How to use the drug Clotrimazole for thrush? "Clotrimazole" (ointment): what helps, composition and reviews Clotrimazole appointment and use.

Clotrimazole and ecology People rarely think about how detrimental they affect the environment. But a group of Swedish...
  • Clotrimazole is an ointment for the treatment of the epidermis. One hundred grams of ointment includes one gram of the active ingredient ....
  • According to numerous studies and clinical trials of clotrimazole series drugs, they show ...
  • Therapy of candidiasis of the oral mucosa consists in the use of systemic and local preparations ...
  • Clotrimazole. Medicinal... It is a broad spectrum antifungal agent. Due to the fact that clotrimazole is used ...
  • Clotrimazole. Special instructions,... Clotrimazole is an effective antifungal agent. Used for most fungal infections...
  • Clotrimazole. overdose,... With too active use of clotrimazole, it is externally impossible to cause any harm to health or ...
  • Clotrimazole. Application,... Clotrimazole vaginal tablets are used for various diseases provoked by fungi of the genus ...
  • Treatment of vaginal discharge... Urogenital candidiasis is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. A very common type of genital ...
  • It is an ointment, vaginal ointment, cream, gel, vaginal tablets and solution for external use. Absolutely...
  • These suppositories (or vaginal tablets) are used to treat fungal infections of the reproductive organs. In this article you can find detailed description these candles. These candles are available in three different variations. There are candles with an active substance content of one hundred, two hundred or five hundred milligrams. In addition, these candles contain corn starch, lactose, soda, aerosil, tartaric acid, magnesium stearic. In a cardboard box, one, three or six candles are sold. Together with them in the box there is also an applicator for insertion into the vagina. These candles are effective against a large number of varieties of fungi. Their action is based on the destruction of cells of pathogenic microflora.

    Clotrimazole is an ointment for the treatment of the epidermis. One hundred grams of ointment includes one gram of the active ingredient. In addition to it, the composition includes: propylene glycol, polyethylene oxide 400, polyethylene oxide 1500, methyl paraben or nipagin. Ointment of snow-white color, without inclusions.

    This is a tool that destroys various fungi. It is used by applying to the affected areas of the skin. The antifungal effect of the active ingredient is based on the inhibition of the production of ergosterol, which is one of the components of fungal cell membranes. Such an impact disrupts the vital activity of the cell and causes death.

    If clotrimazole is used in small doses, then it only inhibits the development of the fungus, but if the dosage is increased, it destroys the fungus. At higher dosages, it reacts with mitochondrial and peroxidase enzymes, as a result of which the amount of hydrogen peroxide becomes too much and fungi are thus destroyed.

    This drug works well against dermatophytes, mold pathogens and yeasts. In addition, good therapeutic effect this drug has a multi-colored lichen and erythrasma. Destroys gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms and Trichomonas vulgaris.

    When applied externally, clotrimazole almost does not enter the blood and lymph, since it does not penetrate the epidermis and mucous membranes at all. It does not linger on the outer layers of the skin at all. a large number of drug. At the same time, a larger amount of the drug is deposited in the epidermis than in the deeper layers.

    With such a disease as thrush, at least once in a lifetime, almost every family faces. You will learn how to treat thrush with this drug from this article.
    This drug is an antifungal agent and is available in a variety of dosage forms, but if you have thrush localized on the genitals, then it is most convenient to use a vaginal cream or tablets. However, thrush or candidiasis can affect not only the genitals. This fungal infection, which can "settle" in the folds of the skin, and even on the nails. In these cases, this drug in the form of a skin treatment liquid will also help.

    According to numerous studies and clinical trials of clotrimazole series drugs, they show a good effect in the treatment of candidiasis. Due to the fact that the drug is quite in demand, manufacturers produce it in a wide variety of dosage forms. This drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets, liquid form, vaginal cream, ointment and gel.

