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10 reasons because of which there may be a delay of menstruation

Oscillations and non-uniformity of the menstrual cycle (or as it is also called PMS) - normal phenomenon Because of which you should not immediately throw in panic. The delay of menstruation is about 5 days is considered the norm, if a little more, it can be a competitive symptom of some processes. However, pregnancy is the most common cause of the delay. Determine pregnant you or not help pregnancy test. In cases where the test is negative, then the gynecologist will seem correctly. The doctor will be able to accurately determine due to which the delay and on the results of the examination will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Long delay may occur due to:

1. ovulatory anomaly. Its reason can be sociality After hormone therapy, strong emotional shock, acute inflammation.

2. Contraceptive pills. Receiving these drugs, during use and several months after use, delays may form, some cycle instability, or a complete absence of menstruation. It happens most often either because of the sudden interruption of the course, or because of the reception of the "next day" tablets - that is, an emergency contraceptive.

3. The cyst of the ovary (functional). In 5-10% of normal cycles, endocrine syndromes occur, which are accompanied by violations of the ovarian function. An example of such a violation. Luf syndrome (or follicular cyst of the non-unusual follicle), or, a cyst of a yellow body. In cases where the cyst "lives" longer, the delay of menstruation occurs. Dangerous if these syndromes are repeated very often.

4. PC or ovarian polycystosis. Diseases characterized by violation of hormone production. Polycystic ovarian prevents ovulation.

5. All sorts of gynecological diseases. For example, myoma uterus (i.e. benignant tumor the walls of the uterus), salpingooforit (that is, inflammation uterine pipes or (and other appendages), and some other diseases are also able to significantly delay the arrival of menstruation. But gynecological diseases are most often accompanied by the bleeding of the uterus.

6. Abortion or pregnancy interrupts. There is a violation of hormonal balance, as well as damage to the tissues of the uterus.

7. Long-term,. Strong or short-term stress, it is the cause of the menstrual cycle failure

8. Fast and significant weight loss. Doctors have been proven, weight loss in a very short time threatens the woman long disturbances of all the processes of the body.

9. Vitamin failure and metabolic disorders. The cycle delay can occur as as a result of a shortage, or as a result of incorrect power.

10. Frequent physical exertion. For example, sports or lifting weights can shift the usual cycle for several days.

The delay of menstruation is a disturbance of the menstrual cycle, characterized by the absence of menstrual more than 35 days. The reason for this may be physiological factors, for example, pregnancy or the competence of Klimaks, as well as pathology in the female organism. Menstruation delay occurs at any age. You need to refer to the doctor in the absence of menstrual bleeding more than 5 days after the deadline. Gynecologist will help to find the cause to determine further treatment.

Menstrual cycle

The female reproductive age body functions cyclically. The final stage of such a cycle is monthly bleeding. They indicate that the egg cell is not fertilized, and the pregnancy has not come. The regular menstrual cycle indicates the coherence in the work of the female organism. The delay of the monthly is the indicator of some failure.

The girl has the first menstruation aged 11 to 15 years. The first time there may be delays that are not related to pathology. The cycle is normal after 1-1.5 years. The pathology includes the beginning of menstruation aged less than 11 years, as well as if it has not begun at age 17. If this age is 18-20 years old, there are problems that may be associated with violation of physical development, the underdevelopment of the ovaries, the failure in the functioning of the pituitary and others.

Normally, the cycle must be regular: menstruation begins and ends after a certain time. In most of the women, the cycle is 28 days, which is equal to the duration of the lunar month. At about a third of women, he is shorter - 21 days, and 10% is 30-35 days. Menstruation, as a rule, lasts from 3 to 7 days, is lost from 50 to 150 ml of blood. After 40-55 years, monthly ceased, and this period is called menopause.

To serious problems female health relate:

  • irregular cycle;
  • hormonal violations
  • frequent delays of menstruation from 5 to 10 days;
  • alternation of scarce and abundant bleeding.

A woman needs to acquire a menstrual calendar, which will indicate the beginning and duration of bleeding. In this case, it is easy to notice the delay of menstruation.

The problem of latency of girls and women

The delay of menstruation is considered to be failed in the menstrual cycle, when the next bleeding does not occur at the right time. Does not relate to pathology Lack of menstruation over 5 to 7 days. Such a phenomenon occurs at any age: adolescent, childbearing and premenopause. The reasons for the delay of menstruation can serve both physiological and abnormal causes.

Natural reasons for sexual maturation include irregular menstruation for 1-1.5 years when the cycle becomes. Subtenna, the physiological causes of monthly delay are pregnancy and breastfeeding period. With prexopause, the menstrual cycle is gradually decreasing, frequent delays go into full extinction of the reproductive function in the female organism. Other causes of monthly delay are not physiological and require consultation of the gynecologist.

Causes of monthly delay

Most often, the delay of menstruation in the representatives of the beautiful sex, living sex life, is related to the onset of pregnancy. Also, there may also be a pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen, an increase and pain of the mammary glands, drowsiness, a change in taste addiction, morning nausea, fast fatigue. Rarely appear oscillations brownish sections.

