Diathesis in an infant, symptoms, causes, treatment. Diathesis on the cheeks of a child - treatment and causes of appearance How to treat diathesis in infants

If the child is healthy, then he adapts well to the environment. And with an inadequate reaction, they talk about anomalies of the constitution. One of them is diathesis - a form of the body's reactivity, which is characterized by various reactions to simple stimuli that predispose to diseases.

It is worth remembering that diathesis in newborns is a condition that manifests a predisposition of the child's body to any disease. In the event that the cause of diathesis is not clarified, it can become an allergic disease or skin disease (eczema, dermatitis, etc.)

Causes of diathesis in children

Most often, diathesis is an immune reaction to a foreign food protein. This reaction becomes possible due to immaturity digestive tract baby. The exocrine parts of the digestive system produce a minimal amount of enzymes, the liver poorly performs a barrier function, and the intestinal wall has increased permeability.

As a result of this, fragments of the antigen enter the bloodstream and manifest themselves as allergens for the baby's immunity.

Diathesis in infants is especially pronounced during the introduction of complementary foods, since at this time the load on the digestive organs increases.

However, about 99% of the exudative-catarrhal (allergic) diathesis of the newborn disappears by the age of six to seven years. In the process of growth, the gastrointestinal tract is better able to digest the various components of food.

The immaturity of the digestive tract is the main cause and mechanism of diathesis. It is worth highlighting the factors that predispose to the appearance of an anomaly of the constitution. These include: complicated pregnancy, nutritional habits of the expectant mother, hereditary factor (aggravated allergic history in parents), infectious diseases and pharmacological load during the period of expectation of the child.

Great importance have the following reasons diathesis - complications of pregnancy, respiratory diseases of the baby in the first weeks of life. It is also worth paying attention to the mother's nutrition during the feeding period, living conditions, quality medical care. Therefore, when developing preventive measures and treatment should take them into account.

Symptoms of diathesis

Doctors define three types of constitutional anomalies, each of which has its own symptoms of diathesis in newborns. Consider them:

  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic differs the following manifestations: increased susceptibility to allergic, infectious diseases, impaired functioning of the adrenal glands, increased lymph nodes.
  • Nervous-arthritic, most often, does not manifest itself, so it is difficult to diagnose. Symptoms appear only by school age.
  • Exudative-catarrhal manifests itself in the form of "red cheeks". He is allergic.

What does diathesis look like in a newborn?
It is usually defined as diaper rash on the skin. They long time do not go away despite careful care of the infant. Skin rashes can be dry or wet, and in some cases both. Weeping diathesis looks like swelling, redness, fluid vesicles.

Also, the anomaly is accompanied by unbearable itching on the affected skin. As a result of scratching, sores appear, which eventually become covered with a crust. If an infection gets inside, the wounds will become purulent.

It is worth noting that the treatment of diathesis in newborns is mandatory, otherwise with age it can provoke the appearance chronic diseases skin (psoriasis, neurodermatitis) or bronchial asthma.

Treatment of diathesis in infants

If the parents found signs of diathesis in the baby, then you should contact your doctor. But some measures are carried out independently.

First of all, you should check your washing powder or other household chemicals, as their chemical components can cause skin reactions.
To alleviate diathesis in infants, it is recommended to make baths using a solution of potassium permanganate. From medicinal herbs sequence helps. To do this, pour a spoonful of grass with 200 ml of water, let it boil and insist. Strained solution to wipe the affected areas or add to the bath.

How to treat diathesis in newborns?
Only a specialist can select medicines. It is not recommended to choose them on your own. Medical treatment is prescribed by a pediatrician. It can be sedatives, drugs to reduce itching and vitamins. As a local remedy, ointments, creams, lotions and baths with string, oak bark, celandine or potassium permanganate are used. It should be noted that self-medication is prohibited.

What to do with diathesis in a child on breastfeeding?
First, a nursing mother needs to adjust her diet. In this case, a woman should exclude smoked meats, fried, spicy dishes, red fruits, vegetables, chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, and replace milk with sour-milk products from the diet. If the baby is bottle-fed, then you need to choose a hypoallergenic milk formula.

It is worth noting that diathesis can occur on the mucous membrane. Consequently, they treat not only external signs, but also prevent the appearance of dysbacteriosis. For this purpose, the pediatrician prescribes:

  • Probiotics containing microorganisms that are able to restore the intestinal microflora;
  • prebiotics containing nutrients for the microflora in the digestive tract, they stimulate its vital activity and growth.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the daily cleaning in the children's room. Particular attention should be paid to the things surrounding the baby. From there, it is advisable to remove down pillows and soft toys, and also keep pets out of the room. You should also carefully consider the choice of clothing, diapers and hygiene products.

Any woman during pregnancy cares not only about herself, but also about the health of her unborn child. Diathesis in infants is a common problem associated with the imperfection of the immune system and metabolic characteristics of the infant. Moreover, this problem often occurs even during fetal development, if a woman violates the principles of a healthy and balanced diet.

Diathesis requires careful attention from parents and an immediate response from the pediatrician, since if left untreated, it can lead to unwanted complications and health problems in the future. Experts do not consider diathesis a specific disease, but refer it to developmental anomalies child's body, which can be provoked by many reasons. What factors contribute to the development of diathesis in newborns and how to deal with it? Let's try to find out.

The main reason for the development of diathesis in babies, experts consider a hereditary predisposition and note that the characteristic symptoms (appearance of red spots and rashes on the cheeks) appear in those children whose parents are prone to allergic reactions.

Genetic predisposition is undoubtedly one of the most important reasons, but it is far from the only one. Allergic diathesis develops under the combined influence of many factors, the most common of which are:

In addition, overfeeding a child, excessively early introduction of complementary foods, improperly selected food, leading to dysbacteriosis and disruption of the intestinal microflora, can provoke the development of diathesis.

The characteristic manifestations of diathesis in a baby can be caused not only food allergies, but also caused by contact with irritants or inhalation of substances - allergens. So, the following reasons can provoke rashes with respiratory diathesis:

  • rarely carried out wet cleaning indoors;
  • the presence of pets;
  • the use of household chemicals in the room (air fragrances, deodorants, perfumes);

Contact diathesis in infants can cause bathing in hot (not boiled) water if not hypoallergenic baby soap is used, but ordinary cosmetic soap. Another reason is the contact of the baby's delicate skin with things washed with a washing powder with a high content of phosphates. There is even a blacklist of baby powders that do not meet safety standards.

These include the widely advertised children's powder "Eared Nyan". Parents of the baby should be aware that synthetic clothing can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, all shirts, sliders and other things that are in direct contact with the body must be made of cotton.

After birth, the baby's body is actively developing, and internal organs continue to form. With the start of formula feeding digestive system is still immature, it has not yet adjusted to a new way of eating. The gastrointestinal tract produces an insufficient amount of enzymes and they cannot fully break down all the substances entering the body. And the main protection against toxic and dangerous components - the liver - at such an early stage does not fully show protective functions.

