Modern choleretic drugs. Top Golden Pharmacy Preparations

Golden drugs - These are substances of vegetable or synthetic origin, which enhance the bile separation by stimulating the liver. Drugs or increase the content in bile acids, or enhance the removal of bile in the intestine. Some funds combine both actions.

All means for regulating the production and separation of bile are divided into action mechanisms for such groups:

Such a classification is to a certain extent conditional, since each giltness drug has all the specified properties, simply expressed in different degrees. According to the predominance of the effect, drugs were divided into groups.


This group includes:

  • true, produced from bile of cattle or extracts (concentrated hoods) of herbs capable of increasing the amount of bile;
  • synthetic, copying natural effect;
  • champs and infancy of medicinal plants;
  • hydroocholetics, which increase the volume of bile produced by diluting it with water.
Alloholl.Contains dry bile, garlic and nettle extract, coal activated. Enhances the synthesis of the bile and its selection, at the same time suppressing putrefactive processes.
HolenzimThe dry bile, dried pancreas and the intestinal mucosa of cattle. In addition to natural bile, there is still digestive enzymes.
Holyagol.It contains turmeric root, mint and eucalyptus oil, olive oil, as well as magnesium salicylate. A choleretic agent with antispasmodic effect.
CycvalonThe cyclohexanone derivative has a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
NikodinAs part of the organic acid of synthetic origin, an additional antimicrobial effect.
OdonContains a gramcromon substance that acts choleretically and antispasmoditically. Relaxes bile ducts and sphincter Oddi, reduces bile stars and cholesterol crystallization process, prevents education bile stones.
Vegetable preparations
FlaminIn the composition - flavonoids of immorteller flowers, increases bile products, reduces its viscosity, improves food digestion, suppresses bacteria.
Tanatschol.Pijmas flower extract, changes the chemical composition of bile, increases its synthesis and selection.
BerberinThe extract of roots and leaf of barbaris, contraindicated during pregnancy.
Salicylates (Phenylbutazon, ibuprofen, indomethacin and others)Increase the volume of the bile produced, dilute it.
Valerian preparationsWeak choleretic and antispasmodic effect, improves the condition of the mucous membrane of the digestive channel.
Alkaline mineral water - Essentuki, Naftus, Arzni, JermukIt has a comprehensive effect on the digestive system and the allocation organs.


Substances accelerate the selection of bile, have antispasmodic effect. These are drugs:

  • Platifillain - normalizes the tone of the gallbladder, is particularly effectively valid for disknesia;
  • Papaverin - reduces the tone of all smooth muscles, improves the blood supply to the internal organs;
  • DROTAVERINE (but-shpa) - exceeds the effectiveness of papaverine, stops all spastic states;
  • (Kormagnesin) - a natural calcium antagonist, relaxes a smooth muscles;
  • Sugar substitutes - sorbitol, xylitis, accelerate the process of exile of bile;
  • Rosehip-based drugs - Holosas, Chilliax and others.


These drugs eliminate spasms, relaxing biliary paths. Medications can be chemical or vegetable origin. These include:

Funds warning the formation of gallstones

These are drugs based on ursodeoxychole and similar acids. This is bark acid, a natural hepatoprotector. Reduces cholesterol content in bile, reduces the production of inflammation mediators. Helps dissolve bile stones, prevents the formation of new concrections. These are drugs:

  • Urdoxa;
  • Ursolite;
  • URSOFALK and the like.

In the pharmacy chain, many bodies are sold, but it is necessary to relate to them wary, because pharmacokinetics are not studied by a priori.

Children's preparations for children

For the treatment of children, only drugs based on natural bile animals or synthetic agents, the pharmacokinetics of which are well studied are used. Medicines based on vegetable raw materials, which include several herbs, are not recommended for children under 12, since plants provide diverse effects, take into account that is impossible.

In all cases, a pediatrician or children's gastroenterologist is required, no medicines for children without a permission can not be given.

Drugs are considered to be harmless to children:

The dose of medicines is calculated by the doctor, focusing on the weight of the child and the severity of his condition. On the recommendation of the attending physician, children can give mineral alkaline water in the age dosage. After 12 years, you can use all other medicines recommended by adults.

What kind of gilding drug is better to choose?

For different diseases The choice of drugs will be different.

It is better not to make independent decisions, but follow the recommendations of the gastroenterologist. These recommendations are common and cannot be used for self-medication.

Biliary dyskinesia

With hypertensive type:

  • Any cholesmolytics who quickly lose pain - drootaverin, but-shpa, apparent, duspatalin;
  • Hallery for improving outflow - Magnesia, Holosas, sorbitol.

Preparations choleretics and hydrocholes are not recommended, when they are taken, the state is dried. Mineral waters are also not needed (if the other did not recommend the doctor).

Antispasmodics are taken within a few days, until the pain appears. Holes take long, sometimes a few weeks, while bile outflow is not normalized.

In case of hypotonic dyskinesia:

  • Choleretics that take almost constantly or with short breaks - Allohol, Nicodin, Tanatschol;
  • Motropic antispasmodics - Otleon, Duspatalin;
  • Alkaline mineral waters, which, with regular use, oppose exacerbation.

With this form of disconesia undesirable cholesis. Antispasmodics take about a week, and mineral water drink as often as possible, best every day.


First of all, you need to know if there are stones in the bustling bubble. If they are, then they take funds to dissolve - urdox, urms and similar.

If there are no stones, they use antispasmodics (with pains) and choleretics, and better synthetic - apparatus, oxafenamide and others. Antibacterial drugs are almost always required, but they will appoint a doctor after survey.


Gastroenterologists know that the pancreas is inflamed after the gall bubble. These diseases always go "hand in hand." If there are stones in the bustle bubble, then pancreatitis will certainly be serious and long. Acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic - surgical diseases, so it is unlikely to choose drugs.

In the case of a non-timber exacerbation, you can use such medicines:

  • Allohol;
  • Ursosan;
  • Holyas;
  • Hofitol;
  • Nicodin.


Contraindications to the use of choleretic agents are very relative to being divided into absolute and relative. In a specific clinical situation, these circumstances can change places.

Other methods for improving bile outflow

It is impossible to hope only for drugs, the basis of recovery is the corresponding illness of life.


This is the basis, without which normal well-being is impossible. Used. It is necessary every 3 hours, the portion must be the size of the palm. Such fractional food allows the bustling bubble to produce bile evenly, avoid stagnation and stone formation.

Experiments with the use of prohibited products are always leading to exacerbation.

Bonus proper nutrition - Healthy uniform weight loss and vigor, which is in other ways unattainable.


Exercise benefits at any age and practically with any initial state of health. The increase in motor activity improves digestion, blood flow and metabolism, which always improves the overall state.

We offer some simple exercises that need to be performed gradually and slowly, stopping with belching and pain. It is better to start with 2-3 repetitions, gradually increasing the time of classes:

It is desirable in the middle of the complex to lie on the back so that the muscles can completely relax.


The main thing is that you need to understand people with diseases of the liver and pancreas - that one-time shares on treatment and recreation bring one-time result. You can live well with these diseases well, if you change all your food and behavioral habits so that the exacerbations do not have almost never.

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Choleretic means are among the most sought-after. They are appointed not only gastroenterologists, but also therapists, family doctors and even surgeons. And the patients themselves often resort to their wonderful properties. However, it is not necessary to get involved in self-medication. It is important to remember that these are medicinal products. Even those who have vegetable origin may have a lot of contraindications. It is enough to mention that many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Absolute contraindication for their use is also obstruction bile paths. If you want to normalize the selection and extinguishing of bile, then it is necessary to consult with the doctor. It will help you choose the drug that will be effective and safe for you.

