Injections alloin alpha. Alloquin-Alpha: Analogs of Russian, instructions for use, side effects, contraindications

Those who read the annotations of drugs before their application are made by many moments of their impact on health. So, in particular, about the medicine of Alloin-Alpha Instructions for use says that this is an inducer of the synthesis of interferon, that is, the drug which has antiviral and immunomodulatory effect on human body.

What is Alloin alpha composition and form of release?

The drug is produced in the form of lyophilisate white colorIt is a fine powder or a slightly porous hygroscopic mass, this substance does not have any special smell. Prepare from it drug Solutionwhich is introduced in the form of subcutaneous injection.

In one ampoule of glass contains histidyl-glycyl-valve-serinal-glycil-histidyl-glycil-glutaminyl-histidyl-glycil-valle-gistidyl-glycine.

Glass ampoules are placed in cell contour packages, which are located in durable cardboard packs, you can see the date of manufacture of the drug, as well as the expiration date. drug.

This medicine is released only by the doctor's prescription. It is recommended to store it in the place protected from light, while the temperature regime can vary from 2 to 8 degrees. The expiration of the drug should not exceed two years, after the expiration of the period is not used, since it will not have a proper therapeutic effect on the body, and can only harm.

Alokine Alpha Pharmacological effect

Alloin-Alpha is an oligopeptide, in its own way pharmacological action This drug is similar to Interferon Alpha. This drug is considered an inducer of interferon synthesis, stimulates the recognition of defective cells with lymphocytes.

The experiments were proved by the high efficiency of this lyophilisate against infections that are caused by influenza viruses, hepatitis B and C, as well as herpes and human papillomas. This immunomodulatory agent does not have toxic, carcinogenic and embryotoxic effect, does not cause mutations and allergic reactions organism.

The drug pretty quickly falls into the bloodstream, where its interaction with immunocompetent cells occurs. Increased interferon concentration begins to be marked already two hours after the administration of the medication and remains for up to eight hours.

Indications for the use of Alloin Alpha

The drug is shown to use patients, in the history of which chronic recurrent herpes is revealed. Alloin-Alpha is part of the complex therapeutic measures of the average and severe form of hepatitis V.

What are Alloin-Alpha contraindications for use?

This drug cannot be used in the history of autoimmune diseases; With increased sensitivity to some components of this drug, it is also contraindicated.

During pregnancy, as well as during the lactation of Alloin-Alpha, is also contraindicated, and it is also not used in childhood.

Application of Alloin Alpha and Dosage

The drug should be administered subcutaneously, while the lyophilisate is recommended to dissolve in millilitrium of the saline. The standard course of therapeutic measures, which are aimed at preventing herpes relapse, includes the injection of this drug in 1 mg dosage every other day, and only three injections should be carried out.

If there is a patient with a patient of acute hepatitis in a medicine in the dosage of 1 mg three times a week for a three-week period, thus, only nine injections are obtained.

Overdose drug

As for the overdose of the drug, it has not been established so far so far. Otherwise, you should immediately apply for medical help To a qualified doctor.

Alloquin-Alpha Medicinal Interaction

When conducting therapeutic measures in the chronic recurrent genital herpes, Alokine-Alpha can be appointed together with acyclovir, or with its derivatives. In this case, drugs complement each other in complex treatment. With any other medical means There was no interaction.

What Alloin Alpha side effects?

Among the manifestation of side effects, you can note the presence of minor weakness, headaches and dizziness. In the presence of a herpetic infection, the new elements of the rash may appear on the skin's seats. After the abolition of this drug, the symptoms are completely passing.

special instructions Alloin Alpha

The beginning of therapeutic measures should occur when the very initial symptoms Diseases, with hepatitis in treatment, it is necessary to start not later than the seventh day after identifying the first signs of jaundice.

Alokine Alpha applies in monotherapy, it is recommended to use it if there is a papilloma history viral infectionwhich is provoked by oncogenic types of the virus, while there should be no damage to the anogenital region, as well as cervix.

The drug is included in comprehensive therapy If there is a papillomavirus infection, when there is a damage to the anogenital region and the cervix caused by the oncogenic types of the virus.

The ability to control the mechanisms and drive vehicles can be limited if a patient has dizziness, in this case, it should be refracted from working with machinery.

What are Alloin-alpha analogues?