You can determine pregnancy with the help of pharmacy test or blood test on hCG. If pregnancy is not confirmed, then the delay of menstruation could be provoked by other reasons:

  1. Stress. Each stressful situation, for example, associated with conflicts, working problems, excitement due to study, can provoke a period of menstruation for 5-10 days or even longer.
  2. Overwork that is often combined with a stressful situation. Physical activity, of course, is useful for the body, but if it is excessive, it may affect the regularity of menstruation. Overwork, especially in combination with an exhausting diet, negatively affects the synthesis of estrogen, which can serve as a delay of menstruation. Signs of overwork are also migraines, fast loss of body weight, deterioration of performance. If because of physical overwork There is a delay of menstruation, this means that the body signals the need to respite. The delay of menstruation is observed in women who work at night or with slippery schedule of work, which involves recycling in days when necessary. The cycle is normalized independently when resuming equilibrium between the diet and physical exertion.
  3. Lack of weight or, on the contrary, excessive body weight. For normal operation endocrine system A woman should keep his own BMI. The delay of menstruation is often associated with a deficit or excess weight. At the same time, the cycle is restored after the normalization of body weight. In women suffering from anorexia, menstruation may be disappeared forever.
  4. Changing the usual life situation. The fact is that the biological clock of the body is very important for normal regulation of the menstrual cycle. When they change, for example, as a result of a flight to a state with another climate or the beginning of work at night, a monthly delay may arise. If the change in life rhythm becomes the cause of the delay of menstruation, it is normalized independently over a pair of months.
  5. Walled or inflammatory diseases Also may affect menstruation. Each disease can adversely affect the regularity of the cycle and cause a delay of menstruation. It may be an acute course of chronic diseases, ARVI or any other health problems in the previous month. The regularity of the cycle will be restored during a pair of months.
  6. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a disease accompanied by a collection of hormonal background, which provokes the irregularity of menstrual bleeding. Signs of polycystosis are also excessive hair growth in the face and body, problem skin Covers (acne, fatness), overweight and difficulty with fertilization. If a gynecologist determines the cause of the delayed monthly polycystic ovary syndrome, it appoints a course of receiving oral hormonal contraceptives, which contributes to the settlement of the menstrual cycle.
  7. Any inflammatory or tumor genital disease. In addition to the delay of menstruation inflammatory processes accompanied by painful sensations At the bottom of the abdomen and uncharacteristic discharge. They need to be treated at mandatory: such diseases are fraught with complications and even the development of infertility.
  8. The cyst of the yellow bodies of the ovary. To get rid of it and restore the menstrual cycle, the gynecologist prescribes a course of hormonal drugs.
  9. Postpartum period. At this time, the hormone of the pituitary gland is produced, which regulates the production of breast milk and restrains the cyclic operation of the ovaries. If there is no birth breast-feedingMenstruation must come approximately in 2 months. If the lactation is settled, then menstruation, as a rule, are returned after its completion.
  10. Artificial interruption of pregnancy. In this case, the delay of menstruation is often found, but does not apply to the norm. In addition to a sharp change of hormonally background, it can be mechanical injuries, determine the presence of which only the doctor can.

Work failed thyroid gland Also provokes the irregularity of menstruation. This is due to the fact that the hormones of the thyroid gland affect the metabolism. With their excess or disadvantage, the menstrual cycle is knocked down.

Increased level of thyroid hormones is characterized by:

  • decrease in body weight;
  • cardiac rhythm;
  • excessive sweating;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • problems with sleep.

With the lack of hormones of the thyroid, such symptoms are manifested:

  • weight gain;
  • appearance of swelling;
  • constant desire to sleep;
  • unless hair loss.

If there is a suspicion that the delay of menstruation is provoked by a violation in the work of the thyroid gland, you should contact the endocrinologist.

Reception some medicinal preparations Also can trigger the delay of menstruation. The main ones are:

  1. Oral hormonal contraceptives are the most common cause of the medstrual cycle, associated with medicines. Norma includes a delay in the interruption of their use or when receiving inactive drugs.
  2. Emergency contraception preparations are able to provoke a lack of menstruation over 5 to 10 days, which is associated with high hormones in them.
  3. Chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of oncology.
  4. Antidepressants.
  5. Corticosteroid hormones.
  6. Calcium channel blockers appointed in the treatment of hypertension.
  7. Omeprazole to combat the stomach ulcer causes a side effect in the form of a delay of menstruation.

At the age of 45 to 55 years, the majority of women enter the climax phase. This indicates the absence of menstruation throughout the year and more. But menopause never arises suddenly: over the course of several years, it is observed that the irregularity of menstruation and frequent delays is observed.

There are still some signs of menopause approximation:

  • insomnia;
  • dryness mucosa;
  • increased night sweating;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • grinding heat.