Among modern drugs You can find a huge amount of preparations of this action. But they may differ in their clinical effects strong enough. It is important to take into account the individual features of each drug. Each fund has not only readings, but also some side effects:

  1. They can affect the mucous membrane of the entire digestive tract. In the course of their use, dyspepsia phenomena may be increased.
  2. It is important to pick up the dose that will be effective for a particular patient. It is quite difficult to do. Even a very experienced doctor will be difficult to predict how the patient's body responds to the drug. In patients, individual reactions may be observed, and some are prone to increased sensitivity or allergies. Sometimes a pathologically strong response to the components of drugs can develop. As a result, pain in the field of right hypochondrium may appear. Pregnant women can enhance the Tone of the Music Musculature. A tone of coronary arteries can also change.
  3. If the patient has a biliary obstruction, it is a categorical contraindication to appoint such drugs. Do not appoint drugs of such actions for liver diseases. In this case, it may be undesirable excessive allocation of bile. Also can not drink such drugs with ulcers and pancreatitis in the aggravation stage.
  4. Ugly dish has the ability to disperse a chair. Therefore, they are not prescribed during the disease Crown, enteritis, ulcerative colitis.
  5. If the patient has a well tolerate drugs of this group, they will have a good healing effect. It is important to take into account the individual features of each patient, its portability medicines.
  6. Experienced doctors prefer when appointing drugs of this group to use the so-called chess method. It is that drugs over time are replaced by other similar. There is a certain alternation. Doctors have a huge field for choice, since the range of these means is very wide. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to avoid possible addiction of the body, as well as strengthening side effects from long use drug. In this case, the therapeutic effect will be more pronounced.

Golden preparations are used when the function of the formation of the bile is reduced or the process of outputting it is disturbed. The main goal of such therapy is to normalize the function of the gallbladder. Such drugs are divided into two groups:

  • Holecinetics. They help bile normally get out of the gallbladder or liver.
  • Choleretics. Stimulate the process of forming bile. These medicines are choleretic.

Such a separation should be considered very conditional, since most drugs have the properties of both groups. This type of treatment is necessarily appointed by the doctor. Dyskinesia biliary tract can be both hypomotor and hypersmotor. Of course, in such cases the treatment will be different. If the preparations are choleretic, there must be strict readings for their application. It should also be remembered that some funds have contraindications.


Thanks to the use of choleretics, bile becomes less thick, its concentration decreases. Indications for the use of choleretics - inflammation of biliary tract and liver, which are chronic. If the patient suffers from cholecystitis, these drugs are complemented by spasmolitics, antibiotics and analgesics.

There are three groups of choleretics:

  1. those in which bile acids are contained or bile;
  2. synthetic preparations wide spectrum actions;
  3. forms of plant origin.

There are also complex drugs. They are able to remove spasm and inflammation. The choleretic medicine is prescribed for cholants and cholecystitis. Doctors prescribe choleretic chronic chillets. Modern biliary preparations help to quickly improve the health of the patient, its general condition, to remove the jaggility, possible itching, to reduce the Bilirubin performance. Often, both laxatives are prescribed together with choleretics. The latter helps to eliminate constipation, reduce suction from the intestine of all sorts of toxins. If you combine choleretics with antispasmodics preparations, you can achieve promotion even with relatively small stones. They can go to the intestinal area. If you strengthen bile outflows, you can prevent infection, reduce inflammatory process, reduce thick bile stagnation. This effect is especially important in the treatment of cholecystitis. Also, thanks to the use of choleretics, the suction level of some vitamins is significantly increased.

Preparations in which bile

If the medicine is choleretic, it is quite capable of stimulating the level of production of bile. In addition, it is more produced, it is also much better separated. Such drugs additionally also stimulate the work of our intestines. When their components are absorbed into our blood, they fall directly into the liver, stimulate the secretion of bile. Thanks to this, bile becomes more liquid. Also reduced the suction of its components.


Among the choleretics, the means called Allohol became one of the most popular. These choleretic pills consist of dried bile of horned livestock. Allhol enhances the secretory functions of the liver, the gastrointestinal tract, reduces fermentation. The drug has a moderate choleretic effect. It is directly due to the presence in its composition of a dry animal bile.

Allohol is proposed in the form of small tablets that are covered with insoluble in the stomach shell. For the treatment of children, there are tablets, which contain only half the dose of all components. They are also covered with a shell. Sometimes the reception of this drug can provoke the development of allergies or diarrhea. If such a reaction is observed, the drug must be canceled.


Refers to the Endocrine group, and contains bile bull. Tablets are choleretic, because they dissolve only in the intestine, reacting to its alkaline environment. Since there is bile in the drug, it helps to strengthen the intestinal work, improves fats cleavage processes, enhances the secreter function of the pancreas. It also reduces the formation of stones, therefore, there is an indication for its use in the treatment of gallstone disease. It helps to treat chronic pancreatitis form. Lobil is taken at the end of the meal three times a day for two pills.


The drug has a weakly pronounced choleretic effect. It contains a mixture of bile acids and the necessary enzymes that are obtained from the pancreas. Holenzim is able to increase the concentration of salts in bile. It is important that in this drug there is amylase and trisine. They help improve food digestion, which enters the intestine. The drug is limited to a pair of hours. It increases appetite, and food is better absorbed. It also helps to reduce pain.


This choleretic agent contains dehydrocholic acid. It is taken after the meal orally. Hologon quite noticeably contributes to the development of bile. He is also diuretic. The maximum effect of the advantage of two hours after the reception.

Synthetic choleretics

This group of drugs is the so-called organic acids. The liver occurs their secretion directly in bile and decay. In this case, bile becomes more liquid. Some preparations (cycvalon) can help enhance its allocation. In contrast to drugs of natural origin, synthetic possesses a more tangible choleretic effect.


The acid, which he splits, helps to separate the bile, and formaldehyde struggles with microbes. Also, the drug is capable of positively influenced most of the functions of the liver. The high efficiency of Nicodeina was noted in the development of infections, provoked by the wand. It can be combined with antibiotics if there is indications for this. In that case, if the patient has pain or certain spasms, Nicodein should be supplemented with antispasmodics and painkillers. Nicodein can not be anesthetic or remove. The tool is well tolerated.


This drug refers to strong cheleetics. He is able to increase the secretion of bile and much to increase its volume. In six hours, the indicators can grow twice and even three times. The drug struggles well with spasms. It also reduces cholesterol levels. In the treatment of acute inflammation, oxafenamide should be supplemented antibacterial agents. If there are spasms or pain, then it is worth adding it to antispasmodics. Most often this drug is well tolerated. He has a minimum side Effects.

Vegetable choleretics

The choleretic properties of some plants have long been observed. This effect is explained by the presence of an indispensable phytosterols in them, flavones, and even resins, active oils and so useful vitamins. Many essential oils Consist of so-called terpenes. The most effective of them is Pinen and Menthol. All these substances are able to provide a stimulating effect. These funds are recommended to take half an hour before the meal three times a day. The release form may be different.


It has natural drug There is a good choleretic effect. It also stimulates the increase in the tone in the uterus, improves blood coagulation indicators, narrows the vessels. Due to the fact that this drug can stimulate the increase in the tone of the uterus, it is naturally contraindicated during pregnancy. Release form - alcohol tincture.

Bisulfate Berberina

This drug is a barbaris extract. It has long been noted that it has a good choleretic effect. Berberine bisulfate is offered in the form of tablets. You can also make a decoction of grass. Cook it is very simple. It is necessary to grind 10 cornflowers, grind and add a half cup of water, half an hour to boil, cool and strain. The decoction needs to drink every three hours of 1-3 tablespoons.


A decoction is used not only from flowers, but also from the leaves of this plant. It contributes to improving bile production, very well reduces its viscosity, tones the gallbladder, relieves pain. Also, the agent is fighting perfectly with microbes. Pijma is quite effective. Also noticed its anti-zibal effect.


This is the extract of the Pijmas, which is offered in the form of tablets. It stimulates the production of bile, its separation, normalizes its composition, removes spasms. The drug is wonderful tolerated. Observed pronounced therapeutic action Its with all kinds of discs. Contraindications are absent.


This is an extract from immortelle. For children, granules are offered. Of these, a suspension should be prepared. Contraindication to use the drug is hepatitis in acute form.


Quickly pleasant tool with sour and sweet syrup. It is prepared from the fruits of ordinary rosehip. It has long been noticed that it contains a mass of choleretic efficient components and sugar. Holosas contributes to the development and improvement of the quality of bile. Since this drug has a rather pleasant taste, it is perfectly used in pediatrics.

