Survey Operation Consequences. Watch normally times and forever? Will the reclamation operation help? Types of surgical interventions

Now there will be a minute of revelation, you can skip \u003d) I started the squint still at school officially. If not officially, it seems to me even from kindergarten, as I remember the little thing I liked how in my eyes two. Parents, unfortunately, did not forced me at one time to take care, although he was appointed. There were many confusion situations in life and despite the fact that there is a family and children, the husband is still where my eyes look \u003d) I was still not comfortable to appear in humans. Phrase relative: "Tell me, are you looking at me or on the wall?" - became the last straw. As long as the memory is fresh - I will tell about this horror \u003d)

That's such a trouble was. We went alternately both eyes. Friendly diverging squint.

Our Okulist gave me OMS to consult about the operation in this institute.


I warn you immediately, you need to record in advance. My doctor said, you can immediately go - it is impossible, you can not more precisely, but paid. I don't remember exactly, but 2 thousand will definitely postpone. And I'll immediately say you - it's not worth it. Absolutely, all, and platforms and free in this clinic are sitting in long queues. Best for free, it will not be so hurt. You need to come in advance, to the opening. Otherwise, you risk getting into the "plug" at the initial stage - the registration. Electronic queue. After I started the map I gave the "Runner", the cabins that I should visit.

In the first office I was checked by sight, intraocular pressure, as I understood the lateral vision (the spherical apparatus, through which the red point runs and you need to talk at what point it disappears). The next office is needed to determine the angle of the squint. This is where the hitch began. The fact is that when the eye is relaxed - he watches the duck, but! I am so accustomed to putting it in place that the device has shown me that the corner is positive - i.e. Eye deflects to the nose \u003d)

To clarify the circumstances, I was already sent to the doctor. There I promised 3 hours in line. No joke. There were all and platforms and free. One pilot tried to break through - yes, he was almost ate there). Ultimately, I stayed to the clinic from 7-30 to 16 hours. So do not forget to take to eat with you \u003d)

Doctor's office.

There was a pleasant woman not Russian outdoor, for long she made me look at the handle, then on the flashlight on the phone. It turned out that I have a rather rare form of a squint. Non-permanent, with preserved (as they say) binocular vision. Those. Two eyes I see one picture. As she explained, usually see two. Find out how nevertheless the eye is deflected, she was able to with the help of the "overlap test", closes the sick eye with palm of seconds by 5, then the hand is cleaned and the eye is always rejected on as much as it is. I had 20 degrees an angle, as she explained perhaps even more. Operation, of course, I wanted free, for this you needed a month to wait for the certificate, during which time you just need the necessary analyzes and doctors. Dated October 4 was appointed. On this day I had to come with things to her, to get documents and stump to hospitalization. The eye was chosen left, it seemed to me more often leaves. The doctor explained that if it is possible to eliminate the entire angle, then the second eye will not leave.

What you need to go before the operation (ATTENTION! Direction for all these surveys I gave me an ophthalmologist from the district polyclinic - not therapist):

  • General urine analysis
  • Clinical blood test
  • Blood chemistry
  • Fluorography
  • Dentist
  • If there is diabetes - Endocrinologist
  • Therapist (last time)
  • Help that they had or grafted from measles (I just came from a photocopying my children's sign with vaccinations and put a print of clinics)

Ix day.

Despite the fact that I warned the doctor that I am at hospitalization, I still again served a half hour. After that, I gave me all the necessary documents and sent to the hospital, it is located to the right of the clinic, if you look at the entrance.

Make immediately a photocopy of medical insurance policy! And then you will be brought back to the clinic to do it for 5-10 rubles. Like me.

I want to warn the same - on the first day of hospitalization do not feed! Although they said that the food still remains and can less, but still put. It apparently depends on your punching nature. But I will say before the operation to eat as it does not really want \u003d).

I was issued, the outerwear and shoes are surreated in the same place, when the discharge will give a piece of paper for issuing them back. And me and a few more people led on the 4th floor.

The department turned out to be extremely quiet. I am familiar to the hospital and maternity hospital, where life is boiling, here it seemed simply empty. Even the nurse called for us. \u003d) But it should notice there is very clean, cozy, there are soft sofas, in the evening there are TV. The chamber is divided into 2 boxes for 2 beds. TOTAL 4. The bathroom overall on the ward, but the shower is one at all, for 3 booths. But there are no longer delayed. The first week after the operation it is impossible to get water into the eye. Pervert as you want, called \u003d) In the ward, it is also all repaired, simply, but cozy, the boxes at all pleased, the contemporary one \u003d) and not broken! \u003d)))) I was lucky with a neighbor, a woman was with the same problem. It was with whom to be afraid. No doctor on this day approached us, were left alone with their fears. But the neighbor said that tomorrow morning it will be operated, it means me too.

In the morning we brought us a form, I certainly drowned in it, shirt, pants and booties. But everything is new, still in the package.

After, in turn, everyone was called in the view, the same doctor watched me as an operation was prescribed. At first they took the neighbor, then I was still with 3 people. It was about 12 days. In the opener, we were planted on the bench, the operating rooms were very reminded of generic. Glass large windows, everything can be seen ... I was called first, put in a chair and began to ask about chronic diseases, allergies and so on. Then the nurse came and crawling in the shoulder. Then the uncle came up with a professor and said to look clearly into the ceiling and not to move the eye. After that, Wolve anesthesia under the eye. You know, compared to the instrument in the shoulder, it does not hurt at all, even a mosquito bitches. Just an unpleasant feeling, but then the doctor strongly pressed into the place of the injection and kept so, it was even hurt. Then I put my hand instead of my own and said it was 15 minutes. I will tell you, it's hard to press with all the Dari, plus during this time I thought 10 times - and not to escape? \u003d) But kept resting, persuading himself that the birth was worse. After that, I was delivered to the operating room, shifted to the couch, the wicol was still something in Vienna. They covered the cloth and everything, I did not see anything else - I was told - the eye is being thrown, and he does not see. Neighbor then told that he saw only a muddy stain. For me, it was a huge relief, most of all I was afraid to see. When it turned out that I was able to operate the same doctor as I was prescribed and examined, I almost completely relaxed. She has such a nice voice, like Neethyri from Avatar \u003d)) she assisted her all the same pleasant nurse. The constant words "so, well," a soft voice really soothered. From sensations. Almost nothing feels, only occasionally a little pressure and I had a slight tingling. Before surgery, Professor said that if tingling tolerant is not distracting the doctor. Even when it was a little stronger - I was silent, as it turned out, on that everything ended.

