Cough with a child what to give. A strong cough of a child how to treat


Always coughing in the child is treated very difficult. They have small bronchi and hard to fade this mucus. Here it will be copied. And each mom has its own proven ways always!

Always in the first place in treatment - recipes proven time. Radish with honey, tea with a lemon. I love sage pills (naturprodukt), to buy them last year. And for the treatment of cough and for the treatment of throat pain - a great remedy!

We will help us to cope with the cough, but the girlfriend gave his child to his child, they continued to cough. It is better probably all the same to the doctor to turn, he look and listens, maybe it will pick up the right treatment.

With dangerous, I did not come across.

The doctor will better advise.

To the doctor goes

As far as I know, suppress the cough can not, even more so in children. If dry cough, I prefer mucoliics. From syrups I like the prosp with Ivy extract. He just dilutes and helps wet get out. We were treated with this syrup kashel when the child was not.

So what to replace codene drugs? Previously, there was a very cool Tussin plus, just Tussin remained.
Thanks for the article, I saw my mistakes.

Comment on the article "Cook in a child: how to treat? What cough medicines are dangerous"

I can not cope completely with a cough of Misha. Ascoril was cut, Erisple, the cough almost passed, but after the abolition of the medicine (we were discharged, the child was healthy, and I was already thinking behind), the cough resumed. Not very strong, wet and mostly in the morning. I am flying and the nose, and I give Gedelix, and radish with honey, and inhalation with the Lazolyvan, and rub on the night (Dr. IOM), but somehow everything is at the same stage ... What would he have to help him?

Made vaccination and picked up visible immediately some kind of garbage. All in full program, temperature high, snot and cough. He coped with the heatature, with snot it is clear. But here's cough .... he scrolls a wet, and he does not give up her. Excraceing syrup takes, the pediatrician advised him to keep him behind his feet, which hung her head down, massage his back, tapping, do, but he does not cough from it. Advise what else can be done, so that the child clears his good.

What do you save from cough? Child 3.5 years, coughing plowing. Gedelix gave the syrup, and then Herbion. What else can you give or do? And is it possible to do iodine mesh? Thanks for answers.

Prehistory: For the month of the house, I forgot about the garden (first the wet cough was, then put bronchitis, cured bronchitis without a / b (Erispal, inhalation with Lazolyvan), served at home 10 days before full recovery. On Monday, we went to the garden for 3 hours. On Tuesday, it caused an urgent - tracheitis (((I give Fludice, Cytrovir-3, inhalation with mineralka, radish juice with honey 3 times a day, parim legs with salt and mustard, smear back / chest badorcor)))

Child health, illness and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. 1 week was not treated in any way (the cough was weak) 2 and 3 treated a lot, as they thought that he was tracheitis. Effect zero. Now all the same suspect a pertussus (Seg of the blood test for antibodies). Consistently that ...

Cough in a child: how to treat? What cough medicines are dangerous. "Nose mucus" do not cough. The cough "from the drain" is dry - in the constantly irritated rear wall. When your child swallows mucus at night - this is a mucus of the trachea and bronchi, which cleared his way ...

We treat the cough of the child. Types of cough, ways to treat cough. Cough in a child: how to treat? What cough medicines are dangerous. To think about the causes of cough there is no time - there are syrups from cough, folk remedies in the form of inhalations and other cough medicines.

Girls tell me, the son of Laringhotrachite. But today is just a nightmare cough dry dubbing, almost continuously !!. He is already crying that he can't flick and cough tired: - (( - Can banks or warming up - I am a full kettle. Already I am also sickling the roar from helplessness

Cough in a child: causes and treatment. What to do if the child coughs. The child wet coughes all day. The answer is simple - if there is a lot of sputum, it means that the child is actively inflammation. We treat the cough of the child. Starting from September to the end of May, the child suffered from ...

prevention cough. Diseases. Children's medicine. Child health, illness and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. What to carry out prevention against cough. The child is 4.5 years old on February 15, eat in the mountains, to hurt, the more coughing it is impossible. Today I come to the garden at ...

The cough is aggravated by the parents themselves, giving a child medicine from cough, which, having a musolitic and expectorant effect, themselves ... It would be necessary to understand what the cough caused, because We gave your own expectorant, and after the visit of the doctor it turned out that the child ...

