SD type 2 eye drops reviews. Diabetic cataract eye drops

Diabetes mellitus is known for its unpleasant consequences. It leads to serious eye complications. Cases of complete loss of vision have been recorded. Preserving such an important function is not considered a secondary task. Consider what effects the disease can cause on the eyes and how to prevent them. Also, let's see which eye drops are effective for diabetes.

Everyone with diabetes knows that they are at risk of risk eye diseaseswhose treatment takes long years... The surges of glucose in the body lead to changes in the structure of the lens of the eye. The lesions extend to blood vessels in the eyeball. The consequences can be expressed both in the deterioration of vision and in its complete loss. Pay attention to the appearance of blurring, outbreaks.

Rapid reading fatigue may occur. Sometimes the letters not only blur, but also start jumping. In such cases, see a doctor immediately. Eye problems during illness do not have age criteria, and occur at any period of life. Diabetes can cause the following diseases:

  • Cataract caused by clouding of the lens of the eye. It acts as a lens. One of the first symptoms of the disease is the inability to focus on light sources. The image becomes blurry. Cataract progresses rapidly with hyperglycemia and often requires surgical treatment
  • Retinopathy most often leads to blindness. It affects the vessels eyeball... Blood flow to the retina is impaired. Symptoms are reduced to severe cloudiness of images and the appearance of blackouts. You can cope with the disease on your own. Normalize the metabolism of carbohydrates, for this, start building a new diet. The attending physician should help with this. When applying, he will also determine the stage of the disease. In some cases, laser therapy is required.
  • Glaucoma is the most dangerous ailment, and an untimely stop leads to a complete loss of vision. Treat immediately after diagnosis. For type 2 diabetes, eye drops are often used. The symptoms of glaucoma are high intraocular pressure, pain in the eyeball, hemorrhage. The clarity of vision deteriorates sharply.

Eye drops are used for diabetes mellitus any type.

Prevention and initiation of treatment

The development of vision problems occurs simultaneously with the progression of diabetes. When diagnosing the first type of disease, eye lesions are rarely observed. However, it is necessary to start prevention and treatment for any type. Be sure to visit an optometrist. This should be done regularly at least twice a year. Check the eyes comprehensively (visual acuity, fundus examination, lens turbidity). The earlier the deviation is detected, the easier it is to stop the progression of the pathology.

Use vitamin eye drops that work well for diabetics (riboflavin, taufon, vitamin A). They are an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of eye diseases in diabetes mellitus.

These preparations contain vitamin A, which protects the cornea and treats dry eye syndrome well. B vitamins help to preserve the retina of the eye, especially with intense eye strain. Improves the conduction of nerve impulses, reduces inflammation. Vitamin C activates the metabolic processes of the eye, which helps to slow down the aging of the lens.

Maintain normal glucose levels. As already explained, vision problems in diabetes mellitus, especially type 2, are due to surges in this level. Pay attention to nutrition first. Check it only with your doctor. Remember that some medications given to diabetics can cause eye complications. Become familiar with side effects and consult an eye doctor.

For general prevention, take a course of vitamin complexes. They consist of natural ingredients (blueberries, currants, grape seeds) and provide curative action on sight. To improve visual acuity, strengthen the blood vessels of the eye, such preparations contain anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, and various trace elements.

Often diabetics are prescribed a course of special eye drops... They are instilled into the eyes three times a day for several weeks. After that, there is a monthly break and the course is resumed. Depending on the severity of the disease, such courses can last for more than one year, and sometimes for life.

An effective way to combat vision loss in diabetes is called laser therapy. In the early stages, cataracts and glaucoma are a great way to forget about the inconveniences associated with ailments. But the main disadvantage of the method is its cost. For the treatment of one eye, you will have to pay tens of thousands.