How to normalize the problem with monthly delays

For determining proper treatment Menstruation delays first need to identify its cause, the elimination of which will help to normalize the cycle. For the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and the normalization of the hormonal background, a course of hormonal drugs is appointed, which:

  1. Ensure problems with conception associated with an insufficient lutein phase.
  2. Help to restore ovulation.
  3. Reduce some of the symptoms of PMS: irritability, swelling and disease soreness.

If the delay of the monthly is associated with any disease, then the settlement of the cycle contributes to its treatment. Of preventive Mer You can select the following:

  • When delayed monthly due to the physical overwork or stressful situation, restore the body's balance can be rest, as well as sufficient sleep. It is important to maintain a positive mood and relax to events that can provoke stress. The help of a psychologist will also help.
  • Power must be balanced with the necessary content of vitamins and trace elements. You can also put the course of polyvitamins.
  • Menstruation calendar will help track any changes in the cycle.
  • Preventive visiting gynecologist can warn any deviations in female health.

A woman in reproductive age must keep track of the regularity of the cycle. Any violation in the body contributes to the development of various diseases.

Delay of menstruation. When should you consult a doctor

The period of delay period should not exceed 5-7 days. Exceptions are age-related hormonal restructuring in adolescence and premenopause, as well as lactation. In all other cases, it is necessary to refer to the gynecologist.

When canceling hormonal contraceptives, a visit to the doctor is required when the cycle is not restored for several months. When a monthly lactation is delayed, consult with a gynecologist in the case when menstruation does not occur a year after delivery.

In addition to the gynecological examination, the doctor may assign the following surveys:

If nonreghecological diseases are revealed, which caused the delay of menstruation, appoints to other specialists.

Dimensions of monthly delays

Delays in menstruation differ in their duration. After receiving extra contraception drugs, the delay of menstruation can last 14 days or more. The same period is characteristic of progesterone hormonal drug injections, the active substance of which is synthetic progesterone. It is prescribed with a deficiency in the female organism of the yellow body. Progesterone helps reduce the contraction of the uterus. When it is received, only the doctor prescribes a dose and determines the norm of the delay of menstruation.

After stopping the reception of oral hormonal contraceptives, the restoration of the menstrual cycle lasts from 1 to 3 months. During this period, the norm is considered to be delays monthly for a week or more: the contraceptive tablets change the cyclicality of the uterus and ovaries. To clarify the work of the ovaries, the doctor sends a woman to an ultrasound.

At the occurrence of pregnancy characteristic sign When delayed -. They are necessary to protect the uterus from penetration inside various microorganisms. If on early timing The pregnancy arose brown discharge, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, this may indicate the threat of miscarriage.

For diseases gOOD SYSTEMAlso contributing to the delay of menstruation, the discharge becomes a brown shade with an acidic odor. They are accompanied pulling pain At the bottom of the abdomen. Normally, menstruation can begin with small brownish discharges.

Menstruation delay may indicate the hidden flow of certain diseases of both sexual and internal organs. From gynecological diseases that may not show themselves in addition to the delay of menstruation, you can allocate: erosion, mioma, cyst, inflammatory process.

Long delay of monthly period of 1-2 months can be caused by a violation of the functioning of adrenal glands, pancreas, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Problems with these bodies have a direct impact on the ripening of the egg. When they begin to produce an insufficient number of hormones, it ultimately leads to ovarian dysfunction.

Hyperships of ovaries with a lack of monthly over several cycles can be observed when taking or after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives and drugs for the treatment of endometriosis. The cycle is usually restored independently after a few months.

Often, menstrual bleeding is accompanied by blood clots. Consultation of a specialist is necessary in the case when it is regularly accompanied by painful sensations.

Folk remedies for the treatment of monthly delay

Folk Methods effective treatment Delayed periods are quite peculiar. The use of such funds must be coordinated with the doctor not to harm the body. First of all, it should be verified in the absence of pregnancy: the use of herbs based drugs can provoke miscarriage.

Popular folk remedieshelping to cause menstruation:

  • Herbal infusion from nettle, dispute, rosehip, nine, root of pink radiol and souls. All components of the mixture can be purchased at the pharmacy, take 2 tablespoons of each type, fall asleep in thermos and pour boiling water liter. Leave to come to the night, after which itching and drinking all the infusion during the day at 0.5 glasses per reception.
  • Luke husk is washed under running water, placed in a saucepan and boils for 15-30 minutes. The decoction is focused and accepted once in the amount of 1 cup.
  • Ginger decoction need to drink with caution: it is able to lead to elevated anxiety.
  • Infusion of Dyagil has an anti-inflammatory and cooler action. It improves work nervous system and blood circulation.
  • The infusion of the rhizomes of the black stalk removes headache And the depressive state during menstruation, and also helps adjust the cycle.
  • The heart dye sets up the work of the heart, reduces pressure, soothes and stimulates the functioning of the uterus.
  • The white peony tincture reduces pressure, has a sedative effect and improves blood circulation.
  • The decoction of the root of Ninasil refers to one of the strongest funds in folk medicine. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of boiling water a teaspoon of the root of nine, insisted for 4 hours, strain and drink on a teaspoon several times a day.
  • Eating celery stimulates the cutting of the uterus.
  • Taking a hot bath and applying the heating to the bottom of the abdomen. These methods help to increase the bloodstream, but you need to be careful. The heating was not used in the presence of tumors and inflammatory processes.
  • Eating products rich in vitamin C. It regulates the metabolism and participates in the synthesis of hormones. In large quantities, this vitamin is contained in citrus, rosehip, currant, pepper, strawberries and sorrel. During pregnancy, its excessive content in the body can cause miscarriage.

