Decoration from nettle for ovaries. Herb of nettles and its use in gynecology

People often resort to medicinal plants in combating different diseases. Nettle, did not exception. In which area of \u200b\u200bmedicine does not use it, even in gynecology, she won trust.

The decoction from nettles drink in the uterine bleeding, during painful menstruation, to improve lactation. However, it is characterized by the ability to strengthen the whole organism as a whole. But let's all in order.

Nettle is the genus of flowering plants of the nasty family. The whole plant is covered with burning hairs, from where the Latin name "LSG".

This grass is used as an additive to a variety of dishes, salads, green soups, sauces, stuffing for pies are prepared, sauce, from dry leaves brew tea. From the spokes of the centuries, beauties cooked a decoction of young nettle leaves for her dense hair And in this way, they were removed from the fallout.

In nethery medicine, it is used as a multivitamin, anti-inflammatory and homeostatic preparation.

  • Low hemoglobin. The young leaflet of nettle contains many vitamins, trace elements, tannins, useful compounds that have a positive effect on the composition of the blood.
  • Nettle is known for its own hemostatic property. In addition, it is a diuretic, strengthened, adaptogenic action. The tincture of this plant is widely used for a favorable effect on the heart, the vessels, which leads to the strengthening of the entire circulatory system.
  • Diabetes. Often in the composition of the drugs that regulate blood sugar levels, is nettle.
  • Rheumatism and other diseases are associated with the articular apparatus. The treatment consists in emphasising in a sick place with a freshly spent nettle bouquet. Little pleasant, of course, but efficiently. It happens that the person goes to a bunch of grass and is treated in this way. Here the main thing is not to overdo it, because any "noteworthy" is also considered pest.
  • Hatery acne. Even such problems helps to cure burning herbs.
  • Nettle is often used in the area dermatology, cosmetology. Some argue that she became an assistant in the fight against baldness.
  • Among other things, she is beautiful stabilizer in the metabolism, promotes fast healing RAS, stimulates the immune system, anesthetics, relieves itching.
  • During the cold, it takes how expectorant.
  • Nettle is treated hemorrhoids, bleeding in the rectum.

The beneficial properties of nettle are obvious and its use in folk medicine is justified.

To the note: that the hair had a healthy look and did not lose the natural shine, it is necessary to rinse the nettle decoction after going.

How to use nettle in gynecology

For a long time, in the field of gynecology, nettle has proven itself as a pools. This grass is able to normalize the monthly cycle and much more.

With or uterine bleeding decoction nets will help stabilize the selection. And all this thanks to the antihemorgic substance.

Some doctors recommend taking nettle closures to prevent ectopic pregnancy. In such cases, it is discharged by such a recipe: drink a decoction, boiled out of a few grams a day of unwound seeds. Such small seeds are capable of expanding the lumen between phallopy tubes.

Many ladies talk about the miraculous properties of nettle during menstruation.

Rupping nets at monthly helps:

  • take a headache;
  • restore the intestinal work;
  • remove the discomfort of the red days of the calendar;
  • remove fatigue, irritability;
  • and also be a spasmolitic and an anesthetic in one person.

It will be better than taking an anesthetic tablet. However, the rope of nettles take not only during menstruation. So instead of a pill from headaches you need to drink a healing decoction. Although here it is also impossible to overdo it.

Contraindications of applying nettle

Like all medicines and plants, nettle has some contraindications to use.

Before drinking a decoction, throat of nettle should be familiar with the contraindications.

Before making a decision, it is worth consulting a doctor in order to avoid negative consequences.

Since it has a hemostatic property, so:

  • Persons with thick blood do not recommend using it.
  • People having problems with varicose extension veins.
  • It is forbidden to use it with hypertension.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • It is contraindicated in pregnant women, because burning grass can cause a spontaneous abortion or speed up the process of birth (premature contractions).
  • If the girl has a delay of menstruation, then for a start it is worth excluding pregnancy, and already take chasters from this wonderful plant.
  • It is impossible to use nettle as the treatment of those women who have a tumor in the area of \u200b\u200bthe uterus, appendages.
  • It is impossible to stop bleeding, which are provoked by polyps.

In principle, always before starting treatment with any plant or medicinal preparation, It is worth consulting with the attending physician to eliminate the complication.

Medicinal shapes of grass

Most often from nettle make a decoction. Usually, it is to pour the grass with boiling water and put it.

You can use instead of tea, but you should not add sugar.

But also the tinctures use outdoor use.

In addition to beam, nettle can be applied in such types:

  • Powder. The leaf of the plant is arched and crushed into a mortar. Powder use a maximum of five times a day on a small spoon, drinking a small amount of water.
  • Burning grass in the form of a decoction. Three large spoons of nettle leaves pour the floor liter of boiling water, boiled on a water bath about half an hour. Then they withstand an hour and constrained. Use inside by half a glass up to five times a day on an empty stomach.
  • Plate nettle. There is another recipe: 3 tablespoons of leaves pour cold water. Then leave to strengthen for 10 hours and bring to a boil. Focus after 30 minutes. A method of use is similar to the previous one.
  • Tincture for external influence. Take about 7 tablespoons of leaves, poured 0.5 liters of water. Boil the mixture on the water bath of half an hour and insist within an hour. Such a tincture is suitable for treatment with the help of a mow.
  • Natural bath. Take 3-5 liters of water, 300 grams of dry leaves of plants are added and boiled 10 minutes. The decoction insists for about an hour, after which it is frozen into the bathroom. The water temperature in the bathroom should be no more than 42 degrees. This method of treatment is worth taking up to three times a week to 15-20 minutes. The duration of the course is 15 baths.
  • Zhugogo Plant Oil. Fresh nettle is crushed with a knife, an ax or a secateur. Then poured this mixture with vegetable oil so that it covered everything with raw materials. Leave in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. And then drained and take inside from 2 to 3 teaspoons. Such a means of doctors recommend using after chemotherapy.
  • Seeds. They are chewing on the half of the teaspoon four times a day.
  • Row Herbs take a tablespoon on 250 ml of water. It is boiled in a water bath for half an hour. It is still half an hour, and then filter and, for taste, add honey. Use three times a day on an empty stomach.

There are a lot of recipes for the preparation of a variety of splashes from nettle. Below we present specific recipes for different diseases.

Folk recipes from nettle in the treatment of "female" diseases

Nettle is rich in properties that help to increase the body's resistance to different kinds of harmful substances (toxins, bacteria, etc.). In addition, burning grass can increase immunity, intestinal tone, uterus tone, positively affects the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

To date, nettle in gynecology is used to stop bleeding and protracted menstruation, similar.

  • Postpartum period. The famous fact that the woman's uterus after childbirth begins the reverse process, it returns to the prenatal state. Usually, it takes from 6-8 weeks. But there are cases when the uterus is poorly reduced and it threatens with bleeding. Understandable thing that without surgery does not do here, but as additional means, They can write down the decoction of nettle. It contains chlorophyll, which is an excellent stimulant for the tone of the uterus, and this is the ability to reduce vessels. The prescription is as follows: 3 tbsp. Spoons of nettles are poured with boiling water (500 ml) and insist in hermetic capacity hour. Consume this tincture costs three times a day at 100 gr.
  • Many mammies use nettle to increase the arrival of milk. To do this, take 20 grams of seeds and flooded the floor liter of boiling water, insist and filter. Drink 100 grams twice a day.
  • During irregular and painful monthly nettle is mixed with nine. For this recipe take a teaspoon of nine roots and boiled in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, on low heat. Then, at the end of boiling, 2 teaspoons of nettle are added. Such a mixture insist about 4 hours and constricted. Take a big spoon three times a day.
  • treatment of the erosy of the cervix, during the ulcers on the sexual lipswhich are caused by infections. In such cases, they make dirting or seating baths with a burning plant and badly. The prescription is as follows: two large spoons of roots are poured with boiling water (250 ml), hold on a water bath for 30 minutes, at the end of cooking, in 5 minutes, add a large spoonful of nettle. So infusion makes dirting three times a day.
  • Vaginit. Crop the nettle, chamomile and a beast. With the help of these herbs, baths, irrigation and take inside. Take a big spoon of the Hypericum and boil with a glass of water for 15 minutes. Then add to the decoction a tablespoon of the burning plant and allowed. Used halftach twice a day.
  • Menopause. For this recipe you need a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves and a glass of hot water. The connected mixture is wrapped at 8 o'clock, then fixed and used on a large spoon three times a day, before meals.

In a 1: 1 ratio, they take strap and the oregano ordinary, poured boiling water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Ready blax is used by half a cup of 3-4 times a day.

The healing and therapeutic properties of nettle cannot be underestimated. It carries health and charge of the most powerful positive energy.

Another very common among women is unambiguously considered erosion. it cunning diseaseSince it can lead to various pathological processes, including on the development of oncology.

The main causes of erosion are as follows:

  • infectious diseases - chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea
  • irregular menstruation due to hormonal imbalance
  • weakening of the immune system.

Of course, some medicinal products will be required to treat this ailment, but nettles will also have significant assistance. For this purpose, tampons are used, abundantly moistened in the coolest nettle juice. They will help completely get rid of infection. At the same time, the woman must necessarily comply with bed regime throughout the entire period of treatment, there is a TV for 4 days. In addition to the tampons, it will be useful to drain the decoction of the root of nettle and use the decoction of the plant inside.

Main reasons:

  • weakened immune system (in many respects associated with the admission of catratibes on a hormonal basis);
  • violations in the work of the hormonal system and, as a result, the irregularity of menstruation;
  • infections, as well as inflammatory processes (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea).

Using the means of traditional medicine, it is possible to add treatment to the main, and thereby speeding up the process of treating erosion.

Tampons, moistened in fresh nettle, and inserted into the vagina, will help get rid of the infectious medium. The time of finding the tampon inside should not exceed the 1st hour. However, it should be taken into account, with these procedures, doctors recommend bed regime from the 1st, up to 4 days.

  1. Preparing a decoction for douching:
    250 ml. Cool boiling water pour 2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed rhizomes and boil 25 minutes, 5-7 minutes before the end of the 1st st. spoonful spoonful. Fix the decoction of hot and give cool, drew to spend 3 times on the day.
    As a rule, before the occurrence of menstruation, each visitor of the weaker floor begins an increase in the volume of the breast, accompanied by pain in this area. The networker will help to block and completely eliminate pain in the chest. The spasmodes of nettle is a natural spasmolytic and has a calming and painkillers in general on the whole body, then its use in periods cannot be underestimated. Start accepting the decoction should be directly a couple of days before the start of menstruation.
  2. Broth for receiving inside:
    Two teaspions of dried nettles pour into a 200 gram glass and pour steep boiling water, filled with a glass half, cover with a lid, let it go, and cool, use the decoction to be used during the day.
    You can also dilute cluster juice with boiled water in a 1: 4 ratio and a drink in 15 minutes before meals.
  3. No less useful is such a recipe:
    Pre-grinding nettle leaves, take 1st. Spoon and brew 200g. Cool boiling water, cook no more than 15 minutes, then strain. Visually divide the glass into 3 parts and drink in small sips during the day.

