Child's cough in Komarovsky treatment. Children's cough in children Treatment Komarovsky

Cough in children is mainly or viral, or allergic. When the virus or allergen penetrate the bronchi, there is inflammation of their mucous membrane. The body is actively fighting, producing a mucus that should neutralize the virus. And expectoration - attempts to bring outwardly accumulated in light mucus.

The appearance of cough child, of course, worries his parents. In particular confusion, they introduce their absence of any other symptoms - increasing the temperature, redness in the throat, weaknesses, a cold. What is happening in this case with the baby? Cough in a child without temperature and Komarovsky, and a number of other pediatricians consider the signal that some disease develops in the children's body. It remains only to find out what disease we are dealing with.

Test: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you cough?

Your cough is combined with a runny nose and most noticeing in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough like:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, dial more air into the lungs and plow)?

During an attack of cough, you feel pain in the stomach and / or chest (pain in intercostal muscles and abdominal press)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the character of the mucus, which stands out during the cough (no matter how much it is: little, or a lot). She is:

Do you feel blunt pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and wears the "incommete" character (as if the hearth is in the easiest of pain)?

Do you have a shortness of breath (during exercise You quickly "fierce" and tired, breathing becomes more often, after which the air shortage comes)?

Causes of cough in children no temperature

How to treat

As already mentioned, cough is not a separate disease, but one of the symptoms. Thus, it is necessary to treat not only it, but the illness is entirely.

So, summarize - how to treat cough, which is not accompanied by an elevated temperature? First of all, to soften it, in the second - to help the body with deliverance from snot.

This will require:

  • give a child a lot of drinks;
  • support normal temperature (about 18-20 degrees) and air humidity level in the room where the kid is located;
  • walk with the baby so that he breathe fresh air;
  • giving a child muscolics to stimulate expectoration.

What to do with wet cough

Despite the fact that the cough in a child today is not uncommon, it is necessary to be able to distinguish a simple swollen from the beginning of some disease. In particular, moist cough Specifies to enter the body of crumbs infections.

Even if your child does not temperature, in no case cannot take medication at its discretion. First of all, you must consult a pediatrician. Children's doctor It will find out the real reason for the occurrence of a wet cough. But if you came to the reception, and he immediately discharges the recipe for the purchase of antibiotics - change the doctor. Wet cough in a child who is not accompanied by an increased temperature, it is impractical to immediately treat "heavy artillery" - taking antibiotics.

In order for the accumulating sputum faster and much more efficiently, as a rule, narrow-controlled musolithic preparations are prescribed (for example, "Bromgexin" or "Mukaltin").

In addition, when the kashe is a child, you need to steal hard. Children will be happy with cranberry monster, tea in need with raspberry jam, sweet compotes with licorice root and chamber. If the body temperature is within the normal range, you can confuse and shake the baby legs.

If the child began to "bark"

If parents heard a child's cough in a child, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Otherwise, the disease can go to acute, and then - both in a chronic form.

According to Komarovsky, it is not necessary to treat the cough himself separately, and that ailment that provoked the occurrence of this symptom. Drugs and other methods are used for treatment. If the child began to "bark" because of allergies, it is extremely important to reveal an allergen and eliminate it. If the allergen cannot be determined independently, you need to be examined by the doctor, which will write a suitable antihistamine drug according to the results. Winter regularly sweat warm drinks. It is necessary in order to avoid drying the throat and larynx. And Dr. Komarovsky strongly advises to acquire a humidifier for the children's room.

If the cause of the cough is the sharp form of Larygitis and the child, coughing, is suffering, immediately call the doctor. After all, the development of larynx edema is a very dangerous state for the kid. Larningospazmis is removed by Loratadin and Dzloratadine preparations. Faringitis is treated with antibiotics and drugs that reduce the annoyance of the throat ("Inhalipte").

Before sending a child to sleep, so that he won't wake up from cough, you need to give him "Mukaltin" or "Codelak". If the doctor diagnosed in the baby bronchitis or tracheitis, then treatment with mulitics - "Bromgexin", "Lazolyvan" or "Ambroben".

The main task is to translate the dry cough into wet, which indicates a rapid recovery. For this purpose, drugs are used to dissolve sputum and improve its expectoration.

If the infection has bacterial origins, antibiotics are added ("Augmentin" and "Cephalexin"). In addition, vegetable syrups made on the basis of althea or plantain are well helped with the cough.

Folk recipes

If the kid does not temperature, there will be some funds of traditional medicine. We give a couple of examples.

  • To soften cough, you can use warm milk mixed with mineral water in proportions 1: 1. Alternative version of this drug - mix the heated milk with a tea spoon of natural honey and add a small slice of fresh butter. This tool will soften the irritated throat, and for some time the cough will cease to annoy the child.
  • Good tool - Sing of radish. It should be given to the baby on a teaspoon every three hours. How to get this juice? You can split radish in half, pour a bit of honey to each half and sprinkle with sugar-sand with a slightly. Then put it in a deep plate - so that the radish lay at an angle. Literally an hour, the healing juice can be merged and used as intended. Remember that before a year, children can not give it.


Finally, it should be emphasized once again that the fight against one cough is not only deprived of any meaning, but also is dangerous for the child. Meanous reception of various drugs and the change of drugs, if the result from their use does not appear instantly, are absolutely unreasonable and harming the baby's toddler. After all, it may be that you just need to cover the batteries or remove a new flower out of the room, check if the crumb of allergies do not suffer on wool in a blanket.

In any case, it is necessary to find out the reason for the appearance of a symptom, and only then comprehensively affect it. Only so you can cure cough, and caused its illness.

Most of the parents are concerned when their children have a dry leaf cough. Dry cough treatment usually passes long, sometimes with exacerbation of pathology and severe consequences. Evgeny Komarovsky says that the cough is a protective reaction of the body to external stimuli, and it is necessary to treat it that is the cause of its manifestation.

The reasons

Children's doctor Pediatrician, Evgeny Komarovsky, stands out the following reasons kola's cough in children:

  • allergic reaction;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hit the throat in the throat;
  • diphtheria;
  • whooping cough;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • increased dryness of air;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • nervous breakdown;
  • cystic neoplasms;
  • inflaced larynx.

Children under five years most of all are at the barking cough. Parents should be remembered that the baby cough can be a protective reaction to dust. Doctor Komarovsky repeatedly said this. Permanent dry cough that does not worsen general state The body is called nervous. In this case, the child needs to show a pediatrician.

In cases where the cough is accompanied by an allergic reaction, vomiting, increased temperature, shortness of breath, parents should immediately contact a specialist. In such a situation, it is not necessary to treat children by yourself before the true cause of cough is established.

How to diagnose

Evgeny Komarovsky highlights two types of cough in children: wet and dry. With a wet type of illness, the lungs are released from mucus and sputum, which makes breathing, improves the overall condition of the patient. The dry cough is also called the barking, since the child is not able to spill independently, his breathing process is difficult, the voice sits down and begins to syuit.

To diagnose this disease, it is enough to listen to how coughing your child. The sound when coughing is like a dog of a dog, and is due to the fact that the voice changes due to a minor edema in the larynx. It is most strongly manifested at night and early in the morning, because at this time the lungs are ventilated in slow motion, the sputum accumulates and causes strong attacks in children.

Such a cough may be accompanied by pain in the throat, runny nose, temperature, small inflammation. lymph nodes. In addition, frequent satellites are pain in the chest due to strong muscle tension. Weakness, fast fatigue and dizziness appear in children as a result of the lack of oxygen. The barking cough is dangerous in that the swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx is intensified, as a result of which a suffocation may occur.

The disease is not always accompanied by infection or inflammation. Cough can start at absolutely healthy baby. Immediately cause ambulance if symptoms are observed as high temperatures with chills or fever, elevated salivation, diarrhea, skin color change, larynx swelling, suffocation. Independent treatment Children, with such symptoms, is categorically not recommended.

Video "How to quickly cure"

Treatment on Komarovsky with temperature

You need to start with the elimination of the main reason for the illness. It is important to treat not cough, but a disease, the symptom of which it is. In the body of the child there is something that irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and leads to a cluster of sputum. It is necessary to eliminate the pathogen of the disease or a stimulus, and after a cough, cease to stop in itself.

