Tonumotrene: Instructions for use and why it is needed, price, reviews, analogues. Tonumlotrene - German Preparation from Diseases of Horn Toncilotrene Instructions for children

Tonumlotrene is a multicomponent homeopathic agent for treating tonsillitis.

Release form and composition

Dosage form - tablets for resorption: plane-cylindrical, with a beveled edge, with a chamfer, white color, matte, sometimes with single loudspeakers of dark gray, with a slight sulfur smell or odorless (20 pcs. In blisters, 3 blisters in a pack of cardboard).

Active substances and their content in each tablet:

  • kalium Bichromicum (Kalium Bichromicum) D4 - 50 mg;
  • hydraulicum biodatum D8 - 25 mg;
  • atropinum sulfuricum (ATROPINUM SULFURICUM) D5 - 12.5 mg;
  • geparsulfuris D3 - 10 mg;
  • silice Acidum Silicicum (Silicea) D2 - 5 mg.

As auxiliary components, sucrose, lactose monohydrate and magnesium stearate are used.

Indications for use

  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • follicular, lacunar and catarrhal angina.

Also, the tonsonotrene is prescribed as part complex therapy To accelerate the healing of the mucous membrane of the pharynx after removal of almonds.


  • lactose intolerance;
  • lactase failure;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • increased sensitivity to any component of the drug, including chrome.


  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Method of application and dosage

The tonsilloten is shown for oral application: Tablets should slowly dissolve in the oral cavity. Take the drug is recommended 30 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after.

For young children (3-5 years), it is possible to give a tablet under the tongue, in a crushed form or dissolve it in a small amount of liquid.

  • teens from 12 years old and adults: the first 1-2 days - 1 tab. Every 1 hour, but not more than 12 pcs. per day, hereinafter - 1-2 tab. 3 times a day;
  • children 3-12 years old: the first 1-2 days - 1 tab. Every 2 hours, but not more than 8 pcs. per day, hereinafter - 1 tab. 3 times a day.

Treatment continues to complete recovery.

  • teenagers from 12 years old and adults: 1-2 tab. 3 times a day;
  • children 3-12 years old - 1 tab. 3 times a day.

The duration of treatment is 6-8 weeks. After consulting a doctor, repeated courses spend several times a year.

Side effects

The drug may cause increased salivation. Reduce the severity of an undesirable reaction often helps reduction of dosage.

With an increased individual sensitivity to any component of tonsilotrene, allergic reactions may develop. In this case, treatment should be discontinued.

special instructions

If during the first 2 days the improvement of the state does not occur, you need to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

At the beginning of tonumotrene, as well as any other homeopathic remedy, a temporary aggravation of the symptoms of the disease is possible (the so-called primary deterioration). Such patients should also terminate the use of the drug and contact their attending physician for advice.

Sick diabetes mellitus should be borne in mind that in the maximum daily dose (12 tablets), the content of carbohydrates corresponds to 0.25 bread units.

The tonsilloten does not affect psychomotor and cognitive functions, including the rate of reactions and the ability to concentrate attention.

Medicinal interaction

The tonsonoten can be used in combination with other drugs applied to treat similar diseases.