Causes of monthly delay - Video:

Delayed periods occurs every woman. With small deviations (up to 5 days) It is considered the norm. But regular fluctuations in the chart and longer periods should be alert.

We can talk about the norm when there are no menstruation due to the coming pregnancy. In all other cases, it is necessary to find out the reason and, if necessary, to do treatment.

What is a menstrual cycle?

Menarche, or first monthly, appear mainly in 12-15 years. Then for about 2 years The control of the level of hormones and Setting a cycle. At this time, deviations are possible in the form of an earlier offensive or delaying bleeding. Perhaps their absence over a certain period.

The monthly cycle is counting from the beginning of one menstruation before the start of another. Under normal health duration of these time segments must be the same. Their average duration is 28 days, but the gap in 21-35 days is also considered normal.

At the beginning of the cycle estrogen level rises. The thickness of the mucous membrane of the uterus increases significantly (up to 10 times). It becomes soft and juicy because new lymphatic and blood vessels. In fact, there is a preparation of the perfect bed to attach the embryo.

In the ovary at this time occurs The process of ripening eggs. Approximately in the middle of the cycle, it goes into the cavity of phallopy pipes. Becoming ovulation phase, At which the conception is becoming possible. If it does not happen, the preparation of the bed is in vain, and the thickened juicy mucosa is rejected. The cycle described is repeated monthly.

What factors can lead to a delay?

It should be recalled that the monthly delay of 4-5 days is considered the norm. Causes of menstruation delay can be different, we will look at the main. The diagnosis of a particular case is carried out at the reception a gynecologist.

Ovarian dysfunction

In essence, lagging menstruation and there is dysfunction. This is the concept of a common plan, under which implies Violation of the production of hormones with ovaries. Its reason may be in problems with the organs of the endocrine system - in particular, the thyroid gland. Therefore, first of all it is recommended to study a hormonal background.


This factor can provoke not only the delay, but also the cessation of menstruation. Permanent state of nervous excitement provokes violation of hormonal balance. Stressful situation It may be a shortage of time, problems at work, at home, exam, conflicts, long-term mental tension, etc.

Physical exercise

Heavy physical work often leads to a collection of a monthly cycle. In principle, the overwork is also stressing for the body provoking disorder of all systems, including endocrine. The exit is the change of work, lifestyle, the rationing of the working day.

Changing climate

This situation is when the menstrual cycle is broken when moving, familiar to many women. Its occurrence is due not only to the variability of the climatic zone, but also by the fact that at the same time, lifestyle changes, diet. Rest on the sea often has a negative impact on the female organism due to excess of ultraviolet irradiation and iodine.

Weighing problems

Menstruation delay can be a consequence of body mass deviations from the norm. Sharp reduction weight Provokes hormonal failures, the result of which the significant fluctuations of the monthly schedule are becoming.

To determine the normal mass, you should calculate the so-called BMI (body mass index), delivering weight on the growth rate, erected into a square with more than 25, you can talk about obesity. If the indicator turns out to be less than 18, then there is a shortage of body weight. With a very long delay (5-10 days), the normalization of weight is often sufficient to regulate the cycle.


The cause of violations become long inxication of the body as a result:

  • smoking;
  • frequent alcohol use;
  • drug addiction;
  • work in harmful production;
  • accommodation in environmentally unfavorable areas.

The exit in such cases is to eliminate the risk factor.


Often, the tendency to delays is inherited, which is due to hormonal features. Therefore, it should be found out, there were no such problems in the mother or grandmother of the patient. Perhaps their reason lies in genetic disease.

Gynecological factors affecting the monthly delay


Menstruation is often delayed due to the presence of female pathologies:

  1. inflammation in the bodies of the reproductive system;
  2. moma uterus;
  3. endometriosis;
  4. adenomyosis;
  5. malignant tumor in the neck or body of the uterus.

In these cases, the only solution to the problem is treatment of the main disease.

Miscarriages and abortion

Artificial pregnancy interruption is a real hormonal shock for the body, in which preparation for the fetus is being prepared: he has urgently "cancel" All started processes and rebuild again.

In addition, when scraping significantly the mucosa is damaged, Which very often provokes complications resulting in a collection of a monthly cycle. It is mainly normalized after a few months. With longer disorders and the presence of selections, medical advice is necessary.

Hormonal contraception

The female contraceptives taken contain a large number of hormones regulating the cycle and adjusting it under the admission mode of medication. The rejection of the tablets may cause a sufficiently large delay of menstruation, since violations can be maintained a few months before the final normalization of the hormonal background.

