Aromatherapy essential oils at home. Aromatherapy at home

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! Aromatherapy is a type of reflex effect on many areas human body nowadays it has become extremely popular. It is based on the use of essential oils. The substances contained in them can have a therapeutic, cosmetic or prophylactic effect. Usually these are extracts from certain plants or fruits. In total, the industry produces over a hundred different fragrances. They are able to spread in the air, when inhaled, a person experiences their healing effect. Use essential oils it is possible through massage, adding to the bath, inhalations, lotions, compresses, essences. And today we will talk about home aromatherapy.

The main result of using aromatherapy

Each separate type of essential oil has a range of therapeutic, preventive and cosmetic effects. They affect the reflex zones of the body, causing a strong and long-term action... They can be used alone, used in food, or added to solutions and creams.

These substances normalize internal metabolism, calm the nervous system, have a bactericidal effect, etc. They disinfect well the room where the sick person was, relieve skin irritations, promote the activation of hematopoiesis and normalize the vascular tone.

Aromatherapy can bring very great benefit the body. Since essential oils interact with receptors of a wide variety of nerve endings, their influence is unusually wide. They make the emotional sphere of a person more stable and improve his well-being.

Aromatherapy has a therapeutic and cosmetic nature. It favorably affects the most important organs and human systems. The use of essential oils can not only protect against negative influences, but also eliminate existing violations. The use of these substances has a positive effect on the already onset of the disease and facilitates the course of chronic diseases.

In some cases, aromatherapy can reduce dermatological inflammation, general swelling or muscle tension. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Of course, you should consult your doctor before using essential oils. In this case, the main methods of treating any pathologies should accompany the use of aromatherapy. By themselves, such substances are not a full-fledged drug. Therefore, their effect is possible only in conjunction with the effects of medications.

Their influence on humans is carried out in two main ways: through the organs of smell and through the skin.

The penetration of various substances into the blood changes the general tone of the body and affects the hormonal sphere. Some of the essential oils can have a calming and hypnotic effect, others can improve appetite and activate the processes in the gastrointestinal tract, while others increase libido and enhance.

In general, their action can be characterized by the following main effects:

  1. Disinfectants. Purify indoor air and kill pathogens in the lungs and skin (geranium, lemon, eucalyptus).
  2. Toning. They cheer up and enhance sex drive (jasmine, bergamot, ginger).
  3. Increasing efficiency. They activate energy processes in the body (mint, cinnamon, thyme, fir).
  4. Calming. Relieve stress (oregano, chamomile, lemon balm).
  5. Normalizing metabolism. Regulates the course of metabolic processes (tangerine, orange, sage).
  6. Fortifying. Strengthen immunity (mint, pine, grapefruit).
  7. Mood boosting. Increase blood flow to the brain (fir, rose, pine, lavender, immortelle).
  8. Activating blood circulation. Stimulate work internal organs (coriander, cloves, eucalyptus, St. John's wort).
  9. Relaxing. Promotes muscle relaxation (dill, vanilla, valerian).

Thus, aromatherapy can defeat the incipient cold, prevent infection infectious disease, facilitate the course of flu or sore throat, help to recover after a hard day's work, relieve strong nervous tension, dilate blood vessels, start regeneration processes in tissues.

Therefore, it is necessary to use only high-quality products purchased at a pharmacy or specialized stores. When making essential oils, natural raw materials must be used and a natural extraction process applied. If the technology is violated, the absence of desired effect, irritation of mucous membranes and skin or the development of allergic reactions.

Using aromatherapy at home

Aromatherapy is increasingly being done at home. It is used to treat diseases, normalize functions nervous system and creating a supportive home atmosphere.

A large number of essential oils are sold and each person can choose the fragrance or a mixture of them that he needs most at the moment.

Those people who have tried this type of home treatment are very positive about its effect.

Moreover, the general ecological background has become extremely unfavorable these days. A person is affected by mass harmful factors, infections, foreign reagents. Aromatherapy is able to clear the respiratory tract, activate metabolic processes in the skin, improve the condition of hair and mucous membranes.

The effects of essential oils can be very beneficial for:

  • Insomnia;
  • migraines;
  • dizziness;
  • colds;
  • depression;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • varicose veins;
  • arrhythmias;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • dysbiosis;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • dermatitis;
  • convulsive seizures;
  • hypertension;
  • spasms;
  • digestive disorders;
  • edema;
  • cellulite;
  • decreased appetite;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • general weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • neuroses, etc.

In general, aromatherapy has a strong therapeutic, prophylactic, regulating, disinfecting, rejuvenating, energizing, calming, cardiotonic, anticonvulsant, beneficial effect on the human psyche and nervous system.

Aromatherapy involves two main ways of using essential oils - through heating or cooling.

The cold way of using them makes it possible to freely inhale the healing scent directly from the bottle with the desired substance. Long contact is not required here, it is enough just to stay near the bottle for a while or to inhale the fragrance shallowly through your nose several times. You can pre-spray it with a solution of a light bulb, pendant, trinket, box, etc. It is also allowed to spray a small amount of essential oil in the air by means of a spray bottle. But before that, it is necessary to prepare its water solution in the required proportion.

