vaccination shortly before the likely contact with a tick or ride to the locality where they are found. Most often, the scheme implies twice vaccinations: in autumn and winter. This allows you to develop a strong immunity.

The grafting from the bite of ticks can be put in advance, but it is best to adjust the time so that the immunity has already developed by the time of the trip.


This vaccine has a rather impressive list of contraindications. The patient must carefully study it and track the state of his health, making sure that he does not fall under any items:

  • Ticks do not do if the previous vaccination caused a bright reaction or any health disorders for the patient.
  • Vaccination occurs in a live pathogen that is weakened. Therefore, any diseases having a decrease in the level of immunity (especially sharp) are contraindicated to administration. For example, they include colds.
  • As a result, any acute infectious diseases or chronic diseases In the aggravation stage, too, are absolute contraindications. The vaccination at this state is better to postpone before improving health.
  • Pregnancy is also contraindicated. There is no information, how although weakened, but still a live pathogen may behave in the body of a pregnant woman. It is not known how he will affect the health of the future child. Often the woman can relax the immune system during pregnancy, which creates additional problems with vaccination.
  • Some vaccines have a list also indicate that the drug is contraindicated to people having allergic reactions to chicken protein. But this protein is far from all vaccines. The patient needs to carefully examine the composition that it will be introduced. This composition is written in annotations, which goes to each vaccine.
  • Little patients. Children should also provide protection for the spread of ticks. Most often, vaccination is permitted for a 4-year-old baby, but certain children's vaccine variants are allowed for use from 3 years, and some - even from 1 year old.
  • Violations in the work of the liver and kidneys. This is especially true of severe renal and liver failures, chronic diseases or acute stages of such diseases. In this case, it is better to make every effort to minimize possible contact with ticks, applying precautions.

Contraindications for vaccines need to know before making yourself vaccination. They can play a major role if the body does not respond to the introduction of the drug.

When to make vaccination

For people who want to know exactly how and when to enter a vaccine from ticks, there is information on the procedure scheme. The vaccination itself is made either free of charge in the clinic, or without testimony in private clinics. In any case, if you have questions about how to get a vaccine, then you need to ask their attending physician, which will explain all the subtleties of the process.

So how many times you get into, what are the schemes and when procedures are passing:

  1. Vaccination is carried out twice. It is necessary that the immunity becomes the most strong and manifested in time. The very first vaccination is falling in the fall, in order for the spring-summer period to go without any epidemics. The second vaccination should be in winter, a month after the first introduction. As a result, the most strong protection against encephalitis is formed. But in case for some reason it is not possible to make vaccinations in a month, then this period can be stretched to two or three months. Immunity, which will be produced as a result of such vaccination, is enough for the whole season.
  2. Revaccination is provided after 9 months or a year after the first passage of vaccinations. After revaccination, immunity holds for about three years.
  3. If immunity is required in an emergency order, then the period that should pass between the first and second vaccine can be reduced to two weeks.
  4. The vaccination schemes may change: for example, there is an option in which the second vaccination is made in 2 weeks, and the third - 3 months after the second. But minus this scheme is that such a vaccination must be repeated annually, since immunity is developing for a smaller time.
  5. After three years, it will have to repeat the vaccination again, but in this case only one procedure will already be enough.

The vaccinations are always required in order to develop immunity to encephalitis. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the time that passes between vaccines and comply with the selected scheme.

Possible complications after vaccination

As a rule, any of the vaccines permitted to use is well tolerated by the patient if storage and use of them were correct. Of course, the vaccine must be appropriate quality.

