What to do when frostbite nasal in an adult. What to do with nose and ears frostbite

The most common misfortunes that are also happening with children on winter walks in a stern frost - this is a "curious" childhood language, sinking to swings, sledding and other glands, as well as frostite guys hands-legs, cheeks or nose. How to help the baby in these situations adequately and on time? And how does it not be injured even stronger? We will tell!

Walking with children on cracks of frost is definitely fun and useful for health! But even these walks are good in moderation. After all, sometimes winter fun can turn into a child with heavy supercooling, frostbite and a whole "bouquet" of the "resulting" from this disease. How to prevent frost to become a threat to children's health?

What to do if the child in the frost "glued" by the tongue to the piece

Most parents on their "bitter" children's experience They know what it is like to lick the sparkling glands of ice crystallines and suddenly tightly "stick to it" to it. Here and the pain, and fear, and shame - and do not even know why precisely the tears are larger ... Modern kids are no less curious and just as we at one time fall into this trap - about the curious language to any metal surface. . How to save them from this "Western"?

How to act correctly. There is a pair of reliable and completely safe ways to "separate" the language of the child and the piece of iron, to which it is fixed. And, which is extremely important that the child does not scare even more than the frost already did. So:

  • 1 If the piece of iron, to which the baby says to the language, can be called "driven property" - that is, if its dimensions allow it to be transferred to another place - then the most reasonable and safe way to "release" a child, it is gently transferred it together with hardware to the warm room . And there just sit down and wait 5-10 minutes: gradually the metal will get off and fell off by itself.
  • 2 If the child dares to lease not ababa, and bulky metal swings, a door handle, a lamppost or something like that (that you obviously cannot dismantle quickly), then the children's tongue thrust in the cold will have to be right on the spot. And the first thing you need is warm water. But not boiling!

If the baby says to a tongue to something with a metal - he is already frightened. Therefore, if parents also shout near him, to be in touching and nervous - this will not save the situation. On the contrary - act calmly, confidently, patiently and affectionate! And you will boil the baby and after you have time ...

  • 3 Look around - for sure, there is a shop nearby, or a pharmacy, mail, any institution or even a residential building, where good people will be able to borrow you warm water and some soft tank for it.
  • 4 So, you need to dial in a plastic bag (or, for example, a soft heap, even a surgical glove or a condom is suitable for a very extreme case - a hot enough water, but not so much to burn.
  • 5 This package with warm water is gently and carefully pressed to the place of "gluing" language and hardware. In parallel with this, you can try to actively breathe, directing warm breath into the same goal - exactly to the place where the language liked. At the same time, it is impossible to pull the child - you should not try to pull the baby from the metal by force, this most often ends with injury. Patiently heat the place of "spikes" of the language and do not rush the events! As a rule, this method actually helps to gradually and painlessly "release" children's language from the frosty "cackan" in 99% of cases.

Despite the fact that the method described above is very simple, safe and effective, according to doctors, parents are not often resorted to it. And apply measures much more radical.

How to act wrong. So, in no case cannot:

  • Heavily and suddenly pull, literally riding a child from the surface to which he is about the language, "in blood" damaging gentle fabric.
  • Watering the language of the tongue with boiling water from the kettle is one of the most bad, rapid and dangerous ways of "help". Walking the gentle taste of children's nipples, you will deprive their sensitivity (probably forever), and also scare the baby "to half dead"; In addition, you risk scratching to him and other parts of the face and body;
  • Water the child's language with alcohol or any means to defrun the automotive locks.

But children's tongue inflicted to the pieceier is not the greatest trouble that can happen to children in the cold. Alas, but often kids tear off to frozen their fingers or legs, cheeks, ears and tip of the nose. How to help your child in this case?

What to do if the child froze his fingers or legs, cheeks, nose tip or ears

In case of frostbite to some part of the body in a child, parents are extremely important to know - in what cases they can help themselves, and when necessary ambulance medical specialists. The same situation has its own featuresBut you will not be able to ademend them exactly until we completely disagree the frozen child.

