Vitamins of groups in what are the most effective. Complex vitamins group in

Vitamins Group B. - a group of water-soluble, necessary for the normal life of the body, in particular - metabolism in its cells.

Group B vitamins are directly involved in maintaining normal functioning. nervous system, brain, heart and vessels, digestive organs. In addition, vitamins in improving the protective functions of the body from the aggressive external environment (ultraviolet rays, etc.), support in a good and healthy condition of the human appearance - skin, hair, nails. Prevent premature aging of man and much more. Below we will look at each vitamin separately in more detail.

Vitamins of group b also include vitamin-like substances that are not vital, but still, they contribute to improved human health, its appearance, rehabilitation processes after injury, and also apply in many other spheres of human life.

Classification of group vitamins in and their names

Vitamins Group B.

Vitamin-like compounds of the group in

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Group vitamins in: functions, application, deficiency and in which products are contained

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - crystalline colorless substance, well soluble in water, and insoluble in alcohol. It is destroyed in an alkaline environment, but tolerates heating well.

The role of thiamine in human life. Thiamine plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other substances. Participates in blood formation, maintaining the normal functioning of the brain activity, cardiovascular, digestive and nervous system. Promotes the normal growth and development of the child. Performs a protective function from negative impact on the body of smoking products, alcoholic beverages. Warns premature old age.

Symptoms of thiamine deficiency in the body (hypovitaminosis): Violations in the work of the nervous system (, irritability, depression), of cardio-vascular system (And others,), gastrointestinal bodies (,), anorexia.

Acute lack of thiamine (avitaminosis): May lead to the development of the disease "Bury Bury".

Sources of thiamine

Vegetable: Rice, oatmeal, sunflower seeds, peanuts, cedar nuts, soybeans, pistachios, millet, wheat bran, pressed yeast.
Animals: Beef, Bird, Liver, Fish, Egg Yolk.
Chemical: Thiamine Chloride, multivitamin complexes.
Synthesis in the body: It is synthesized in a colon with some useful bacteria.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - Needle, collected in dresses, crystals, yellow-orange-colored, poorly soluble in water and ethanol, and completely insoluble in acetone, benzene, diethyl ether and chloroform. Quickly destroyed under the influence of light and in alkali.

The role of riboflavina in a person's life. Riboflavin plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as blood-forming, respiratory function by skin cells, hair and nails. Along in, Riboflavin is involved in maintaining the visual function of the eyes, especially in premises with poor lighting, is a preventive substance against the development of cataracts. Helps in protecting the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, which is especially relevant during periods of activity respiratory infections. Riboflavin accelerates the processes of regeneration of body tissues after injuries or surgical intervention. Contributes to the assimilation of the body.

Symptoms of the deficit of riboflavin in the body (hypovitaminosis): Headache pain and dizziness, lowering appetite and weight loss, increased photosensitivity, fatty or superchievous skin, irritability, insomnia, reducing mental activity, skin rashes, trembling limbs, as well as deterioration of tactile sensitivity.

Acute shortage of riboflavin (avitaminosis): Elevated hair loss, anemia, corneal changes, frequent.

Sources of riboflavina

Vegetable: Beer yeast, soybeans, cocoa (powder), almonds, bran, wheat shoots, turnips, tea.
Animals: lamb, beef, heart, liver, kidneys, dairy and milk products, egg powder.
Chemical: Riboflavin, Flavinat, multivitamin complexes.
Synthesis in the body: It is synthesized in a colon by some useful bacteria (microflora).

Vitamin B3 (Niacin, Nicotinic Acid, Nicotinamide, Vitamin RR)

Vitamin B3 (Niacin, Nicotinic Acid, Nicotinamide) - white powder of crystal structure, weakly soluble in cold water, slightly better in hot water, poorly soluble in ethanol and almost insoluble on the air.

Role nicotinic acid (niacin) in human life. Nicotinic acid takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, amino acids, tissue respiration, regulation of redox processes in the body. Nicotinic acid is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system - it contributes to the release of energy from energies. In addition, niacin lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, has an expanding effect on small vessels, participates in the synthesis of genital hormones, insulin, cortisone and thyroxine, speeds up recovery after and helps in the fight against.

Symptoms of nicotinic acid deficiency in the body (hypovitaminosis): Increased fatigue, depression, brain disorders, heartburn, lack of appetite, nausea, indignant in the stomach, pain and lubrication in the limbs, increased sensitivity Gum.

Sources of nicotinic acid

Vegetable: Yeast, peanuts, almonds, solid grains and products from whole cereals, green peas, mushrooms, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, parsley, fruit, sorrel.

Animals: Beef liver, heart, bird, fish, milk, cheese, eggs.

Chemical: "Nicotinamide", "Nicotinic Acid (Vitamin PR)", "Nikoverin", multivitamin complexes.

Synthesis in the body: It is synthesized in the intestine subject to admission to food, B6, as well as tryptophan.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) - Water soluble vitamin, destroyed with heat treatment - heating or freezing. Also destroyed during preservation.

The role of pantothenic acid in human life. Pantothenic acid, as well as other group B vitamins plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the formation of antibodies, as well as synthesis of corticosteroids. It contributes to the production of energy cells, warns premature aging, supports health and normal skin PokrovIt helps in the treatment of skin and contributes to the regeneration of tissues after their injury or transferred operation. Pantothenic acid also helps in the fight against diseases such as - ,.

Skin problems (dermatitis, declaration), violation of the functionality of the nervous system (insomnia, depression, coordination disorders), ulcers, increased fatigue, involuntary abortions in early terms, increased hair loss, tingling and numbness in hand and legs ,.

Sources of pantothenic acid

Vegetable: Oranges, bananas, avocado, peanuts, nuts, yeast, bran, soy, lentils, oat flakes, Green pieces of vegetables (tops).
Animals: Liver, kidney, poultry meat, fish, raw egg yolk, fermented dairy products.
Chemical: "Calcium Pantothenate", "Supradin", multivitamin complexes.
Synthesis in the body: The intestinal microflora is synthesized during a full nutrition, mainly food enriched with vitamins.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal phosphate) - Colorless crystals, well-soluble in water and alcohol, as well as insoluble on the air and fat solvents. Pyridoxine and its derivatives are resistant to thermal processing and oxygen, destroyed under the influence of light.

The role of pyridoxine in a person's life. Participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, macroelements, synthesis of adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, histamine, hemoglobin and other substances. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, maintaining the balance of sex hormones in women. He regulates cholesterol in the blood, thereby warns, and hence the heart attack, and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Participates in blood formation, normalizes, improves brain activity, memory. Beneficially affects the growth and health of hair.

Symptoms of pantothenic acid deficit in the body (hypovitaminosis): Irritability, anxiety, depression, insomnia, disorders of appetite, nausea, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, tendency to Orz-diseases.

Pyridoxin sources

Vegetable: Oranges, Bananas, Avocado, Pighta, Cherry, Strawberry, Green leaf vegetables, yeast, rice, buckwheat and walking cereals, various nuts, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage ,.
Animals: Liver, kidneys, heart, fish, eggs, dairy products.
Chemical: "Pyridoxine hydrochloride."
Synthesis in the body: The intestinal microflora is synthesized during full nutrition.

Vitamin B7 (biotin, vitamin H, coenzyme R)

Vitamin B7 (biotin, vitamin H, coenzyme R) - Vitamin, well-soluble in water, alcohol and alkali. It is destroyed at high temperatures. Sustainable light (ultraviolet rays).