Alloin-alpha can be replaced by a drug with a similar action, which is called alloferon, but only after consulting with a qualified doctor.


Before the immediate use of this medicinal preparation The treatment of Alpha Alpha must be coordinated with the attending qualified physician, and only with its approval you can pass similar therapeutic procedures. From independent use of immunomodulating drugs should be refrained.


The drug refers to the category of antiviral, immunomodulatory funds. The key active substance of Alloin Alfa is alloferon, the course of treatment is prescribed in hepatitis B and C, papilloma viruses, influenza infections. The use of the medication contributes to an increase in the activity of T-lymphocytes, which constitute the cellular immunity of a person. These substances suppress operation and destroy viruses.

Injections alloin alpha.

This antiviral drug is used for therapy of such common diseases - papillomavirus and herpes. The pathogens of these pathologies live in a person's body constantly, but make themselves known only in the weakening of immunity. Symptoms of diseases can be reduced using local agents such as ointments, but the virus still remains active in the body. To suppress the effect of pathogenic bacteria is capable of injection of the solution of alloin alpha.


The main active component of the drug is a cytokine-like peptide, which is called "Alloferon". This substance is carried out by chemical synthesis and is a patented means in a number of countries, including the United States, Japan, some European states. In view of its uniqueness, Alloin Alpha has no analogues in structure, but only substitutes with a similar effect on the body and viruses.

Form release

The injection means is produced in the form of a powder from which a solution is prepared. Alloin Alpha is packaged in ampoules of 1 mg. One package contains 1, 3, 5 or 10 doses for injections, as well as a drink for opening glass vessels. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years, subject to storage from 2 to 8 degrees. In Russia, medication is produced by such pharmaceutical firms:

  • "Brand Farm";
  • "RKNPK Ministry of Health and Social Development - EPMP";
  • Gosnia especially pure biopreparations FMBA FSUE.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Alloferon, serving the main active component of the drug, activates natural killers in the body and stimulates the production of endogenous interferon. In addition, the active substance quickly reveals and destroys cells infected with cytotoxic lymphocytic structures. During therapy, the Alfokin Alpha is strengthened by immunity (the medication performs the function of the immunomodulator). In this case, the drug has no toxic effect.

The main pharmacological effects of Alloin Alpha are:

  • absolute Relief from Symptomatics viral hepatitis, HPV, herpetic infection;
  • reducing the exacerbation of pathology;
  • reduce the likelihood of the development of complications;
  • guarantee of the lack of recurrence of the disease.

Under the influence of allophene, the effect of T-lymphocytes, which constitute the immunity of cellular structures is launched. Such substances during the interaction with drugs actively destroy the virus penetrated into the human body. After the course of treatment with allocine alpha, the nerve impulses occurs, as a result of which neuromochecatic excitability is regulated. In addition, the effect of histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and oxytocin increases under the influence of the medicine for smooth muscle tissues.

Indications for use

Alloin alpha is prescribed with a strong immunodeficiency, which is often observed in viral infections. To prevent the progression of the pathological process, the drug is used as an immunomodulator. This antiviral medication is usually prescribed for the prevention of RSM and treatment:

  • viral hepatitis of types in or s;
  • herpes;
  • erosion of the cervix (the drug is prescribed by a gynecologist);
  • condyl, papillom, warts;
  • influenza, ORVI;
  • labial herpes;
  • genital herpes;
  • mixed urogenital localization infections.


The domestic production tool is widely used to suppress human papilloma virus. Injection is effective to strengthen the immunity links, in addition, they contribute to an increase in T-lymphocyte activity, thanks to which viral cells are slower and completely disintegrated. Alloin Alpha contraindicated:

  • to kid;
  • pregnant, nursing woman;
  • with pronounced autoimmune diseases;
  • in the presence of intolerance or hypersensitivity to alloferon, other components of the means.

Alloin Alpha - Instructions for use

The drug stimulates the production of interferon's body, which strengthens immune system And actively struggles with infections. Alpha alpha alloof relates to low-toxic medicines, therefore it does not cause allergic reactions, does not have a mutagenic, teratogenic or embryotoxic effect or carcinogenic effect. However, like any other drug, it should be applied to the prescription of the doctor and according to the instructions.

