Red asterisk. Balm "Star" ("Golden Star"): Instruction, Indications for use, reviews, analogues and prices

Asterisk ointment - medical agent, famous for almost everyone. It is used very wide with many health problems that have a variety of reasons. There are medicines and other names - the Golden Star, Vietnamese asterisk. The tool shows itself as highly efficient and inexpensive. The composition of the drug is preferably natural, which makes it quite safe when used. However, it is still worth abiding in relation to the drug contraindications, neglect of which can cause serious violations in a state of health. Today, the balm asterisk is produced not only in the form of ointment, which significantly increases the demand of the drug.

Balm is produced in 3 forms: semi-solid balm in a jar, a pencil balm, liquid balm.

The composition of traditional ointment asterisk includes:

  • camphor;
  • carnation essential oil;
  • crystalline menthol;
  • cinnamine oil;
  • mint's essential oil;
  • eucalyptus essential oil;
  • lanolin anhydrous;
  • petrolatum;
  • paraffin;
  • bee wax;
  • vaseline oil.

Ointment packed into small flat metal jars. It has a homogeneous consistency and yellow, slightly transparent color.

Balm pencil for inhalations is close to ointment in composition. It contains the same active ingredients:

  • camphor;
  • crystalline menthol;
  • cinnamine oil;
  • carnation oil;
  • mint oil;
  • eucalyptus oil.

Liquid balm, which is produced in the form of a solution, has in the ingredients that completely coincide with those in the pencil for inhalations.

All drugs have a characteristic enough sharp odor, inhalation of which by children, whose age is under 2 years old, can cause them to spizming the respiratory tract, and in rare cases even stop breathing. Adults, if there is a tendency to allergies, it is necessary to apply this tool with extreme caution.

Useful properties and benefits

Balm is a unique composition. It has many beneficial properties that allow you to use this tool very wide.

The main therapeutic actions of ointment are:

  1. treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as the prevention of their appearance;
  2. therapy and prevention of development of the inflammatory nature of diseases of the joints and spine;
  3. prevention and treatment of radiculitis affecting any spine department;
  4. treatment of pain in muscles after physical exertion;
  5. complex therapy of stretching and other injuries of ligaments and tendons;
  6. removing migraine and simple headaches;
  7. dental pain;
  8. therapy of bruises and bruises;
  9. comprehensive treatment depression and depression;
  10. removal of excessive fatigue;
  11. softening of corns;
  12. removing the ecopene sweeps;
  13. therapy that eliminates many skin diseases;
  14. treatment of negative consequences from insect bites, as well as burns jellyfish;
  15. removing the seizures of nausea during marine sickness;
  16. indoor disinfection when used in aromolampe;
  17. prevention and treatment of influenza.

The benefits of the asterisk have been tested for many years. Today, when many different drugs appear, this composition does not lose its popularity. Analogs of Balzam Star has only partial, as there is not a single composition with such wide spectrum Actions and used from such a number of health problems.

Contraindications and harm

An asterisk, although it is natural, still has contraindications that must be strictly observed. When ignoring restrictions, balm can cause significant harm to health. It is impossible to carry out therapy using this agent in cases where patients are present:

  • intolerance to at least one of the components of the drug - in such a situation, the application of a balm or inhalation will cause a strong allergic reactionwhich can lead to the development of choking;
  • age under 3 years old - small children whose organism is still too sensitive, abundance essential oils Dangerous, as it will be the reason for a sharp deterioration of the state;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchospasm - from ointment, he can significantly increase, which will lead to a violation or stopping breathing;
  • whooping cough;
  • skin diseases.

When pregnancy and during the lactation period, the ointment asterisk is not recommended. This is due to the special activity of actions on the organism of substances from the preparation.

The main negative reactions that may occur at the time of treatment with the use of asterisks are burning, edema, the appearance of rash, similar to the urticule. With a strong itching, at the place of application, it is also necessary to conclude about the negative response of the body to the drug.

How to open a balm asterisk

Open a round metal box with ointments always turns out to be difficult, since the packaging is particularly uncomfortable for this. The use of force does not give results when you try to get to the drug.

There are 3 ways that help to open a box, but all of them are not very fast and do not always lead to success.

  1. Fashion of a lid with a thin blade of a knife.
  2. Rolling on a solid surface. If some time ride a jar on the table, putting it on the side, the cover will gradually jump. The process is long and requires patience.
  3. Tightening. One hand low part The boxes are tightly compressed, and the other - they grab the cover and turn out of the side to the side, while it is slightly pulling up.

In rare cases, the packaging turns out to be closed so tight that it is not possible to remove the lid. Such a situation can help pliers.

Instructions for use

The manufacturer notes that the instruction on the use of Balzam asterisk must be observed strictly. Apply the composition is recommended for active points of the organism (acupuncture points). Throw ointment follows circular massaging movements clockwise until the skin turns. During the day you can apply this drug not more than 3 times. It is more correct to use the drug no more than 2 times a day.

From a cold and cold

With a cold, an asterisk ointment helps very effectively. It, in the absence of allergies on the components of the composition, in a short time it allows you to solve the problem. It is necessary to apply the drug to the edge of the nostrils and the wings of the nose.

If the nose is very laid, then it is necessary to lubricate the bridge. Also very helpful in such a situation inhaling a couple of balsam, for which a pencil is used inhaler. The duration of this procedure is not more than 1 minute.

When using an asterisk, it should be carefully monitoring that he does not hit the eye. Ointment causes strong irritation of their mucous membranes, and medical care may be required.

Star from cough

If there is a strong bronchitis, the treatment should be carried out with the application of ointment on the neck area, the upper half of the back and chest. The patient, after it was shattered, should lie under a warm blanket. Because of this, it is more convenient to apply the composition in the evening before bedtime.