Female diseases: Prevention and treatment

The grass that is used to treat all sorts of pathologies, relieves inflammation, eliminates allergies, heals the wounds, strengthens the immunity, serves as a diuretic and laxative means. What is helpful for women, they knew for a long time. Using drugs, from a plant:

  • retained luxury and glitter hair;
  • rejuvenated skin;
  • restored health.

Now the grass is added to the shampoos and balms that give the curls and beauty. Perennial leaves are used for masks and compresses, which are imposed on the face. They give the skin freshness and tenderness.

Components, which are part of the plant, have unique properties:

  1. Thanks to the vitamin K, the eats and acne are heed, the swelling disappears, freckles and dark spots disappear.
  2. Eliminates various types of rash, relieves inflammation of the epidermis vitamin A.
  3. Flavonids return the skin youth, organic acids give her a smooth tone.
  4. Heals the wounds, restores immunity, Vitamin C. It strengthens the vessels and capillaries, prevents the development of Cooperosis.

Unique substances in nettle leaves are greater than in lemons, black currant, carrots. Freshly cut plant has specially centered properties. To the question, the young grass for the human body is useful, many answer that it saturates minerals and vitamins.

Watch the video about therapeutic properties of nettle juice.

The composition of the plant amazes variety, in the leaves there:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • potassium.

Silicon positively affects the bones. The eclane, tanning substances, as well as vitamins of groups B and C contribute to blood coagulation, prevent the reproduction of cancer cells.

The most important quality of nettle is its ability to stop blood. That is why it is often used to stop the uterine bleeding or temper abundant menstruation. Most of all, the nettle is suitable for the treatment of gynecological problems. This is explained by the peculiarities of the plant and the trace elements included in its composition.

From nettle leaves today make:

  • extracts
  • info
  • powders
  • pills
  • decorations.

Each of these forms helps to cope with certain gynecological problems. For example, the spray of nettle helps remarkably at intensive monthly and uterine bleeding, including when climax. It accelerates the synthesis of erythrocytes and contributes to an increase in hemoglobin. Leaves extract removes the inflammatory process and normalizes the menstrual cycle.

Unless the disease proceeds to acute formAlways stand up with the reception of strong antibiotics and other actively active drugs. In most cases, at the initial stage of the disease, you can do the healing herbs. Particularly delicately refer to their health, it is necessary for young born girls who have yet to become moms in the future.

Do not forget about the incredible benefits of nettle and at the time of menopause. During this period, a woman often observes such symptoms:

  • increased nervousness
  • insomnia
  • headache, dizziness
  • general malaise.

The nettle to everything else has more and magnificent sedative properties, and therefore will help the woman feel better. The plants decoction will be able to positively affect the nervous system, make a sleep more relaxed and deep. This will lead to the normalization of the overall state.

What is utter nettle for women? At what symptoms and diagnoses are prescribed?

  • Menstrual bleeding. How many days to drink nettle with incessant menstruation, it is necessary to specify the attending gynecologist. Self-treatment with such a serious symptom can lead to even more deposits.
  • Itching infectious diseases . This unpleasant symptom can be removed using the homeopathic drug URTICA URENS and nettle decractions, which are used externally for douching.
  • Climax. For women in the menopausal period, the grass is useful for nervous system, with hormonal failures. In nettics, substances were found similar to their impact on female sex hormones.
  • After the treatment of radio wave therapy. Most often, this method of treatment is prescribed during the erosion of the cervix. After it is possible in humble bleeding. To stop them apply nettle.
  • Nettle during pregnancy. It is strictly prohibited due to the impact on the smooth muscles of the uterus, hormonal properties. Outdoor application is permissible.
  • Lactation period. The grass is prescribed to increase milk generation. So if a woman wants to stop breast-feeding, nettle is contraindicated. To enhance lactation, the nettle is drunk in a complex with other herbs after consulting a doctor.

Many positive feedback on the treatment of female diseases nettle. But once again we emphasize: only the doctor can prescribe treatment. After all, the cause of bleeding can be fibroma, uterine myoma, other tumors. These diagnoses are stringent nettle contraindication.

Economic significance

Young nettle is widely used in cooking. From its leaves and shoots in the spring boils, add to salads and filling for pies. Old leaves are suitable for brewing and cooking dry seasonings. Neprug is often found in Caucasian dishes. Here it is salted, pickled, quaschey, are in fresh. Also, the leaves are used as feeding for livestock and birds. The plant is used in the cosmetic industry.

Therapeutic properties of the nettle of dwarfish and burning are recognized in folk and traditional medicine. This tool is used primarily to stop different internal bleeding. Also, grass helps with diseases of vessels, bones, hearts, joints, skin, digestive organs. This is an antioxidant that is used to purify the blood. In addition, nettle is a natural multivitamin concentrate.

Nature has created an effective composition that enjoys the beautiful half of the population. This is all the same green leakage - bombstorm. Therapeutic properties for women are to tonizing the impact on the smooth muscles of the uterus. The medicinal plant increases the number of platelets, delaying blood output. The main fluid of the body begins to cooled faster, rates of hemoglobin content, erythrocytes grow.

Rich content in the leaves of a plant of vitamins, iron and other active compounds turns medicinal grass in a reliable friend of women's health. Nettle is useful for lactation, restoration of the body after childbirth, as it increases hemoglobin, restores strength and strengthens the body. Soothes and leaves of the plant are eaten as a dietary product. Young greens are cut into liquid dishes, old leaves are fried as cabbage.

So, what is so valuable by this grass in the treatment of female diseases?

Possessing a hemostatic property, nettle is widely used during uterine blood loss, while the nettle is used for their healing properties to a greater extent suited for the treatment of female diseases.

Creable to help female diseases Leaves of nettle, from which they are manufactured:

  • extracts;
  • decoctions;
  • infusions;
  • powders.

For example, the use of extract of leaves normalizes the menstrual cycle and fruitfully affects inflammatory processes, and can also contribute to an increase in hemoglobin and increase the level of red blood cells, and blood leukocytes.

In the period of abundant monthly, with a climax, uterine bursting, the decoction from nettle will be as it can be possible. Neptelo juice narrows channels blood systemthat has a beneficial effect on the uterine muscles. In gynecology is widely used healing properties The nettle and the appearance of medicines based on it serve as proof of this.

Before taking various drugs, think about your body before the admission of powerful hormonal drugs, antibiotics that deepently affect the work of the body as a whole. Choose a more sparing treatment based on therapeutic herbs, it will not be harmful, and the result will be excellent well-being. Often, doctors themselves offer their patients sparing treatment based on nettle, this is especially important for young future mothers.

Climax has such symptoms as:

  • frequent headaches;
  • disorders of mental calm;
  • insomnia;
  • nervousness, etc.

Phytotherapy based on rags from nettle with a sedative property will help relieve and cure from these ailments.

Recipes of our ancestors are relevant and in our time, so:

  1. Broth 1st: in 200 grams. Letac. Put 1 tbsp. a spoon of dried nettle leaves, pour boiling water, cover dense cloth And let it brew 6-8 hours. After strain and take for 25-35 minutes before meals, according to the 1st Art. A spoon for a day 3 times.
  2. Broth 2nd: You need to mix 1st. Spoon of scenic ordinary and 1st. Spoon of dried nettle leaves. The resulting mixture is filled with 200 gr. boiling water. Keep on low heat 12-17 minutes. Let cool and strain. Take small sips throughout the day.

Like many medicinal plants, the nettle of the downtime is used by traditional medicine as auxiliary means in the treatment of various diseases.

Due to the unique chemical composition and therapeutic properties of leaves and nettle, as well as phytopreparations based on them are used as an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and disinfectant.

But most often the dosage forms of nettle are prescribed in the absence of contraindications as supportive therapy in diseases in the field of gynecology: abundant monthly, to reduce the uterus and in other cases.

Therapeutic properties of nettle in gynecology

Nettle has long been considered a female plant, however, in contrast to traditional medicine, its use in gynecology is more effective, since it is based on comparing the properties of biologically active components of the plant with a diagnosis. It takes into account the dosage, contraindications, the duration of the reception course, and the dosage form, while the folk recipes used on the principle of "finger into the sky" for self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the body.

His healing properties of nettle is obliged to unique composition, which includes vitamins A, K, B, C, minerals, 9 out of 10 indispensable amino acids, phytoestrogens, chlorophyll, lignin and phytoncides.

In the complex, these substances actively affect all biological processes in the body, there are a fascinating and antioxidant effect, normalize the work of all organs and systems.

Clear bleeding treatment

The beneficial properties of nettle are used in the treatment of a variety of diseases of almost all organism systems. Depends on specific pathology, in what form the grass will be used. Nuts are applied to cooking brazers, tinctures, juice or syrup. Each of them is accepted according to a specific scheme so that the course of treatment is a really positive effect.

For diseases of the liver

For the treatment of diseases of the liver of nettle is used in the form of decoctions. They may have different concentrations, so cooking recipes are also different:

  1. Glass of boiling water to ferment 1 tablespoon of leaves, bother them with 1 minute. Insist the means about half an hour. Take after each meal of 1-2 tbsp.
  2. Prepare 2 tbsp. Dry raw materials, pour the glass of boiling water, after which another 15 minutes to tomatize in a water bath. At the end, it is possible to stand for 1 hour, strain and drink 100 ml before each meal.

For diseases of the joints

  1. Take a glass jar, fill it with leaves, not tamping. Top to pour such a quantity of vodka so that it covers all the grass to the top. Leave for 12 days in a dark place, periodically shake. Use before bed for rubry and compresses.
  2. Through the meat grinder to skip so many leaves so that it turned out 4 tbsp. juice. Next add to it 4 tbsp. Portwine, 2 tbsp. Birch juice and 4 ice cubes. The resulting cocktail is divided into 2 portions that have a drink throughout the day.

With a stomach ulcer

With exacerbation peptic disease The stomach or gastritis is shown to treatment with a spectal decoction. Cooking it in different ways:

  1. Glass of steep boiling water pour 1 tbsp. Fresh leaves, to sew them in a water bath for about 10 minutes, cool to warm state. Consume tools before eating 1 tbsp. up to 4 times during the day.
  2. In equal proportions, mix mint, St. John's wort, dear and nettle. About 4 tbsp. The resulting mixture is pouring a liter of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours. Use a teaspoon tool 4 times a day to each meal, diluting 100 ml of water.

From perchot

In cosmetology, with hair loss, their weakening and dullness or dandruff, it is very useful to rinse the hair after washing with spectable decoction. They are preparing in the following recipes:

  1. A bunch of dried or fresh grass pour cold water, boil 3-5 minutes on a weak heat. Cool up to a comfortable temperature, after which it is tooling the hair after washing the shampoo.
  2. Fall asleep 2 tbsp. Crushed leaves, add half-liter boiling water there. Leave a means for half an hour, after which pour 5 tbsp. Vinegar and strain solution. Rinse with decoction hair daily in the evening, then wrapped up to complete drying.