Eye drops for diabetics

Let's proceed to an analysis of the types and properties of various eye drops prescribed for patients with type 2 diabetes. In the presence of pharmacies there is a sufficient number of drugs, which differ mainly in price. Consideration of all has no practical sense, therefore, we will analyze the most popular and their analogues:

  • Quinax is used to combat cataracts. Increases the transparency of the lens by absorbing turbid proteins. This effect is achieved due to the activation of proteolytic enzymes that are located in the anterior chamber of the eyeball. It is buried 3-5 times a day, two drops. Similar drugs are Vita-Yorudol, Taufon, Vitafakol
  • Vision treatment is excellently performed by the medicine Vizomitin. It targets many types of eye diseases including cataracts and glaucoma. Being an innovative drug quickly relieves inflammation, redness normalizes the composition of the tear film. Copes not only with symptoms, but also solves problems that cause eye diseases. Applied 1-2 drops, no more than three times a day. Only Artelak, Defislez, Hilo-Chest of drawers are comparable to its action.
  • Emoxipin significantly strengthens the vessels of the eyeball, reduces their permeability. Its action is aimed at protecting the retina, normalizes blood circulation in the tissues. Speeds up cataract healing. 1-2 drops are instilled into each eye three times a day. These eye drops for diabetes mellitus are used very often
  • Catachrom is aimed at anti-inflammatory effect and is used to prevent cataracts. Promotes the activation of metabolism in the cells of the lens, stimulates the process of tissue regeneration. Usage is similar to the previous tool
  • Timolol is also called Arutimol. The drug reduces the pressure inside the eye by reducing the formation of ocular fluid. These eye drops are good for diabetics with glaucoma.

Remember to consult an ophthalmologist before using type 2 diabetes eye drops. For those who have contact lenses you should know some subtleties. The fact is that it is possible for by-products of eye drops to settle on the lenses, which will lead to negative effects on the eyes. This only applies to soft lenses. If using rigid lenses, remove them during instillation. It should be installed back only after 20 minutes.

If you have been diagnosed with one of the eye diagnoses for type 2 diabetes, try not to panic. Follow the exact advice of your ophthalmologist and healthcare professional. Effective treatment own eyes with a disease such as diabetes, it is possible only with an integrated approach. The further state of your health depends on this. Complete loss of vision occurs in advanced cases, which leads to self-medication and irresponsibility.

To avoid serious complications, doctors prescribe eye drops for people with type 2 diabetes. It is known that sugar disease affects not only the pancreas, but also negatively affects the work of all organs and systems. Many diabetics develop vision problems. At the same time, diseases of the visual organs are often severe. The most dangerous pathologies are glaucoma and retinopathy. What drops should be used and how to apply them correctly?

Why are eye drops prescribed for diabetics

With poor absorption of glucose, the human vascular system suffers greatly. Old vessels quickly collapse, and new ones replacing them do not have the required plasticity and flexibility. In the body of a patient with diabetes mellitus, a lot of fluid accumulates, as for the eyeball. As a result, the functions of the visual organs are impaired.

Treatment and prevention of vision with the help of drops has long been used by doctors, and is very effective method fight against. With type 1, problems with the organs of vision in patients are less common. A comprehensive examination by an ophthalmologist will help identify the disease on early stages, which will prevent the development of complications. Even if no problems are found, the diabetic needs prevention.

Basically, eye drops with vitamins are prescribed for these purposes:

  • protecting the cornea;
  • treating dry eye syndrome;
  • keeping the retina in good condition;
  • slowing down the aging process of the lens.

Safety precautions before using drops

To use eye drops for type 2 diabetes as effective as possible, some rules must be followed:

  • before instillation, you must carefully treat your hands with an antiseptic;
  • as comfortable as possible to sit in a chair and tilt your head back;
  • pull the lower eyelid with your finger and look at the ceiling;
  • drip the drug over the lower eyelid and close the eye to evenly distribute the drug.

Sometimes patients, after eye instillation, feel a specific taste of the medication in their mouth. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the drops fall into the lacrimal canal associated with the nasal and oral cavity.

