I can hardly see the fine print up close. I can hardly see up close - what to do? What is the name of vision when you see poorly near

Consultant: Tamara Dolinskaya, Candidate of Medical Sciences, ophthalmologist

Presbyopia, or age-related hyperopia, is not a disease, but a natural physiological process. Many people who have crossed the 40-50-year mark face this: objects, especially those located close, look like in a fog, the eyes get tired when reading, it becomes difficult to distinguish the small print.

With age, presbyopia develops in absolutely everyone - both in people who have had one hundred percent vision since childhood, and in those who suffer from myopia, and in the farsighted. By the way, in the latter, this process begins earlier than in everyone else.

Presbyopia is a visual impairment associated with a gradual and irreversible change in the eye's ability to focus an image of an object at close and medium distances.

Presbyopia correction methods

  • Non-surgical:

Contact lenses.

  • Surgical:

Laser correction,

Implantation of intraocular lenses.

What are your years!

The main reason for the development of age-related hyperopia is the loss of the ability of the lens to accommodate (the ability to adapt to different distances when looking). “Figuratively speaking, the lens is a liquid in a plastic bag that gradually solidifies,” explains our expert. "As a result of this process, the nucleus of the lens becomes denser, it becomes less elastic and loses the ability to focus objects." This is why a person cannot see clearly at close range.

Be patient

Despite various not surgical techniques correction, age-related hyperopia will progress to 60-65 years. This means that the degree of presbyopia will change. As a rule, it increases by 1 diopter in 10 years. Therefore, you will need to periodically visit an ophthalmologist and change glasses or contact lenses for stronger ones.


Despite the rapid development of ophthalmology and the emergence of new methods, glasses remain the most popular way to correct presbyopia. They are worn by about 90% of people. People who have always had good vision, with age begin to see poorly up close. Presbyopic glasses are recommended for working at close range. As a rule, lenses of optical power + 1D are required at 40-50 years old, at 50-60 years old… + 2D, at 60-70 years old… + 3D.

An unpleasant surprise!

Perhaps most unlucky are those who have suffered from axial hyperopia since childhood. Surprisingly, a person may not be aware of his illness - in his youth, the ability of the lens to accommodate is well developed, and no inconvenience arises. Surprises begin after age 40, when presbyopia exacerbates congenital farsightedness. Over time, such people will need strong enough glasses - for reading and for distance. Indeed, it is in this case that the clarity of the image is disturbed when examining closely spaced objects, and those that are in the distance.

Difficult position

There is an opinion that myopia is in the most advantageous position - supposedly with the onset of hyperopia, myopia disappears. This is not true. In people with slight myopia (-1.0 ... -1.5 D), the moment when reading glasses become a necessity is simply postponed a little.

Patients with myopia -3.0… -5.0 D may not need presbyopic glasses at all - for reading they will only need to take off their own, for distance.

But those suffering from high myopia may find themselves in a rather difficult situation: they need to have two pairs of glasses - for work and for constant wearing. If this option does not suit you, it is advised to use a model with bifocal lenses, which have two optical zones with correction for long and short distances. However, such glasses have significant drawbacks: due to the fact that the zones are separated by a border, they are not very attractive, and the eyes in such glasses are not very comfortable. You cannot work with a computer in them, since bifocal lenses do not provide clear vision at an intermediate distance.

Progressive technologies

The solution to the problem is glasses with progressive lenses. Modern technologies allow you to make them on an individual basis, which makes it possible for a person to clearly see objects at any distance. Such glasses have a more aesthetic design, provide high visual comfort, there is no jump in the image when looking from distance to near.

When using glasses with progressive lenses, a person's vision approaches one hundred percent. However, it should be noted that wearing them requires adaptation, and they are not suitable for constant work at a computer. For this, it is better to use special office glasses with a wide working area.


Contact lenses are also widely used to correct presbyopia. They are produced using monovision technology - one eye is corrected for close work, and the other for distance, as a result of which a person sees clearly at different distances. An excellent option for those who, for some reason, do not want to wear glasses. However, lenses have their own disadvantages. Many people cannot get used to a "foreign" object in their eyes, individual intolerance and the risk of infection are not excluded. And, for example, during a cold, it is generally not recommended to wear them.

