The first flu symptoms are treated. Influenza Virus: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment Influenza in Children, Symptoms and Treatment

Flu symptoms in children due to constant mutation of strains have mixed, an atypical course of the disease makes it difficult to predict them. This was made possible thanks to the careful study by virologists of the strains that have been encountered in history.

What surprises the 201 flu has in store for us

Dry and cold air in the winter season, lack of sun, changes in atmospheric pressure, a drop in air temperature and other sudden changes are unexpected for the body, and it does not have time to adjust to them.

Of course, children first of all suffer, because their immunity is not fully formed. The flu virus is waiting for that: when the body is weakened, infection occurs.

Flu lives in the air for up to 9 hours, this means that if a sick person sneezes in the elevator, and after a few hours your baby entered it, he has a high chance of becoming infected. Besides, it is in dry and cold air that the virus lives as long as possible.

The most the best time for vaccination it's autumn

In 2019, virologists expect mutations in the California, Hong Kong group A flu strains and the new Brisbane flu group B virus.

The Californian, or swine - as known from the epidemic last year - the A (H1N1) virus is susceptible to frequent mutations, dangerous and unpredictable. It affects the lungs of a person, often asymptomatically and rapidly.

The group B virus is not so dangerous for the body that copes with it.

The influenza virus, which spread in Hong Kong and other countries in the 70s of the 20th century, is alarming. For 60 years, the virus of this or that flu mutates and comes with renewed vigor.

Hong Kong strain is supposed to hit this winter... In Russia, we are not familiar with the virus and we have no immunity to it.

The first symptoms of influenza and ARVI in children

  • the flu, like any other ARVI, unlike a cold from hypothermia, always develops suddenly - the signs are pronounced and develop rapidly;
  • a child usually tolerates the virus better than an adult, so it is not so easy to detect the disease before the temperature rises. At this stage, a blurred look is noticeable, dragging, characteristic of any sick person, appears in front of the eyes. The child becomes moody due to malaise;
  • a sharp rise in temperature to critical levels of 38+ ​​lasts for the first 2-3 days;
  • redness of the throat, plaque on the tongue indicates a virus;
  • during sleep, breathing becomes difficult, over time, nasal congestion passes into the daytime;
  • chills, muscle aches, weakness, drowsiness, tearfulness.

Influenza symptoms in children under one year old are also difficult to diagnose before fever appears. It is impossible to treat the baby on your own - call the emergency department, she will arrive as soon as possible and deliver to the hospital for newborns.

The temperature for flu jumps immediately to 39-40 ° C and lasts 3-4 days

It is easier to diagnose flu symptoms in a 3-year-old child: at this age, children are capricious, due to a sharp leap in development.

Lethargy, uncharacteristic tearfulness, decreased activity - these signs should not be underestimated, it is they who will help to cope with the flu more reliably, without wasting precious time.

Give your child a food high in vitamin C (these are kiwi, citrus fruits, cabbage) and see a doctor.

How the flu develops: symptoms in children such as runny nose and cough appear, as a rule, on the 2nd and next day... Fever lasts 3-5 days and if you take the right measures, then the prognosis is favorable. But the patient remains infectious for 1-2 days after the temperature has returned to normal.

However, due to the constant mutation of influenza strains, atypical illnesses with severe symptoms appear. When you find these symptoms in your child, see your pediatrician. In the winter of 2018-2019, the height of the epidemic fell in January-February.

If there is no improvement on the 4th day, if the temperature continues to be elevated on the 7th day of illness, or deterioration has begun after improvement, immediately consult a doctor. This is an alarming signal and hospitalization may be needed, since the inflammatory process has begun.

All parents should be aware of the symptoms of intestinal flu in children. there is information about rotavirus infection.

Studying strains: pork and Hong Kong

In 2018, the swine flu raged, the symptoms in children, due to numerous cases of this strain, are clearly recorded:

  1. Harsh, tearing cough as the first symptom after infection.
  2. Body temperature rises to 40 ° C and above.
  3. After several days, there is a visible improvement in well-being, until the symptoms partially and completely disappear.
  4. After two weeks of calm, the disease returns again, having managed to damage the lungs with asymptomatic pneumonia..

