Nesimevakin and its treatment of hydrogen peroxide. Treatment of soda and hydrogen peroxide in nonsense

Which is a method of using hydrogen peroxide by imperture, reviews and side effect This type of treatment is in our article.

The compound under consideration is available in any living organism. When decaying, water and atomic oxygen is formed, which supports human resources. The lack of oxygen causes a violation of the organs of the organs, they go into emergency regime.

Summer hydrogen peroxide (reviews and side effects - in our article) helps to fill the necessary atomic oxygen

Consumption of hydrogen peroxide replenishes the loss of atomic oxygen in the body, which:

  • accelerates metabolism - maintains the balance of substances in the body;
  • participates in the synthesis of vitamins;
  • activates the work of the body systems.

The peroxide participates in the oxidation of poison substances in the body. Oxidation contributes:

  • improving blood composition, regulation of plasma ratio with erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes;
  • absorbing glucose and insulin production, reduction in the risk of diabetes;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • strengthening memory, increase intelligence.

The hydrogen peroxide is healing the heart and blood vessels, restores the nervous and hormonal system, respiratory organs. The difference only in the methods of cure.

Since hydrogen peroxide kills a pathoral flora, it helps in treatment:

  • viruses and purulent infections of various etiology - staphylococci, streptococci, etc.;
  • fungal diseases - candidiasis, deprived, mycoses, etc.;
  • severe epidemiological infections;
  • hemorrhagic inflammation of various etiology;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • neurological and neurodegenerative diseases;
  • heart pathologies;
  • varicose;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • stroke;
  • sugar diabetes.

Hydrogen peroxide with antiseptic effect is used to treat many diseases, such as diabetes mellitus

There is a lawsager question - does hydrogen peroxide act against oncology? Big role playing the stage of the disease; Doctor advises to use hydrogen peroxide together with traditional methods treatment - chemotherapy, immunotherapy, etc.

Studies show - with the acute character of the disease, the result of the application of peroxide is rather fast, while chronic forms require long-term reception.

Hydrogen peroxide in nonimevakin productively struggles with immunodeficiency disorders - different types of allergies, rheumatoid arthritis etc. The technique has both positive and negative feedback, as side effects arise that are inevitable.

Dr. Neumyvakin recommends parallel with the treatment of peroxide to find time for exercise at any age. The active lifestyle favors the saturation of oxygen cells, improves the figure and well-being, and also soothes the nervous system.

In addition, the load stimulates the brain. This reduces the risk of degenerative diseases.

Before the course of treatment with peroxide, Dr. Neumyvakin recommends not to drink alcohol and do not smoke, go to proper nutrition. After all, there is no point in simultaneously cleaning and polluting the body.

1 drop of medication to dissolve in 2-3 tbsp. l. water. To drink on an empty stomach, then between feeding foods (2 hours before or 1 hour after), 3 times a day.

Each day to increase the dose of portions per drop, gradually reaching 10 drops 3 times a day for 10 days. Next, 2-3 days break and start a new 10-day course immediately from 10 drops. Daily dose of peroxide should be no more than 30 drops.

Hydrogen peroxide is administered intravenously. Neumyvakin spent clinical researches On itself and volunteers who proved that such an application gives an even stronger effect, especially in the treatment of infections and cancers.

Intravenous injections are under the supervision of the doctor.

Outwardly, the peroxide is used for compresses, the time of procedure is about an hour. The oral cavity hygiene is used in the form of rinsing. In autoimmune, degenerative and neurodegenerative diseases, the body surface is triturated.

Preparation of the mixture: 1-2 h. 3% hydrogen peroxide by 0.5 liters of water.

When processing lichen and allergic lesions of the skin, such as psoriasis, eczema, hydrogen peroxide 3% do not need to dilute with water. You can prepare a more saturated aqueous solution of hydroperite (15-33%).

Apply to areas covered with rash (eczema) or plaques (psoriasis) before the disappearance of lesions.

With cold and otolaryngological diseases, it is perfectly instilled in hydrogen peroxide into nasal passages.

Preparation of the mixture: 10-15 drops of the drug on 1 tbsp. l. water. Drip one full pipette. Gradually increase the rate of up to 2-3 pipettes, then enter a solution with a syringe with 1 ml without a needle. After 1 min, free the nasal passes from the mucus. After that, 10-15 minutes do not eat and not drink.

In case of ENT diseases, the instillation is effective. aquatic solution hydrogen peroxide

There are relative contraindications (to intravenous and intraarterial administration) and absolute.

Contraindications to hydrogen peroxide by nonsense Mode of application Side effects
Some diseases affecting blood intake: Africribogenemia, hemophilia, hemolytic anemia, DVS syndrome Intravenously Internal bleeding or blood clots
Some allergic diseases: Capillaryotoxicosis Intravenously Breaks of vessel walls
Some diatela: thrombocytopenic purple Intravenously Strengthening of hemorrhage
Organs transplantation Any Possible rejection
Pregnancy Any Fetal death, miscarriage
Breast-feeding Any Changing the composition of milk, influence on the child

There are no reviews about these contraindications due to the lack of clinical experience.

Often hydrogen peroxide in nonsense - reviews, side effects, contraindications, cause skepticity to the method. But the fact that the professor has experienced a system on herself, and at its age has good health and actively works, causes confidence.

At the beginning of treatment, well-being could worsen, there is no intoxication of the body. This is a natural reaction to the impact of peroxide. The destruction of the pathogenic medium begins, a temporary deterioration of the state occurs. This is normal, the discomfort will disappear.

The peroxide of hydrogen by nonsense causes the following side effects, which are known from the reviews of people who passed the course of treatment:

One of the side effects of the application of hydrogen peroxide is the bloating

  • bloating;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • rash;
  • unproductive cough.

If the side effect manifested in the form of rashes on the skin, should not throw treatment. You can combine the reception inside with outdoor use.

Those who took the peroxide of hydrogen by nonsense people are left both positive and negative feedback on the effectiveness of this method of treating diseases. However, almost everything converge in the opinion that the method of Dr. Neumyvakina is a new approach to life. She sets up a positive result and helps to cope with diseases with hydrogen peroxide.

How to take hydrogen peroxide by imperture (reviews and side effects of this fund), you will learn from this video:

Check out the testimony and contraindications to the use of hydrogen peroxide according to the treatment scheme I. Neumyvakina:

Improve well-being, to improve the body and even defeat many ailments, allows the ordinary peroxide of hydrogen. So considers the founder of space medicine Dr. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. It was he who developed an amazing technique, thanks to which you can avoid infarction, strokes, eliminate vascular diseases, atherosclerosis. Moreover, the famous professor experienced its development on himself. His teachings supported the whole world. Consider how to drink hydrogen peroxide by imperture.

In the long-standing times of people's healers who could heal the disease, considered criminals. Despite their good intentions, Snagrahi pursued and cruelly punished. Today the situation in the roots has changed. And many patients who did not help official medicine appeal to folk healers. One of them is Professor Neimevakin Ivan Pavlovich.

The famous doctor has a number of titles and scientific degrees. He received 85 copyright certificates for his inventions. Much value is more than 200 scientific works written by Ivan Pavlovich.

Professor Neimevakin is the founder of space medicine. In this area, his experience is simply incredible. At the same time, constantly engaged in finding new methods of treatment and prevention of various diseases, an amazing doctor has always strived for one. He believed that the main task of medicine is a union of the invalid experience of the invaluable experience of people's and official methods of combating ailment, as well as the physical and spiritual world.

All ideas of the great scientist supported his wife Lyudmila Stepanovna, a doctor by education. In the past, she suffered a disease that the official medicine could not heal. Then she turned for help to people's methods Treatment. Having experienced the healing power of alternative medicine, she completely divided the ideas of her husband.