Tell me who is the kashel to a child treat? Max yesterday and the day before yesterday the temperature was, 37.8 The day before yesterday, yesterday 37.1. Today there is no, it runs cheerful, the throat is normal, the runny nose of a little bit and the cough is terrible (more precisely, it is cleared, with a moocroty).

But I will give the Council - treat snot, such a cough from the snunges of the nasopharynk. And to figure out the nature of the snot from the doctor Laura to appoint something to treat cough in a child? Night! Inhalations in children are dangerous! Nebulaizers with cough are not needed! Cough for a child forces ...

The child coughed a couple of hours at night without stopping, wet cough. The most interesting thing is that yesterday the whole day never coughed !!! And at night: (tell me, maybe there is some effective tool In a similar case, give the night.

Son 3.5. The fifth day, the temperature is shot down by paracetomol at 6 o'clock, then it rises again. Then this is still a terrible runny nose (greenish) + a strong cough, giving up to vomit. Shot to the ambulance, told the virus. Drough the treatment of having fun. Warm tea, Morse. After dinner, the doctor comes, but there is also no high hope for it ... Question: How to reduce cough so that it does not reach vomiting (the ferry in the bathroom breathed, does not help himself)? And how much can the temperature be kept when a virus infection can hold?

If parents point out that there was contact with the patient and that the child would not be vaccinated, and the doctor all nervously cannot be nervous - on the nervous soil, also cough attacks. There is no fundamental difference, the treatment is the same, by clinical picture It is impossible to distinguish a cough or ...

What cough medicines are dangerous. What to treat cough in a child? Night! Inhalations in children are dangerous! Nebulaizers with cough are not needed! The kashel in a child makes the parent immediately engage him and only in the most extreme cases, with a very viscous sputum you can ...

The son of 4 years old does not pass cough, but on the contrary, it is amplified, it seems. Sick a week. There is no temperature and there was no, first the runny nose, then began to rolling - gave ambroben + dry children's medicine. It seems to be better. And yesterday, the cough again became dry, and the main thing, bred. This morning, in general, the mouth does not close. What to do, I just don't know ...

Doctors highlight different kinds cough, which becomes a frequent satellite of childhood diseases. We treat the child's cough at home depending on the disease and from the view of the cough, so as not to harm and bring recovery to the maximum.

Why arises cough?

Cough is one of the methods of protecting the body from falling into the respiratory tract of foreign bodies, pathogenic microorganisms, excess sputum, for which causes produced in the body.

A series of sharp, involuntary exhalations occurs as a result of irritation of cough receptors located in a sip, larynx, bronchops, lungs.

Types of cough and treatment depending on the symptoms

Experienced mothers know that the child's cough is different, and treatment must be chosen depending on the type of cough, duration, strength, productivity, type of sputum and related symptoms.

For the duration of the symptoms, it happens:

  • acute, up to 2 weeks;
  • protracted, up to 3 months;
  • chronic, from 3 months

Based on the force allocate:

  • passion
  • expressed
  • strong dumping, to vomiting spasms

If we evaluate the exhaust sputum, then the cough can be:

  • dry, characterized by a tribium and sore throat, chasing, obsessive. Usually he is very worried about the child, it bothers sleep. The sputum is either not separated in general, or its detection is difficult due to high viscosity;
  • wet - accompanied by excretion large number sputum. The sputum is a secret produced in bronchi, lungs, so with an excess of sputum with cough, riveting, bubble sounds are heard.

Productive wet cough is also different:

  • ORVI, bronchitis in acute stage, bronchial asthma accompanied by a separation of a colorless viscous mucus from respiratory tract;
  • Chronical bronchitis and pneumonia are determined by viscous sputum with mucus and gentlemen of yellowish or greenish color, in addition, in childhood may indicate the pathology of the ENT organs;
  • With severe viral infection, burdened by a bacterial component, a streak of blood can be present in transparent mucus. They appear as a result of microtrams of the mucous and capillaries of the respiratory tract;
  • Serous foaming wet indicates the developing pulmonary swelling. Need immediate health care;
  • Blood clots, tint rust can become a mustache of pulmonary bleeding, it is necessary to examine the child carefully urgently

Bronchial asthma is accompanied by spastic barking of cough. Due to the sharp narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, the air flow is hampered in the lungs, the exhalation becomes long, whistling, with wheezing. In a child under 2 years old, such symptoms indicate obstructive bronchitis.

But if there is no catarrhal manifestations, and the spastic attack began suddenly, then the most likely hit in the respiratory pathways of the foreign body.