the pharmacological properties of the drug tonsonotrene are based on the homeopathic characteristic of its pharmacologically active ingredients atropinum sulfuricum - atropine sulfate, atropine alkaloid sulfate (D, L-hyoscyamine) from Atropa Belladonna.
Atropinum Sulfuricum has the action similar to the action of belladonna. It is used as acute inflammationcharacterized by pain, erythema, heat and edema. With an angina, for example, the mucous membrane acquires fire-red, and sometimes a dark red shade. Start inflammatory process It is characterized by dry heavy heat and pulsating, knocking pain. With angina, there is a strong inflow of blood to the pharyngeal ring, dryness, difficulty in swallowing. Atropine sulfate, unlike Belladonna, acts more on nervous system And antiseptically, rather than anti-inflammatory.
Hepar Sulfuris: Calcined Sulfur Liver, White Interior Pieces of Oyster Sink and Sulfur.
Indications for use: Hepar Sulfuris is used in the treatment of launched and recurrent diseases associated with suppuration and membranes. These include including Angina Tonsillaris in the second stage of inflammation and Tonsillitis Chronica. Hepar Sulfuris is recommended for almond abscesses with a purulent secret characteristic of Angina Tonsillaris et lacunaris. The use of Hepar Sulfuris in small doses facilitates the healing of suppuration and rapid recovery. The remedy effectively affects the subacute and chronic inflammation and suppuration of the skin, as well as the lymphatic ring of pharynx and almonds.
Kalium Bichromicum - Chrome-oxidant Potassium II .
With inflammation of the nasopharynx, accompanied by redness, difficult to swallowing, including a circular deep suppuration. Allocations are abundant, viscous, purulent. The tongue is often edema. The tool also acts on increased almonds and polyps.
Silicea (Acidum Silicium). Fline acid, a precipitated water-containing watercut anhydride is used.
Indications for the use of the drug Tonumlotrene: With purulent inflammation. The action of Silicea is based on stimulating the immune system both in acute diseases and in advanced cases in chronic processes and relapses, such as subacute and chronic inflammation Almonds with difficult and incomplete allocation of purulent secrets. Stimulation of fibroblasts, acceleration of granulation and scarring lead to a speedy recovery. In general, Silicea increases the body's resistance and reduces the possibility of infection.
Mercurius Bijodatus. The mercury (II) HGI2 iodide is used.
Indications for the use of the drug Tonumlotrene: Mercurius acts mainly on the mucous membranes, especially oral cavity and throat. Iodine content in mercury iodide enhances the effect of mercury on the throat. Mercurius Bijodatus is used for acute and chronic angina characterized by pale yellow traffic jams and raids. In chronic processes, for 6 weeks there is a significant decrease in sizes of pharynses and parallers. Sweese edema lymph nodes Also decrease under the influence of Mercurius Bijodatus.
The drug tonsumotrene is used with the inflammation of the tonsils and the lymphatic pharyngeal ring light and middle degree Severity, for example, with acute catarrhal angina or chronic tonsillitis, as well as after prompt removal of almonds. The ATROPINUM Sulfuricum contained in the preparation is valid in initial stage Diseases for high temperaturesaccompanied by a strong redness of the pharynx and swelling of the almonds, with pronounced difficulty difficulty. With a purulent subacute or chronic course of the disease, including pronounced mucus formation, the remaining four ingredients come into effect. These include Mercurius Bijodatus , Advantageous to the reduction of hypertrophied nasophaling almonds, as well as a decrease in the infiltration of the lymph nodes of the neck. Hepar Sulfuris is valid for subacute and recurrent inflammations leaking with the suppuration and accompanying with a stitching pain spreading to the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, with a protracted difficulty swallowing, including with limited deep ulcerations of mucous membranes, with an increase in almonds and polyps . Silicea contributes to the granulation processes, which in turn forses the healing process of abscesses, and also due to the stimulation of the immune system favors more active anticipation of bacterial infection and strengthen the protective properties of the body. Thus, the tonsilloten is effective in the treatment of all phases of inflammation from the first complaints to the cure of chronically recurrent processes due to the time and field of exposure to the five ingredients. Tonumlotrene showed itself well in the treatment of hypertrophied pharynses, especially in childhood.

Indications for the use of the drug Tonumille

Acute inflammation of the almonds is a catarrhal and lacunar angina, chronic recurrent tonsillitis, an increase (hyperplasia) of the almonds, as well as treatment after tonsillectomy.

The use of the drug Tonclotrene

in a sharp period of the disease: adults and children over 12 years old: 1-2 tablets every hour within 1-2 days before the clinical improvement (not more than 12 times a day); Next - 1-2 tablets 3 times a day before full recovery.
Children from 1 year to 12 years - The first 1-2 days of 1 tablet every 2 hours before improving the condition (but not more than 8 times a day), then 1 tablet 3 times a day before full recovery.
With chronic tonsillitis as well as in hypertrophy of sipstalk almonds: adults and children over 12 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. Children from 1 year to 12 years - 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 6-8 weeks. Tablets take 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after meals, slowly resorvating in the mouth. With chronic recurrent tonsillitis, repeated treatment courses should be carried out (several courses per year at 6-8 weeks).

Contraindications for the use of the drug Tonumlotrene

Increased sensitivity to chrome; For diseases thyroid gland (Hyperthyroidism) Treatment only after consulting a doctor.