The role of biotin in a person's life. Biotin is actively involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, hormone biosynthesis, the synthesis of useful microflora in the intestine. Regulates blood sugar levels. Supports the health of the nervous system, skin, hair and nails. Participates in activation processes.

Symptoms of biotin deficiency in the body (hypovitaminosis): Skin Problems (Different, Dry, Dermatitis, Eczema), High Light Hair, Dandruff, Nail Problems, Depression, Sleepiness, Arterial Hypotension (), Increased fatigue.

Sources of biotin

Vegetable: Green peas, peanuts, solid rye rye, crude rice and rice bran, corn, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, white and cauliflower, onions, spinach, apples, melon, oranges, bananas.
Animals: Liver, heart. Beef, chicken, milk, cheese, fish (salmon, sardines, herring), egg yolks.
Chemical: "Biotin".
Synthesis in the body: It is synthesized by intestinal flora, provided proper nutrition and good health.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid, vitamin m, vitamin Sun)

Vitamin B9 (folic acid, vitamin m, vitamin Sun) - yellowish or yellowish-orange crystalline powder, poorly soluble in water and alcohol, easily soluble in alkali, is destroyed under the influence of sunlight.

Role folic acid In human life. Folic acid plays an important role in blood formation, maintaining performance at the proper level of the immune system, digestive organs. Participates in the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates, DNA synthesis and protein, redox processes. Adjusts the course of pregnancy and normal fetal development. Promotes accelerated cell regeneration, helps in the fight against depression and other disorders of the nervous system. Reduces the risks of development of diseases of the cardiovascular system - atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke. Contributes to the assimilation of other vitamins of group V.

Symptoms of folic acid deficiency in the body (hypovitaminosis): Violation of the fertile function in Mudchin, violation of the development of the fetus, anorexia, nausea, lack of appetite, disorder of the nervous system (depression, irritability, concern, stress), arrhythmia, increased fatigue.

Acute Folic Acid Insufficiency (Avitaminosis) It may lead to the development of megaloblastic anemia, and even a fatal outcome.

Sources of folic acid

Vegetable: Cabbage, salad, onions, cereals, legumes, yeast, pomelo, oranges, grapefruits, bananas, nuts, mushrooms, dates.
Animals: lamb, beef, bird, liver, fish, milk, eggs.
Chemical: "Folic acid", multivitamin complexes.
Synthesis in the body: The microflora of the colon is synthesized, especially with additional reception of bifidobacteria.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin, Kobalamines)

Vitamin B12 (cobalamines, cyanocobalamin) - a group of cobalt-containing substances, which are a powder of a crystal structure, dark red, which are not smell, soluble in water, is resistant to sunlight and heating.

The role of cyanocobalamin in human life. Cyanocobalamin plays an important role in the blood formation, the normal growth and development of the child, maintaining the nervous system in the normal functioning, reproductive function. Prevents premature aging, dementia, violation of brain activity, development. In addition, cobalamins are strengthened immune system, Normalize arterial pressure, give the body forces and vigor. It is necessary for assimilating the body.

Symptoms of Cyanocobalamin deficiency in the body (hypovitaminosis): Pathological processes are accelerating in the illness, the activity of the brain, nervous system, digestive system, visual function is disturbed. Increases the risk of development.

Sources of cyanocobalamin

Vegetable: Sea cabbage, yeast, hops, soy and soy products.
Animals: Liver, heart, kidneys, brains, beef, bird, fish, dairy products, eggs.
Chemical: multivitamin complexes.
Synthesis in the body: It is synthesized by microflora in the digestion organs during full nutrition.

Vitamin-like compounds of the group in

Vitamin B4 (Holine, Vitamin BP)

Vitamin B4 (Holine, Vitamin BP) - Vitamin-like substance, which is colorless hygroscopic crystals, well-soluble in water, ethanol, poorly soluble in acetone, amyl alcohol chloroform, and completely dissoluable in benzene, diethyl ether and serougoland. Also destroyed when heated from + 70 ° C. Holine and its derivatives are used as food additive And referred to as - E1001.

The role of choline in a person's life. Holine plays an important role in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as maintaining the normal functioning of the brain, liver, kidney, nervous system, the reproductive function of the person. It contributes to the accelerated restoration of the liver and the entire body as a whole after alcohol intoxication, as well as other types of poisoning. Holine improves memory, adjusts the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as the insulin level. Prevents stones in bile bubble, prevents premature aging, normalizes the work of the digestive organs.

Symptoms of choline deficiency in the body (hypovitaminosis): Disorders of the nervous system (depression, stress, irritability, insomnia), memory deterioration, tendency to, increased fatigue, growth slowdown.

Sources of cholina

Vegetable: Bean, bran, yeast, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes.
Animals: Beef, liver, kidneys, heart, fish, egg yolk, dairy products.
Chemical: "Holina chloride."
Synthesis in the body: It is synthesized by the body with a full nutrition, as well as the absence of chronic diseases.

Vitamin B8 (inosit, inositol, inositroretinol)

Vitamin B8 (inosit, inositol, inositroretinol) - Vitamin-like substance, which is a crystalline powder, sweetly on a flavor, well-soluble in water, insoluble in alkali and acids, is destroyed when heated.

The role of Inosit in a person's life. Inosit is part of many enzymes, plays an important role in regulating metabolism, cholesterol levels in the blood. Inositol helps in the fight against, diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction,). Improves brain activity, memory. Normalizes the work of the nervous system - improves sleep, helps in the fight against depression. Promotes the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract organs, maintaining hair health. Supports the health of the reproductive function of a person. Extremely important for normal growth, development and health of bones and muscle tissues, which is especially important for children and adolescents.

Symptoms of the Inosite deficit in the body (hypovitaminosis): Disorders of the nervous system (depression, stress, irritability,), increased hair loss, increased blood pressure, constipation, disorders in the development of bones and muscles (dystrophy), (, dermatitis, eczema), a tendency to obesity, worsening the concentration of attention and memory.

Sources of inositol

Vegetable: Wild rice, legumes, bark, wheat germs and bran, nuts, sesame, yeast, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, citrus fruits, watermelon, melon, blackberry, gooseberry, raisins.
Animals: Liver, heart, kidneys, brains, fish, caviar.
Chemical: "Inosit Forte".
Synthesis in the body: 75% vitamin B8 is synthesized by the body with full nutrition, with a predominance of food enriched with vitamins.

Vitamin B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid, PABK, Vitamin H1)

Vitamin B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid, PABK, PABA, N-aminobenozoic acid, vitamin H1) - Vitamin-like substance - amino acid, which is a whitish crystalline powder, poorly soluble in water, well soluble in ethyl alcohol and ether, destroyed when heated from 187 ° C.

The role of para-aminobenzoic acid in human life. PABK plays an important role in blood formation (erythrocyte formation), folic acid synthesis, protein and fats metabolism, normal functioning thyroid gland, Developing a nursing mother of breast milk. PABK stimulates the production of Interferon by the body, due to which indirectly contributes to the protection of the body from - as well. It is applied to cosmetics against wrinkles, as well as in the sun protective products. Supports hair growth and health. Used in treatment skin disease. Warns the development of blood clots, malignant tumors. Stimulates the intestinal generation of useful microflora.