Also when coughing, the asterisk is used in the form of inhalation. A procedure is carried out over a hot water container in which the balm is dissolved. The patient breathes a ferry, covered with a towel like a tent. On the liter of water, the drug is added in the volume of ordinary pea. Maximum inhalation duration of 10 minutes. During the procedure, it is impossible to do deep breaths. Inhalation is categorically contraindicated in the event that the cough is an attacking chick.

From headache

And migraine use of Balzam effectively at the beginning of an attack to prevent its development. If the head hurts moderately, then use the ointment with high performance at any time. It is necessary to apply this tool in a small amount per whiskey, the nose, the middle part of the nape and points behind the ears.

Start the applying asteris from the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples. Next, if the pain did not pass, go to the nose. After it, the heads are tricious and only then - points behind the ears. Paints should start passing for 5-10 minutes. If the migraine attack is already very strong, then to facilitate the state, it will take at least 20 minutes. Loose at the same time all areas will be necessary.

From dental pain

Dental pain doctors recognize as the most painful. For her removal, the ointment asterisk is used quite often. It can be used as a basic anesthetic or in a complex with an oral painkillers.

Ointment rubbed in a cheek opposite the sick tooth. If the pain is particularly strong, then you need to be treated with a balm of the ears. They first rub the composition, and after that it is intensively massaged by closing each one between the fingers, which move up and down.

It is impossible to cure the tooth with ointment, and it only helps relieve pain until the dentist visit. It is not necessary to postpone the full treatment of the patient's tooth.

With pain in the joints, muscles, bruises and stretching

Injuries are often found, especially in people leading an active lifestyle. When injured, the asterisk perfectly helps solve the problem. Good balm and after sporting workouts that caused pain in the muscles.

The drug is rubbed into the patient region to complete absorption, after which they insulate the damaged place woolen cloth. Preferably after using the medicine to stay alone. Paints pass within 2-4 hours depending on what caused their appearance. In chronic diseases of the joints, it is recommended to apply balm before bedtime.

Balm asterisk from eath and corns on the legs

From calluses to apply ointment as the main therapeutic agent. If you need to eliminate the edema, the balm is usually prescribed to complex therapy. After the bath to get rid of the corners, it is necessary to rub the composition in the sole to the full absorption. From the ointment, the ointment is applied to the ankle and also rubs away before soaking. It is important to ensure that there is no wound and cracks in the place of application.

From insect bites

Bending bloodsowing insects and damage from stinging cause serious discomfort, which is why they need to eliminate their consequences as soon as possible. Use for this asterisk is allowed. In a short time, it helps to remove the itching and departure in the place of damage.

If there is calculations in the field of bite, then the ointment cannot be applied. This is due to the fact that when the drug gets into the wound, it will bring the burning of tissues with a high proportion of probability, which will slow down the healing process.

From depression and fatigue

With such a goal, the asterisk is used in the form of inhalations. You can breathe by opening a jar with a balsam or using a pencil inhaler. Couples of essential oils reassuringly act on nervous system and remove emotional overvoltage.

An asterisk is an old and very effective remedy for many health problems. It should be used correctly, and then the balm will necessarily be useful.

It is hardly possible in the CIS countries, a person who has never heard of the miraculous "star-star" or a balm "Golden Star". In Soviet times, such a substance was considered a panacea almost from all possible aids. And what about today? Let's wonder in this article reviews about Balzam " Golden Star"(Asterisk), instructions for its use, analogues and prices for it in pharmacies of the country.

Features of the drug

An asterisk is known as an excellent antiseptic. In addition, due to the specific smell and the "burning" effect, it is capable of distracting the patient from other worries and harmful thoughts.

By ATX, this tool is under the M02AX10 code, that is, it refers to the category of so-called other drugs.


This agent refers to the category of combined and includes:

  • camphor;
  • ramatentol (amounts to more than 50%);
  • oils:
  • carnation colors,
  • leaves of prudoid eucalyptus,
  • chinese corticle
  • peppermint.

The asterisk in the form of ointments also includes vaseline, bee and paraffin wax.

Dosage forms and prices

Golden star is produced in three dosage forms, namely:

  • Pencil for inhalations
  • Liquid balm (outdoor use)

It is the last form that meets most often. Food ointment in small metal round containers. Balm for outdoor use is spilled in glass bubbles, the pencil is a plastic tube with a solid. Packed vessels in cardboard packaging one name.

Prices in pharmacies of Russia on an asterisk moderate. So, in Moscow, on average, 1 jar of ointment will cost 104 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

An asterisk is capable of providing such an effect:

  • distracting;
  • antiseptic;
  • largeratic.

What kind of testimony for use is and is it possible to use balm asterisk (golden star) during pregnancy, let's tell me further.


This substance has greatly proven itself in the treatment of acute respiratory viral diseases and their concomitant ailments, including rhinitis and influenza. It helps with headaches, copes well with insect bites. Therefore, doctors advise to handle skin sections after negative contact with.

  • The peppermint of the drug in the composition of the medication significantly increases the turgor of the skin, and also helps to relieve the irritation of the dermis during allergies. Also, its pairs are able to reduce and.
  • Camfar, having a beneficial effect on fat and porous skin, helps the speedy healing of pimples and gunnings, as well as getting rid of acne.
  • Eucalyptus oil is successfully fighting, eels and herpes.
  • Carnation, thanks to its aroma, scares insects.
  • Cinnamon oil has an anti-acidic effect, helping to fight fungi on the skin.

Instructions for use

Balm ointment is used only externally. It should be applied by a thin layer on the skin section requiring treatment, after which it is necessary to take a slightly substance. The procedure should be carried out without voltage, the massage is carried out until the moment when the dermis acquires a pink shade, and a feeling of warmth will appear in this area.

Running areas:

  • Heat, whiskey -.
  • Chest, spin - flu, ORVI.
  • Wings of the nose - runny nose.
  • Bite place - insect bites.