Side effects of the drug Tonumlotrene

Rarely - amplification of salivation, while the dose should be reduced or stop taking the drug; In the occurrence of skin reactions, which may be observed in isolated cases, it should be abandoned by the use of the drug.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Tonumille

When carrying out treatment with homeopathic drugs at the beginning of treatment, temporary deterioration is possible. In this case, the treatment should be discontinued and consult with the doctor.
Like all medications, Tonumlotrene during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be applied after consulting a doctor.

The interaction of the drug Tonnsillene

Not installed.

Overdose of the drug Tonumlotrene, symptoms and treatment

No harmful effects when taking high doses have not been detected.

Conditions for the storage of the drug Tonumlotrene

In a dry place at room temperature.
Shelf life is 5 years.

List of pharmacies where you can buy a tonsillery:

  • St. Petersburg

Tonumlotrene is a homeopathic preparation for local applications.

Available in the form of tablets, which, during resorption, stimulate their own protective forces of the body and increase the effectiveness of combating viruses and bacteria. Appointed with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

In the treatment of acute states, the therapeutic effect is usually developing during the first two days of the use of tonsilotrene. If the improvement is not observed, you need to cancel the drug and get the consultation of the doctor.

Clinical and Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic preparation used in acute and chronic tonsillitis.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy Without a doctor's prescription.


How much is the tonsonotrene in pharmacies? average price Located at 470 rubles.

Composition and form of release

Homeopathic medication The tonsonoten is produced in the form of white matte tablets for resorption with a slight sulfur smell or odorless with the content of active ingredients:

  • 10 mg Hepar Sulfuris D3;
  • 12.5 mg atropinum sulfuricum d5;
  • 5 mg Silicea D2;
  • 50 mg kalium bichromicum d4;
  • 25 mg Mercurius Bijodatus D8.

From auxiliary substances, the tablets include: sucrose, lactose monohydrate and magnesium stearate.

20 tablets in blisters.

pharmachologic effect

The homeopathic preparation of the tonsonotrene complex value has an anti-inflammatory effect. Pharmacological properties drug Based on the characteristics of its active ingredients.

Stimulates immune defense organism. Shows persistent positive effect with viral bacterial infections Things, throat, skydly almonds at various stages of the inflammatory process. The tonsonotrene has a lymphotropic, immunomodulatory, regenerating and restorative effect.

Homeopathic Apply:

  • with angina in acute and chronic form;
  • after operating removal of almonds;
  • with inflammation of the almonds of the lymphadenoid pharyngeal ring.

Long-term processes with difficulty swallowing are exposed to the Kalium bronchico. Silice helps to accelerate the healing of abscesses, stimulates immune system, helps to more actively oppose the bacterial, viral infection, strengthen the protective properties of the body.

Mercurius Biodeatus helps to reduce hyperplazed nasopharynknoe, parallers, decrease in the edema of the lymphatic nodes of the neck. The Sulfur Gear Sulfur is valid for running, often repeated inflammation, the flow of which is accompanied by supplies, acute stabbing pain.

The homeopathic preparation is a tonsilighture contains a sufficient amount of substance so that after entering the body to stimulate macrophages to the antigenic formation of motifs. It is a prerequisite for the synthesis of regulatory lymphocytes. Cells chemotaxically detect anti-inflammatory lymphocytes with similar antigen's motifs. Push them using synthesis.

Indications for use

The tonsilloten is used in the treatment of tracking diseases:

  • tonsillitis,
  • (catarrhal and lacunar),
  • tonsillar stranch
  • chronic and chronic recurrent angina.

The drug is effective with an increase in the almonds and after removing the almonds by the operational way.



  • age up to 3 years (the experience of using tonsonotrene is insufficient);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Relative (diseases / states in which the drug is prescribed with caution):

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pregnancy and period breastfeeding (The use of tonsonotrene is possible only in cases if the expected benefits are above the possible risk).

Appointment during pregnancy and lactation

Reception of tonsumotrene during pregnancy is possible only on the recommendation of the doctor and in cases where the expected health benefit exceeds the risk of complications from the fetus. This homeopathic preparation is caution and nursing mothers.

Dosage and method of application

As indicated in the instructions for the use of tablets, the tonsillestren should be taken 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after meals, slowly resorving them in the mouth. Children from 3 to 5 years old tablets are given in crushed form under the tongue or dissolved in a small amount of liquid.