Thus was created by the wellness center of the Nechurovakina, which there is no analogs around the world. It is located in the Kirov region, in the village of Borovitsa. Called " Health Center Professor Neumyvakina. "

The doctor believes that all diseases occur due to violation of the laws of nature and spiritual essence. To cure from any pathology, you will need to change the nutrition and some other factors. In addition, it is important to monitor endoecology of its own health.

The recovery system developed by spouses is based on the following postulates:

  1. The human body is a bioenergy system in which everything is interconnected. It is capable of self-reproduction and self-regulation.
  2. The impaired work of immunity, slags in the body, a failure in the bioenergy balance are the main causes of any pathology.

All the books of the Great Scientist are based on the above principles.

It is thanks to the experience and works of an excellent doctor, such as Ivan Neimevakin, hydrogen peroxide began to be used to treat various ailments.

In addition, it is available in every living organism. Hydrogen peroxide is an important component. After all, it takes part in a variety of diverse processes occurring in the body:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is the best antioxidant. It destroys toxic elements, destroys a variety of infection - bacteria, fungi, viruses.
  2. The substance is actively involved in bioenergy reactions, fat, carbohydrate, protein metabolism, formation of mineral salts, vitamins, heat in cells.
  3. By influencing blood, it normalizes its composition, improves fluidity, purifies and saturates with oxygen.
  4. Takes part in the fight against free radicals.
  5. Normalizes acid-alkaline equilibrium.
  6. Participates in the regulation of some hormonal thyroid processes, adrenal glands, germ.
  7. Satisfies with oxygen all the tissues of the body.
  8. Participates in the process of transporting calcium in the brain.
  9. With long-term use in the body does not accumulate. Thus, it does not provoke the development of allergic or toxic reactions.
  10. Hydrogen peroxide is capable of performing insulin. It moves sugar into blood plasma cells. This greatly facilitates the functioning of the pancreas. Diabetes helps to reduce the need for insulin.
  11. Normalizes the state of the gastrointestinal tract.
  12. Promotes extension of vessels: brain, heart, respiratory organs.
  13. Stimulates mental performance.
  14. Promotes the regeneration of tissues and rejuvenation of the body.
  15. Leads to the restoration of the disturbed electrolyte balance.

As you can see, no wonder the peroxide of hydrogen Professor Neumyvakin refers to healing means. Proper use This "medicine" can be a panacea from most pathologies, even difficulty.

Consider what is the founded method of nonsense? Most doctors converge to think that in the human body any pathologies arise mainly due to improper nutrition. As a result, it is a violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

For example, many people sometimes drink meals with various liquids. Finding into the stomach, they dilute digestive juice, which produces the stomach, liver and pancreas. Such a form reduces the ability of normal food processing.

The body requires the release of additional acid juices. In this case, a person feels gravity in his stomach, heartburn. In the future, this is capable of developing ulcers. Gastric acid, which is not completely neutralized, enters the duodenum. Such a state provokes the development of new pathologies, ranging from constipation and ending with a cancerium tumor.

To eliminate the process of rotting not completely digested products in the gastrointestinal gastrointestinal organisms, you need atomic oxygen. It is produced in a person from the usual inhaled air.

Unfortunately, the environmental situation is often the cause of the oxygen deficiency. A, considering modern lifeIt should be noted that today the human body needs it much more. The reasons for such a need are harmful in farewell, smoking, drinking, low mobility, improper nutrition.

Using in such situations advises the doctor is nonimevakin hydrogen peroxide. Falling inside the body, it helps improve general status. After all, it suits the necessary oxygen. In addition, hydrogen peroxide normalizes the redox processes and leads to the balance of the digestive system.

A truly fantastic healing effect has hydrogen peroxide. Professor Neimevakin leads a whole list of diseases from which it helps to cure. The basis of its therapeutic properties is an oxygen atom.

The list of diseases, which leads Professor Neumyvakin is quite extensive. The doctor describes in detail how to use hydrogen peroxide under different pathologies. Among the diseases with which this substance is successfully fighting, the following are distinguished:

  • breathing organs pathology: lung emphysema, cancer;
  • diseases of the oral cavity: caries, periodontalosis, stomatitis;
  • skin diseases: fungal diseases, eczema, cancer;
  • infectious pathology: inflammation of lungs, bronchitis, ARVI, angina;
  • violations of cardio-vascular system: Varicose, ischemic disease;
  • neurology: sclerosis, osteochondrosis, stroke;
  • pathology of metabolism: lupus, diabetes;
  • Lor Diseases: Farrygit, Otitis, Schimorite, Rinith.

People who have decided to take advantage of the advice of a famous doctor, you need to know how to drink hydrogen peroxide in nonsense. After all, any panacea with improper use can cause harm to the body.

So, the rules of consumption are quite simple:

  1. Permissible to use inside only qualitatively purified hydrogen peroxide solutions.
  2. Begin treatment is needed with a small dose. It is recommended 1-2 drops of a 3% solution to dilute in 1-2 tablespoons of water. Throughout the day, such a procedure should be repeated 2-3 times. Each subsequent day must be increased by a dose by one drop. This happens until one-time reception is 10 drops. It is extremely important to remember that daily dose The accepted hydrogen peroxide should not exceed the permissible rate of 30 drops.
  3. To obtain a favorable effect from treatment, you should remember how to drink hydrogen peroxide by imperture. Exclusively on an empty stomach. Estation in B. digestive system Seriously increases the negative impact of this drug. Thus, after the meal must pass at least 2-3 hours. After the use of hydrogen peroxide should also refrain from making food. In this case, 40 minutes is enough.
  4. Therapeutic effect will significantly improve if the means is cyclically. The following scheme is recommended. The drug is used for 10 days. After that, a small break should follow - 3-5 days. New course It is permissible to start at once with 10 drops. However, it is categorically prohibited to increase the dose. Remember that the high concentration of peroxide leads to strong burns.

It is more detailed to study the method of receiving the panacea allows the book of non-studying "hydrogen peroxide. On guard of health. " In addition to her, a talented doctor has written many more works telling about the amazing method of healing.

Patients, only beginners of hydrogen peroxide treatment, may encounter enough unpleasant situations. Often, after the first use, the strongest intoxication of the body is observed. The condition deteriorates quite sharply.

However, there is nothing terrible in this. This phenomenon is associated with the fact that hydrogen peroxide is active substanceWhich in the body begins to immediately destroy bacteria.

Extremely unpleasant manifestationBut at the same time evidence of the healing effects, the emergence of a variety of skin inflammations and rashes. It is through them from the body toxic substances are derived. Such manifestations are observed an average week.

In addition, patients may have the following adverse reactions:

  • skin rash;
  • nausea;
  • unusual fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • phenomena resembling cold - cough, runny nose;
  • diarrhea (rarely).

Contraindications for the use of this method practically does not exist. However, people who have suffered transplantation of organs are recommended for this method of treatment not to resort. Because problems are possible.

