Dysbacteriosis in children 3 years old drugs. Dysbacteriosis in a child - symptoms and intestinal treatment in infants

Parents of the first year of life are often faced with such a concept as "dysbacteriosis". In our country, dysbacteriosis, until recently, was considered a disease, but now it becomes increasingly the opinion that this is a fictional and non-existent disease. And, indeed, this is not a disease, but a special state of the body - intestinal dysfunction, caused by a disorder of equilibrium in the ratio of useful and harmful microorganisms, with them a child under a year there are signs of discomfort in the abdomen.

Such a state for infants, born 1, 2 or 3 months ago, is quite normal. However, it is still required to adjust the nutritional mothers menu and, if necessary, the treatment of a baby. In other cases, when a child is older than 5 months, you should consult a doctor to clarify the causes of the intestinal disorders.

The internal intestinal environment of the child consists of a variety of different microorganisms. The most important are bifido and lactobacillia.

Bifidobacteria begin to prevail in the intestinal microflora in babies by the end of the 1st week of life. They synthesize amino acids, proteins, vitamin K, group vitamins, pantothen, nicotin and folic acid. Provide the right process of suction by the intestinal walls of vitamin D, iron and calcium ions.

Lactobacillia is involved in the formation of formation of lactic acid, lusions and substances with antibiotic activity. These bacteria play an important role, as they produce lactase, helping to split lactose, in turn, the warning development of lactose insufficiency.

When the intestinal microflora is forming

The microflora of the child's intestinal begins to emerge more intrauterine, genetically, in the early months of pregnancy. To ensure the health of the fetus, a woman must eat and not have sexual diseases, subsequently transmitted newborn.

The population of the first bacteria occurs during the passage of the child by the generic paths, with the first sigh, the first applied to the chest together with the mother's colostrum, and then in the first 3-5 days of the life of the baby in the process of feeding and interaction with the environment. During this time, it is necessary as closely as possible, follow the hygiene of the baby and all the objects in contact with it. Children 1 month of life it is undesirable to give discounts in the form of milk mixtures and cow's milk. The not prepared system of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal and gastric tract) will not cope with the digestion of new food, and will lead to the appearance of dysbacteriosis. It is very important, throughout the first month, the baby should only eat the mother's milk containing everything necessary for the formation of immunity: bifidogenic substances for microflora, contributing to the increase in the number of bifidobacteria in the intestine, and immunoglobulins (antibodies) from infections that affect the mother.

Symptoms indicating the availability of dysbiosis

The main symptoms of dysbacteriosis in infants are changing the color and consistency of the feces, as well as deterioration of the skin of the skin.

In healthy newborns for 1-2 days there is a thick, viscous, dark green calm, called Mekonia. After 2-5 days, it changes, becomes clearer, swinging, changes the color to yellow or light brown. But for another 3 months, in the diaper, together with the fell, you will find a little greenery impurities or mucus, is considered the norm. At first, the intestinal emptying frequency in children of the first month of life reaches 5-10 times a day, but to achieve 2 months of age, the chair is normalized up to 1 time in 2-3 days. It is worth remembering, the children over 5 months old, with the introduction of feeding on the frequency of the chair, vegetables and fruits with a laxative effect can influence the stool.

But in patients with babies there is a diarrhea. Caliac masses can acquire a sharp unpleasant smell, becomes foamy, green, with large content mucus or streams of blood. In this case, the surrender is necessary for the analysis of dysbacteriosis and its subsequent treatment.

General symptoms that appear in children up to a year with a violation of the intestinal work:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • decrease in appetite and body weight;
  • the presence of spasms in the intestine (while the child cries loudly and sweeps legs under itself);
  • frequent joining or vomiting;
  • bloating and the rice of the abdomen;
  • diarrhea;
  • pallitude of the skin;
  • anxiety and capriciousness.

For what reasons, the intestinal microflora disorders appears

The newborn for 3-4 weeks is the active sequestment of intestines by microorganisms. The ratio of the number and composition of microbes during this period of time is still poorly established, and the child appears transient dysbacteriosis, which is a temporary phenomenon of the process of becoming immunity of crumbs. In 1, the intestinal microflora changes for the better, and already in 2 years the combination of useful and harmful bacteria becomes like an adult.

Easy imbalance in the intestinal operation in children after 5 months causes the introduction of lure, and the newborn causes the causes of milk mixtures.

But there are causes of dysbiosis more serious

First of all, in the consequence of acute intestinal infection, such as food poisoning. The number of pathogenic microbes increases and begins to prevail over useful, as a result of which the internal organs are possible.

Fungus Candida (thrush) becomes frequent cause The emergence of dysbacteriosis. Signs of its appearance - the presence of light gray fleets covering the mucous membrane of the child's intestinal.

Obtaining a useful flora, staphyloccoons can settle in the intestines. The most common is golden staphylococcus, infects them a child in the hospital. His symptoms are purulent spindlers on the skin, similar to the dress, and the overall blood infection.

Antibiotics treatment absolutely causes an imbalance in children in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, regardless of their age.

Consequences of dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis often becomes the reason for the appearance of an allergic reaction in a child, diseases of bronchial asthma, pneumonia or inflammation of urination bodies. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria from the intestine fall into urethra and blood.

Colitis in children of 1-5 months of life is also a consequence of the violation of the tract, accompanied by poor food digestion and the absorption of beneficial substances.

How to treat?

Pediatricians and gastroenterologists argue, the treatment of dysbacteriosis will be effective only with the initial elimination of factors affecting the reproduction of harmful microorganisms in the Tolstoy intestine, since the artificial population of microflora lactobacterium is not always the right solution. Because the data of bacteria differ from the lactic acids contained in the child's intestine.

More proper treatment will be based on improving the quality and normalization of the diet, as well as appointment for the child of the first year of life medicinal preparationseliminating the causes of the emergence of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Always remember, the baby has chances to get sick and in 1 month, and in 2 months, and at 3 years, and even after it becomes an adult. Unfortunately, this state arises throughout the life of the child. Observe the rules of hygiene, the diet, less subjected to crumbling diseases and in the future you will not need treatment.

Dysbacteriosis in children is a violation of the normal ratio of bond and elective microorganisms in the intestine in favor of the latter.

According to various studies, the violation of intestinal biocenosis is determined by 25-50% of healthy children of the first year of life. In children with somatic diseases, those or other forms of intestinal dysbiosis are diagnosed in almost 100% of cases.

The composition of the microflora, which populates the intestine of the newborn, depends on the method of the delivery, environment in the neonatal period, feeding. During the passage of the generic paths, as well as breastfeeding The child receives the main part of the bond microflora. In colostrum and breast milk there are immune factors that prevent the colonization of the intestine of a conditioned pathogenic microflora. Therefore, it is important to apply a newborn to the chest in the first two hours after birth.

With long-term intestinal dysbacteriosis, immunodeficiency develops, as a result of which the child becomes susceptible to infectious diseases.

During the first week of life, a large number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to the development of the intestinal transient dysbiosis, which is usually completed in the second week of the child's life (as the lacto and bifidobacteriums are displaced by other representatives of intestinal microbiocenosis). The normal microflora prevents the intestinal population of pathogenic microorganisms, participates in the development of some vitamins, metabolism, the formation of immunity, stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and performs some other function necessary for normal life. Under the influence of adverse factors, the normal intestinal flora in a child may not form, and transient dysbacteriosis goes into a true.