How and what to treat cough in children?

Having gained experience during communication with pediatricians and therapists, the parents know about how to cure a kashel kashel at home with medicines and folk remedies. However, this symptom occurs within many diseases. Therefore, it should be distinguished by the types of cough and know how successful treatment At home.

Pharmaceutical facilities for combating cough are divided into three main groups:

  1. Multic drugs whose goal is to make a sputum less viscous and facilitate its exit;
  2. Expectorant drugs to remove sputum from respiratory tract. Such substances enhance cough;
  3. Preparations affecting a cough center of the brain and reduce its activity.

The main task in treating is to make a dry cough wet, i.e. - productive, and then save the body from excess sputum.


Beginning dry cough with the defeat of the upper respiratory tract is painful and intrusive. The child tries in the throat, he sneezes, sleep and appetite is disturbed.

If the disease flows at no temperature, it is necessary to treat it with plentiful warm drink and inhalations, including hot, with herbs and coasosis saline. The child should make inhalation only under the supervision of an adult, after a meal must pass for at least 30 minutes.

Parents must be confident that a small patient has no allergies for natural medicines. For treatment, the most commonly used infusion or tea with chamomile, sage, calendula, lime color.

A long coughing child must be examined with specialists. It is necessary to exclude glisted invasions, allergies.

After transferred complicated infection, the residual cough may last a few more weeks. Treatment, with a productive discharge of sputum, lies in abundant warm drinking and massage at home.

Tracheit, bronchitis

Cough accompanying these diseases dry, unproductive. The main goal in its treatment is to dieting sputum.

At the initial stage, the reception of drugs that have a musolitic effect:

  • Lazolvan
  • Bromgexin
  • Ambroben

As soon as the sputum begins to produce, 4-5 days are shown by expectorant drugs, and then poison the child with warm plates, compote from dried fruits, diluted juices and make a gross massage.

If the child has a temperature, then hot foot baths, warming up to him are contraindicated.

Obstructive bronchitis

Accompanied shortness of breath and coughing with a protracted exhalation. The sputum that is formed in bronchi is too viscous, and therefore not expectant. It is very important to achieve her liquefaction, and after-dulling.

It is important to rich the child. If the condition worsens, shortness of breath increases and spasms are rapidly, emergency medical care is needed.

Whooping cough

Treatment of cough folk remedies

Folk medicine is replete with recipes that helps to get rid of cough. With a dry cough, the mucus is needed, due to which it is easier to rejection. For wet cough It requires effective sputum removal so that it does not "flood" a light child.

Leaning towards any of them, it is worth making sure that the child has no allergies on the components of the medicine. What can be recommended for a child of 5 years is not always suitable for the baby per year.

So, what can you give a child when coughing?


Safe and very useful means - Gogol-Mogol from cough for treatment at home - prepare from sugar or honey with a chicken egg yolk (or quail).

It is necessary to wash the shell before smaking, make sure that the product is fresh, protein and yolk without foreign inclusions, do not blur.

Yolks are whipped with sugar to get a homogeneous mass. Give a tool to a child 3-4 times a day on one teaspoon.

Rubbing oils and compresses

Cacao butterfrom cough for children is used as a massage - rubbed into the region of the chest and top of the back. 4-10 drops add to the rubbing of children over two years camphor oil in melted unsalted pork fat or goose fat; You can add the same amount of honey.

Plant elecampanesuitable for the treatment of sharp and chronic inflammatory processes, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Prepare from dried decoction roots with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Vegetable means of cough remove a sputum, remove the swelling of the mucous membrane. Tea with sage, anis and thyme, inhalation with these herbs help the salvage of viscous mucus and expectoration.

Anisian drops Prepare at home or buy in a pharmacy.The tool causes an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, well tolerated by children.

Anise-ammonia drops in pharmacies are made from anise oil, ammonia and ethyl alcohol. The houses are divorced by boiled water, 3-5 drops on 50 ml of water for a child for 3-5 years.

It is important for parents to understand that herbs and medicines of them are not harmless. They can provoke a deterioration of the state, so it is necessary to approach the selection carefully.

Homemade cough relief recipes for kids complement other measures that do not require much effort. Sometimes it is enough to lift the baby's head above the sleep during sleep to help the flow of mucus and the release of the respiratory tract. Place an additional pillow under the head and shoulders or a terry towel between the mattress and the pillow.