  • In the acute course of the disease, children from 3 to 12 years are prescribed 1 tab. Every 2 hours for 1-2 days (no more than 8 times / day) before the advancement of improvement, hereinafter - 1 tab. 3 times / day to complete recovery.
  • Adults and children over 12 are prescribed 1 tab. Every hour for 1-2 days (no more than 12 times / day) before the advancement of improvement, hereinafter - 1-2 tab. 3 times / day to complete recovery.
  • In chronic tonsillitis, children from 3 to 12 are prescribed 1 tab. 3 times / day, adults and children over 12 years old - 1-2 tab. 3 times / day for 6-8 weeks. It is recommended to conduct repeated courses of treatment (several times a year).

Side effects

In general, the tablets of the tonsilloten are transferred quite well. It is sometimes possible to increase salivation, as well as the development of skin allergic reactions in the form of rashes and itching.

In these cases, the use of this drug should temporarily stop and consult a doctor.


For today in clinical practice there are no registered data on the overdose of tonszillene. This means that action increased doses The drug remains unknown. Only cases occurring side effects in the form of disorders of digestion, allergies and savory (salivation) are noted.

In this case, reduce the dosage, or completely cancel the drug if the first method did not help.

special instructions

When using tonsilotrene, the use of other drugs is allowed.

When using tonsilotrene, a temporary deterioration of the state is possible. In this case, the patient must stop taking the drug and consult with the doctor.

The patient must be informed that in the absence of therapeutic effect for acute disease During the first 2 days, discontinue the drug and consult with the doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Drug interaction of the drug Tonzillemen with other drugs is not established.

The peculiarity of the drug is tonsonotrene is the presence of a multicomponent nucleus from biologically active substances, the active interaction of which ensures an effective pharmacological effect on the body. So in the drug they entered:

  • bichromic potassium - 50 mg;
  • dietide mercury - 25mg;
  • - 12.5 mg;
  • calcium sulfide - 10 mg;
  • silicon acid - 5 mg.

The active core of the drug is complemented by the auxiliary substances:

  • lactose monohydrate - 122. 5 mg;
  • sucrose - 24 mg;
  • magnesium stearate - 1 mg.

The dosage is indicated in the massive recalculation on one tablet of the drug Tonumlotrene.

Form release

White matte pills (single dark gray spots) of a plane-cylindrical shape with a beveled edge can occur with a slight sulfur smell or completely without it. Pills in blisters made of aluminum foil or PVC films of 20 pieces, in the package - 3 blisters (60 tablets).

Pharmacological action

Tonumlotrene is homeopathic preparation (homeopathy - This is an unconventional direction in medicine, a method of conservative sanitation therapy on the pseudo-scientific principle " similar to curable similar" or " fight fire with fire"), That is, this is not a medicinal understanding. First of all, such a pharmaceutical unit has completely vegetable and animal origin that can not not have a favorable effect on the human body.

The drug is provided anti-inflammatory action However, the mechanism of such an effect is studied by pharmacologic clinicians not to the end, because the composition does not have active substances that interact with cyclooxygenase (The main mechanism of action of a typical anti-inflammatory drug is not a steroid structure - braking synthesis of this enzyme).

The tonsilloten moderately stimulates Organism:

  • strengthens nonspecific robbing barriers;
  • activates the development antibacterial substances ;
  • stimulates antiviral protection pharynx;
  • increases the synthesis of different fractions;
  • reduces the duration of the ripening of lymphocytes;
  • increases products cytokines (eg, interleukina-2. ) and other biologically active substances ( ) If there is an active focus of inflammation.

Also, the tonsonotrene stimulates the reparative processes of the body - promotes rapid regeneration In places of primary affects (fully restores the structure of the initial tissue) and a decrease in hypertrophied due to inflammation of the tonsils.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Homeopathic preparation is multicomponent, because exactly trace the metabolic paths of each biologically active substance In a clinical experiment, it is not possible.

Indications for use

Tonumlotrene is prescribed with diseases such as:

  • acute;
  • catarial or lacunar ;
  • acute ;
  • hyperplasia or hypertrophy Almonds ;
  • sharp or ;
  • chronic or regularly recurring angina.

Also, the tonsonotrene is included in the conservative rehabilitation scheme after operational removal of almonds Since the homeopathic drug largely contributes to the activation of local regenerative processes. Thus, several times decreases the course full recovery After surgical treatment.


From a homeopathic course of treatment with tonsillestin, it should be abandoned at:

  • increased sensitivity to composite components of the drug;
  • individual intolerance to the active ingredients;
  • the age of a child up to three years (due to the insufficiency of the evidence clinical base of pharmacological studies of this segment);
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • insufficiency or lactose intolerance and its derivatives.