The tool is quite efficient, but also has a number of contraindications. So, it is worth refuse to lubricate the skin of the star Golden at:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

With excessive individual sensitivity to the components of the substance, it is also worth canceling its use, as in the case when the patient was not fulfilled and two years.

20-30 years ago Balsam "Golden Star" (Vietn. Cao Sao Vàng [Kao Shao Wang] English. Golden Star Balm), or as it is also called, "asterisk", was an unchanged guest in the first-aid kit of every resident of our country.

Not many know that 4 types of natural oils include the composition of this miraculous ointment: clove, cinnamon, mint and eucalyptus.

Now in more detail about the ingredients included in the "asterisk":

Eastern balm "Star" created from a combination of extracts healing herbs and essential oils (used in traditional oriental medicine) and enhanced formic acid. Formic acid is used from time immemorial to get rid of pain of various origin and healing of many ailments.

  • Menthol Crystal - 658 mg
  • Camfora - 124 mg
  • Mint oil - 258 mg
  • Eucalyptus oil - 65 mg
  • Clove oil - 5 mg
  • Cinnamon oil - 6 mg
  • Formic acid
  • Vaseline - 184 mg

❧ Menthol crystal

Menthol has a number of properties that make it possible application In pharmacy: analgesic, antibacterial, painful, sedative, antispasmodic and antiseptic, antipyretic, expectorant and anti-infanal, causes a reflex expansion of coronary vessels, eliminates the spasm of bronchi, brain vessels.
Intended for the treatment of colds, rheumatism, for removing muscle pain from fatigue, etc. Crystalline menthol is an important component of the "stars" when walled diseases Upper respiratory tract, with a headache of a cold character, in the heads in the head, with migraine, as well as neuralgia, arthralgia and Malgia.

The cooling effect of menthol to the skin receptors reduces irritation and itching, for example, with allergies. Helps to reduce painful reactions, reduces inflammatory processes.
The anesthetic effect of menthol is preceded by a feeling of cold, light burning and tingling.

❧ Eucalyptus (eucalyptus oil)

It has long been proven that eucalyptus oil has a stimulating effect on the receptors of mucous membranes, and in combination with other essential oils is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. Essential Masido Eucalyptus helps well with inhalations - quickly and effectively reveal the nasal moves.

Thanks to the eucalyptus, the "asterisk" stimulates sensitive nervous endings and is indispensable with headaches and colds. Her aroma helps greatly as a means of combating mosquitoes - "blood circulation" in the Spirit is not tolerated eucalyptus odor.

The amazing properties of the eucalyptus are written a lot. This tool has proven itself very well with headaches, cough, inflammatory diseases Upper respiratory tract, insect bite, with digestion disorders and abdominal pain.

❧ Mint (peppermint oil)

Peppermint essential oil is distilled by steam from leaves and blooming tops of the Mcntha Piperita plants. It has a pronounced smell of menthol with a herbaceous tint.

Mint oil is an excellent adaptogen, it contributes to the normalization of the functions of the body and its resistance to external influences. Some biologically active points are recommended to massage precisely with mint oil.
With a cold, flu, sinusite peppermint oil cleaned the respiratory tract.

❧ Carnation (cloves)

Antiviral and antibacterial properties of cloves can be compared unless with the best coniferous antiseptics. It is perfect for preventing propagation, speeds up recovery during viral and colds, while the properties of clove oil are effective both in the case of air-drip diseases and intestinal infections.

It is also used to treat serious damage - bruises, wounds, burns, furunculosis, acne, Introduction lesions, cuts, scabies.

❧ Cinnamon (cinnamon oil)

Cinnamon oil of top quality is obtained from the young cortex of Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamonum Zeilanicum), wild and cultivated in Sri Lanka, as well as in the Seychelles and Madagascar.

Cinnamon oil is one of the strongest antiseptics used in homeopathy. It gives an excellent effect not only in the treatment of colds, influenza, viral diseases, but also some skin infections. The healing effect of cinnamon is manifested in stimulating blood circulation, which is especially useful in supercooling, colds, diseases of the joints and spine.

❧ Formic acid

Natural formic acid contains a large number of organic zinc components. And zinc, as you know, is an antioxidant and an immunostimulator. It turns out that in its action, natural formic acid is similar to such widely used in medicine, such as vitamin C or ginseng drugs.

Formic acid has painful, anti-inflammatory, warming and penetrating tonic properties. Due to this component, the "Star" balsam and is used to remove the articular pains of various origin (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism) and the provision of reducing and tonic action on the structure of muscles and joints.

❧ Camphora

Camfar (camphor) is a solid flying ketone with a characteristic pleasant smell. It has a property to shoot various inflammations and warming.
It is recommended to apply with rheumatic pains, arthritis, arthrosis, stylish, inflammation of muscles and joints. When applied to the skin, first cools the lesion zone, and then heats it, increasing blood flow. It is capable of stimulating the peripheral nervous endings, which, in turn, helps reduce pain.

It helps to get rid of cough with colds and viral respiratory diseases and a protracted runny nose.

❧ Vaseline

Vaseline is a homogeneous, stretching viscosetic mass without smell, white or yellow.

Essential oils are successfully used in homeopathy in the treatment of herbs and, unfortunately, too rarely - in the classic pharmaceutical. Essential oils easily penetrate the skin and show their effect, binding to fats that are part of the cells.
With a cold, it is customary to rub "asterisk" under his nose; with headaches - apply to whiskey; for comer biteaccompanied by an unpleasant itch - several times a day to smear the skin for the speedy healing and removal of unpleasant sensations.

In Vietnam - where the "asterisk" comes from where it is considered quite effective and used in many diseases. But its Vietnamese doctors use, taking into account the points of acupuncture - active points on the human body, in which a small amount of balm is rubbed. Moreover, for each disease, different combinations of points are applied.

With home treatment with the balm "Golden Star" you can use a simple method of rubbing a patient or acupuncture of certain points.