Stimulus - reaction

Hardware techniques are used to correct hyperopia - ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, vacuum massage. However, they are focused only on strengthening the muscular apparatus, therefore, they do not give a lasting effect.

Drastic measures

Currently, surgical methods for correcting presbyopia are widely used.

Laser thermokeratoplasty (LTK). The technology is based on the use of radio waves that reshape the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye and improve visual acuity when weak degree presbyopia. But the adaptive capabilities of the lens still continue to decline, and over time, LTC turns out to be ineffective.

Laser keratomileusis ( LASIK).Its essence is simple: the eye with the best visual acuity is determined by the leader, the shape of its cornea is changed with the help of an excimer laser for distance vision. The cornea of \u200b\u200bthe other eye is deformed for near vision. As a result, a person sees clearly with both eyes. However, this method also has a drawback - the instability of the result obtained.

Intraocular lens implantation. This method surgical correction Presbyopia is widely used today and in certain cases is the only possible one. Removing the lens that has lost its functions and replacing it with an artificial multifocal lens provides high visual results and a stable refractive effect. And if we take into account that in many middle-aged and elderly people, the accommodation of the lens is lost, such an operation is the only way to restore good vision.

Solve the problem of

Of course, any operation requires serious preparation, thorough research and competent rehabilitation. Both for laser correction and for operations on implantation of an artificial lens, there are indications that are individual for each person. For example, with cataracts, laser presbyopia correction is completely useless. The best option in this case is the implantation of a multifocal lens. It effectively compensates for any violations of refraction of vision, including relieves a person of problems associated with age-related farsightedness.

Presbyopia is an inevitable condition, but the moment of visual impairment can be postponed. It is enough just to visit an ophthalmologist once a year and follow his recommendations, and also not to sit for hours at the computer, alternate work that requires eye strain with rest.

Text: Galina Denisenya

Visual impairment is a problem that almost everyone faces in modern world... The eyes began to see poorly at close range. This is often noticed by older people. Along with this, sometimes there is an improvement in distance visual acuity. What it is? What disease can be judged here? I can hardly see up close. What to do in this case? We will give answers to all questions below.

What is it?

Farsightedness is when you see poorly up close, but at the same time the visual acuity remains in the distance. So it is possible in simple words explain this refractive disorder. The problem mainly catches up with people over 40 years old. But today it can be diagnosed at any age.

Myopia is the opposite. A person sees relatively well at near, but the distance vision is deteriorating. Objects at some distance become cloudy, indistinct, double. Myopia is when you cannot see the number of the bus, the inscriptions on the signs and advertising banners, which is happening on the screen from the back rows of the cinema. This disease affects people regardless of age.

There is also such a pathology as hyperopia. This is a deterioration in near vision, which is accompanied by a simultaneous improvement in the distance. Age-related presbyopia is also highlighted. This is senile hyperopia caused by degenerative processes in the tissues of the eye that occur with age.

What is the name of vision when you see poorly up close? This is hyperopia. But it can be observed at once with several ophthalmic diseases.


"I can't see up close. Is that a plus or a minus?" Minus - with myopia. Plus, respectively, with farsightedness, when a person cannot distinguish between nearby objects.

One of the reasons for hyperopia is precisely the age of a person from 35-40 years. More precisely, age-related changes in the tissues of the ophthalmic system. The cornea becomes less elastic, unable to focus light normally.

However, farsightedness is also diagnosed in young people, in children. Here it is associated with physiological disorders and characteristics. Often, the problem disappears on its own as the child grows up, when the tissues of his eyes are already completely formed.

It has been proven that a hereditary predisposition can also become the cause of hyperopia. And even ethnicity. For example, farsightedness is more often diagnosed in African Americans, North American Indians and Pacific Islanders.


A person does not see well up close. This is hyperopia, which can be determined by accompanying symptoms:

  • Under stress on the organs of vision (for example, when reading, working at a computer), a person may notice discomfort, pain in the eyes.
  • Lazy Eye Syndrome. With a decrease in visual acuity, the eye, which sees worse, ceases to fully fulfill its functions.
  • The closer objects are to a person, the more blurred their outlines.
  • After prolonged tension of the organs of vision, an unpleasant itching or burning sensation may appear in the eye.

