How to recognize symptoms of psychosis. Types of sharp psychosis, its signs, symptoms and treatment

Psychosis is a mental illness in which a person is unable to adequately perceive the world and react to it accordingly. Psychosites are quite diverse in their manifestations, can accompany both very severe diseases from the Psychiatry category - for example, "", senile dementia, but they can manifest itself as an independent disease.

What is psychosis

If we speak in a simple language, then with the psychosis in a sick person, the reality is so distorted in the consciousness of man that the "picture" before his eyes has nothing to do with reality. An objective patient may not be due to fear for his own life, the presence of votes in the head or visions is these internal prism and change human behavior, its reaction becomes unpredictable and inadequate. For example, in psychosis, a person can suddenly laugh or, on the contrary, start diging "into the voice."

Important! Psychosites are manifested in different ways in different ways, and it is impossible to list absolutely all options, although psychiatrists and systematized all known facts on the disease under consideration.

Psychosis is not the wrong course of thoughts, this is a disease. You should not argue with the sick and, even more so to condemn it, swearing with him - psychosis is exactly the same disease, as well as, and after all, the relationship is quite adequate to diabetics in our society. By the way, psychosis do not belong to irreversible processes! Most often after a certain period of the disease (it can flow and very hard), the patient comes remission, and the psyche is completely restored.

Interesting! Cases are known when the disease under consideration has never been larger in life, although psychozam and inherent cyclic nature, when after a long period of recovery, hallucinations or delusional ideas appear. Typically, such a development of the disease takes place in the event of non-fulfillment of the appointments of the attending physician.

Note: If a person does not comply with the recommendations and appointments of the doctor, then psychosis can be transformed into a chronic form of flow, and in this case, mental health will be lost forever, without a chance of recovery.

In general, psychosis is a fairly common problem, according to statistics, 15% of patients of the psychiatric clinics are just patients with psychosis. By the way, most often the disease under consideration develops in women - for example, 4 times more often diagnosed in female patients. In addition, psychosis is exacerbated during the period immediately after childbirth or during menstruation, and this makes it possible to draw conclusions that mental illness is somehow related to hormonal "jumps" in the body.

Causes of psychosis development

A variety of factors and causes can lead to the disease under consideration, and sometimes doctors simply cannot understand why people occur such pathological changes in mental health. AND nevertheless, doctors systematized and allocated several factors that can lead to psychosis:

  1. Heredity. There is a group of genes that are necessarily transmitted from parents to children - genes that control the sensitivity of the brain to external influences and \\ or signaling substances.
    If both parents have a history of psychosis, then the child's birth can be predicted with a chance of 50%, in the future, psychosis is possible. By the way, if parents do not suffer from psychosis, then there may be a manifestation of this problem with their children due to the sudden manifestation of "defective" genes who inherited from other generations.
    Note: If a person has burdened heredity, then the psychosis can develop against the background of even a small injury or some kind of disease. In this case, psychosis will develop already in the early childhood, leak quickly and in very hard form.
  2. Brain injuries. Psychosis can lead:
    • head injuries received by a child during childbirth;
    • open and closed brain injuries.

    The psyche disorder under consideration may occur after a few hours or even a few days after injury. Doctors clearly identify patterns - the heavier injury, the hardest psychosis proceeds.
    For the disease under consideration, the cause of which the brain injury was characterized by cyclic character - periods of pronounced manifestations of psychosis are replaced by remission periods. This wave-like course of the disease with tides and leaf outflows is connected, that is, with an increase and stabilization of intracranial pressure.

  3. Intoxication of the brain. Such poisoning can be triggered by the various substances - and drugs.
  4. Diseases of the nervous system. It's about, and. These diseases provoke the death of the cerebral cortex cells, which ends with edema of the surrounding tissues and violation of the functions of certain, affected brain sites.
  5. Brain tumors.
  6. Infectious diseases. The flu is meant, lepreing. In the development of such diseases in human body, live microorganisms, however, as the dead, distinguish toxins, which are able to poison nervous cells, which leads to their death.
  7. Diseases accompanied by strong pain and panic. This can be attributed. Pain is always, and the attacks of the suffocation and can drive away any person crazy! Such violations lead to a failure of the nervous system.
  8. Hormonal disorders. They can be caused by childbirth or abortions, problems in the work of the thyroid gland, dysfunction of ovarian or adrenal glands.

Psychiatrists are confident that the disease under consideration never appears "one day", for example, after the suffering nervous shock. Just every stressful situation "fell" the brain, each time a person's response to any event becomes brighter and emotionally, and so will continue until psychosis disputes.

Manifestations (symptoms) of psychosis

Psychosis manifestations are very diverse, but it is desirable to know the main symptoms of this disease in order to be able to provide medical care for early stage development of the pathology under consideration. For example, others may notice that a person is too emotionally reacting to what is happening, refuses to eat, makes strange statements, or vice versa - not interested in the world around the world, exhibits all the indifference.

The main manifestations of psychosis include:


They can be sound, visual, tactile, olfactory and taste. Most often, psychosis is manifested by voice hallucinations - a person seems to hear the voices that can be not only in the head, but also to go from the body or coming from the outside. The votes are so real that they are completely seriously perceived by the patient and does not doubt their authenticity. These voices can swear, blaming the patient in something, threaten and order. Just the last option is the most dangerous - patients practically in 100% of cases perform orders of these votes, and that they will order, unknown to anyone.

It is possible to guess that a person arose hallucinations on the following signs:

Affective disorders (mood disorders)

They can be depressive and manic. The manifestations of depressive disorders will be as follows:

  • sick for a long time stays in one pose, he has no desire to move;
  • a man awakens early - in 3-4 in the morning, his sleep is broken;
  • the patient is in a pessimistic mood, that is, expresses discontent about the possible possible;
  • a person constantly takes food, either completely refuses her.

But manic disorders look completely different:

  • the patient is unnecessarily emotional, it becomes extremely active, moves a lot, but most often aimlessly;
  • a person constantly stays in an optimistic mood and does not see problems;
  • the patient is verminated, it communicates a lot with others, too emotionally reacts to all that happens around;
  • a person builds unrealized plans, his need for a dream decreases - he sleeps little, but always feels like himself and looks cheerful and rested;
  • the patient may abuse alcohol and lead an erratic sex life.

Dead ideas

Brad is a frustration of thinking, which manifests itself in the form of an idea that does not appropriate reality. Brad has a distinctive feature - the surrounding fails to convince the patient, even if they lead quite reasoned and logical arguments. Drain ideas with a patient psychosis expresses very emotionally, and he firmly convinced of his own right. The distinctive features of Breda include:

  • increased emotionality;
  • brad differs sharply from reality;
  • patient my own personality is always in their statements to the central place;
  • the patient's behavior is completely subordinate to the delusional idea (for example, he can refuse food, being confident that it is etched);
  • protective actions of a rapid nature are manifested.

Motor disorders

In periods of exacerbation of psychosis in the patient there may be motor disorders:

  1. A stupor / inhibition - a person freezes in one pose, for a long time (days and even weeks) remains without movement.
  2. Motor excitement - all movements become too fast and impustable, but often - aimlessly, facial expressions in the patient will be excessively emotional.

Note: Features of the personality are always manifested in the symptoms of psychosis. And the doctors, and the relatives of the patient have long noted that the tendency, interests and fears inherent in a healthy person are strengthened during the disease and in some cases the goal of its existence.

Classification of psychosis

Most often, manic and depressive psychosis is diagnosed, when the externally absolutely healthy person suddenly appear signs of depression or significant arousal. Such types of psychosis are called monopolar, that is, deviations occur in one of the specified parties. In some cases, the disorder is bipolar in nature and, in this case, the doctors are diagnosed "".

Manic psychosis

It's hard mental disorderwhich is characterized by increased mood, accelerated thinking and speech, motor activity. Such periods of excitation can last from 3 months to one and a half years.

Increased mood

In man without visible reasons There is excellent mood and tide of optimism. Moreover, a positive attitude is held even with the existing difficulties and problems - the sick glad to new acquaintances, actively communicates with others, ready to help everyone, is overflowing with ideas and highly appreciates their own capabilities.

In some cases, the attack of excellent mood is replaced by an amphibious mania - the acts around the patient cause irritation, the person constantly finds a reason for a quarrel / fight, he can have an attack of rage.

Accelerated speech and thinking

With manic psychosis all mental process In the human body flows at an accelerated pace, which leads to an uncontrolled excitation in different parts of the brain. The patient's speech becomes loud / expressive / fast, he is able to quickly engage in work, he has an active manifestation of creative abilities.

Do you know that Kafka, Dali, Bulgakov and other authors wrote their best works at the time of exacerbation of manic psychosis? Some psychiatrists are generally confident that the state of the brain in manic psychosis is more productive.

The problem is that a person with manic psychosis rarely, when he brings the work started to the end, it is difficult for him to focus on the fulfillment of one task and the surrounding note its scattering or forgetfulness.

Manic psychosis makes impulsive solutions - for example, the patient can quit to start traveling.

Increased motor activity

The attack of the mental disorder under consideration is accompanied by the opening of the reserves of the patient's body - it is constantly in motion, it absolutely does not feel fatigue, it eats a lot, but it does not get fat, because all the calories entered by its motor activity.

Depressive psychosis

This is a disease of the brain, but the outside of the disease will be just manifestations characteristic of depressive psychosis. The condition under consideration also has three characteristic features.

Pathologically reduced mood

The thoughts of the patient focused only around themselves, their drawbacks and mistakes.Such constant thoughts lead to the conclusions that in the past the person had everything badly, the present is also absolutely irrelevant, and it's not worth thinking about the future - this condition is very dangerous, because leading to suicide.

In a patient with depressive psychosis, the intellect is fully preserved, so it can thoroughly hide its condition from others. This leads to the fact that at home to prevent the attempt of suicide is impossible, therefore people with depression, which are concentrated on self-destruction and their own lowness, are placed in the stationary departments of therapeutic institutions.

