Diathesis in the baby on the face photo. Diathesis in newborns treatment with modern means Diathesis in infants treatment

At the word “diathesis”, many parents have a picture of a baby with red cheeks in their heads, and often we mean that we are talking about allergies. However, it would be wrong to say that diathesis and allergy are synonyms, because they are different concepts.

In this article, we will consider what the treatment of diathesis in infants is, its basic principles and directions. But, before proceeding to the discussion of therapeutic measures, it is necessary to understand the causes of diathesis. In addition, there are different types of it, and each has its own characteristics of treatment. Let's start by explaining the term itself.

The concept of diathesis

WITH Greek the term we are interested in is translated as “predisposition, inclination”. Many features are inherited by small children, for example, a tendency to allergic diseases, tendency to respiratory infections, etc.

That is, when a doctor says that a child has diathesis, this is not about a diagnosis or symptom of an illness, but about a statement of the fact that the baby is more susceptible to certain diseases than his peers.

The development of these diseases is influenced, of course, not only by genetics, but also by various external factors, for example, the lifestyle of a pregnant woman, the local ecology, the quality of food eaten, the water used to bathe the baby, and even the psychological situation in the family.

About the types of diathesis and their causes

There are 3 types of diathesis:

  1. Exudative-catarrhal. These are all visible manifestations of allergy on the skin in 3-month-old babies and children under 2 years old. It is about his treatment that we will mainly talk, since, almost always speaking of diathesis, they mean allergic dermatitis.
  2. Nervous-arthritic. Found in emotional people with a moving mind. Children with this form of diathesis often suffer from acetonemic syndrome.
  3. Lymphatic-hypoplastic. Lymph nodes are often enlarged, the child is sick with SARS and acute respiratory infections more than usual.

The reasons for which a tendency to a particular disease develops may be different, but the main ones are as follows:

  • abuse of food allergens by the mother during pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic diseases pregnant, taking antibiotics, toxicosis;
  • artificial feeding of the baby, early start of complementary foods;
  • weakened immunity of the baby.

Localization of the rash with diathesis


We see the first symptoms, as a rule, on the skin, but this is the result of the work of the allergen inside. Redness may be in the form of urticaria, covering the body with small pale pink blisters with unbearable itching. characteristic feature- bright red cheeks, dense, with the formation of crusts. Often there are diaper rash in the folds, the skin is flaky, wet or too dry.

Changes also occur inside: the gastrointestinal mucosa is affected, which causes abdominal pain, nausea, regurgitation, and diarrhea. And, of course, such a state leads to restless behavior of the child, poor appetite, superficial sleep.


It is not so easy to cure diathesis. Often, periods of remission (relief) are replaced by new relapses, and this can continue for a year or two. Therefore, treatment should be comprehensive, and include not only taking medications, but also changes in the nutrition of a nursing mother, a baby (if he is already on complementary foods). In some cases, you will have to get rid of things dear to your heart in the apartment, change household chemicals Or change your lifestyle. Let's consider everything in order.

Nutrition for mother and baby

Although we are not in favor of a nursing mother going on a strict diet from the first days of a baby’s life, but in the event of a diathesis rash and development allergic dermatitis in infants, severe dietary restrictions in the acute period are simply necessary.

Mom is recommended to limit the use of water cereals and crackers, and look at the reaction of the baby. First aid also includes daily bathing of the baby in infusions of succession, chamomile, sage. Sometimes it is advised to make lotions with furacilin or soda, starch baths.

Nowadays, when preservatives, antibiotics, various nutritional supplements, and fruits and vegetables are processed with chemicals, an allergic reaction can be to anything, even products with a label "approved by the country's pediatricians." Especially provoke allergies sweets, sausages, smoked products.

How to reduce food allergenicity? Here are some recommendations:

  • try to eat less fried food, it is better to steam, bake in the oven or boil;
  • when boiling meat, the primary broth always drains after 10-15 minutes;
  • be sure to rinse cereals before cooking, soak dried fruits in water before use;
  • do not be lazy to read the composition of finished products, and also pay attention to their expiration dates.

There are foods that should be limited to a nursing mother in the first months of feeding and then introduced into her diet with caution.

Feeding a baby is a separate issue. It is very important that the child is exclusively breastfed for the first six months. And it is recommended to start getting acquainted with adult food with hypoallergenic vegetable purees (from zucchini, potatoes, cauliflower). If children have a tendency to allergies, it is recommended not to experiment with exotic fruits in the first year of life. A new product should be introduced gradually and only once a day. This is necessary to understand what the body reacted to with rashes.

Particularly carefully introduced into the diet baby allergenic foods: honey, egg yolk, red and orange vegetables and fruits. The basic rule: a small amount of "potential allergen" and the later the better.

Concerning breastfeeding, then it plays one of the leading roles in the fight against diathesis. Early attachment to the breast contributes to the early formation of a healthy intestinal microflora and strong immunity. If there is a need to supplement the baby with mixtures or completely switch to artificial nutrition, it is important to responsibly choose the mixture so that it does not cause an allergic reaction. There are special formulas based on soy protein, hydrolysates, or fermented milk.