There is a single sign that even before heating may say that the child urgently needs serious health care - The skin in the field of frostbite completely loses any elasticity and looks exactly like a white solid wax candle. In this case, immediately call doctors!

In order to properly warm the child, it is necessary to put it in a warm room and there to make simple manipulations:

  • 1 Frozen hands need to be released from all the jewelry (on the girl there may be rings, bracelets and so on) and hours. Next, the child needs to be released from the clothes - especially if she is wet. It is best to completely disguise the baby in dry homemade, warm and cozy clothes.
  • 2 One of the most effective "heating devices", capable of heating the body of a person - this is the body of another person. Therefore, if the baby, for example, frozen the handle, is enough to take it into his palms (but not tryriti - it will hurt), or even better - put a child's handle with an armpress or on your belly.
  • 3 If the legs (or fingers of the legs frowned), they are easiest to heat them, placing in warm water. But keep in mind: at first, the water temperature should not exceed 21-25 ° C. Next, during 10-15 minutes, the water should be gradually insulated by bringing up to 39-40 ° C maximum. But not hot! And in such a warm bath, the frozen limbs should be left for approximately 25-30 minutes. And do not focus on the sensations of the child - in this situation he will not be able to tell you at all, it's hot or cold until it does not get completely.

The child (like an adult) with the frozen pieces of the body is not able to perceive the temperature adequately. He is not able to feel if he holds a cup with frozen hands with cold water or steep boiling water. Similarly, this person cannot and independently prepare the water for warming his feet. Therefore, do not let the child (for example, a teenager) to warm themselves - help him until the sensitivity returns to the frostably parts of the body.

  • 4 While the child's legs slowly "thaw" in a warm bath, it is useful to poison it with warm and sweet liquid - tea, cocoa, mors, milk, and so on. And besides, cover the shoulders and the back with a warm blanket.

And how can not heat off the frostbitten parts of the child's body? So, absolutely incorrect and dangerous:

  • Trying to warm the child with an open source of fire;
  • To allow that the "frostbitten" itself (in our case is a child) controlled the temperature - water, or beverage, or air, etc.
  • To allow the child to take into hand or pressed against any electric heating device (hair dryer, heater, etc.);
  • It is categorically impossible to try to warm the child with alcohol. Neither 50 g nor 5 g, in general is not at all - it is impossible! And it's not just that a frozen child is a child who, by definition, should be "non-drinking". And in biochemical laws: even from the minimum amount of alcohol, the peripheral blood vessels begin to expand, and the heat transfer increases (that is, the body is not warmed, but on the contrary - it loses heat), even though it seems to be the opposite.
  • In addition, it is impossible to offer a frozen child tightly brewed tea or coffee. The fact is that caffeine has a strong diuretic action, and this is significantly "slowing down" the process of heat production.

It is categorically impossible to rub frostite cheeks, ears, nose or arms, and especially - snow! The fact is that when frostbite in the body tissues, or rather, in the intercellular space, crystals of the frozen liquid are formed (simply - ice!), Which vessels damage with any mechanical pressure. When you tele the skin of snow - the traumatic effect is enhanced. And with strong damage, the fabric can never recover.

When the child was warmed up, how to find out - what is the degree of frostbite?

So, the baby quite warmed up, and now parents can appreciate - how strong damage in frostbitated tissues and is it necessary for the child with medical care.

  • 1 "As it was,". If you don't notice any changes on the skin during the inspection, it means that there was no frostbite to the child, it was not quite frozen at all, and you've been enough for it in a timely "fired" home and harmed it rightly. In this case, an understandable thing, there is no need for a doctor.
  • 2 "Easy frostbite." If you notice that after heating, the frozen fabrics were blushing, slightly swept, and the child reacts painfully to touching them, complains of tingling and discomfort - then we can talk about a mild frostbite. In this case, you have a reason to consult with your doctor, but it is not necessary.
  • 3 "You urgently need a doctor!". But if after heating, you see on the skin the plots of dark red, blue and black, or vice versa - white and wax (solid and not possessing elasticity) of the region - the child definitely needs a doctor. And urgently! Also, frostbite is hazardous, if bubbles or swelling (swelling) appeared on the skin (swelling) goes beyond the scope of redness (stemming, etc.). In this case, also - contact the doctors! In addition, the help of specialists will need if the frostite limb even after heating did not restore neither sensitivity or mobility. And even if you did not find any visible symptoms of frostbite, except for easy redness and minor edema, but the child is experiencing strong pain - Call to the help of the doctor.

