10 days after how. Calendar casting smoking

Marya Sirotkin, 28 years old

entrepreneur in the field of education, founder of the Agency Jey Study, gave birth to a child during the MBA, now opens the Coworking-Kombing on the Canary Islands

"There were about 30 educational institutions in my list."

It all started with the fact that even during training in MGIMO I and two of my classmates, Cyril Hripunov and Matvey Amagayev, created an educational company Jey Study. After receiving a diploma, I continued to do this project, but I tried to work remotely - I wanted to try to live not in Moscow, but in some other interesting places. I managed to live in Costa Rica, Thailand and Spain, learn in Jordan and create a NGO project with the UN in Nigeria. I have a journalistic education that has nothing to do with the business, but at the same time I never really did a journalist, except except for practices in student years or temporary part-time work. Instead, I concentrated on business from the very beginning, and I needed to compensate for the knowledge gap.

When choosing a business school, I used the scoring system: I made a list of criteria important to me and put up each school assessment for each of these criteria. There were about 30 educational institutions in my list. For me, location was extremely important: it was supposed to be a city, not a village and a remote campus - in the end, the MBA listeners are not at that age to live in a pioneer in real life. I also focused on ratings, first of all on Financial Times. Representatives of the school will tell you that ratings are not important, and students are important. The fact is that the most ambitious people choose the most rating schools, and I was interested to learn from ambitious people. It was also important that training would continue exactly a year and no more, then I had plans to move on. At the price I watched last, my approach was like this: you first need to go there, where I want to do on priorities, and then we'll figure it out.

Parents at one time told me a very important thing, and later I was convinced of how much it was: at school it is important, who you are studying and with whom you study. When choosing, it was important for me that this is an international school, I just wanted to gain as many new international contacts as possible. Yes, the base of such contacts at me at the time of receipt was already formed, but these were people from my educational sphere, and it is very difficult to go beyond our own professional environments. The year of study in IE turned out to be extremely intense and fruitful in terms of nonmaturging. And with people it was possible not to just get to know and chat, but immediately start working together.

I studied on a fully English-speaking program, so I did not need the knowledge of Spanish. But my husband is a Spaniard, so at the time of arrival I have already talked a little in this language. Nevertheless, Spanish was not needed to communicate with classmates. As far as I know, none of my classmates have learned this language - simply because there was no time, the training program is too saturated. Spanish is needed if you are going to make a career in Latin America. In the very same Spain, in many posts you can safely start with English - for example, in the field of consulting or audit.

"Almost immediately after the hospital, I needed to be at the university"

During his studies, I gave birth to a child, he was already fulfilled a year. In Europe, such things are easier to include, there is no concept of a long decree - in Spain, for example, decree lasts 16 weeks. I am very close to this position. Almost immediately after the hospital, I needed to be at the university where the career fair was held, - and I was present on it. 10 days after childbirth, my couple began - and I went to them. I remained to go a few more courses, write a course and complete the work on one startup - and I did it. There is nothing superhuman. Yes, with the advent of the child, additional difficulties in terms of logistics appear, but MBA students with logistics should cope with a bang. My family helped me very much, without her I would not have coped. For a month and a half I came my mother and wore a baby to feed me between couples. My husband works remotely from home, and he also helped how he could. We can say that we all have been released with my MBA. Even now, looking back, it seems to me that everything was fine and not so difficult.

"Digital Nomads come to us from all over the planet."

My new project, Coworking-Kombing Restation, was launched quite recently - in October. This is a Project of Workation Format, that is, Work + Vacation, work and rest are two in one. People come to us from all over the planet, who work remotely (in English such is called Digital Nomads), as well as teams that conduct exit thymbilding retreats. Oddly enough, we are already a bitcom. People learned about us through bakeling sites and online communities in which we talked about themselves and their activities. Press releases began to send after the first guests accepted.

Restation is located in Las Palmas, the capital of Gran Canaria island. This is a fairly large city with a population of approximately half a million and good infrastructure. Canara is a subsidiary region, so there are low prices for gasoline, real estate and to life in general. In addition, it is one of the most popular places in the world for remotely working teams. Testing a business model on a relatively compact Las Palmas community, we plan to scale it to other directions.

Women's health is largely determined by stability. menstrual cycle. In the event of a failure in the body, menstruation fails. Unstable periods can be a signal of any disease. Frequent menstruation belongs to one of the most common problems among women of childbearing age. Monthly, which began after a short period of time after the previous menstruation - this is a reason for the immediate appeal to the doctor. Alone you risk not to distinguish menstrual discharge from bleeding. Do not expect that everything will be held by itself, and next time critical days Start on time.

Overhabitable menstruation - reason to appeal to a doctor

Menstrual cycle: norm and deviations

Normally, the cycle is 28-30 days, 3-7 of which monthly occur. In adolescence, as well as postpartum and menopausal periods, a short cycle is also possible, which is 21-22 days. Even if you take the maximum number of critical days in the cycle, the interval between the month is at least 2 weeks. A short cycle is justified by a hormonal failure in the body, which can recover independently. To establish the causes of the short cycle, the factor of heredity is also taken into account. If there is hereditary predisposition to a small cycle, there are no complaints during critical days and all analyzes correspond to the norms of the norm, the short cycle is not pathology.

But if menstruation began 10 days after the end of the normal cycle, then no speech about heredity can be. This phenomenon unambiguously indicates the presence of pathology in the female body.

In the middle of the cycle there may be a selection of white, transparent or cream color, in order to ovulation, their abundance is enhanced, and this protrudes. The appearance of bleeding in the middle of the cycle indicates the presence of various diseases. If you have any failures in the menstrual cycle, and the monthly started 10 days after the end of the cycle, it's time to beat the alarm. Do not attempt to independently find an excuse in the form of stress and overwork. These are important factors in the development of the menstrual cycle, but they entail changes with the difference of several days, not weeks.

The reason for the occurrence of menstruals 10 days after the previous ones cannot be installed on their own

Causes of disorders in the menstrual cycle

Each girl and women have a calendar in which she celebrates critical days. This makes it possible to assume when the following monthly and stock hygiene will begin in advance. But, to predict when menstruation begins again, it is not always possible. The female organism is vulnerable to various factors, and quickly responds to all sorts of changes. If your calculations let you down and the monthly began much earlier, it should be seriously thinking about their health. The most dangerous if menstruation began earlier than 2 weeks after the previous one. There are various reasons for such a failure:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the urinary system. They may be associated with supercooling, unprotected sexual act, non-compliance with hygiene rules.
  2. Hormonal changes. They occur during crisis periods. The hormonal failure is characteristic of the adolescence when puberty occurs. Hormonal disorders arise after delivery, during the lactation, after an abortion, as well as in menopause. The beginning of menstruation 10 days after the previous one is associated with a change in the hormonal background in the body of a woman. It is possible that they do not require medical treatmentbut seem like a doctor, recommended. In addition to crisis periods, the change in the level of hormones can occur due to problems with thyroid glandTherefore, it is impossible to ignore the cycle failure.
  3. The use of spirals as a contraceptive preparation. It is a foreign object in the body of a woman to which you need to adapt. In most cases, the use of intrauterine spirals entails failures in the cycle.
  4. For reasons that critical days go 10 days after the previous ones, the use of medicines, the use of anesthesia. Among medical preparations Most of the menstrual cycle, antibiotics and fast contraceptives are influenced.
  5. The formation of benign I. malignant tumors - One of the reasons when menstruation begins after 10 days from the last month. The body struggles with toxins allocated to the neoplasms, and, as a result, failures in the menstrual cycle occur.
  6. Monthly period - a sign of ectopic pregnancy. The essence of this phenomenon is that the egg takes awesome outside the uterus. Allocations are abundant, accompanied by sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen. The danger of ectopic pregnancy is that if it does not reveal it in time, an egg break will occur and peritonite will arise. The disregard of failures in the cycle and unplanned monthly (10-14 days after the previous menstruation) threatens not just the inability in the future to have children, but also with a fatal outcome.
  7. Stresses, strong emotional shocks, moving and changing the climate can also entail changes in hormonal background and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Peritonitis is one of the most severe complications of ectopic pregnancy.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before ovulation, the discharge from the vagina is enhanced, but they should not have a bleeding character. If the monthly began much earlier, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. To establish the cause of the failure you will need such analyzes: PRP stroke, with which various diseases are diagnosed. Be sure to pass general analysis Blood, it will take blood test for coagulation. To identify the cause of the failure and establish an accurate diagnosis, there is not enough ordinary gynecological inspection.

You will need to pass colposcopy and ultrasound examination A small pelvis organs. It will not be superfluous to pass tests on hormones, you need to pass the blood to oncomarkers.

Time for passing all tests in the clinic will require not enough. If unplanned menstruation is accompanied by bad well-being, it is better to immediately contact the hospital. In the hospital you will pass comprehensive examinationIf necessary, help you will quickly be assisted. If there are no complaints about nausea, dizziness and pain at the bottom of the abdomen, and you feel as usual, you can do outpatient treatment. For the choice of Doctor, come accepted responsible, contact an experienced specialist who works with modern equipment. So you can immediately pass the inspection with the help of Colposcope and find out the alleged diagnosis. Final conclusion The doctor can only be installed in the presence of a set of analyzes.

To independently establish why in the middle of the cycle, the monthly started again, again after 10 days, it is impossible. When the selection began due to ectopic pregnancy, they will not be able to stop them independently, the expectation will only aggravate the situation. If the next menstruation occurred 10 days after the previous one, look for the causes of the failure in the menstrual cycle only with specialists.