Newborn care

The care of newborns is aimed at meeting their basic needs, as well as making the baby feel comfortable. Care includes the following:

  • Regular and timely washing of the child after urination and defecation.
  • Taking a bath every day. At the same time, you should think about the quality of water: is there too much bleach in it, which dries out and irritates children's skin? You may need to boil water or install filters for bathing and washing.
  • Trim nails as needed.
  • Limit or replace detergents, washing powders. Sometimes, in order to cure diathesis in an infant, you have to completely switch to a hypoallergenic baby detergent or wash things with laundry soap.
  • Change clothes and bedding frequently. With allergic dermatitis, it is advised to iron all the things of the crumbs. It is important that the clothes are made from natural materials. Pay attention to the certification of toys: what they are made of, how they are painted.
  • Get rid of household allergens: old blankets, soft toys, carpets, heavy curtains - everything that serves as a dust collector. Sometimes, unfortunately, you have to place pets in good hands.
  • Don't overdress your little one. Manifestations of diathesis in infants increase if it overheats and sweats. In this case, the child loses fluid through the skin, and less of the allergen is excreted in the urine.

It is advisable to use household chemicals and washing powders adapted to childhood

Things to remember:

  • Allergic reactions are common to medications. So, medications in the form of syrups, as a rule, contain dyes, sweeteners, flavors, so their intake by children prone to allergies is prescribed with caution.
  • The presence of constipation can be one of the signs of allergies, as well as exacerbate its manifestations. Therefore, difficult acts of defecation cannot be ignored. The problem is solved with the help of glycerin suppositories, safe laxatives and correction of intestinal microflora.
  • It is extremely important for a child to breathe cool, moist air and strengthen immunity by hardening.

Medical therapy

The pharmaceutical market is replete with all sorts of means to help treat diathesis in infants at home. During the period of exacerbation, it is important to take them in a complex. In pediatric practice, the following groups of drugs are used:


A drug that blocks the action histamine receptors(it is they who, when an allergen enters the body, cause swelling, pruritus, redness) is called an antihistamine.

Small children are most often prescribed drops or syrups with cetirizine (Zodak, Cetrin, L-cet), desloratadine (Alergomax, Lordes, Edem, Erius), dimethindene (Fenistil drops). Suprastin tablets are also used in pediatrics, where the minimum single dose starts with ¼ tablets.

One of the antiallergic drugs allowed in pediatrics


Regarding the funds from this group, the doctors did not come to a common denominator. Many of them believe that there is no need to further burden an already immature immune system. Who knows what autoimmune processes can start in the body as a reaction to these drugs.


Diathesis is usually accompanied by constipation and dysbacteriosis. Therefore, to correct the work of the intestines, the doctor may include drugs with lacto- and bifidobacteria in the treatment regimen. Among them: Hilak, Linex, Bifiform, Normobact, etc.


These are substances that bind in the intestines with allergens and remove them from the body. Sorbents as detoxifying drugs are prescribed during the period of exacerbation of diathesis. The most famous of them: Activated carbon, Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Polysorb.

Calming agents

Unbearable itching makes the child capricious, therefore, the appointment of sedatives is justified. plant origin or homeopathic, for example, Nervoheel or baths with decoctions of valerian.

Local treatment

How to effectively treat diathesis in infants externally? There is a simple rule: wet - dry, dry - moisturize.

Baths and lotions

So, for drying weeping eczema, bathing in a bath with a well-diluted solution of potassium permanganate is suitable. You can prepare a starch bath. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch in ¼ cup of room temperature water, and then pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. The resulting jelly is added to a bath of bathing water, the recommended time for taking the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

With diaper rash, it is necessary not only to dry the skin, but also to relieve itching and inflammation. Therefore, bathing is advised in infusions of string, chamomile, sage. After taking baths, the baby's skin is blotted with a towel and the folds are lubricated with vegetable or.

Tincture of calendula and succession well relieves skin inflammation and eliminates itching

Soda (1 tsp per glass of boiled chilled water) and furatsilin (½ tablet dissolves in a glass of warm water) are used as lotions to relieve itching and local inflammation. A cotton swab dipped in the solution is applied to the inflamed area for a while, periodically wetting it in the solution.

Ointments and creams

From over-the-counter ointments, we can mention:

  • Fenistil gel (contains an anti-allergic component);
  • Bepanten ointment / cream - has a wound healing effect due to dexpanthenol;
  • Desitin - dries the skin due to the presence of zinc oxide in it.

It is worth noting, however, that these ointments do not always work. Not because they are bad, but because parents often use them for other purposes or try to cure advanced dermatitis with ointment alone, forgetting that the allergens are inside.

The next group of outdoor medicines helps fight adjunctive bacterial infection on the skin:

  • Levomekol;
  • Powder Xeroform;
  • Liniment (ointment) Vishnevsky.