If it is the consequence of a bacterial infection, then an antibiotic can be assigned. When allergic is anti-allergic drugs, if this is a viral infection, then it is necessary to help the body quickly cope with it. And so, if children have a temperature and cough, Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky advises parents to adhere to the following rules in the treatment:

  • child needs calm, do not worry it, otherwise the cough will only deteriorate;
  • the air in the room must be fresh and wet, as it facilitates breathing and promotes rapid expectoration. As you often need to carry out the room, and do not be lazy at least once a day do wet cleaning;
  • giving a child abundant drink as much as possible. It may be tea, juice, warm water, chamomile beams, linden, rosehip. The more the kid of liquid drinks, the faster the sputs are thinned, and expectoration occurs;
  • do not be afraid to break the child, so the temperature drops faster, and the patient will be much easier to breathe. Clothes can squeeze the respiratory system;
  • it is not recommended to shoot down a temperature of up to 38.5 degrees. With increasing body temperature, let's burn the antipyretic drugs. But do not overdo the antipyretic drugs strongly affect the liver;
  • it is impossible to rub the back and chest ointments that contain essential oils. They can provoke a strong allergic reaction;
  • regular inhalations with mineral water contribute to the derivation of the organism of the mocry and mucus;
  • you can massage the chest and the back with light stroking movements, it will make it easier for breathing.

Cough with increased body temperature in children can be dangerous symptomYou need to treat as soon as possible in order to prevent the aggravation of the ailment. Alone to prescribe and give medicine to the child is urgently not recommended.

Since various complications may appear on the background of cough, because it is not known how this will affect his future life. Therefore, do not risk the health of your favorite tea and immediately refer to the specialists. Only a doctor can find out the present reason by appointing appropriate treatment.

And so, if the doctor prescribed a course of treatment, it is important to know than each tool can help the patient, and how it will affect the patient's body. First, the correct medicines should affect the state of sputum, that is, to make it less viscous. In most cases, drugs increase the amount of sputum, which accumulates on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and it is easy to flip. Also drugs slow down inflammatory process On the upper tissues of the epithelium.

Optimize the work of the family epithelium, improve the contractile function of the bronchi. Evgeny Komarovsky reporter says that it is necessary to treat a dry cough in the first stage so that it moves into a wet form. The reflex should output an infection that has accumulated in the body so that the sick child becomes better.

Treatment without temperature

If your child has a boring cough due to a viral infection, Evgeny Komarovsky recommends the treatment of children, following simple rules.

  • support the required level of humidity in the room. Use air moisturizing instruments, while it should be warm, fresh and wet. In the absence of an instrument, the heating season needs to lay wet rags on the batteries, thus increasing moisture in the room;
  • free the child from uncomfortable and cramped clothes. Pressure on the chest can lead to aggravation of general condition. If there was a cough attack on the street, immediately open his breasts - unbutton the upper clothes and light movements to massate the chest;
  • during strong attack The cough can not force the child to drink water, tea or other drinks, it is impossible to give medicines and feed, the likelihood of choiling or stroke. This can lead to suffocation.

  • regularly carry out inhalations with mineral water temperature - this is the best way Easy the breath of the child. When inhalation, moisture directly affects the state of the wet, quickly discharge them.
  • you can carry out hot procedures - put mustard pieces, compresses, take a hot bath and warm the throat. Remember, the mustache must not be put on the chest, so you will only make worse. Mustache put only on lower limbs - on the feet. This will increase blood outflow to the legs, while reducing it in the larynx, preventing swelling in the throat.
  • let's drink a patient as much as possible fluid with a high content of vitamin C for this, a lingonberry morse is suitable, decoction of rose hips or viburnum fruits.

According to Dr. Evgenia Komarovsky, the treatment of cough will be easily and fast as soon as you create a favorable atmosphere in the house, including proper nutrition, admission to the body of vitamins and calories, as well as other useful trace elements.

Video "Cough treatment in children"

To correctly cure this disease from your child, we advise you to get acquainted with the information that Dr. Komarovsky offers. Tips can be used as a working manual for treatment.

A child's cough in a child is an alarming symptom, indicating the damage to the mucous membranes, trachea and voice ligaments. It is often accompanied by pain in the chest, shortness of breath, sorrow in the throat and voices. The cause of the barking cough becomes laryngitis, tracheitis, false croup, cough, etc. To facilitate the well-being of the child, utilities are used, secretomotor (expectorant) and antitussive agents.

Causes of kolas in children

Cool cough - forced exhalation, accompanied by a sound, like a dog Lai.

Why there arises a whistling cough in a child:

  • Larygitis - infectious or allergic inflammation of the larynx, which is often involved in swept cartilage. The child is concerned about burning in the throat when shaking and high temperature. After 2 days, the cough becomes barking, and the wet is not separated.
  • False croup - inflammation and narrowing of the larynx, accompanied by an edema of the pinpoint area. Manifests itself with a wake-up cough, shortness of breath, liagement of the skin. False croup is more often found in children under 6 years. It is dangerous by respiratory failure and choking.
  • Cocal - inflammation of the ENT organs caused by a cough stick (Bordetella pertussis). Manifests itself with a spasmodic cough, whistling breathing, increasing temperature.
  • Laringhotrachite is a combined inflammation of the trachea and larynx caused by viruses or bacteria. Cash attacks arise sharply, which becomes the cause of panic. The child complains of chest pain, burning in the larynx.

Wars in the lungs - a sign of bronchitis or pneumonia.

If the child coughes at night, and in the afternoon there is no reason more often in allergies on feather pillows or blankets.

How to help with a cough attack

The bakery bitter cough is one of the leading symptoms of a false cereal (stenosing laryngotracy). Before facilitating the condition of the child, you need to call the doctor's house.

First aid with a child's casstery in a child:

  1. Calm baby. The first thing is to calm the child. Therefore, take it on your hands, unzipted close clothes.
  2. Carrying. To relieve breathing, provide the influx of fresh air into the room. Open the windows or turn on the air conditioner.
  3. Mustard pieces. At the barking whistling cough to the calf muscles and the footsteps, attach mustard pieces. It helps to reduce the edema of the mucosa of the alcohol.
  4. Warm drink. To remove spasm from the respiratory muscles, give the child warm milk or tea with honey.

To help the baby cope with the attack, talk to him a calm voice. When the doctor comes, it will determine the degree of narrowing of the lumen of the larynx.

With stenosis 1 and 2, the degree of the child is hospitalized into the infectious compartment.

How to treat a baby cough in a child

Before starting the treatment of the barking cough, it is necessary to find out its cause. Therapies are preceded by diagnostics, which includes:

  • chest radiography;
  • microscopic sputum analysis;
  • laryngoscopy;
  • general blood analysis;
  • spirography.

Syrups and tablets

Preparations from the barking cough for children are selected by children's Laura, taking into account:

  • age;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • causative agent infection.

For symptomatic treatment Use three types of medicines:

  • Antitussive - Central and peripheral actionCutting a cough reflex. The first affect the cough center in the oblong brain, and the second ones on the nervous endings in the ENT organs.
  • Mulitatic (secretolithic) - preparations that reduce the viscosity of the mucus. Used to translate dry cough into wet.
  • Expectaurant (secretomotor) - means of stimulating the work of the cereal epithelium and removing mucus from the respiratory tract. Warning wet wet when bating wet cough, which reduces the risk of bronchitis and pneumonia.

In spastic cough, you need to give a child a tablet or anti-flame or muscolithic syrup. For prophylaxis side Effects Medicines are selected based on age.

How to treat the bakey cough in children

Drug nameForm releaseOperating principleFrom what age is allowed in years
Panatus Fortesyrupsuppresses the cough act, expands the lumen of the bronchi, facilitates breathing3
Ambrobentablets, syrupreduces the viscosity of bronchial mucus, increases the productivity of cough6 (for tablets)

3 (for syrup)

Tussin Plussyrupinhibits the work of the cough center, normalizes the function of breathing6
Bromgexinpillsdilutes bronchial mucus, makes it easier to flip3
Stoptussinpillscasting a boring bakery cough, pain in the altarlot5 months (if the weight of more than 7 kg)
Broncholitinsyrupoppresses the cough reflex, expands the lumen of the bronchi, improves drainage function lungs3
Herbion with plantainsyrupreduces the elasticity of bronchial mucus, relieves inflammation, stimulates local immunity2
Bronkatarsyrupreduces sputum viscosity, translates dry cough into wet, stimulates the healing of the mucous3
Perstissinsyrupstimulates an expectoration of mucus, reduces chest pain with a cough attack3
Mukdinsyruplocks mucus, stimulates the work of the family epithelium2
Codelk neotablets, syrupsuppresses the barking spasmodic cough, relieves inflammation, expands the lumen of the bronchi3

To pick up good tool, the doctor draws attention to the general clinical picture.

If the child has a sore throat, there are worships in the lungs, syrups with bronchorated, anti-inflammatory effects are prescribed.

If acute laryngitis or bronchitis is caused by bacteria, antimicrobial therapy is carried out by such antibiotics:

  • Azithromycin;
  • Levofloxacin;
  • Roxitromycin;
  • Augmentin;
  • Moxifloxacin.