When a child eats, the protein contained in cow's milk, formulas or other products cannot be fully broken down in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, protein fragments get into circulatory system. In response to foreign substances entering the bloodstream, the child's immunity is activated, and parents observe the appearance of characteristic red spots on the baby's face and body.

Over time, there is a complete restructuring of the digestive system, its final formation, and the breakdown of food occurs in full, which means that diathesis will no longer bother the baby. However, if skin symptoms appear due to birth defects development or hereditary fermentopathy (violation of the synthesis, secretion or operation of enzymes), then the manifestations of diathesis will not disappear on their own. In this case, competent treatment of pathology and mandatory observation by a pediatrician is necessary.

In itself, the concept of diathesis in infants is not a definition of the disease. Rather, it is a predisposition to allergic reactions, to infectious diseases or metabolic disorders. In this regard, doctors distinguish three types of diathesis:

  1. exudative-catarrhal diathesis in infants (characterized by allergic manifestations);
  2. lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in infants (associated with the growth of lymphoid tissue, which provokes diseases lymphatic system and upper respiratory tract)
  3. neuro-arthritic diathesis in infants (very rare and characterized by increased exhaustion and nervous excitability).

Any of the above types of diathesis can manifest itself in a child from the first days of life.

What does diathesis look like - symptoms and photos

Most likely, every mother knows what diathesis looks like in infants, but one should dwell in more detail on the characteristic symptoms, with the appearance of which parents should suspect the development allergic reaction your child and see a doctor.

Usually, diathesis in infants manifests itself immediately after the parents give the child cow's or goat's milk (there is no allergic reaction to mother's milk), mashed potatoes or juices.

Especially pronounced is exudative - catarrhal diathesis in infants on the face. Bright red spots appear on the cheeks, the surface of which is covered with small bran-like scales. The child is worried about pain and itching in the area of ​​the spots, in severe cases, a blistering rash appears, which, after opening, is covered with dry crusts. Oily, brownish scales similar to dandruff may appear on the scalp. This phenomenon is called seborrheic dermatitis.

At the site of reddening of the skin due to scratching and the addition of an infection, it can be accompanied by suppuration and general intoxication of the body. There are lesions of the mucous membranes of the eyes ( allergic conjunctivitis), respiratory tract (allergic cough, rhinitis). In addition to external manifestations, the baby is worried about abdominal pain and long-lasting diarrhea (loose stools) of a greenish-brown color. The child loses his appetite, becomes restless, often cries, sleeps poorly.

The predisposition of the child to diathesis can be suspected in advance. If a baby has frequent, long-lasting diaper rash, prickly heat is almost constantly observed, this can serve as a sure sign of the further formation of diathesis or even allergies.

In any case, if you notice diathesis on the cheeks of a baby (the most noticeable manifestation), be sure to contact your pediatrician to prevent the process from becoming worse and prevent the development of allergies in the future.

Children with exudative - catarrhal diathesis are more likely to suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, they are often worried about a runny nose and sore throat, which require a longer course of treatment to eliminate.

Symptoms of mimphatic-hypoplastic diathesis - photo

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis is much less common than exudative-catarrhal diathesis and its presence can be accurately determined only by two years. It develops as a result of a malfunction of the adrenal glands (more often due to their underdevelopment even in the womb).

As a result, the work of all organs of the immune system suffers: the thymus gland, bone marrow, lymph nodes. This means that the child's immunity will be weakened and will not be able to adequately resist infections. Such children are often susceptible to various viral diseases. This form of diabetes usually does not have external manifestations, but on palpation, you can feel enlarged lymph nodes throughout the body.

Often, children with a similar syndrome suffer from anemia and have some constitutional anomalies (long limbs with a relatively short torso). If such enlarged lymph nodes are found, it is urgent to consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests to exclude suspicions of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

Nervous - arthritic syndrome is extremely rare and is associated with a violation of the liver, which ceases to remove uric acid from the body. Because of this, the child becomes irritable, overly restless, agitated, sleep is disturbed. With this form of diathesis, the Mantoux reaction is often positive, so it can be mistaken for infection with the Koch stick.

These children often experience acetonemic crises, which develop as a result of the accumulation of ketone bodies (acetone) in the blood. Attacks are manifested as follows: first, vomiting opens, then the child turns pale and weakens, falling into a lethargic state, up to loss of consciousness. Parents are very frightened by such moments and they go to the doctor in full confidence that their child has a severe pathology.

The starting point for the development of this form of diathesis is a stress factor or nutritional errors, with a predominance of fats and proteins. As a result of metabolic reactions, ketone bodies accumulate in the body, which depress the nervous system, irritate the gastric mucosa and provoke oxygen starvation. Children with this type of diathesis are prone to kidney pathologies, diabetes and obesity.

For a better representation of the above pathologies, you can see a photo of diathesis in infants, which clearly shows all clinical manifestations ailment.

To make a correct diagnosis, you need to:

Without a doubt, the most important study is the determination of the immunological characteristics of the blood, the determination of the number of lymphocytes and leukocytes of different classes, as well as the study of the reaction of the immune system to various food agents.

If there are suspicions of the presence of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis, then ultrasound of the hematopoietic organs is performed: spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, liver to detect their hypertrophic changes (increase in size or mass).

Treatment of exudative - catarrhal diathesis consists of both general and local factors of influence. The baby's body is very sensitive to any changes in its environment. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the observance of the daily regimen, determine the time of eating and carefully monitor the diet.

The most important thing is to control the nutrition of the child. The list of foods that need to be drastically reduced include:

  • cow's milk;
  • sugar (sweet cereals, drinks);
  • citrus fruits, juices and drinks from them;
  • orange or red fruits and berries;
  • bananas;
  • chocolate.

It is necessary to establish a rational regimen of the day, and feed the child at certain hours. You should pay attention to the fact that breast milk never causes an allergic reaction, so you need to continue breastfeeding as long as possible. The protein in mother's milk is 50 percent identical to that of the baby, and the protein cow's milk perceived by the body as a foreign agent that must be disposed of.

If the baby is bottle-fed, it is better to replace milk with fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt), it is useful to give the child cottage cheese. If the mother has an allergic reaction to any product, then it is highly likely that the baby's body will react similarly to it. Therefore, when breastfeeding, it is better to avoid feeding the baby with additives that can provoke an allergic reaction.

It is also possible that the child has lactose intolerance (an integral component of milk). In Russia, such a phenomenon is not so common, the bulk of the population with this pathology lives in China, but the possibility of such a disease should not be immediately ruled out. It is congenital and is characterized by an allergic reaction exclusively to dairy products.

From medications to relieve itching and inflammation, the doctor may prescribe. Vitamin therapy courses are useful, in particular, the intake of B vitamins. The treatment regimen will necessarily include drugs for the treatment of dysbacteriosis and the restoration of intestinal microflora.

Locally, for the treatment of external manifestations, baths with anti-inflammatory, wound healing and sedatives are prescribed. These include decoctions of chamomile, sage, succession, compresses with starch, as well as anti-inflammatory ointments (which are also prescribed by a doctor). A good effect is given by physiotherapy (in particular, ultraviolet radiation).