The first signs of the coming pregnancy, manifested after conception

Not reliable, but it is quite interesting to collect a small statistics of the most likely and fantastic signs that the body of the future mother is about the upcoming motherhood. To write this article, we, among other things, viewed a few topics on the forums of future mammies. So, what are women feel in the first two weeks, what are the very first signs of pregnancy after conception?

Stomach ache

This is a standard phenomenon. Such pains can feel women and before the onset of menstruation, so, at first there are no unpleasant feeling about anything. But if the pains remain, and there is no bleeding and no, then you should turn to the gynecologist. Sometimes such pains sign about the threatening spontaneous interruption of pregnancy. Data spasms are not associated with increasing the uterus, as many believe. In 5 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is only with a chicken egg size, and no "bundles" are also not stretched. In general, these first signs of pregnancy after conception should not be disturbed if there are no cargo bleeding.

Problems with digestive system

Here we will take the following:

  • flatulence;
  • nausea and vomiting (toxicosis);
  • changing taste preferences in food;
  • sharp response to some odors.

But only note that the above-described symptoms are the first signs of pregnancy after conception only if no less than a week has passed since its moment. Earlier, fertilized egg is still in mastechnic trumpet, and the hormonal background of women remains unchanged. The sharp changes can only be seen after the introduction of the egg cell into the wall of the uterus fertilized spermatozoa.

Complex psychological state

First of all, it consists in frequent change of mood. Of course, women are generally not constant, but future mothers, for the most part, become even more capricious. You do not need to judge them for it. Here playing the role of hormonal background. The woman's body signals what he lacks, because the future fathers sometimes have to run to the store at night. And pity is caused by the instinct of self-preservation itself and the child. Changes in the mood can begin simultaneously with the advent of the main first signs of pregnancy after conception. It is noted that the primordinists are always experiencing stronger, the reason for this becomes inexperience or inner unaware of becoming a mother.

Increased and painfulness of the mammary glands

Probably, 90% of women have these first signs of pregnancy after conception. Someone is more pronounced by someone, and someone does not pay attention to them because of the existing mastopathy (with which these sensations are similar). Some women with zero or first breast size notice that in just a couple of weeks after conception, their breasts began to acquire more seductive, rounded forms. This is due to the preparation of the breast to the subsequent feeding of the child.

In some cases, women even notice the selection of nipples is a colostrum. Liquid which replaces the baby breast milk In the first days of his life. But more often this feature Appears in the second half of pregnancy.

Urinary participation

If we talk about this for the first sign of pregnancy after conception, its main reason is an increase in blood hormone level of progesterone, which somewhat relaxes the sphincter bladder. In the toilet begins to want more often. And with an increase in the period of gestation, this symptom, as a rule, is becoming increasingly pronounced. From the second half of the pregnancy, a heavy uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, which again hesitates urination. Probably there is no such future mother that would not get up at night to the toilet.

It is very important not to miss the beginning of cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, which happens to many future mothers. In principle, if a woman stands in account of the gynecologist, then regularly rents urine tests, and according to the results, they can be determined by the recurrence of cystitis. Its main symptoms are very frequent and painful urine, pain at the bottom of the abdomen. In more severe cases, the body temperature increases, and strong weakness is observed.

Raising rectal temperature and body temperature

Regarding basal temperature is one of the main evidence of an interesting position, but only after the occurrence of the latency of menstruation. It can be said that the first signs of pregnancy after conception, but not too reliable until time before. The fact is that the increase in the basal temperature in the second half of the cycle is the urgent phenomenon and testifies only to the fact that an ovulation occurred and that the woman in this cycle is capable of conception, respectively. The thermometer begins to show a little more than 37 degrees due to the fact that the body after ovulation begins to hardly produce progesterone, which provokes an elevated temperature. If the conception took place, and the values \u200b\u200bon the thermometer are shown below 37 degrees, the doctor may suspect the lack of progesterone, and this is one of frequent reasons spontaneous miscarriage.

Remember that at temperature values, a tremendous influence has a tremendous influence, alcohol intake, sex acts a few hours before morning, various diseases, etc.

By the way, the first signs of pregnancy after conception are to raise not only basal, but also total temperature Body. Often it is perceived as a starting cold, however, no other symptoms of possible disease appear.

Chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine women

Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone, which begins to be produced by chorion - the future placenta. You can determine the presence of this hormone in three simple ways: make a home test for pregnancy, pass the blood for analysis, pass the urine for analysis. The last method was very popular for many years until convenient test strips appeared. Now you do not need to carry urine on the analysis. Pregnancy test with high sensitivity (Look at the packaging, there must be written in no more than 20) there can show an accurate result for 2-3 days before the delay. While the usual, not too sensitive strip tests are recommended only after the start of the delay.

Blood test can be done even earlier, literally from 10 days after conception, approximately a week before the start of the delay. And if ovulation occurred in the middle of the cycle, then at this time everything will be clear. The results of blood test on hCG are the most reliable, the only exact first signs of pregnancy after conception before the start of the menstruation delay.

Mystical Sign - Dreaming

Many mothers are known that the very first symptom of the birth life has nothing to do with medicine and health. This is our dreams. Most women argue that he saw in that menstrual cycle when the egg fertilization occurred, in a dream fish ... Yes, ordinary, live fish, floating in a reservoir or hanging on a hook rod. Believe it or not - your business.

Why do you need to know the first signs of pregnancy after conception?

We looked at the main probable and relatively reliable symptoms. But does it make sense to hurry so much with the diagnosis, especially since the mistakes in very early dates are not rare? Yes, there is a certain meaning in this. As you know, in the early time it is very dangerous to take some medicinal productsSo it is necessary to ask the doctor to adjust the treatment if it is conducted. It is impossible to make x-ray in the early deadlines to make X-ray, and the more need to completely eliminate the risk of infection with sexually transmitted infections. There are such diseases that proceed asymptomatic and during the planning period it is desirable to complete a full examination by both partners.

This is for this you need to know the first signs of pregnancy after conception, and in order not to worry - the child must be planned, and not by random.

Healthy and happy pregnancy!


Signs of conception

Regardless of whether the long-awaited pregnancy or random, the body of the future mother will not slow down to inform the happy about her interesting position with characteristic symptoms. Contrary to increasingly, that any signs of conception before the delay of menstruation and speech cannot be, many people who have already taken place argue that they knew about their pregnancy almost the next day after sexual intercourse. Is this so, and what the first signs after conception exist, let's try to figure out.

Signs of pregnancy immediately after conception

Gynecologists believe that the first week, and the first 10 days after conception to wait for any signs of the coming pregnancy. Since the body is just starting the process of restructuring and a rapid response to such changes should begin slightly later. But, nevertheless, statistics say the opposite.

We suggest familiarizing yourself with the most reliable signs that the conception occurred already in the first week after the accomplished.


Girl rides a bus, a grandmother comes to her:

Girl give way to an old grandmother.

I can not, I am pregnant.

So it is not visible.

Do you want after 2 hours it was already visible?

Anecdote anecdote, and girls who are looking for symptoms of pregnancy in the first days a lot. To figure out when they need to be found in fact, you need to understand how pregnancy passes from the first day and why symptoms arise.

The first days of pregnancy, what they are

So, a small smart spermatozoa penetrates the uterus, ran into the pipe and found an egg there. They merged in love ecstasy and turned into a microscopic germin. Time all this took a little, just a day. And what has changed in the future mother's body on the first day of pregnancy after conception? Almost nothing, since all the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days are associated with hormones, and these substances are very cunning, they prepare a woman to become a mother every month.

In the second half of each cycle, progesterone begins to produce, it is he who is responsible for the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days. But the fact is that without pregnancy, some symptoms also appear - this is an increase in breasts, and an increase in basal temperature (for heroic ladies that followed it). And the progesterone stimulates the reproduction of the epithelium cells inside the uterus, so that the small embryochka is how to eat in the first days of pregnancy, until the placenta is formed.

So the first day of pregnancy after conception for mom is not particularly different from an ordinary day after ovulation. The most interesting starts in a week. It is on the seventh day that the fruit of love eggs and a spermatozoa finishes its difficult path from the fallopian tube to the uterus. There he quickly hides in the thick epithelium, carefully prepared for him progesterone, and only then Mine organism begins to produce another interesting hormone - chorionic gonadotropin. He does not give a yellow body responsible for the synthesis of progesterone, retire or simply disappear, as it happens during the usual cycle. The yellow body continues to produce progesterone, hormone accumulates and causes specific pregnancy symptoms in the first days.

Chorionic gonadotropin can be found in the urine using a small white strip, which is called a pregnancy test. Just do not look for hormone on the first day of pregnancy, since it is not yet there. It is best to check after a delay of menstruation, and if very insensitive, then 2-3 days before their possible start. Chorionic gonadotropin makes itself felt a big red line on the strip, it is located above the same red line, without which the test is not considered valid. So the test pregnancy from the first day will not show, you will have to wait for the week two.

The first days of pregnancy, which feels a woman

In fact, pregnancy on the first day it is impossible to feel and the reasons were set out higher. Although sometimes it happens, especially with women who are looking forward to pregnancy or panically fear her. The reason because of which the pregnancy would be recognized from the first day, is extremely psychological, but from the first week - already physiological. Implantation on the seventh day can give a little small pink discharge. A woman such a surprise may surprise, whipped monthly began early. To frighten such symptoms of pregnancy in the first days should not, they are normal and do not threaten the breakdown. Just the embryo is too violent in the uterus and damages the epithelium slightly, causing little bleeding. Selection declassify pregnancy on the first day of the bud in the place of its habitat for the next nine months.