List of eye drops for type 2 diabetes

If complications of type 1 or 2 diabetes occur and after the diagnosis is made, the specialist prescribes the appropriate eye drops. For example, these drugs can be:

Drug name Act
Xalatan Eye dropsthat lower intraocular pressure due to increased fluid outflow. The use of the drug can cause such side effects as a change in the color of the pupils, thickening of the eyelashes, dry eyes, headaches, attacks of dizziness, herpetic keratitis, bronchospasm, photophobia
Oftan Katahorm Eye drops with a regenerating, stimulating effect. They are used to eliminate severe symptoms of cataract and slow down its development. The medicine has a positive effect on the metabolic reactions occurring in the lens, protects the eye tissues from destructive effects toxic substances and free radicals. As a rule, a therapeutic course lasts no more than two weeks. The instillation procedure is recommended to be carried out three times a day, 1-2 drops in each eye sac
Arutimol Drops that lower ophthalmotonus, due to inhibition of the synthesis of intraocular fluid. When long-term use do not affect the sensitivity of the retina, do not change the size of the pupil and do not cause photosensitivity. Already half an hour after using the drug, its effect can be observed. Standard use: 1-2 drops once a day
Gunforth Combined drug, which is used for glaucoma, accompanied by type 2 diabetes mellitus. Eye drops reduce intraocular pressure for a long period of time due to a decrease in the production of intraocular fluid and an increase in its outflow.
Pilocarpine Prolong Anti-glaucoma eye drops, which improve the process of outflow of intraocular fluid and normalize ophthalmotonus. Moisturize the mucous membrane, normalize the transport of nutrients to the visual organs, stimulate the regeneration of the cornea and conjunctiva
Betoptic Drops used for open-angle glaucoma and other diseases associated with increased ophthalmotonus. When using this medication, fluid production decreases, and the hypotensive effect appears within half an hour after instillation. The medicine is used in 1-2 drops in the eye sac twice a day

Important! Drops must be used after diagnosis and visit to a specialist.

Drugs for retinopathy

One of the most severe diseases accompanying diabetes mellitus is. The pathological process affects the vessels of the inner lining of the eye, which leads to visual impairment. It is known that in patients with diabetes mellitus, blindness with this disease occurs 20 times more often than in other people. Only a timely regular examination by an ophthalmologist allows avoiding the development of pathology and taking all therapeutic measures to combat it.

Experts prescribe such drops as effective means:

  1. Emoxipin - effective drug in case of problems with vascular system eyeball and hypoxia of the visual organs. It is considered a potent medicine that promotes rapid resorption and elimination of small retinal hemorrhages.
  2. Hilo-chest of drawers - refers to medicines that work to relieve irritation, fatigue, dry eyes. Not addictive so can be used long time.
  3. Lakemox is a combined medication that reduces the hyperemia of the eye tissues, restores the reproduction of the optical properties of the tear film, and enhances the cytoprotective effect.

Eye drops for glaucoma

With glaucoma, patients have increased intraocular pressure, leading to atrophy optic nerve and future vision porter. You can stop the pathological process with eye drops from the group of adrenergic blockers:

  • - drops included in the list of essential medicines. The drug works to reduce the production of intraocular fluid and enhance its outflow, which normalizes ophthalmotonus. Within 20 minutes after instillation, positive effect, since the absorption of the active components of the eye drops occurs rather quickly;
  • Betaxolol - drops with adrenergic blocking, antianginal, hypotensive, antiarrhythmic, antiglaucoma properties. Ophthalmotonus is stabilized by reducing the production of intraocular fluid.

What drops to use for cataracts

With cataracts, there is a threat of partial or complete loss of vision due to clouding of the lens. In the world, every sixth person who has crossed the 40-year age threshold suffers from it. With diabetes mellitus, cataracts can develop even at a young age.

The main symptoms of a pathological condition are:

  • double vision;
  • photosensitivity;
  • dizziness;
  • deterioration of twilight vision;
  • the appearance of blurred eyes;
  • vagueness, unclear outlines of objects.