Cough in children is different, so treatment should be aimed, removing the cause, and not simply affecting the symptoms. In each case, parents should be advised to the pediatrician. However, self-education allows you to estimate the designated treatment and will not be superfluous.

Children breast-age It's most often with the onset of cooling, in the offseason. It is at this time that bacteria and viruses are most active. The immune system, as a result, is subjected to strong loads. And since the children she is still too weak, there is nothing easier for the disease, than to use the opportunity and penetrate the baby's body. As a result, the infection receives a repulse, which is expressed in the form of a runny nose, increase in temperature and cough.

Cool with a cough in infants - the phenomenon is very common

The treatment of this symptom in infants is quite difficult process, After all, they are not suitable familiar to adult medicines. Therapy should be as gentle as possible and at the same time effective so that the patient does not develop complications. To get rid of cough, both traditional and household methods are used.

Types of children's cough

How to treat cough babynot to harm him? What methods for this exist, and is it worth seeking help for specialists? To answer these questions, first should be dealt with what cough is and why it appears in young children.

The symptom is caused by the abbreviations of the tracheal muscles with the participation of abdominal muscles - the air with force is pushing through the respiratory tract, simply freeing them from excess mucus and various extraneous particles.

Often in babies cough - it's just a protective reaction of the body and is not associated with a cold

Cough is the following types:

  • dry (without mucus selection);
  • wet (accompanied by rich sputum release).

This familiar every symptom is a protective reaction of the body to irritating the tissues of the throat and bronchi. When the epithelium is exposed to besieged from bacteria, special receptors are triggered, therefore the cough begins. Little children throat is much more sensitive, because the respiratory system has not yet formed. Therefore, they are frightened much more often.

Causes of coughing

Paddling in babies is quite the usual thing. Little children can be squeezed while eating, inhale dusty air. In the respiratory tract of the newborn, there is quite a lot of mucus, which is very difficult to display. However, a painful cough to distinguish from the usual is not difficult - it is often accompanied by wheezing, an increase in temperature is systematic.

Dry air and dust in the apartment may cause cough

The most common causal cough appearance in infants:

  • infectious diseases (cold and influenza, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • dried air;
  • foreign bodies in the throat;
  • burns and injuries.

Also frequent cause The cough is allergic. For a newly born child, all surrounding substances seem foreign, because the immune system Not yet fully developed. As a result - cough, snot and skin rashes in response to quite familiar factors (dust, small hair, pollen, etc.).

Attention! A constant painful cough in an infant is a very disturbing sign. At the very first suspicion for any disease, it is better to call the therapist. Otherwise, parents expose their child with great danger - any disease for him is being transferred extremely difficult and must be treated correctly.

If the cough does not pass for a long time, then you should show a child to a doctor

Treatment of non-infectious cough

Sometimes it happens that the baby coughs, but does not get sick. This can be understood by its overall well-being, lack of high temperature and high activity. In this case, it is impossible to leave a symptom without attention, because its presence indicates hidden pathologies.

Most often, such a cough is developing from dried air in a house or apartment, especially if the heating season began - the batteries in the process of work are evaporated with all moisture. In this case, it is better to purchase a special device - the air allower - and put in the room where it contains small child. Also help regular spraying from pulverizers. The easiest way is to leave a well-dipped rag on the battery (but it will have to do it quite often).

When a child has obvious allergies (this can be understood by the sharp bonuses of cough, which suddenly stop, tear, rash, the swelling of the face and limbs) will help antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavigil, Fenidist). However, to completely get rid of cough will be only after the visit to the specialist.

Supratine will help to cope with an allergic cough

Sometimes foreign items fall into the throat - by chance or toasting parents. In this case, an extraneous object stuck in the airways causes a permanent cough. It is impossible to extract it independently - you need to call the therapist or go to the clinic to the otolaryngologist, which will safely carry out an operation to remove the foreign body.

When your child began to cough badly, but they are not yet clarified until the end of the cause of this symptom, to facilitate the state of the baby and improving the clearing parents, should adhere to a number of rules. Then the consequences of the illness will be minimal.

When coughing at a small child you need:

  • provide abundant drinking baby (after 3 months);
  • regularly ventilated in the room;
  • sometimes you take a child in your hands, turn.

Let's drink baby more

If the weather allows (on the street it is not cold, there is no wind or precipitation), you can walk with the baby. Fresh air is useful for the throat, improves expectoration and helps immunity.