Causes and risk factors

Dysbacteriosis refers to polyethological disorders whose development can contribute both exogenous and endogenous causes.

The risk factors of dysbacteriosis in newborns and infants include:

  • presence in a pregnant woman infectious inflammatory diseases urogenital tract;
  • complicated pregnancy and / or childbirth;
  • child's presence;
  • later attaching a child to the chest;
  • irrational food of the mother during breastfeeding period;
  • mastitis in a nursing mother;
  • early translation of the child to artificial feeding;
  • wrong care for the child.
Dysbacteriosis in children of the first year of life, as a rule, does not require treatment. Best tool Normalization of the intestinal microflora balance in this case is natural feeding.

In older children, the following factors contribute to the development of dysbiosis:

  • frequent acute respiratory viral infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • unbalanced nutrition (with a predominance in the diet of carbohydrates and proteins of animal origin);
  • long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs;
  • changes in hormonal background;
  • the impact on the body of adverse environmental factors;
  • surgical interventions;

Forms of dysbiosis in children

Depending on the predominance of one or another conditionally pathogenic microflora dysbacteriosis in children, the following types are:

  • candidomic;
  • staphylococcal;
  • protein;
  • associated.

By clinical flow The pathological process may be latent, i.e. hidden, local, i.e., local or genralized, i.e. common.

Depending on the species and quantitative composition of microflora, four degrees of dysbacteriosis in children are determined.

  1. The predominance of anaerobic microorganisms, the amount of bifidobacteria more than 107-108 (colony-forming units) in 1 g of feces, no more than two types of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms in the amount of 102-104 in 1 g of feces.
  2. Equal than aerobic and anaerobic microflora, an increase in the concentration of lactosionagative and hemolytic intestinal sticks, the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is 106-107 in 1 g of feces.
  3. The predominance of aerobic microflora up to the complete absence of lacto and bifidobacteria, a significant increase in the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Associated dysbacteriosis; The absolute predominance of a conditioned pathogenic microflora, which acquires resistance to most antibacterial drugs.
An important, or rather, the diet is primary in the treatment of dysbacteriosis.

According to clinical and bacteriological indicators, dysbacteriosis in children can be compensated (corresponded to the I-II degree) subcompensated (corresponds to II-III degree) and decompensated (corresponding to III-IV degree).

Compensated dysbacteriosis in children, as a rule, proceeds without any obvious clinical signs and is detected during the survey on another occasion.

At the subcompancing stage, infants appear frequent joins, vomiting, decreased appetite, rumbling in the abdomen, meteorism, spasms along the intestine. The child is poorly gaining weight, manifests anxiety, irritability, he has a dream. The feces are usually abundant, liquid or cascidious consistency, foam, contain a mix of mucus. Steel calm or greenish color, with a grinding or sour smell. Children with dysbacteriosis can be observed an increase in the number of fat components in feces (steatheree), protein-energy failure, polyhypovitaminosis, anemia, physical development delay. The processes of fermentation and rotting occurring in the intestines lead to autoamergication with phenomena of urticaria, atopic dermatitis.

Among the signs of dysbacteriosis in an older child, elevated salivation, an unpleasant smell of mouth, frequent belching, heartburn, intestinal colic, excessive gas formation, pain in the top of the abdomen, a feeling of cutting the stomach after meals, as well as diarrhea, constipation or their alternation, This feast of the patient has uneven staining. Children appear in the angles of the mouth, the bleeding of the gums, acne, furunculosis, hair lone and nail, dryness skin Pokrov, headaches, irritability, weakness and fast fatigue. The generalized form of dysbacteriosis in children (especially on the background of the immunodeficiency) can manifest itself with glossite, heylitis, balanopostitis or vulvit, candidiasis of smooth skin, visceral candidiasis.

According to various studies, the violation of intestinal biocenosis is determined by 25-50% of healthy children of the first year of life.

In severe cases, the child with dysbacteriosis increases the body temperature, chills appears, grasp the abdomen (mainly in the afternoon), nausea, diarrhea.


A pediatrician and a children's gastroenterologist are attracted to the diagnosis, a laboratory analysis is required for dysbacteriosis in children.

During the physical diagnosis, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes is estimated, soreness is determined in the course of the intestine during palpation, the bloating.

Laboratory diagnostics Dysbacteriosis is to carry out biochemical and / or bacteriological analysis on dysbacteriosis in children (Cala, bile research). Microbiological criteria are a decrease in the amount of lacto and bifidobacteria, a decrease or an increase in the concentration of typical intestinal wand, an increase in the number of microscopic fungi, cockkops, clostridium.

To determine the etiological factor may be needed ultrasound procedure organs abdominal cavity, Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, a laboratory study of feces on Giardia, Eggs of worms, a copron, biochemical blood test.

Differential diagnosis It is carried out with mallabsorption syndrome, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, acute intestinal infections.

Dysbacteriosis in children of the first year of life, as a rule, does not require treatment. The best means of normalizing the balance of intestinal microflora in this case is natural feeding.

Effective treatment of dysbacteriosis in children, first of all, requires the elimination of the cause of the development of the pathological process.

In colostrum and breast milk there are immune factors that prevent the colonization of the intestine of a conditioned pathogenic microflora. Therefore, it is important to apply a newborn to the chest in the first two hours after birth.

In order to normalize the intestinal biocenosis, probiotics are usually assigned (contain monocultures of useful microorganisms or their combination), prebiotics (contribute to the growth and reproduction of representatives of the normal intestinal microflora), symbiotics (combined drugs that combine probiotics), bacteriophages (lyse pathogenic microorganisms). In some cases, the need for antibiotic therapy may arise.

The state of the intestine microflora inhibitively depends on the nature of its feeding. In case of breast feeding in the microflora, there are predominantly bifidobacteria of some kinds (Bifidobacterium: Bifidum, Infantis, Breve), with artificial feeding - another type of bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium Longum), increases the number of lactobacilli, and also increases the number of burtheroids and Weionell, which increase gas formation and can be The cause of an unstable stool.

Starting from 3 years of age, changes in the microbial composition of the intestine (instead of Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium ado-lescentis appears). Therefore, in the treatment of dysbacteriosis selection medicines It is carried out taking into account the nature of the feeding and age of the child.


In order to be more convenient to navigate in a variety of clinical manifestations of dysbacteriosis, they were combined into 3 groups in accordance with the degrees and corresponding changes to them and in the normal intestinal microflor.

I Degree of dysbacteriosis

For this stage, it is characterized by a decrease in the number of bifido- or lactobacilli or both of those and others at the same time by 1-2 orders. The number of intestinal chopsticks is also changing - decreases (up to 80%) or, on the contrary, increases with the appearance of their modified forms (Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, E. coli).

Children appear symptoms of intestinal dysfunction:

  • reduced appetite;
  • unstable body weight curve;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • uneven painting of carts.

II Degree of dysbacteriosis

This stage is characterized by the emergence of one type of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms or entire associations of conditionally pathogenic bacteria in small concentrations.

Children can show the symptoms of a variety of diseases.

Gastritis symptoms:

  • abdominal pain associated with food intake;
  • dispersal disorders: belching, nausea, heartburn, vomiting;
  • symptom slipping;
  • swelling;
  • decline in appetite;
  • refusal of food;
  • a feeling of cutting after meals;
  • pain in the asshole (top of the abdomen);
  • flatulence;
  • constipation.