Different methods are used to fight the disease. In advanced stages shown surgery... Early stage effective remedy therapy is advocated by eye drops.

The list of the most popular medicines includes:

  1. Quinax - drops that help activate enzymes that break down protein deposits in the lens area. The drug quickly relieves the main signs of the disease, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eye, relieves irritation, and has an antioxidant effect.
  2. Catalin is an anti-cataract agent that affects metabolic processes in the lens. Normalizes the absorption of glucose by blocking its conversion into sorbitol, which causes clouding of the lens. The drug prevents the process of protein denaturation and prevents the appearance of areas of cloudiness.

Ophthalmic drugs for type 2 diabetes should be prescribed only by a specialist. He determines the dosage and duration of treatment. It should be borne in mind that incorrectly selected eye drops, their overdose and exceeding the duration of the course of treatment may cost the patient's vision. Due to the enormous health risk, self-medication is excluded.

Type 2 diabetes develops in middle-aged and elderly people, in whom the existing regular eye changes are further aggravated by this ailment. To such age-related changes include cataracts and glaucoma. In addition, one of the serious complications of the "sweet disease" is retinopathy (severe vascular disorders in the retina).

Type 2 diabetes eye drops as part of complex therapy can help preserve vision and slow down the course of pathological processes. But incorrectly selected drugs can provoke the opposite effect, so an ophthalmologist should select them.

What changes in the eyes does the disease provoke?

Due to the disease, all existing eye diseases progress. The course of cataracts and glaucoma in diabetics is much more severe than in their peers without endocrine pathologies. But directly due to diabetes mellitus, a person develops another painful condition of the eyes - retinopathy. It proceeds in 3 stages:

  • initial,
  • intermediate,
  • heavy.

At the onset of the disease, the retina swells, its vessels are damaged due to high blood sugar and high blood pressure... They cannot fully supply the eye with blood, and with it oxygen and nutrients... Later, small aneurysms form - painful growths of blood vessels that fill with blood. In severe angiopathy, there are very few normal capillaries and veins - overgrown abnormal vessels prevail in the retina. They cannot function properly, so they often burst and cause bleeding inside the eye.

In type 1 diabetes, retinopathy is more severe and faster, but this does not mean that patients with type 2 disease are not susceptible to it. Retinopathy often leads to increased intraocular pressure and the development of a specific form of cataract. It is impossible to prevent this with only eye drops - an integrated approach is needed.

The diabetic should regularly undergo ophthalmological examinations, control the sugar level and not forget about the main therapy.

Supplement to drug treatmentother than topical eye medications, there may be different herbal preparations with a tonic effect. For example, drops "Antidiabetic nano" are taken orally as biologically active additive along with food. They strengthen the body's defenses, regulate carbohydrate metabolism and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so they can help fight the initial manifestations of retinopathy. But before using this remedy (as, indeed, any other drug), it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Controlling blood sugar is a guarantee of normal well-being in diabetes and a real way to prevent eye complications.

Drops against cataracts

With a cataract, the lens becomes cloudy, although it should normally be transparent. Its function is the transmission and refraction of light, due to which a person sees normally. The more pronounced the opacity, the more serious vision problems arise in a patient with diabetes mellitus. In difficult situations, it may be necessary to replace the natural lens with an artificial analogue, since the patient is at risk of complete blindness.

Drops for the treatment and prevention of this condition:

  • preparations based on taurine ("Taurine", "Taufon"). They normalize the regenerative processes in the tissues of the eye, accelerate local metabolism and improve trophism;
  • means "Quinax" (its active substance activates enzymes contained in the anterior chamber of the eye, and they dissolve protein opacities of the lens);
  • medicine "Catalin" (it prevents the processes of sedimentation of protein deposits and prevents the formation of insoluble structures on the lens);
  • the drug "Potassium iodide" (breaks down protein deposits and has antimicrobial activity, enhances the local immunity of the mucous membrane of the eyes).