The more complex the ophthalmological problem, the more pronounced this symptomatology. In a particularly severe case, a person without glasses or contact lenses is no longer able to see his surroundings even at arm's length.

What diseases is hyperopia noted for?

"Close up I see badly, into the distance - good." This condition is itself a disease — hyperopia. Age-related hyperopia is called presbyopia. However, these pathologies are often the causes or consequences of other ailments.

For example, develop against the background of a violation of accommodation. The eye loses its ability to focus on objects at different distances. The reason is atrophic processes occurring in the tissues of the lens.

"With age, I can hardly see up close." Presbyopia is a common problem. Farsightedness can be caused by following diseases:

Complications of the condition

"With age, I can hardly see up close." There is reason to suspect hyperopia. I must say that the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves clearly, and the pathology itself develops slowly. Therefore, a person has every chance to start treatment on time and avoid complications of this pathological condition.

In the case when the therapy is defective or incorrect (or when the person has not been involved in the treatment of the disease in any way), the following complications of hyperopia may also appear:

  • Glaucoma.
  • Keratitis.
  • Blepharitis.
  • Conjunctivitis of a non-infectious nature.
  • "Lazy eye syndrome" (amblyopia).
  • "Concomitant" squint.

As in cases with other diseases, it is best to start treatment as early as possible - as soon as you notice the first manifestations of hyperopia. I can hardly see up close. What to do? You must make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Treatment directions

I can hardly see up close. What to do? You need to follow the recommendations that the ophthalmologist prescribed for you. Self-medication is dangerous here. The main areas of therapy are as follows:

We will analyze each of the methods in more detail.

Optical correction

"I don't see well up close." Drops in this condition will not help correct the situation. It is only possible to eliminate the symptom - fatigue, itching, burning in the eyes.

One of the most common treatments for presbyopia is with glasses. For work at a close distance, they are easiest to use, with conditions that the patient can see well into the distance. For several decades, it has been one of the simplest, safest and most effective methods correction of hyperopia, especially age-related.

In the event that, in addition to hyperopia, the patient also complains of myopia, then he should be prescribed special glasses - bifocal. They are distinguished by the presence of two zones. The first is designed for near vision correction. The second, respectively, is for correction of distance vision. Another way: using two pairs of glasses designed for visual work at different distances.

Contact correction

I can hardly see up close. What to do? Another popular method of vision correction is contact lenses. Today, with presbyopia, several of its ways can be proposed:

  • Multifocal contact lenses. By the way, they are very common lately. They have a peripheral and central zone, which is responsible for the clarity of vision. That is, it becomes possible to increase the field of view without unnecessary deformation. For the manufacture of multifocal lenses, a special innovative material is used that allows the eyes to "breathe". With such lenses, a person can see equally well both near and far.
  • "Monovision". This type of contact lens is selected for patients who have both farsightedness and myopia at the same time. One eye will be corrected here to clearly distinguish objects in the distance, and the other - for visual acuity in the distance. Therefore, the patient does not need to buy different glasses. But the minus of "monovision" is that it sometimes requires long-term addiction. In addition, as the name implies, a person loses the possibility of binocular vision.

Artificial lenses

Today there is also a cardinal way of solving the problems of hyperopia. This is the replacement of the lens of the eye, which has lost its elasticity, with an intraocular lens. The operation is available to people of all ages, is performed under local anesthesia, and is absolutely painless.

The duration of such surgical intervention - no more than 15-20 minutes. Usually, the ophthalmic surgeon performs it through a self-sealing micro-access only 1.6 mm long. Accordingly, suturing is not necessary.

Types of artificial lenses

With age-related farsightedness, two types of artificial lenses are shown today:

  • Accommodating artificial lenses. By their properties, they are as close as possible to those of the natural human lens. Thanks to their unique design, accommodating lenses are able to engage the eye muscles, move and bend, just like a natural lens. They completely mimic its natural focusing ability, thereby restoring natural accommodation.
  • Multifocal artificial lenses. They are distinguished by the optical design of that part of the lens, which allows imitating the work of a natural lens. A multifocal lens, as the name suggests, has multiple focuses, not just one. Which makes it possible for the patient to see objects equally well at different distances. Therefore, after its implantation, the need for glasses or contact lenses will completely disappear.