Mental inhibition

The man in the under consideration is constantly experiencing a unprecedented longing that oppresses and presses. Interestingly, in this state of the patient can accurately indicate the location of pain. The patient always looks sad and sullen, avoids communicating with people, tries to retire, slowly reacts to appeal, and responds to the questions raised reluctantly, monotoned and monotonous voice.

Physical inhibition

Depressive psychosis is characterized by refusal of food - the patient will quickly lose weight. Therefore, when a person in such a state begins to eat regularly and gain weight, it is believed that his recovery process is going.

The patient's movements - slow down, slow. He constantly has a decline of strength, and any physical activity provokes only a deterioration in the state.

If the mental disorder under consideration occurs hard, then the patient can fall into a stupor - long sits in one position, it does not move and looks at one point.

Postpartum psychosis

This is quite rarely found mental illness, the signs of which are manifested by 4-6 week after childbirth. The honors from the postpartum psychosis from depression lies in the fact that in the case under consideration the hallucinations will be characteristic, nonsense and the desire to harm or child.

TO the first signs of postpartum psychosis include:

  • sharp mood swings;
  • severe concern;
  • anxiety;
  • downtry fears.

With the development of the problem, a woman may have nonsense and hallucinations. For example, a woman may argue that her baby was born dead or crippled, or a young mother stops going to walk because of the development of paranoia.

Note: According to statistics, 5% of women with postpartum psychosis commit suicide, and 4% kill their own child. Therefore, the surrounding should carefully observe the behavior of mommies in order to pay attention to the signs of mental disabilities in time and seek qualified medical care.

Jet psychosis

It is also called psychogenic shock, which means development mental violation After a psychological injury. This type of disease under consideration has distinctive features:

  1. Reactive psychosis begins after severe emotional shock.
  2. This type of mental disorder is a reversible process. The longer the time passes after psychological injury, the symptoms are manifested with less intensity. After about a year, human health is restored.
  3. All manifestations and experiences in reactive psychosis have a direct connection with the character of psychological injury, they are quite understandable.

It is extremely rare the treatment of reactive psychosis needs to use specific drugs, but the help of a psychotherapist is an important part of recovery. But it is advisable to resort to the services of such specialists only after the sharp phase of the disorder passed, and the patient is able to adequately perceive the arguments of specialists.

Treatment of psychosis

Treatment of the disease under consideration should be started as early as possible. As a rule, in this case, treatment will be held in the form of consultations, but there are certain criteria that are a reason for the hospitalization of the patient:

  • a man with psychosis is a danger to himself and others;
  • the patient is helpless and unable to independently provide their own vitality needs;
  • there is a risk that human health will be harmful.

In addition, it is worth ensuring that in the process of treatment the patient led a healthy lifestyle - exercise, full nutrition, communication with loved ones, holidays are able to restore mental health, return the patient in life.

Note: It is strictly prohibited during the treatment of psychosis to use alcoholic beverages. Firstly, medicationsApplied within the framework of therapy are incompatible with alcohol-containing drinks, and secondly, alcohol can only aggravate the dark thoughts, make them deeper.

First assistance in psychosis

The health of people with the diagnosis under consideration largely depends on the actions of the surrounding people (we are talking about loved ones). It should be remembered by the basic rules of communication with a sick person:

  1. If a person is clearly traced signs of manic excitement, then you do not need to argue with him or object to him. This can provoke an attack of rage or anger, aggression. It is advisable in moments of maniacal activity to comply with peace of mind, self-confidence and goodwill towards the patient. You need to isolate it from others, try to talk with him and in the process of talking to calm it.
  2. 80% are committed by people in a state of depressive psychosis. You need to be extremely attentive to the patient during this period - it is not worth it to leave one, especially in the morning hours. Suicide is preceded by a sharp transition from depression into a bright peaceful mood - the patient begins to put all his affairs in order, draws up the will. Such a sharp change should be awesome others, it may be necessary to contact the specialists. Another point - you need to hide from the patient all items that can be used for suicide - household chemistry, weapons, any sharp objects, weapons.
  3. If it was noted that the patient had hallucinations, then you need to calmly take him by the hands and ask about what happened. If the patient answers that he saw or heard something unusual, then ask him how he belongs to what he saw / heard. In no case can you make fun of him, argue with him about hallucinations and say that it is impossible to hear voices.

note: Do not seek help to psychics or signs. Psychosites are complex mental disorders for which it is important to determine the cause of the appearance and only after that carry out treatment. The later the appeal will be made for qualified medical help, the more difficult it will be the process of recovery.

The most difficult step for the relatives of a patient psychosis is the challenge psychiatric careThe consequence of which the premises of a person in a specialized psychiatric clinic will be. But it is necessary to do this if the patient constantly talks about suicide, or it may harm others.

Psychological help

The most important stage in the process of treatment of psychosis is psychotherapy. T. akaya psychological assistance includes:

  1. Group therapy - helps the patient to feel like a member of society, hesitates hope and faith in healing.
  2. Psychoaducciation is the enlightenment of the patient and his family members, which helps and the patient, and his surrounding people to perceive psychosis as ordinary disease.
  3. Dependency therapy - applies only if psychosis developed against the background of drinking alcohol or drugs.
  4. Behantic (cognitive) therapy - the doctor teaches a patient to refer to his own judgment, talks about how to quickly find a solution to the problem. Exactly behavioral therapy It is considered one of the best methods for treating depressive psychosis.
  5. Family therapy - special classes that spend a psychiatrist for family members patient psychosis.

Note: Psychosites are never treated with hypnosis. This method can lead to irreversible pathological processes in the psyche of the patient.

Medicinal preparations in the treatment of psychosis

A single scheme of prescriptions of drugs in the treatment of the disease under consideration does not exist. But you need to know that the reception of medicines is a prerequisite for recovery.

As a rule, doctors during the treatment of psychosis are used by the following drugs:

  • Solian, Zeldox, Phluuanxol - Neuroleptics;
  • Aktineral, Contemnol - mood stabilizers;
  • Zopiklon, oxazepam - benzodiazepies;
  • Cyclodol - cholinoblocator;
  • Sertraline, Paroksetin -.

Only a doctor may choose an effective drug, prescribe a dose and course duration ofma Independent adjustment of these assignments is categorically prohibited!

Prevention of psychosis recurrences

Unfortunately, in 80% of cases, patients with psychosis are transferred to the recurrence of the disease. But there are some measures that are able to prevent the response of the disease under consideration. The prevention of recurrence of psychosis includes the following recommendations:

Psychosis is a disease that is treatable. You should not be afraid or ashamed of your condition, because only timely appealing for qualified medical help will be a guarantee of recovery.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, Medical Observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Article author: Maria Barnikova (psychiatrist)

Psychosis: causes, species, signs and methods of treatment of disorder


Maria Bornishova

Psychosis - pronounced severe psychotic level disorder. Causes, species, symptoms and methods of treatment of psychosis.

In modern psychiatry under the term understand deep, severe, pronounced mental disorder. In psychosis, the reaction-demonstrated patients clearly contradict the actual situation that manifests itself in a rough violation of the perception of surrounding reality, strong disorganization of the patient's behavior.

For psychosis, the emergence of abnormal, not understood, alogistic phenomena, such as: hallucinations, delusional components, psychomotor dysfunction, affective defects. In case of psychosis, a person loses the ability to adequately perceive the real picture of the world, he cannot interpret the situation objectively, it is deprived of the opportunity to conduct a logical analysis. Patient psychosis completely loses the ability to critically estimate its condition and cannot comprehend the existence of the problem.

Disorders from the group of psychosis are quite common diseases. According to the World Health Organization, about 2% of the entire human population suffer from any kind of psychosis. Thus, according to Russian psychiatry institutions, the prevalence of schizophrenia is 2 cases per 1000 people of the population. However, to present accurate data on the incidence of psychosis represents a difficult task due to the existence of various diagnostic approaches, quite a low quality of the work of Russian psychiatric services, personal features Patients and the existing misconception in many people relative to psychotic disorders.

Also because of the existing variety of psychosis is quite difficult to indicate the age framework corresponding to the maximum number of cases of these disorders. It should be borne in mind that any person may become ill, regardless of its sex, age, level of education, financial situation, social status. It has been established that about 20% of patients who have been diagnosed with the disease group of psychosis have had a rather early start of disorder - from 15 to 25 years. However, there are also forms of psychosis that are more characteristic of people of elderly and senile age.

Psychosis: species and classification

There are several different approaches to the classification of types of psychosis. The most accurate systematization of these disorders is based on the principle of their divisions into groups, depending on the etiological causes and conditions for their occurrence, pathogenetic mechanisms for the development of alert. So, the emerged psychosis is classified for types:

  • endogenous - states that have developed in defeat, defects, diseases internal organs in the absence of brain damage;
  • exogenous - ailments that were denominated as a result of the negative impact of external factors, for example: intoxication.

Endogenous types of psychoses include:

  • manico-depressive, also referred to as bipolar affective disorder or endogenous depression;
  • shenylov - acute violation of mental activities in people of senile age;
  • schizophrenic - deep personality disorder, characterized by a significant distortion of thinking and violation of perception with the presence of the feeling of the impact of extraneous forces;
  • cycloid, characterized by constant sharp mood variation, rapid change in motor activity;
  • symptomatic - states caused by the progression of the main somatic illega.

There is also a syndromic classification of psychosis - separation of disorders in sight depending on the symptoms dominant in the patient. According to such a division, the most common forms of psychosis are paranoid, hypochondriac, depressive, manic, depressive-paranoid, depressive and hypochondriatic disorders.

It is also accepted to divide psychosis for types:

  • organic - disorders started after traumatic lesions brain, neuroinfection and other painful states of the cranial box structures, including neoplasms;
  • functional - states arising from external psychotrauming factors.