Consider how to drink hydrogen peroxide in nonimevakin at various pathologies:

  1. Schimorite. To combat such a disease, it follows in a tablespoon of water to dissolve 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting solution is buried in the nose. After that, the patient should blow the mucus as carefully as possible, which will stand out from the sinuses.
  2. Osteochondrosis. This agent is perfectly treating painful discomfort arising in the cervical spine. For this, compresses are used. The napkin from natural fabric is wetted in the peroxide, applied to the surface of the neck. It is advisable to cover the cellophane from above. Such a compress should be held for about 15 minutes. It will take several repetitions of this procedure so that the pain completely left the patient.
  3. Angina. With the strongest discomfort in the throat, a teaspoon of peroxide pour into 1/4 cup of water. This solution needs to rinse well purph cavity and throat. Best Effect It will be obtained if the liquid is somewhat delayed on the almonds. The procedure should be repeated several times a day. During a cold, it is necessary to bury the agent of 3-5 drops into each nostril.
  4. Periodontalosis. This treatment is used in the bleeding of the gums, as well as in the case of an unpleasant smell emanating from the oral cavity. In this case, it will be necessary, as the doctor is recommended, soda, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice. Professor advises to take advantage of the next recipe. 10 drops of lemon juice to drop by 3 grams of soda. To the composition of adding hydrogen peroxide, in an amount of 20 drops. The resulting means must be carefully cleaned your teeth. After the procedure, do not eat and do not drink, and also not to wash the oral cavity for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Painful places. Recommended for discomfort areas, apply compress. The tissue is wetted by a solution of three-percent hydrogen peroxide. In other words, it is necessary in 1/4 glasses of water to dilute 3 teaspoons. The resulting compress should be imposed on a painful place. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After removing the compress, the area that causes discomfort should be wiped with a napkin, pre-dipped in clean peroxide. You can even lose the whole body. Such a procedure brings favorable results with multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease.
  6. Toothache. Unpleasant, painful discomfort can also be eliminated by the use of hydrogen peroxide. For such purposes, it is recommended to dissolve in water (100 ml) two hydroperite tablets. When a dental pain, wechit the resulting solution as longer than the mouth cavity as possible. This procedure should be repeated several times.

Many people say about the unique treatment technique. Not surprisingly, because therapy is quite non-standard. And the favorable results obtained after treatment are heated by living interest.

However, opinions, as always, were divided. Some patients consider hydrogen peroxide with real panacea, capable of healing from various pathologies. Others regard the technique as a hoax, they talk about the strongest poisoning of the body.

So what did the world presented, if we talk about hydrogen peroxide, nonimevakin? Patient reviews that have experienced this tool are narrated by excellent treatment results. People are divided by their amazing stories at which they could get rid of migraine, perfectly supported the body with varicose veins. Such patients say that it was even possible to do without compression linen.

Positive results received people suffering from psoriasis. With the help of hydrogen peroxide, they could not only stop the exacerbation, but also significantly reduce the frequency of their occurrence.

Excellent effects noted patients tormented by the pathologies of the joints. Hydrogen peroxide helped eliminate pain, gravity in the legs, convulsions. And even with the stomach ulcers, an amazing panacea could help. Patients, suffering from severe pathology for a long time, were able to say goodbye to pain and unpleasant heartburn.

Hydrogen peroxide is a cheap method to eliminate many diseases. But its use requires high caution and full compliance with the rules given by Professor Nesimevakin. And, of course, approval by the attending physician. Be healthy!

On the method of treating diseases developed by Professor I.P. Nesimevakin, probably heard many. To get rid of ailments, expensive drugs are not required, treatment is based on the use of conventional hydrogen peroxide and food soda.

Official science has not yet recognized the technique of nonsense, but also does not deny the benefit of such treatment. In any case, she has a lot of followers and, of course, positive results.

Ivan Pavlovich Nesimevakin is known as a well-deserved inventor, he is the author of 85 inventions. For three decades, he developed medicine of space, the winner of the State Prize. It was he who suggested the world to get rid of ailments with hydrogen peroxide and soda.

Many diseases arise due to the root causes - lack of oxygen. It would seem where there may be a flaw? But, given that most people live in urban areas, it is not quite healthy and natural food, rarely happen in nature, the answer is obvious. By replenishing the cells of the body with oxygen, you can get rid of a number of parables. The usual peroxide becomes an oxygen supplier. As a result of the decay, the substance, being in the body, is converted into conventional water and atomic oxygen.

Another strong substance on the effect of combating ailments, Professor Nesimevakin considers food soda. Most suffer from diseases that have arisen due to acid-alkaline imbalance. A common solution of soda and water is capable of harmonizing this balance.

The treatment of hydrogen peroxide was first suggested by Professor Ivan Pavlovich Nesimevakin. He believes that hydrogen peroxide shakes the body and awakens his own strength, immunity, thereby protects against the ailments. There are a lot of pathologies that have a chance to overcome with this simple means.

Hydrogen peroxide is used as in the form of a solution - you can simply drink by adding to a glass with water. It is also used as a compress, bullion, liquid liquid, and in the form of injections.

If you use hydrogen peroxide for rubbing, rinsing, compresses, then one or two teaspoons of a three-percent solution in 50 grams of water are usually dissolved.

Reception of hydrogen peroxide inside requires careful compliance with dosage and multiplicity of use. Otherwise there is a risk of getting intoxication of the body.

In each case, the dosage is its own. With hypertension, for example, on the first day they drink a glass of water (220 mg) with one drop of three percent peroxide solution. Daily add another drop and adjust to 10 drops. Then they take a break for 7 days. After drinking 200 ml. Water, in which 10 drops of peroxide dissolved. The next day the same scheme. Then a break for three days and drink the same amount of water and peroxide over three days. Treatment is completed when normal blood pressure is restored.

Intravenously peroxide is administered under hospital conditions, for example, on initial stage stroke. Dissolve 0.3 ml. Peroxy in 20 ml of water is divided into three portions and three times a day of 1/3 of the solution are introduced in the form of injection.

Treatment of food soda is described in the popular book of Professor "Soda - myths and reality". A world-class scientist who has configured for many years to study non-traditional treatments, is confident that the soda is an amazing remedy for many ages, creating wonders.

There is also a concept as "blood flowing". This happens when the acid-alkaline balance is violated. Normally, this balance must be maintained all life. But under certain conditions (power disorders, for example, alcoholic intoxication Etc.) The decay products remain in the body, the pH balance of the blood is disturbed, there is not enough alkaline resources to derive an excessive amount of acid. Sometimes it happens on the contrary, latching the body. But in 70 percent, according to the theory of oxidation of the body, it is shifted in the acidic side. And this is the root cause of many diseases, including diabetes, heart attack, stroke, osteoporosis. In general, the body will grow faster, the teeth will deteriorate, increasing the brittleness and hair loss, the skin becomes dry.

The use of soda solution in the correct proportions returns the lost harmony of the aqueous-alkaline balance and eliminates diseases, or prevents their appearance.

Treatment of Soda Sumyvakin suggests strict observance of the schedule for the reception and concentration of soda solution:

  • Start with small doses. The solution should always be warm, not lower than 37 degrees;
  • Dissolve soda in water or warm milk. In a glass of liquid, a quarter of a teaspoon of soda is added. Drink for three days, make a three-day break and drink a solution again, but already increased by two times the amount of soda. Each time, increasing the amount of soda, bring it to 1 tbsp.;
  • Make a solution as follows: poured soda with boiling water in the amount of half a cup, and then diluted with chilled water to the top of the glass (or this is milk). The solution should not be too hot or cold;
  • Young people are enough to drink two such glasses on the day. Elderly people - three;
  • Drink a solution in the morning on an empty stomach, and then half an hour before going or two hours after the meal.

There are also contraindications for receiving soda mortar, which should be found in advance, consult with the doctor. For example, such therapy is not suitable for people with a stomach ulcer, pregnancy, a third-degree cancer, already available diabetes mellitus (such a solution is good only for the prevention of this ailment). It is worth knowing that the soda solution neutralizes the action of aspirin, so it is not necessary to take at the same time.

Can I simultaneously take peroxide and soda?

As solutions to take peroxide and soda is simultaneously categorically impossible.

Because of this, an extremely unwanted reaction will arise, rises heat. There should be no less than half an hour between the techniques of solutions of soda and peroxide.