Hot aromatherapy is used in the form of inhalation. He is able to bring tremendous benefits to the upper respiratory tract, brain, central nervous system. To do this, add a small amount of essential oils to boiling water. Then you need to cover your head with a blanket and, carefully, so as not to burn yourself, inhale the hot air with a released aroma. Contact with the substance should last no more than ten minutes.

Another hot method is taking a bath. A certain substance is added to the collected amount of water. Usually, one part of the essential oil is taken for twenty parts of the liquid. Salt, milk, sour cream, honey, calendula, etc. can also be added to the resulting solution. You should take such a bath for no longer than twenty minutes.

Methods for using essential oils

Other methods of using essential oils include:

  • spraying the desired substance with a vacuum cleaner;
  • spraying handkerchiefs;
  • processing of wet wipes;
  • the use of candles with the required aroma;
  • applying scent to bed linen;
  • special pads;
  • wiping a vase, painting or photograph;
  • spraying the required substance in the car;
  • cosmetology procedures using a lotion, oil or cream containing certain aromas;
  • workplace processing;
  • fumigating the dinner table before eating;
  • wetting various items before guests arrive to create the most inviting atmosphere.

In this case, the house will constantly have a source of biologically active substances... They will help rid the home of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, create a calm environment, and induce a relaxing and relaxing mood.

Such a healing effect is achieved as a result of the fact that various odors are able to directly exert significant beneficial effects on the lungs, blood vessels, heart, and blood circulation.

Massage with essential oils can also be of great benefit. To do this, a small amount of them must be added to the mixture for this procedure. In this case, the muscle relaxant effect is enhanced due to the positive effect on the skin, vascular and nervous system. As a result, the general tone rises, the lungs are saturated with oxygen, and the metabolism increases.

In addition, this massage normalizes the overall hormonal background and helps to get rid of various endocrine pathologies.

You can also use essential oils in rubbing, compresses, ointments. It is also good to use them as essences, perfumes, creams and lotions. It is permissible to add them to food and drinks. It is advisable to spray them in a candle flame or simply fumigate the room with them.

The smell of this or that essential oil will still be felt in the room. long time... However, you need to listen to your well-being in order to avoid overdose or the development of allergic reactions. If, after using aromatherapy, skin irritation, itching of the mucous membranes or headache occur, then immediately ventilate the room and do wet cleaning in it. It is better to remove sources of distribution of essential oils in an inaccessible place.

However, it should be remembered that there are individual cases when it is better not to use aromatherapy at home. They refer to persons suffering from various allergic reactions, pregnant women, people with skin diseases in the process of exacerbation, to patients who have been diagnosed oncological diseases or mentally ill.

The main types of aromatherapy

Essential oil is usually sold as a liquid saturated with some type of volatile substance. Some of them require the preparation of special solutions, others are already ready for use. They are classified according to the dominant odor.

Accordingly, they can be bitter or sweet, harsh or mild. It depends on the plant from which the essential oil is extracted.

Most commonly used:

  • Eucalyptus (destroys microorganisms);
  • lemon (relieves colds);
  • mint (eliminates nausea);
  • lemon balm (has a hypnotic effect);
  • pine (makes breathing easier);
  • st. John's wort (fights depression);
  • sage (has disinfecting properties);
  • peach (softens the skin);
  • orange (good for the heart);
  • apricot (has a whitening effect);
  • lily of the valley (has a calming effect);
  • (has a disinfecting effect);
  • dill (promotes offensive);
  • parsley (has a diuretic effect);
  • fir (relieves pain);
  • spruce (improves mood);
  • cypress (has an antiseptic effect);
  • jojoba (normalizes metabolic processes in the skin);
  • grapes (improves tone);
  • grapefruit (enhances);
  • tangerine (soothes);
  • rose (harmonizes the general condition of a person).

It is necessary to use various essential oils strictly depending on the recommendations. Only then the aromatherapy procedure will bring the most tangible effect. Therefore, you need to carefully read what is indicated on the label or in the accompanying instructions.

The substance can be aromatic, essential, cosmetic, pure, concentrated, or mineral. All this means big differences in its application.

Some essential oils are applied to the skin as part of creams, others are used to wipe objects, and others are sprayed into the air. It is also possible to inhale their vapors or light up the air in the bedroom. An excellent effect is obtained by applying drops of the substance to a light bulb above the bed or using pillows treated with a certain scent.

Different smells act on many receptors, therefore, providing one therapeutic result, they simultaneously activate other areas of the body. Moreover, they enhance the drug effect.

This is very important, since the emitted smell of a certain essential oil will permeate the entire atmosphere of the apartment. He will have a fairly long-term effect on all people and even animals in it.

Essential oils are amazing medicinal properties... They not only calm the nervous system, but also have a deep therapeutic effect on the state of the body. Aromatherapy is the field of study and application of essential oils in practice. For the extraction of aromas, various parts of plants are taken and squeezed out of them is added to aroma lamps, shampoos, creams, and massage products.

Contraindications to aromatherapy

Independent use of ethers within reasonable limits is permissible only completely healthy person... Allergy is a definite contraindication. Those who have problems with endocrine or cardiovascular systemDo not use essential oils without the approval of your doctor.