Preparations from cough

How to treat cough if he is called infectious disease? Traditional methods Invite the use of drugs. But not pills, but special solutions or droplets - they are harmless to kids.

The baby cough is removed by the following medicines:

  • mukolitiki (Bromgexin, Atsz, Ambroxol);
  • expectorant (Stoptussin, Prospan, Gedelix);
  • anti-shield (sync, Panatus, Linkas).

Take the above drugs can children who are 2, 4 months and more. From a wet cough, expectorant means that help remove mucus from the respiratory tract. During dryness with strong inflammation, the mercolytic (they make a sputum less viscous) in the complex with antitussive.

Panatus - Effective antitussive agent

Important: With a wet cough you can not give anticipating drugs - causes stagnation of mucus. Also, you should not simultaneously give the means that overwhelming the symptom and expectorant.

This tool is perfect for treatment little baby. The bow is a very strong antiseptic agent, and therefore, when the sore throat is inserted to the surface, it produces powerful therapeutic effect. He not only kills the infection, but also slows her distribution. Among other things, the oils contained in the bow have an enveloping effect, preventing tissue from irritation.

Cooking this fund does not take much time - you only need finely chopping (or grate on a large grater) 1-2 heads on LukaMix with natural honey and leave for a couple of hours to insist. If there is no honey in the house, you can use ordinary sugar. The resulting means is given to a patient for 1 tsp. In the morning, at lunch and before bedtime.

You can prepare a baby tool from cough with onion juice

Rubbing with barzuccia fat

This homework is suitable even for a monthly kid. Animal fat helps to improve blood flow in a place where inflammation (chest, throat) occurred and remove excessive swelling - it helps to flip wet.

Rubbing should be done like this - apply a sufficient number of barthy fat on the skin of the baby and very neatly circular movements Disselect it across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lungs to the neck. When the tool is absorbed, the patient follows for a while to bite. The procedure can be carried out daily, but no more than once a day. At a temperature of 38 and above, it should not be tritura.

With this method, not one baby cured. If the child feels bad and strongly coughs, you can use useful herbal means - they are natural, do not cause allergies and side effects.

Herbal beams - a very popular remedy, you can also give to the kids

If the baby fell ill, he is suitable for the following decoctions and infusions:

  • mother and stepmother;
  • licorice;
  • chamomile;
  • mint.

The dosage of any of the above-mentioned grasses for babies is 1 tsp. Three times a day. However, preferring a call to the therapist home therapy should be remembered that no one is insured against complications - self-examination rarely leads to positive results. When breast child coughs, the best option will be trusted to specialists.

In this video, you will tell you how to treat children's cough.

In childhood, often arises. It is a sign of many diseases, and may also be a reflex to various stimuli.

Such a sign requires compulsory treatment, since it can provoke the development of complications. To eliminate it in children, except pharmaceutical preparationsThe means of alternative therapy are used.In addition, parents need to know with which symptoms need to immediately contact a specialist.

The main causes of cough and possible diseases

How to quickly remove the cough attack

To eliminate the parole cough at home, it is first necessary to quickly moisten the room in which the child is located. To do this, use a special humidifier.

You can also put the container with water or put a wet fabric on the pipes, it is better to raise towels. To remove the attack, you can buy a child.

  • Syrups on phytoosnow.
  • Lollipops or loaflines.
  • Medications with combined action.

Syrup helps from a sudden cough. This is a vegetable agent made of plantain extract. You can use the drug from licorice root.

Eliminate the cough attack can be used by some non-traditional therapy. Inhalation in this case, inhalations are considered to be inhalations on healing plants, compresses, rubbing and internal use of informations of herbs or drugs on milk.

Medicia treatment

It is important to remember that choose medication tools For children, only an experienced pediatrician can. It takes into account the severity of the course of a certain disease, the view of the cough, the individual characteristics of the body.

Usually after the examination, the doctor attributes such groups of drugs to treat a child:

  • Medicines that improve expectoration. Effectively from the respiratory tract is a sputum ,.
  • Mukolithics. Often, abrol, synecode, medicine from dry cough are prescribed from the preparations of this group. The substances contained in such means contribute to the discharge of sputum and its elimination.
  • Antitussive. Used to mitigate cough attacks. This group includes.

These medicines allow you to remove cough. However, in the treatment various diseasesIt is called, integrated therapy is usually applied.