Sandless flowers

The drug stimulates the production of pancreatic juice, as well as bile, improves diuresis, significantly improves the quality of bile, has a noticeable bactericidal effect.

Extract Turmeric.

It enters many formulations. The tool contributes to an increase in the volume of bile and improving its composition. Active substance His is Phoenipentol.


The drug is able to make the volume of bile production and improve its indicators. Sideflines When using it, it is extremely rare. It may be a feeling of cutting under the spoon, heartburn, as well as nausea, flatulence.


Golden tea is prepared from it. It contains dried extracts of numerous herbs. Due to the excellently selected composition, the drug has a well-pronounced and sustainable choleretic effect.

Jelly complex drugs


The effect of this Polish drug is somewhat peculiar. The choleretic effect that synthetic drugs have, it is combined with a moderate antispasmodic effect. It normalizes the work of the sphincters and stimulates the selection of bile. It is curious that it increases also to develop its components, and not just the volume. The dressing perfectly eliminates the phenomenon of stagnation of bile. It is well preventing the appearance of cholesterol microcrystals. But it is they who become material for growing stones. The drug is very quickly absorbed from the stomach. His healing action is quickly observed. It is almost non-toxic because it is fine.


This preparation has a lot of components. This includes mint oils, olives, Aira, and sulfur peeled. Olymenten has a good antispasmodic effect, as well as anti-inflammatory and good choleretic. It also helps to get rid of small stones. Release form: Capsules.


This Bulgarian preparation contains rose oil. The remedy has spasmolytic and small antibacterial effect. Rosanol is able to dissolve stones from cholesterol.


The drug contains vitamins. He strengthens the vessels well and relieves inflammation. This is an analogue of a hooker, but only in tablets. It contains quite a lot of ascorbic acid. This is an excellent antioxidant. It helps to restore fabrics, contributes to their normal functioning, normalizes adrenal function. It is also indisputable to its ability to strengthen immunity, help the production of hormones, as well as important for immune system Interferon. It is an excellent protection of the organism on the negative impact of the environment and stress, the prevention of infections and even cancer. Thanks to vitamin C, iron is better absorbed, cholesterol indicators are reduced, the development of such a dangerous disease is prevented as atherosclerosis. Without vitamin C is impossible to form a sufficient amount of collagen, normal healing of burns, wounds. It also warns thrombosis and the appearance of hematomas. Rosehip extract is shown not only in the treatment of the gallbladder. It prevents aenemia, colds, asthenia, lack of vitamin C.

A little about the benefits and possible harm of choleretic drugs

There is an opinion that such funds are absolutely safe. Especially we trust all sorts choleretic fees From herbs. It seems to us that they are simply not able to harm. But doctors have a different opinion. They warn patients from thoughtless use of such funds and fees. Of course, they can help if applying them competently and in strict testimony. To stimulate such drugs to stimulate the production of bile, improve its quality indicators, to intensify digestion, motility, eliminate the threat of constipation.

What functions is performed bile? It provides a normal digestion, prevents breeding in the intestines of bacteria, removes cholesterol and harmful substances from our body. If a person has a deficiency of bile acids, the process of suction of beneficial substances, vitamins violate. This multiplies the risk of the possible development of avitaminosis, osteoporosis.

But in some situations, the use of choleretic is categorically contraindicated. These drugs are able to sound well bile, which can be useful. But if the patient developed hepatitis, bile disease or pancreatitis, then these drugs are categorically prohibited. With these diseases, more active bile production is categorically contraindicated. It will also worsen the condition of the patient with cirrhosis of the liver, as well as during irritable bowel syndrome or frequent diarrhea. Due to the choleretic load on the liver increases much, the number of antioxidants fall sharply in it. Especially dangerous laxative mixtures, golden herbs and sedative fees. Also are very dangerous drugs that are designed to combat overweight. The effect of such drugs is difficult to predict.

So, we are in a hurry to warn you from the rash and uncontrolled application of choleretic agents. Their effect may not be as you expect. Be sure to get advice of the doctor. It may be a therapist, a gastroenterologist or family doctor. For a start, the doctor will have to assign the necessary assays. They will help to evaluate the work of the liver and possible violations. If hepatic enzymes are too much, it will be a contraindication to use choleretic.

Sometimes such funds apply the proportion of getting rid of small stones in the bustling bubble. It is very dangerous and can cause serious complications! If there are already stones in the bustling bubble, then they are categorically impossible to drive themselves! They can easily get stuck in bile ducts. Bile ceases to go out. Remember that the choleretic should only be used to prevent the formation of stones. Before this should be held ultrasound. If it shows that the ducts are clogged with a viscous bile, it should be solved by special preparations. The medical course can be carried out long enough. It will include UROSOFALK and Rosan. These funds will cope with the task. They are even able to dissolve small stones.

Vegetable tools are often prescribed for the prevention of a biliary disease. Great helps with hepaben. It includes the extracts of smoke and milk thistle. The ramopusses helps to improve the liver work, but the flimber contributes to the normalization of the reduction of the gallbladder.

Now it is not difficult to acquire a hospital in which the mass folk recipes and tips. It is recommended to clean the liver with ordinary mineral water, vegetable oil and lemon juice. Doctors are in a hurry to warn that such a "cleaning" can be very dangerous. It is especially dangerous if there are stones in the bile. This procedure may be accompanied by strongest spasms. They can lead to blockage of biliary tract and ducts in the pancreas.

The procedure for removing the stagnant bile from bile through mineral water is called "Tuba". She recommends that ethnoscienceand official. He can help when nobling pain And gravity in the field of right hypochondrium. But before resorting to the conduct of a tuba, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound. This study should show the absence of stones and stagnation bile. But we draw your attention that when tying is strictly forbidden to carry out a juggling! This is due to the fact that the stones can shift and clog narrow ducts.

We looked at the most popular choleretic drugs and tried to comprehensively describe their mechanism of action. But the doctor should select a particular means.

Inna Lavrenko

Reading time: 9 minutes


The child has congestive processes may arise due to congenital anomalies The buildings of this organ (for example, its inflection). As a result, the stagnation of bile arises so-called, which is a mixture of some components of bile (cholesterol, bilirubin and calcium salts), precipitated in the form of crystals. From such biliary sweets over time, stones and polyps are formed.

It is used for treatment with choleretic agents that do not allow bile to be formed, not only medicines, but also means of traditional medicine.

Remember the main thing: what to do with the joy of bile and what to drink with an embarrassment of bile - everything solves only a qualified doctor!

How to bring bile from the gallbladder when it is stuck - the topic of our today's article.

Remember that the reception of drugs to combat stagnation in this organ is contraindicated in the presence of stones in biliary ducts or the most bustling bubble of stones. Before the start of reception, make sure that they are missing with the help of an ultrasound. From stagnation, the bile remove stones from the cavity of the organ and lead to the blockage of the duct. In this case, the case often ends with cholecystectomy (resection of the gallbladder). Life after cholecystectomy is associated with restrictions in terms of nutrition and physical exertion.

Basic symptoms of cholestasis

As a rule, the following symptoms are characterized for this pathology:

  • permanent feeling of nausea with periodic vomiting;
  • open with air;
  • gorky taste in the mouth;
  • painful sensations in the right hypochondrium;
  • unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • the yellowing of the skin and the scool of the eyes (characteristic of the launched stage of the disease).

The first symptom often manifests the skin itching. Then, as pathology develops, the color of the excrement changes - urine darkens, and feces, on the contrary, brighten.

If any of the listed symptoms are found, you need to seek as soon as possible medical help In order to prevent the development of more serious diseases.

Medicines for the treatment of cholestasis (from the stagnation of bile)

Effective choleretic drugs with bitch can have different compositions and mechanisms of their action. The correct selection of such a medication with a joy of bile in the gallbladder is possible only with a qualified physician, since a wide range of choleretic drugs is known for medical science. So what to treat bile stars?