For rubbing, the skin should be applied a small amount of balm and to intensively rub until completely absorbed.

Especially effectively rubbing the drug with fingertips into certain acupuncture points. For this, lightly smeared the skin with a balm at a specific point, it is necessary to massage it without voltage until the skin is posed. A similar massage relieves pain and improves overall well-being.
However, it should be said that in cases of serious launched diseases, such a massage as an independent, a separate treatment method will not bring a special effect, so it is best to include in the overall course of treatment.

Before using the balm, check if you have allergies to components.

✅ when bite insects Balm is applied directly to the place of bite. The patient is cooled, and pain and itching are receding for a while. It should be remembered that the balm cannot be used for various skin diseasesAnd also apply to open wounds.

✅ If a headache, then the "asterisk" you need to rub the "asterisk" balm in the whiskey and the skin over the eyebrows for 20 seconds with light presses. But you need to be careful and follow the balm to the eye.

✅ With bruises, tensile ligaments or pain in the muscles, ointment rubbed a thin layer in a sore place.

✅ If you donate That rubbing ointment in whiskey and the head will facilitate the state. The same should be done with insomnia or protracted depression.

✅ for dental pain.Toothpick is a symptom that requires a mandatory appeal to the dentist. But strong sore attack It will also help to remove the balm "Golden Star", which, of course, does not cancel the visit to the doctor when the pain passes. As an anesthetic we want to offer you the following point massage.

Find a point located in the middle of the hole under the zicky bone ahead of the process upper jaw. Point massaging intensively counterclockwise for 1-2 minutes. Next, massaging 3 more points.

To facilitate pain, you can also massage the point indicated in the figure below. Slap the lobe with big and index fingers, lubricated balm "asterisk", and intensively massaging. The pain soon should stop.

✅ "Star" good helps with a cold.However, to begin with, it would be nice to find out than the rhinitis is caused if he is not a manifestation of allergies. If you are sure that you have triggered, and weathered strongly, then resort to the next efficient means. Take a small amount of "Star" Balzam and smooth movements. Strip the chest without touching the nipples. The procedure can be repeated several times (3-4 times) per day. In chronic colds, it is useful to produce daily rubbing of the back and chest with a small amount of balsam.

From the cold, the "asterisk" balm, of course, does not save, but in combination with the backrest massage facilitates breathing during the cold. To massage for all the rules, find the test fingers two symmetrical points where the back of the nose goes into skylty bones (When pressing in these places, you will experience a suspension, a little painful sensation). Here are the reflex zones, the irritation of which cleans the nasal moves.
Then apply a little balsam to the fingertips and for 2-3 minutes by rotational movements, massaging these points, then reinforcing, then reducing the pressure. Repeat 5-6 times a day. Perhaps on the second day the runny nose will disappear.

✅ Angina - it is fixable. The point marked in the figure is slightly higher than the Adam Apple, in the fold of the neck at the level of the sub-band bone. Lubricate this place with a "asterisk" by the Balm and intensively massage for 15-30 seconds.

To cure completely disease can be just a few presses.

✅ Walled diseases. For influenza prevention On the index finger, apply a small amount of the "asterisk" drug and rub into the skin around the nose, in the submandibular and occipital regions, where a large number of biologically active points are concentrated. You can rub in the scope.
Rubbing has not only therapeutic, but also prophylactic effect. After some time, the procedure should be repeated.

And 6 points in the figure below help effectively cope with influenza.

An important point, located on the outside of the palm between the large and index fingers, is very effective to increase the immunity and mobilization of the internal forces of the body in the fight against colds, but it does not forget, contraindicated during pregnancy.

On the initial stage The flu is well helped by the following procedure: to spread the "asterisk" by the feet with the balm, but not all, but only the heel and under the fingers, a thumb and over the fingers. And then on the foot of thumb It is necessary to hold a balsam to the heel.
Then it is necessary to wear coarse wool socks and look in them. In addition, it is necessary to drink plenty of drinks, the frosts are very helpful.

There is one well-known way to cure a cold in a short time. By the way, the tool is already considered folk. It really helps very well what I was convinced of my own experience. It is necessary to grasp the throat of the "asterisk" with light massaging movements, then tie the throat with a handkerchief and drink all evening to drink lime tea with honey in large quantities. Already the next morning you will feel that they have completely recovered.

✅ cervical osteochondrosis

With osteochondrosis there good tool - Massage. However, the massage must produce a specialist. I want to offer a tool that is quite accessible to you. Use the pattern and find the point located on the back of the brush, between the metropolitan falane joints of the second and third fingers.
In the found point, stick the balm "Star" and massaging for two minutes. This means helps with painful sensations in the neck during osteochondrosis.

This massage is especially useful to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, to whom, for example, have to spend a long time at a computer.

✅ For the prevention and treatment of radiculitis.Lambalgia is an approached sharp pain in the lower back, due to the osteochondrosis of lumbar intervertebral discs. It usually occurs suddenly after any movement of the spine (flexing the body forward or turning to the side).

Remove the pain physical peace, horizontal spine position. Significant relief gives a massage with a balm "Golden Star".

Find the point located in the center of the Podlitee shock, shown in the picture, and with force rub in carrying the "asterisk" balm. Next you need to obscure other points. Conduct an intense massage of points with the "asterisk" counterclockwise for 3-4 minutes.

Below is the drawing, which shows the point, also helps to remove painfulness with radiculitis (Ishiase). There is a given point - in the recess between the outer ankle and the achilla tendons at the upper edge of the heel bone. The point is intensely massage with the "asterisk" balm for 15-30 seconds.
Press it on it the tip of the thumb in the direction inside and forward. At the same time, squeeze the shin with the rest of your fingers from the opposite side.

✅ Knee pain. Use these points to remove the pain in the knee joint.

If the point during acupuncture is chosen correctly, with a light and empty of pressure on it with the tips of the fingers there is a feeling of pain.

