Signs of breast disease. Milk glands (mastitis, mastopathy)

According to statistics, almost 60% of women had breast disease. When they found some nodules in the mammary gland, they immediately thought that it was cancer. But many people do not know that there are various breast tumors. Many factors affect the appearance of pathologies: genetics, bad habits, chronic diseases, Polycystic, problems with thyroid gland.

Finding seals in the chest, it is worth contacting immediately medical help. Benign neoplasms You can treat drugless without complications. Diseases of the mammary glands in women are not a sentence. The main thing is to have diagnosis in time and choose the right course of treatment. Breast diseases in women are divided into such categories:

  1. Benign breast dysplasia;
  2. An increase (hypertrophy) of the breast;
  3. Education in the breast of unclear genesis;
  4. Malignant education;
  5. Other breast pathology.

These subcategories of pathologies include mastopathy and fibrous-cystic disease. This is a pathological condition of the chest, in which the tissues are greatly expanded. Mastitis is divided into diffuse and nodal.

Fibrozno-cystic mastopathy with a diffuse form of flow manifests in women about 24-41 years. The disease amazes two chest and is localized mainly in the upper quadrant. The main symptom will be strong pain, giving back, shovel or hand. Also observed the discharge from the nipples of yellow or green color. Full symptoms develop in the second half of the disease. In chronic form, painful sensations occur periodically.

Types of disease:

  1. Fibrous mastopathy - on certain sections of chest glasses, fibrous seals with strong severity are palpitated. Discharge from nipples are not yet available;
  2. Cystrous mastopathy - in the glands are tested by a cystic character sealing. There are many of them, there is pain and it is enhanced before the start of the menstrual cycle;
  3. Adenosis is the seals of the ferrous composition, which go to neighboring tissues. On mammography they are depicted as shadows with a fuzzy structure;
  4. Mixed shape - Salz glasses increase and sclerosy connective tissue. When palpation, you can feel the graininess of these modified glands;
  5. Sclerosing adenosis is a benign sealing of small sizes, the cause of their occurrence is an increase in polek. High sensitivity and soreness can be observed. A woman must be taking into account the doctor and take place every year.

Distinguish such forms of the nodal disease:

This group of diseases include mastitis of different types. Pathology has an acute and chronic form, strikes one or both female breasts. 85% of women meet postpartum mastitis. Since cracks appear in the nipples, then streptococcus or staphylococcus falls into them. Such a disease of the mammary glands in women has the symptoms of the following nature:

  • Strong painful sensations in the field of breast damage;
  • Temperatures increase up to 41;
  • Increase the volume of the gland.

In case of late appeal for medical care, the development of the disease may be aggravated. Skin cover will be hypereminated, the lymph nodes will significantly increase.

Classification of mastitis:

  • Serous;
  • Infiltrative;
  • Purulent.

The stage of the disease is moving in two days to the following, so it is necessary to urgently apply for medical care. Treatment includes conservative and surgical therapy. Mastitis is a serious illness that can lead to a fatal outcome.

Nobotational mastitis is a disease causeless to breastfeeding baby. It is mainly developing due to a violation of the hormonal background in the body.

Hypertrophy breast

This is a disease that is characterized by an increase in the chest. Breast becomes rude, heavy. Hormone imbalance can provoke hypertrophy, which arose during pregnancy or puberty. Also the cause of the development of illness can be served thyroid gland. Hypertrophy has a serious complication - mastoptosis.

Types of the disease:

  • 1 stage - nipple does not reach the retro-ammored fold;
  • 2 Stage - Nipples located at the level of retroMammmar fold;
  • 3 Stage - the nipple is below the retro-ammor fold.

Conduct endoprosthetics in breast glands at the initial stages. And in the third stage - make a mastopexy. If the diseases revealed at an early stage in young girls, then doctors apply conservative methods Treatment of breasts in women. Hypertrophic diseases are not only a cosmetic defect, but also requiring emergency treatment Serious ailment.

Milk glands in women are designed for breastfeeding. This is a pair body that is present in all mammals, regardless of gender. The main difference between the female breast from the male lies in its development. With age, having sex girls, the chest acquires a bulk form by the growth of ferrous fabrics, connecting and fat.

The diseases of the mammary glands in women are a fairly common phenomenon. Despite the fact that they have a different character, about 33% of all representatives are forced to encounter one of the forms of the disease. The reason is sensitivity chest cells To the smallest hormone drops that modern ladies occur very often. Also, problems with the sexual system, in particular with the ovaries, injury or inflammation can affect tumor education.

Symptoms and signs

Each fear is characterized by certain signs, but there are diseases of the breast of the symptoms that are found practically for all cases:

  • It is a soreness in the chest area, which can be simply new or even sharp.
  • The swelling of the axillary lymph nodes.
  • Tearing foreign formations under the skin.
  • Void or other selection through nipples.


In addition, once every three years, women of childbearing age are obliged to visit mammologists, they must conduct self-diagnostics monthly. For this, at the beginning of each menstrual cycle (on the seventh - the tenth day), it is necessary to overcome the upper part of the body, to become a mirror and carefully examine your breasts.

Thus, it is possible to identify the deformation of the breast, the screeching of the skin, swelling or redness, as well as spots, crust or selection on the nipples. Next, it is necessary to take a supine position and try each breast separately for the presence of seals in their tissues or axillary regions. If nothing is found, you can safely live on, but if you suddenly appear, at least the slightest hardening immediately need to contact the clinic, where the doctor will additionally examine you, prescribe fluorography, ultrasound biopsy, mammography or blood test if it is necessary.

Each experienced doctor can cure breast diseases in women without surgery, but provided that they have been identified in a timely manner and are subject to conservative treatment.

Increasingly, it is necessary to deal with cases when the ladies pull on a visit to the mammologist. Someone because I did not feel the symptoms, and someone simply could not allocate time. It is worth noting that such a terrible disease, as breast cancer, is initially completely asymptomatic, but he has time to grow to a dangerous stage. In these cases, the body tissue fully has to be removed, but it may not end.

Description of disease

All female breast diseases are separated on tumor and inflammatory.

Diseases of the chest glands and their description:

Mastitis (acute or chronic) is considered very common inflammation. This disease in which the suppuration is formed inside the gland. May meet in nursing mothers due to the stagnation of milk. Also, to contribute to its development can infections that have fallen through the cracks on the nipples. If mastitis is discovered right away, then you can avoid the development of an abscess and correct the situation with the conservative way. Otherwise, without surgery can not do.