From heel spurs

  1. Small water pour 2 tbsp. Starch, add 2 tbsp. dried nettle. Fill the container with 2 liters of hot water. To withstand in the resulting mixture of the foot 15 minutes, after which it is wiped out and sow a small elastic ball.
  2. Take a major nettle, skip it through a meat grinder. Next, put the resulting cleaner on the leaf sheet, make a compress from it to a sore place, secure the bandage and leave for the night. Repeat procedures for 2 weeks.

For nervous diseases

Nervous decoction stimulates the work of the nervous system. The following options for the preparation of such a healing agent are considered more effective:

  1. Rinse and dry the young shoots of the plant, finely cut them and lay them into the jar. Pour cold boiled water, cover marley on top. Let break 10 hours at room temperature. Use 0.5 tbsp. up to 3 times a day.
  2. Take a tablespoon of speckled seeds, pour the glass of water. Boil the mixture on a weak heat for 10 minutes. Give to stand for 1 hour, after which add a spoon of honey. Drink to half a cup of means before bedtime.

To enhance immunity

There are several recipes for folk remedies and to strengthen immunity. Especially good reviews among them are as follows:

  1. Take about 200 g of young nettle, add half-liter vodka to it or 70% alcohol. Cutting the tissue of the neck of the jar, leave one day on the windowsill, then remove to the dark place for 8 days. Strap, take on 1 teaspoon an empty stomach for half an hour before breakfast and one more before bedtime.
  2. In equal parts, mix raisins, nettle and rosehip. Take 2 tbsp. Funds, pour 2 glasses of steep boiling water, leave another 10 minutes. After 4 hours, strain. Use half a glass to 4 times a day.

For thickening blood

It is useful to add this plant into soups, second dishes and salads. In the spring and summer, the following recipes can be used to thicken blood:

  1. Take the strain stem and leaves, rinse and dry, then twist through the meat grinder. Juice squeeze and take several spoons per day.
  2. Prepare 1 tbsp. Dry herbs, add a glass of boiling water to it, insist a couple of hours. Next, strain and take 3-4 tbsp. throughout the day.

Like many medicinal plants, the nettle of the downtime is used by traditional medicine as auxiliary means in the treatment of various diseases. Due to the unique chemical composition and therapeutic properties of leaves and nettle, as well as phytopreparations based on them are used as an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and disinfectant. But most often the dosage forms of nettle are prescribed in the absence of contraindications as supportive therapy in diseases in the field of gynecology: abundant monthly, to reduce the uterus and in other cases.

Therapeutic properties of nettle in gynecology

Nettle has long been considered a female plant, however, in contrast to traditional medicine, its use in gynecology is more effective, since it is based on comparing the properties of biologically active components of the plant with a diagnosis. It takes into account the dosage, contraindications, the duration of the reception course, and the dosage form, while the folk recipes used on the principle of "finger into the sky" for self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the body.

His healing properties of nettle is obliged to unique composition, which includes vitamins A, K, B, C, minerals, 9 out of 10 essential amino acids, phytoestrogens, chlorophyll, lignin and phytoncides. In the complex, these substances actively affect all biological processes in the body, there are a fascinating and antioxidant effect, normalize the work of all organs and systems. Regions applying nets in medicine, but it is in the treatment of gynecological diseases that is the most in demand.

Consider in more detail, the pharmacological properties of nettle in the treatment of female diseases:

  1. Preparations from nettle juice have a hemostatic effect in uterine bleeding and abundant menstruation. A pronounced hemostatic property is achieved due to content in fresh leaves of a large amount of vitamin K, which is involved in the synthesis of prothrombin - a complex protein that provides blood consumption.
  2. Bars from dry raw materials, on the contrary, have a diluted effect on blood, stimulate erythropoes and are used in stagnation, inflammation and for recovery normal number Red blood taurus after a large blood loss.
  3. With benign formations in endometrials of the uterus, decoction of roots and nettle seeds are used. Such a means has a narrowing effect on the vessels, thanks to which blood flow to the tumor slows down, and its growth is stopped with it.
  4. In addition, decoctions and tinctures of seeds of this plant contribute to the expansion of phallopy pipes, which increases the chance of a favorable conception and eliminates the possibility of ectopic pregnancy.
  5. Thanks to the content of chlorophyll, decoctions and tincture from this plant contribute to the reduction of vessels and give a tone to the uterus. Such properties of the plant are used to restore the contractile activity of the uterus and reduce bleeding in postpartum period.
  6. In addition, chlorophyll contributes to the regeneration of the tissue mucosa and a decrease in the impaired reaction. Tampons with fresh juice are prescribed as auxiliary therapy in the treatment of cervical erosion, vulvits and vulvovaginites.
  7. The composition of nettle includes phytoncides - vegetable biologically active substances similar to antiseptic. They suppress the growth and development of bacterial and fungal infections, as well as chlamydia. Ramars from nettle leaves are used for douching during the treatment of thrush, eliminating white clutch In the vagina, the rapid restoration of the mucous membrane after the gaps obtained during childbirth.
  8. Phytoestrogens present in nettle do not have a hormonal effect, however, with regular use, these substances are able to adjust the menstrual cycle in women, reduce the manifestations of Klimaks.
  9. Herbal teas based on nettles are used to increase lactation, in addition, the large content of microelements and vitamins prevents the development of anemia and strengthens the immunity of a nursing mother.
  10. The nettle is the leader in the content of magnesium, which has a positive effect on women's health, increases libido, eliminates pain during menstruation, normalizes the monthly cycle.
  11. The use of nettle reduces the production of 5-alpha-reductase enzyme enzyme, which contributes to the formation of the active form of testosterone - dihydrotestosterone.

Depending on the problem or the disease, the gynecologist can recommend as an auxiliary means or supporting therapy, admission of nettle in dosage forms. To improve the composition of the blood and normalization of the monthly cycle, various parts of nettle are used in dry form, and, if necessary, stop the bleeding or delay the period uses the plant juice.

The nettle is known for its ability to burn the skin, causing redness and blisters on it. If you decide to use a plant in a fresh form to avoid burns, the leaves should be collected in gloves, and then apply for boiling water to neutralize formic acid

Using nettle in gynecology, recipes and methods for their application - Table

Various dosage forms in the photo

The nettle is convenient to the filter bags, because it eliminates the overdose of the drug, netting the channels of the circulatory system, which has a beneficial effect on the uterine muscles of the plant. It is best to collect nettle in June, when it contains the maximum amount of useful substances ate period of therapy falls on a summer period, you should prefer the fresh leaves of the alcohol extract plants can be purchased at the pharmacy. Such a drug is made of guaranteed high-quality raw materials and in compliance with all proportions a tincture on alcohol can be easily prepared independently, the main thing is to comply with the recipe and approach the choice of raw materials. Rhizomes digged, wash in cold water, wipe away from moisture and dried in dryers or wind wardrobes

Contraindications and possible side effects

Nettle, and various drugs based on it, contain biologically active ingredients that can bring not only a change when complex treatment female diseases, but also harm the body. Contraindications to the use of such therapy are:

  1. Pregnancy - nettle preparations increase the tone of the uterus, which can provoke miscarriage in the early stages. In addition, the property of this plant reduce blood flow may affect the development of the fetus in the second and third trimester, since thick blood is not able to deliver in the right amount nutrients and oxygen.
  2. Malignant tumors - According to some data, phytoestrogens are able to stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Official medicine has not yet confirmed, but did not refute this information. Therefore, with diseases such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer or cervix, from the use of such therapy it is better to refrain.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases associated with the risk of blood closures and varicose nodes. The property of nettle to thicken blood is useful in bleeding, however, patients with heart vices and a tendency to thrombophlebitis and varicoses, such treatment only hurts.
  4. Hypertension. Various nets based on nettles tend to increase pressure, it can be dangerous for people with indicators of systolic blood pressure above 140-160 mm mercury post.
  5. Liver disease. In addition to the positive impact on the work of the organs of the female sexual system, nettle is a choleretic agent and activates the hematopoietic function of the liver. For gallgamed disease and various liver diseases drugs based on this plant can cause liver colic and other pathological conditions.
  6. Individual intolerance of the plant.
  7. For kidney diseases.

We should not forget that medicinal plants, like synthetic preparations (tablets, solutions for injection) affect the body due to the content in them active substances. The natural origin of such funds does not guarantee the absence of side effects.

Most often, with improper or long-term reception of nettle, patients complain about such side effects:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness, black "flies" before your eyes;
  • long lack of menstruation;
  • spasms at the bottom of the abdomen.

In order to protect yourself from such manifestations, the drugs should not be applied independently, without the recommendation of the doctor. The specialist before appointment necessarily considers all contraindications, comparing them with the data of anamnesis, selects the correct dosage and course of reception, which is individual for all.

Reviews on the use of plants in problems with monthly and other gynecological illnesses

The drug properties are applied in gynecology for auxiliary therapy in inflammatory and infectious diseases, to normalize the hormonal background, stop bleeding. The nettle and anemia, because contains a whole complex of vitamins and trace elements. However, it should not be involved in self-medication, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis, and only then consult with a specialist about the rationality of the use of nets based on nettles in the composition complex therapy.

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Nettle in gynecology: In which cases are useful from nettles?

Nettle as a medicinal plant, for a long time, is used in traditional medicine. But it enjoys particularly popular in medicine, folk and this is no accident.

On the properties of nettle

On the healing properties of nettle wrote in his treatises Dioscaride, a Greek doctor using nettle at cure from urolithiasis. Ulcers and a variety of skin injuries were treated, using nettle, Russian doctors. National healers are known not one dozen healing recipes using nettle with gynecological diseases.

Thanks to the burning hairs, covering the surface of the leaves and stems, this grass received the Latin designation - URO, which means "LGGU". But not only in medicine people found the use of this plant, nettle is actively used in food when cooking:

Still nettle can be filling for flour products. But still, thanks to their healing properties, the nettle is deservedly considered an indispensable assistant in the treatment of many diseases in folk gynecology, in front of which medicine traditional will leave.

More than 60 species numbers the grass of Nerva in their family. Varieties of the plant prevail in the territory of the former USSR in two types: Urantica Dioica - Navyoma and Urentica Urens - Vepiv Zhu.

So, what is so valuable by this grass in the treatment of female diseases?

Possessing a hemostatic property, nettle is widely used during uterine blood loss, while the nettle is used for their healing properties to a greater extent suited for the treatment of female diseases.

Capable to help with female diseases leaves of nettle, from which they make:

  • extracts;
  • decoctions;
  • infusions;
  • powders.

For example, the use of extract of leaves normalizes the menstrual cycle and fruitfully affects inflammatory processes, and can also contribute to an increase in hemoglobin and increase the level of red blood cells, and blood leukocytes.

In the period of abundant monthly, with a climax, uterine bursting, the decoction from nettle will be as it can be possible. Neptelo juice narrows the channels of the circulatory system, which has a beneficial effect on the uterine muscles. In gynecology, the healing properties of nettle and the appearance of drugs on its basis serve as proof of this.