Nesimevakin Treatment of soda and hydrogen peroxide at the same time

At the same time, these strong substances take only as a means for outdoor use. It is possible, for example, rinse the throat with a soda solution (1 st. L. Soda per 1 l. Water) and rinse the nose with a solution of peroxide (on a quarter of a glass of water 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide).

You can also combine the feeding of the soda solution inside and the external use of the peroxide solution.

Surely many have heard of a wonderful technique, which, nevertheless, is not recognized as official medicine. Before you to tell in detail about the method and wonderful healing, consider what justifications from Professor Neudimevakina for the treatment of hydrogen peroxide, why and why do you need a person?

In the Epoch of Globalization, we eat mostly harmful foods (oily, fried, smoked), in which there is no oxygen, breathing the tanned air, we carry out a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of oxygen - a typical problem modern man. Because the city inhabitant, which turned out in the forest, fainting often.

The body literally struggles for each "sip of oxygen", since its flaw is fraught various diseases, Up to death. From lack of oxygen, the heart, brain and retina are most affected.

Because the reception of the peroxide is the optimal version of the saturation of the tissues of oxygen and maintaining at the required level of all vital important processes. For the first time at the CIS's expanses, this method of treatment was applied by Professor I. P. Neumvakin.

Finding into the body, hydrogen peroxide is converted by an enzyme catalase, resulting in water and atomic oxygen. Functions of the last:

  • saturation of oxygen tissues (strongest antioxidant);
  • oxidation of toxic products that block the work of the intestine;
  • the destruction of pathogenic microflora (viruses, bacteria, fungi);
  • correction of the resonant frequency of each cell.

That is, hydrogen peroxide can be compared with flammable, having received which cells of our body seem to awaken for full-fledged work.

Hydrogen peroxide use:

  • To stimulate oxidative processes
  • Restoration of the balance of oxygen
  • Activation of own atomic oxygen

Natural sources of formal oxygen formation:

  • Waterfall
  • Oxygen baths
  • Ultraviolet irradiation

Getting atomic oxygen allows the Chizhevsky chandelier - the device made just for the treatment of patients on the theory of lack of oxygen in human cells.

Now, when with the benefit of treatment with hydrogen peroxide, it was understood, we turn directly to the method of receiving the drug.

For internal use, use the following scheme.

  1. In two tablespoons of water dilute one drop means, take three times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. Every day, the dose of peroxide is increased by one drop, after the tenth day they take a break for 2-3 days.
  3. Next, the solution is taken at the rate of ten drops, without increasing anything.
  4. Take 10 drops of two or three days, then make the same time during the reception in the reception and continue to receive.

Thus, the maximum dose is 10 drops. Although many patients stop at a dose of 3-5 drops, considering it optimally comfortable for themselves.

In such doses, you can take H2O2 during pregnancy. Children can also take this tool. For age, 5 years on two tablespoons of water dose is 1-2 drops, for 5-10 years - 2-5 drops, 10-14 years old - 5-8 drops. The reception is also carried out three times a day in thirty minutes before meals (either two hours after).

Neumyvakin warns that when taking a hydrogen peroxide, discomfort in the stomach may appear (heaviness, painting pain), then the dose is reduced to 3-5 drops or it is necessary to stop taking the drug for a couple of days. Preferably during the course of treatment to use Vitamin C.

We offer to watch a video about the treatment of hydrogen peroxide in nonsense, in which the professor himself personally talks about the nuances of the technique

Internal use of the solution treats such diseases:

  • Purulent and viral infections
  • Intestinal dysbiosis
  • Brain Vessel Diseases
  • Diseases of peripheral vessels (Alzheimer, chorporation, etc.)
  • Heart pathology (heart attack, angina)
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Thrombophlebit
  • Strokes (ischemic and hemorrhagic)
  • Supported endarterite
  • Diabetes
  • Malignant neoplasm
  • lupus erythematosus
  • Rheumatoid polyarthritis
  • Allergic manifestations

In addition to internal and external applications, H2O2 is used to clean the thin and large intestines. The professor himself emphasizes that hydrocolonotherapy is most effectively affected, but it needs special equipment and personnel of relevant qualifications.

At home good result They give enema with hydrogen peroxide: when they are used, the body is cleared of slags and toxins.

Pre-make the cleansing enema, and then directly with peroxide. It will take the finished solution (it is pre-slightly heated) and a disposable system. It is connected to the bottle with a solution, from the other end they remove the needle, lubricate the tip of the petroleum and insert it into the rectum. The supply of the solution should be 60 drops per minute.

Dose for adults - 200 ml of saline with 5 ml of peroxide (3%), for children - 100 (with the same peroxide).

In some cases, the enema with a hydrogen peroxide in nonimevakin turns out to be much more efficient than other methods of receiving the means. It is shown in the process of preparing for pregnancy, to restore blood and lymphotok, reproductive function, etc.

After cleansing the body from the inside, the cells, freeing from slags, will be able to provide themselves with oxygen. When oncological problems effectively make microclizms at the rate of 1 teaspoon of peroxide on 120 ml of saline.

In his book, Ivan Pavlovich suggests that the peroxide is both internally and externally helps in the treatment of flu, viruses, colds and ARS, as well as serious skin diseases and human mental violations (Parkinson disease, strokes and post-stations, etc. )

For outdoor use, 1-2 teaspoons of three percent liquids are bred in 50 grams of water. The solution is used for:

  • Rubbing in any distressed places (joints, heart, for fracture fractures, etc.)
  • Rinsing mouth (to eliminate the smell)
  • With multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • For compresses (hold up to hours)
  • For the treatment of fungus and skin diseases
  • To remove warts

It is very effective for washing the nose of hydrogen peroxide according to the method of nonimevakin.

Washing nasal sinyl peroxide is used at:

  • Influenza
  • Headache
  • Costood
  • Gaymorite.
  • Scarm sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Nasopality diseases
  • Ruthfully
  • Inflammation of the frontal sinus
  • Noise in the head

In case of influenza, the nose in the method of Ivan Pavlovich's method is washed with the hymorite and disease described.

A 10-15 drops of H2O2 will be required on the tablespoon of water, make the solution in both nostrils through a pipette in each. After 2 days, the dose increases to 2-3 pipettes in each nostril. Then the liquid can be entered using a disposable syringe (one dice).

By entering the contents of the pipette, after about half a minute, it is necessary to blow out of the nostril the exit mucus. Make it in the bathroom, holding the second nostril with a finger and tilt the head to the shoulder.

After manipulation, it is impossible for 10-15 minutes nothing and drink.

The professor advises this method as very effective, when treating all listed above in the list of diseases.

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide in nonimevakin will help get rid of hearing loss from diseases of the ears. To do this, there are 0.5% peroxide in the ears) 0.5% peroxide, then after a few days already already injected 3%.

It is known that the reason for many neurological violations, including Parkinson's disease, is the lack of oxygen. Because the use of H2O2, Professor Neimevakin considers it appropriate and with this disease. In addition to receiving inside (a drop of three times a day for half an hour before meals, dissolve in a spoonful of water), all the body once a day is wiping with such a liquid: 1-2 h. Spoons of 3% peroxide dilute in 50 ml of water. Also very effective nasal washing, as described above.

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide fungus Nail internally can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Moisten in a 3% solution of H2O2 cotton disk and make it a pretty lubricate all the nail plates affected by the fungus. Make 2-3 times a day until the malicious fungus finally leaves the nails.
  2. Also helps a 15-25-30% solution prepared from tablets. It treats such insidious diseases such as psoriasis and eczema, not only fungus. The resulting solution is smeared nails and rashes twice a day until the disease passes.

It is also well helped with warm baths with peroxide (on a liter of water 1-2 tablespoons of the drug), however, to treat fungus only ineffectively, you need to use all the methods.

