Neurosis in children symptoms and treatment. Neuroses in children: a dangerous signal for parents

There are no visible damage to neurosis in children, however, higher nervous processes are violated and do not function. This negatively affects the development of the child and its physiological health.

It is believed that nervous activity is particularly actively actively developing from about three years. Therefore, the features characteristic for neurotic disorders turns around at the same time. Most often we are talking about emotional and behavioral manifestations.

First of all, parents should be known about all, as well as to all who are engaged in the education and education of children, in order to notice the symptoms of neurosis in a timely manner, to make an appointment with a doctor and begin timely treatment.

Neurosis in a child need to notice as early as possible to start treatment

Neuroses in children should not be confused with mental illness. They do not imply a personal decay. Disorder, as it turns out, is quite reversible and all violations associated with the nervous system are functional.

The described condition assumes a sharp shock of the body, as well as prolonged irritation nervous system. As a result, malfunctions in the work of the central nervous system can begin, because of what unreasonable fears appear, the alarming state is developing, a person is tormented by some physiological troubles:

  • worsening appetite;
  • increased sweating;
  • heart palpitations.

The causes of neuroses in children are bound by the vulnerability of the nervous system and its immaturity. They have no need for the necessary life experience that adults acquire in various life situations. Even to express their emotions, they do not always succeed.

Alas, parents do not always pay attention to certain symptoms of neurosis from their children, since they are busy or distracting a lot of home affairs. Sometimes manifestations of mental disorders are accepted by adults for children's pranks, whims or features associated with age. Especially, it is difficult to see the signs of such states in the infant.

The help provided in a timely manner leads to tightening the disease, serious complications and difficult reversible consequences. Physical health from this, as a rule, also suffers. The neurotic state is worse. There are serious difficulties in communicating with peers and other people. All this is important, considering that the child is just formed by a person.

Even the first-year students of the meduliper on the exam on psychotherapy at the request of the teacher: "Indicate the causes of neuroses" may indicate possible pathology of pregnancy and difficulties that have arisen during childbirth. As a result, hypoxia can occur with the nerve fabrics of the fetus.

Here are some more likely predisposing factors:

  • a tendency to nervous disorders;
  • the presence of psychotrauming situations;
  • emotional overvoltage (actually, as well as physical);
  • regular lack of sleep.

For the course of the disease and the severity of the symptoms of child neurosis (actually, as well as the doctor appointed by the doctor) may affect:

  • age features;
  • sexuality;
  • type of constitution;
  • cultivation conditions;
  • children's temperament.

By the type of constitution, for example, children are asthenics, normostasters or hyperstoles. As for temperament, it is necessary to deal with choleric, melancholic, sanguinics and phlegmatic.

Psychotrams and their consequences

Cause different species Neuroses in children can be a psychotrauma. In essence, we are talking about some events and circumstances that were very disturbed, negatively influenced the child and contributed to the change in his consciousness. Situations may be long or sudden.

But even in cases where the circumstance, which caused a psychotraham, far in the past, the consequences still can remain - even in adulthood. These may be phobias and other disorders.

Sometimes not one affects the development of neurosis, but several factors at once. The reaction of children on the events taking place with them can be different: it depends on their temperament, education, identity features. For someone, the dog that lay on the street is just a sound stimulus, and for the other - this is a signal that starts a neurotic disorder, in the future only aggravated.

Psychotrauma obtained in childhood may cause neuroses

As already mentioned, much depends on age. So neurosis in a child, which is 2 or 3 years old, may arise in case of parting with parents or with a debut visiting a children's team.

Children 4, 5 and 7 years old are very difficult to perceive the divorce of parents, as well as educational measures as physical punishment.

3 years and 7 years - these ages are considered the most crisis (crises are called "three years" and "five-year hundred"). It is at this time that the "I" of a man "is formed, the child is reassessing the attitude towards himself, and therefore the vulnerability in stressful factors increases.

Often disorder begin because of parental mistakes. Initially, their consequence turns out neurotic reactions, and then mental instability is already being formed:

  • Parents should avoid such a model of education, as a rejection, when an adult subconsciously wants to engage in the upbringing of the baby, is not interested in his problems. It happens that it happens because the child of another sex appears than they waited and hoped initially (for example, I wanted a boy, but a girl was born).
  • There is nothing good in the so-called hypertension, when adults do not teach children independence, literally all making them for them. It is worth being such a baby in another environment - for example, in the children's team - where it will not be a patronage, and psychotrauma arises. So, for example, the disorders begin in children of younger school age.
  • The use of an authoritarian model when constant and unquestioned is required from the child, and his personal opinion is not taken into account at all - it is also bad.
  • In some families there are no standards and rules, regular conflicts occur between parents. On the mental health of the baby, such a situation cannot affect favorably.

What should adults do, noticing signs of children's neurosis? To contact the psychiatrist and then following its instructions, it may be possible to change your model of upbringing (behavior), having raised to correct the mistakes (better late than ever).

The causes of children's disorders are often associated with their inability to cope with the situation and at least do something. Adults are usually responsible for the prevention of neuroses.

External factors

Which factors do not contribute to the development of children's neurosis! Of external factors It would be worth noting:

  • change of residence (when they are forced to move together with parents);
  • change of children's team (in kindergarten and school);
  • the beginning of a visit to an educational or educational institution;
  • conflicts in the children's team;
  • the emergence of another child in the family (born or reception).

Often, the disorder is developing under the influence of several factors at once. But if the child is not inclined to neurosis and lives in a prosperous family, the likelihood of developing strong neurotic disorders is extremely small. Parents notice changes in the psyche and the behavior of the baby in time, responding to them in the right way.

Impact on character traits

As already mentioned, the treatment of neurosis in children is largely determined by the characteristics of the nature of the child:

  • If the baby has high sensitivity and pronounced emotion, he especially needs caress, love, as well as attention. Not receiving such emotions, Choo begins to suffer from fear of dislike and unnecessaryness.
  • The presence of leadership qualities implies the intolerance to the dictatorship of parents and large number restrictions. Excessive guardianship for such a baby is also not a way out.
  • Weak and prone to disease - too strong concern for these children can have their own negative sidesAs they become confident in their helplessness.

Much depends on the nature of the child

Sometimes under the influence of the neurotic state, the child develops new character traits (as a rule, not the best):

  • tearfulness;
  • vulnerability;
  • aggressiveness;
  • anxiety.

Signs of disorders are associated with somatic health:

  • development of tachycardia;
  • disturbed respiratory process;
  • change of pressure indicators;
  • excessive sweating;
  • upset digestion;
  • loss of concentration of attention;
  • insomnia.

In general, with a careful attitude towards his children, parents should notice such symptoms and immediately consult a doctor to learn how to treat it.