The operation lasted less than an hour, I was operated on 2 muscles. On one recession by 2 mm - it was rearranged from one place a little back, i.e. Weaved. And on another resection by 4 mm, this is when the piece is cut out from the middle and stitched, i.e. It turns out strengthening. If one thing - they said stacked before half an hour. Then they put the dressing, secured the plaster and were lucky to the department. There was already a neighbor. Apparently the sedatives made themselves to know with her extended to dinner. Even the call was terribly lazy, I noticed that the neighbor was constantly discharged calls. They have dinner and again went to bed, but I could not fall asleep, the eye was very painful, the feeling of tightly stretched string. In the evening, we called to be buried, there a nurse had long smeared the eyelashes. When the eye opened - I was afraid, pictures were 2 and they were on different levels, one above, the other below, but the next day it became better. I complained about a strong pain and she made me an anesthetic injection. The neighbor bothered only the bandage \u003d) she did not like to see with one eye \u003d)

Yes, yes, they don't hold it for a long time \u003d)) they had breakfast, they called us again into the viewing, the doctor was satisfied with the result. I explained that the end result will be visible only after 3 months. Be sure to wear glasses (I have myopia -3) - Otherwise, if the eye will be bad to see - he can leave again. After a couple of weeks, threads may leaving (absorbing themselves) may be discomfort. They gave an extract and good on the way home. The neighbor was asked to stay on the day, her case was trying. With a bandage, it was unusual to go home, and the path is not close, but the fantasy of Otaku drew in the head of all the anima characters with eye bandages and it was even funny \u003d) at home one child was afraid of me, the second was simply delighted with mom)). The eye was swollen, red, but I expected to see this, so that it was not particularly upset.

First week.

First, I was prescribed a signicef \u200b\u200band dexamethasone 3 times a day. The first week was terribly sleeping. Under the swollen eyelids, the tear accumulated and waking up at night, opened out of the eye just flowed, and if he did not wake up, it became more painful. From the nose also flowed. The eye constantly hurt. Even saw pills. And the feeling is painful as in the injury of the cornea, I had a similar experience. It came to the point that after 4 days I could not sleep at night. And in the afternoon, rushed to the raid eyepiece. As it turned out, the cornea injury was really. The doctor suggested that when a nurse washed her eyes after surgery could damage. Another hiloparine was added to the previous drops.

After visiting the district clinic, I was told there to be observed. It turned out that the swelling was too strong, I was still added Zirtek inside for the night, Nevanak Drops and Floxal Ointment. Do not eat what delays the liquid and not to get enough water. And considering that this all needs to drip 4 times a day, and even a break between the drops of half an hour. You can drip without a break almost \u003d) I naturally skip.

The eye is very tired at first, it is often often blinking, it seems that he is constantly dry, despite the fact that it will take. It was only the first week in the sun, then walked in normal mode.

Preliminary results.

The operation was 3 with a little week ago. There is still swelling, the inner edge of the eye is visible red and echoing mucous, there and under upper centuryThere are small black dots, apparently seams.

271 10/22/2019 5 min.

Corrective Correction Operation (Sturdy) - radical and effective method Elimination of this defect. This manipulation is recommended in running cases. In less severe situations, stabism is trying to correct with the help of gentle methods. Surgical intervention does not guarantee full recovery Lost view, but allows you to achieve a more symmetrical relationship between vision bodies. There are several ways of surgery. The choice of concrete depends on the severity and type of violation.

Testimony for surgical intervention

The most favorable age for surgical intervention aimed at vision correction in children is 4-6 years old, but, in the case of congenital pathology, it can be carried out earlier - in 2-3 years. During the period from 4 to 6 years, it is best to determine the angle of the squint. Somewhat more difficult.

Operation to correct the squint, or stabysma, prescribe both adults and children.

Indications to carry out surgical intervention with stabysme are:

  • the lack of results, that is, achieve the symmetric position of both eyes, after a conservative treatment;
  • squint, provoked by eye injury;
  • the desire to adjust the cosmetic defect that occurs in the squint;
  • twist in the eyes, which is especially characteristic of older children, as well as adults, first faced with the pathology of the eyeballs;
  • pronounced paralytic squint;
  • the defeat of the two organs of vision at once.

Read more about the treatment of paralytic squint.

Not always to correct all the intervention is enough for the correction, in some cases a whole series of operations is required.

Preparation for the operation

Proper preparation has no less value than the operation itself. It includes the normalization of both the physical and psychological state of the patient (which is especially important for children). First of all, a patient is examined to identify existing deviations. Also before the planned operation, it is necessary to carry out measures for the Sanation of ENT organs and oral cavity. The best exercises from the squint are collected by software.

Ophthalmological preparation is the most important stage of the preoperative period. Depending on the form of an area, such activities are required:

  • elimination;
  • workout overall muscle;
  • treatment on synopoform;
  • coordinimetric study.
  • Also before surgical intervention, an ECG is prescribed.

Preparation for the operation can do from 3 to 6 months.

Varieties of surgical methods

All varieties are divided into two main groups:

  • manipulations aimed at weakening muscles;
  • operations that enhance muscle action.