Before taking various drugs, think about your body before the admission of powerful hormonal drugs, antibiotics that deepently affect the work of the body as a whole. Choose a more sparing treatment based on therapeutic herbs, it will not be harmful, and the result will be excellent well-being. Often, doctors themselves offer their patients sparing treatment based on nettle, this is especially important for young future mothers.

Nettle as hemostatic

In the postpartum periods in women sometimes there are violations associated with the muscular layer, the cuts of the uterus are either no fully (atony), or they are very weak (hypotension). The result of these violations may be quite strong blood discharge.

Without the help of the surgeon, it will not cost here, but after surgery, the healing properties of ragger nettle will help restore the tone of the uterus, since chlorophyll, which is contained in nettle, has a beneficial effect on the intrauterine medium.

Vaginitis: what will the nettle help?

An important role is assigned to nettle with such a disease as vaginitis caused by fungal formations and bacteria.

The causes of this disease are:

  • Non-compliance with sex and personal hygiene;
  • Failure of metabolism in the body;
  • Endocrine system disorders.

The fundamental signs are: the sensations of burning and itching inside the vagina, bleeding, roughness and edema of the mucous membrane. In the treatment, it is possible to use medicines, as well as to dry the vagina and external germ lips.

  • Infusion for douching: 0.5 liters of hot boiling water to pour the composition of the 1st Art. spoons of nettle and 1st art. Spoons of chamomile. Let it breed for 30 minutes and after cooling to strain. Be sure to sterilize the tip of the fringe before and after the process of the dysfunction, in order to avoid the inclination of infection from the outside.

    Screw 40-80 ml into the fringe. Infusion and pour into the vagina, while not forgetting about the external genital lips. Do such infringement per day no more than 3 times.

  • Preparing a decoction: 1 tbsp. spoonful of nettles and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of the Hypericum pour 250 ml. Boiling water and boiling 14 minutes, let it be and cool, fix and use in quantity on the 1st teaspoon, 3 reception per day.

Erosion - causes and treatment

Main reasons:

  • weakened immune system (in many respects associated with the admission of catratibes on a hormonal basis);
  • violations in the work of the hormonal system and, as a result, the irregularity of menstruation;
  • infections, as well as inflammatory processes (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea).

Using the means of traditional medicine, it is possible to add treatment to the main, and thereby speeding up the process of treating erosion.

Tampons, moistened in fresh nettle, and inserted into the vagina, will help get rid of the infectious medium. The time of finding the tampon inside should not exceed the 1st hour. However, it should be taken into account, with these procedures, doctors recommend bed regime from the 1st, up to 4 days.

Do not forget about douching, without them the process of recovery can delay.

  1. Preparing a decoction for douching: 250th ml. Cool boiling water pour 2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed rhizomes and boil 25 minutes, 5-7 minutes before the end of the 1st st. spoonful spoonful. Fix the decoction of hot and give cool, drew to spend 3 times on the day.

    As a rule, before the occurrence of menstruation, each visitor of the weaker floor begins an increase in the volume of the breast, accompanied by pain in this area. The networker will help to block and completely eliminate pain in the chest. The spasmodes of nettle is a natural spasmolytic and has a calming and painkillers in general on the whole body, then its use in periods cannot be underestimated. Start accepting the decoction should be directly a couple of days before the start of menstruation.

  2. Broth for receiving inside: 2 teaspops of dried nettles pour into a 200 gram cup and pour steep boiling water, filled with a glass half, cover with a lid, let it go, and cool, use the broth, during the day.

    You can also dilute cluster juice with boiled water in a 1: 4 ratio and a drink in 15 minutes before meals.

  3. Such a recipe is no less useful: pre-grinding nettle leaves, take 1st. Spoon and brew 200g. Cool boiling water, cook no more than 15 minutes, then strain. Visually divide the glass into 3 parts and drink in small sips during the day.

Menopause and female well-being

Climax has such symptoms as:

  • frequent headaches;
  • disorders of mental calm;
  • insomnia;
  • nervousness, etc.

Phytotherapy based on rags from nettle with a sedative property will help relieve and cure from these ailments.

Recipes of our ancestors are relevant and in our time, so:

  1. Broth 1st: in 200 grams. Letac. Put 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dried nettle leaves, pour with boiling water, cover with a dense cloth and let it brew 6-8 hours. After strain and take for 25-35 minutes before meals, according to the 1st Art. A spoon for a day 3 times.
  2. Broth 2nd: You need to mix 1st. Spoon of scenic ordinary and 1st. Spoon of dried nettle leaves. The resulting mixture is filled with 200 gr. boiling water. Keep on low heat 12-17 minutes. Let cool and strain. Take small sips throughout the day.


Despite the seeming uniqueness of nettle, it has a number of some contraindications, it is impossible to use nettle with such diseases as:

  • the tumor of the uterus appendages, as well as tumors of the uterus itself;
  • with polyps caused bleeding;
  • and also those women who have increased blood gained.

In general, although nettle is not a panacea from all diseases, but still contributes to the treatment of female diseases and how much it helps a particular woman depends on the woman herself, from her faith in healing.

Network: Application in gynecology (including with abundant monthly), therapeutic properties and contraindications for women, other features + reviews

The nettle and its healing properties are familiar with mankind from a long time. The first mention of the medicinal strength of the plant appeared in ancient Greece. Since then, folk heterolates have created dozens of recipes that help people restore health and improve the overall state in the process of cure from different diseases. As an auxiliary means of nettles is widely used in the treatment of a number of diseases in the field of gynecology: periods of menstruation, in uterine bleeding and other illnesses. It is worth only to remember some contraindications to the use of miracle plants.

Beneficial properties of nettle in gynecology and not only

So what is so helpful for female health? Why is this plant so often used as an indispensable assistant in the treatment of gynecological diseases? The answer is quite simple, the whole thing is that nettle contains useful vitamins and microelements with bactericidal, tonic, healing, constructing, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties.

The nettle is an indispensable auxiliary tool for the treatment of gynecological diseases. Nettle leaves are used both in fresh and in advance prepared, dry

For example, strong menstrual blood loss is often associated with poor blood clotting. The body lacks vitamin K and blood becomes excessively liquid, which leads to strengthening bleeding. Sufficient amounts of this vitamin is just kept in nettle. An important value for improving blood coagulation has both calcium, the required amount of which is present in the plant.

Due to the fact that the netting contains iron, it is used in the composition of the hemoglobin of drugs, and for better absorption of this trace element, the body requires a sufficient amount of vitamin C, which is also present in the plant. Such a composition facilitates soreness and reduces the abundance of menstruation.

In addition, in the plant contains chlorophyll wounds. Thanks to this component, epithelialization, granulation and tissue healing occur more actively. The nettle also enhances the abbreviations and tone of the uterus, by exposure to active ingredients on the myometrium ( muscular layer) Organ.

It should be remembered that to cause monthly or sharply stop them using nettle will not work. These manifestations require access to doctors and obtain a qualified medical care.


  • extracts;
  • brazers;
  • informants;
  • powders.

Nettle at menstruation

To reduce the amount of selections when the occurrence of menstruation is traditionally used as splashes. Should be aware that with abundant menstruation, in addition to reception medical preparations And bravery (as an aid), it will be necessary to comply with the beddown, the absence of physical and sports loads, the refusal of warm and sunbathing.

Scaffolding is applied as an aid to reduce abundant monthly
Recipe for scales

One tablespoon of dry, crushed pulp leaves is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. After that, the decoction is 30-40 minutes. And completely ready to use.

Take a decoction for three days, inside, 1/2 cup, 3 times a day.

It should be known: the netual decoction increases blood clotting, which requires special caution when using people having fungusing problems.

Ruine nets are also used to reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone (androgen of the male sex hormone), in violation menstrual cycle, as well as when the occurrence of increased collaboration. In these cases, the number and scheme of the use of nettle as an auxiliary therapeutic agent is appointed by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

How to use plant leaves in erosion

As an additional means accelerating the treatment of erosion, freshly squeezed nettle juice is used. It helps to relieve inflammation and get rid of the infectious medium.

Freshly squeezed nettle - healing, anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of gynecological diseases
How to take for women's health

The young shoots of nettle to twist on the meat grinder, the resulting mass to strain and squeeze on the gauze. Clean bandage roll into a swab and dip in the juice obtained, then insert into the vagina for 1 hour.

During the procedure, the bed regime should be observed. The course of treatment is 1-4 days, depending on the medical recommendations.

It is possible to store the prepared mass for 2-3 days, in the refrigerator. Freshly squeezed juice, immediately after pressing, you can slowly heat on low heat, which will extend its use up to 3-5 days.

How to drink tincture to reduce the uterus after delivery

To improve the processes of cutting the uterus after delivery, assign a tincture of nettle. It must be remembered that in this case the female body suffered a fairly large load, so it should be treated in the postpartum period with special care and care, accurately observing everything medical prescriptions And completely eliminating any self-medication.

Dry nettle tincture helps speed up the process of cutting the uterus after delivery
Method of preparation and dose

Four tablespoons of dry nettle are poured with boiling water in the amount of 0.5 liters. Capacity is closed with a lid and insisted a few hours to a complete cooling. In the case of cooking a beverage from pharmacy filter packets, 1 bag should pour 120 ml of boiling water and also listed until completely cooling.

Take the tincture should be inside, 1/2 cup, 3 times a day, for three days.

Benefit for conception

Due to the fact that nettle is favorably affected by the metabolism, enriches the body with calcium, magnesium and iron, improves blood circulation, has anti-inflammatory properties and has a positive effect on the state of endometrial (uterine tissue), it is often prescribed during the period of the child's probable conception. In addition, nettle tea is used after the birth of a baby, stimulating lactation processes.

Radi-delicious tea and useful drink
How to make a tool

For cooking, tea is suitable for both fresh and dry (crushed) leaves of nettle, as well as sachets sold in pharmacies. One tablespoon of dry or fresh leaves is placed in a small saucepan, poured with warm, boiled water and on a small fire are adjusted to a boil. As soon as the water boils, the fire immediately turns off, the saucepan is covered with a lid. After 30 minutes, the drink is ready for use.

If you wish in tea, you can add honey or sugar. Take a drink should be 1 cup, 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

Instructions for cooking drinks from pharmacy bags is indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Netopathics during mastopathy

With auxiliary treatment of mastopathy, dry leaves are used as part of a special herbal collection.

Collection facilitating mastopathy disease consists of 9 types of herbs
How to carry out treatment

One teaspoon is flooded with boiling water (200 ml). Covered with a lid and insisted for 30 minutes. After that, the mixture is fastened to sieve, or through gauze and ready to use.

To drink infusion should be between meals, 2-3 times a day. The reception course continues for one and a half months.

Herbal Collection for Mastopathy - Table

What helps with the Moma

With the Moma of the uterus often felt total weaknessAnd it may also be necessary to restore forces after blood loss. It is in such cases that tea from nettle comes to the rescue, as well as freshly prepared salads.