No less rarely occurs such a type of disease as mastopathy. This is a benign inflammatory process in lactic glands, characterized by the growth of their connective tissues. Scientists come to the conclusion that mastopathy is a harbinger of breast cancer (in some cases). Serve as a reason for its occurrence can hormonal disorders, inflammatory or infectious diseases genital organs, abortions, stress and rejection of breastfeeding.

For various kinds of reasons, women are formed by cysts, the dairy glands are one of the favorite places for them. They can be found in ducts, where they filled with liquid content can be like single and multiple. There is a version that the provoking factor for their appearance is hormonal failures, especially caused by improper use of contraceptive drugs. The cyst may develop due to psycho-emotional impact on the nervous system (intellectual overload, acute perception of problems, stress and experience). You can feel the symptoms by pulling and burning feelings in the chest, according to its deformation and color change. Everything can be accompanied by fever.

All these breast diseases in women do not deliver so much horror and concerns as her cancer. His danger is that he has not yet manifest itself, or reminds mastopathy that confuses both the doctors and the patient.

Fortunately, in modern medical centers There is equipment that can suspect cancer cells at the initial stage. Therefore, never forget to be examined in a timely manner and choose real professionals for this.

Interview with the department of the Department of Breast Pathology of the FGBU "Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Akademika V.I. Kulakova ", candidate of medical sciences Yuri Gailisha, reviewing which, you will learn the symptoms of developing diseases, methods of diagnosis and treatment:


Best prevention It is considered to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It includes a variety of, balanced and vitamin food, outdoor activities, a full healthy sleep, a reasonable alternation of loads and peace. It is also very important to learn how to avoid stressful situations, it is easier to look at things and not worry about every occasion, control your emotions and feelings. Any factors that contribute to the weakening of immunity and open the path for diseases, should be avoided if possible.

Alcoholism and smoking affect the formation of tumors and other troubles throughout the body. Underwear should not shoot motion and be close. It is better to give preference not to synthetic goods.

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Breast Diseases: Symptoms, Diagnostics, Treatment

Milk (breast) Iron is a modified sweating gland, there is in women and men. However, the first is most pronounced. The main function of the female breast is the feeding of a baby in the first months of his life. Currently, various breast diseases are becoming increasingly distributed. The reason may be accommodation in environmentally unfavorable areas, frequent stressful situations, refusal to born children or the refusal of their natural feeding, the presence of abortions. Most of the breast pathologies arises in women who have reached the age of 35, and is accompanied by the presence of certain gynecological diseases. At first suspicions of breast disease, you should visit mammologists. Most frequent reasons Appeals to this specialist are: mastitis, mastopathy, lipom, cyst, fibrosis, cancer, oleoganulm.


Mastitis is called inflammation of the fabric of the breast, which occurs most often on the background of lactation. The reason for the development of the disease is the penetration of some pathogenic microorganisms into the chest gland through small cracks on the nipple. Inflammation develops rapidly, its first sign is a sharp increase in temperature, soreness of the chest during touch. If there is a mastitis to continue the feeding of the child with breasts is not recommended, since the main causative agent of the disease can get into the milk. This milk is subject to complain, since its accumulation in glands leads to the aggravation of the state of the woman. After a few hours later, the focus of inflammation was clear from the beginning of the disease in the chest, the skin on it, as a rule, becomes red, the patient appears a headache, chill, blood vessels are clearly traced on the chest, the blood vessels are drawn. In some cases, purulent mastitis develops, which ultimately can lead to the chest tissue abscess. Not up to the horse, the cured illness acquires a chronic form for which a small increase in temperature is characterized, the presence of small seals in the mammary gland. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for the treatment of mastitis. In the case of purulent mastitis shown surgical interventionAfter which the patient is appointed by the course of antibiotics.


Mastopathy is a common disease of the mammary glands, in which one or more seals are formed in them and density. Mastopathy should be differentiated with mastalgia (cyclic chest pain arising in the premenstrual period). Among the causes of the disease development: maintaining an improper lifestyle, abortion, absence of pregnancies, frequent stress. Diffuse and nodal mastopathy. In the first case, multiple neoplasms are found in the breast, in the second one - only one. The main signs of the disease are: the periodic appearance of the nesting pain in the chest area, the occurrence of very tangible nodal formations in the dairy glands, selection from the nipples. Seals in the chest may indicate the availability of another disease - cancer, a distinctive feature of mastopathy is the defeat of both glands at once. When cancer, a single seal is detected. big size, as a rule, only in one breast. Mastopathy is treated with complex. The patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory funds, diuretics, butterpasses. The basis of treatment is made hormonal drugs - anti-estrogen, androgens, bromocriptine. In some cases, sectoral resection is shown, that is, the removal of the neoplasms by the surgical method.


Breast Lipoma is a benign growing of adipose tissue in the chest area. Determine the presence of lipoma woman can independently, carefully bypassing its dairy glands. This tumor, as a rule, has a rounded shape, very mobile, is not connected to other tissues. To establish an accurate diagnosis requires ultrasound and chest radiography. Lipoma itself does not pose a danger to the health and life of a woman, not crimping, but it is capable of reaching a large size, leading to the deformation of the gland. This benignant tumor It is not resolved over time, so requires access to a specialist. The only method of treatment is its removal of the surgeon. After the operation, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed, antibiotics.

Breast cyst

The breast cyst is a liquid-filled capsule arising against the background of the hormonal imbalance of the body. Symptoms of the disease: small soft or solid balls in the mammary gland, the emergence of unpleasant painful sensations during her tackling. The cysts nodules tend to increase before menstruation and decrease after its offensive. The cyst of small sizes usually does not provide special discomfort and does not require treatment. When pain in the chest area, you should contact a mammologist. By itself, the cyst is not a precancerous disease and reincines the malignant tumor extremely rarely. You can get rid of this pathology in two ways: taking hormonal contraceptives appointed by a doctor or agreeing to its aspiration. Aspiration of cysts is a special procedure, implying an introduction to the area of \u200b\u200bthis new formation of a hollow needle, with which its contents are accepted. With successful procedure, further treatment is not required.