What makes progesterone with the body of the future mommy in the first days of pregnancy? He thinks, first of all, about the child and rebuilds all the functions of the body of a woman under him. It does not like the function of the body, they are quite conservative and not always want to work in a new mode. Disputes between functions and progesterone Mom feels on himself, if not on the first day of pregnancy, then on the seventh or eighth exactly.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days appear in the morning and end in the toilet standard scene from the movies. From the moment of nausea during pregnancy and periodic vomiting may accompany the woman for three months. Although not everyone starts their Mamochkin, the path of this way, some women are lucky, it all depends on how the relationship between progesterone and features on the first day of pregnancy.

Another symptom accompanying pregnancy from the first day (almost), can really like your husband - the chest becomes big and beautiful. But in love games it will not help, because it begins to hurt, and much more than the day before. And the first days of pregnancy for love games do not have, because you constantly want to sleep. The pressure can also fall and the pain of the head is no longer an excuse, but will become an objective reality.

Do not be surprised if on the first day of pregnancy you will want to throw away all your perfume, gels for the shower, soap for hands and dirty men's socks. And also cleaned the refrigerator, leaving only salt cucumbers there. After all, pregnancy from the first day can completely change your taste and addiction to smells.

In the first days of pregnancy, you will suddenly begin to find out where the toilet is in the office of your partners, in the supermarket or in your favorite cafe, and also learn how to find the way to the toilet at home. This is normal, because the stripped urination is also trusteron's tricks. He wants the baby to get as much food as possible and therefore he drives blood to the uterus, and at the same time towards the kidneys. The kidneys begin to work very, very well and do not give you peace, no night. The main thing is not to confuse the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days and cystitis. When cystitis, you do not just run into the toilet, but also bounce there from pain, sometimes the temperature rises.

And now information for heroic women who measure basal temperature. The procedure is so really difficult, you need every morning, before you rise from the bed, in the rear pass, the thermometer determine the temperature. Then write it to the notebook, and more than once, and several months in a row. The temperature in the first days of pregnancy rises, then falls during implantation, and then growing again. In the usual menstrual cycle, the decline continues until the next ovulation, which occurs only in a month.


Signs of pregnancy in the first week

Signs of pregnancy appearing in the first week after the conception

Signs of pregnancy in the first week After conception, not at all is not significant, but despite this, in the network this search query is very popular. And this is confirmed by reading thematic discussions on the forums of pregnancy and future mothers. There you can learn a lot of interesting things, hear about such signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception, about which, probably, doctors do not recognize. But first things first.

It is necessary to immediately understand that the pregnancy after the fertilization of the female egg spermatozooid occurs only after 7-10 days. And maybe not at all, if for any reason (for example, hormonal), the egg cell will die along the way to the uterus, or endometrium in this body will be not ready, too thin for the adoption of the future fruit egg. The egg makes a trip for about a week. And during this period of time in the body of a woman, no changes occur, which could provoke signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception. So, nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, insomnia and depression is, most likely, from the tiring expectation of the situation and fear for the onset of the next menstruation.

But after successful implantation, you can already begin to carefully observe your health. Approximately a week before the estimated date of the start of menstruation, hormonal changes are beginning to occur in the body that affect the well-being and some external data of the future mother.

Hormonal changes

Let's start, perhaps, from hormones. After implantation of an egg in the uterus, a special hormone begins to produce a special hormone in the body of the mother, without which the child's tolerance would be impossible. And this hormone is called chorionic gonadotropin or briefly - HCG. His main appointment in the first trimester is to maintain the viability of the yellow body allocating progesterone, with a shortage of which there is a threat to interrupt pregnancy. In addition, in English-language medical literature you can meet this version - HCG protects the fetus in the early deadlines for the development of immune cells of his mother. This applies to those situations where the maternal immune system rejects the fruit - in fact, half someone else's organism for it. If hgch is normal, then there should be no such happening.

The detected chorionic gonadotropin is a sign of pregnancy in the first week after conception, more precisely after the expiration of the first 7-10 days. You can identify this hormone by handing blood tests or urine - this is usually charged, if without the direction of the doctor or just buy a test for performing at home. The latter option may not work if a test with low sensitivity. One strip before the delay is still not at all the indicator of the next "fruitless" cycle, so that it is still early to get upset. And sometimes it happens that a very pale steam strip is drawn on the dough, but when you see it, we can say that signs of pregnancy in the first week after implantation have already appeared. The growth of chorionic gonadotropin occurs in geometric progression, look at these minimum and maximum possible values:

  • 1 week - 5-50 (IU / L)
  • 2 weeks - 40-1000 2 weeks 40-1000
  • 3 weeks - 100-4000 3 weeks 100-4000

It is very important to follow the dynamics of the growth of the ladies, in which there were unsuccessful pregnancy in the past, and in particular - with localization outside the uterus. Often signs of pregnancy in the first week, consisting in too low the level of the hormone described, may indicate the repetition of pathology. For such pregnancy, gynecologists are carefully monitored.

At the inspection of the gynecologist

Literature Pottit calls to women as often as possible to attend gynecologists and with the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, he is sent for consultation. There are ladies that the calls are perceived literally - recorded on the reception when notice the signs of pregnancy in the first week. But what in this case can advise and diagnose the doctor, even if ultrasound exam Fetal is not yet visible? The uterus can really be quite increased, but this is observed and before the onset of menstruation ...

Maximum that you get is a stack of directions for analyzes, standard for all pregnancy planning.

Women who do not have gynecological problems, we would advise this period in pleasant expectations. You can read interesting, positive literature for mothers, find out where the nearest good courses are located for future mothers, and not to seek it hourly signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception. In the end, not in this cycle, so in the next one must everything. Do not forget that the woman's body does not work as a clock. You can not get with the sexual act on the day of ovulation and the conception will not happen. In addition, ovulation of fine sex representatives happens not every month.

You need to go to the doctor after the test shows a positive result, with any ailments, well, or with a delay of more than 2 weeks.

Personal sensations

The most expected sign of pregnancy in the first week after conception is toxicosis. But as we wrote at the beginning of this article - on such early time Toxicosis can not be in principle. You need to wait at least a couple of weeks after ovulation. Although, it should be borne in mind that these standard reactions are not at all at all future mothers. Nausea, and even more so vomiting may not be at all. Some girls have signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception - this is fatigue without a special reason, a slight dizziness (due to drops arterial pressure and the beginning of the hormonal restructuring of the body).

Apogine unpleasant sensations usually fall on 4-10 weeks, and after it gradually rolls up. To the second trimester, a woman feels great.

Where does this phenomenon come from and what can I say about those women who have it and have no happening? There is an assumption that this way the body is trying to protect the fetus from any negative effects. It is no secret that not all the food we use is useful and safe and not all of it contains substance beneficial to the body. The mother's body can react with nausea to potentially dangerous and not necessary products. On the other hand, frequent vomit - It is much more dangerous than that food that did not get into the stomach, thanks to this cunning system of self-defense.

Improve your physical condition, most often, does not constitute problems. It is enough to exclude food products from your diet, which arises nausea, and signs of pregnancy in the first week and the subsequent imperceptibly disappear ...

Another interesting fact - everyone knows that during pregnancy, the chest begins to prepare for the upcoming lactation, but not everyone knows what it happens from the very first week. That is why there are unpleasant feelings in the chest, sometimes yellowish and whitewash discharges from nipples appear - first with a non-residual pressure, and then involuntarily. This is distinguished by colostrum - "Premocolok".

As for insomnia, it usually arises due to nervous overvoltage. You can restore your nerves with folk remedies Medicine. The best, safe and efficient is a tincture or pill valerian.

Be healthy and do not care too carefully signs of pregnancy in the first week after conceptionso that then there was no disappointment ...


  • 10 How to determine the term of conception?

Our great-grandmothers tried to find out whether conception has occurred long before menstruation delay, listening to her body or trusting folk signs. The ultralone medical diagnosis of pregnancy arose closer to the beginning of 1960, when, on the basis of the experimental conclusions of the German scientist - Dr. Zondek, was created the first test, which allows determining the number of hCG in the woman's urine. Therefore, until 1960 in the gynecological offices, women told about what the first signs of pregnancy may be, warning that in some cases the alleged symptoms indicates diseases of the reproductive system.

Painful feelings at the bottom of the belly as a sign of pregnancy

Many women experience unpleasant feeling at the bottom of the abdomen immediately after conception. These sensations can resemble pain observed before the onset of the next menstruation. Usually, the spasms described by the overwhelming number of pregnant women when they remember the beginning of their pregnancy are not associated with increasing the uterus. This is the natural reaction of the body for the successful completion of conception. However, if the pain lasts more than 2 weeks, and menstruation does not occur, the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy is high. In this case, a consultation of a gynecologist is necessary, which will make a transvaginal ultrasound to eliminate the threat of spontaneous abortion or an abnormal position of the fruit egg.

Dysfunction of the digestive system and pregnancy

Most often, the first signs of pregnancy after conception are associated with the digestive system of a woman. They should be taken seriously if the conception occurred no earlier than a week ago until the following symptoms appear:

  • meteorism, accompanied by gravity in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • rejection of certain products and smells;
  • the desire to change its diet or add dishes with unexpected taste combinations.