Tetracycline antibiotics - doxycycline, metacycline, ericycline - are prescribed to children from 8 years.


Breasting dry cough in infantless is treating warming compresses. Skin and fiber warming leads to extension of vessels, better blood supply to the lungs. As a result, the metabolism is accelerated, the bronchial mucus is diluted, the lumen of the bronchi increases.

Effective compresses:

  • Potato. 2-3 large potatoes are boiled for 15-20 minutes. The fork is melted and mixed with 50 ml of melted honey. Form a cake and wrap it in gauze. Heat top Breast or intercostal area for 15 minutes. Perform the procedure twice a day.
  • With vinegar. Warm water is mixed with apple vinegar In proportion number: 1. The solution is wetted a cotton-gauze pad. Apply to the area under the blades for 25-30 minutes. Make compress daily before bedtime.

When the lame dry cough goes into wet, be sure to do drainage massage. It warns the stagnation of mucus, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs.


Local treatment of cough in children is carried out with warming ointments that contain:

  • levomentol;
  • camphor;
  • peppermint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • turkish oil, etc.

Local preparations have distracting, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect. To translate dry coarse cough in wet, ointments are treated:

  • chest;
  • wings of the nose;
  • feet;
  • whiskey;
  • back.

Effective ointments and balsams for rubbing:

  • Ointment from propolis;
  • Rosteran;
  • Dr. Mom Cold Slave;
  • Bryony;
  • Turpentine ointment;
  • Golden Star;
  • Barcuchk;
  • Dr. Tais Eucalyptus;
  • Baby Pulmex;
  • Vix asset.

The procedure is performed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

In the treatment of children under a year, one should not apply ointment with camphor or eucalyptus on the face - the wings of the nose, the nose, whiskey, as it is fraught with a cough attack.


The child's cough in a child is without temperature, but with a runny nose they treat inhalations. For the prevention of burns, do not enjoy steam inhalers, but nebulizers. Nebulizer turns water solution In the aerosol, which easily penetrates into the lungs and alveoli.

Preparations for nebulizer therapy:

  • Fluimucil;
  • Sinupere;
  • Ambrexal;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Bronchosan.

In the absence of a nebulizer, you can make steam inhalations over pancakes with alkaline mineral water - Essentuki No. 4, Borjomi, Smirnovskaya. When the cough bells, there is recommended inhalations over the chamomile decoction, souls, calendula. The decoction temperature should not exceed 40 ° C, and the duration of the session is 10 minutes.

If the child is not yet 1 year, the procedure is performed no more than 2 minutes.

Before cured by the barking cough inhalations, consult your doctor. Physical examination is contraindicated in the abscess of light, cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial deficiency, pulmonary bleeding.

Medicinal herbs

Humped respiration, the bakery kashel - the investigation of edema and irritation of the mucous membranes. To get rid of the symptoms, give the child the decoction of medicinal plants:

  • Chamomile. 1 tbsp. l. Herbs are poured 500 ml of water. Boil on low heat for 3 minutes. Focus through the siete. They give 30 minutes before the meal of 150 ml 4-5 times a day.
  • Collection. Equal shares mix raspberry leaves, a lamp, oregano. 1 tbsp. l. poured 500 ml of steep boiling water. Insist under the lid of 30-40 minutes. Take an infusion of 150-200 ml to 4 times a day.
  • Thyme. 1 tsp. Herbs boost in 250 ml of water for 3 minutes. The filtered decoction drink 150 ml to 4-5 times a day.

The course of treatment of the laminate cough varies from 5 to 10 days. If health does not improve, refer to the pediatrician.

Folk remedies

In the fight against ORVI symptoms, funds are effective alternative medicine. Many products have anti-informal properties - milk, ginger, honey.

How to eliminate the baby cough in a child at night:

  • Milk with honey. 200 ml of liquid is heated to 40-45 ° C, add 15 ml of floral honey. Give the child before bed for 5-7 days.
  • Radish with honey. The radish is passed through the meat grinder, the juice is pressed. In 150 ml of melted honey, 1 Article is added. l. juice. Give the baby for 1 tsp. Every 2 hours.
  • Ginger tea. The root of ginger is crushed on the grater. 1/3 h. L. Mixed from 1 tsp. Tea welding. Speed \u200b\u200bin thermos and poured 250 ml of boiling water. After 40 minutes they are filled. Drink on the glass up to 3 times a day.

Means with radish and ginger use with caution, as they often provoke allergies in children.

Drinking mode and diet

The child's cough with a temperature is treated with complex. To reduce the irritation of the mucous membrane, ensure the kid gentle diet. Food can be given only in warm form. The basis of the diet is cereal cereal, boiled vegetables, sweet fruits.

Temporarily exclude from the Child menu:

  • preservation;
  • spices;
  • crackers;
  • seeds;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sour fruits;
  • crisps;
  • acute sauces.

If the barking spasmodic cough is caused by infection, the child needs a drinking mode. To remove toxins from the body and prevent dehydration, it should drink 1-2 liter of free fluid per day. Let drink:

  • green tea with honey;
  • fruit compotes;
  • milk;
  • diluted fruit juices;
  • degassed mineral water;
  • drinking yogurts.

When performing medical recommendations, the recovery period is reduced by 2 times.

Signs of dangerous complications

Children under 3 years old are hardly transferred respiratory infections. The banal cold sometimes causes the acute stenosis of the larynx, caps of abscess, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, etc. It is impossible to postpone the visit to the doctor when:

  • breath;
  • separation of yellow sputum;
  • high temperature;
  • noisy breathing;
  • voice masplicity;
  • pale skin;
  • expectorant of blood;
  • forming the nasolabial triangle;
  • breast pains.

The child's cough can take different shapes: dry, wet, parole. The meaning of therapy is to convert it to the productive. This can not do with medicines, but changing air parameters that inhales a small patient. It is very important to determine the cause of the cough and eliminate it on time. Some diseases for which such cough is characterized can bear a danger to life.

What medicines from dry cough adults are most often prescribed, indicated in this article.

The reasons

As a rule, it strikes the cacke of children at any age. If the cough attacks do not provoke difficult breathing, then these are signs of the edema of the larynx. She has a narrow child, and when the inflammatory process is striking, it is still reduced in size. Inflammation at ARVI affects not only the larynx, but also voice ligaments. This is exactly what is the reason for husky voices during the cough.
There is a cough of this nature in the following pathologies:

  • poklush and Parakoclush;
  • true croup;
  • laryngotrachite;
  • allergic reaction;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • congenital diseases;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the larynx.

How to treat a dry cough in a child and which syrup is best used. indicated in this article.

Therapeutic events

Treatment of the cough in small patients should be integrated. Only so you can eliminate the attacks and improve the patient's well-being. There is a question than to treat and what to do.


Such a treatment may assume the use of steam inhalations and with a nebulizer. If you decide to apply hot steam, then carry out such manipulations is allowed in the case when the cause of the cough is bronchitis or laryngitis. Steam inhalations allow you to eliminate the swelling of the larynx, moisten the mucous membrane, to activate the process of sputum, reduce cough attacks. To treat treatment, it is necessary to apply chasters from the healing herbs.
When symptoms of difficulty breathing are present, it is categorically forbidden to apply hot steam. It can cause the burden of larynx and block a narrow passage.

For inhalations, you can use nebulizer. The presented device is considered best tool With a drip dry cough. With the help of a nebulizer, a drug is spraying that penetrates the respiratory tract.

As the cough is manifested when teething in children, indicated in this article.

Replace drugs with mineral water for inhalations. If this device is missing, then it is necessary to plant a baby together with an ultrasonic humidifier. The result of such treatment becomes the maximum saturation of moisture mucous respiratory tract.

Reception of medicines

Alignment of the child's condition can help antihistamine medicines that are sold in a pharmacy in large quantities. The most popular and effective are:

When the treatment of the barking cough occurs at the kid to 3 years, it is necessary to acquire antihistamines in the form of syrup.

How to treat whistling cough in a child, you can learn from this article.

It is very important to take expectorant and antitussive medicines. For these purposes, the doctor may write out:

When a rude cough arose due to acute laryngotracy, it is necessary to convert a dry cough into a wet. So it will be possible to derive bacteria from the body. For these purposes, you will need to receive expectorant drugs. But it is impossible to use them for a long time, otherwise they can trigger cough. You can use the chest massage and lightly rubbing the back of the child.

How a asthmatic cough is treated, you can find out the article.

If the baby on the background of the cough rose the temperature, then it is worthwhile to give him an antipyretic drug in the dosage, taking into account his age.