It is necessary to carefully monitor the affected areas of the skin that the baby can comb. A bacterial infection can easily enter the wounds and cause suppuration and other complications. In this case, without using antibacterial agents not enough. And this means that antibiotics will additionally negatively affect the state of the digestive tract and increase the manifestations of dysbacteriosis.

Parents need to prevent the occurrence of diaper rash, change their child's clothes and diapers more often, use anti-inflammatory, skin-soothing powders that will not allow moisture to accumulate in the folds of the skin and cause irritation. The child needs to be bathed daily and air bathed, leaving him for a few minutes without clothes. Thus, acting from the outside and from the inside, you can achieve good results and get rid of the main manifestations of diathesis. Nutritional control and treatment of affected skin is the key to solving this problem.

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in infants is treated with the use of adrenal hormones, which, due to impaired development, do not fully perform their functions. Of course, the course of treatment, and the necessary drugs, the doctor selects on an individual basis and controls the treatment process.

Nervous-arthritic diathesis in infants also requires serious drug treatment and prescribing a diet that limits the production of uric acid.

Recipes for the treatment of diathesis offers and ethnoscience. Many of them are based on the addition of a small amount of egg flour or eggshells, thoroughly washed and crushed into powder. And to eliminate itching, redness and inflammation, you can make baths in a decoction of pine needles, herbal preparations, oak bark.

Boiled potatoes also have a calming effect on the skin, and the child is bathed in the resulting chilled broth. Before using folk recipes, consult a doctor and use them only after the approval of a specialist.


Prevention of diathesis is carried out even during the bearing of the baby.

  1. Mainly for the expectant mother and exclude all allergens from the list of consumed products.
  2. And after the birth of the baby, do not rush to introduce complementary foods, ensure breastfeeding and, in the future, make up the diet together with the pediatrician.
  3. Keep an eye on your baby's toys and clothes. All items must be made from natural, hypoallergenic materials and do not contain toxic dyes.
  4. Change diapers and clothes as often as possible.
  5. Washing powder must be used special, childish, more gentle.
  6. And, of course, wash your baby's toys and crib regularly.

At the word “diathesis”, many parents have a picture of a baby with red cheeks in their heads, and often we mean that we are talking about allergies. However, it would be wrong to say that diathesis and allergy are synonyms, because they are different concepts.

In this article, we will consider what the treatment of diathesis in infants is, its basic principles and directions. But, before proceeding to the discussion of therapeutic measures, it is necessary to understand the causes of diathesis. In addition, there are different types of it, and each has its own characteristics of treatment. Let's start by explaining the term itself.

The concept of diathesis

From the Greek language, the term we are interested in is translated as "predisposition, inclination." Many features are inherited by small children, for example, a tendency to allergic diseases, tendency to respiratory infections etc.

That is, when a doctor says that a child has diathesis, this is not about a diagnosis or symptom of an illness, but about a statement of the fact that the baby is more susceptible to certain diseases than his peers.

The development of these diseases is influenced, of course, not only by genetics, but also by various external factors, for example, the lifestyle of a pregnant woman, the local ecology, the quality of food eaten, the water used to bathe the baby, and even the psychological situation in the family.

About the types of diathesis and their causes

There are 3 types of diathesis:

  1. Exudative-catarrhal. These are all visible manifestations of allergy on the skin in 3-month-old babies and children under 2 years old. It is about his treatment that we will mainly talk, since, almost always speaking of diathesis, they mean allergic dermatitis.
  2. Nervous-arthritic. Found in emotional people with a moving mind. Children with this form of diathesis often suffer from acetonemic syndrome.
  3. Lymphatic-hypoplastic. Lymph nodes are often enlarged, the child is sick with SARS and acute respiratory infections more than usual.

The reasons for which a tendency to a particular disease develops may be different, but the main ones are as follows:

  • abuse of food allergens by the mother during pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic diseases pregnant, taking antibiotics, toxicosis;
  • artificial feeding of the baby, early start of complementary foods;
  • weakened immunity of the baby.

Localization of the rash with diathesis


We see the first symptoms, as a rule, on the skin, but this is the result of the work of the allergen inside. Redness may be in the form of urticaria, covering the body with small pale pink blisters with unbearable itching. characteristic feature- bright red cheeks, dense, with the formation of crusts. Often there are diaper rash in the folds, the skin is flaky, wet or too dry.

Changes also occur inside: the gastrointestinal mucosa is affected, which causes abdominal pain, nausea, regurgitation, and diarrhea. And, of course, such a state leads to restless behavior of the child, poor appetite, superficial sleep.


It is not so easy to cure diathesis. Often, periods of remission (relief) are replaced by new relapses, and this can continue for a year or two. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive, and include not only taking medications, but also changes in the nutrition of a nursing mother, a baby (if he is already on complementary foods). In some cases, you will have to get rid of things dear to your heart in the apartment, change household chemicals or reconsider your lifestyle. Let's consider everything in order.

Nutrition for mother and baby

Although we are not in favor of a nursing mother going on a strict diet from the first days of a baby’s life, in the event of a diathesis rash and the development of allergic dermatitis in a baby, severe dietary restrictions in the acute period are simply necessary.

Mom is advised to limit herself to the use of water cereals and crackers, Mary's cookies and look at the baby's reaction. First aid also includes daily bathing of the baby in infusions of succession, chamomile, sage. Sometimes it is advised to make lotions with furacilin or soda, starch baths.

Nowadays, when preservatives, antibiotics, various food additives are used in food production, and fruits and vegetables are processed with chemicals, an allergic reaction can be on anything, even on products with the label "approved by the country's pediatricians." Especially provoke allergies sweets, sausages, smoked products.

How to reduce food allergenicity? Here are some recommendations:

  • try to eat less fried food, it is better to steam, bake in the oven or boil;
  • when boiling meat, the primary broth always drains after 10-15 minutes;
  • be sure to rinse cereals before cooking, soak dried fruits in water before use;
  • do not be lazy to read the composition of finished products, and also pay attention to their expiration dates.

There are foods that should be limited to a nursing mother in the first months of feeding and then introduced into her diet with caution.

Feeding a baby is a separate issue. It is very important that the child is exclusively breastfed for the first six months. And it is recommended to start getting acquainted with adult food with hypoallergenic vegetable purees (from zucchini, potatoes, cauliflower). If children have a tendency to allergies, it is recommended not to experiment with exotic fruits in the first year of life. A new product should be introduced gradually and only once a day. This is necessary to understand what the body reacted to with rashes.

Particularly carefully introduced into the diet baby allergenic foods: honey, egg yolk, red and orange vegetables and fruits. The basic rule: a small amount of "potential allergen" and the later the better.

As for breastfeeding, it plays one of the leading roles in the fight against diathesis. Early attachment to the breast contributes to the early formation of a healthy intestinal microflora and strong immunity. If there is a need to supplement the baby with mixtures or completely switch to artificial nutrition, it is important to responsibly choose the mixture so that it does not cause an allergic reaction. There are special formulas based on soy protein, hydrolysates, or fermented milk.

