Maalox from which suspension helps. Maalox instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, reviews

With gastritis, heartburn, hernia and other stomach problems, it is recommended to use Maalox. Reviews are mostly positive; When buying does not require a recipe from the doctor, which makes the drug very popular.

But before trying an antacid on yourself, it is recommended to consult with a gastroenterologist, because there is always a risk of developing an allergic reaction, individual intolerance.

"Whenever I appeared strong pain In the stomach (especially after the use of greasy and sharp products) I drank Maalox tablet. The relief occurred in the process of dissolving the medication, so the use of antacid literally entered the habit. After a few years, I began to notice that to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, I need to drink 2 tablets. Ultimately, the drug ceased to cope even with an ordinary heartburn.

After referring to the gastroenterologist, it turned out that small yasers were formed on the walls of the stomach. The doctor explained that Maalox is really very effective in exacerbation of most stomach diseases, but long-term reception of pills can be dangerous to health care gasts.

As a result, I had to completely refuse to eat acute, oily and fried food, smoking and even my beloved chocolate. Disorders digestive system Now worry me much less often. But Maaloks will not drink any more, as I think that it was he who triggered the appearance of an ulcer (at least the doctor did not confirm this theory). I recommend not to repeat my mistakes and drink medicine only with really strong pains. "

Kiryushina Valentina, 35 years old

"Due to the fact that I often drive a business trip and eat badly, I suffer literally from the whole" bouquet "of the gastrointestinal diseases. Always put in the road aid kit of Maalox tablets. Convenient format, relatively low cost, the ability to purchase without a recipe literally in any pharmacy is the most important advantages of this antacid.

I can confirm all positive feedback. Maalox with gastritis is really indispensable. After 10-15 minutes after receiving the tablet, the full disappearance of pain is felt. So it was the pills that I would recommend to acquire everything, who often suffers from heartburn or exacerbations of gastritis, does not have the time and ability to mess with a suspension. "

Yermolaev Alexey, 38 years

"For the past few months I literally got the heartburn. Folk Methods Help, but not long. And you won't take with you on vacation or business trip soda. Behind the selection of the optimal medication decided to consult a doctor. Due to the fact that I suffer from diabetes mellitus, not all drugs come to me. Gastroenetrologist suggested trying Maalox without sugar.

Naturally before buying, I carefully examined the reviews on how Maalox acts from heartburn, and only only then tested the medicine for himself. I can confirm the fact that only one tablet completely eliminates the discomfort in the stomach. But the most important thing for me (and other diabetics) is that after taking the drug, the sugar level does not rise "

Usoltseva Anna, 50 years

Patient reviews about Maalox in the form of a suspension

"Never suffered from pain in the stomach, so he ate literally everything in a row in unlimited quantities. And then after the next feast, the belly twisted so that he could not even get up from the sofa. Even a sip of ordinary water led to a wave of convulsion. The wife, on the recommendation of the pharmacist, acquired Maalox. Cost for 250 ml. The suspension was 400 rubles. Bribed and the fact that the reviews of doctors about Maalox are generally positive.

But after I accepted the medicine, pain intensified so much that I had to look for a gastroenterologist on the day off! The specialist diagnosed acute gastritis with increased acidity and advised to acquire Almagl.

As it turned out, Maaloks cannot be taken on an empty stomach, it will only worsen the situation (which happened to me). But Almagel has no such restrictions. Therefore, those who will decide on self-medium, it is necessary to take into account such an important nuance. "

Denisov Vasily, 55 years

"I have always suffered from increased acidity, but usually coped with a problem with folk remedies. But during the protection period thesiswhen there was no time to organize proper nutrition, I had a constant nausea. When it came to vomiting, I had to seek help to the doctor. A specialist advised to drink Maaloks and sit on a special diet several weeks. Already 5 minutes after receiving the first dose of the medicine, I felt a significant alleviation of my stomach pain, and nausea passed around a day.

But there is money and disadvantages. For example, the doctor prescribed me to drink exactly 20 ml. Suspension. I acquired a large bottle of 250 ml. And with surprise I learned that there is no measuring cap in the kit. Measure exactly 20 ml of medication using a conventional spoon is rather problematic. Accordingly, it is impossible to take a suspension outside the house. Secondly, I absolutely did not like the taste: a long time felt "metal" in the mouth.

Of course, the manufacturer allows the medicine to be powered by a small amount of water or milk, but the oppusory taste still pursues me very long. Another disadvantage: an extremely uncomfortable lid. Since I used not one bottle of suspension, I can say that this is not a single marriage. The medicine simply follows even from under a tightly twisted lid! Given the sufficiently high cost of the suspension, throwing out to 10% of the volume is extremely unpleasant.

As a conclusion, I can say that Maaloks, of course, acts, but in annoying trifles loses to its analogues. "

Zinchenko Victoria, 24 years

"I periodically suffered from strong heartburn. Recruited either home remedies or the cheapest pharmacy preparations. During pregnancy, heartburn increased significantly, and folk recipes It turned out to be powerless. Internet reviews about Maalox during pregnancy claimed that the drug eliminates the problem quickly and without harm for the future kid. My gynecologist approved the medicine, so I did not doubt the course of Maalox.