The tick vaccination usually does not cause strong reactions or complications, it is well tolerated no matter what manufacturer has been selected. What complications may arise after the procedure:

  • Small problems with local reactions: redness or infiltrate. All this should not disturb the patient, it will disappear itself somewhere 5 days after administration. Allergic rashes or other skin allergic problems are also related to local reactions.
  • Almost all kinds of immunization can develop such general reactionas an increase in temperature. It will not be so big, just a degree or one and a half. It is not manifested by everyone, but if it arose, then no need to shoot down this temperature.
  • There may also be edema, headaches or fatigue. Such symptoms require a doctor's advice, as this means that viral infection appeared in the body.
  • With incorrectly administration, storage or poor-quality vaccine, severe consequences may be manifested in the form of suppuration of the injection site, convulsions or other serious problems. It does not depend on the level of immunity, the presence or absence of contraindications to vaccination or from the title of the drug. In the event of such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, explaining to it, where, when and which vaccine was conducted by immunization.

In the case of light views of the unrealistic patient, you do not need to do something to get rid of it, side effects will quickly pass. However, if serious violations were manifested in the work of the body, then you need to immediately consult with a doctor who can either eliminate these consequences, or reduce their impact on the body.

In the case of such a vaccination, it will be much more correct to protect against the disease in advance, even if you have to spend money or survive the redness of the skin. But as a result, the tears bites will not have fatal consequences for a grafted person, which cannot be cured during the life. Remember that the easiest form of encephalitis disease is always worse than the side effects of vaccinations. Therefore, it is best, if you provide protection for yourself and your children on time.

3 Introduction of the vaccine - 0.5 ml in a year.

Store the body from supercooling.

Do not drink alcohol.

Temporarily limit sports, change heavy physical work on easier.

Contacts with infectious patients should also be avoided.

cultural purified concentrated

them. MP Chumakov Ramne, Russia

1MP / 2 Doses / 1ML №5

Vaccines, vaccinations, tick-borne encephalitis vaccine serum is a lyophilized purified concentrated suspension of an inactivated mite of tick-borne encephalitis virus. A viral suspension is obtained by reproducing the tick-borne encephalitis virus in the primary - trypsinized culture of chicken embryo cells. The current beginning of the tick-borne encephalitis vaccine is specific antigens Tick-borne encephalitis virus (Sofyin strain or "205").

The tick-borne encephalitis vaccine is a porous weight of white, hygroscopic. One vaccination dose (0.5 ml) of the drug comprises: a specific antigen of the tick-borne encephalitis virus is an active ingredient; Albumin of a man donor - 250 + 50 μg (stabilizer); sucrose - 37, 5 + 0, 5 mg (stabilizer); gelatin - 5 + 0, 5 mg (shabmer); Bovy serum albumin - no more than 0.5 μg; Protamin - sulfate - no more than 5 μg. The vaccine does not contain formaldehyde, antibiotics and preservatives.

The population living on enzootic on tick-borne encephalitis of territories, as well as those who arrived in these territories performing the following works:

  • Agricultural, hydro-elevative, construction, in the excavation and displacement of the pound, procurement, commercial, geological, exploratory, expeditionary, deratization and disinsectional.
  • On logging, clearing and landscaping of the forest, zones of recovery and recreation of the population.
  • Persons working with alive cultures of the causative agent of tick-borne encephalitis.
  • Persons attending endemic tower encephalitis territory with a goal of rest, tourism, work in the country and garden sites.

The vaccination rate consists of two intramuscular injections of 1 dose (0, 5 ml) with an interval of 1-7 months. The course of vaccination (two vaccinations) can be carried out throughout the year, including in the summer period (epidseason), but no later than 2 weeks before visiting the focus of tick-borne encephalitis.

The most optimal is the interval between the first and second vaccinations of 5-7 months (autumn - spring). Revaccination is carried out once in a dose of 0, 5 ml after 1 year after the course of vaccination. Following remote revaccinations spend every three years once.

Vaccination is carried out with strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The vaccine is dissolved in the attached solvent at the rate of 0.5 ml per dose. The ampoule with the solvent is intensively shaken, the cervixes of the ampoules are treated with alcohol, open, the solvent is gaining into the syringe and bring it into an ampoule with a dry vaccine. The contents of the ampoule with the vaccine are intensively stirred for 3 minutes to the total dissolution of the vaccine, gaining it several times in the syringe without foaming.