One of the signs neurotic disorder Maybe insomnia

About types of neurosis

Types of neuroses in children are different. One of the main classifications implies the possibility of the following types:

  • Anxious - associated with the attacks of fear, which often begin at night and when the child remains alone or darkness. Even visions are likely in heavy forms. The main thing is that the parents do not engage in the cultivation of fears, frightening the kids with all sorts of frightening characters, like a woman or even police officers in order to upbringing. Some guys are not going to school because of fear, because they are afraid of any of other children (for example, high school students). A high tendency to the development of this disorder in low-cost, closed and home children.
  • Obsessive states - We are talking about involuntary movements that are manifested due to strong emotional stress: blinking, blinking, shrimp, penalty, and so on. Psychological factors Can contribute to the development of nervous tick. At first, these repeated actions deliver discomfort to the kids, but over time become familiar. They will preferably eliminate themselves.
  • Depressive - As a rule, it is inextricably linked with adolescent neurosis caused by sex ripening. Depressed mood, reluctance to communicate with anyone, removal from others, degraded appetite, tear, understated self-esteem. Teens - and it should be especially taken into account by parents! - Depressed slopes to think about suicide. Noticing the corresponding symptoms, the treatment should begin on time.
  • Hysterical - With the development of this neurosis, children face when the desired diverges with valid. The main symptom is true hysteries in the most unsightly form (child can fall to the floor, shout, convulsively with limbs). It is possible to occur hysterical blindness, skin covering Loses sensitivity, normal breathing is frustrated.
  • Asthenic (It is also referred to as neural) - is usually caused by excessive loads on the background of childhood, manifests irritability, constant crying, nonsense and bad sleep.
  • Hypochondria - Excessive concernity of a child with a state of their own health, the emergence of unmotivated diseases of diseases, imperitiousness.
  • Neurotic logoneurosisSupposing stuttering caused by psychological trauma.
  • Somnambulism or Lunaticism - related to the peculiarities of the functioning of the nervous system. Usually such problems begin with 4 years of age. Moreover, the baby in the morning does not remember that at night he walked.
  • Nervous anorexia - broken appetite caused by strong stress or improper power mode. The child has a changeless attitude towards what it uses. For some food, a vomit reflex is possible.

There are other disorders, any of whom requires qualified treatment.


For neurosis in children and adolescents, you can read in detail in the works of A.I. Zakharov. For example, a book called "The Origin of Children's Negromes". Although this work was published back in 1977, it is still relevant and in demand among parents, as well as children's doctors.

Nebrosis treatment should be entrusted only to a qualified doctor

In general, in this article gives general information What are the neurosa in the details, for what symptoms they can be determined what can be done for their treatment and prevention. Remember that the sooner you show your child to the doctor in the event of suspicion of neurotic disorders, the sooner adequate treatment and, accordingly, the chances of normalization mental state increase.

Children's neurosis And the causes of its occurrence. The article will announce the decoding of this term, symptoms with a given diagnosis and further paths of its treatment.

The content of the article:

Children's neurosis is a mental response of the body that some parents consider the temporary manifestation of the child's maturity. However, specialists in this matter fundamentally disagrees do not agree with this passion, because the voiced problem has quite serious complications in the future. It should be understood in the process of forming child neurosis, as well as methods for the elimination of the voiced negative factor.

Description of the disease "neurosis"

Neurosis is a mental disorder that does not distort the vision of the surrounding reality and has the properties of reversibility. This deviation should not be confused from the norm with diseases accompanied by the disintegration of the person (schizophrenia, paranoia and various psychosis).

The overall characteristics of this pathology has a rather wide range of its decoding. First of all, we are talking about a collective name, which includes many violations in the functioning of nervous activity of both an adult and a child.

The complexity of the clear designation of the voiced phenomenon is that the specialists did not come to a single opinion regarding the formulation of the term. However, medicine is accepted under the diagnosis of "neurosis" to consider the disorders of the somatic nervous system, vegetative dysfunctions, phobia various character, problems of an emotional-meal plan, convulsions against the background of nervous overexcitation, obsession and distortium.

Causes of neurosis in children

Even the most caring parents can not always expect, from which side the trouble will come to their child. According to experts, the causes of neuroses in children should be sought in the following stimulus factors:
  • Hereditary predisposition. The genetic sequence implies the influence of family anamnesis on the formation of the fetus and its further development. If the parents of the child had a voiced problem before his conception, there is a certain probability of "copying" of this information in the nervous system of the kid. Specialists are rather contradictory to the voiced matter, but statistics show a very significant percentage of hereditary predisposition to neurosis.
  • Family education model. Personality forms not only society, but also his nearest surroundings. Parents of the child can find out their relationship with it so rapidly that this eventually becomes the reason for the formation of the baby or adolescent neurosis. An additional danger of education of this pathology can be the abuse of family members alcoholic beverages. In addition, it is necessary to remember both formats of education as hyperophec, permissiveness, double standards in the requirements of dad and mom and authoritarianity from the older generation.
  • Transferred diseases of various plan. The nervous system of the child is only in the stage of its formation. Even in the womb, children can seriously suffer from a lack of oxygen supplied to them. In addition, acute and chronic infections, brain injuries, oncological diseases And Rahit at the launched stage can cause their neurosis of various varieties.
  • Unnecessary physical and emotional loads. Experts do not get tired of repeating that everything is their term. It is not necessary to sculpt from the pores of the very infancy of your beloved Chad genius. Some particularly rail parents try to determine their child in all the circles that are available in the near and far location. At the same time, the children's body is subjected to a serious test, which can lead to one of the varieties of neurosis.
  • Violation of the Day of the Day. Sleep is an integral part of the functioning. human organism. Therefore, if this child's need is not fully ensured, then in the future it is fraught with neurosis. Not in all cases in an unstable dream, parents are guilty of their favorite children, because much depends on the temperament of their children. Hyperactive fidgets after filled with bright feelings for a long time cannot calm down. As a result, they barely fall asleep, which leads to a violation of the regime.
  • A change of scenery. In this case, we can talk about a change in the place of residence and the child's getting into a new children's team. Not every small person can easily adapt to an unfamiliar atmosphere where everything is alarming and disturbing. In addition, there is no guarantee that in the garden or school of the arrived newcomer will meet friendly. As a result, neurosis may develop on this basis in this soil, which was formed due to constant location in a state of stress.
  • The emergence of a new family member. Not every baby or teenager with delight will receive a voiced fact. New dads or mom can come to the house, and in marriage then collaborative child is born over time. In addition, the new family member may already have children from previous relations. Consequently, after such changes have to share the love and attention of parents. The result is the developed neurosis and demonstrative behavior in protest.

Important! The voiced problems should be adjusted in advance by adults so that they are not turned into obvious pathology. It is better to progress once again than in the following with bitterness to reap the fruits of your ignorance in education issues.