Newborn care

The care of newborns is aimed at meeting their basic needs, as well as making the baby feel comfortable. Care includes the following:

  • Regular and timely washing of the child after urination and defecation.
  • Taking a bath every day. At the same time, you should think about the quality of water: is there too much bleach in it, which dries out and irritates children's skin? You may need to boil water or install filters for bathing and washing.
  • Trim nails as needed.
  • Limit or replace detergents, washing powders. Sometimes, in order to cure diathesis in an infant, you have to completely switch to a hypoallergenic baby detergent or wash things with laundry soap.
  • Change clothes and bedding frequently. At allergic dermatitis it is advised to iron all things crumbs. It is important that the clothes are made from natural materials. Pay attention to the certification of toys: what they are made of, how they are painted.
  • Get rid of household allergens: old blankets, soft toys, carpets, heavy curtains - everything that serves as a dust collector. Sometimes, unfortunately, you have to place pets in good hands.
  • Don't overdress your little one. Manifestations of diathesis in infants increase if it overheats and sweats. In this case, the child loses fluid through the skin, and less of the allergen is excreted in the urine.

It is advisable to use household chemicals and washing powders adapted to children's age.

Things to remember:

  • Allergic reactions are common to medications. So, medications in the form of syrups, as a rule, contain dyes, sweeteners, flavors, so their intake by children prone to allergies is prescribed with caution.
  • The presence of constipation can be one of the signs of allergies, as well as exacerbate its manifestations. Therefore, difficult acts of defecation cannot be ignored. The problem is solved with the help of glycerin suppositories, safe laxatives and correction of intestinal microflora.
  • It is extremely important for a child to breathe cool, moist air and strengthen immunity by hardening.

Medical therapy

The pharmaceutical market is replete with all sorts of means to help treat diathesis in infants at home. During the period of exacerbation, it is important to take them in a complex. In pediatric practice, the following groups of drugs are used:


A drug that blocks the action histamine receptors(it is they who, when an allergen enters the body, cause swelling, pruritus, redness) is called an antihistamine.

Small children are most often prescribed drops or syrups with cetirizine (Zodak, Cetrin, L-cet), desloratadine (Alergomax, Lordes, Edem, Erius), dimethindene (Fenistil drops). Suprastin tablets are also used in pediatrics, where the minimum single dose starts with ¼ tablets.

One of the antiallergic drugs allowed in pediatrics


Regarding the funds from this group, the doctors did not come to a common denominator. Many of them believe that there is no need to additionally load an already immature immune system. Who knows what autoimmune processes can start in the body as a reaction to these drugs.


Diathesis is usually accompanied by constipation and dysbacteriosis. Therefore, to correct the work of the intestines, the doctor may include drugs with lacto- and bifidobacteria in the treatment regimen. Among them: Hilak, Linex, Bifiform, Normobact, etc.


These are substances that bind in the intestines with allergens and remove them from the body. Sorbents as detoxifying drugs are prescribed during the period of exacerbation of diathesis. The most famous of them: Activated carbon, Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Polysorb.

Calming agents

Unbearable itching makes the child capricious, therefore, the appointment of sedatives is justified. plant origin or homeopathic, for example, Nervoheel or baths with decoctions of valerian.

Local treatment

How to effectively treat diathesis in infants externally? There is a simple rule: wet - dry, dry - moisturize.

Baths and lotions

So, for drying weeping eczema, bathing in a bath with a well-diluted solution of potassium permanganate is suitable. You can prepare a starch bath. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch in ¼ cup of room temperature water, and then pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. The resulting jelly is added to a bath of bathing water, the recommended time for taking the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

With diaper rash, it is necessary not only to dry the skin, but also to relieve itching and inflammation. Therefore, bathing is advised in infusions of string, chamomile, sage. After taking baths, the baby's skin is blotted with a towel and the folds are lubricated with vegetable or baby oil.

Tincture of calendula and succession well relieves skin inflammation and eliminates itching

Soda (1 tsp per glass of boiled chilled water) and furatsilin (½ tablet dissolves in a glass of warm water) are used as lotions to relieve itching and local inflammation. A cotton swab dipped in the solution is applied to the inflamed area for a while, periodically wetting it in the solution.

Ointments and creams

From over-the-counter ointments, we can mention:

  • Fenistil gel (contains an anti-allergic component);
  • Bepanten ointment / cream - has a wound healing effect due to dexpanthenol;
  • Desitin - dries the skin due to the presence of zinc oxide in it.

It is worth noting, however, that these ointments do not always work. Not because they are bad, but because parents often use them for other purposes or try to cure advanced dermatitis with ointment alone, forgetting that the allergens are inside.

The next group of outdoor medicines helps fight adjunctive bacterial infection on the skin:

  • Levomekol;
  • Powder Xeroform;
  • Liniment (ointment) Vishnevsky.

Another group of drugs is, of course, corticosteroids, hormonal drugs. They do an excellent job with various kinds of diathesis, but are prescribed only by a doctor and only for a short period. Such creams have a list of contraindications and age restrictions. Representatives: Celestoderm, Advantan, Elokom.

Folk remedies for diathesis

There are many methods to be found on the internet. folk treatment diathesis, but it seems, given that we are talking about the treatment of infants, not all of them are suitable. Consider the most harmless of them:

  • The egg shell is dried, ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with a small amount of lemon juice. It is clear that the eggs must first be washed well, otherwise there is a risk of infection with salmonellosis.
  • Black radish juice. The child begins to be given gradually, first 1 drop, daily increasing the dose from 1-2 drops to a tablespoon per day.
  • Grind dandelion roots, pour a teaspoon with a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours, then strain the infusion and give ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals.

Some are extremely fond of being treated with folk methods. But the younger the child, the more carefully you need to choose treatment.

In addition, they get rid of diathesis with the help of tinctures from bay leaves, succession, viburnum bark, tricolor violet herb, burdock root. But even treatment folk remedies it is better to coordinate with the doctor.

It is not a disease or a pathological syndrome. This is the predisposition of the body to allergic reactions, as well as the development of certain diseases and specific reactions to common external stimuli, which manifests itself in the form of a variety of symptoms: from skin rashes to inflammatory processes.

Often diathesis is evidence imperfect exchange substances in the baby's body. This is logical, because the digestive system of the crumbs continues to form after his birth. This is what makes it necessary to carefully organize the nutrition of the infant and the nursing mother.

Despite the fact that diathesis is not considered a disease, its effect on the child's body should not be underestimated. It is believed that about 90% of adult chronic diseases are formed against its background.

Diathesis is a predisposition of the child's body to the development of pathological reactions to stimuli and the development of certain diseases.

This is not an independent disease, but a constitutional feature that determines the reactivity of the body. Thus, under the influence of unfavorable external or internal factors, a child with diathesis develops certain diseases (allergies, infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, etc.).

Almost 90% of chronic diseases of adolescence develop against the background of diathesis.

Everyone who has encountered this pathology is interested in the question, is diathesis an allergy or not? In fact, such an ailment in itself is not a disease, but a person's predisposition to inadequate reactions to any stimuli. In medicine, it is called allergic dermatitis.

Video Komarovsky will be very useful for those who want to know what diathesis is in children, symptoms and treatment, prevention, photos.