Naturally, artificial lenses are selected individually for each patient. The choice is influenced by many factors: the state of the visual system, age, occupation, etc. We add that the implantation of an artificial lens for hyperopia is the prevention of cataracts. After all artificial lens can't get cloudy.

Surgical intervention

In addition to the implantation of an artificial lens (lensectomy), the following types of ophthalmic surgery are also distinguished:


Preventive measures boil down to the correct organization of your workplace. Such that the eyes do not overstrain in vain and do not get tired:

  • Correct lighting - the shadow should not block the field of view, but the light should not hit the eyes either.
  • Avoid reading lying down or in low light.
  • Make sure that when working with a computer, the distance from your eyes to the monitor is at least 50-60 cm.
  • Every hour and a half of working with a computer, you need to take a 5-minute break. It is best to devote it to a massage of the eyeballs.

Farsightedness is a condition that slowly but steadily progresses. Therefore, in order to avoid complications, it is so important to start treatment on time, to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Today there are many methods of therapy - you can choose the one that suits you according to the indications and material capabilities.

230 10/22/2019 6 min.

A person's vision may deteriorate not only far away, but also near. Moreover, this condition occurs not only from age-related changes or hyperopia. There are diseases that adversely affect the ability to see well at close range. Some of them can lead to complete loss of vision.

Diagnosis of blurred vision at close range helps to detect diseases on early stage development. Prophylactic ophthalmologic examinations should be the norm for every adult. This will reduce the risks of premature blindness.

Causes of poor vision at close distances

Vision may deteriorate due to age-related changes in the tissues of the eye. In such cases, presbyopia is diagnosed.

If a person's ability to see at close distance deteriorates and at the same time improves when looking into the distance, then this means that he develops hyperopia (farsightedness).

The reason for age-related decrease in vision at close distances is the compaction of the lens. It loses its elasticity, due to which the process of accommodation is disrupted. As the body ages, the muscles that hold the lens gradually weaken. And when the areas of the brain in the back of the head send nerve signals to these muscles, they cannot change the shape of the lens. Therefore, a person sees closely spaced objects vaguely.

Vision can also deteriorate with other pathologies. They often lead to pronounced changes in the tissues of the eye, which makes vision impairing far and near. Sometimes a person notices a rapid decrease in the clarity of the objects around him and the ability to see can be restored only through an urgent surgical operation. Learn about the operation for hyperopia by.

What diseases provoke a symptom

Visual impairment can occur due to other diseases not related to eye damage. However, they affect the nutrition of tissues, their change, which is why, along with other pathological processes, a person loses vision, sometimes very quickly.

Diagnosis of eye diseases must be timely. Unfortunately, patients come to the doctor even when the disease is running. It can be very difficult to restore the ability to see in this case.


Another name for this disease is hyperopia. There are 3 degrees of the disease:

  • (up to 2 diopters);
  • medium (up to 5 diopters);
  • (more than 5 diopters).

With farsightedness up to 2 diopters, a person does not notice deterioration of vision either far or near. When medium hyperopia, the ability to see at close range is significantly impaired. High degree Hyperopia is associated with persistently poor vision.

Sometimes, with hyperopia, the patient may complain about:

  • the appearance of fog in the visual field;
  • asthenopia (severe eye fatigue);
  • violation of binocular vision;
  • amblyopia (decreased vision that cannot be corrected with glasses);
  • strabismus.

Children are usually born farsighted. As the body grows, their eyeball gradually changes, which is why vision gradually becomes emmetropic, that is, normal. Typically, emmetropia is achieved before the age of 6. About the features of the treatment of moderate hyperopia in children is described in.

Children may not notice that they have begun to see poorly. Therefore, periodic ophthalmological examinations are very important for them.

Retinal detachment

This is a serious disease that requires immediate surgical intervention. In this case, the retina is separated from the vascular membrane.

If you do not see a doctor in time, retinal detachment will lead to blindness.

Delay with medical help with a retinal rupture, it threatens with irreversible blindness.

There are such types of delamination:

  • primary (associated with the presence of a retinal rupture);
  • traumatic;
  • secondary (develops as a result of a tumor and an inflammatory disease.

The risk of rupture increases with:

  • myopia;
  • the transferred surgical interventions;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • injuries.