How to breed a solution

The powder from one ampoule is mixed in an isotonic solution of sodium chloride (1 ml). To prevent the manifestation of side effects, it is not recommended to produce a remedy in other drugs. In addition, it is impossible to connect several medicines in one medical syringe. Use the finished solution immediately after preparation, not leaving until the next injection, since the medication quickly loses the therapeutic effect.

Like pricking

Before the procedure, it is important to ensure thorough injection site hygiene, for this puncture area is treated with alcohol. How to prick Alloin Alpha alone at home:

  • the drug should be administered subcutaneously, for which the skin is collected into the fold and enter the needle at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • the introduction of the needle should not be deep: it is necessary to immerse it no more than 2/3 of length;
  • the medication is introduced slowly and, as a rule, in the shoulder, thigh, belly or under the blade;
  • the frequency of injections and the concentration of Alloquin Alpha prescribes a doctor based on the type of disease, the degree of severity of symptoms, etc.


The standard course of therapy to the means of Alloin Alpha consists of three injections that are performed with an interval per day. However, with a severe degree of pathology or neglence, the duration of the course increases, and the doctor adjusts the treatment regimen. For the preparation of the solution, it is important to use only those specified in the instructions. Standard dosage for virus treatment therapy:

  • in case of illnesses that were caused by oncogenic types of papillomavirus, 1 ml of the drug is introduced every second day, while the treatment lasts 12 days;
  • for the treatment of viral hepatitis C or in shown 1 injection three times a week (only 9 procedures);
  • after recurrence, herpes, the patient introduces 1 ampoule of the drug every other day, while the course of treatment includes 3 injections.

special instructions

During the treatment of Alpha, Alpha should be abandoned from activities requiring increased concentration of attention and rapid response, since there is a possibility of dizziness, drowsiness, chills. In addition, it is important to abide care when driving the machine, and if possible, it is generally abandoned the time of therapy from this classes. If the use of the drug is directed to suppressing viral hepatitis, comprehensive treatment Start at later 6-7 days of the appearance of pronounced symptoms of jaundice like:

  • fever;
  • darkening urine;
  • yellowing skin Pokrov, eye scool;
  • soreness in the field of right hypochondrium.

During pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that any teratogenic or mutagenic effects is the main active substance Alokina Alfa does not give, the use of the drug during pregnancy and during feeding is prohibited. If there is a need to use for the treatment of viral pathologies, this medicine, the child should be transferred to the milk mixtures, excommunicated at the time of breast therapy. Alokine Alpha and pregnancy are incompatible categorically.

Interaction with other drugs

Alloin Alfa with HPV and other viral diseases is often prescribed in a complex with other drugs. For example, chronic herpes is treated, combining medication for injection with acyclovir (or its analogues), since both means are antiviral and complement each other. To suppress hepatitis in Alloin Alpha used as part of basic therapy.

Interaction with alcohol

During treatment with medicine, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, since Alokine Alfa increases the percentage of interferon in the blood, which has high sensitivity to any changes at the chemical level. The ultimate response of the body may have unpredictable consequences. Despite the fact that studies in this area were not conducted, scientists do not doubt the negative effects of alcohol mixing with the drug: this will at least reduce the effectiveness of treatment, and, in the extreme case, hurts health.

Side effects

Pricks from HPV, hepatitis, herpes and other viruses are usually well tolerated by patients. Nevertheless, in rare cases, the drug can provoke the appearance negative effectswhich are often due to an overdose of the means, non-compliance with hygienic standards, a combination with other drugs. Possible side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headaches;
  • reduced excitability nervous system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • the emergence of new foci of herpetic rash.


Some drugs of Russian and foreign production have similar to Allokin Alfa. To the number of such funds include:

  • Amizon;
  • Arpeflu;
  • Isoprosine;
  • Panavir;
  • Oxoline;
  • Amixin;
  • Kagole;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Gardasil;
  • Cervarix

The main analogue of Alloin Alpha is a panavir, which has a similar antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. The tool has about the same cost and efficiency, so it is better to determine which drug is better, difficult. Each doctor chooses a medicament for the patient, based on individual factors: the state of the patient, the type of pathology, the degree of its severity, etc.

Price of alloin alpha.

Several factors affect the cost of the antiviral drug - the number of ampoules in the box, production, pricing of the pharmacy and its location. You can buy Alloin Alpha solely on the doctor's prescription, certified by printing and signature. Below in the table shows the average cost of the drug in different pharmacies of Moscow.