Infused on a water bath tea from nettle will be tastier if adding a spoonful of honey or a piece of lemon
Water Ban Recipe

Three tablespoons of dry, crushed net leaves are poured 1/2 liter boiling water. Insist on a water bath for 15-20 minutes. After that, the drink is defended to complete cooling and focusing through a sieve or gauze.

To drink tea follows 3 times a day, 1/2 cup, between meals. You can also divide the ready-made infusion into several parts and use it throughout the day. The reception rate is 20-30 days.

Fresh nettle leaves with egg and greens - a tasty and nutritious dish that helps restore forces after suffering from diseases
Preparation of fresh nettle salad

Salad of fresh leaves of the plant is considered one of the best auxiliary means in the treatment of myoma. For its cooking, there will be a few stems of green onions, a small bunch of dill and parsley, directly the leaves of young nettle, as well as boiled eggs, vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) salt and spices.

Previously, the leaves should be thoroughly rinsed and quicted with hot water, after that they are slightly dried, finely cut, it is added finely chopped onions and greens, pepper, salt and boiled screws, cut eggs. If you wish in a salad, you can add mayonnaise or sour cream.

Nettle with endometriosis

Plant decoctions are quite effective in case of endometriosis. Doctors recommend using nettle as an additional treatment that helps restore immunity, stimulate the protective forces of the body, prevent inflammation.

The leaks from nettle will help restore the body during endometriosis
Preparation of therapeutic composition

For cooking, 2 tbsp. Dry, crushed leaf of plants pour 0.250 ml (approximately 1 cup) steep boiling water. Spilled leaves are heated in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Then the decoction cools, carefully focusing through the gauze, pressed. The resulting liquid is diluted with boiled water up to 200 ml and is accepted three times a day between meals. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Nettle with polyps and cysts

In the occurrence of polyps and cyst, a good additional means for relieving inflammation will be herbal collection number 5, which includes white nettle flowers.

White nettle flowers (clever, deaf nettle). Unlike simple, white nettle, does not join when touched
How to make a collection

The herbal collection is brewed by one reception. One teaspoon of herbs is placed in the glass, 200 ml of boiling water is poured, covered and insisted for half an hour under the lid. After that, the hot drink is filtered and fully ready for use.

Take the collection 1 time per day, before bedtime. Treatment is continued for 14-30 days, depending on the recommendations of the doctor. The course can be repeated with interruptions, until the cyst and polyps are completely disappeared.

Herbal Collection №5 - Table

Nettle with climax

  • headache;
  • anxiety;
  • impassable;
  • the manifestations of insomnia.

The decoction of dry leaves of nettle will have a calming effect, which will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and facilitates the general well-being of a woman.

Headaches are a frequent satellite of women during Klimaks. Raisters from herbs will help to get rid of them
Variant of brewing №1

One tablespoon of dried and crushed pulp leaves poured into a cup and poured 200 ml of steep boiling water. After that, the cup is covered with dense matter and it is not less than 6 hours, after which it is filtering and used in food 3 times a day at 1 tbsp. The decoction is advisable to take half an hour before eating for one month, further treatment can be continued on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Method number 2.

Dry crushed nettle leaves and dry souls are mixed on one tablespoon. The herbs are flooded with 200 ml of hot, boiled water and cope on small heat for 15-20 minutes. After that, the mixture cools and farts. Drinking decoction should be for the day, in small sips. The course of treatment lasts 15-20 days.

Nettle with white

As auxiliary treatment, with the appearance of a white plaque in the vagina (white), doctors often recommend douching, baths, vaginal tampons using nets and other herbs.

It should be remembered that there was not an independent disease, and in most cases are a symptom of infectious diseases. When white plaque appears and appropriate discharge from the vagina, you must contact the gynecologist.

How to cook grass

To prepare a decoction for vaginal tampons and douching, 2 tbsp is taken. Collection of dry, crushed leaves nettle, chamomile and dispute. The mixture of herbs is flooded with a liter of boiling water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. After that, the decoction is filled with gauze and give it to cool.

The vagina differs from the resulting liquid or laid the bandage tampons into it. The frequency of the procedure and its duration is determined by the attending physician, depending on the main diagnosis and its symptomatic manifestations.

Herbal Collection for Drawing Vagina - Table

Nettle with vulvite

With such a disease, like vulvit (inflammation of outdoor genital organs), doctors often recommend rope leaf bases.

Summies - one of the most effective ways to get rid of the symptoms of vulvit
Preparing broth for a lot

To prepare infusion for a row use dry leaves of the plant. One tablespoon of nettle is poured with boiling water (250 ml), insist 30-40 minutes, flickering.

After that, the sterile bandage or march falls into the cooked solution of room temperature, slightly pressed and applied to the outer genitals. The procedure lasts 5-7 minutes, after which the rim is removed and ejected, and the place of application is dried with a clean, dry towel. The frequency of the procedure and treatment course is assigned depending on the recommendations of the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

Nettle with ovarian cancer

Cancer treatment should be carried out by exclusively qualified doctors in the clinic. Any folk remedies can only be used on the recommendation of the atrog treated oncore as auxiliary therapy.

Most often, with cancerous diseases, a herbal is prescribed from nettles and calendula based on Celebre.

Nettle, cleanliness and calendula are part of the herbal collection of used as an additional treatment for the disease of the ovarian cancer

For the preparation of infusion based on clean region, nettle and calendula, dry herbs are taken in equal proportions (1 teaspoon on 1 cup of water) and poured steep boiling water. The mixture is insteaded for 2 hours, it is desirable to use a thermos. After that, it is focused and accepted 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals.

The appointment and duration of the course of treatment of herbs for the disease of the ovarian cancer fully depend on the recommendations of the oncologist and are never prescribed by the patient independently.

Contraindications and side effects

The nettle is rather unique plant, has long been eaten and used for the preparation of medicines, but it also has a number of contraindications:

  • tumors of uterine appendages;
  • tumors of the uterus;
  • bleeding during polyps;
  • increased blood coagulation;
  • increased blood viscosity (with atherosclerosis, hypertension);
  • lack of a well-supplied medical diagnosis;

Caution is also worth using nettle to pregnant and nursing women, children, as well as people with allergies on herbs.

There is a myth that taking nettle decoctions can be accelerated by the onset of detaining menstruation, or provoke their delay, this is not true. Most likely, these judgments are caused by the ability of the plant to provide a beneficial effect on the body hormonal background, due to the large number of vitamin E, which is necessary for the full functioning of the reproductive system.

This plant took its name with latin language, From the verb "burn", and, of course, this name is not good for him. Nuts are completely covered with burning hairs and on the stem, and on the leaves. A "doublome" means the view by the location of same-sex flowers. This plant is applied in many areas of life - in treatment, cooking, caring for itself.

The nettle is very common in gynecology, since with the help of it you can treat various diseases.

Double nettle is herbal perennial With a branched horizontal creeping rhizome, from which there are many subtle pressing roots. Stems sometimes reach 170 centimeters in height, the smallest of about 60 centimeters.

Stalks in nettles are pretty simple, reprehension and tetrahedral. The leaves differ slightly and it depends directly from where they are located: if it is from below, then ovid, if on top, then lanceathoid with the saw edge.

Flowers in such nettle is unnoticed, very light color under the color of the entire plant, the wind is pollinated, nectar does not contain. Flowers are female contain one pestle and drooping earrings, and male has four stamens and upright earrings. All this is due to the fact that female flowers Heavier male.

All plant is covered with hairs, which are very stupid. The fruit of nettle is a small ohh-shaped nut.

This plant is found mainly in coniferous and deciduous forests, which are in the shade and in moisture, you can also observe them on wastehouses, along the roads, among shrubs, in housing, on cutting and many similar places.

The testimony for use inwards indicate that the use of the grass should be used with a gastric ulcer and duodenal gut, atherosclerosis, constipation and enterocolite. The appointment of nettle is iron deficiency anemia, pulmonary diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis), gout, angina, diabetes, Malgy, Polymenia.

Apply a decoction of plants locally with non-heaven wounds, furunculese, proleells, echs and trophic ulcers. The healing grass is widely used to strengthen gums and hair growth stimulation.

It is necessary to take into account all the contraindications before drinking scabs. Indications for use (harm and benefit from the use of the plant depends entirely on how reasonably the decoction and in what quantities) without instructions, the doctor is not the basis for the use of the drug plant.

The nettle cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, if therapy is carried out with antidepressants and medicines, help eliminate insomnia, as the plant will strengthen their impact on the human body.

The prohibition of the tumbooflebit, as well as varicose veins of veins, is prohibited. It is not necessary to be treated with this grass with increased blood coagulation and atherosclerosis. In these situations, the plant will contribute to even greater thickening of blood, which can cause the development of a variety of pathologies.

Doctors do not recommend drinking decoction from nettle with hypertension, as it tones vessels, which will lead to an increase in blood pressure. Never is prescribed for uterine bleeding, which arose due to the formation of cysts, polyps and other tumors. Contraindications for use are kidney disease.

Treatment nettle has a number of contraindications. So, the grass with therapeutic goals should not be taken pregnant, as well as people who:

  • suffer thrombophlebitis;
  • have a threat to heart attack;
  • prone to elevated blood coagulation;
  • there are high blood pressure.

Do not use nettle to stop bleeding caused by polyps and different types of uterine tumors. With caution, you need to use drugs from nettle to older people and those who have a history of kidney disease.

You can list thousands of reasons why the nettle must be eaten and used as a healing plant. However, do not forget that it has some contraindications.

  • suffering polypotic bleeding
  • with tumor processes of uterus and appendages
  • having increased blood coagulation.

In any case, before proceeding with treatment, including with the help of herbs, it is necessary to consult a competent specialist.

Reception of hoods and fresh vegetable raw materials inwards should be limited to persons having problems with blood intake. Thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, varicose veins - strict contraindications for receiving plant drugs.

Remember that the course of treatment should not exceed 7-10 days, further tactics are agreed with the attending physician.

It is unacceptable to eat vegetable raw materials during pregnancy. Improving the tone of smooth muscles can provoke miscarriage or premature generic activity. Renal and heart failure are also contraindications.

In these situations, the plant will contribute to even greater thickening of blood, which can cause the development of a variety of pathologies.

From the leaves of nettle, champs are boil, infusions, use fresh juice and a alcohol extract is prepared for the treatment of intestinal, renal, pulmonary and hemorrhoid bleeding. Also nettle is used in extensive wounds caused by an accident or are a consequence of surgical intervention to prevent nasal bleeding and abundant menstruation.

In addition, it is advisable to avoid sports, heavy physical exertion. If you take inside the mixture of fresh juices of nettle leaves and yarrow, then the fluid extract is reduced by the blood yield during menstruation.

With regular reception of liquid nettle extract for 20-35 drops 3 times a day, it is possible to achieve a hemostatic effect and normalization of the monthly cycle. Nettle has a weakly pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which is used to treat fibromes of the uterus, contributes to the avoidance of a large blood loss during menstruation.