To prevent cataracts, you need to regularly use eye drops, which are recommended by your doctor. It is much easier to prevent the onset of severe forms of this disease than to treat them later.

Glaucoma drops

Glaucoma is a disease in which intraocular pressure increases. Because of this, atrophy (lack of nutrition) of the optic nerve can begin, leading to blindness. Increasing the amount of fluid inside the eye creates high blood pressurewhich leads to visual impairment. To treat this ailment, the following drops are used:

  • agents that improve intraocular outflow ("Pilocarpine" and its analogues);
  • agents that reduce the production of intraocular fluid ("Betaxolol", "Timolol", "Okumed", etc.).

Any glaucoma remedy cannot be used without a doctor's prescription. Many of them have side effects (nasal congestion, conjunctival edema, redness around the eyes, etc.). Often, drops are not enough to treat the disease, depending on the severity of the lesions, the ophthalmologist may recommend general-action drugs or surgical treatment.

Can retinopathy be stopped with topical medications?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to stop the painful changes in the retina that have begun forever. But with the help of the complex preventive measures, including eye drops, it is quite possible to slow down this process and maintain the ability to see normally for a long time. Such drops as "Taufon", "Quinax", "Catalin", in addition to being used in patients with cataracts, are successfully used to treat retinopathy. You can also use the following medications:

  • "Lakemoks", "Emoxipin" (moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes, stimulate the activation of the antioxidant system, help to quickly resolve hemorrhages inside the eye, which are caused by vascular damage);
  • "Hilo-chest of drawers" (moisturizing drops that help eliminate the feeling of dryness caused by nutritional disorders in the tissues of the eye).

It is important to undergo preventive examinations on time, during which the doctor assesses the condition of the retina. In diabetes mellitus, tears may occur on it, which can be strengthened laser coagulation... This measure allows you to prevent the terrible consequences - retinal detachment and loss of vision.

If a diabetic patient noticed a sharp deterioration in vision, he urgently needs to consult an ophthalmologist. Delay can trigger the development of many complications, including irreversible blindness.


I was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus more than 10 years ago. When one eye began to see worse, I went to the ophthalmologist. The examination result was disappointing - "cataract", and besides, not on initial stage... The doctor offered 2 options: immediately carry out the operation or try to partially restore vision with the help of Quinax drops. Of course, like all people, I was very afraid to go under the knife, so I chose the second option. For 3 months of regular treatment, the condition of the eye has improved significantly, and the ophthalmologist has painted me a scheme of actions for the future. This medicine became my savior from the operation, I am very grateful to the doctor for this advice. By the way, I still use drops as a preventive measure.

I am 60 years old, I have been struggling with diabetes for 5 years already. I always listen to the advice of an endocrinologist and try to limit myself in food, because I have a tendency to overweight... Recently I noticed that sometimes flies and blurry spots began to appear before my eyes. The ophthalmologist recommended to me drops that improve blood circulation in the eyes and strengthening exercises, which should be done daily. In parallel, I read about the drops "Antidiabetes Nano" and consulted with an endocrinologist about taking them - the doctor approved. Sugar has been normal for the third month, but along with the drops I also take regular pills, so they cannot say for sure what exactly this effect is. After the daily instillation of drops, the eyes began to feel less tired and the eyes blur less often, which also pleased me.

My mom has diabetes and vision problems. She follows a diet, takes pills prescribed by a doctor, and drops Taufon drops into her eyes, calling them vitamins for the eyes. In general, my mother is very pleased with the result, and the ophthalmologist at regular check-ups, at least so far, says that there are no eye problems.

I was diagnosed with diabetes recently, before that there were no problems with vision, which even the doctors were surprised, given my age (56 years). For prevention purposes, I try to eat citrus fruits within reasonable limits, since they contain substances that strengthen blood vessels. A month ago, drops of "Potassium iodide" began to drip. My doctor says that it is very important to keep track of blood sugar and avoid sudden changes in blood sugar. Hopefully, all together will help to delay the unpleasant consequences with the eyes.