In his practice, Dr. Neumyvakin uses a 3-% solution with a shelf life of 15 days, since it has a smaller number of lead.

For intravenous administration, a disposable diffusion system is used. The procedure is carried out in hospital or home conditions, for the optimal effect, 1 procedure will be required once every two days in the first week, and hereinafter times in three days - in the subsequent. In addition, it is necessary to reconsider its diet, to move more, to make the body cleaner from slags. Thus, the body will gradually rebuilt on the mode of its own production H2O2.

For the first time, 2 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 200 ml of saline (0.03%) will be needed. In the future, the dose will increase to 10 ml and 200 ml of saline (0.15-0.2%).

In the case of a re-course, it is still beginning with small doses, gradually moving upwards. Depending on the severity of the disease, the maximum dose will be 15 ml of peroxide on 200 ml of saline.

To dial the required amount of hydrogen peroxide, take 1 or a twogram syringe, unscrew the outer cover of the bottle with peroxide, enter the needle, without opening the inner cover, and dial the right amount. So the properties of the solution will continue longer.

The number of administrations directly depends on the severity of the disease. Usually improvements occur after 3-5 procedures. Professor Neimevakin advises to hold 10-12 injections, in severe cases 15-20.

Hydrogen peroxide into vein and without diffuse system are injected: with a syringe (20 grams). 20 ml of saline and 0.3-0.4 ml of 3-% H2O2 is recruited. The liquid is slowly entered into a vein for 2 minutes. In the second procedure, 1 ml of peroxide is introduced, then the dose can be increased to 1.2-1.5 ml per 20 ml of saline. Such emergency help You can have a patient anywhere, this does not require a hospital stay.

Compliance with precautions during intravenous administration:

  • Hydrogen peroxide can not be mixed and introduced together with other medicines
  • You can not enter the solution too fast, it can cause painfulness
  • Do not recommend entering a vessel in which there are inflammation
  • If there is a pain in the place of administration, you can attach a cold compress on it.


  • Hemometic anemia
  • Afibrinogenemia
  • Thrombocytopenic purple
  • Hemophilia
  • DVS syndrome
  • Capepilotoxycosis

With the first intravenous administration, an increase in body temperature is possible. This is a consequence of body intoxication, when atomic oxygen destroys the pathogenic microflora too quickly. That is why it is desirable that the first such manipulations are conducted under the supervision of the doctor.

However, if there is a temporary deterioration of the state, then, as a rule, after 1-3 procedures it passes. It is important at the moment of treatment to exclude alcohol and smoking, after the injection, it is necessary for an hour or other to lie down, drink herbal tea with honey.

It must be said that such intravenous administrations are safe in terms of the development of the gas embolism, since the molecules of atominian oxygen in the peroxide are separated by water molecules.

Store hydrogen peroxide in hermetically closed container, in a dark place. With proper storage, it retains its properties for two years. But it is worth noting that the pharmacies often sell a solution whose storage period is 15 days.

Read the book I.P. Neumyvakina about his method for treatment of hydrogen peroxide can be read here.

There are no contraindications for receiving hydrogen peroxide, but no more than 30 drops of peroxide divorced in water should not be taken.

So, Dr. Neumyvakin Treatment of hydrogen peroxide.

Professor Nesimevakin Treatment of hydrogen peroxide

Before you familiarize yourself with his recommendations - two words about the professor of Nesimevakin. He has been engaged in the health of our astronauts for more than 30 years, he is one of the cosmic medicine discoverers. Later, he created a medical and prophylactic center dealing with the development of traditional medicine.

Hydrogen peroxide helps:

1) Drinking hydrogen peroxide should be inside - 1 drop (we need 3% peroxide) to ΒΌ cup in water, three times a day. Every day, add one drop each day (for example, on the second day 2 + 2 + 2 already 6 drops), bringing a one-time dose to ten drops for one reception by the tenth day. Then take a break for 3 days, after the break, take a solution of hydrogen peroxide ten drops for another 10 days. Then again break and drink again.

Please remember that it is necessary to take the peroxide half an hour before meals or 2 hours after.

3) If a hymorite 15 drops of peroxide should be poured into a tablespoon of water, dial into the pipette and drip the nose.

4) Another wonderful recipe that will help with the smell of mouth, periodontal disease, bleeding gums.

We will need:

  • paul teaspoon soda;
  • lemon juice - a couple of droplets;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 20 drops.

All stirred and clean your teeth. When you clean 10 -15 minutes - do not eat anything.

5) For any pain in the throat, gum diseases, the sornery rinse the mouth with a hydrogen peroxide - 1-2 teaspoons, divorced in a glass of water, then delay the solution on the almond and span.

The same solution must be drunk three drops in the nose during a cold, in the ears - with more.

Treatment of hydrogen peroxide Doctor Neumyvakina

1) the usual three percentage of hydrogen peroxide - dilute one-day tea spoons on 50 milliliters of water, apply in the form of rubbing or compresses with any skin diseases, as well as for rinsing. Take 50 milliliters of water, add 2-3 tea spoons there, wet cotton - paper fabric, superimpose it on any painful areas in the form of a compress. Or you can wipe painful areas with a cloth moistened with 3 percentage peroxide.

2) If the dental pain is tormented, two pills of hydroperite throw in a half-table of water let them dissolve and rinse for a long time.

3) with sicks in the neck with osteochondrosis, compresses will help. Moisten the napkin in the peroxide and impose on a sore place. Wrap a plastic bag for heat and hold 15 minutes, pain subsides.

When receiving peroxide, dizziness is possible, since the body is quickly saturated with oxygen.

Is it possible to give a hydrogen peroxide? Yes, of course, in the next dosage:

  • up to five years - one drop on one tablespoon of water;
  • from 5 to ten years - 2-5 drops;
  • from 10-14 years old - 5-8 drops, also one-day tablespoons of water.

4) Another interesting recipe for regular care of your teeth.

Take half-one spoons of drinking soda, it drops 5-6 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide, stir and smear on a cotton disk. This tampon clean your teeth and slightly massage the gums for four to five minutes. It is better to do it in the morning after sleep, but you can and in the evening before bedtime.

Since we are not moving little, it feeds on how it fell, the body always lacks oxygen, so the reception of hydroperite one-day tablets on 50 ml of water will not be superfluous at any disorders.

There are practically no contraindications for the use of hydrogen peroxide, only individual intolerance, and the main thing is to abide by the dosage.

Conclusion: it turns out to be how much useful properties at hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to use this cheap and effective medicine, and when taking inside, Dr. Neumyvakin is advised to be treated with hydrogen peroxide, after all it is worth getting the advice from a doctor.

Every person is known to medicine Like hydrogen peroxide. It is widely used for processing wounds and scratches in order to avoid infection with infection. But this drug has other destinations. For example, many people today try the treatment of hydrogen peroxide in nonsense. To the surprise of many, it is struggling with many difficulties associated with health. Therefore, it is worth discussing for more details, for what and how to use this tool.

Professor Neimevakin and N 2 O 2

Professor behind his back there are many works and a huge number of experiments that have helped make new treatments in medicine. One of them is the use of H 2 O 2, which he tried on himself. After he was able to identify the properties of this drug and its influence on the body, the treatment of hydrogen peroxide in nonsense has acquired nationwide approval. Professor continues to use this tool as preventive measure. His supporters are also treated with the use of peroxide and reach the desired healing effect.

What is treated with H 2 O 2

The active use of this method began with successful treatment Cardiovascular diseases. After that, the professor studied the remaining areas where hydrogen peroxide can help. In this list, bronchitis, allergies, lung emphysema. She also struggles with fungal lesions, viral and bacterial infections. Stimulates work immune system And warns the appearance of atherosclerosis. It is able to destroy cancer cells, cure leukemia and clean the vessels, removing from the walls of the fats. Treatment of hydrogen peroxide for nonsense will help to cope with almost any disease.