Heartborn really disappeared, but toxicosis appeared. I noticed that I was sick of alone the smell of medicine. Therefore, I had to drink a strongly diluted suspension right before the departure to sleep. It is likely that a similar reaction is purely individual, but I recommend taking the future mammy to take only one bag of suspension "on the sample", and only then spend money on a complete bottle. "

Petrova Irina, 27 years

"There is no way to dine normally at work, so right in the office I often had heartburn, pain in the stomach. Initially, I tried to drink Maalox in tablets, but the effect had to wait until 20 minutes. Then, in the pharmacy, I was recommended by the same Maalox, but the format of the suspension. Of course, I did not take a whole bottle (inconveniently keep in the office), but mini-poems were quite arranged. Very convenient format, no need to measure the desired dose, and positive effect It appears in 5 minutes after the reception. Now I buy only Maalox minox, but still plan to go to home dinners in the near future. "

Kryachko Victor, 32 years old

Preparation Maaloks Instructions for use refers to antacid drugs. Suspension, tablets, mini and prescribe patients for the prevention and therapy of the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The medication helps in therapy of gastritis and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the following dosage forms:

  • Chewing tablets.
  • Suspension for intake (including Maaalox mini).

The actors of Maalox:

  • Algelfrart (in the form of aluminum hydroxide): in 1 tablet - 0.4 g (equivalent to 0.2 g of aluminum oxide), in 100 ml of suspension - 3.5 g;
  • Magnesium hydroxide: in 1 tablet - 0.4 g, in 100 ml of suspension - 4 g.

Auxiliary components:

  • Tablets: sodium saccharinate, starch with sucrose (sugar confectionery), sucrose, sorbitol, magnesium stearate, mannitol, peppermint flavor.
  • Suspension: sodium saccharinate, hydrochloric acid concentrated 10%, peppermint leaf oil, monohydrate, hydrogen peroxide 30%, methyl aprichedroxybenzoate, mannitol, propyl aprichedroxybenzoate, sorbitol 70%, purified water.

pharmachologic effect

The active components of Maaloks - magnesium hydroxide and algelfrarat - affect the free hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice, neutralizing it without the effect of secondary hypersecretion. The use of the drug contributes to an increase in the pH level of the gastric juice, thereby reducing the activity of the pepsin contained in it.

In addition, Maalox has an enveloping and adsorbing effect, reducing the influence of various damaging factors on the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. Magnesium and algeldrat hydroxide are antacid substances of local action, which have low absorption, that is, not absorbed into the blood in large quantities.

Due to this, Maalox is considered a drug that does not provide systemic effects on the body.

Indications for use

What does Maalox help? Suspension and tablets are assigned if identified:

  • dyspeptic phenomena, including, with excessive reception of coffee, nicotine, ethanol, drugs, errors in the diet (for suspension);
  • aggravation of ulcer disease;
  • pain or discomfort in the upper third of the belly, including, with excessive reception of coffee, nicotine, ethanol, drugs, errors in the diet (for suspension);
  • acute and chronic gastroduodenitis in the exacerbation phase with a normal or enhanced secretory function;
  • the diaphragmal hernia, reflux-esophagitis.

Instructions for use

Adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets or 15 ml (1 tablespoon) suspension 3-4 times a day after 1-2 hours after meals and at night. With reflux-esophagitis, the drug is accepted after a shorter period of time after meals.

The duration of reception should not exceed 2-3 months. With episodic application (for example, when discomfort after errors in the diet), 1-2 tablets are taken or 15 ml of suspension once.

Maalox suspension

Designed to receive inside in undisturbed form. The preparation in the bag should be pre-thoroughly stretched with fingers. Recommended dosing for adults and children over 15 years old: 15 ml 1-2 hours after each meal and in the event of heartburn or pain in the epigastria. Maximum daily dose - no more than 90 ml.

With reflux-esophagitis, the suspension should be taken after 0.5-1 hours after eating, ulcerative stomach disease - 0.5 hours before meals. Course of treatment for no more than 2-3 months. With episodic reception associated, for example, with discomfort after errors in a diet - 15 ml once. Patients with impaired kidney function can not be prescribed a drug for a long period and / or high doses.

Maaloks Mini

The contents of 1-2 mini-packets are taken inside 1-1.5 hours after meals or with heartburn. If necessary, you can take an additional dose of the drug 2 hours after the previous reception. The maximum daily dose is 12 mini-packages. The course of treatment is not more than 2-3 months.

In case of episodic application, for example, at discomfort after errors in the diet, they take 1-2 mini package once. Before opening the mini-package, it is necessary to gently mix its contents, carefully a warm-up package between your fingers. The contents of the package to squeeze into a spoon or in the mouth (take a suspension without prior dilution).


  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Hypophosphatemia.
  • Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • The age of children under 12 years due to lack of clinical trials.
  • Pregnancy period in 1 trimester.
  • Chronic renal failure.

With caution, this drug is used in 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy and among nursing mothers.


  • The reactions from metabolism: hyperauluminimia, hypermagniamia, hypophosphatemia (with long-term therapy or reception in large doses, with a low phosphate concentration in food) capable of enhanced bone resorption, osteomalysis, hypercalciuria.
  • Reactions from side immune system: Anaphylactic reactions, urticaria, itching, angioedema swelling.
  • Reactions from digestion: diarrhea, constipation.