Risk group of child neurosis

After long research, experts concluded that the following categories of children were most susceptible to the beginning of the development of the voiced disease:
  1. Age 2-5 and 7 years. Doctors are confident that this period of the child's development is the beginning of neurosis. These conclusions are based on the fact that the small person has not yet formed, and her consciousness did not absorb any significant life experience. The voiced pathological process begins with neurotic reactions, which in the future as adults are growing into a persistent neurotic state.
  2. Child with "I-position". Some children can be adjusted in terms of parenting from parents and teachers. These inborn leaders actively express their opinions about everything that happens around them. They perceive any restriction of their desires with a stormy protest, after which they are punished by their parents. After decisive removal from adults, neurosis can be formed in the child with the "I-position".
  3. Somatically weakened children. With such little "martyrs" adults literally blown out dust. Fencing his painful Chado almost from everything around, parents apply to him in the end the so-called "bear service". The child begins to feel completely unsuitable for society, which leads to the formation of neurosis in his future.
  4. Emotionally unstable children. In this case, they will be unnecessarily reacting to any everyday trouble or comment from anyone. A child with an unstable nervous system is trying to reach his parents, if it does not receive enough attention from them and affection. When you ignore such gestures of despair, he appears confidence that he does not like it and do not appreciate. The result is the development of all sorts of phobias and fears of various nature.
  5. Children in SOS Situation. Any stress is able to launch the mechanism of development of voiced pathology. Cruel treatment Parents, Grass in the garden or school, the violence of any kind on the side of foreign people, the death of a loved one or a beloved animal - all this can be the cause of neurosis in a child. In some cases, it is enough for him to be just a witness to any tragic event to get a serious emotional injury.
  6. Pupils of special institutions. A child from an asocial family or an orphan enters the boarding school or orphanage. Initially, this is a stressful situation for him, because it automatically deprives the love and care of the parents. Not always a children's team of such agencies is positioned as a friendly and cohesive team. As a result, the child develops the described pathology, which the teachers of such institutions are not immediately noted.

Varieties of children's neurosis

As already mentioned, under this concept implies many mental disorders that have a property of reversibility.

Specialists after careful analysis amounted to the classification of the voiced problem, which looks like this:

  • Anxiety neurosis. In this case, it all depends on the age of the child, which at certain stages of its development responds to external stimuli in different ways. Children under 6 years old are usually afraid of darkness, loneliness and monsters, which so generously supplies the population of the film industry. Adults to adjust the behavior of their chad, very often themselves artificially create a neurotic state. At the same time, there are all sorts of horror stories about the evil stranger, who will come and takes firmly. The fantasy of parents in time is gaining momentum, and the baby receives the neurosis of fear that is not controlled. After 6 years, children sometimes experience extremely negative emotions in fear of getting a bad mark. In addition, older hooligans can be cracked in the elements of the educational institution of primary school students.
  • Neuroses of obsessive state. The basis of such pathology is usually anxious inconsistency, formed in a child for certain reasons. Against this background, all sorts of phobias are developing, which most often themselves and inflated a small person. They can be expressed in the most different way. Sometimes children themselves are not aware of the causes of such fear, the deaths and all attributes that are accompanied by it are afraid. Some animals cause panic in a child with neurosis of obsessive state. The fear of height, closed space, a large cluster of people, infection - all this is just the beginning of a huge list of children's phobias, which can be continued endlessly.
  • Depressive neurosis. It should be immediately noted the fact that such pathology does not occur in kids who are not yet able to carry out a deep analysis of their actions. It happens usually exactly at that time when yesterday's uninsoles turn into guys and girls. Teenage depressive psychosis It is very dangerous by his consequences, so parents need to be alert at the stage of growing their children.
  • Hysterical neurosis. Such manipulations usually produce small machinators who have not yet achieved school age. Wanting to achieve a cherished goal at all costs, they arrange entire performances before the grateful public. Quite often, you can see the baby, who rides the floor of the store and expressly squeals when he did not buy a toy or sweetness. However, the problem of neurosis begins only when such behavior becomes the norm and repeats with enviable regularity.
  • Asthenical neurosis. Some parents want to download their child with all sorts of courses, circles and sections. Their opinion on this score sounds in the form of a slogan "Let the time he will not remain on nonsense and something bad." The child in the end does not have time for childhood, after which asthenic neurosis begins to develop.
  • Hypochondria. With this definition, I immediately remember the movie "Formula of Love", when a similar diagnosis was made by the young and celebrating Barina. However, adults should be alarmed by the fact that their child does not understand the playground, and carefully studies " Medical encyclopedia" At the same time, the read little hypochondrik is actively voicing and trying on all sorts of diseases from the main book for him.
  • Logoneurosis. Such a disease cannot remain imperceptible to adults, because the child is stuttered. The causes of voiced pathology can be the most different. The boys who were not five years old often do not speak their speech apparatus. However, logoneurosis is usually based on this factor, but on the stressful situation in which the child fell.
  • Somnambulism. The voiced deviation from the norm is usually in the form of a conversation in a dream. The child is hardly falling asleep, and then behaves very restless. At the same time, he often wakes up, because nightmares are often tormented. The highest manifestation of Somnambulism (Lunatism) is the walking of children at night with a misunderstanding of this fact during awakening.
  • Nervous anorexia. The whims of the child at the table is a bad phenomenon when he simply does not want to eat the dish offered to him. In most cases, children are ready in a huge amount of absorbing food harmful to them and flatly refuse healthy nutrition. However, with nervous anorexia, everything looks much planning, because the rejection of food is manifested in the form of hysteria and even vomit urges.
  • Neurotic enuresis. Implanting urine can go without itself when the child begins to grow up. It may occur from any diseases gOOD SYSTEM Or due to the lack of circuit "Deep sleep is to turn off the signal in the cerebral cortex when I call to visit the restroom." In this case, the fact that night incontinence of urine occurs in a child after any psychological injury.

Note! Sources of child neurosis usually should be sought at a very early age. A rather small percentage of such disorders is already manifested in adolescence. Consequently, parents, childcare workers and elementary school It is necessary to monitor the first manifestations of the voiced pathology in their children and the wards.

Symptoms of children's neurosis

Such a problem rarely remains unnoticed for the child's close environment. The symptoms of neurosis in children usually look like this and should cause serious anxiety from their parents:
  1. Uncontrollable attacks of fear. With a voiced factor, the child may be afraid of one phenomenon and calmly treat all other external stimuli. In rare cases, he does not voicate his anxiety to adults, because it needs their support and protection.
  2. Stuttering and entry into a stupor. Parents especially need to be alarming, if such changes occurred with their child suddenly and without pronounced reasons for this. In this case, you should not postpone the visit to the children's psychologist and the speech therapist, which in the shortest possible time is capable of finding the root of the evil pathology.
  3. Unusual facial expressions and gestures. With neurosis obsessive states You can observe tick, institution eye apples, popping the corners of the lips from the affected baby or teenager. A child with a voiced problem may be involuntarily bouncing, as well as patted himself.
  4. . The most disturbing factor is always a change in gastronomic addictions from a former amateur to eat from representatives of the younger generation of the family. If a little gourmet ceases to ask for his beloved delicacy, it should urgently look for the causes of such changes.
  5. Increased irritability. Many children raise their parents with whims, complaints and requirements. However, in neurosis, such indicators are significantly shrinking, making out of the once-balanced child of a frank hysteria.
  6. Lack of sociability. Children who prefer loneliness - an extremely rare phenomenon. Exceptionally 100% phlegmatics may not like a noisy company and funny fun. In other cases, the child's attempt to retire may indicate the development of neurosis.
  7. Violations of sleep. At night, all children should sleep hard if they have no obvious health problems. If parents see that a child has a complete sleep problem, then you can assume neurosis.
  8. Fast fatiguability. If the baby is not a cunning manipulator and frankly lazy, it is worth thinking about the voiced problem. The reasons for it can concern not only neurosis, but also more serious pathologies.
  9. Health problems. This can be expressed in the already voiced enuresis, "bearish disease" (Encoupreze), tachycardia, an increase or decrease in blood pressure. The listed deviations from the norm may add excessive sweating, respiratory disorder and reduction of memory.