Symptoms enteritis:

  • diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • stomach ache;
  • increase in fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • polyhypovitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • impairment of mineral metabolism;
  • disorder of intestinal suction;
  • chronic food disorder;
  • exudative enteropathy (loss of protein in the digestive tract).

Symptoms enterocolitis:

  • spastic abdominal pain;
  • flatulence;
  • symptom slipping;
  • failure to eat;
  • chair disorders: diarrhea under defeat thin gut, constipation in the damage to the colon, feces in the form of a sheep or tanning feces;
  • strengthening gases;
  • diarrhea;
  • growth retardation, body weight increases;
  • frustration of trophic processes (violation of metabolic processes, decrease in tissue elasticity, etc.);
  • polyhypovitaminosis (shortage of vitamins);
  • anemia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • impairment of the intestinal absorption function;
  • metabolic disease.

Symptoms colitis:

  • chair disorders: constipation, diarrhea, unstable stool;
  • pain syndrome;
  • flatulence;
  • incomplete intestinal emptying syndrome;
  • syndrome increased gas formation;
  • language is taxed.

For all forms of manifestations of dysbiosis characteristic:

  • sporadic (spontaneously arising) allergic reactions with changes in skin;
  • anemia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hypocalcemia.

III degree of dysbacteriosis

Heavy microflora disorders: high concentration of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms of both one species and associations.

During this period, children appear symptoms of transient bacteremia:

  • short-term increase in body temperature;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • catching abdominal pains, mainly in the afternoon;
  • syndrome of gastrointestinal dyspepsia;
  • bacteriuria (the presence of bacteria in the urine);
  • bacteriocholia (presence of bacteria in bile);
  • the foci of endogenous (internal) infection.


Very often, parents ask a question: Do I need to treat dysbacteriosis if nothing bothers nothing? Indeed, if a child has no signs of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea, non-emptying components of food, pain, jeeping or vomiting), if it does not have allergic manifestations, good appetite, it is cheerful and cheerful, then, of course, treatment can And do not need. After all, the disorder of the intestine microflora can be temporary. Teething, the introduction of new products, a single respiratory disease can lead to a short-term reduction in the number of normal microflora. But another thing is, if the child often sick, capricious, he has been reduced appetite, and the muscular tone is weak; In this case (even if it does not have any constipation, no diarrhea, prevention or correction of dysbacteriosis is necessary. Why? Because if medical events Not to start on time, after a few years a child may have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, immunity will be weakened.

In the last decade, pediatricians note an increase in the number of children, especially the first year of life having dysbacteriosis. In addition, some children have a delay in the development of vegetative nervous system intestine, later the beginning of the work of enzyme systems and imperfection immune system The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of such children is a considerable problem and, of course, differs from the treatment of adults.

The state of the child's health, especially breast, is very dependent on the state of the health of the mother. But, alas, recently, hormonal disorders in the body of mothers are becoming increasingly common, which affect the state of the kid, causing the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. These disorders are manifested in the form of jagging, intestinal colic, constipation, or, on the contrary, diarrhea.

The composition of the intestinal microflora of a child depends on passive immunity - those living leukocytes, immunoglobulins and other substances that are transmitted to the baby from the mother through blood in recent months of pregnancy, and after birth - through breast milkthat strengthens his immunity. The activity of non-specific protective mechanisms of the child is important, the level of operation of which depends on genetic factors. The state of the mother's microflora is even more important, because it is with her a child is found in the first minutes of his life. And if the mother has bowel dysbacteriosis, then the child will probably receive him inheritance.

Therefore, the first thing that parents should make to improve the condition of the child are to take care of the health of the mother. To do this, she must fully eat, take vitamins, enough to sleep. Substitutional teas and calm, relaxing music are recommended to improve its emotional state. In addition, the mother must be observed a diet (of course, if it feeds the breasts): it is necessary to limit the use of cabbage, tomatoes, peas, mushrooms, grapes, any smoked and sharp products. With a strong concern of the child in the mother's diet, the amount of milk is temporarily reduced (notice: decreases, and not completely excluded!). If a child has a rapid chair, then it must be excluded from their diet cucumbers, plums, beets, pumpkin. If the baby stops constipation, then it needs to limit the consumption of rice and bakery products.

If a child has a meteorism, an espumizan, sub-symplex or dysflatil - means that reduce gas formation can be appointed to it. It is also good to apply kid to yourself: dry warmth relaxes the spasmous intestine, and the child calms down.

Ideally, if the future mother is still before the birth of a child will make every effort to normalize their microflora. During pregnancy, it is possible to take such drugs such as Lie B, Narin-Forte, Bifiform, Santa Rus-B, Hilak Forte, Santa Rus-B, Hilak Forte, Proylans, especially if their reception will be combined with the use of soft sorbents - Fervital Extra, Zosterin-ultra 30% . The reception of sorbents is desirable to continue in the first months after the birth of the child.

Children on artificial feeding are recommended dense mixtures, warning vomiting and jeeping. These include freisons, non-iris-antireflux and OMENO. They can either feed the child, or add them at the end of each feeding. When the child's tendency to constipates are better suited to Omneo, freists or grades bifidus, and with a raised chair - non-iris-antirefluorux or low-column mixtures. You can feed the child and mixtures based on soy protein, but not constantly. Mixtures containing live bifi-and lactobacillia, such as lactofidus and nan milk milk, have also been well proven itself.

However, even such mixtures do not cancel the use of lively concentrated preparations containing bifido and lactobacilli. Reception of these drugs is very effective provided that they are taken for a long time (at least a month) and alternate with the reception of prebiotics, such as Hilak-Forte, or lactulose preparations (lactusan or duphalak syrups). In some cases, enzymes (Creon, Mezim-Forte) have to be prescribed, but their dosage should be selected individually.

It is useful to take enterosorbents almost every child, primarily Zosterian ultra 30%, which is even suitable for newborns. With sharp states, the smect is used. This enterosorbent contributes to the improvement of the properties of the surge of the gastrointestinal tract and protects the enterocytes (cells, lining the intestinal walls), but you can take it no more than 5 days, otherwise disorders may occur in the metabolism. Children from 3 years old and older recommended Fervital, which not only cleans the intestines, but also stimulates the growth of its own microflora.

In some cases, especially with excessive growth of pathogenic staphylococcus, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used, which is harmless to human viruses, affecting only staphylococci. Less often (after laboratory studiesOther bacteriophages can be appointed - klebselese, quiprotane, etc.

Children up to 3 months of age are prescribed mainly preparations containing bifi and lactobacilli. For older children, complex drugs, such as Linex, Nutridoofilus, Floralandofilus (Floraradoofilus), and others, can be appointed, and others. In the treatment of children over 1 years old, a long-term (up to 3 months) of the preparation of Santa Rus-b is effective. At the final recovery stage, the microflora can be used and laminolact.

If the child has any pathology on the part of the central nervous system, also necessarily the treatment prescribed by a neurologist, since otherwise the useful microflora will constantly "slip", "leave" from the intestine, whose wall "cooperates little" with it.

A special problem is the treatment of children with cerebral palsy (children's cerebral palsy). In this case, to achieve a good effect on the treatment of the main disease, it is necessary to be very long, at least 3 months in spring and autumn, relieving the manifestations of dysbacteriosis. Only in this case will be the effect of the main therapy.