Children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

At the moment, no specific teratogenic effects were revealed when using the preparation of Maalox during pregnancy, however, due to lack of clinical experience, its use during pregnancy is possible only at low doses, briefly and in cases where the potential benefit of therapy for the mother justifies the potential risk to fetal.

If necessary, the use of the preparation of Maaloks during the lactation period breastfeeding not required. In experimental studies on animals, clear data was not obtained for the presence of teratogenic effect in aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide.

Contraindicated to children under 15 years old.

special instructions

Women during pregnancy and lactation, teenagers and patients with renal failure must be consulted with a doctor before starting treatment. In cases where after a 10-day reception of Maalox, a patient has a deterioration in the symptoms of the disease or signs of violation of the gastrointestinal functions do not disappear, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and correction of therapy.

With the simultaneous use of Maalox with other drugs, a two-hour interval between receptions should be observed medicines. In relation to drugs related to the fluoroquinolone group, the break between the receptions should be at least four hours.

It is also important to take into account that with prolonged treatment by Maalox, the patient's diet should include a sufficient amount of phosphates, since one of the active substances of the drug (algelfrel) can reduce the level of phosphorus in the body.

Medicinal interaction

With the simultaneous use of the preparation of Maaloks with digoxin, indomethacin, ketonazole, norfloxacin is observed a decrease in the suction of the latter, as a result of which therapeutic effect It will be insufficient.

Preparations from a group of M-cholinoblocators slow down the process of moving the food lump in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby reinforcing and prolonging the effect of Maalox with their drug interaction.

When using the drug as a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of drug ulcers, the interval should be withstanding at least 2-3 hours, otherwise the effectiveness of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds will be reduced.

Analogs of Maloks Medicine

The structure determines the analogues:

  1. Gastracide.
  2. Maaloks mini.
  3. Agifluix.
  4. Alumag.
  5. Anazid Forte.
  6. Almol.
  7. Rivolox.
  8. Altacid.
  9. Palmagel.
  10. Malukol.
  11. Phosphhalugel ( different composition, similar to).

Of the two drugs, it is preferable to choose phosphhalugel (especially for older and pregnant women), because It does not contribute to excessive evacuation of phosphates from the body (mainly of the bones).

What is better: Almagel or Maalox?

Preparations relate to one pharmacological group And are analogues. Active substances in these drugs are contained in different ratios. Almagel in connection with this has a greater ability to provoke constipation, and the action of Maaloks is almost twice a longer.

Vacation conditions and price

The average cost of Maaloks (suspension 250 ml) in Moscow is 379 rubles. Price chewing tablets - 250 rubles for 20 pcs. Maalox mini costs 136 rubles for 6 bags with currant taste. Released without a recipe.

Store the drug is necessary in an inaccessible place for children at a temperature not higher than 25 C. The shelf life of chewable pills - 5 years, chewing tablets without sugar - 3 years, suspensions in bags of 3 years, in bottles - 30 months. The shelf life of the open bottle is 6 months.

Read also with the instructions for using a close analogue - the drug.

POST Views: 331


(aluminum hydroxide + magnesium hydroxide)

Registration number:

Tradename: Maalox (Maalox) Dosage form: Suspension for reception inside. The composition of the bag (15 ml) active substances of the magnesium gel hydroxide, equivalent to magnesium hydroxide 600 mg aluminum gel hydroxide equivalent to aluminum hydroxide 525 mg


Concentrated chloride hydrochloric acid 0,018 ml Lemon acid monohydrate 9,82mg Mint Essential oil 1,89mg MANNITOL 37.50 mg methyl - Parahydroxybenzoate 15.00 mg Propyl - Parahydroxybenzoate 7.50 mg Sodium Sakharin 4,215mg sorbitol 70% (non-crystalline) 214,3mg peroxide hydrogen 30% (9.75 mg)

Purified water up to 15 ml

Description: White or almost white, reminiscent of milk, liquid with mint smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group Antacid.

Code for the classification of APC2AH.

The pharmacological effect Maalox is a well-balanced combination of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide, which ensures its high neutralizing

Maalox does not cause constipation. It is used as an adsorbing, enveloping and antacid remedy with an increased oxic acid of six gastric juice. Maaloks soothes pain in the upper departments digestive tract for a few hours.

Indications acute and chronic gastritis, acute gastroduodenitis, chronic gastroduodenitis with a normal or elevated secretory function in the aggravation phase. hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm, reflux-esophagitis, ulcerative disease Stomach I. duodenal gut, heartburn after errors in the diet, taking medication and abuse of alcohol, coffee, nicotine.

Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, chronic renal failure, pregnancy, Alzheimer's disease, hypophosphatemia, should be used with caution in children under 12 years old, as well as women and breastfeeding period,

The method of application and dose of Maalox is usually taken after 1-1.5 hours. After eating or when pain, Maalox in the form of suspension is taken by 15 ml (1 package). Before use, the suspension is homogenized, carefully a warm-up package between the fingers. The contents of the package squeeze into a spoon or mouth.

Children dosage determines the attending physician. If necessary, you can take an additional dose of the drug two hours after the previous reception, but not more than 6 receptions per day.