Another group of drugs is, of course, corticosteroids, hormonal drugs. They do an excellent job with various kinds of diathesis, but are prescribed only by a doctor and only for a short period. Such creams have a list of contraindications and age restrictions. Representatives: Celestoderm, Advantan, Elocom.

Folk remedies for diathesis

There are many methods to be found on the internet. folk treatment diathesis, but it seems, given that we are talking about the treatment of infants, not all of them are suitable. Consider the most harmless of them:

  • The egg shell is dried, ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with a small amount of lemon juice. It is clear that the eggs must first be washed well, otherwise there is a risk of infection with salmonellosis.
  • Black radish juice. The child begins to be given gradually, first 1 drop, daily increasing the dose from 1-2 drops to a tablespoon per day.
  • Grind dandelion roots, pour a teaspoon with a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours, then strain the infusion and give ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals.

Some are extremely fond of healing folk methods. But the younger the child, the more carefully you need to choose treatment.

In addition, they get rid of diathesis with the help of tinctures from bay leaves, succession, viburnum bark, tricolor violet herb, burdock root. But even treatment with folk remedies is better to coordinate with the doctor.

Diathesis is an allergic reaction of the body, externally manifested as a rash and red spots. Occurs most often on certain products and chemicals(powder).

Without treatment, diathesis can go into a complicated form.


Bright spots on the baby's face and crusts look scary for parents. They are caused by a lack of food enzymes in the body. small child and inadequate protein digestion. Incompletely split proteins enter the bloodstream, causing a negative effect on the immune system. The produced antibodies, when combined with proteins, lead to allergic manifestations.

Factors provoking diathesis:

  • very early feeding;
  • the use by the mother of the baby of products that have a high degree allergies;
  • taking certain medications;
  • reaction to dry mixtures;
  • problems with the microflora in the intestines;
  • disturbed process of the digestive system;
  • mother's illness during pregnancy;
  • predisposition to allergies.

It should be borne in mind that the baby may have an individual intolerance to a number of products, which begins to manifest itself with the introduction of complementary foods. In order to quickly identify an allergic product, parents should keep a food diary, taking into account all the new foods in the child's diet.

In addition to food, external irritants can also cause allergies:

  • care products (baby cream, baby oil);
  • synthetic materials (clothes, etc.);
  • reaction to pet hair;
  • powder used for laundry.


Diathesis has characteristic symptoms:

  • red spots on the cheeks;
  • redness on the chin;
  • crusts on places of redness (appear over time).

Additionally, diaper rash may appear in skin folds, on the buttocks. In addition to reactions on the skin, there may be disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, and even conjunctivitis. A newborn baby becomes restless, irritable, and may fall asleep worse.

Photo: diathesis on the face of a baby:

In the photo below you will see what diathesis looks like on the face of a baby. This will later help you determine if your baby has any signs of an allergic rash.

How long does it take and when does diathesis in infants pass?

Diathesis is a typical manifestation that can occur even in the first days after birth. To say exactly how serious the situation is, only an allergist can, having all the information about the child's health in front of him.

The recovery period varies. If the nutrition of the baby and mother (when breastfeeding) is taken under control, allergens are excluded from the diet, then the problem of diathesis can disappear quickly enough. In some cases, it may take a couple of weeks. With a properly selected diet, diathesis usually does not appear after one year of age.
In a situation where the product that caused the allergy is excluded, and the symptoms still persist even after 3-4 weeks, you should consult a doctor. The reason for this state of affairs may be the following factors:

  • decreased immunity of the baby;
  • manifestation of a negative allergic reaction to milk protein;
  • disease transition from acute form into chronic.


The principles of treatment and prescription are carried out by the attending physician. Used for therapy medications, diet and recipes traditional medicine. Starting from the age of one month, babies can be treated with the antihistamine drug Fenistil orally or externally.

The usual scheme includes complex treatment:

  1. Antihistamines oral administration(Fenistil, Zirtek, etc.).
  2. Probiotics (Bifidumbacterin, etc.).
  3. With the excitability of the child due to diathesis - fennel tea.
  4. External ointments and gels.
  5. To cleanse the body, Polysorb.

When the baby is breastfed, the mother should follow a diet that excludes allergenic foods (honey, citrus fruits, etc.), coarse fiber and fatty foods. During complementary feeding, all new foods should be introduced one at a time at intervals. Means for the care of the baby are selected even more carefully.

Important! Self-medication can be harmful. All activities must be agreed with the doctor.

Ointments for diathesis

For effective treatment and quick relief of the symptoms of diathesis, doctors prescribe topical preparations in the form of gels or ointments. By belonging to drug groups they are divided into anti-inflammatory non-hormonal and corticosteroid (hormonal).

The safety of the drug for infants is very important. Begin treatment with lighter remedies such as La Cree and Bepanthen. The use of hormonal ointments occurs only after a comprehensive examination of the child. To smooth and prevent possible side effects it is possible to use such a technique as mixing them with baby creams before applying.