Symptoms of the deficit of para-aminobenzoic acid in the body (hypovitaminosis): skin problems (dermatitis, eczema, dryness or fatness), the rapid appearance of sunburn in a short time Staying in the sun, insufficient amount of milk during breastfeeding, frequent stomach disorders, and, worsening blood quality, violations in the development of bones and muscle tissues.

Sources of para-aminobenzoic acid

Vegetable: Rice bran, yeast, nuts, wheat flour of coarse grinding, mushrooms, vegetables, black seeds, parsley,.
Animals: Liver, fish, dairy products, eggs.
Chemical: "Multivit", "Vitruum".
Synthesis in the body:

Vitamin B11 (Carnitine, L-Carnitine, Vitamin BT)

Vitamin B11 (Carnitine, L-Carnitine, Levokarnitin, Vitamin Gamma, Vitamin BT) - Vitamin-like substance, which is a white crystalline powder, easily soluble in water and hot alcohol, poorly soluble in acetone, ether and benzene, is destroyed when heated from 195 ° C.

The role of carnitine in human life. Carnitine, or rather his "L" form (L-carnitine), plays an important role in the metabolism of fats, providing energy cells. It is often used by fitness-coaches to fight extra kilograms, charges of cheerfulness, legends in sports. This substance literally burns fat from muscle tissues of the body. It is used as a prophylactic agent from cardiovascular diseases. Adjusts blood cholesterol. Normalizes the activity of the nervous system, removes toxins from the body, contributes to the regeneration of tissues after damage.

Symptoms of the deficit of carnitine in the body (hypovitaminosis): Increased fatigue, decay, increased blood pressure, obesity, irritability.

Sources of carnitine

Vegetable: Yeast, seeds of sesame, pumpkin, avocado.
Animals: Beef, lamb, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs.
Chemical: "L-carnitine", "Carniten", vitamin complexes.
Synthesis in the body: It is synthesized by the body with a full nutrition, with the predominance of food enriched with vitamins and microelements, especially B3, B6, B9, B12, C, and others.

Vitamin B13 (orothic acid, orotat)

Vitamin B13 (orothic acid, orotat) - Vitamin-like substance, which is a white crystalline powder, poorly soluble in water and organic solvents, is destroyed under the influence of sunlight.

The role of orotted acid in a person's life. Orothic acid is part of all living cell cells, plays an important role in the synthesis of protein, fats and other substances, maintaining the normal functioning and health of the liver, the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy. Supports the functionality of the reproductive function of a person. Promotes the normal growth and development of the fetus, children. Prevents cardiovascular diseases, adjusts blood cholesterol. Promotes blood formation, warns premature aging. We are necessary for assimilation by the body of vitamins B5, B9 and B12.

Symptoms of orotype deficit in the body (hypovitaminosis): Elevated blood pressure, dry skin, increased fatigue, deviations in the development of children.

Sources of orotted acid

Vegetable: yeast, rooted roots.
Animals: Liver, dairy products.
Chemical: "Potassium Orotat".
Synthesis in the body: It is synthesized by the body with a full nutrition, with a predominance of food enriched with vitamins and microelements.

Vitamin B14 (Pyrrolohinolinxinone, Metoksanthin, PQQ coenzyment)

Vitamin B14 (Pyrrolohinolinxinone, Metoksanthin, PQQ coenzyment) - Vitamin-like substance, which is a small quinone molecule, which has the action of a redox agent. Well soluble in water.

The role of Pyrrolohinolinxinone in a person's life. Pyrrolochinolinxinone warns violations of the mental function and activities of the brain in people of old age, supports the functioning of the nervous system, stimulates the work of the immune system, contributes to the normal functioning of the reproductive system of the person. It has antioxidant properties.

Symptoms of pyrrolohinolinhinone deficiency in the body (hypovitaminosis): Violation of the concentration of attention and memory in old age.

Pyrrolokhinolinhinone sources

Vegetable: Soybeans, spinach, rapeseed flowers, mustard field, green tea, bell pepper, parsley, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, kiwi, bananas, papaya, apples.
Synthesis in the body: Synthesized by the body B. breast milk With full nutrition, with a predominance of food enriched with vitamins and microelements.

Vitamin B15 (Pangamy Acid, Calcium Pangamate)

Vitamin B15 (Pangamy Acid, Calcium Pangamate) - Vitamin-like substance, which is a white or egg-white hygroscopic powder, well soluble in water, in which it is destroyed, not soluble in alcohol. It is destroyed when heated and under the influence of light.

The role of pangamic acid in human life. Pangamic acid plays an important role in the synthesis of various substances of substances (creatine, phospholipids, etc.), regulation of cholesterol in the blood, stimulating the production of adrenal hormones. Protects the liver from fibrosis and. Promotes tissue respiration, cell regeneration, excluding poisoning products from the body. Pangamic acid has a vasodilatory effect, warns the development of infectious and cardiovascular diseases.

Symptoms of pandgamic acid deficit in the body (hypovitaminosis): Increased fatigue, irritability, stress, depression, oxygen starvation of fabrics, cardiovascular diseases, premature aging (wrinkles and possession).

Pangamic acid sources

Vegetable: Apricot bones, nuts, almonds, plant seeds (pumpkins, sunflower, sesame), wheat, brown rice (solid), wheat, watermelon, melon.
Animals: liver.
Chemical: Calcium Pangamate.
Synthesis in the body: It is synthesized by the body with a full nutrition, with a predominance of food enriched with vitamins and microelements.

Vitamin B16 (dimethylglicin, DMG)

Vitamin B16 (dimethylglicin, DMG) - Vitamin-like substance, which is an intermediate link between choline and glycine. Well soluble in water.

The role of dimethylglicin in a person's life. Dimethylglicin plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and other substances, is present in DNA, participates in the process of secretion of hormones, has a dextion property, stimulating the elimination of products from the body, as well as other inxication products. Stimulates the work of the immune system, contributes to the enrichment of oxygen tissues, as well as cell regeneration. Regulates cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood, normalizes blood pressure. Helps in protecting the body from various diseases against the background of reduced immunity. Beneficially affects the organism at high physical and mental loads. It is used in the treatment of such diseases as - epilepsy, autism, multiple sclerosis, chronic hepatitis, lei syndrome.

Symptoms of Dimethylglicin deficiency in the body (hypovitaminosis): Violation of the concentration of attention and memory, increased fatigue, nervousness, irritation.

Sources of dimethylglicin

Vegetable: Peanuts, almonds, rice, buckwheat, yeast, plant seeds (sunflower, pumpkins, sesame).
Animals: Bird, liver, fish (sea), milk, eggs.
Chemical: "Glycine", "Hypoxen", "Aktovegin".
Synthesis in the body: no data.

Vitamin B17 (Amigdalin, Laoutral, Letlaril)

Vitamin B17 (Amigdalin, Laoutral, Letlaril) - Vitamin-like substance, which is a compound of benzeldehyde and cyanide (sugar molecule). Well soluble in water.

The role of amygdaline in human life. Amigdalin on unconfirmed data (WHO) has anti-cancer properties, which is mainly and used by folk healers. Amigdalin received the greatest popularity thanks to the American documentaryist writer Eduard Griffin, who wrote the book "The World without Cancer." It is also noticed that Vitamin B17 prevents premature aging, strengthens the immune system. According to some reports, Amigdalin can be used in the treatment of diseases such as - anemia, ration,

The symptoms of the deficit of amicdaline in the body (hypovitaminosis): Increased fatigue.