In addition, they normalize the onset of the next menstruation. To prepare a ragger of nettle with abundant monthly, it is necessary to take 1 glass of boiling water to take 1 tbsp. The leaves of the nettle burning, insisted, give cool and drink 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.

The grass has hemostatic properties, capable of normalizing the monthly cycle due to antigerm, warns an ectopic pregnancy, expands the lumen of phallopyan pipes and has other useful abilities.

Finally, consider contraindications of nettle in gynecology. The plant improves blood coagulation, so it is not recommended to use women with its increased thickness or in varicose veins. Also, the decoction and infusion of nettle in female diseases is not recommended with hypertension and atherosclerosis.

On any time or after childbirth, if the woman feeds the breast, is used only after consulting a doctor who will give individual recommendations to prevent possible complications.

Nettle is famous for its beneficial properties and an impressive list of vitamins. The burning plant is added to medicinal tinctures, decoctions and drugs. Neprug helps to cope with radiculitis, low immunity, rheumatism, kidney and bladder problems.

There are certain prohibitions regarding to consume drug-based drugs during uterine bleeding. This is due to the fact that nettle helps strengthen the blood coagulation process. The main contraindications include:

  • diagnosis in the patient's varicose veins;
  • the presence of thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • disruption of the functionality of the kidneys.

It is extremely prohibited by the use of nettle in the period of nursing the child, since the reception of the plant can provoke the occurrence of contractions and premature labor. The same applies to preventive measures.

In order to prevent possible negative consequences, it should be consulted with a doctor, besides, not all recipes using nettle can be used in combination with the main therapeutic method.

  1. Gynecological problems: Highly efficient means are created based on nettle, which are useful for stopping uterine bleeding, with a reduced tone of the uterus, as well as in the postpartum period.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Decorations are effective in serious liver diseases, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines. Also, such a medicine will allow to overcome the problem of constipation, hemorrhoids, gastritis with increased acidity, meteorism, changes in appetite, etc., and it is used to combat dysentery, using as an antiseptic.
  3. Urinary system. The tool is characterized by the ability to normalize the work of the kidneys, bring stones, as well as treat dangerous inflammations of the kidneys and bladder. Nettle is an amazing diuretic that can become indispensable when urine delayed and edema.
  4. Respiratory system. When developing colds, bronchitis and pneumonia nettle is a very valuable medicine. In addition, it helps with tuberculosis, stopping hearding.
  5. Allergic reactions. On the basis of the plant, a highly efficient drug from urticaria and itching uurtica ureens was created. Also, the medicine copes with burns, urolithiasis, the expansion of capillaries, hemorrhages, gout and other diseases.
  6. Bleeding. The presence of vitamin C in the composition provides rapid skin coagulation. Because of this feature, nettle has always been considered the best cavity tool. open Ran. and bleeding - nasal, uterine, renal, intestinal, pulmonary, hemorrhoids.
  7. Cardiovascular diseases. The effects of grass positively affects the work of the heart and blood vessels. The champs perfectly help with progressive varicose veins, contribute to strengthening the walls of the vessels, are good stimulation of heart muscles.
  8. Cleaning blood. The plant perfectly cleans blood and launches the productive carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

Nettle: application in gynecology (including with abundant monthly), therapeutic properties and contraindications for women, other features reviews

  • extracts;
  • brazers;
  • informants;
  • powders.

As a medicinal plant, nettle has its own contraindications that should not be neglected.

It is impossible to take nettle with increased blood coagulation, in order to avoid the formation of thrombus, which leads to the blockage of the vessels. This warning refers to people suffering from varicose veins. Also not recommended for hypertension and kidney disease.

Nettle is a universal means and is used for various diseases. But care must take it folk remedy. In order to not harm yourself, it is necessary to consult with the therapist.

Previously, the nettle juice used grandmothers to stop the uterine bleeding. Now folk recipes Women can complement traditional methods assistance to your body during menstruation.

The irregular nature and abundance of menstruation is often due to diseases of the inflammatory nature of the uterus, appendages. In such cases, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties of nettle are useful.

The leaves collected in environmentally friendly places crushed and get juice. During menstruation, take 1 teaspoon of medication three times a day (before meals).

Pre-juice is bred with 2 tablespoons of water.

Preparation of therapeutic solution: Take 1 complete tablespoon of dry raw materials and poured 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture on slow fire is adjusted to a boil, after which they give to stand 2 hours.

Adopted before eating ½ cup of healing beam (3 times a day).

Consider diseases and problems in which the plant can be used.

For hair in cosmetology

Insist 1 tablespoon of dried plant in 100 ml of boiling water. Strain, mix with a balsam that does not contain flavors. Use 3-4 times a week.

With menus in women

Women suffer from pain and other unpleasant symptoms during menstruation. The nettle helps to normalize the hormonal background, adjust the course of menstruation and facilitate the state of the woman.

At home, with painful periods, you can cook: therapeutic decoction, tincture, extract or drink tea based on healing plants.

Extract is more often used, it will take 30 drops to pour in 200 ml of water, taken before eating 2 times a day.

To prepare tea to take dry leaves and 250 ml of boiling water, cook 30 minutes, before applying to strain. Take portions of 20-30 ml 5 times a day.

As treatment with varicose veins, bug or dwarm.

A decoction: 250 ml of boiling water put 1 tablespoon of fresh plants, insist for 20 minutes. If there is no possibility to put fresh, then you can buy dry nettle at the pharmacy.

Tincture with varicose veins): It will take to dry 6 spoons of nettle, dry for 4 days. After that, mix the dry plant with vodka (500 ml), insist 2 days. Take 1 tablespoon for half an hour before meals.

The recipe is used as compresses, apply on the affected areas.

Help with hemorrhoid, what good

Benefit is to relocate signs of the disease. But, one recipe from the problem will not save, it is necessary to adhere to complex treatment.

The following recipe is used as treatment with hemorrhoids. Ingredients:

  • cortex crash 100 g;
  • boiling water 1 l;
  • nettle 80

With prostatitis for men

According to statistical data, it was noted that 80% of men suffer from prostatitis. The plant contains a small amount of phytosterine, so it helps to normalize the production of testosterone in the body of a man.

If you correctly prepare a recipe, it will have a positive effect on the prostate (prostatic gland) functions.

Details: Diagnosis on the ICD 10 codes and ciphers of diagnoses and diseases in gynecology

Recipe with pointed prostatitis: nettle, mint, dandelion and sage of 10 g, horsetail 25 g, calendula 30 g. The grass is mixed, insist in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 3 hours. Drink in the form of tea.

Useful properties in gynecology were used since ancient times during menstruation, because this plant reduces bleeding, and also normalizes the cycle.

It is appointed with painful and long periods, they advise consuming decoctions based on this plant.

After all, it increases the level of hemoglobin and blood platelets.

This fund has another advantage - it perfectly cleans blood.

Like any drug or substance, nettle has both the beneficial properties and contraindications.

Take this plant, you should not be patients who have thick blood, as well as thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, as it may later lead to the appearance of thromboms.

She has a lot of useful properties, but its contraindications should be taken into account.

Before taking decoctions from this plant, you need to undergo a diagnosis of a doctor.

It is forbidden to take it during pregnancy, because it can stimulate the uterus to premature childbirth.

Before you decide to take nettle or braveractions from it, be sure to talk to your attending physician and a phytotherapist.

Any tool may have its own contraindications, no matter whether it is nettle, or another medicinal plant.

Remember that any medicine can be poison.

However, it should be used with caution using the best properties of the plant.

Like all medicines and plants, nettle has some contraindications to use.

Before making a decision, it is worth consulting a doctor in order to avoid negative consequences.

Since it has a hemostatic property, so:

  • Persons with thick blood do not recommend using it.
  • People having problems with varicose veins.
  • It is forbidden to use it with hypertension.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • It is contraindicated in pregnant women, because burning grass can cause a spontaneous abortion or speed up the process of birth (premature contractions).
  • If the girl has a delay of menstruation, then for a start it is worth excluding pregnancy, and already take chasters from this wonderful plant.
  • It is impossible to use nettle as the treatment of those women who have a tumor in the area of \u200b\u200bthe uterus, appendages.
  • It is impossible to stop bleeding, which are provoked by polyps.

In principle, always before starting treatment with any plant or a drug, it is worth consulting with the attending physician to eliminate the complication.

  • fresh leaves of nettle - 50 g;
  • vodka or diluted up to 40 degrees alcohol - 100 ml.
  • grid roots of Badan - 2 tbsp. l;
  • dry nettle leaves - 1 tbsp. l.
  • nerd seeds - 1 tbsp. l;
  • grinding roots - 1 tbsp. l;
  • water - 200 ml.
  • st. John's wort - 1 tbsp. l;
  • dry nettle leaves - 1 tbsp. l;
  • boiling water - 250 ml.

From white climb in the vagina

  • dry daisy flowers pharmacy - 1 tbsp. l;
  • dry leaves of nettle dawnome - 1 tbsp. l;
  • boiling water - 500 ml.
  • dry nettle - 1 tsp;
  • fennel seeds - 1/3 h. l;
  • boiling water - 250 ml.
  • soul grass - 1 h;
  • dry nettle - 1 tsp;
  • boiling water - 250 ml.
  • dry cluster seeds - 2 tbsp. l;
  • red wine - 500 ml.
  • powder from dry leaves of nettle - 1 tbsp. l;
  • dry clean region - 1 tsp;
  • boiling water - 300 ml.

Me a gynecologist told nettle to drink so that the monthly went))) I had a delay I saw a nettle for a week 4 times a day and came my relatives)))

Use roots, stalks and nettle leaves. The pharmaceutical industry produces the following types of nettles:

  • Allohol preparation containing nettle extract, garlic extract, dry bile animals and carbon activated. Used as a laxative and choleretic agent for 3-6 tablets per day;
  • Dry raw net (leaf, root, seed). Used in many phytotherapy recipes, especially in hair strengthening;
  • Nuts Extract Liquid - Alcohol Removing from Leaf Plants by 70% ethyl alcohol. Prescribe 25-30 drops three times a day 30 minutes before meals;
  • Railed sheet briquettes - compressed crushed raw materials, which are poured with a glass of boiled water and insist 10 min, cooled, filter and accepted by testimony.
  • Filter packets of dried net leaves. Used to prepare tea, applied at 0.5 - 2 glasses per day.
  • Roots are a vegetable dye yellow or brown, and the chlorophyll pigment is used in the perfume, pharmaceutical and food industry for painting raw materials in green;
  • From the fiber plants you can make a rope, rope, sail, carpet, fishing tackle;
  • In the absence of cold, the leaves of nettle allow you to keep the freshness of perishable products;
  • Seeds receive useful oil;
  • Plant is used in agriculture for fattening birds, pigs, large and small cattle.

What is the use of calendula flowers in folk and traditional medicine?

Medicinal shapes of grass

You can use instead of tea, but you should not add sugar.