Fibrosis (fibroadenoma) of the breast is a benign tumor, arising against the background of the production of hormones - estrogen. This disease is common among women of childbearing age, fibroadenoma is able to increase in size and cause discomfort. By itself, the tumor does not bear any threat to the life of the patient. Symptoms of the disease may be absent over a long period of time. To suspect its presence of a woman herself, spending his chest feeling. Diagnosis includes blood test and ultrasound. The only method of treatment of breast fibrosis is surgical. The operation itself does not represent difficulties, its complications occur extremely rarely. After a competent procedure, no traces of interference in the breast remains.

Mammary cancer

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor arising from breast cells rapidly progressive and prone to rapid metastasis. The leading role in the development of this disease belongs to hormone - estrogen, the excessive production of which creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of the tumor. In some cases, breast cancer develops very quickly, letting themselves to know such symptoms as pain in the field of breast, its inflammation and redness of the skin, an increase in body temperature. Small tumor nodes are usually not accompanied by any changes in well-being. Such a node is usually solid to the touch, connected to adjacent tissues and is practically not moving. External signs of breast cancer: the retraction of nipples or its individual sections, purulent or bleeding from the nipples, redness of the skin in the tumor area. The only method of treating breast cancer is a complete or partial removal of the affected organ. The operation is carried out taking into account the size of the tumor, the presence of metastases, general status Patients. The forecast in the late stages of the development of the neoplasm is unfavorable.


Oleoganoral bodies - inflammation of the breast as a result of a foreign body falling into it, it usually occurs, as a rule, after carrying out surgical intervention on the chest. Silicone, synthetic threads, etc. can be played as a foreign body. The main feature of the disease is the appearance of sealing in the mammary gland, its pain when touched. The oleogrant must be diagnosed from breast cancer. The main method of its treatment is the removal of the focus of inflammation along with it foreign body. After the operation, anti-inflammatory drugs can be assigned to the patient. In most cases, complete recovery comes.


List of all signs of breast cancer in women

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe main symptoms that accompanied the occurrence and development of this malignant neoplasm, it is advisable to have every woman.

After all, from how timely the signs of the disease are discovered and measures taken to treat it, not only the success of the upcoming therapy, but also the human life itself is depeted.

Localization of oncological processes in women in the field of the chest is common most often. After the transition from a benign in a malignant shape, neoplasms in the breast fundamentally change the nature of their behavior and dynamics of development.

The disease acquires a pronounced aggressive orientation and in the absence of timely surgical intervention gives a clear negative forecast. Information on cases of recovery in the absence of necessary medical care is one and extremely unreliable.

In the process of its development and progression, the oncological diseases of the breast pass on certain stages. They are distinguished depending on the changes in the following basic parameters:

  • tumor size;
  • degree of lesion lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of remote metastases.

The adopted classification of stages is very conditional in nature, while significantly depending on the form of the disease. In addition, since information on the causes of oncological processes is still at the level of hypotheses and assumptions, the forecast of the transition dynamics from one stage of the disease to another is still quite approximate.


It is also called zero. Its characteristic of its feature in terms of signs of the disease is the complete absence of symptoms. That is, the active pathological rebirth of the tissues has not yet begun, but the general equilibrium of the body has already shifted towards the disease.

In cases where it is possible to diagnose oncological processes at this stage and adopt appropriate adequate measures, the treatment prediction is most favorable.

The conditionally zero stage can be classified for the following two categories:

    The initial stage of the non-invasive oncological process, in which cancer cells are not yet included in the interaction with the fabrics located in the immediate vicinity. For example, this may be such a type of breast adenocarcinoma, in which the defeat affects only individual shares.

    Also, this category includes a variant of atypical hyperplasia localized in individual ducts (or small groups of ducts) gland. However, in this case, the cell mutations, nevertheless, do not apply beyond the limits of the walls of the ducts and do not yet have a destructive effect on healthy fabrics.

    This category include such a stage of the development of any new formation of unexplained ethiology, on which the process of cancer is not yet diagnosed, but the elevated level of monarchors in the blood already gives the basis of a doctor for the onconvillation and the appointment of an additional survey.

    The risk group includes patients suffering from diseases such as mastitis, various forms of mastopathy, adenoma and fibroaden, auldium, hyperstress and other nipple pathologies, lipographorem and others.

    In this category, all sensations that can be felt, and manifestations that can be noticed are not yet associated with the start of development. oncological disease, but only are the symptoms of pathologies that can create favorable conditions for the occurrence of cancer.

    Observed in some cases, weak pain syndromes of unbearable localization, as a rule, are cyclical and caused by oscillation of a common hormonal background.

Significant impact on the nature and dynamics further development The disease has the level of stability of the endocrine system and the degree of violation of hormonal equilibrium in the body of a woman.

1 Stage

Starting with her cancer cells, an invasive character becomes characterized - that is, they gain the ability to influence healthy fabrics located nearby.

Symptoms of the disease at this stage are often weakly pronounced, however, showing attentiveness, some of them are quite possible. Among them may be the following:

  • Increase the size of tumors (up to 2 cm. In diameter). Such a value already allows you to easily detect even with an independent inspection. In the event of multiple seals or nodules, they may have minor dimensions, however, as a rule, are clearly contacted during palpation. Them distinctive feature It is painlessness and limited mobility.
  • An insignificant increase in the regions of the axillary zone on the side of the neoplasms associated with an increase in activity in their work. After all, for atypical cells constituting cancer tumorThe accelerated metabolic processes are characterized, increased reproductive ability and shortened life.

    The influence of these factors creates overload in lymphatic systemthat can also provoke the occurrence of some swelling in hand, shoulder, or chest.

  • Partial nipple retracting with a possible minor deformation is characteristic of the disease of the Pedge, when the focus of the lesion is localized in the nipple.
  • Reducing the diameter of the pygmentation zone of the nearby region (AREOLA) associated with changes in tissue trophic.
  • The discharge from the nipple (more often bright, with a yellowish tint; may have bleeding impurities) - characteristic of the forms of cancer, when tumors are formed in dairy ducts.
  • Small disorders of the form of the breast - associated with the beginning of pathological changes in the structure of its tissues.
  • A slight increase in body temperature to subfebrile - caused by inflammatory processes in the affected tissues of low intensity.
  • Sharp undefined fluctuations in body weight (more often - weight loss), disruption of appetite, oppressed emotional condition. The main reason for these signs is a violation of hormonal equilibrium in the body.
  • Total weakness, reduction of the ability to concentrate attention, increased fatigue - all this manifestations of symptom of intoxication.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease at this stage of its development makes it possible not only to restore the health of the woman, but also save the milk gland, thereby retaining the ability to natural feed.