The main symptoms of detachment are:

  • decreased visual acuity (moreover, a person sees equally poorly in the distance and near);
  • narrowing of the visual field;
  • the appearance of moving points before the eyes;
  • the appearance of a veil before the eyes;
  • deformation of the objects in question.

The purpose of the operation is to restore the adherence of the retina to the vascular.

Macular degeneration

This is a disease that affects the central region of the retina - the macula. It is essential to ensure full visual function. Age reason macular degeneration is a key cause of blindness among people over 50.

Macular degeneration leads to decreased visual acuity. The person feels that it becomes difficult for him to read or examine closely spaced objects. He also cannot perform previously habitual actions - for example, drive a car, engage in mental work that requires visual stress.

Macular degeneration is a serious reason to see an ophthalmologist. But it is not the cause of blindness.

Macular degeneration causes a slow, painless and, unfortunately, irreversible decrease in vision up to blindness. Very rarely, this process is abrupt. Most early symptoms macular degeneration are:

  • the appearance of spots in the central region of the visual field;
  • a progressive decrease in the clarity of the objects in question;
  • distortion of objects;
  • violation of color perception;
  • a person sees very poorly near when the level of illumination decreases.

Macular degeneration treatment is a rather complex medical problem. Combination antioxidant therapy increases the chances of restoration of the ability to see.

Retinal tear

Tearing of the retina in most cases leads to its detachment. They arise under the influence of external factors.

The early symptoms of rupture may not be visible to the patient. Damage to the retina can only be detected with an ophthalmic examination.

Sometimes a person feels a flash of bright light, "lightning". They are especially noticeable in a dark room. The appearance of flies in front of the eye is a sign of posterior detachment or hemorrhage in the vitreous region.

The appearance of a slowly increasing dark veil in the visual field indicates that retinal detachment has begun. This is a late symptom of rupture. The patient should immediately go to the ophthalmology or surgical department to avoid the development of blindness. Most effective way treatment of the disease is laser coagulation retina.

Diabetic retinopathy

This is the most common vascular complication of diabetes. It manifests itself in the defeat of the capillaries of the eye. Retinopathy is the main cause of vision loss in people of working age. There are 3 stages in the development of pathology:

  1. Non-proliferative retinopathy. At this time, the patient practically does not complain of poor vision.
  2. Preproliferative retinopathy. The patient experiences a decrease in near visual acuity as a result of increased capillary permeability.
  3. Proliferative retinopathy develops if the patient does not monitor blood glucose levels. It is characterized by blockage of capillaries, due to which areas of blood supply disturbance appear on the retina.

Retinopathy is manifested by a progressive decrease in visual acuity: first near, and then far. Patients may notice curvature of objects, flashing "flies". About laser correction find out hyperopia.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of visual impairment is carried out using the following methods:

Age-related changes in the eyes, if it is difficult to see near

Age-related changes, due to which a person does not see well up close, include the following:

  • Presbyopia. Because of her, a person sees poorly at close range. To correct this violation, glasses are required.
  • Cataract. The disease causes progressive lens opacity. Vision from this decreases far and near.

  • Macular degeneration - the cause of irreversible blindness.
  • Glaucoma. The disease is associated with increased pressure inside the eye, which increases the risk of blindness.
  • Detachment of the vitreous body can lead to retinal detachment, due to which a person begins to see poorly.


This video will tell you about poor near vision, its prevention and treatment methods.


  1. Poor eyesight at close range it happens as a reaction to natural aging of the body () or as a symptom of serious diseases.
  2. A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and the fight against smoking will help preserve the eyes and prevent the development of blindness.
  3. The norm of behavior modern man there should be annual preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist. So you can diagnose dangerous eye pathologies at the earliest stage of its development, when a person does not feel any symptoms.
  4. Self-medication of eye diseases is categorically unacceptable, because it can lead to blindness.

This is due to the fact that with age, the biological lens of the eye () becomes denser and loses its elasticity - while the ability on objects at different distances decreases.

In addition, young people with farsightedness (hyperopia) may also complain that “I can’t see well up close”. This is due to the fact that they already have a so-called "plus" - a violation in which a person sees better in the distance than in the vicinity (in contrast to).