If the parents independently transport the child with frostbizes to the hospital or training, or if the doctor's waiting occupies considerable time, it is necessary to impose a bandage from the bandage to damaged skin areas. At the same time, it is important (if it comes to the frozen fingers of the hands or legs) to make each finger separately so that they do not come into contact.

How to help a child with general supercooling

Fortunately, cases where the child "disrupts the language" in the cold and therefore "sticks" to various iron surfaces, or when he seriously clears his fingers - not too often. In any case, much less often than the child is simply transferred in the frosty air. How to help him in this case and protect from serious colds?

The general hypothermia of the body, dangerous to the health of the body, occurs in situations where during a long time the heat production of the organism is significantly less heat transfer.

It is interesting that if for frostbiz part of the body - even for very strong and heavy - enough and short time spent on a strong frost (literally 7-10 minutes), then for general hypothermia is required more for a long time: minimum - 25-30 minutes even with strong wind and considerable cold.

Symptoms of general supercooling:

  • Slow breathing;
  • Slow speech;
  • Sharp drowsiness;
  • Slow pulse;
  • Slow reaction to any stimuli;
  • Temperature of the body can fall below 35 ° C;
  • The skin becomes pale and dry;

What to do with a child with a general supercooling:

  • 1 The first and most important step - as soon as possible, move the child to the warm room (or car);
  • 2 Will warm the child: change wet and cold clothes on dry and warm, wrap the warm blanket (fur coat, deer, etc.), and the more layers of clothing and blankets, the better;

A serious mistake is to force a child with signs of general supercooling to run and jump (they say so that it warms it). This way to warm up is good only when the human body is just starting to freeze, but if there is already obvious hypothermia on the face, then additional exercise stress Only aggravate the situation and takes the last forces.

  • 3 If there is an opportunity, then mom or dad should lie next to the child - the presence of a number of other person warms well;
  • 4 Give the child a warm and sweet drink (sweet tea, compote, Morse, etc.).

There is one the highest ruleIt is necessary to observe during the heating of a simply man: the fact is that when supercooling, harsh sounds and sharp televiations can cause serious heart rate disorders. Therefore, it is very important not to brake a child with a supercooling, not to rub it, not shouting near him, do not try to entertain him with loud music, etc.

After the child gets warm, it is necessary to show a doctor in the shortest time to eliminate the development serious diseasesrelated to supercooling.

When frosts come, cases of frostbite are rapidly. To avoid hazardous consequences, It is necessary to securely protect the open areas of the body from the cold air with a warm scarf and lubricate the skin before entering the street with a nutrient cream. If the frostbite still happened, it is necessary to urgently provide first aid and, if necessary, apply to the hospital.

Causes and signs

A long stay in frosty air worsens blood circulation, causes a narrowing, spasm of vessels and makes a person more vulnerable to cold. Changes in vascular walls lead to cellular disorders and provoke gradual leaning fabrics. The pathological process contributes strong wind, excessive humidity, use alcoholic beverages Before walking and too light clothes, selected for season.
The first symptoms of frostbite are familiar to many people. Cheeks, nose and chin begins to cripple from the inside, the skin pale and loses sensitivity. If at this moment it is not to go into a warm room, the situation worsens, and there is a deeper lesion of tissues.

There are 4 degrees of frostbite face. Each of them has characteristic symptoms and requires immediate assistance.