Contraindications to use are available for the following diseases:

  • ischemia of the heart and post-infarction state (pine and fir ethers cannot be used in the treatment);
  • severe hypertension (exclude any exposure to mint, basil and juniper);
  • hypertension of any stage (you cannot inhale the aromas of lemon balm, tea tree and ylang-ylang);
  • renal failure (pine, thyme and juniper are contraindicated);
  • epilepsy and tendency to convulsive manifestations (exclude rosemary, sage, basil and thyme).

Attention! It should also take into account some points related to the incompatibility of the use of certain oils with some medicinal preparations... For example, lavender is incompatible with iodine. And many medicines should not be given to children under 14 years old when using therapy with jasmine, hyssop, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, cypress, juniper and lemon balm.

Therapeutic aromatherapy

With a cold

Treatment and prevention of viral respiratory diseases is carried out with oils that have antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Lavender, lemon, tea tree, patchouli, oregano and thyme not only decontaminate the room, but also bring the air humidity in the apartment to the optimum value. Effective way impact on well-being is fumigation of the room with an aroma lamp. 4 - 7 drops of one or another ether are added to the container, or a composition is made from several oils.

Fig. 1 - medicated oils

Aroma smoking should be carried out every day for 20 minutes. In the children's room, it is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning with oils. To do this, take liquid soap (about 300 ml) and add 10 ml of oregano or lemon oil there. For 5 liters of water, it is enough to use 1 tablespoon of this mixture.

At the first symptoms of a cold, inhalation with the same oils that are used when fumigating an apartment will help to relieve the state of health. The steam temperature must be kept within 45 - 50 degrees. It is important to carry out the procedure several times a day, preferably at least 3 times. Best effect achieved by inhalation after a meal (after 1 - 1.5 hours). In this case, expectorant drugs should not be used immediately before the procedure.

Aromatherapy helps diagnose laryngitis and sore throat. 3 - 4 drops of ether are diluted with a glass of water and the resulting composition is added to a bowl with a narrow neck. The vapor is inhaled only through the mouth, covering the head with a towel. For bronchitis, it is convenient to use wide dishes. The aroma is inhaled in this disease with both mouth and nose alternately.

Reference! Compresses relieve chills and go down heat... Dilute 2 drops of oil, lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint into a tablespoon of base oil. The base can be apricot, almond or rice oil. Compresses are applied to the feet and the frontal part of the face.

Application for headache

Aromatic oils for headaches are used in conjunction with medicines prescribed by a doctor. The mixtures to create the aroma are used through a spray, and massage manipulations are carried out using compresses. Inhalation is also effective in treating migraines.

The massage mixture is made as follows:

  • take a small bottle and fill one third with almond oil;
  • supplemented with a healing potion with 6 drops of lavender, chamomile and sage;
  • to get rid of excruciating pain symptoms, 12 drops of peppermint are also poured;
  • then add a few drops of base oil;
  • cork and shake the bottle well.

Rubbing into the temporal region is best done with a special massage roller. If there is no such instrument, then the middle and ring fingers are rubbing the medicinal composition into the whiskey. The earlobes are ironed with the back of the palms, well warmed up by rubbing the oil, against each other.

If the migraine has not yet been caught, but there are prerequisites for the fact that the head is about to hurt (weakness appears, the mood spoils, it becomes internally not good), then a compress based on a few drops of oil and cool water will help prevent this from happening. For 10 minutes, that base is kept on the forehead, simultaneously massaging the temporal region.

Figure: 2 - Consult a doctor before using essential oils in children

How to use when stressed

The stressful state must be suppressed with pleasant aromas, so an individual oil is selected for each individual person. Apply them effectively by inhaling odors scattered around the apartment. A relaxing warm bath with your favorite aromas of ethers helps a lot. The following oils have a good anti-stress effect:

  1. chamomile;
  2. rose flower;
  3. myrrh;
  4. mandarin;
  5. grapefruit;
  6. lemon;
  7. marjoram;
  8. jasmine;
  9. patchouli;
  10. basil;
  11. orange;
  12. geranium;
  13. cypress;
  14. cinnamon.

Application for depression

The best helpers in the fight against depression are the essential oils of the citrus group. Anxiety and irritability against a background of depression helps to remove a 20-minute hot bath with the addition of rosewood, ylan-ylang, basil, juniper, mint, geranium, cypress, rose, lavender, patchouli, marjoram aromas.

Mental disorders and obsessive fears go away after several sessions of aromatherapy, based on the addition of tea tree, violet or rose to the base composition. Sandalwood, geranium and lavender oils help relieve anxiety.

Important! For preventive purposes, with frequent depressive breakdowns, aroma lamps are used daily. Also, several times a week before going to bed, they take a warm comfortable bath, into which 10 drops of any of the above oil are pre-added.

7 essential oils for aromatherapy

Effective aromatherapy oils and their healing effects on the body
Essential oil What effect does it have on the body
LavenderRefreshes and invigorates, improves mood, helps
Juniper oilStimulating effect on the entire body. A surge of vivacity, strength and efficiency
OrangeClears thoughts from bad thoughts, gives peace and serenity. Good to use before bed for restful sleep and pleasant dreams
ChamomileIt gives harmony to the whole body, soothes thoughts. For colds and nervous disorders, it helps to get rid of these ailments through medicinal properties
SandalwoodCalms the nervous system, prevents tantrums and relieves fears
RosemaryStrengthens the walls of blood vessels, accelerates the blood, which gives an influx of vitality and gives energy throughout the body
JasmineGives sensuality and originality. Relaxes well and distracts from obsessive thoughts... Helps to overcome melancholy and establish a psychological background.