Are there any contraindications and warning

This drug practically does not have contraindications. The most important thing is to know the dosage that helps to cope with the disease. The only ban on the use of H 2 O 2 is personal intolerance. These adverse reactions such as rash, fatigue and drowsiness, symptoms, reminiscent of cold, and sometimes diarrhea can be counted. But such intolerance can manifest only in 2% of patients.

In addition, if a person has suffered an operation to replace organs, this self-treatment should be excluded because difficulties may occur with tissue compatibility.

When hydrogen peroxide is starting to be treated in nonsense, many talk about the emergence of a slight burning in the stomach. It is not worth it to fear and stop taking the drug, since it is a natural reaction. It is necessary to temporarily reduce the dose until the body gets used to H 2 O 2.

During therapy, only the phytopreparations and medicines made on the basis of H 2 O 2 speak simultaneously at the same time, said Professor Neumyvakin. Hydrogen peroxide treatment and simultaneous reception Other medical preparations are incompatible. Between such techniques there must be intervals at least half an hour.

Outdoor application

For treatment, it will take 3% peroxide. Two teaspoons must be dissolved in 50 ml of purified water. The tool is used as compresses, as well as for rinsing and rubry. Suitable for skin rashes, for the treatment of pain in various zones of our body. The composition is treated with headaches, flu, multiple sclerosis. For instillation and washing of nasal channels, a mixture of peroxide (10-15 drops) and water (1 tbsp) per nostril is made. After some time, the dosage is changing, and the syringe is made on one cube. The procedure is performed twice a day in the morning and evenings. If a person is sick, this action is carried out more often.

Intravenous injections

Another use that Ivan Neumyvakin suggested is the treatment of hydrogen peroxide intravenously. It is necessary to connect 200 ml of saline with 2 ml of peroxide. The solution can be replaced by distilled water. Put a dropper on a slight speed, 60 drops per minute. But the amount of injected medication needs to be increased gradually. The first day is accepted only 100 ml, another day 150 ml, from the third to the seventh day already full portion - 200 ml. In the first days of intravenous treatment, some have an increase in temperature, and this is normal. Such changes are related to the fact that the medicine kills the pathogenic flora, which causes these anomalies. It is worth noting that this method is only approved abroad. In Russia, he is not legalized.

Internal use

For this method, 3% solution is also used. You need to start with a small dose: 1-2 tablespoons are only one drop N 2 O 2. You need to take three times a day before meals. Eating is needed only after half an hour or two hours before meals. Every day it is necessary to increase the rate per drop. Get to the tenth day and stay for a couple of days. After that, resume treatment immediately from 10 drops (this is the norm, which cannot be further enlarged). The duration of this course remains on personal preference. It is important to periodically take breaks for three, five days.

Properties of hydrogen peroxide

Our body can produce this element itself, but due to the improper lifestyle of this quantity lacks cells. But for proper functioning, we need H 2 O 2. Here are some processes in which it takes part:

Each person has a reaction to H 2 o 2 very different. But, as Professor Neimevakin is convinced, hydrogen peroxide treatment occurs due to the catalase enzyme, which is in the body in the body, but in different quantities. It separates water from molecular oxygen. Much depends on food, which we use - oily, roasted, smoked, chemical and salty. Because of this, our fabrics remain completely without oxygen. When N 2 O 2 begins to flow into the cells, it is unusual for them. That is why at first can be felt alert. This period is better to wait a bit and resume the reception of the medicine on the second day, and the dose can be temporarily reduced by twice as long as it turns severe malaise. Also, the first time may dizziness, Doctor Neumyvakin warns. Treatment of hydrogen peroxide in the right doses is completely safe, so it is not necessary for the first symptoms of recovery.

What is important to consider

Before switching to the treatment of peroxide, you need to clean the large intestine. If possible, it is advisable to clean and liver. This is necessary so that the result gives itself to know as soon as possible, as well as for the treatment to be more efficient. Changes in the body can be noted if a long period is treated. At the same time, you need to compare your state three or six months ago. Over time, even serious diseases can retreat.

Is it possible to give children

Some doubt that this treatment method is suitable for children. But it is precisely what this drug is needed, the Doctor Neumyvakin approves. Treatment of hydrogen peroxide in this case requires only reduction in dosage. If the baby is less than five years old, it gives it a tablespoon of water with a droplet H 2 O 2. Children from 5 to 10 can be given up to five drops, starting from 10 to 14 years the maximum rate - at once 8 drops into two spoons of water.

Geimorita treatment

As they found out, treatment can be performed in several ways. The choice of method depends on the type of disease. The use of the drug through the nose benefits not only with colds, is convinced of the imperious. Treatment of hydrogen peroxide sinusitis has a healing effect. To do this, it is necessary to dilute 10-15 drops in a spoonful of water. This is one portion for one nostril. After 10 seconds, the liquid will begin to appear from which it is necessary to get rid of it. He tighten the head to one shoulder and the upper nostril clamp the finger, blowing the mucus from the bottom. Repeat on the other side. For another 15 minutes you can not drink.

Treatment of dental pain

Very often we can overcome a toothache. To eliminate it, you must use the pills of hydroperite. It will take two tablets that should be diluted in half a glass of water. The finished medicine needs to rinse the mouth, while trying to withstand as long as possible. The mixture must be flattened and repeated rinse several times.

Treatment of skin cancer

According to nonimevakin, the treatment of hydrogen peroxide of the skin cancer is quite possible. As you know, in the early stages there is an operation to eliminate the tumor. The professor asserts: if it is regularly used H 2 O 2, the tumor will be eliminated even without the help of surgery.

Treatment of fungus

It is known that the manifestation of the fungus on the nails is not just cosmetic trouble. With incorrect therapy, it does not just do not pass, but begins to grow. The professor is confident that the fungus of hydrogen peroxide is possible. Nesimevakin gives recommendations how to start the procedure. To start the nails should be unpiring. For this, a solution is prepared from a liter of preheated water and a teaspoon of soda food. Also pre-prepare a cotton disk, from which a piece is cut into the form of a nogot. After the nails sprinkled, you need to apply the prepared cutter (well-moistened in the peroxide) to the affected place. The procedure is carried out per day twice. On the legs, the compresses must be kept up to an hour, on hand - about 15 minutes.

Positive reviews

Since this technique is not new, many have already tried the treatment of hydrogen peroxide (neurimevakin). Feedbacks say that there are people who have really benefited these procedures. People suffering from heartburn could get rid of this ailment for the fourth day. These results, of course, inspire, and the course continues a much greater period. People argue that during this time they did not suffer from respiratory diseases even during the off-season. In addition, some gradually well well and got rid of the constant feeling of fatigue, they began to fall out, cheerful appeared. Other people were able to get rid of chronic rhinosinusitis and headaches. The effect was seen immediately. Therefore, in minor diseases, the result is positive.

Contradictory reviews

But not all people brought relief treatment of hydrogen peroxide (non-study). Feedbacks of such people say that by taking on this method H 2 O 2, they could not notice positive improvements in their body. Others noticed a very weak effect. There are people who do not risk trying on themselves a similar dubious method and prefer traditional treatment, turning to the hospital.


Application H 2 O 2 is not a panacea, and this recognizes the imperious himself. Hydrogen peroxide treatment is auxiliary. It can be combined with many drugs from the patient's main disease. However, it should be said that official medicine finds this method of treatment absurd and does not advise to apply this tool other than described in the instructions.