To the first group of operational interventions, which are conducted with rationalism include:

  • recession of the ooo muscle. The essence of the operation is to remove the tissue at the place of its attachment, after which the muscle merges with scler and tendon. As a result of such manipulations, fiber moves back and its action is weakened;
  • partial myotomy. Such a method provides for cutting off the muscle, but without further applying seams.

The course of reclamation surgery.

Another way to conduct surgical intervention is the muffling of the muscle immediately to the scler with non-reprehensive threads.

If only one eye kosses, the operation is carried out on it. If there is a violation at once on both bodies of sight, then intervention is performed on each of them.

Even if a child or an adult has a significant angle of squint, it is not recommended to act simultaneously more than two muscles. In case, after interference, the angle under stabysme remains pronounced, re-treatment is carried out, but not earlier than 6-8 months. The main causes of the squint are described in.

Usually, when performing an operation on the eyes in the presence of an angle of mowing, all 6 o'clock muscles, holding the eyes in a natural position, are affected.

Principles of intervention

To achieve best results From surgical therapy, it is necessary to adhere to the following key principles:

In foreign clinics, the problem is tuned to a more radical solution: in medical institutions in Germany and Israel, vision is corrected immediately, in one operation, even if the squint applies to both eyes. Also in these countries, children are held operational intervention Aged up to the year.

Course of operation

8 hours before the start of the operation, it is impossible to eat. If it is appointed in the morning, then in the evening you can easily dine. Interference is carried out under general anesthesia. In general, it lasts 30-40 minutes.

In general, the correction is done in this way:

  • after anesthetic begins to act, the eyelids will be removed using special devices - strut;
  • on the face impose a sterile oilcloth with a slot for the eyes;
  • the specialist produces a section of sclera and conjunctivities, opening access to the muscles;
  • the eye is periodically wetted and constantly held in the correct position;
  • the muscle is pulled out through the cut;
  • fabrics are cut or shed, after which the seams are applied.

After completing the procedure on the eye, impose a bandage that is removed the next day.

If the deviation angle in children under the age of 5 years is more than 45 degrees, then the operation is carried out in 2-3 stages. First reduce the angle of the squint.

Hospitalization is usually not required and the patient can return home on the same day. Is it possible to the treatment of strabismus in adults at home is described.

There is another way of correction of stabysma. This is more modern methodwhich is high-tech - high-tech surgery. In this case, the squint is corrected by means of mathematical modeling and radio wave surgery.

Postoperative period

After the operation for the correction of stabysma, an adult or child requires a recovery period. It takes about a month, while children flows easier and faster. During this time, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

After correction, the following complications may arise:

  • repeated development of stabysma. This is possible if the patient does not keep in postoperative period recommendations, data by a doctor;
  • the formation of scarns that make eye mobility difficult;
  • damage wandering nerve. This is a very dangerous complication, as it is responsible for the work of the heart muscle, the lungs, the gastrointestinal tract.


This video will tell you about how the rechargement is being done.


  1. Operation on the correction of stabysma is appointed adults and children aged 4 years.
  2. in difficult situations, the operation is carried out in several stages. It is not recommended to touch on more than 2 glasses. Operations are carried out at, and other types of squint.
  3. before conducting surgical intervention, the patient's preparation for the event is required. This is especially true for children.
  4. duration - about half an hour. The recovery period lasts about a month.
  5. to avoid complications after surgery, it is necessary to comply with all the recommendations given by the doctor.

An effective method of therapy is an operation with squinting, with its help you can correct the defect of the visual organ. It is recommended if there are no other options left, and conservative treatment Does not give positive results. As with any surgery, unforeseen complications may occur with this procedure. Before deciding on operational intervention, it is necessary to consult with an ophthalmologist, to undergo diagnosis.

Indications for holding

Doctors recommend to treat alert in childhood (4-6 years), since kids therapy is more effective. If conservative techniques do not give visible results, and pathology does not pass, then it is necessary to correct the squint surgically. The eye operation is recommended for evidence as:

  • the desire to correct the cosmetic defect;
  • squint in the launched form;
  • sturdy, due to traumatic damage;
  • violation of vision (shots in the eyes);
  • the inefficiency of other medical techniques.

Not to call postoperative complication, It is necessary to wash only boiled water, do not use soap.

Types of operations

Laser surgery is less trauma.

The most applied methods for recovering a visual function are laser treatment and a technique called recession. After visual inspection at the oculist and diagnostics, the method is selected. What kind of treatment of squinting in adults and children to contact, determines the attending doctor. The age of the patient, the condition of the eyeball, the arrangement of the muscles, the corner of the squint is taken into account.

In adults during manipulations, local anesthesia are used, kids are common. The reclamation surgery in children often lasts long. Before carrying out surgery, hardware eye hardware is recommended. The course of orthoptic exercises on synopofofore is up to 14 days, it is prescribed to develop a sick eye. In difficult cases, classes are extended to 6 months. And the doctor necessarily advises to pass blood for analysis, ECG, if necessary, consult from narrow-profile specialists. Before the procedure can not eat and drink.

Types of operation on the muscles of the eye
Name of the procedureFeatures
MesternSeamless surgical excision of the eye, straight muscle
Faden OperationMuscular fabrics are not trimmed, they are laid by threads that are not solicing, directly to the sclera
Recession of ooo muscleFabrics are cut off in the fastening site, then they are sewn to tendon or scler
Thanks to these manipulations, the surgeon weakens or strengthens the muscle
Partial removal of muscular fabricWith resection method, it partially shortening, it enhances the work of the oxogotic muscular system.
Formation of folds inside or between tendon and muscleThe procedure is carried out according to the same principle as the resection of muscle tissue

How is it held?

As a result of the operation, a good therapeutic and cosmetic effect is achieved.