The flu symptoms in children in 2018 showed that if this strain is not treated in the first hours and days after detection, the flu is difficult, and if not treated at all, then, due to the atypical and poorly studied behavior of the strain, the prognosis is unfavorable, until death.

During this epidemic, children were admitted to the hospital and, if they tested positive for the H1N1 swine flu strain, were sent to an isolated ward and prescribed a potent drug that affects the strain called Tamiflu (cannot be used without a prescription).

The symptoms of the 2019 flu in children are likely to recur in the next season as well: the invasion of the new H3N2 strain, the Hong Kong one, is expected. It looks like a pig, but there are some differences. Dangerous for 2 years old and younger - a risk group that develops complications.

Symptoms of Hong Kong flu in children

  • the first symptoms of influenza in children, which appear 1-2 days after infection, are intoxication with headaches and nausea;
  • the temperature reaches 40 ° C +;
  • chills and aches, pain in the eyes, joints, abdomen, back;
  • nasal congestion and dry cough;
  • sometimes upset stool.

Pavel Stotsko, specialist in public health and healthcare... Influenza is dangerous for the whole body - complications can affect the nervous system, kidneys or other organs, so it should not be underestimated and it is worth seriously preparing for a seasonal epidemic.

In Russia there is no immunity to influenza 2019, symptoms in children in the acute phase of the disease last no more than 4 days. If after this period there is no improvement, urgent hospitalization is applied, as this is a sign that the body has not coped with the virus due to weakening. Treatment may be required with antibiotics to rule out complications.

7 rules to stay healthy

Regardless of the strain, the influenza virus infects Airways ... At the moment of meeting with the virus, a disease will occur in any case if there are no antibodies in the body. Antibodies are produced in two cases: if a child has been ill with this strain, or if he has a flu shot.

Influenza, symptoms in children Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich, pediatrician and doctor the highest category, advises to distinguish and treat as follows.

Flu Prevention Cheat Sheet: 7 Essential Points

Your child's immunity directly depends on the state of his mucous membranes.

If they dry up, the functioning of local immunity is disrupted and a virus enters the body. Drying, in addition to the above, is affected by many medicines that are taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Cure and not heal

Often, parents, noticing the symptoms of flu in a child and wishing him well, try to cure him with "proven" methods. But all kinds of rubbing, inhalations, mustard plasters, banks have no proven effectiveness.

Also, trying to help his child and feeling uncontrollable pity for him (which is natural), the parent immediately knocks down the temperature, which cannot be done, as it can greatly harm the small body.

The presence of a temperature indicates an increase in natural interferon, which has begun to fight a foreign virus. If you bring down the temperature at this moment, the increase in interferons will stop and there will be no one to resist the infection.

The only drug that destroys the flu is Tamiflu with active ingredient oseltamivir. Other means can only help the body to cope with the disease itself. But this drug, in the normal course of the disease, is not recommended to drink. Although Tamiflu destroys the virus, it has many side effects.

It is used, as a rule, in a severe course of the disease, it is prescribed strictly by doctors and in a hospital... The second reason when Tamiflu is used is people from the risk group. The main part of drugs "for influenza" in pharmacies is a business, according to Komarovsky EO, a pediatrician, a doctor of the highest category.

Influenza is a fairly common infectious disease that causes damage to the bronchi, severe toxicosis of the body and a very unpleasant punitive phenomenon. The infection affects men and women of all age groups and annually, especially in cold autumn and winter periods, causes massive epidemics, which "cover" about 15% of people living on Earth.

A little history of influenza before 2019

The first documented flu epidemic was recorded as early as 1580. Then this disease literally "mowed down" people in batches, partly due to the fact that in those distant times, mankind knew little about viral infections and the prevention of the fight against them. In the period 1918-1920, a pandemic of this infectious disease, which manifested itself in a severe form, even received a peculiar name "Spanish flu". During these two years, very high level mortality from influenza. Young, strong and healthy people got pulmonary edema almost at lightning speed, and then “burned out” before our eyes in a matter of days.