Point massage is carried out by one finger. Deciding on the description and drawing, the location of the point, press a slightly bent finger. Gradually increasing pressure, achieve a weak pain and massaging the point, performing the amplitude of oscillatory-rotational movements without the shift of the skin on the skin. Usually the point is pressed the pad of a large or middle finger.
In no case, do not press nails on the acupuncture point.

You can immediately rub the "Asterisk" balm to the point, but you can carry out a massage procedure with a dry finger, and immediately at the end of the massage session, lubricate the point with a small amount of Vietnamese drug.

Inhalation with the Balm "Golden Star"

In addition, balsam is used for inhalations. Inhalations are made either using a special inhaler, or just throw some ointment in boiling water, and inhale fragrant couples.

Indications for the use of inhalations: sharp i. chronic diseases upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs; professional diseases Lained, upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs; acute and chronic diseases of the middle ear and the incomplete sinuses; , respiratory, adenoviral infections in acute and subacute periods; Obstructive syndromes, laryngospasm, bronchial asthma, prevention of complications in the postoperative period.

Inhalations with a "asterisk" reduce hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi, reduce the viscosity of the mucus, dilute and accelerate its evacuation, strengthen the activity of the flicker epithelium, contributing to the restoration of the normal state of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, reduce the dryness of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

With influenza, angina, any inflammations of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to add a little balm "Golden Star" to boiling water (500 ml of boiling water) (the amount equal to the volume of the matching head), stir and, hiding a towel, inhale its evaporation for 15-20 minutes. The essential oils contained in it expand the vessels, remove inflammatory processes, clean the respiratory tract and have a powerful antibacterial effect. Such inhalation should be spent 2 times a day - in the morning and evening. Especially effective this method in combination with a massage of acupuncture points.

You can make the following inhalation - on the bottom of a tea saucer to fall into the "asterisk" balm, sprinkle soda and pour steep boiling water, breathe deeply.

✅ Aromotherapy. It is good to use the "star" and for aromatherapy sessions. To do this, the balm droplet is placed in the aromalamp, poured with water and set fire to the candle.
The volatile essential oils evaporate quickly and in the breath enter the body, and millions of sensitive cells lining the nasal moves are irritated. These cells send signals directly to the brain and affect emotions and nervous regulation functions of all organs. Therefore, it should be known that, for example, with the inhalation of the Balm "Star", essential oils simultaneously affect the physical, and the human mental well-being. The same thing happens if the balm rubbing into biologically active points on the body.

I also want to add that the essential oils included in the "asterisk" is an unsurpassed remedy for bloodsowing insects. Flies and mosquitoes are sensitive to smells. Especially scares mosquitoes aroma of cloves and eucalyptus. When used to protect, it is enough to lubricate open areas of the skin or put on the source of the fire - in a fireplace, a fire, on a candle or a heated frying pan.
It is known that the smell of camphors, also part of the Balzam "Golden Star", is able to scare not only mosquitoes, but also flies and even ticks.

Precautions and special instructions

Designed only for outdoor use. You can not allow balsam into the eyes, on the mucous membranes, on the open wound surface.
After applying, the ointment on the skin there is a local increase in temperature and redness of the skin, both heat and burning sensations appear at the same time, which for one hour gradually disappears. When applying ointments, pain does not have pain. In the event of pain, edema or spindles on the skin, it is necessary to stop using ointments and immediately consult a doctor.

There are data on the possibility of development adverse Reactions When using Balzam. When allergic reactions appear, it is necessary to wash off the remnants of the drug from the skin with warm water with soap, stop using it for a while.
In the event of a balsam on the mucous membranes, the ointment should be removed using wet napkins and rinse with plenty of water.

Contraindications to the use of sprocket balsam:

  • Allergic reactions. It should be remembered that the balm "Golden Star" can cause an allergic reaction, because all its components are strong allergens. In particular, it can manifest itself to redness of the skin in places of application.
    In order to prevent possible trouble, before using Balzam, make a test for sensitivity. For this, a small amount of Balzam apply on the skin of the wrist from its inner side. If after a while you will feel the burning and itching, and the skin in the place of application of ointment will redden, then it's urgent everything and do not use more this drug. Most likely he does not fit you.
  • Childhood. Also with caution should be used by balsam children and teenagers. And for children up to two years, it is completely prohibited. Yes, and older children use the balsam only under the supervision of adults. The child may well want to try the ointment taste, or accidentally lure it into the eyes.
  • Skin inflammation (Ranks, Furunkula). It should only be borne in mind that, despite the minimum of contraindications, from Balzam "Star" still one should refuse those who suffer from the mouth of the skin. Do not rush to use balm and in the event that damaged the skin is even more aggravated by the problem.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnant women also often use the "asterisk" considering it absolutely safe for the future child. Of course, such harm as synthetic drugs can not apply. There is no harmful to the baby of chemistry in Balzam. But, nevertheless, it is better to show caution.
    The fact is that the main contraindication to the drug is excessive sensitivity to the components of which it consists. As for the pregnant woman, the reaction of its body is sometimes impossible. So if you are in the position, then before you use the "asterisk" just skip it, and if the smell seems to you sharply unpleasant, it is better not to use at all. Most likely, at the moment, this tool does not fit.

It is also not recommended to climb the Vietnamese balm from the roots of the hair to the corolts of the legs on the legs. Remember, all that is not in moderation is to harm! Yes I. therapeutic effect From such rubbing, do not wait - the balm should be enjoyed more wisely and be sure to know - where and why rub it.
And do not forget to wash your hands after using Balzam!

In the case of ointment intake, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. In case of random drug intake, an overdose symptom includes gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain) and neurological disorders (Headache, dizziness, heat / row, convulsions, respiratory depression and coma). Treatment is symptomatic.
In case of overdose, vomiting should not be caused due to risks associated with the subsequent inhalation of camphor and the development of laryngospasm in children of younger, which can lead to a fatal outcome.