Emergency help to stop the attack

If your child has a strong bout of the cough, he chips, then immediately cause an ambulance carriage, and before it does not waste time, and act:

  1. Soothe kid. Such attacks causing his feeling fear and panic. As a result, he may have a larynx spasm or a greater lack of air.
  2. Provide a child rest. It should move as much as possible. For breathing alleviation to use vaconishing drops. Such actions allow you to make free nose breathing.
  3. Keep high temperature. It must be done, otherwise the high temperature will contribute to the drying of the mucus in the larynx.
  4. Fill the room with fresh air. Then the baby will be easier to breathe. When attacks it is very important that the room was wet and cool air.
  5. Perform inhalation. If you do not have a nebulizer, you can resort to such simple wayHow to spend baby to a bath filled with water.
  6. Eat a large amount of fluidthat will facilitate breathing and squeaks mucus.
  7. Do not give a child expectorant medicines. Their action is directed to the removal of sputum, and since the larynx is narrowed, then it will be impossible to do it.

When a cough was very tuned to do what to do, information information from the article will help solve the problem.

On the video - about the causes of a strong cough in a child:

Features of the treatment of children of different ages

Given the age of the child, the treatment of the barking is somewhat different. For this reason, independent therapy is unacceptable. Only a doctor can make effective and proper treatment.

Until a year

Overall cough therapy during cold illness Or the bronchitis of children under 1 is aimed at providing positive conditions for the child. Very often provoke cough in such crumbs can various irritants: strong noise, bright light.

Power kid must contain a large number of fruits and vegetables. But make sure that it has also been sufficiently calorie. During coughing, the kid should take as much liquid as possible. Then it will be possible to prevent dehydration if the temperature is present, as well as stimulate the selection of sputum from the bronchi.

It will become clear from this article than you can treat cough during pregnancy.

At such age, the child needs to use alkaline mineral water, such as Borzhomi. Its unique properties allow you to restore the body's water-salt balance. The presence of an alkaline component contributes to the discharge of sputum and stimulation of its elimination.

For children 1-3 years

For the guys of such 1, 2 and 3 years, the presence of a quiet and cozy situation is also very important. Try to protect your child from stressful situations. If the doctor is allowed, you can use mustarder, foot baths. Such events have a beneficial effect on the process of recovery of a one-year-old child.

The room in which the baby sleeps must be filled with fresh air. In addition, every day should be carried out wet cleaning. In the diet, it is allowed to use any food, besides first and salty, otherwise irritation of the mucous membrane can be irritated. Keep track of dishes, it should not be too low or high.

What reasons may be a night cough in an adult, indicated in this article.

Drink sufficient. You can take warm boiled water and dried fruit compote. You can not give the baby allergenic drinks - honey with milk, herbal teas. During the cold, they give a useful effect, but with laryngitis it is not worth using them.

Very helpful with inhalation coughing with a nebulizer. This device is absolutely easy to operate and safe to the health of the baby.

After 3 years

The treatment of the cough in children after 3 years should include events that will not allow the transition of the disease in chronic form. A physician who, after the necessary examination, will be able to prescribe the child the necessary medicines and procedures to prescribe a child.

If the cough arms occurred with pharyngitis, then the child can be taken by the following antibacterial drugs:

With such therapy, it is possible to relieve irritation and reduce the sensitivity of the larynx. Before you go for a night holiday, it is worthwhile to give a child the antitussive physician prescribed. It is not bad to perform inhalation using healing herbs.

How to treat a runny nose at a child who is 2 years old, you can learn from this article.

When the cough is treated with bronchitis, then drugs like Lazolyvan, Broncholitin are shown. Their reception is carried out no more than 3 days, and then the treatment includes expectorant medicines.

When allergies, it is advisable to prescribe antihistamines. At the same time, the doctor takes into account the age of the patient and its individual features.

During the therapy, the doctor prescribes a complex of antibiotics, antibacterial and antitussive drugs. If there is such a need, antihistamines can be added. When combined cough and high temperature, it is worth using antipyretic drugs.

What to do, when the baby cough and runny nose in the baby, but there is no temperature, this article will tell.

Features of treatment, if there are additional symptoms

The treatment of the cough is complicated when, in combination with him, the child is striking the temperature and silence of the voice.

High temperature indicators

With such a development of events, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance. The connection of the cough with the temperature carries a greater danger, because the high temperature is a sign that the body cannot cope with the disease independently.

Before arriving, the antipyretic drug can be given to the child and provide him with abundant drink. Follow the temperature in the room and clothing, which is on the baby. It must be free and not hot. The room in which your child sleeps, ventilate. Such conditions allows him to feel easier.

Aspiced voice

Often such a symptom with kindly cough occurs because of acute laryngitis. Then it is necessary to use bioparox and booze spray therapy. They have a mitigating effect and make it easy to facilitate the condition and so damaged mucosa.

If the child is Osip, then the throat is absolutely impudent. It is required to comply with voice peace, that is, smaller talk. Do not eat sharp, sour and burning food.

Opinion Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky adheres to the opinion that when the cause of its development is detected, certain drugs can be used. Cough in children should not be suppressed with medicines, it needs to be facilitated. If the cough is not cured, it contributes to the accumulation in the light of a large amount of mucus. As a result, this will lead to severe complications.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about how to treat a baby cough in a child:

Cough can serve as a symptom various diseases And accompanied by a high temperature, voting weight. Assign the therapeutic measures is necessary only after careful diagnosis and on the basis of the diagnosis.


Dry sharp cough, resembling Lai, is often connected with the laryngotrachite (crop). So called swelling around the larynx, which can lead to the blocking of the respiratory tract. In such cases, small children are particularly vulnerable when the barking cough easily blocks the respiratory tracts that the kids and so small sizes. At the very first symptoms of such cough and children, and adults should be asked for qualified medical care.

Causes of barking cough

The reasons for the occurrence of the barking or parlor cough a lot, but more often it occurs when the respiratory tract is inflammation. Viral infections May be with a temperature or without, but the pain in the throat and dry or wet cough is always present. The inflammation of the respiratory tract can be observed in adults and children, if in time to provide proper treatment, then the state relief arrives at 3-4 days. Larygitis is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • painful swallowing;
  • overflow, dry throat;
  • decline in appetite;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • vooled voice.

A false croup or laryngitis causes a permanent cough in a child under three years old, and even a minor larynx swelling can completely overlap oxygen, which will lead to suffocation. The croup in children of school age and adults is not so terrible, and 90% of people carry a disease without complications and even without temperature. Call the cough can asthma or allergic bronchitis. In this case, side symptoms occur in the form of redness of the skin, itching, runny nose. Allergic cough with lamin is not treated in conventional ways, so each patient needs individual therapy.

How to calm Cashel

Strong cough, like a bark, who is not cleared during the day, no night is a very painful state. If the cough reflex is wet and is accompanied by a spray, then it performs a useful cleaning function for the body. But if a small or adult person is haunted and dry cough, then you need to know what to treat it to help the body quickly cope with the disease.

With a strong bout of cough, serious drugs containing codeine can be appointed in adult physicians ( narcotic substance), instantly blocking a cough center in the brain. The permanent attack of the coughing of the child in a child can be used to remove with the help of folk remedies. What to give kids from the year will decide the doctor after finding out the causes of the disease.

Antitussive drugs

The principle of treatment is to translate a dry-bark cough attack in wet. The recovery process will come when the sputum will be removed from the lungs, and together with it the body will leave particles of infection. Doctors at the very beginning of treatment are prescribed to adult and small patients. medical preparations (syrup) of expectorant action contributing to the expansion of the bronchi. These include:

  • "Glycodine". For children up to the year and adults. It has an active substance dextromethorphan, with which the sensitivity threshold increases in the cough center, the channels are blocked, so the drug almost immediately contributes to the complete oppression of the problem.
  • "Gederin". For adults and children from 1 year. Heals the disease through ivy extract, which gently affects the larynx, removing irritation, contributing to expectoration. The drug quickly removes pathogenic bacteria from the body.
  • "Prospan". The drug, which is shown in infants and kids up to the year. Refers to a group of plant medicines based on ivy leaves. The main active agent has antitussive, antispasmodic, antimicrobial effect.

Folk remedies

Treatment of inflamed respiratory tract by folk remedies implies abundant drinking and inhalation. In addition, in the room in the patient, you need to constantly increase the level of humidity, regularly air the room, make warm baths for hand and legs. Effective folk remedies:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Calendula or chamomile flowers, brew in 2 liters of boiled water, cover the container and give it to become about 10 minutes. After that, do inhalation for 15 minutes daily to complete recovery. Also for these purposes are great forces such as St. John's wort, sage, plantain.
  2. Grind a glass of hazelnut, add 0.5 glasses of liquid honey, mix to homogeneous mass. Apply on a teaspoon with each cough attack by drinking a mixture with warm milk.
  3. Finely cut 10 bulbs and one head of garlic. Boil until soft with a 0.5 milk liter. Add 20 grams of honey to the mixture. Use 1 tbsp. l. During the day every hour. The effect will be instant - the inflammation of the larynx will decrease, the cough will weaken.