Features of neurosis treatment in children

Thinking about the future of your favorite offspring is necessary in advance, and not at the time of the beginning of the point of no return. Parents of anxious children should be thought over the question in time, how to treat neurosis in a child.

Help psychotherapists in children's neurosis

If the problem already obviously made itself felt, then you need to seek help to doctors. Specialists in this area recommend the following ways to resolve the situation with the child:
  • Family therapy. This technique is based on a phased study of the voiced problem. First, you need to examine the situation in which the child lives with neurosis. This is necessary in order to put a general diagnosis on the basis of a totality of personal, social and psychological parameters regarding a specific family. Secondly, it is necessary to spend a common conversation in which the nearest surroundings of the baby or adolescent will be involved. During this event, a further action plan is usually negotiated, which should include general requirements for parenting from parents and psychotherapist. Thirdly, it is necessary to start classes on a specially developed technique, which includes games of various formats. The last stage of family therapy is the collaboration of parents and a child. If a child is less than 6 years old, then objects will be organized, build interesting structures and drawing. More elder children and their parents, psychotherapist will offer a discussion on various topics.
  • Individual psychotherapy. With this approach, six main techniques are used in the resolution of the voiced problem, which have proven perfectly. With clarifying (rational) therapy, the specialist finds out the causes of psychosis in his small patient. Then he offers a child to think about leisurely the initial version of any situational history. With art therapy, children draw and pose, without realizing the fact that it is better to disclose their hidden problems. Game therapy has age limitations that do not exceed 10 years. When creating for a child during the voiced method of the "borderline state", a psychotherapist appears a great chance to adjust the phobia detected in the patient. If a specialist is dealing with a problem teenager, it is best to spend autogenous workouts with him. The basis of this technique is the muscular relaxation of the child with the general voice effect on his psychotherapist. Under the hypochondria and adolescence problems, the suggestion method (suggestive psychotherapy) has proven itself. The whole essence of this technique is the proposal to drink the so-called placebo drug, which is an exclusively psychological reception to eliminate the problem. In particularly difficult cases, hypnosis can be used, but specialists are extremely restrained to this method of impact in relation to children.
  • Group psychotherapy. The formation of such "cells" is necessary in cases of increased egocentrism in a child with psychosis. Usually in this situation, children are distributed in groups on the principle of their age distinction. To create a comfortable microclimate in such islets of children's mutual assistance, joint excursions are organized at interesting places. In the process of such group activities, a child with psychosis begins to reveal to his peers, sharing its problem and experiences.
  • Communication with animals. Very often skeptics say that the same dolphinotherapy did not find support in any serious medical organization. Fashionable recently hippotherapy (neurosis treatment at the contact of the child with horses) is also questioned by many specialists. However, the fact remains: some children after such non-traditional techniques feel much better and well begin to adapt towards society.

Application of medical drugs in neurosis in children

If necessary, apply the voiced method of treating your child should urgently apply for help from a specialist. After examining a small patient, the doctor may assign the following means to eliminate the resulting problem:
  1. Preparations for the general strengthening of the body. In this case, it is worth trying to apply vitamins (groups C and B) and potassium preparations. The tincture of the Chinese lemongrass quite effectively stimulates the central nervous system of the child, so it is often used in children's neurosis. With mental and physical overvoltage, the specialist may advise the use of luncture tincture.
  2. Phytotherapy. Coniferous baths - the perfect way to relax the child with pronounced nervous state. The mother-in-law and Valerian will also come to help the baby or adolescence, if he cannot calm down or fall asleep. With weak immunity and unstable emotional state Golden root helps perfectly, which will put the child's nervous system.
  3. Nootropic type preparations. In this case, we will discuss the appointment of such drugs as piracetam and nootropyl. Data medicinal products Beneficially affects the regulation of blood circulation of the brain and contribute to the disposal of glucose from it. Therapeutic effect From such drugs lies in the fact that they improve the processes of information perception in the child and accelerate further processing.
  4. Antidepressants. It should be immediately noted the fact that such medication in children's organism May be reduced to "no" at the moment psychotherapy. They prescribe them with a pronounced hyperactivity of a small patient, but a voiced process should occur strictly under the control of the doctor. With an increased excitability, the specialist may assign Sonopax, and with hypersthenic syndrome - elenium and eochitin. Tranquilizers in the hypostage are prescribed in the form of seassen and trioxazine, which, without recommendations, the doctor also prohibits.
How to treat neurosis in children - Watch the video:

Some parents are not asked why the neurosis treatment is needed in children. However, with such connivance from adults, the child has even more terrible pathologies. It is necessary to make every effort to save your baby or a teenager from voiced illness so that in the future he could realize himself in life.

Statistical data recent years It indicates that the number of children who are diagnosed with neurosis is steadily growing. The main reasons for the development of neurosis in children are biological - for example, heredity, but at the same time it is impossible to discount the circumstances in which the small person is growing and developing. Neuroses in children and adolescents are border violations of psyche, which does not affect the psychotic state. The disease refers to a single group, but can manifest itself completely differently. In addition, there are features that can affect the course of therapy and dynamics of the disease.

The child's neurosis is a common disease that can have very unpleasant consequences. It is important to reveal it on early stage and contact a specialist

Causes of neurosis development

What could cause child neurosis regardless of age? Most often with the impetus to the development of neurosis in kids up to a year and children preschool age Family problems are becoming problems - for example, if parents have personal problems, they adhere to the tough rules of education, and at the same time do not take into account the individual characteristics of the child. Emotional disorder In this case, the baby will progress, but the problems in the family are far from the only thing that can cause child neurosis.

Significantly aggravate the condition of the child can:

  • changing the situation in the family for the worse, for example, long-term separation with mom;
  • strong fright (we recommend reading :);
  • along with the difficult situation in the family, the child had to survive additional stress (he witnessed a crime or accident with severe consequences);
  • generic injury, as well as serious stress in mothers during pregnancy.

If the above situations are observed in the complex, it may well work as a trigger for the occurrence of neurosis in kids of any age.

The adverse development of pregnancy can be compensated by a calm family environment, but a heavy family climate is able to only deepen mental disorders. In the case when there are all signs of neurosis, prevention is of particular importance, but very often parents do not pay attention to the obvious neurotic reaction of the child. Of course, the treatment of a child is not in this case - as a result, the neurosis in children reaches such a stage, which the psychological warehouse of the individual changes.

