Vitamin E Meligen instructions for use. Aevit Meligen Instructions for use

Combined drug Aevit Meligen Instructions recommends using for preventing vitamins deficit, as well as to strengthen, growth and improve improvements external view Skin, nails and hair. But before taking these healing capsules, you must consult with a specialist.

The main components of the drug

Basic active substances As part of Aevita are: vitamin A (retinol) and vitamin E (tocopherol).

This real healing cocktail participates in most physiological processes in the body, has a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulating effect on its cells. And beauty A and E stimulate protein and lipid metabolism, contribute to the growth of bones and regeneration of epithelial cells.

The main components of the drug "Aevit Meligen" instructions for use recommends using to preserve the visual function, maintaining the operation of blood circulation organs and reproductive sphere.

Retinol, or vitamin A, irreplaceable for biochemical processes associated with the ability to adapt vision to the dark (the deficit of the useful substance leads to chicken (twilight) blindness), with the general rejuvenation of the body, because it also stimulates the natural mechanism for the health level of skin levels at the cell level.

Tocopherol, or vitamin E, is the strongest antioxidant, megapoles for skin cover and blood circulation systems. It normalizes the natural permeability of the vessel walls and contributes to the restoration of blood microcirculation in capillaries.

Description and dosage

In each blister packed ten capsules with a soft gelatin coating. They have a spherical shape and natural color from bright yellow to a light brown shade. Inside the vitamin pill is an oily liquid that does not smell. Each capsule "AEVITA" contains 55 mg and 100 mg.

As additional components of the vitamin preparation, its manufacturer - CJSC FP "Meligen" - chose: Sunflower oil (45 mg), which can be replaced with olive, soybean or corn; Gelatin (about 45 mg), glycerol (about 15 mg), E218 in the form of a preservative (about 0.3 mg) and caramel - natural dye (approximately 0.3 mg).

By pharmacological action The product belong to the group of polyvitamins. In the appointment of a doctor, it is taken regardless of the use of food on one capsule per day. The course lasts within a month or increases to 40 days. If necessary, it is repeated in a month, but doctors do not recommend this in order not to cause symptoms of hypervitaminosis. The shelf life of the capsule is about two years.


With the prophylactic objectives of Aevit, they take with an unbalanced diet and malnutrition, chronic stress, hyperthyroidism, harmful habits. Also "Aevit Meligen" instructions for use recommends using hyperthyroidism, diseases of the tract and infectious ailments, tendency to inexplicably reduce body weight.

The described drug is also assigned to hypo-and avitaminosis, diarrhea, chronic chronosis, obstructive jaundice and cirrhosis of the liver, diseases of the thyroid gland, metabolic disorders. In addition, it is recommended in the complex therapy of eye diseases and cardiovascular ailments, atherosclerotic changes in the blood transport system, psoriasis, red systemic lupus, dermatitis, acne, skin defects, nails (fragility and layers), hair (falling, slowdown growth, dullness and lifeless strand).

In cosmetology

If the doctor's examination did not reveal internal and serious dermatological diseases, but the skin looks dim, pale, it is peeling and there is a causing rash on it, then the doctors recommend improving the condition of the cover using the Ayevit Meligen preparation.

Why do this multivitamin agent take? First, it is prescribed to improve the state of the problem skin, an abundant comedon - with rigorous traffic jams. Inside them there is a propagation of pathogenic bacteria, causing the appearance of acne and inflammation on the face and other parts of the body. Secondly, it is shown for dry aged with signs of aging. Wrinkles and peelings of the epidermis are the reason for the appointment of Aevita.

Thanks to the use of the drug, the processes of skin regeneration are restored and its aging slows down. About how to drink Aevit Meligen to women, tells a specialist (a dermatologist or cosmetologist), and also describes a liner leaflet containing the instructions for the drug. It is necessary to comply with the dosage if you take a vitamin remedy yourself.

It is also often added to the outer masks for the skin, piercing capsules and removing the contents. For this, no more than one or two pills of drugs are used, which at a sufficient level vitaminate home cosmetics.


Despite wide spectrum The benefit that "Aevit Meligen" has a person and the whole body as a whole, there are a number of prohibitions in which it is necessary to refrain from its application: Allergies to any of the components, man's age under 14 years old, pregnancy, thyroid disease, liver and kidney . It can also be used in the presence of cardiovascular ailments: pronounced cardiosclerosis, stagnant heart failure and myocardial infarction.


To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is unacceptable to independently increase the dose of the drug "Aevit Meligen". Instructions for use of the drug in this case prevents possible side symptoms: the appearance of allergies in the form of erythema, rash and itching, dizziness or headaches, lobs in bones and drowsiness, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, increased dryness of the skin and oral mucosa.

Sometimes cramps can occur, confusion or a faint condition. Additionally consumed vitamins may also lead to exceeding the daily dosage of retinol and tocopherol.

Aevit: Instructions for use, price

CJSC "FarmPredit" Meligen ", located in the Leningrad Region, produces the vitaminating means" Aevit ", packing capsules into blisters of 10 pieces. Then two, three or four contour cells are placed in cardboard boxes. In each of them, annotation for the drug "Aevit" (instructions for use) are also placed. The package of pack depends on the number of blisters in it: 20 capsules are implemented at a cost of 60-70 rubles, and 30-40 capsules can be sold for the amount within one hundred rubles. The cost of the drug is considered to be low, although it may vary depending on the location of the pharmacy.

User opinions, comments doctors

Delighted feedback from people who received an excellent therapeutic effect after the use of the "Aevit" vitaminature is found in the forums quite often.

Users celebrate the beneficial effect of the drug on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Praise "Aevit Meligen" reviews for the rejuvenating effect from wrinkles (when adding to cream), for the elasticity of the hair (when enriching them a balm or shampoo), for a good regenerating effect after acne treatment, when scars from acne and skin takes a smooth, healthy shade .

The inexpensive drug can also lead to disappointments, if taken at its own discretion. After all, people who host dietary supplies or multivitamins can exceed the dosage and experience unpleasant side effects. Also can increase the concentration of vitamin A in the blood of women using oral contraceptives based on hormones (they have a similar action). Patients who are spelled out calcium-containing additives may face the effects of hypercalcemia.

Doctors warn that regardless of the method of using the drug, its uncontrolled use can cause allergies or even intoxication of the body.

Registration number: LP-003316 dated November 20, 2015

Trade name of the drug: Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol acetate)

Grouping title: Vitamin E.

Dosage form: Capsules


Active substance: Alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) 100 mg.

Excipients: Sunflower oil 100 mg.

Capsule shell: Gelatin 44.73 mg, glycerol 14.67 mg, methyl aprichedroxybenzoate 0.29 mg, Azorbin dye 0.31 mg


Capsules of a spherical shape of red color filled with an oily liquid from light yellow to dark yellow color, without a voiced smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group


ATH code:

Pharmacological properties

It has antioxidant activity, participates in the biosynthesis of heme and proteins, cell proliferation, tissue respiration, other essential process of tissue metabolism; protects fabrics from the damaging effect of excess amounts of free radicals and peroxidation products; Stimulates the synthesis of proteins and collagen.

Absorption from the 12-Pans (the presence of bile salts is necessary, fat, the normal functioning of the pancreas) is 20-40%. With increasing dose, the degree of absorption decreases. The time to achieve maximum concentration is 4 hours. Deposited in all organs and tissues, especially in adipose tissue. Penetrates the placenta, penetrates breast milk. Excretion mainly through the gastrointestinal tract, with biliary - more than 90%, less than 6% is allocated by the kidneys in the form of glucuronides and other metabolites.

Indications for use

Treatment and prevention of vitamin E. hypovitaminosis

Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, acute myocardial infarction, childhood.

Apply in patients with heavy cardiosclerosis that have undergone myocardial infarction, with increased risk of thromboembolism; Hypoprothrombinemia caused by the insufficiency of vitamin K.

Application during pregnancy during breastfeeding

During pregnancy and breastfeeding Reception of the drug only on the recommendation of the doctor.