Treatment of allergic cough

Any means of dry cough caused by an allergic reaction is designed to slow down the cough reflex, lowering susceptibility to allergen. People subject to such a disease begin to take medicine from a cold, but it only aggravates the position. Quickly remove allergic manifestations.

  • antiallergic drugs: "Noosanex", "Cromaglin";
  • antihistamine: "Supratin", "Ascoril";
  • by anti-essay drugs: "Otrivin", "Nazivin";
  • stabilizers of disguised cell membranes: "shitty", "ketotifen";
  • glucocorticoids: "Beclason", "Flisonaz".

Video: Komarovsky about the child's cough in a child

A strong cough barking in a child is associated with different diseases, so it is better not to diagnose yourself, but to contact at the very first symptoms of inflamed respiratory tract to the pediatrician. If the doctor cannot be caused quickly for any reason, it is necessary to alleviate the condition you need steam inhalations with herbs, soda, sunflower oil and consume a large amount of warm drink. More about cough will tell in the video of the famous Dr. Komarovsky, who knows everything about childhood diseases:

The kashel in a child is always a reason for the concern of parents, what to say about the dry supervision, right away with a cough. Most often they suffer from children under the age of five due to the characteristics of the structure of the larynx. Their clearance is much already than in adults, so any virus is able to cause swelling of the larynx and the difficulty of breathing.

If the cough is episodic and continues not long, he does not cause special concern. It may be a response of the body to fall into dust or small particles of food into the throat. As a rule, such cough passes by itself.


  • Dry long or bred cough.
  • Increase temperature.
  • Problems with voice ligaments, frequent voice loss.
  • Sweet breathing.
  • Night bouts of cough, forcing the child to wake up.
  • Lack of air and symptoms choking.

In such cases, it is better not to slow and seek qualified help. Sometimes hospitalization will be required, especially if the child is small enough. Folk Methods And the refusal to a medical examination may aggravate the situation and lead to a tragic result, so it's better to treat such cough with the support of physicians.

From this article, you can find out what to treat tracheal cough.

On the video - it is described about the causes and treatment of the cough in a child without a temperature:

The reasons

The main rule of treatment: cough is not a disease, but one of the symptoms of the disease, so a complete picture of what is happening is required to eliminate the cause and avoid consequences.

Than to treat bronchitis and cough in an adult, you can learn from this article.

The most serious threat from this list is diphtheria and cough. These infectious diseases are characterized by a complex flow and a large risk of side effects. Prevention uses vaccinations that need to be done still in infancy, and after consolidating revaccination. Refusal of vaccinations should have a significant medical testimony, not parent arguments. In any case, the risk of vaccination is incomparably less than from the disease itself.

Infectious diseases, which are not always accompanied by high temperatures and a runny nose are recognized as the most common cause of the baking dry cough. In some cases, the only, very weighty symptom will be the dry bakery cough.

For what reason the bake-up dry cough occurs, indicated in this article.

To eliminate pneumonia and bronchitis, the pediatrician usually gives a direction to X-ray - surveys, general blood and urine tests are also needed, which will give more complete information about possible causes.

Special recommendations about regular air humidification. Excessively dry air can independently provoke a strong cough due to the drying of the nasopharmaceous mucous membranes. Buying a humidifier or home methods to combat this phenomenon (raise wet towels on the batteries, put a pelvis with water), and if necessary, and periodic lubrication of the nasal sinuses and abundant drink, quickly reassure the dry cough.

For what reason there is a whistling cough of a child, you can learn from this article.

In the case of an allergic cough, in addition standard analyzes You may need a detailed test for most of the well-known allergens. The cost of such an analysis is quite high, but sometimes it is the only way to find out the cause of allergies. If the "culprit" of cough you know, for example, hereditary allergies or contact with a provoking factor, you can immediately begin treatment.

Why cough arises from behind the mucus in the nasopharynk, is indicated in the article.

How to treat

First of all, it is necessary to learn the root cause, and then then start treating. If an allergic attack is usually removed by antihistamine preparations (hospitalization may also be needed in particularly difficult situations). The ingredient of the foreign object in the throat is also a critical situation in which the account is conducted for a second. It is better to study the algorithm of actions in advance so as not to be confused or harm the child inept movements.

Infectious and viral diseases are better to treat Mukaltic drugs that the doctor will write down. Sometimes it is advisable to simultaneously take both antiviral or immunostimulating drugs. It is equally important to provide suitable conditions for living. Regular ventilation, abundant drinking (favorite compote or delicious juice from berries are more suitable than medicinal boarants) and light food contribute to the fastest recovery of no less drug drugs.

For whatever reason, the cough has a hubby sore throat without temperature, you can learn from this article.

The video tells about the treatment of a fellow cough in a child without a temperature:

Well helps with dry cough and steam inhalations. You can also purchase a special professional inhaler, the effectiveness of which is several times higher, but the usual water is suitable. Traditional medicine Does not exclude homemade cough treatment methods, but usually they are more directed to facilitate the symptoms of the disease.

From this article, you can find out for what reason the cough and runny nose occurs in infants, but without temperature.

Bacteriological diseases must be treated with antibiotics that you will write down after the conclusion laboratory research. Cockles and diphteria are the most serious of them, but fortunately, the widespread vaccination made the flow of these diseases less complex. Sometimes hospitalization is required, especially if the child is younger. With a slight course of the disease and a fairly adult patient can be treated at home.

In rare, fortunately, cases, the cause of a strong dry cough will be a congenital malformation when the newborn has a periodic suffocation and difficulty breathing. Treatment will be exclusively surgical methods that have good statistics of positive results.

Opinion Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician and the author of many sensational methods of treating children are a little unconventional ways, Dr. Komarovsky also does not consider the dry cough as a separate disease. In essence, each parent may well determine the seriousness of the problem and further actions.

How to treat a dry cough in an adult and which to use medicines, indicated in this article.

It should be understood by the main axiom: children even have the best and most important and responsible parents. Instead of crushing and blame themselves in what happened, it is better to take action in time and ensure the baby all possible conditions for the fastest recovery.

The prevention of diseases can be called the following measures:

  • Regular air ventilation and humidification. The main guarantee of good health according to Komarovsky methods is precisely in constant access to fresh air to the room.
  • Lack of strong allergens in the house. It is advisable to avoid the accumulation of soft toys, down pillows of centenary prescription, wall carpets and other dust sources. It is also necessary to also turn an apartment in a nursery for animals, wool even from harmless guinea Ginger It can provoke the strongest allergies.
  • You can not create an elevated temperature in the room with heaters or clogging room. With fairly cool and moist air, the child will be easier to breathe and flick.
  • The power mode should not be forced and include heavy products for stomach. During the disease, all forces the body throws on the fight against infection or viruses. If you reload the stomach of dense food, you can not count on rapid recovery. The child refuses meals? This is a normal reaction, the main task is to ensure full-fledged drink.
  • Sometimes a child's wardrobe should be revised to get rid of the allergic cough. Usually parents try to exclude synthetic fabrics for their child, but there are exceptions: bright drawings or inserts on clothes, which can provoke such a reaction.
  • Clean and regular wet cleaning The house is guaranteed to relieve the spread of infection. It will also remove dust and slightly moisturize the air.

What syrup can be treated with a dry cough of a child, you can learn from this article.

On the video - Komarovsky says about the child's cough without a temperature:

The main rule of the doctor of Komarovsky is not to experiment on their children and do not create conditions in which the disease will be more difficult to defeat. A short outdoor walk will bring more benefits than a deadly lying in bed. Moderate physical activity will also not harm, in the absence of high temperature, of course. It is not necessary to overjoy and dress the child "Wheel", so you can achieve the opposite effect: the child stands up and after being guaranteed to transfer from the slightest breeze.

For what reason the cough arises when cutting teeth in children, is indicated in this article.

A reasonable approach to the treatment of the disease, a timely consultation of a specialist and laboratory surveys will help to quickly find out the cause of the dry cough in children. A comprehensive approach to the treatment of the disease and the creation of comfortable conditions for the child's accommodation guarantee the lack of problems and unwanted consequences.