The intensity of symptoms and the pace of their development, psychiatrists allocate types of psychosis:

  • reactive - reversible pathology of the psyche, which started as a result of the impact of intensive long-term psychotrauming factors;
  • acute - pathological heights of psyche, which developed suddenly and rapidly.

Within the framework of this article, there is no possibility to describe all existing and studied types of psychotic disorders that have specific symptoms and arise on established natural reasons. However, we point out that the most common types of psychosis are:

  • metal accelerated, which are divided into delirium (white hot), hallucinosis (acute, subacute, chronic), delusional states (nonsense and paranoia), encephalopathy (Giaya Vernika, Korsakovsky psychosis, pseudoparalich) and pathological intoxication (epileptoid and paranoid);
  • disorders that were formed due to use narcotic substances and toxicizing, such as: exhaust psychotic disorders, having a manic, hallucinatory-paranoid, depressive and hypochondriac; psychotic episodes for the use of LSD, a hairpiece; cocaine, amphetamine psychosis and others;
  • traumatic - impaired psyche, which arise in an acute, distant and later period after injuries of the cranial-brain structures or damage to the central and CNS bodies;
  • shenylov - rough changes in the mental sphere, arising from people of old age;
  • manico-depressive - anomaly for which the presence of depressive inclusions and episodes of mania;
  • epileptic-graphs, post-art and interictal species;
  • postpartum mental disorders;
  • vascular - psychopathological conditions associated with pathogenic vascular processes;
  • schizophrenic - the abnormal states of the psyche, which are divided into affective, delusional, hallucinatory (more often - pseudogalcycinator), hebifrene, catatonic, onteroidal permanent of consciousness;
  • hysterical - disorders divided on a sinoboid fantasy syndrome, pseudogenation (false dementism), the regression syndrome of the psyche (the phenomenon of the "Wildness"), Puerylism (the manifestation of childishness in adult patients), a psychogenic stupor, Hanzer syndrome (Mim-generation syndrome).

Psychosis: Causes of Disorder

The rapid development of medicine has led to the fact that there are many theories for today and there is enough hypotheses about the causes of the occurrence of psychosis. However, at present, neither genetic nor physiological nor social, neither psychological studies may indicate the exact true reason for which psychotic disorders in all people are developing and developing.

That is why the leading psychiatrists of the world recognize the multifactor mechanisms system that gives the start to psychotic disorders. This model implies that the same type of psychosis can start at different people by various reasons. At the same time, the disease is most often developing due to the existence and layering of several predisposing and provoking factors (biological prerequisites and psychosocial reasons).

One of these systems is the model, conditionally referred to as "stress - vulnerability". This theory is based on: there are certain genetic factors that predispose to the formation of psychotic disorders from the individual. The presence of such a reasonable inclination to psychosis, with a specific characteristic portrait of a person, acts as the soil for high susceptibility to the effects of stressful factors, both a positive spectrum and a negative color. On certain life segments, for example: in a pubertal period or during pregnancy, the subject becomes especially vulnerable when psychotrambulating events occurs due to its inclination to excessive reactions of the psyche and inability to resist stress. It is this moment and is counting for the formation of psychosis. At the same time, factors having a protective effect (for example: the financial stability of a person and a happy marriage) can counteract psychotrambulating circumstances. In some situations, when the intensity of the stressors is too large, such "defenders" only move the moment of the development of psychosis, soften the severity of the symptoms demonstrated.

If we consider each of the versions proposed by scientists, the most proven theories should be allocated, describing the reasons for the development of psychosis.

Cause 1. Biological (chemical)

One of the leading causes of any psychotic disorders is a failure in the production and exchange of neurotransmitters, one of whose functions is to ensure the transfer of information between the structural units of the nervous system. A special role in the neurotiator system is assigned to catecholamine dopamine, tryptaminusotonin, 2-aminopentandic (glutamine) acid.

Thus, the excessive activity of dopamine in the mesolimbic tract provokes the strengthening of positive (productive) symptoms of psychosis, for example: the emergence of motor affective reactions, the occurrence of delusional judgments and hallucinations. On the contrary, the decline in the activation of dopamine in the mesocortical system gives the start of development and the aggravation of negative (deficient) symptoms of psychosis, provocativeness, poverty, speech deficiency, lack of working memory.

Cause 2. Genetic

Family predisposition to psychotic reactions is one of the leading reasons for the development of psychosis. Persons who have close relatives suffered from schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder Have a high risk of psychosis.

If both mother and father suffered from psychotic level disorders, then the likelihood of psychosis in their offspring is 50%. If the symptoms of mental disorders are available only by one parent, then the risk of the formation of psychotic reactions for the child reaches a plank 25%.

Cause 3. Personal Constitution

Features of the nature and certain quality of personality can cause psychosis. For example, schizophrenic psychosis persons are often introverts. They allocate egocentrism. So, a cycloid type man is inclined to manic-depressive psychosis. At the face with the Estroid Constitution, the hysterical disorders are more often recorded.

Cause 4. Social factors

Human residence in a negative emotional climate is one of the leading causes of psychosis. Regular stress, frequent psychotrambulating situations are the soil for the origin of psychotic disorders. Psychosis also pushes certain life circumstances: low economic status, poor social status, the inability to pay off credit obligations, the absence of its own housing, the poor relationship in the family.

The social reasons for the development of psychosis also include an unfavorable period of growing up - the situation when a child was brought up in an incomplete or problem family, excessive rigor or complete inattention of parents. The associates indicate that the risk of psychosis in adulthood is very high in those people who have experienced sexual , physical or moral violence. The chance to get sick with psychotic disorders is present in those people with which in childhood they were inadequate and cruel. The high degree of development of psychosis is present in children abandoned by parents and the past "Street". Very often, the victim of psychosis becomes the person who in childhood were rejected or underwent mockery from peers.

Cause 5. Biological (anomalies of intrauterine development)

The factors for the predisposing emergence of psychosis include the problems of intrauterine human development. Infectious diseases of the mother, poor-quality or insufficient food during pregnancy, abuse of alcoholic beverages, the reception of narcotic drugs have a negative impact on the development and operation of the central nervous system of the future kid. The presence, oxygen starvation that emerged in the process of birth is the cause of the formation of various psychotic disorders, including psychosis.

Cause 6. Anatomical

The frequent cause of psychotic states - anomalies in the structures of the brain, resulting from the injury of the structures of the cranial box, due to vascular pathologies, infectious diseases with the predominant localization of the hearth disease in the SNS departments.

Ears and concussion of brain, closed and open brain injuries can run a cascade of psychotic reactions as several hours later and after a few months after injury. At the same time, the harder there was damage to the cranial box, the stronger the symptoms of psychosis will be.

Psychosis is often a satellite or acts as a consequence:

  • chronic autoimmune disease - multiple sclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute violation of cerebral blood supply - stroke;
  • alzheimer-type senile dementia - Alzheimer's disease;
  • share Paralyach - Parkinson's disease.

Psychotic reactions may occur in the presence of cyst, benign and malignant tumors In the structures of the cranial box. The cause of psychosis can be bronchial asthma with severely extending attacks.

It can be argued that any somatic pathology, accompanied by intense pain syndrome, is a source of strong stress for a person, as a result of which the start of psychosis is possible.

Cause 7. Inxication

The common cause of psychosis is the abuse of alcoholic beverages, an uncontrolled reception of pharmacological agents, toxicizing. Quite often, the consequence of the use of cannabinoids in adolescence is the emergence of psychotic disorders. The development of some symptoms of psychosis provokes reception:

  • nMDA receptor antagonists, for example: ketamine, dextromethorophane and fencycline;
  • anticholinergic drugs, for example: alkaloids atropine, scopolamine and hyoscyiamine;
  • glucocorticoids, for example: cortisol;
  • adrenocorticotropic hormone;
  • dopamine agonists, for example: tubazide;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds, for example: Dicloberla;
  • sympathomimetics, for example: ephedrine;
  • antidepressants, for example: Clear;
  • neuroleptics, for example: haloperidol.

Cause 8. Perceptual-cognitive and neuropsychological effects

It has been established that psychosis is very often recorded in people who have problems in neuropsychological development and possessing a low intellectual potential ratio. In such patients, the processing of visual and spatial information is often broken, sensory-motor dysfunctions are determined, associative thinking is weakened, the ability to recognize the stimulus presented.

Psychosis: symptoms of disorder

Due to the existing diversity of psychotic disorders, it is impossible to describe all the symptoms demonstrated in psychosis within one publication. It can be argued that the manifestations and signs of psychosis are endless, as a multifaceted and unique man's psyche. However, symptoms that may indicate the emergence and development of psychotic disorder and are described.

It should be known that the first symptoms of the disease can be determined in man long before the occurrence of psychosis. Such conventional signals include any changes occurring in human mental activities arising spontaneously and unexpectedly in the absence of adequate causes. The precursors of psychosis include:

  • excess nervousness, unfortunate irritability of man;
  • sudden and sharp change in mood, its oscillations from the state of deep sorrow to euphoria;
  • psychomotor arousal and motor anxiety;
  • significant slowdiness of reactions, the inhibition of the subject;
  • the emergence of problems with sleep;
  • sharp change in food behavior;
  • a significant decline in working capacity, the inability to fulfill the usual professional duties;
  • the emergence of irrational fears and analogous alarm;
  • sudden change in habits;
  • voluntary isolation of man from society;
  • baby change of interests and hobbies.

All symptoms of psychosis are divided into two conditional categories: positive signs and negative signs.