2 Stage

It may show all the symptoms inherent in the 1st stages, only more pronounced. The features include the following:

  • The magnitude of individual tumors can reach up to 5 cm in diameter. In the case of multiple seals or nodules, it is possible to increase their number and sizes.
  • The tissue retraction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion is visually visually, and is particularly well noticeable with slow lifting and lowering hands. Changes in skin cover (redness, coarse and roughness, loss of elasticity, appearance of wrinkles and remaining folds after palpation).

    These symptoms are due to the activation of the process of rebirthing cells caused by atypical hyperplasia and an irreversible impaired metabolism in the tissues.

    It is possible to a substantial increase in the size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe axillary zone on the side of the neoplasms. As a rule, they are already easily palpable. Manifests (or expanding) drawing of subcutaneous venous vessels. There are no pronounced pains, but there may be painful sensations of a suitable character in chest iron and the axillary region.

    The cause of these symptoms is significant overload in the work of lymphatic and venous systems that served as the beginning of the development of irreversible pathologies in them.

This is the last stage of the disease, when, albeit with big losses, but there is still hope for salvation of the patient.

3 Stage

Since this stage, to cure the patient already, as a rule, it is impossible, so the medical effect provides for only symptomatic therapy. In this case, the efforts of doctors pursue two main objectives:

  1. to slow down the rate of development of the disease as much as possible;
  2. easy as possible, suffering a patient.

At this stage of the disease, the severity of the symptoms of previous stages is enhanced. Features are as follows:

  • Pain appear. They may be due to pronounced edema in the field of damage and squeezing of tissues, as well as the occurrence of ulcers on the skin. Pains wear monotonous and constant character, as a rule, slowly and steadily intensifying. Temporary relief brings only an intact analgesics.
  • The tumor increases (more than 5 cm), showing pronounced invasive properties - the capture of the tissues located nearby. In the case of multiple seals, their even greater consolidation and (or) further merging into a single integer.
  • There are crusts from the nipple, and if they disappear in their place, an ullane surface remains - characteristic of the grid-like shape of cancer.
  • The number of increased lymph nodes becomes even more (up to 10), they are inflamed and hurt.
  • The deformation of the breast is distinctly expressed.
  • The body temperature can be significantly increased due to the enhancement of intoxication of the body and the activation of inflammatory processes.

At this stage, metastasis processes are launched.

4 Stage

This is the terminal stage. It is characterized by severe pain and death by metastases both near the arranged and remote organs, bones, brain, etc.


  • Tumors grow up and capture all the breasts.
  • The skin is covered by multiple ulcers, erosions, etc. - is characteristic of a growing form.
  • Inflammation covers the entire lymphatic system.

Treatment at this stage is exceptionally symptomatic. The efforts of doctors are focused on the facilitation of the suffering of the patient.

Features of the symptoms of various forms

  • Node - the most common form. The above consideration of symptoms in the stages of the disease is especially characteristic of it.
  • Rozhist-like is an extremely aggressive form with the rapid pace of development and transition to the distribution of metastasis. For her characteristic heat, severe pain, pronounced chest edema and redness of the skin. Symptoms of atypical for oncological processes, which makes it difficult to formulate a faithful diagnosis.
  • Mastito-like - on the grounds it is similar to a ruby-like, but hyperemic leather has a blue shade, and the iron itself is essentially limited in mobility. Diagnosis is hampered by considerable similarity with mastopathy.
  • The fighter-infiltrative form is accompanied by an edema of the chest (especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area) and the effect of "lemon crust" on the skin. Characteristic lack of clear borders of the tumor. Most often observed in women of young age. It has an unfavorable forecast.
  • Pedge's disease. Begins with a damage to the nipple. In Areole, itching and burning occurs. Externally, the first symptoms resemble an exemplary or psoriasis. The difference is in pronounced skin redness with the subsequent appearance of crusts on it and further ulceration of the epithelium after their deposition. Having destroyed the nipple, the disease spreads to all breasts.
  • Pacir - a rare shape, characterized by long and sluggish development. Accompanied by the growth of the colony of cancer nodules, externally resembling the shell. The skin is pigmented, compacted, loses elasticity. Progressing, the disease captures the second breast and goes to the whole chest.

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Breast diseases that are formed in women and their description

The area of \u200b\u200bthe breast is often subjected to various diseases and pathological conditions. This fact is explained by the fact that women have the most susceptible body that quickly responds even to minimal changes in the hormonal background. Diseases may have a variety of symptoms that are important for subsequent diagnosis. In order to figure out their classification, it is recommended to read everything that will be told about the breast in women - further.

About diseases in general

Mammologists point out that it can be about such diseases like mastopathy, mastitis, lactostasis. In addition, problems in the field of breasts arising from women can be conjugate with the most different neoplasms, in particular, by cysts, tumors, fibroadenomes.

Given the presented, more than an impressive list, is urged their diagnosis. It is important for the correct and timely diagnosis, which, in turn, will provide an opportunity to assign appropriate treatment. It is also necessary to draw the attention of women to the fact that if they discovered new formation in the breast or suspected any disease, in no case should not be engaged in self-medication. This will only aggravate the course of the disease, other syndromes and their current.

To determine the diagnosis and identification of why certain symptoms are manifested, it should be treated exclusively to the mammologist.

It is he will give the opportunity to determine what exactly happens in the health of each of the women and how to cope with it.

Mastitis and mastopathy

Such diseases arising from women like mastitis and mastopathy can be determined by the most characteristic symptoms. Speaking of mastitis, it should be noted that this is a disease that is formed in women carrying breastfeeding. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this concerns those who feed the breast for the first time, and therefore does not have sufficient experience. This leads to stagnation of the dairy masses in the breast, which, in turn, provokes specific symptoms in women, namely:

  • an increase in temperature indicators or their constant oscillation;
  • a change in the size of the axillary lymph nodes in the large direction;
  • sharp painful sensations in the chest.

Another manifestation should be considered the formation of suppuration, which usually occurs in the last stages of the development of this state. Its conservative treatment is possible, but solely at the initial stage of breast disease. In other situations, when women developed serious problems with the state of the breast, it turns out to be necessary for surgery. What and why solitary cysts are associated.

Speaking of mastopathy, it should be noted that it represents certain neoplasms and inflammatory changes, most often being benign. They develop due to violations of hormonal nature. Their signs should be considered serious pain in the chest, as well as the selection of nipples.