Child's cough in a child - treatment and reasons

The child's cough can be caused by colds, infectious diseases, viruses, or allergic reactions. Diseases under which a dry barking cough in children is developing:

  • Larygitis, pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane, pharynx.
  • Acute stenling laryngotrachiteitis (osl) is a false croup - a disease in which the infection or the virus provoke the development of the edema of the larynx, voice connections in children
  • Influenza, ARVI, Paragripp, adenoviruses, respiratory syncitial infections in children prone to allergies.
  • True croup (diphtheria)
  • Whooping cough

Thanks to the vaccinations - and diphtheria, and the cough are now rare diseases. Therefore, we consider other reasons for the barking cough in a child, the treatment of which should be immediate, as with such coughing the child suffocates. The bakey cough is also from kids from 4 months, and older children suffer from children under five years old.

In the emergence of OSL, usually the leading role belongs to adenoviruses, paragrippu, respiratory - syncitial viruses. A few days after the start of these diseases, the virus causes inflammation, strong swelling and an increase in the mucous membrane separated in the field of voice ligables and trachea. Less often, it is the first manifestation of a virus or a cold can serve swelling of a larynx and a barking cough.

In children under 5 years old, the larynx is much already than more older children, so viruses can contribute to a significant larynx mucosa edema. At the same time, almost completely overlaps the lumen of the larynx, the air does not fall into the lungs and the child may fall.

If your child has the following symptoms that are dangerous to health:

  • Dry, painful coughing, barking
  • Temperature increase
  • Periodic Voice Loss, Voting
  • Sometimes a rough cough, silent
  • Whistling breath on inhale
  • Dyspnea
  • Pale face color
  • Night cough with attacks of choking, from which the child wakes up,

it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor or call "ambulance". Usually false croup itself, however, 5-8% of children will need hospitalization. It is very dangerous to engage in self-medication, especially if the child is inclined to allergic manifestations. It is impossible to run such cough in no case. The pediatrician must be reported on the child's temperature when and how the disease began. The doctor must inspect the child's throat, listen to the lungs and bronchi, be directed to the blood test, and possibly on the X-ray of the lungs.

If the doctor recommends hospitalization, it is not necessary to refuse, after diagnosing in the hospital, the removal of the acute period, the normalization of the state can now be easily abandoned by the hospital services. If a child's cough appeared in a child, treating medicinal herbs before establishing an accurate diagnosis and analysis results, as they can provoke allergies and only worsen the child's condition.

Treatment of the cough in children

What to do in the case when a child has a strong cough? Here are some tips, how to do in such cases.

  • Calm down and calm the child

Upon excitement, the child begins to cough even stronger, since the muscles of the larynx with excitement are compressed, the child becomes harder to breathe. Take the baby on your hands, calm down, spoil the song, tell the fairy tale, or give a bright toy, the older child can turn on the cartoon.

  • Steam inhalation

Steam inhalations help to remove larynx swelling. To make inhalation during laryngitis, bronchitis over a steam take a saucepan with boiling water, (in the absence of allergies, add sage or chamomile) soda and sunflower oil. After boiling, remove from the fire and put the baby next to the pan. If the child is completely small, then close the door to the kitchen and leave the saucepan of boiled, and keep the baby next to the stove. Let the child hurt useful evaporations. Also effectively in a preheated bathroom (letting boiling water), periodically bring a small child for 10-15 minutes. From wet warm air, cough will soften and the child will be easier to breathe.

  • Inhalation with mineral water

This is one of the main, important tools In the fight with the barking cough. If there is an inhaler, inhalations with mineral water are helpful. If the strong cough is caused by pharyngitis, and the child is not inclined to allergies, then inhalation with eucalyptus can also be made.

  • Antihistamines

It is necessary to give the child an antihistamine drug, pills from allergies, their large variety: Suprastin (chloropiramine), Cleptine (Tuese), Claritin (Loratidine), Zirtek, Zetrin (Cetirizin), Kestin (Ebastin) - in the dosage for children by instructions. If a child is up to 3 years old, then it is better to give a medicine in the form of a syrup or crowded a tablet and give in a tablespoon along with water.

  • Free child

The clothes should not shy the chest baby, unbutton all the buttonholes on the collar of the shirts.

  • Abundant warm drink

It is worthwhile to drink a child with any warm drinks. It is better to give natural freshly diluted juices than milk. The pretty child always loses a lot of fluid, so it is important to poop it on time. Frequent abundant drinking dilutes the wet and does not allow dehydration (signs).

  • The air in the room should be wet

It is important which air in the room where the child is located. It must be fresh, wet and warm. Optimally, if there is a moisturizer in the house, it thus simplifies the creation of tropical air, the kid needs now. If it is not, you can use wet diapers, fabrics on the batteries, also spread in all rooms with water containers.

  • Antipyretic

If a high temperature rose - give a child the antipyretic in a dose corresponding to age.

  • Preheating treatments

If there is no high body temperature, it is possible to warm the caviar of the legs with mustard pieces or warming creams, make a warm bath - this will increase the tide of blood to the legs and distract from the larynx, therefore will not let the edema increase. It is necessary to warn parents from using warming ointments on the chest and the back of the child. Such ointments contain essential oils (for example, Dr.), for which many children under 3 years old can be an allergic reaction and develop bronchospasm, obstruction of bronchi.

When it is difficult for a child to breathe, and the child does not suffer from bronchial asthma, do not use the bronchial asthma cannon. Of course, the signs of false groats decrease, but the drugs from asthma in aerosols contain potent substances, hormonal drugs, assign and dispense that only the doctor can. If the child appears a very noisy breath, the jugular pamm is retracting, call "ambulance" and continue steam inhalation. The doctor, if it considers it necessary, will replace such inhalation by bulvikort, BenaCortort.

  • Expectorant or antitussive

Medicines and herbs to improve wethery - Gedelix, Lazolvan, Ambrone, plant syrup Dr. MOM, Herbion from dry and wet cough, Mukaltin, alteka, etc. or antitussive preparations with a dry cough that can be used only by appointment of a doctor. If the pasta cough is triggered by sharp laryngotracy, it is desirable that the dry cough becomes faster than becoming wet, since the wet cough takes bacteria from the body. After the wet cough appears, expectorant means are needed. Remember that with long-term reception, expectorant means can provoke cough, so their use should not be long. We can add treatment to the chest massage, the trituration of the breast and the back of the kid.

  • Common care

Of course, parents must provide the child with proper care - as much as possible carry out wet cleaning, provide a variety of food, with a sufficient number of fruits and vegetables. All that is needed to maintain children's immunity.

Baby's cough at a child without temperature: treatment and reasons

Because of what is the bating cough in a child without a temperature? What is dangerous this symptom? These questions are worried about many young mothers who collided with this problem. In order to choose the correct treatment regimen, it is necessary to understand what is a bating cough. It often becomes the main symptom of sharp respiratory infections. Cough is a protective reflex that helps the bronchoms to cleanse the accumulated mucus. The wet nature of this symptom indicates a rattling of sputum that makes breathing. The main task of treating dry cough is the thinning of mucus and stimulation of its elimination. This will speed up the process of recovery of the child. Many parents are trying to treat the diseases of the respiratory bodies with conventional anti-facasses. This is an incorrect decision.

Symptoms of respiratory diseases

The dry bake cough in the child most often occurs in the night and morning. The lung ventilation deteriorates, the sputum is delayed in bronchi, making it difficult to move the movement of air flow. With the cough, the severity of the disease is aggravated by the fact that the attacks are not accompanied by the emotion of sputum, it makes them longer and painful. The main feature, which makes it possible to consider this symptom, appears in the early stages of the disease. The cough of the sick child becomes like a dog bark. It is explained by this arising in certain diseases of the swelling of the larynx, because of which the voice changes: he becomes hoarse. It is impossible to get rid of sputums that it is impossible to negatively affect the overall condition of patients. Children weaken, become sluggish, apathetic and exhausted.

Common symptoms that appear when biased cough are considered:

  • increased fatigue and general weakness;
  • headaches, runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • inflammation of lymph nodes;
  • silent voice;
  • noisy breathing;
  • edema and redness of mucous larynx.

With incorrect treatment of the disease, it can lead to the development of complications. Parents must carefully follow the child's condition. Hospitalization is necessary when the following signs of degradation of well-being: feverish syndrome; cyanosis skin Pokrov; disappearance of voice; loss of consciousness; lack of appetite; problems with breathing and swallowing; salivation; asphyxia attacks; epiglotite (infectious damage to the larynx); Increased nervous excitability. Especially dangerous are the swelling of the larynx and chopping, capable of leading out. When they are discovered, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance. It is categorically prohibited to go out with a child on the street during an attack.

The inflammatory process accompanied by a cough leads to the development of complications. This symptom is extremely dangerous for the patient's life.

The inflamed and edema mucous membranes of the larynx can overlap the respiratory tract, which is why mechanical asphyxia is developing lightning.