Push mechanisms

The reasons or provocateurs for starting the diathesis mechanism are quite diverse:

  • Metabolism is disturbed;
  • Downed or initially incorrectly built daily routine;
  • Poor nursing care;

A nursing mother should make a neutral menu that does not harm the health of the crumbs.
  • Improper nutrition of a nursing mother or the baby itself is the most common reason;
  • Commonly transmitted infectious diseases.

Low hemoglobin in a child

can cause the appearance and development of many diseases. The main task of parents is to raise the content of red cells in the blood of the baby. If your baby has pale cheeks, does not eat well and is often sick, be sure to take a blood test.

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Reasons for development

Red cheeks in a baby is a sign of an internal imbalance in the child's body. Diathesis in a child progresses spontaneously, has its own eloquent symptoms, requires timely treatment.

Before prescribing intensive therapy, the doctor must clinically identify the main allergen and eliminate it from the child's life. The causes of diathesis can be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • maternal malnutrition during pregnancy (abuse of allergenic foods);
  • taking certain medications;
  • transition to artificial mixtures;
  • early termination of breastfeeding;
  • chronic diseases during gestation.

Many parents ask questions about the causes of diathesis on the face and other frequent bodies. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since each case is accompanied by its own subjective reasons.

If the child's face is covered with a red crust of a dense structure, the baby immediately begins to scratch it and thereby scratch diathesis. Such a phenomenon leads to an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, it is extremely important to start treatment immediately.

The main reasons for the appearance of this anomaly are genetic predisposition, age-related changes and adverse environmental conditions.

An anomaly arises in the violation of immune and metabolic processes in organism. In this regard, inadequate reactions to seemingly ordinary stimuli are formed.

If the parents of the baby in childhood had a tendency to diathesis, he will also manifest it with a high degree of probability.

Diathesis in newborns is most likely in the presence of the following factors:

  • severe pregnancy;
  • bad habits of the expectant and nursing mother, the presence of infectious diseases and taking a large number of medications;
  • hypoxia in a child during gestation or during childbirth.


Like any other disease, diathesis has its own classifications. They depend on the degree of the disease and on its type, because in different babies, due to different reasons, the disease manifests itself in different ways.

Doctors share this attack on dry and wet diathesis.

  • Dry is accompanied, as in a number of other cases, by reddening of the skin.

    First of all, the cheeks, tummy, inner thighs and back suffer. The redness lasts for a couple of days, and if the parents do not pay attention to it, or cannot remove it, the skin begins to dry out.

    The covers begin to quickly disappear, exposing all new areas, causing simultaneous irritation and discomfort. The skin is very cracked, sometimes it starts to bleed. If you bring the child's skin to such a state, this will cause multiple tantrums. The situation is quite different with wet diathesis.

  • Wet also occurs, as in very young children, and in older babies. Redness of the skin lasts one to two days, after which blisters and swelling appear on the skin. They are filled with water, the skin becomes very sensitive.

    Later, the blisters begin to burst, exposing still very tender areas of the epidermis. The process is repeated over and over again, causing discomfort to the child until the parents get rid of the misfortune.

Most typical for childhood are the following types of diathesis:

  1. Exudative-catarrhal (allergic) - includes various allergic phenomena.
  2. Nervous-arthritic - includes various disorders of the metabolism of purines and uric acid.
  3. Lymphatic-hypoplastic - characterized by immunodeficiency states.

Psychasthenic, atherosclerotic, hemorrhagic, vegetodistonic and other types of the disease are much less common among children's diathesis.

Today there are 3 main types of diathesis:

  • exudative-catarrhal or allergic (ECD);
  • lymphatic-hypoplastic (LHD);
  • neuro-arthritic or uric acid (NAD).

There are other types of disease, such as hemorrhagic, atherosclerotic, vegetodistonic. Cases of such variants in children are recorded extremely rarely.

Sometimes doctors state the presence of combined forms of diathesis. The severity of violations of physiological adaptation in newborns may be different:

  • mild - the patient has individual signs indicating the presence of diathesis, but in general they do not cause discomfort to the child and do not have a negative reaction to the body;
  • medium or moderate - there is a complex of symptoms that characterize the disease, and the child himself is prone to aggravate the development of an anomaly of the constitution;
  • severe or pronounced - an extremely strong degree is recorded various symptoms, and there is also a trend towards long-term treatment due to the severity of the disease and its tendency to become chronic.

A severe form of diathesis may require hospital treatment - this is necessary to save the life and health of the child

Scientists and doctors distinguish four types of diathesis:

  1. Exudative-catarrhal (allergic) - characterized by frequent allergic manifestations and reduced resistance to various infections. It appears mainly from 1 to 6 months of age. Outbreaks of diathesis last for one to three years, after which most babies pass on their own. Often with diathesis infant becomes restless and capricious, the temperature may rise. The baby experiences extremely disturbing itching sensations, may not take the breast or bottle. This condition is facilitated not only by the rashes themselves, but also by the appearance of obligatory diaper rash in areas of large folds and thickening of the skin on the cheeks, caused by eczema accompanying diathesis.

Redness and thickening of the skin on the cheeks is a typical manifestation of allergic diathesis.

Signs of predisposition to ECD may include:

  • increased relative to the norm body weight at birth;
  • excess body weight inappropriate for age norms for babies;

Excess weight of the child can cause the development of the disease.
  • Slight swelling of the skin, combined with a decrease in their elasticity, pallor and a feeling of dough viscosity when it (skin) is felt;
  1. Lymphatic-hypoplastic - manifests itself in a tendency to allergic and infectious lesions of the body, in a decrease in the function of the thymus, which is responsible for the production of immune cells, pathologies of the lymph nodes. Generic signs of LGD:
  • Large weight of the child;
  • Disproportionate physique.

In LGD, the number of immune cells is an order of magnitude higher than in normal functional state organism. Each infection that has got into a small child's body causes a strong increase in lymph nodes, tonsils, accompanied by edema. Characteristic symptoms LGD:

  • Constantly enlarged submandibular lymph nodes;
  • Chronic nasal congestion;
  • Little mobility of the child.

Enlarged lymph nodes along with lethargic baby are sure signs of LGD.

Why is LGD dangerous? Ignoring this type of diathesis leads to problems with mental maturation and development in children. Such a malformation can occur because, with constantly blocked nasal sinuses, oxygen does not enter the brain of the crumbs in sufficient quantities, and this leads to hypoxia.

Among all types of diathesis that occur in infants, the most common are:

  • Exudative-catarrhal. It is the most common variant of diathesis, which is manifested by skin lesions. Its development is associated with the impact on the baby's body of different types of allergens.
  • Nervous-arthritic. Its main cause is heredity. The baby has an increased risk of developing obesity, inflammation of the joints, excitability nervous system, diabetes mellitus.
  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic. A frequent factor in its appearance is the infection transferred by the expectant mother and the intake of a large number of medications. Manifestations of such diathesis in infants will be allergies and frequent infectious diseases. At the same time, the baby has problems with the lymph nodes and the thymus gland.