  1. In the first stage, circulatory circulation occurs, which causes the burning and numbness of the skin. Tissue necrosis has not yet begun, so treatment can be carried out at home.
  2. In the second stage, the surface layer of the skin is damaged, bubbles filled with transparent liquid appear on the face. Man feels acute pain And itching. It takes about 2 weeks to restore the cells of the epidermis.
  3. In the third stage, necrosis affects the deep layers of the skin. Bubbles formed on the face acquire a dark shade. When they burst, bleeding substance follows from them. At this stage, a specialist intervention and urgent therapy medical preparations. In the process of healing, scars and other cosmetic defects are formed.
  4. At the fourth stage, the defeat of all layers of dermis occurs, which often affects joints and bones. Bubbles are black, the face acquires a shiny color, swells strongly and hurts.

Independently treat the frostbite of the face is allowed only on initial stage. When blisterings were formed on the skin, you need to urgently apply to the hospital. If this is not done, intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in increasing temperature and weakness. In severe cases, suppuration and sepsis develops.

First aid

When tingling a face in the cold, you need to cover the gentle skin with a coat and scarf and as soon as possible in the warm room.

It is necessary to immediately get rid of cold clothes and slightly rub the tip of the nose and cheeks with pillows to fingers to restore blood circulation. First aid includes:

  • fencing of the patient from frost;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • warming of the body.

It is important to warm up a person from the inside. To do this, brew tea, add a spoonful of raspberries to it, amized with sugar, lemon, honey and give a sick of the patient hot. Instead of tea, you can use a decoction of chamomile or a hunter.

Contrary to popular belief, alcohol cannot be used to warm up the frostbite of the limbs. The alcohol leads to a sharp expansion of the vessels that were injured in the cold, and may cause their damage.

The face should be imposed on a layer of wool, fix marley and leave for several hours. Heping should be smoothly. Too sharp exposure to heat when frostbite causes tissue necrosis. That is why, when first aid, it is prohibited to affect the skin of hot water, to apply the heating and planted the victim close to the fireplace or heater.

Treatment with medical drugs

Symptoms of frostbite require specialist consultation. Only a doctor can accurately determine the degree of skin lesion and appoint proper treatment. Therapy is aimed:

  • to eliminate pain;
  • prevention of infection;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • restoration of affected skin cells.

To provide first aid, the patient is recommended to give 1 tablet but-shts, analgin or Acetylsalicylic acid. The painkillers reduce the itching and burning sensation when skin thawing, restore blood circulation and dilute blood. To remove the spasm of the vessels and normalize the heart rate, you can take the pill papaverine.

With easy frostbite, doctors recommend lubricating skin with frozen cream. The procedure can be started when the face is completely deprived. Chemical composition Medicines provide a light anti-inflammatory effect, deeply moistens and restores damaged skin. The tool must be applied with a thin layer several times a day for a week.

Legekol is used when frostbite:

  1. Ointment has a pronounced antibacterial property and quickly regenerates the structure of the tissues.
  2. It is used to stop inflammation, removal of swelling and acceleration of healing.
  3. Before processing, the face is necessary to rinse with a weak solution of furaciline, wait for a complete drying and apply a uniform layer of means.
  4. An hour later, carefully remove the surplus with a sterile napkin. Treatment should be repeated 3 times a day until the skin will be restored.

To accelerate recovery useful polyvitamin complex And follow all the recommendations of the doctor. With deep defeat, the face may require antibiotic therapy and even surgery.

Folk recipes

Folk medicine offers many ways to heal the skin after easy frostbite. The tools quickly remove inflammation, soothe irritation, get rid of painful sensations.


When frostbite to the skin, it is necessary to apply warm compresses 1-2 times a day during the week.

Other household methods

  1. During the rehabilitation after frostbite, the nose and cheek helps the ointment based on goose fat. You should graze a piece of the turnips, measure 1 spoon and mix with 2 spoons of goose fat. The homogeneous substance is abundantly applied to the skin and washed in 20 minutes. Conduct 2 times a day.
  2. You can lubricate the face with pure goose fat, not adding anything. It is required to finely impose 15 minutes and clean the epidermis with water.
  3. To quickly regenerate cells useful to apply sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil. It is allowed to use 1-2 days after the exposure of the cold. Before the procedure, it is desirable to sterilize the oil in a water bath, cool, moisten the gauze and impose on a sore place. Leave a mark for 1-2 hours. If you do a procedure daily, skin covers will quickly recover.