There are other, no less dangerous complications: acute respiratory failure; development of an asthmatic attack; occlusion bronchi. The cough in the child may not be accompanied by an increase in temperature. In such cases, the selection of a special treatment scheme is required.

Because of what this symptom appears

The cough is not a separate disease, it is just a sign of the inflammatory process in the upper and lower respiratory tract. The reasons for its occurrence can be acute respiratory infections, laryngitis, pharyngitis. This is a dangerous child's diseases that can lead to serious consequences. The first symptoms of laryngitis can be confused with the manifestations of the usual cold. These include sore throat, cough, nasal congestion. That is why doctors do not recommend leaving these signs without attention. Only an experienced specialist can put the correct diagnosis and choose drugs that quickly get rid of the disease.

How to help the child

A child suffering from a cough must inspect the attending physician. It will appoint a therapeutic scheme with regard to the cause of this symptom and individual characteristics of the body.

Most often apply antibacterial, musolitic and expectorant means. The first is necessary for the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms that can provoke a disease in chronic form. The cough is most often not accompanied by the emotion of sputum. In this case, it is necessary to use drugs that reduce the viscosity of the mucus. The course of treatment lasts not more than 3 days, after which the flourities are replaced by expectorant means, facilitating the process of wetting the wet. Such treatment is carried out in the absence of elevated temperature. With the appearance of feverish syndrome, not eliminated by conventional antipyretic agents, stationary treatment is shown.

Reception medicinal preparations Must be complemented by daily inhalations with grasses. In addition, there is a rich warm drink. Especially effective is herbal tea made of mint leaves, sage, hunter and daisy flowers. The composition of these plants includes a large amount of vitamin C, which helps to struggle with infection.

In addition to herbal decoctions, the child should drink a lot of clean water, which prevents dehydration. An important part of the treatment is a special diet. From the diet, it is necessary to eliminate hot, cold and coarse products that can injure inflamed mucosa. When cooking, it is impossible to use salt, sugar and spices. In the diet should be as many vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to eat with liquid and semi-liquid food - porridge, soups and broths.

The house needs to create the most comfortable conditions. Daily wet cleaning and venting. On time it is recommended to exclude walks on the street, visit kindergarten or school. You can open the windows only at a time when the child is not in the room. Weakened organism vulnerable to infections, so contacts with sick people should be excluded.

It is necessary to ensure sufficient humidity in the entire apartment. Before bedtime, child needs to give Morse, warm milk or herbal tea.

After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to carry out more time in the fresh air. However, in winter, walks should be short-lived. It is not recommended to attend public places in which contacts with sick people are possible.

It is possible to treat a dry-boring cough cough with the help of folk remedies. Most effective is considered onion decoction. For its preparation, 2 medium bulbs, a glass of sugar and 1 liters of boiling water will be required. The composition is heated on slow heat for an hour. The resulting syrup is taken by 1 tbsp. several times a day. Treatment should last at least 5 days.

Garlic has a pronounced antiseptic effect, it is often used to eliminate sharp respiratory infections. 2 bulbs and garlic head poured 1 tbsp. Milk, boiled for half an hour, after which vegetables are crushed. Several spoons of honey add to the resulting cleaner. Medicines take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Treatment by folk remedies does not imply a refusal of traditional therapy, it should begin with the permission of a doctor.

It is impossible to identify the cause of the baking cough on its own. It is necessary to conduct diagnostic procedures and analyzes. Proper treatment It will help to quickly get rid of an unpleasant symptom and prevent the development of complications.

A child's cough in a child: why arises and what to treat?

Parents often notice the cough of their children. It can manifest itself differently and may indicate a variety of health problems.

One of the varieties of this symptom is a child's cough in a child who gives great discomfort to the patient (he literally chips) and causes panic from his parents.

The cough can be observed at a monthly baby, and a child of older years. It should always be remembered that it is necessary to treat not only one symptom, but the whole disease. If there is a barking cough in children over 2-3 years old, it is necessary to show their doctor, and when there is a detection of such symptoms, a monthly child needs to immediately cause ambulance in order to prevent dangerous consequences. Treatment is carried out on the basis of the actual diagnosis and age of the child.

Cough without temperature

To determine what exactly causes the cough, it is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms (the presence of a temperature, sore throat, a cold, weaknesses, etc.) and the overall condition of the kid. If there is no temperature, most often the reason is external factors: In the effects of allergen or the ingredient item in the respiratory tract.

With allergies

If the dry bake cough is observed in the absence of any symptoms of the inflammatory process, it usually indicates an allergic reaction. If you start the disease, the child can begin allergic bronchitis or even bronchial asthma, and they are pretty difficult. For allergic reactions Other symptoms can be observed: runny nose, tear, itching, rash on the skin, etc. Treatment should be started with the detection of allergen to reduce its impact on the body.

In case of foreign bodies

Children of various years are distinguished by curiosity, which often leads to quite unpleasant consequences. One of these consequences is inhalation or unsuccessful swallowing of an outsider small object, which causes irritation of the mucous membrane and a dry barking cough. If there is a suspicion of this cause of cough, it is necessary to refer to the ENT doctor to confirm the diagnosis and extraction of the foreign body from the respiratory tract.

Cough with temperature and runny nose

If a child, run-nose, weakness and some other symptoms are observed together with the child's coughing of the child. Manifestations may indicate Laryngitis, bronchitis, cough and a number of other diseases. In most cases, it is better not to do anything on our own, and wait for the doctor's examination, which will identify the problems and prescribe treatment.

With Larygite.

Such symptoms are observed in children with laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx, which is caused by viruses or bacteria. With laryngitis, the body temperature rises, the voice becomes husky or even completely disappears. If the trachea is inflated with the ladder, you can talk about the laryngotrachite.

Especially dangerous data from the disease for children from monthly to one year old age. Due to the special structure of the larynx in the kids - a narrow lumen of the respiratory tract - the inflammatory process during laryngitis or laryngotrachite leads to a strong edema of the mucous membrane, which seriously complicates breathing. If there is shortness of breath, pallor or even the sinusiness of the skin, breathing becomes noisy, the child is experiencing a panic attacks, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance, and before that try to calm the patient on their own and ensure full assistance to him.

The temperature flows another disease - bronchitis. A dry cough is characteristic of the face of the disease, afterwards it becomes wet: clear or white wet appears. If it does not treat sharp bronchitis on time, it can go into a chronic form. In this case, the attacks of painful cough can last about 3 months.

With Pertushe

The infectious disease of the cough is now observed quite rarely, although the number of graft children has decreased significantly recently. Cokels usually occur in children 3-6 years. It is distinguished by frequent attacks of a cough, noisy breathing with a whistle, total weakness, increasing the temperature, it is possible to vomiting after cough.

What to do and what to treat

Treatment of the patient always depends on the disease. Treatment with cough, laryngitis or allergies will be absolutely different, and the diagnosis of parents themselves is very difficult to deliver. It is dangerous to do something with a baby or appoint him independently, because in individual diseases certain drugs may not only be useless, but also harmful.

Child treatment up to three years should be carried out only after examining the doctor. Treat children with "adults" pills or folk remedies is very dangerous. Parents Before the arrival of the doctor, you can make the easiest things that will reduce the bout of the cough during laryngitis and a number of other diseases and facilitate the condition of the kid:

  • reassure the child (with the excitement cough only increases due to the spasm of the muscles of the larynx), and for this it is extremely important to calm down himself so that he does not see panic adults,
  • to air the room, moisturize the air (put the pans, basin or cheer the wet rags) and give rise to a ferry of 5-10 minutes (above the pan or typed bath),
  • provide abundant warm drinking (better alkaline mineral water or soda solution, usual boiled water or fastening tea) is also suitable),
  • get rid of baby from shocking clothes (it makes it difficult to breathe even more).

If the doctor after inspecting the child considers it necessary to put it in the hospital, should not oppose. Often there is no reason to reveal the reason to remove the attack and normalize the patient's condition.

in a child of three years and older

If a child has already been observed like a child over three years old, parents are usually aware of what causes such problems, and therefore they know that it is to give (antihistamines, muscolitic, expectorant or antitussive means) depending on the diagnosis. If the cackee arose for the first time, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Treatment of the baby cough in a child without temperature

A strong barking cough in a child is concerned about every parent. Such a symptom is a peculiar reflex protective reaction of the body to external stimuli. It is the dry cough that the children endure the hardest due to the fact that the wet output does not occur, and the attacks can be disturbed for several weeks. A dry bake cough in a child may occur without temperature, and be a sign of a serious illness.

Causes of the baby's cough in a child without temperature

The barking is called a dry cough, which is accompanied by a whistling breathing without highlighting sputum. It is transferred much worse wet because of difficulty breathing, which arises as a result of the respiratory edema. The main reasons for such cough in babies is the narrowing of the larynx or its blockage.