Instructions for use of tonsonotrene (method and dosage)

Tablets should be slowly dissolved in half an hour before meals, in order to increase the optimal action coefficient of biologically active components. Course conservative homeopathic treatment It is appointed by a qualified specialist individually. Typically, the duration of therapy is about 6-8 weeks.

The dosage for adults is 1 tablets every hour, but not more than 12 per day, within 1-2 days until the primary improvement comes. Next, 1-3 tablets, depending on the severity of the clinical case, 3 times a day until complete recovery.

For children up to 12 years old, the dosage decreases somewhat - 1-2 tablets every 2 hours within 1-2 days, then 1 piece 3 times a day for a complete victory over the pathological condition.

Young children should not give a tablet entirely. Much more efficient dissolve it in a small amount of boiled drinking water Or give in crushed form sublingual (under the tongue).


There are no confirmed clinical data on the overdose of homeopathic drugs at the moment, that is, the effect of increased doses of Toniclotrene is unknown.


The homeopathic course of treatment with tonsonotrene does not exclude the use of other medicines.

Terms of sale

In pharmacy kiosks is released without prescription BlancaSince homeopathic preparations are not considered traditional medicines.

Storage conditions

It should be saved in a dark, dry place inaccessible for young children at room temperature (approximately 15-25 degrees Celsius).

Shelf life

special instructions

Separately, it should be noted that the tablets of the tonslotrene contain carbohydrates which is certainly important for people with. So the maximum one-time dose of a homeopathic preparation (12 tablets) includes 0.25 x.

Homeopathic drugs - a special group of pharmaceuticals, in the treatment of which the primary deterioration may occur (see Definition " homeopathy"). In this case, the drug use immediately and contact qualified specialist For proper help.

Tonsillestren does not have pathological influence on the ability to manage cars or other vehicles (or potentially hazardous species Activities), which require increased concentration, the diligent attention and speed of psychomotor reactions, which indicates the relative stability of the drug.

Analogs of tonsilotrene

Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:

Under the analogs of the drug are understood medicinal substances With the same unatic title or ATH code, like a tonsilotrene, however, one should not be able to change the course of conservative therapy, first of all it is worth consulting with a qualified pharmacist or a specialist, because the drugs that are not always listed below pharmacological action and testimony:

  • pills ;
  • syrup Immuno-tone for use inside;
  • Lyophilisate for injection solution;
  • suppository Polydixonium ;
  • injection Timogen. .

Tonslotrene Children

Usually a homeopathic preparation is well tolerated in childhood. Its application is not associated with side effects, if the child has no increased sensitivity to composite components or intolerance to active substance. There is a rapid increase in pharmacological action.

Separately, it should be noted that for children the dosage of the tonsillery should be reduced several times (see the instruction on the use of tonsilotrene). Thus, possible unwanted reactions are avoided at elevated amounts of drugs against the background of the insolvency of some organism systems.

Tonslotrene during pregnancy and lactation

Before turning on the drug in the treatment regimen should be consulted with a doctor or pharmacist. Take a tonsillest in critical periods only in stationary conditions, under the control of qualified medical personnel.

Child disease disturbed every parent. Especially often, the kids complain about the pain in the throat and general ailment. How to treat these symptoms? First you need to show the child to the doctor. Only after that it is advisable to give any medicines. One of the popular drugs is "Tonzillena". Instructions for use for children, reviews about it will be described for you below. You can get acquainted with the composition of the drug, and also learn about the features of its use.

Dosage form and composition

About the Medicine "Tonzillena" Instructions for use (for children up to 1 year and older) says that the drug is produced in the form of tablets. Many consumers want to acquire a medicine in liquid form. However, the manufacturer does not provide for this.

The drug includes such components: potassium sulphide, atropine sulfate, mercury dietide, bichromy potassium, magnesium stearate, sucrose and lactose. The drug is represented by the class of homeopathic preparations.

Indications for use

What does the instructions for use say about the Medicine "Tonzilleman"? For children, the composition is widely used in preventive purposes. In addition, the medication is prescribed as a medicament. The following situations are considered to be the following situations:

  • acute angina different types;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • condition after;
  • inflammatory diseases larynx (laryngitis, tracheitis);
  • viral infections;
  • frequent coldsaccompanied by sore throat.