During the treatment of frostbite at home, it is important to closely monitor the condition of the victim. If it deteriorates or explicit signs of recovery is missing for a long time, you must be consulted with your doctor to avoid complications.

Text: Olga Natolina

The main cause of frostbite is a low temperature that negatively affects the integrity of body tissues, and sometimes organs. Usually frostbite exposed open areas of the body. The first signs of frostbite are easy burning and tingling, as a rule, they are not immediately perceived seriously, because they do not bring serious discomfort. And it is incorrect, as the Help with frostbite must be rendered immediately.

Degree and signs of frostbite

Winter time of the year very often gives us many unexpected surprises, but not all of them are pleasant. For example, a harmless walk in the fresh winter air can lead to frostbite. Frostbite is damage to the body area due to the effects of low ambient temperatures. Therefore, each person needs to know what to do when frostbite.

The fact is that the frost occurs in the cold blood vesselsAs a result, the body section is not supplied with sufficient blood. Thus, blood circulation slows down and occurs when our organism is unable to counteract cold. And at this moment, changes leading to the death and destruction of cells begin to occur in the tissues of the body. It is also worth noting that frostbite can occur not only in the cold, at a minus temperature, but also at zero temperatures, if the street is windy and air humidity.

To assist during frostbite, you need to know different degrees of frostbite, their symptoms and signs:

  • the easiest frostbite of the first degree can occur with a short stay in the cold, the first signs of frostbite are burning, tingling, plugging, the skin section takes a pale or whitewashed shade, but when heated, blushes, as a rule, full recovery comes on 5-6 days, and a slight peeling of a damaged skin area may be observed;

  • the second degree of frostbite occurs with a longer finding in the cold, in this case, the main symptoms are to pale the skin area and the loss of all sensitivity to external stimuli. When he warmed the pain intensify, the skin itching is worried, blisters or bubbles filled with transparent liquid appear in the first days after frostbite. The healing of the skin with proper first aid comes after one or two weeks;

  • when the third degree is frostbine, the signs are the same as at the first and second degree, but the intensity of pain is more pronounced more pronounced, while bubbles formed in the first days after injury are filled with blood fluid, at this moment the skin cells are dying, and the scars are subsequently formed. , the whole period of healing takes up to one month;

  • the most dangerous is the fourth - the degree of frostbite occurs with a long stay in the cold at a very low temperature, it combines signs of the second and third degree of frostbite, but in this case the consequences for the body are more serious, as the first layers of soft tissues occurs, and even Bones and joints - frostbed part of the body takes marble or shiny color, swells and increases immediately after heating.

Body parts most prone to frostbite

Frostbite face

Tingling and pinching the cheeks or the tip of the nose in the cold - this is the first sign of the occurrence of the face. And in this case you need to know what to do during frostbite and how to help the victim. As a rule, a person instinctively tries to cover and protect the face with a scarf or collar. These are really true actions.

At the same time, you can rub the tip of the nose and cheeks with dry palms before redness, but without fanaticism. It is not worth it to do a wet glove or a midge, the more snow, as it can lead to microtrams of delicate skin of the face. Such rubbing contributes to the restoration of blood circulation when skin frostbite on the face.

Frostbite of ears

Unfortunately, nowadays, many people in cold weather refuse to wear a headdress. In most cases, the frostbite of the ears occurs due to the irresponsible behavior and the elementary absence of a cap closing ear shells. Do not be so careless and so negligently refers to your health! The exit to the street without warm caps in the frost will certainly lead to negative consequences.

Hand frostbite

Despite the fact that most people wear mittens or gloves in frosty weather, the frostbite of hands occurs quite often. The frostbite of the hands may be due to the fact that the mittens are not warm enough or simply wet from snow. If your hands begin to freeze, they need to be additionally warmed by small exercise, not allowing them to get rid of. For example, energetic movements: compressing and connecting may be the most effective way Heat them.