Afloderm. Alclomethasone-based drug. The tool quickly eliminates swelling, redness of the skin and irritation. Can be administered to children from six months of age once a day.

Advantan. This remedy belongs to the local anti-inflammatory. The main substance is methylprednisolone. It can be prescribed to babies from the age of four months. The duration of treatment with this drug is not more than a month.

Uniderm. Assign to children from 6 months, use with caution, no more than 5 days. Active substance mometasone furoate. It is an effective hormonal remedy.

Bepanthen. It is used for diaper rash and redness, a gel can be used. This remedy is well suited for sensitive and inflamed skin of babies. The basis of the drug is dexpanthenol. The gel is quickly absorbed, non-toxic and has no restrictions on the age of the child.

Fenistil. This - antihistamine, which is available in gel format. It is applied not in a thick layer, gently spreading over the affected skin.

  • eliminate swelling;
  • relieve itching;
  • reduce and eliminate the rash.

Sudocrem. It is a common remedy for newborns, applied from various specific manifestations (redness, irritation). Has a healing effect. It helps in the initial stages and only in non-advanced cases.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of diathesis on the cheeks, folk remedies can be used that have proven themselves well for many generations. You need to use these funds until a stable improvement in the condition of the baby.

Eggshell. Simple and easy-to-use products include an eggshell-based preparation. To prepare, dry and grind eggshells into powder. After that, it is transferred to a glass container. Take this tool should be in a minimum amount - at the tip of a knife. Before use, the powder is quenched with lemon juice.

Burdock roots. Burdock roots (1 large spoon) are thoroughly crushed and poured with hot water (a cup of boiling water). Insist 2 hours, filter. Give the baby ¼ cup before meals.

Laurel leaves. Dry bay leaves (7 or 8 pieces) are poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. After that, add a handful of rose hips and remove from heat. It should be insisted during the night. Filter and give the child no more than 8 drops at a time.

Lotions soda. To relieve itching and relieve redness, a teaspoon is dissolved in a glass of boiled water. Lotions based on this solution are made using cotton pads.

A large selection of diathesis remedies makes it possible to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the condition of the baby. Only by finding out the cause of diathesis with a doctor and eliminating it, you can successfully cope with the disease. .

A blush on children's cheeks does not always appear in winter after a frost, sometimes the causes of this phenomenon may be of a different nature. When a baby is born, parents surround him with care and attention. However, keeping track of everything is simply impossible. Diathesis in infants is a common problem faced by many parents.

Diathesis is mainly manifested in a child aged 1 to 3 years. If in the first few months after birth, the baby pleases mom and dad with an excellent chair, sleep and excellent appetite, this does not mean that the problem has bypassed you. It is possible that redness on the cheeks will appear in the second or third year of your child's life.

When parents realize that their baby has signs of diathesis, they begin to blame themselves. This is not worth doing. Causes of the manifestation of the disease may have different character, and not always the fault will be malnutrition. To cure the disease, it is necessary to be able to distinguish the first signs of its manifestation.

Among them are the following:

  • bright red spots appear on the cheeks;
  • severe cough, possible vomiting;
  • liquid stool;
  • the spots are flaky and covered with a crust.

If the parents noticed the listed signs in the child, it is necessary to carry out treatment as soon as possible, otherwise it will be much more difficult to get rid of diathesis later.

First you need to figure out what diathesis is and what does it look like? If to speak in simple terms, then this is the reaction child's body to a foreign protein that comes with food. digestive tract in young children it is very poorly developed, so sometimes redness appears on the cheeks.

The main causes of diathesis:

  • heredity (allergy to certain food products one of the parents)
  • complications during pregnancy;
  • malnutrition of a nursing mother;
  • use of antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals during the childbearing period.

When parents notice diathesis in their child, treatment should begin as soon as possible. The first step is to identify the causes of the disease, only in this way it will be possible to eliminate the main symptoms.

If nothing is done, it can cause the following complications:

  • arthrosis;
  • diabetes;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • stomach ulcer.

What is diathesis

There are two main types of diathesis that occurs in young children - allergic and neuro-arthritic.

Allergic diathesis can occur in a child in the first months of life. It does not depend on whether the baby is fed breast milk or pharmaceutical mixtures. This type of diathesis develops even inside the mother's womb, if a woman does not eat properly and in her daily diet a large number of allergens. Allergic diathesis looks like red spots on the cheeks. After a while, they begin to crust, the child will feel strong tooth in this area.

To avoid this problem, the expectant mother should carefully monitor what she eats.

Nervous-arthritic diathesis is very rare - only 3-4% of young children. Such babies begin to behave very capriciously, almost completely refuse food. In addition, babies are prone to excessive weight gain (obesity), they may be tormented by nightmares and convulsions. The disease can be cured only by long-term therapy with the help of medicines properly selected by the doctor.

Also, diathesis is dry and weeping. They are distinguished by the state of the child.