Stress in pregnancy affect not only its course, but also on the character, the inclination of the future child

Symptoms of the disease

Research says the main indicators of the child's mental health is the support of parents. If the child grows in a disadvantaged family, he develops suspicion and distrust of people, reactions cease to comply with situations, become inadequate.

For kids at the age of 2-3 three years, it is important to establish independence. For a child of preschool age - the formation of adequate self-esteem and recognizing itself. It is increasingly notes that the neurosis in children are formed as a result of the wrong breeding manner - so, egocentric education can form a hysteria in a child, and the rejection will be the cause of neurasthenia.

Symptoms of neurotic disorder will not necessarily be expressive, but they can be traced in age criteria. More often, they indicate that the functions of psyche developing precisely at this age are disturbed:

  • from zero to three years, the violations occur in somato-vegetative functions;
  • from four to ten years - in psychomotor;
  • from seven to twelve years - affective functions are destroyed;
  • from twelve to sixteen years - emotional.

The symptoms of the disease is different: kids and preschoolers are manifested in the form of fear when children are afraid of darkness, loneliness, parental loss. At the same time, fear paralyzes the child: the kid becomes unable to commit familiar actions and feels helplessness. Usually, such emotions are associated with the lack of support for parents and care of the baby, the fear of death may appear.

Neuroses in children of 7 years of age and younger students can also be expressed by such symptoms as loss of appetite, sweating, nervousness, apathy, quick temper. Also, when children's neurosis, ticks can be observed, other types of twitching, stuttering, enjoyment and incontinence (we recommend reading :). Advanced deviations in behavior (shyness, painful pride or pathological fantasy) are recorded.

Types of neurotic states

Total distinguished five main species neurotic states:


Hysteria or hysterical neurosis in children primarily characterizes mood variability and egocentrism. In young children, such symptoms may be observed as affective respiratory attacks (sacrificed breathing delays), while such hysterical seizures have quite plausible in small artist. Such a situation often arises when the "idol family" makes from the child. For the seizures of breathing delay, theatrical and emotional differences are characteristic. A child of preschool and younger school age hysteria can manifest itself in the form of a somatic disease. The child can complain about headache Or stomach spasms.


It cannot be confused with hysteria, since the symptoms of the disease differ dramatically. Neurastheny manifests itself signs of depression. A three-year-old baby can pour into the need to sleep much longer than the laid, the child is not interested in toys, and gifts do not bring him joy. In a teenager, 13-14 years old neurasthenia can be expressed by frequent complaints of pain in the heart or stomach (we recommend reading :). The child thinks he is deadly sick. The main signs of neurasthenia in children of all ages are sleep disorders.

Neilstation in children can be expressed by melancholes, lethargy, desire to sleep for a long time and a weak reaction to what is happening

Neurosis of obsessive state

Basic distinctive trait - cappy fear. For example, a child of 4-5 years is afraid of beetles, while we are talking about everyone without exception to the representatives of this species. For a teenager, the bases for fear can already be things more complicated, like a predicted once again the end of the world or a flood.

The neurosis of obsessive states is most often in the form of various repetitive movements, which each child may vary. A frequent rubbing of the hands or fingers can occur, the incessant nose of the nose or the nasal, shaking, catching the foot, etc. The child is not able to control obsessive movements, even if any of the adults pays it attention to them (we recommend reading :). Until the cause of obsessions, not to repeat similar movements is very difficult - even if even the effort of the will, the child will disappear, for example, to distort the shoulders, obsession will turn into another action. In this case, each excitement or anxiety may aggravate obsessive movements. Stutter I. nervous tick Also included in the group of obsessive manifestations (we recommend reading :).


Often Enurpere can be the only sign and manifestation of neurosis. It belongs to the disease in the case when there are traumatic situations and their consequences. In the absence of proper treatment, a teenager experiencing this problem may be obstacled, closedness or excessive vulnerability.

Food neurosis

Food behavioral neurosis is manifested by reluctance, the child often tears. Such a disease may occur in a child at any age - both in the infants and a teenager. The lack of treatment for the health of the child will fall into problems such as avitaminosis and anorexia. In such a way, the parents themselves are most often to blame, since the main reason for the occurrence of such behavioral neurosis is violent feeding, which gradually forms a disgust in the child to food and to the ritual itself. The lack of appetite in a child may indicate some internal experiences.

What is included in treatment?

In the case when the neurotic disease is already diagnosed, it is advisable to discuss further actions with the doctor. Make it just necessary, otherwise further development The identity of the child will go through the neurotic path. The basis of treatment is psychotherapy aimed at correcting the situation in the family and the correction of the educational process.

Medical therapy in the treatment of children's neurosis has a secondary meaning. At the same time, parents need to understand that drugs for the treatment of neurosis can only be prescribed by experienced doctors. In most cases, soothing drugs and multivitamin complexes are used.

Types and tasks of psychotherapy in children's neurosis

Psychotherapy can be three species: individual, family and group. The doctor must examine the situation in the family. With a small child, role games will be relevant, nice results In the fight against neurosis, art therapy and autogenous workouts give. Since the treatment of child neurosis can stretch in time, the active participation of parents is of particular importance, but without correction of the situation at home, psychotherapy can only have a temporary effect.

So, in one of the articles of Dr. Komarovsky neurosis in children are determined precisely as reversible disorders of mental activity. Unlike manic-depressive psychosis and schizophrenia, children's neurosis has its own reason for a psychotrarming factor. The main task of the doctor in this situation is exactly the definition of such a factor. A psychotrarming factor will be eliminated - recovery will come. The same parents themselves determine the cause of child neurosis is extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible.

Conduct complex therapy of neurotic states in children of different ages can:

  • neurologist;
  • pediatrician;
  • psychotherapist.

The survey of the child from a specialist will help identify the type of neurological problem and the degree of its development


To prevent the occurrence of neurosis, it is necessary to understand the features of its appearance. It has a great importance to ensure a favorable climate in the family and the choice of the right line of education. To resort to treatment with psychotherapists and neurologists do not have to have, if a child is from early age The mode is adjusted and moderate physical exertion is provided.

The main treatment for the kids up to the year is the parent woman. Only with its help the child is formed the foundation of confidence in the world around. Main rod for normal mental state The child is a stream of love and patience by native people, without this, the process of treatment and prevention of neurotic states cannot be successful. In addition, not the last role plays the provision of sufficient and balanced nutrition, as well as the formation favorable conditions Sleep, since sleep disorders may cause an asthenic state.

Parents have to deal with many problems in the child. A lot of problems deliver neurosis in children who are a person's response to stress, negative impacts, psychological injuries. The neurosis is found in children over 3 years, since it is after this age that the formation of a person begins. The later this disease will manifest, the brighter will be his symptoms.

From lack of information, parents include neurosis to mental diseases. They believe that the treatment of benefits will not bring. This pathology is reversible, so it is necessary to apply efforts for treatment and is extremely important.

At present, the most famous researcher of deviations in the functioning of higher nerve processes, which are neurosis, is Alexander Ivanovich Zakharov. He wrote two monographs, which were combined into a guide, which is successful in psychotherapists.