It is important to remember that antitussive and mercolytic drugs are not allowed to combine.

If the cause of cough is a viral infection, an antiviral medicine must be consumed. When a child has a disease provoked by pathogenic bacteria, then applied antibacterial therapy. Typically, in this case, antibiotics of macrolide, penicillin and cephalosporinic row are prescribed.

It is possible to use anti-inflammatory funds. High temperature It is recommended to bring down such antipyretic as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Useful video - how to remove the attack of cough in a child:

Effective antibiotics with laryngitis in children

Under swelling of the mucous membrane and cough as a result allergic reactions Antihistamines are used.It is also recommended that the use of mineral-vitamin complexes and generalifying funds.If a child has a normal body temperature, physiotherapy can be assigned. Effective methods In this case, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, are considered.

Means of alternative medicine

For the treatment of cough in children, various methods of non-traditional therapy are used. These funds include:

  • Inhalation
  • Internal consumption of folk drugs

Effective with kashek in children is considered inhalation. They can be performed above the capacity with healing braids. However, in childhood, inhalation is best suited with a nebulizer - a special apparatus for the procedure.

Inhalation can be done using the following means:

  • Saline.
  • Mineral water (better - Borjomi).
  • Soda solution with adding a few drops of iodine.
  • Potato decoction.
  • Essential oils (lavender, mint, ginger, cedar).
  • Vegetable infusions (St. John's wort, chamomile, eucalyptus, violet, mother-and-stepmother)

The procedure should be performed no more than fifteen minutes. It is desirable that after inhalation the child did not go to the fresh air, especially in cold period of the year.

Recipes for receiving inside

Lots of medicinal plants Improve sputum of sputum, dischargeing it. Therefore, it's good to eat a child with cough braids from these herbs:

  • Mother and stepmother
  • Altea
  • Nettle
  • Plantain
  • Ivy
  • Raspberries
  • Licorice
  • Tricolor violet
  • Linden

To prepare such a medicine, it is necessary to pour vegetative raw materials with steep boiling water (on a tablespoon - 250 ml of liquid). After that, tea is insteaded for 10-15 minutes. In the absence of an allergy from a child to the bees, such a decoction can be used with honey.

Effective coughing recipes for children:

  • Milk products also apply to intake. Creamy, honey, slightly soda, whipped yolks can be added to the warm liquid.
  • Another one effective method It is considered a decoction on milk. Such a means can be done with cedar nuts or figs.
  • A good tool with cough is black radish with sugar or honey. To do this, cut the middle of the vegetable, and the second ingredient is added to the resulting cup. After that, leave until morning to highlight juice. Drink it is recommended on one spoon three times a day.

Effective compresses

You can treat cough with the help of compresses that are superimposed on chest Child.

For compresses, the following products are applied:

  • ground ginger
  • goose fat
  • corn oil and flour
  • mix of garlic and butter
  • fat Nutria

Well in the treatment of cough helps a mixture prepared on the basis of mustard powder, vegetable fat and diluted alcohol.

Compresses are recommended for several hours. After that, the child must be bought and put in bed.It is important to remember that the use of methods of alternative therapy in the treatment of cough in patients children's age Perhaps only after approval by a pediatrician.

Cough in children can be a symptom of colds, allergies, pneumonia and other diseases. Treat the cough of the child needs to be comprehensively, go medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and recipes folk Medicine. It is important not only to eliminate this unpleasant symptom, but also its reason. Correctly selected treatment scheme helps to quickly get rid of passing and avoid complications.

Cough is just a protective reaction of the body. It occurs when irritating substances and pathogenic microorganisms fall into the respiratory organs. The appearance of dry cough can be associated with viruses, bacteria and allergens. They fall into the respiratory tract, settle on the mucous membrane and provoke overweight mucus. Bronchospasms arise due to the fact that the body is trying to cleanse themselves.

Thanks to the intense cough attacks, microorganisms are not settled on the walls of the bronchi, and are outlined along with the wet. This allows you to avoid heavy diseases - bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurrites.

If the cough reflex for some reason is disrupted, the mucus accumulates in the respiratory organs and is an excellent reproduction medium of bacteria. In this case, the bacteria will quickly multiply, and the person begins to root.

Little children who are often lying, the cause of passing can be a runny nose. The snot flows into the nasophal, annoy it and cause cough. Eliminate this unpleasant possible only after a runny nose is cured.