Side Effects when complying with the prescribed doses side effect The drug is insignificant. Sometimes there are: nausea, vomiting, changing taste sensations, constipation. With long-term reception in high doses of hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypercalciuria, osteomalacia, oteoporosis, hypermagnias, hyperaulminimia, encephalopathy, nephroalcinosis, renal function. In patients with concomitant renal failure, thirst may be observed arterial pressure, GiPoreflection.

Interaction with other drugs in the case of simultaneous intake, Maalox can reduce the absorption of various drugs. Therefore, as a precautionary measure, other drugs are recommended to take either 2 hours before Maaloks5 reception or 2 hours after it. In all cases of simultaneous reception of Maalox with other drugs, you must inform the doctor.

Special instructions need strict control over the condition of patients with renal failure, and. In the event of the first symptoms of the above side effects, the use of the drug must be immediately stopped. High doses of the drug are contraindicated in this category of patients.

The release form suspension in packages 15 ml of 30 pieces per pack.

Storage conditions Store at a temperature not higher than 25As in an inaccessible place for children.

Shelf life for 3 years. Do not apply the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription,

Produced by Aventis Pharma SPA, Italy. Vial Euroop, 11, Origio, Varese, Italy, Consumer claims to direct at the address of the company's representative office in Russia: 101000, Moscow, Ulansky Lane, 5

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Maaloks Suspension Instructions for use

Maaloks is a combined drug with antacid adsorbing, enveloping, choleretic and windy action.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets and suspension. Suspension is a white, reminiscent of the milk with a mint smell. The suspension is produced in glass dark bottles of 250 ml and in bags of 10-15 ml.

The preparation contains active substances of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide and auxiliary - purified water, hydrogen peroxide, non-crystalline 70% sorbitol, sodium saccharinate, propyl aprichedroxybenzoate, concentrated hydrochloric acid, methyl aprohydroxybenzoate, mannitol, mint essential oil, citric acid monohydrate.

pharmachologic effect

Maalox suspension, without causing secondary hypersception, neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the stomach and reduces the peptic activity of the gastric juice.

Finding into the stomach, the suspension has an enveloping and adsorbing effect, protects against the damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, soothes the painful sensations in the upper parts of the digestive system for several hours.

Indications for the use of the drug

The Maalox suspension is successfully used in chronic and sharp gastritis, the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm, aggravated chronic gastroduodenites with an increased or normal secretory function, duodenal ulcer disease, and dyspeptic phenomena that occurred after receiving some medicines (corticosteroids, NSAIDs, etc.) , as well as with pain and discomfort in the epigastria, excessive use of alcohol, acid exhaust.


Suspension Maalox is contraindicated with increased sensitivity to its components, hypophosphatems, alzheimer's disease, pronounced renal impairment. With caution, the drug should be taken during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and children up to twelve years.

Method of application and dose

The drug is used inside an hour or two after meals, when painful sensations occur - immediately. Adults take 15 ml (one bag or a tablespoon of suspension) three or four times a day. Before using suspension, the bottle should be thickened threatening. The bag is warm up with your fingers, its contents can be squeezed into your mouth or in a spoon.

With reflux-esophagitis, the drug is taken a few minutes after eating. The course of treatment lasts no more than two or three months. Dosage for children installs a doctor.

Side effects

If you follow the prescription of the doctor and do not take increased doses drug, T. side effects manifests slightly. Sometimes constipation arise, changing taste sensations, nausea, vomiting.

Long-term and uncontrolled use of the Maalox suspension can provoke the impairment of the kidney function, nephroalcinosis, encephalopathy, hyperauluminimization, hypermagnias, osteoporosis, osteomalysis, hypercalcium, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemic. In the elderly, an aggravation of Alzheimer's disease is possible, bone-artistic diseases. Patients with concomitant renal failure may experience severe thirst, they can decrease blood pressure, hypoxicia.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding


The simultaneous reception of Maalox with other drugs is possible, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that the suspension reduces their suction. In this case, drugs must be taken either two hours after the reception of Maalox, or two hours before him.

Maalox Analogs of Preparatamalox Analogs of the Preparation. Indications for the use of Maalox analogs.

Phosfalugel with breastfeeding in breastfeeding in breastfeeding. Antacids when breastfeeding. How do medicines affect the children's body? Phosphalugel - children up to the year. Indications and contraindications.

Phosphalugel - like TECHTOPALYUGEL - how to take. Indications for use, method of use and contraindications. Side effects, overdose, interaction with other medicines.


Home / Tips / Medicines for GI Diseases / Maalox Suspension Instructions for use

Maaloks Suspension: Instructions for use

  • Maaloks suspension for reception inside
  • Maalox chewing tablets

The composition of one packet of suspension (15 ml):

Active substances:

Magnesium hydroxide 600 mg

Aluminum hydroxide 525 mg


Concentrated chloride hydrochloric acid 0.018 ml

Lemon Acid Monohydrate (EZZO) 9.82 mg

Peppermint essential oil 1.89 mg

Mannitol (E421) 37.50 mg

Methylpagidroxybenzoate (E218) 15.00 mg

Propilepagidroxybenzoate (E216) 7.50 mg

Sodium saccharinate (E954) 4,215 mg

Sorbitol 70% (non-exclusive) (E420) 214.3 mg

Hydrogen peroxide 30% (9.75 mg)

Purified water up to 15 ml

creamy liquid appearance Reminded milk, has a sweet taste and smell of mint.