Regardless of the type of such drugs, these rules should be followed by adoption:

  • regardless dosage form drug, they should be taken at least in one hour before meals; If it is capsules or pills from stagnation of bile in the bustle bubble, then they should be littered with water without gas;
  • the daily dose is distributed into two, three or four receptions (the number of receptions depends on how many food meals are familiar to the patient);
  • there are necessarily after the use of such drugs, because if the patient after receiving the drug will remain hungry, the risk of diarrhea or nausea increases;
  • acceptance of choleretic drugs is carried out over a long period of time (from the 21st day to two months, depending on the recommendations in the instructions);
  • after graduating from the course of this drug, it is necessary to take a break from one to two months; After that (if there is such a need), the treatment can be repeated, but not more often than two, three or four courses of therapy per year;
  • in the treatment of cholestasis, the child should closely monitor the age limitations of the use of a particular drug, since many drugs are contraindicated for children.

Medicinal preparations - choleretics

Such drugs include means that stimulate the production of bile in the liver. Depending on the composition of a particular preparation, the mechanism of their action may be as follows:

  1. natural bile;
  2. animal liver tissue;
  3. fabrics of the mucous membrane of their intestines;
  4. fabrics of their pancreas and so on.

As a rule, at the same time with the reception of drugs of this group, extracts of various medicinal herbs are used.

The most famous true choleretics are:

  1. Allohol;
  2. Libil;
  3. Holenzim;
  4. Hologon.
  • synthetic choleretics: the basis of their composition is chemical compounds obtained by organic synthesis; In addition to the choleretic, they also have antibacterial, antispasmodic and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects; Such remedies have a positive effect on the digestion process, help to eliminate the symptoms of meteorism, and also have an overwhelming effect on fermentation processes in the intestine.

The most popular synthetic choleretics:

  1. Osalmid;
  2. Nicodein;
  3. Cycvalon.
  • miscellaneous kind of medicinal plants and herbs from the stagnation of boles with a pronounced choleretic effect: cause bile dilution in the gallbladder, stimulate its development and provide other beneficial effects on the liver work.

Preparations obtained the greatest distribution, the basis of the medicinal herbs, with the stitch bile, which has proven its effectiveness:

  • Insadol (based on cornflower extract);
  • Hofitol (artichoke field);
  • Holyas (rosehip);
  • Flamin (immorter);
  • Berberis Gommakord (Barbaris);
  • Fabihol (turmeric).

Herbal preparations of comprehensive action:

  • Tracerh;
  • Holyagol;
  • Urinean.

Drugs - Halpierates

If the reasons for cholestasis are associated with a violation of the motorcycle bubble and its ducts, the drugs of this group are used. The effect of such drugs significantly increases the tone of such an organ as a gallbladder, and the biliary duct has a relaxing effect that the selection of bile will accelerate in the complex.

These include:

  • Manit;
  • Sorbitis;
  • Magnesia,
  • Flamine;
  • Xylitis;
  • Holyas.

Preparations of a group of hydrocholetics

These effective choleretic agents with a stitch of bile increase its allocated amount by reducing its viscosity. The use of such drugs leads to an increase in the bile of the amount of water, which allows you to quickly take it into the duodenum, and it is less stirred.

Mainly - different kinds Medical mineral waters:

  • Polyana Kvass;
  • Essentuki;
  • Borjomi.

In addition, drugs based on valerian and salicylates include such drugs.

Medicines - cholesmolytics

This group of drugs includes various in their own way. pharmacological action Preparations, however, they are taken with one goal - eliminating spasms in the bustling bubble and the expansion of the biliary tract. Both of these effects accelerate the removal of bile. In addition, such funds are adopted in order to stop painfully syndrome.

Holenostasmolitics are classified in this way:

  • synthetic preparations:
  1. Furniture;
  2. Papaverine;
  3. Eufillin;
  4. But-shp.
  • medicines - cholinolites:
  1. Besalol;
  2. Ballaling;
  3. Platifillain.
  • vegetable Holenostasmolitics - tincture of such medicinal herbs, like:
  1. arnica;
  2. melissa;
  3. st. John's wort;
  4. elecampane;
  5. valerian.

Allohol is one of the most popular means to combat this ailment. It includes:

The combination of such components is the most successful for effective. Allohol also helps to improve the functioning of the entire digestive system as a whole.

This is an effective choleretic agent, which is distinguished by its inexpensive cost and accessibility, is often prescribed with stagnant processes called cholestasis. Reception of this medicine, as a rule, is carried out one - two tablets at least three times a day. The duration of treatment is usually one month. The most common scheme of receipt of this drug is:

  • on the first day of the course - on one tablet three times a day;
  • the second - the fifth day - two pills three times a day;
  • sixth and seventh - three tablets three times a day;
  • the eighth - the tenth - two pills three times a day;
  • eleventh - one tablet three times a day.

The cleaning of the gallbladder with this means should be carried out by appointment and under the supervision of the doctor. If the drug leads to deterioration of well-being - it needs to be immediately discontinued.

Folk remedies

In addition to drugs, the funds that the traditional medicine offer are used to treat this disease (their grandmother is still drank). As a rule, in the composition of such funds that can be prepared by the instructions that attached to them include:

  • sagebrush;
  • birch kidneys;
  • korni Aira;
  • roots of burdock;
  • leaves of the plant artichoke field;
  • corn silk;
  • ortosymphon leaves;
  • rowan berries and so on.

Juices of choleretic action

Effective folk remedies With the stitching of bile - these are the juices of the following plants:

  • from dandelion (fresh plants and their roots are used). Such juice stimulates borter and helps efficient biliary. Reception scheme: 20 milliliters of fresh dandelion juice twice day for a month;
  • from rowan (prepared from fresh berries, which are collected immediately after the first frosts). Take 20 milliliters three times a day during the 21st day;
  • from the garden turnip. Stimulates the reduction of bile ducts. Prescribed when they are narrowing. The reception scheme - three times a day of 25 milliliters to improving the patient's condition. Contraindications are peptic illness;
  • from radish. Enhances bortying and speeds up the removal of bile, and also improves the functions of the stomach in cases of reduced acidity. Take three times a day to 25 milliliters. Not recommended when peptic disease, gastritis and in cases of intestinal inflammation;
  • from pear. Improves bile production. Reception - 100 milliliters in the morning and evenings. The duration of reception of this juice is not limited. Especially please such therapy of your child, since such juice is also very tasty.

Ramars increasing the production of bile (folk recipes)

If the bile is not produced enough, traditional medicine advises the use of the following decoctions:

  • the decoction on the basis of the Hypericum, the dispute, cleanliness, the roots of the dandelion and the fruits of anise, with the addition of two parts of cornflowers. Five grams of such a collection are poured with water in the amount of half liters and boil on low heat for five minutes. After cooling, the decoction must be strain. Drink such a decoction three times a day of 100 milliliters;
  • a decoction based on the collection of two parts of immortelle (flowers) and the Hypericum. The 15th gram grams are poured with water in the amount of one liter and leave in this form for ten hours, after which it boils for seven minutes. Drink 100 milliliters after each meal (no less than an hour). Daily rate - 400 milliliters. The term of therapy is the 21st day. Then - a weekly break, after which the treatment of stagnation of bile can be continued. For storage of the prepared beam, a cold place is necessary.

Application of oils

In cholestasis, the use of vegetable oils of the first spin, such as:

  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • linseed oil (with a stitch of bile - a very effective means).

Take these oils every day on an empty stomach on one dining room or a dessert spoon for half an hour before breakfast. They help not only cure bile stars, but also have a beneficial effect on digestive processes.


Natural ground coffee is also an effective tool with this disease. It is necessary to drink it every day in the morning without sugar, swaying with a small amount (literally at the tip of the kitchen knife) of natural butter.

Application of terminors

Spotilla is one of the most popular and efficient vegetable choleretic agents used both traditional and as a folk remedy. It is part of some medicines, but sold in a pharmacy and in the form of a shrost.

The meal is powder remaining after the oil was pressed. The entire course of therapy of such a shrot is 400 grams. Reception - every day three times 30 minutes before meals. A single dosage is one teaspoon of powder (swallow and drink water without gas).

The meshores can be prepared at home. For its seeds of this plant, it is necessary to grind in a coffee grinder immediately before use.