Cough in children can be a response to inhalation too dry or contaminated air.

Causes of Cough at the child

The causes of a strong cough of the child there are a lot. This includes systemic diseases and conditions in which the baby is located. Provoke intense cough attacks in children can:

  • Colds.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Allergy.
  • Bronchopneumonia.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Rhinitis.

A child can constantly cough if someone smokes in the house. Passive smokers inhale no less than harmful smoke than those who smoke. It has already been proven that children constantly inhaling the cigarette smoke are more prone to diseases. respiratory organs.

Cause children's cough Maybe too dry air indoors. In this case, the mucosoid dries and irritates, which leads to coughing urges. Especially often, such a phenomenon is observed in winter when heating radiators are included.

Children up to 6 years often sick respiratory infections. This is due to not fully formed immunity. Cold illness More than those kids who visit childhood preschool institutions are more susceptible.

In children under 5 years old, cough and paraclush are often diagnosed. These infectious diseases proceed with strong cough attacks that are intensively intense every day. Characteristic feature Cocky is whistling sounds published by the patients when trying to breathe. At the end of each cough attachment, viscous vitreous sputum is cleared.

The ingress of the foreign body into the respiratory organs is also accompanied by an exhausting paroxy cough. At the same time, whistling sounds in the chest are observed, and skin Covers become bluish. If a foreign body Hit in bronchi, respiratory failure arises. If the child does not provide timely help, everything can endittle.

General principles of treatment

Cough, which continues up to 3 weeks, is called sharp. Fresh cough, which is observed more than 8 weeks called chronic. Quite often, passing is preserved for a month, after transferred respiratory diseases and pneumonia.

To speed up recovery, it is necessary to follow such recommendations:

  • The dwelling should maintain normal humidity and temperature. The humidity indicator should be about 55%, and the temperature in the children's room should not exceed 21 degrees.
  • It is necessary to limit smoking in the house where there are children. To smoke, adults can go out or on the balcony. It is worth remembering that toxic cigarette smoke helps to reduce immunity.
  • It is necessary to avoid sharp change of temperature. In winter, before entering the street, it is recommended to stand in the entrance for several minutes.
  • Mixed strong cough can be caused by allergens. Such substances can act pollen, wool and the fluff of animals. Some people have caddling cause certain drugs and food. While cleaning the house should use personal protective equipment to prevent the respiratory irritation by means household chemicals. Allergies better replace strongly smelling substances with soda or ordinary economic soap.

It must be remembered that sharp and highly seasoned products can irritate the throat and cause cough. To prevent such a phenomenon, it is worth abandoning canned and acute food at least for the treatment.

With the tendency of the child to allergies, you should not keep the aquarium in the children's room. Few parents know that dry food is the strongest allergen.

Methods for treating cough in children

Cough treatment should be started with the definition of the exact cause of malaise. The treatment diagram in each case is different. Sometimes you can get rid of passage only after moistening the air indoors.

Medical therapy

With the cough of different etiology, the doctor prescribes medicinal drugs that make it easier for sputum. Preparations for children are more often produced in the form of syrups and pastillers. After full examination and clarifying the diagnosis of the child may be spelled out these drugs:

  • Ambroxol.
  • Syrup licorice.
  • Lazolyvan.
  • Syrup Dr. Tais.
  • Perptissine.
  • Mukaltin.
  • Medicine with altake.

All these drugs contribute to the resolution and easy impact of sputum. It is necessary to use them according to the instructions or take in those dosages that the doctor prescribed. The children who were not 3 years old, the dose of drugs calculates the doctor based on weight and diagnosis.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that it is not possible to give flourities and expectorant drugs in all cases. Ambroxol-based drugs increase the production of sputum, which is normal to flip. But few takes into account that young children can not normally fade, as a result of this, the kids arise stagnation in respiratory organs.

In some European countries, mucolyts are discharged only after the child turned 4 years old. The appointment of such drugs was previously prohibited in these countries.

Cerencing the cough of the child will help Lollipops and Pastili vegetable origin. You can only appoint them to children over 3 years old, which are already understood how to dissolve lollipops. Such preparations are quite effective in cough caused by laryngitis and pharyngitis, they soften the mucous membrane and reduce its irritation. Pastalki and lollipops should only be dissolved in the presence of adults to avoid accidents.