All causes of bleeding.

  • Violated hormonal system.
  • Spiral, intrauterine application.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Myoma uterus.
  • Disturbance in their own blood.
  • Not suitable antibiotics and medicines.
  • Scleropolikistosis of both ovaries.
  • Oral contraceptives.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Pathology of genital organs.
  • Endometrial polyposis.

Provoking reasons.

  • Heavy stress depression.
  • Sex intimacy.
  • Physical exertion, severe.
  • A variety of infectious diseases.
  • Constipation.
  • Abundant cough.
  • Blood pressure.

First aid.

It is allowed to stop bleeding during CLIMSA folk remedies. For confidence, consult with a competent and proven specialist (gynecologist).

1). When any bleeding occurs during the menopause, the very first action of any woman is to stop or not allow panic. Determine the power of the coming allocation, if they are abundant and with clots, then immediately call the immediate ambulance or contact the clinic near the clinic.

2). With minimal bleeding, you immediately need to lie on any flat surface (sofa, bed), to pre-ride the roller, which should be put into the area of \u200b\u200bthe wax, or choose a suitable pillow in size. This will allow normalize blood circulation in other organs and relieve blood outflow.

3). To the bottom of his abdomen, you will need to immediately attach a bottle in which only cold water must be sure. Bottle itself is better to wrap in any sheet. After 15 minutes we make the required break for 5 minutes. Full duration should be no more than 2 hours.

four). All this time will have to use a lot of liquid, preferably sweet quality. For this, the sweet ordinary tea is suitable, Morse, and even better decoction of healing rosehip. The meaning is the rapid and necessary restoration of the correct water balance female organism.

Strictly prohibited actions.

  • A full refusal to lie down even in a warm filled bath.
  • Do not allow any dinge.
  • When lying lying on a horizontal surface, raising legs.
  • Walk a lot, run, do charging.
  • Make any heavy items and other severity.
  • Do not even allow minimal physical activity and load.
  • Until complete recovery to abandon sexual intercourse.

Bleeding with climax treatment by folk remedies.

Loomber net.

To independently prepare the right decoction, you will need exactly 4 tbsp. l dried crushed leaves, pour a simple mug of pure boiling water and to withstand on the cooler heat for about 10 minutes.

Important information!!! It is prohibited when pre-combeded, hypertension, excessive coagulation of own blood, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, allergic intolerance.


Get a decoction by a domestic way will not be particularly expensive, time and labor. The finished raw materials of grass in the amount of 2 hours. L should be boiled as a whole glass of water, a duration of no more than 5 minutes. After 30 minutes, the healing agent is qualitatively focused and accepted after any food. The dose is considered to be 1/3 of the part of the kitchen cup to 3 p. in a day.

The crust powder (1st art. L) is poured by a conventional glass of cold water, which passed pre-boiling. Next, using a water bath, a duration of only 30 minutes, the whole composition is heated.

Remove exactly 15 minutes, and then re-draw the same water so that it turned out the original volume. Drink strictly 2 tbsp. L after meal, no more than 4 r per day. Store the decoction is allowed to 2 calendar days, in place where constant coolness.

Precautions!!! Not suitable if a woman has hypotension, any diseases of the kidneys, arthritis, gout, harmful if the acidity of the juice in the stomach is overestimated, the urolithiasis, thrombophlebitis, blood has increased clotting.

Shepherd bag.

In the nearest pharmacy you can always easily buy this amazing healing plant. Boost clean water in size 1 cup, add to it 1 tbsp. l ready-made raw materials and remove in a relatively warm place, where the tincture can be causing 1 hour. When it neatly strain it, drink to meals 4 r per day, dosage in 1 tbsp. l every next time.


Choose 6 ripe oranges, from which only the peel itself will be required. Rinse it well, and then place in pure boiling water weighing 500 ml. An hour later, the crusts are cleaned, and the drug is drinking to 5 r per day, each new time is 4 tbsp. l.

Basic contraindications !!! With personal intolerable allergies on this type of citrus, heartburn, when there is inflammation of its pancreas, strong acidity, and a long reception is not desirable with a stomach ulcer and 12 pans.

Decorations and infusions of the leaves. As a rule, for the preparation of drugs take 1 tbsp.

raw materials on 250 ml of liquid. When preparing infusion, raw materials are poured with steep boiling water and brewed from 15 minutes to half an hour.

The multiplicity of drug intake is usually chosen in accordance with the power mode (3-4 times a day). In some cases, infusions are advised only in the first half of the day (2 times a day) - while the dosage is increased by 2 times.

Decorations and infusions are usually used to treat liver and gallbladder diseases, with sweatshirt swelling and cardiac origin, gastrointestinal diseases (diarrhea, dysentery, usual constipation), with internal bleeding (gastric, intestinal, pulmonary, hemorrhoids, etc.).

The decoction of the roots of nettle. 250 ml of water must be 1 h.

Cook after boiling approximately 5 minutes, then insist to cool. Use a quarter of a cup to four times a day (as a rule, before eating food, if there are no special reservations in the prescription of the specialist, then half an hour).

In folk medicine, they use roots and rhizome nine, his leaves and flowers. These parts of the plant have different composition, Therefore, used for the manufacture of different means.

On the Internet there are many information about how to collect raw materials of Nather: When digging the roots for treatment, how to collect and dry leaves and flowers. So that the plant does not harm health, in the absence of the experience of collecting and harvesting medicinal herbs, it is better to use raw materials of nine, acquired in a pharmacy.

Details: Tetracyclined eye ointment for children: instructions for applying newborns

In pharmacy institutions, ninestiles are offered in the form of a variety of forms that make it easier to use it for different purposes:

  • crushed raw materials;
  • teas in bags;
  • tablets;
  • balzam cream;
  • liquids;
  • balzam;
  • extract;
  • elixir;
  • combined fees with nine.

In folk medicine there are many recipes for cooking, infusions and tinctures for the internal and external use of this medicinal plant. It is used both for treatment and for the prevention of various diseases.

On vodka or alcohol (40-50g raw materials by 0,5l vodka) is preparing alcohol tincture Nather. The use of it is quite extensive:

  • when coughing it takes inside (three times a day at 25-30 drops 30 minutes before meals);
  • with diabetes mellitus - inward once a day;
  • from joints. For this, the cut of pure fabric is wetted by this tincture and applied to the region of the sick joints during arthrosis and bourrsites.

Folk medical recipes with nettle

l. raw.

For example, for a choleretic effect, ninexils in the treatment of liver are taken in the form of a warm brave of 0.5 glasses three times a day per hour before meals.

The crushed raw material is poured wine, clocked and put in a dark place for two weeks. Throughout the time, the wine is shaken daily, and in two weeks they are filled.

This drink is accepted daily by 1 wineglass as a secreting agent in the period of recovery after diseases or as preventing seasonal infections.

Course - 2 weeks of reception after 1 week break.

Nineseed leaves also have medicinal properties, but the range of their application is limited. Fresh ninexyl leaves can be applied to the skin when combing, wounds, ulcers. An infusion from the leaves is used:

  • for rinsing with inflammation in the mouth;
  • for compresses with skin inflammation;
  • inside with pain in the stomach.

This somewhat limits the wide use of nine flowers. For example, from the colors of nine and propolis prepare an ointment that is used when inflammatory diseases Eggs and their appendages in men.

Contraindications when applying leaves and flowers nine are the same as when using it roots.

Most often from nettle make a decoction. Usually, it is to pour the grass with boiling water and put it.

But also the tinctures use outdoor use.

In addition to beam, nettle can be applied in such types:

  • Powder tool. The leaf of the plant is arched and crushed into a mortar. Powder use a maximum of five times a day on a small spoon, drinking a small amount of water.
  • Burning grass in the form of a beam. Three large spoons of nettle leaves pour the floor liter of boiling water, boiled on a water bath about half an hour. Then they withstand an hour and constrained. Use inside by half a glass up to five times a day on an empty stomach.
  • Plate nettle. There is another recipe: 3 tablespoons of the leaves are poured with cold water. Then leave to strengthen for 10 hours and bring to a boil. Focus after 30 minutes. A method of use is similar to the previous one.
  • Tincture for external influence. Take about 7 tablespoons of leaves, poured 0.5 liters of water. Boil the mixture on the water bath of half an hour and insist within an hour. Such a tincture is suitable for treatment with the help of a mow.
  • Pravinal bath. Take 3-5 liters of water, 300 grams of dry leaves of plants are added and boiled 10 minutes. The decoction insists for about an hour, after which it is frozen into the bathroom. The water temperature in the bathroom should be no more than 42 degrees. This method of treatment is worth taking up to three times a week to 15-20 minutes. The duration of the course is 15 baths.
  • Zhggya plant oil. Fresh nettle is crushed with a knife, an ax or a secateur. Then poured this mixture with vegetable oil so that it covered everything with raw materials. Leave in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. And then drained and take inside from 2 to 3 teaspoons. Such a means of doctors recommend using after chemotherapy.
  • Seeds. They are chewing on the half of the teaspoon four times a day.
  • The root of grass take a tablespoon on 250 ml of water. It is boiled in a water bath for half an hour. It is still half an hour, and then filter and, for taste, add honey. Use three times a day on an empty stomach.

There are a lot of recipes for the preparation of a variety of splashes from nettle. Below we present specific recipes for different diseases.

raw materials on 250 ml of liquid. When preparing infusion, the raw materials are poured with steep boiling water and withstand (insist) in time from 15 minutes before half an hour.

For the preparation of decoctions, the raw materials are poured with cold water and after boiling the liquid is boiled about 5 minutes, and after cooling is filled. We use drugs like decoctions and infusions, before meals, at least half an hour before meals.

Decorations and infusions are usually used to treat liver and gallbladder diseases, with sweatshirt and heartfelt swelling, gastrointestinal diseases (dysentery, diarrhea, familiar constipation), with internal bleeding (gastric, intestinal, pulmonary, hemorrhoids, etc.).

The decoction of the roots of nettle. 250 ml of water requires 1 h.

Cooking after boiling about 5 minutes, then insist before cooling. Take a quarter cup to four times a day (usually before taking food, if there are no special reservations in the recommendations of the specialist, then half an hour).

The drug is prescribed with hemorrhoids, edema of various origin, metabolic disorders and furunculese.

Means for oily skin from nettle leaves helps with unhealthy shine. To do this, it will be necessary to cut a full glass of fresh greens, fervent 200 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for insteading.

A ready-made means must be skipped through a strain, dilute with boiled water until the original volume is restored (200 ml). The face is wiping with a sponitor or cotton swab.

Nettle leaves, therapeutic properties of homemade cosmetics with decoction, fresh juice Plants help to clean extended pores, accelerate the healing of scars.

Mask with nettles and honey has a rejuvenating effect. For its preparation, the components take equally (nettle leaves are pre-crushed, honey is slightly heated).

The use of nettle helps healing in acne and acne.