The most dangerous variety of mastopathy is diffuse, which can provoke certain malignant changes in the breast or in the breast as a whole.

In such cases, treatment is required to start as soon as possible in order to eliminate the likelihood of the development of complications and other critical consequences.

A few words about lactostasis

Another pathological condition that is formed in women during pregnancy and is associated with the state of the chest, lactostasis should be considered. A variety of factors can contribute to the presented disease, in particular, incorrect applying to the chest, rare feeding sessions, injury or excessive cooling of the area of \u200b\u200bthe breast. Also, have an impact on this can stressful situations with a labile nervous system and wearing close clothes.

Symptoms of this state and their secondary manifestations are easily identified by women. They are reduced to the formation of the seal in the chest, as well as the change in its shade to red, the eductions of the breast. Also, women may increase temperature indicators, which traditionally turns out to be the first manifestation. What symptoms are associated with a galatteree here.

To relieve lactostasis and restore the condition of the breast, each of the women is strongly recommended to restore normal feeding schedule, get rid of provoking factors in the form of stress and wearing incorrect clothing, underwear. If the state is sufficiently launched, but it is still possible to treatment at home, special milk pumps are used. In other situations shown surgerywhich makes it possible to remove the neoplasm and clean their dairy ducts.

Oncological disease

Another breast disease that provokes changes in its structure and structure, the formation of neoplasms is oncology. It is identified, in accordance with statistical data, in 5% of all female representatives.

The exact reasons for women are formed by this state, are unknown, but experts pay attention to the fact that a significant role in this process is played by hormonal failure.

In the initial stages of the symptoms of the state of non-obvious, their severity is minimal. That is why female representatives are so rarely handling a mammologist on time. At the same time, in some cases, self-examination will be real salvation, as a result of which women reveals new formation.

It should be noted also, speaking about breast cancer, which is diagnosed from zero to the second stage, is quite easy to treat - like many other diseases. The probability of recurrence in these situations is also minimal. At the third and fourth stage, the forecast and all its nuances are much more complex and are problematic, so, the success of cure directly depends on:

  1. availability or absence of chronic and inflammatory diseases;
  2. genetic susceptibility;
  3. the level of medicine and the quality of the techniques used.

Treatment, in the overwhelming majority, it turns out to be surgical and is to remove the neoplasm with its subsequent study. At the same time, if the stage of development of the disease in women does not represent danger from the point of view of metastases, mammologists can insist on implementing conservative treatment. In this case, chemotherapy will be used.

An alternative treatment is the radiation therapy, which also makes it possible not only to slow down the growth of cancer cells, their change on malignant agents, but also stop this process at all.

Of course, it is the oncology of the breast that is the most dangerous of all states that were presented here. It is a serious threat not only to preserve breast integrity, but also for the vital activity of a female representative. Next should be partitioned on those neoplasms, the emergence of which is due to the fact that diseases and their varieties are formed.

Availability of neoplasms

This fact should also be regarded as the presence of any painful state in the field of breast. Most often, cysts, adenoma, fibroadomes and lipomas are formed in the breast. They indicate certain hormonal failures, as well as other diseases that accompany the presented state in women.

In the overwhelming majority of cases on the presence of neoplasms in the breast, a woman learns within the framework of an independent survey or as a result of preventive diagnostics, which should be carried out once every six to eight months. The symptoms of each of the presented formations are different, and therefore it is difficult to talk about any patterns. In addition, manifestations directly depend on the overall health of each of the women and whether it has any concomitant diseases.

That is why, at the first suspicion for the presence of any disease, it is strongly recommended not to neglect the diagnosis, a visit to the mammologist, which will help specify further treatment.

Any attempts of self-implementing therapy are extremely undesirable and may even be destructive, so their implementation is urgently not recommended.

Thus, each of the female representatives should be borne in mind that a significant number of diseases, pathological processes and states can be formed in the field of breast. The exceptions should be engaged exclusively mammologists who know a clear description, but not women themselves. Only in this case, the high probability of 100% of life activity is preserved, as well as the maximum degree of activity.


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    Do not forget to occasionally observe a mammologist! These visits will help you prevent the risk of cancer.

    Determination of the Risk Risk of Breast Cancer

    This test retains the accuracy of the calculations for a woman of the European-like race, without the identified heredity genes on breast cancer, without previously the diagnosis of this disease, and under the condition of an annual inspection by a mammologist.

    Test result

    The risk of breaking breast cancer within 10, 20 and 30 years is -0.1%, 1.1%, 3.2% appropriate.

    The probability is not ill within 10, 20 and 30 years of 100.1%, 98.9%, 96.8% appropriate.

    This test is not quite suitable for girls under 20 years old and women over 50 years old (there may be small errors). We advise you to read the materials prepared by us on the structure of the breast, risk factors for breast cancer and the skills of self-examination of the breast, which each adult woman should know.

2018 female health blog.

Dairy glands are part of the reproductive system of women, fabric of the breast - targets for steroid hormones of ovarian, prolactin, placental hormones and indirect hormones of other endocrine organism.

On the current tradition of the diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the breast, oncologists are engaged. However, recently the problem of benign diseases of the dairy glands began to engage in gynecologists.

Risk factors for the development of diseases of the mammary glands

Currently, conditions contributing to the occurrence and development of diseases of the mammary glands are revealed, which makes it possible to distinguish the contingent of women with increased risk of disease.

Since benign diseases and cancer of the mammary glands have a lot in common in etiological factors and pathogenetic mechanisms, the risk factors are largely identical.

The hereditary factor is of paramount importance - the presence of benign and malignant diseases in relatives on the maternal line.

One of the most frequent adverse factors is chronic salpingo-phorite, since as a result of inflammation, the production of genital hormones is disturbed.

Most patients with various forms Mastopathy is detected by the pathology of the thyroid gland. The pitipofing of the thyroid gland increases the risk of mastopathy by 3.8 times.

An important cause contributing to the emergence of mastopathy is various diseases of the liver, biliary ducts and gallbladder. Liver playing big role In the metabolism of excess endogenous estrogen. In its illness, this ability is reduced and even lost, as a result of which the content of hormones increases.

Out of other risk factors, obesity can be played, especially combined with diabetes and arterial hypertension. It is known that with the entire triad, the risk of mastopathy, as well as breast cancer rises three times.