Positive symptoms of psychosis

To the number positive symptoms of psychotic disorders include:

  • Verbal, visual, olfactory, taste, vestibular, visceral, tactile hallucinations of a simple and complex shape. Most often, the individual hears the coming from the outside "voices". Bright and distinct sounds can come from the patient's head. The perceived message from the "votes" may have a neutral color, but most often the patient threaten, it is humiliated or accused, they are ordered to perform some action. When verbal hallucinations appear, the subject can talk to himself. A person can suddenly be wary, start listening to something carefully. It can start crying hard or laugh without a reason.
  • Drain inclusions are diverse ideas, reasoning, conclusions, conclusions that do not reflect a really existing picture of reality, cannot be corrected using beliefs and clarifications. The most common type of prosecution, when a person is confident that intrigues are watched against him, there are conspiracy against him in order to cripple it or kill him. The influence is also widespread - a phenomenon when the patient is convinced that there are any otherworldly forces or other structures on it, for example: special services using a classified technique.
  • Common symptom of psychosis - damage, characterized by the conviction of man in what he wants to harm. Also, the symptoms of psychosis include a hypochondrial nonsense, when the subject is confident that he is sick of some incurable disease. No less common and other symptom of psychosis - nonsense of jealousy, when an individual is confident that the second half changes him. There may be other delusional ideas, for example: Majoria.
  • Motor disorders of the akinotic-rigid species and hyperkinetic forms, manifested in diametrically opposite phenomena - in the form of a stupor (inhibition) or motor excitation. In the first case, the individual looks like a larger, his body takes a static and unnatural position, it seems to be frozen in one pose. A person can be clocking without movement, pulling a look at one point. He does not respond to appeals to his address, ceases to give answers to questions. In the case of psychomotor excitation, the subject cannot be without movement. Its actions are chaotic and inconsistent, impulsive and not motivated. Its speech is verbose and illogical. It is noticeable to enhance the gesticulation, the man is vigorously waving his hands, grimaches.
  • Affective disorders are instability of mood in the form of depressive episodes and manic states. Symptoms of depressive character in psychosis - a dreary mood, depression, a pessimistic view of life, the emergence of self-evaluation ideas, suicidal behavior. Symptoms of a manic state - an overly raised mood, a tireless thirst for activity, reassessment of their own capabilities, disbursement of impulse and motivation.

Negative symptoms of psychosis

The negative features of psychotic disorders include such phenomena for which the global change in the nature and personal qualities of a person is characterized, falling out of the mental sphere of a huge part of the processes that were previously inherent for it. Negative symptoms of psychosis are:

  • recession of the energy potential of man;
  • reduction and subsequent complete disappearance of desires;
  • lack of motivation, motivation, aspirations;
  • the occurrence and increase in the dullness of the emotional response;
  • social isolation of a person, voluntary peopling from society, unwillingness to contact in the human community;
  • the disappearance of moral and moral norms, the appearance of rudeness, vulgarity, aggressiveness;
  • deletion of speech and thinking;
  • behavior, dangerous for the patient and surrounding;
  • rigidity, badness of thinking, lack of focus;
  • loss of labor skills and ability to self-service.

It is worth indicating that mental people cannot force the will or forced to eliminate the symptoms of psychosis. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand and support close people, a physician consultation and subsequent treatment is vital.

Psychosis: Phases Disorders

As a rule, psychosis have a periodic flow with suddenly or naturally emerging attacks. However, psychotic pathologies can also be chirped by purchasing a continuous course with a constant demonstration of symptoms.

The phases of any kinds of psychosis include:

  • promotional stage - a period from the manifestation of single symptoms to their subsequent constant demonstration;
  • the stage of untreated psychosis - source from the beginning of a constant demonstration of psychosis symptoms before the start of the treatment of the disease;
  • the acute phase is a stage for which the peak of the disease is characterized and the maximum intensity of the symptoms of the disorder is observed;
  • the residual phase is the stage of reducing the intensity of psychosis symptoms, lasting for several years.

Psychosis: treatment methods

All persons who notice the symptoms of psychotic disorders and people suspecting the presence of problems with relatives, you need to visit as early as possible. medical institution. It should be remembered: these days a visit to the psychiatrum is not fraught with publicity and does not have any unnecessary illness. A visit to the doctor remains voluntary and anonymous. Therefore, timely appeal to the doctor is the only chance for the election of a faithful program for the treatment of psychosis and delivering a person from painful symptoms of disorder.

You need to know: Symptoms of psychosis succumb successful treatment Exceptionally with help pharmacological therapy. No miraculous herbs, visits to healers, psychological beliefs cannot help overcome the severe disease of the mental sphere.

How to react if a relative has symptoms of psychotic disorders? It is important to comply with the following:

  • Do not ask, do not specify, not interested in details regarding the details of his hallucinations.
  • Do not try to figure out the essence of his delusional statements.
  • Do not join the debate with the patient.
  • Do not prove that his beliefs are false and alogistic.
  • It is necessary to try to calm it, switch attention.
  • If a person is located to a conversation, you need to listen carefully.
  • It is necessary to motivate the patient to appeal to the psychiatrist.
  • If there are suspicions that the person decided on, it is necessary to call a medical team in an emergency.
  • In cases of demonstration of aggressive social and dangerous behavior, it is necessary to immediately appeal for medical care, since acute symptoms Psychosis can be stopped exclusively in the hospital.

Although psychoses are very extensive and difficult to overcome a group of disorders, the principles of drug treatment for all diseases of this rowed. However, when conducting medication therapy, a non-crack, purely individual approach to the choice of the treatment program for each particular patient. Before appointing medication, the doctor takes into account a number of various factors, such as: age, floor, general state Patient health, the presence of somatic ailments, features of psychosis flow, existing risks and contraindications.

The basis of pharmacological therapy for the treatment of psychosis is preparations from a group of neurolepticsotherwise referred to antipsychotics. The main property of antipsychotic means is their ability to effectively affect the productive symptoms of psychosis. In addition, some atypical antipsychotics are often used to treat deficient symptoms of disorder.

In modern psychiatry use neuroleptics of two species: atypical and typical antipsychotics. Atypical antipsychotics have high activity with respect to productive disorders. Typical antipsychotics include funds:

  • from sedative effectproviding an obvious brake action;
  • with a strong incisisal (antipsychotic) action, eliminating persistent personality changes, nonsense, hallucinations, mania, increasing interest in the surrounding;
  • seaseing properties showing the activating effect.

The appointment of antipsychotics must be accompanied by the presence of a guarantee of the implementation of the relevant therapeutic and control measures due to the high risk of developing extremely dangerous for the life of side effects.

In the treatment program, psychosis can also be connected Tranquilizers of benzodiazepine rows. The means of this class have a sedative action, eliminate the alarm and contribute to the restoration of sleep.

In the treatment of affective disorders also use normotimiki - mood stabilizers. These funds show tranquilizing properties, reduce the feeling of anxiety, improve the mental well-being and mood of patients with psychosis.

In the presence of depressive inclusions, the treatment program is connected antidepressants.However, the use of antidepressants to relieve bipolar affective disorder is associated with the high risk of phase inversion - the development of a hypomaniacal or manic state.

For elimination side Effectscaused by the reception of neuroleptics can be treated with anticholinergic agents. These drugs eliminate extrapyramidal disorders, dyskinesia, akinesia caused by treatment with neuroleptics.

To increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, it is advisable to parallel the rehabilitation of a psychological nature. Most often use the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy - short, intensive treatment, aimed at changing painful models of thinking and behavior. A variety of training programs help patients with psychosis to work out other adequate reactions to environmental phenomena.

To prevent recurrences of psychotic disorders and to avoid the formation of any diseases, each person should conduct an ordered lifestyle. It is necessary to remove the time for regular physical exertion. Receive reasonable and high-quality rest in sufficient volume. Stably observe the routine. Regularly and balanced. It is necessary to complete the rejection of the reception of narcotic drugs and alcoholic beverages.

Article assessment:

Psychosis is a deviation from the normal state of the psyche, which has severe symptoms. Often this word is not used in medical, but in the household value, when we want to describe the behavior, not corresponding situations, sharp and unexpected manifestations of emotions. The word "psychosis" on the household level means behavior, not adequate to the current moment. What kind of disease, what causes and symptoms in women and men, and also that psychiatrists are prescribed from treatment, consider further in the article.

What is psychosis?

Psychosis is a mental illness, in which a person cannot adequately perceive the surrounding reality and react to it accordingly. Psychoses are very diverse in their manifestations. They accompany many diseases such as schizophrenia, senile dementia, "white hot" or may be independent pathology.

If we speak in a simple language, then with the psychosis in a sick person, the reality is so distorted in the consciousness of man that the "picture" before his eyes has nothing to do with reality.

An objective patient may not be due to fear For your own life, the presence of votes in the head or visions is these internal prism and change human behavior, its reaction becomes unpredictable and inadequate. For example: a person can suddenly laugh or, on the contrary, start diging "into the voice."

According to statistics, 15% of patients mental hospitals are patients with psychosis. And 3-5% of the total population suffer from psychosis caused by various diseases: asthma, atherosclerosis of brain vessels, etc. But there are still thousands of people who have psychosis associated with external reasons - drug intake, alcohol, medicines. To date, doctors cannot calculate the exact number of patients with psychosis.

  • Code on the ICD 10: F23

Causes of development

Modern doctors believe that no person in the world is not insured against the development of psychosis. The symptoms of psychotic disorders in adults and children can manifest themselves as a result of many diseases and conditions, injuries and brain disorders.

Provocative factors:

  • Genetic burden
  • Head injury.
  • Strong intoxication damage to alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs and drugs.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Infectious diseases: influenza, pig, malaria.
  • Brain neoplasms.
  • Heavy bouts of bronchial asthma.
  • Systemic diseases.
  • Avitaminosis B1 and B3.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Strong neuro-emotional overvoltage.
  • Violation of the electrolyte composition caused by vomiting, diarrhea and rigid diet.

It is far from full list Causes that can cause psychotic disorders. Each case of psychosis is largely individual, and in the treatment of diseases, doctors have to take into account the many concomitant factors, the combination of which has led to the development of a painful mental state.

An example of acute psychosis after a long use of alcohol: nonsense of persecution, acknowledging consciousness, condition complicated by cardiopathy

Classification and species

The consciousness of the psychosis patient is almost entirely filled with unconscious content, and the person lives more by instincts. Depending on the severity and varieties of the disease, psychosis are protracted and deep, or manifest itself from occasion to the case, as temporarily permanent reason.