Wonderful antiviral and immunomodulatory drug capable of healing a person from various diseases- Means "Alloin-Alpha". Ampoules with this medicine are expensive, but the effect is worth these means. Today I will find out with what diagnoses doctors can prescribe a medicine, how to make pricks with him, as well as reviews of patients about him.

Form release

The drug "Alloin-Alpha" is a white powder, odorless, placed in ampoules of 1 mg. In the cardboard packaging there may be 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10. From this fund, a solution is prepared for subcutaneous administration.

In which cases is assigned?

Medicate "Alloin-Alpha", reviews about which can be read below, doctors write to patients with the following problems:

  • Papillomavirus, herpes infection, genital herpes.
  • Chronic hepatitis C and in viral origin.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • The presence of warts, kondil, papillom.
  • Mixed urogenital infections.
  • Influenza and ORVI.

Based on the diagnoses in which the drug "Alloin-Alpha" is easy to conclude that the remedy is prescribed with a sharp decrease in immunity and outbreak on this background of viral infection.

How to use?

Initially, the powder should be dissolved, for this you need to dissolve it in 1 ml of physiological solution of sodium chloride. Then close the lid and thoroughly shake the resulting solution "Alloin-Alpha". The drug is subcutaneously introduced, and there are no more in any other way.

In papillomavirus, herpetic infections, the doctor, as a rule, assigns the introduction of 1 mg of the means every 48 hours. In general, the standard course of treatment in these cases is 6 injections.

Patients with hepatitis C and in administration of 1 mg of the drug 3 times a week. In this case, the course of therapy is often 9 injections. In the future, the specialist may appoint repeated administrationIf the result is not very good.

  • Important! It is not recommended to apply other means as a solvent, except for sodium chloride. The use of the prepared mixture should be immediately needed to prepare the medicine in advance. The duration of therapy and the application scheme defines only the doctor, so any attempts of self-treatment are unacceptable for the drug "Alloin-Alpha". How to prick the tool correctly, knows only medical personnelTherefore, it is worth trusting the employees of the hospital. However, we still describe the overall sequence of actions.

Proper manipulation of a health worker

To be sure that the nurse does everything right, the patient himself should know theoretically, how to prick. To do this, follow such items:

  1. Processing hands: wash them with a good shop soap, wipe dry with a clean towel.
  2. Help the patient take the desired convenient position.
  3. Put the sterile gloves, treat them with a cotton ball with 70% alcohol.
  4. Treat a cotton tampon to the skin of the skin where the injection will be made.
  5. Take into the fold the skin at the injection site.
  6. Introduce a syringe at an angle of 45 degrees. The needle should enter a shallow - about 15 mm, it will be released 2/3 of its entire length.
  7. The needles can be fixed by the index finger.
  8. Do not rush to introduce a medicine.
  9. Remove the needle, holding it for the cannula.
  10. Vata, moistened in alcohol, should cover the place of injection.

This is the entire algorithm of action. What place is prick, defines a nurse, which, in fact, conducts manipulation. Usually, subcutaneous injeces are made to the subband area of \u200b\u200bthe back, the side surface of the abdomen, in the thigh, the outer surface of the shoulder.


Medication is prohibited to use in the following situations:

  • During pregnancy, as well as feeding baby breasts.
  • Kissing up to 18 years old.
  • With hypersensitivity to the components.
  • If there are autoimmune ailments, such as systemic red lupus, sclerodermia, diffuse toxic goiter.

special instructions

  • The drug "Alloin-Alpha" and alcohol are two incompatible concepts. Therefore, during treatment, this medicine should stop the reception of any strong drinks.
  • During treatment, caution must be taken when managing the machine or classes. hazardous species Activities that require increased concentration of attention. After all, some patients may occur dizziness against the background of the treatment with this means.

Unwanted effects

Medication "Alloin-Alpha", the price of which depends on various factors, is usually well tolerated. In rare cases, the drug can cause such side effects as:

  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • the exacerbation of the situation is the emergence of new foci of herpetic rash.

The listed features may appear in such cases:

  1. With an incorrectly compiled treatment scheme.
  2. With incorrect combination of drugs with a solution of "Alloquin-Alpha".
  3. If a person does not keep body hygiene.
  4. If the procedure for the introduction of the medication was broken, that is, there were no interruptions between injections.
  5. If the wrong manipulation was performed.