After anesthesia began to act, the doctor has a special tool spread the eyelids and fixes the eyeball. Before starting the procedure for removing pathology, a special sterile mask is superimposed on the patient's face. The surgeon makes an incision on the scler and conjunctival, and is taken for the muscular system. He necessarily assists a nurse, which periodically moisturizes the auditorium, and helps to hold it in the right position. Next, the surgeon pulls through the muscle wound and conducts manipulation with it, sews the hole. Often, a microscope is used as auxiliary technology.

In order for the baby, the kid did not develop vertical squint, the oculists recommend not to hang on the bed above the baby's head toys.

After surgical treatment of a friendly squint, a protective bandage is imposed on the operated eye, during the normal state of the patient it will be possible to remove it every other day. When the surgeon finishes, the patient will not be long under the drip. After anesthesia passes, a man is released home. To prevent complications, the use of eye anti-inflammatory drops, antihistamines are prescribed, special charging is made. Sometimes in the morning, a pus can act in the morning, so doctors recommend to wash the eye with a decoction of the chamomile inflorescences (a very gently wash the outdoor of the century).

Complications after surgery

Minor redness and swelling must pass in a few days.

Dangerous and negative consequences include damage to the wandering nerve. As he is responsible for the work of such vital important organsAs the heart muscle, light and gastrointestinal tract, incorrectly spent surgery can greatly harm, even lead to a deadly outcome. Sometimes due to surgical errors in conducting or calculations, hypercorrection can happen. Side effects also include scars, swelling. Because of non-compliance with the patient, the recommendations of the Doctor of Consequences may be unfavorable. It is possible to develop a repeated squint, it will be necessary to make an operation again.

Effective means to restore vision without operations and doctors recommended by our readers!

The strabismine, heterotropy, or ralbism, is called a binocular vision failure when incorrect coordination of eye work on the object under review occurs. One or two eyes shy away from the center of the axis of view in the direction of the nose or the temple, resulting in a fixation of the eye on the facility. If no correction methods help, eliminates the squint operation.

Definition of squint and correction methods

The squint is considered to be childhood disease, as it is manifested in childhood. The emergence of the arrangement in adults is much less common, the reason for which the violation of nerve connections is often becoming. The reasons contributing to the emergence of the squint is not enough:

  • Card and brain injuries;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Psychological herbs;
  • Bad cerebral circulation;
  • Infectious diseases of the brain;
  • Incorrect treatment of myopia and hyperopia;
  • Excessive eye loads;
  • Violation of the work of extraocular muscles.

Checking Sturmism covers a holistic analysis of the organs of vision - the work and location of the muscles, the eye bottom and acuity of view, the angle of the squint and the age of the patient are estimated. If there is a squint, the operation is immediately appointed, it is first trying to eliminate without surgery. Treatment has three subsequent stages:

  • Optical correction;
  • Pleoptical treatment;
  • Orthoptic treatment.

Optical correction is a treatment through properly selected glasses, lenses to create optimal conditions for the functioning of the eyes. If there are accompanying diseases (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, infections), then their treatment is carried out at this stage of therapy.

Pleoptical treatment is aimed at increasing and equalizing the sharpness of both eyes to age norms.

Orthoptic treatment is essentially a preoperative stage. It is advisable to spend only after the relative equality of visual sharpness between eyes will be created. Its purpose becomes the formation of a patient with the ability to include binocular vision (the ability to clearly see the item with two eyes) when the view is discharged on various sides. In the absence of binocular vision, it may be question about the prohibition of the operation. The symmetry of the eyes is possible only with the same spatial perception of objects, objects with both eyes.

It is assigned only if the maximum possibility of visual functions has been reached in both eyes.

Operation at the squint

All operations targets whose correction are concluded in the correction of the work of the glasses, reinforcing and weakening. Manipulations are held only in the framework of traditional surgery, laser correction The squint is not practiced. Surgical treatment of strabismus is the dissemination of the muscle, and the laser is impossible to do this.

The purpose of the surgery for the correction of squint is to restore the muscular balance and binocular vision. But often it is possible to improve only cosmetic flaws, the restoration of visual functions after the operation requires an integrated approach and active conservative therapy. In ophthalmology, there are three focus surgical correction Ambassibsion:

  • Weakening muscle thrust;
  • Reinforcing traction;
  • Changing the directions of muscle action.

The muscles weakening include:

  • Recession that implies surgery, as a result of which the lifting effect of muscle thrust is formed, achieved by shifting the place of attachment of the muscle to the beginning of the muscle.
  • Mioctomy - a procedure for removing a certain muscle from the place of attachment. In the main indication to such an operation serve as muscle hypersocracy.
  • Rear fixing seams - a procedure consisting in recession with a consecutive bodge of the abdomen of the moved muscle to the scler, a little behind the place of its attachment.

Aimed at restoring weakened glasses muscles:

  • Recurring-process of excision of a certain section of weakened muscle at the place of its attachment followed by its fixation. There is essentially stitching the remaining areas.
  • The tenorraphia is the process of shortening the muscles by creating in the muscular tendon of folds in the zone. As a result, the shortened muscle is significantly enhanced in terms of the contractile function.
  • Anteposition is the process of change (transportation) of muscle fixing places.

The advantages of surgical ophthalmology:

  • Low trauma;
  • The structure of the eye is preserved;
  • Accuracy of the operation;
  • Small% of the consequences;
  • High guarantee of good results;
  • A small period of rehabilitation.

Surgical intervention to eliminate the squint does not give 100% guarantees for full correction, but the chances of great - up to 80%. If after the manipulation is retained by the squint, the operation can be re-carried out after six months. You should not expect that immediately after the operation you will "correctly" see. During the time the person suffered from the squint, the brain of the scan, he learned to compare the vision from both eyes into one way, and he would need a considerable time to learn. Like any operation, complications may arise here. First of all, these are the errors of the calculations leading to the reciplazy.