Method of application and dose

The drug is intended only for adult patients only.
2 - 4 capsules per day, within 1 - 2 weeks.

Side effect

Allergic reactions (itching, skin hyperemia); From the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, nausea, gastralgy, dyspepsia.


When taking vitamin E over a long period in doses of 400-800 IU / day: the fuzziness of visual perception, dizziness, headache, nausea, increased fatigue, diarrhea, gastralgy, asthenia.
When receiving more than 800 IU / day for a long period - an increase in the risk of bleeding in patients with hypovitaminosis of vitamin K, violation of the metabolism of thyroid hormones, disorders of the sexual function, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, necrotic colitis, sepsis, renal failure, hemorrhage in the mesh shell, Hemorgic stroke, ascites.

Treatment: symptomatic; cancellation of the drug; The purpose of glucocorticosteroids, accelerating the metabolism of vitamin E in the liver.

Interaction with other medicines

Simultaneous reception of large doses of vitamin E with vitamin K or with indirect anticoagulants (Cumarine and Indandion derivatives), increases blood coagulation time. Vitamin E enhances the effect of glucocorticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cardiac glycosides. With simultaneous reception with other vitamin-mineral preparations containing fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, it should be advised to the doctor.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and mechanisms management
Reception of the drug does not affect human ability to control vehicles or mechanisms.

special instructions

Form release

  • Capsules of 100 mg.
  • 10 capsules in contour cellular packaging.
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 contour cellular packaging together with the instructions for use are placed in a pack of cardboard.

For hospitals:

  • At 50, 100, 200, 400, 600 contour cellular packages together with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a hermetically wanted package of a light-tight polyethylene film. It is allowed to apply instructions for use on the package. Polyethylene packaging and packs are placed in a cardboard box.
  • On 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000 contour cellular packages together with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

In a dry, light-protected place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Vitamin E is called vitamin beauty and youth. It is often accepted by women in the hope of improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails, remove wrinkles or achieve other cosmetic effects. In the pharmacology market, there are many additives containing Vitamin E. Let's talk about how it is useful for the body, which dietary and drugs are most favorable at the price, as well as consider the vitamin E reception schemes to achieve certain medical purposes.

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a good antioxidant. It blocks the reactions of lipid peroxidation, so protects the cells of the body from death. Other properties:

  • antihypoxic (protects cells from oxygen starvation);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating.

In practice, a person is unlikely to feel the consequences of taking vitamin E, if only before that he had not experienced his deficit. To do not feel it, it is enough to use 30 g of sunflower oil per day. If you use it for frying or refueling salads, you are hardly possible hypovitaminosis E. Moreover, from other products you also get it, albeit in smaller quantities.

Additional intake of vitamin E will not help strengthen your body or improve skin appearance, hair and nails, as it is often written on the Internet. But the use of dietary supplies and drugs with tocopherol in the composition will avoid the negative effects of hypovitaminosis, namely:

  • reduction of immunity;
  • weakening muscles;
  • in children - development disorders nervous systemss.

With deep hypovitaminosis develops hemolytic anemiaassociated with the destruction of erythrocytes inside the vessels.


Give several drugs and biologically active additives with prices. Listed those available in the pharmacy network. The specified dosage (mg) is the content of vitamin E, and not the mass of the capsule as a whole. Sunflower oil can be added to it. In this case, when you buy one or another additive, you can easily see the packaging of the inscription "Capsules of 200 mg", although in fact the dosage of vitamin E in it will be significantly lower. It is always indicated in the instructions or on the package.

Available in pharmacies of Bad and preparations containing vitamin E:

  • Vitamin E production of "Mirrolla" (Russia). Price - 42 rubles per 10 capsules of 100 mg.
  • Alpha Tokafolol acetate from Altai Vitamins (Russia). The price is 75 rubles for 30 capsules of 100 mg.
  • "Vitamin E" production of "Zentiv" (Slovakia). The price is 400 rubles for 30 capsules of 400 mg.
  • "Vitamin E" from "Svetopharm" (Russia). The price is 100 rubles per 40 capsules of 120 mg.
  • Vitamin E production of "Dominant-Service" (Bulgaria). The price is 100 rubles for 30 capsules of 100 mg.
  • "Vitamin E" from Meligen (Russia). The price is 50 rubles per 20 capsules of 100 mg.
  • "Vitamin E" production "Solgar" (USA) the most expensive. Its price is 700 rubles per 50 capsules. Dose - 100 me.

How many milligrams are impossible to determine, since several varieties of tocopherol are at once. In what ratio they are contained - not specified. But in any case, the dosage is less than 100 mg, so that the additive from "Solkar", as always, the most disadvantageous price among numerous analogues.


By purchasing vitamin E, you need to pay attention not only to prices or the number of capsules, but also on dosage. Usually, the additives are below. Standard dose - 100 mg. Dosage preparations can be several times higher. The reason is that additives are designed to meet the need for vitamin E, and drugs are used to treat hypovitaminosis.

Preparations with vitamin E may also have other readings. For example, "Vitamin E" production of "Zentiv" in the dosage of 400 mg per day is shown at:

  • amyotrophic side sclerosis;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle of dormriconal origin;
  • degenerative lesions of the joints;
  • rehabilitation after recently transferred diseases.

At the same time, the biologically active additives are not available. They are not used to treat something, and can only be used as a source of substances beneficial to the body.

Instructions for use

As a dietary supplement, Vitamin E is accepted 1 capsule per day for a month. Some manufacturers of additives are inventing other tocopherol reception schemes - different with different diseases and conditions, including those in which the feasibility of receiving vitamin E is doubtful. For example, Bad from Altai Vitamins accept:

  • with a threatening abortion - 1 capsule per day, within 1-2 weeks;
  • with myocardial dystrophy, atherosclerosis and other diseases of the vessels - 1 capsule once a day, a course of 20-40 days, with a repetition of the course in 3-6 months;
  • with the worsening of the quality of sperm in men - from 1 to 3 capsules per day by 1 month;
  • with the deterioration of the intrauterine development of the fetus and the usual unbearabity of pregnant women It is recommended to take vitamin E capsule per day or every other day, during the initial 2-3 months of pregnancy.

These schemes are taken from the ceiling. Although the benefit for the body of the alpha-tocopherol is not questioned, there is no evidence that Vitamin E reduces the risk of miscarriage in women or improves the quality of sperm in men.

Topferol based drugs are accepted in different dosages, depends on the underlying disease. Usually it is 1 capsule per day. The reception course is determined by the doctor.

Vitamin E preparations are not 100% safe. They can cause side effects, have contraindications and cause symptoms of overdose if you take them too long or exceed the recommended dose manufacturer.

Aevit is vitamin complex drug with immunostimulating and antioxidant properties. Aevit complex, reviews of doctors and patients about which is definitely positive, consists of two vitamins - A (Palmiat retinol) and E (alpha-tocopherol acetate). Aevit Vitamins contribute to tissue regeneration, participates in the exchange of lipid and protein, has a positive effect on vision, supports the reproductive function of the body, improves blood circulation, restores the permeability of the vessels, tissue trophic.

All effects described above on the use of auev are possible due to the pharmacological properties of vitamins A, E.

Vitamin A is responsible for the tissue exchange, it is capable of improving cell and humoral immunity, reinforces myelopoes, improves the function of macrophages.

The help of vitamin A reception can reduce the risk of mucous membranes respiratory tract and digestive tract. Thanks to the participation of this vitamin in the Aevit complex, keratinization slows down when it is used, the cells are rejuvenated. The beneficial effect of the drug Aevit on the reproductive function is also due to the participation of the vitamin A in this complex. In addition, retinola Palmiat is involved in the formation of the visual signal, bone tissue, promotes the growth of bones, positively affects the work of sweat, sebaceous, tear glands.

Also, vitamin A, thanks to the unsaturated relations of the Retinol molecule, interacts with different species radicals, and stimulates the antioxidant function of vitamin E, which, in turn, is a second important component of aueth, prevents the oxidation of retinol, thereby preventing the formation of toxic products.