Characteristic features

Most often, diathesis is observed in infants, starting from the first month of life, on the face in the form of rashes, peeling and redness of the skin. Also, foci of inflammation can be located on the buttocks, arms and legs, the scalp is covered with a dense yellowish crust.

All these rashes are accompanied by severe itching, and if the child manages to comb the damaged areas, then ulcers can form, which become covered with a crust.

During the manifestation of symptoms of diathesis, hygiene should be especially carefully monitored so that the infection does not get into the wounds combed by the child.

rash accompanied by intense itching

Depending on the age group, it is necessary to pay attention to certain signs that can tell parents more eloquently than words about the state of the child.

A newborn child with the manifestation of diathesis is characterized by severe redness with the formation of a dry crust or blisters. Also, evidence may be an increase in body temperature and crying. It is not uncommon for people to refuse food.

If we are talking about children from one to four years old, then there are whims, reddening of the body, vomiting and diffraction disturbance.

At an older age, diathesis is manifested only by redness. Their body has become quite strong, and their immunity has become much stronger. Susceptibility to foods has become much lower, which means that the body itself can cope with the disease, turning it into a small skin rash.

But, despite the age, parents must take measures to ensure that the disease does not move into a more serious stage. First, try to analyze the symptoms and identify the cause. In addition, exclude from your diet and the diet of your child all foods that could become allergens.

Switch to home bed rest. Due to the weakness of the immune system, give up walking and ventilate the room more often.

Do not try to remove redness on your own. Contact a pediatrician by visiting him for an appointment or (in the case of infants) by calling him at home.

Only a doctor can choose the appropriate drugs, taking into account the individual characteristics of your baby, which will quickly relieve redness and irritation.

What dry and wet diathesis looks like in an infant, see the photo below:

An allergy in a child on the face is the first sign of diathesis, which not only causes discomfort, but also makes the patient capricious, whiny, extremely irritable.

Red spots appear on the cheeks and buttocks, do not go away if left untreated for more than a month. Since the intake of medications is strictly limited until the age of one, before starting the treatment of diathesis in a newborn, it is necessary to seek the advice of a pediatrician.

As additional symptoms, such changes in the general condition of the child are distinguished:

  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of diaper rash and scales of a yellowish tint on the head;
  • inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes;
  • spots on the body begin to get wet;
  • stool disorders;
  • excessive irritability.

Diathesis in babies aged one to three years is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • sore throat, which can even develop into a sore throat;
  • an itchy rash spread over the face and body;
  • loose stool.

In older children, it can also appear as a result of improper treatment of a disease to which the child's body is predisposed. In this case, symptoms such as peeling of the skin, a rash in the form of red spots, sores on the skin and itching may appear.

Most often, in children under one year old, exudative diathesis occurs, which, with the correction of nutrition, disappears by 2-3 years. Its typical symptoms are:

  1. Seborrheic dermatitis(crusts on the scalp). Most often appear in infants at 1 - 2 months. With an unfavorable course, it can turn into weeping diathesis or scrofula. She has these symptoms:
  • the formation of crusts on the face, forehead, behind the ears, on the cheeks;
  • redness, weeping, swelling of the affected skin.
  1. Milk scab - manifests itself in the form of swelling, redness, peeling, itching of the skin on the cheeks.
  2. Persistent diaper rash on the buttocks and in the folds of the skin, which can be complicated by weeping, infectious inflammation of the skin.
  3. Unstable weight gain.
  4. Flatulence, colic, abdominal pain.
  5. Puffiness and pallor of the face, geographical tongue.
  6. Tendency to frequent rhinitis, pneumonia, otitis media, bronchitis and atopic dermatitis.

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis is observed in 10% of children prone to constitutional anomalies. It is formed by the age of 2 - 3 and, with timely intervention, passes by the teenage period. In some babies, the symptoms of lymphatic diathesis persist for life. Main features:

  1. Disproportionate physique (long limbs and short torso).
  2. Weak muscles.
  3. Pale, marbled skin with reduced turgor.
  4. Adynamia, lethargy, fatigue.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes, spleen and liver.

Nervous-arthritic, or uric acid diathesis is observed in 2-5% of cases. It is manifested by metabolic, skin, spastic and neurotic syndromes:

  1. Neurotic syndrome of diathesis in infants manifests itself in the form of anxiety, excessive excitability, sleep disturbance. Children preschool age have a successful psycho-emotional development, but may suffer from headaches, lability, anorexia, enuresis, stuttering.
  2. Metabolic syndrome is manifested by arthralgia, acetonemic crises, dysuric disorders.
  3. Spastic syndrome includes migraine-like headaches, intestinal, renal colic, pain in the heart, constipation, colitis. Adolescents often develop asthmatic bronchitis.
  4. Skin syndrome manifests itself in the form of neurodermatitis, eczema, urticaria, pruritus, Quincke's edema.

Hemorrhagic diathesis is rare in children and has the following symptoms:

  1. Rashes on the body in the form of small hemorrhages or large hematomas.
  2. Stomach ache.
  3. Chair disorder.
  4. Vomiting blood.
  • For children of the first year of life, doctors most often diagnose "exudative diathesis". This form of the disease passes with proper nutrition already by the age of 2-3 years. In such cases, frequent allergic reactions and weak resistance to infectious diseases are recorded.
  • The lymphatic-hypoplastic form is characteristic of 10% of children with a tendency to impaired physiological adaptation. It appears at the age of 2-3 years. Timely treatment allows you to improve the situation closer to adolescence. There are cases when the lymphatic form of the disease persisted throughout life. The most common forms of damage: increased susceptibility to allergies, to infectious effects, weak work of the thymus, which is responsible for the production of immune cells, and various pathologies of the lymph nodes.
  • The neuro-arthritic or uric acid form of the disease accounts for 2 to 5% of all cases. It manifests itself in the following syndromes: skin rashes, diseases of the nervous system and spastic problems.

Symptoms, how the disease manifests itself

What does diathesis look like in newborns? First of all, the overly rosy cheeks of the baby attract attention. Saturated red spots, like a baby in the photo, a fairly large area on the cheeks, covered with a thin "milky" crust, are clearly different from a healthy baby blush.

In addition, they flake, swell and itch, which greatly disturbs the baby.

Diathesis in newborns can also manifest as follows:

  • greasy crust-flakes on the scalp and eyebrows;
  • red frequent rash on the cheeks, on the forehead;
  • diaper rash that does not pass even with perfect hygiene of the infant, while the skin on the affected area often “gets wet”;
  • copious sweating at the slightest overheating;
  • soreness of the tummy;
  • loose, frequent, greenish, foamy stools.

More severe manifestations of diathesis in infants are also possible: skin eczema and seborrheic eczema, in which the skin turns red, swells, crusts and becomes wet on the cheeks, forehead and ears of the baby.

Find the cause of the allergic reaction

Having noticed manifestations of allergic diathesis in a child, the first thing parents need to do is to understand what irritant could cause such a reaction in the body and remove it. Otherwise, the baby risks becoming allergic for the rest of his life.

Avoid contact of the baby with the allergen

Uric acid diathesis (ICD code 10 E79) - what is it? It represents an innate predisposition to education advanced level uric acid in the body.