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Knowledge of hydrogen peroxide is limited to antiseptic and hemostatic properties. Dr. Ivan Pavlovich Nesimevakin created a phenomenal methodology for unconventional use of hydrogen peroxide.

What is a technique for using hydrogen peroxide by nonsense, reviews and side effects of this type of treatment - in our article.

The compound under consideration is available in any living organism. When decaying, water and atomic oxygen is formed, which supports human resources. The lack of oxygen causes a violation of the organs of the organs, they go into emergency regime.

Summer hydrogen peroxide (reviews and side effects - in our article) helps to fill the necessary atomic oxygen

Consumption of hydrogen peroxide replenishes the loss of atomic oxygen in the body, which:

  • accelerates metabolism - maintains the balance of substances in the body;
  • participates in the synthesis of vitamins;
  • activates the work of the body systems.

The peroxide participates in the oxidation of poison substances in the body. Oxidation contributes:

  • improving blood composition, regulation of plasma ratio with erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes;
  • absorbing glucose and insulin production, reduction in the risk of diabetes;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • strengthening memory, increase intelligence.

Useful article site: Thrush. Treatment is quick and efficient. Medications.

What diseases can be treated with hydrogen peroxide

The hydrogen peroxide is healing the heart and blood vessels, restores the nervous and hormonal system, respiratory organs. The difference only in the methods of cure.

Since hydrogen peroxide kills a pathoral flora, it helps in treatment:

  • viruses and purulent infections of various etiology - staphylococci, streptococci, etc.;
  • fungal diseases - candidiasis, deprived, mycoses, etc.;
  • severe epidemiological infections;
  • hemorrhagic inflammation of various etiology;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • neurological and neurodegenerative diseases;
  • heart pathologies;
  • varicose;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • stroke;
  • sugar diabetes.

Hydrogen peroxide with antiseptic effect is used to treat many diseases, such as diabetes mellitus

There is a lawsager question - does hydrogen peroxide act against oncology? The stage of the disease plays a big role; The doctor advises to use hydrogen peroxide together with traditional treatment methods - chemotherapy, immunotherapy, etc.

Studies show - with the acute character of the disease, the result of the application of peroxide is rather fast, while chronic forms require long-term reception.

The penetration of hydrogen by nonimevakin productively struggles with immunodeficiency disorders - different types of allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The technique has both positive and negative feedback, as there are side effects that are inevitable.

Tips of Doctor Neumyvakina on the treatment of hydrogen peroxide

Note! Dr. Neumyvakin advises for internal use to acquire high-quality hydrogen peroxide in a glass container.

Dr. Neumyvakin recommends parallel with the treatment of peroxide to find time for exercise at any age. The active lifestyle favors the saturation of oxygen cells, improves the figure and well-being, and also soothes the nervous system.

In addition, the load stimulates the brain. This reduces the risk of degenerative diseases.

Before a course of treatment with peroxide, Dr. Neumyvakin recommends not to drink alcohol and do not smoke, go to proper nutrition. After all, there is no point in simultaneously cleaning and polluting the body.

How to take a hydrogen peroxide inside

It's important to know! Hydrogen peroxide to use only on an empty stomach!

If you neglect by this rule, side effects may be strong, and reviews that confirm that you cannot accept peroxide on a full stomach.

1 drop of medication to dissolve in 2-3 tbsp. l. water. To drink on an empty stomach, then between feeding foods (2 hours before or 1 hour after), 3 times a day.

Each day to increase the dose of portions per drop, gradually reaching 10 drops 3 times a day for 10 days. Next, 2-3 days break and start a new 10-day course immediately from 10 drops. Daily dose of peroxide should be no more than 30 drops.

Hydrogen peroxide is administered intravenously. Nesimevakin conducted clinical research on himself and volunteers who proved that such an application gives an even stronger effect, especially in the treatment of infections and cancers.

Intravenous injections are under the supervision of the doctor.

Outdoor use of hydrogen peroxide (instruction)

Outwardly, the peroxide is used for compresses, the time of procedure is about an hour. The oral cavity hygiene is used in the form of rinsing. In autoimmune, degenerative and neurodegenerative diseases, the body surface is triturated.

Preparation of the mixture: 1-2 h. 3% hydrogen peroxide by 0.5 liters of water.

When processing lichen and allergic lesions of the skin, such as psoriasis, eczema, hydrogen peroxide 3% do not need to dilute with water. You can prepare a more saturated aqueous solution of hydroperite (15-33%).

Important to remember! The hydroperite solution prepared independently use immediately, it is impossible to store!

Apply to areas covered with rash (eczema) or plaques (psoriasis) before the disappearance of lesions.

With cold and otolaryngological diseases, it is perfectly instilled in hydrogen peroxide into nasal passages.

Preparation of the mixture: 10-15 drops of the drug on 1 tbsp. l. water. Drip one full pipette. Gradually increase the rate of up to 2-3 pipettes, then enter a solution with a syringe with 1 ml without a needle. After 1 min, free the nasal passes from the mucus. After that, 10-15 minutes do not eat and not drink.

In case of ENT diseases, an injection of aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide into the nose is

Hydrogen peroxide treatment: contraindications

There are relative contraindications (to intravenous and intraarterial administration) and absolute.

Contraindications to hydrogen peroxide by nonsenseMode of applicationSide effects
Some diseases affecting blood intake: Africribogenemia, hemophilia, hemolytic anemia, DVS syndromeIntravenouslyInternal bleeding or blood clots
Some allergic diseases: capillaryotoxicosisIntravenouslyBreaks of vessel walls
Some diatela: thrombocytopenic purpleIntravenouslyStrengthening of hemorrhage
Organs transplantationAnyPossible rejection
PregnancyAnyFetal death, miscarriage
Breast-feedingAnyChanging the composition of milk, influence on the child

There are no reviews about these contraindications due to the lack of clinical experience.

Useful article site: Levomecol. What is applied ointment, instruction, price, analogues, reviews

Side effects in the treatment of hydrogen peroxide

Often hydrogen peroxide in nonsense - reviews, side effects, contraindications, cause skepticity to the method. But the fact that the professor has experienced a system on herself, and at its age has good health and actively works, causes confidence.

At the beginning of treatment, well-being could worsen, there is no intoxication of the body. This is a natural reaction to the impact of peroxide. The destruction of the pathogenic medium begins, a temporary deterioration of the state occurs. This is normal, the discomfort will disappear.

The peroxide of hydrogen by nonsense causes the following side effects, which are known from the reviews of people who passed the course of treatment:

One of the side effects of the application of hydrogen peroxide is the bloating
  • bloating;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • rash;
  • unproductive cough.

Useful article site: How to cause monthly delay. All methods and means.

If the side effect manifested in the form of rashes on the skin, should not throw treatment. You can combine the reception inside with outdoor use.

Those who took the peroxide of hydrogen by nonsense people are left both positive and negative feedback on the effectiveness of this method of treating diseases. However, almost everything converge in the opinion that the method of Dr. Neumyvakina is a new approach to life. She sets up a positive result and helps to cope with diseases with hydrogen peroxide.

How to take hydrogen peroxide by imperture (reviews and side effects of this fund), you will learn from this video:

Check out the testimony and contraindications to the use of hydrogen peroxide according to the treatment scheme I. Neumyvakina:

Alternative medicine has always caused dual opinions: someone considers it meaningless, and someone on the contrary - panacea from many diseases. Despite the controversial opinion, treatment with unconventional methods gives its results. But positive or negative, they are another question. A striking example of this kind of treatment is the methods of Professor Neumyvakina.


Who is Professor Neumyvakin, can it be trusted?