In addition, vitamin alpha tocopherol acetate (E) is responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes in the human body, cell protection against the effects of free, preventing the hemolysis of erythrocytes, has a positive effect on microcirculation and tissue trophic, vascular system.

Alpha-tocopherol also stimulates immunity, both common and humoral, and cellular. Due to this component of the Aevit complex, the activity of T-lymphocytes increases. In addition, in aggregate with vitamin A, the normal formation of the sexual system and embryonic development is ensured.

The pharmacokinetic properties of aevit are due to the pharmacokinetics of its components.

Aevit absorption: Vitamin E is absorbed in the digestive tract, and Vitamin Retinol is in the gastrointestinal. Aevit components, vitamins A, E are distributed in tissues and organs evenly, while excess vitamin A is postponed in the liver, and vitamin E - in muscle, adrenal tissue, adrenal glands, seeds, liver, erythrocytes.

Aevit metabolism: Vitamin A in the process of metabolism in the liver forms active and inactive metabolites. Vitamin E is formed in the process of metabolism only pharmacologically inactive metabolites.

Aevita removal: retinol acetate already as metabolites are excreted with urine and bile. This is slow: after one-time application, a third of the adopted vitamin is excreted from the human body for three more weeks. Vitamin E is removed only with bile, and with urine only in minor quantity.

Indications for the use of aevit

Due to the complex composition, the use of aevit is prescribed in a number of diseases. Therapy using auevita is prescribed by patients who, according to different indicators, need long-term reception of a large number of E and A vitamins.

According to the Aevit instructions, this is necessary and justifies itself in some cases:

- impaired microcirculation and tomb tissue;

- atherosclerosis of vessels;

- endarteritic optic;

- Psoriasis, lupus red;

- atrophy of the nerve of the visual, "chicken blindness" (hemerlopia), keratomania, xerofthalmia, retinit pigment;

The use of auev is also shown by the patients who are limited to power, and the flow of vitamins is reduced by a natural way, with diseases and states:

  • diarrhea;
  • gastrectomy;
  • steatherea;
  • crohn's disease, Malabsorption, celiac disease;
  • cholestasis in the chronic stage, jaundice obstructive, impassable gallways, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pancreas Disease - Cystic Fibrosis;
  • infectious diseases in acute and chronic condition;
  • intasive nutrition, rapid weight loss (often Aevit Vitamins are prescribed to those who are on parenteral nutrition - to replenish the lack of retinol and alpha-tocopherol acetate)
  • alcoholic, nicotine, narcotic dependence;
  • prolonged stress;
  • application of drugs, mineral oils that contain iron (for example, neomycin, swieramin, bears)
  • a diet that determines the increased admission of fatty polyunsaturated acids;
  • hyperthyroidism
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • abetalipoproteinemia;
  • necrotizing myopathy.

The use of Aevita

Aevit Vitamins are accepted after meals, swallowed entirely (do not chew) and wrapped with water.

The average reception rate, according to the Aevit instructions: for an adult - 30 - 40 days. One capsule once every 24 hours. But more individual dosages of Aevit and the duration of the course appoints a doctor who has a patient. According to observations and reviews, the Aevit with improper use can lead to undesirable consequences.

For more accurate purposes and the possibility of repeat the use of auevit (only after 3 months or six months after the end of the last course, according to the Aevit instructions), it is necessary to accurately know the nature of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body.

Description of Aevit side actions

According to the description and reviews, the Aevit is moved well, but there are statistics of side effects against the background of the use of aevit:

1) vomiting, nausea, allergic manifestations, gastralgia, stool impairment - single cases associated only with the individual characteristics of the patient's body;

2) the aggravation of chronic pancreatitis, gallgamed disease - in those who have tried a long-term Aevit;

3) hypervitaminosis A. is expressed in the defeat of the peripheral and central nervous system - sleep disorders, irritability, headache, paresthesia, apathy. Damage to the skin - cracks and dryness of feet and palms, Seborrhea, Alopecia, can also be caused. According to reviews, Aevit led to joint pain, an increase in spleen, liver, a change in gait, but all this was observed against the background of long-term use of the drug and in dosages that exceeded recommended.

Contraindications for the use of aevit

1. Individual intolerance to the aevit vitamin;

2. thyrotoxicosis, chronic glomerulonephritis, and chronic insufficiency blood circulation;

3. Myocardial infarction, thromboembolism risk, heavy atherosclerosis of coronary, sharp and chronic kidney inflammation (Aevit is prescribed, but with great caution);

According to the instructions, the reception of aevit during pregnancy and lactation is allowed only with the permission of the doctor.

Indications for use

Aevit capsules are prescribed with such states:

  • Hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis of fat-soluble vitamins A and E
  • Chicken blindness
  • Pigment retinit
  • Systemic Red Volchanka
  • Psoriasis
  • Atrophy of the optic nerve
  • Disorders of tissue regeneration
  • Bad microcirculation
  • Necrosis fabrics
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Endocarditis.

Drink Aevit in preventive purposes follows in such states:

  • Stay in frequent stress situations
  • Malnutrition
  • Unbalanced nutrition
  • Presence of bad habits - frequent use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco and drug intake and reception
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Frequent infectious diseases
  • Diseases of the branch bodies
  • Leaving
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Gastrectomy
  • Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas.

The composition of the drug

One auita capsule contains in its composition such main existing components: vitamin A - 100,000 units (equivalent to 30 mg), vitamin E - 100 mg. Auxiliary components: Refined sunflower oil.

In the injection form - the retinol acetate contains 0.035 g, and the tocopherol of acetate - 0.1. The ointment contains the same operating components for the outer form on the basis of phenoxyethanol.

Medical properties

The drug has immunomodulatory, reparative, regenerating, antioxidant, redox effects on the human body. These two fat-soluble vitamins are powerful antioxidants (especially tocopherol acetate), they are able to fight free radicals that contribute to the aging process. Although the means in capsuated form is intended for oral applicationIt is often used externally. Because the drug for oral administration also helps well as ointment.

For example, Aevit from wrinkles should be applied to the pre-cleaned skin of the face every evening for 2-4 weeks. Vitamins Aevit for a person are useful and the fact that not only rejuvenate it, but also contribute to the elimination of the pedestal, struggling with inflammatory acne, eliminate dryness and give soft covering. Also use vitamins Aevit for hair to combat their dryness: you can squeeze the contents of the capsules into the shampoo or simply lubricate dry tips. The result is soft skin, silky hair, the drug is equally well suited for more cosmetic purposes, both for women and for men.

Forms of release

There are 3 forms of release: gelatin tablets, injection and cream solution.

Capsules have an ideal round shape, approximately 1 cm in diameter. The color of the gelatin shell is yellow, and the oily solution inside has identical color with sunflower oil. The contents of the content remotely resembles the oil, but the taste is unpleasant and specific. Feeding capsules in blisters of 10 pieces. average price In Russia - 40 rubles per blister.

Injection form has yellow and bottled in light brown ampoules 1 ml. Sold in cardboard packs of 10 pieces. The average cost in Russia is 120 rubles.

Women's white cream is fusing in packaging, with a capacity of 50 ml. It is intended for outdoor use and for applying to face. The average cost of medication in Russia is 200 rubles.

Mode of application

How to take aevit adult

Instructions for the use of vitamins Aevit indicates that the capsuned form must be swallowed by the whole, drinking with plenty of water. It is not recommended to chew on, otherwise the therapeutic properties of the medication will be significantly reduced. Standard dosage auevit - 1 capsule in essence. You can not use the means of more than 30-40 days in a row.

Preventive dose - 1 capsule per day, duration of 20-30 days, but no more. The accepted medication is reused no earlier than 3-6 months later, since fat-soluble vitamins have the property to accumulate in the liver.

In gynecology

Currently, Aevit in capsules prescribe mammologists in the presence of mastopathy. Especially often mastopathy gives discomfort to girls. It has been proven that its indisputable benefits is that the tool due to the high content of retinol and tocopherol has a positive effect on the overall state of the hormonal background of the female organism. As a result - in the composition comprehensive treatment Diseases The medication will help to cope with the ailment.