Especially dangerous emergency contraception. The admission of a huge dose of hormones can lead to a geneant violation of the work of the reproductive system. Similar methods Protections can be used in exceptional cases.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

The disease is diagnosed based on the characteristic changes of appearance, which are due Raising testosterone levels. They are detected when examining the patient. It:

  • excess male-type extension;
  • increased fatty skin and hair;
  • excess weight.

However, these signs do not always indicate For the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome (SEC): They may be a consequence of genetic or national characteristics. For example, Asiatok, small mustache are not rare: their appearance is not accompanied by a cycle impairment and is not due to the pathological process.

The launched shape of the NKA can become the cause of infertility. Treatment is carried out with the help of oral contraceptives restoring the normal hormonal background.

Reception of drugs

The active phase of the menstrual cycle is often delayed due to the long-term reception of drugs. Maximum dangerous In this sense, considered:

  • corticosteroids;
  • anabolics;
  • antidepressants;
  • anti-sized drugs;
  • hormonal agents;
  • dorganic medicines.


At a certain age (from 45 years) the cause of the monthly cycle failure is often beginning of Klimaks. Women and themselves can feel the changes occurring in the body:

  • the irregularity of menstruation and the reduction of their intensity;
  • increased sweating;
  • dry skin;
  • tides;
  • appearance excess weight;
  • nervous tension.

All these signs are talking about reducing the level of female hormones and gradually fading the reproductive function.

Are delays in menstruation dangerous?

The fact of the delay of menstrual bleeding does not pose a threat. Danger lies due to constant periodic delays. Therefore, when they appear, it is necessary to go through a comprehensive examination.

For example, if menstruation regularly delayed due to high level Prolactin in the composition of blood, the reason may be the formation of microenomes in the brain. Lack of treatment at the same time leads to irreversible consequences.

The uncontrolled inflammatory processes in the bodies of the reproductive system, the diseases of the uterus and ovaries increase the probability of development of infertility.

If the cause is endocrine violations, then, in addition to the failure of the monthly cycle, they also provoke the failure of almost all organs and systems.

Even visible reasons no concern and delay are connected only With a change in the day or spent on the sea with rest, With their periodic appearance and duration, it is necessary to undergo a survey.

Menstruation is the final stage of the menstrual cycle of a woman. Represents difficult process Rejection of the inner shell of the uterine cavity - endometrial. This change in the reproductive system is accompanied by the release of bloody masses.

Normally, this process should last 3 - 5 days, and the volume of lost blood does not exceed 150 ml over the entire period. The process is normally proceeding painlessly.

If these processes does not occur, then it is worth consulting a specialist. The gap between the previous and the beginning of these menstruation should be from 28 to 35 days.

Menstrual cycle and its role in the body of a woman

Menstrual cycle is a whole complex of complex biochemical processes in the body of a woman. It is he who provides one of the main functions inherent in the female organism - pregnancy. And his manifestation is menstruation.

Menstruation in a woman for the first time signals the beginning of the work of the reproductive system. For a girl, this means that the work of the ovaries begins and its body is preparing for the performance of a childbearing function. Normally, the menstrual cycle appears aged 13 - 15 years.

For some time it is irregular, and normally, during the year, a woman has a full-fledged reproductive function. If menstruation does not become regular for a longer time, it means that you need to contact a specialist.

Cycle phases:

In case the pregnancy does not occur the involution this formation, hormonal restructuring and rejection of the formed endometrial. In the norm, these processes must be synchronously.

Causes of menstruation delay


This is one of the most favorable causes of monthly delay. It is connected with the fertilization of the ripe egg and the formation of the embryo.

Before menstruation, the fruit egg is introduced into the uterine cavity.

From the moment of fertilization, the hormonal background of women changes radically.

In this case, progesterone is given in this case, it interferes with the rejection of the endometrium and the onset of menstruation.

Normally, no bloody selection in women should not be before the birth period.

In some cases, a woman even after childbirth notes the delays of menstruation, it happens both with breastfeeding and the restoration of the ovarian work, which for a long time were in inactive condition.

Some women who come pregnant may notice the appearance on the days of the alleged menstruation minor, more often single bleeding. This may be due to the insufficient concentration of progesterone in the blood, as well as with the implantation of the fetal egg to the uterine cavity.


The stressful situation is one of the serious causes of the delay of menstruation.

It is connected with excessive mining of hormones responsible for the resistance of the body of the stressful situation.

In such a case, not only a serious hormonal failure and disorders of the ovarian work can occur, but also their exhaustion due to a sharp splash of hormones or circulatory disorders against the background of increased work.

A woman may encounter a monthly delay and, as a result, with the subsequent misuse of the ovaries. Several cycles later menstrual function Restores again.

Hormonal disbalance

The reason for the delay of menstruation can be associated with a violation of a hormonal background.

In this case, it is not always the problem lies in the hormones of the sexual system. Hormones of the thyroid gland can lead to delayed menstruation.