In children preschool age This symptom arises much more often than schoolchildren. At the same time, it often proceeds without temperature and other signs of infectious disease.

The most common reasons include:

  • Infectious respiratory disease.
  • Inflammatory allergic process.
  • Congenital spanking of the respiratory tract, due to which there is a difficult breathing.
  • Hitting the respiratory path of the foreign object.
  • Very dry air indoors. In this case, get rid of a long suffocating cough using a humidifier.
  • The presence of a child's cyst or other neoplasm in the larynx.
  • Cocal, Diphtheria or other diseases affecting the respiratory organs.
  • Disorder of the nervous system.

Children who, according to the vaccination calendar, all vaccinations were made, extremely rarely squeezed by cough or diphtheria. The glitter invasion is opposite, is a fairly common cause of dry cough.

If the cough is caused by the ingress of the foreign object, it begins sharply and accompanied by difficulty breathing. In this case, the child must urgently show specialist.

In infants, the barking cough without temperature and other signs of inflammation is a protective reaction of the body to hit the dust in the respiratory tract. He should not cause anxiety. Frequent wet cleaning and ventilation of the room must reduce attacks to a minimum.

The child's cough treatment is a pulmonologist and other specialists. After passing the necessary analyzes and implementing its main cause. Therefore, it is not recommended to engage in self-medication. It should be referred to a pediatrician, which can be directed to the otorinolaryngologist, the appropriate drugs and physiotherapy procedures will be appointed allergist.

Consider the best effective method Treatments that will help facilitate attacks and eliminate their cause.

Calm child and parents

Quite often cough attacks are enhanced if the child is worried. It causes a larynx muscle spasm, so breathing makes it difficult and the barking cough occurs. To remove the excitement of a child, it should be taken on the hands, sing a song or shake. Baby should give breasts, pacifier or water. An older child can read the book or turn on the cartoon.


The simplest steam inhalation contributes to the removal of the larynx swelling, which will help to calm the cough attack. To make inhalation, you need to boil the saucepan of water, add chamomile, soda and vegetable oil to the water. Put a child over the pan and give to breathe, cover the head by a terry towel.

Baby can just hold a few minutes near the boiling pan. You can also dial the bathroom of hot water, and periodically put the baby in the bathroom so that it will die with warm wet air. This contributes to mitigating cough and respiratory normalization.

An excellent method of treating a cough is to use for inhalation of mineral water. It is best to apply a special inhaler. In the absence of an allergic reaction to mineral water, you can add essential oil of eucalyptus, lemon or tea tree.

Reception of drugs against allergies

Quite often, the cough is caused by the spasp of respiratory tract of allergic origin. In this case, it is necessary to give the baby an antihistamine drug. Before taking such drugs, consultation of the attending physician is recommended.

Casual clothes

To facilitate coughing attack, it is necessary to free the chest from the tight clothing. To do this, unzip the gate of the shirt, weaken the diaper with a baby and change the tight clothes from natural materials.

Abundant drink

Frequent and abundant warm drinks contributes to wet wet, and also prevents the body's dehydration. In addition, it helps to improve overall well-being and normalization of body temperature. It is best to give a child warm tea, natural grasses of herbs, fresh juices and milk with honey.

Moisturizing air

One of the most frequent reasons The emergence of the baby's cough is dry air indoors. Therefore, it is recommended to use a special humidifier. You should also regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilated the room. If there is no special humidifier, you can place the room with water with water or cheer the wet towels across the batteries.

Preheating treatments

To improve breathing, you can use warming procedures, such as mustard pieces, warming the legs or rubbing balms based on essential oils. This helps to reduce the edema of the larynx and improving well-being. However, balms with essential oils are not recommended to use up to 3 years. In many children, they cause allergic reactions.

Preparations against cough

Preparations with dry cough can be used only by appointment of a doctor. With a dry cough, the doctor prescribes drugs that contribute to the withdrawal of sputum. After that, the reception of expectorant drugs is required. Alone to facilitate the state of the child, you can make a massage of the chest and the back of the baby.

Use aerosols against bronchial asthma is prohibited categorically. The composition of such drugs includes very strong substances, assigning which only a doctor after the exact formulation of the diagnosis. If the asthma is suspected or the emergence of a strong attack, immediately cause an ambulance, continuing to arrive to conduct steam inhalation.

Common care

The best way to quickly cope with a child's cough in a child is a proper care for it. It is necessary to carry out a wet cleaning daily, twice a day to air the premises, provide a balanced nutrition to the child, which includes fresh fruits and vegetables. With a healthy immune system, the disease will quickly retreat.

Opinion of the Komarovsky doctor

Dr. Komarovsky believes that during the cacke, medicines may more harm than to help. It should not be suppressed using various drugs, it needs to treat the main reason for its appearance. If the cough stop, a lot of mucus will remain in the lungs and bronks of the child, which can cause complications, for example, the inflammation of the lungs.

In addition, the barking cough most often occurs when problems with the esophagus or allergic reactions. So taking antibiotics or antiviral drugs will not bring benefits. If the pasta cough is not accompanied by an increased body temperature, then it is necessary to urgently turn to a pediatrician, which will help determine the exact nature of the disease.

In the home conditions you can help the child only ensuring proper balanced nutrition, which contains large doses of vitamin C and other useful components. It is recommended to drink a lot of warm liquid, for example, a ragger of rosehip, fresh juices, tea with lemon and berry morse. The use of vitamin supplements or herbal fees is allowed only after consulting the doctor.

The bakey cough will be much faster, if you create a calm atmosphere in the house, regularly wipe drink and carry out wet cleaning, as well as use a special air humidifier.

The child has a bark cough without temperature

Moving to the baby always alarms parents, as they are a sign of problems in the children's body. And if a child has a barking cough, but without a temperature, there is to be confused here, as it does not look like on the usual ORVI. Let's find out what can cause such a state, and what methods of help exist.

Common causes of dry-baked cough in a child without temperature

Under the barking cough implies such that happens without the appearance of sputum. That is, as such whether there are no wheezes in the chest, and the baby has an irritation of a cough center, because of which the bakery rude cough is.

The fact that a strong cacke of a child is no temperature, does not indicate that this is not a problem. He can talk about various violations:

  • disease diphtheria or cough;
  • allergy;
  • neurological problems;
  • tumor in the throat;
  • falling into the respiration organs of the foreign object.

In addition to the above reasons, cause a rare bating cough in a child without a temperature may simply dry and dusty air indoors. It is most often observed in the winter when the batteries are hot and the content of moisture in the air necessary for the normal functioning of the respiratory organs drops to a critical mark.

Treatment of a child's cough without temperature

  1. When suddenly at night, the child has a barking cough without a temperature, it is very frightened by parents. But you should not panic, because the baby needs help, and not fear in the eyes of adults. It is necessary to immediately cause an ambulance, as this may be an attack of diphtheria, which kids can end very crying.
  2. It should be known that the true croup can be at any age, but false, that is, laryngospasm, characteristic of children under 5 years old. In any case, to relieve the attack of a child should be raised with wet air, for example, by revealing a crane with hot water in a bathroom, but even better if there is a nebulizer at hand.

  3. For a cough, a bark cough is characterized, accompanied by spasms. The baby cough on one note and it is no longer inhaled. These attacks are more characteristic of the night. Treatment of disease prolonged, with the appointment of antibiotic, antitussive preparations and strict observance of air parameters - humidity, temperature, lack of dust.
  4. Allergic cough, especially near the source of the problem, can be dry, barking and adsadd. If you do not carry out adequate therapy and do not install the source, then it will turn into chronic over time, while changing the structure pulmonary fabric. For its suppression, the child should give suprastin, disloratadine, zoda and similar antihistamines.
  5. Nervous shock, both significant and small (according to parents) can provoke cough, which is not permanent, and occurs from time to time. If you suspect the neurological nature of cough, you should seek advice from a child neurologist.
  6. Rare enough, but still having a place in pediatrics, it can become a permanent cough, not having visible reasons and not accompanied by temperature. Such a baby should be examined, and conduct an ultrasound, on which a cyst can be detected in the lumen of the voice slot, which is an obstacle for normal breathing and causes cough.
  7. If the child suddenly began to cough, and at the same time he is obviously breathing in a breath and exhalation, if the face pale or acquired a blue shade, then he may choked with food or an extraneous subject.

The victim urgently requires qualified medical care. Before that, you can try to hold the baby upside down over the bathroom, and at this time the assistant must the edge of the palm attach the breast and the back. Often a foreign object, especially heavy with this procedure falls out, as evidenced by the ringing sound about the wall of the bathroom.

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