Exist various classifications This disease. From the point of view, the causes of the occurrence are divided into endogenous and exogenous.

  1. Endogenous translated from Latin means "generated by internal factors, intrainone." The causes of such disorders are associated with a violation of exchange in the brain. This variety includes bipolar personality disorder and depressive psychosis.
  2. The next type is exogenous. Translated from Latin means "generated by external factors." A vivid example is a psychosis caused by the reception of psychoactive drugs (drugs, alcohol). In addition to psychoactive funds, the external factors include psychosocial reasons: stressful situations, violence, severe emotional experiences.

Endogenous psychosis is usually the hardest and long-term; It is characterized by regular relapses. It is always difficult to establish the exact cause of pathology, as it can be called a set of different types of factors.

There is also a classification of psychosis on prevailing symptoms, based on a clinical picture:

  • Paranoid (with a severe experience of nonsense).
  • Hypochondriac (complaints of health status).
  • Depressive (oppressed state).
  • Maniacal (overexcitation state).

Quite often there are various combinations of different psychosis, because far from always the course of the disease is accompanied by only one type of complaints.

Depending on the appearance:

  • Acute: develops instantly.
  • Jet: formed due to prolonged impact of mental injury.

Postpartum psychosis

This state occasionally meets in women after childbirth, it appears in the second to fourth week. Postpartum psychosis herself often does not feel. It is very important to diagnose the disease and begin treatment. Later diagnosis can delay recovery. The reason for such a state is the complications during childbirth, pain shock.

The more the woman received injuries (physical, psychological) during childbirth, the more difficult the violation of the mental state.


Manic psychosis is a very complex mental disorder, the manifestation of which is the increased activity, spontaneous good mood, accelerated speech and motor activity. The frequency of manifestation is protracted and lasts from 3 months to 1.5 years. Moreover, it can relate to circular psychosis. This is the state of the periodicity of the occurrence of psychosis in different phases. At all stages of the disease, the following signs are manifested:

  • Raised mood is manifested unfortunately,
  • there is a tide of optimism,
  • despite the difficulties and failures.

No psychotic syndrome is expressed. A person is very self-confident and feels a tide of energy. During this period, a person is easy to contact, very sociable and helpful. But in a dispute with such a person, there is a sharp aggression and cavity.


The development of such pathology occurs in the team where the basis is the suggestibility and ammunition. Mass psychosis causes a violation of the mental state, so people lose their adequate ability and become obsessed. Cases of the submitted illness possess the general formation mechanism.

It is characterized by an extractive behavior, called the crowd. In this case, may occur:

  • mass self-burning
  • religious worship
  • mass migrations,
  • hysteria.

Formed due to the illusion that occurs from one of the individuals. It is she who is the core of crystallization that fills the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe mind. Most often, mass psychosis amazes people with a weak psyche suffering from depressions and mental disorders.

Paranoid (delusional)

Refers to the group mental diseases Organic origin. Suffering paranoid psychosis brings not the patient himself, and his surroundings. A person becomes egocentric, suspicious and aggressive. There are perception disorders, hallucinations appear, a sense of unnecessaryness. Drain ideas may arise (for example, take revenge on loved ones or friends for the "bad attitude").

Depressive form

Depressive psychosis lasts from 3 months to a year and is associated with the pathology of the brain, depression begins imperceptibly and slowly. The main signs of the disease: a constantly reduced mood, physical and mental inhibition. This form of psychosis is characteristic of highly oral, good people. The patient thinks only about himself, blaming himself, looking for "misses" and shortcomings. Thoughts of man are concentrated around their personality, their mistakes and their flaws. A person does not doubt that there was nothing good in his life and will not be, in such a state he can impose on his hands.

Elder psychosis

What it is? The disease has a second name - seenile psychosis. This disorder is peculiar to people after 60 years and is characterized by the state of permanent consciousness. A senual impairment of mental state often resembles a manic-depressive psychosis.

Elder psychosis differs from senile dementia in the absence of total dementia. The acute form of senile impairment of the mental state is very often marked. The cause of the occurrence of somatic diseases.

Senile psychosis

Combines manic-depressive psychosis in itself, and other schizophrenic type disorders. Singile psychosis is not dementary, and not dementia, although, the symptoms are sometimes very similar. Psychosis does not lead to dementia and is an exclusively mental disorder. The patient can keep mental abilities, and skills during remission. Old senior psychosis occurs in people after 60 years, and more often women are subject to this.

Acute seenile is characterized by a gradual change in the behavior of the patient. Weakness, insomnia appears, scattered and disrupted appetite. Over time, unmotivated fears, suspicion, stamina and hallucinations are added to these symptoms. There is an accentuation of character, and all the features of the character of the patient are exacerbated. A funny man flows into Euphoria, sheer becomes stingy, and harsh becomes cruel and aggressive.


Associated with phobias about the state of their health. Unlike somatogenic psychosis, where there is a disease, a person is afraid of something to get sick. Psychosis is characterized by manifestations of symptoms of a non-existent disease and panic attacks.

There is a disorder with soothing means. In some cases, the help of a psychotherapist is required.

Schizoaffective psychosis

For such a form of illness, a variety of symptoms is characterized. This can be attributed:

  • weight loss
  • bad appetite
  • energy loss,
  • lack of interest in everyday affairs.

Confirms the presence of such a disease as schizoaffective psychosis, which arose a sense of hopelessness, self-evidence, thoughts on suicide. It is possible to distinguish from other forms according to such a sign as a change of status of mania, for which the increase in activity in all spheres of life is characteristic. Man's behavior is characterized by self-destruction and is a danger to life.


This group includes alcoholic and abstine mental disorders, which arose against the background of the organism poisoning by various poisonous substances. In most cases, the cause of the development of the disease is alcohol abuse, in this regard, as a rule, specialists consider alcoholic psychosis, manifested in such forms as:

  • Hallucinosis.
  • Delia.
  • Paranoid.

Inxication also leads excessive passion for drugs, such as steroids. Steroid psychosis (Cushing syndrome) is due to pathologically high levels Hormones in the body, due to the use of steroids during the period of treatment of a somatic disease.

The first signs to be paid attention to

  1. At the initial stages of the development of psychosis, the patient has changes in the behavior model that manifest themselves in the form of atypical reactions.
  2. At the next stage, the perception of the surrounding world is disturbed, which provokes changes in consciousness.
  3. Next, the balance of the emotional background is disturbed, which is expressed as a non-compliance of experienced feelings and situations.

The first thing that should alert surrounding in human behavior is clear inadequacy, increased activity or vice versa, pronounced inhibition. These symptoms can be considered "Early", usually they precede the development of a typical clinical picture of acute psychosis. In the future, other signs of disorder can appear:

  • a sharp change of activity in work;
  • increased stress;
  • violation of attention;
  • feeling of fear;
  • mood swings;
  • depression;
  • mistrust;
  • termination of contacting with people;
  • the interest in such things as magic or religion is manifested.

All these signs initially appear weakly. Sometimes a person can even realize their groundlessness, illogy, absurdity. Especially if it concerns delusional ideas. For example, there is an objective understanding that no one is capable of impact on the thoughts of another, but at the same time there is an increased anxiety due to such a "probability".

As a rule, this disease has an approached flow. Therefore, these stages of psychosis are distinguished, for which seasonality and spontaneity is characteristic. The latter arise in the case of the influence of psychodewater flows that prevail at the younger age. Such an attack is characterized by durability and gradual output.


As a rule, psychosis have a periodic flow with suddenly or naturally emerging attacks. However, psychotic pathologies can also be chirped by purchasing a continuous course with a constant demonstration of symptoms.

Symptoms of psychosis

The manifestations of psychosis are very diverse, but it is desirable to know the main symptoms of this disease in order to be able to provide medical care at an early stage of development of the pathology under consideration. For example, others may notice that a person is too emotionally reacting to what is happening, refuses to eat, makes strange statements, or vice versa - not interested in the world around the world, exhibits all the indifference.

Psychotic thinking is one of the key symptoms characteristic of this pathology. Against the background of the development of psychosis, manners of human thinking are modified, which leads to erroneous statements and opinions. It should be noted that such thoughts apply to the whole environment. The transformation of the perception of the surrounding world covers various spheres, which significantly changes the familiar life. Many people with this diagnosis are trying to prove those surrounding the correctness of their opinions, despite the facts proving the opposite.

Characteristic signs of psychosis in adults:


They are different - tactile, auditory, olfactory, taste, visual. The degree of their "complexity" - from ordinary noise to full scenes of life. Most often there are auditory hallucinations - "voices" who accuse the patient, order him, threaten or simply lead a conversation with him. Under the influence of such "prompts", a person is able to commit murder or cause another harm to others.

Dead ideas

Brad - thinking disorder, manifests in the form of an idea that does not correspond to reality. Distinctive trait Brad - You cannot convince a person with the help of logical arguments. In addition, his delusional ideas of the patient always tells very emotionally and firmly convinced of her right.

Disorders can be combined or arose separately:

  • Conversations with yourself, similar to rhetorical exclamations (like "Where did I leave the keys?"), And on a conversation with an invisible interlocutor (replicas, questions).
  • A sharp shutter and listening to something invisible for an outsider observer.
  • Laughter arising without explicit cause.
  • The inability to focus on certain activities or the inability to maintain a conversation with another person.
  • Alarms, sharply turning into rapid attacks of fun and unmotivated joy.

How to respond to the behavior of a person showing obvious signs of delusional disorder?

  1. Do not argue and not prove the misfortune of the sick person.
  2. Not to ask clarifying questions and not develop the topic of his delusional statements.
  3. Listen to delight ideas quietly.

Motor disorders

In periods of exacerbation of psychosis in the patient there may be motor disorders:

  • A stupor / inhibition - a person freezes in one pose, for a long time (days and even weeks) remains without movement.
  • Motor excitement - all movements become too fast and impustable, but often - aimlessly, facial expressions in the patient will be excessively emotional.