Maalox is a well-balanced combination of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide, which ensures its high ability to neutralize the acidic gastric content and protect the mucous membrane and stomach.

It is used as an adsorbing, enveloping and antacid agent at elevated gastric juice acidity. Maaloks stops pain in the upper digestive tract for several hours. Maalox does not cause constipation.

Magnesium and aluminum hydroxides are considered local action antacids, practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract when receiving in the recommended doses and, accordingly, do not provide common effects on the body.

Antacid therapy for heartbud and gastroesophaginal reflux, accompanied by throwing acidic gastric content in the esophagus. The symptoms are belching, tightening, painful and difficult swallowing, pain in the epigastric area (just below the projection of the solar plexus), appearing shortly after eating and amplifying under inclined movements. Therapy can be applied in patients over 15 years old.

Heavy renal failure, as the drug contains magnesium.

Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Age up to 15 years.

Fructose intolerance.

In animal studies, clear indications of the presence of teratogenic effect in aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide are not obtained. At the moment, no specific teratogenic effects were revealed when using the Maalox drug during pregnancy, however, due to the lack of clinical experience, its use during pregnancy is possible only if the potential benefits of its application justify the potential risk to the fetus.

The content of aluminum and magnesium ions can be taken into account that can influence the permeability of the gastrointestinal tract:

Magnesium hydroxide salts can cause diarrhea;

Aluminum salts may cause constipation and worsen the flow of constipation often observed during pregnancy.

It should be avoided the appointment of the drug during pregnancy in large doses and for a long time.

During treatment, you can continue breastfeeding. Magnesium is considered compatible with lactation.

For use by patients over 15 years old!

Maalox is usually taken after 1-1.5 hours after eating or when pain occurs. Maalox in the form of suspension is taken by 15 ml (1 bag). Before use, a suspension is homogenized, a carefully warm-up bag between the fingers. The contents of the bag to squeeze into a spoon or in the mouth, without diluting with water.

If necessary, you can take an additional dose of the drug two hours after the previous reception, but not more than 6 receptions per day.

Under the compliance of the prescribed doses, the side effect of the drug is insignificant.

In rare cases, when applying the drug, constipation, nausea, vomiting, change in taste sensations may occur.

In the case of long-term use and in violation of the excretory function of the kidney, it is possible to increase the level of magnesium and / or aluminum in the blood plasma, the development of phosphorus deficiency in the body, encephalopathy.

In the elderly patients, there is an esgradation of bone-articular diseases, Alzheimer's disease.

Magnesium overdose usually does not cause toxic reactions in patients with normal kidney function. Nevertheless, magnesium poisoning can develop in patients with renal failure (see section Precautions). The toxic effect depends on the concentration of magnesium in serum.

Signs of toxic:

Decrease in blood pressure;

Nausea, vomiting;

Drowsiness, reducing reflexes, muscle fatigue, nervous-ippin paralysis;

Bradycardia, deviation of the ECG results;


In the most severe cases, palsy of breathing, coma, violation of the kidney or heart function can develop;

Anuric syndrome.

Magnesium overdose treatment: Rehydration, forced diuresis. When renal failure Hemodialysis is needed or peritoneal dialysis.

Antacids interact with some other drugs for receiving inside.

Combinations requiring compliance with precautions

With quinidine

With simultaneous use with quinidine, it is possible to raise serum concentrations Cynidine and the development of overdose of quinidine.

In the case of simultaneous intake, Maalox can reduce the absorption of various drugs. Therefore, as a precautionary measure, the following drugs are recommended for 2 hours or 2 hours after receiving Maalox:

H2-antihistamines, etcutol, isoniazide (oral), atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol, cepdinir, cefpodoxin, chlorookhin, cyclina, diffusion, digoxin, diphosphonates, fexofenadine, iron salts, fluoroquinolones, sodium fluoride, glucocorticosteroids (predisolone and dexamethasone), indomethacin , Keixalate, ketoconazole, Lanzoprazole, Lincosamide, Phenothiazine Neuroleptics, Penicilline, phosphorus (additives), thyroxin.

With simultaneous reception with Maalox, the suction of the drugs listed above is reduced in the gastrointestinal tract. In the case of a 2-hour interval between the reception of these drugs and Maalox and the 4-hour interval between taking fluoroquinolones and Maalox in most cases of this undesirable interaction can be avoided.

In all cases of simultaneous reception of Maalox with other drugs, it is necessary to inform the attending physician.

Combinations that should be taken into account

With salicypatami

With simultaneous reception of salicylates and long-term use of the preparation, Maalox in high doses may increase the removal of salicylates with urine as a result of urine sickness under the influence of the preparation of Maalox.

With citrates

With a combination of aluminum hydroxide with citrates, it is possible to increase the plasma concentrations of aluminum, in particular, in patients with renal failure.

2-hour interval should be observed between the use of Maalox and other drugs.

With extreme caution should be prescribed to pregnant and nursing women.