Sources of amygdaline

Vegetable: bones (apricots, peaches, apples, cherries, plums), bitter almonds.
Chemical: "Amigdalin", "Lamell".
Synthesis in the body: The body does not synthesize.

Vitamins of group in tablets are an easy way to improve. In nature, these substances are represented in different types Fruit, vegetables, as well as meat. They are very useful for the body, having favorably affecting the nervous system, participate in improving the functioning of the brain, and also support the overall tone of the body in good condition. Lack of these organic substances can lead to various diseasesHowever, there are cases when the overaction of one "representative" of this group led to the development of pathologies. It is known exactly that they are needed to a person in the autumn and spring periods when needing support.

The benefits of group vitamins in

If you can take it possible to achieve rehabilitation. Now consider the influence of these substances on the body.

  • B1 (thiamine) - participates in the process of digestion, helping the absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • B2 (Riboflavin) - improves metabolic processes and increases the visual capacity of the body. Also affects the condition of the skin and synthesizes hemoglobin;
  • B3 (nicotinic acid) - synthesizes proteins and fats, frees energy from food substances;
  • B4 (Holine) - improves memory, participates in the transportation of fats in the liver;
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - forms useful cholesterol in the body;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - regulates the activity of the nervous system, regenerates the erythrocytes, forms antibodies;
  • B7 (biotin) - frees energy from compounds that contain calories;
  • B8 (inositol) - normalizes sleep, restores nervous tissues, improves the turgor of the skin and helps reduce fat accumulation in the liver;
  • B9 (folic acid) - participates in the formation of erythrocytes and contributes to the formation of nucleic acids;
  • B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid) - helps the body assimilate the protein, participates in the intestinal work, creates red blood tales;
  • B11 (levokarnitin) - improves the ability to physically long loads, increases the efficiency of the brain, heart, kidney and muscles;
  • B12 (Cyanocobalamin) - supports the development of the nervous system, participates in the creation of erythrocytes.

Unfortunately, not all units from the presented group can be found in preparations. Most often they contain B1, B2, B6, B12.

The difference between synthetic vitamins

Tablets created by a synthetic method differ from naturally formed in that the first have the same cellular structure. Each natural vitamin can be compared with the structure of snowflakes: each of them is individual and unique. Also occurs with natural vitamins that are produced human organism or are contained in food. Synthetic organic compounds do not have difference from each other from the point of view of the molecular structure. This does not affect their ability to assimilate. Thus, the group vitamins in tablets can reimburse the lack of these substances.


There are many medical equipmentwhich contain a synthetic analog of organic substances. Vitamins of groups in tablets are produced by the pharmaceutical firm "Unifarm Inc." in the line "Vitrum", as well as the company "Hikma Pharmalism" in the form of the drug Neurovitan. It is one of the most popular and effective complexes that are able to improve the overall tone of the body. Consider the composition of each of the above preparations.

  • "Vitruum Superstrass" is intended for people who survived stress and need support. The components of the drug replenishes the vitamin deficit and this establishes the work of the whole organism. The composition of the medicine includes such a B-complex: B1, B2, B6, B12, Nicotinamide, folic acid.
  • Neurovitan also has a positive effect on the nervous system, thanks to a good vitamin one: B1, B2, B6, B12.

The complex is also contained in beer yeast, a series of alphabet biodeadows and dubelgers dube. It should be noted that the reception of drugs should occur under the supervision of the doctor.

Thus, the group vitamins in tablets are presented in a wide pharmaceutical assortment, and based on personal preferences and trust manufacturer, you can make a choice towards one of them.

In case of violation of neuromuscular regulation, cerebral complications against the background of the diseases of the spine, the lesions of the muscles of the back is a positive effect on weakened structures of group vitamins in pills. In combination with other drugs and procedures, a brightly pronounced therapeutic effect is manifested.

In severe conditions, the injections of cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, other vitamins are prescribed. After an element of painful manifestations, treatment continues with the use of tablets. Overview effective drugs With neurotropic, anesthetic effect will help to understand the features of the use of vitamin complexes.

The benefits of group vitamins in with back disease and spinal column

10 reasons for receiving vitamin complexes:

  • Stimulate the production of biologically active substances, strengthen immunity.
  • Reduce pain in exacerbation ,.
  • Normalize the current exchange processes in organism.
  • Reduce the power of painful sensations in muscle spa.
  • Eliminate the deficit of beneficial substances, the lack of which leads to a decrease in the density of bone tissue, a decrease in the elasticity of muscles and cartilage.
  • Improve memory, sleep, get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Reduce the risk of developing seizures under cerebral complications of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Combined compounds, for example, tioktic acid + thiamine, normalize the state of the nervous system at high loads on the body, including during pregnancy.
  • Regeneration processes activate nerve fibers.
  • Suppresses the excessive generation of homocysteine: with an excess of amino acids, thrombosis risk is increased, senile dementia, diabetic angiopathy, premature birth, atherosclerosis.

Action on the spine

Mercenary effects with neurotropic effect comprehensively affect the body. Preparations with cyanocobalamin, thiamine and pyridoxine well help with pain syndrome on the background of hernia, other diseases in which acute discomfort develops. It is at a painful pain that the most active action Neurotropic vitamins on bones, muscle tissue.

Tiamine or Vitamin B1 - Useful properties:

  • reduces pain in the damage to cartilage and articular tissue, intervertebral hernia, radiculitis, lumbalgia;
  • normalizes the trophic and functioning of nervous tissue.

Cianocobalamin or Vitamin B12 - Action:

  • activates the regeneration of muscular cells;
  • improves oxygen exchange in the damage to the bone-muscular system.

Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 - Impact on the body:

  • positively affects the activities of the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system;
  • activates the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

On a note! The useful effect of group vitamins B on joints and spine is confirmed by research, reviews of practitioners and patients. For a positive effect, you need to choose the optimal type of drug and dosage form. For long-term use, tablets are suitable, injecting injections in acute discomfort.

Indications for use

Combined drugs with neurotropic vitamins are prescribed under the following diseases, negative states:

  • aggravation;
  • sciatica;
  • neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve;
  • polyneuritis;
  • radiculopathy;
  • sciatica;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • violation of exchange processes;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • the development of convulsive syndrome;
  • numbness of limbs with the defeat of nerve roots;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • worsening memory, excessive nervousness, insomnia;
  • acute pain syndrome on the background of the compression of the spinal column ,.


Neurotropic vitamins are suitable for almost all categories of patients, even pregnant, nursing mothers, children, elderly people. Restrictions for receiving tablets, injections are most often associated with hypersensitivity to components. Some vitamin complexes are not suitable for future mothers, children up to a certain age.

There is a sufficient number of people with increased sensitization of the body, negatively reacting to vitamins of group B. After receiving tablets or Ukolov, a bright pronounced immune response is sometimes developing. For this reason, patients-allergies need to be carefully related to the reception of cyanocobalamina, riboflavin, biotin, folic acid, pyridoxine.

Tip! Before the first reception of the combined agent or injection you need to prepare a tablet antihistamine drug. A high-speed agent, such as suprastin, is required to eliminate possible allergic manifestations in the case of negative perception by the body of the vitamin complex.