How to open a "asterisk" balm

There are several ways, but I note immediately that the power does not help here.

1. Hold the bottom of the jar with 3 fingers of one hand, and the other twist the cover there and here, while pulling up.
2. Ride balm on some surface (for example, tables). After some time, the lid itself will open.
3. Patty up the jar with a thin blade with a knife.

Balm "Asterisk" should be stored in a dry cool place-protected place at a temperature of 15 ° C to 25 ° C tightly closed.

Store in places inaccessible for children!

The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.

Be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture and shelf life when buying a balm "Golden Star". Do not use after the expiration date specified on the package.

Various forms of release are designed exclusively for the convenience of using the means in the presence of various symptoms.

  • Inhalation pencils well copes with symptoms of cold rhinitis and other nasopharynx diseases.
  • The sprocket's liquid balm is best used for steam inhalations.
  • The usual balm is universal, but most suitable for rubbing and pointing apparent on skin.

Balm "Star" quite has the right to exist. Decimal proven to the agent is not a panacea, but it performs its functions worthy, besides, the wallet does not devote like most of the modern means.
based on

Balsam Golden Star or the Star of the Vietnamese company Danafa is known not to one decade and if someone did not use them, then the species and smell know everything. Balsam produced in various forms, in the form of ointments, pencil and liquid mortar. This balsam helps from many diseases as it is based on natural oils. It is used in the official and folk medicine. The stars appreciates for the fact that it helps to remove inflammation and pain syndrome.

Apartment composition

The basis of this balsam essential oils and extracts of therapeutic herbs, it is:

  • oil camphor laurel,
  • stems and shoots cinnamon,
  • eucalyptus,
  • carnation colors,
  • peppermint I.
  • menthol.

In addition, there are: paraffin, anhydrous lanolin, vaseline and vaseline oil, bee wax, crystalline menthol.

All kinds of stars are manufactured by special technology, which guarantees good penetration through the skin into the body and speeds up the process of recovery. In any form, the composition of Balzam does not change.

  • An camphor laurel oil acts antiseptically, disinfects and struggles with viruses in the body.
  • Cinnamon Stems and Escape Oil helps to stimulate blood circulation, which is important for colds, neuralgia, it also acts annoyingly to skin cover, relieves pain in the joints, muscles, heats, helps with chills, removes intoxication.
  • Oil colors of carnations, is a natural antiseptic.
  • The oil of peppermint has an antiseptic and painful effect on the body, softens the painful state with influenza, cold, cold, problems with breathing paths, with weakness, nausea, headaches.
  • Eucalyptus oil acts antiseptically, anti-inflammatory, stimulates the nerve endings and receptors of mucous membranes, helps with a cold and headaches.
  • Menthol saves with a cold, cough, headache and pharyngitis.
  • To enhance the action of balm in its composition, formic acid is added, which acts as an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory agent, stimulates natural immunity, warms.

In what form are released

Balsam in any form is characteristic of a red packaging with a red star.

The star balsam is produced in the form of ointment, inhalation pencil, liquid mortar. The homeland of the release of this miraculous means produced the "star" in the form of a cosmetological cooling plaster, nasal drops, powders from cold, syrup.

In the form of ointment, the stars are produced in a tin jar, 4 grams medicinal preparation. The ointment has a solid yellow structure, which is melting with skin touch.

Inhalation pencil is produced in a plastic tube with a lid, a mass of 1.3 grams of the drug.
Balsam (in liquid form) for external use is produced in a bottle of a mass of 5 milliliters.

The bottle is placed in cardboard packaging.
A detailed instruction is necessarily attached to any form.

The shelf life of ointments and balsam is 4 years. In the form of a pencil, the period is 5 years.
Any of drugs should be stored in a dry, darkened place at room temperature up to +25 degrees.

Useful properties at what diseases to use

Most often, this balm is used in a cold, cold, inflammation in the throat, cough, headache and marine disease, various inflammatory processes.

Star helps for dental, headaches, radiculitis, in insect bite, increased fatigue, pain in the joints, with hopes on the legs.

When manifesting a cold or flu, the stars facilitates the course of the disease. It can be used to prevent these diseases.

For diseases of the joints, spine, muscles after stretching, injuries, balm easily relieves pain from a problem area.

When burns in contact with poisonous plants, jellyfish, when insect bite, the stars removes inflammation, pain and speeds up the healing processes.

Balsam is used in the form of hot inhalations with a cold, cold, throat diseases, dry cough.
Inhalation pencil helps from a cold and colds.

With allergic reactions, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in childhood Up to 2 years and when inflammation on the skin, it is impossible to use the drug.

After using the balm, it is necessary to wash your hands, because when it gets into the eye, it causes irritation on the mucous membranes.

Balm can be applied over the upper lip, on the chin, on the wings of the nose, the nose, whiskey, the head, the abnormal arc, back, belly, chest, legs and feet.

When inhaling a pencil, ointments, a liquid solution is facilitated by breathing, and mucus is derived.

In the nasal strokes you can not apply a balm!


Balzam is not used in allergic reactions to components components. If a person has irritation, tear, inflammation is needed to cancel.

A large amount of balm is not necessary to apply, as this can lead to a tissue burn. When burning and cutting redness, the problem zone is washed with water.

During pregnancy and when breastfeeding, this drug is used only after the prescription of the doctor and with extreme caution.

In childhood up to 2 years, the balm does not apply, up to 5 years it is used with caution.
If there are any inflammations on the skin, this drug cannot be used.

With a wet cough, bronchopneumonia, altektase by balm cannot be applied.

How to open balsam

Many lovers of this medicinal product simply were angry with the opening of the jar, but there were several effective ways in Snorzka.

The bottom of the jars must be pinned with their fingers, the other hand the lid moves there and go down and carefully rises.