As a psychologist-practitioner Zakharov allocated the main reasons for the appearance of pathology in children:

  • sharp changes in the usual rhythm or lifestyle;
  • the beginning of regular visits to the children's team;
  • sudden fright, stress;
  • long-term physical or emotional loads;
  • changes inside the family, to which the croche was not ready.

Not every child, after such situations, the causes of neurosis appear. This is due to the fact that kids have different psyche resistance. Risk factors can be:

  • hereditary predisposition to the damage to the nervous system;
  • past illnesses;
  • lacking;
  • family difficulties, problems in relations between parents;
  • pathology, psychological injuries during pregnancy at the mother, hypoxia of the fetus.

Deviations will be noticeable in different ways. They depend on: the age of the child, its gender, the physique, the characteristics of temperament. The easiest neurosis proceeds from Sanguitics and phlegmatic. The most vulnerable to external influences children with low self-esteem, as well as the experiencing crisis period (3 or 7 years, transitional age).

Psychotrauma and their features

Zakharov considers psychological injuries to be the main cause of children's neurotic disorders - a change in the consciousness of the baby because of events that disturb him, disturbing, oppressing. They are most often the transitional period to neurological violations. From joyful events, the psyche does not change. The danger of neurotic abnormalities is that they are able to repeatedly appear in a person's life, to take the form of obsessive phobias. It happens even if neurosis was successfully worked with a psychotherapist, cured by methods complex therapy. There are two mechanisms for the formation of neurotic disorders:

  • under the action of one factor (war, fire, accident, parental divorce, sharp change of residence or other similar event);
  • the simultaneous action of several factors.

Because of the peculiarities of the psyche, children can respond differently to irritating factors. For one, a sharp beep of the car can cause neurosis, and for another just an unpleasant sound. Repeat repetitions will exacerbate deviations.

The age of the child is important. In two years, the cause of neurosis can be the first trip in kindergarten, separation with parents, household quarrel or summer thunder. More than more older kids, a more serious factor should serve as a more serious factor: systematic physical punishment, strong fears, an unfavorable family situation, lasting long (regular scandals, parental divorce).

Common "Running mechanisms" of neurosis

To understand how to treat neurosis, a psychologist must be drilled to the main reason for the occurrence of the problem. Therefore, every reason should be considered separately. The actions of parents become the basis for the occurrence of neurotic reactions. The most dangerous models of education are most dangerous:

A child is harder to experience many situations, as it can not change anything or independently act to influence them.

Due to the immature nervous system, the preschooler often responds often to external factors. A sharp change of life often leads to neurotic deviations. This applies to such external factors as moving, the beginning of the school visits, conflict situations with peers, intra-family transformation. An additional risk factor can be characteristics of the character of crumbs:

Most researchers believe that neurosis in a safely educated child cannot appear. The fact is that with strong stress parents help them cope with excessive load on the nervous system, so serious deviations Does not reach. Neurotic reactions They may have: if you do not pay attention to the symptoms, it is incorrect to choose the upbringing tactics, to pay a little attention to. It is not necessary to be afraid of neurosis, it can be cured, and the maintenance of a psychologist will help completely rewind the cause of the appearance of deviation.

General symptomatics

If the situation has occurred in your family that is a risk factor, it is worth paying attention to the symptoms and the treatment of this pathology. The kid can notice the following signs of neurosis:

  • change character traits and behavior;
  • manifestation of aggression or despair;
  • varying, increased anxiety;
  • tears, hysterics for no reason.

Manifestations of stress and neurotic deviations can be physically manifested:

Symptoms of neurosis in children is often taken for a small fright or short-term disorder due to other external factors. To accurately determine children's neurosis, you need to show the baby to the doctor. Pre-analyze his behavior so that the specialist get a more complete picture of the illness.

Features of different types of neurosis

Symptoms help determine the specific type of deviation. Children's neurosis are several species, each of which has its own characteristics:

Insection of urine and feces are isolated into certain types of neurotic reactions. They require more careful treatment, as they can cause new fears, constraints and diseases. Usually to incontinence of different types lead hereditary predispositions and chronic diseases. Sometimes they themselves become symptoms of phobias and fears.

Features of diagnosis

Neurotic reactions in children require careful diagnosis. First of all, it is necessary to undergo surveys from a neurologist and a pediatrician to remove the organic causes of the disease. The next step is the diagnosis of a psychologist or psychotherapist:

  • frank dialogue with parents, which allows you to get detailed information about the child's life;
  • psychological testing of parents to explore the microclimate in the family;
  • several conversations with the baby;
  • observation of gaming activities;
  • study of drawings.

Based on the psychological survey data and obtained from specialists, an accurate type of neurotic reaction is established, its degree and features. Hospital treatment With this diagnosis, it is not necessary, but the whole family needs to be followed by the recommendations of the psychotherapist.

The examination of the parents becomes the first step of family psychotherapy. Adults will have to visit a psychologist several times to learn to create a favorable microclimate in the family.

Methods of psychotherapeutic treatment

The best way to treat any species of neurosis is psychotherapy. It can be several species.

Multiple stages of work with the whole family. All begins with surveys and joint discussion of problems. Adults should be attended at the reception. After a specialist finds out the causes of neurotic disorder, he is appointed joint classes for therapy. They are the final stage of work with the whole family.

With complex disorders or under certain reasons are held individual sessions According to the methods:

  • clarifying;
  • gaming;
  • art therapy;
  • autogenic training;
  • suggestion (suggestive therapy);
  • hypnotic impact (only in case of complex cases).

The specialist selects the most appropriate method of influence based on the features of the baby. For preschoolers, art therapy and gaming methods are most often used. For schoolchildren, clarifying and other techniques are suitable. Than older childMoreover, classes will be built.

The psychotherapist method chooses only after establishing contact with the baby. You can not pick up ways of work as keys, as there will be much time to take such classes. If he does not work with a crumb trust relationship, it is best to change the specialist.

With special cases, neurotic pathologies are supposed to use group therapy. Indications for it can be: egocentricity, overestimated requirements, difficulties in communicating with peers (suitable for timid, shy, concrete, shy and modest kids), complex family conflicts. The duration of one group session in preschoolers should be at least 45 minutes, and more adult chad up to 90 minutes. When the course is passed, the kids are offered to play, joint creativity, disassemble complex situations.

Many parents refuse group trainings, which is completely in vain. They help to reveal the characters of each child, teach them to communicate, remove the complexes and constraints while surrounded by other people. This method treats neurosis well and has high proven efficacy.

It is possible to achieve the effect of the use of psychotherapy only if parents are involved in the process and want to achieve results. Otherwise, it will help not fully - the symptoms of neurotic disorder will be periodically manifested in the life of matured crumbs.

Correction of medicines: In what cases is justified?