With their insufficient developing, a woman can mark the cycle failures, as well as an uncontrolled constant set of body weight.

A woman special attention should be paid to the condition of the hormonal background of the reproductive system, such conditions as interruption of pregnancy or miscarriage can lead to further delays.

As a result, there is a sharp change in the work of the ovaries and for a long time is required for recovery.

From factors that can cause a hormonal failure and starvation. Strict diet with insufficient entry of the main nutrients It may also be the reason for the latency of menstruation.


The inflammatory process is among the most frequent reasons Development of monthly delay.

In this case, the localization of it can be different, it is like a uterus and ovaries.

The most dangerous, in terms of the development of the delay of menstruation is inflammation of the ovaries.

It is with this body that the development of endometrial and the onset of menstruation is connected. Most often, the delay occurs in the cycle when infection or recurrence of the inflammatory process occurred.

In some cases, the process can affect not one menstrual cycle, it is precisely the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment, especially in persons reproductive age.

The inflammatory process of the uterus can lead to the inferiority of the formation of the endometrium, and it is after such a reason that a woman may notice a change in the nature of menstruation. After the delay, they can be more abundant or vice versa, suspiciously scarce.

The nature of the discharge is preserved by brown and kettle. Another cycle after the delay will be more painful. In this case, the delay, as a rule, does not exceed two weeks.

Physical exercise

This is one of the serious factors leading to violation of the operation of the ovaries and a violation of the coming of menstruation.

Women experiencing regularly heavy physical activity, for example, related to work, or irrational to the looping of weight loss, or fond of workouts experiencing problems with the menstrual cycle.

The reasons leading to the delay of menstruation on the background of exercise can be much, one of them is a circulatory disruption of the organ and high blood pressure on him.


Recently, there is a tendency to change the menstrual cycle in a woman against the background of increasing body weight.

It should be noted that the mass should exceed the values \u200b\u200bsuitable for obesity.

This problem is connected with the fact that the adipose tissue itself is a source of products of some hormones, and as a result, can largely change the natural hormonal background of women. Also, the problem of excess weight can be conjugate with hyperagratenia.

Consequently, the disruption of the menstrual cycle at an overpressure of the body is more the problem of endocrinological, and requires a thorough check of the entire organism and many hormones.

Reception of medicines

In some cases, menstruation may not come or coming late due to the reception of drugs.

More influence hormonal drugsaimed at the reproductive function of a woman.

SAME frequent groups Oral contraceptives or means promoting protection against unwanted pregnancy.

It may not always be connected with the reception of funds in this cycle.

Many women face this problem after several cycles.

Similar changes are associated not only with disorders of the ovarian, but also the incorrect development of the endometrium. At the same time, pathological changes most often found with incorrect admission medicines.

How much may be the delay of menstruation, if the test is negative?

Delay Dates for negative test:

When to contact a doctor?

Since the rejection of the menstrual cycle is in the limits of three days, then in this time interval there is no need to contact a specialist subject to the absence of complaints.

If a woman is bothering any symptoms, the bottom of the abdomen begins to hurt, pulls the lower back, nausea or the temperature rises, should immediately turn to a specialist for subsequent diagnosis and, if necessary, the selection of careful treatment.

It is the late appeal of girls to a doctor who can threaten the development of complications.


Diagnostic methods will depend on the estimated reason for the development of cycle disorders:


Menstruation delay therapy will largely depend on the cause with which it is connected:


Prevention of an irregular menstrual cycle is a fairly large section in gynecology. It includes primary and secondary events.

At primary, the appearance of diseases, which result in the disorders of the menstrual cycle should be prevented.

Secondary prophylaxis includes timely treatment of identified signs of gynecological and endocrinological pathology. The passage of anticorcidal therapy courses in the presence of foci of chronic infection.

Any changes in the body begin to cause anxiety. Many girls causing why there is a delay in monthly except for pregnancy. This is a very common problem with which every time in life has come across each.


The latency of the monthly is considered the lack of a woman of the reproductive age of bloody secretions over 35 days. There are many reasons for such a problem.

Menstruation delay may occur in different age from the beginning of puberty and up to the period of menopause.

Normally, the female cycle lasts 21-35 days. In case of delay, it is more than a week, a pregnancy test is carried out, and if its result is negative, you should contact the gynecologist.

It is worth knowing! Pregnancy tests can be false, especially if the delay is held in the first days, since the HCG hormone level is too low to determine the fertilization.

Menstruation delay can be several types:

  1. Rare monthly short duration (bleeding lasts just a couple of days, and the interval between them is 40-60 days).
  2. An extended cycle (duration of more than 35 days per permanent basis).
  3. No menstruation for more than six months.

If the monthly delays in just a couple of days, it is not necessary to worry much, since such a deviation is not dangerous to health. At the same time, if deviations in the cycle are observed regularly, and bleeding is delayed for weeks or months requires a doctor consultation.