Ointment lid can be hired by a thin blade of the knife.

You can also ride the balm on the table, the lid when skating itself opens.
In any case, you need to be patient, since it is not rapidly this action.

Application from disease

Before applying Balzam, a problem area needs to be washed and only then apply therapeutic drug.
When applying the drug to separate acupuncture points, the effect is enhanced.

Balsam is applied, massaged clockwise, until light redness is formed. Balm can be used several times a day.

Hot inhalations can be done with a strong cold and dry cough. For wet cough Inhalation is not done, as it can harm. In addition, inhalation helps people working in harmful production. With this procedure, bronchi is cleaned of heavy metals and toxic substances.

The pencil avoids the use of drops into the nose and does not cause dryness of the mucous membranes, which when using almost any drops inevitably. He relieves even chronic rhinitis And when used 10 times a day helps to cure this disease completely.

With a cold, cough Balsam lubricates feet feet, spin, back neck and chest. After rubbing, you need to wear warm clothes and go to bed under the blanket for an hour.

With headache rubbed into whiskey, the head, the nose, behind the ears. Relief comes after 7 minutes.

For dental painThe medicine rubs on the cheek near the patient's tooth, the mossy of the ears.

With different pain and stretchingBalsam is rubbed in a sore place.
Preheated place is wrapped with a towel, a sheet.

With burns and bite Ointment is applied directly to the affected place.

Open wounds to handle this drug is impossible!

With corns and edema On the legs of the balm is applied to the heated skin after the adoption of the bath.

With fatigue and depressive condition By balm, you can simply make a breath (you can use the aroma). Nerves relax and calm down.

For sea disease Or other manifestations of nausea stalls are applied to whiskey and the head.

How to carry ingulation?

Inhalation using balm allows you to accelerate the treatment of such diseases such as colds, runny nose, cough, throat disease.

Inhalation can be made in several ways, it is: hot inhalation, steam inhaler and inhalation using aroma lamps.

For inhalation, balm is taken:

  • capacity,
  • liter boiling water
  • towel,
  • spoon sea salt.

Hot water is poured into the bowl, salt is poured, a small piece of pencil in the form of a pea or some ointments, a few drops of liquid balm are added.

The face leans over the tank, the head is covered with a towel. You need to breathe about 15 minutes. Couples during inhalation should not burn, as it will cause harm more than good.

Another way. A little bliss is placed in the saucer, a little soda is added, this mixture is poured boiling water. You need to ride over the saucer.

If there are eucalyptus leaves, you can take 10 pieces, brew them, and after boiling to add balm. The saucepan is removed from the fire and you can breathe., Cover your head with a cloth, towel.

With this inhalation, bronchi is well cleaned, run-hub.

With a cold, you can take a spoonful of eucalyptus, coltsfoots, chamomiles, chasty, linden, sage, boil three minutes and insist. The decoction is focused and used instead of tea, and the herbs are poured with boiling water (1 liter), 2 minutes are boiled, a little balm is added and you can breathe.

Instead, you can use a steam inhaler. The solution is created similarly to the previous method, only reducing the dosage.
Inhalations in any way are made twice a day. They can alternate with a massage with a balm.

Instead of inhalations, you can use aromalamp and liquid stars. Such an aroma can be used before bedtime. A liquid solution is poured into the lamp and the candle is set. In the presence of a pencil, you can also use it. For this, the pea of \u200b\u200bthe drug is taken with the addition of any essential oil, such as calendula or chamomile.

Video about the benefits and application of the Vietnamese asterisk

Star balm has been saving people from many diseases for many years. When complying with some precautions, it can help very many people who are treated and folk methods and using standard medicines.

Known medicines that do not lose their relevance for decades. New are being developed medical preparations, and some of the former, proven remain still at the height and are well-deserved popularity. Among them - the balsam the stars also known as the "Golden Star" and "Vietnamese Star".

The composition of Balzama

The tool is considered effective, since its composition developed by the technologies of the East is not only safe, but also contains a lot of useful substances. Instructions for the use of balsam stars contain a list of the main components, which mainly have vegetable origins:

  1. The "lion's share" is essential oils: camphor, eucalyptus, mint and others. Mint oil helps from pain and reduces the reproduction of the pathogenic microflora. Carnation oil does not give microbes to penetrate the body.
  2. Paraffin, beeswax and vaseline are used to create a viscous consistency.
  3. Camphor is used as a disinfectant. She suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  4. Menthol has a local cooling effect and painful properties. Removes headaches.

Each component contributes to beneficial featuresIn general, the efficiency of Balzam comes down to the local annoying, antiseptic and distracting effect. Its use is based on antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The tool is available in several forms: in the form of ointments and a soft pencil for inhalations. Also produced liquid balsam stars.

Greater recognition finds a medicine in the form of ointments, which is sold in aluminum jars to 4-5 g. She has a thick consistency, a yellowish tint and a little sharp, spicy smell. It is used externally.

Pencil has similar components and appearance Reminds packaging with hygienic lipstick filled with viscous contents. Pencil is effective from nasal congestion. The procedure is carried out like this: brings to the nose and make 1-2 inhalation for the reception.

Pencil helps from headache caused by cold or low pressure. It is convenient to use in transport, at work, in in public places. It is possible to store and use as necessary for a long time, since the shelf life is 4-5 years.

Therapeutic effect

Since the Vietnamese Star removes inflammation and kills microorganisms, being a strong antiseptic, the spectrum of its action covers various diseases:

  • prevention and treatment of influenza and colds;
  • inflammation of respiratory organs, for example, rhinitis;
  • preventive and healing measures for problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • assistance in the treatment of radiculitis;
  • removal of muscle pain, positive effect in injuries and bruises;
  • help with dental pains;
  • treatment of fatigue and depressive states;
  • assistance in some skin problems;
  • removing the stew and dry corns;
  • removing headaches.