Despite its nature and the regular negative effect on people, it was possible to establish the viral component of influenza for the first time in 1933. It was then that three English scientists managed to isolate a specific form of the virus, which produced a very unpleasant sensation in the airways of experimental hamsters. This viral infectious agent received its first name influenza A. A little later (in 1940) another group of scientists was able to detect influenza B, and then in 1947 the third, most common and common type of this infection, influenza C.

It was then that scientists managed to determine that viral infection this type is very long time can "live" at subzero temperatures (from -25 to -70 degrees Celsius), at the same time, even a few hours spent at room temperature almost completely kill this infection. It also breaks down during drying, chlorine ingress, ultraviolet lighting, heating, exposure to ozone.

How can you get infected

The most frequent source of infection with a viral infection is an already infected person. At the same time, he can have both obvious signs of the disease and act as a carrier that does not show any complications. It is important to note that the infection is transmitted through the air in the form of microscopic droplets released by sick people during sneezing, coughing and even talking. An already infected person presents the maximum level of danger in the first days of infection, when the virus is still in the incubation period. If the form of the disease is not complicated, then after 5-6 days the sick person does not pose a danger to others. If pneumonia manifests itself, then the likelihood of catching an infection from a sick person increases rapidly and can persist for up to three weeks from the moment the infection enters the body.

The likelihood of contracting the virus greatly increases in the fall and winter, when it is wet and cold outside. As statistics show, with a periodicity of 2-3 years, there are type A influenza epidemics, which occur on an explosive basis, when up to 50% of the population can get sick within a month and a half. Influenza B behaves somewhat differently. It proceeds more slowly (up to 3 months), usually covering up to 25% of the population.

Forms of the disease

The incidence of influenza can take place in different ways. It depends on many factors, and is divided into such basic forms.

  1. Light form... The most common. The body temperature of a person rises no higher than 38 degrees, there are weakly manifested symptoms of intoxication, or there are none at all.
  2. Moderate severity. Here the temperature of the human body is at the level of 38.5 - 39.5 degrees, there is a classic set of intoxication, which is expressed in a fairly severe headache, weakness, pain in joints, muscles, profuse sweating. The nose is stuffy, the pharynx is redder and swelling, the person's voice becomes hoarse, there is a constant dry cough.
  3. Severe form. It is accompanied by a very pronounced intoxication of the body, the body temperature goes beyond 40 degrees, convulsions, hallucinations, vomiting begin to appear, often blood begins to flow from a person's nose.

Hypertoxic form. With this form, the body temperature does not fall below 40 degrees. The symptoms of body intoxication are expressed as much as possible, as a result of which toxicosis spreads to nervous system... Quite often, at this stage of the disease, the brain begins to swell, and a person can even get an infectious-toxic shock. In many cases, respiratory failure begins at this stage of the disease.

Lightning-fast shape. This type of disease is dangerous because it can be fatal for the patient. This form of infection affects people who have weakened immune system, or with a certain type of congenital pathology. Often the disease is accompanied by pulmonary edema, disrupted brain activity, profuse bleeding, respiratory failure, and other very dangerous complications appear.

Flu symptoms and signs 2019

The peculiarity of the flu is that it literally takes over the body almost immediately after being hit. The virus has a very small incubation period which can last from a few hours to 5 days. After that, the person begins to show certain discomfort, as well as clinical symptoms diseases. The very first and, perhaps, the most important sign that a person is beginning to get sick is an increase in body temperature. In addition, the state of the body begins to deteriorate.

Flu symptoms in an adult

  • strong enough headache;
  • almost always, patients experience chills;
  • breathing accompanies a dry cough;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • unpleasant dryness in the nasopharynx;
  • almost complete lack of appetite;
  • unreasonable fear of light;
  • unpleasant sore throat;
  • unusually increased sweating;
  • weakness of the whole body;
  • specific pain behind the breastbone.