Dry diathesis provokes:

  1. swelling and severe itching;
  2. the appearance of redness on the face;
  3. peeling;
  4. if you do not start treating the disease in time, then crusts will form.

Weeping diathesis provokes:

  • itching of the affected area;
  • the appearance of bubbles, which then burst.

The first step to recovery is proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is a very important factor that is the key to the normal development of the baby's body. Regardless of whether he was allergic to certain foods or not, it is important to carefully approach the selection of food. There are cases when children in the first year of life do not have an allergy to citrus fruits, and then it manifests itself. The main reason is overeating a certain fruit. You need to eat everything, but in moderation.

Comprehensive treatment of diathesis involves maintaining correct mode baby nutrition. It is possible to identify the underlying cause of the disease only by excluding the main allergens from the daily diet.

The first few weeks to treat the child is required under the supervision of a pediatrician. A strict diet is the most important step on the road to recovery.

Exclude from the diet should be products from the list presented:

  1. broths on meat, including chicken;
  2. all fruits, vegetables and other foods that are red;
  3. sour cream of any fat content and cow's milk;
  4. citrus fruits, peaches and apricots, melon;
  5. from cereals - semolina and millet;
  6. honey and sugar;
  7. chocolate;
  8. nuts.

Getting rid of diathesis is not so easy, it is important to strictly follow the diet prescribed by the doctor, only then the treatment can be called effective.

Medical treatment

In no case should you buy ointments and other medications for diathesis on your own. Treatment should be prescribed by a pediatrician after examining the child. He will determine if the baby has an allergy to the components of the drug composition, and only then will he be able to prescribe the necessary drugs that will give the expected effect. All parents can do at home is use baby cream to soften the crusts on the face a little.

The pediatrician first prescribes a strict diet, then prescribes drug treatment. To get rid of the disease, certain remedies and ointments are prescribed.

Among them are the following:

  • drugs that help eliminate itching;
  • drugs that have a sedative effect;
  • vitaminized complexes;
  • diathesis can be treated with ultraviolet light.

If, after undergoing a course of treatment, it was not possible to get rid of the disease, parents should take the child for a consultation with an allergist and an immunologist.

Effective folk remedies for diathesis in young children can be prepared right at home using natural ingredients.

  1. To prepare one of the most effective infusions, you need a series. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of dried grass and pour them with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cover with a lid so that it fits snugly. Let the grass stand for about 12-14 hours. The resulting infusion can be taken three times a day for a tablespoon or take a bath with it.
  2. We mix fir oil (1 part), baby cream (3 parts) and vitamin C. The resulting mixture will resemble an ointment. It can be used for children of any age. The ointment is applied to the affected areas of the face, which contributes to the speedy healing of the resulting wounds.
  3. Another homemade ointment will provide effective and fastest treatment for diathesis in children of any age. You will need to mix baby cream without additives, fir and sulfur ointment. The resulting mixture is applied to the child's cheeks several times a day to relieve swelling and redness.
  4. Diathesis can be treated using dandelion root. This plant has long been very popular due to its healing properties. It has been proven that when taking dandelion infusion, the symptoms of diathesis disappear after a few days. You just need to brew a dry plant and give young children 0.25 cups each time before meals. This tool is excellent for improving metabolism.

It is necessary to treat diathesis in a child at home with decoction baths useful herbs. The baby's skin is saturated essential vitamins and minerals, gains energy and begins to effectively resist the disease. Folk remedies been used against the disease for more than one century.

It has been proven that they actually help not only to strengthen the immune system, but also to forget about diathesis for a long time.

  1. If you plan to bathe a child in a full bath, you will need about 1 kg of oak bark. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, the price is acceptable for any pocket. Before you start treating your child in the bathroom, the bark needs to be soaked in cold water approximately 1-2 hours. Then boil it for 30-40 minutes. Only after that we add it to the bathing water. Oak bark is very useful for children, for their immunity. In addition, if you have time, you can make homemade cream from it.
  2. Chamomile. Treatment with infusion of chamomile leaves has a positive effect on the immunity of a small child. The flower can be added to the bath for children - it cleans the skin, softens itching, relieves redness.
  3. If there are fresh leaves in the house walnut- exactly this effective treatment diathesis. Brew them and add them to the baby's bath. Already after the first application, a significant improvement in his condition will be noticeable. By the way, for prevention, purchase a cream based on these leaves at the pharmacy and sometimes lubricate the baby's skin.

Folk remedies have long been very popular when it comes to how to treat diathesis in children. Effective, simple and inexpensive ways to always be on guard for the health of your child.


Diathesis can be treated different ways. Some parents use a homemade ointment or cream based on herbal extracts for this, others use pharmaceutical products. However, few people know that simple prevention can reduce the risk of diathesis in your child.

  1. It is very important to clean the baby's bed more often. Change his bed and underwear, wipe the dust from the crib. This will minimize the risk of damage to the child's body by microbes.
  2. If you don’t want to treat your child for allergies, you can’t use powders with synthetic additives to wash his clothes.
  3. Try not to give your baby one fruit for a long period of time - this can lead to an allergy, which is not so easy to treat, sometimes pharmacy products may be needed.
  4. Use a homemade cream to moisturize your baby's skin so that it doesn't dry out.