The vaccine should form a homogeneous suspension for 3 minutes when an ampoule of a solvent for a vaccine (0.5 ml per 1 dose and 1.0 ml per 2 dose). Before each injection, the contents of the ampoule are stirred, since under protection, the suspension is divided into a colorless transparent supernatant and rye white sediment, the vaccination is carried out immediately after the dialing syringe. The storage dissolved vaccine in the ampoule is not subject.

The drug is not suitable in ampoules with impaired integrity, labeling, when discovering foreign inclusions, when changing physical properties (Strong deformation of the tablet - the porous weight of the white color becomes translucent and flashing in shape, the color change, the presence of large unintelling Kong Lorats in the solvent after shaking it), with an expiration date, with a disruption of the temperature regime or transportation.

The drug is injected intramuscularly to the area of \u200b\u200bthe deltoid muscle of the shoulder

The vaccinated vaccinations are recorded in the established accounting forms, indicating the name of the RATA, vaccination dates, doses, series numbers, vaccination reactions.

2. DONOR vaccination.

The vaccination course is two injections of 0, 5 ml with an interval of 5-7 months or three injections in doses 0, 5 ml for the first and 1, 0 ml for the second and third with an interval of 3-5 weeks between vaccinations. The first scheme ensures the best immunization effect. Revaccination - dose 0, 5 ml in 6-12 months. The method of administration is similar to the method of administration in preventive vaccination. The first blood pressure of the donors spend the tears after the vaccination course.

In exceptionally rare cases, vaccinations may be accompanied by the development of immediate allergic reactions, and therefore grafts must be under medical supervision within 30 minutes after vaccination. Vacation venues must be provided with anti-shock and anti-allergic therapy.

  • Chronic diseases in the aggravation stage.
  • Heavy allergic reactions in the history of food (especially protein of chicken eggs), medicinal substances, bronchial asthma, systemic connecting tissue diseases.
  • A severe reaction (temperature increases above 40 ° C, at the injection site of the vaccine - swelling, hyperemia is more than 8 cm in diameter) or complication on the previous vaccine dose.
  • Pregnancy.

Vaccine 1 dose (0, 5 ml) or 2 doses (1, 0 ml) in ampoule. The solvent of 0, 65 ml in the ampoule for the monocoo vaccine or 1, 2 ml in the ampoule for the two-day vaccine, respectively. Release in sets.

Kit No. 1 consists of 1 ampoule containing 1 dose (0.5 ml) of a vaccine and 1 ampoule containing 0.65 ml of solvent. In a pack of 5 sets.

Set No. 2 consists of 1 ampoule containing 2 doses (1.0 ml) of a vaccine and 1 ampoules containing 1.2 ml of solvent. In a pack of 5 sets.

The drug is stored and transported in accordance with the joint venture 3.3.2. In a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C. Do not freeze. It is allowed at a temperature of from 9 to 25 ° C for 2 days. On distance distance - only by air transport.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Culture Cultural Peeled Curpose Curpose Curpulled Concentrated Inactivated Dry (Inst. M.P. Chumakov)

Manufacturer: Virion NGO FSUE

International name: Vaccine for the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis VACCINE TICK-BORNE ENCEPHALITIS

Vaccines, vaccinations, serums for the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis is a lyophilized purified concentrated suspension of an inactivated formaline mite encephalitis virus. A viral suspension is obtained by reproducing the tick-borne encephalitis virus in the primary - trypsinized culture of chicken embryo cells. The active beginning of the tick-borne encephalitis vaccine is the specific antigen of the tick-borne encephalitis virus (Sofiin strain or "205").