Flu symptoms in children

In addition, in order to timely detect a disease in a child and take preventive measures to treat it, you should show the baby to a doctor if you start to observe such symptoms in him:

  • the child has shortness of breath, his breathing has become difficult;
  • stuffing of the nose begins, the timbre of the voice changes;
  • the baby's skin color has changed to bluish or slightly grayish;
  • the child began to refuse to drink liquids;
  • vomiting began for no reason;
  • the reaction to others has disappeared, the baby has become withdrawn, sleeps more than usual;
  • a high level of overexcitation appeared;
  • the baby has a dry "barking" cough or a feverish state with an increase in temperature.

It should be noted that in contrast to the usual acute respiratory infections, when all the symptoms of the disease and its course occur relatively smoothly and gradually, in the case of influenza, the disease develops quite rapidly, almost immediately progressing and providing its "ward" with a very unpleasant state. In this case, such a febrile state, as a rule, lasts the first 2-6 days, after which a period of stabilization begins. You need to understand that a high body temperature for several days in a row can cause various kinds of complications, so you should not hesitate to visit a doctor in case of influenza.

Influenza virus strains expected in 2019 - 2020

Given the cyclical nature of influenza, scientists have learned to predict with sufficient accuracy possible manifestations certain strains of viral infections in order to minimize the negative consequences of their exposure to humans.

And the following types of infections are expected next year:

H1N1 is a subtype of the famous swine flu. He gained his fame in 2009, when he provided a very high-profile epidemic that covered almost the entire population of the planet. The danger of this viral infection is the possibility of causing numerous complications, some of which can even lead to death. As an example, some of these complications: pneumonia, inflammatory processes in the brain area, as well as sinusitis.

H3N2 is a strain that is a subtype of influenza A. It is important to note that this virus has not previously seen global epidemics, so scientists call it “young”. The unusualness of this infection is that today it is still poorly understood, and its main "weapon" is defeat vascular system organism, which has not yet been encountered on a global scale.

The Yamagata virus is a strain that is a subtype of influenza B. And although most healthcare professionals do not call it the most dangerous due to the fact that it has not previously experienced any complications, nevertheless, due to the complexity of its detection and diagnostics, it can create a fairly large number of problems for doctors, if it grows into an epidemic.

A little about the treatment of influenza

Flu treatment has its own characteristics. When the acute period of the disease comes, it is advisable to "wait out" by taking bed rest. Truth in modern world very few people resort to this method, trying to "drown out" unpleasant symptoms of various kinds drugs... The danger of such a decision lies in the fact that in this case you literally make your body work with a vengeance, increasing the load on the heart and other vital important organs, which in the future can cause various complications.

It should be noted that mild treatment and moderate forms can be carried out at home. And in case of manifestation of more severe forms of the disease, you should immediately contact a medical institution for hospitalization. In the process of treating influenza infection, it is recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks in the form of tea, compotes, fruit drinks, juices. Here, various antiviral agents should be used in a complex manner, such as anaferon, arbidol, or such as remantadine, viferon or groprinosine.

If a person is seized by a fever, he should start taking antipyretic drugs, the most common of which are paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is important to remember that such drugs should be taken if the body temperature rises above 38 degrees.

To deal with a runny nose should be by using various saline or vasoconstrictor drops... Their list can include no-salt, quicks, pharmacoline, as well as rinazolin, vibrocil, nasol and others.

To strengthen the immune system, you should take fortified drugs. It is important to understand that flu symptoms and the consequences of a prolonged absence of their treatment can cause very unpleasant complications, therefore it is very important to seek timely medical help and start a course of treatment with minimal manifestations of an infectious disease. If in a large number children start to get sick in schools, like in Moscow, for example.