The reasons

The reasons why menstruation does not occur on time (in addition to pregnancy) quite a lot and conventionally can be divided into three groups:

  1. General.
  2. Gynecological.
  3. Nonreghecological.


The delay of menstruation is possible for reasons, absolutely not associated with reproductive feature women:

  1. Stress. Any conflicts, problems at work and strong overvoltage can lead to a cycle rejection by 10 or more days.
  2. Overwork. Excessive physical exertion can influence the female cycle, as the synthesis of estrogen weakens in the body. In this case, in addition to the delay itself, headaches will be observed, weight loss, deterioration of performance. Often the problem faces girls working at night and having an unstable working schedule.
  3. Weight problems. Excess body weight, as well as its disadvantage affect the operation of the endocrine system, and can lead to cycle disorders. Girls with periods may disappear irretrievably.
  4. Changes in life rhythm. Biorhythms affect the regulation of the female cycle. Any changes, whether to move to another time zone or starting work at night can lead to a delay.
  5. Inflammatory diseases. The usual cold and ORVI, as well as the aggravation of chronic diseases affect the regularity of menstruation.
  6. Disruption of the thyroid gland. The hormones of the thyroid show have a direct impact on the metabolism, therefore their excess or disadvantage leads to the failures of the menstrual cycle.

Hormonal failure, arising against the background of improper work of the thyroid, can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. At an elevated level:
    • weight loss;
    • heartbearance;
    • raising sweating;
    • problems with sleep;
    • unstable emotional background.
  2. Under reduced level:
    • weight set;
    • swelling;
    • drowsiness;
    • intensive hair loss.

Important! If menstruation delay accompany such symptoms to urgently contact the endocrinologist.


Most sexual diseases can lead to menstruation delays, including:

  1. Inflammatory (adnexitis, ooforitis) and tumor (mioma of the uterus) of the sexual system disease. The presence of inflammation in addition to the delay is often accompanied by pathological discharge, Pain at the bottom of the abdomen and require urgent treatment.
  2. Polycystic ovarian and hormonal disorders arising in his background. In this case, the cycle violation is accompanied by a weight set, the appearance of acne, seborrhea, excessive height of the hair.
  3. The cyst of the yellow bodies of the ovary. It arises due to the violation of the hormonal balance and is eliminated by specific drugs (hormone therapy).
  4. Abortion. Abortion and miscarriage almost always lead to the disorders of the menstrual cycle, however the situation is not the norm. The reason for the delay of menstruation after interruption of pregnancy is sharp changes in the hormonal background or mechanical injuries (after abortion and scraping).
  5. Measuring and ectopic pregnancy. States requiring emergency medical intervention and bearing a threat to life.
  6. Postpartum period. After the birth of a child in the body of a woman, a hormone prolactin is actively produced, which regulates the production of milk, and the curvaceous cyclic work of the ovaries. In the absence of lactation, the cycle comes to normal after about 2 months the family field. If a woman feeds baby breasts, monthly returned after the completion of lactation.
  7. Receiving hormonal contraceptives. With regular application contraceptive tablets The menstrual cycle is uniform, but the cancellation of such drugs often causes its violation.
  8. Emergency contraception. It is performed by specific drugs with high hormones, which have a negative impact on the female cycle.

Important! Menstruation delay is a reason for urgent appeal to the gynecologist and surveys, as many diseases that may be extremely dangerous to health and even life.

Not gynecological

The female cycle is regulated by the cortex of the brain, the pituitary and hypothalamus, so not only gynecological diseases can affect the regularity of the cycle.

Common causes of latency of menstruation not related to the reproductive system are:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Diseases of adrenal glands.
  3. Receive medicines.
  4. Climax.

The drugs affecting the monthly cycle are:

  • means for chemotherapy used in the treatment of oncological diseases;
  • antidepressants;
  • hormonal means of a group of corticosteroids;
  • calcium channel blockers (prescribed for the treatment of hypertension);
  • "Omeprazole" - a cure for the stomach ulcers with by-effect in the form of a delay of menstruation;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-tuberculosis drugs.

It is worth knowing! When menstruation delay, against the background of receiving any drugs, consult with the attending physician to replace the drug on another, without such a side effect.

Upon completion of the reproductive (fertile) period in the female body, irreversible changes referred to as the Climax occur. The approach of this state is accompanied by a decrease in the production of female hormones, latency of menstruation and changes in its intensity. Over time, menstruation stops forever.

Important! Do not neglect contraceptive measures during the period of premopause, since the probability of becoming becoming preserved is still preserved. Menstruation can be renewed after breaks a few months, but it is quite dangerous to give birth at such age.


  • in adolescence;
  • preclimacteric period;
  • during lactation.

All other reasons for violations of the monthly cycle are a good reason to visit the gynecologist. Diagnostic inspection will eliminate states threatening and requiring operational intervention:

  • tumors;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • measuring pregnancy.

It is worth knowing! Medical consultation is required in the absence of menstruation a year after childbirth and when canceling hormonal contraceptives, if the cycle has not recovered in a couple of months.