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How to choose an oil?

For bedroom

Home aromatherapy is most effectively used in the sleeping area. Suitable break room oils include rose, fir, violet and lavender. These ethers help to tune in the right mood and balance the senses. Sleep is sound, and the process of falling asleep is accelerated.

For a sensual night, the scent of amber is suitable. This aphrodisiac has a pungent resinous scent that enhances attraction and sets you up for a playful mood. Vanilla notes can be used to add harmony and energy. Vanilla gives a feeling of relaxation, serenity and adjusts to sound uninterrupted sleep.

For kitchen

Kitchen flavors include citrus aroma oils such as lemon, grapefruit, orange, bergamot and lemongrass. These esters not only effectively neutralize extraneous odors, but also enhance mood, energy and efficiency.

Kitchen tricks for getting pleasant aromas in this area are as follows:

  • 4 drops of limette oil and 5 drops of cloves will help to give the atmosphere of the sea breeze;
  • to fill the room with coffee notes, 4 - 6 drops of citrus oil are dripped into the ground coffee;
  • if you soak napkins and towels in water with the aromas of esters chosen to taste, then you can not only enjoy the smells, but also destroy bacteria;
  • you can add 2 - 3 drops of rosemary oil to the dishwashing detergent, which will surely give an unforgettable scent while washing the used container.

For living room

Ideal aromas for the living room are coffee, cedar, lemon, pine, tea tree, bergamot, lavender and orange. Citrus and coniferous aromas are used to neutralize extraneous odors from the entrance. Lavender sachets are placed in wardrobes with clothes and shoes, which not only give an unforgettable atmosphere of smells, but also destroy moths. Violet and cotton essential oils do a good job of giving the living room a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere.

Use in the bathroom

During adoption water treatments you can use the scents of rose and lavender. At the same time, it is good to bring the atmosphere to a relaxing state by lighting scented candles, adding rose petals to the water. You can add an effect with calm music.

In order to give an unforgettable scent to your clothes in which you go to bed, you need to use a recipe for a clothes rinse made by yourself. 150 ml of vinegar and 0.5 cups of soda are added to a liter of water. A couple of drops of your favorite oil are dripped and about 100 ml of this product is added to the machine with each wash.

What are the applications?

How to use one or another type of aromatic oil
Form of use Mode of application
SachetIt is a special pillow filled with organic herbs with healing properties... Sasha is placed in a cupboard with dishes, things, clings to the door handle or even placed under the pillow. Depending on the effect that will be provided, add a few drops of the selected oil to the pillow.
Oil burnerA special miniature heating device is designed like a tablet candle. At the bottom there is a liquid that gradually heats up and evaporates, which allows the incense to be evenly distributed throughout the apartment.
BathWhen going to the bathhouse, they take with them the aromas of sandalwood, geranium, rose or lavender. In the steam room, it is effective to carry out inhalation procedures with thyme or ginger. Improved breathing will be presented by the aromas of cedar, eucalyptus and spruce.
Aroma stonesThe stones intended for this use are small in size. They are made from environmentally friendly natural materials such as gypsum, clay or dough. They are placed in wardrobes or under a pillow, after having doused them with the desired aroma.

How to combine oils correctly?

There are certain rules that should be followed when combining essential oils with each other in home aromatherapy:

  1. They combine aromas that are identical in properties. Calming agents should not be mixed with invigorating agents. At the same time, esters should lack tonic and warming properties.
  2. No more than 6 kinds of identical oils should be mixed in one composition. If you do not comply with this norm, then you can get such consequences as a deterioration in well-being, an increase in headache,.
  3. Any citrus ester can be combined with each other without fear of overdoing it. These are soft oils that only have a positive effect on the entire body, if not mixed with the aromas of other groups.

Reference! Lavender oil is considered versatile, as it can be added to formulations in any amount and with any combination of other oils. The only exception is allergic reaction for this broadcast.

Aromatherapy uses many combinations of essential oils. It is important to know the uses and compositional properties of each individual scent. In case of any deviations in the state of health, do not use aromatic oils without consulting a doctor.

List of isp. literature:

1. Tatochenko V.K. Practical pulmonology childhood... Directory. M., 2000.
2. Kotlukov V.K., Kazyukova T.V., Antipova N.V. Herbal medicine for cough respiratory infections in children. Pediatrics (Supplement to the journal Consilium Medicum). 2014; 1: 50-4.
3. Tatochenko V.K., Rachinsky S.V., Sporov O.A. Acute respiratory diseases M .: Medicine, 1981.

In the modern age of industrialization and large-scale computerization, we are increasingly moving away from nature, forgetting which storehouse healing powers in it is laid. One has only to reach out her hand, and she is ready to generously share with us what she has. But we forget that it is possible to use not artificially synthesized substances, but natural ones.

