What to do when a child coughs a lot. Cough guide: how to treat, what and why it is high time to throw all syrups and potions in the trash

You feel the worst when your child is sick. But sometimes parents do frankly rash acts, hazardous to health and unnecessary for recovery. Yes, parents, even most pediatricians sin by using useless medicines.

In this article, we have prepared information guide for parents for cough related issues. We also consider the feasibility of using drugs, which is supported by scientific data.

How to cure a cough in a child

Let's figure out what a cough is and is it worth treating it at all? Observations on children aged 3 to 9 years show that healthy children cough up to 30 times a day! Each of us produces mucus (phlegm) in our airways. Its excess causes child coughing spells. Any mechanical or inflammatory irritation of the throat, trachea, larynx, bronchi - provokes a cough. It also occurs with problems with the nervous system, when the work of the cough center in the brain is disrupted.

Hence the conclusion - a cough can be a symptom of not only respiratory diseases. Cough is also accompanied by viral and bacterial inflammation of the respiratory tract (SARS, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and others), allergic diseases(asthma), ENT diseases, chemical exposure external environment, tumors of the respiratory tract.

  1. Where does cough come from

    In pediatric practice 80% viral diseases accompanied by cough. These are rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. Note that it is normal if a child has ARVI up to 10 times a year.

    Simultaneously with a cough, a child may notice such symptoms of a cold as nasal congestion, runny nose, high fever, chills, hoarseness, swollen lymph nodes, chest pain during a coughing fit, and the appearance of clear or yellowish-green sputum. This does not mean at all that “everything is lost, overlooked, sank lower”! These are the usual symptoms of SARS, which do not require drug intervention And additional treatment.

    Most acute respiratory viral infections, subject to the drinking regimen, temperature and humidity parameters, pass for 3 to 10 days.

    “By the tenth day after the onset of the disease, only 50% of children have a cold cough. In the rest of the children, the cough persists for another 3-4 weeks or longer. This phenomenon is called post-infectious, or post-viral, cough.

    No antiviral or homeopathic pills, syrups, suppositories do not increase the chances of recovery. All of them are medicines with unproven efficacy, there is no scientific evidence in the world regarding their therapeutic effect.

    From the entire list of pharmaceutical preparations that are offered to us for treatment baby cough, units can be used to treat cough. When considered under 3 years of age, most of these drugs are potentially life-threatening.

    First of all, this applies to cough syrups. All of them work on the principle of increasing sputum. Let's say a child is sick, coughing, you give him mucolytic syrup. The lungs and bronchi, which already suffer from an excess of sputum, begin to increase its production! The result is that the child coughs even more. And if we add here a warm room, a fireplace, hot batteries - hello complications.

    According to WHO recommendations, children under 2 years of age are strictly forbidden to give expectorants. The risk of side effects outweighs the possible benefits. This applies to such active substances: acetylcysteine, carbocysteine, ambroxol, bromhexine, sobrerol, neltenexin, erdosteine ​​and telmestein.

    Without risk, the best effect can be achieved by drinking plenty of water, washing the nose with saline and establishing optimal air parameters (room temperature up to 20 °, humidity from 40%).

    Separate discussion deserves drugs that depress the cough center, that is, the cough does not stop because the sputum is over, just the brains were ordered to stop its production. Dry cough medicine appointed in extremely rare cases, only after confirmation of the diagnosis.

    Today, there are two groups of such drugs, some affect the cough center, others weaken the signals going to the brain from the bronchi. The use of narcotic antitussive drugs based on codeine is generally prohibited in relation to children.

    “Self-medication with antitussives can be very dangerous. Coughing is not just an unpleasant symptom, it is the body's most important way to clear the lungs. By turning off or suppressing cough, we contribute to the fact that sputum accumulates in the lungs, which a high degree probability can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia, to impaired ventilation of the lungs and other troubles.

    All kinds of "rubbing" with camphor and eucalyptus have a good effect only on sleep, but do not reduce the frequency and strength of coughing. But they manage to cause irritation of the skin and eyes perfectly.

    Excessive salivation during teething can cause coughing in young children. Saliva that flows down the back wall irritates the vocal cords and causes a reflex cough. Treatment is not required. This is another fact that confirms the unjustified use of expectorants.

  2. Urgent measures

    Exists a number of diseases, which develop very quickly and pose an immediate threat to the life of the child. Among them: pneumonia, acute bronchiolitis, croup, bacterial tracheitis, whooping cough, exacerbation of asthma, foreign body in the respiratory tract.

    Remember the symptoms that should alert you: rapid breathing and pulse; noisy or wheezing breathing (not to be confused with "gurgling", which is audible to the naked ear); difficulty breathing and discoloration of the lips, skin; retraction of the intercostal spaces during breathing; sudden onset of severe cough without other cold symptoms (inhalation foreign body); sharp pains in the chest or back, lower abdomen, which increase with a deep breath; seizures barking cough that end in vomiting; reappearance of temperature in 24 hours - 48 hours after its normalization.

  3. Chronic and bacterial diseases
    If the cough lasts longer than 4–8 weeks, while the child has a normal or subfebrile temperature (37.1–37.7 °), most likely there is a complex bacterial infection or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

    Rarely, but cases of such diseases are possible: whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, infection with worms, wax plug in ear, ciliary dyskinesia, cystic fibrosis, congenital lung diseases, protracted bacterial bronchitis.

    Symptoms that are most often found in tuberculosis: prolonged subfebrile temperature; dry or wet cough that does not change for 8 weeks; significant weight loss; the appearance of blood in the sputum. The presence of at least two symptoms from this list is a mandatory reason to go to the hospital!

    The likelihood that the child has asthma shows a short-term cough that often recurs and worsens at night or in the morning, regardless of cold episodes. It intensifies during physical exertion, active games, during laughter, crying or strong emotions.

    It also appears after contact with a potential allergen - pets, when inhaling cold or humid air, smoke, plant pollen, strong odors, polluted air. Plays a big role genetic predisposition child's parents to allergies.

  4. Algorithm of actions for viral and bacterial cough

    If the child suddenly fell ill with all the symptoms of SARS (fever, runny nose, general weakness), the appearance of a cough does not mean that a complication has begun. Cough may be present with completely clear lungs.

    And this happens because the mucus from the sinuses (snot) flows down the throat. This is especially common in young children. It is snot that is the most common cause of coughing, if no problems are found when listening to the lungs. How to treat such a cough?

    The answer is simple - no way. Your actions: drink plenty of water, moisten the inhaled air. If the runny nose is viral, the cough will go away on its own in 7-14 days. If bacterial, an oral antibiotic will be needed (the use of antibiotics is a topic for a separate article). If allergic - specific therapy with blocking symptoms and elimination of the allergen.

    Bronchitis, a disease that is one of the five most common in the world, deserves special attention. 90-95% of bronchitis is caused by viruses. Bacterial bronchitis does not occur in the first couple of days of illness, it usually appears later as a complication.

    The main symptom is cough with or without sputum, shortness of breath. Sometimes the doctor mentions the words "obstruction" or "obstructive bronchitis", this is when the cough is accompanied by difficulty in breathing, wheezing or wheezing. The tendency to obstruction persists in children up to 3–5 years of age, then disappears without intervention.

    Acute viral bronchitis passes by itself in 10-14 days without syrups and tablets. Sometimes a cough can persist for up to a month and a half, and this is normal, since Airways should come back to normal.

    Acute bacterial bronchitis requires antibiotics. Therefore, the first thing the doctor should do, if there is no improvement within 5 days from the onset of the disease, is to send for a blood test. If it shows the bacterial nature of the disease, an antibacterial drug should be taken in a convenient form.

    No inhalations of Dekasan, herbs and tons of Biseptol can replace a properly selected antibiotic. Up to 5 years of inhalation with any substances with a pungent odor can cause reflex laryngospasm.

    Very often, viral infections are accompanied by a spasm of the larynx (croup, false croup), when the larynx or trachea narrows and it is difficult for the child to breathe. This condition is also called stenosis, it is very dangerous for children at any age, as it can cause respiratory arrest.

    If the stenosis happened suddenly, reassure the child as much as possible and do not panic. If there is an increase in temperature, albeit slight, up to 38 ° and above, give Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

    In extreme cases, moist and warm air, which can be created in the bathroom by turning on hot water, helps to remove the spasm. You can also breathe in cold steam from a humidifier or cool air from the street.

    If you have a nebulizer at home, use it with salbutamol-based drugs or anti-inflammatory steroid hormones, it is better to check the dosage with your doctor.

    If the condition does not improve or even worse, there is a change in the skin, hands and lips turn blue, wheezing becomes loud, immediately call ambulance may need to be applied hormonal drugs to relieve swelling of the larynx.

    Frequent recurrences of laryngospasm in a child may be a sign of narrowing of the airways that is not associated with an infection. You will need to consult a pulmonologist and an ENT doctor.

  5. Treatment for a prolonged cough

    Treatment of a cough that lasts more than 8 weeks should begin with the exclusion of tuberculosis, asthma. If they are not confirmed, long-term rhinosinusitis or gastroesophageal reflux disease is treated.

    Children whose only symptom is prolonged dry cough(more than 2 weeks), it is recommended to be tested for whooping cough. If confirmed, a mandatory antibiotic therapy, cool damp air, antitussives, but not based on codeine. Cough provokers (cold, hard food, dust, cigarette smoke, physical exertion) should be avoided.

    Sometimes wax plug in ear could be the reason persistent dry cough, along with which there is a decrease in hearing acuity, noise in the ear, congestion or itching in the ear canal. In such cases, you should show the child to the doctor.