    Clotrimazole is effective not only for candidiasis, it can also be used for various skin diseases. The drug is treated with places affected by infection. It can also be used for diseases of the oral cavity caused by candida, and for other diseases caused by several pathogens. A large number of dosage forms makes it possible to choose the appropriate option for any type of treatment. Due to the fact that the drug is only applied to the skin and mucous membranes, but not taken orally, its use is completely unable to affect the functioning of the body as a whole. If clotrimazole preparations are used in the treatment of candidiasis, then only three percent of the drug will enter the bloodstream.

    It is not advisable to use this drug for women who are breastfeeding, as well as for pregnant women. Any negative effects on the body are extremely rare. But with sensitive skin or mucous membranes, a local allergic reaction may occur.
    For the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, the most convenient forms of vaginal tablets are used once a day, at night, one tablet at a time. It is necessary to suspend treatment in the event of the onset of menstruation. Treatment lasts no more than six days.

    I would like not to face many unpleasant moments in life, but the realities do not always meet our desires. Almost a third of the adult population of our country is infected with various fungal diseases. You may not even be aware that the fungus is already living on your skin or mucous membranes. When the body weakens a little or creates favorable conditions for the development of fungi, they will "bloom" in lush color on your legs, arms or other parts of the body. Almost every person has among friends or relatives a person suffering from similar diseases.

    Candibene is new drug, created on the basis of clotrimazole already well known to everyone. Candibene is available in the form of vaginal tablets, as well as a cream and liquid for the treatment of external surfaces.

    This drug is approved for use even during pregnancy and lactation. According to the data provided by the manufacturer, candibene is not able to harm the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. There are clinical trial results for this.

    Candibene is used to destroy a wide variety of fungal infectionslocated on the skin, nails, and genitals. Candibene is perfectly washed off the skin with water and does not smell at all.

    The course of treatment for candibene is from six to twelve days. In this case, in particularly difficult cases, two vaginal tablets of the drug are prescribed per day.
    When prescribing a cream or liquid, candibene should be treated with well-washed and dried affected areas two to three times a day. At the same time, the course of treatment of such diseases with the help of candibene with clotrimazole is from one month or more. If the patient is affected lower limbs, after a complete cure, it is advisable to smear sore spots for another two weeks. To cleanse sore spots, you need to use only special means having a neutral acid reaction.

    To maintain the body during the treatment of candibene with clotrimazole, it is advisable to take special vitamin and mineral dietary supplements (biologically active supplements).

    These are ointment, vaginal ointment, cream, gel, vaginal tablets and solution for external use. Absolutely all forms of the drug are used only externally. Of course, nothing bad will happen to you if you accidentally swallow one vaginal pill. But you should not do this, because indigestion is guaranteed to you. If, nevertheless, this trouble has occurred, urgently rinse the stomach in all possible ways. Drink water and induce self-induced vomiting, take an enema and take Activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per ten kilograms of your weight. Keep the drug away from kids, so they love to taste everything.

    Urogenital candidiasis is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. A very common type of genital candidiasis is vulvovaginitis.

    To accurately establish the disease, it is necessary to conduct a series of tests and conduct a thorough examination of the patient. In the event that the patient has traces of fungi, but there are no manifestations of the disease, then medical measures are not carried out. If treatment should be carried out, then the scheme prescribed by both domestic and foreign doctors is as follows: clotrimazole suppositories, two hundred milligrams for three days, or five hundred milligrams once. This drug for the treatment of such diseases is offered in all the latest guidelines for the treatment of vaginal discharge.

    The effectiveness of clotrimazole is at the level of approximately seventy to eighty-five percent. A relapsing course of the disease is also possible. With such a course, it is important to establish the cause of the return of the disease. Sometimes these are non-albicant types of pathogens - this is from ten to twenty percent of diseases. Moreover, this type of pathogen is not very responsive to the effects of this drug. In such cases, clotrimazole five hundred milligrams is done once a week. Perhaps the local use of the drug.