Now you know what to do if a child has severe diathesis on his cheeks. The main thing is to contact the pediatrician in time and start treating the baby.

Diathesis in infants is a fairly common phenomenon that is quite treatable at home. Improper nutrition of the mother, as well as some environmental factors, can provoke the appearance of pathology. But this ailment is not a reason for panic, the main thing is to start therapy on time, and then diathesis will not cause complications for life.

Folk methods of treatment

The treatment of diathesis in children must be approached responsibly, since the wrong approach to eliminating the disease in a child can lead to a worsening of the situation and the development of complex diseases. It is better to start treatment immediately after the first signs of an allergic reaction appear.

The primary task of parents is to search for factors provoking the disease. It can be some kind of food product, such as citrus fruits or milk, as well as synthetic fabrics or washing powder. When the cause of diathesis is found and eliminated, the symptoms will subside. To speed up recovery, you need products that improve skin regeneration.

Treatment with laurel leaves

Means prepared on the basis of bay leaf perfectly relieve itching and reduce the manifestations of a rash. In addition, the plant is able to relieve inflammation.

Interesting! This plant can not only relieve symptoms and cure the disease, but also calm the baby, set him up for a restful sleep.

decoction recipe

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  • 10 - 15 grams of bay leaf;
  • 1.5 - 2 liters of boiling water;
  • cooking container.
  1. Pour the leaves with slightly cooled boiled water.
  2. Let it brew for about 15 minutes.
  3. Strain.
  4. Add product to bath.
  5. Bathe the child for 10 - 15 minutes.

After taking a bath, it is necessary to lubricate the baby's skin with a simple baby cream or oil. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every day for two weeks.

Healing infusion

To prepare it, you will also need boiling water and a few bay leaves. Leaves soaked in hot water must be left for at least 6 hours. After this time, the infusion should be given to the child 3 times a day, 5 ml.


To make an ointment, you will need the following components:

  • 3 large bay leaves;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • cooking container.

The ointment is prepared as follows:

  1. Grind the leaves into powder.
  2. Fill with oil.
  3. Insist on a water bath for half an hour.

The resulting composition should be smeared on the affected skin twice a day.

Important! The decoction and infusion are not stored for a long time, so every day it is recommended to brew a new remedy.

A decoction of string and celandine

  • a pair of potassium permanganate crystals;
  • a teaspoon of dried string;
  • a teaspoon of dry celandine.

All components must be mixed and pour a glass of boiling water. The composition is infused for about half an hour. The resulting decoction is intended to be added to the bath for bathing the child.

Herbs for diathesis

  • valerian root;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile;
  • liquorice root;
  • succession.

All plants must be taken in equal proportions. The result should be a tablespoon with a slide. This amount of the mixture is poured with boiling water, infused for half an hour.

Children under one year are recommended to give one teaspoon of decoction three times a day half an hour before meals. Older children - a tablespoon. Also, in parallel during treatment, you can take baths with the same decoction.

egg shell recipe

Eggshell is a remedy that is often used as a method of getting rid of diathesis. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Wash boiled face with baking soda.
  2. Remove the shell.
  3. Dry it for 2-3 days.
  4. Grind in a coffee grinder.

The powder is given to the child one teaspoon per day for a couple of months. The shell can be mixed with a drink or added to cereals and mashed potatoes. Symptoms of the disease are removed due to the action of a high calcium content.

St. John's wort oil extract contains a large amount of flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the skin, soothing it. To prepare the remedy, the following components are needed:

  • 100 grams of fresh St. John's wort;
  • 1 liter of vegetable oil;
  • bowl.

The plant must be poured with oil and left to infuse in the light. The finished composition should lubricate the damaged areas of the skin.

If the herbs were purchased at a pharmacy and high-quality oil was used, the remedy is absolutely safe even for newborn babies.

Cabbage leaf compresses

Cabbage juice is another effective remedy with skin rashes. Compression can be done in this way:

  1. Take a couple of leaves of cabbage.
  2. Boil in milk until softened.
  3. Rub the leaves through a sieve.
  4. Mix the gruel with wheat bran.

The mass must be kept on irritated skin for 10 minutes. The use of a compress is required until the signs of allergy disappear.

Recipe with aloe vera

Aloe effectively affects the affected skin of the baby. It is worth noting that this plant cannot cure a rash, it only softens the manifestation of symptoms and contributes to a faster recovery of the skin.

To prepare the product, you need to grind a small amount of aloe juice with butter. This composition is required to lubricate the skin of the baby and leave the mixture for half an hour.

Jojoba oil

This oil is well absorbed and has a beneficial effect on the skin. In addition, it is recommended by allergists and dermatologists in the treatment of diathesis in infants. They should lubricate problem areas of the epidermis.