Review of preparations in tablets

Effective vitamin complexes in spin pain and spine:

  • Neurovitan. Excellent results in the treatment of muscle and nervous disorders. The drug contains pyridoxine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, octatamine. Active suction, prolonged effect. Neurovine is safe and effective: the drug is allowed to children with 3 years and pregnant women. Tablets are often used in arthralgia, Malgia, intercostal neuralgia, reducing immunity. During the day, take from 1 to 4 tablets. average price - 450 rubles for 30 tablets.
  • Complex Doppelgers Active with magnesium and vitamins of group V. The biodegraduate produces a German pharmaceutical company. Positive effect on vessels, nerve cells, heart, restoration of vitality, stabilization of muscle work, strengthening immunity. For one day, 1 tablet is enough. Approximate price - Packaging No. 30 costs 310 rubles.
  • The high concentration of cyanocobalamin, thiamine hydrochloride and pyridoxine explains the active impact on nerve cells, metabolic processes. The complex is used in the treatment of shoulder-capture syndrome, polyneuropathy, muscular and articular pains ,. Tablets receiving - three times per day for 1 unit. Approximate cost - 250 rubles (20 tablets).
  • Neurobex neo. Quality Bulgarian drug. Effective complex of vitamins of group B: pyridoxine, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, thiamine nitrate, folic acid, cyanocobalamin. Complement the effect of ascorbic and nicotine acid. Indications:, Polyneurite, Lyumbago, Arthralga, Malgy, Neuralgia, Ishias, Chronic fatigue. For a month, the patient takes 1 dragee after / during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Approximate price - 400 rubles.
  • Combiliphene TABS. The composition of the vitamin complex: pyridoxine hydrochloride, benfothyamine, cyanocobalamin. The combination of beneficial substances improves protein and lipid exchange, normalizes the operation of the peripheral and central nervous systems. For complex therapy The drug reduces pain syndrome against the background of the diseases of the spine with, pinch the nerves, the destruction of the depreciation gasket between the discs. The cost of the vitamin preparation (packaging No. 30 and 60) is 270 and 410 rubles, respectively.

General rules for use

For achievement positive effect For diseases of the spine, muscles, articular and cartilage tissue, doctors recommend a combination of several types of vitamins. The treatment scheme is developing a vertebrologist, a neurologist or an orthopedist traumatologist.

  • with exacerbation, strong pain It is important to obtain (injections, tablets), injection of neurotropic vitamins. The course of powerful painkillers and anti-inflammatory means - from 3 to 7 days;
  • after anemia inflammatory process Assign combined means with pyridoxine, thiamine and cyanocobalamin. Some formulations contain analgesic - lidocaine. The use of vitamin complexes suppresses pain syndrome, improves nervous regulation. The average duration of treatment is 10-14 days;
  • the next stage is the support of cartilage and bone structures, nervous tissue, vessels. Patients with the hernias of the spine, osteochondrosis, Malgia, Neuralgia, Ishias, and other diseases are prescribed vitamin and mineral agents. Active components: phosphorus, calcium, selenium, magnesium, vitamin C, Retinol, tocopherol. Calcium preparations can be drunk only after passing biochemical analysis blood. The duration of therapy is 30-60 days;
  • after reducing the painful syndrome for half a year and more patient takes. This type of drugs is useful only while maintaining a part of the elastic cartilage gasket. In severe intervertebral herroji, the destruction of the fibrous ring, the reception of chondroprotectors does not bring a noticeable result: the restoration fabric is practically absent.

The deficiency of the neurotropic vitamins of the group in negatively affects the operation of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. Combined compositions in the form of tablets doctors recommend taking with many orthopedic pathologies, cerebral complications, neuralgic diseases of the back zone and spine. It is important to take into account the restrictions, choose a vitamin complex with the optimal composition.

From the next video, you can find out the instructions for the use of a complex of vitamins in tablets called Neurovan:

Vitamins of group B is a whole group of water-soluble compounds that take part in all exchange processes occurring in the body. They contribute to the release of energy from various nutrients in which calories are present. Preparations of vitamins of this group are widely used to treat diseases of the nervous system.

The development of hypervitaminosis on water-soluble vitamins is extremely rare, as the excess is rapidly removed from the body naturally (excreted by the kidneys).

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

This compound is contained in many products and in some quantities can be synthesized by a normal microflora, inhabiting human intestine. In the process of heat treatment, and when refining grain crops, thiamine is partially destroyed; At the same time it is lost up to 25% of vitamin.

The absorption of B1 has a negative impact consumption of alcohol drinks, and food containing carbon dioxide salts and citric acid compounds. Vitamin absorption is also noticeably reduced in people suffering from nicotine addiction.

What is needed vitamin B1?

Thiamine is directly involved in almost all metabolic processes (lipid and protein metabolic, as well as the absorption of amino acids), acting at the cellular level. It is necessary to ensure the body of energy.

Functional activity of the brain depends on vitamin B1. The connection takes part in the biosynthesis of acetylcholine - the mediator responsible for the transfer of pulses in the central nervous system. Consumption of a sufficient amount of B1 significantly improves cognitive functions and ability to memorize, and also provides a normal tone of the digestive tract organs and myocardium. Thiamine is responsible for the transmission of information at the gene level, which is carried out in the process of cell division.

Important: Tiamine is present mainly in plant food. In the animal products of vitamin B1 relatively little.

Sources of animal origin B1:

  • milk (preferably one-piece);
  • fermented milk products (including cottage cheese and cheese);
  • non-fat pork;
  • eggs.

Vegetable sources B1:

  • bran;
  • yeast;
  • germinated grains;
  • cereal cultures;
  • various cereals (, and wheat);
  • cabbage (all kinds);
  • carrot;
  • green pea;
  • beet;
  • apricots (incl. Kuraga);
  • dog-rose fruit.

Consumption rates B1.

To avoid hypovitaminosis, an adult person is recommended daily consuming on average from 1 to 2.5 mg of thiamine (men are sufficiently 1.3-1.4 mg, and women need 1.1-1.3 mg). During pregnancy, the necessary daily dose should be increased by 0.4 mg, and during lactation - by 0.6 mg.

AT childhood The need for B1 is somewhat lower - from 0.5 mg for the kids of the first year of life up to 2 mg per day for older children.

note: elevated doses Vitamin B1 is required in physical and psycho-emotional overloads (), as well as in the organism poisoning by nicotine and heavy metals. In such situations, the recommended daily volume can be up to 5 mg, which corresponds to the maximum permissible level of consumption.

If a person regularly consumes alcohol and (or) a lot of products rich in carbohydrates, the need for thiamine increases. Some smaller volumes of vitamin B1 are required to people whose diet includes a lot of protein and fats.

Causes of hypovitaminosis caused by the shortage of B1

The main causes of thiamine deficiency in the body include:

  • monotonous nutrition;
  • abuse of products from wheat flour of fine grinding;
  • consumption of a large number of refined carbohydrates;
  • consumption of products containing thiaminase (enzyme, which is able to destroy vitamin B1);
  • chronic alcoholism (hypovitaminosis via vitamin B1 is fixed in 25% of persons abusing alcohol).

The thiamine deficiency leads to a decrease in the products of its own protein compounds in the body, violation of the re-charges of amino acids and oxidation of carbohydrate compounds. The concentration of unsophisticated serum products and urine increases and the synthesis synthesis of acetylcholine is reduced. As a result, the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems is disturbed.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis vitamin B1

Signs of hypovitaminosis B1 can be:

  • disorders of the main functions of the brain;
  • coordination disorders;
  • worsening memory;
  • irritability;
  • nervousness;
  • insomnia;
  • muscle weakness;
  • reducing body weight, general exhaustion;
  • increasing pain sensitivity;
  • a feeling of burning in limbs;
  • paresthesia (sensitivity disorders);
  • hepatomegaly;
  • shortness of breath against the background of minimum loads;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • development of acute cardiovascular failure.