The tick-borne encephalitis vaccine is a porous weight of white, hygroscopic. One vaccination dose (0.5 ml) of the drug comprises: a specific antigen of the tick-borne encephalitis virus is an active ingredient; Albumin of a man donor - 250 + 50 μg (stabilizer); sucrose - 37, 5 + 0.5 mg (stabilizer); gelatin - 5 + 0.5 mg (shabmer); Bovy serum albumin - no more than 0.5 μg; Protamin - sulfate - no more than 5 μg. The vaccine does not contain formaldehyde, antibiotics and preservatives.

The solvent is a hydroxide aluminum gel, a homogeneous white suspension without extraneous particles (inclusions), with defending two layers, a colorless transparent supernatant and a loose sediment of white, which does not give when shaking undeveloped flakes and conglomerates.

The vaccine stimulates the production of cellular and humoral immunity to the tick-borne encephalitis virus. After two injections of the drug (vaccination rate), the virus substralizing antibodies are detected by no less than 90% of the grafts.

Specific prophylaxis of tick-borne encephalitis for children from 3 years and adults, the immunization of donors in order to obtain a specific immunoglobulin.

Contingents subject to vaccination:

The population residing on the endemic of tick-borne encephalitis territories, as well as those who arrived by these territories performing the following works:

Method of application and dosage

1. Preventive vaccination.

The vaccination rate consists of two intramuscular injections of 1 dose (0.5 ml) with an interval of 1-7 months. The vaccination course (two vaccinations) can be carried out throughout the year, including in the summer period (epidemiological season), but no later than 2 weeks before visiting the focus of tick-borne encephalitis.

The most optimal is the interval between the first and second vaccinations of 5-7 months (autumn - spring). Revaccination is carried out once in a dose of 0.5 ml. 1 year after completion of the vaccination course. Subsequent remote revaccinations spend each three years once.

Vaccination is carried out with strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The vaccine is dissolved in the attached solvent at the rate of 0.5 ml. at dose. The ampoule with the solvent is intensively shaken, the cervixes of the ampoules are treated with alcohol, open, the solvent is gaining into the syringe and bring it into an ampoule with a dry vaccine. The contents of the ampoule with the vaccine are intensely stirred for 3 minutes to the complete dissolution of the vaccine, gaining it several times in the syringe without foaming.

The vaccine should form a homogeneous suspension for 3 minutes when the solvent is introduced into the ampule for a vaccine (0.5 ml. Per 1 dose and 1.0 ml. By 2 doses). Before each injection, the contents of the ampoule are stirred, since under protection, the suspension is divided into a colorless transparent supernatant and a loose sediment of white, the vaccination is carried out immediately after the dialing dose syringe. The storage dissolved vaccine in the ampoule is not subject.

The drug is not suitable in ampoules with impaired integrity, marking, when foreign inclusions are detected, with an expiration date, with a violation of the temperature regime of storage or transportation. Also, with a change in physical properties (strong strain of the tablet - the porous weight of the white color becomes translucent and flashing in shape, the color change, the presence of large undesuctable conglomerates in the solvent after shaking it).

The drug is injected intramuscularly to the area of \u200b\u200bthe deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

The vaccinations are recorded in the established accounting forms, indicating the name of the drug, the dates of vaccinations, doses, the number of the series, the reaction to vaccination.

2. DONOR vaccination.

Vaccination course is two injections of 0.5 ml. With an interval of 5-7 months or three injections in doses of 0.5 ml. For the first and 1.0 ml. For the second and third with an interval of 3-5 weeks between vaccinations. The first scheme provides the best immunization effect. Revaccination - a dose of 0.5 ml. After 6-12 months. The method of administration is similar to the method of administration in preventive vaccination. The first blood pressure of the donors spend the tears after the vaccination course.

Reaction to the introduction of vaccine

After the introduction of the vaccine in some cases, local and general reactions may develop. Local reactions are expressed in redness, swelling, soreness at the injection site, the development of infiltrate. It is possible a small increase in regional lymph nodes. The duration of local reactions does not exceed 3 days. Common reactions can develop in the first two days after vaccination and are expressed in a rise in temperature, headaches, ailments, their duration does not exceed 48 hours. The frequency of reactions with a temperature of more than 37, 5 ° C should not exceed 7%.