Also, doctors say that some information does not talk about the drug "Tonnsillery" instructions for use. For children, the composition is sometimes prescribed during stomatitis of different origin, thrush (from localization in the oral cavity) and so on. In each case, individual complaints and features of the course of the disease are taken into account.

Does the composition of contraindications and side effects?

What important information Carries the consumer about the "Tonzillemen" drug instruction for use? For children, the composition should not be used up to three years. This reports abstract. However, many doctors tend to act differently. About the opinion of experts you will learn later. Medication is not used for hyperthyroidism. It is also not recommended to give a medicine to children with lactase deficiency of congenital or acquired type. For sugar diabetes It is worth abiding special caution in the use of medication, as it contains sugar.

A very meager information is indicated about the side effects in annotation. What does the instructions for use say about this medicine "Toncilightrene"? For children, the composition can be dangerous allergic reaction. At the same time, the side effect may have a form of banal rash or acquire a more serious form - swelling of quinque. Also, the composition sometimes causes increased salivation. In such a situation it is advisable to consider the issue of termination of therapy. Medication can lead to disorder in work digestive tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and so on).

"Tonzillena": instructions for use for children

Professionals say that in order to enhance the action of the drug, it is necessary to wait for a while before and after meals. So, the optimal interval will be a half-hour break. The medicine needs to be slowly dissolved in the mouth until complete dissolution. The dosage depends on the symptoms and age of the patient. The composition is usually appointed by a specialist according to an individual scheme. If these recommendations were not given, it is necessary to apply the medication according to the instructions.

  • For children from 3 to 12 years old, the drug is given on one pill every two hours. No more than 8 tablets are permitted per day. Such a scheme should be adhere to the onset of improvements. As soon as the baby became easier, the composition start taking 1 tablet three times a day. After 12 years, with an acute course of the disease, the medicine is given 1 pill through every hour. Daily rate For this age group - 12 pcs. After two days, the medicine is used in the amount of 2 tablets three times a day. Duration of treatment acute form Pathology usually does not exceed 10-14 days.
  • If a child has a chronic form of tonsillitis, then the composition is assigned to 1 pill (under the age of 12) or 2 (after 12 years). The multiplicity of application is three times a day. The duration of use is usually 1.5-2 months.
  • In the treatment of diseases such as stomatitis, laryngitis and in postoperative period An individual scheme and a dose of medication is assigned. At the same time, the doctor always takes into account the individual characteristics of the child and the nature of the course of the disease.

"Tonzillemen": instructions for use for children up to the year (the opinion of specialists)

As you already know, the abstract does not allow the use of the described medicine for the kids of younger. The instructions indicate that the composition should be given to the kids who have already been three years old. Such a limitation is explained by the lack of clinical data in the described age group. Perhaps the medicine and one could give kids, but the manufacturer on began to conduct similar studies.

Doctors say that the composition of the drug is completely natural. Allergy is the only negative reaction that it can cause. If the child is inclined to such by-effect, of course, you should not give it the described means. When the baby normally transfers medicines, it is quite permissible to treat the composition of "Tonnsillery" (drops). Instructions for use for children indicate that the liquid form of the drug must be made independently. To do this, crush the tablet and dissolve it in one teaspoon of water. After that, immediately give a cooked solution to the baby. Children under the age of one year are recommended for one handy three times a day.

Additional information about the homeopathic agent

What else does the instruction on use say about the medication "Tonzillena"? For children of 1 year of life, the composition must be given with special attention. A homeopathic remedy is a drug that can cause deterioration in well-being at the beginning of treatment. If this happened in the case of use for the baby, then it is necessary to immediately refuse the use of medication. Consult a doctor to obtain qualified and competent aid.

"Tonumotrene" does not cause and does not contribute to oppression. That is why the medication can be used among school-age children. The medicine is well combined with other drugs. It is often prescribed with antibiotics and antiviral compositions.

How does the tool work?

The tool has an active anti-inflammatory effect. Also, the composition is capable of positively influence the human immune system. The medication strengthens the protective barriers of the oral cavity, contributes to the healing of mucous membranes. The composition activates natural antibacterial substances. Tablets contribute to the increase in lymphocyte synthesis, which are struggling with infection.

"Tonzillena" begins to work actively from the first hours after reception. However, any homeopathy has a cumulative effect. This means that the maximum action will be obtained only after a few days of regular use.

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