General rules for using drops

Before you drop the medicine, you need to pull the lower eyelid a little, look up and drip the required number of drops. After that, you need to close your eyes and stay calm for 5 minutes. For better fluid distribution, the eyelids can be lightly massaged, but not squeezed. When using any eye drops, it is advisable to adhere to these recommendations:

  • before starting the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap;
  • the bottle must not be passed on to other people for use, as it can be passed on infectious diseases eye;
  • if there is a need to drip 2 different drugs, then the minimum break between them should be 15 minutes;
  • it is better to bury drops lying or sitting, with your head thrown back;
  • the medicine dropper should be washed after each use and kept clean.

If the patient wears contact lenses, they must be removed during the instillation of the medicine. The medication may not fully penetrate the eye or damage the optics of this device. All eye diseases in diabetes mellitus progress very quickly. Without treatment, many of them lead to complete blindness without the ability to restore vision. Therefore at alarming symptoms no need to self-medicate and delay a visit to the doctor.

Last updated: September 21, 2019


With diabetes mellitus, an increase in blood glucose occurs. This pathology has a negative effect on the state of the vessels, which are associated with the work of all internal organs... In diabetics, destruction of the vascular walls often occurs, and the new vessels that form have a fragile structure. The pathological process affects the condition of the eyes, leading to visual impairment and clouding of the lens. For eyes with diabetes, special eye drops are needed, which should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.


Eye diseases and diabetes mellitus are interrelated disorders, which is why most patients experience severe vision impairment. Excessive blood glucose levels can lead to a number of eye pathologies.

Commonly diagnosed visual diseases in diabetics are:

  1. Glaucoma. Progresses with pathologies of intra-fluid eye drainage.
  2. Cataract. Causes darkening, or fogging of the eye lens, which performs the function of visual focus.
  3. Diabetic retinopathy. It develops in diabetes as a result of the destruction of the vascular walls.

According to statistics, 60% of patients with diabetes mellitus have glaucoma. Other forms of eye diseases are much less common.

For treatment, experts recommend using eye drops. Self-selection of medications can be dangerous, in this regard, the doctor must select the medicine individually for each patient, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's body.


When detecting the first symptoms of eyeball pathologies in type 1 or type 2 diabetes, it is necessary to carefully monitor the glucose level and use eye drops for preventive or therapeutic purposes.

The most effective eye drops for diabetes:

  • Timolol;
  • Betaxolol;
  • Pilocarpine;
  • Gunforth.

All these eye drops for diabetics have certain indications and contraindications, and can also cause an adverse reaction, so their use should be carried out according to the instructions and in accordance with the instructions of the attending specialist.


Eye drops for diabetes Timolol contain the main substance - timolol maleate, which affects the pressure inside the eye. As a result of the use of the drug, excess fluid flows out, which is most often the cause of pathological processes.

The effect of the drug is noted 20 to 30 minutes after instillation. The maximum result is observed on average after 1.5 hours. But, medication able to provoke side effect (conjunctivitis, allergies, blurred vision, etc.).


Betaxolol eye drops are prescribed for diabetics with chronic diseases eyeball, which arose against the background of an increase in glucose levels. Eye drops for diabetes reduce the pressure inside the eyeball two hours after using the medication. The effect of one use of the product lasts about a day.

When treating with Betaxolol, you should monitor the reaction of the body. At the first sign side effect (lacrimation, itching, photophobia, etc.) you need to stop using the drug. If there are contraindications or if the recommended dosage is exceeded, insomnia or neurosis may occur.


Most ophthalmologists prescribe pilocarpine to patients with diabetes. This drug is used for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Correct application drug allows you to reduce the pressure inside the eyeball, as well as narrow the pupils. Pilocarpine has wide range action, therefore it is recommended for many forms of eye diseases.