And the seemingly simplest is the use of medicinal plants. Having complicated chemical composition, they are capable of exerting various effects on the human body. And one of these natural healing sources are essential oils, the use of which formed the basis of such an unconventional method as aromatherapy. Aromatherapy gained particular popularity at the beginning of the 20th century, although the beneficial properties of essential oils were known in ancient times. However, with the development of chemistry, many natural substances began to be replaced by synthetic ones, which also affected the use of natural essential oils.

I must say that we owe their revival to life to the French. More precisely, to the French chemist and perfumer Rene Marie Gattefoss, who received a serious burn of his hands during research in the laboratory. To remedy the situation somehow, he dipped his hands into a container containing lavender oil. And, to my surprise, I discovered an instant reduction in pain and a quick, almost traceless healing of burns.

It was this incident that made humanity remember how unique, numerous useful properties possess essential oils. And, I must say, very timely. During the First World War, they began to be actively used during operations.

What are essential oils?

Main healing effect odors are realized due to essential oils - fragrant substances contained in most of the known plants. Their use in aromatherapy is due to the fact that essential oils are very volatile and can evaporate quickly. At the same time, they are oily to the touch.

Essential oils are very concentrated substances that form in various parts of plants. Moreover, each of the 2000 currently known plants containing essential oils has its own exceptional properties. Some of them smell strong, their aroma lasts for a long time, while others, on the contrary, despite the presence of essential oils, have practically no smell.

It should be remembered that natural essential oils are destroyed by light, so you need to store the oils used for aromatherapy in dark containers, tightly closed, in a dark place.

Essential oils act on three levels:

  1. Pharmacological effects - explained by the launch of biochemical changes in the body under the influence of essential oils.
  2. Physiological - associated with the individual ability of essential oils to have certain effects on the human body (for example, stimulating or relaxing).
  3. Psychological impact - the emergence of associations associated with certain aromas of essential oils during an aromatherapy session.

The impact of essential oils on a person is a complex process associated with the launch of a cascade of biochemical reactions when the brain areas responsible for smell are excited, which determines the benefits of aromatherapy. It is also effective local application essential oils in the form of rubbing, massages or as part of medicinal baths.

What effect do odors have on the human body?

  • Most essential oils have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral impact.
  • Many of them contribute to relieving tension, stress,have a calming effect, thereby favorably affecting the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body, which makes aromatherapy indispensable in the relaxation process. In addition, they are able to improve sleep, increase efficiency, normalize blood pressure and fat metabolism.
  • Essential oils are used as an effective radiation protection and for reducing the effects after exposure... They are able to block the negative effect of carcinogens and prevent the onset and development of tumor processes.
  • Special attention should be paid to antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties essential oils, since the substances contained in them are natural and absolutely natural for humans, which allows them to strengthen immune system, slow down the aging process.
  • Since essential oils accelerate the regeneration processes, their effective use for the healing of wounds, burns, as well as to reduce pain in rheumatism, arthritis and relieve inflammation.

A more extensive effect can be achieved using compositions of essential oils with different properties.

Of course, essential oils cannot be substituted for serious treatment. However, if you feel a little sick or overworked, you should not immediately resort to chemical medications. Think about aromatherapy. It will not only benefit your body, but also give you a lot of pleasure.

Effectiveness of essential oils for various conditions and diseases

The benefits of aromatherapy are that each essential oil used has its own unique properties:

  • So, effective against inflammation and flu are oils of tea tree, lemon, juniper, chamomile, eucalyptus and thyme, lavender, geranium, basil, lemon balm, mint, rosemary.
  • As antidepressants the use of jasmine, patchouli, ylang-ylang and geranium, bergamot, orange, carnation, rose is recommended.
  • Protect from insects in the summer, sage, eucalyptus and lavender, and a tea tree will help either from moths in the house.
  • Wonderful pain relieversproperties are possessed by rosemary, chamomile, geranium, peppermint and a tea tree.
  • For decline blood pressure suitable lavender, ylang-ylang, jasmine, lemon balm, geranium, rosemary, marjoram, peppermint, cloves, neroli, fennel. But for raising - thyme, sage and thyme.
  • Immunostimulatingessential oils of anise, basil, lavender, lemon and thyme, cloves, fir, pine and bergamot have an effect.
  • For normalization of metabolism the use of patchouli, fennel, ylang-ylang, sage, geranium and chamomile is recommended.
  • Antispasmodic effect possess rosemary, lemon, juniper.
  • For lowering blood sugar use eucalyptus, geranium, rosemary and juniper, and for lower cholesterol - orange, thyme, rosemary and lemon.
  • For stimulation of potency showing patchouli, ylang-ylang, geranium and jasmine, orange and clove, nutmeg, sandalwood, pine, petitgrain.
  • For strengthening the nervous system showing citrus oils, basil, lavender, sage and lemon balm; for relaxation and tranquility - lavender, lemon balm, patchouli, ylang-ylang, basil, chamomile, orange, geranium, anise, oregano, neroli, sandalwood.
  • For stimulation of mental and physical activity mint, fir, orange, bergamot, lavender, cloves, lemon are used.

Thus, depending on the desired effect, it is worth carefully studying the properties of the essential oils that you plan to use for aromatherapy at home.