Disorders in the mood of the patient

Expressed states of depressive or manic character. Depression can be seen by:

  • reduced mood
  • shown in the form of longing,
  • depression
  • inhibition of mental abilities,
  • pessimistic assessment of the past and future
  • suicidal thoughts.

Status manicity It is estimated according to an unprofitable mood, to speed up the thinking and speed of movements, on the planning of unreal (fantastic) prospects, according to the absence of sleep, for the abuse of something.

A person in a state of psychosis is changing in behavior, emotional manifestations and thinking. Such metamorphoses indicate the loss of the ability to really perceive the world around the loss, which is influenced by the complete absence of awareness of what is happening and the impossibility of evaluating its changed psyche. Patients with changed consciousness that are in the oppressed state resist treatment and hospitalization.

Negative symptoms of psychosis

The negative features of psychotic disorders include such phenomena for which the global change in the nature and personal qualities of a person is characterized, falling out of the mental sphere of a huge part of the processes that were previously inherent for it. Negative symptoms of psychosis are:

  • recession of the energy potential of man;
  • reduction and subsequent complete disappearance of desires;
  • lack of motivation, motivation, aspirations;
  • the occurrence and increase in the dullness of the emotional response;
  • social isolation of a person, voluntary peopling from society, unwillingness to contact in the human community;
  • the disappearance of moral and moral norms, the appearance of rudeness, vulgarity, aggressiveness;
  • deletion of speech and thinking;
  • behavior, dangerous for the patient and surrounding;
  • rigidity, badness of thinking, lack of focus;
  • loss of labor skills and ability to self-service.

How does psychosis and men manifest themselves: symptoms, signs and differences?

For women, such signs are peculiar:

  • A dream is disturbed;
  • Mood is often changing;
  • Worsen appetite;
  • There is a feeling of threat and anxiety;
  • Music activity is dramatically reduced;
  • Attention is lost;
  • A woman becomes an incredulous, trying to isolate from all;
  • May suddenly wake up interest in religion, magic.

Separate forms of the disease are striking predominantly women. For example, manico-depressive psychosis in women is 4 times more often than in men. This usually occurs during menstruation, during menopause, after delivery. This is due to hormonal oscillations in the body of a woman.

And also the reasons for psychosis in women can be a social factor: an unsuccessful marriage or its complete absence, the unrealizableness of itself as a mother, failure on a career field. And many other social reasons.

In addition, women are subject to postpartum psychosis. This is usually manifested in the first month after childbirth. The reason for this can be pain shock and postpartum complications. Symptoms and signs of entry psychosis can be:

  • crazy ideas
  • disruption of appetite,
  • insomnia,
  • anxiety,
  • hallucinations.

A woman in such a state is prescribed psychotherapy and inpatient treatment.

Men are not as susceptible to hormonal oscillations as women, so they have big role In the manifestation of psychosis have:

  • alcoholism (alcoholic psychosis),
  • drug addiction (narcotic aggression),
  • head injuries
  • internal factors or hereditary predisposition.
  • An important role is a behavioral factor: the symptoms of psychosis in men develop against the background of the injuries of the head and bruises of the brain.

Treatment of psychosis

How to get rid of psychosis, you can learn from a specialist. Do not do self-diagnosis and self-medication. The disease is associated with violations in the work of the brain, so CT or MRI must be made to accurately diagnose. However, an experienced psychiatrist may establish a problem with the help of tests that will show the absence of communication with reality, illogicality of thinking and other violations of mental activities.

Treatment of the disease under consideration should be started as early as possible. As a rule, in this case, treatment will be held in the form of consultations, but there are certain criteria that are a reason for the hospitalization of the patient:

  • a man with psychosis is a danger to himself and others;
  • the patient is helpless and unable to independently provide their own vitality needs;
  • there is a risk that human health will be harmful.

Psychosis requires urgent appeal to the psychiatrist. The patient should, if possible, convince himself to contact or bring without persuasion to the clinic. If this fails, you need to call a psychiatrist to the patient (home, to work).

Psychosis assistance is to eliminate the reasons for psychosis:

  • in schizophrenia, neuroleptic therapy is carried out,
  • in alcoholism, poisoning is removed and the brain metabolism is normalized,
  • for depressed psychosis - The exchange of neurotransmitters of the brain is restored, antidepressants are introduced.

Special therapy is used in the treatment of manic depressive psychosis. With severe psychosis, hospitalization will need psychiatric hospital (public or private), with lung, medium and non-heavy forms, psychosis is possible in domestic (outpatient) conditions under the supervision of loved ones.

Treatment of psychosis cannot be conducted independentlyIt requires special qualifications of specialists, since with incorrect approach, various sharp deviant forms of patient's behavior may occur, especially this concerns the process of treating alcohol psychosis flowing with excitation.


The fact that in the treatment of any psychosis is used by a single medication principle of therapy, does not mean that all patients prescribe the same drugs. Treatment with drugs is not carried out according to the template, as there is no magic tablets in the arsenal for any cases. An individual approach is used to each patient. In addition to leading symptoms, take into account the concomitant diseases, age, human half and special circumstances, such as pregnancy in women, drug use or alcohol.

For a doctor, it is important to establish trust relationships with the patient.So, he clearly fulfilled his recommendations and did not doubt the appointment of a feenazepam, Armadina, Quetiapine or other drugs.

When the diagnosis is delivered and the reason is clarified, the main stage of treatment begins.

  1. The doctor picks up for the patient the necessary dosage of drugs that it will take for a long time, sometimes - for life. It is important to remember that the doses and the mode of receiving medicines cannot be changed independently to avoid side effects and new manifestations of the disease.
  2. If the cause of psychosis was some other disease, the psychiatrist will recommend contacting another narrow specialist (neurologist, endocrinologist, etc.), which will prescribe the therapy of the main disease.
  3. A patient suffering from alcohol or drug addiction will be recommended an advanced course of rehabilitation in a specialized center or clinic.
  4. Sometimes psychotherapy is used to treat, however, with psychotic disorders, this method is auxiliary, not the main one.

Close and relatives should come to the help of the patient, Treat him with understanding. It is impossible to upset it, join the disputes, provoke to the conflict.

Psychosic therapy consists of several groups of drugs:

  • Neuroleptics (Zeldox, Solian, Phluuanxol);
  • Normotimiki (actorval, contemps);
  • Benzodiazepines (zopiklon, oxazepam);
  • Cholinoblocators (cyclodol, acinton);
  • Antidepressants (sertralin, paroxetine).

To prescribe medicinal drugs should a doctor. Self-medication can harm health patient.

Psychological methods of treatment

In case of psychosis, psychological methods are successfully complemented by medicine treatment. The psychotherapist can help the patient:

  • reduce symptoms of psychosis;
  • avoid repeated seizures;
  • lift self-esteem;
  • learn to adequately perceive the surrounding reality, correctly evaluate the situation, its condition and respond, accordingly, correct behavioral errors;
  • eliminate the causes of psychosis;
  • increase the effectiveness of drug treatment.

Remember, psychological methods of treatment of psychosis use only after they managed to remove sharp symptoms.


The methods of physiotherapeutic type remove the overvoltage of the emotional plan. Contribute to the best metabolism, increase the ability to work. They are appointed as an addition to major treatment and include such procedures as therapeutic physical culture, reflexotherapy with needles, electrosone, sanatorium treatment. If necessary, electrosalize treatment is carried out, which causes convulsive seizures by an artificial method using the effects of alternating current. It effectively affects certain parts of the brain.

To return a person to society he is recommended to pass the program social rehabilitationwhere they teach ways of behavior in domestic conditions. People tell how to conduct finance, contact with others, clean the house, shopping, etc.


As a rule, after passing the entire course of treatment, a person is present residual phenomena acute psychotic state. This is dictated by the presence of true causes of psychosis. These phenomena are expressed by psychoregative symptoms. A person can pursue some kind of fanaticism or an idea, try to show immense initiative and insane love to everything that surrounds him.

All of these changes can significantly complicate human social life.

Reducing the risk of recurrence of psychosis

To reduce the risk of exacerbation of psychotic disorder, medical recommendations should be observed:

  • Dimensional ordered lifestyle.
  • Healthy physical exercise, gymnastics.
  • Balanced nutrition and abandonment of alcohol and smoking.
  • Regular use of assigned supporting drugs.

Any changes to the usual rhythm of wakefulness and sleep can lead to relapse.

The first signs of recurrence: Bad appetite, insomnia, irritability. Such signs require examination by the patient with the attending physician.

Preventive measures

There are no ways of preventing psychosis. But, important:

  1. With endogenous psychosis, it is important that the patient or his close independently monitors the deterioration of the state and in time appealed for help from a doctor. The risk of organic, somatogenic and symptomatic psychosis can be reduced by compliance. healthy image Life, specially selected therapeutic diet.
  2. Psychogenic people are more often observed in asthenized people, so their risk can be reduced, in addition to respecting a healthy lifestyle, various strengthening exercises and the passage of the course of personal growth.
  3. Prevention of intoxication, abstinence and ped-pentine psychosis may be non-consumption of toxic substances, avoiding situations of possible drug use or excessive use Alcohol, as well as the speedy treatment for medical care in poisoning.

Remember that each new psychosis leads to increasing negative disorders, which are much more difficult to treat sharp productive symptoms. Fight with the consequences of psychosis and take preventive measures At home, you can and need. You can do a lot on your own, but to diagnose the current state, treat with drugs and determine the preventive doses of tablets in the right exclusively your psychiatrist.

Many types of psychosis change the perception of reality by the patient, which can frighten close. After all, the hallucinating person becomes unpredictable, and can harm himself, or others. Consider what is the psychosis and their species, what are the symptoms of the disease and methods of their treatment.