    If a wet cough continues for more than 4 weeks without visible improvement and all the reasons described above are excluded, antibiotic therapy is recommended, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. The drugs of first choice are Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid or Azithromycin.

    There may be cases of an individual reaction of the child in the form of a cough, which are caused by psychosomatic problems or sensitivity to tobacco smoke (passive smoking).

  6. Cough and inhalation

    Treatment of cough with inhalers is acceptable in rare cases. Firstly, steam inhalations are prohibited for children at any age, they are of no use, but the risk of mucosal burns is very high.

    Application ultrasonic nebulizers, in which cold steam is produced, is acceptable to facilitate general condition. Rules to be followed: the solution for inhalation must be sterile, no Borjomi and Esentuki! Only sterile saline should be filled into the nebulizer, only with a sterile disposable syringe. For each inhalation - a new syringe.

    If the child has an obstruction, the use of special anti-asthma drugs is allowed. These are bronchodilators based on fenoterol, drugs that relax the muscles of the bronchi, based on salbutamol, or anti-inflammatory steroid hormones.

    I emphasize once again that inhalation through a nebulizer is symptomatic treatment which is shown on rare occasions. Using it at the first cough or sneeze is not justified, drinking plenty of water and cool, moist air are no less effective than any inhalation.

    In case of complex bronchial obstruction, the use of drugs through a spacer (balloon) is recommended, but only after the age of 4–6 years. Until this age, the use of any aerosols is prohibited due to the risk of developing laryngospasm. For the same reason, children under one year old are not recommended to use saline solutions for the nose in a spray, only drops.

    Essential oil categorically impossible put in a nebulizer! It breaks into small particles under the influence of air flow. These particles evenly settle on the small bronchi and cause mechanical blockage, which can lead to pulmonary edema and death of the child before the arrival of the ambulance!

    It is especially important to monitor the hygiene of the inhaler, which can be the cause of bacterial or fungal infection respiratory tract of a child if used incorrectly. After each use, the glass and mask should be soaked in a disinfectant solution for several minutes, after which they should be rinsed with boiled water.

I would like to summarize all of the above and recommend the main thing - do not self-medicate, even when the disease begins with! It is not cough that should be treated, but the disease of which it is a symptom.

In any situation, the first thing you should do is stop panicking, this is already half the battle on the road to recovery. Let the cough bypass your loved ones, always stay healthy!

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Alexandra Dyachenko is perhaps the most active editor of our team. She is an active mother of two children, a tireless hostess, and Sasha also has an interesting hobby: she loves to make impressive decorations and decorate children's parties. The energy of this man cannot be put into words! Dreams of visiting the Brazilian carnival. Sasha's favorite book is "Unstoppable Wonderland" by Haruki Murakami.

Moms and dads are worried when children suffer from a cough, if they can’t cope, they rush to see the local doctor, call an ambulance. Having gained experience while communicating with pediatricians and therapists, parents roughly know how to cure a child's cough at home with the help of medicines and folk remedies. However, this symptom occurs in many diseases. That's why you should distinguish between types of cough and know how to successfully treat at home.

When microbes, dust, foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract, a sharp reflex exhalation occurs through the mouth. This is a protective reaction of the body, useful for children and adults, its salvation from infection. There are harmless types of coughs needed to clear the airways. Other forms occur with colds, acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).

Warm cough tea for children with honey, herbal baths, compresses - these remedies and procedures start an extensive list of home remedies for colds, respiratory viral infections, flu. Most often, during the period of seasonal infections, pediatricians diagnose ARVI for babies visiting children's institutions. There are about 200 types of viruses that enter the respiratory tract and cause a cough reflex.

If a child who is less than 2 months old coughs, it is necessary to quickly contact the pediatrician, get advice and start specific treatment.

Features of cough in a child with certain diseases:

If we treat a cough in a child at home, then it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, fight its manifestations and prevent complications. With SARS and weakened immunity in infants, the doctor prescribes antiviral, immunomodulatory drugs based on interferon. Activate immune system baby drops "Derinat".

Prolonged coughing in infants is often accompanied by vomiting, because along with the pushes of air from the lungs, the contents of the stomach rise up. In addition, a prolonged cough exhausts young children, depletes the body.

In the case of a viral infection, sulfa drugs and antibiotics will not help, treatment according to symptoms is recommended. When a child coughs with ARVI and a cold, thinning of viscous mucus is required, softening the airways and removing sputum from them along with microbes and toxins. At a high temperature, suppositories with paracetamol are administered or an antipyretic syrup (paracetamol, ibuprofen) is given. The pediatrician prescribes antibiotic therapy for bronchitis and pneumonia.

Cough in a child - we treat at home

There are a fair number of remedies and procedures that relieve one of the main symptoms of colds and bronchitis. With a dry cough, thinning of the mucus is necessary, making it easier to cough it up. At wet cough effective excretion of sputum is required so that it does not "flood" the lungs of the child.

Dry or unproductive cough in children is treated with Sinekod. However, it is not recommended to take antitussives without consulting a doctor.

A safe and very useful remedy - cough mogul for home treatment - is prepared from sugar or honey with the yolk of a chicken egg (or quail). It is necessary to wash the shell, before breaking it, make sure that the product is fresh, the protein and yolk are free of foreign inclusions, do not blur. The yolk is beaten with sugar to make a homogeneous mass. Give the remedy to the child 3-4 times a day, one teaspoon.

A simple cough mogul for children effectively eliminates irritation in the throat. A spoonful of the finished product is dissolved in half a cup of warm milk and given to the baby to drink. Honey is added if the child is not allergic to bee products. Cocoa powder is injected into eggnog for children over 3 years old.

Improves sleep and speeds up recovery by adding honey to whipped yolk.

Cocoa butter for cough for children is used as a massage - rubbed into the area chest and upper back. For rubbing children over two years old, add 4-10 drops of camphor oil to melted unsalted lard or goat fat; you can add the same amount of honey.

After application camphor oil when the child coughs, there is immediate relief. Rub the chest and back, cover with cotton napkins on top. The remains of the product are removed after 3 hours with a cotton pad, the skin is wiped dry. Compresses with potatoes, fat-free cottage cheese, as well as massage of the chest, feet, and hands have a calming effect on the respiratory tract.

Propolis is an excellent cough remedy for children

Honey, zabrus, propolis contain antibacterial and antiviral substances, vitamins, mineral elements. With SARS, a cold, a child is allowed to chew a lump of propolis or honeycomb caps for 15 minutes if there is no allergy to bee products. Then they offer to spit out the gum. The procedure can be repeated several times during the day.

Used to rub children ointment based on badger or bear fat. Propolis is added in a ratio of 1:5, heated in a water bath until completely dissolved. Propolis tincture at home is prepared with 60–70% medical alcohol (1:10). Insist the product for 10 days, filter, add 10 drops of the product to a cup of warm milk and give the child a drink.

Relief of the child's condition when coughing

Burnt sugar lollipops easy to cook at home. Not a large number of obtained by melting sugar in a tablespoon over the fire of a gas burner. The liquid mass must be cooled, then given to the child for resorption when coughing. Young children are recommended to give melted sugar dissolved in boiled water (1:20). At one time, give a tablespoon of syrup after a meal. In addition to the main ingredients, add honey, juice useful berries and medicinal plants.

  • Home remedies used for coughing with viscous, difficult to separate sputum: boiled still warm milk with borjomi is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, given to a child to drink;
  • fennel fruits insist on honey for 10 days (1:10), add 1 tsp. a teaspoon in a cup of warm water;
  • turnip or radish juice, preferably black, with honey, use 1-2 tsp. several times a day;
  • make inhalations and steam baths with chamomile or mint;
  • consume 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day in a warm form.

Parents doubt whether it is possible for a child with a cough to go to the bath, they consider the procedure harmful for a sick baby. Humid warm air improves the condition of the mucous membranes, steam with essential oils from vegetable steams penetrates deep into the respiratory tract, dilutes sputum. Bath brooms are used carefully when coughing, plants with anti-inflammatory properties are selected (birch, chamomile, oak, linden).

You can not take babies under 1 year old, children with high temperature, fever, epilepsy.

Phyto-remedies for the treatment of cough and SARS

There are many home remedies for an annoying dry cough without phlegm. In such cases, tea, juice, syrup or extract of marshmallow, coltsfoot, mallow, plantain are used. The elecampane plant is suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A decoction is prepared from the dried roots, which has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Herbal remedies for coughing remove sputum, relieve swelling of the mucosa. Tea with sage, anise and thyme, inhalations with these herbs help thin viscous mucus and expectoration. Anise drops are prepared at home or bought at a pharmacy. The drug causes an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, well tolerated by children. Anise-ammonia drops in pharmacies are made from anise oil, ammonia and ethyl alcohol. At home, the remedy is diluted with boiled water, 3–5 drops per 50 ml of water for a child of 3–5 years.

The appearance of a cough in children is always unpleasant news, not only for themselves, but also for their parents. If you do not start treatment on time, then this situation can lead to unpleasant health consequences. Especially dangerous is a strong cough in a baby. How to help a child with this condition? You can get rid of this symptom at home using simple but effective methods.

If the child is tormented by a strong cough, then it is necessary to help him get rid of it as soon as possible.

What to do first

Cough has two varieties: unproductive dry and wet, in which mucus is separated. The first type occurs earlier and may become wet. It should be remembered that both wet and dry coughs are dangerous for the child's body, so they must be treated in a timely manner. What can be done to stop this condition? To do this, use the advice of experts:

  • Give your child plenty of fluids throughout the day. It is recommended to drink not only water, but also fruit drinks on berries, compotes or decoctions.
  • Humidify the air in the room where the baby is. This procedure will have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby. An ideal device in this situation would be a humidifier. If it is not available, you can hang wet towels on the batteries or place water containers near them.