It is possible to feel when the conception occurred is possible only when the egg cell is fertilized into the spermatozoa of the uterus. Up to this point, the hormonal background of a woman remains the same, so you know about the exact date of the occurrence of pregnancy guided by observations of work digestive system does not seem possible.

Psychological aspect of pregnancy

Actively planning pregnancy women specifically calculated favorable days To conceive and therefore are in a tense psychological state. They are trying to explain the frequent changes in their mood on the onset of long-awaited pregnancy. There is some truth in this: pregnant women are really in a difficult psychological state. Due to changes at the level of hormonal background, it is possible to feel that fertilization took place. Woman becomes very emotional. She is experiencing pity for himself, the cause of which can be panic fear For his child or irreversibility of future childbirth (this condition is due to the fact that pregnant woman is afraid of the process itself).

Milk soreness: mastopathy or pregnancy?

Faithful signs of pregnancy after conception are associated with changes in the mammary glands. About 90% of the feminine felt discomfort in the chest immediately after the likely conception. Milk glands increase long before the first day of menstruation delay (approximately 1.5 - 2 weeks). The chest becomes round. You can see how the aroles and nipples are wider, acquired a saturated brown shade. Thus, the chest begins to prepare for the future feeding of the baby.

Cystitis as a signal about the occurrence of pregnancy

The smallest period of pregnancy is very often accompanied by cystitis. The reason for the inflammation of the bladder may be associated not only with the changes that occurred in the uterus (which at first resembles a chicken egg), but also the restructuring of the whole organism. The immune system Women relax. Therefore, until the day of birth, she may experience urine problems, the cause of which may be infections. However, now cystitis is treated with safe antibiotics, which can be applied even when the term is less than 7 weeks.

Raising basal temperature

Women wishing to find out when favorable days for conception regularly measure basal body temperature. This method is practicing those for whom the date of childbirth is especially important. After all, some mothers seek to give birth to a child to a certain significant date: the new year, the anniversary of the wedding or another important event. It is believed that a sharp rise in temperature indicates ovulation. If in the following days after ovulation, the temperature rises, which means the conception occurred. But if the conception took place, and the temperature does not rise, the woman can diagnose the lack of progesterone, which often becomes the cause of miscarriage.

Cold as a probable pregnancy symptom

In the first days after conception, we can feel weakness, general ailment, an increase in body temperature. Such a state is often accompanied by all the symptoms of the ARZ: a runny nose, cough, sore throat. So the body responds to changes that have happened to him. Therefore, some women talk about a possible date of birth, counting the day of conception from the day of the cold, if the term coincides with the subsequent delay of menstruation. This condition is justified when you can recall the approximate date of the start of the cold.

Diagnostics with the identification of hCG in the blood and the urine of a woman

Long before childbirth in the body, a hormone is produced - chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is produced in a matter of days after conceiving the future placenta. So, you can learn about the approximate date of the occurrence of pregnancy long before the first days of menstruation delay. It is enough to determine the presence in the HCG body (this can be done in three ways: to buy a pregnancy test, make a special analysis of blood or urine). The most reliable result can be obtained if the period from the beginning of fertilization is 10 days. Some women, considering the favorable days doing a test on hCG immediately when they rises basal temperatureHowever, such results can be questioned since the concentration of the hormone at first does not exceed not pregnant women permissible in the body.

Why do you need to know about the first signs of pregnancy?

Not all women calculate the days of ovulation, because they use contraceptives or have no permanent sexual partner. Therefore, for them, the days of the delay of the next menstruation become a surprise. Not all pregnancy tests can show a reliable result. There have been cases when a woman learned that she had an impressive period of pregnancy shortly before ... labor. Of course, not to notice the movements of the child in the womb is difficult, but, as the story shows, you can. So it is necessary to know about the first symptoms of possible pregnancy to help the doctor determine what is the preliminary date of childbirth. This is especially important for those women who have an irregular menstrual cycle and, therefore, ovulation days in each month they can change.

How to determine the term of conception?

The possible time of conception is considered from the first day of the last month. In the same way, a possible date of childbirth is determined to prevent cases of reinforcement of pregnancy or determine the degree of prematurity in the event of premature birth. Calculate the date of conception in two ways:

  1. By the date of the first day of the last menstruation, 40 weeks or 280 days are added (after having calculated the term for ovulation - 2 weeks).
  2. From the first day of the last menstruation, it is counted 3 months and add a week to the obtained date.

After determining the term of conception, the woman will be able to protect himself and the baby. After all, many medicines, cosmetic procedures, methods of functional diagnostics are not allowed on time from the beginning of pregnancy to the birth themselves. In addition, every woman is obliged to know her term of pregnancy to have time to decide what she will do next. If the future mother works in harmful production, she will have to quit the life of his baby in danger. In addition, she will be able to understand the reason for his ailment and cardinal change in the mood, which will make life easier not only to her, but also those surrounding it.

Additional material


Signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception

In the medical literature it is argued that the very first signs of pregnancy appear after a delay in menstruation. Until this time, the symptoms are missing or manifest themselves very weakly, so it is necessary to know whether the pregnancy occur is, only 7-10 days after conception. Only a week later, the woman's body begins to respond to changes. If your plans are not included in your mother, then the rapid definition of pregnancy will make an abortion in early terms, which is considered more secure for the female body and usually passes without consequences.

It is possible to determine the pregnancy before the menstruation delay in indirect signs that manifest themselves after the fertilized egg has passed its path in the uterine tube and fixed on the wall of the uterus.

Do not forget that this is not happening in the first days, but only a week later. Therefore, all changes in the body's state on the first or second day after sexual intercourse can be written off to other reasons that are not related to conception.

The earliest signs of pregnancy:

1. Abdominal pain. Such unpleasant sensations can be caused by a variety of factors, but sometimes they indicate a successful conception. If there is no blood discharge, then you can not pay attention to non-systematic abdominal pain. Otherwise, immediately refer to the gynecologist.

2. Problems with stomach. Usually women begin to understand that pregnant when they appear nausea, vomiting, flatulence, a sharp response to smells and other problems associated with digestion. But only on these signs to know whether pregnancy occurs, it is impossible, since the disorders of the digestive tract can be caused by other reasons, for example, infectious disease or poisoning.

3. Increased mammary glands. Usually these signs appear on the second trimester of pregnancy, but some women can manifest themselves much earlier - 7-11 days after conception. But the increase in the mammary glands may also be associated with breast pathologies, so it is recommended to do an ultrasound and visit the gynecologist.

4. Increased urination. In the early period of pregnancy in the body of a woman, the concentration of progesterone hormone increases, which relaxes the urinary bubble sphincter, leading to more frequent urination. But learn about the occurrence of pregnancy, relying only on this symptom, it is not possible, since a cystitis cystitis is still a possible cause of frequent urination.

5. Sharp mood changes. Some women may suddenly be depressed or stress. If before the premenstrual syndrome was not observed, then changes in mood can be one of early signs Pregnancy.

All these symptoms need to be viewed in the complex, learn about early pregnancy, using only one of them is almost impossible. It is necessary that at least 2-3 signs confirmed.

To say for sure, whether pregnancy has come or not, it is possible for the analysis of blood to hCG, it is made before the delay in menstruation, starting from the tenth day after the likely conception. Chorionic gonadotropin in the blood of a woman is the only correct early sign of pregnancy, which can be seen in the early stages.

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, a woman is recommended to use emergency contraception, which do not allow spermatozoa to fertilize the egg. Such drugs are accepted only in case of unprotected sexual intercourse, there are other methods for constant contraception.

The first signs of pregnancy - at what time, symptoms

At what time is the sign of pregnancy begin to manifest? And how to determine if fertilization occurred? Answers to these questions are particularly interested in women who have decided or dream of a child.

What time does the first signs of pregnancy appear?

Usually, the first symptoms of pregnancy appear 10 days after conception, because after 7 days after fertilization in the female organism, serious hormonal changes occur, and you can feel them alone. Therefore, knowing the exact date of ovulation and paying special attention to my well-being, a woman will be able to notice signs of the beginning of pregnancy. It can be excessive emotionality - fuse, capriciousness, increased irritability etc.

Regardless of the term of pregnancy, in each particular case, future mothers are inherent in individual sensations, but there are generals that most women are experiencing. Not the latter role is played by the body features, health status and even the desire to become pregnant (actually, as the absence of such). Therefore, it is unambiguous to answer, on what time the signs of pregnancy will appear exactly, difficult.

10 signs of pregnancy at an early stage

As mentioned above, the body of the future mother begins to react to pregnancy, as soon as the conception occurred, or rather, as soon as the fertilized egg attached to the wall of the uterus. Therefore, certain signs can appear in early terms - they are with a large share of probability make it possible to assert about the occurrence of pregnancy. However, it is worth noting that many women do not feel any changes at all, but those who really want to get pregnant are capable of finding signs of pregnancy, even if there is really no.

So, 10 signs of pregnancy on early stagewhich before the delay will help determine that you will soon become mom. It is important to understand that the appearance of one or two of them is not yet a reason to flee to the doctor. It is necessary to evaluate its condition in the aggregate, in several signs.