The survey operation takes place under full or local anesthesia (according to indications) in the outpatient mode, the hospital is not required - a few hours after the patient's operation is released home. Ophthalmological operations, like all other on an empty stomach. All necessary analyzes are taken in advance. During the patient, the patient must be absolutely healthy (the absence of ORVI, temperature, infections). The procedure on average does not exceed 30 minutes. After the operation, the patient is superimposed by a special bandage, which is left for 12-24 hours. Supposed seams give sensations foreign object In the eye, they are not required to remove them, they are absorbed within 6 weeks after applying. After surgery, the patient needs to use anti-inflammatory drops. When the suppuration shows it will be washing.

The following actions must be performed:

  • Carefully protect the eyes from pollution;
  • Do not engage in physical labor the first three weeks after the operation;
  • Do not swim in public places;
  • Do not disturb your eyes, do not rub it.

After the operation, careful observation of the eye is required. Need regular visits to ophthalmologist, application required drugs and vacation eyes. For muscle recovery, a special system of exercises that must be performed are developed. Evaluation of the position of the eyes is checked not early two months after surgery.

In secret

  • Incredible ... you can cure eyes without operations!
  • This time.
  • No hiking to doctors!
  • These are two.
  • Less than a month!
  • These are three.

Follow the link and find out how our subscribers do!

The squint is treated with various methods: glasses, hardware procedures, development and consolidation of binocular functions, surgery and rehabilitation after surgery surgery. Methods of elimination are determined by experts and depend on the combination of some factors. First of all, on the type of change and its complexity.

There are two varieties of this disease:

  • friendly - approximately the same alternated deviation of the left and right eye;
  • paralytic squint - mowing any one eye.

The general symptom is a "floating" look or deviation of it aside. It often manifests itself in infants, but in the process of growing disappears. Such a syndrome has a more adult child - a signal for concern.

A sign of friendly strabismus is an alternate deviation of the left and right eye. Most often, the corners of the deviation are almost the same. At the same time, the eye mobility can be maintained and there is no bone of "pictures" before your eyes. But there is no stereoscopic perception, that is, a person cannot feel the entire visual completeness of our environment. In addition, there is sometimes a decrease in vision with a certain pathology.

If there is a restriction on the movement of one of the eyes to the side or it is completely absent, then this is a paralytic squint, which is distinguished by the damage to the muscles. It is congenital or acquired (the consequence of injury, disease). For such a defect, two is characterized by the lack of binocular perception. It is possible to deviate the head towards the kosying eye, often dizziness. This type of disease can develop at different ages.

There are several more forms of this deviation:

  • coming - the organ of view is directed to the nose;
  • vertical - mows down or up;
  • diverging - to the temple;
  • atypical - the position of the eye is not peculiar to normal (it is permanent or temporary, associated with an individual anatomy).

If more sparing correction methods of squinting cannot correct the situation, the doctor prescribes an operational intervention. After the surgery on the eye, the recovery occurs an important period affecting its result.

Often, the surgery on the squint does not immediately return normal vision. Many agree that it is a pity to look at the jacket young cute girl or child. Without this cosmetic defect, everything would be fine. In addition, ophthalmologists recommend before falling under the knife, try conservative methods The treatment of the squint.

The squint is a pathology, in which one, both or alternately right and left eyes deviate from the normal position with a direct look. When a person looks at the object, the information obtained by each eye is slightly different, but the visual analyzer in the cortical department of the brain merges.

The squint may be congenital or acquired. Newborn often has a floating or junning look, especially after severe birth. Treatment with a neuropathologist can remove or facilitate manifestations of generic injury. Another reason may be an anomaly of development or improper attachment of the glasses (see Fig. 1).

infectious disease: influenza, measles, scarletins, diphtheria, etc.; somatic diseases; injuries; sharp drop in view of one eye; myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism high and middle degree; stress or strong fright; pan or paralysis; diseases of the central nervous system.

wearing special glasses; A number of eye exercises; Wearing a dressing closing one eye; surgery By correcting the squint.

Non-permanent squint when sometimes mowers right or left eyes, try to adjust the dressings wearing. Quite often helps long-term use of specially designed glasses. Exercises for strengthening the ability to focus recommend almost all patients with stabism. If all of these methods have not corrected vision, the survey is carried out to adjust the strainship. This species Operational intervention is carried out both in infancy and adult age.

horizontal - moving and consisting relative to the nose; vertical; Combination of two types.

With a converging squint, doctors face more often than with divergent. Together with converging strokes, the patient may have facilities. W. music people Usually there is a diverging squint.

Operating a reinforcing type; Operating a weakening view.

With a weakening operation, the eye muscles transplant a little further from the cornea, which deflects the eyeball in the opposite direction.

During the reinforcing operation, remove small piece Eye muscle, which leads to its shortening. Then this muscle is sewn to the same place. The surgical intervention in the correction of the squint involves shortening and weakening the necessary muscles, which restores the balance of the eyeball. The operation is carried out on one or both eyes. The microsurgery determines the type of surgical intervention, when the patient in a fully relaxed state is on the operating table.

In some clinics, the operation is carried out under local anesthesia only adults. and in others - all patients do general anesthesia. Depending on the age, the state of health and other factors carry out mask (laryngeal), endotracheal anesthesia using muscle relaxants or an alternative view of anesthesia.

It is important that when surgical interference, the eyeball was still stationary and in the muscles there was no tone, because the surgeon spends a special test: it estimates the degree of restriction of the movement of the eye, moving it in different directions.

Adult man after surgery on the same day can go home. The child needs preliminary hospitalization. Most often with children in the hospital are the mother, the entry takes place the day after the operation. The recovery period takes about 14 days. After discharge, the patient extends the hospital leaf or a certificate in his clinic.