Children after 1 year it is recommended to use products that stimulate the development of normal microflora: fermented milk, including Aktimel, Imuneel, Biofilakct; Products made of corn, buckwheat, unconservitated juices, cabbage, carrots, zucchini.

If hemolyzing intestinal sticks and staphylococci are detected in the microflora, the reception of fermentation products containing bifido and lactobacilli. If there is mushrooms of the genus Candida and the Proteus, it is necessary to take fermented milk products that do not contain probiotics, such as kefir, ryazhenka, eviet, as they slow down the growth of this pathogenic flora.

Children from 1 year and older you can offer ready-made fermented milk products: bifox, bifilaich and other, as a rule, acidophilic chopsticks and bifidobacteria. But bifidobacterias in them are not very much, so they cannot replace bifidumbacterin and lactobacterin drugs, but they always have successfully complement them. A large number of useful microflora is contained in the milk bifilact.

If the state of the gastrointestinal tract of the child causes an anxiety from the attending physician, it can prescribe a bacontis, which consists of a spore of bacteria, non-tech for the intestine of a person, but helping to digest food and displacing the microflora's intestinal mucosa. But in this case, a permanent observation of a specialist is necessary, since with a long-term uncontrolled admission of this drug, the spores of bacteria can spread beyond the intestines, which is fraught with serious complications.

Of the variety of probiotics, the liquid biocomplexes of normoflory L, B and D. contains bifido- and lactobacillia in biologically active condition, as well as, which is equally important, their livelihoods: vitamins, microelements, amino acids, natural antibiotic complexes, Enzymes and peptides that improve the formation of local immunity. Normoflory contains prebiotic lactitol, stimulating growth and reproduction of useful microflora in the intestine.

Normophlorins fully meet all safety requirements, since they do not contain protein of cow's mall and lactose, which allows you to assign them to children with allergies and with lactase deficiency since birth.

Normophlorins are represented in three types: L-based lactobacilli, b - bifidobacteria and D - a combination of lacto-+ bifidoflora (but their strains are different, this is not a direct replacement L + B, and the other drug). They are prescribed both in combination (morning and lunch lifting - b or d), and separately (with the rearrangements for the first 2 weeks - l then 2 weeks - b or e). In addition, the normoflorine can be used in the form of skin applications, for rinse the throat, instillation into the nose, and b - in the form of microclism, which is especially important for small patients.

In addition to the media listed above, vitamins, trace elements and adaptogens are used to normalize microflora.

Among the vitamin preparations, I can recommend Biovital, Multitabs, Sana-Salt, as well as Children's Witrum, Center, Jungle, Peaks, etc. very effective, but, unfortunately, due to high prices, complex multivitamin drugs of Newwiece firms are available, Sunrider, "Vision", "Inric", "ArtLife". They contain, as a rule, chelated complexes, that is, vitamins associated with proteins and therefore easily penetrating directly inside the cells.

In order to strengthen immunity and creating favorable conditions For "Surroundings" useful microflora, such well-known adaptogens are used as ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, Aralia, Rhodiola pink, as well as hoods of them, for example, neovitin. In case of violations of metabolism and decrease in appetite, preparations containing trace elements can be assigned, for example, Besch Plus.

At the end of the section, I want to tell readers about the prospects, in principle, very closely.

The methods of administering donor (maternal) bifido- and lactobacilli children 2 hours after birth (to prevent population microflora to prevent settlement in its intestine). Very promising as prevention and for treatment the so-called functional food when ready food products Biological preparations created on the basis of human own microflora, including a child, are added.

Once again, I want to recall that since dysbacteriosis has many reasons for the occurrence, the selection of funds for its correction is carried out strictly individually, taking into account many factors. So, there will be no effect from treatment based only on the results of the analysis of the feces on dysbacteriosis. It is necessary to take into account the reasons that led to the violation of microflora activities, clinical manifestations, the duration of the process, the presence of other diseases. Nevertheless, I can give some general recommendations.

First, the reception of enterosorbents, which not only remove toxins and allergens, but also reinforce the protective properties of the intestinal mucosa (especially zosterin-ultra 30%).

Secondly, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons that led to dysbacteriosis.

Thirdly, any healing activities should be carried out for a long time, with repeated supporting courses. Otherwise, the state of the intestine will deteriorate again.

Fourth, do not forget to tell the doctor about your (!) Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (many diseases are inherited).

Fifth, probiotics need to be selected individually and periodically (once every 2-4 weeks) to replace them with others.

And finally, the last. It is impossible to make an error in the interpretation of changes occurring in a state of the child. If the baby has become better, and then symptoms appeared again, testifying to the disadvantaged gastrointestinal tract, you should think if we do not accept dysbacteriosis, for example, acute infectious enterocolitis. Treatment in this case is different.

Exist good way Control of the effectiveness of the treatment of dysbacterotic disorders in the intestine little child. This is not only sowing feces on dysbacteriosis (alas, it is a very long process), but also the dynamics of weight gain in a child, as well as his psychomotor development. If the child develops, respectively, age, active and cheerful means you are on the right track!

Stages of treatment

As we have already spoken, dysbacteriosis can cause a variety of reasons - from improper nutrition to anomaly of the child's development. Therefore, the treatment of this disease should be individual and complex.

It is complex! A long-term practice shows that cure dysbacteriosis (regardless of the cause of its occurrence) one, even the most modern and high-quality, drug is impossible. Yes, applying one drug for a long period, you can see the improvement in the child's health. Moreover, this improvement will confirm and analyzes. But practice shows that after a few months the child again begins to hurt, becomes sluggish, he eats badly, he has a disorder of stool. That is, everything returns to the circles ...

The treatment of dysbacteriosis in children is a complex of events: Reception of medicines, proper nutrition, compliance with the regime of the day and nutrition, prevention of dysbacteriosis in others (parents, nannies). In addition, treatment should be phased. I highlight two stages of treatment itself and the third is the final, which enshrines the effect obtained after the first two.

Suppression of pathogenic microorganisms

The first stage is to suppress pathogenic microbes and microflora normalization. Suppose a child has signs of dyspepsia: diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, complaints of the intestinal pain. What needs to be done first? Remove all these manifestations. So, the first step at this stage is to stop vomiting and normalize the chair.

In this case breast child It receives only the main nutrition: breast milk or mixture. Older children must comply with a diet (up to 3 years old, even healthy child must be dietary). But at any age, the consumption of vegetables and fruits is dramatically limited. Fruit juices are completely excluded. If the child eats badly, then the lack of products is reimbursed by water, sweet tea or special solutions that the doctor recommends. These can be glucose-salt solutions - reciprons, citrotroquosolyan. In addition, good small doses (from 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons, depending on the situation), 5-6 times a day to give bisks of herbs with antiseptic action - chamomiles, a hunter, sage - or plants that contribute to the consolidation of the chair: it can Beam root root or berries dried blueberries.

If all these measures brought the desired result, the diet can be made more free. The kids are injected in puree of vegetables, fruits, croup. But in any case, the diet must be present to the milk mixtures, as well as products enriched with bifidobacterium and lysozyme. The choice of fermented milk mixtures is now large enough, and parents together with a pediatrician can pick up the most suitable for him to the kid.