The patient should contact your doctor in case:

Loss of body weight;

Difficulty in swallowing and non-resistant despite the treatment of a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen;

Disorders of digestion, which appeared for the first time, changes in the existing disorders of digestion;

Renal failure.

The drug Treatment Contraindicated with fructose intolerance, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, or non-sacrase-isomaltase deficiency, and should be used with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus due to the presence of sorbitol and sucrose in it.

With low phosphorus content in the diet, aluminum hydroxide may cause phosphorus deficiency in the body.

In the case of patients with renal failure or in chronic dialysis, it is necessary to take into account the content of aluminum and magnesium in the preparation. For long use in high doses, including in high therapeutic doses, it is possible to develop encephalopathy, dementia, microcytic anemia, or deterioration of osteomalysis caused by dialysis.

Aluminum hydroxide can be unsafe for patients with porphyria in hemodialysis.

Suspension in bags of 15 ml of 30 bags in packaging along with instructions for use.

Store at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C in an inaccessible place for children.

Without recipe.

  • Maaloks Mini
  • Renny
  • Gefhal-Belmed.
  • Magnagel

Self-medication can be harmful to your health. It is necessary to consult a doctor with a doctor, as well as familiarize yourself with the instructions before applying.


Maaloks Suspension: Instructions for use and reviews of patients

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in our time occupy a leading position. This is facilitated by many factors: lifestyle, stress, unhealthy nutrition, medication abuse, low quality environmental medium.

Under these conditions, awareness of the population effective preparations With a minimum of side effects becomes extremely relevant. We hope that the following description of the main properties of Maalox will increase the awareness of anyone who suffers from the diseases of the tract and will allow them to take an adequate solution.

Pharmacological features

Maalox is a complex drug with a complex of properties. The drug, like food soda, contributes to the neutralization of hydrochloric acid, reduces its concentration without a secondary increase in secretion.

In this case, a protective layer is created on the gastric mucosa, which reduces the likelihood of irritating effects of food. It stimulates the formation of bile, and contributes to its removal into the duodenum, which increases the efficiency of the digestive process and purifies the liver from excess bile.

Due to the ability to adsorb substances, Maalox reduces the level of harmful substances accumulated in the intestine. The windy properties of the drug helps to get rid of intestinal gases.

Pharmacological features Maalox suspensions, aimed at improving the efficiency of the digestive process, cleaning the intestines, as well as preventing the destruction of the cells of its mucous membrane.

The composition of the suspension

In Maalox substances with therapeutic activity, magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide are hydroxide.

To substances that perform auxiliary function include:

  • distilled water;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • sorbitol non-crystalline (70%);
  • sacchain sodium;
  • hydrochloric acid acid;
  • mint's essential oil;
  • lemon acid.

Is it possible to take Renni during pregnancy? What dosage?

What is a bowel valley? Read about the symptoms and treatment of the disease in this article.

Diseases under which Maaloks is appointed

These diseases include:

  • ulceal intestinal and stomach disease, mainly in acute form;
  • acute and chronic gastroduodenitis;
  • gastritis leaking against the background of normal or high secretion;
  • hernia, localized in the diaphragm region;
  • reflux;
  • dyspepsia of various genesis,
  • digestive disorders when overeating and use of poor-quality food;
  • heartburn caused by improper nutrition.
  • food poisoning;
  • disorders of the liver and pancreas function as a means that reduces the negative impact on the operation of the stomach and intestines.

How to apply?

Regularity and dosage of suspension depends on the age of the patient, the diagnosis and acuteness of the disease.

As Maalox is used to improve digestion, take it to take it in an hour or two after meals. Exceptions are only cases of occurrence pain sensations After receiving food. This is a signal to immediately receiving the drug.

Therapeutic action Maalox continues for two hours after the reception. This should be in the formation of food intake mode.

Adult dosage: one bag or 1 tbsp. A spoon of suspension after each food eating. However, to take Maaloks more often than three or four times a day.

In the treatment of reflux-esophagitis, the tool must be taken immediately after eating.

The medical course should not exceed three months old. Optimum term - two months.

The dosage of the drug for children is associated not only with low weight and child and the characteristics of its physiology, but also with the danger of leaching some elements. The maximum duration of the course in children is 1 month.

Take a suspension it is necessary 1.5 hours after meals. One-time dose depends on the age of the child. Age up to a year - 0.5 teaspoon, from 1 - 5 years - on a complete teaspoon, 5 - 15 years old - on one dessert spoon for one reception. Regularity of the reception - 2 - 3 times a day.


From the use of this fund you need to refrain in the following cases:

  • allergic reaction;
  • hypophosphatemi;
  • a confirmed diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease;
  • pronounced symptoms of renal failure;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • treating children under 12 years old.

The last two contraindications are connected not so much with the danger of this means for children's bodyhow long the fact that with a prolonged course it is possible to be too much removal from the body of two important elements - phosphorus and calcium.

This entails an increase in the fragility of bones, as well as the slowdown in the growth of children on all age-related stages.

Recently, this drug began to be used for the treatment of children, but in small courses, accompanied by an additional intake of calcium and phosphorus sources.

With caution should be treated by the reception of Maaloks patients who are diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Adverse reactions

This drug is considered sufficiently safe, however, when using it, side effects may occur. These include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • stool violations;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • violation of the perception of taste;
  • an increase in the amount of magnesium and aluminum in the blood;
  • reducing the amount of phosphorus and calcium in the blood;
  • an increase in bone fragility;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • increased need for water;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • reduction of mental activity;
  • encephalopathy.