In exceptionally rare cases, vaccinations may be accompanied by the development of immediate allergic reactions, and therefore grafts must be under medical supervision within 30 minutes after vaccination. Vacation venues should be provided with anti-shock and anti-allergic therapy.

Contraindications for use

Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases - vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 1 month after recovery.

When donor vaccinations, contraindications listed above should be taken into account, as well as contraindications related to donor selection.

In each case, the disease not contained in the present list of contraindications, vaccination is carried out by permission from the doctor, based on the health status of the vaccinated and risk of infection with tick-borne encephalitis. In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (Feldsher) spends the survey on the day and inspection of the mandatory thermometry.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is carried out no earlier than 1 month after vaccination against another infectious disease. It is allowed to vaccinate against tick-borne encephalitis at the same time (one day) with other vaccinations inactivated vaccines (except for an anti-execution) national calendar of preventive vaccinations and a calendar of preventive vaccinations over epidemic testimony.

Vaccine 1 dose (0.5 ml.) Or 2 doses (1.0 ml.) In ampoule. Solvent of 0.65 ml. in ampoule for single-bar vaccine or 1, 2 ml. in ampoule for a two-dose vaccine, respectively. Release in sets.

Kit No. 1 consists of 1 ampoule containing 1 dose (0.5 ml.) Vaccine and 1 ampoules containing 0.65 ml. solvent. In a pack of 5 sets.

Kit No. 2 consists of 1 ampoule containing 2 doses (1.0 ml.) Vaccine and 1 ampoules containing 1, 2 ml. solvent. In a pack of 5 sets.

The drug is stored and transported in accordance with SP 3. 3. 2. In a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C. Do not freeze. It is allowed at a temperature of from 9 to 25 ° C for 2 days. Transportation for long distances - only by air transport.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Advertising on the drug to send to the state research institutes of standardization and control of medical immunobiological drugs. L. A. Tarasevich Ministry of Health of Russia (119002, Moscow, Sivtsev enesek, 41, tel.) And to the enterprise - the manufacturer of the FSUE "Enterprise for the production of bacterium and viral drugs of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and viral encephalitis. M. L. Chumakova Ramna "(142782, Moscow region, Leninsky district, P / O Institute of Poliomyelitis (tel.).

On cases of increased reactogenicity or development of post-cell complications, report or telegraph with the subsequent presentation of medical records should be reported.

The average price of 1 dose is 140 rubles.

How to store a vaccine from tick-borne encephalitis

for the use of Eitsevir vaccine

(Culture Cultural Peeled Curpose Curpose Cultural Inactivated Vaccine, sorbed liquid for intramuscular administration)

The Eitsevir vaccine is a purified concentrated sterile suspension of an inactivated formaline of the tick-borne encephalitis virus, obtained by reproducing it in a suspended primary culture of chicken embryos, sorbed on aluminum hydroxide.

The vaccine must have a form of a homogeneous opaque suspension of white without flakes and extraneous inclusions.

The vaccine contains in one dose (0.5 ml): a chicken embryo protein is not more than 0.5 μg, a human albumin donor no more than 250 μg, hydroxide aluminum gel from 0.30 to 0.50 mg. The vaccine does not contain antibiotics, formaldehyde and preservatives.

Biological and immunobiological properties

The vaccine stimulates the production of cellular and humoral immunity to the tick-borne encephalitis (CE) virus.

Active prevention of tick-borne encephalitis in persons from 18 years of age. Contingents to be vaccinated: the population living on enzyotic on tick-borne encephalitis territories, as well as those who arrived in these territories that perform the following works:

Agricultural, hydro-elevative, construction, in the excavation and movement of the soil, procurement, commercial, geological

Immunization of donors in order to obtain a specific immunoglobulin.