Avitaminosis in particularly severe cases leads to the development of pathology known as bERI-BERE.

Characteristic clinical manifestations This disease is:

Indications for the appointment of thiamine

Vitamin B1 preparations are shown in the treatment of pathologies of cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as in some diseases of the digestive organs and diseases of the skin.

Important: The need for vitamin B1 increases against the background of the use of diuretic drugs in the treatment of hypertensive disease, since the process of removing water-soluble compounds from the body is accelerated.

Tiamine is assigned if diagnosed:

  • endoarterite;
  • myocarditis;
  • blood circulation failure;
  • peripheral paralysis;
  • neuritis;
  • brain dysfunction;
  • enterocolitis;
  • chronic;
  • impairment of suction processes in the intestine;
  • condition after the stomach operations;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • runting inflammation of the skin;
  • skin itching any origin;


Prolonged (coursework) parenteral administration of thiamine preparations sometimes becomes the cause of kidney dysfunction (deficiency development), violations by enzyme liver systems and fatty dystrophy of the authority.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

This compound, also known as anti-referee vitamin, enters the body by an alimentary path (i.e. with food) and is produced by microflora, which lives normally on the walls of the large intestine.

With heat treatment of food, the fifth part of riboflavin is lost on average, but it has been established that vitamin B2 is rapidly destroyed in the defrosting process, as well as under the influence of ultraviolet (in particular - solar) radiation.

Riboflavin needs the body to create new nerve cells, ripening of red blood cells and the assimilation of such a vital element as iron. B2 regulates the volume of hormone production by adrenal glands. The compound is one of the components of Rhodopsin, which protects the eye retina from UV rays.

Important: Vitamin B2 organism better assisted when he comes with animal products.

Animal products containing B2:

  • fish;
  • liver animals and fish;
  • eggs (protein);
  • whole cow's milk;
  • cheeses;
  • yogurts;
  • pressed cottage cheese.

Plant sources B2:

  • wheat flour bakery products;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • cruses (oat and buckwheat);
  • green pea;
  • sheet greens (etc);
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • yeast.

Riboflavina consumption standards

An adult per day is required on average 2 mg of riboflavin (1.3-1.5 mg for women and 1.5-1.8 mg for men). Pregnant women require an increase in consumption of 0.3 mg per day, and nursing mothers - by 0.5 mg.

Up to 6 months need 0.5 mg of vitamin per day, and kids from 6 months to 1 year - 0.6 mg. For children under 10 years, the need gradually increases from 0.9 to 1.4 mg per day.


With a deficiency in B2 develop:

  • edema of the tongue;
  • "Saint" (cracks and small ulcers) in the angles of the mouth;
  • in the field of face and neck;
  • photophobia;
  • tear;
  • the feeling of burning in the eyes;
  • "Chicken blindness";
  • sharp deterioration of appetite;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • reduction of physical activity and efficiency;
  • relief delay (in children).

Indications for receiving riboflavina

B2 preparations are appointed if the patient is diagnosed:

  • hypoacide gastritis;
  • hemoralopia ("chicken blindness");
  • dermatitis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • eye diseases (keratitis and conjunctivitis, cataracts);
  • anemia;
  • addison disease;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • botkin's disease;
  • radiation sickness;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • intestinal pathology (colitis and enteritis);
  • rheumatism;
  • poisoning salts of heavy metals.


Excess vitamin B2 does not have toxic effects, since the mucous membranes of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract can absorb riboflavin in quantities of danger to the body.

Vitamin B3 (RR, Niacin, Nicotinic Acid)

Vitamin B3 is the most sustainable connection of this group. It enters the body with food, and is also formed in the process of tryptophan amino acid biotransformation.

Why do Niacin need?

B3 takes part in the biosynthesis of a number of enzymes, as well as in the absorption of nutrients, the release of energy from them. Vitamin is able to normalize cholesterol metabolism and stimulate carbohydrate exchange. Niacin is necessary to produce a number of hormones (including genital and insulin). B3 provides the normal functional activity of the central nervous system and stimulates the formation of erythrocytes. Niacin helps to reduce blood pressure.

Niacin (B3) is mainly present in animal products. In plant products, its content is much smaller.

Animals sources of vitamin PP:

  • non-fat meat;
  • beef and pork liver;
  • fish;
  • eggs.

Vegetable products:

  • parsley greens;
  • pepper;
  • carrot;
  • green pea;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • legume crops (in particular - soy);
  • most species.

Hyovitaminosis B3.

Important: The causes of hypovitaminosis may be the same type or malnutrition. The lack of nicotine acid is often noted at the adherents of a vegetarian diet.

For niacin deficiency, the following clinical manifestations are characteristic:

  • increased fatigue;
  • muscle weakness;
  • soreness of the language;
  • pallor of the skin of the face and hands;
  • dry skin;
  • worsening ability to memorize.

Prolonged hypovitaminosis via vitamin B3 can lead to the development of Pellagra. The disease is accompanied by severe disorders from the organs of the digestive system, lesions of the skin and the nervous system. Mental disorders are not excluded.

Note: The lack of niacin accompanies diseases such as hypertonic disease, atherosclerosis, thyroid pathology, gastritis, rheumatism and inflammation of the gallbladder.

Consumption rates B3.

Adults per day requires an average of 20 mg nicotinic acid. Permissible (safe) amount - 60 mg. The rate for children is from 6 to 20 mg, depending on age.


Hypervitaminosis via vitamin B3 can adversely affect the liver condition. One of the signs of exceeding the recommended dose is hyperemia of the skin of the face.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid, Panthenol)

Panthenol is contained in the most different products Power and in small quantities is produced by intestinal microflora.

Vitamin B5 is destroyed during heat treatment, if the pH of the medium is shifted into the acidic or alkaline side.

Why do you need vitamin B5?

Panthenol helps to obtain energy from food. It is necessary for splitting lipids and carbohydrate compounds, as well as biosynthesis of neurotransmitters and antibodies. B5 is involved in the regeneration of tissues and the formation of the adrenal hormone. Pantothenic acid takes part in the process of hemopoies.

Where is B5?

Animal products accompanying B5:

  • pork, beef and other varieties of meat;
  • liver;
  • by-products;
  • egg yolk;
  • poultry meat;
  • milk and dairy products.

Plant products that are considered to be sources B5:

  • bean cultures;
  • green vegetables;
  • cauliflower;
  • red beetroot;
  • nuts ();
  • mushrooms;
  • brewer's yeast.

Adult man per day must be consumed from 4 to 7 mg of panthenol. Children require from 2 to 5 mg depending on age.


Since B5 is present in a wide variety of products, with its deficit, it is necessary to deal with extremely rarely.

With a lack of panthenol, the following symptoms are possible:

  • sleep disorders;
  • lethargy;
  • fatigue;
  • paresthesia and pain in the lower limbs;
  • various metabolic disorders;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • disorders of the nervous system.

In the form of calcium pantothenate, vitamin is assigned under the following pathologies:

  • neuralgia;
  • polyneuritis;
  • skin burns;
  • eczema;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pregnant toxicosis;
  • intestinal dyskinesia (or atony in the postoperative period).