It is mistaken to assume that medicines are able to get rid of the need for treatment with psychotherapy. In the treatment of children's neurosis, they are secondary importance and affect only separate symptoms. Most often, medicines are included in complex therapy. In addition to them, relaxing physiotherapeutic procedures are appointed. Among drugs, experts prefer:

  • vitamins of group B, as well as ascorbic acid;
  • diuretic and renal fees (only with pediatric permission);
  • nootrops - piracetam or nootropyl;
  • reduced asthenia drugs;
  • dosage herbs tincture with soothing effect.

Fitotherapy uses long-term courses up to 6 to 8 weeks. Simultaneously with the reception of such drugs it is necessary to carry out psychotherapy, then the effect will be stronger and longer. Asthenic symptoms are removed only under the supervision of a neurologist and pediatrician. Most often for therapy use healing herbs with toning and a common effect.

Neurosis does not require treatment with strong tranquilizers. They, along with antidepressants, are used only in complication in the form of hyperactivity, disbuits. Such drugs are written out only after full examination, psychiatrist. The rest of the specialists have no opportunity to issue a recipe for a strong agent.

For the treatment of neurosis, it is not necessary to get involved in pharmacological means. Parents need to determine the cause of violations, analyze their own behavior, find contact with the psychologist. No need to deny the problem than before the baby will be assisted, the less likely the appearance of signs neurological violations in adulthood. Remember that some types of disorders are hazardous by the appearance of thoughts on suicide or violations of the body's livelihood systems.

In the world of information technology, people sometimes forget about the importance of live communication. The worst thing, when small children suffer from a lack of parental attention and care, becoming closed and sullen. Our time can be called the epoch of the cooking divorces - each second family breaks his marriage union. There is no doubt that accommodation and upbringing in an incomplete family or with a non-rigid stepmother / stepfather adversely affects the child's rapid psyche. It is necessary to know how to properly carry out neurosis in children.

Neurosis - This is a disorder of the nervous system that occurs as a response to psychotrauming stimuli. In pathology, there is a lag in the development of important higher nerve functions.

Description of neurosis issues

Important! According to statistics, a quarter of all children aged from 2 to 5 years old suffers from children's neurosis.

The risk of neuroses is that the kids under the age of 3 years do not know how to fully explain their fears, frights and emotions, and therefore it is difficult to identify and treat neurosis in the shortest possible time. In the untimely detection of deviations, either in the inactivity of neurosis can continue until adolescence.

If you have noticed the baby with one or several symptoms of the disease, you need to immediately apply for treatment to the doctor. It will diagnose, reveal the cause of the disease, will write the necessary course of treatment.

So, how to properly undergo neurosis treatment in children, how to determine this disease?

Causes of occurrence

Neuroses in children - A fairly common disease, nevertheless, deeperated by treatment with the timely identification of the disease. The immature nervous system of children is very susceptible to psychological influence from outside, therefore neurosis most often, first manifest themselves in childhood.

Attention! Nervous disorders begin to develop between 2 to 3 years, or from 5 to 7 years. Parents should pay special attention to the state of the child, which is in this vulnerable age and begin treatment.

The mistake of most parents is that they often do not pay attention to the manifestations of the child's anxiety, believing that the "nervous" period will pass by itself. However, neurosis, without proper treatment, can not pass. Accurate diagnosis and immediate treatment for the elimination of the neurotic state is necessary.

Non-reposition of help with a negros-like state can lead to problems in communicating with the surrounding people, and affect general state Health. In the end, neuroses can lead to global changes in the psychological mistake of the individual without treatment.

Before you begin the treatment of neurosis in children, you need to find out what kind of factors ossed its appearance. No treatment will help if not eliminating negative stress factors, as they will continue to influence the children's psyche, breaking it all stronger.

Most children's neuroses occur against the background of an unstable situation in the family. If parents often swear, talk to each other on elevated tones or, worse, apply physical violence relative to each other, then not surprisingly the occurrence of deviations in the psyche of the child.

The formation of neurosis can affect:

  • type of upbringing (hyperopka, authoritarian education, rejection);
  • temperament;
  • paul and child's age;
  • body structure (normal physique, asthenic or hypersthenic);
  • some character traits (shyness, excitability, hyperactivity).

Attention! It has been proven that neurosis is characteristic of children with leadership inclinations, who wants to be better than the rest, those who want to be number one.

Factors causing neurosis can be classified according to the following groups:

Social factors:

  • Redundant or insufficient living chat with a child;
  • The inability or reluctance of parents to understand and solve children's problems and begin treatment;
  • The presence in the family of regular traumatic events - alcoholism, drug addiction, slutty behavior of parents;
  • Invalid type of education - excessive guardianship or, on the contrary, insufficient manifestation of attention and care;
  • Being intimidation of children with a threat of punishment or non-existent evil characters (only harms the treatment of neurosis).

Socio-cultural factors:

  • Accommodation in a major city;
  • Insufficient amount of time for a full-fledged family vacation;
  • Adverse housing conditions.

Socio-economic factors:

  • Constant presence of parents at work;
  • Attraction to raising children of strangers;
  • An incomplete family or the presence of a stepmother / stepfather.

Biological factors:

  • Frequent inhappings, insomnia;
  • Genetic inheritance mental disorder;
  • Intellectual or physical excessive loads;
  • Pathology during pregnancy, called fetal hypoxy.

Important! The method of treating neurosis in children is selected based on the causes of its causes and type of neurosis.

Symptoms of neurosis in children

Nervous disorder can manifest itself in different ways. Signs of neurosis directly depend on its variety, however, a number of common symptoms characteristic of all nerity-like states can be distinguished.

  • Violations of sleep mode. The symptom can manifest itself in the form of insomnia, lunatism, frequent nightmares. Children who have this symptom are very difficult to wake up in the morning, because during the night they cannot sleep because of constantly interrupted and restless sleep. Nebrosis treatment must be started to eliminate such symptoms;
  • Appetite disorder. In children of preschool and younger school age, the appetite disorder can manifest itself in the form of refusal from food, the emergence of a vomit reflex when eating. In adolescents, bulimia or anorexia occurs as neurotic reactions. Immediately begin the treatment of neurosis at this age.
  • The rapid appearance of fatigue, lethargy, muscle pain, even after minor loads;
  • External manifestations of nervousness, such as a frequent plasticity, sprinkling nails, hair. To combat such factors, you need to turn to the doctor for the treatment of neurosis;
  • Frequent headaches and dizziness requiring treatment;
  • Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Physical deviations from the norm, such as respiratory impairment, increased sweating, change arterial pressure. Require urgent treatment neurosis;
  • Attacks of rapid fear, in the launched cases leading to hallucinations. Little children may be afraid of the darkness and monsters melting in it. Nebrosis treatment in this case should be comprehensive;
  • State of stupor, inhibition;
  • Depressive, depressed states.

Parents when finding irritability, plasticity, nervousness of the child should immediately show it to those skilled in the art and begin treatment. Of course, children's doctor The pediatrician in this trouble can not help. You need to handle directly to a positively proven to the children's psychotherapist, which has a rich experience in the treatment of neurosis in children.

Children from a risk group get rich in neurosis

Neurological deviations are most often manifested in children with certain peculiarities of mental activity and character type.