How and where to store?

The medication needs to be saved at a temperature of from 2 to 8 degrees. Therefore, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator. The medicine must be kept no more than 2 years since its release. The made solution is forbidden, only in the form of a powder, undiluted.

Means "Alloquin-Alpha": Price

The cost of this medication is influenced by several factors: the number of ampoules in the package, the location of the pharmacy (center or sleeping regions), the cheating of the plant itself, where various drugs are sold. So, on average, 3 ampoules of this powder need to give 3.5 thousand rubles.

The drug is released only upon presentation of a recipe from the doctor, certified by his signature and printing.


Medication "Alloin-Alpha" is a domestic product produced by several companies in Russia. Among them, "the state research institutes of particularly clean biopreparations", located in St. Petersburg, LLC "Brand-Farm", FSU "RKNPK" Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia - EMBP. It is simply impossible to find this medicine in other states, because even by structure the drug is unique. Therefore, it is possible to purchase it only in the Russian Federation.

Positive feeding patients

The drug "Alloin-Alpha" reviews gets mostly positive. So, people who have been treated with this medicine remain satisfied. After all, the tool has its own therapeutic action For a short period of time.

Patients who were diagnosed with herpes are written that unpleasant rash after the use of the medication is already on the third day. This is a great effect, because in contrast to other means, injections with the drug "Alloin-Alpha" high-speed.

Some women gynecologists have prescribed this tool after the ignition of erosion. The patients claim that due to their medicine they all heal quickly and without consequences.

Another advantage of the funds is that it has an immunomodulatory effect. Therefore, the risk of new herpetic formations is coming to no.

Also, this drug will be a real panacea for women who have found a diapilloma virus 16 and 18 types. But these are dangerous ailments that are more often caused cancer tumors. But the medication that is dedicated to become capable of eliminating the activity of the virus, translate it into the "sleeping" state, and the woman will not need to worry about that it can be subject to cancer.

Negative patient responses

Unfortunately, the drug "Alloin-Alpha" reviews have not only flattering, but also disapproving. Negative responses are expressed as follows:

  1. Price. People are unhappy with the high cost of medication. After all, for the package of 3 ampoules, on average, there is a chance to give about 3.5 thousand rubles. But it may not be enough. In some situations, the doctor may appoint 6 or even 9 injections. Then the treatment will cost a decent amount. But you need to do something in order to get rid of the problem. Therefore, it is not necessary to choose here. And it is better to pay once, but then that there is no longer bothering no more.
  2. Storage and transportation conditions. Many people note that the drug is uncomfortable with respect to its savings, as well as transportation. They say, it is necessary to store it only in the refrigerator and carry, by the way, too. After all, if you neglect these conditions, the medicine as a result may simply spoil.
  3. Not sold in every pharmacy. This is another drawback of the medicine. After all, people sometimes in search of the drug "Alloin-Alpha" dangle on all pharmacies in order to find it. And in the end, they ordered it. Since the means is expensive and requires special conditions for transportation and storage, the pharmacists are rarely brought. More often they order it for patients by phone.

Now you know a lot about the "Alloin-Alpha" means: reviews about it, indications, contraindications, possible side effects. It turned out that at least the medicine is expensive, but it costs its money. Therefore, if the doctor prescribes injections with the Medicine "Alloin-Alpha", then do not even think, buy it or not. If you want to quickly cure herpetic rash, hepatitis, then you need to take advantage of the prescriptions of a specialist and carry out appropriate treatment with this effective medication.

Immunomodulatory I. antiviral agent Alloin-Alpha is a popular tool to strengthen cellular and humoral immunity. The drug is manifested high level Efficiency in the fight against viral hepatitis C and B, ORVI, herpes, human papilloma virus, urogenital infectious pathologies, warts and condylomes. The use of alloquin-alpha is contraindicated to patients with autoimmune pathologies (for example, diffuse toxic goiter, sclerodermia and other), increased sensitivity To the elements of the drug, as well as children under 18, nursing and pregnant women.

Dosage form

The form of the release of the drug Alloin-Alpha is a lyophilized powder or a porous weight of white color, intended for the preparation of an injection solution for subcutaneous administration. The smell of powder is absent. The tool is fusing in ampoules of 1 mg. In each cardboard package there are 3 ampoules.