For independent preparation of oil, it is also necessary to grind its seeds, and then put the powder into the glass dishes and pour olive oil (necessarily - first spin). Capacity put in a dark place and give oil to inflate within seven days. Reception - on one dessert spoon once a day before meals (as a rule, before breakfast).

From this medicinal plant you can also cook a decoction. Such a brave, with busty bubble cavity, requires a tablespoon of plant seeds, which is poured by 250 thousand milliliters of water, and then begin to boil on a small fire for five minutes. The resulting decoction should be broken for an hour, then it is filled. Receiving scheme: twice a day before each meal of 100 milliliters.

Contraindications for the use of choleretic drugs

Despite the effectiveness of such drugs with a joy of bile in the bustling bubble, they, like any others, have their own contraindications to use, namely:

  • large stones in biliary tract or in the urgent bubble. Children's tools in these cases can move the stone from the place, which can lead to blockage of the biliary duct. As a result - burglar colic or inflammation. Often in such emergency cases can not do without surgical intervention, however, after removing the gallbladder, the risk of recurrence of the stone formation is preserved;
  • aggravation of ulcer disease;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • individual hypersensitivity or intolerance to the drug substances.

In conclusion, I would like to say that any self-medication can cause significant harm, since only a doctor can only be diagnosed on the basis of instrumental data and laboratory studies. Incorrect self-treatment often ends with cholecystectomy, and life after removal of the gallbladder is associated with serious restrictions in nutrition and physical Loads. In order not to bring the case before the removal of the authority - contact a specialist.

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Dyskinesia biliary tract, chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis are very common in our country disease, even among children. They do not always manifest themselves with noticeable symptoms: most notes only the absence of appetite and even squeeze in the morning, the severity in the right hypochondrium, periodic itching of the skin. Nevertheless, it turns out that all this is signs of stagnation of bile. And while the thick bile does not begin to turn into stones, we need to use choleretic drugs.

About what they happen and how they work, we will talk.

Why and where to drive bile

Many mistakenly believe that bile is formed in the bustling bubble and for some reason it accumulates there. It is not like this: bile produces liver cells, it enters the gallbladder from the liver into the gallbladder and there concentrates - out of excess water goes out of it.

When a person eats food, in which there are fats, the signal comes to the gallbladder, and he, shrinking, removes bile on the biliary ways into a 12-point intestine. A hole that comes out bile is located next to the hole where the pancreas is withdrawn.

Tasks bile:

  • to make an emulsion from the fats that the pancreatic enzymes will be easier to reach;
  • create the right conditions for the work of the pancreatic enzymes - and without them cannot normally digest any proteins or fats nor carbohydrates;
  • stimulate the intestinal cuts;
  • provide suction of fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, group K;
  • does not give microorganisms to attach to the walls of the intestine: then they will not be able to suck in the blood together with food;
  • displays a substance that passed through the liver: some hormones, bilirubin, cholesterol.

That is, bile is a very useful substance, and it is necessary that it is properly formed and delivered correctly to the 12rred intestine. Jellyton preparations are directed to this. But in fact, everything is not so simple.

The choleretic was called 3 different groups of drugs. They act differently on biliary ways, and not just "chase" bile on her way:

  • some - choleretics - increase the production of bile;
  • other - Halfairetics - accelerate the removal of bile from hepatic ducts to a 12-rosewood;
  • third - Vaspaszolitis - relax spasmated biliary ducts;
  • the fourth - choletoidogenic preparations of bile acids - are used to dissolve bile so that stones are not formed in it. The same means have the ability to dissolve very small stones - due to change chemical properties bile.

Each has its own point of the application and, accordingly, its testimony. Not knowing which drug is taken in this situation, you can only harm yourself. For example, relax and so having a tone of biliary ways. Or make the already sick liver "strain" and produce bile (when the liver and so works with all your might - so that at least dangerous toxins to neutralize).

How choleretic drugs work, on what basis it is chosen by one or another - not at all the mystery. Therefore, we tell - what, how and why.

Choleretic drugs and testimony to them

To understand what type of drug and when you need, consider how the bile is moving:

  1. Forming in hepatic cells, it falls into intrahepatic bile ducts.
  2. From these ducts, bile sambeck falls at the beginning of the right or left liver duct (from right Share The liver is right, from left, respectively, in the left). Then bile from both of these ducts, also in gravity, is collected in the overall liver duct. It is a tube in which little muscle cells.
  3. From the total liver duct there is a branch - "tube" (duct), which leads to a busty bubble. It has almost no muscles, so the bile must somehow get there. The force that promotes it in this direction is the difference of pressures between the one that was created by the liver (when it highlighted bile) and the resistance that the sphincter approved. The Sphinteer Oddi is a circular muscle that lies where the liver duct (more precisely, its continuation is a common bull duct) goes into a 12-point intestine. That is, the sphincter is apparently - this is such a crane. When it is closed, the bile flows into the bubble duct tube, the folds lying between the bubble and the bubble duct spread with its pressure, and accumulates in the bustling bubble.
  4. As the gallbladder fills, the pressure in it increases, and in the hepatic ducts, respectively, decreases. And when the "crane" of the sphincter is ODDI opens (this happens in response to the pepsin of the gastric juice and is a signal that the food gastroof fell) the pressure difference becomes such that in the 12th pans first, it is already prepared, concentrated bile.
  5. With an increase in the pressure in the bustle bubble to 250-300 mm of the water column, it is reduced by itself - then the Sphintera is apparent to open.
  6. The overall bile duct also almost does not have muscle fibers, so it is short enough.

What of this from all follows with regard to drugs? Consider with regard to diseases. As a result, you will understand which one group of choleretic needs it is. So.

Jellery preparations when dyskinesia biliary tract

The word "Discinesia" denote a violation of the normal movement of bile. This diagnosis itself necessarily requires decryption, because it is unclear - the bile move faster, or more slowly.

So, dyskinesia is characterized by only 2 concepts:

  1. What tone have biliary paths. He can be:
    • normal (then it is not necessary to adjust it);
    • increased (hypertensive dyskinesia), when bile will be thrown quickly, which will contribute to its throw in the stomach. In this case, preparations are needed - cholesmolitics;
    • reduced when bile will go slowly. For the correction of this state, chopinetics are needed.
  2. As reduced biliary roads:
  • with high speed - then bile does not have time to concentrate. It is removed by antispasmodics;
  • at normal speed;
  • with low speed, which contributes to stagnation of bile. At the same time, it is necessary or cholerechics (then bile will be more formed and it will have to stand out faster), or chilestones - to stimulate the movements of biliary tract.

Thus, the diagnosis of dyskinesia of biliary tract consists of 2 parts. As a result, it can be:

  • hypertensive hyperkinetic. We need more "strong" cholesmolytics. This is usually synthetic preparations;
  • hypertensive normokinetic. It is treated by cholesmolithics who do not oppress the peristaltics of biliary tract itself (usually this plant);
  • hypertensive hypokinetic. We need a drug that will remove the spasm (otherwise the bile will not pass), and the Holecinic;
  • hypotonic hypokinetic. We need cholerechics, and cholecakers;
  • hypotonic normokinetic. Usually one choleretic is enough.

If you do not define the type of own dyskinesia and drink the preparations of the Namaum, you can worsen your own state. Most often they drink choleretics - to increase bile production. And now imagine what will happen if dyskinesia is caused by the joy of a biliary bubble? Or is the hypokinetic? Then the gallbladder will overflow, and then he has to dramatically cut. This will be a very painful state called bile colic.

There is a second option: uncontrolled cholesmolithic reception. As a result, the bile is stirred, and in it salts with cholesterol begin to fall out, forming stones, or bile infection takes place: cholecystitis occurs.

Choleretic drugs with joy

Golden drugs with a stitch of bile are choleretics and chilestones. In addition, it is necessary to check the biliary paths for the presence of stones in them. If they are not either small (up to 3 mm), preparations of bile acids are prescribed.

With a stitching of the liver, which is accompanied by the yellowing and itching of the skin, not only the gilent drugs are prescribed, but also medicines from other groups. In this case, treatment is generally recommended to be held in the hospital - to control the effectiveness of therapy and timely diagnosis of complications.