The solution to poor near vision for both young people and older people is near glasses. Moreover, if the vision is not 100%, then you may need two pairs of glasses (for distance and near), bifocal or progressive glasses (combining the properties of lenses for distance and near).

The solution to poor near vision for both young people and older people is near glasses.

Self-selection of glasses is not recommended. this can lead to the development of visual discomfort, fatigue, etc. This should only be done by a specialist (ophthalmologist or optometrist) - he takes into account the difference in diopters between the eyes, interpupillary distance and other characteristics of the patient.

In addition, measures such as good lighting, reception, for the eyes play a supporting role.

Therefore, if you have a complaint about decreased near vision, we recommend that you contact an ophthalmologist at medical institution or an optician - he will write a prescription for glasses that are right for you and advise on additional ways to improve your vision.

Mature and elderly people should pay special attention to their eyesight, because with age, the content in the body of the substances lutein and zeaxanthin, necessary for eye health and visual acuity, decreases. These substances are not produced in the intestines, so their content must be replenished regularly. With complaints of a progressive decrease in vision, people after 45 years old need to follow a diet. In addition to zeaxanthin and lutein, the diet should include vitamin C, tocopherol, selenium and zinc, which nourish, repair and protect eye tissue. In addition to following a diet, to prevent the development of age-related changes in the retina, it is necessary to take multivitamins. For example, the European quality vitamin and mineral complex "Ocuwaite Lutein Forte" with lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from the negative effects of sunlight, vitamins C, E, zinc and selenium. It has been proven that such a composition prevents the development of age-related changes in the retina of the eye, allows even the elderly to enjoy sharp vision.

Or hyperopia.

The disease develops with age.

Associated with the compaction of the biological lens of the eye and the loss of elasticity.

The result of this process is a decrease in the ability to focus on equidistant objects, more often located close.

Which diseases are difficult to see up close

Poor near vision is not always a physiological cause. It often indicates pathological factors. The main causes of poor near vision:

  • Cataract... A common disease that is clouding of the lens. Older persons are subject to it. Blurred vision will first of all manifest itself at close range in the form of reading difficulty. Gradually clinical picture worsens, there is photosensitivity, a change in color perception.
  • Retinal detachment... Implies detachment of the retina from the wall of the eye to which it is attached. Before that, a person may have good eyesight, he does not make any complaints. Retinal detachment is determined by narrowing of the visual field, impaired near vision, veil and flies in front of the eyes. Detachment of the retina from the vascular membrane is a serious problem requiring urgent surgical intervention.
  • Retinal tear... In this condition, there is a decrease in the quality of vision. Transmission of signals to the brain is impaired due to damage to the thin membrane. The degree of visual impairment differs depending on the magnitude of the retinal tear.
  • Retinopathy... Develops in the background diabetes mellitus due to the formation of plaques on the vessels. Near vision blurred, flies appear before the eyes. Reduced visual perception indicates a severe course of the disease. Possible retinal hemorrhage or vitreous.
  • Dystrophic processes... it common reason progressive deterioration of vision. Dystrophy develops in the cornea and retina. It is caused by inflammatory and traumatic damage to the eye structures.


Near visual impairment occurs among people of different ages, and affects children. This is not always a sign of illness. In some cases, the causes are physiologicallye. These include the following conditions:

  • Age changes ... After 40 years, the likelihood of visual impairment increases several times. The reason for this is tissue aging. These are inevitable consequences that will affect every person. With age, a person perceives the world dimmer, contrast and brightness decrease. This is due to a decrease in the number of light-sensitive cells.
  • Childhood ... Poor near vision is considered normal in early agewhen the child's eye has not yet formed. When the eye is fully formed, vision returns to normal.
  • Genetic predisposition ... Congenital hyperopia is a normal physiological phenomenon, all children are born with it. Hereditary form the disease is due to its presence in parents. In such a situation, it is often necessary to show the child to an ophthalmologist in order to timely prevent the development of hyperopia.
  • Wrong way of life. Poor near vision is found in individuals with poor circulation in the eyes. The reason for this is the presence bad habits, an unbalanced diet, reading in moving vehicles, and too bright or dim lighting.
  • Disrupted work oculomotor muscles ... There are 6 muscles in the eye (external, internal, lower oblique, upper, lower straight, upper oblique). They help to focus the gaze on the desired object. This problem more common among patients leading a sedentary lifestyle. Prolonged focusing on one subject from one distance results in loss of muscle tone. Muscles stop working properly, they atrophy gradually. Therefore, a person sees poorly near.