The listed side effects manifest often and are usually the result of self-treatment without taking into account contraindications. Possible cases of assignment to a person to a person suffering from diseases listed in the list of contraindications, but without a diagnosis.

This applies to cases of provoking encephalopathy and dementia initial stage Development of Alzheimer's disease.

Overdose and special instructions

As mentioned above, most of Side effects occurs with unexplained diagnoses from the list of contraindications.

In addition, it is possible to provoke side effects with no observance of a permissible one-time dosage or with too long therapeutic course.

The latter is one of the overdose options. In order to avoid side effects if you need long-term treatment, you need to share the course for fragments. Interrupted therapeutic course should be taken at least 10 days, which will allow the body to restore the balance required substances.

Overdose manifests itself with the following symptoms: diarrhea, pain; spasms in the intestines; nausea, vomiting, violation in behavior due to the exacerbation of encephalopathy. In this case, it is necessary to ensure peace, abundant drinking, receiving moderate doses of diuretic. To eliminate vomiting and intestinal spasms, can be used in the infusion of mint peppers, to eliminate the diarrhea - the infusion of oak bark.

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The analogues of the drug include such drugs that have a similar set of substances that provide therapeutic effect, and in all other indicators differ slightly. On this basis, the following drugs can be attributed to the analogues of Maalox, Almolek, Almol, Alumag, Anazid Forte, Gastracide, Rivolox.

The average price of the drug

The price of Maaloks Suspension varies depending on the region.

average price Flake 250 ml is 390 rubles.

The average price of one sachet suspension - 22 rubles.

Maalox - updated description of the drug, you can watch pharmachologic effect, side effects, dosage of Maloks medication. Reviews about Maalox -

The drug has an antacid, adsorbing and enveloping effect, soothes pain.
Preparation: Maalox®
The active substance of the drug: ALGELDRATE, MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE
ATH encoding: A02AD01
KFG: Antacid drug
Registration number: P №014986 / 02
Registration date: 08/26/04
Owner reg. Entrepreneur: Aventis Pharma S.P.A. (Italy)

Maalox release form, preparation packaging and composition.

Chewing tablets white color, Round, flat, with beveled edges, with Maalox engraving.

1 tab.

400 mg.
Magnesium hydroxide
400 mg.

Auxiliary substances: mannitol, sodium saccharinate, sorbitol, sugar powder with starch, mint flavor (in powder form), sucrose (for direct pressing), magnesium stearate.

10 pieces. - Blisters (2) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Blister (4) - Cardboard packs.

Suspension for reception inside white or almost white, reminiscent of milk, with mint smell.

100 ml
Algeldrat (aluminum hydroxide)
3.5 G.
Magnesium hydroxide
4 g

Auxiliary substances: chloride hydrochloric acid concentrated, citric acid monohydrate, butter mint essential, mannitol, methyl aprichedroxybenzoate, propyl aprichedroxybenzoate, sodium saccharin, sorbitol 70% (non-crystalline), hydrogen peroxide 30%, purified water.

250 ml - Dark Glass Vials (1) - Cardboard packs.

Description of the drug Maalox is based on officially approved instructions for use.

Pharmacological action Maaloks

Maalox is a well-balanced combination of hydroxide and algeletra magnesium, which ensures its high neutralizing ability and cytoprotective effect.
Acido-neutralizing ability of 1 tab. Maalox is 18.5 MEKV of hydrochloric acid, a similar ability of 15 ml of Maalox suspension is 40.5 MEQ.
The drug has an antacid adsorbing and enveloping effect, soothes pain in the upper digestive tract for several hours.

Indications for use:

- acute gastritis;
- chronic gastritis with a normal or elevated secretory function in the aggravation phase;
- hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm;
- ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum (prevention and symptomatic therapy);
- gastric discomfort after errors in the diet, taking medication and abuse of alcohol, coffee, nicotine.

Dosage and method of use of the drug.

Maalox should be taken after 1-1.5 hours after meals or when pain occurs.
Adults are prescribed 1-2 tab. Or 15 ml of suspension (1 tablespoon or 1 bag) 3 times during the day and at night.
Children aged from 4 months to 1 year are prescribed on 1/2 teaspoon of suspension 3 times / day, children over 1 year 1 - 1 teaspoon 3 times / day.
Tablets need to be chewed or keep in the mouth to the full absorption.
Suspension Before use, it is necessary to homogenize, shaking the bottle or thoroughly smashed package between your fingers. The contents of the package are squeezed into a spoon or immediately in the mouth.

Side effect Maalox:

Rarely: Development of phosphorus deficiency in the body (possibly with long-term use of Maalox in high doses and is associated with the presence of Algeldratta in the preparation).

Contraindications for the drug:

- pronounced disorders of the kidney function.

Application during pregnancy and lactation.

It is possible to use Maalox during pregnancy by testimony.
Do not recommend using Maaloks during lactation (breastfeeding) due to the lack of data on the allocation active substances Preparation with breast milk.

Special guidelines for the use of Maaloks.