Try to give the sick child more fluids to drink.

  • If the coughing fits are very strong, it is recommended to change the position of the baby's body when he sleeps. It needs to be turned from side to side so that the thick mucus in the bronchi is better removed. It should be remembered that situations should not be allowed when the child lies on his back. At any time, vomiting can begin, which can enter the respiratory tract.

The implementation of these recommendations will help to quickly cope with a protracted illness. But home treatment of a severe cough in a sick child will not be effective without a preliminary examination of the crumbs by a pediatrician. Only he will give the necessary recommendations and be able to prescribe the right therapy.

Principles of treatment

How to cure a bad cough simple ways? First of all, you should pay attention to the daily menu of the baby during the illness. Mineral water with an alkaline composition will help to cope with a strong cough. It will help not only fill the body of the crumbs with microminerals, but also restore water balance. No less useful are cereal porridges, which are good for clearing a sore throat.

You can give your child liquid oatmeal, this is a tasty and healthy dish

It is better to give mucous porridges, for example, liquid oatmeal. In addition, during the illness it is very important to use vitamin complexes that the pediatrician will prescribe. They will strengthen the child's immune system. It is also recommended to feed the child with salads from seasonal vegetables.

It should be remembered that strong tea and other tonic drinks (for example, cola) are contraindicated during this period. Drinking in large quantities, they will prevent the separation of thick mucus from the bronchi. It is better to give the baby cocoa with the addition of milk and herbal decoctions for coughing. All of them should be warm so that the secret can better move away.

If the child has a strong cough, then the sick person should be given freshly squeezed juices with the addition of honey. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to add juice from the ginger root. Such a remedy will strengthen the immune forces of the baby and help to cope with the cough faster.

Drink with honey and ginger strengthens the immune system and speeds up recovery

Too salty, dry, sweet or spicy food will irritate the mucous membrane of the sore throat, so it is not recommended to give them during this period. It is better to give preference to lightly salted food, in a liquid state, so as not to injure the throat. If the cough appeared due to exposure to pathogenic microorganisms, then the pediatrician will prescribe antibiotics.

natural remedies

If a child has a strong cough, what else to treat such a condition? In the fight against severe coughing fits, a banana mixture will help. To do this, bring half a ripe banana to a puree state and stir in a glass of warm milk. Add ginger root juice (1 tsp) and let the baby drink in small sips. It is necessary to be treated with such a mixture until the cough passes. It is allowed to drink any amount of banana-ginger milk per day.

No less effective in the treatment of this condition is a mixture with figs. This fruit has a strong expectorant effect. To prepare homemade medicine, you need to take 50 g of figs and chop finely, pour hot water or milk (150 ml) and leave to infuse for half an hour. Give the baby for three days one serving, which must be divided into several doses. In addition, the baby can eat figs in their natural form. For a healing effect, give him a few slices of fruit.

Inhalation with sea salt will help relieve an attack and facilitate expectoration

Inhalation with sea salt will help to remove coughing fits and clear the bronchi of a thick secret. To do this, bring a liter of water to a boil and dissolve the agent in it. The child should breathe over such pairs for 5-7 minutes. In doing so, care must be taken. It is advisable to wait until the mixture has cooled down a bit, and the steam will no longer be so scalding.

Not everyone knows, but ordinary beets cope well with even the most chronic cough. To remove or alleviate this condition, a child with a strong cough needs to eat a few slices of the root crop. It should be remembered that a large amount of raw beets can cause vomiting, so you should not exceed the dosage. In addition to the antitussive effect, this root vegetable removes sore throat well and softens it.

Cough rubs

Rubbing can help in the fight against this condition. This method can be used even in very young children (but not younger than six months of age). In doing so, attention should be paid to the following recommendations doctors:

  • during rubbing, you can not use the area where the nipples and heart are located;
  • all movements should be light and should be performed in a clockwise direction;

For small children, rubbing can only be done after consulting a doctor.

  • in the treatment of rubbing children under the age of 3 years with a strong cough, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician;
  • most powerful healing effect it will turn out if you use such a procedure before a night's sleep;
  • the skin should not be rubbed if the baby has a fever;
  • after the procedure is completed, the child must be wrapped in a warm blanket.

Pharmacy kiosks sell a large number of preparations for rubbing when coughing. The purpose of this process is to warm up the bronchi, which will allow the thick secretion to drain faster. At home, it is allowed to use vodka, propolis and animal fats (badger or bear). Before using any of these remedies, you should consult with your pediatrician.

Animal fats are often used for rubbing, for example, bear

Bear fat has a warming effect. Rubbing the body of the baby should be vigorous movements. For this procedure, you can use a fat tail. He, like bear fat, has a similar effect. After rubbing, the crumbs need to be covered with a warm blanket. It should be remembered that sick children need to carry out such procedures only with barely warm fat, otherwise it is very easy to burn delicate skin. In addition, mom can warm up such a natural remedy in her hands.

In addition to the listed compositions, it is recommended to use goose fat. For the procedure, you will need 120 g of the product, which must be mixed with 1 tsp. vodka. The mixture should be quickly applied to the child's body, paying particular attention to the back. After that, you need to cover the baby with a warm blanket. In addition to the listed fats, pork and interior fats are also used in the treatment of cough. Such methods of treatment are normally perceived by children and usually they are not capricious during the procedure.

Whatever fat is chosen to combat this condition, it should be remembered that it must be stored in the refrigerator. Otherwise, he will lose his beneficial features and acquire a rancid odor.

Goose fat is also often used to rub children.

Therapeutic baths and massage

Massage is considered an effective procedure for combating cough. With its help, it is not only easy to relieve stress, but also to remove thick mucus from the bronchi to the outside. To do this, you need to put the baby on your stomach and tap the entire back with light movements from the bottom up. The head of the child should be below the level of the buttocks. It is considered normal if the baby coughs during the procedure. This suggests that mom is doing everything right. A more accurate technique can be shown by the attending physician.

The method using therapeutic baths will help to quickly relax the body of the child, warm up the bronchi and dissolve sputum, as well as strengthen the immune forces. As a basis, various healing herbs. For example, chamomile, coltsfoot or eucalyptus. They have good sedative and expectorant properties.

It must be remembered that such a bath is contraindicated for babies with elevated body temperature. This prohibition also applies to children with a cold. The procedure should take no more than 30 minutes. At the same time, parents should ensure that the water always remains warm. Otherwise, hypothermia and complications are likely to develop.

You can relieve a cough with herbal baths, just be careful

To prepare a bath when a child coughs, you need to pour a few handfuls of the selected dried flower with hot water. The liquid should cool to the optimum temperature for the baby's skin. As long as the water is cooling beneficial extracts herbs will have time to give her their valuable components. In addition, it is recommended to use another method. To do this, you need to brew herbs in a thermos and insist for 3-4 hours, and then pour into bathing water.

Therapy with aroma oils

Aromatherapy will help to cope with the manifestations of a cough. It not only has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the upper respiratory tract, but also helps to strengthen the immune forces of the body. In addition to the above, aromatic oils have a strong antibacterial effect. You can use such funds to warm the bronchi during inhalation procedures.

In addition, aromatic oils are widely used for rubbing against coughs, and are also sprayed around the apartment. There is only one contraindication to the use of such a home treatment method - an allergy to the components that make up the oils.

Inhalation aromatic oils facilitates breathing and has an anti-inflammatory effect

To disinfect a room in which a sick child is constantly located, it is necessary to put a container of boiling water on the floor and drop a small amount of eucalyptus oil into it. All doors and windows must be tightly closed in the room. The room must be tightly closed and left in this state for 40 minutes. After that, the room should be well ventilated. This composition will help remove all pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria in the air. This means that the child will recover from coughing much faster.

In addition to eucalyptus oil, lavender or chamomile is suitable. You should do the same as in the previous method or make an inhalation for the baby. Add 4 drops of the product per liter of boiling water. It is not necessary to pour a lot so that an allergic reaction does not appear. The liquid should cool slightly, only after that it is necessary to carry out the procedure. Medicinal oil blends are very effective. For example, eucalyptus combined with chamomile. This will help not only to remove the disease, but also to kill all microbes.

Eucalyptus oil is one of the most popular in the treatment of cough.

If a very strong cough is productive, then inhalation with the addition of Asterisk balm will help increase the rate of mucus discharge. Such pharmacy remedy contains essential oil peppermint and eucalyptus and remove the manifestations of dry cough.

From this video you will learn how to relieve a strong cough attack in a child:

What to do if the cough turned into a strong and even very strong - up to vomiting? What is the reason? Should I see a doctor or get rid of it myself? What does Komarovsky say? Read the article on the site to the end, and you will find out everything to cure a strong cough in a child!

The most common causes of a very severe cough

Here are the diseases that cause a strong cough in a child.