Do not forget that the treatment of influenza in children is somewhat different than that of an adult. Therefore, already at the first manifestations of the disease, it follows:

  • call the local pediatrician, or take the child to the hospital;
  • regularly monitor the baby's body temperature, and in case it has stepped over the mark of 37.5 degrees, start giving him antipyretic;
  • no need to try to give your child antibiotics, especially in the early stages of the flu. During this period, they are simply useless. Their use is practiced in case of complications caused by infection, such as pneumonia, bronchitis and others;
  • give up the practice of forcing the baby to eat if he has lost his appetite, while increasing the amount of plentiful warm drink should be mandatory;
  • in case of high temperature and lack of reaction to antipyretics, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In any case, remember that even with minimal symptoms of a viral infection, you should not start self-medication and hope that you will be able to "pass" this period. Very often, this approach becomes the cause of serious complications in your body and can even cause irreversible consequences when a person may even become disabled.

Prevention of influenza

Given that the fight against influenza has been going on for a long time, many people have learned that if you adhere to the correct lifestyle, temper your body, avoid certain places, you can significantly reduce the risk of illness and provide yourself with sufficiently high guarantees that you will be on that list of people. who escaped the epidemic.

It should be noted that the rules for such behavior and way of life are very simple and accessible to every person.

If you find yourself in a region affected by an infectious epidemic, avoid crowded places, in particular large shopping centers, public transport, minimize the likelihood of being in a crowd on the street for a long time, try not to directly contact people who already have symptoms similar to a viral infection.

Take care of your hygiene, remember to wash your hands regularly, using soap. If it is not possible to wash your hands or clean any surface, special alcohol moistened wipes should be used for these purposes. Make it a rule not to touch your nose, eyes, oral cavity with unwashed hands or not wiped with a special napkin.

Carefully observe the state of your body, pay attention to minimal changes in your condition or the condition of your family and friends. If there are any changes, immediately measure the body temperature in order to be able to detect the disease at the most early stages.

Provide regular ventilation of your home, during an epidemic, wash floors with disinfectants daily.

Maintain good physical fitness, drive healthy image life, eat right, devote the necessary amount of time to sleep, avoid various stressful situations.

Take fortified preparations, eat fruits, berries, natural products.

To provide high guarantees of the resistance of your body to various viral infections, get a special flu shot. A best vaccination the body from influenza is a healthy lifestyle, sports and positive emotions!

Healthy mind- creates a healthy body !!!

Swine flu 2016 in children is very dangerous, as it starts violently, with high fever, and quickly leads to complications of the respiratory system, etc.

What is dangerous and how is swine flu manifested in children

This year, the epidemiological threshold for influenza was exceeded in our country by almost 100%. This means that almost half of the entire child population has already been ill or still has a chance to become infected.

Influenza 2016 in children is especially difficult, as there is a risk of rapid lung damage and the development of pneumonia.

Symptoms usually begin with sudden onset of chills, vomiting, headache, fever, and dry cough. Quick start - distinctive feature, which characterizes the swine flu 2016, the symptoms in children develop rapidly, the body temperature can immediately "jump" up to 39 degrees and above.

The only way to be sure that you have the flu is to visit a doctor, take swabs from the nose and throat, and take a blood test.

Swine flu is especially dangerous because a child's immune system has no means of protecting against it. All strains of influenza are constantly changing and resistant to immunization.

If appeared alarming symptoms, baby younger age, and even more so for nursing, it is imperative to show the pediatrician as soon as possible.

Flu treatment is designed to minimize the symptoms of the illness. It includes bed rest, antipyretic drugs to reduce fever, and plenty of fluids.

Children under the age of 16 should not be given aspirin due to the risk of liver damage.

Antiviral medication can help shorten the duration of the flu, but medicine must be taken within 48 hours of the onset of the first symptoms and there is an age limit for its use.

Preventive measures to help save your child from swine flu

The disease spreads in countless ways: by air, by household contact, etc. To prevent the flu in a child, take as an ally common sense... By not neglecting simple precautions, you can protect our children from infection.

If possible, do not take your baby to Kindergarten, and teach the student to wear a medical respirator.

Each of us and our children receive germs from various surfaces we touch. Wash your hands several times a day and teach your children to do this, especially before eating, even if it's just a snack with a laptop. And it should be a thorough wash, with an antibacterial agent.

Teach them to cover their mouth and nose when they cough and sneeze. Even young children can learn to automatically cover their mouth and nose with a tissue to prevent the spread of germs.