It should be noted that in 10-15% of cases, the squint is not eliminated until the end and the re-operation may be needed. Reduced the percentage of failure helps surgical intervention with the use of adjustable seams. After waking up the patient, the doctor after a while checks the condition of the eyes under local anesthesia.

In adults who lived considerable time with the squint, sometimes after the operation two in the eyes, because the brain is canceling to perceive a binocular picture. If the doctor has established a high probability of the development of bias in the eyes, adjusting the squint is made in two stages so that the brain can gradually adapt.

A few days before surgical intervention, you need to pass blood tests, make an ECG and take advice from some specialists. 8 hours before the operation, it is impossible to eat. If it is appointed in the morning, you can dine, and if in the afternoon, then a light breakfast is allowed. A child with mother put in a hospital a couple of days before the operation.

The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia. Operation itself lasts 30-40 minutes, then the patient is derived from anesthesia and translated into the ward. All this time on the eye is a bandage. After the patient operated on the patient completely moved away from the anesthesia, in the afternoon he examines the surgeon. He opens the bandage, checks the eye, bursts special drops and again closes it.

Adults then release home with detailed recommendations: what drugs to receive than to bite the eye and when coming to repeat. The dressing on the eye is left until the morning of the next day. A week later, it is necessary to look at the inspection, where the doctor will appreciate the healing speed and the condition of the eye. The final assessment of the position of the eyes is carried out in 2-3 months.

A few weeks after the operation, special anti-inflammatory drops are used and (if necessary) antihistamines. The eye will turn red and sweep. Sometimes the next morning the eye sticks out due to the accumulated pus. No need to be frightened: it is washed with warm boiled water or sterile saline.

Within a month after surgery, it is necessary to carefully guard your eyes. It is impossible to swim, be in dusty rooms and play sports. Children at school are free from physical education for half a year.

A month after surgery, you need to undergo a course of treatment. To return the binocular ability to see and recognize the correct picture, you need to go through special hardware treatment in medical center. In some clinics there is an ambigor complex, developed by the specialists of the brain institute.

Treatment on this device is a computer video study. It helps to overcome the skill of suppressing one eye. While watching a cartoon or cinema in a patient continuously remove the EEG of the visual cortex of the brain and readings about the eye of the eyes. If a person sees two eyes, the film continues, and if only one, suspended. Thus, the brain teach to perceive the picture with both eyes.

The main task of any operational intervention in the squint should be considered the recreation of the right balance between the eye muscles responsible for the movement of the eyeball.

education of special folds in the place of tendon (tenorraphia); Move the muscle attachment location to the eyeball (Anteposition).

Causes of Formation of Sturdy

The squint may be acquired or congenital. The formation of each of them has its causes of occurrence. For instance.

Most often, this type of squint develops in children until the six months achieve. A significant role in this case is the existing diseases that provoked such by-effect. But the episodes of the development of stabysma and in the older age-old category are not uncommon. The most frequent causes of the development of the Acquired Space:

  • sturdybide as a result of sharply deteriorated vision during astigmatism, hyperopia, as well as myopia;
  • disorders of the refraction of the eye can provoke a developing cataract or glaucoma, and as a result, the squint is formed;
  • eye palsy muscles can cause psychological disorders, as well as somatic diseases (as an example: neurosofilis, encephalitis);
  • easy degree of squint can provoke disorders in blood circulation and sharp pressure jumps, and when ignoring pathology - disability;
  • proclaiming seproinishing factors, specialists also consider such children's diseases like Scarlatina and Kor.

Sturdyby is able to develop in children preschool age After a strong frightened, as well as the result of the suffered psychological injury. These reasons for the development of pathology were recorded from older patients. Although in more rare cases.

In practice, congenital squint is very rare. More rarely, it can be found in its pure form, that is, immediately at the birth of the baby. The manifestation of pathology in the first six months of the life of the kid is established as infantile. More often in the newborn there is imaginary squint. The kids of this age are unable to accurately focus, and at the same time it seems that the child is formed by pathology.

Infantile squint is often formed in genetic disorders and at that time when the fruit is still in the womb. This can be caused by such diseases: cerebral palsy, Cruzone or Down syndrome, as well as hereditary predisposition. In cases with heredity, one of the kid relatives also have similar deviations.

In the risk group there are kids, whose mothers have suffered during pregnancy infectious diseasesused narcotic products, as well as medications without appointing specialists.

Recovery period

The cardinal method, if necessary, be held both children and adults. There are 2 types of remedial operations of this defect:

  • reinforcing - the impact on the muscle holding the eyeball in normal position;
  • weakening is an action on a stronger muscle that suppresses the function of the one that is responsible for the position of the eyeball.

The specialist determines the type of intervention and conducts it under general anesthesia in children and local - in adults. Innovative technologies allow you to fulfill all correction actions quickly, efficiently, with a minimum indicator of injuries.

Recovery after surgery surgery in adults comes quite soon. Already on the day of intervention, they are released home. The procedure does not pass without a trace. There is swelling, redness, discomfort or pain. It lasts about a week. The end of the painful stage is fully observed after a month.

After surgery, rehabilitation measures are strongly recommended:

  • gymnastics for view;
  • administration of vitamins by instillation;
  • sometimes analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used;
  • applying sunglasses.

An ophthalmologist is visited weekly, which is monitored by the state of the visual body in the postoperative period. Physical activity during the month must be minimized. Under the ban: Sport, Bath, Sauna. The schoolboy gets liberation from physical education lessons.

Gymnastics for the eyes is needed every day, and during the year. It helps strengthen the muscles, that is, to reduce the risk of recurrence. In childhood, a vision may fall, so the doctor picks up glasses (lenses) for correction.

Rehabilitation after surgery on the strabismus in children also passes quickly and well, subject to the recommendations of the doctor. Sometimes they may need special glasses that close healthy eye. At the same time, the operated on is restored much more active.