  • Whooping cough is a rather dangerous childhood infection in which the cough begins with a deep breath, followed by a series of short but strong coughing shocks - "series". May be accompanied by blueness (cyanosis) of the skin of the face, vomiting at the end of the attack, loss of consciousness, and even (in young children) convulsions and respiratory arrest. The toxin formed by the so-called whooping cough has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system, causing a spasm of the smooth muscles of the respiratory muscles, bronchi, diaphragm and leading to the above consequences. This cough usually does not lead to relief, as it has a "central" origin and requires mandatory treatment under the supervision of a pediatrician.
  • Laryngotracheitis, or inflammation of the larynx and trachea in the acute period in children, is characterized by bouts of dry cough. Has an infectious (bacterial or viral) nature. Characterized by narrowing of the larynx vocal cords which gives them salient feature"barking" cough. It is combined with nasal congestion, chest pain, voice change, fever and deterioration of the general condition. A great danger for young children is the development of the so-called false croup with difficulty breathing. It occurs as a result of a reflex spasm of the muscles of the larynx with excessive accumulation of sputum in its lumen. This condition leads to asphyxia (suffocation) and without immediate medical attention can be fatal.
  • Bronchitis (obstructive and non-obstructive) is also accompanied by bouts of coughing. In obstructive forms, it is combined with shortness of breath, in which the child has difficulty exhaling. The cause of its occurrence is most often an infection, but often the predisposing factor is the allergic mood of the child's body. Against its background, the infection is already joining and the development of characteristic symptoms with bouts of severe coughing.
  • Tracheitis. Accompanied by a strong unproductive (dry) cough. Like all of the above diseases, it is caused in most cases by viruses, less often by bacterial flora. The main task of the doctor and parents is to turn a dry cough into a wet one with the help of medical preparations or traditional medicine methods.
  • Pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx) of a viral nature causes appearance of dry cough. This symptom often worries the child at night, interrupting sleep and worsening the condition. Cough with pharyngitis occurs due to irritation of the pharynx as a result of its inflammation and the flow of mucus along its back wall. It may manifest as a dry cough or cough.
  • Allergy and cough. Intolerance to some agents as a cause of its occurrence. May be caused by dust, plant pollen, poultry feathers or animal hair. Allergens can be various foods. The symptom manifests itself when the agent is inhaled with air or when it is consumed with food products. With this pathology, treatment is individually prescribed, contact with the allergen is excluded.
  • Foreign body entry into the respiratory tract causes an attack of severe coughing. Immediate medical attention is required, otherwise the condition may be aggravated by asphyxia.

What does a strong cough in a child without fever mean?

If your child coughs, this creates inconvenience for both the child and the people around him. Especially if the cough is nocturnal and disturbs the baby's sleep. Cough does not occur on its own, there is always a reason for its occurrence, which must be identified and eliminated.

Before going to the doctor, check if the air in the room where the child is located is not too dry, if there is mold on the walls and things in his room, whether the child has had contact with irritating substances, for example, neighbors are doing repairs and working with paint or solvents, etc.

Sometimes only this helps to cope with a cough. If there is no effect, you must definitely consult a pediatrician and undergo a series of examinations. Since an innocent cough may be the only manifestation of some formidable disease. Let it be better for examinations not to reveal deviations than the disease to progress invisibly.


It is necessary to determine whether it is a manifestation of some disease that is not associated with the respiratory system, for example, with worms.

For the treatment of cough at normal body temperature are used:

  1. Antitussives. They can be synthetic or herbal. The drugs are used only for the treatment of dry cough, as they suppress the cough reflex, which leads to a violation of the natural purification of the respiratory system.
  2. Expectorants. This group includes several subgroups with different mechanisms of action:
  • act on sputum, thinning it if it is very viscous
  • increase sputum secretion, acting on mucous membranes

In no case should you simultaneously give drugs of the first and second groups - they act in different directions. This can lead to the development of complications, and the deterioration of the child's condition, even if before that he was practically healthy.

  1. Drugs that affect the lumen of the bronchi. The main group, which is used in the treatment of diseases that occur with obstruction - bronchospasm ( bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis). They are different, have many contraindications and side effects, as they act on the entire body, and not just on the bronchi. Do not use them without a doctor's prescription.
  2. Phytopreparations, or herbal preparations. They work great when used correctly, but in the case of an allergic nature, coughs can only do harm.
  3. Distraction procedures- foot baths, inhalations, rubbing the chest with ointments with essential oils - a combination of the effect of relaxation and inhalation, etc. Again, very good remedy in the treatment of initial manifestations of acute respiratory infections, if not allergies.
  4. Use of humidifiers. It will have a positive effect on any type of cough, as it allows you to create optimal conditions for the child to stay in the apartment.

Only a doctor can say exactly what will help in this case. The task of parents, in this case, is to monitor how optimal the conditions in which the baby lives.

Severe cough and fever - why can it be?

Cough can appear not only with ARVI or acute respiratory infections. It also occurs with influenza, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, nasopharyngitis, pneumonia, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, and pleurisy. Influenza is manifested by general malaise and symptoms of intoxication (body pain, headache, etc.). However, the temperature rises very quickly to 39-40 degrees and a cough appears.

With ARVI, a temperature also appears, but not high, as well as a cough and a runny nose. Sometimes there is conjunctivitis. It is worth noting the fact that fever can last for about a week and be accompanied by diarrhea.

If the baby coughs heavily, but at the same time complains of pain when swallowing and a sore throat, then this may be a viral inflammation of the throat mucosa - pharyngitis. At the same time, the temperature rises slightly - up to 37–37.5 degrees.

If the mucous membranes of the pharynx and nose are simultaneously affected, then this indicates nasopharyngitis. With such an ailment, the baby will have dryness and sore throat, dry cough, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath and fever.

Angina or tonsillitis are complex diseases that can cause various complications throughout the body. These two diseases can appear on the background of enteritis or mononucleosis. In such cases, the child will have a cough, diarrhea and high body temperature.

If the respiratory mucosa (tracheitis) becomes inflamed, then the child develops a dry cough and fever. Usually at night and in the morning, the cough intensifies and sometimes there is pain behind the sternum. The temperature will be low.

Bronchitis begins with a dry cough and a temperature of 37. Gradually, the cough becomes stronger, with sputum discharge. Unfortunately, bronchitis is dangerous because it can give serious complications and even lead to pneumonia. If the cough does not go away for a long time, and the temperature rises, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pneumonia is accompanied by severe cough and high fever. It can be caused by parainfluenza bacteria, staphylococcus bacteria and other viruses. This dangerous disease, which can lead to death. Therefore, you should also immediately consult a doctor.

With pleurisy, the baby has a wet cough and a fever. If the cough is dry, then this indicates fibrous pleurisy. In many cases, these pathologies are complications after pneumonia.

A cough with fever in a child can be caused by whooping cough. At the initial stage of the disease, the temperature is not too high. Often the symptoms are similar to those of ARI. Therefore, parents do not pay much attention. Only after 8-10 days appear severe attacks cough. At the same time, the cough is wet and sputum is difficult to pass. Unfortunately, almost nothing helps against such a cough. It can last up to one hundred days. In such cases, doctors send the baby for testing. The child must donate blood, pass sputum smears. The mildest complication of whooping cough is bronchopneumonia, in which there is a cough with shortness of breath and the temperature rises to 38 degrees. The most dangerous complication is respiratory arrest.

Fever, cough, and a rash on the body are indicative of measles. With this disease, the temperature rises to 39 degrees. The cough becomes dry and barking. The rash first appears on the neck and face and then spreads throughout the body. The disease is contagious.

Proper treatment of cough with fever

Cough with fever should never be left untreated. First of all, you need to take the baby to the therapist so that he makes the correct diagnosis. Only after that, the doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby's body. In no case should you self-medicate - as you can harm the baby.

At a high temperature (above 38 degrees), doctors prescribe such antipyretics for children: Panadol Baby, Ibufen Junior or Ibufen D. These drugs are among the safest. You can also give Fervex for children or other drugs in the form of a suspension or syrup.

When coughing with a high fever, the baby is prescribed antibiotics. In such cases, pediatricians attribute: Amoxilat, Amoxicillin, Flemoxin, Clarithromycin, Fromilid, Klacid, Klitsimin, Azithromycin, Sumamed, Azitral, Ospamox and others. The dosage of each drug is prescribed individually. It is calculated based on the body weight and age of the baby.

For whooping cough, antibiotics should be taken for no more than three weeks. In the future, antibiotic therapy does not give positive results.

Syrupchiki - children's favorite cough medicine

Treatment of cough with fever should be comprehensive. Therefore, it is important to choose the right means to help clear up the cough. If the cough is dry, then it must be made wet so that the sputum easily leaves. Various syrups help to dilute phlegm. Very good expectorants are:

  1. Syrup Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene. These medicines can be given to children up to two years of age. With laryngitis, pneumonia, tracheitis and other diseases, children over 12 years of age are prescribed ACC, Acestad or Acetylcysteine.
  2. Althea syrup - you can give children under 12 years old one teaspoonful. 50 ml of syrup should be diluted with warm water. Take up to 5 times a day. Children over 12 years of age should take a tablespoon up to 5 times a day after meals.
  3. Petrussin - take a teaspoon three times a day.
  4. Bronchicum - children under two years of age should be given ½ teaspoon twice a day. Children from two to six years old should be given one teaspoon three times a day. After 12 years, it is allowed to give one dessert spoon three times a day.
  5. Bronholitin for children from three to ten years old should be given 5 mm 3 times a day, over 10 years old - 10 ml up to four times a day after meals.
  6. Bronchipret - can be given to infants from three months, 10 drops three times a day after feeding. From the age of one year, you need to add one drop to 10 drops for each year of the baby's life.
  7. Mukaltin is an excellent expectorant. It is made on the basis of marshmallow root. Children from three to five years old should be given half a tablet three times a day. You can dissolve the tablet in water. After five years, you need to give a whole tablet.
  8. Synekod syrup can only be given as directed by a doctor, as the drug is quite strong. It is prescribed only for severe cough, which is accompanied by high fever and vomiting. Children from three to six years old should take 5 ml of syrup three times a day. Children from six to twelve years old - 10 ml, after 12 years - 15 ml.