1. Blood selection. For about 6-12 days after ovulation, bloody, pinkish or brown discharge from the vagina may appear, accompanied by insignificant pulling pain At the bottom of the abdomen. Feelities, they very much resemble the beginning of menstruation, but, nevertheless, the woman visits the idea that the monthly begin not as usual. This is the so-called implantation bleeding caused by the attachment of a fetal egg to the wall of the uterus - one of the earliest signs of pregnancy;

2. Raising basal temperature. Among 10 signs of pregnancy, this is one of the most reliable. Women leading the temperature schedule know perfectly well that the basal temperature rises at the time of ovulation. And if the fertilization did not happen, it decreases again. However, upon the occurrence of pregnancy, it remains at 37 ° C (sometimes just above);

3. The sense of general ailment, accompanied by an increase in temperature. Such a change entails a change in the hormonal background. Not knowing about the coming pregnancy, the woman thinks he just caught himself or fell ill;

4. Feeling severity in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis. During pregnancy, blood flow to the organs of a small pelvis is enhanced, so women can "feel" their uterus literally from the first days of the implantation of a fetal egg;

5. Improving the sensitivity of the chest or the swelling of the mammary glands. This sign of pregnancy appears in one or two weeks after conception. The chest becomes so sensitive that sometimes before it is simply impossible to touch. However, some women, on the contrary, are surprised that the breast for some reason does not hurt before menstruation, as usual;

6. Nausea, vomiting, disgust for smells. Early toxicosis is one of the first signs of the start of pregnancy. This condition can also be accompanied by a decrease in appetite, salivation, a change in taste preferences;

7. Student urination. Frequent urges are due to hormonal changes accompanying pregnancy. Since the tide, overflow increases to organs of a small pelvic blood vessels It becomes the cause of temporary changes in the functioning of the kidneys, bladder and uretera;

8. A slight decrease in pressure. This sign of pregnancy is considered universal. In women, the pressure of which before pregnancy did not exceed the norm, it can entail headaches, dizziness, weakness, fainting;

9. Owl of belly, intestinal disorder, gases. During pregnancy, the blood flow of vessels increases due to hormonal perestroika abdominal cavity, the intestinal peristalsis slows down, the rate of promotion of its content is reduced. As a result, the bloating occurs, constipation appear;

10. Abundant allocations from the vagina, thrush. An increase in the vaginal secret is a protective reaction of the body arising against the background of pregnancy. So it prevents penetration of pathogens of microbes, but at the same time creates favorable conditions For breeding yeast mushrooms, which leads to the thrush.

The first signs of pregnancy after the delay

Of course, the first explicit sign of pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation. It is this fact that encourages a woman to buy a pregnancy test. However, monthly bleeding may be absent various reasons, including due to disorders of the menstrual cycle, stress, climate change, any disease, and even due to banal overwork. Therefore, the delay is not always early symptom Pregnancy. But if it is accompanied by some other signs, one can almost absolutely argue about the occurrence of pregnancy.

To the first signs of pregnancy after the delay include:

  • Increase breast. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by the separation of the nipples of the colostrum. This is explained, again, hormonal changes in the female body, which begins to actively prepare for the upcoming birth and lactation;
  • The presence of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) in urine and blood. All pregnancy tests are based on determining the level of this hormone in the urine, and it can confirm it clinical analysis blood. More reliable, of course, the blood test is considered. You can do it on 10 day after the presumptive date of conception. By the way, the delays of the monthly wait is not necessary;
  • Increase the uterus. True, it will be able to determine this only a gynecologist when inspection conducted no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the delay. However, this particular symptom is a reason for the diagnosis of "pregnancy in question" and the appointment of ultrasound research;
  • Frozen egg detection on ultrasound. Even with the complete absence of any signs of the start of pregnancy, this method allows you to make sure that the woman is in position. Just do ultrasound to get more accurate results, it is recommended at least 6 weeks after the menstruation delay.

In any case, your assumptions must be confirmed by either a test or survey results at the gynecologist. But then it will be safe to say that you will soon become mom! Smile and set up positive emotions!

Text: Oksana Klenova


Pregnancy - a special time for a woman. Many of the weak floor representatives passionately want to have children and are waiting for the appearance of the first symptoms, testifying to the presence of life within them. Many begin to think about pregnancy only after the latency of menstruation, but there are facts that testify a little earlier.

When are the first pregnancy symptoms and how to recognize them?

What day can you notice the pregnancy?

It is impossible to say exact time, because the body of each woman is unique and sometimes can live "their own life." Health factor also should not be excluded. In the dependence of individual indicators, the symptoms of pregnancy can be noticeable for a woman for 8-10 days after the fertilization of the egg.

There were cases when a woman quickly understood that she was pregnant. It happened for 2-3 days after ovulation. Such cases arise due to the clear response of the self-pressure mechanism. Especially this happens with girls who have a strong desire to become a mother. Knowing the symptoms accompanying pregnant women, a woman can inspire this condition on the subconscious level.

Such cases do not exclude pregnancy, but until it is confirmed. If the conception still happened, it will become clear with time. It often happens that symptoms of pregnancy clearly appear only a week after sex in the "ideal" to conceive the day.

Symptoms of pregnancy, noticeable a week after conception

Not all cases are the same and someone will not notice the signs that we will list, after a week of waiting for pregnancy.

  • Bleeding from vagina - The phenomenon with which a pregnant woman will face first of all. Do not think that the allocation in this case is a violation of the menstrual cycle. Bleedings of this kind are called implantation. They indicate the fastening of the embryo on the wall of the uterus. Supports that have a characteristic pinkish color have a large volume and accompanied by painful sensations. Implantation bleeding lasts a few hours, a day or a little longer. It takes that time it takes place without vaginal bleeding, so the lack of secretions during the period of the week after ovulation does not indicate the absence of pregnancy.
  • Painfulness in the chest area can be attributed to factors testifying to pregnancy during the first week after fertilization or a little later. Even after 7-10 days after conception, some women feel increased sensitivity and elasticity of the chest. Sensitive are also nipples that allocate in some cases a drop of colosure and becoming dark.
  • Nausea and vomiting - symptoms of pregnancy, which manifest themselves throughout the most part of the fetal tool period. Average cases confirm that already a week after fertilization of the egg, these signs can be clearly manifested.

How to make sure in the early stages that pregnancy has come?

If a woman noticed the atypical behavior of the body during a week or a little more after ovulation, then for confidence it can take certain measures. You can make blood test on hgch week after sexual intercourse. In the urine, the presence of hCG is observed a few days later than in the blood. The test should be purchased between 10-12 days after the intended point of conception. It is better to use it in the morning, since at this time the concentration of HCG in the composition of urine is maximal. Ultrasonic scanning On the early period of pregnancy will not help, because it is held two weeks after the delay of menstruation.

When the first signs of pregnancy appear, which cannot be noticed? It is possible to talk about pregnancy with complete confidence only after the menstruation delay. This is the first sign of conception that every woman is happening without exception and encourages her to take a pregnancy test. Among the first reliable signs that show that the girl will soon become a mother, there are symptoms that begin with the fifth week of pregnancy, that is, after the delay.

Among them:

  • Toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting in the morning will not allow me to doubt that pregnancy has come;
  • Emotional instability. Improving the mood or, on the contrary, is a plasticity. Such "swings" only confirm the status of "pregnant";
  • Student urination;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Painted pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Due to the cuts of the uterus, unpleasant spasms may occur from time to time. This is a natural process that is not related to miscarriage. It is worth thinking about his danger in the case when spasms are enhanced and accompanied by blood discharge;
  • Change appetite. The composition of saliva changes and even the taste of the products may seem somewhat unusual. A pregnant woman sometimes begins to love what he hated before. This confirms the fact of pregnancy.

Although the first signs of fetal conception appear a week after ovulation, some women may simply not notice, especially if pregnancy is not expected. When a girl really wants to become a mother, then the opposite can happen - any change in the body, not even related to conception, can be interpreted as a symptom of pregnancy.

But the first signs of pregnancy, which can really be oriented, manifest after the latency of menstruation.

In the calendar of throwing smoking, those possible symptoms, sensations, complaints that accompany the process of cancellation from smoking by day are collected. It should be remembered that each person is unique so much that it is accurate to predict how his body will behave even in a typical situation - it is impossible. Symptoms are collected for a year ahead. The first days are painted literally by the hour. In fact, that moon calendar Thrown smoking, but much cooler. A little later appears the table painted by day.

90% of quenching smoking breaks down within one year. 96%, if you throw yourself. These are statistics and do not leave it. To increase your chances to finally quit smoking, subscribe to our Instagram ChannelThere you will always find the motivation to the abandonment of smoking and support every day.

And even more so, it is impossible to guess how the process of cancellation from smoking will be held - because Nicotine and the smoking process itself is literally embedded in the physiology of the body, its mental state and processes.

Physiology and human psychology is not a standard set of established parameters, but individual, nor in whom no more repeated, vital processes.

Well, let's see what awaits you if you decide to quit smoking.

The structure of the calendar of the smokers

First week

First day without cigarettes

What happens in the body

The amount of carbon monoxide in the blood is reduced, the transport function of red blood cells is improved. The tissues increase the oxygen content.

Emotions, thoughts

Joy, pride, confidence. Pride for yourself, joy for her desire to quit and confidence in the final decision to do.

There is no thrust to the cigarette or it is very weak, it is easily interrupted by a mental suggestion in the style of "I quit smoking!". Easily distracting with some cases, the thrust is mainly related to the familiar rituals.

Physiological sensations

Perhaps dizziness, decrease in appetite, weakness, moderate anxiety. Difficulties with falling asleep, bad sleep.

Do not rush to treat nervousness or anxiety: they are now transient, are not very pronounced, caused - most likely - an emotional lift. Especially since for such minor violations emotional state And there are no drugs.