Another factor in the risk of dormriconal changes in the dairy glands is iodine deficiency, contributing to the disorders in the hypothalamus system - milk iron.

A big risk of getting a female exposed to stress, neurosis, depression, so chronic stress is one of the factors of mastopathy.

Violations of the hormonal status of the female organism are also caused by irregular sexual life, which can contribute to the development of pathological processes in the breast.

Indirect risk factors include addiction to alcohol and smoking.

The risk of development of diseases of the mammary glands may increase the impact of ionizing radiation.

Serious consequences for the development of breast diseases may have its injuries and microtraums.

Artificial abortion of pregnancy significantly increases the risk of developing the pathology of the mammary glands. After an abortion, proliferative processes in lactic glands and tissue are exposed to reverse development. These regressive changes occur unevenly, therefore the structure of the glands may acquire a pathological character.

The risk of mastopathy and breast cancer increases under the influence of adverse factors such as lack of pregnancy or late pregnancy, lack of breastfeeding.

Women who born two children under 25. There are three times the risk of developing diseases of the dairy glands compared to only one child. The age is also an important risk of risk of cancer: the frequency of the occurrence of breast cancer rises with age and reaches, according to some authors. By 75 years to 30%.

The connection of increased risk of disease with the early onset of menstruation and later discontinued is discovered.

The factors that have a protective effect include early childbirth (20-25 years), breastfeeding, the amount of labor (more than two) with full lactation.

Often the causal factors are in relationship, forming a general unfavorable background. The complexity of the assessment of the set of causal factors dictates the need to regularly conduct a comprehensive survey (mammolography self-sawing, mammography, mammologist consultation) for each woman.

Diagnosis of diseases of the mammary glands

Clinical examination

The survey begins with anamnesis analysis. Of great importance in understanding the causes of the occurrence of dairy glands have data on the risk factors of their occurrence.

An objective examination includes inspection and manual examination, in which the degree of formation of glands, shape, dimensions, condition of the skin, nipple are determined.

Surface and deep palpation of glands and lymph nodes are carried out; The presence of seals and their character is detected. Special attention is paid to available assembly formations.

Palpation is made in the vertical and horizontal position of the survey. Palpation allows you to determine the location of the tumor, its dimensions, borders, consistency, relationship with the subjectable tissues. It is carried out first with light touches of the pads 2, 3, 4 fingers, laid plastics on the torn milk gland. Then go to deeper palpation, but it should be painless. Palpation of the breast in a horizontal position can significantly facilitate the diagnosis of minimal tumors, as well as their difference from the dormriconal hyperplasia. In this position, all milk iron becomes softer, which allows you to identify small seals in it. In addition, with the horizontal position of the woman's surveyed, the sections of the dormriconal hyperplasia are becoming softer to the touch or are not determined at all, while the tumor node does not change its consistency compared with the study standing.

Scale for assessing changes identified in lactic glands

Characteristics of palpable areas

Clinical conclusion

In one or both lactic glands, localized seals seals are clearly defined on the background of diffuseLocalized fibroidomatosis against diffuse
In one or both uterine glands, compacted areas are determined without clear contours against the background of diffuse fibroadenomatosis.Localizing fibroidomatosis on diffuse
In one or both milk glands, fine-grained diffuse seals are determinedDiffuse cystic or fibrous fibrotomatosis
Palparatory structure of the glands of the glandsLack of physical signs of the pathological process

An objective assessment of the state of the glands is made up of inspection and palpation data, as well as mammographic, ultrasound and other special studies of the tissue of the mammary glands.

Laboratory and instrumental methods for research of diseases of the mammary glands

Laboratory methods

The obligatory component in a comprehensive examination of patients with diseases of the mammary glands is to determine the individual hormonal status of a woman; First of all, the level of prolactin and estrogen.

For a survey in order to determine the likelihood of the development of pathological processes in lactic glands, the definition of tumor markers has been proposed in the past two decades. These literature indicate an elevated level of tumor markers in groups of women with pronounced diffuse forms Mastopathy. Determining the role of markers in predicting the occurrence of the pathology of the mammary glands is more rational in patients with genetic or anamnestic factors of predisposition to malignant process or with proliferative forms of mastopathy.

ONOMARKERS such as a cancer-embryonic antigen (REA), high molecular weight antigens Case-125 and Ca19-9, Mudny-like cancer-associated antigen (MRA), allow monitoring the effectiveness of conductive treatment.

Radi Methods

Mammography. The accuracy of mammographic diagnostics ranges from 75-95%. The high percentage of false negative results is associated with the fact that young women, especially during the lactation, on a dense background of the gland, knots and tumors are distinguishable. On this basis, it is considered inappropriate to perform mammography in women under 30 years old. Big difficulties represents the detection of a tumor against the background of mastopathy. Under these conditions, the tumor node is detected by no more than 50% of cases. The minimum size of the tumor detected during mammography is 0.5-1.0 cm.

Conducting this study is suitable on the 5-12th day of the menstrual cycle.

X-rayomamography should be carried out in women older than 35 years, in cases where the tumor is clearly not palpable; when localization of education directly behind the nipple; with developed preammor adipose tissue; pronounced invalivnigh changes in the fabric of the breast; As a screening method of research (Fig. 15.2).

Currently, women older than 40 years have been recommended to carry out a mammography every 2 years, after 50 years - annually. When identifying local seals defined by palpatorial, mammography is carried out by women at any age.

Pneumaticomammamography is used to improve the contouring of the node located in the depth of the breast tissue, as well as with tumors located on the periphery of the gland (at the edge of the sternum, in the projection of the plug-in and axillary projection), which is difficult to obtain X-ray images. X-ray study is carried out after administration through several needles located in different quadrants of the mammary glands, 200-500 ml of nitrogen zakis.

Pneumocystography is an additional differential diagnostic method for cystic formations of fibroadenomatase and ciladagelopapillomas. After the puncture of the cyst and evacuation of its contents, 10 ml of air is introduced into the cavity. The radiograph allows you to trace the structure of the walls of the cyst, the relief of its inner surface.

Dotography or galactography - a method used to diagnose non-palipable ducting tumors. The informativeness of this method is 80-90%.

Electrodentygenography (xerography) is an informative method, but its disadvantage is a high dose of radiation load, exceeding 3 times a dose with a normal mammography.