In severe cases, when the digestive disorder, it fails with the help of these measures (the chair does not come back, continues to disturb the belching, the bloating, nausea, etc.), the child needs a strict diet. In addition, the diet of the child needs to include therapeutic products containing prebiotics and insoluble food fibers. They will work on the restoration of intestinal motility and promote microflora normalization. The most effective are the following.

  • Equal milk lactobacterin. Prepared on the basis of cow's milk with the addition of dry lactobacterine or leaves from L. Plantarum. Reception of the drug is prescribed 1-2 times a day. Daily doses: children under 6 months - 20-50 ml, children from 6 months to 1 year - 40-100 ml, children from 3 years and older - 100-200 ml. Course - 30-40 days.
  • Equal milk bifilact. Prepared on a dairy basis with the addition of dry microbial preparations (lactobacterin and bifidobacteri-on). It is assigned to 200 ml per day in 1-2 receptions. The duration of the course is from 2 weeks to 1 month.
  • Antacid bifilact. Prepared by driving milk strains V. Bifidum and L. Plantarum with the addition of lactose, corn starch and egg lysozyme.
  • Assigned 3 times a day. One-time doses: Children under 1 - 10-30 ml, children from 1 to 6 years to 6 years - 40 ml, children from 7 to 10 years old - 50 ml, children from 11 to 14 years old - 100 ml. Course - 30-40 days.

The next step is the suppression of inflammatory dyspeptic disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, the oppression of pathogenic microflora. Bacteriophages are used for this purpose. They are actively struggling with harmful (pathogenic) microbes and at the same time do not harm useful. They are not toxic, do not cause adverse Reactions and complications. Staphylococcal bacteriophage (as it follows from its name) has the ability to suppress strains of staphylococci, Chlebseye-Klebsiel, Bacteriophage is used for the treatment of dysbacteriosis due to a cinema stick, quiprothene is active for enteropathogenic intestinal sticks and a protest, piobacteriophage can be used in the fight against staphylococci, , cinema stick.

It is very important to choose from all available drugs that needed that will suppress the specific pathogenic flora caused by the disease. Bacteriophages are used in combination with other forms medical treatment. In each case - its own. For example, staphylococcal (isolated) dysbacteriosis can be treated, assigning staphylococcal bacteriophages in combination (or in a sequential purpose) from 1% alcohol solution Chlorophyllipt.

With the development of dysbacteriosis in children fed up with breast milk, along with the treatment of the child, it is necessary to appoint the intake of the nursing mother immunoprets. The child must be temporarily (for 5-7 days) to feed with sterilized breast milk. Whole this period is carried out forced treatment of dysbacteriosis and a child, and the mother.

To maintain and "feeding" not completely healthy useful bacteria, you need to give a child vitamins C, in 1, 2, in 6, as well as juice and juice from cranberries, apple juice, compote from dry apples, roshovenik berries.

Restoration of useful microflora

At the second stage, it is necessary to restore the useful microflora, its number and functions, as well as eliminate the effects of dysbacteriosis, such as allergies, anemia, hypovitaminosis. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the viability children's bodySince the child at this time loses a lot of strength, "grabs" against the background of dysbiosis is a variety of diseases, becomes sluggish and incapable of resistance.

The first, where to start the second stage is to introduce useful bacteria to the body, first of all bifidobacteria. Why? Because this is the most significant representatives of the intestinal flora. They are defenders, and breadwinners, and immunostimulants. In addition, other very important microorganisms - lactobacillia cannot fully work without them. Preparations containing bifidobacteria, several: bifidumbacterin in dry and liquid form, Biofilong, etc. It is important that the doctor picks up a drug that is suitable for a specific child and its illness.

Lactobacteria is introduced after bifidobacteriums: lactobacterin, nutroline "B", Linex, Floralandofilus (Floradoofilus), Santa Rus-B (appointed by children over 1 year old) and others. Good effect is achieved when taking Normoflorin L, it can be given to a child from the first months. Life. Then, if necessary, preparations containing a full-fledged intestinal wand (bificcotic, colibacterin) are prescribed. As a rule, they are taken inside in 2 receptions 30 minutes before meals. In some cases, they are recommended to introduce rectally microclism.

To improve the life of the useful microflora, a hilak-forte is prescribed, in 1 millilitress of which metabolic products are contained 100 billion microorganisms, including lactic acid, fatty acids, lactose and amino acids. Reception Hilak-forte improves intestinal peristalsis, its epithelium cells and their functional activity are restored with it.

To improve the functional properties of microflora, at the same time with probiotics, the reception of vitamins C, in 1, B 2, calcium pantothenate, a complex of fat-soluble vitamins A and E in the age healing dose, vitamin P - in a prophylactic dose are assigned. Children from 3 years - a combination of vitamins C and group in with microelements, in particular with selenium, especially favorably affecting the microbiocenosis of the intestine. Course treatment - 3-4 weeks.

In addition, it is necessary to raise the immunity of the child. In some cases, the admission of pharmaceuticals (interferon preparations and primarily Kipferon), but only by appointing a doctor! The fact is that the children of the first year of life in the immune system prevailing the action of braking factors. If you begin to "stimulate" the immune system of a small child, then exactly these braking factors will react, and instead of improving immunity we will get it a real decline. The doctor can appoint a Keeferon, Derinat, and polyoxidonium, but it is the doctor who cannot do this independently. You can independently a correction using softer treatment forms, such as receiving food additivescontaining trace elements, in particular zinc, and food products rich in vitamins, especially group V.

Fixing therapeutic effect

In the third stage, the main disease is one in the background of which dysbacteriosis developed, and the effect obtained during the entire previous treatment is enshrined.

As for the main disease, it is, of course, the treatment methods depend on the child suffer. If a child has a violation in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the special therapy is carried out in conjunction with the gastroenterologist; If the main reason is immune protection factors, it is necessary to connect an immunologist and strictly fulfill all its recommendations.

And yet do not forget that the third stage is the period when the sick child should become healthy! Therefore, the main attention should be paid to right regime day. The child needs a lot to walk a lot, sleep well, well eat. Parents should create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the house: it is necessary to protect the baby from any conflicts and stress.

It is very important at this stage to monitor the observance of the diet and the power mode. Of course, a diet must be coordinated with the attending physician, but nevertheless it is necessary to diversify it as much as possible. In the diet of the child there should be enough products containing vitamins and trace elements. Fruits, vegetables, berries, juices should always be on the table.

If possible, at least for the period of treatment, buy environmentally friendly products. The same goes for water. I want to remind readers, especially residents of industrial cities that it is impossible to drink water from under the tap, the more impossible to give her a sick child! Water must either buy or filter. Of the variety of modern filters presented in the market for water purification, they advise you to choose the products of the Japanese company Nikken. In addition to the standard cleaning, which all manufacturers of modern filters offer, with the help of filters of the company Nikken, water, firstly, mineralized (i.e., enriched with the necessary organisms with minerals), and secondly, it is magnetized and structured by purchasing properties initially laid by nature. This water is called "alive."

And last. Even if the child looks completely healthy, it is necessary to follow the condition of its microflora for a long time: it is necessary to periodically show the child to the doctor, take tests. Do not forget about the prevention: use biodenders, such as fervital, infants of the healing herbs. In the chapter dedicated to the treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults, the necessary phytopreparations are indicated, many of them are suitable for both children. But I still advise you to familiarize yourself with Appendix 4, which lists the healing herbs used in the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in children.