For complete diagnostics you need to see an ophthalmologist... The first sign of farsightedness is impaired near vision. The person does not see the fine print well, therefore he moves the book further and further from his eyes.

Diagnostics consists in an external examination of the organs of vision and a thorough examination with the help of special instruments.

Ophthalmologists use the following methods of examining the visual analyzer to identify the cause of near vision impairment:

  • Visometry- determines visual acuity. Sharpness refers to the ability of the eye to perceive two points of light at the smallest angle. When carrying out the test, it is necessary to recognize the optotypes. For the control study, use the Pole's table. The procedure is non-invasive. The results are interpreted so that a correct diagnosis can be made.
  • Biomicroscopy- allows you to assess the condition of the anterior chamber of the eye. The Goldman lens is used to examine the fundus. The method is highly informative. The light beam is directed to the cornea, lens or fundus. Thanks to this approach, the ophthalmologist determines the location inflammatory process, optical section of the lens and detects opacity, assesses the state of the retina and optic nerve. Not performed for severe forms mental illness, alcoholic or drug intoxication.
  • Duochrome test - used to detect myopia or hyperopia. If the letters are more clearly visible against a red background, the patient is nearsighted. If on green - hyperopia. This test allows you to assess visual perception only in general terms.



The conservative treatment for presbyopia and hyperopia includes the use of corrective optics, medications, and a number of exercises that help strengthen the oculomotor muscles.

Treatment with drugs helps to eliminate dryness, inflammation, and enrich the eyes with important trace elements. Medicines include drops and vitamin products, including:

  • Vizin- intended for children over 6 years old, treats secondary hyperemia and eliminates puffiness;
  • Visiomax- improves functions and is a prophylactic agent, improves picture clarity, improves night vision;
  • Okovit- dietary supplement, used to increase visual acuity and prevent the progression of hyperopia;
  • Taufon- stimulates recovery processes in the tissues of the visual analyzer, is prescribed for corneal injuries and dystrophy.

Gymnastics helps to relieve fatigue and prevent visual impairment. Useful exercises:

  • Stretch your arms out in front of you. Spread your fingers. Look at objects located between them.
  • Rotate eyeballs round. First in one direction, then in the other direction.
  • Draw numbers, letters and write your name with your nose. Try to write in words without taking the pencil you represent from the imaginary sheet.
  • Look into the distance for a few seconds, then close.
  • Close your eyes, dilute your eyelids strongly.
  • Move your eyes in different directions without moving your head. Repeat with eyes open and closed.
  • Open and close your eyelids quickly.

The exercises are performed 10 times each. Approaches - 2-3. This gymnastics is performed daily, during treatment and for prevention.


Surgery presbyopia and hyperopia is performed if visual perception at close range is severely impaired and poorly corrected by means of spectacle / contact vision correction.

Surgical therapy methods:

  • lensectomy;
  • laser thermokeratoplasty;
  • radial keratotomy;
  • thermokeratocoagulation.

Each method of surgical intervention has different efficiency, indications and rehabilitation period. Only an ophthalmologist can determine which method is suitable for a patient, after conducting a thorough diagnosis and finding out the cause of hyperopia.


Prevention of hyperopia is associated with the elimination of the causes that cause increased eye fatigue. It helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Preventive measures are as follows:

  • Vitaminization. Saturate the diet of a patient with poor near vision with foods and vegetables useful for vision. If this is not enough, take a course of special dietary supplements. Use pills after consulting an ophthalmologist, there are many of them, and not every remedy is suitable.
  • Magnetic stimulation... The method is non-invasive and drug-free. Based on the stimulation of local blood flow in the retina and optic nerve. Magnetic stimulation reduces pain and inflammation, improves the functioning of eye structures. Suitable for children and adults.
  • Correctly selected correction... Glasses or lenses improve near vision. Pick up from an ophthalmologist or optometrist at an optician's salon.
  • Minimizing eye strain... Take breaks when working at a computer, reading or other visual activity. Exercise to relax the eye muscles.
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