Useful information!

How to relieve a strong cough in a child at night during sleep

Before proceeding to get rid of the problem, it is necessary to determine which disease the coughing child has caught. It is better not to draw independent conclusions and seek help from a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Suppression of nocturnal cough threatens to weaken protective functions and, as a result, aggravate the disease.

Mucus and sputum that do not leave the body, but accumulate and enter the lungs, provoke the development of pneumonia. Only a specialist can determine why the child is coughing and recommend the right medication.

If the cause of the cough is viscous sputum and viruses, then the child is prescribed antiviral drugs, drugs that thin and remove sputum. For whooping cough, drugs that suppress the cough reflex should be taken. Treatment of "non-pulmonary" forms of nocturnal cough should be agreed with a narrow-profile specialist.

If it turns out that the causes of coughing are not viruses and allergies, then you can try to cope on your own.

  1. Prepare an evening bath with the addition of infusions of calendula, St. John's wort and succession. These herbs will help ease breathing and reduce the manifestation of an allergic cough until the causes of such a reaction of the body are clarified.
  2. Air humidification will help with dry air. Humidification can be achieved by installing a humidifier or an aquarium in the children's room. It is also recommended to air it before going to bed for at least half an hour. In extreme cases, you can often carry out wet cleaning (several times a day) or hang wet things on batteries.
  3. Put on the children's nightstand near the crib for the night a saucer with an infusion of thyme or sage. This approach will help humidify the air and relieve coughing at night and in the morning.
  4. Arrange periodic “swims” in a hot bath. The warm steam emanating from it is useful in the treatment of nocturnal coughs. Having inhaled it, it will become easier for the child to cough up, and sputum and mucus will gradually cease to torment the baby.
  5. During sleep, periodically change the position of the child in the crib. So you can avoid a large accumulation of mucus in the lungs and help the baby cope with seizures.
  6. try hard clear the children's room from things, where allergens can accumulate. As a last resort, move them away from the crib to reduce the chance of nighttime coughing.

How to treat a strong cough in a child

You should start by determining the exact cause of the ailment. The treatment regimen in each case is different.

Drugs, medicines

When coughing of different etiologies, the doctor prescribes drugs that make it easier to pass sputum. Preparations for children are more often produced in the form of syrups and lozenges. After complete examination and clarifying the diagnosis, the child can be prescribed the following drugs:

Ambroxol. Licorice syrup. Lazolvan. Syrup Doctor Theiss. Pertussin. Mukaltin. ACC. Alteika potion.

All these drugs contribute to rarefaction and easy withdrawal of sputum. You need to use them according to the instructions or take them in the dosages prescribed by the doctor. For children who are under 3 years old, the doctor calculates the dose of drugs based on weight and diagnosis.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that not in all cases it is possible to give mucolytics and expectorants. Medicines based on ambroxol increase the production of sputum, which should normally be coughed up. But few people take into account that young children cannot cough normally, as a result of this, babies have congestion in the respiratory organs.

In some European countries, mucolytics are prescribed only after the child is 4 years old. The appointment of such drugs earlier than 2 years in these countries is generally prohibited.

Lozenges and lozenges of plant origin will help cure a cough in a child. They can only be prescribed to children over 3 years old who already understand how to dissolve lozenges. Such drugs are quite effective for coughing caused by laryngitis and pharyngitis, they soften the mucous membrane and reduce its irritation. Pastilles and lollipops should only be sucked by a child in the presence of adults in order to avoid accidents.

Cough caused by allergies prescribe antihistamines. Such drugs will help eliminate allergy symptoms in a few minutes. Most often, children are prescribed drugs of the latest generations:

Tavegil. Citrine. Claritin. Zodak.

Time-tested drugs - Loratadine - can also be prescribed. Diazolin i Suprastin. It should be borne in mind that such drugs have more contraindications and side effects.

If coughing attacks are accompanied by obstruction, then it is advisable for a sick child to give drugs to expand the lumen of the bronchi. To such medicines include Berodual and Ventolin, inhalations are carried out with these drugs.

Bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, whooping cough and others infectious diseases respiratory organs treated with antibacterial drugs. Most prescribe antibiotics a wide range actions from the group of penicillins or cephalosporins. If you are allergic to these antibiotics medicinal groups macrolides may be prescribed. When treating with antibiotics, it is necessary to take probiotics at the same time, which will help prevent dysbacteriosis.

In infectious diseases, children can be prescribed vitamin preparations and immunomodulating agents that will help strengthen the immune system.


Medicated inhalations will help you quickly get rid of a cough. For diseases of the lower respiratory organs, it is recommended to carry out procedures with the help of. This medical device converts medicinal solutions into a fine mixture, which settles on the mucous membrane and has a therapeutic effect.

For inhalation, mucolytics and alkaline solutions can be used. The doctor may prescribe inhalations with Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Berodual or alkaline mineral water. If the child coughs heavily and cannot stop, inhalation with saline can be done. When carrying out inhalations, it is important to choose the right mask, it should fit snugly to the face.

mustard plasters

With constant coughing, you can put mustard plasters on the child. It is worth considering that young children put mustard compresses on the back or through a layer of gauze. Mustard plasters warm up well soft tissues improve blood circulation and metabolism. Thanks to such procedures, you can get rid of bronchospasm very quickly.

Children 11 months and younger put 1 yellow card on the back, while avoiding the heart area. Children over 2 years of age can put mustard compresses on their back and chest. The procedure lasts 2-3 minutes, after which the mustard plasters are removed, the skin is wiped with a clean cloth and smeared with baby cream.


Rubbing will also help to quickly remove the cough. For the treatment of children, such drugs can be used:

  • Pulmex baby.
  • Doctor Mom.
  • Dr Theiss.
  • Evkabal.
  • Turpentine ointment.

If turpentine ointment is used to rub the child, it must first be mixed in half with the baby cream. This will prevent burns and skin irritation. Rubbing the child should be at night, and then put to bed.

If, despite the ongoing treatment, the cough intensified and the child's condition worsened, it is necessary to show the patient to the doctor. The cause of this malaise may be complications of the disease.

What does coughing up to vomiting mean?

With a dry cough, vomiting in a child occurs from overexertion and spasm at the time of inhalation, such a cough exhausts the baby and he weakens.

The main reason is that the cough and vomiting centers are very close, and children still do not know how to control them.

Cough may accompany whooping cough, and dry cough with vomiting feature whooping cough therefore, first of all, you need to make sure that the child does not have this disease. With whooping cough, the child coughs to such an extent that his face turns red with exertion, his tongue protrudes from his mouth, and tears flow from his eyes. No antitussive drugs will help from such attacks, and the usual antibiotics do not help either. At night, the symptoms of the disease increase and are accompanied by a cough until the child vomits, and this can last up to 6 weeks. Whooping cough requires systemic treatment.

To say for sure that the child fell ill with whooping cough can only be done by a doctor after blood tests and mucus cultures.

The cause of a wet cough before vomiting in a child may be that children do not get rid of excess mucus during a cough or runny nose, but swallow it. To understand if this is true, parents should listen to the actions of the child and try not to allow such behavior, because as a result, mucus accumulates and during coughing causes a gag reflex. Vomiting with a wet cough occurs between attacks due to mucus that has accumulated in the airways and in the stomach.

Good for coughing up vomiting ginger tea, decoction of licorice, rosehip, plantain, tea with fennel seeds.

The drink must be at the same temperature as the child's blood, only in this case the liquid is rapidly absorbed by the intestines. If the child does not drink, there is a thickening of blood and mucus in the nose and lungs, thus forming sputum, which interferes with breathing, leads to inflammation and the appearance of a cough with vomiting.

What to do if you cough up vomiting

To urgently help the child during a cough and remove acute attack in a child who coughs to vomit, parents should:

  1. Arrange a steam room in the bathroom. To do this, you need to put hot water into the bath and sit with the child in the room for 15 minutes.
  2. If the attack does not happen for the first time, then a decoction of herbs should be at the ready, which should be given to the child to drink warm. But even if there was no decoction of herbs, it is enough to give warm compote, tea or milk.
  3. Inhalation with Lazolvan (children from 6 years old), Ambroxol (children over 5 years old) or simple mineral water. If the child does not have allergies, you can drop a drop of fir or eucalyptus oil into the solution. But you have to be careful with oils!

When urgent care is needed

In some cases, with a strong cough in a child, emergency medical care is needed, namely:

  • if the baby has a choking cough, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and respiratory failure;
  • during an attack, the child develops shortness of breath and retraction of the intercostal muscle mass;
  • in the vomit there is an admixture of blood; when coughing, accompanied by a high body temperature, which is not knocked down by antipyretic drugs;
  • if severe vomiting has opened and the baby is dehydrated;
  • difficulty breathing and redness of the face.

With the above symptoms, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

However, in such cases Parents are strictly prohibited from doing the following:

  • raise your voice to the baby;
  • rub the body with vinegar and alcohol-containing products;
  • put banks and mustard plasters.

If the child’s consciousness is not disturbed, and the symptoms are not pronounced, the task of the parents is to monitor the condition of the crumbs, and in the morning turn to the pediatrician for help.

Strong and dry cough - what to do?

Such a phenomenon as a dry strong cough in a child can become a real problem.