Description and composition

In 1 ampoule of alloquin alpha contains 1 mg of alloferon. Active substance It is a cytokine-like oligopeptide consisting of amino acid residual residues.

Pharmacological group

Alloferon, which is an active element of Alloin-Alpha drug, is an oligopeptide showing similar from Alpha pharmacological properties. The antiviral effect of the medication is to induce the formation of endogenous proteins of interferon and stimulation of the activity of the system of natural killer cells. Alloferon contributes to recognizing and dissolving defective cells of cytotoxic lymphocytes.

Wide range clinical studies Proves high degree The efficiency of alloquin-alpha in relation to infectious pathologies caused by the strains of herpes viruses 1 and 2 types, influenza A and B, human papillomas and hepatitis C and B.

The main pharmacological effects of Alloquin-Alpha are:

  • elimination of symptoms of the current infectious pathology of viral nature;
  • suppressing the development of the disease;
  • reduction of the duration of exacerbation;
  • reducing the probability of the development of complications;
  • the exclusion of risks of the recurrence of pathology.

The active substance means does not cause embryotoxic effects, does not cause allergic manifestations, does not affect the reproductive system, and also does not have carcinogenic, mutagenic and general toxic properties.

Indications for use

The use of ALloine Alpha means is justified with a sharp decline immune protection Patient and, as a result, outbreak of viral infection. The drug is used to suppress the development of pathology and strengthening immunity for effective struggle With the cause of the disease.

for adults

Alloin-Alpha exhibits high efficiency in the fight against the following pathologies:

  • labile herpes;
  • genital herpes;
  • human papilloma virus;
  • ORVI;
  • music neck dysplasia;
  • chronic form of viral hepatitis C and B;
  • flu;
  • mixed forms of urogenital infectious diseases;
  • pathologies of herpetic nature;
  • condylomes and warts.

for kids

Children under the age of 18 are urgent not recommended to take the means of Alokine Alpha.

Despite the lack of embryotoxic effect, the drug is strictly contraindicated to use pregnant and nursing women. During the lactation of Alloin-Alpha can be used exclusively in conditions of complete abandonment of child feeding breast milk.


Absolute contraindications to the use of Alloin-Alpha drug are:

  • children's age up to 18 years;
  • the presence of autoimmune pathologies in a patient (for example, libman-saks disease, diffuse toxic goiter, sclerodermia);
  • breastfeeding period;
  • individual intolerance or excessive sensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • pregnancy.

Also throughout the entire period of use, it is necessary to refuse to use alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing medicines.

Applications and doses

Alloin-alpha is used exclusively as an injection solution for administration under the skin. In order to prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve the contents of the ampoule in 1 ml of saline (0.9%). It is forbidden to dissolve the agent by other drugs or foreign solvents. Also contraindicated to mix several medicines in one syringe. Apply alloquin-alpha solution should be immediately after its preparation. For the most effective therapy, the reception scheme and the dosage of the means is selected by the attending physician individually.

for adults

The drug should be administered exclusively subcutaneously.

Under the recurrence of herpetic disease, the use of 1 mg (1 ampoule) means in a day are prescribed. The total amount of medication in the therapeutic course is 3 ampoules.

For therapy of exacerbation of hepatitis B middle severity The means should be administered immediately after the final confirmation of the diagnosis in the amount of 1 mg (1 ampoule) 3 times a week. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks (9 ampoules).

Dosages of the medicine necessary for the treatment of other pathologies from the list of readings, are selected purely individually.

for kids

Children's and adolescent age under 18 years old is an absolute contraindication to the appointment of Alloin-Alpha drug.

for pregnant women and during lactation

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding The use of funds is strictly prohibited. In the event that the patient refuses breastfeeding, the use of the drug is possible only under the supervision of a specialist.

Side effects

In most cases, noticed in medical practicePatients show a high level of media tolerability. The main factors contributing to the development of side effects on the background of using Alloquin-Alpha are:

  • non-compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • incorrectly produced subcutaneous injection;
  • ignoring the prescriptions of the doctor and information in the instructions for the drug;
  • the simultaneous use of incompatible medicines;
  • the use of too large dosage means;
  • failure to follow the reception scheme.