What is psychosis

Psychosis is defined as spiritual disorder (), confusion of consciousness and protest the unconscious part of the person against society. By definition of Jung, all symptoms of psychosis should be considered from the point of view of symbolism. Different manifestations of psychosis can be encrypted patient's mentals, and thus, he points to the problem that torments him. It is possible if you decipher these "messages", you can find the source of the disorder.

The consciousness of the psychosis patient is almost entirely filled with unconscious content, and the person lives more by instincts. Depending on the severity and varieties of the disease, psychosis are protracted and deep, or manifest itself from occasion to the case, as temporarily permanent reason.

What are the psychosis

Psychosites and their types are divided into categories, depending on their etiology. Some of the psychosis are temporary, and quite easily treatable, without leaving after themselves significant consequences. These psychosis include situational psychosis. It arises suddenly, has an acute form, but with timely help quickly passes.

    Somatogenic psychosis - arises as sidey disease somatic ailment.
    Jet psychosis is characterized by a sudden beginning, and, as a rule, this is the reaction of the body for stress.

Alcoholic psychosis

Alcoholic psychosis is the code on the ICD 10, and it is correct to call it with metal-grinding psychosis, since this disease is divided into many subspecies. It is characterized by alcoholic psychosis by the fact that it arises not directly due to the effects of alcohol on the brain, and already against the background of the abstinence syndrome.

Most often, among alcoholic psychosis, delirium is found, delirium psychosis, hallicinosis acquired by encephalopathy and pathological intoxication.

Acute alcoholic psychosis is not intoxicating, but the consequence of long-term intoxication of the body with alcoholic beverages, and often it occurs in a few days, after the last use of alcohol.

Signs of alcohol psychosis in men can be confused with intoxicated, cold, or write off the character of the patient. The patient rises the temperature, insomnia appears and irritability. Tremor limbs and high sweating. Next, depending on the characteristics of the patient, the following types of psychosis may develop:

The most common alcoholic psychosis is delirium (white hot). The patient loses the feeling of time and space, and this loss is accompanied by nonsense and hallucinations. Often the patient becomes aggressive because of the visions he sees. Mostly with white hot hallucinations have the form of the worst nightmares and horrors. The patient sees the devils, demons and even the faces of people close to him are distorted by accepting frightening forms. The patient is completely disoriented, and without medical care, these changes can become irreversible.


With this psychosis, the patient retains common sense and intelligence, and emerging hearing and visual hallucinations knock him off. He realizes that it is just hallucinations, and it rows him into depression. Over time, against the background of hallucinations, the mania of persecution and obsessive delusional ideas may develop. The patient most often lies, and often talks to himself.


There is pain in the joints and muscles. It is difficult for the patient to breathe, speak, swallow and arises a feeling of apathy to everything. Over time, the patient turns into a "vegetable" and simply lies on the bed.

Alcoholic encephalopathy

Due to acute alcoholic intoxication, brain functions are broken. Acute manifestations With this form, there is no disorder, but there is headache, scattered, memory violation and sleep. The patient apatic, is depressed and gradually becomes indifferent to everything. Usually encephalopathy manifests itself after delirium.

Alcohol paranoid

In the acute form of the patient can be suspicious and aggressive. He can attack others or rush into flight. In the evening, all patient fears are exacerbated, and such a state can last for several days. In a chronic or protracted form, men usually have a steady suspicion of relatives. Often they suffer from the wives of patients, as they become victims of unreasonable suspicion of infidelity. The patient is watching his wife, suits scandals, and at the same time, he can be jealous of both to a real person and a fictional character.

Alcoholic psychosis: clinic and treatment

All alcoholic psychosis are a consequence of the long exposure to the products of the decay of alcohol on the brain, hereditary diseases, and, oddly enough, the social position of the patient.

A long social responsibility person has no motivation to cure. After removing the acute state of psychosis and the relief of unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, an alcoholic is again accepted for the old one.

Is a favorable outcome of alcoholic psychosis

In most cases, alcoholic psychosis occurs after 3-5 years of continuous drunkenness, and this undermines not only the psyche. They suffer from all, without exception, the authorities. Due to the huge number of toxins, the liver and kidney suffers. As a rule, during the filing period the patient does not eat, and over time it is reflected in the gastrointestinal tract. The vessels are thinned, and the heart muscle is weakening. The patient is dying not from psychosis, but from quite ordinary somatic diseases. Ulcer stomach, stroke, cirrhosis, tuberculosis, etc.

If the patient understands his condition, and its body is still quite strong, even after the suffered alcoholic psychosis, the patient can live for a very long time. Of course, the alcohol should be refused and regularly undergo medical examination, including a psychiatrist.

Is it possible to the treatment of alcohol psychosis at home

In the state of acute psychosis, the patient becomes too dangerous for himself for themselves. To remove toxins from the body, immobilization of the patient is required, that is, the patient must be immobilized. Sometimes it is very difficult to do, because of the persecution of his visions, and the patient saves his life from the demons, resisting his best.

At the first stage applied infusion therapy, To remove alcohol toxins, combined with psychotropic substances. These substances remove the symptoms of psychosis, and the patient calms down.

The second stage lies in the vitamin complex, to restore the dehydrated and unusted organism of the patient.

In the case of treating alcohol psychosis, drug therapy is not enough. Without psychotherapy, the patient will soon return to the former lifestyle, and the next exacerbation can end with a fatal outcome.

At home, it is impossible to conduct neither medication therapy, not to ensure proper psychological support. Even if the patient with some miracle takes several exacerbations and survive, the brain degrades it, up to the state of a two-year-old child. But it is not for long. Toxins will quickly make their work, and the person "burns" in the months, or even the week.

Affective psychosis

Affective psychosis is a group of disorders that have code 10 on the ICD. The main sign of affective disorder is the violation of the emotional mood of man. Psychosites can be divided into groups:

Bipolar affective psychosis;

Manically affective psychosis;

Affective shock reactive psychosis;

Schizoaffective psychosis.

For each of these species, their manifestations are characteristic, symptoms, but the reasons for the disorder in most cases are the same.

For affective psychosis, two-phase manifestations are characteristic. The mood ranges from a gravily depression, to unwill joy and activity.

Most of all are susceptible to creative personality, with their thin mental organization. The periods of longing and despondency they explain the "lack of muses", but soon there is an attack of inspiration, and the patient simply "flies", working for days, does not feel hunger and fatigue. After such activity, the apathy period comes again and.

Women in the period of menopause, pregnancy, teenagers during puberty - this is also a risk group. The hormone imbalance in the body destabilizes the psyche and sensitive people This is experiencing particularly acute.

Affective disorders arise against a long stress. Under his influence, some livelihood products are negligible, and driven by blood flow to the brain. These products have an impact on the brain, similar to the hallucinogens, which leads to psychosis.

Affective psychosis: treatment, disease forecast

Diagnosis of the disease, in addition to the conclusion of a psychiatrist, includes computer tomography Brain and advanced biochemical analysis blood. The hormone level is investigated, and the level of electrical activity of the brain, with the help of electroencephalography.

Since affective psychosis has a two-phase flow, drug preparations are selected depending on the phase in which the patient is currently being. During the depressed phase, norms and antidepressants are used, the active phase show sedatives.

In the treatment of affective psychosis, psychotherapy shows itself, aimed at learning more rationally use its mental energy. This is art therapy, ergotherapy, and relax therapy.

Affective disorder is not a sentence, and it is quite successfully treated. The patient requires only observance of the day of the day, more gentle operation and awareness of the importance of obtaining positive emotions.

Jet psychosis

Reactive psychosis, have a code on the ICD-10, and relate to psychogenic disorders, that is, this acquired disorder due to mental injury. The severity of psychosis is directly fused on how closely the patient perceived the situation. Fire, war, catastrophe, rape, the death of a loved one, all this can cause reactive psychosis.

Forms of jet psychosis are divided into several groups:

Hysterical reactive psychosis;

Protracted psychosis;

Jet delusional psychosis.

Acute reactive psychosis - is expressed in psychomotor excitation. The patient can run randomly, screaming or frozen in place. In the case of a stupor, the patient does not say, does not eat, does not move, and absolutely not coming to contact. He is completely revealed from external world And in this state it can stay a few hours, or days.

Often, within the framework of hysterical protracted psychoses, there are deviations in behavior, in the form of foolishness, sign in childhood, or "wild."

Reactive depression occurs after a psychotrauma, and has a protracted character. Consciousness of the patient is narrowed, and he is over and again experiencing the traumatic situation, and cannot break this circle. During the attack of despair, the patient can attempt to suicide, and without appropriate treatment, the patient may die.

Reactive psychosis: treatment

The diagnosis of reactive psychosis is aimed at establishing the availability of communication between a psychotrambulating event and psychosis. If this connection is traced, drug treatment is prescribed, depending on the form of disorder.

The tactics of medical care in reactive psychosis is aimed at eliminating the victim from the state of shock. Hospitalization with a shock reaction is optional, as a rule, in such cases, psychotherapy shows itself (when the shock state will pass), and the study of the psychotrauming event.

The hospital shows the treatment of delusional and protracted psychosis. Initially held medical therapy Neuroleptics or antidepressants depending on the form of the disease, and only then the psychotherapist joins the treatment.

Nursing care for neurosis and reactive psychosis is very important. As a rule, patients are more favorably belong to the younger Medpersonal, and can tell the nurse that they cannot tell the attending physician. Nursing care for patients with reactive depression is to observe it, for the reception of drugs and prevent suicide attempts.

Senile psychosis

Singile psychosis, has the CCC code 10 and combines manic-depressive psychosis, and other schizophrenic type disorders. Singile psychosis is not dementia, and not, though, the symptoms are sometimes very similar. Psychosis does not lead to dementia and is an exclusively mental disorder. The patient can keep mental abilities, and skills during remission. Old senior psychosis occurs in people after 60 years, and more often women are subject to this.

Acute seenile psychosis is characterized by a gradual change in the behavior of the patient. Weakness, insomnia appears, scattered and disrupted appetite. Over time, unmotivated fears, suspicion, stamina and hallucinations are added to these symptoms.