Frostbite foot

The frostbite of the legs is mainly due to the cramped and wet shoes. Winter shoes should always be one size more than usual. First, so that you can put woolen socks that absorb moisture. And secondly, it allows the legs to feel free and easier to move. At the first signs of the freezing of the legs, it is necessary to move more actively, jump from foot to foot, move your fingers.

What to do when frostbite?

The first assistance during frostbite depends on many factors - on the severity of the undercooling of the organism and individual parts of the body, on the conditions in which the affected person was located. But in any case, with cold injury every minute by weight of gold. That is why it is important to understand what to do when frostbite. The first is how soon it is necessary to move the victim to the warm room to warm the frostbite parts of the body.

The most effective I. true way - It is warm water warming. Warm baths do when frostbite hands or legs. To begin with, the water temperature should be 30-35 degrees, then it gradually increases to 40-50 degrees. Duration of such water procedures Must be at least 20-25 minutes. If gradually pouring hot water, it became clear that the skin blushed slightly, the victim feels lungs painfulnessIt means that all efforts made were not in vain and blood circulation is restored.

To enhance the effect of warm baths, you can make a light massage. Massage technique is simple. It should be started with fingertips, gently massage, moving up. After water procedures and the massage, it is necessary to carefully wipe the affected body of the body and, in the absence of bubbles, wipe with alcohol, impose a thermal compress from gauze and a thick wool layer. You should not use various ointments because they can only make further treatment or inspection by doctors. Immediately after the first aid, the victim should be delivered to medical institutionwhere he will be professional assistance.

Errors when providing first aid

The main task in providing assistance to the victim during frostbite is the restoration of blood circulation. At the first stage, it is important not to make mistakes.

The most common mistake in providing first aid is the rapid warming of the frostbite portion of the body, for example, immersion in hot water. At low ambient temperatures, the process of "falling" occurs in tissue cells, that is, the blood circulation slows down. The reduction of blood flow should be gradually, otherwise the cells may die, that is, necrosis can occur.

The second, often occurring error is the rubbing of the frostbitated area of \u200b\u200bthe body with snow or wet hands. In no case should not wipe the fruitled area with snow, as the skin is even more cooled. Moreover, such meaningless manipulations cause microtraums, it may later lead to the development of an infectious process. Massage and light rubbing is possible only at the first stage, but in the future such mechanical warming can lead to potential danger.

How to protect yourself from frostbite

If you gathered for a long walk in frosty weather, it is worth considering many factors. For example, how to get rid and shoved, whether it is worth it or go on an empty stomach. And always remember how to act correctly, and what to do when frostbite.

It is easy to protect yourself from frostbite. To do this, you need to know and remember some simple and important rules:

  • in cold weather, it is necessary to dress enough warmly, in several layers of clothes, like a "cabbage" - the air between the layers of clothing will hold heat;

  • in the cold, you should not wear close shoes, the close attention of the shoes should be given to those people who have a lot of legs - wet socks will contribute to the frostbite; In spacious winter shoes it is worth putting on woolen socks - they absorb moisture and leaving their feet for a long time;

  • before released, you should not use alcohol-containing lotions. Bold cream is best suited, for example, with carite butter;

  • do not go to long frosty walks on an empty stomach. It is better to eat tight, as you need energy;

  • move more on the frost;

  • do not smoke in the cold - smoking contributes to narrowing vessels and reduces peripheral blood circulation, which makes us more vulnerable;

  • do not consume alcoholic beverages - alcohol increases the process of heat transfer and only creates the illusion of heat, subsequently it leads to the supercooling of the body;

  • the probability of frostbite with strong wind increases significantly, so in frosty weather it is necessary to hide from the wind;

  • in the frost it is worth refraining from wearing metal jewelry (earrings, rings, bracelets). The fact is that rings on the fingers of the hands will only impede normal blood circulation;

  • it is worth understanding that children and older people are more frostbite, as the thermoregulation is not fully configured. Releasing a child to take a walk in frost weather, make sure that every 20-30 minutes he returned to heat and warmed.