Echography. Preference to this method of diagnostics should be given: when patients are examined under 30 years old, when localizing the lesion is localized for the mammography of the breast departments (plug-in, submammorous fold, retro-ammor space, an axillary process), with the differential diagnosis of solid and extensive formations, when performing aiming Puncture biopsy. The information content of the method is 87-98%.

Mammography and ultrasound are complementary methods.

CT scan. High informative method of examination of patients with unclear data of ordinary tomography and "dense" milk glands. Computer tomography allows you to determine the tumors to 2 mm, to evaluate their distribution, as well as to carry out the differential diagnosis of mastopathy and malignant neoplasms.

Magnetic resonance tomography (MRI). The challency of the procedure in combination with good performing cuts of an arbitrary direction suggests that it will become one of the leading techniques. However, such early sign Cancer, like microcalcifications, when MTP is not visible.

Transylllumination (diaphanoscopy). The method is based on the assessment of the structures of the breast in the transmitted light. Research is carried out in a darkened room. The light source will interfere with the milk gland and visually investigate the structure of the body. Modern devices for diaphanoscopy use a television camera and a monitor that allow you to strengthen the contrast of the image. The undoubted advantages of the method of diaphanoscopy should include non-invasiveness, lack of ionizing radiation, efficiency, ease of study. However, the method is not sensitive enough. Its further development is assumed due to the computer assessment of the results and the use of lasers with low radiation energy.

Histological methods

Puncture biopsy - the introduction of the needle to the collapse of the seal and aspiration through it the tissue particles. In 80-85% of cases, cytological research of points makes it possible to diagnose. With the dish-monomalgh hyperplasia, the puncture biopsy allows to establish the degree of proliferation and atypics of the epithelium, to identify the presence of a cystic cavity.

Excision biopsy is in the excision of the discovered seal together with the area of \u200b\u200bsurrounding tissues. When detecting benign changes in the breast, the implementation of such an intervention is therapeutic and prophylactic.

Milk glands consist of 15-20 fractions, each of which is divided into several small. The shares are connected to the nipple through the Milky Dukes, which are moving to the Milky Pores located on the most convex point of the nipple. The rest of the space is filled with iron cloth, and on the rear wall of the gland is a fatty tissue.

The process of lactation is largely depends on the hormonal background: such hormones, such as prolactin, oxytocin, gonadotropins and some others stimulate the formation and secretion of milk. In case of their insufficient number, the lactation process is violated, which may entail the development of the disease of the mammary glands.

Fact! Insufficient milk generation when breastfeeding Often it may be the cause of stress, chronic fatigue and postpartum depression.


Mastopathy is one of the most common diseases of the mammary glands in women. It has many species, each of which is in varying degrees can lead to the development of a malignant tumor.

The reasons

Hypothyroidism - insufficient production of thyroid hormones due to the lack of iodine - provokes breast pathology

The main causes of the development of this disease of the mammary glands in women:

  • violation of the hormonal background, which can be accompanied by liver diseases or diabetes;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • harmful habits - alcohol, smoking;
  • lack of a day;
  • problems with genital health;
  • a failure of work in the digestive tract, as a result of which the useful substances are absorbed in insufficient quantities;
  • hormonal therapy;
  • age diseases;
  • surgical intervention in the field of mammary glands, including plastic surgery;
  • irregular sexual life, a frequent change of partners;
  • bad environmental situation;
  • frequent stay under the right rays of the sun.

Fact: diseases of the mammary glands are subject to both women and young girls. Most often disrupted women or not breastfeeding women.


Depending on the type of mastopathy, various methods of diagnosis and treatment are prescribed. Based on the following list, it is clear which kinds of this breast disease are:

  1. Diffuse. Is an starting Mastopathy, its foci is located in the upper side of the glands. It is characterized by a slouching pain in the top of the body. It has several types:
  • diffuse fibrous - iron tissue is replaced with the connective, sections of nipples appear, nodes are formed, noticeable when palpation, but not causing pain when pressing;
  • diffuse cystic - the formation of a cyst of various shapes and sizes, common pain at the same time less than when fibrous form;
  • fibrozno-cystic - the growing of the fabric that can grow into cysts;
  • ironist-cystic - the formation of a cyst with calcium deposition in glares, often leads to the development of malignant formations;
  • irony-fibrous - partial growth of ferrous tissues.
  1. Knot. Arises after the diffuse. This form is manifested in the form of formation of nodes of compacted tissue in the gland. Pain feeling At the same time, stronger, discharge from nipples can be with blood impurities. The pain does not depend on the cycle phase.
  2. Nodal fibrous. Develops after diffuse-fibrous form; There are unbearable pain when touched to the chest. It is characterized by a well-noticeable asymmetry of mammary glands, blood discharge from nipples.
  3. Nodular cystic. It occurs in the progression of diffuse-cystic shape as a result of the growth of the cyst and increase their quantity.

Fact: Mastopathy is a benign disease of the breast, but is most susceptible to reincarnation in malignant education.

Symptoms and diagnostics

The very beginning of mastopathy development can proceed asymptomatic. The first symptom of this disease of the mammary glands in women is a minor soreness of the glands arising from menstruation. With a prolonged course of mastopathy, pain is constantly present, swelling appears, the seals are detected during palpation, sections from nipples appear. The nipple itself is covered with cracks, it becomes less convex.

You can diagnose mastopathy yourself with self-examination. The doctor, except for a medical examination, conducts an ultrasound to identify the nature of seals, after which it determines which particular breast disease that can be.


Treatment of this disease of the breast is assigned according to the symptoms described by the patient, which caused its reasons and the results of the diagnosis.

Medicase treatment includes the use of hormonal or non-nonal means. The first group of drugs is aimed at normalizing the level of hormones in the presence of their failure, and the second can consist of vitamin and mineral complexes, diuretic agents that reduce the swelling, anti-inflammatory and contributing to improving blood circulation of drugs.

Important! It is strictly prohibited by self-treatment, since the selection of irregularities can accelerate the development of the disease and lead to cancer.

Surgical methods of treatment of this breast disease in women are most often used in extensive cystic or fibrous lesion, as well as with a possible break of a cyst.

Tumors of the mammary glands

Tumors that may occur in lactic glands are divided into benign and oncological. Benign neoplasms do not harm, but require permanent monitoring of a mammologist to control the possible rebirth of the tumor.

Oncology Risk Risk Groups

The exact causes of the occurrence of the oncological disease of the breast in women are not established, but groups of persons most susceptible to this disease are isolated. For them are characteristic:

  • overweight;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • hypertension;
  • lack of liver functions;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • smoking and alcoholism;
  • atherosclerosis.