Injection funds are made once a day on one ampoule disposable syringe tweet to the upper quadrant of the berry muscle. Used syringe to throw away for re-administration You should take a new one. The duration of therapy is 20 days. In particularly severe cases, with trophic violations or endocardite therapy increases to 40 days in a row.

The face cream is applied before bedtime to the pre-cleaned skin of the face. Apply daily 1-2 times a day for one or two months in a row.

Aevit for children

This agent does not fit children's body Due to the overpric dosages of retinol and tocopherol in one capsule. Children's option is not available.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Aevit during pregnancy and breast feeding is contraindicated to use. Moreover, women when planning pregnancy should be refracted from high doses of retinol (over 10 thousand units) at least six months before the expected date of conception.


Aevit instruction indicates that the means is contraindicated with such states:

  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • Super sensitivity to medication components
  • Thromboembolia
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Heavy form atherosclerosis
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Hypervitaminosis A and E.


You should not take a vitamin drug at the same time as other vitamos and mineral complexes in order to avoid possible overdose. Caution is prescribed tool up to 18 years.

Cross drug interactions

The simultaneous reception of cyanocobalamin and Vikasol prevents the absorption of retinol, and the tocopherol, ascorbic acid and zinc potentiate its effect.

Alpha-tocopherol is not compatible with simultaneous reception with zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, cyanocobalamin and ergocalciferol. Ascorbic acid will potentiate the effect of alpha tocopherol.

Side effects

There are such negative consequences that pass after the drug abolition:

  • Drowsiness
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Hyperemia face
  • Alopecia and Seborrhea
  • Excessive irritability
  • Allergy.


Overdose develops heavy and is associated with the accumulation of retinol. Her symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Enlargement of liver and spleen
  • Causes
  • Heart failure
  • The lesions of the peripheral and central NS
  • Dry and cracked feet
  • Alopecia and Seborrhea
  • Apathy, disorders of sleep and wakefulness.

It should be immediately discontinued, as soon as the slightest signs of overdose or side Effects. Antidote does not exist, treatment is symptomatic.

Conditions and shelf life

Store at room temperature 2 years in a dark and dry place.


Aevit Meligen

CJSC "Pharmaceutical enterprise Meligen", Russia

average price - 25 rubles per blister (10 pcs.)

This is the BD, which includes similar components. The average content of retinol is 8 thousand units, and tocopherol - 100 mg in one gelatin tablet (200 mg).


  • Inexpensive
  • Less is contained. BUT.


  • It is impossible to children under 14
  • Not fit pregnant.

Aevit Bitra


average price - 25 rubles per blister.

The medication belongs to vitamin Badas, the main existing components are similar. 300 mg capsuated tablet contains 0.9 MG of retinol and 15 mg of tocopherol. Capsulated medicine contains daily rate of substances.


  • Low price
  • The optimal ratio of nutrients.


  • Cannot be pregnant
  • Contraindicated to children under 14 years old.

Dosage form

The soft gelatin capsules of a spherical shape from yellow to light brown color filled with an oil liquid from light yellow to a digging color, without a proof odor.


In one capsule contains:

Active substances: Acetate alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) 100.00 mg, palmitate retinol (vitamin A) 55.00 mg (100000 me).

Auxiliary substances: Sunflower oil 45.00 mg, gelatin 44.73 mg, glycerol 14.67 mg, methylpaultsibenzoate 0.29 mg, sugar kel 0.31 mg.

pharmachologic effect

The combined drug whose action is determined by the properties of the vitamins A and E. Retinol (vitamin A) participates in the formation of visual pigments necessary for normal twilight and color of color; Provides the integrity of epithelial tissues, regulates the growth of bones.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) has antioxidant properties (removes toxins from the body), ensures the protection of unsaturated fatty acids; Participates in the formation of an intercellular substance, collagen and elastic fibers of connective tissue, smooth muscles of vessels, digestive tract.


Retinol is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract after emulsifying with bile acids. Subjected to metabolism in the liver. Retinol metabolites are allocated bile (retinylpalmitate, retinal, retinic acid) and with urine (retinoilglucronid). Elimination of retinol is carried out slowly, cumulation is possible.

Vitamin E: about 50% of the adopted dose is slowly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum level in the blood is found after 4 hours. Deposited in adrenal glands, seeds, fat and muscular fabric, red blood cells, liver. It is released from the body unchanged and in the form of metabolites with bile (over 90%) and urine (about 6%).

Side effects

Allergic reactions (skin rash), a sense of discomfort in the epigastric region, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). With prolonged reception, the exacerbation of biletone disease and chronic pancreatitis is possible.

Features of sale

Released without recipe

Special conditions

In order to avoid the development of hypervitaminosis, A and E should not exceed the recommended dose. When using the drug, it should take into account the high content in it vitamin A (100 thousand meters). Diet S. increased content Selena and sulfur-containing amino acids reduce the need for vitamin E.

Impact on the ability to manage vehicles and work with mechanisms

Data on the negative effect of the drug in the recommended doses on the ability to control vehicles and working with mechanisms is not.


Combined Avitaminosis A and E.

In complex therapy:

- lesions and diseases of the skin, accompanied by a violation of tissue trophics (psoriasis, some forms of eczema, ichthyosis, seborrheic dermatitis).


Increased hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hypervitaminosis A and / or E, children's age (up to 18 years), drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and during lactation.


Thyrotoxicosis, chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic heart failure, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis. The drug should not be taken with other drugs, and the composition of which includes vitamins A and E.

Medicinal interaction

Vitamin A increases the risk of hypercalcemia. Kolistramin, bears, mineral oils, neomycin reduce the absorption of vitamin A and E (there may be an increase in their dose). Oral contraceptives increase the concentration of vitamin A in plasma. Isotretinoin increases the risk of inxication of vitamin A. The simultaneous use of tetracycline and vitamin A in high doses (50 thousand units) increase the risk of intracranial hypertension.

Vitamin E increases the effect of glucocorticosteroid drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antioxidants, increases efficiency and reduces the toxicity of vitamins A, D, cardiac glycosides. Appointment of vitamin E in

high doses may cause vitamin A shortage in the body. The simultaneous use of vitamin E in a dose of more than 400 units / day with anticoagulants (derivatives of Kumarin and Indandion) increases the risk of hypoprothrombinemia and bleeding. High doses of iron enhance oxidative processes in the body, which increases the need for vitamin E.

Aevita composition

Capsule pharmaceutical preparation Contains: Palmitate retinol ( vitamin A ) - 100,000 IU; alpha tocopherol acetate ( vitamin E. ) - 0.1 g; Sunflower oil as an auxiliary substance. The gelatin shell accommodates the following components: gelatin; glycerol; methylpaultydroxybenzoate (E 218); Propilepagidroxybenzoate (E 216).

Structure vitamins in the form of an injection solution (1 ml): acetate retinol. - 0.035 g; alpha tocopherol acetate - 0.1 g

Structure cream Aevit: vitamin A ; vitamin E. ; phenoxyethanol and ethylhexigliserine; Bathing of extracts (raspberry, rosemary, edelweiss); Propilgeptil whiming; Propylglyceryl-3 methiglucose Dystearate; Caprilik / Cappick / triglycerides; Erucat Olesil; Higher fatty alcohols; Stearat Glyceril; glycerol; Demineralized water.

Form release

Vitamins Aevit in pharmaceutical kiosks are supplied in three main pharmaceutical forms:

  • Soft gelatin capsules Spherical or spherical shape of yellow or light brown with a clearly designated dividing line. The sheath is filled with an oily drug fluid, the color of which can vary from light yellow to dark yellow, which does not indicate the unsuitability of the drug. Food capsules in glass jars for 25 pieces each or in contour cellular packs of 10 pieces.
  • Liquid injection solution in ampoules calculated on 1 ml of the vitaminative. 10 pieces and abstract invested in the cardboard box.
  • Nutritious cream Ayevit For a face in 50 ml bottles. 1 bottle and instruction in each cardboard packaging.

pharmachologic effect

Aevit is a combined drug, the effective components of which participate in a large number of different metabolic processes and physiological reactions in the body. The therapeutic capabilities of the pharmaceutical preparation are amazed by their breadth, because Vitamin complex At the same time, I. antioxidant , I. immunomodulatory properties in a stimulating effect affect the reproduction of epithelial cells and tissue growth, and accordingly contributes reparative and regenerator opportunities of individual organs and systems.