Use the dishwasher as your secret weapon. Anything that goes into your baby's mouth - pacifiers, toys, teething rings, pacifiers, bottles - should be washed frequently. Place plastic toys in the dishwasher and stuffed animals in the washing machine. If you don't have a dishwasher, wash everything in hot, soapy water and rinse with the hottest water plastic and your hands can handle.

Don't store your family's toothbrushes together in the same glass. Place them in a holder that prevents them from touching each other. Toothbrushes are a direct route for microbial exchange.

Change towels, including kitchen towels, every day.

Viruses, like other microorganisms, feel worse on dry surfaces. After using a regular bar of soap, pat dry with paper towels to prevent germs from surviving.

If someone in your family is sick, try to isolate him in a separate room, and after he recovers, boil everything he used.

Open windows often, despite winter time, to help circulate fresh air. This is doubly important when you have a cold or flu in your home.

Video story about the treatment of swine flu in children

From year to year, a flu epidemic begins in winter. This virus mutates instantly and therefore causes serious complications, especially in children. The flu poses a great danger to their health. Parents are concerned about two questions: how to protect the baby from illness, and how to treat if he does get sick.

What causes the flu

This is a viral disease. The causative agent of influenza is changing all the time, so vaccinations stop working and must be reapplied. In winter, immunity is reduced and the influenza virus is activated. It is easy for them to get infected by airborne droplets: in transport, at school, in kindergarten.

The virus has a unique ability. Penetrating into the body, it immediately integrates into it at the cellular level and changes the work of cells, forcing them to produce many new microbes. After a while, external signs of the disease appear.


They start abruptly.

  • The temperature rises in just a few hours. It rises to 40 degrees and is difficult to knock down.
  • The child complains that he is cold, fever begins, aches throughout the body, weakness and lethargy.
  • The throat begins to hurt very badly, it becomes difficult to swallow.
  • After a few days, a cough and a runny nose appear. Influenza often gives complications to the bronchi and lungs, so you need to closely monitor so that the viral infection does not develop into pneumonia.

During illness, children have decreased appetite. In the first few days, this happens to almost everyone. This is not very scary, the main thing is that the baby drinks a lot of liquid. If a child refuses tea, water, their favorite juices, this alarming sign... Severe intoxication has begun and an urgent need to call for medical help.

Treatment of a viral infection

With the flu, you must give antiviral drugs... They act on the virus itself, preventing it from multiplying.

  • Arbidol. Fights the virus and boosts immunity. Reduces the number of complications and intoxication of the body.
  • Anaferon. Improves general condition, strengthens the immune system. Increases antibodies in the body and the production of interferon.
  • Rematadin. It prevents the virus from entering the cell and thereby reduces its reproduction. It can only be used after 7 years.
  • Viferon. It is used for children from birth. It is safe and effective drug to prevent influenza and reduce its symptoms.

Call the pediatrician as soon as your toddler complains of discomfort. Do not self-medicate. After all, the flu is accompanied by various complications that also require treatment. The doctor should examine the child's throat, listen to the lungs, and only then prescribe a drug that will be most effective.

What else can you do?

Parents need to ventilate the room more often, wipe the floor and furniture with a damp cloth. Encourage your toddler to drink plenty of tea with raspberry jam... He will sweat from it, and the temperature will drop.

It is better not to knock down temperatures up to 38 degrees. It means that the body is fighting infection.

To reduce too high a temperature, use Ibuprofen or Paracetamol, which should be given strictly according to the instructions.

Flush your nose with saline and drip interferon into it every few hours. Lubricate the sinuses with oxolinic ointment three times a day.

If the child does not have a fever, do not neglect folk ways... Steam the baby's legs with mustard, breathe with him over the steam, put mustard plasters.

All this treatment, used in combination, will help alleviate the condition of the child and defeat the influenza virus.

If the baby does not have allergies, as soon as the damp, cold weather begins, buy a vitamin complex, let the child drink it. Or give him ascorutin a tablet a day.