Aromatherapy at home

To fill your home with the enticing scents of essential oils, there are several simple ways their applications:

  1. Today, widespread aroma lamps(as well as aromatherapy), especially as aromatherapy for beginners. They are a special two-piece device. Water and 2-8 drops of essential oil are added to the container on top. A candle (or an electric heater) is placed at the bottom. When water is heated, it evaporates together with the essential oil, and the room is filled with an amazing aroma.
  2. Another way is to use mechanical spray gun for spraying a solution of water (50 mg) and essential oil (5 drops).
  3. Can be used a vacuum cleaner! It is necessary to moisten a piece of cloth with essential oil and let it be sucked in by the vacuum cleaner. In addition to tidying up your apartment, you will also get the opportunity to fill it with a pleasant aroma. A very simple aromatherapy method at home!
  4. As a last resort, using moistened with water and essential oil a piece of clothleft by you in an inconspicuous place, you can already achieve the desired effect.
  5. And if you have a desire to accept bathwith essential oil, you must first dilute it in cream, milk or honey, since they do not dissolve in water.
  6. In addition, essential oils can be used when performing massageby adding it to natural creams.

Aromatherapy during pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy is a very important period in the life of every woman. And besides special care and attention, expectant mothers need pleasant emotions. It is also important to preserve general condition women to prevent the development of infectious diseases.

In this regard, the antimicrobial, bactericidal and antifungal effects of essential oils used for aromatherapy, as well as their ability to strengthen the immune system, will certainly be beneficial.

In addition, the use of essential oils helps to raise the mood, gives positive emotions and relaxation that the expectant mother needs so much.

It should be remembered that during pregnancy the sense of smell is greatly exacerbated, so the dose of essential oils during aromatherapy should be halved. It is also not recommended to use them in their pure form: it is best to dilute them in a ratio of 1: 3.

Not recommendedduring pregnancy, use the essential oils of patchouli, rosemary, lemon balm, fennel, nutmeg, cedarwood, thyme, cloves, cinnamon, juniper, basil. Since they can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

During pregnancy can be used chamomile, lavender, sandalwood, eucalyptus, rosewood, lemon, tea tree, petitgrain, orange, neroli.

During pregnancy, women may experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis... Oil of eucalyptus, lemon, tea tree, lemon balm will help to cope with it.

Prevent the appearance of stretch marks it is possible with the help of massage using patchouli, orange, lemon oils (up to 8 months of pregnancy).

From pulling pains in lumbar compresses with lavender and mint will help (1-2 drops per 0.2 liters of water).

During childbirth, aromatic oils contribute not only to relaxation and relaxation, but also to relieve pain during labor. To do this, effectively use incense, lavender and jasmine. To intensify generic activityrubbing into the sacrum of sage and clary oils, verbena, marjoram and myrrh will help. And abdominal massage with jasmine oil promotes faster placenta separation.

Of course, in our maternity hospitals, the use of aromatherapy during childbirth is a curiosity, therefore, you should inquire about the possibility of using aroma oils in advance.

Contraindications to the use of aroma oils

People with severe asthma or other problems with respiratory tract, allergy sufferers and pregnant women should resort to aromatherapy with caution and use it only in the presence of a specialist and with the consent of the attending physician.

Before using essential oils, you must carefully see their action... So, people with arterial hypertension the use of lavender and rosemary essential oils, which increase blood pressure, is contraindicated.

Some essential oils, which are high in phenols (such as cinnamon), can cause local irritation to the skin, and therefore should not be applied or used near the eyes.

Do not take essential oils internally! Some of them have toxic properties, which can lead to irreparable consequences.

In addition, it is necessary to observe certain safety measures due to the fact that essential oils are highly flammable... Keep away from open flames and heating devices.

For external use, only diluted essential oils can be used, as in a concentrated form they can cause burns.

Carefully read the instructions before using aromatherapy oils and use them only in the specified amounts, even during aromatherapy.

Before using, you must make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance.

Do not forget about what nature gives us, because there can be nothing more useful and natural.

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Home use aromatherapy is beneficial and effective

Working with aromatherapy is useful for those who know how to use it. To start your journey into the world of fragrances, you need to prepare. Home aromatherapy starts with the first few steps:

  • Study of the most demanded and popular oils.
  • You should decide on the positions of the first ethers in your home pharmacy.
  • To have your own experience with oils, you need to take several oils from inexpensive price categories (from companies with good feedback and experience). Plus a few of the same oils from a more expensive price segment to be able to compare them.
  • Studying the ways of using aromatherapy. And the choice of the method you like.
  • Studying the basic rules and requirements when working with essential oils.

Self-aromatherapy methods at home

Home aromatherapy has several uses

All methods of working with essential oil, as well as what this science in general is, is described here:. You should know more precisely about home independent techniques. These include:

  • Self-massage or body wraps with essential oils. Such procedures often require the help of another person. But it is also possible independent application by zones. More about this: and.
  • Aromatic baths. One of the easiest aromatherapy methods at home. Baths are done for the whole body or individual parts, legs or arms. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 30 minutes. Read more about homemade recipes below.
  • Inhalation. Hot and cold treatments can be performed. The simplest method is to inhale the water vapor to which the oil is added.
  • Compresses. Compresses and applications basically have the same effect. The diluted oil is soaked in a cloth or cotton pad and applied to the painful area. The application is applied for a few minutes, the compresses are tied to the sore spot for a longer time.
  • Aroma lamps.