Alarm symptoms:

These include:

  • prolonged attacks without apparent relief;
  • hacking cough without sputum
  • redness of the throat, swelling;
  • specific coating on the tongue;
  • heavy labored breathing, shortness of breath;
  • wheezing;
  • whistling when coughing
  • hoarse voice;
  • pain in the chest;
  • temperature and fever;
  • cold sweat;
  • intense lacrimation;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • babies can cry and act up for no reason;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • eye redness;
  • redness or cyanosis of the skin;
  • runny nose;
  • vomit
  • cardiopalmus;
  • clouding of consciousness, fainting;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

If the cough is strong, dry in a child and is accompanied by at least 2-3 of the symptoms mentioned, it cannot be ignored.

Should urgently apply for medical care. Any delay can provoke the development of complications, up to the development of a chronic disease, and in rare cases, death.

Common Causes

A variety of reasons can provoke a similar symptom. In a one-year-old child, a strong cough is not uncommon, since at such a young age the body is not yet able to fully resist the action of pathogenic microorganisms. An undeveloped or weakened immune system is not able to create a protective barrier, and the baby is extremely vulnerable to diseases.

  • allergy
  • insufficient air humidity;
  • irritation by impurities contained in the air (smoke, exhaust gases, chemicals);
  • mechanical irritation of the upper respiratory tract (dust particles, lint, food particles, such as crumbs, water, other foreign objects);
  • viral and infectious diseases (ARI and SARS, influenza, measles, tracheitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, tonsillitis, pneumonia);
  • chronic diseases of the respiratory organs (bronchial asthma, inflammation in pathologies of allergic origin, tuberculosis);
  • other interrelated pathologies (false croup, tumors, heart defects, etc.).

It is important to establish which factor provoked the disease and eliminate it as soon as possible.

It is worth paying attention to exactly when the symptom occurs: a strong cough in a child during sleep, in the morning after waking up, after eating, or constantly occurring attacks can be signs of various diseases.

How to treat such a cough?

First aid is to ensure the baby rest. You can not leave it unattended, so as not to miss the deterioration. Call the doctor, give the child a warm drink. In case of asphyxia, calm the baby and provide maximum air access.

Only a doctor has the right to prescribe treatment. Self-misdiagnosis and the choice of the wrong treatment regimen can lead to a deterioration in the health of the child.

The following groups of medicines will help to cope with the problem:

  • immunomodulators;
  • expectorants;
  • mucolytics;
  • sedatives;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibacterial;
  • antibiotics.

Important: there are age restrictions for drugs that can eliminate a strong cough in a child: 3 years, 1 year and 12 years are characterized by varying degrees of development of immunity and the body as a whole. Especially such restrictions apply to antibiotics.

With a dry cough, several directions of treatment are possible. It is necessary to weaken the attacks, relax the muscles and ensure free breathing. You also need to take care of eliminating the influence of the irritant.

In some cases, sputum is formed in the upper respiratory tract, which is not excreted with a dry cough. Then you need to achieve its liquefaction and removal in a natural way, by expectoration.

Before using the medicine, the instructions must be read. It is best to clarify all important points with the pediatrician.

Reasons why a person coughs

Folk remedies

The price of some medicines sometimes makes you look for alternative way treatment. In some cases, it is quite acceptable to use various folk remedies, in particular, provided that the baby is not allergic to the components used.

The following recipes will help ease a child’s dry, strong cough:

  • black radish juice with honey;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • warm milk with honey;
  • decoctions of herbs (breast fees);
  • mother and stepmother;
  • liquorice root;
  • marshmallow;
  • Linden;
  • chamomile;
  • peppermint;
  • milk boiled with onion.

it is better to check the reaction to the ingredients in advance, using a small dose of the prepared medicine.

Additional procedures

There are several more effective ways how to help a child with a strong cough, which have been used for decades:

  • Inhalations. This is the inhalation of water vapor with impurities medicinal substances. For therapy, it is recommended to use eucalyptus, sage, chlorophyllipt, propolis, fir, myrimistin. Inhalers-nebulizers are especially good.
  • Rubbing. It is necessary to rub the chest and back of the baby, using a warming ointment, for example, with eucalyptus, or a Vietnamese star. Mustard plasters serve as an alternative.
  • Steaming legs. For greater effect, add eucalyptus or fir to hot water so that the child inhales their vapors, or mustard powder. Heat eliminates vasospasm and normalizes the activity of the upper respiratory tract.

How to stop a strong and wet cough with phlegm

Treatment of wet cough in children should include the following principles:

  • allergic cough passes by limiting the child's contact with the allergen. Up to this point, taking antihistamines only relieves symptoms. Therefore, in order to get rid of a prolonged allergic cough, you should throw all your efforts into finding the allergen, cleaning and purifying the air of the living space.
  • Viral infection passes on its own in 5-7 days, subject to a hygienic regimen. Most antivirals have no effect on the duration of a cold. But it should be remembered that with a viral infection there is no point and indications to take antibiotics.
  • bacterial infection treated with antibiotics only. But here, too, not everything is clear, because there are drugs of choice, and if in the near future they have already been prescribed to a child, then their effectiveness in subsequent treatment drops sharply. In this case, reserve drugs help out. There are cases when doctors start therapy with reserve drugs, and if they are ineffective, it is difficult to find a safe and reliable medicine.

With temperature or without?

In addition to a wet cough, diseases are manifested by other symptoms. First of all, you need to pay attention to the indicators of body temperature.

Wet cough in a child without fever may be a consequence of uncomplicated rhinitis, a sluggish allergic process, or hyperproduction of mucus while taking expectorants.

With any infection or exacerbation of allergies, the temperature will rise. If the indicator rises to 38 ° C, then antipyretic drugs do not need to be taken.

The child should be treated using the following recommendations:

  1. Put the child to bed, do not feed a lot of high-calorie foods to reduce heat production.
  2. Inhaled air should be cool, below 20°C, to increase heat dissipation.
  3. The baby should be warmly dressed or put under a blanket, as the child should only breathe moist, cool air, and not freeze.
  4. Drinking plenty of fluids is the main principle of reducing fever and fighting a wet cough. In this case, blood thinning, sputum, profuse sweating and a decrease in body temperature occur.

When the heat is above 38 °C you can use rectal suppositories, syrup, tablets, most often paracetamol is used for children. Fever above 39.5 - 40 ° C should be treated by injection, which is feasible when contacting specialists.

If the child is lethargic, feels unwell, behaves inappropriately, suffocates, does not want to drink at temperatures below 38 ° C, then you should immediately give an antipyretic drug.

For colds, acute respiratory infections and SARS

With a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, expectoration of sputum is a consequence of rhinitis. That is, the development of inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs first. Mucus flows down the back of the throat, spreads the infection and irritates the cough receptors.

Treat such a cough as follows:

  • Washing the nose with saline solutions. You need to buy a 0.9% sodium chloride solution, which is sold in every pharmacy. The solution is poured into the washed sprayer from under vasoconstrictor drops and applied up to 5-6 times a day. You can pour the solution into the nose directly from the syringe without a needle and let the child blow his nose or use a pear. pharmacy salt drops- Aquamaris, Salin.
  • If a cough has already appeared, then you can gargle with a solution of salt, soda. In a glass of water, add a teaspoon of salt and soda. The method is used only if the child can gargle and spit out the solution.
  • Give the child a drink warm compotes, tea, water. This event replaces the intake of expectorants.
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air at any time of the year. In winter, at least take the baby out to breathe on the balcony.
  • Airing the apartment increase in air humidity. The optimum reading of the thermometer in the room is 20 ° C.

If the assistance was not provided correctly, then viral infection can be complicated by bacterial, which will lead to the development of bronchitis and even pneumonia.

For bronchitis and pneumonia

A cough with sputum in a child, which is accompanied by wheezing in the lungs, speaks of bronchitis. If the body temperature is raised to 38 ° C, there is no shortness of breath, and the child does not suffocate, then this indicates a mild course of bronchitis. Inflammation of the bronchi can be both viral and bacterial. With a mild course, taking antibiotics is not recommended, since it is not always clear which pathogen caused the process.

Treatment for mild bronchitis:

  • Lowering the thermometer icon in the apartment to 19-18 ° C.
  • Carrying out cleaning in the apartment without using household chemicals, plain clean water. Remove all carpets from the room where the child is located.
  • Give plenty of fluids. Even if the baby does not really want to, try to give him a drink.
  • When the temperature rises, follow the rules described above.
  • Mucolytics: Mukaltin, Althea and Dr. Mom syrups, Ambrocol, Bromhexine. The funds will only work if the child is drunk.

With obstructive bronchitis, you should:

  • Comply with all of the above.
  • Antispasmodics such as No-shpa to relieve bronchospasm and eliminate bronchial obstruction.
  • In some cases, Eufillin is prescribed to expand the lumen of the bronchi.

Bacterial bronchitis with expectoration of purulent sputum, high fever is treated only with the use of antibiotics. If shortness of breath joins all the symptoms, then we are talking about pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs.

The diagnosis is established on the basis x-ray examination lungs. The disease is treated only under the guidance of specialists and often in a hospital setting.


Treatment of wet cough in a child in cases of severe bronchitis and pneumonia includes the use of drugs:

  • Expectorants presented herbal preparations̶ Alteika, Mukoltin, Gerbion. Synthetic medicines with a mucolytic effect - Ambroxol (Lazolvan), Bromhexine. Medicines are sold in the form of syrups, tinctures, tablets and injections.
  • Antispasmodics - No-shpa (Drotaverine). good effect Provides Eufillin.
  • Antipyretic drugs based on Paracetamol. Active substance contained in the form rectal suppositories, syrup, powder, tablets. A single dosage is 10 mg per 1 kg of baby's weight.
  • Vitamin C, group B.
  • Antibiotics of the group of protected penicillins, aminoglycosides, sulfa drugs. Remedies should be taken for at least 5 days, even if the symptoms of the infection have subsided. Tablets must be taken strictly at regular intervals. The duration of treatment is determined strictly by the doctor.