After the walk, brew lemon tea and just eat lemon sprinkled with sugar or mixed with honey.

In the morning and in the evening, caress your throat with chamomile broth.

Before each fall-winter season, scientists study in detail the viruses and influenza strains that will prevail in the current year. The flu itself is not dangerous disease, but its consequences can be extremely serious. Complications after this disease can lead to disability, some cases are fatal.

What is flu?

Influenza is a viral disease that occurs in acute form... The virus, regardless of the strain, infects the upper respiratory tract. The disease affects the upper respiratory tract, affecting the trachea, larynx, nasopharynx. The virus infects both men and women equally often. The greatest risk of getting sick is in people aged 20 to 50 years, especially in those who have chronic pathologies, as well as immunodeficiencies. The disease is most dangerous for children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

An outbreak of an influenza epidemic or pandemic usually occurs in the autumn-winter period, less often in early spring. Complications occur in every fifth sick person. In total, about 500 thousand people die from the flu every year. This is why knowing the signs and symptoms of the 2016 flu is so important.

Infection routes

Influenza in adults is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as during household contacts. The respiratory tract is the most common. After a sick person sneezes or coughs, the causative agent of influenza enters the air, which is inhaled by a healthy person. More rare are cases when the virus settles on the hands, surrounding objects and is transmitted through them. This applies to viruses of type B and C. However, there is also a type A influenza virus, which also affects pets and poultry, so you can get infected from them.

In the external environment, any type of virus lives no more than eight hours. It remains longest at low air temperatures. The influenza virus enters the body through the mucous membranes on the face - these are the eyes, nose and mouth.


Influenza can be classified according to the severity of the symptoms:

  • The mild form of the disease is characterized by an increase in temperature to a maximum of 38 degrees and a slight intoxication in the body.
  • Flu form moderate suggests an increase in temperature to 39.5 degrees and pronounced signs of intoxication.
  • In severe form, the flu develops almost at lightning speed and is characterized by fever up to 40 degrees and above, sleep disturbances, severe headaches are observed.

Important! For any form of flu, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Sometimes there may be no signs of influenza in adults; this form of the disease is called atypical and is more difficult to diagnose.

The main symptoms of the flu are:

  • Headache
  • No runny nose, dryness in the nasopharynx
  • Pain and aches in muscles, joints, general weakness
  • Lachrymation
  • If there is a cough, then dry, sore throat
  • No appetite
  • Excessive sweating occurs
  • Chest pain
  • Photophobia

How to tell the flu from the common cold

Treatment for flu and colds is different. But often the patient does not understand the full danger of the situation and confuses one disease with another. In fact, these diseases are very different from each other in many ways.

  • Influenza begins abruptly, the very first signs appear very brightly, an acute type of the course of the disease is observed. The cold develops gradually.
  • The flu is cast by a high temperature of up to 40 degrees; with a cold, such a strong fever is not observed. How long the temperature lasts with flu depends on timely and competent treatment.
  • With the flu, adults do not have a runny nose and sneezing, while with a cold, these are some of the most distressing symptoms.
  • Weakness and fatigue exist with both diseases, but with the flu it is more pronounced. General state with the flu it is bad.

Important! It is better not to take risks and consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease. He will determine the symptoms and treatment for the flu or cold.

Flu strains in 2016

In 2016, virologists predict an outbreak of influenza, and therefore advise to get vaccinated on time. Predicted strains:

  1. Swine flu, H1N, is a type A viral influenza that is spread not only between humans, but also from animals to humans. Differs in large-scale epidemics, severe complications in humans and high mortality. In addition to the traditional methods of transmission of the disease, the H1N1 virus is also transmitted passively, that is, by eating the meat of infected domestic animals and poultry.
  2. Asian flu, H2N The flu virus has a 60-year cycle, which is why scientists are predicting the emergence of this strain now. The virus first appeared in 1957 in China. The epidemic raged for two years, reaching the USSR. Since 1968, the H2N2 strain was supplanted, since then they have stopped getting the flu vaccine of this type.
  3. Hong Kong flu, H3N Features diseases are similar to swine flu but H3N2 is considered less hazardous. Most often, it affects people with reduced immunity. At risk are children under two years of age and the elderly over 65, pregnant women, HIV-infected.