An excess of this substance leads to the fact that crystallization occurs and the formation of salts that are not able to dissolve in the aquatic environment. As a result, they settle in the kidneys and bladder forming uric acid stones.

Symptoms in women in an interesting position are manifested in the deterioration general condition health, problems with stools, weight loss or gain, hypertension, disorders in the activity of the heart, chronic kidney pathologies.

Gout can occur due to elevated levels of uric acid in the blood.

In children, the acidity of urine increases, there is a smell of acetone from oral cavity, moodiness, refusal to eat, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, headaches, as well as pain in the kidneys and joints.

In adults, acid in the urine also predominates, stones form in the organs of the urinary system, accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, bouts of colic.

The very first thing that is advised during therapy is a diet. It is required to limit the consumption of proteins and salty foods, drink as much liquid as possible. The use of salt in small quantities will reduce its excretion from the body, thereby minimizing the formation of stones.

As for medications, the treatment is carried out with the help of drugs that help reduce the level of uric acid in the urine due to the ability to neutralize it.

These include potassium citrate, which helps prevent the crystallization of salts and reduce the acidity of urine. Soluran tablets are also used, which include substances that help alkalinize urine.

Thus, diathesis in children is a predisposition to a negative reaction of the body to any factors, be it food, chemical substances, cosmetics and so on. Treatment of this disease is carried out with the help of medicines, the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

We examined diathesis in children, symptoms and treatment, prevention, photos. We also saw how it happens in adults. Have you observed this? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Apart from different options rashes diathesis can manifest itself:

  • diaper rash;
  • Oily scales on the scalp;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - decreased appetite, frequent regurgitation, nausea, instability of the stool, pain in the abdomen;
  • Irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, eyes or bladder;
  • Poor sleep of the child and restless behavior of the crumbs.

Diagnosis of the disease

You can identify the disease by observing the symptoms. If you need to establish a more specific cause, you need to see your doctor. You will be prescribed a blood and urine test that will reveal the allergen or what the body reacted so violently to.

In addition, the doctor can recognize some causes of diathesis by examining the skin and palpation.

Children with constitutional anomalies, depending on the manifestations of pathology, can be observed by a pediatrician, dermatologist, allergist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, nephrologist, otolaryngologist, neurologist or homeopath.

With anomalies of the constitution, the most significant are the following studies:

  • general clinical analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • the level of cholesterol, glucose, uric acid, phospholipids, catecholamines in the blood;
  • immunological examinations;
  • analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis.

With lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis, the patient needs additional examinations:

Pathology can manifest itself in different ways. It is this difference in symptoms that will be the reason for observation by various specialists. A pediatrician or an allergist, a rheumatologist or an otolaryngologist, a neurologist or a dermatologist, an endocrinologist or a nephrologist, or a homeopath can help.

Physiological adaptation disorders can be investigated in the following effective ways:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • tests for the level of glucose, phospholipids, cholesterol, catecholamines and uric acid in the blood;
  • blood chemistry;
  • examinations of the immune system;
  • analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis.

How to treat diathesis

To get rid of diathesis on the face and cheeks of a child, you need to resort to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, as a rule, it consists of the following steps:

It is up to the pediatrician to decide how to treat diathesis in a child on the face and other parts of the body. Treatment of diathesis in infants, in the vast majority of cases, comes down to the use of antihistamine medicinal components (Tavegil, Suprastin and Diphenhydramine).

The presented drugs perfectly cope with the manifestations of diathesis in a child, namely with swelling and itching. However, they do not have any therapeutic effect.

It should also be taken into account that the most effective method of combating pathology is the use of drugs that cleanse the child's body of toxins and allergens.

The information in this article about how chickenpox manifests itself in children can help you.

Cheek treatment

First of all, speaking about the treatment of diathesis in a child on the cheeks, any specialist will recommend correcting the mother's nutrition algorithm (if the child is still at the stage of breastfeeding) and the newborn or infant itself. Besides:

  1. it is strongly recommended to exclude from the diet all foods that even theoretically may turn out to be allergens: sweets, fruits, certain types of dairy products;
  2. a special place is given to the appointment of special vitamin complexes that allow you to treat diathesis, which may look different;
  3. mineral complexes, like vitamins, are able to maintain the required balance of these components in the child's body.

Also, it is in this way that it will be possible to form all the necessary enzymes for the further fight against allergens, which provoke diathesis in childhood.

Potassium permanganate and baths in the treatment of diathesis

To help the child neutralize the itching, at least not by much, and stop constantly scratching the problem areas of the skin, special baths with a solution of potassium permanganate can help.

It is important that the potassium permanganate solution is pink (not pale), because in the second case it may not be enough to properly help the child.

It is also important that the dissolved potassium permanganate is not dark pink, because in this way it can burn skin covering child. Such baths should be used in treatment no more than twice a week.

It will be optimal to combine them with other methods of treatment.

No less successfully neutralize itching special baths with thyme, as well as chamomile or celandine. It is permissible to combine them with baths with the addition of potassium permanganate, but it is very important to correctly combine certain types of herbs so as not to provoke a re-allergy, which can have an extremely negative impact on the child's health.

In addition, when talking about how to treat a baby, you should pay attention to the features of using Bepanten for a baby or an older child. We also recommend reading about allergies to washing powder in children.

Bepanten for diathesis

To get rid of a skin rash on the face and body of a child, it is necessary to eliminate the main allergen, and for this you should undergo an examination. The district pediatrician prescribes an intensive care regimen for diathesis in a child, superficial self-medication does not help, but aggravates the clinical picture.

Changes should concern not only the life of the child, but also affect the usual diet of the mother during lactation.

Balanced diet

Some parents believe that diathesis does not need to be treated at all. According to their theory, the disease goes away on its own as the baby's body strengthens. But such an opinion is erroneous and can lead to extremely serious consequences.

Although it will not deny the fact that all signs of diathesis disappear almost instantly, it is worth isolating the baby from provoking allergens and factors.

The treatment regimen for diathesis is prescribed by a pediatrician, who draws it up on the basis of appropriate tests and examinations. In addition to eliminating allergens that cause diathesis from your diet or everyday life, you will need to follow a number of simple but very important recommendations.

Each type of diathesis needs etiological treatment. Let's take a closer look at how to cure different types anomalies.

Treatment of exudative-catarrhal diathesis

This type of pathology can be cured only in a complex way. First of all, you need to follow the daily routine and diet.

Diet means:

A baby who suffers from this pathology looks very pale, the skin loses its elasticity. Does the child have a rash? No, but it is accompanied by itching, which gives him considerable discomfort, as a result of which he begins to act up, not sleep at night, refuse to eat.

Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor if you notice diathesis on the cheeks of a child. How to treat the disease? Its treatment begins with the fact that all foods that could cause the disease are excluded from the diet.

After some time, they can be introduced back, but it is only necessary to ensure that their use is made in small quantities. In this case, you need to monitor how the body reacts.

If it is possible to maintain the process of breastfeeding during the period of exudative diathesis, everything possible should be done to continue lactation. The only condition is the complete exclusion of possible allergens from the diet of a nursing mother.