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich - Professor, Doctor Mednovak, Doctor, Laureate of Mr., Virtual Member of the Federal District Sciences, Author 200 Scientific Work, Honored Member of the Russian Profasociation of Specialists traditional medicine. Neumyvakin deservedly received the title of "Best People's Healer of Russia". For all its own labor activity Ivan Pavlovich managed to develop many methods and principles of medical care cosmonauts during flights of various durations. He coordinated the work of the leading specialists of the state in the direction of cosmetic medicine. Nesimevakin is the creator of a unique hospital - a space hospital on board the vessel.

As a rule, at the present time modern medicine It is aimed at making "big money" in diseases, Professor Neimevakin teaches how to defeat the disease and always be healthy, without visiting the pharmacy. One of the methods of combating diseases Ivan Pavlovich considers the use of hydrogen peroxide.

What is the essence of treatment with hydrogen peroxide?

Professor Neimevakin advises for the treatment and prevention of many diseases to take a hydrogen peroxide every day. Due to this means, the inner cells of the body are saturated with oxygen, toxins are destroyed, the acid-alkaline equilibrium is normalized, which contributes to the regeneration of tissues and rejuvenation of the entire body.

The essence of the method of cleansing the body using hydrogen peroxide is that the means, affecting, helps to get rid of fungal, viral, bacterial infections, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, development of tumors, fight with cold illness and ORVI, prevent depression, rejuvenate the body and facilitate all sorts of disease. The action of the hydrogen reservoir on the body is very wide, so I would like to dwell on some of the main points.

The action of hydrogen peroxide on the body and therapeutic properties

Note that it is thanks to Professor intensevakin, the peroxide began to use in folk medicine For the treatment of many diseases. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the main components that participate in various processes coming in the human body.

So, according to Professor, hydrogen peroxide:

  • it is a powerful antioxidant, which destroys toxins, struggles with bacteria and viruses, fungal infections;
  • takes an active part in bioenergy reactions, exchange processes, formation of attachments, vitamins in cells;
  • great fights with active radicals;
  • normalizes acid-alkaline balance;
  • leads to normal hormonal processes in thyroid gland, adrenal glands, germ glanes;
  • saturates with oxygen all the cells of the body;
  • performs insulin function, thereby facilitates the operation of the pancreas;
  • leads to the norm of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • expands the brain vessels and respiratory system;
  • promotes cell regeneration and rejuvenation of the entire body;
  • increases mental activity;
  • practically does not accumulate in the body, which prevents the emergence of various allergic reactions.

Neumyvakin believes that the competent use of the drug in compliance with all instructions will be able to become a real salvation from many, even very serious, diseases.

What diseases can be cured by hydrogen peroxide?

What diseases can be cured using the non-study method for the use of hydrogen peroxide? Professor calls a whole huge list:

  • hymorites, bronchitis, angina, ARVI, influenza;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • sugar diabetes of second type;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strokes;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • paradantosis;
  • heart diseases.

Moreover, the professor argues that with hydrogen peroxide, you can get rid of cancer tumors. Also, the tool perfectly stimulates immunity, activates all the vital organs and systems human organism.

Before the start of treatment with hydrogen peroxide, you need to know how to choose it properly, since the use of not that drug can lead to sufficiently serious negative consequences. For treatment it is necessary to take a three-percent solution of hydrogen peroxide and breed it with conventional water according to the instructions. Begin to use the medicine follows from very small doses - 1-2 drops before meals. The gap between the receptions should be at least 1.5 hours.

Is it possible to treat hydrogen peroxide children?

Of course, many parents are interested in the question, is it possible to treat hydrogen peroxide according to the method of non-studying children? According to the professor of Nesimevakin himself, this method of treatment should not be applied to women in the "interesting situation" and people suffering from individual intolerance to the apparatus. All the rest, can be treated with peroxide, subject to a clear observance of the dosage of the drug.
Children under five years old are recommended to give a solution in such a dosage - 1 drop to 1 tbsp. spoonful water; from 5 to 10 years-2-5 drops; From 10-14 years - 5-8 drops, also 1-2 tbsp. Water spoons.

IMPORTANT! Do not engage in independent treatment of children with hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to consult your doctor!

Contraindications for the treatment of peroxide for nonsense

As mentioned above, the contraindications for the treatment of hydrogen peroxide are:

  1. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. individual intolerance to the drug.

IMPORTANT! Even if you do not have contraindications to the treatment of hydrogen peroxide, be sure to consult before receiving a qualified physician!

So, how to properly take hydrogen peroxide inside for treatment. The professor advises to start with a small dose: 1-2 drops of a 3% peroxide solution by 50 ml of pure water. It should take the medicine, be sure to eat three times a day. There must be at least 1.5 hours between the techniques.
Daily, the norm has been re-waged by one droplet, and so reach to ten drops. After that, take a break for three to five days. Renewal treatment is necessary with 10 drops of solution, the number of which cannot be raised is more. The duration of the course of treatment person determines independently, but you can not forget about regular breaks.

There is also intravenous administration The peroxide solution, which, naturally, should be carried out only under the supervision of the doctor. The preparation in Vienna is very slow, starting with a dose of 0.3-0.4 ml per 20 ml of saline, gradually increasing the dosage by 0.1 cube. Injection needs to be exercised every day for a week. Next should take a break in 2-3 weeks and resume reception, conducting 2-3 procedures per week.

Variants of hydrogen peroxide solutions

As mentioned above, a three-percent solution of hydrogen peroxide is used for treatment. However, in the treatment various diseases It is combined with other drugs to obtain a faster and effective effect.

Inside the drug is taken exclusively in the divorced form. The peroxide is divorced in half a glass of ordinary clean water, while the maximum possible dose of medication is 10 drops at a time. The maximum allowable safe dose per day is no more than 30 drops.

The drug is used in the form of rinsing or compresses. Use "Clean" 3% peroxide for compresses cannot, as this can lead to fabric burns. 0.5-1 percent drugs are suitable for such procedures. In the treatment of the fungus of the skin or warts, it is recommended to use a 6-15% peroxide solution, however, it should be applied locally.

Effective with many diseases, such as skin rashes, pain in different parts of the body, headaches, and the like, compresses with hydrogen peroxide. 2 h. Spoons 3% of the solution must be divorced in 50 ml of pure water. Cotton tissue is wetted in the resulting solution, applied to a problem space, then covered with a film and wrapped with wool material. Such a compress should be in the sore place from 15 minutes to one hour, depending on the location of the pain. After such a procedure, it is also possible to wipe the body areas with a cloth moistened in a pure 3% solution. Compresses are recommended to do in the morning and in the evening until complete recovery.

Opinion and reviews of doctors for treatment of hydrogen peroxide by nonsense

Traditionally, the opinion of the doctors about the treatment of hydrogen peroxide in nonsense was divided. Someone fully supports his theory and even continues to develop it, and someone considers such treatment ineffective, and even destructive for the human body.

I would like to note that in fact there is no officially proven case of recovery of patients in the treatment of hydrogen peroxide, but, at the same time, there is no confirmation of cases of worsening health with such a method.

According to and reviews of many doctors, treatment with this drug is very dubious, because therapeutic action The drug as local mediation is transferred to the treatment of all organs. And this, you see, in itself is absurd. To make final conclusions about the benefits or harm of the method, you should hold a number of numerous experiments before it. Then the treatment of treatment can be proved. To date, medicine does not have data on the effectiveness of peroxide treatment, the use of the drug for the treatment of serious, and even more so fatally dangerous diseases, is practically devoid of meaning, and may be harmful to health. Moreover, at once for two reasons: first, the obscure effect of peroxide on the human body, and, secondly, the loss of precious time in helpless attempts to recover with dubious methods of alternative medicine.

IMPORTANT! If you have problems with health, please contact professional doctors!

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