Jellean preparations for the inflection of the gallbladder

By itself, the inflection of the gallbladder already denotes the dyskinesia of biliary tract. Most likely, it will be hypokinetic (since the bile must overcome a larger obstacle to getting into the gallbladder) and hypersmotor. And for its treatment, there will be cholesmolitics, cholesis and preparations of bile acids - for the prevention of gallstone disease. As with the "ordinary" disconesia, vegetable origin preparations are preferred.

Dyskinesia in the inflection can be hypokinetic and hypomotor. In this case, chopinetics are needed and, sometimes, choleretics.


The inflammation of the gallbladder usually requires the appointment of such drugs:

  • choleretics - to "dilute" infected bile "fresh";
  • cholesmolitikov - as with inflammation of the gallbladder, with a cholecystitis, spasm is inevitable;
  • helicogenic means in case there are no stones - for the prevention of their education.

In this case, antibiotics are also prescribed - usually 2 groups.

Screenshots with pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis - accompanied by the strengthening of its enzymes. We remember that bile stimulates the synthesis of these substances, it means that in this case it should be allocated by small portions - no sharp emissions. To do this, both in the acute and case of chronic flow pancreatitis are prescribed cholesmolitics. And for the prevention of the formation of stones - as it will inevitably arise in a stagnation of bile - choletogenic drugs will be applied.

Pancreatitis is a dangerous disease requiring complex therapyBut in no case is not self-treatment!

How to improve the condition after cholecystectomy

The main problem after removing the gallbladder is the impossibility of bile concentration. That is, it is more liquid and faster flows into a 12-point intestine. Nevertheless, even in such a less concentrated bile, conditions for the formation of stones remain, so the reception of choletogenic means is obligatory.

Choleretics in condition after cholecystectomy are contraindicated: liver and so begins to compensatently produce more bile.

We need antispasmodics that immediately after the operation and during the first three months should be accepted systematically. This is explained by the fact that before the gallbladder and the Sphinteer Oddi worked coordinated: when the bubble was reduced (under the influence of hormone-like substances, gastric and pancreatic juice), the sphincter was relaxing. As soon as the gallbladder did not, the sphincter is appropriate, which is not endowed with such a sensitivity, it became more difficult to navigate what and when to do. In this situation, it is most often spaled. It needs to be relaxed by cholesmolithics until the spasm has become stenosis, because of which it will be necessary to make a new operation.

The state after the operation may also be accompanied by the hypotonus of the sphincter approve, which happens after the time after the operation. In this case, chopings are prescribed.

At the same time, preparations that improve the work of the liver, anti-inflammatory agents and antibiotics are also prescribed.

List of choleretic drugs

Consider what representatives of various groups of these drugs are. Let's start our list of choleretic drugs from the largest group - choleretics.


Choleretics are divided into 2 large groups:

  1. True choleretics that increase the amount of bile by increasing its education. They, in turn, are divided into 3 groups - depending on the raw materials from which they are made - on:
    • containing bile acids (from bile animals);
    • synthetic preparations that activate the mechanisms of bile formation;
    • medicinal herbs, affecting bile formation mechanisms.
  2. Hydroocholetics - means that increase the volume of the gallbladder - due to the dilution of bile with water.

In this section, we will consider only the preparations of animal and synthetic origin, as well as hydrocholes. Everything vegetable preparations - And choleretics, and the Holes - we will look separately.


Structure: Natural bile, nettle, activated carbon, garlic
Analogs - Bull-based: Bile Medical Canned (Emulsion), Holenzim (contains pancreatic and bile enzymes), Festal ( full analog Holenzima)
Contraindications: Allergies to components, acute hepatitis, for Holenzima / Festal - sharp Pankreatitis, obstructive jaundice, acute gastroenterocolite, liver dystrophy - acute and chronic
Prices: Allohol: 10 tab - 10 p, 50 tab - 60 p, bile medical (emulsion) 250 ml - 250 p, cholenzim 50 tab - 220 p, festal 40 tab - 220 p


Structure:gimekromon (synthetic preparation)
Analogs: Rezoval, Holonerton (at the moment they are on re-registration)
Contraindications: blockage of biliary tract, crown disease, high bleeding, including hemophilia, liver failure, stomach, intestine, lactation ulcers
Prices: 20 tab - 360 p, 100 tab - 750 p


Structure:synthetic substance hydroxymethylnicotamide
Analogs: Billing, Holymita, Felosan, isochol (currently not in pharmacies)
Contraindications: blockage of biliary tract, gastritis with extremely low acidity, allergic to the drug
Prices: Preparation on re-registration

Hydrochoolers include mineral water with an alkaline pH:

  • Borjomi;
  • Essentuki 4 and 17;
  • Jermuk;
  • Naphtua;
  • Slavyanovskaya.


Probed abbreviations of biliary tract Such synthetic drugs:

Magnesium sulfate (powder)

Structure: magnesium
Analogs: Other magnesium preparations are not used as cholesterol
How to use: Dissolve the bag in 1 liter of water, take 1 tbsp. * 3 p / dn
Contraindications: Allergy, inflammation in the intestines, gallstone disease, pregnancy, blockage of biliary ducts
Prices: 25 g - 30 p


Analogs: not
How to use: 1 tbsp. Different to dissolve in a glass of warm water, drink, put under the right side of the warm height, lie down 30 minutes with her
Contraindications: ascites, irritable intestinal syndrome, allergic, colitis. With pricing - with diabetes
Prices: Powder 350 g - 90 p



Structure: Handicraft extract, metamizole, soda, benzocaine
Analogs: (on handberry extract) - Atropine
How to use: Strictly by appointing a doctor because of the abundance of side effects. 1 tab * 2-3 p / dn, before meals
Contraindications: Tachycardia, pregnancy, allergies, closed-deed glaucoma, hepatic or renal failure, bleeding violation
Prices: Bellagin 10 tab - 60 p, Atropine is realized as a solution for subcutaneous injections


Structure: Metocycy iodide
Analogs: not
How to use: 2-3rd / day 1-2 tab. before meals
Contraindications: Heart disease, casting gastric content in esophagus, diaphragmal hernia, intestinal atony, prostate hyperplasia, gastrointestinal obstruction, hepatic or renal failure
Prices: 10 tab - 180 p


Structure: Platiminal hydrotatch
How to use: Subcutaneous injections
Contraindications: Atherosclerosis, heart disease, arrhythmia (especially by type of tachycardia), diaphragmal hernia, ulcerative colitis, intestinal atony, gastrointestinal bleeding
Prices: 10 AMP - 70 p


Structure: Papaverin hydrochloride, bendazole
Analogs: Papaverin - Candles, Papaverin - Injection, Dibazole - Tablets and Injection
How to use: 1TAB 2-3P / DN
Contraindications: hypotension, av-conduction violation, allergic, elderly age
Prices: 10 tablets - 10 p


Analogs: But-shp.
How to use: 1-2 tab * 2-3r / day
Contraindications: glaucoma, atherosclerosis of heart vessels, allergy
Prices: DROTAVERINE from different manufacturers №20 from 15 to 70 p, but-shpa №24 - 110 p


Structure: Mebavserin
Analogs: Mezverin, Memerin - on re-registration
How to use: 1 caps * 2p / day
Contraindications: Allergies, pregnancy, children under 10 years old
Prices: 30 Tab - 510 P, 50 Tab - 600 R


Structure: Aminofillin
Analogs: Aminoophyllin - on re-registration
How to use: 1 tab * 3r / day
Contraindications: acute myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, allergies, cardiomyopathy, aggravation of ulcerative disease, children under 6 years old, epilepsy, hyperthyroidism
Prices: 30 tab - 20 p


Structure: Bencyclan.
Analogs: not
How to use: 1 tab * 3r / day
Contraindications: acute myocardial infarction, AV blockade, allergies, children under 18, epilepsy, hyperthyroidism
Prices: 50 tab - 550 p


Structure: Hyoscin
Analogs: not
Contraindications: Allergy, urolithiasis, atherosclerosis of brain vessels, porphyria, hypertension, Miasthenia, glaucoma, spastic paralysis
Prices: 380 p - 20 tab, 360 p - 10 candles


Preparations that reduce the saturation of bile cholesterol and, accordingly, are used to prevent education, as well as the dissolution of small stones - is a means based on ursodoxicole acid:

  • Ursosan;
  • Ursodeoxycholic acid;
  • Ursodez;
  • Greenterol;
  • Urdoxa.