The effectiveness of the product is due to the fact that the oil creates a protective film and accelerates the healing of wounds.

When a baby is born, his body must undergo a serious test: adaptation to a new environment. Naturally, during this period, an unusual reaction to various stimuli often occurs. For this reason, diathesis occurs. Especially often it manifests itself with rashes on the skin, which are usually localized on the face of the child.

What to do if the child has signs of diathesis? You will find the answer in this article.

What is diathesis?

Diathesis in infants on the face is not a disease or pathology. Doctors do not make such a diagnosis: they consider this phenomenon as an increased tendency of the child's body to respond to certain allergens. The presence of diathesis indicates a person's predisposition to allergic diseases.

According to statistics, if the parents of the child have allergies, then the possibility of developing diathesis in the newborn increases significantly. In this case, it is important to be as attentive as possible to the condition of the child in order to track the signs of such a condition in time.

Very often, diathesis goes away on its own, without any treatment. This is explained as follows. Immediately after birth digestive system The child has not yet completed its formation. This is expressed in insufficient production of digestive enzymes and high permeability of the intestinal walls. As a result, proteins obtained from food, which did not have time to completely break down into amino acids, quickly enter the bloodstream, provoking a pathological reaction from the immune system. As the child develops, immunity is strengthened, and the digestive system is improved. Therefore, in most cases, diathesis in newborns on the face gradually disappears without additional treatment. However, do not think that you can ignore the symptoms of diathesis. If you start this condition, it can develop into a more serious pathology, for example, provoke the development of bronchial asthma.

For what reasons does it develop?

The most common reason why diathesis develops on the cheeks of a baby is the mother’s malnutrition and non-compliance with her diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

However, there are other reasons too:

  • too early introduction of complementary foods. Pediatricians advise feeding the baby with mixtures and breast milk for at least six months. If you introduce complementary foods earlier, then the development of an allergic reaction is not excluded;
  • wrong choice of food. There are schemes for the introduction of complementary foods, the violation of which can provoke diathesis;
  • regular overfeeding of the baby;
  • the presence of a child excess weight;
  • genetic predisposition To genetic diseases;
  • living in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • congenital or acquired pathologies of the digestive system.

Often, diathesis on the cheeks in infants appears due to contact with washing powders, creams used by the mother, as well as decorative cosmetics that accidentally fell on the delicate skin of the child. In rare cases, the cause of diathesis in infants can be the inhalation of allergens.

Main symptoms

What does diathesis look like on the face? Most often, the first signs of pathology in newborns appear at the age of two to three months. The main symptoms include:

  • bright red spots appear on the child's cheeks, which after a while become covered with a dense crust;
  • the rashes itch, the child scratches them, which can cause inflammatory process;
  • the baby's skin dries;
  • diaper rash appears on the skin;
  • irregularly shaped white spots appear on the tongue (the symptom is called "geographic tongue");
  • in some cases, yellowish crusts appear on the head, as well as on the forehead of the baby;
  • infant often crying without any visible reasons sleeps poorly and shows anxiety;
  • the baby spits up more than before, does not take the breast well. In some cases, even weight loss is possible.

It is important to remember that diathesis in infants is manifested not only on skin, but also on mucous membranes, as well as on internal organs. In addition, suffering the immune system, as a result of which babies prone to diathesis are more likely to get sick than other children respiratory infections


Diathesis in infants on the face is of three types.

Exudative-catarrhal - this type is more common than others. The main symptoms of exudative-catarrhal diathesis include reduced immunity and frequent allergic reactions. With this form of diathesis, rashes are localized mainly on the face and head of the newborn, mucous membranes are often affected.

Lymphatic-hypoplastic - this form of diathesis develops if the child has impaired functioning of the thymus gland. As a result, there is an increase lymph nodes, and the work of the adrenal glands is also disrupted, which increases the tendency to allergic reactions. An external symptom is red and scaly rashes on the face.

Nervous-arthritic - this group includes diathesis that arose against the background of a violation metabolic processes caused by nervous excitement. In infants, this type of diathesis is found relatively infrequently. Nervous-arthritic diathesis is manifested by increased nervous excitability, various pathologies of joint development and rashes on the skin, including on the face.


Treatment of diathesis is impossible without a correct diagnosis. After all, the symptoms described above may be associated with other pathologies that require a different approach to therapy. For example, itchy skin rashes are characteristic of allergic dermatitis.

The diagnosis can be made on the basis of:

  • careful examination of the child;
  • general analysis blood. With diathesis, an increased number of eosinophils is found in the blood;
  • interviews with the mother and father of the child. The doctor should find out if close relatives of the baby suffer from allergic diseases.

In some cases, an additional blood test for total immunoglobulin is prescribed.

Diet for a nursing mother

The question of how to treat diathesis worries many mothers. It is important to remember that only a pediatrician has the right to prescribe treatment. In this case, the treatment should be comprehensive. And first of all, the mother's diet should be changed, since most often the main cause of diathesis is the ingestion of various allergens into the body of a newborn with breast milk.