Vasodilatory drugs against frostbite

If you will stay for a long time in the cold and do not want to think what to do when frostbite, you can consider vasodinating agents as a preventive tool. Such drugs are very effective, since their action is directed to the extension of vessels and improved blood circulation. To vasodilators can be attributed to:

  • aspirin, gives a thinning effect of blood;

  • but-shpa, causes an improvement in blood circulation in peripheral vessels.

It is always worth remembering that any pharmaceutical preparations may have numerous side effectsthat is, take them necessary with special care and caution.

When frostbite outdoor nose there is a panel skin PokrovBut after that, soon the color changes them, they become red, sometimes with a bluish shade at the tip of the nose.

From subjective sensations, itching, plugging and burning. Sometimes the temperature rises. In some cases, bubbles are observed, tissue necrosis with the subsequent formation of deep ulcers.

Nose frostbite is relatively rare. Nose frostbite is I, II, less often - III degree.

I The degree of frostbite is characterized by nose skin hyperemia, pain "tingling in it. The second degree of frostbite is characterized by the development of leather anemia - pale or scoring it, with loss of sensitivity. III degree is characterized by the development of dry or wet gangrene of the nose. At the same time, an increase in body temperature, leukocytosis, accelerated ROE and other signs of inflammation are noted. The development of gangrene is usually completed with a clear demarcation line, which usually lasts 6-8 weeks. Nose frostbite with the overall cooling of the body at the freezing can be accompanied by severe nose bleeding.

Promotional help. Take urgent measures to eliminate the causal point, i.e., to the introduction of the victim into a warm room. In light cases of frostbite, a long-term kneading of the face and a nose with warm water (38-40 °) is used or the imposition of hot compresses on the nose for 15 minutes from a weak solution of the boil liquid and indifferent ointments. The frostbitten nose is applied by a layer of 1 mM ichthyol ointment in composition: ichthyola 1.0, zinc oxide and starch at 10.0, paraffin ointment 20.0. After 5-6 hours, this ointment is washed off with a cotton-soaked with any oil.

In severe cases with the formation of necrosis and deep ulcers prefigure help It turns out according to the rules general Surgery and therapy (puncture of bubbles and the release of their contents, the use of sulfanimide therapy and antibiotic therapy, intravenous administration 10% solution of calcium chloride 10 ml), hot drink, sweet tea, etc.

Patients with frostbite of the nose I and II degree after providing them with preference assistance ambulatory treatment From othinolaryngologist or surgeon. Patients with frostbite nose of the III degree should be hospitalized in the otorhinolaryngological or surgical department.

Emergency assistance in this disease should be in wiping off the frostite plot with alcohol and gentle massation with dry hands until the blood circulation is restored, after which the skin of the nose is again wiped with alcohol or 5% alcohol solution Tanina. Suppose dry aseptic bandage. The victim is placed in a warm room. When forming bubbles, necrosis of fabrics and ulcers - treatment for general aggregation rules. For the prevention of infection - antibiotics. An anti-resistant serum is introduced on charter.

The frostbite of the nose is a problem, the signs of which are particularly often manifested in winter. It is necessary to know what to do if symptoms of frostbite appear, which should be the first aid and treatment. Consider these questions more.

The nose is most pronounced in winter. This is associated with several reasons. First, even with severe frosts, most people do not close the face. This means that it is most exposed to low temperature. Secondly, the nose protrudes beyond the features of the face, which is why the blood circulation in it is not so intense, and it is much easier to freeze it.

Nose frostbite symptoms

So, if you are in the cold for a long time, without closing the face with a scarf or other objects, and at the same time it is also bad to dress, it can cause signs of nose frostbite. Especially the likelihood rises with strong windy weather. Of course, there are other reasons for frostbite (for example, smoking that worsens local blood circulation), but the most important reason is a long stay outside.