Balm helps with the bite of insects and touches the jellyfish, treats sea disease. Aromalamps with a balm - prevention of cold and carrying out relaxation procedures.

Application and Dosage Rules

Pencil for inhalations is better to always keep with you. It is convenient to apply during the day as needed, since the effect of action is not very long. You need to inhale or sniff a means slowly, without bringing a stick to the nose itself (too sharp smell). It helps to treat a runny nose, which is relevant to the age of colds and allergies.

Balm is applied to the skin with a thin layer and gently rubbed by massaging movements. Applications 2-3 times a day will be enough. Excessive passion to the means causes irritation. The reaction to the skin epidermis occurs when it is used in large quantities, which can lead to a burn.

In the case of headache, "Eastern Elixir" is applied to the temple and the head; In the course of flu or colds - on the chest and back zone; From rhinitis rubbing in the wings of the nose; Applied to the bite of insects. But these are only general recommendations.

Vietnamese balm affects effectively with proper application - across the acupuncture points. There are certain points for the treatment that the ointment is applied. They are massized clockwise while the skin does not redden. The location of the points you need to know by reading the appropriate literature or contacting the manual therapist.

When removing minor pain symptoms, you can cope on your own. But if you pass a comprehensive treatment from a serious illness, then a specialist will apply a means to certain points.

The cost of "golden stars" is quite acceptable. So, a pencil for inhalation (1.3 g) costs 131 rubles. The price of Balzam (4 g) is 82 rubles, liquid balm in the bottle (5 ml) is estimated at 132 rubles. The cost of the medication in various pharmacies and regions may differ, but slightly.

When balsam should be refused

Although the composition of the agent is natural, but rather "aggressive", since essential oils have a sharp odor and can cause an allergic reaction to the skin. Therefore, some contraindications are known:

  • not used for children up to 3 years;
  • during pregnancy should be used with caution;
  • it is prohibited at an individual reaction to the components;
  • not recommended for bronchial asthma;
  • not applied if damage is damaged on the skin;
  • not used in hypersensitivity.

The application guide said that the composition should not be applied to the mucous covers of the nose and oral cavity. Avoid contact with the eye.

Before use, we carry out an allergy, choosing a small area on the skin. If it does not occur, irritation or pain, then the tool is suitable for use. Balm is not used in the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Balm with colds

Since the range of diseases under which the Golden Star is applied is quite wide, we will study its use on separate examples.

Star from a cold and colds - just a magic panacea. It massages the wings of the nose and the nose, the edges of each nostril, when the nose does not breathe and the mucus is distinguished. I can not smear the inner surface (epithelium) cannot be smeared, since the burn may occur on the mucous. It helps the ointment of children, but you need to take into account age and be sure to carry out an allergile.

Balm Star with a cold is the most popular tool that is used quite wide. After massage the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose over the balm, you can breathe within a minute. But it is better to use a pencil pencil for inhalations for the nose, it is intended for this. Pencils are used as a prophylactic remedy for hypothermia or suspicion of cold development.

Balm helps even from strong and long cough. Out of coughing follows the chest area, neck and top of the back. To warm up and sleep well, it is best to spend the procedure for the night. So its action will bring the desired result.

With a dry cough and a cold, there will be inhalation with a star balsam:

  • on a liter of hot, just the boiled water take the Mazi Mazi;
  • bend over a container with a solution, accumulating with a towel;
  • breathe over the ferry for 10 minutes: breathing should be measured to inhale and exhale.

It is dangerous to inhale too hot couples: the mucous membranes of the nose or throat are easily burned. Inhalation is not carried out with a cough, which is boredom.

Application of balm with other pathologies

Using balm, in 10 minutes you can remove the headache. Lubricate the agent of the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples, bridges, the center of the occipital part and apply for the ears. If the pain is associated with cold or low pressure, then help is guaranteed.

You can use the asterisk with articular pains, stretching or bruises. It is necessary to act as follows:

  • balzam rubs into a sore place;
  • the affected place is covered with a warm cloth;
  • wrapping leave for several hours for a good warming up of a patient;
  • in the articular pain, the ointment is applied around the patient and the place of pain is covered and heated,
  • with painful spine syndrome, the tool is applied along the spinal column point.

A few hours later, the patient will feel relief. Balm is not used as the main medicine, it is part of the complex therapy.

Vietnamese "Drug" is indispensable and in the bite of some insects: bees, OS, mosquitoes, midges. It is neatly applied to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. It will get rid of itching, pain and irritation of the skin. But when the place of bite is calculated before the blood, when the wound was formed, then the ointment should not: it will cause even stronger irritation.

Star helps to cure eath and corn on the legs. At the beginning, they take a bath on steaming skin, the tool is applied to the sole, if there are corn, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe ankle, if the legs swell. Effective with edema foot contrasting baths, after which the ointment is rubbed into the skin of the ankle.

Help with fatigue and depression consists in inhalation of the vapor "Eastern Elixira". Essential oils soothe the nervous system and lead a person to the equilibrium state. Agromolamps often use a little balm in it. In this method, the effect will be more tangible, since the smell of essential oils envelops a person and removes all the alarms that have accumulated per day.

The stars are often used when leaving the open sea. When the sea is a storm and there are signs of nausea ( seasickness), then a jar with ointment or pencils will be as impossible by the way. Temporable and occipital area - deposits.

Opinions on the use of means for pregnancy are very contradictory, since the Vietnamese drug contains many essential oils. Not for all women "in the position" he may be a panacea. Sometimes it causes unexpected reactions, so it can be used, but with caution. Due to the natural composition, it may be the only permitted means.

"Vietnamese drug" is a useful and versatile agent. Naturally, it will not solve all the problems. But the ointment well helps with a suddenly started cold, with a cold, migraine, unexpected irritation. Thanks to a small amount and indisputable benefits, he always has a place in the lady's handbag or a home first aid kit.

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