In the treatment of allergic disease in children should be taken antihistamines. Also, if an allergen is not found, and the child suffers from frequent exacerbations, then antiallergic drugs are also used for prevention.

What does Komarovsky say about such a cough?

First of all, when a child of any age coughs, Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that this is only a symptom of some kind of disease affecting the respiratory tract. In addition, this symptom is protective, so in most cases it is not worth suppressing.

The main cause of cough in childhood a popular doctor calls ARVI. And therefore, in the vast majority of cases of coughing in a child, the elimination of its cause, according to Komarovsky, is impossible. But it is not necessary to leave the child without help, therefore, a well-known pediatrician advises symptomatic treatment.

Komarovsky calls providing a child with moist and cool air one of the most important tasks of parents. This will reduce the load on the baby's respiratory tract, and also prevent the mucous membranes from drying out.

Komarovsky calls the best choice of drink rehydration solutions, however, with a body temperature of up to + 38 ° C, sufficient air humidification and no breathing problems, you can be guided by the desires of the child.

Komarovsky is categorically against the independent prescription of antitussive drugs by parents to their children. He recalls that some drugs in this group are narcotic and can cause addiction. In addition, many antitussives can also depress the respiratory center, which is especially dangerous in children under 2 years of age. So it is possible to use these drugs in children older than 2 years only if indicated and after being prescribed by a pediatrician.

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky says: in a strong night cough, the parents themselves are primarily to blame. The reason is the wrong treatment.

So the most common mistakes allowed by parents:

  1. treatment of pathologies of the respiratory tract with mucolytics, which most often provoke a strong nocturnal cough;
  2. the use of biseptol during ARVI, the first way to provoke a complication;
  3. inappropriate use of antibiotics.

To improve the condition of the crumbs, for starters, parents need to calm down themselves, visit a pediatrician and strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions. Also, to relieve the condition, flush the baby's nasal passages with saline. He fights the cause and simultaneously eliminates the symptoms.

And the last: make sure that night attacks are not associated with an allergic reaction of the body. To do this, remove all feather pillows, soft toys, carpets and other items that accumulate dust from the nursery. Then do a wet cleaning and ventilate the room. If the measures taken do not give a positive result, visit a pediatrician.

Folk remedies that help with a very strong cough

  • apple decoction, walnut and potatoes always helps with a strong cough. It is enough to take one ingredient at a time, peel them, chop and boil for 30 minutes. The resulting decoction is given to children under 6 years old, 3 tablespoons every hour, and from 6 - 100 g up to 6 times a day. The broth should be warm every time.
  • The same treatment can be decoction of potatoes, onions and apples. One ingredient is cleaned and boiled for 30 minutes over low heat. In order for the taste of the broth to be pleasant, you can add a little honey to it.
  • At the first symptoms of a cough, you can use decoction of grapes, apples and cocoa butter. For cooking, you need to take a bunch of grapes, a green apple and boil them in 0.5 liters of water. After 15 minutes, the broth is set aside and a spoonful of honey is added to it. When a decoction is given to a child, they put it in a glass small piece cocoa butter.

Important to remember! Any of the decoctions containing honey in its composition is categorically contraindicated in the treatment of allergic cough. Honey is the strongest allergen that can worsen the situation and provoke additional swelling in the airways.

  • Cope with a strong dry cough will help lemon juice (0.5 cups), honey (2 tablespoons) and medical glycerin (1 spoon). You need to take the remedy up to 6 times a day, 1 tsp.

Radish - popular folk recipe From cough

  • Decoction of nettle root with sugar syrup. To prepare it, you need to take the fresh roots of the plant and pour 1 liter of water and 200 g of sugar. Boil the broth for at least 15 minutes over low heat. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Carrot juice mixed with sugar syrup in equal proportions has the same effect. Give medicine for 1 tbsp. l. up to 5 times a day.
  • If the child coughs heavily, he can be offered decoction of red viburnum. A glass of berries is poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 10 minutes. In order for the baby to drink the decoction with pleasure, 3 tablespoons of honey are added to it. The resulting medicine is taken 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l., washed down with plenty of warm tea.
  • Decoctions from pharmaceutical herbs coltsfoot, chamomile relieve inflammation in the respiratory system, improve sputum discharge.
  • Has expectorant action plantain leaf. 1 st. l. leaves pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Take a decoction of 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day before meals.
  • Black radish juice is recognized as the most effective recipe. It can be obtained by adding honey or evaporating in the oven with sugar. The resulting juice should be taken up to 6 times a day, 1 tsp. According to doctors, this juice has a positive effect on paroxysmal, severe cough, even with whooping cough.

  • If the cough is accompanied by loss of voice or severe hoarseness, then it helps well. blackcurrant juice with honey. Use this medicine for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Warm milk, soda and goat or sheep fat perfectly envelop the throat and help relieve spasms that cause dry cough. You need to drink this remedy at least 4 times a day. Since fat is disgusting to young children, honey can be added to milk to improve the taste of the drink.
  • If the cough is caused chronic diseases, then you can use decoction of marshmallow root. Within an hour insist 1 tbsp. l. roots in a glass of water. Then the product is filtered and honey is added to taste. You need to take the received medicine every 2 hours for 1 tsp.
  • Quickly relieves an attack of dry cough decoction of orange. It is cut into slices and boiled in sugar syrup for 30 minutes. The resulting remedy is given to the child during a strong cough, 1 tsp.
  • For the treatment of children under 3 years old, you can use egg mix. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of milk, boil it, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and butter, a pinch of soda and move. After that, separate the egg yolk and add to the milk, stirring it thoroughly.
  • Drink made from pine cones and milk relieves cough in a couple of days. 1 st. l. pine cones are infused in a glass of milk for about an hour. The drink is then heated and drunk throughout the day. The best option would be to divide the prepared product into 4 doses.

warm drink

As a result of inflammatory processes, sputum is formed, the removal of which contributes to frequent drinking. The liquid allows you to soothe a sore throat, make up for the lack of water in the body, and reduce body temperature in case of hyperthermia.

An effective remedy in the treatment of children's cough is warm milk.

Various drinks are used to improve the condition:

  • Fruit, berry, vegetable juices, juices, kissels, compotes, fruit drinks with the addition of honey or sugar.
  • Decoction of viburnum: 10 g of berries are brewed with boiling water (200 ml) and simmered for 5 minutes on the stove. After cooling, honey is added.
  • Anise infusion: 1 tbsp. l. anise seeds mixed with a pinch of salt and pour a glass of water. The product should be boiled for 2 minutes, cool, add honey (1 tsp).
  • Tea with raspberries (dried leaves, stems, berries, in the form of jam), lemon, honey.
  • Mineral water with a slightly alkaline reaction.

Any drink should have an optimal temperature for the child's body - from 32 to 39 degrees. The amount of liquid consumed by the child significantly affects the effectiveness of liquefaction of the resulting sputum and the acceleration of its excretion.

Komarovsky is sure: Warm drink is necessary with a strong cough !!!

Folk remedies for dry cough

Alternative medicine is effective when used in the early stages of the development of the cough reflex. In this case, it is recommended to use products with expectorant, mucolytic properties:

  • in milk dissolve honey (1 tsp), soda (on the tip of a knife), butter (0.5 tsp). The frequency of use of this drink is not limited.
  • black radish crushed into cubes, laid out in a jar, poured with honey and infused until vegetable juice is released. The resulting syrup is taken up to 6 times a day at a dose of 1 tsp. for the reception. A prerequisite is that the prepared product must be used within a day, fresh portions are prepared daily.
  • 1 st. l. plants coltsfoot brew with boiling water (1 cup). The cooled broth is filtered through a piece of gauze and consumed on an empty stomach up to 5 times a day at a dose of 1 tbsp. l. for the reception.

After the transition of the dry form of the cough to the wet form, the intake of these drugs must be stopped.

Gargle for dry cough

Gargling in the presence of an unproductive cough can reduce the severity pain in the throat, eliminate dryness and perspiration, prevent further development inflammatory processes. The optimal frequency of the procedure is 4 times a day. For gargling, the following methods are used:

  • sea ​​salt(1 tsp) should be dissolved in a glass of boiled warm water. The resulting volume of solution is used for 1 session.
  • Soda(1 tsp) is added to a glass of warm water and stirred until completely dissolved. In this recipe, it is allowed to include 1 - 2 drops of iodine.
  • Propolis infusion(20 drops) mixed with warm water (200 ml). The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and in case of allergic reactions for bee products.

For young children, soda and saline solutions can be applied as irrigation using a nebulizer.

Do not prescribe treatment yourself - consult a doctor

Folk remedies for wet cough

With a wet cough in children, the following recipes are effective:

  • chopped onion(0.5 kg) pour boiling water (1 l) and insist 3 hours. Honey (100 g) is added to the cooled broth. The finished solution is used 4 times a day at a dose of 60 ml per dose.
  • into milk(300 ml) put figs (1 pc.), Boil for 20 minutes over moderate heat and leave for at least 2 hours. The resulting remedy is taken before going to bed.
  • Dry crushed sage(1 tablespoon) is mixed with milk (250 ml), brought to a boil and simmered on the stove for 10 minutes. Fat (badger, pork, goose to choose from) and honey (1 tsp for each component) are dissolved in the cooled drink. The remedy is used at night for 100 g.
  • natural juices(beetroot, carrot, cranberry, black radish juice) 100 ml of each type is mixed with aloe juice (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (50 ml). The resulting liquid is infused overnight. Before using the medicine, add honey (2 tablespoons). It is taken three times a day at a dose of 2 tbsp. l. for the reception.
  • Chopped Licorice Root(10 g) pour into boiling water (200 ml) and simmer over moderate heat for 20 minutes. The finished broth is aged for 1 hour, filtered through a gauze cut. Honey is added to the cooled solution to taste. The medicine is used for 1 tbsp. l. for taking three times a day.