The use of Maalox in high doses is contraindicated in patients with renal failure. During the period of use of the drug in medium and low doses, this category of patients requires control of phosphorus content in the body. When the first symptoms of the exhaustion of phosphorus reserves in the body, the drug should be canceled immediately.
In connection with the possible medicinal interaction Maalox should be used 2 hours before or 2 hours after receiving Indomethacin, acetylsalicylic acid (and other salicylates), histamine H2 receptor blockers, beta-adrenobloclars, aminazine, diffulunisale, isoniazide, phenytoin, tetracycline antibiotics, phosphorus-containing drugs.
The drug is distinguished by pleasant taste, good tolerability and lack of constipation when used.

Overdose by the drug:

Currently, Maalox is not reported on cases of overdose of the drug.

The interaction of Maaloks with other drugs.

In the case of simultaneous intake, Maalox reduces indomethacin absorption, acetylsalicylic acid (and other salicylates), histamine H2 receptor blockers, beta-adrenoblockers, aminazine, diffulunisale, isoniazide, phenytin, tetracycline antibiotics, phosphorus-containing drugs.

Dates in the condition of the preservation of the drug Maalox.

Maalox tablets should be stored at room temperature. Shelf life - 2 years.
Suspension for receiving inside should be stored in a cool place; Do not freeze. Shelf life - 3 years.

Terms of sale in pharmacies.

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.


- The preparation of Maalox is allowed to use as a means of non-receptible vacation


Maalox (Maalox)


Pharmacodynamics: The drug neutralizes free hydrochloric acid, without causing secondary hypercelling of hydrochloric acid. In connection with the increase in pH at its reception, the peptic activity of the gastric juice is reduced. It also has an adsorbing and enveloping effect, which reduces the impact of damaging factors on the mucous membrane.

Pharmacokinetics: Magnesium and aluminum hydroxides are considered to be local action antacids, practically not absorbing when receiving in the recommended doses and, accordingly, do not have systemic effects.

Indications K.

Acute gastritis;
- hyperacid gastritis;
- acute duodenit;
- ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and 12-rosewind (in the aggravation phase);
- symptomatic ulcers of various genes;
- Erosion of the mucous membrane upper departments GTS;
- Reflux Ezophagitis;
- hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm;
- acute pancreatitis;
- exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
- hyperphosphatemia;
- discomfort, gastralgy, heartburn (after excessive use of ethanol, nicotine, coffee, drug intake, errors in the diet).
- Brodyl or putrefactive dyspepsia (as part of combined therapy).

Mode of application:

Inside, sinking or thoroughly chewing.

Adults and adolescents older than 15 years - 1-2 table. 3-4 times a day after 1-2 hours after meals and at night. With reflux-esophagitis, the drug takes a short time after meals. The maximum number of drug techniques is 6 times a day. Do not take more than 12 tab. per day. The course of treatment should not exceed 2-3 months. With episodic application (for example, at discomfort after errors in the diet) - 1-2 Table.

Side effects:

Sometimes diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, change in flavoring sensations can occur.

With long-term reception of high doses, hypophosphatemia may occur (especially with low phosphate content), hypercalciuria, nephroalcinosis, hypocalcemia, osteoporosis, osteomalacia.

In patients with concomitant renal failure, it is possible to increase the plasma concentrations of magnesium and / or aluminum, the development of thirst, reduction of blood pressure, hypoxicia.

With long-term use of high doses in patients with renal failure in rare cases, encephalopathy, dementia, microcolitan anemia is possible.


Severe renal failure;
- increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
- hypophosphatemia;
- intolerance to fructose (due to the presence of sorbitol preparation);
- Mal Absorption syndrome glucose-galactose, insufficiency of sacrase-isomaltase (due to the presence of sucrose drugs);
- Children's and teenage age up to 15 years.

Carefully: In renal failure, with long-term reception, it is possible to increase the plasma concentrations of magnesium and aluminum. In these patients, during the long-term use of the drug in high doses, encephalopathy, dementia, microcitar anemia is possible; In patients with porphyria located on hemodialysis; Pregnancy (see "Application for pregnancy and breastfeeding"); Alzheimer's disease; Low phosphate content in food (risk of phosphate failure); diabetes (due to the content of sucrose tablets).

other medicinal

Reduces and slows the absorption of digoxin, indomethacin, salicylate, chlorpromazine, phenytoin, Blockers H2-histamine receptors, beta-adrenobloclars, difluorizala, ketoconazole and itraconazole, isoniazide, tetracycline antibiotics, norfloxacin, offloxacin, euxacin, hemuelloxacin, etc.), azithromycin, cefpodoxyma , pivampicillin, rifampicin, indirect anticoagulantov, Barbiturates (they should be used in 1 hour before or 2 hours after receiving antacids), Fexophenadin, dipyridamole, zombitabine, minoroxychole and ursodoxichetic acids, penicillamine and Lansoprazole.
M-cholinoblocators, slowing the emptying of the stomach, reinforce and extend the effect of the drug.


Animals have no clear indications of the presence of teratogenic effect in aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. At the moment, no specific teratogenic effects were revealed. When using the Preparation of Maalox during pregnancy, however, due to the failure of clinical experience, its use during pregnancy is possible only if the potential benefits of its application justify the potential risk to the fetus.

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