The drug improves the blood circuit of the microcirculatory channel, normalizes the permeability of the vascular wall all over the circulatory system, increases the qualitative possibilities of trophic processes. Biologically active components are necessary for the normal functioning of visual and reproductive systems, the correct flow of protein and lipid exchanges. Mechanism of action drug It should be considered separately for each vitamin.

Retinol Palmitat (or acetate in some aevit variations), better known as vitamin A - this is fat-soluble chemical connection . It is believed that most of The effects of this component are concentrated on the organs of vision, however, these are only half of the true biochemical pattern of vitamin A. interactions of course, the biological component is invaluable in the formation of the visual signal, since it contributes to the transformation of the protein structure of the OPCIN in Rhodopsin. Such a transformation of proteins is especially important for eyes with insufficient lighting.

Another weighty group of therapeutic effects of vitamin A is the effects of it on immune system . First of all, it should be noted a lining effect, further, with more detailed consideration, the eyes rush:

  • gain mielopoeza ;
  • activation macrophageal system ;
  • raising the factor of humoral and cell immunity ;
  • strengthening the protective mechanisms of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal system and respiratory tract.

Vitamin A regulatory abilities apply not only to the main types of exchange (protein, fat and so on), but also on the functioning of the glands of the external and internal secretionIncluding the influence of tear, greasy and sweat glands. In a complex with other effects, it allows the use of aevit for hair as a cosmetic and therapeutic agent, to prevent possible destruction of hair rods and bulbs, ensuring structural units of the hair by all necessary trophic substances.

From the point of view of organic chemistry, retinol - molecule with a large number of unsaturated connections, which allows vitamin A participating in various redox reactions . Therapeutic effects of this feature of the biologically active substance are particularly well visible when applied to the skin externally:

  • holds the required amount of intracellular fluid;
  • plays an important role in education glycosaminoglykanov ;
  • stimulates reproduction epithelial cells that allows you to rejuvenate the skin and get rid of wrinkles;
  • renders antioxidant action ;
  • improves capillary blood circulation and local protective mechanisms, because Aevit from acne is popular among the young category of patients.

Alpha Tokoporol or vitamin E. , the second active component of the pharmaceutical drug Aevit is a fat-soluble chemical compound that is part of a natural metabizma The human body and, like vitamin A, has a multitude of beneficial therapeutic effects with additional exogenous admission.

First of all, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia of worldwide knowledge on the Internet, notes it antioxidant activity . That is, the component of the drug slows down the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and, thus, reduces the formation of peroxide compounds that prevents hemolysis Erythrocyte and the destruction of other cellular structures. Also, the mechanism of antioxidant activity of vitamin E includes its ability embed into membranes , preventing contact with oxygen and free radicals circulating in the blood. This property of the alpha tocopherol is determined by the use of aevit for the skin around the eyes, the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe person retains youth and elasticity is much longer if the vitamin E is used regularly.

The active acting component of the pharmaceutical preparation has extensive effects on cardiovascular system . Alpha Topopherol is a cofactor of various enzymatic organism systems, which is implemented in such positive therapeutic effects as microcirculation stimulation, normalization of trophic processes in the tissues, the improvement of the capillary current of the blood and the permeability of this segment of the vascular bed. This causes the use of aueth as a healthy measure for eyelashes and for nails, because the derivatives of the skin first and foremost suffer from various kinds of pathological conditions due to the peristological ability of the vascular system.

Has vitamin E influence and on protective function organism. In particular Alpha tocopherol acetate Stimulates cellular and humoral links of the immune system, the activity of T-lymphocytes increases significantly. Due to the oppression of phospholipase A2 lysosomes, the potential for the destruction of the phospholipid layer of cell membranes is eliminated.

Strengthening protective functions - an incredibly important task of each, because it is much easier to prevent the disease than to sanitize the pathological center, for which the aevit in tablets is suitable in the best possible way due to the content of vitamins A and E.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The pharmacokinetic possibilities of the combined drug preparation are practically independent of the chosen form of release after entering systemic blood flow, therefore just one example is enough. Capsules are well absorbed from the digestive tract, after which they are transported in lymph and blood plasma, where they are associated with specific Transferee proteins And "travel" to organs and tissues. The quantitative excess of vitamin A is maintained in the liver in the form of esters of palmitic acid, they also undergo the main stages of its biotransformation before the elimination stage. The elimination passes slowly - only 34% of the adopted dose is removed within 3 weeks.

An excess of another active component, vitamin E, deposited everywhere in the tissues of the body. Metabolic processes are passing through the conversion of the natural structure of the component of the drug in quinin, after which they are removed along with the urine. In unchanged form, vitamin E can eliminate with bile.

Indications for the use of aevit

  • atherosclerosis vascular bed;
  • systemic Red Volchanka ;
  • obruting endocarditis and enermeritis ;
  • regional or systemic disorders of microcirculation and tissue trophics ;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • psoriasis ;
  • atrophy optic nerve;
  • hemeraralopia (chicken blindness) ;
  • xerophthalmia ;
  • necrotizing mopathia ;
  • keratomalya ;
  • abentalipoproteinemia ;
  • pigmentary Retinit .

Indications also include pathological conditions, when vitamins A and E is significantly reduced with food, which allows the use of aevit during the treatment of the following nosological units:

  • gastrectomy ;
  • chronic diarrhea ;
  • steatery ;
  • diseases of the small intestine of various genesis ( tseliacia , crohn's disease , Malabsorption syndrome and so on);
  • cystic fibrosis pancreas;
  • cirrhosis of the liver and pathologies that impede the physiological flow of bile in the lumen of the digestive tube;
  • acute and chronic infectious diseases ;
  • idiopathic weight loss ;
  • unbalanced or defective nutrition;
  • chronic stress ;
  • addiction, alcoholism and nicotinic addiction .


  • increased sensitivity in the current components of the vitamin complex;
  • thyrotoxicosis ;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis ;
  • chronic insufficiency of blood circulation .

Contraindications for vitamins Aevit does not include a number of nosological units, in which the use of the pharmaceutical preparation is recommended only under the supervision of qualified medical personnel. The list of such diseases is as follows:

  • myocardial infarction ;
  • thromboembolia or risk of its development;
  • heavy forms atherosclerosis coronary arteries;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidney of non-specific nature.

Side effects

The use of vitamins Aevit is usually transferred to patients well, because the active components of the pharmaceutical preparation are part of the physiological metabolism of the human body and are required for normal development. In isolated cases side effects may be observed in the form of one of the following adverse effects:

  • nausea and following her vomot ;
  • stool violations;
  • seborrhea ;
  • headache ;
  • gastralgy;
  • alopecia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased irritability;
  • exacerbation jelly Disease and chronic pancreatitis with the latent phase of the pathological flow.

Vitamins Aevit, instructions for use (method and dosage)

Instructions for the use of aevit in capsules

How to take aevit in capsules - orally, swallowing the entire tablet entirely. It is not recommended to chew it or for a long time to keep in the oral cavity, as the gelatin shell, in this case, may be damaged, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the therapeutic activity of the medicinal preparation. The standard dosage for the implementation of the entire biochemical potential of the active components is 1 capsule 1 time per day, and the duration of treatment is 30-40 days.

For prophylaxis various diseases From the list above, the conservative reservation rate is 20-30 days, but the scheme of preventive treatment with the full use of the pharmaceutical preparation has been used for 30-40 days. Repeated therapy, as in the case of combating clearly designated pathology, it is recommended to be carried out no earlier than 3-6 months from the end of the previous course.