With allergies

Dysbacteriosis, as already mentioned, arises with many diseases that seem to have a direct attitude towards the intestines. Atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, urticaria, other allergic diseases - among them. Why is this happening?

The fact is that the natural healthy intestinal microflora inhibits the processes, as a result of which histamine is synthesized from edible histidine, actually causing allergic reactions. Thus, the allergic potential of eaten food is reduced and, naturally, the manifestations of allergies are reduced. In pronounced dysbacteriosis, on the contrary, the penetration of allergens into the blood is accelerated, which causes an increase in allergic reactions. In addition, healthy children microflora produces liposaccharides responsible for the formation of food tolerance. In children with allergies, the development of these liposaccharides in most cases is sharply violated. Therefore, the treatment and prevention of intestinal dysbiosis in children with any forms of allergic processes helps minimize the manifestations of allergies. For example, according to Finnish scientists, receiving a woman probiotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding helps to reduce the risk of atopic (allergic) dermatitis in a child during the first 2 years of life.

The treatment of microflora disorders during allergies has its own specifics, first of all, because over the past few years, a large number of young children has intolerance to the proteins of cow's milk. But most probiotics contain these proteins in their composition. Therefore, for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in children with allergies, normooflory l, b and d, which are prepared on the basis of hydrolyzate of skimmed milk and do not contain them (in Finland with the same effect, the sceneous drug lactophilus is used). Normophlorine intake can be alternate with other drugs such as bifiform (preferably in capsules, since the Bald Bifiform in powders and tablets contains vitamins and therefore, in most cases, allergic reactions), Floraldophylus (Flora-Dofilaus), Weitodophylus (Sunrider Company ").

Reception of probiotics (that is, drugs containing a living microflora) are desirable to alternate with the reception of prebiotics (preparations that stimulate the development of normal microflora). Hilak-forte is most often used as a prebiotic.

Efferosorbents are almost always appointed, primarily ultra 30% (in some cases, when an immunostimulating effect is needed, - Zosterin-ultra 60%), enteros gel, lactofilter, fervital or fervital-extra.

It is necessary to completely eliminate the use of products causing allergic reactions, and when an allergic manifestations are increased to take antihistamines: it can be taverned, phenyatil, zirtek, claritine, erius, etc. If there are skin manifestations of allergies, lacquer cream, Bapten, Advantan, Eliode can be recommended .

Violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of intestinal microflora, in which conditionally pathogenic microorganisms begin to prevail in it. Dysbacteriosis in children early age manifested by jerking, low rate of body weight gain, stool disruption; In older children - belching, decline in appetite, an unstable chair, intestinal colic. Confirmation of dysbacteriosis in children is carried out with the help of bacteriological research of feces, the analysis of the coprogram. The treatment of dysbacteriosis in children includes compliance with diet, phageotherapy or antibacterial therapy, intake of probiotics and prebiotics, immunoregulators, vitamins.


Dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis) in children is characterized by a persistent violation of the intestinal microbiocenosis, a change in the ratio of the bond and elective intestinal microflora in favor of the latter. The problem of dysbiosis in children is the most relevant in pediatrics, since according to modern studiesThe violation of the bowelosis of the intestine is detected in 25-50% of healthy children. breast-age. Among children, patients with somatic and infectious diseases (intestinal infections, enteritis, colitis, allergic dermatitis, etc.), the dysbacteriosis of the intestine of varying severity is detected by almost 100% of cases.

The birth of a child is conjugate with its transition from a sterile intrauterine environment in the world, populated by variety of various microorganisms. Almost immediately the organism of the newborn is exposed to microbial colonization. The main part of the bond microflora, the child receives from the mother (during the progress of the generic paths, with breastfeeding), which is decisive for its subsequent health. Immune factors present in colostrum and breast milk (secretory IgA, lysozyme, lactoferrin, macrophages, bifidus factor, etc.), block the colonization of the intestine of the conditionally pathogenic fluoro. Therefore, for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, the child is extremely important its early applying to the mother's chest (in the first 30 minutes, but no later than 2 hours after birth).

During the first 3-5 days of life, the intestinal microbial landscape becomes more diverse, and in it, along with useful bacteria, parliamentary microorganisms are in large numbers. As a result, in the first week, newborn children develop transient intestine dysbacteriosis, manifested by jerking, an unstable watery chair with an admixture of mucus, spastic pain. Transient dysbacteriosis in children is usually completed in the second week of life, as the bifi and lactobacillia are displacing other representatives of the intestinal microbiocenosis. However, in the presence of aggressive factors, the normal microflora is not formed, and transient dysbacteriosis in children goes to true.

Causes in children

All representatives of the intestinal microflora in gastroenterology are taken to divide into 4 groups: bond, optional (conditional and pathogen), transient and pathogenic flora. Transient flora is not typical of the human body, and is temporary, random. Representatives of pathogenic intestinal flora are pathogens infectious diseases (Dysentery, Salmonellez, etc.), Non-currently present in the intestines.

Bond flora (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, intestinal wand) regulates immunity; participates in the process of digestion, metabolism, synthesis of vitamins and enzymes; Stimulates motorcycle gastroy. Optional flora (golden and epidermal staphylococcus, enterobacter, protea, Klebsiella, Klostridia, yeast mushrooms of the genus Candida) is normal at no more than 0.6% of the total number of microorganisms and during the normal state of the immune system does not cause diseases. However, with a decrease in the resistance of the body, the change in the species and quantitative ratio of bond and optional microflora in children develops dysbacteriosis.

The reasons leading to dysbacteriosis in children are diverse and begin to act already in the intrauterine period or shortly after the birth of the child. The disruption of the bacterial homeostasis of the intestine can be associated with the complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth, late applying to the chest, the child's prematurity, the presence of bacterial vaginosis in the mother.

The development of dysbacteriosis in breast-age children can be due to poor nutritional nutritional nutrition, the emergence of mastitis, the early translation of the child to artificial feeding, frequent ARVI, diathesis.


Depending on the predominant conditional pathogenic flora, the protein, staphylococcal, candidal, associated forms of the intestinal dysbiosis in children are distinguished; By clinical flow - latent, local and generalized options.

The severity of the dysbacteriosis in children is determined by the species and quantitative composition of microflora:

  • I degree - the anaerobic microflora prevails; The number of bifidobacteria is at least 107-108; Conditional pathogenic microorganisms of no more than two species, 102-104 Something on 1 g of feces.
  • II degree - equal number of anaerobic and aerobic flora; Conditional pathogenic microorganisms 106-107 by 1 g of feces; The usual intestinal wand is extruded by hemolyzing and lactosening.
  • III degree - the aerobic flora prevails, up to the complete suppression of bifido and lactobacilli; The number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is significantly increased.
  • IV degree - associated dysbacteriosis in children; The absolute predominance of conditionally pathogenic microflora resistant to antibiotics.

According to clinical and bacteriological criteria, they allocate compensated, subcompensated and decompensated dysbacteriosis in children.

Compensated dysbacteriosis in children flows in the latent variant and corresponds to the I-II degree of severity. Clinically, the child remains healthy, normally develops and adds in mass; Appetite and chair is normal.

Subcompensated dysbacteriosis in children corresponds to a local variant, II-III severity. Moderately pronounced clinical symptoms: lethargy, bad appetite, bad gain in mass, dyspeptic disorders.