The discharge of the resulting sputum will be more productive when combined with alternative medicine water procedures, drainage massage, light physical activity(with good health) and regular walks in clean air.

Steam inhalation for wet cough

The allowed duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. The temperature of the solution used should not exceed 45 degrees in order to avoid burns of the mucous membranes. Inhalation should be through the mouth, exhalation through the nasal passages. The scheme of the course of steam inhalation - three times a day for 5 days. Tools used:

  • Soda(1 tablespoon) dissolved in hot water (1 cup).
  • Decoction based on chamomile and sage: 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials are brewed with boiling water (200 ml) and infused until cool. This solution is then used for gargling (if necessary).
  • Honey(1 tablespoon) and crushed propolis (¼ tsp) are stirred in water heated to +60 degrees (200 ml) and cooled to the optimum temperature for inhalation.
  • Mineral water, with a slightly alkaline reaction.

Steam inhalation is contraindicated in case of purulent tonsillitis, elevated body temperature, pneumonia, in the presence of purulent sputum.

Compresses for wet coughs

Their use helps to eliminate spasms, expand the bronchi, improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation.

Treatment of cough with compresses is contraindicated in case of dermatological diseases, at a temperature. They are forbidden to be placed on the heart area, acne, wounds, age spots and birthmarks.

Tools for applying compresses:

  • Mix flour, honey, mustard powder, vegetable oil, vodka in equal proportions. The mixture is laid out in a piece of fabric and placed on the chest or back, fixed with a bandage. The duration of the procedure is 2 - 8 hours (depending on the age of the child).
  • Vinegar is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:3, honey is added (up to 2 tablespoons). In the resulting liquid, gauze is moistened and applied to the throat, chest, secured on top with polyethylene. The duration of the session is half an hour.
  • Boil and knead potatoes (3 pcs.), Add alcohol (1 tablespoon), turpentine or sunflower oil (1 tablespoon). From the finished mass, 2 cakes are formed, wrapped in a gauze cut and placed on the chest and back. The duration of the compress is 2 hours.
  • Cabbage leaves (3 - 5 pieces, depending on their size) are heated in a water bath and applied to the back, chest. Cellophane or parchment is placed on top and covered with a towel. The duration of the session is from 2 to 7 hours.

At the end of the procedure, the skin must be wiped dry, removing the remnants of the product from it (if any), the child should be changed into clean clothes.

Use of this method in children infancy must be agreed with the pediatrician.

In preparing the article, materials from the sites https://mykashel.ru, https://doctor-detkin.ru, https://www.skalpil.ru, https://deteylechenie.ru, https://woolady.ru , https://lorinol.ru/, https://pulmono.ru, https://zdoroviyson.com, https://gajmorit.com , https://kashel.su, https://mykashel.ru , https://o-krohe.ru

Cough is a protective mechanism of the body that helps a person get rid of mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract, foreign bodies, and at the same time from pathogenic microorganisms (viruses and bacteria). Cough in a one-year-old child is most often a sign of SARS, but other reasons for its appearance are possible. In any case, you should not leave this symptom unattended, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.

The treatment of a cough in a baby must be approached with full responsibility, since many children under one year old medications contraindicated (more in the article:)

Causes of a cough in a baby

In order to cure a cough in a one-year-old baby, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. The most common of them are:

  • viral and bacterial diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc.);
  • measles, whooping cough and other childhood infections;
  • adenoids;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • penetration of a foreign body into the respiratory tract (a piece of food, dust, etc.);
  • allergic reactions;
  • dry air in the apartment;
  • psychogenic factor (cough occurs only in stressful situations).

Treatment of the disease in a one-year-old child

Cough in a one-year-old baby is not an independent disease, it is only a symptom, so the main treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause.

With a viral etiology of the disease, the doctor will prescribe antiviral agents (Anaferon, Viferon, etc.), with a bacterial one, antibiotics, etc. Also, the choice of the drug depends on the type of cough - dry or with sputum.

Below are medicines that are approved for coughing for babies at the age of 1 year, however, they cannot be used without the consent of a doctor, because they have contraindications and side effects. In addition, a serious illness (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, etc.) can be the cause of the malaise, and the condition of the crumbs may worsen.

Preparations for the treatment of wet cough

NameOperating principleMode of application
Syrup Ambrobene or Lazolvan (for children)
  • children under 24 months are prescribed 2.5 ml 2 times a day
  • from 2 to 6 years - half a tsp. three times a day
  • from 6 years old - 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day
Solution for inhalation and oral administration Ambrobene or LazolvanInside:
  • children under 24 months - 1 ml twice a day
  • from 2 to 6 years - 1 ml three times a day
  • from 6 years old - half a tsp. 2-3 times a day

Inhalation (the indicated amount of the drug is half diluted with 0.9% Na Cl):

  • children under 24 months - 1 ml 2 times a day
  • from 2 to 6 years 2 ml 2 times a day
  • older children 2-3 ml twice a day
Syrup LinkasHerbal anti-inflammatory drug, promotes the discharge of sputum from the bronchi
  • children aged 6 months - 3 years for half a tsp. three times a day
  • from 3 years, increase the dose by 2 times
Syrup BromhexineMucolytic expectorant action
  • children under 24 months are prescribed 2.5 ml 3 times a day
  • from 2 to 6 years - 1 tsp. 3 times a day
  • from 6 years old - 2 tsp. three times a day

Preparations for the treatment of dry cough

NameOperating principleMode of application
Drops codelac neoThe active substance of butamirate citrate has an antitussive effect.
  • babies aged 2-12 months - 10 drops three times a day
  • up to 3 years - 15 drops 4 times a day
  • older children - 25 cap. every 6 hours
Drops Sinekod
Stoptussin drops (we recommend reading:)The composition includes butamirate and guaifenesin, which have an antitussive and expectorant effect.The dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the child:
  • less than 7 kg - 8 drops 3-4 times a day
  • 7-12 kg - 9 drops 3-4 times a day
  • 12-20 kg - 14 cap. three times a day
Syrup EucabalThe drug based on plantain and thyme has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • children aged 6-12 months - 1 tsp. once a day
  • from a year to 7 years - 1 tsp. twice a day

Application of compresses and warm baths

3-4 days from the onset of the disease, provided normal temperature body, a child from the age of one year can be given a warm compress or a bath. These procedures are aimed at improving blood circulation and relieving inflammation.

You need to boil two potatoes, mash them with a fork and mix with 20 ml vegetable oil and 2 tsp. 70% alcohol. Wrap the warm mass in a gauze napkin and attach to the back of the baby, avoiding the spine and heart. Wrap the child in a scarf for 40-60 minutes.

The use of warm compresses is allowed only if the body temperature is normal

You can also treat a cough with the use of warming wraps (see also:). Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water (40-43 ° C). mustard powder, moisten a piece of cotton fabric in the solution, wring it out and wrap the back and chest of the baby with it. Warmly wrap the crumbs for 60 minutes, then wipe the skin first with a damp, then with a dry cloth.

You can make a warming bath with a water temperature of 39-40 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, the head should not be wetted, then dry the crumbs with a towel and put on cotton clothes.

Rules for inhalation

On the recommendation of a doctor, steam inhalations can be done. To do this, bring the child to a pot with a hot decoction of chamomile, coltsfoot or soda solution (3 teaspoons per liter of water) so that he inhales warm steam for several minutes.

Often, the doctor recommends treating a cough with inhalation through a nebulizer using drugs based on ambroxol. The medicine, in accordance with the age dosage, is diluted 1:1 with 0.9% sodium chloride solution, and the procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. During inhalation, the child should be in a calm state so as not to provoke a strong cough.


To do this, lay the baby so that the head is slightly lower than the body. With the palm of your hand, lightly pat the back of the child in the direction from the lower sections of the lung upwards. The procedure can be carried out several times a day, especially after sleep.

Effective traditional medicine recipes

No less effective in fighting cough folk remedies, they are usually used as an additional treatment. Most effective recipes allowed for the treatment of babies:

  • dried figs pour a glass of hot milk and leave for 30 minutes, take 100 g 2-3 times a day;
  • grate a medium-sized radish on a coarse grater and mix with honey (in the absence of allergies), insist for 2 hours, strain through cheesecloth and take 2 tsp. 3 times a day;
  • Pour 20 g of pine buds with half a liter of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes, give the baby 2 teaspoons to drink three times a day;
  • aloe juice, half mixed with water, has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system (10 ml 3 times a day);
  • mix 100 g of honey, juice from a third of a lemon and a chopped clove of garlic, take 2 tsp. three times a day.

Aloe juice helps to cope with a prolonged cough, as it effectively dissolves the mucus that accumulates in the bronchi

Disease prevention

For cough prevention and colds a one-year-old baby should follow the following rules:

  • the temperature in the apartment should not exceed 20-22 ° C, it is better not to use electric heaters unnecessarily, as they lower the humidity in the room;
  • harden the baby, take him for walks every day (at an air temperature of at least 18 ° C);
  • the child should eat fully, receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • avoid contact with patients with SARS.

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