Several recipes

There are a great many recipes and ways to use oils. By immersing and studying this science, she will always discover something new. For the initial steps of aromatherapy at home, it is enough to know a few recipes for each day.

Aroma bath

Aromatic baths have strong physical and psychological effects

For a good effect of aromatherapy at home, using baths, the following must be observed:

  • Take a cleansing shower before the procedure.
  • The aromatherapy bath should be thoroughly rinsed with water from chemicals.
  • The water temperature is about 37-38 degrees.
  • The essential oil must be dissolved in a diluent. Suitable: honey, kefir, cream, base oil or salt.
  • Taking a bath for the first time, you should start the course with the minimum time, that is, with 10 minutes.
  • After the procedure, you need to calmly get out of the water, remove the remaining moisture with wet movements.
  • Home aromatherapy baths help with regular exposure. A course of 12 procedures or more is required.

The proportions are calculated depending on the size of the bath. One drop of oil per 20 liters of water.

Sleep recipe: mix 3 drops of chamomile, bergamot and lavender, and add to 15 ml of thinner. Dilute the mixture in a bath. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

To relieve tension: mix 6 drops of sage with 4 drops of jasmine or rosemary, add everything to 10 ml of diluent. The following is the same sequence as above.

For cellulite: 5-7 drops of orange oil in the base oil and in the bath. This procedure should be performed for 20 to 30 minutes. Tingling and a slight burning sensation may be felt. The course is at least 10 procedures, 2 times a week.

For varicose veins: 2 drops of cypress, geranium, lavender and 10 ml of base oil. Or ginger, juniper and rosemary, in the same proportions. The course is at least 10 procedures, 15–20 minutes each.

For restful sleep a bath with lavender is suitable for a child. 2 drops of oil into thinner and then into water. 5-7 minutes is enough to calm down and relieve tension.

Aroma lamps

Aroma lamps are the easiest and most popular way of aromatherapy

The most popular aromatherapy method. Water is added to the aroma lamp, into which a few drops of oil are dripped and placed under a candle. At the rate of 2 drops per five square meters of the room. Some important rules for aromatherapy at home with a lamp:

  • The oil must be added to the water. Otherwise, they will burn. The water should be warm.
  • The procedure is carried out from 40 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Ventilate the room before the procedure.
  • Windows and doors must be closed during the session.
  • Use natural candles, no fragrances or additives.
  • After the procedure, wash the aroma lamp with hot water.

Recipe for Improving Mood: Rosewood oil, geranium and lavender, in equal proportions. From 20 min. in a day.

For irritability: lavender and valerian in equal proportions. From 20 min. several times during the day.

Prevention of influenza: lavender, tea tree, pine, rosemary, basil. Mix in approximately equal proportions. Aromatize for 1 to 2.5 hours.

Immunity Enhancement: 2 drops each of tea tree, fir and eucalyptus. 1 to 3 hours a day.

General rules for working with oil at home

Almost all essential oils require dilution

When using aromatherapy at home, it is important to follow the basic recommendations:

  • Any oil must be tested on the wrist before use. To do this, a couple of drops of oil on the base and rub into the skin. If after a day no unpleasant reactions are found, then the oil is suitable.
  • Most essential oils should only be used diluted. Basic will do vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, grape, peach, etc., depending on preference).
  • Essential oils are forbidden to be consumed inside, except for some types. And then after consulting a doctor. You cannot do this on your own.
  • It is necessary to combine oils according to their psycho-emotional properties. For example, lavender (soothing) and ginger (tonic) should not be used together.
  • You need to assess your condition in the first 10 minutes. If it becomes bad, then the procedure should be stopped and the room should be ventilated.
  • It is not recommended to mix more than 5-7 types of oils.
  • Do not use aromatherapy for more than 3 weeks in a row. A break of 2 weeks is required.
  • Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes.
  • Some oils are phototoxic and are not approved for use just before sun exposure. For example, citrus oils, which should be used a couple of hours before exposure to UV light.
  • When serious illnessesBefore starting aromatherapy at home, a consultation with a doctor and an aromatherapist is necessary.
  • The oils should be kept in a cool place, in the dark and out of the reach of children.
  • A careful study of all contraindications of the oil used.

An important rule is that if the scent is unpleasant or causes tension, irritation and other unhappy feelings, you should not use it. Home aromatherapy can be enjoyable, beneficial and effective if you follow the safety guidelines and guidelines. The main principle: do no harm.

An essential oil from a single plant can be used for various ailments. Aromatic oils have been proven to help strengthen the applied medications... Let's highlight the main medical properties:

1. Helps to cope with colds

This fact has been known for a very long time. During the period of terrible epidemics, it was noticed that people who deal with certain plants, for example, lavender, are not susceptible to disease. And now essential oils are used to heal coldsand also for prevention purposes.

  • For disinfection of premises

For disinfection of premises, the aromatic oils of clove, eucalyptus, juniper, lavender, bergamot, marjoram are suitable - they will not only kill the virus, but also prevent it from spreading.

  • To ease the course of the disease

The following oils will help alleviate the course of the disease: peppermint, lavender or lily of the valley will be removed headache, and if you add bergamot and eucalyptus to them, you can lower your body temperature. Fir oil can help relieve sore throat.
To strengthen the body's defenses during viral epidemics, use citrus oils.