Decompensated dysbacteriosis in children can have a local or generalized stream, III-IV severity. Significantly worsen general state child due to vomiting, frequent liquid chair, intoxication. Against this background, sharp intestinal infections, enterocolites, bacteremia and sepsis appear easily.

AT clinical picture Dysbacteriosis in children can dominate one or more characteristic syndromes: diarrhea, dyskinetic, disorders of digestion and suction (maldigesty and malabsorption), intoxication, asthenonevironment, dermisintinal.

Symptoms of dysbiosis in children

In newborns and infants, dysbacteriosis is accompanied by jerking, vomiting, meteorism, rudeness and spasms along the intestine. The child does not like body weight sufficiently, restlessly behaves, sleeps badly. A child's chair with dysbacteriosis is usually liquid or cascidious, abundant, frothy with an admixture of lumps or mucus, unusual colors (white, greenish), with a grinding or sour smell.

With Malabsorption syndrome, diarrhea, steatheree, hypotrophy, polyhypovitaminosis develops. Endogenous intoxication in dysbacteriosis in children is accompanied by polymedic anemia, a delay in physical development, a decrease in appetite. The processes of fermentation and rotting in the intestine cause auto-allergenication and the development of dermisintinal syndrome (urticaria, atopic dermatitis). The manifestations of asthenonevrotic syndrome are irritability, weakness, sleep disorder.

At an older age, dysbacteriosis in children can flow with constipation, diarrhea or alternating them; Intestinal colic, belching, unpleasant smell of mouth, a feeling of cutting the stomach after eating. Secondary extortiece manifestations of dysbacteriosis in children associated with hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders, a decrease in immunity can be snored in the corners of the mouth, stomatitis, furunculosis, angry rash, hair lone and nails, etc.

Generalized dysbacteriosis is usually evolving in children with an immunodeficiency state and proceeds by the type of candidation with the phenomena of thrush, glossitis, heylitis, the defeat of smooth skin, vulvit or balanopostitis, visceral candidiasis.


The diagnosis of dysbacteriosis is preceded by a child examination by a pediatrician and a children's gastroenterologist, conducting laboratory tests and additional instrumental research. With the help of physical examination of children, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes is estimated; Palpation of belly reveals pain in the intestinal.

Laboratory diagnostics typically include bacteriological or biochemical construction of feces on dysbacteriosis. Microbiological criteria for dysbacteriosis in children serve a decrease in the number of bifi and lactobacilli, a decrease or an increase in the number of normal intestinal sticks, as well as the appearance of their modified strains, the detection of gram-negative sticks, an increase in the number of coccquits, fungi, clostridium. Biochemical analysis It is based on determining the level of metabolites of volatile fatty acids (propionic, acetic, oil), produced by microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract.

To clarify the causes of dysbacteriosis in children, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, gastroscopy, biochemical liver tests, feces analysis on giardia and helminth eggs can be assigned. The study of the coprogram allows you to identify the degree of disruption of the splitting and suction of food.

In case of suspected dysbacteriosis in children, it is important to exclude nonspecific ulcerative colitis, oys, mallabsorption syndrome.

Treatment of dysbiosis in children

Therapy of dysbacteriosis in children begins with the selection of individual diet and therapy. Equiphertic products are introduced into the diet of children on mixed feeding, fermented dairy products. In the nutrition of older children, sugar, carbohydrates, animal proteins are limited; For the restoration of normal intestinal microflora, lactic acid products enriched with biocultures, food fibers are recommended.

In the dysbacteriosis of the intestine in children, probiotics are prescribed - preparations containing monocultures or combinations of useful bacteria; Prebiotics contributing to the growth and reproduction of microbes of normal intestinal flora; Symbiotics - Combined drugs.

In order to selectively decontamination of the intestine in dysbacteriosis in children, bacteriophages are used, lying pathogenic bacteria, and with ineffectiveness - antibiotics (macrolides, cephalosporins). Candidial dysbiosis treatment in children is held antifungal drugs (nastatin, fluconazole).

In the case of pronounced digestion disorders, enzymes are prescribed, with intoxication shows the reception of sorbents. Often, the immunomodulatory therapy is recommended for adaptogens, vitamin therapy.


The key to the formation of the normal intestinal microflora in the child is care of his health of the future mother: pregnancy planning, balanced food during pregnancy, treatment of bacterial vaginosis, compliance with the day and rest mode, excluding nervous shocks.

The first measures for the prevention of dysbacteriosis should be the early attachment of the child to the chest in the spring and the preservation of breastfeeding of children for at least six months, gradually introducing adhesiveness. It is necessary to treat chronic diseases of the digestive organs, preventing intestinal infections. To prevent the development of dysbiosis, antibiotic therapy in children should be carried out under the cover of probiotics or prebiotics.

The intestinal dysbiosis is a condition in which the balance of useful and pathogenic microorganisms is broke into this body. This situation may arise at any age for a number of reasons. Sometimes disorders are temporary, and the microflora is restored by naturally. If this does not occur, special drugs are used.

At the time of birth, the human digestive system is sterile. Microorganisms begin to settle the gastrointestinal tract of the child as soon as it appears. This happens in the birth paths of the mother. The microbes obtained here are multiplied in the body of the baby and protect it from the pathogenic bacteria of the environment. They are involved in the process of digesting and learning food. Useful microorganisms isolated substances that are stimulating the cells of the immune system, prevent development food allergies. In addition, they synthesize some hormones and vitamins necessary for normal life.

Primary intestinal microflora is far from the norm. It is represented by both useful and pathogenic microbes. Such a situation is preserved up to three weeks, until bifidobacteria variables and will not take a major provision. For this, they need a certain nutritional environment - Mother's milk. Dysbacteriosis in infants is most often developing with artificial feeding. The mixtures are less suitable food for bifidobacteria, their population is growing slower. This contributes to the activation of the pathogenic microflora of the baby, which can cause many diseases. Children who do not get breast milk have all signs of disruption of bacterial equilibrium. They suffer from increased gas formation, which is accompanied by colic and frequent shinking. Such kids sleep badly, slowly gain weight, more often and longer sick.

Artificial feeding is not the only reason for the impairment of the balance of useful and pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines of babies. In children, under the year, dysbacteriosis is caused by complications during childbirth. Appearance cesarean section Does not allow the child to purchase the microflora of the mother. As a result, he receives a set of hostile bacteria in the air and on the hands of medical staff. Genetic disorders also affect microflora composition. The most common among them is the absence or lack of enzymes (lactases), splitting milk - the main food of infants. It does not digest and ferments inside the body, creating a favorable medium for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The child's digestive system is formed gradually and completes its development by 3 years. Until that time, some foods cannot be clever due to lack of needed enzymes and rot in the intestine. Therefore, you need to begin to feed the child competently. Antibiotics treatment is negatively reflected in the microflora state. Such drugs destroy not only pathogenic, but also useful microorganisms. Children on breastfeeding can receive antibiotics with mother's milk hosting them.

The development of dysbacteriosis in children is marked as a result:

1. inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs;

2. The presence of helminths (they select nutrients from beneficial bacteria);

3. diet disorders and power mode;

4. Hormonal or radiotherapy;

5. Food allergies;

6. Poisoning;

7. Action of adverse environmental factors;

8. nervous disorders;

9. Long diarins or constipation;

10. Infectious diseases.

A qualitative and quantitative change in microflora causes a violation of the digestive process. The constant drawback of the necessary organism of vitamins and trace elements has a negative effect on the health of the child.