Do not stop the reception of drugs that were prescribed by a doctor on another occasion, whether it is chronic or acute disease. Strictly speaking, throwing smoking during the period of exacerbation chronic disease Heavy sharp is quite difficult. But practice shows that it is precisely the disease often becomes the first step to failure, and heavy symptoms do not contribute to the appearance of the desire to smoke.

If the process of abandoning smoking causes nervousness, brew a blackberry tea, eat jam from blackberry. For tea brew 2 tbsp. l. Smalled blackberry leaves in a thermos in two glasses of boiling water, withstand 2 hours, add honey to taste and drink half a glass of warm infusion 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Jam is enough two or three spoons per day.

Movement - Life

It's time to start playing sports - the first three or four days the most eternal "tomorrow", when it is planned to start running, dancing, sign up to the pool. After the fourth-fifth day of failure, it will be difficult to start doing it - well-being will bring.

The same who is already engaged, you need to follow sensations: it is possible that the slopes, jumping and turns of the head and the torso will cause nausea and dizziness. We'll have to do without these elements.

Ahead is not easy and long way. Bear next. Do not impose with sympathy. But do not move the verge of humor: do not remind about the famous joke tween about "I gave a thousand times smoking" or dismissed, in the spirit "Churchill smoked and lived for a long time and even happily."

Second day without cigarettes

What happens in the body

Development of mucus in the lungs is reduced, the work of the faceted epithelium of the lungs is improved. The first signs of nicotine starvation appear. The cells of the intestinal mucosa begin to be replaced by new.

Emotions, thoughts

The first day euphoria continues, but it is already possible to appear irritability, nervousness. The force of self-adhesion to the cigarette can be reduced. Sleepiness, replacing a surge of energy.

Physiological state

Reduced appetite or thrust for products with severe taste, shortness of breath, enhanced cough. Moderate abdominal pain, urination increase. Falling is difficult, the sleep is superficial. Available skin itch, feeling of skin struts.

This day, it looks like the previous one, the obsessive desire to smoke is not yet, but irritation can manifest a little stronger. Irritability is easily suppressed, the unlight desire to smoke is also a progress of will. Do not forget about the motives that moved you on the refusal of cigarettes! In sufficient sleep, the normalization of psycho-emotional environment - salvation from the unpleasant sensations of this day.

Make a well apple vinegar. For this, 3 h. L. Apple vinegar mixed with 150 g of honey. Take a bed for 2 h. With strong irritability, fatigue and weakness. Among the night you can repeat the reception of this vegetable sedative and sleeping pills.

If he began to disturb the cough, then ethnoscience I advises to take half a glass of fresh cabbage juice and honey, mix well. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Movement - Life

There may be unpleasant feelings for the sternum - the processes of recovery always flow so that it seems as if it became even worse. It is hard to breathe, especially in the lying and climb position. Periodically disturbed abdominal pain - forerunners of future (perhaps!) Problems with the chair. Will be better if from the complex morning gymnastics You eliminate exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure. It:

  • active jumps;
  • tilts ahead (in this case, you can go on a lobby);
  • flexion of the body in the lying position;
  • crash wrap.

Those who are engaged in sports and fitness for a long time will be able to evaluate the utility / harm of certain exercises, and beginners and lovers to work out from time to time it is better to be careful.

Take patience - this is just the beginning. Yesterday and today your casting full hopes and faith, and, probably, is constantly divided by this with others, and maybe - clearly or not inherently - waiting for the confirmation of what he was well done. Waits - let, divides - listen. At the same time, we think over the tactics of your behavior and help in the near future.

The third day

What happens in the body

The process of repairing (recovery) of the creation epithelium and mucosa of bronchi begins. The level of alkaline factions of the pancreas increases, the tripsin secretion falls, at the same time decreases the production of mucus in the stomach. The influx of blood to the heart and the brain increases. The tone of blood vessels stabilizes. The physical attraction to nicotine at the cellular level is reduced.

Emotions, thoughts

Nervousness increases. Brighter became symptoms of psychological dependence, a person literally does not know where to do herself than to take thoughts how to distract me - all these signs ". Falling is difficult, sleep with frequent interruptions, alarming.

Physiological state

Appetite is sharply intensified, "pulls" to sweet. The heartburn appears, belching. Often there is a dizziness, especially increasing under the slopes, the feeling of "compressing" of the heart, the noise in the ears.

Peeling can appear on the skin, small dry pimples.

We do not advise stocking tablets "from nerves". Firstly, those that really are from nerves are sold according to the recipe, and those that are available in a free sale - either placebo, or with unproved efficiency. Secondly, do you want to jump from tobacco dependence on pharmacological? Take a shower with gel for dry skin, after water procedures Lubricate the skin of the body with cream - even the easiest "children" is suitable. Meet your doctor: it can assign aspirin intake - 1/4 tablets of ordinary acetylsalicylic acid 1 time per day at night. Blood thinning with aspirin will help remove dizziness, noise in the ears. Aspirin has contraindications: it is impossible to start drinking it without consulting a doctor.

When dulling, take the immortelle, St. John's wort, chamomile (dry) - all herbs for 100 g. Mark 1 tbsp. l. Collection and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist under the lid for 20 minutes, strain. To drink infusion warm before bedtime and in the morning on a glass with the addition of 1 tsp. Honey.

When you heartburn to dissolve honey in a glass of warm boiled water (dose of honey for morning and evening 30-60 g, day 40-80 g), take 1.5-2 hours to breakfast, lunch and 3 hours after dinner. Eliminates nausea, heartburn, as well as pain in the stomach area.

Heartburn will also become less or will disappear, if you take 50 ml of apple vinegar immediately before eating 1 time per day for 2-3 weeks. Pre-divide bite in double water volume. These two recipes can be replaced by the Council of the previous day, when the vinegar is mixed with honey, just take it according to the scheme for 1.5 - 2 to breakfast and at night.

Movement - Life

Do not stop playing sports, fitness or familiar small home workout. The movement will support the vessels - now they really need it in this, and it is very easy to avoid unwanted effects: listen to sensations. Most of these days complain about this recommendation of the last day are still relevant.

If you have noticed that throwing smoking began to lean on the sweet - remove the candy and cookies away, and if there is no sweet bowl in the house, then do not buy at all. The peculiarity of the coming days is such that it pulls on sweet, and the pancreas is very vulnerable - it is not necessary to provoke the failure of its work. Instead of sweets, dried fruits are suitable.

Fourth day

What happens in the body

The influx of blood to the brain is approaching a physiologically normal level. Processes in the stomach and pancreas continue. It is possible to reduce intestinal peristals - most often a decrease. Normalizes the production of antidiuretic hormone. Reparative processes continue in the lungs, bronchial secretion is normalized. The tone of the bronchi is reduced.

Emotions, thoughts

Aggressiveness is reduced, irritability is born medicinal preparations. Many have an increase in mood or its lability - from Euphoria to the depressed. Behavior is somewhat confused. Sleep surface.

Physiological state

It is possible to increase hell, noise in the ears. Dizziness is weak or absent. Constipation. The urination is normalized. Appetite is lowered or marked addiction to certain products. A cough appears, a feeling of a viscous mucous lump in the throat. Many on the third or fourth day swells the face, the fingers, ears slightly swell.

The main problem of this and coming days is a bad sleep and an unstable psycho-emotional state. To combat sleep disorders, you can try to use the lattice tincture, but from Valerians it is better to refuse - it has a too strong sedative effect, and there is also data that it can cause an depressed mood. Sachet or aromatic oil of lavender, mint, sandals will also help cope with the mood drops and bad sleepy. You can buy in the pharmacy, the plaster compress from the insomnia "Extraplast" is a soft but effective means.

Take the peppermint leaves, the fruit of the hawthorn of the bloody-red - 10 g, the grass of the mistletoe is white, the leaves of Melissa medicinal - 2 parts. Pour 1 tbsp. l. Mixes 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup with honey to taste 3 times a day before meals. Collection is effective when headaches, insomnia, depressed mood.

Lingonberry effectively helps to fight the cough, including those who arise from those who come to smoke. You can use a rubber bar with sugar, and in season or if there is an opportunity to buy a frozen lingonberry, you can make crucible juice. In extractive berries (juice with flesh) add honey to taste, insist 3-4 hours. Take the finished composition of 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals 4-5 times a day. Promotes cough mitigation, eliminates the feeling of the lump in the throat.

Movement - Life

Enter in the list of exercises of the morning gymnastics or warm-ups before sitting sports squats. Soft, but active stimulation of the intestine with their help will prevent constipation, puts the work of the intestine. Nurse need competently - on this topic a lot of recommendations on the Internet. No need to compete with yourself for speed and time: due to excessive diligence or improper breathing, cough, shortness of breath, shoe, turn the head.

Pops will now have a challenge over a month. Enter into the diet more products and dishes that stimulate the work of the intestine.

Today or in the coming days, a person who quit smoking can express the first phrases in doubt about the need for casting or with uncertainty in their own forces. And in many respects from your reaction depends, it will continue to quit or tighten.

Try to build your leisure so that events that can lead to breakdown for the next month. For example, a campaign with alcohol (alcohol provokes a breakdown) or to visit smokers.

Fifth day

What happens in the body

Salt the microtraums of the surface surface. The tone of vessels has changed in the absence of nicotine and its metabolites becomes familiar to the body. Recovery processes began in remote segments of the broncho-pulmonary system. The bowl of the intestine is still broken.

Emotions, thoughts

A hard day - the euphoria of the first days passes, besides, well-being becomes worse, "treacherous" thoughts appear. In this and the next few days, the probability of breakdown is very large.