The cheapest of them is ursodeoxycholic acid: 600 p / 50 tab, the most expensive - Uroofalk: 915 p / 50 tab.

These drugs are available in 250 mg capsules. The daily dose is calculated depending on the mass of the body and the presence of stones, and is 2-6 caps / day.

Ursodeoxycholic acid preparations are contraindicated with acute inflammation Liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, during pregnancy / feeding, with calcium stones, frequent bile colic.

Vegetable choleretic drugs

Vegetable choleretics


Analogs: Grass immorter sandmith
How to use: 30 minutes before meals for 1t * 3r / day
Contraindications: stones more than 1 cm, allergies, children under 3 years old, mechanical jaundice
Prices: Tablets №30 - 180 p, granules for suspension №20 - 280 p


Structure: Pijm extract
Analogs: Pijmas Flowers for cooking, Pijmas flowers in granules of 1.5 g
How to use: 20 minutes before meals 1-2t * 3r / day
Contraindications: Allergy
Prices: 30 tab - 50 r

Berberis Gomakkord

Structure: Homeopathic droplets based on Barbaris
Analogs: Berberis Vulgaris Granules
How to use: 10 cap * 3r / nn 20 minutes before meals or an hour after it
Contraindications: Pregnancy
Prices: Gommakord 550 p, Berberis Granules 140 p / 10 g


Structure: Extract in syrup
Analogs: Rosehip Syrup Bad, Rosehip Fruits CLA, Rosehip with Vitamin C Syrup
How to use: 1 tsp * 2-3r / day
Contraindications: Allergy, bile disease
Prices: 300 g - 120 p, Rosehip Syrup Bad 250 ml - 50 p, Rosehip Fruits KLS - 20 pcs 2 g - 70 p, rosehip with vitamin C 150 ml - 130 p


Structure: Artichoke extract
Analogs: Artichok Extract
How to use: 2-3 t * 3r / day before meals
Contraindications: Bile disease, acute kidney disease, liver, bile and urinary tract
Prices: 60 Tab - 300 p, solution 120 ml - 400 p, artichokes extract 20 Table - 170 p


Structure: Complex of choleretic herbs
Analogs: Holyagol - on re-registration
How to use: drops - 8 cap. on sugar * 3r / day
Contraindications: stones more than 3 mm in diameter, allergy. For sugar diabetes drip in water, not on sugar or apply capsules
Prices: drops 25 ml - 310 p, capsules №40 - 350 p

Valerian Tabletika

Structure: Valerian extract
Analogs: Valerian tincture
How to use: 1-2 tab * 3-4p / day
Contraindications: intolerance
Prices: from 25 r / 50 tab to 450 p / 25 tab

Planting Hams

Berberis Gommakord and its analogue discussed in the section of plant choleretics are complex drugs that also have antispasmodic, and improving peristaltics of biliary tract.

In addition, the chopinetic action is provided:

  • almost anyone vegetable oil, especially olive, Tminovoy, sunflower;
  • leaves of Barbaris;
  • roots and rhizomes of Aira;
  • fennel fruits;
  • fruits of cumin.

Vegetable cholesmolytics

These are drugs such as Holyagol, Valerian Tablets.

As antispasmodic tools of plant origin, boarants and tincture of various herbs are prepared, which are better to buy in a pharmacy:

  • tansy;
  • arnica;
  • kurkuma root.

What choleretic drugs can be used for children

If you can experiment with yourself yourself - at your own risk and risk, then choleretic drugs for children must appoint a doctor based on the disease and the type of reduction of biliary tract.

Children applied for children:

  • "Papaverin" and "Atropine" in the form of injections, in strict dosages and only under medical control - from 6 months;
  • "Holosas" - from 3 years;
  • "Uroesan" - from 7 years;
  • "Hofitol" - from 6 years;
  • "Eufillin" - from 6 years;
  • "Duspatalin" - from 10 years;
  • "Flamin" - from 6 years.

What drugs can be called the best

Averaged which choleretic drugs are the best, very difficult, since each organism is individual. But some patterns can still be revealed.

So, among choleretics, it is best: "Nikodin", "Holosas", "Uricesan", "Tanacechol".

Their chilestones are better to choose: "magnesium sulfate" or "sorbitol", applying them for "blind sensing".

As for cholesmolithics, synthetic drugs work well and act rather quickly. Optimal precisely for biliary tract are "Buckopan" and "Duspatalin". "But-SPAP" and "Papaverin" relaxing acting on the whole smooth muscles, without selective impact on biliary roads.

Golden preparations are widely used to treat the diseases of the biliary system. With their help, they remove the attacks of pain, eliminate the stagnation of bile and make it easier for many diseases of the organs abdominal cavity. In order to understand correctly for what purpose, the gilent means are used, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is bile, and what role it plays in the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Bile and its functions

Bile is a biological secret that is produced by the cells of the liver, after which it is sent to the gallbladder. While eating, he goes into the duodenum and facilitates the process of digesting food. Bile is characterized by a specific bitter taste and can have a yellow-brown or greenish color. The main functions of the biological fluid are as follows:

  • splitting and digesting of fats coming from food;
  • stimulating digestion processes;
  • ensuring complete suction nutrients.

Bile acids, in addition to splitting fats, improve intestinal motor functions, preventing constipation, and prevents the introduction of pathogenic bacteria into mucous membranes, which is good prevention of intestinal infections. The bile is necessary for the body, as it helps to bring harmful substances with the wheel masses (cholesterol, toxins and other decay products).

Children's Tools: Classification

The complete classification of choleretic drugs is difficult, since there are many of these medicines, and each of them has its own characteristics, various aspects of applying and the mechanism of action of active substances. The main groups that can be conventionally divided by all choleretic agents are:

  1. Choleretics

The action of choleretics is directed to an increase in the production of bile cells of the liver. This group of drugs in turn represents:

  • true choleretics (contain bile acids produced on the basis of animal or vegetable raw materials):
  • synthetic cheelectrics (preparations based on chemical substancesobtained by organic synthesis);
  • infusions of medicinal plants with choleretic effect (activate the production of bile and contribute to the reduction of its viscosity);
  • hydroocholetics (facilitate bile removal, reduce its viscosity and thereby prevent the formation of stones).
  1. Cholenetics

Enhance the tone of the gallbladder and at the same time have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the bile duct, which creates ideal conditions for the outflow of bile and prevent stagnation. The result of their application is the liberation of the gallbladder from the stagnant bile, its entry into the duodenum and the normalization of the processes of digestion.

  1. Cholesmolytiki

The pharmacological effect of drugs of this group is aimed at eliminating the spasm of biliary tract, the expansion of the ducts and facilitate the admission of bile in the intestine. Antispasmodics are prescribed by short courses, they contribute to the elimination of pain syndrome and facilitate the state with various pathologies of the biliary system.

List of choleretic drugs

We list the most requested drugs representing that or a group of choleretic means.

True choleretics. These include medicines, the basis of which is natural bile animals (Allohol, Libil, Holenzim).

Synthetic choleretics. In addition to choleretic effects, similar preparations provide anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect and have a positive effect on digestion (cycvalon, nicodein, osalmid).

Vegetable choleretic drugs. Numerous group that is represented by artichoke-based medicines (hofitol), immorter extract (flamine), turmeric (fubicol), rosehip (syrup of Holosas), Barbaris (Berberis), cornflower (insadol), etc. In addition to this group, Take such comprehensive medicines like Kolagol, Uriasan, Trashol.

Hydrocholetics. This group is preparations based on valerian, salicylates, as well as alkaline mineral waters (Essentuki, Borjomi).

Holecinetics. Popular representatives are funds such as mannitol, xylitol, sorbitol, relief, holly, Berberina sulfate. In addition, coriander oil, juniper, cumin juice, cranberry and cranberry juice, fenhel fruits, rosehip, possess a pronounced chilent effect. A similar effect show medicinal herbs (AIR, dandelion, immortelle, yarrow, calendula, chamomile).