With the cough caused by allergies, antihistamines are prescribed. Such drugs will help eliminate allergy symptoms in a few minutes. Most often, children prescribe drugs of recent generations:

  • Tueguil.
  • Citrine.
  • Claritin.
  • Zoda

Drugs - Loratadine can be appointed and tested. Diazoline and suprastin. It should be borne in mind that such medicines have more contraindications and side effects.

If the cough attacks are accompanied by obstruction, then the patient of the child is advisable to give drugs to expand the lumen of the bronchi. To such drugs Belormal and Ventoline include, with these drugs carry out inhalations.

Bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, cough and other infectious diseases of the respiratory organs are treated with antibacterial drugs. More often prescribed antibiotics wide spectrum Actions from a group of penicillin or cephalosporins. With allergies on antibiotics of these medicinal groups Macrolids can be appointed. When treating antibiotics, it is necessary to make probiotics at the same time that will help prevent dysbacteriosis.

For infectious diseases Children can be spelled out with vitamin preparations and immunomodulatory products that will help strengthen the immune system.

Non-media therapy

Healing inhalations will help you quickly get rid of cough. For diseases of the lower respiratory agencies, it is recommended to conduct procedures using a nebulizer. This medical device converts medicinal solutions In the fine mixture that settles the mucous membrane and has a healing effect.

Mucolatics and alkaline solutions can be used for inhalation. The doctor can register inhalation with ambroxol, amboben, berodual or alkaline mineral water. If the child has grown hard and can not stop, you can make inhalation with saline. When conducting inhalation, it is important to correctly pick up a mask, it should fit tightly to the face.

With constant shaking, you can put the baby mustard films. It should be borne in mind that the children of younger mustard compresses put the opposite side or through a layer of gauze. Mountains warm up well soft fabricsImprove blood circulation and metabolism. Thanks to such procedures, you can get rid of bronchospasm very quickly.

Children are 11 months old and younger put on the back of 1 mustarder, while avoiding the hearts of the heart. Children over 2 years old, you can put mustard compresses on the back and chest. The procedure lasts 2-3 minutes, after which the mustard films are removed, the skin is wiping with a clean napkin and lubricated with children's cream.

Quickly remove the cough will help and rubbing. Such drugs can be used to treat children:

If a turpentine ointment is used to grow a child, it must be pre-mixed in half with children's cream. This will prevent burns and skin irritation. Rim the child follows the night, after which laying into bed.

If, despite the treatment, the cough intensified and the state of the child worsened, it is necessary to show a sick doctor. The reason for such ailment may be complications of the disease.

Folk remedies

There are many folk recipeswhich can be used to treat cough in children. Unconventional techniques are recommended to coordinate with the attending physician:

  1. The liter of fatty milk is poured into a saucepan, fall asleep half of the glass of washed oats and boil on a slow heat. Give a milk decoction a child of 1/3 cup twice a day, be sure to warm.
  2. The root of ginger is cleaned, crushed and dried in the milk of milk for an hour. The finished decoction is filtering and give a child across the tablespoon, 4 times a day.
  3. The radish is cleaned, cut into pieces and fold into the jar, luring the layers with honey. An hour later, the resulting syrup is given to a sick, on a teaspoon 5 times a day.

With the cough of any etiology, the patient is useful to give a lot of warm drink. It moisturizes the mucous membrane, contributes to the sputum of sputum and facilitates its withdrawal from the respiratory tract. Give the child with warm tea, kissel, decoction medicinal herbal and compotes. Can be offered mineral waterAfter pre-releaseing gas from it. But you should not give concentrated juices, they irritate the throat and provoke cough attacks.

The sick child's room needs to be constantly ventilated. In the warm season, the fortie can be open constantly, but it is necessary to ensure that the baby is not sitting on the draft.

With the cough of incomprehensible etiology, the doctor should immediately seem. The reason for shaking may be stress or heart problems.


Doctors advise not to neglect the prevention of respiratory diseases to eliminate heavy complications:

  • The house needs to maintain normal humidity, about 50%.
  • During the outbreak period of respiratory diseases, it is worth refraining from visiting people.
  • In the season, the cold need to rinse the nose with a salt solution to arrive home.
  • At the first signs of disease, you need to see a doctor.

In the treatment of cough in children, it is necessary to strictly comply with all pediatrician recommendations.. If the prescribed treatment does not result in a result for 3-4 days, it is worth reporting to the doctor.

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