Attention! It is possible to determine which particular strain of influenza a person is infected with only after passing the appropriate tests.


Before prescribing any medications for the flu, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis in order to be sure of the viral nature of the disease:

  1. Collecting anamnesis. The doctor listens to the patient's complaints, asks appropriate questions.
  2. Examination of the patient. Influenza in an adult is characterized by a white coating on the tongue, redness of the palate, tonsils, back of the throat, and other signs.
  3. Listening to the lungs, as sometimes pneumonia occurs with the flu.
  4. Laboratory research. Include general and biochemical analysis blood, urine and feces tests.
  5. Specific examinations. This includes a rapid test to determine the serotype of the virus using special test strips. Also actively used PCR method when a swab is taken from the nasopharyngeal mucosa. This is the most informative and accurate way to determine the type of virus. Other special studies include enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, CSC analysis, RTGA analysis. Virologic infection is determined by culture of sputum.

Important! Determining the type and strain allows you to prescribe a competent treatment for the flu.


Timely and competent treatment of influenza in adults helps to avoid complications and serious consequences.

Important! Only a doctor knows how to treat the flu! It is very important to follow all his prescriptions exactly: adhere to the regimen, take medications strictly according to the schedule.

Influenza, depending on the severity and form of its course, can be treated at home or in a hospital. The reasons for hospitalization can be the presence of complications, exacerbation of chronic diseases, lack of proper patient care at home.

When treating, it is important to observe the following recommendations:

  1. Bed rest
  2. Contraindications to physical activity
  3. Drinking plenty of fluids
  4. Good nutrition
  5. Application of physical methods of body cooling in high temperature such as rubdown, or a cold blister on the forehead

Drug therapy

After the examination, the doctor will select the appropriate medications to treat the flu. Medications of the following groups are usually prescribed:

  • Antiviral agents. They effectively fight the flu virus by killing it. These include Remantadin, Arbidol, Tamiflu, Ingavirin, Grippferon and others.
  • An antibiotic is prescribed only when bacterial complications occur or to prevent them. Directly to the virus antibacterial drugs do not work.
  • Antipyretic drugs. necessary when the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees.
  • Local anti-inflammatory drugs. In case of inflammation in the throat, rinse it with a solution of salt, soda and iodine, Jox, Lugol's solution. Miramistin and Orosept spray help relieve inflammation well. Of the tablets, the most effective are Lizobact, Faringosept, Strepsils lozenges.
  • Antitussives are needed if the flu is accompanied by a cough. ACC, Lazolvan and other medicines are suitable.
  • Nasal sprays and drops. A runny nose with flu is rare; when it appears, you can use any medication to remove the symptom.
  • Detoxification therapy. It is carried out intravenously with a pronounced intoxication of the body.
  • Antihistamines are prescribed to reduce inflammation and desensitize the body.


Prevention of influenza and ARVI in adults includes the following actions:

  1. Strengthening the immune system.
  2. Avoiding large gatherings of people during the period of virus activity.
  3. Exclusion of contacts with sick people.

At the first symptoms of the flu, you need to see a doctor and not self-medicate, as this can lead to serious complications. Often, when signs of a cold or flu appear, people start taking an antibiotic, which is useless in this case.


Everyone knows that the most common prevention of influenza in adults is vaccination. Discussions about whether the vaccine is worth getting and whether the reaction to the flu vaccine will be unfavorable occurs before each fall / winter season.

The vaccine, which contains surface antigens of influenza strains, is injected into the body healthy person... The question of whether to get vaccinated must be decided long before the onset of the epidemic. The effect of the vaccination will be if it is done in September-October, since immunity to influenza viruses is developed within 2-4 weeks.

If there are contraindications and a negative reaction is expected, then adults cannot be vaccinated against influenza, a medical diver is appointed. Another prevention option is proposed: taking immunomodulatory drugs, observing the rules of personal hygiene.

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