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxin)

Vitamin B6 is a number of related water-soluble compounds with a similar chemical structure. The group combines compounds such as pyridoxine (included in the preparations most often), pyridoxal and pyridoxamine.

The body receives B6 predominantly an alimentary way. A certain amount of this biologically active compound is produced by intestinal microflora. The biosynthesis process is broken against the background; Application antibacterial agents is an frequent cause hypovitaminosis. With culinary processing of products, a significant part of the vitamin is lost. Pyridoxine, although quite resistant to heating, quickly destroys the action of light.

Why do you need vitamin B6?

B6 takes part in almost all exchange processes and regulates the activity of several dozen enzymes. Pyridoxine allows the body to absorb proteins and unsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin is necessary for the biosynthesis of prostaglandins responsible for the regulation of cardiac activity and blood pressure levels.

Due to the effect of pyridoxine on antibody synthesis and the process of cell division is strengthened. The functional activity of the CNS depends on B6. Pyridoxin is involved in the synthesis of a number of mediators of the nervous system (dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin), which are responsible for the emotional mood and the work of the brain as a whole. Vitamin improves the condition of the nails (makes them more durable and less fragile) and skin cover (increases elasticity).

Pyridoxine is needed for the transfer of genetic material. It affects the production of hydrochloric acid with glands of the stomach, as well as on the biosynthesis of hormonal compounds and hematopoedesis (in particular, on the formation of red blood cells).

In which products a lot of vitamin B6?

Sources of B6 animal origin:

  • poultry meat;
  • veal;
  • non-fat pork;
  • beef liver.
  • bakery products from coarse grinding flour;
  • cereals (buckwheat and);
  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • pepper;
  • white cabbage);
  • sheet greens;
  • citrus;
  • strawberry;
  • cherries;
  • nuts (wood and walnuts).

Consumption rates

For an adult person daily rate It averages 2 mg of pyridoxine (1.8-2.2 mg for men and 1.6-2.0 mg for women). During pregnancy, it is recommended to increase consumption by 0.3 mg, and during breastfeeding - 0.5 mg.

The babies of the first year of life requires 0.5-0.6 mg pyridoxine per day. Children from year to 3 years need 0.9 mg vitamin B6, from 4 to 6 - 1.3 mg, and from 7 to 10 - 1.6 mg of pyridoxine.


Vitamin B6 deficiency leads to the development of the following symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • anxiety;
  • increased irritability;
  • diseases of mucous membranes;
  • dermatitis;
  • malokroviya (in children);
  • decrease in immunity;
  • peripheral neurites;
  • dyspeptic disorders.

Important: hypo- and avitaminosis via vitamin B6 is especially dangerous for kids on artificial feeding, pregnant women (especially against the background of early toxicosis and gestosis), women accepting birth control pills (). The lack of pyridoxine also worsens the condition of patients suffering from joint diseases, chronic liver pathologies and atherosclerosis.

Pyridoxine is shown if the patient is diagnosed:

  • anemia;
  • reduced leukocyte levels;
  • pregnant toxicosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • parkinsonism;
  • hepatitis.

Note: Pyridoxine is also shown in marine disease. The need for vitamin B6 increases under stress, as well as against the background of alcohol abuse and under nicotine addiction.


The re-payment of vitamin B6 is possible when it consumes it in daily doses exceeding 6 mg. Hypervitaminosis can cause nervous diseases.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Vitamin B7 is characterized by stability with culinary processing of products.

Why do you need biotin?

Biotin activates enzymes produced by digestive system. B7 also has great importance For the normal flow of metabolic processes. Vitamin is required to divide cells and transmitting hereditary information.

Animals Products:

  • beef liver;
  • egg yolk;
  • milk;
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish.

Vegetable products - Sources B7:

  • parsley greens;
  • peas;
  • nuts;
  • brewer's yeast.

Daily need

On the day, an adult need 30-100 μg B7. Maximum safe quantity - 150 μg.

Hypovitaminosis caused by the disadvantage of B7

Biotin deficiency may be associated with the use of raw eggs, whose protein interferes with the absorption of vitamin, as well as with abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Signs of hypovitaminosis are:

  • anemia;
  • seborrhea;
  • depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • lack of appetite;
  • malgy;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • dry skin;
  • elevated level;

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

We recommend reading :.

Folic acid enters the body from the outside and produced by the symbiotic microflora of the thick bowel. When storing products, vitamin is quickly destroyed. B6 deposited in the liver, forming a stock that is enough for 3-6 months.

Why do I need B9?

Folic acid participates in protein metabolism, is important for growth and division of cells, as well as for the transfer of hereditary information. B9 is needed for the synthesis of mediators of the transmission of the nerve impulse and blood cells.

In animal products of this vitamin, it is extremely small, in a more or less significant amount it is present in egg yolk, cheese and red fish.

Vegetable products containing folic acid:


Folic acid deficiency in pregnant women leads to the pathologies of the intrauterine development of the child (the skeleton and the CNS of the fetus suffer), and in the future - psychic deviations in children.

Hypovitaminosis B9 may cause diseases of the organs of the digestive tract and blood pathologies.

Consumption rate B9.

Adult man per day requires 200 μg. Nursing women are encouraged to increase vitamin consumption up to 300 μg. Children of the first year of life needed a day from 40 to 60 μg, and aged 1 to 3 years old - 100 μg. At an older age, consumption standards are the same as in adults.


A safe amount is 600 μg.

Excessive intake of B9 to the body has a toxic effect, which is particularly pronounced against the background of diseases such as epilepsy.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble substance, the structure of which includes cobalt molecule. Cyanocobalamin has a property deposited in the body, mainly in the liver.

Most of the B12, the body is obtained by an alimentary path, and a relatively small amount of substance is synthesized with intestinal bacteria. To exposure high temperatures The cyanocobalamine is rather stable, but the activity of vitamin is significantly addressed when exposed to UV radiation, oxygen, as well as in media with a pH shift into an alkaline or acidic side.

Why do you need vitamin B12?

B12 is necessary to obtain free energy from compounds containing calories. Thanks to this vitamin, the body freely absorbs amino acids and lipid compounds. Cyanocobalamin is especially important for those cells, the division of which proceeds especially actively. This vitamin takes part in the biosynthesis of the protective myelin shell of nerve fibers, as well as in the production of mediators responsible for the transmission of the nerve impulse. B12 is needed for the ripening of red blood cells. It is able to stimulate the coagulation system and strengthen the immune system. Vitamin can reduce the overall level of cholesterol in the blood plasma, preventing development. In addition, B12 normalizes the functional activity of the liver.

Vitamin B12 Consumption Norms

The daily need of an adult in the cyanocobalamin, on average, 3 μg. Maximum safe daily volume - 9 μg.

During pregnancy and lactation, consumption of B12 increases (recommended dose - 4 μg per day).

For up to 6 months, it is necessary to receive 0.4 μg of vitamin per day, and the babies from 6 months to 1 year - 0.5 μg. For children from 1 year to 3 years, the norm is 1.0 μg, from 4 to 10 years - 1.5 μg, and from 5 to 10 years - 2.0 μg. The need for adolescents is the same as in adults.

Sources of B12 animal origin:

  • liver (beef and pork);
  • by-products (heart kidney);
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • seafood (oysters,);
  • poultry meat;
  • eggs.

Important: vegans need to take special biographic supplies and constantly monitor the adequacy of the consumption of vitamin B12 due to the lack of its vegetation food.