For the treatment of each individual form of the disease, it is necessary to first establish the true cause that prompted it. Let's look at possible treatments for each type.

Exudative catarrhal diathesis

Exudative diathesis can only be cured by using integrated approach. The first recommendation will be strict adherence to the daily routine and diet.

What is included in the concept of diet for exudative diathesis:

The degree of their severity and many other nuances also affect the treatment of diathesis manifestations, so it is important that a specialist prescribes therapy. It may include both medications, and folk recipes, as well as correction of nutrition and living conditions of the baby.

About what diathesis is, why this word is used only in our country and how to treat allergic diathesis, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.


An allergic reaction on the cheeks and other parts of the body in a child is easily treated. There are many ways, but they depend on the location and degree of neglect of the disease. How to treat diathesis so that it passes quickly and does not return? Can be dispensed with folk method or take serious measures by choosing complex therapy.

What is diathesis

Red spots on the cheeks of a child are not a sign of health, but of an allergic reaction. Diathesis is not a complete disease, but only a tendency to more serious and dangerous diseases: eczema, atopic or seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. It is a “bell” that you need to pay attention to so that there are no problems in the future. This is especially true for strengthening the immune system.

Diathesis often affects children under 3 years of age. In the first couple of years, the state of the body can please parents: the stool is in order, the skin is clean. This does not mean that by the age of three it will not change and such irritation will not appear. The disease is associated with age, histamine sensitivity, the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to choose the right complementary foods, and when the child grows up, introduce a balanced diet.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, mothers are advised to follow a strict diet: exclude allergens in the form of fermented milk products, red-red vegetables and fruits, some varieties of meat and fish. Don't worry about the child's malnutrition: after 3 years, the digestive system returns to normal, so he begins to eat normally, but without complications such as allergic diathesis.

What does diathesis look like?

After the baby is 3 months old, redness may appear on the cheeks or body. They are covered with a thin film - a milky crust, which causes itching and irritation. The manifestation of the first signs is incurable diaper rash, prickly heat, greasy crusts on the eyebrows and hair of a yellow and gray hue. Lymph can be secreted through the crusts, then they are called a wet rash. Her danger is poor protection from infections.

Diathesis looks like a rash and appears on the whole body: cheeks, ears, nasolabial triangle, chin, arms, abdomen, buttocks, legs. With dry diathesis, swelling and peeling occur. The child's face becomes puffy, there is a set excess weight. He lags behind his peers in physical and mental development. In advanced cases, the tonsils, larynx and nose with the organs of vision become inflamed. Characterized by painful defecation - emptying the rectum.

Causes of diathesis

There are many causes of diathesis, occurring both in the prenatal period and at birth. These include:

  • The use of drugs during pregnancy.
  • Environment with harmful impurities from industrial production, gas pollution, dust.
  • Hereditary factors and predisposition to skin and immune diseases.
  • Violation of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Disruption of the digestive system.
  • Early introduction of complementary foods.
  • Infections. Expressed in bacterial and viral effects.
  • Broken sleep pattern.

Pay close attention to your child's diet. If you need to make a menu, consult a doctor. Independent experiments with the child's body will only worsen the condition of the baby. Improper nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding - common causes occurrence of diathesis. The consumption of egg and milk proteins, citrus fruits, caviar, canned food, berries and honey cause an allergic reaction even in adults. Rarely, but there is an allergy due to natural breast milk, and the treatment of diathesis in children under one year is more difficult than in older adults.

Treatment of diathesis in children

Often, in the treatment of diathesis in children, antihistamines are used: Tavegil, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine. They cope with the symptoms of the disease, improving appearance, remove swelling, itching, but do not act on the cause of the disease. Therapeutic effect drugs do not have. Doctors advise changing the diet of the child (if age allows) or the mother (when breastfeeding). Appointed medicinal substances which include vitamins and minerals. If the diagnosis is correct, then the treatment of diathesis in children after a year and earlier will be successful, and your baby will recover.

In the process of treatment, crusts on the hairline are constantly removed. For this:

  1. Fatty hypoallergenic oil is applied to the skin with a thick layer, covered with gauze, paper, but not with a film. After that, they put on a cap, and after a few hours, when bathing, the crusts easily fall off.
  2. If the presence of crusts is abundant, repeat the procedure after a while.
  3. On initial stages there are long-term diaper rash that do not disappear with daily care. Treat them with a 1% solution of brilliant green in water.
  4. In case of inflammation, the use of baby cream is recommended.

Treatment of diathesis on the cheeks of a child

During the treatment of diathesis on the cheeks of a child, do not interrupt it. The disease may recede, but if you do not complete the course, it will return with renewed vigor. Do not wash clothes and other things of the child using powder. Instead, use baking soda or hypoallergenic soap. If you have identified a tendency to allergies after juices that are recommended for children from 1 month old, give them with a complex diet in a small dose - a couple of drops.

How to smear diathesis on the cheeks of a child

Treatment for an allergic reaction depends on its cause. To reduce irritation and itching, it is required to smear diathesis on the cheeks of a child. If the ointments are not a large number of hormonal drugs They are called glucocorticoids. These drugs include Advantan, Celestoderm, Elokom. Due to the content of hormones, the course of treatment should not exceed 1 week. Long-term use is possible only under the supervision of specialists. If the inflammation is purulent, use Vishnevsky's ointment.

How to treat diathesis on the pope in a child

To determine how to treat diathesis on the priest in a child, you need to make sure that the disease is present. Diathetic inflammations on the baby's bottom are dense red spots with clear boundaries. Other irritations are the cause of improper diaper wearing. They are also frequent from the fact that the child's skin is in contact with low-quality creams. If you are breastfeeding, stick to a strict diet, get rid of irritants, rough clothes, and carefully monitor hygiene. In the absence of positive changes, contact a specialist: sometimes he can prescribe medications.

Treatment of diathesis in infants

An important factor in the treatment of diathesis in infants is the nutrition of the mother. It should contain useful trace elements, daily amount of fats, carbohydrates, salts. The consumption of fish, pork, eggs is limited. Dairy-free cereals, fruits and vegetables are added to the diet, with the exception of red foods. Pay attention to the conditions of food production: it is better to choose homemade without chemicals and food additives. Sweets greatly affect the state of diathesis: its use should be reduced.

Bepanten for diathesis in newborns

The skin of newborns is sensitive, the cause of its irritation is dry air, weather conditions and other factors. As medicinal product for external use, Bepanten is used for diathesis in newborns. It contains dexpanthenol, protegin, lanolin, cetyl alcohol, pantolactone. The tool copes with wet ulcers with diathesis, drying and disinfecting them. It is possible to choose the form: cream, lotion, ointment. Apply them a couple of times a day to the washed, dried skin of the child.

Treatment of diathesis with folk remedies

There are a large number of recipes used in the treatment of diathesis with folk remedies:

  • Water infusion with burdock root. Daily use of 3-4 tbsp. per day will give results within the first weeks.
  • What is diathesis and should it be treated? - Doctor Komarovsky
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