Allocate at least three degrees of nose frostbite. At the same time, each of them has its own symptoms and other features. general characteristics Their as follows:

1. Easy degree. The consequences of this type of frostbite are the simplest, since the blow to the body is minimal. The peculiarities of this degree are the feeling of easy burning, the pallor of the skin of the nose, tingling in the field of frostbite, severe redness and swelling. If there are these symptoms, it is important to start immediately at least treatment at home. This will avoid possible complications and get rid of symptoms a week later.

2. The second degree is considered more complicated. Pronounced pain, strong burning disease is added to the already specified symptoms. On this signs do not end. After a while, the nose skin is covered with small bubbles with liquid content. Such a sharp course of frostbite leads to a minor increase in temperature as an inflamed site and the whole body. It is important to note that after the past treatment of such a state, scars on the face may remain.

3. The third degree is considered the most severe both in symptoms and by probability to cause possible complications. As a rule, this type of lesion occurs in those who have forced to be on the street for a long time at low temperature and could not warm the face. A peculiarity of severe lesion is the almost complete loss of skin sensitivity in the damage zone, the change in its color on the bluish. In this case arterial pressure The body falls, which leads to a short-term loss of consciousness in the patient. As a rule, such a strong frostbite leads to a sharp and mass death of facial skin tissues. To cure the very frostbite or its consequences, you need complex treatment specialized medical drugs, and sometimes surgery.

Algorithm of action when burning a nose of varying severity

So, if you hit the cold for a long time and there is a chance to get the frostbite of the nose, even a light severity, you need to learn to act in this situation and know how first aid turns out. In addition, prefigure help may be needed to other people you can meet on the street. So, the principles of operation in such a situation are as follows:

1. It is impossible to lose a minute. As soon as the patient is frostbite is detected, it immediately needs to be transferred to a warm heated room. There should be no other radical actions. Some immediately begin to rub the nose with snow or put a person in a hot bath at all. These are erroneous actions. The snow will lead to even greater overcooling and can cause additional wounds of the skin surface of the nose. A hot tub (especially if a patient has a severe frostbite form) can cause immediate necrosis of damaged tissues.

2. The next action should be an appeal to a clinic or other professional medical Center. If physicians will render further assistance, such treatment will have greater efficiency.

3. In the absence of a number of doctors, certain actions must be performed independently. In particular, it is important to draw disinfection of the affected surface. To do this, you can take ethanolwhich will warm up local blood circulation and perform an excellent antiseptic role. You can also make a warming compress with a vinegar solution. For this take 1 tbsp. A spoon of this substance and diluted in 1 liter of heated water.

4. After performing medical manipulations, it is recommended to give a patient to give any warming drink. It may be broth, warm tea or herbal infusion. Drinks containing alcohol is prohibited!

5. In case of detection on the nose, the blisters are strictly forbidden to calculate them, as well as to touch them. Otherwise, the dirt and infection can be added inside. It is better to contact a medical institution.

Prevention of nose and face frostbite

In winter, when there are severe frosts, and it is necessary to stay on the street for a long time, it is recommended to perform a number preventive MerTo avoid possible frostbite of the nose or other parts of the body. To do this, follow the recommendations below:

1. It should not be washed immediately before leaving the house and use hygienic meanscontaining ethyl alcohol. If you use protective cream, it is necessary to apply it to the skin in advance, for example, 15-30 minutes before walking down the street.

2. If the weather is cold and windy, it is necessary not just warm to dress, but you have a face in a scarf. Otherwise, in a few minutes you can get frostbite of the nose and other parts of the face.

3. During smoking, the diameter of the vessels is reduced, while a person has a false feeling of heat tide. Therefore, after a while he may not notice that he began frostbite to the nose. Therefore, from the use of alcoholic beverages in winter it is worth to stay.

4. Look for the opportunity every half hour to come from a cold street into some kind of warm place to warm up. This is important not only for the prevention of frostbite, but also the treatment of influenza. Definitely influenza is called viral infectionBut when heoclading the body is particularly susceptible to infection.

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