PseudoMitin B12.

"PseudoMitamins B12" is called Vitamin B12 substances contained in some living organisms, for example, in blue-green algae of the genus of spirulin, yeast, etc. These substances are especially dangerous for vegetarians who are trying to fill the deficit of vitamin B12 with their help. It was proved that they block the metabolism of human breast cells and provoke false blood test data when studying the concentration of vitamin B12.


The characteristic manifestations of the deficit B12 are:

  • sharp deterioration of appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • spastic pain pain (in epigastria);
  • gastritis;
  • duodenites;
  • gastrointestinal bodies.

Important: avitaminosis provokes the development of severe anemia. The sharp deficiency is accompanied by diseases of the nervous system and threatens the psyche disorders.

Indications to start taking cyanocobalamin

Preparations B12 are appointed with the following pathologies:

  • prematurity;
  • infections of newborns;
  • malokroviy in pregnant women;
  • anemia (hyperchromic, pernicious and agastic);
  • pancreatitis (chronic form);
  • liver pathology;
  • radiculitis;
  • cerebral palsy;

Most of such important micronutrients, like vitamins of group B, the human body gets from the diet, because They meet in the most common products:

  • Meat
  • Fish,
  • Dairy,
  • Vegetable

In addition, a number of vitamins of this group can be synthesized by the organism itself, however, for these purposes, it needs a certain material that also comes with our daily diet.

However, the body modern man Often experiences a shortage of elements of the B-Group, and several reasons for this imbalance:

  • Stress
  • Smoking Tobacco
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Reception of medicines
  • High Sports Loads

That is why the diet of modern person helps vitamins in pills, more precisely in capsules, and the group in here is no exception.

Pharmaceutical companies in the world produce vitamin B in a large assortment. By reference you can find more than 100 (!) Diverse items of such drugs. Such an assortment certainly indicates high demand for this product.

Below, we give the names of the drugs with the vitamins of the group B in tablets that are in constant popularity and have hundreds of positive feedback from real buyers.

It should be noted that the vitamins of this group in tablets and capsules are found both in monopreparations and in the complexes:

Vitamin B1 - Tiamine Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine Biotin.
Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin Vitamin B9 - Folic Acid Panthetin
Vitamin B3 - Niacin Vitamin B12. Folinic acid
Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic Acid Vitamins B with coenzymes Holine and Inositol

Vitamins of this group can not be called a rare drug, most pharmacies will offer you a 2-3 complex, as well as multivitamine supplements with vitamins in part. Before buying, consult with the doctor will not be superfluous.

The best prices and a huge range of vitamin data can be found on specialized sites, for example, Iherb, where there are hundreds of reviews, a program of discounts and even free shipping while complying with conditions (as a rule, the purchase amount).

Recently, a large number of reports about falsification appear in the media pharmaceutical preparationsIn Eastern Europe (for example, in Poland), a whole plant was discovered for some time ago, which produced fakes on an industrial scale, selling this "products" to neighboring countries, including Russia. That is why, choosing the price, it makes sense to do this in a reliable supplier with a world-famous name.

Prices for Vitamins Groups in Tablets

All current prices today, as well as customer reviews, you can. Below, we give the comparative prices for drugs with vitamin V. To inexpensive, the following can be attributed:

Manufacturer Name Number of Price
Thompson B-Complex Plus Rice Bran 60 ₽ 127.89
Sundown Naturals. Complex Vitamin B. 100 ₽254.04
21st Century Complex B-50 60 ₽261.02.
Solaray. Bio-zinc 100 ₽299.97
Nature "S Bounty B-Complex. 59 ml ₽324.38
Enzymatic Therapy. Daily Energy B-Complex 30 ₽372.05

More expensive monopreparations and vitamin C complexes in tablets have the following prices at the time of preparation of this material:

Manufacturer Name Number of Price
Nature "S Plus Mega B-150 90 ₽1895.15
SOLGAR Megazorb B-complex "50" 250 ₽2184.66
Innate Response Formulas. Correspondent in-complex 60 ₽2206.75
Metabolic Maintenance Phosphorylated B-complex 100 ₽2209.07
New Chapter. COENZYME B FOOD COMPLEX 90 ₽ 3050.26
Nutricology. NT Factor 150 ₽ 32188.04

As mentioned earlier, due to the greatest probability, encounter falsified products, inexpensive vitamins of the group B may be just such, be especially careful, choosing the place of purchase.

The Iherb hypermarket can be called a reliable seller, which is one of the world leaders in selling vitamins and biodeadows. Many buyers from Russia have already evaluated this site for advantage, as well as fans healthy image life from China South Korea, Japan, USA and Europe - Pages with descriptions are translated on more than ten languages.

An interesting fact - in our pharmacies it is often possible to meet the products of the Iherb range, but the price here is already different, be sure to compare before purchase. The inexpensive vitamins of the group B include a complex of vitamins of a group B with rice bran, the price of 60 tablets at the time of the preparation of the material was slightly over 130 rubles.

In addition, it is advantageous that you can buy monopreparation of group vitamins in the same manufacturer:

  • Folic acid + B12, 30 tablets at a price of 95 rubles
  • Tablets for resorption Vitamin B12, 30 tablets from 120 rubles

Vitamins of this group are quite popular, although in ordinary pharmacies to meet this producer is quite difficult. Judging by the reviews, many consumers consider good the following drugs production 21st Century:

  1. Vitamin B1, 100 mg, 110 tablets, 130 rubles
  2. Vitamin B3 (niacin), 100 mg, 110 tablets, 135 rubles
  3. Vitamin B7 (Biotin), 800 μg, 110 tablets, 140 rubles
  4. Vitamin Complex B-50, 60 Tablets, 270 rubles

In addition, it is possible to name a few more expensive vitamins of the group in the tablets and capsules of the production of NOW Foods:

  1. Pyridoxalphosphate, 50 mg, 60 tablets, 287 rubles
  2. Biotin, 1000 μg, 100 capsules, 265.67 rubles
  3. Folic acid with vitamin B12, 800 μg, 250 tablets, 280 rubles
  4. Niacinamide, 500 mg, 100 capsules, 265.67 rubles
  5. Vitamin B2, 100 mg, 100 capsules, 265.67 rubles

We remind you that the reviews are not a sufficient reason for use. This recommendation can only be considered a doctor or nutritionist consultation.

In this category, we placed the respected manufacturers with the highest reputation in the vitamins and biodeadows market, whose developments made it possible to take leading positions in this segment:

  1. DOCTOR "S BEST, Active Vitamin B complex, 30 Vegetarian capsules, 435.42 rubles
  2. Life Extension, Bioactive Complete B-Complex, 60 Vegetarian Capsules, 553.20 ruble
  3. SOLGAR, Vitamin B complex, with vitamin C, 250 tablets, 1246.96 rubles
  4. Jarrow Formulas, B-Right, 100 Vegetarian Capsules, 849.33 rubles

The above brands are presented in Rossi not very widely, moreover, due to the fact that the price is significantly higher than the average, often you can meet in pharmacies and stores with existence of fitness. Well, according to falsification, we wrote above.

Any group vitamins in (as well as any other) should be taken in accordance with the instruction that is available on the package, unless prescribed by the attending physician or specialist nutritionist.

Most vitamins are recommended to use during or immediately after eating. This is due to the excretion of enzymes, which help more fully worryer useful micronutrients from food, and on a par with them and vitamins.

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