Doctors make everything possible in order to fully restore vision, save a person from psychological tension, fill its world with complete visual sensations. The possibilities of modern practitioners make it possible to solve this issue quickly and efficiently. The discipline and the execution of the appointments of the ophthalmologist is the right path to the optimal result.

Though the correction operation is carried out in one day and the patient is immediately released home, this does not mean that there is no rehabilitation period. To quickly restore the binocular vision, you need to adhere to certain recommendations of the doctor for some time and perform special eye exercises.

The first day after surgery the eye body will be hurting, lightly flies and inflaces. This is a natural state. Also possible short-term impairment. During this period, each of its movement needs to be monitored, as any touch touch attempts can end only with reinforcing pain syndrome.

In children, adaptation time is significantly reduced. The main thing is to fulfill the exercise prescribed by a specialist and visit an ophthalmologist.

For active recovery, a specialist can recommend to take advantage of special correction glasses, and from time to time to cover a healthy eye. This will help create a load on the operated organ. Muscles are faster and acquired the necessary norm.

Operational intervention

Operation with stabysme is carried out in aesthetic purposes to restore the symmetrical location of the eyes. But the operational intervention itself without comprehensive treatment Will not restore vision. The surgeon decides on the method of eliminating the problem directly during operational intervention.

After surgical correction disappears the need to wear uncomfortable prismatic glasses. This is one of the main reasons why the ophthalmologist sends the patient to the surgeon. Correction Operation Acrossowork allows you to improve the quality of life, remove the constraint due to the negative perception of the squint, restore good emotional condition. The cost of the operation in each case is calculated individually.

Is the operation dangerous

The surgical experience of the eye always implies certain risks. When eliminating the squint by the operational method, the negative consequence occurring more often is a two-way image. It usually passes after a while, but there are cases when the bone remains. More serious risks include: reducing the quality of vision, retinal detachment, infection and problems caused by anesthesia. Fortunately, all these complications are extremely rare.

An important factor is the overall health. The better the patient's well-being, the simpler operation will pass, and the eye will be restored faster. In any case, do not worry. The modern level of development of medicine, high-quality equipment and professionalism of doctors make the likelihood of developing events in a negative key striving for zero.

Most patients are diagnosed with a significant improvement in view after surgery. It happens that the full correction of the strainship does not occur immediately, and the body requires a long time to restore after a successfully completed operation. In some cases, a re-operation may be required. The residual boss arising after surgical manipulations is usually eliminated by prismatic glasses.

The first days after the operation, the patient can feel discomfort and headaches, pain at the tension of the eye muscles, the feeling of the presence of an extraneous subject in the eye. In this case, the doctor prescribes to him painkillers. After a few days, unpleasant symptoms go, and the patient may return to active life. However, heavy loads are better to avoid within a few weeks.

Whether hospitalization will be required after surgery. Depends on general status Patient and recommendations of his attending physician. Most of Operations passes in an outpatient mode, and the operated patient returns to normal life after a couple of days.

The postoperative recovery goes, on average, about a week. However, in addition to rehabilitation, a course of hardware treatment may also be required to achieve a maximum result and tangible increase in the quality of vision. Vision will be recovered for a longer period. Help in this charging for eyes and therapeutic procedures.

The survey operation is available for patients of any age. How much is the operation, you can find out by posting your personal advice on an ophthalmologist. Average prices - from 15,000 rubles to 30,000 rubles for one eye. This is a great way to reduce the symptoms, adjust the aesthetic consequences of the squint and simply improve the quality of life.

The squint can be congenital in nature, as well as arise as a result of the impact of various factors. And at least some consider strabismus only an aesthetic problem, in fact, this pathology can provoke the formation of many unpleasant consequences. For the patient, it is very important not only to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, but also to get to solve this problem as early as possible. Speeding operation is a radical and efficient method.

  1. The muscle recession involves cutting off the tissues from its physiological attachment. After cutting down the muscle is fed. The specialist picks up an optimal place for its future fastening. It may be a tendon, as well as a sclera. According to the result, fiber shifts back and its action is weakening. In the event of a fiber displacement, the effect of muscles is intensified.
  2. Operation MEETTOMICA implies similar manipulations with cutting muscle. The difference from the previous species is the lack of procedures for overlapping seams.
  3. Smaller injury to the eye body can be achieved using Faden operation. In this case, manipulations with cutting muscles are not made. The fabric immediately shakes to the scler. With this procedure, non-restering threads are used.
  4. In case the muscle is weakened and it is required to increase its action, a shortening operation is used. During the surgical intervention, part of the muscle is removed.
  5. It will also help a similar effect of the operation. It implies the creation of folds between tendon and muscle. A variant is possible when this fold is formed inside the body of the muscle itself.

Any of the selected correction operations of the squint is carried out in compliance with the main principles. Correction must be phased. The operation is carried out only on one eye body. On the second procedure repeated after a few months (approximately 3-6). Although with a small corner of the cat, the surgeon can be made to make a correction at the same time on two eyes, but this is more often an exception.

If a patient has a strong squint, the operational intervention is performed in several receptions. The fact is that it is undesirable to carry out more than two muscles at a time.

The elongation or shortening of the muscle must be evenly carried out from all sides. For example, if the muscle on the right is reduced in size, then it should be reduced to the left. At the same time, the size of the excision and increasing is necessarily identical.

Observing all the main principles of surgery, the specialist is trying to maximize the connection of the eyeball and the operated muscle.

For adult patients, correction is carried out under local anesthesia. Upon completion, the patient is superimposed by the patient. You can go home after a few hours. For children (any age), general anesthesia is always applied. In mandatory, the child is hospitalized for a day, but cases and with a longer stay in the hospital are not excluded.

Those who have the opportunity to correct pathology in foreign clinics is worth paying attention to German and Israeli specialists. Their approach to such correction is more radical. Almost all types of pathologies are corrected into one reception. Another plus is the possibility of carrying out the kids to a year.