How to take vitamins when mastopathy?

Vitamins A and E in large quantities, as, for example, in AEVIT, are positively affected by the hormonal background of the female organism and the state of the mammary glands in particular, which makes the prescription of the pharmaceutical preparation mammologists rational and pathogenetic, that is, the nosological unit with various kinds of breast diseases affects certain links.

Dosage of the medicinal product is 1 capsule per day for a month. Such conservative therapy courses are held twice a year, but some experts believe that it is possible to take capsules continuously because inxication Natural vitamins can not be. This theory is currently not fully reliable and supported by all medical workers.

The method of using vitamins Aevit in the form of a solution

This form of the medicinal product is used for intramuscular injections , that is, the solution can be introduced into the buttocks, the front and side surface of the abdomen, shoulders and the trapezoid muscle, the front surface of the hip. Before the immediate use of the pharmaceutical preparation, the required amount should be able to warm up in order to activate it. The standard dosage is 1 ml 1 time per day, and the duration of the conservative treatment is 20 days. With trophic violations, endocarditis and endarterity increases it to 30-40 days. Repeated sanitation can be carried out in 4-6 months.

For kids pharmaceutical preparation Not used for the reasons set forth slightly below in the relevant section.

How to use Aevit external?

To improve the overall condition of the skin, getting rid of wrinkles, on cosmetic and therapeutic influence for lips is most suitable pharmaceutical Wraps . Before manipulation, careful cleansing of the skin and massage should be carried out. Thus, the selected area will be well prepared for the application of the drug, which is somewhat increasing the therapeutic capabilities of the active components of the aevit.

Next mix the contents of the ampoule with an oily solvent. For this purpose optimally suited olive oil because in itself it favorable affects skin. The resulting mixture is applied to the selected area and go a little. After that, cover the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin by a polyethylene package (or food film), wrap in a towel and wrapped in warm blankets. It is not necessary to wash off after applying a medicinal product, the oil allows the auevit to absorb well.

The duration of such manipulation is half an hour, and it is possible to conduct it twice a week for two months, after which the necessary therapeutic effect will be observed, and the skin will become smooth, fresh and gentle.

How to use cream?

The ointment in small quantities must be applied to the pre-purified skin in the direction of natural massage lines. Due to the peculiarities of the composition of this pharmaceutical form, the Aevit can be used both in the morning, and in the evening, a couple of hours before sleep. The course of therapeutic measures lasts within 1-2 months with the daily use of the cream, then take a break.

Vitamins for hair - how to apply at home?

Hair Aevit is used according to the most difficult of the proposed schemes, as it combines the outer treatment of the head of the head in advance with the mixtures prepared and the use of the drug capsules orally. It is in such a combination that the most accelerated and full effect is achieved.

To eliminate the problem dryness and hair liness The contents of 1-2 capsules Aevit should be mixed with 2 raw egg yolks or 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. Next, carrying out massaging movements, it is necessary to rub the resulting mixture in miscellaneous Heads. The exposure of the applied drug is 1.5-2 hours, after which the mask can be washed away using a conventional casual shampoo. The frequency of such a procedure is 1-2 times a week for three months. To repeat the conservative course, you should wait at least than half a year.

In order accelerate hair growth a slightly modified recipe is used for which the liquid injection solution is also suitable. To the contents of 1-2 capsules or 1 ampoules, the juice of one medium-sized bulb is added and it is thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous homogeneity of the future mask. The mixture is applied by massaging movements for clean hair, after which it is recommended to wrap the head with a towel or dress a polyethylene cap and is left as half an hour. At the end of the procedure, you need to wash your head with the usual shampoo. The mask shows efficiency if it is used twice a week for a month, after which there is a long break, and the procedure is repeated only with a strict need.


Tablets or a solution for injection Aevit with long-term use can cause vitamin A hypervitaminosis which is manifested by chronic intoxication by this biologically active substance and is observed as the following symptoms:

  • damage to the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • disorders of sleep and wakefulness;
  • headache ;
  • sudden increase in the pressure of the spinal fluid without changing its quality composition;
  • apathy ;
  • heart failure;
  • convulsions;
  • paresthesia;
  • increased irritability;
  • dryness and fractures of skin (especially in the field of feet and palms);
  • articular pains;
  • alopecia ;
  • seborrhea ;
  • increase the size of the liver and spleen.

There is no specific pharmaceutical antidote for overdose by auitis, in the case of the development of symptoms of intoxication, therapy is shown by the medication clinical manifestations And immediate appeal to a qualified technician to eliminate the pathological condition, which threatens the life of the patient.

Terms of sale

You can buy a vitamin preparation without a recipe.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a dry place, away from possible direct sunlight, with a constant temperature mode from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.


VITE , Akaps. .

For kids

The pharmaceutical preparation is not used in pediatric practice, since hypervitaminosis of one of the active components of the Aevit may adversely affect further development Child and cause irreversible consequences in a growing young organism.

Aevit during pregnancy and lactation

Face cream, tablet and injection form Pharmaceutical preparation Aevit is contraindicated to use directly in the period pregnancy and breastfeeding Since the excess of vitamins may adversely affect the developing child's body, and adjust the receipt of a certain amount is precisely impossible due to the complex paths of transformation and metabolic chains of the active components of the drug.

It is also known clinically confirmed by experienced and qualified specialists a favorable therapeutic effect of combined vitamins Aevit pregnancy planning . The drug is appointed in advance, before the critical period, in order to deposit the necessary structural elements and do not have the need for them during the period of having a child or lactation. According to women's consultations, such preventive measures allow to protect the future mother and child.

Reviews about Aevita

Reviews of AEVIT should not be signed in one source on the Internet, since the presence of several pharmaceutical forms of the issue allows you to argue a fairly wide range of different pathological changes in which the drug turns out to be useful with a reliably proven therapeutic effect. So, for example, the reviews of vitamins Aevit in a tablet form can be found on cardiology forums.

Most patients who cut the AEVIT capsules according to various cardiac or vascular diseases leave positive recommendations about this drug. This is achieved, first of all, ease of use and relatively rapidly implementing therapeutic properties, because medical effects Manifest themselves during the course of conservative reservation. Patients note that the quality of life has greatly improved after the use of aevit.

Reviews of doctors about capsules Aevit steal at such a useful and effective pharmaceutical preparation, because such a number of physiological vitamins contained in certain food products cannot be obtained naturally. Most normalizes exchange processes and metabolic cycles allowing you to adjust adaptive abilities of the body and influence even the pathogenesis even such a complex disease as atherosclerosis , reducing, and sometimes completely suspending, calcification of the arterial bed.

If it is interesting how well the vitamins for the skin of the face are helped, the reviews for the cream Aevit should be sought in cosmetology and women's forums or medical journalswho specialize in the skin and venereological diseases. First of all, it should be noted that the face cream is incredibly easy to use at home. Aevit quickly absorbs and leaves no traces on clothes or divorces at the place of application of ointment, which is the first cause of so wide operation as means from wrinkles or other skin defects.

Another aspect of the choice of Aevit cream is his chemical composition, after all vitamins A. and E. Are part of natural metabolism, which provides a wide theoretical and practical base for evidence of its therapeutic properties in the process of getting rid of wrinkles, even in the most difficult places. You can safely use the drug and for the lips, since even the active absorption of the pharmaceutical preparation only in isolated cases will lead to the development of side effects.

Since the components of the aevit are improving the trophic processes in external use, vitamins from acne Often are prescribed in adolescence. It uses cream, not a tablet or a solution for injection, since only the local provision of therapeutic effects of biologically active substances. In addition, this form of release allows minimizing the risk of developing the state of an overdose, because vitamins A and E are included in the metabolic chains of regional.

How to drink Aevit to improve the quality characteristics of the hair or accelerate their growth, you should learn from a professional cosmetologist, since the combination of oral courses and the external use of the pharmaceutical preparation shows really affecting the results, as evidenced by the number of women's reviews after using the hair medicament. It should be noted that depending on the recipe, you can achieve a different end result. It is known that Aevit helps to eliminate the problem of fragility, dryness, excessive fatty hair , allows accelerate hair growth And solve some other questions.