Cholesmolytiki. The list of representatives of this group includes synthetic (papaverine, no-shpa, drootaverin, furniture, eufillin, Beszazzzzzzz, Atropine) and plant preparations (Holyagol, Arnica tincture, Valerian, nine, mint, melissa, calendula).

Another group of funds are choleretic drugs with a litholithic action, which can be conditionally attributed to the group of choleretic means, as they contribute to the dissolution of the stones formed in the bustling bubble, and prevent their re-appearance. These are funds such as urdox, ursosan, urozofalk, ursodez, etc.

Choleretic drugs with joy

To eliminate stagnant phenomena in the gallbladder, drugs from the Holykenets Group are used:

  • Syrup Holosas,
  • Flemin,
  • Berberin Gommakord

or prescribe choleretics:

  • Nikodin,

Some patients are more suitable for vegetable products based on turmeric, Pijmas, Artichoke, Barbaris, etc. Preparations appoints a doctor taking into account the patient's condition and possible contraindications. It also determines the optimal dosage and duration of drug intake.

Jellery preparations when dyskinesia biliary tract

Discinesia is characterized by the difficulty of bile outflow due to spasmodics of biliary tract, which are not reduced and does not push the portion of the biological secretion necessary for normal digestion.

The cause of such a state can be transferred intestinal infections, giardiasis, hormonally endocrine disorders, hepatitis of viral nature, diseases of the stomach and duodenum. Dyskinesia of biliary tract can develop according to a hypokinetic or hyperkinetic type, which requires the use of certain groups of drugs. The choice of optimal medicine from a group of choleretics or cholesis is carried out by a doctor after a full-fledged examination and clarification of the diagnosis.

Jellean preparations for the inflection of the gallbladder

The medicine refers to one of the forms of diskinesia, in which the functions of this body are violated, there is a stagger of bile and a violation of its elimination, which significantly increases the risk of rock formation. The reasons for the inflection can be inflammatory processes in the bustling bubble, a sharp rise in weights, the omission of internal organs or long starvation, which is replaced by an abundant meal.

Part comprehensive treatment The inflection, in addition to diet and physiotherapy procedures, must include vegetable and synthetic choleretic drugs:

  1. Flemin,
  2. Hepaben
  3. Nikodin,
  4. Cycvalon
  5. cholesmolytics (mebelverin, drootaverin).

The effect of these drugs is aimed at relieving pain syndrome accompanying spasmodes of biliary tract, strengthening the outflow of bile, reducing the inflammatory process and eliminate stagnant phenomena. The optimal treatment scheme is selected by a doctor.

Jellean preparations after removal of gallbladder

To avoid complications after surgical removal Gallbladder, be sure to prescribe preparations with a choleretic action. During this period, it is very important to normalize the production of bile and establish digestive processes. To this end, prescribe:

  • safety spasmolitis (no-tape, drootaverin, furniture),
  • choleretics (Allohol, Holenzim),
  • preparations, stimulating bile production (cyclicovalon, osalmid).

A good effect gives phytotherapy with the use of dishes and decoctions of medicinal herbs with a choleretic effect and preparations on a vegetable basis.

Children's preparations for children

For children, the dosage of the medicine and the treatment regimen is selected individually taking into account age, the mass of the body of a small patient, general status and the clinical picture of the disease. As natural hydrocholetics, children can drink mineral waters (Borjomi, Slavyanovskaya, Essentuki), to take a drug containing natural bile (Allhol).

According to the indications, plant remedies are used (Flamin, Holosas, Hofitol), colecinetics based on valerian or magnesia. For elimination pain sensations Prescribed cholesmolitics (atropine, platiphyllin, papaverine, spasmodes, drozember). But infusions of medicinal herbs with a choleretic effect in children (up to 12 years) is not recommended, since children's organism It may respond unpredictably on the content of a wide range of active substances in them.

The best choleretic drugs

One of the most inexpensive and frequently used drugs from the choleretic group. The base of the tablets is the dried animal bile, garlic extract and nettle. Reception of the drug provides a choleretic and lightweight effect, suppresses the fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestine, stimulates the synthesis of bile acids and enhances the motor and secretory function of the digestive organs.

At the same time, the drug cannot be prescribed for ulcerative disease, acute form of pancreatitis and cholecystitis, hypersensitivity to its components. Allohol may call allergic reactions or diarrhea. Price of tablets - from 46 rubles.

Combined drug with a choleretic action. Contains digestive enzymes, dry bile and powder from the dried pancreas of cattle. The drug normalizes the process of digestion and improves bile outflow. It is assigned in chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis and other pathologies of the digestive system.

Holenzima active substances stimulate the production of bile, reinforce the motor function of the intestine, contribute to the complete suction of nutrients, normalize the protein-carbohydrate metabolism. The remedy is not prescribed when aggravating ulcers, jaundice, individual intolerance. The drug is perfectly transferred, but in some cases it can provoke allergic rashes, heartburn and dyspeptic disorders. The price of a cholenzim in pharmacies is from 220 rubles.

Synthetic preparation with choleretic and antispasmodic effect. Its base is a gymekromon substance. It is used in hyperkinetic dyskinesia of biliary tract, chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, after operations on the bustle bubble. The drug increases the volume of bile and contributes to its disintegration by relaxing biliary tract and sphincter Oddi. It helps to eliminate the stagnation of bile, prevents the formation of gallstones and prevents the development of choletiasis.

Opesto has a number of contraindications, including obstruction of biliary tract, renal and liver failure, Blood coagulation disorders, ulcerative lesions, crown disease, hypersensitivity. In general, the medication is well tolerated and only in some cases causes minor disorders of digestion, headache or allergic reactions. The average cost of apparatus is from 400 rubles.

Nikodin. Synthetic gilded preparation, based on formaldehyde and nicotinic acid derivatives. Beneficially affects the function of the liver and in addition to the choleretic effect, it has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used in the treatment of gastritis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, reactive hepatitis, dyskinesia.

It includes the complex treatment of the above pathologies along with antibiotics. Contraindications to the use of medication are a bit - it is hypersensitivity, pregnancy and lactation. When taking the drug, pain and dyspeptic phenomena, accompanying anacid gastritis, sometimes develop allergic reactions. The average price of the drug is from 180 rubles.

Flamin. Vegetable remedy with choleretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The medication enhances the production of bile, increases the tone of the gallbladder, while simultaneously removing the spasm of biliary ducts, and reduces the viscosity of the gallway. In addition, the flamine contributes to the complete absorption of nutrients, high-quality digestion and exhibits antibacterial activity against gram-positive microorganisms.

The base of the tablets is an extractor extract and auxiliary biologically active substances. The drug is recommended for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, dyskinesia of biliary tract. Medications are not prescribed for ulcerative processes, jaundice and individual intolerance. Flamine is well tolerated by patients, but sometimes at its reception, blood pressure jumps and allergic reactions were noted. Price preparation - from 160 rubles.

Hofitol.. Phytopreparation with choleretic and diuretic action Based on artichoke extract. Tablets of brown in the film shell are prescribed with chronic non-roll cholecystitis, hypokinetic dyskinesia, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

Not applied at sharp inflammatory processes internal organs, the presence of stones in the bustling bubble, individual intolerance of the components. The drug is very well tolerated, practically does not have side effects, only with long-term reception in high doses can provoke diarrhea. The price of Hofitola is from 400 rubles.

Holyas. Natural vegetable gilent remedy that restores bile outflows, exhibits anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, improves intestinal motorcy and state of the immune system. Available in the form of a thick sweet syrup of a dark brown color, the basis of which is an extract from rose hips. Kholosas is prescribed with cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis.

The natural agent is characterized by a minimum number of contraindications, is well tolerated, but sometimes it can cause heartburn and allergic reactions. Standard dose - 1 tsp. Syrope for half an hour before eating three times a day. Holosas manifests expressed glocker Effect And promotes liver cleansing. The opinion among the population is common that the drug even helps reset a couple of extra kilograms. But for diabetics, this agent is not suitable, since it contains sucrose in its composition. Syrope price - from 80 rubles.

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