Thus, neurosis most often appear in children who:

  • Telling to the bright expression of their emotions and feelings. Such children really need love and attention from a close environment. If the need for care is not satisfied, children begin to disturb doubts and fears that they do not like them that they do not need anyone;
  • Often sick. Parents belong to often sick children very carefully, excessively flowing, treat and protect. In children, in such a situation, a sense of helplessness is formed, turning into the nerity-like syndrome;
  • Brought up in a disadvantaged family. Neuroses are subject to children raised in asocial families, in shelters and orphanages.

Even if your child cannot be correlated with the categories presented, it does not guarantee that it does not get rich in neurosis. To identify mental disorder and start treatment will help attentive observation of changes in the behavior of the child.

Varieties of neurosis

Psychologists and neurologists have proposed a lot of classification of neurotic states on various criteria. The most simple is their division by clinical manifestations For faithful treatment of neurosis.

Neuroses of obsessive states

Neuroses of obsessive movements - The most common variety of mental disorder in childhood. The disease can be accompanied by frequent blinking, cuffs, shuddering.

Obsessive states - These are unconscious, often repetitive actions that arise with a strongest emotional burst due to shocks or experienced stress.

A child suffering from this type of neurosis can:

  1. nibble nails or suck fingers;
  2. touch your genitals;
  3. pull the limbs
  4. twist and tele hair.

If obsessive actions in early childhood do not be treated, they can again manifest themselves at the outbreaks of a nervous state at older.

The child often understands that the actions that have repeatedly performed can be immoral in nature, not approved in society. This may entail a sense of alienation from society - closure, uninforcement, introversion. If you immediately begin treatment of neurosis, you can avoid bad habits.

The neurosis of obsessive states is accompanied not only by the constant repetition of some kind of actions of the child, but also by the general symptoms of this disease, such as sleep disorders, an increased conversion, disruption of appetite.

Neurosis associated with a sense of fear

The neurosis of the feeling of fear has many variations - from the fear of darkness to the fear of death. The attacks most often arise during dreams, or when the child remained alone for a long time. It is necessary to immediately begin treatment of neurosis.

The specifics of fears depends on the age of the child:

  • The kids under the age of 7 often the fear of staying one house, fear of darkness, fear of fictional characters from artistic works or cartoons. The mistake of parents is to intentionally provoke the formation of this variety of neurosis, specially disappeared by children by Babay, a police or an evil wolf. It will expand the treatment of neurosis.
  • Children of primary school age develops fear of getting a bad assessment, reprimand from the teacher in front of the whole class, the fear of more adult guys. Against the background of these fears, the child may refuse to go to school, motivating his refuses to be deceived (illness, bad well-being). At the time of treatment, neurosis needs to encourage the child more often.

The risk group of the emergence of this type of neurosis includes children who did not attend kindergartens, most time spent at home. As a rule, they do not know how to communicate properly with peers and are very worried about this. Such children require proper treatment of neurosis.


Neurasthenia- This is a disorder of the nervous system, manifested in rapid fatigue, apathy and insufficient concentration of attention. Along with the above symptoms, there is a low level of physical activity.

As a rule, this type of neurosis arises from schoolchildren of different ages Due to high loads at school. If the child visits additional circles or sections, the risk of neurasthenia becomes even higher.

The risk group includes children with weakened health, physically not prepared. Such children react very sharply to external stimuli. Usually they are injected, often cry, suffer from the lack of appetite, sleep disorders. Neurotic reactions entail migraine, disorders in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system. Such neurosis requires treatment.

Depressive neurosis

This type of neurosis is characterized only for teenagers. The child seeks to move away from adults, is experiencing first love, relations with peers, constantly crying. Against the background of the nervous disorder, there is a drop in self-esteem, deterioration of relations with parents, a decrease in school academic performance.

A child suffering from a sense of depression can be calculated on external signs - the expression of sadness on the face, quiet obscure speech, inexpressive facial expressions and gestures. Usually, adolescents are in a state of depressive neurosis are sediments, almost nothing eaten, sleeps little at night. A depressive state requires urgent treatment to avoid more severe, irreversible consequences - such as suicide. At the first signs, neurosis treatment should be started.

Hysterical neurosis

Hysterlets are peculiar to small children of preschool age in the case when they fail to get the desired. Such kids with loud screams can beat their heads about the wall, ride on the floor, to stack legs. A child can pretend to show the scene of hysterical cough, vomiting, choking. Often hysterics are accompanied by a seasulus limbs that require treatment.

Important! Sometimes untimely neurosis treatment in children can cause logoneurosis, anorexia or urinary incontinence.

Treatment in children

Parents, finding signs of developing neurosis from their child, the question is beginning to be asked - what doctor does neurosis treat in children? It goes without saying that this question is not included in the competence of an ordinary pediatrician. In such a situation, you need to contact a professional child psychotherapist for treatment. It is psychotherapy that is the main method of treating this ailment.

Treatment nerve disorders With the help of mental influences is called psychotherapy. Together with the child, the course of treatment of psychotherapy is recommended to go through and his parents - it contributes to the normalization of the situation in the family, the establishment of contacts, strengthen the marriage relationships and correction of educational processes. In order to increase the effectiveness of psychotherapy treatment, physiotherapy and reflexotherapy is possible. In extreme cases, in coordination with a specialist during psychotherapy, additional treatment with drugs is allowed.

Three types of treatment of psychotherapy are distinguished:

  1. Family treatment. It is carried out in several stages. Initially, the psychotherapist studies the psychological situation in the family, reveals possible problems For treatment. Then family conversations are held with the involvement of the older generation - grandmothers and grandparents. At the next stage, a psychotherapist organizes a joint activity of a child with parents - games, drawing for treatment. In the process of the game, parents with children can change roles. During such treatment, the optimal variant of family relationships that promotes to get rid of psychological conflicts is established.
  2. Individual treatment. Psychotherapist can use psychological suggestion techniques, art therapy techniques, autogenous training. Many children helps calm down and bring the nerves in order the drawing process. In addition, a specialist, watching the child in the process of drawing, can make its psychological portrait - features of the personality, the level of self-esteem, the presence of fantasy, the volume of the horizontal treatment. Game therapy is aimed at creating stressful situationsFrom which the child must find the way out itself.
  3. Group treatment. Used in the treatment of neurosis in children in the running stage. The number of group members depends on their age - than younger children, the less they should be in the group for treatment. In total, children in the group should not have more than 8 people. Babies in groups together attend exhibitions, museums, discuss the impressions gained for proper treatment. In the process of group therapy, the skill of communication with peers is developing, psychological barriers are crumbling, self-esteem rises.

Nebrosis treatment in children involves the use of therapeutic methods, such as hypnosis, tales treatment, game therapy, phytotherapy. It is not recommended to begin treatment with the reception of drugs - to this option it is possible to resort only when psychotherapy does not have a proper positive impact. Of course, the reception of medicines for treatment should be coordinated with a doctor and strictly follow its regulations. Carry out the prevention of neurosis state in advance.

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