  • Traditionally, the spectacular leaves are dried in the shade, decomposing them with a thin layer on a tray or pure fabric.
  • The process is completed when the cutters and veins of the plants become fragile, it is important not to overcover the harvested material.
  • Freezing and preserving of nettle are also allowed.

Over the centuries, the signs described the benefit of a weighing plant for women.

It contributes to the cutting of the uterus and the ingulment of the cavity of the organ, and also helps the body to restore blood loss. Optimally, in this case, taking fresh juice from leaves.

Folk healers have found the use of all parts of the bent, but most often for the manufacture of therapeutic agents is used by the determination. Consider several popular recipes for therapeutic agents that are able to overcome any disease.

Read more:
Gentamicin injections in gynecology - Babiblog

Loomber net.



Shepherd bag.


Uterine bleeding is an uncontrolled blood outlet from the uterus itself. Women's menstruation is the only physiology and is considered to be a normal process. uterine bleeding. But, if it happens at a woman who has a natural climax, it is desirable to go through immediate advice from the attending doctor and take treatment under his leadership.

This adverse effect quickly begins to relax, even the most healthy female organism. Especially strongly and quickly loss of protein. Together with treatment, you will need to restore the weakening of health and restore the protein.

It is desirable for a while forget about modern advertised juices, cocoa, any kind of coffee and tea, drinking water in minimal quantities (recommended dose no more than 0.5 liters per day. The best drinks at this time are Ayran, milk.

Merchant bleeding with climax folk remedies.

Bird Highlander.

For assessed 2 cups of pure boiling water, it will take 1 tbsp. L Herbs of a medicinal plant, which are obliged to incande the duration of only 10 minutes. The lean tincture is drinking one throat, throughout the full day, every new hour.


On 1 mug of pure boiling water, you will need 1 tbsp. l heel grass. Highlight 10 minutes so that this tincture is in high quality. She drinks all day, every next time 1 average throat.

General advice !!! It is prohibited when thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, when inflamed bladder, pyelonephritis of acute character, inflammation of the kidneys, is not compatible with garlic and onions.

Field Horsetail

Positive properties knew since ancient times. With it, our ancestors could stop any bleeding. In boiling water (enough 1 faceted glass) flood 1 h. L of raw materials. Further highlight half an hour for the full activation of enzymes, and then profile. During the period of a full day, it is allowed to take 3 p per day of 1 tbsp. l.

Important information!!! In the people, it is also popular with arms of arthritis, arthritis, bronchial asthma, cystitis, eczema, stomach ulcer and other other diseases. But it should be refrained with the inflammation of the kidneys, jade, nephrosis.

The above recipes are also suitable for uterine bleeding.

Rehabilitation after a complete stop.

one). Continue to follow the bed mode. Try to control physical actions. The very first manifestation is always easier to stop. Repeated opening can already require much more costs and forces.

2). Follow the future actions that the doctor recommended. The reception of antibacterial drugs is required to neutralize bacteria inside the uterus and mucous membranes.

Reliable prevention.

1). Logging reinforced loads, especially prolonged exposure.

2). The effect of high temperature can easily affect the negative action.

3). For all changes in their own health and organism.

Plant Description

According to many healers, among a wide variety of medicinal herbs, it is not easy to find a universal plant that can compare with our biological activity and properties.

Nettle dwarm refers to many years of medicinal plants, which is found in the southern and northern hemisphere. Most often, the plant grows in conditions of temperate climate, but the grass is also growing in the territory of European countries, and in deep Siberia, and in the Far East, and in Asia, and in the Caucasus. By the way, she is also met in Australia.

Special growth productivity is noticed on soil compositions with high nitrogen content. Nettle belongs to weeds that are severely derived from the garden. It often covers the free space near the roads and fences, on wastehouses, in ravines, among the thickets of raw forests, on cutting, meadows and the shores of the rivers.

External descriptions and therapeutic properties of the nettle and zhugays may differ slightly:

  1. Divine Plant Refers to a group of perennials, height reaches two meters. During the expression, it forms thick, impassable thickets.
  2. Burning nettle - annual up to 50 centimeters with characteristic strongly burning hairs on leaves and stems. Thickets do not forms and easily eradicated.

On the leaves and stalks of the plant there is a large amount of hairs in the form of fine peaks, which serve nothing else, as protection against herbivores. When contacting the skin of the hairs, the allergenic mixture of histamine, choline and formic acid is thrown out, which causes an instant reaction in the form of redness, burning and blistering. The older the plant, the notice of the bitter bite.

The genus urtica got his name from the Latin word "burn", so it was nicknamed in Russia with a bent or drainer. Rod includes over 50 species that are common in moderate climate, individual representatives are found in the southern hemisphere.

The underground part of the chesty is represented by creeping rhizome. The nettle seeds practically do not multiply, the annual increase from the rhizomes is 35-40 cm.

A bush has hollow four-edged replying stalks. Hard cover sophisticated, plates of a saturated-green shade.

Leafs with large teeth along the edge, an extended-ovoid shape with a pointed tip.

The composition of the nettle is downtown, includes many useful components. The plant is rich in a vitamin complex, trace elements and amino acids.

Main cast:

  1. Inpaid vitamins from the group A, B, K and C.
  2. Acids, in particular: Sorry, ascorbic and formic.
  3. Mineral salts and essential oils.
  4. Histamine, Caratinoid and trace elements.

As mentioned above, one of the components there are indispensable amino acids.

Unpleasant pain at the bottom of the abdomen, weakness and indisposition often accompany abundant bleeding during menstruation. This symptom can talk about a serious problem and requires a speedy appeal to the doctor to clarify the reason for changing the nature of the menstrual cycle. The doctor appoints a survey and selects optimal therapy. In the absence of signs of pathology, the volume of menstruation can be reduced using folk methods. Rupping of nettle at menstruation and will be a means of influencing the problem.

Nettle at menstruation:

  • removes headache;
  • restores and improves bowel work;
  • eliminates discomfort;
  • removes fatigue and irritability.

Healing properties

The plant is rich in a large number of vitamins and trace elements. Ascorbic acid It has more than two times in Lemon. Karotine contains more than in the sea buckthorn and carrots. To provide a daily dose of vitamin A, two dozen nettle leaves are enough. It is enriched with nettles and vitamins K, E, B, as well as various trace elements. In the leaves are contained acids and chlorophylls, which possess the liner and therapeutic properties. Network allows you to restore the work of the body and stop the inflammatory process.

Vitamin K increases blood clotting. Thanks to this, nettle has strong hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties.


Nettle is used in gynecology in diseases associated with bleeding and protracted, abundant monthly. Below, we give examples how to make decoctions and tinctures at home, as well as how much and how to make finished funds.

Hemostatic remedy with abundant monthly

The nettle during menstruation is made in several ways in the form of a decoction, juice, tea, tincture, extract.

  • The decoction of nettle is prepared on the basis of a dry plant and water. To prepare a decoction, you need to take two tablespoons of nettle, pour 200 grams of water and keep 15 minutes on a steam bath. Ready decoction to cool, strain and add boiled water to the initial volume. Drink at 0.5 glasses 3 times a day before meals.
  • Juice is prepared on the basis of freshly spent leaves. 20 pieces of leaves are thoroughly rinsed and how to stretch into the mortar before the appearance of the juice droplets. Take the clean gauze, shifting the mint nettle and squeeze hard. Ready juice to pour into clean, sterile dishes and stored in the refrigerator no more than a day. Consume 1 tablespoon before eating 3 times a day.
  • Nepte extract must be purchased ready in the pharmacy network. For the preparation of therapeutic means to pour 30-35 drops of funds into a glass with water and stir well. Drink before eating 3 times a day.
  • Nurtic vests are prepared on the basis of fresh leaves and alcohol-containing liquids. Add ribbed plant leaves into a liquid, stir and put in a dark place for a year and a half. The tincture is strain and use once a day 5 grams per cup of water. Store tincture in a dark and cold place.
  • Tea. In the pharmacy to buy cheek tea in phytopaccs. Take on the instructions on the package.

Postpartum period

After the birth of a child, the uterus begins to shrink. The entire reduction process takes an average of two months. For different physiological reasons, the cutting of the uterus can be slowly, which can cause uterine bleeding. To stop uterine bleeding will be required surgical intervention. As an additional remedy for rapid recovery, you should take straight decoction.

The method of cooking a beam in the postpartum period:

  • A tablespoon of nettles (a pharmacy or collection is suitable) to pour water and boil for five minutes. Decoction to insist with a closed lid. Drink to half a cup before eating three times a day.

Nettle to increase the volume of breast milk

Many women, nursing breasts, are confident that when eating rags, nettle milk will not only increase in volume, but also enriches the useful substances. And during feeding the child will get breast milkenriched with vitamins and microelements. They are necessary to increase the immunity of the body, which makes it stable before disease.

To prepare this decoction, 20 grams of nettle seeds and a glass of boiling water will be required. In thermos, fall asleep seeds, pour hot water and insist for 2 hours. After the expiration of the time finished infusion, take half a cup before eating 2-3 times a day.

In the erosion of the cervix and ulcers on sex lips

In case of diseases that are caused by infections, a bath is prescribed or depletion with the addition of bade beaks with Badan.

How to cook decoction for procedures? Take one part of the bada, pour three parts of water. Hold half an hour on the steam bath, then put one part of nettle. All stir and hold for a few more minutes on the steam bath. Insist.

Apply for douching (20-30 grams) 2 times a day, for the bath it is enough once a day.

With vaginity

With vagitine, which is caused by bacteria and fungi, nettle is taken in a mixture of other herbs. The wood decoction is made in the form of douching, irrigation and inside.

For douching and irrigation: take nets and chamomile on the tablespoon. Pour hot water. It is insisted at least 30 minutes. Conduct the procedure no more than 3 times a day.


During the period of Klimaks, a woman often suffers from headaches, insomnia. There is nervousness and mental state is disturbed. Raars based on nettle will make it easier for symptoms.

In a 1: 1 ratio, take the leaves of nettle and ordinary souls. Pour 0.5 liters with boiling water, boil for five minutes. Soak and drink during the day with small portions.

Billet and use

For therapeutic purposes, nettle is used in various forms. Liquid extracts, tinctures, decoctions, as well as powders of dried leaves, seeds and rhizomes can be purchased in pharmacy chains.

Pharmacology offers both ready-made means and in the form of a powder for preparing drugs at home. For taking inside in a pharmacy, nettle is sold in comfortable phytopaccs that brew in the form of tea. Before applying, you will definitely read the instructions on the box. For outdoor use, alcohol and water-based tinctures are sold. How to take into what doses and at what symptoms can be found in the instructions for use that is attached to the drug.

Contraindications for use

As a medicinal plant, nettle has its own contraindications that should not be neglected.

It is impossible to take nettle with increased blood coagulation, in order to avoid the formation of thrombus, which leads to the blockage of the vessels. This warning refers to people suffering from varicose veins. Also not recommended for hypertension and kidney disease.

Nettle is a universal means and is used for various diseases. But care must take this folk remedy. In order to not harm yourself, it is necessary to consult with the therapist.

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