Symptoms of cancer of the gland

The symptoms of breast cancer are noticeable even with an external inspection: the nipples become more drawn, the color and shape of the AREOLAM will change, the rash appears and the structure of the chest skin changes (wrinkle appears). Often the symptoms are similar to initial symptoms Mastopathy.

Important! When changing the color of the Area, it is necessary to refer to a specialist and conduct diagnostics for the presence of diseases of the breast nipples.

Symptoms depending on the stage of cancer:

  • Stage I - the formation of no more than two centimeters in diameter;
  • IIA Stage - Education may increase to 5 centimeters, does not germinate into the tissue, but can be attached to the skin. Breast wrinkle appears, its elasticity is lost in a certain place;
  • IIB Stage - the size of the tumor does not change, the first metastases appear (no more than two);
  • III stage - an increase in the tumor, skin retraction near the location of its location, the appearance of a packer is possible;
  • The stage is the maximum expansion of the tumor, the distribution of metastasis.

Important! Initially, metastases are located only on the chest, but subsequently may form on any part of the body by propagation through blood vessels.


One of the most accurate methods for determining breast cancer is a mammography. Additionally, dotography is carried out (the introduction of a contrast agent into gonducts) and ultrasound. With a possible course of cancer, a complete examination of the body is carried out.


The treatment of cancer breast cancer in women is carried out individually. At the first stages of the disease, surgical intervention can be carried out while preserving the gland in the complex with radiation therapy. At more running stages, chemotherapy is assigned, various kinds of operation are carried out. Patients with impaired hormonal background are prescribed treatment with hormonal drugs.

Immunostimulants are used as an aid, especially important for patients undergoing chemotherapy.


With the appearance of the first symptoms of the diseases of the mammary glands, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Regular self-examination will help identify the disease on early stages And avoid severe consequences.

How to treat breast mastopathy? To solve this issue, a specialized physician is required. Mastopathy of the dairy glands is considered one of the most unpleasant and problematic diseases, which can lead to cancer or other malignant formations. Prevention and timely treatment - the best ways Prevent complications.

Breast diseases are very dangerous for women's health. The body of any girl is very gentle and fragile, and, it means, it requires constant control, prevention of various diseases, as well as their timely diagnosis. Apply irreparable harm to female health is very simple, and the consequences have to be eliminated by years. Prevent it easier to treat, but in order to prevent, "enemy" need to know in the face!

What are the diseases of the breast?

The diseases of the female breast occasionally occur more and more. Statistics inexorably insist on their: such diseases are in the 3m place in terms of frequency of distribution. And there are usually the same diagnoses. What are the diseases of the mammary glands, which ones are most common and how to recognize them?

Mastopathy occupies a leading position by the number of distribution. This disease of the women's breast occurs due to hormonal disorders (abortions, miscarriages, stress, mechanical damage chest, etc.). In different women, the disease manifests itself completely different. As a rule, patients note the appearance of grainy formations of different sizes in lactic glands, which cause painful sensations during tours. There may be other unpleasant feelings in the chest.

Many women mastopathy leaks without pronounced symptoms and can only be diagnosed with a preventive inspection.

Mastitis is observed, as a rule, in women in postpartum period and characterized by sharp inflammatory process. Microbes can fall into extended ducts and cause infection. Begins the swelling of iron fabric, the chest becomes hypersensitive, painful, blushes and swells. This can also include purulent diseases of the breast, such as purulent mastitis, which can occur in the lactation, and in the non-discount period.

Fat necrosis, unfortunately, is also found quite often. At the same time, the diseases of the adipose tissue occurs on a certain section of the surface of the chest. The causes of this disease are usually different injuries, often even the most minor. As the main manifestation, doctors call a painless benign tumor. However, it is important to remember that such skin diseases of the mammary glands are very dangerous and a benign tumor can cause the formation of malignant.

Adenokarcinoma (or ferrous cancer) makes itself felt fast enough. You can determine its presence / absence in yourself for a number of external signs:

  • change of the shape of the mammary glands;
  • the location of the breasts at different levels;
  • swelling, the presence of tumor education;
  • changes color skin on a specific area.

It should be noted that adenocarcinoma grow quickly enough, so you need to seek qualified help as soon as possible. With this form of oncology, only a disease of the right breast or only left is possible.

Often, women are worried about unusual, in their opinion, the length of the menstrual cycle. For more information about menstruation and periods of cycles, read. With the symptoms of various gynecological diseases and the methods of getting rid of them can be found.

How to determine the presence of breast disease?

Of course, regular examinations of the doctor are needed for prevention. But most of us only then comes to the doctor, when there are already a stony for concern. Each disease is distinguished by its signs, but some diseases occur imperceptibly. However, some symptoms of dairy glands in women are similar, and you can check their absence or availability.

Pain in the mammary glands, increased sensitivity, seals, swelling - the right signs of deviations. Changes in the color of nipples, separation from them, an increase in lymph nodes, inflammation and redness of the mammary glands - signs of breast diseases, and quite serious diseases. All this is good reasons for concern, but not for panic. Refer in case of their discovery for medical help.

The causes of dairy glands may be very different. Many environmental factors have a continuous and often induluble effect on our body. However, as practice shows, most of the causes of all diseases lies in ourselves.

The most common occasion for the development of all diseases is an unstable emotional background. Private mood change, a large number of stress, intense, constant fatigue - All this every day attacks our immunity, which, in the end, gives up.

The disease of the breast in medicine is often associated with the sex life of a woman. Sexual life has a significant impact on our health. Its absence, irregularity, dissatisfaction after sexual intercourse can sharply "subcode" women Health. All these factors are able to cause a serious hormonal failure, which will lead to a number of the most unpleasant consequences.

Genetic predisposition in combination with bad habits creates a favorable environment for the appearance of various tumors. Such heredity can be "defeated", if in time to figure out the risk of obtaining such a disease, regularly conduct its prevention and observe all the directions of the doctor.

Problems B. endocrine system, hepatitis, cholecystitis, disruption of metabolic processes can cause a serious failure in the work of the reproductive system and cause breast disease. It is worth noting that the treatment of breast diseases is almost useless if at the same time ignore the presence of other diseases. In this case, the problem will return again and again. Remember that the body is a single system, and problems in one field cause violations to another.

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