The diet of a nursing mother with diathesis in a baby should exclude following products:

  • citrus fruits, as well as exotic fruits;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • fermented milk products, which include preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers;
  • sweets. Especially dangerous for babies prone to diathesis is chocolate.

It is important to prepare food properly. It should not be too greasy, salty or contain a lot of spices.

It is important for mommy to know how to properly cook foods in order to reduce their allergenicity:

  • meat and fish should either be boiled or steamed;
  • before cooking cereals, it should be thoroughly washed and soaked for 10 hours in cold boiled water;
  • if you want to fry meat, then first boil it in boiling water for 15-20 minutes.

Of course, for a mother who is breastfeeding, it is important to carefully study the composition of finished products. It is advisable to use only natural food that does not contain preservatives and flavorings.

How to feed a child with diathesis?

To cure diathesis and alleviate the condition of a sick baby, it is important to follow the principles of proper feeding:

  • breastfeeding up to six months of age significantly reduces the chances of developing diathesis in the future;
  • if the baby is bottle-fed, you should carefully choose the mixture. It is desirable that it has a hypoallergenic composition;
  • You should start complementary foods only with vegetables. Pediatricians recommend starting with zucchini. If you do not buy ready-made puree, but cook it yourself, be sure to soak the vegetables before cooking them;
  • complementary foods for infants should be introduced carefully. Give your baby one teaspoon of the puree first and watch for a reaction for a few hours. If the child feels well, does not burp or swear, is not naughty, and there are no rashes on the skin, the new product can be safely introduced into the diet;
  • never inject two products at the same time. This will be a serious burden on the body of an infant. In addition, with rashes, it will be difficult for you to determine which product provoked diathesis;
  • Keep a food diary of the foods you give your baby.

Baby care

The presence of diathesis in newborns indicates a tendency for children to allergic reactions. This means that it is important for a mother to carefully choose skin care products for her child. To wash baby things, it is advisable to use special hypoallergenic washing powders or baby soap. Saving on creams for baby skin and other hygiene products is not worth it: inexpensive cosmetics for babies rarely have good composition.

The apartment should be wet cleaned daily, as well as regularly dusted. In case of exacerbation, it is advisable to remove the carpet and soft toys: pollution accumulates on them, which can provoke allergic reaction e.g. pet hair, waste products of microscopic mites, street dust, etc.

Mothers should not take a bath at the same time as their baby. It is also desirable that soft toys are not the main ones for the child: dust accumulates in them, which can cause severe allergies.

Preparations for the treatment of diathesis on the face

If the correction of the diet of the mother and child did not lead to the disappearance of the symptoms of diathesis - scaly red spots on the face of the baby, then pediatrician prescribes special medicines. It should be remembered that self-treatment in this case is strictly not permissible!

As a rule, the following means are used:

  • antihistamines. If the baby is anxious and does not sleep well, drugs that have a slight sedative effect;
  • sedatives. Often, due to diathesis, infants become restless, sleep poorly and often cry. To get rid of these manifestations, sedatives are prescribed. Best of all, babies tolerate sedatives on a natural basis;
  • probiotics. Diathesis provokes intestinal dysbacteriosis. To restore the microflora, probiotics are prescribed, which normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • immunomodulators. Preparations of this group for diathesis are prescribed relatively rarely. However, their use allows you to achieve good results: the child's immunity is strengthened, as a result of which the body quickly adapts to allergens;
  • external means. To get rid of rashes on the face of a child, you should use special anti-inflammatory ointments. Especially often they are recommended if a bacterial infection has joined the diathesis.

Important! Self-medication with diathesis can lead to unpredictable consequences! Only a doctor can choose the right combination of drugs. Do not rely on the advice of friends and reviews on the Internet.

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, you can use herbal infusions of chamomile, succession, celandine, which do an excellent job with rashes on the face of a newborn. To prepare a decoction, you need a tablespoon of dry raw materials (or a mixture of herbs in a 1: 1 ratio), pour 300 ml of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Strain through double gauze, moisten a cotton swab in the decoction, squeeze it slightly so that the liquid does not flow, and gently wipe the baby's cheeks 2-3 times a day. You need to make sure that the broth does not get into the mouth of the child.

Is it possible not to treat diathesis?

It was said above that he can pass on his own. However, its symptoms should not be ignored. Otherwise, diathesis can have a negative impact on the health of the child.

Pathology provokes frequent respiratory diseases, and also often causes poor weight gain.

If diathesis is not treated, the child may develop bronchial asthma, as well as allergies to dust, wool, food, etc.

Diathesis in itself does not pose a serious danger: it is fraught primarily with its complications. Knowing what diathesis looks like on the face, parents can turn to specialists in time, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If the baby is prone to allergies, a nursing mother should be careful about her diet, refusing potentially junk food. You should also create a healthy microclimate at home, often clean and choose only high-quality household chemicals. These measures will help to quickly improve the condition of the baby and return him good mood and health!

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