The price of Aevita, where to buy

The price of aevit, first of all, depends on the form of the issue of the pharmaceutical preparation, regardless of the country of purchase. Ukraine proposes to buy a drug according to such rates:

  • price of vitamins Aevit (gelatin capsules) - 52 hryvnias;
  • injection solution - 60 hryvnia;
  • cream for face - from 70 hryvnia and higher.

However, before buying a pharmaceutical preparation, it is recommended to further find out how much it costs in the pharmacy of your city, because, for example, Kharkov in this plan is extremely variable city, the dynamics of drug prices of which is a very busy question for qualified pharmacists-economists.

Drug value in the Russian Federation:

  • price Tablets Aevit - 30-120 rubles;
  • outdoor ointment - from 150 rubles;
  • the injection solution in ampoules is 50-110 rubles.

In our age, many people do not know what is bad (non-normalized) food, stress and frequent diets. All these factors negatively affect our body, causing it to work on wear. As a result, the deficit of the necessary organisms of substances inevitably arises, including vitamins of beauty - A and E. The lack of these vitamins will attract a whole loop disease. Aevit has powerful immunostimulating and antioxidant actions, improves the condition of hair bulbs and skin covers in general, has a beneficial effect on vision. This drug does not contain any unnecessary components, which practically eliminates allergic reactions and contributes to the formation of a low price, compared with similar drugs.

Nevertheless, it is worth understanding that Aevit is not a panacea. Aevit - auxiliary element in the system of concern about the body and cannot be a means of replacing the reference healthy image Life.

Vitamins Aevit:
composition, properties and features of the impact on the body

Aevit - Transparent gelatin balls-capsules of yellowish color filled with oily mortar.

Combination of vitamins A and E, The main components of the drug has effective action on the vital activity of the body. The separate use of these vitamins gives a weak result, since vitamin E helps to seek vitamin A with the body.
Vitamin E does not prevent the process of oxidation of vitamin A in the intestine. Vitamin A (Retinol) Promotes the preservation of immunity, needed for regeneration of the epithelium. That is why vitamin and so popular in cosmetology in the treatment of acne, sun burns, collagen stimulation.
Vitamin A It takes an active part in the formation of visual pigments and ensures the adaptation of the eye under conditions of multi-level illumination (photoreceptation), contributing to preservation and restoration of vision.

Another important area of \u200b\u200bvitamin A activity is the development of the human bone system, as well as the correct embryonic development of the fetus.

Vitamin E. - Powerful antioxidant, prevents the formation of harmful substances that negatively affect the body. Vitamin E is responsible for maintaining the normal functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems, strengthens the walls of the vessels and has an antislerotic effect, stimulates immunity, accelerates the regeneration of tissues, prevents the premature aging of the body, reduces fatigue.


Aevit is a mixture of vitamins A and E in an oil solution. The preservation of the youth of the skin directly depends on sufficient content in the body of vitamins A and E, their sharing increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, which is the main indicator of his youth.

Vitamin A has the following properties:

  • strengthening antioxidant properties of vitamin E;
  • full restoration of all epithelial functions;
  • ensuring a full exchange in tissues at the cellular level;
  • holding moisture in epithelium cells;
  • strengthening cellular immunity and strengthening protective epidermal tissues;
  • stimulating epithelium cell update processes;
  • suppressing viruses and bacteria;
  • improved capillary circulation.

Vitamin E has the following:

  • in combination with vitamin A does not give the last oxidation;
  • gives an antioxidant effect;
  • restores tissue trophy and improves microcirculation;
  • regulates exchange processes in tissues;
  • deeply penetrates the layers of the dermis, moisturizes and updates cells;
  • has a pronounced bleaching effect, fighting pigment stains;
  • stimulates regenerating processes and has a general rejuvenating effect.

The use of the drug has an intense rejuvenating effect on the skin:

  • Wrinkle smoothed, deep wrinkles become less noticeable.
  • Regeneration and recovery of cells are accelerated.
  • Elasticity and skin elasticity increases.
  • Improves complexion.
  • Skin sensitivity decreases.
  • Pores narrow.
  • It turns out therapeutic action on acne.

The lack of vitamins A and E in the body is reflected, first of all, on the face: dry, peeling, acne and guns, inflammatory processes, wrinkles arise.
In cosmetology, Aevit is used in the process of treating dermatological diseases, including psoriasis and seborrhy.

Methods of application

Aevit for the person is applied in its pure form directly to the problem areas of the epidermis, including a delicate and sensitive area around the eyes. The drug is best to apply in the evening, on the cleaned skin of the face, about 45-60 minutes, after which the residues are removed with a paper towel. Such application of the drug is produced by a course of 10 procedures. After all the procedures, you will notice significant improvements in the condition of the skin: wrinkles will become less noticeable, the complexion will improve, and the skin itself will become more velvet and tightened. This procedure is good as well as suitable for all skin types.

Aevit can be added to night reducing agents (creams, serums, gels, etc.) for one-time use, there are enough 2-3 drops of the drug (the composition of the capsule can be pushed with its needle).

Aevit is the best component to add to home masks.
Recipes Face Masks with Aevit

Anti-inflammatory acne mask


  • Boiled potatoes in uniform - 1 pc.
  • Aevit - 1 capsule.

Potato thinned before homogeneity, add vitamins Aevit. Apply a warm mix on a clean face and leave for 20 minutes. Mask washed off cool water and apply cream, corresponding to the type of skin and age category.

Nourishing fatty mask.

  • Creamy butter - 50 g.
  • Beeswax - 10 g
  • Olive oil - 15 ml.
  • Aevit - 2 capsules.
  • Fresh strawberries - 3 pcs.

Creamy oil and wax melt in a water bath, then add olive oil, strawberry puree (wipe through the sieve to get rid of seeds) and Aevit. Uniform mass to distribute on a clean face and withstand 15 minutes. Mask wash off water room temperature and apply cream with moisturizing effect.

Cleansing mask for oily skin.


  • Lemon zest - from 2 pcs.
  • Boiling water - 1 cup.
  • Creamy oil - 30 g
  • Olive oil - 50 ml.
  • Egg yolk -1 pcs.
  • Rustic honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 10 drops.
  • Aevit - 2 capsules.
  • Camphoring alcohol - 15 ml.
  • Mayonnaise - 15 ml.

Cedra lemon insisted in steep boiling water within an hour. After that, to strain, add the remaining ingredients to the finished infusion and stir. Then turn on the aevit and stir again. A mixture to apply every night, two hours before sleep on the cleansed skin and keep half an hour. Flush with warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

Rejuvenating mask for dry skin.


  • Yellow Cosmetic Clay - 20
  • Warm milk - 20 ml.
  • Fresh mint leaves crushed - 2 pcs.
  • Aevit - 1 capsule.
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.

Dilute clay in milk to homogeneous mass without lumps, add other components, at the end of Aevit. Enter a mask on a pre-purified face and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse with water room temperature. After the procedure, the face is moisturized with cream corresponding to the type of skin and age.

Cleansing mask for dry skin.


  • Aevit - 4 capsules.
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Salt Sea fine grinding - pinch.
  • Mix the aevit with the rest of the components and distribute to a clean face. After 10 minutes, wash off cool water and apply cream on face.
  • Nutritional mask.


  • Aevit - 1 capsule.
  • Fresh honey rustic - 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil (almond, linen) - 1 tbsp. l.

Heat oil on a water bath, mix with honey, add aevit. The mask is imposed for 15 minutes on the face, after which it was washed off with warm water. At the end of the procedure, the face is smeared with a suitable cream.

Nutritional and anti-aging masks with apeevite are recommended to do 2 times, and cleansing 1 time per week.

Good day!