Method of application and dosage

The primary vaccination rate consists of two intramuscular injections of 0.5 ml vaccine with an interval of 5-7 months.

Revaccination is carried out once at a dose of 0.5 ml after 1 year after the initial rate of vaccination.

Subsequent remote revaccinations spend each 3 years once. In the foci with high risk of infection vaccinate everything healthy populationWith the possibility of contact with ticks.

The vaccine is injected intramuscularly to the area of \u200b\u200bthe deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

Immediately before injection, the vaccine in the ampoule is stirred by shaking until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. The shaking of ampoules is carefully treated with alcohol. The ampoule is opened and used immediately. Separate syringe should be used for each vaccinated.

The drug is not suitable in ampoules with impaired integrity, labeling, when the color is changed, the presence of non-breaking flakes, with an expired expiration date, with improper storage.

Vaccinations are carried out in vaccination or procedural offices. medical institutions. Middle medical staff should have admission to work in a procedural office and to carry out vaccinations, work under the supervision of the doctor. The room where vaccination is carried out must be provided with anti-shock therapy.

The vaccination is recorded in the established accounting formations, indicating the date of vaccinations, doses, the manufacturer of the vaccine, the number of the series, reaction to vaccination.

Reactions to Introduction

After the introduction of the vaccine in some cases, local and general reactions may develop. Local reactions are expressed in redness, swelling, soreness at the injection site, a small increase in regional lymph nodes is possible. The duration of reactions does not exceed 3-5 days.

Common reactions can develop in the first two days and are expressed in a rise of temperature from 37.1 o C to 38.0 o C in% graft, headaches, ailments, pain in muscles and joints. Their duration does not exceed 3 days.

In rare cases, vaccinations may be accompanied by the development of allergic reactions, in connection with which the vaccinated should be under medical supervision within 30 minutes after vaccination.

Contraindications for use

1. Acute feverish states of any etiology and aggravation of chronic infectious diseases. Vaccinations are carried out 1 month after recovery. Persons who have suffered viral hepatitis and meningococcal infection, vaccination is carried out no earlier than 6 months after recovery.

2. Heavy allergic reactions in the history of food (especially chicken protein), medicinal substances, bronchial asthma, systemic connecting tissue diseases.

3. Strong reaction (temperature increases above 40 o C, at the injection site of the vaccine - swelling, hyperemia is more than 8 cm in diameter) or complication on the previous dose of the vaccine.

4. Tuberculosis and rheumatism.

5. Epilepsy with frequent seizures.

6. Chronic liver and kidney disease during the exacerbation period, cardiovascular insufficiency of 2-3 degrees, transferred myocardial infarction, stroke.

7. Diabetes, thyrotoxicosis and other pronounced endocrine disorders.

8. Malignant neoplasms, blood disease.

9. Pregnancy - vaccinations are permissible 2 weeks after childbirth.

The possibility of vaccination of persons suffering from diseases not specified in the list of contraindications determines the attending physician, based on the health status of the vaccinated and risk of infection with tick-borne encephalitis. In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (Feldsher) on the day of the vaccination conducts a survey and inspection of an obligatory thermometry, studies medical map Validated. For the correctness of the assignment of vaccinations, the doctor is responsible.

Vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis are carried out no earlier than 1 month after the last immunization of any other vaccine. The interval of at least 4 weeks should be respected between the administration of immunoglobulin against the mite encephalitis and vaccine vaccine.

0.5 ml (1 dose) in ampoule. Packaging contains 3, 5, 10 ampoules one dose of vaccine.

Storage and Transport Conditions

Store at temperatures from 2 to 8 o C. Do not freeze!

Transportation at a temperature of from 2 to 8 ° C. Allowed short-term (no more than 24 hours) transportation at a temperature not higher than 20 C.

The shelf life of the drug is 1 year. The preparation with an expired application is not subject to use.