Physiological sensations

Food acquires a forgotten real taste (so far only products with pronounced taste are citrus, cheeses, smoked meat). In the throat or behind the sternum there is a loose, mucous lump, which makes it difficult to breathe, the thick, dark-colored mucus is distinguished.

Many these days helps the reception of enterosorbents - they actively remove toxins and at the same time normalize the intestinal motorcycle. At the advice of the doctor, pick up the drug suitable for you.

If the ulcers are worried about the oral mucosa, you need to help their healing. The rinse with a solution of quasans or pharmaceutical preparations used in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity will help to cope with this problem faster.

With stomatite, the collection will help, as part of which leaves of the eucalyptus of the round - 30 g, the seeds of the flax of ordinary - 20 g, the daisy flowers of the drug, the linden of mellitis - to measure 1 tbsp. l. Mixes, pour glass boiling water, to withstand 15 minutes in a water bath with a closed cap, insist 30 minutes. Strain, squeeze raw materials, in a slightly cooled decoction add 40 drops 20% alcohol tincture propolis. Rinse 4-5 times a day with ulcerative Stomatitis until full cure. No less efficient tool: mix 1 tbsp. l. 10% alcohol solution propolis with 2 tbsp. l. peach, olive or other vegetable oil. With this oil to lubricate ulcers in the mouth and in the language. Recovery comes quickly.

Movement - Life

Active movement is a powerful means of preventing constipation. If you go on a day at least 4 kilometers, then the intestine will work. Alas, in conditions modern life Such a distance comes sometimes in a week, so it is necessary to introduce additional load. Daily give these exercises 10-15 minutes.

The first exercise is a well-known bike: you need to "twist" the pedals to "twist" the pedals raised and bent, lying on your back with your hands stretched along the tricks.

Second exercise: lying on the floor, bend the leg in the knee. Now the knee cup try to reach the floor of the floor, which is from the outer edge of the knee of another, elongated legs. Repeat 10 times, change your leg.

Third exercises. Stand on your knees on the floor, put the feet as close to each other as close to each other (commemorate), handle the floor palms. Lower slowly.

Try to convince yourself that this annoyed, whining or squeezing the lips man - the one that most recently fun Balagenil, holding a cigarette in his hands. The whole negative, which can now splash on loved ones - not from him. This painful attachment does not want to part with this person, to tear the usual very difficult. Remember how difficult it is to part with your beloved thing that was once fashionable and elegant, and today it is suitable for the museum. Or I was worn out, so that I was ashamed to send a shame. And that was just a thing, and now your close breaks with part of his nature. Patience to everyone ...

Sixth day

What happens in the body

The secretion of mucus in the lower segments of the lungs is enhanced. Bronchi cilia work actively. The secretory activity of the stomach and pancreas is normalized. Temporary discnetic disorders of the gallbladder and duodenal gut Due to the lack of nicotine. On this day, all the cells "white" blood (granulocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, etc.) are grown without the impact of nicotine.

Emotions, thoughts

The abolition syndrome, as well as irritability, fiscalness, sleep disorders is returned again. Aggressiveness increases, actions are being taken in search of cigarettes, it is difficult to restrain enough, although it is quite possible.

Physiological sensations

Vegetative disorders increase: increased sweating, tremor hands, reduced appetite, after oily food. In the mouth appears bitterness, sometimes pain in the right hypochondrium. Many have an increased thirst, and as a result - a rapid urination. The damp mucus continues, it may have a streak of blood, the feeling of "lump" in the throat is preserved.

Seventh day

What happens in the body

The phase of physical addiction to nicotine is almost completed. The body rebuilt on the functioning without nicotine doping, a full-fledged recovery process began. Vessels and lungs will be recovered longer than all, restoration is also delayed nervous system. The secretion of the gastrointestinal bodies is still increased, in addition, the formation of a layer of new cells, not familiar with the influence of nicotine, began in the HCTI epitheliums.

Emotions, thoughts

Emptiness is the main emotion of this day. It is clearly noticeable that smoking is rather a ritual than some kind of physical need. These days it is important to remove everything related to smoking from the limits. Motivation for refusal and self-deserted again becomes effective.

Physiological sensations

The release of mucus during the cough and the sensation of the lump in the throat continues. The tone of the intestines is normalized, but there are episodic stool disorders. Appetite rises, fatty food causes heartburn.

Dry skin, peeling.

Second week.

Eighth day

What happens in the body

Taste and olfactory receptors are activated. The restoration of tissue processes in the lungs continues. The tone of the brain vessels is unstable.

Emotions, thoughts

Of course, emotionally the second week proceeds easier. No or much less expressed irritability, depression, aggression, it is easier to find a means to distract from thoughts about smoking. On the other hand, the symptoms of psychological dependence are still saved, and in some cases and are amplified. This is an unfortunate longing, loss, sleep disorders, mood lability, feeling the loss of something significant.

Physiological sensations

Food has acquired the taste and aroma without nicotine lifting, appetite is increased (and for physiological reasons and as a means of facilitating stress). These days, many first noted the addition of body weight. Can disturb dizziness, decreased blood pressure

Ninth day

What happens in the body

The state of the gastric mucosa is normalized, the production of major enzymes and substances, including gastromuhoprotein, has come to normal. Reparative processes began in the gastrointestinal mucosa and continue in the broncho-pulmonary system. The blood formation process is improved, the functions of blood elements are restored.

Emotions, thoughts

Difficulties continue due to the lack of the usual element of the pastime - cigarettes. Those who are forced to be near the smoking (at work, in a cafe) are very helpful. Frams during this period are possible precisely because of external influence.

Physiological sensations

Many at the beginning of the second week noted that the smell of tobacco smoke causes disgust. Pains in abdominal pain, heartburn, alternation of diarrhea and constipation. Appetite is raised. When conducting laboratory analyzes, deviations in the leukocyte formula can be found - this is a temporary phenomenon. These days, many challenging easily begins, allergies, pouring herpes. Dizziness are possible.

Tenth day

What happens in the body

Those processes in the lungs that began from the third day of failure will continue for six months, and smokers with experience - and longer. Lightweight and vessels continue to rebuild, and at the same time began the process of restoring the immune system.

Emotions, thoughts

The refusal of smoking no longer causes painful thoughts, but it becomes more difficult to carry the presence of smoking people nearby. Since the internal reserves of selfotivation are approached by an end, support from close or like-minded people is needed in the next 10-15 days.

Physiological sensations

Cough continues. It is not associated with the body position in bed, it becomes softer after hot food or drink, the mucus is still cleared. Many notice that with cough, small lumps of light yellow or gray, with an unpleasant smell fly out. It may be tubes from the sinels of the almonds or the rapid epithelium of the bronchi. It is recommended to go through these days to the consultation of ENT and fluorography to eliminate pathological processes in the lungs.

Eleventh day

What happens in the body

In the second decade of smoking, the tone of small vessels (arterioles) delivers arterial blood directly to the tissues is normalized. These days, the effect of refusal of smoking begins to manifest itself in the hormonal sphere, affecting the metabolism. This explains the change mental state, as well as the set (in some decline) body weight.

Emotions, thoughts

Increased excitability, in women - the plasticity, sense of unnecessaryness, emptiness, in men - an increase in aggressiveness. The thrust for cigarettes is enhanced by looking around the desire to check if the taste of cigarettes and the smell of smoke will enjoy.

Physiological sensations

Dizziness, tremor fingers, internal tension, often headache. It is mistaken to attribute these sensations of cancellation syndrome - this is due to the oversaturation of the brain with oxygen. Appetite is raised, especially noticeable in the evening or under the influence of third-party stress factors.

Twelfth day

What happens in the body

Normalization of vessel activities leads to improved trophy (nutrition) tissues, including skin. The active process of sacrament of chronic inflammation in the lungs, gastrointestinal sickness begins. The second generation of "white" blood cells, which are capable of fulfilling the body to protect the body from bacteria and viruses, was engaged in the work.

Emotions, thoughts

Neuropsychic condition similar to the previous day, and still big role Playing support from the side.

Physiological sensations

Those who smoked a short time, as well as young people under the age of 30, will first hear (or notice themselves) that they have improved the complexion. The cough becomes not so heavy, the intestine function is almost completely recovered.

Thirteenth day

What happens in the body

There is an active updating of skin cells, while those cells that were laid during smoking were released, but the cells of the deep layers of the skin with nicotine are already "not familiar." The tone of the vessels is unstable.

Emotions, thoughts

Many becomes an obsessive desire to quickly achieve some day that seems to seem to be the frontier or which he himself identified himself as significant. Usually this end of the second week - and among emotions, the desire to achieve the cherished "14 days non smoking" prevails. The desire to smoke is more connected with curiosity.

Physiological sensations

The ailment of unclear localization, weakness, a feeling of gravity in the back of the head, are possible "jumps" hell - all this is due to the violation of neurohumoral regulation due to the end of the restored nervous system.

Fourteenth day

What happens in the body

Healing of the injured smoke of mucous bronchi is coming to an end. Alternantly updated platelets, red blood taurins are still "old", those formed under the conditions of nicotine aggression. The walls of the vessels receive sufficient food, the restoration of their tissues begins, primarily the endothelium.

Emotions, thoughts

The day is difficult in psychological plan, as follow-up - they are the frontier, turning point. Some do not stand and try to cigarette, motivating it because they managed to hold out pretty for a long time And it is unlikely that one cigarette hurt ... and return to the ranks of smokers.