2. Help to cope with nervous disorders, calm down

Our life is now filled with constant stress. Instead of drinking expensive preparations, by the way, usually also herbal, we recommend using soothing oils of ylang-ylang, bergamot, rose, orange, chamomile or sage.

3. They stand guard over beauty

Rose will tighten the skin, jojoba or neroli will also help. A few drops of these oils in a jar of cream are enough. Cypress oil is indicated for the care of sensitive skin. Add jojoba, eucalyptus, or lavender oil to your shampoo or mask for beauty. For hair prone to oily, grape seed oil will help perfectly, it will also cope with sagging skin. An excellent antioxidant is sprouted wheat grain oil.
If you want to lose weight, use cypress, cinnamon, green apple oils - they tend to reduce appetite.

4. Help with varicose veins

Schisandra chinensis and cypress added to massage cream will help with treatment.

5. Treatment of injuries

Tangerine, lemon, peppermint and sage oils will help - they have analgesic properties. And lavender oil will relieve redness and is also an excellent antiseptic.

6. Beneficial effect on body systems

Aromatic oils have a beneficial effect both on the entire systems of our body and on the work of certain organs.

  • Parsley oil - urinary system;
  • Lemon, peppermint - digestive system,
  • Lemon, orange, lemon balm oil - has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Ways to use aroma oils

In order for the essential oil to help in the treatment of the disease as much as possible, you need to learn how to use it correctly. Let's look at the main ways to use aromatherapy at home.

  • Use in aroma lamps

The aroma lamp promotes the entry into the air of the smallest particles of oil dissolved in water. The dosage is as follows: 6 drops of oil per 15 square meters. It is used for disinfection of premises, combating stress, respiratory diseases.

  • Inhalation

Can be used hot and cold. When cold, you inhale the undiluted oil using a scent, sachet, or applied to bedding (for example, to treat sleep disorders). Hot inhalation consists in dissolving the required dosage of drops in water and inhaling the steam after boiling. This usually happens with the help of devices, inhalers.

  • Aroma massage

It can be of the most varied: from relaxing, stress-reducing, to therapeutic.

  • Aromavanna

A very affordable way of aromatherapy, because it does not require special skills and devices. It is enough to add a little oil to the collected bath and lie down for 20 minutes.

The oil is dissolved in water, which is poured over the stove.

  • Compresses and rubbing

They are used to disinfect a wound or relieve pain after injuries.

  • Oil-enriched creams and shampoos
  • Taking inside

The method should be used only under the supervision of a doctor and on his recommendation.

Aromatherapy at home: recipes

1. You should buy oils from pharmacies or specialized stores.
2. Make sure that the aroma oil is not expired.
3. Store aroma oil in the refrigerator, it should be protected from light by a dark glass vial.
4. Before using aroma oil, find out if you are allergic to it. This is especially true for oils that are added to creams.
5. The correct dosage is important. Remember that for children, it should be reduced by 2 times.
6. Applying a bath with aromatic oil, add it to the already collected water, dissolving in kefir, milk, honey or sea salt. You cannot wash in the aromatherapy bath - take a shower beforehand.
7. Five components is the maximum when mixing oils.

Home aromatherapy recipes:

  • With a cold

To disinfect the room where the patient is, take 3-5 drops of pine, juniper, tea tree and bergamot oils, dissolve them in half a liter of warm water and wipe household items, furniture, floor. Do this as often as possible. Or you can add the composition to the aroma lamp.

  • To lower the temperature

To lower the temperature, rub the body with a mixture of lavender, eucalyptus, bergamot and mint oils dissolved in water. Take 1-2 drops per glass and wipe with lukewarm water.

  • Anti-cold oils

Thyme, tea tree and eucalyptus will help cure a runny nose. It is enough just to make an aroma lamp with a mixture of these oils.

Cough can be defeated with the help of inhalation: drip chamomile oil, eucalyptus or mint into a glass of boiling water (2 drops) and breathe, covered with a towel.

  • With a headache

Take two drops of marjoram, lavender and peppermint oils. Mix, saturate in a sachet, scent, or handkerchief and breathe.

Take five drops of lavender oil mixed with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Massage into temples and back of the head.

Prepare a compress for a headache as follows: lemon, chamomile and lavender oils are dripped onto a teaspoon of salt in proportions of 1: 2: 3. Dissolve salt in water, moisten a cloth or towel with it and put it on your forehead.

  • With increased pressure

Twice a day, massage with essential oils is useful: geranium, sage, lavender, marjoram. It is enough to add 2 drops of these oils to vegetable oil. Please note that in the case of hypertension, you should not rely only on aromatherapy, do not forget to take the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.

  • In stressful situations

You can fight stress and relieve fatigue in the following way: take a bath with ylang-ylang, mint and pine oils, as well as any citrus fruits. It is enough to dissolve 2 drops of any of those listed in kefir, milk or sea salt and add 36 degrees to warm water.

Essential oils can protect us from disease. The main thing is to learn how to use them correctly. Aromatherapy can and should be done at home, it requires little: knowledge of the properties of oils and the principles of their use, quality ingredients and common sense.

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