In addition to examining the patient in the gynecological chair, the doctor may assign additional research:

  • measure basal temperature and drawing up its graph (to determine ovulation in the current cycle);
  • blood test for hormones and the level of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin), the increase of which indicates the onset of pregnancy;
  • Ultrasound of a small pelvis to identify pregnancy and tumor tumors;
  • CT and MRI brain (to eliminate pituitary tumor).

In addition to the gynecologist, you may need to visit the following narrow specialists:

  • endocrinologist;
  • nutrition;
  • psychotherapist.


In order for the treatment of dismissions of the menstrual cycle to be effective, it is required to establish the cause of the delay.

In case of violations of the hormonal background are assigned hormonal therapyproviding:

  • normalization cycle;
  • elimination of problems with conception caused by insufficient lutein phase (period of formation in the ovary of the yellow body);
  • restoration of ovulation;
  • minimization of the symptoms of PMS (irritability, swelling, disease soreness, etc.).

With the delay in menstruation caused by diseases, a complex of therapeutic and surgical events To eliminate primary problems.

When general reasons Preventive measures will help to return the cycle to normal:

  1. Rest, sleep and consultation of the psychologist. Positive mood, calm and harmonious balance physical Loads And relaxation periods will help in the fight against stress and overwork.
  2. Food. The daily diet should contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Possible reception of multivitamin preparations. It is also important to monitor the body mass index and maintain a normal weight.
  3. Menstruation calendar. To date, there are many applications for phones and PCs, as well as special paper calendars that will help track any cycle changes.
  4. Gynecologist. Regardless of the status of preventive purposes, you should visit the Doctors every six months.

Folk remedies

In cases where the absence of menstruation is not associated with pregnancy and serious diseases, help himself a woman can folk methods:

  1. Herbal tincture
    Mix two tablespoons of souls, the root of a pink radiol, rosehip, a dispute, nine and nettle, fall asleep into a thermos and pour boiling water. Leave to come to the night, after which itching the tincture and drink during the day, half a glass at a time.
  2. Long husk
    Wash the repetitive onions thoroughly with flowing water, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water and peel for half an hour. Cool and strain decoction, after which it is once taken inside the glass of the agent.
  3. Decoration of ginger
    Ginger root to slaughter for a few minutes, cool and drink like tea. Apply in caution as the remedy may cause excessive anxiety.
  4. Tincture Dyagil
    The tool has an anti-inflammatory and force action. His reception stabilizes the work of the nervous system and stimulates blood generation.
  5. Black stubby root tincture
    The tool helps to eliminate headaches and irritability with PMS, and also normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  6. Heart dyed decoction or white peony tincture
    It helps to reduce the pressure, it has a soothing effect, stimulates the mother-in-law.
  7. Decoration from the root of nine
    A teaspoon of the root of the plant to pour a glass of boiling water and insist 4 hours. Strain and drink on a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
  8. Celery
    The inclusion of celery in the daily diet stimulates the cutting of the uterus and the beginning of menstruation.
  9. Bath and warming up
    Hot bath and heater at the bottom of the abdomen enhance the blood flow. It is strictly forbidden to apply the application of the method in the presence of inflammation and tumors.
  10. Vitamin C
    Daily consumption of currants, peppers, splash, strawberries, and citrus fruits, contributes to the normal synthesis of hormones and regulation of metabolism.

Important! The use of such funds during pregnancy can provoke miscarriage.

What is the danger

In itself, the absence of menitually is not dangerous for the female body, but the reasons that it may be caused can carry a serious risk to health:

  1. If the delay is caused by the growth of microenomes (malignant neoplasm in the brain, causing an increase The level of prolactin in the blood), any delay in treatment may turn into a fatal outcome.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (uterus and appendages) In addition to the delay, the cause of anneal infertility, the development of purulent processes and sepsis, parametrity, pelvic thrombophleyuitis is often caused. Against the background of such diseases, the follicular apparatus is depleted, which may cause early climax.
  3. Polycystic ovaries in the absence of necessary treatment leads to obesity, arterial hypertension, the development of gestational diabetes. As a result, work is violated of cardio-vascular systemIt is fraught with the blockage of veins, infarction or stroke.
  4. Violations of the hormonal background lead to not to dry pregnancy (miscarriage), the development of the Moma of the uterus, asthma, sugar diabetes, malignant neoplasms, atherosclerosis. Against the background of violations of the hormonal balance appear pain in the lactic glands and joints, the underdevelopment of the chest (in the event of a problem in adolescence), sleep disorders, increased sweating, Changes in the figure (excessive thinness, obesity), male type exhaustion, oily skin, purulent rashes on face and body.
  5. Early Climax. Invertible cessation of menstruation and exit from the reproductive period lead to the development of atherosclerosis, weakening the immunity, premature aging of the skin, the extinction of a childbearing function, risk of development of diabetes.

A woman is much more convenient to live and plan various events with a regular cycle, as well as to determine the onset of pregnancy. Knowing about possible reasons Menstruation delays In addition to pregnancy, you can take preventive and therapeutic measures in time and continue to live healthy and happy.

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