Physiological sensations

Cough begins to serve (except for those whose length of smoking 20 or more).

The yellow color of the fingers, who kept the cigarette, continues to improve the color of the face. Vegeth-vascular disorders are possible - weakness, drowsiness, inhibition.

The first month

By the end of the first month, the foundations for the subsequent restoration of the body at the cellular level are laid. Epithelial cells are updated, which made it possible to normalize the processes of suction and synthesis of building material for new cells - those that will function without nicotine and combustion products.

The month is quite complicated in a psychological plan, and if at the beginning enthusiasm and awareness of the need to quit smoking supported and attached forces, then by the end of the month there are two development scenarios. Some enjoy what they managed to quit smoking and it attaches extra forces, others consider days without cigarettes and are forced literally every minute to deal with the desire to smoke. And the other scenario is natural and practically does not affect whether a person is constructed in a long time or not.

Second month

This one and the next three months are the most pleasant for those who quit smoking women. Skin cells have passed three or four update cycles, and the unhealthy yellowness has decreased noticeably as dry skin. It is still preserved Cooperoz - a vascular mesh, and this is due to the fact that the cells of the vessels have not yet begun to be updated. Only endothelium vessels in the second month by 50-70% consists of new cells and the update process continues.

The restoration at the cellular level continues in the lungs, but still this process has not reached the acinuses - the smallest "bricks", of which "built" pulmonary fabric. It was for this reason that the burdens now the former smoker has not yet returned to the age norm, periodically disturb the cough and dryness in the throat, the mucus or sputum is distinguished, and the physical exertion causes coughing and fatigue.

There are practically no traction to cigarettes, but the thrust to what was the ritual of smoking, to habits, the situation is still preserved. It became easier to overcome, but the willpower and support is still required.

Third Month

From the third month, the full restoration of blood vessels begins. Until that time, their tone was easily broken by external causes, as well as under the influence of stress. Since the third month, the tone comes back to normal, thanks to the starting plastic processes in the endothelium and other shells of small vessels.

The critical period ends when many are returned to smoking. Physical traction to Nicotine has long gone, psychological addiction decreases. However, a practical any attempt to "try", "remember", "check" - step to return to the ranks of smokers.

Dizziness, headaches practically do not bother (if a person does not have any clinically significant diseases), the sleep has normalized, the appetite is normal or slightly elevated.

Fourth month

The skin cells are updated, and now the complexion color practically returned to normal, and peeling and itching (especially those who worry in the first two weeks) passed.

Stomach, pancreas, liver produce normal number hydrochloric acid and enzymes, thanks to which the food is well absorbed. The intestine works "as a clock", violations of the chair associated with nicotine starvation will no longer be.

Rubborn three months overcome. The need to "seize stress" is significantly reduced, and the body weight rises from many in the first three months, stabilizes, diet becomes effective. Normally functioning gastrointestinal organs allow to obtain a sufficient amount nutrients From the average for the volume of portions of food.

Fifth month

The hardest thing accounted for chicken liver cells. Only from the end of the fifth month in individual cells of the liver begins the processes of regeneration, and healthy cells are able to take part of the functions of dead hepatocytes.

The pulmonary fabric continues to be recovered, the sputum is either not highlighted, or it is very small and it no longer has dark color. From the fifth month, you can gradually begin exercise, swimming is best suited, cycling. Running, power exercises are better to postpone - up to 8-9 months.

Periodically, the desire to smoke a cigarette, but he needs to resist. The smaller the situations provoking smoking, the easier it will hold out until the next critical period of 9-10 months.

Sixth month

Half a year ago the last cigarette was smoked. Now in the body circulates blood, the cells of which were not exposed to nicotine and its metabolites. They fully function, actively tolerate oxygen. The laboratory indicators of the blood pattern are normalized.

The regeneration of liver cells continues - over the next 4-6 months, it will go faster and faster, so that the liver work will become more efficient.

The lung acins are also included in the recovery process. Many noted that during this period it became easier to breathe, the lungs as if expanded.

If you carry out spirometry, you can see a noticeable increase in the jam, which indicates the active restoration of the broncho-pulmonary system and their effective purification.

Weight stabilized. The desire to "eat instead of smoke" arises less frequently, and if a person finds the opportunity not to remember smoking, it does not arise at all.

Seventh month

Interestingly, many after seven months without cigarettes suddenly begin to distinguish fine shades of smells. This is noticeable by the aggravated perception of female spirits - if before that they were shared on the lungs and heavy, now the nose is able to distinguish herbal smell from the smell of white colors. The taste perception is also intensified - all receptors for this term are usually restored completely.

Eighth month

The discharge of mucus during cough is not marked with most former smokers. Yes, and the cough himself practically does not bother - the lungs "learned" again to cope with the emerging problems. Those who "docked" before, also experience relief - the disease enters the step of the resistant, which can continue infinitely, if you comply with all the recommendations of the doctor.

Ninth month

It is considered the beginning of the next critical period: already forgotten the difficulties of the first days and weeks of throwing, the smell of cigarettes does not cause any personal associations, but the automatism is still preserved in habit. It is now important to start controlling yourself again and not to allow situations where the cigarette is lit "on the machine", mechanically. It can be a smoker at work, a balcony or an entrance of the house.

Tenth month

Many have noticed that after 10 months without cigarettes, they begin to dream of dreams in which they smoke. At the same time, you can safely do without cigarettes (if, of course, do not provoke yourself), and smoking in a dream is felt very real and the awakening is quite painful, and it is in the morning, almost "on the machine" some are lit, but not all (fortunately) come back In the army of smokers.

Interesting observation of this month: Fans of singing notice that it comes in lighter, it is easier for voice ligaments to control.

Eleventh month

Running, sports walking, classes in the gym, power sports are allowed - now the lungs will cope with the load. Naturally, it is necessary to start gradually in order not to thwart the result of a rather long reducing period.

Would you like smoking almost a year? Most admits that yes, I want. But this is not a traction to Nicotine, it is a sense of loss of any elements of communication, in work, in everyday activity. At the same time, how hard it was to throw and what the organism was experiencing a smoking, long ago forgotten.

The risk of breakdown is small - about 25% - but, nevertheless, Reaen.

Twelve months. Year.

Frontal period. Dentity of praise hard work for last year: overcome what has become a habit - a big deal!

Now the risk of infarction is reduced by 50% compared to the same day a year ago. The risk of stroke is 30%. Risk of development oncological diseases Also reduced: with the exclusion of other risk factors and the liver, it is reduced by almost 80-90%, esophagus, a stomach - by 60-70%, lip cancer - almost 100%.

Is the breakdown possible? Quite. The risk of recovery to smoking is not in Nicotine, he, as they say, those who work on the problems of drug addiction in the head. Working with harmful desires, habits need always - this is the key to success, longevity and health.

Sport and fitness


08.01.17 10:28

After a long New Year holidays, it is very hard to return to ordinary rhythm, the body has become accustomed to a relaxed state. Personal trainer of the Gym Fitness Club X-Fit "Senator" Nikita Belov talks about how to conduct training after a long break.

After the break, it is impossible to start with those training and loads on which you stopped. Look at the situation adequately and do not give in to the temptation to spend the training in full force. First you need to prepare the muscles and the body as a whole to physical work.

I advise the first training session with cardio-simulators, 40-50 minutes will be enough. Do not stop your choice on one simulator, work a little on a bike (15 minutes), then after a small pause, go to the track with a slope (15-20 minutes). The speed should be equal to your sports walking. After that, relax a bit, make a pair of water sips. The final part of you - ellipse (also 15 minutes). Aerobic load should pass with a pulse, slightly exceeding your calm condition.

Run on the path with a lot of speed or very quickly twist the pedals of the bike - it is not at all what you need your muscles! There is a chance to get not only overload and fatigue, but also earn an injury. At the end of the workout, be sure to make several approaches for the abdominal press muscles. Go to Stretching. It is muscle stretching and ligaments. Stretchilize 20 minutes, work over all major muscle groups.

After that, it is worth relaxing one or two days so that the muscles are restored, and return to the hall. It is quite acceptable to carry out another similar cardio training. Then it is also recommended to make a one-day break.

Now it is time power training! Perform basic exercises to all large muscle groups (for example, squats). Perform one or two approaches for warming up and make three more working approaches, while significantly adding weight. On the back the best exercise is tightening. This type of training involves not only the muscles of the back, but also the muscles of the hands and press. Those who do not know how to pull up can do this exercise with a counterweight. Alternative exercise - the thrust of the vertical block to the chest is widespread enough. On muscles breast Department I advise you to perform the dumbbells of Löj. Exercise is great for both men and women. Also perform pressing from the floor. Such training is perfectly developing not only the thoracic muscle, but also the muscles of the hands. At the end, make exercises on the abdominal muscles and straight back muscles. Complete the exercise of aerobic (cardio) load (10 minutes). Do not forget about stretch, it is recommended to stretch after each workout. Stretching will add muscles forces, give them a beautiful form, improve the tone. Training will be more interesting and more productive.

This is how it is necessary to stretch three more or four times and gradually divide the workouts on certain muscle groups and their elaboration, as well as add small muscle groups and increase weight. A full training begins with a warm-up on a cardio-simulator, then goes into the articular gymnastics. Then the muscles need to work (45-55 minutes). Finish the occupation of a cardio-harder and stretch. Three-four workouts per week is quite enough to be in a great form.

Remember, fitness is primarily health, and then beauty. Train with pleasure and benefit!

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