There is an accentuation of character, and all the features of the character of the patient are exacerbated. A funny man flows into Euphoria, sheer becomes stingy, and harsh becomes cruel and aggressive.

Olde paraffrenation is distinguished by elements of delirium magnesium. The patient "recalls" the events of his life, invested in her the heroic acts committed, meetings with celebrities, and with Eustion tells these stories to everyone who wants to listen to him.

Chronic senile depression is also developing mainly in women. The attacks are replaced by self-vacation, anxiety is often accompanied by nonsense coat. The patient is inclined to exaggeration, depersonalization and nihilism. The patient may argue that he killed all people in the world, and he himself died for a long time. The vision of such patients is incredibly bright, clear and grotesque.

Singile psychosis: Treatment

Street psychoses are diagnosed mainly by the words of relatives, and their treatment is difficult to abundance of somatic diseases of an elderly person. Often the patient refuses hospitalization, and coercion can lead to exacerbation of the disease. Most often after the diagnosis, the duties of treatment of the patient lay on close relatives who old man trusts.

Treatment from sedense psychosis as such does not exist, therapeutic therapy is aimed at smoothing the symptoms and care for the elderly person. To improve well-being, and to distract the patient from thoughts about your problems, we recommend walking in the fresh air, sink exercise, art therapy, and the acquisition of a hobby.

Traumatic psychosis

Acute traumatic psychosis arise when hitting heads about a solid surface. For the emergence of traumatic psychosis, the force of impact is not important, since this species Disorders appear due to the brain edema. And this can happen and in severe cranopy and brain injury, and from a slight concussion.

The initial period of traumatic psychosis is the loss of consciousness or coma. After the exit from the unconscious state, there is some stunning, slowness of reactions and drowsiness. At the depth of injury indicates the severity of these symptoms.

In acute form, retrograde amnesia may appear. Excessive talkativeness, with flat jokes, mixed with french and endless complaints of health.

In 30% injured, late and remote reactions to injury arise. Included aggression, conflict, reduction of intelligence and acquisition harmful habitspreviously unusual patients.

When drinking alcohol, the patient completely disengms all the low-lying instincts, which often ends in prison.

Treatment of traumatic psychosis

Traumatic psychosis is a consequence of crank-brain injury, treatment is carried out in the neurosurgery separation.

The success of treatment directly depends on the degree of brain damage, and in most cases only vitamin complexes are used to maintain health, and sedatives, to reduce the aggression of the patient.

Endogenous psychosis

Endogenous group of psychosis accommodates disorders that have internal, somatic origin. This includes hereditary diseases and senile pathologies. The main reason for endogenous psychosis is the impaired balance of the central nervous and endocrine system. This psychosis can manifest itself, both at the child and in an adult, externally healthy person.

Hardly the diagnosis to establish children and teenagers. After all, the main symptoms of psychosis are irritability, laughter of the nefple, fantasy, etc., all this in one way or another is inherent in many children. In the case of children's and adolescent endogenous psychosis, the main symptom is the presence of nonsense and hallucinations.

Acute endogenous psychosis can be caused by the admission of alcohol, drug-containing drugs or uncontrolled use medical preparations, without the recommendations of the doctor. In acute form, psychosis is manifested by a manic, excited state, alternate with depression and apatine.

Acute organic psychosis can arise due to head injury or brain tumor. In this case, the main disease should be heal, after which it is necessary to observe the patient for the emergence of late traumatic psychosis.

Endogenous psychosis: treatment, forecast

Endogenous psychoses are the most complex and endogenous psychosis are treated, no one guarantees will give. Success depends on the provoking factor and the timeliness of the treatment of the patient for help.

Often the patient is not aware of his state due to the confusion of consciousness, increase the anxiety and hallucinations. In the period of such exacerbations, hospitalization is necessary, and there can be no speech about home treatment. The patient can become socially dangerous. Even if the attack passed, he will soon repeat, but without the treatment of the patient's personality, more and more destroys.

Endogenous psychosis is impossible to completely cure, but neuroleptics, tranquilizers and psychocorrection can increase the time of remission and remove acute attacks Psycho.

Begin preventive actions With endogenous psychosis, with the adoption of the patients of its diagnosis. No one shocks stomach ulcers, but mental disorders cause fear, shame and denial. A person is not to blame in bad heredity and you need to accept it. If in history there are patients with schizophrenia, paranoid disorders - this is a reason not to hide your head in the sand, but to regularly examine the psychiatrist, and to identify the beginning of the disease in a timely manner.

The disease can be defeated, if you know about it, and help your body to cope with the ailment. It is not as difficult and accessible to everyone. You just need to observe sleep mode, regularly engage exercise, it is possible to eat and eliminate alcohol from your life. Positive attitude and optimism is a huge plus in the treatment of mental and somatic diseases.


In most cases, care for the patient falls on the shoulders of close patients. Sometimes it is difficult, but the recommendations of the patients and their relatives who give the attending physician, must be performed strictly. The patient is not always aware of its condition, and long-term treatment can bring relative to the idea that this treatment is ineffective. In such cases, relatives are terminated by the treatment, which prescribed the doctor, and turn to alternative medicine. It is dangerous, and it is necessary to understand that mental disorders are not treated in one day. This is a daily battle, and you need to get used to it.

Is it possible to cure psychosis

Some types of psychosis are quite successfully treated, and not all psyche disorders are a lifetime diagnosis.

Alcoholic, seenile, hereditary psychosis require long-term treatment. Medicia treatment psychosis allows you to achieve some remission, however, external factors, such as stress, conflicts in the family, at work, can again affect psycho-emotional state, causing a relapse of the disease.

Patients should not completely write off with accounts and abandon treatment. Even during the attacks of psychosis, the personality is not destroyed, but only its part suffer. By stopping the symptoms, a person becomes himself again and can continue to live ordinary life, like millions healthy people. Even with schizophrenia you can live full life, go to work and make a family.

Do not be afraid of your illness, and to resist her - this is the main key to the success of the treatment of psychosis.

Difference neurosis from psychosis

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Psychosis is one of the most common types of mental disorders and ranks second in the frequency of morbidity (after depression).

Pathology more often develops from strong sex representatives in young and middle age. However, women also suffer from psychosis, only the disease is somewhat different. What you need to know about signs of the disease and how to recognize its development?

Psychosis - This is a deep violation of the psyche, which is considered quite dangerous and serious disorder. The disease is expressed in an inadequate attitude towards life and the world around the world, in a cardinal change of behavior and in the reluctance to perceive reality. The development of psychosis prevents the awareness of existing problems, so patients cannot take measures to eliminate them and solve.

The general and main signs of this pathology are:

  1. clouding consciousness, incoherent thinking (nonsense);
  2. loss of self-consciousness - depersonalization;
  3. loss of contact with reality, alienation from the surrounding world - Derealization;
  4. auditory, as well as visual hallucinations;
  5. strange, inadequate behavior.

The first cause of the development of the psychosis and the appearance of the listed symptoms is the alcohol intoxication of the body. As is known, alcoholism is more common among men, so women suffer from such a mental disorder less often and transfer it easier.

Female psychosis and its reasons

The risk factors for the development of the disease among fair sex representatives include:

  • organic brain lesions;
  • dosage intoxication;
  • somatic pathologies with chronic current;
  • depending depression;
  • alcoholism;
  • addiction.

In rare cases, a pregnancy becomes a provoking reason for the exacerbation and occurrence of psychosis. Violation of the vitamin balance, failures in the work of the endocrine system, severe bleeding - phenomena that can entail psyche disorders. To etiological factors female psychosis You can also attribute toxicosis, a decrease in the tone of vessels, various complications during the period of having a child. The pregnancy itself and childbirth itself, contribute to improving sensitivity and susceptibility to psychotrambulating situations. Therefore, often in young mammies diagnose reactive psychosis. It is worth noting that after childbirth, the mental disorder in women detect much more often than during pregnancy.

Manifestations of disease

Consider detail clinical picture Mental disorders in women. With the development of pathology nervous system Patients loses stress resistance, so any conflict situation may result in hysteria and scandal. Emotional susceptibility increases, difficulties in communicating with colleagues and relatives arise. Women with a disturbed psyche seek to burn out from the outside world, stop contacting with friends and relatives. For female psychosis, a tendency to something unusual and unnatural, the manifestation of interest in magic, religion and the like things are characteristic.

Symptoms of psychosis in women:

  • sleeping, which is expressed in insomnia or, on the contrary, in the excessive desire to sleep;
  • reducing or complete absence of appetite;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • depression, apathy, depression;
  • a clear reduction in mental and physical activity;
  • presence of feelings of fear, phobia;
  • loss of concentration;
  • the desire to isolate from the world;
  • distrust of loved ones and others.

Psychosis in pregnant women is accompanied by an increased concern, a pronounced feeling of fear and anxiety, which are connected with their own health and well-being of the child. Women become sluggish and plastic, and permanent experiences lead to the depletion of their body. The disorder of the psyche in pregnant women resembles premenstrual syndrome, but the condition is heavier and every day can exacerbate. It bothers the feeling of confusion, confusion of thoughts, the inability to focus. Psychosis during pregnancy is most often developing in women prone to depression and neurosis.

Postpartum mental disorder should be able to distinguish from depression after delivery. Symptoms of psychosis in women during this period are manifested in hostility to the baby, depressed mood, indifference, malice. Such a psychotic state is quite dangerous and requires adequate treatment. The patients do not come to contact with her husband, emotionally removed from the child and close relatives. Pathology can be expressed in infinite care, excessive care of the baby, strong fear about his health. Quite often, women suffering from postpartum psychosis, they smoke non-existent diseases, see in the whole threat to the baby, protect him from communicating with relatives and even with his father.

Symptoms of psychosis in women should not be ignored, because the earlier treatment will be started, the more chances on full recovery The activity of the nervous system!

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