At the first signs of dysbiosis, contact the pediatrician, and adolescents to the therapist. The doctor will prescribe a treatment and will send to the consultation to other specialists.

How to recognize the first signs on time

Intestinal flora includes more than 500 species of various microorganisms. They create a peculiar biological film on the mucous membrane. Most of (90%) are useful mandatory (bond) bacteria. These include:

1. Bifidobacteria are the main and most important microorganisms. They are responsible for the synthesis of vitamins of the group B and their suction, produce biologically active substanceswhich regulate the exchange processes. These bacteria form organic acidspreventing the multiplication of pathogenic microflora, and contribute to the absorption of calcium salts.

2. Lactobacteria helps in the formation of strong immunity, play an important role in the fight against intestinal infections and are actively involved in digestion.

3. Peptopulationococci is responsible for the splitting and assimilation of the protein, regulate the acid-alkaline balance.

4. Propionic bacteria activate the body's protective forces and metabolic processes.

5. Enterococci maintain normal fermentation and cleavage of beneficial substances.

A significant decrease in the number of bond microorganisms leads to dysbacteriosis. This is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • meteorism (increased gas formation);
  • appearance unpleasant odor from mouth;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • pain in the abdomen in the breaks between food;
  • allergic reactions;
  • skin rashes;
  • headaches.

In the wheel masses there are pieces of undigested food, mucus. The chair acquires a sharp evil smell, changes the color, becomes inhomogeneous. Children, whose microflora is broken, often get recover for a long time. The faithful signs of the infants are frequent jumping, colic, irritation of the skin, a frequent liquid chair with a lumpy milk. Kids sleep badly and often capricious.

Diagnosis of dysbacteriosis based on Cala laboratory studies, during which they determine the presence of various microorganisms in it and their number. Such an analysis can be passed towards a doctor or on its own initiative. Cal is collected in sterile capacity (bought in a pharmacy) and deliver to the laboratory within 3 hours. Before this ceases to receive drugs and use rectal candles (minimum for 3 days). The result will show which bacteria are present, and their number. Put the final diagnosis and the doctor should be treated.

The illiterate interference in the internal processes associated with the formation of microflora may worsen the situation and lead to undesirable consequences.

Treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in a child

Dysbacteriosis is not diagnosed as a separate disease. He is clinical sign A number of pathologies. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to cure the cause of the microflora violation.

1. If dysbacteriosis is a consequence of intestinal infection, antibiotics are prescribed. This exacerbates the situation, but is a forced measure in the treatment of such diseases. The death of useful microorganisms allows you to dominate by the pathogen. Bacteriophages are prescribed (dysenteric, staphylococcal, salinellase, colo-protein) for their suppression. These are viruses that do not represent a danger to humans. They only kill a certain kind of harmful bacteria.

2. Pathly prescribed probiotics. These are preparations consisting of substances of microbial origin and living microorganisms. Most often it is lacto, number and bifidobacteria. Sometimes medicines include representatives of microbial communities not characteristic of intestinal microflora - dispute chopsticks or yeast (baccisubyl, sportsmerin, bosporin). They have the ability to suppress pathogenic organisms.

Probiotics are shown in complex treatment. They are absolutely harmless and can be applied from the moment of birth. The doctor should choose them, as the microflora of babies has its own characteristics. Children under 3 months are prescribed mainly preparations with bifidobacteria. There are mono and polycomponent probiotics. The first consist of separate cells of bacteria of one species. These include the first generation drugs: bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, lactobacterin. Used for therapy of light forms of dysbacteriosis.

Polycomplete contain several types of microorganisms characteristic of normal intestinal microflora: acipol, acilakt, lines, bifolong, bifilize. They are used in the treatment of dysbacteriosis caused by local inflammation of the digestive organs. The latest achievement of pharmaceuticals is the creation of probiotics consisting of entire colonies of bacteria. They are grown on the microparticles of the sorbent and enter the intestine with him, while maintaining vitality. Such drugs are used in food poisoning, causing serious changes in microflora. These include: Probiga, Bifidumbacterin Forte, EcoFlorine.

In addition to dry probiotics there are liquid forms. They are more effective because microorganisms are active in them (not in anabyosis) and faster multiplied in the intestine. In addition to live bacteria and nutrient media, they include various vitamins and trace elements. They can be taken not only orally, but also to enter directly into the rectum.

3. Along with probiotics, prebiotics are used. The latter consist of organic compounds that provide comfortable conditions for the existence of a healthy microflora bacteria. They are made mainly from Oligoshares (Lactulose, Inulin). Typical representatives - Duhalak, Lactusan, Goodlak, Norma, Precix, Portalk.

Use this or that means to normalize the microflora of the child on its own initiative is not worth it. This requires the use of a certain complex of drugs, to competently select which only a specialist can.

So that children did not have any problems with the intestines, it is necessary to take care of the health of the newborn even during pregnancy. The future mother must maintain its own microflora in the norm, because it is a set of bacteria that will receive a baby at birth.

The main food of children up to the year is breast milk. Proper nutrition Mother during this period and strict observance of hygiene will help to avoid intestinal dysbiosis at the kid. If natural feeding is impossible, it is necessary to select suitable mixtures. The introduction of feeding should be carried out on a time limit in strict accordance with the recommendations of the pediatrician. The diet of children under 3 years is significantly different from the adult. Its foundation are cereal, soups, vegetables, fruits, low-fat varieties of meat and dairy products.

Unconventional tools for normalization of microflora

Folk healers recommend to treat various symptoms and the forms of dysbiosis using diet, fermented milk products and decoctions of medicinal plants. It is impossible to use such methods for infants. Babies older than 3 years and adolescents can be tried to cure, without resorting to medicines, but the doctor's consultation is also necessary.

Power depends on the symptoms that accompany the microflora violation. For diarrhea, it is necessary to include in the diet:

  • mucous boars (rice, oat);
  • boiled and stew vegetables (carrots, potatoes);
  • white bread crags;
  • dried fruits;
  • baked apples;
  • boiled fish and chicken.

If the symptom is constipation, the base of nutrition should become fermented dairy products. They contain a large number of lactobacilli and yeast, which normalize the intestinal microflora, the coal pathogens. A kefir enriched with bifidobacteriums (bioeffer and bifox) is particularly effective.

Useful for dysbacteriosis of dairy serum. It is obtained by heating kefir until cottage cheese is separated. Serum has a light laxative action. On it is based on the famous medicine - Duhalak. Daily serum use during the month significantly improves the microbial bowel composition.

Many herbs have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. These include: chamomile, calendula, sage, yarrow, St. John's wort, the root of AIR and heel. Decorations and infusions of these plants are used to treat inflammatory and infectious diseases of the intestine. Power bacteria are defenseless in front of beekeeping products. Honey and to a greater degree of propolis are natural antibiotics.

For children, you can prepare a tasty medicine from 1 cup infusion of rosehip with the addition of 1 t. L honey and propolis (a small piece of pea size). Such a drink gives a child during the day between the meals of 0.3 glasses. Course treatment - 2 weeks.

Treat the intestines of children from bacterial imbalance is much more complicated than to follow certain power and hygiene rules. But if dysbacteriosis arose, you should seek help from specialists.

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