What is the squint

With friendly sturdy, as you can guess from the name, both eyes are submitted. They alternately coit about the same range. The main cause of this pathology of vision is an ametropium.

Main distinctive features:

  • if a person looks at a fixed thing, then one eye slightly deviates to the nose, or to the temple;
  • at the same time, the deviating eye may vary;
  • the mobility of the eyeball is stored in all directions;
  • a person does not observe the doubles of the picture before the eyes;
  • lack of a patient in binocular vision;
  • primary I. secondary corner Deviations of the eye of the oblique eye are almost the same;
  • there may be a deterioration in sight of the oblique eye.

As a rule, a person with friendly squint is observed other violations of vision: myopia or hyperopia, astigmatism.

The second type of pathology is paralytic squint. The main difference between this type of violation of vision - the junning eye does not move, or moves limitedly towards the affected muscle. The image begins two, and the person loses the ability to see in volume. Felling of nerves, improper functioning of eye muscles, tumors and injuries.

The signs of this type of pathology include:

  • where the muscle is amazed, the eye does not move;
  • primary and secondary deviation angle differ: secondary more;
  • two image, loss of surrounding;
  • dizziness;
  • forced easy deviation Heads toward the sick eye.

Paralytic squint is subject to all age categories: It can develop at any age.

In addition to the above, there are discouraged and divergent (exotropy) squint, as well as vertical. In the first case, the junning eye deviates towards the nose. County squint in children is diagnosed more often than in adults, in the process of maturation it often disappears completely. As a rule, pathology develops against the background of depreciation.

Drawing squint in adults is characterized by the fact that the eye deviates towards the temple. Pathology arises in innate or acquired myopia. With a vertical one, one eye is directed up or down relatively healthy.

What happens during the treatment of children in Israel?

  • use to correlate eye vision, contact lenses;
  • treatment of amblyopia hardware methods;
  • activities aimed at restoring binocular vision;
  • surgical intervention.

Six muscles that rotate the eyes are located outside the eyeball under the conjunctive, i.e. mucous membrane eye. During the operation, the surgeon of the Children's ophthalmology department of the Schneider clinic displaced this muscle from the place of attachment and enhance or, on the contrary, weaken the thrust. Usually, the strainship is necessary for the correction to operate at least two muscles. Sometimes the muscles of only oblique eye are corrected, sometimes both.

The operations are carried out only under general anesthesia. The decision on the choice of general or local anesthesia adults is made at the discretion of the surgeon, but also takes into account the wishes of the patient.

Do you need glasses after surgery?

Some species in children are corrected using points, some are only surgical path, and sometimes both methods are needed. It is important to understand that surgery Sprints in children in Israel are not at all an alternative to points; It corrects squint that failed to cure with glasses. Thus, even after the operation, in most cases, you need to continue to wear glasses.

Is it necessary to close one eye bandage?

Before the operation sometimes it is necessary to cover one eye with an eye bandage to strengthen another eye and not allow it to "be lazy". A good acuity of view of both eyes increases the chances of the success of the surgical correction of the squint. Sometimes it is necessary to continue to wear an eye bandage for a while after surgery to improve the results.

Modern surgical methods are very different high levels efficiency. However, it is impossible to ensure complete success. In some cases, after the operation, there remains some kind of strainship, but this does not violate the functional properties of the eye and is not a cosmetic defect. Patients whose corner of the squint was fixed only partially, a re-operation can be shown.

Since the operation is carried out on the outside of the eye, in most cases, the risk of violation does not occur. When making the muscles to the scler (eye protein), the seam is imposed on a certain depth of the eye. Sometimes after surgery, infection can develop, then in most cases a simple and effective treatment of children in Israel with eye drops is applied.

  • After surgery, the bandage on the eyes does not impose;
  • In the first days after surgery, the eye has observed redness, the feeling of discomfort in the eye and minor pain, inflammation vascular shell Eyeball;
  • It is necessary to bury eye drops;
  • Within a few days, it is recommended to avoid dust into the eyes and not be in the wind; Within a few weeks you can not swim in the pool / sea; There are no restrictions on the work of the house;
  • A few days later, you can return to school or to work;
  • After the operation, the following phenomena may occur: a sense of discomfort in the eyes, especially when exposed to bright light;
  • When moving the eye, minor pain;
  • Redness of the eyes, edema conjunctiva and small allocations;
  • Twist in the eyes, as a rule, passing within a few days.

These are natural phenomena and do not need to be afraid of them. If the patient is bothering pain, then an analgesic agent should be accepted, for example, paracetamol. Washing over the eyelashes is cleaned with a cotton swab diphed in warm water, or a napkin for the eyes. FIRS B. eyes will passWhen the eye muscles get used to the new position for them.

You must not forget to bury your eyes with drops that are issued when discharge, in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor. The duration of the instillation is about 3-4 weeks after the operation.

What can be done after surgery?

  • There are no restrictions on the usual home work;
  • You can read, watch TV and work at the computer. Do not be afraid to "strain your eyes";
  • You can swim and wash your head, but avoid water in the eyes;
  • Out of home worth wearing sunglasses and avoid dust in the eyes;
  • Bright light should be avoided during the first week after the operation.

What can not be done after surgery?

  • During the first two weeks it is not recommended to perform exerciserequiring large stress;
  • Children can play at home into any games without restrictions; return to kindergarten or school you can a few days after the operation;
  • It is not recommended to go to the swimming pool / at sea for about six weeks.

In what cases contact the doctor?

One of the rare complications after surgical treatment of strabismus in children in Israel is to infect eyes. If the eyes are red and very painful, with purulent discharge and edema, if there is a significant reduction in visual acuity, it is worthwhile to contact the nearest item emergency care. But in the Children's Ophthalmology Department, the Schneider of such complications almost never happens.

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