In the case of neglect of contraindications and the treatment regimen, there is a high probability of developing adverse reactionassociated with disruption of vital organs (weakening of the heart rate, increased cerebral pressure, etc.).


Eye drops for diabetes, Gunforth, have two active substances (bimatoprost and timolol). Due to the action of these medicinal components, it is possible to stop the progression of diseases of the lens and the eyeball itself.

Elevated glucose levels cause visual impairment and complications such as glaucoma, cataracts, or diabetic retinopathy. Eye drops for diabetes mellitus are prescribed to correct and prevent the development of pathologies of the visual organs. Preventive observation by an ophthalmologist and appropriate therapy are necessary throughout the entire period of the disease from the moment of its detection, since untimely treatment or its absence in the later stages can lead to complete blindness.

How does high sugar affect eye diseases?

Patients with diabetes mellitus are prone to vision problems at any age. Blood glucose surges negatively affect the blood vessels of the eyeball, thinning their walls and increasing permeability. Old vessels are destroyed, and the newly formed ones are extremely fragile and are not able to ensure the healthy functioning of the organ. Deterioration of blood supply can lead to hypoxia in the tissues of the eye, the formation of blood clots and aneurysms. Due to edema of the lens and a violation in it metabolic processes possible temporary impairment of visibility. The progression of the disease without the necessary treatment causes hemorrhages in the retina, its contraction, detachment and, as a result, loss of vision.

What does prevention of the problem include?

Diagnosed diabetes mellitus (DM) implies visiting an ophthalmologist 1-2 times a year to study changes in the inner lining of the eyeball. The doctor conducts a thorough analysis of the patient's vision in order to detect the rudiments of pathological processes arising from increased level glucose. Along with the standard test of the acuity of the right and left eyes, special attention is paid to the study of the boundaries of the visual fields, the fundus with a dilated pupil and the measurement of intraocular pressure, since it is these indicators that determine if the patient has glaucoma or cataracts. Such a survey is necessary for the appointment correct treatment in the form of eye drops and prevention of complications.

For patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for more than 10 years, as well as with type 2 diabetes mellitus, which has lasted for more than 5 years, additional prevention of visual problems consists in a consultation visit to a laser surgeon 2 times a year.

Treatments for the early stages of eye damage

If a person's eyes get tired quickly while reading, then this may be a sign of vision problems.

Harbingers possible problems with vision, due to clouding of the lens, are:

  • fast fatigue while reading;
  • violation of clear perception: flashes, blackouts, floating spots in front of the eyes.

Long-term and recurrent eye lesions in diabetes mellitus, such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley, also lead to visual impairment. To stabilize the condition of the eyeball in the first stages, vitamin eye drops are prescribed. The components of the drugs will help restore the nutrition of the lens and its visual function.

It is possible to prevent further complications of eye diseases in the early stages by monitoring blood glucose levels not exceeding average values \u200b\u200b(5-7.2 mmol / l before meals), adhering to a diet, and normalizing carbohydrate metabolism. To adjust the patient's lifestyle, with type 2 diabetes, the endocrinologist selects means to lower sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol, and strengthen blood vessels.

Prescription of drugs for the treatment of visual pathologies

Eye drops help maintain good vision and provide a barrier against the negative effects of high blood sugar. Additionally, drugs are enriched with useful substances: lutein, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamins A, E, PP, B1, B6, B12. Healing properties components help:

  • prevent ischemia;
  • stabilize redox processes in the lens and retina;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The doctor should prescribe a certain drug and recommend the method of its use.

Drug therapy prescribed regardless of the type of diabetes, especially in the early stages of detecting changes in the visual organs. Since there are a wide variety of ophthalmic agents, eye drops for diabetes should be prescribed by a vision specialist to avoid overdose and side effects. active ingredients on the body. Only the doctor decides how many times and during what period the patient needs to drip the prescribed medication.

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