Advertising on the drug to send to the state research institutes of standardization and control of medical immunobiological drugs. L. A. Tarasevich (121002, Moscow, Savtsev eneseek, 41, tel.) And addressed to the manufacturer's enterprise.

General Director of FSUE NPO "Virion" N. Kh. Stavitskaya

Head of State Tests, Head of the Laboratory for the Test MIPB in the field of HICK them. L.A. Tarasevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences M. A. Gorbunov

Manufacturer: FSUE NPO "Virion", Russia, Tomsk, ul. Ivanovo, 8.

Vaccine "Entsevir"

In our time, to infected the tick-borne encephalitis virus in many regions Russian Federation. The greatest spread of infection was obtained in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Urals. The Moscow, Yaroslavl and Tver region are unfavorable.

In Russia to protect against tick-borne encephalitis, the vaccinations of "Entsevir" are made by adults. For children there is a Vaccine "Entsevir Neo Children", which is included in the vaccination calendar over epidemic testimony.

Description of the vaccine

"Entsevir" is inactivated vaccine For the immunoprophylaxis of a virus infection of tick-borne encephalitis. The vaccine virus is grown on the cell culture of chicken embryos by reproduction with subsequent inactivation and purification. Manufacturer "Entsevir" FSUE NPO "Microgen" (Russia). Vaccine protects against the strains of the Far Eastern and European type of tick-borne encephalitis viruses.

  • inactivated tick-borne encephalitis virus antigen (titer\u003e 1: 128);
  • additional components: Human albumin, aluminum hydroxide, protamine sulfate, sucrose and Natrii Chlorate as a solvent.

Antsevir's anti-bearing vaccine forms specific cellular and humoral immunity to tick-borne encephalitis virus.

Application indications

According to the instructions for the use of the Etsevir vaccine, it is shown for the immunoprophylaxis of tick-borne encephalitis in people from 18 years. Immunization is carried out by the urban and rural contingent living in an enzootic territory. The drug "Entsevir" is used to immunize donors in order to develop immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis. Mandatory immunization is also necessary for people who are planning a trip to an enzootic on tick-borne encephalitis region. Vaccine vaccine "Entsevir" is required to persons planning such work in the enzootic region:

  • building;
  • fishing work;
  • clearing and logging;
  • work in the field of hydrochloride;
  • carrying out soil;
  • agriculture;
  • geological activities.

Vaccinations "Entsevir" make medical personnel working with the alive cultures of the tick-borne encephalitis virus. Vaccination is also necessary for people planning a trip to an enzootic region for recreation or performing country work. After two-time vaccination, immunity is formed in 90% of grafts and is preserved for 3 years.

Method and application scheme

The vaccination "Entsevir" makes intramuscularly at 0.5 ml in the region of the upper outdoor third of the shoulder. To prevent the population, vaccinations can be made not only before the season in March-April, but also at the accelerated scheme.

Vaccination "Entsevir" is carried out by three schemes.

  1. Seasonal vaccination: twice with a break of 1-2 or 5-7 months. Acceptable both types of intervals.
  2. Emergency (accelerated) scheme consists of two injections with a break in 3 weeks.
  3. Immunization of donors: double injections vaccine with breaks 3-5 weeks between them.

After the end of vaccination according to any scheme for fixing the immunity after 1 year, revaccination is needed. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out 1 time in 3 years.

Emergency vaccination "Entsevir" is used when planning a trip to an enzootic region or after a tick bitter.

A safe stay of people in an enzootic region is possible only 2 weeks after the end of the Entsevir vaccinations. One vaccination does not protect against infection with a virus of tick-borne encephalitis. If necessary, urgent vaccination can be used for an emergency scheme.

Reactions after vaccination

Side effects "Entsevir", as after other vaccines, is usually expressed at the injection site. Plowness and hyperemia hold no more than 2-3 days. In some cases, the overall reaction is developing after the use of Entsevir:

Sometimes swell the lymph nodes. Allergic reaction is developing in rare cases. Side effects after immunization remain no more than 3 days.