Vitamins Aevit I have been accepted for several years. A month ago, in the pharmacy, noticed that the unfamiliar company Meligen began to release them earlier. The cost of the drug was inexpensive. Therefore, I decided to purchase Vitamins Meligen Aevit for the next course.

general information

Cost: 60 rubles

Number: 20 capsules

Manufacturer: CJSC "Pharmaceutical enterprise" Meligen "

Shelf life: 2 years. Store in a dry, light-protected place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:polyvitamin

Indications for use:

avitaminosis A, E

in complex therapy:

lesions and diseases of the skin, accompanied by a violation of tissue trophics (psoriasis, some forms of eczema, ichthyosis, seborrheic dermatitis);

supporting endarterity.

The drug also has a number of contraindications, namely:

increased hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

hypervitaminosis A and / or E;

children's age (up to 18 years);

pregnancy and lactation period.

Aevit and side effects:

allergic reactions (skin rash);

feeling of discomfort in the epigastric region;

dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);

With prolonged reception, the exacerbation of biletone disease and chronic pancreatitis is possible.

Packaging: two blisters with pills, each by 10 pieces, packed in a cardboard box

On the box information from the manufacturer

Capsules: Soft gelatin-shaped shaped red-yellow color, without taste and smell

In one capsule contains

Active substances:

alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) 100.00 mg,

palmitate retinol (vitamin A) 55.00 mg (100,000 IU).


Mode of application:

Inside, 1 capsule per day, regardless of meals. Course of treatment - 30 - 40 days. It is possible to conduct repeated courses on the recommendation of the doctor.

I had problems with the skin after giving birth. Therefore, the dermatologist prescribed me to take 1 capsule 2 times a day for 20 days. Earlier, I took 2 capsules per day for 30 days. Now the condition of the skin has improved and the course has been reduced to 20 days.

I have always accepted an aevit of 1 tablet per day for 30 days.

Many believe that the aevit is suitable for improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails. It turns out not only. The manufacturer describes in detail.

Vitamin A (Retinol)

participates in the formation of visual pigments necessary for normal twilight and color vision;

provides the integrity of epithelial tissues, regulates the growth of bones.

Vitamin E.(Tocopherol)

it has antioxidant properties (removes toxins from the body), ensures protection of unsaturated fatty acids;

participates in the formation of an intercellular substance, collagen and elastic fibers of connective tissue, smooth muscles of vessels, digestive tract.

Restores disturbed capillary blood circulation, normalizes capillary and tissue permeability, increases the stability of tissues to hypoxia.

The overall impression from the reception of Vitamins Meligen Aevit and the result

I liked this company, as well as from others that took earlier. It does not differ from more expensive, manufactured by promoted companies.


  • the skin has become smooth, without redness and peeling;
  • nails are stronger and healthy;
  • hair is smaller less;
  • improved general state organism.

I decided to conduct a simple calculation of the value of these vitamins. Price Aevit Meligen 60 rubles for 20 capsules, which turns out 3 rubles per 1 piece.

I previously bought vitamins at a price of 135-150 rubles for 30 capsules, which was obtained by 4.5-5 rubles per piece. Full things, of course, but still why overpay, if there is no difference.

Thanks for attention.

Be healthy and beautiful!


Vitamins Calcium D3 from the company Vitamir. Composition, method of application, daily dose, photo and personal impressions

Aevit for what is accepted?

These complexes are taken for the eyes, for the skin (face, lips), for hair, for eyelashes, for hands and nails, for eyebrows, for eyelids. Men take these vitamins to increase potency. Also when skin diseases, such as psoriasis (in this disease, the reception of vitamin erretinol is important for the regeneration of skin cells). On the recommendation of cosmetologists, you can add the contents of the capsule to the nutrient cream. That is, this vitaminized complex contributes to cell regeneration, restores normal blood circulation (applied to the complex from varicose veins). Capsules with oil liquid are very popular in home cosmetology. Also, the ointment (tube), based on vitamins A and E, benefits in sports.

The composition of the capsule, cream

The vitamin complex is available in capsules and ampoules (liquid). The form of release on the effectiveness does not matter. Children's Aevit or not, is it possible to drink such a child - decides the pediatrician. Since in the instructions, it is intended for adults.

  • The capsule contains 100,000 Palmitate retinol and 0.1g alpha tocopherol acetate. Covered with gelatin shell. The market produces packages of 10.20.25 and 50 capsules.
  • The ampoule contains 0.035g acetate retinol and 0.1g alpha tocopherol acetate.
  • Face cream Libre Derma (sometimes they speak LibrDerm) with Aevit. Only for outdoor use. The composition of this cream includes the same A and E.

It is sold in a pharmacy. Very well feeds the skin, gives a good moisturizing effect. Prices in the pharmacy of Yekaterinburg range from 30 to 60 rubles per 10 capsules. More capsules are a little cheaper. The cost depends on the manufacturer.

Analogs: askorutin, A + E, Akaps, Imunovit, Aevit Forte, Rezit (Dragee).

Popular manufacturers: Meligen, Altaivitamans CJSC, Libredrm, Bitra and others. Photos of blisters and capsules can be found on the Internet.

What is useful to women?

If a woman is constantly sits on diets, respectively, has a lack of vitamins, then a complex of such vitamin is simply necessary. But the uncontrolled reception can also harm the body. The complex of vitamins can, like any other tablets, only the doctor.

This complex is sometimes prescribed in gynecology in a complex in vitamin C when a monthly delay. The drug is sometimes accepted simultaneously with fish oil (Mirrolla), iodomarine, together with the vitamins of the group B (Penta). Compatibility of drugs and doses, as well as how to drink a doctor. But only if the woman is not pregnant. The drug, especially in the early time, during breastfeeding is very toxic to the fetus. The aevit in the complex is prescribed as elimination of disorders in the uterus.

Mammologists often prescribe this drug to women with breast cyst (mastopathy) in a complex with other drugs. It is useful both for the gland itself and for hormonal background.

Aevit is contraindicated in women during breastfeeding and for pregnant women and in the period of conception. Why not apply during lactation? Because the drug is enough toxic for a child.

Aevit instructions for use

The capsule is taken inside, drinking enough water, after eating, but sometimes doctors advise before eating. How to take adults and how much time, says the attending physician. But, as a rule, 1 capsule (1 ml) per day. The reception rate lasts 30-40 days. If the course needs to repeat, then not earlier than 3-6 months.

Often, together with AEVIT, prescribe folic acid.

Skin around eye reviews

For eyelids, used in cases where there is a sacrifice of the skin, bags under the eyes, swelling, diseases of the eyelids and eyelashes, from wrinkles. Besides the fact that the drug is accepted inside, as well good effect It has a mask.

The mask is better to do overnight. Many people interfere with fat consistency, but you only need to be able to wash off correctly. When mixing components, do not use metal dishes.

Aevit can be combined with glycerin. After masks with auev, you need to use a cream or gel that you usually use.

For hair

Vitamins A and E are very good for hair. They prevent hair loss, restore the structure and strengthen the hair onion, is used for hair growth.

Aevit, egg yolk, mix castor with such a mask tain oil. All this oil solution is for 40 minutes. You can add a little shampoo, so that it was easier to wash everything off.

For hands

For hand care there is a librederm cream with auev. But cheaper analogue is just vitamins Aevit. It is worth taking and cut one capsule and smear the hands of 1-2 times a day. Rub to full absorption. The result will not make yourself wait. If you have already made a complex of masks and the result manifested itself. All the same, you need to continue to make them for prevention once a month during the year.

From wrinkles

These vitamins improve the condition of the skin. Namely, and affects the exchange of proteins and carbohydrates. And, as you know, the protein is a building material. And E is involved in skin metabolic processes. You can add both to your face cream. It will help smooth wrinkles. You can apply 1-2 months. And also, if you have a problem person, this method will help to help acne very well.

Aevit Libriders for lips Reviews

Libriderm is a hygienic lipstick with hyaluronic acid. It contributes to the healing of the wound on the lips, the elimination of dryness. Produced in two versions: fatty and bold. Also the container is equipped with a rolller. It is very convenient to apply. It can be used as balm for men. Apply on the lips as needed. Fully product Librederm is on the official website. There you can also purchase a set of cosmetics with vitamins.

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