The above factors can provoke such sideflines, as:

  • muscle weakness;
  • feeling of dizziness;
  • the aggravation of herpetic disease.

Interaction with other medicines

During the therapy of the chronic form of recurrent genital herpetic disease, Alokine-Alpha can be used in conjunction with, as well as with its derivatives. Both funds are complementary medicinal effects In the fight against viral infectious pathologies, despite the disassembled pharmacological mechanisms.

In treating acute form Hepatitis B The medication is used simultaneously with the preparations included in the complex of basic therapy.

Information about others medicinal interactions Alloin-Alpha is absent.

special instructions

The use of the drug should be started immediately after the first manifestations of the symptoms of pathologies. If the patient has suspicion of hepatitis B, treatment must be started almost immediately after the detection of jaundice symptoms.

Due to the fact that the medication may cause a sense of dizziness, during the use of Alloquin Alpha, it is recommended to refuse to control any vehicles, as well as from the exhibition of activities and work with high-precision or hazardous mechanisms.


With the introduction of excessively high dosages of the drug increases the risk of development side manifestations. In this case, it is necessary to conduct symptomatic therapy.

Storage conditions

Store Alloin Alpha preparation should be strictly protected from light and access children at temperatures from 2˚C to 8˚C.

Shelf life - 2 years. It is forbidden to apply the tool with an expired storage.

The medication is released strictly by recipe.


The most common analogues of Alloquin Alpha are drugs:

  • . Dosage form Presented with pills for resorption. Current component: Antibody complex to histamine, human gamma and CD glycoprotein
  • Tiloram. Active substance - Tiloron. Produced in the form of tablets. It is written for leicoentephalitis therapy, tuberculosis and chlamydia. Can be combined with a number of antibiotic medicines.
  • . It differs from Alloquin alpha content of the active component of plant origin. Produced in the form of a solution for intravenous injections, gel, as well as rectal and vaginal suppositories.
  • . The current component isne. Active element has plant origin. Available in tablet form. Most often used for the treatment of herpes, slimming and wind sieves.


The cost of Alloin-Alpha averages 3750 rubles.

Antiviral remedy - oligopeptide (Gistidin - Glycine - Valin - Serin - Glycine - Gistidin - Glycine - Glutamin - Gistidin - Glycine - Valin - Gistidin - Glycine), according to the pharmacological action is close to Interferon Alpha.

Inductor synthesis of endogenous interferonov and an activator of the NK killer system. Stimulates recognition and lysis of defective cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes. Effective in infections caused by influenza viruses A and B, hepatitis C, herpes.

Does not have overall toxicity, allergenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, embryotoxic effect and does not affect the reproductive function.

An increase in interferon concentration is observed 2 hours after the administration of the drug; High concentration remains (2-2.5 times higher than the usual background) for 6-8 hours with a decrease to the initial values \u200b\u200bby the end of the day. Increased functional activity of NK killers is observed within 7 days after the administration of the drug.


Quickly penetrates the plasma of blood, where interacts with immunocompetent cells. The definition of the concentration is difficult to close structural similarity of its metabolites with serum proteins.

Form release

Lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for p / k administration in the form of a powder or porous mass, white, odorless; Gigroscopic.

1 mg - ampoules (1) - Packaging Corner contour (1) - packs cardboard.
1 mg - ampoules (2) - Packaging Cell Contour (1) - Cardboard packs.
1 mg - ampoules (3) - Packaging Cell Contour (1) - Cardboard packs.
1 mg - ampoules (5) - Packaging Corner contour (1) - packs cardboard.
1 mg - ampoules (10) - Packaging cell contour (1) - packs cardboard.


Prescribe p / k.

At a relapse frequency of more than 6 per year and duration of more than 5 days in the first relapse, 3 administration at a dose of 10 mg was recommended with an interval of 1 day, in the following relapse - 1-3 injections of 1 mg, in the subsequent relapse - 1-3 administration of 0.1 mg.

At a relapse frequency frequency, less than 6 per year and the duration of less than 5 days is recommended 3 administration at intervals in 1 day 1 mg, to the following relapse - 1-3 injections of 0.1 mg.

Before administration, the preparation is dissolved in 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

Side effects

It is possible: weakness, dizziness, the formation of new elements of herpetic rash.

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