To reduce the risk of complications, precautions should be carried out for three days after vaccination:

  • do not overheat in the bath, sauna or in the sun;
  • do not overcohe
  • not subject to severe physical exertion;
  • do not take alcohol.

In the period of vaccination, people are often interested in why the vaccination "Entsevir" and alcohol is incompatible. As you know, alcohol reduces immune system man. Vaccine also has a temporary burden on the body's protective system. Therefore, the admission of alcohol during the use of Etsevir can provoke post-specific complications.

Vaccine vaccine "Entsevir", like any other, need to be done in the cabinets equipped with anti-deposit facilities. After vaccination should not be left from the vaccination venus for 30 minutes to observe the body's response.


If the Entsevir vaccination day has an increased temperature, the vaccination is temporarily contraindicated. With any chronic disease In the period of exacerbation, vaccination should be postponed. The vaccination can be made after 1 month after recovery. True contraindications for Entsevir:

  • allergy to chicken protein;
  • increased local response after the previous vaccination: the temperature of over 40.0 ° C or the infiltrate dimer is greater than 8 mm;

sugar test in diabetes

tendency to allergic reactions;

Pregnancy in any period is a contraindication for vaccination. If necessary, it can be made after 14 days in postpartum period. In the case of an immunoglobulin administration, the vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is recommended not earlier than in a month. Etsevir is combined with the rest of the calendar vaccines, excluding anti-library.

Vaccine "Entsevir Neo Children's"

For immunization against tick-borne encephalitis of children from 3 to 17 years old, a special vaccine "Entsevir Neo Children's" is applied. It is done intramuscularly at a dose of 25 ml to the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper outer third of the shoulder. The drug is an inactivated purified culture vaccine produced in the form of a suspension for intramuscular use.

As part of 1 dose of 0.25 ml of Etsevir Neo Children, contains:

  • inactivated virus antigen from 0.3 to 1.5 μg;
  • additional substances include: human albumin, sucrose, aluminum hydroxide;
  • Natrii Chlorate as a solvent.

Etsevir Neo Children is intended for the prevention of encephalitis in children living in an enzootic area or attending this terrain.

In the immunization of children, these vaccines use 2 schemes.

  1. Seasonal vaccination is preferably from autumn to spring: 2 injections of 0.25 ml with interruptions 1-7 (optimally 2) months.
  2. Accelerated (emergency) Immunization: 2 vaccinations of 0.25 ml at intervals of 14 days.

Emergency vaccination is advisable to apply before visiting the focus of the spread of tick-borne encephalitis, including in the summer. Revaccination is recommended to be made 12 months after graduating course. Subsequent revaccination to maintain immunity is needed every three-year period.

The formation of immunity in children against tick-borne encephalitis occurs only 2 weeks after a two-time vaccine rate of Entsevir Neo Children's vaccine. Therefore, visits to the focus of the likely spread of ticks before this period is not recommended. A single vaccination is not able to protect against infection in the event of a tick bite.

Relative contraindication for the vaccination "Entsevir Neo Children" is allergic to chicken protein. Vaccination is contraindicated for children suffering cerebral palsy, neurological diseases And heavy allergic reaction After the previous application of the vaccine.

Similar vaccines

The Etsevir vaccine has the following analogues:

  • the German vaccine ENCEPUR adults is designed for adults;
  • ENCEPUR CHILDREN for children from 1 year;
  • austrian FSME Immun is used in adults;
  • FSME-IMMUN JUNIOR for children from 12 month old;
  • FSME-IMMUN INJECT is used by kids from 6 months;
  • Russian "tick-e-vacc" for prevention in children and adults.

As a result, we emphasize that for children and adults there are separate Vaccines "Entsevir". Both of them do not contain antibiotics, preservatives and formalin, are safe when used, easily transferred. For visitors to the epidemic district of children and adults, an accelerated vaccination scheme is used, which can be used not only before the tick season, but in the summer.

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