    Sometimes long-term treatment should be used, which includes suppositories of clotrimazole two hundred milligrams twice a week or five hundred milligrams once a week. The course is sometimes up to six months. This treatment helps prevent the return of vaginal discharge caused by Candida.

    Clotrimazole gel is a homogeneous, colorless, completely transparent gel with a sage aroma. The gel may contain air inclusions.

    The main active ingredient of this gel is clotrimazole. In addition to it, auxiliary components are included in the gel: propylene glycol, ninety-six percent rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials, glycerol, carbomer, macrogol 400, sage essential extract.

    This gel belongs to antimycotic drugs. The gel is very well absorbed into the skin. The main part of the drug settles in the upper layers of the skin.
    Clotrimazole gel is used to treat epidermal mycoses, including hard-to-reach places, as well as multi-colored lichen, erythrasma, candidiasis.
    This gel is used to treat affected areas. To do this, clean the sore spot with water and detergent, wipe and lubricate with this gel twice or thrice a day. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the disease and stage, on which particular area the affected area is located. However, the average duration of therapy is one month. In the case of dermatomycosis, it is necessary to use clotrimazole for another fourteen days from the moment the signs of the disease disappear. In the case of treatment of multi-colored lichen, the course of therapy is from seven to twenty-one days.

    The use of this gel in some cases can cause local reactions: a desire to scratch the place where the gel was applied, discomfort. Do not use this gel for the treatment of the organs of vision.

    Clotrimazole is an effective antifungal agent. Used for most fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes.

    If menstruation occurs during treatment with vaginal tablets, treatment should be interrupted. If during treatment with this drug you have side effects or allergic reactions, you should consult a doctor and change the treatment regimen. In the case of treatment of ringworm of the feet, it is necessary to smear the feet with clotrimazole liquid every time after washing them. Protect your eyes from getting this drug. In the event that the drug has been used for a month, and the disease does not go away, it is necessary to special examinations to identify the causative agent. Perhaps the first diagnosis was not correct.

    If you use any preparation of clotrimazole together with polyene antibiotics (natamycin, amphotericin), then the effectiveness of the latter is significantly impaired. When sharing this drug with dexamethasone, its effectiveness decreases. With the joint use of propyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid and clotrimazole, the effect of the use of the drug increases. Using this drug together with nystatin impairs its effectiveness.

    All preparations of this series should be stored at room temperature (from plus fifteen to plus twenty-five degrees Celsius), away from sources of light and heat. Keep the drug away from babies. Medicines of this series can be used no longer than three years from the date of production.

    Therapy of candidiasis of the oral mucosa consists in the use of drugs of systemic and local action. The treatment of oral candidiasis is complicated by a violation of salivation - xerostomia.

    Clinical trials of a method for the treatment of candidiasis were conducted oral cavity. Diflucan was used as a systemic drug, and 1% clotrimazole ointment was used for local destruction of pathogenic microflora. In addition, to prevent drying of the oral mucosa, artificial saliva is periodically used. Forty-three patients were selected to test the technique. Before the start of therapy, all necessary examinations were carried out, including microflora cultures. Before starting treatment, patients experienced stench from the mouth, itching in the mouth, discomfort. In most patients, all painful manifestations were felt on the tongue. Some covered the entire oral cavity. Patients were selected from different age groups fifteen to eighty years of age. Prior to the start of treatment, the disease proceeded in them from two months to several years.

    The treatment lasted from fourteen days and above. Some manifestations of the disease, such as the furry tongue, did not go away until the twelfth day. A laboratory research found traces of the presence of fungi in the microflora of the oral cavity. This suggests that the method of using clotrimazole for the treatment of oral candidiasis is not effective enough. Newer and more advanced medicines should be tested. But in some cases similar method treatment may take place.

    With too active use of clotrimazole, it is outwardly impossible to cause any harm to health or life.
    This drug must not be taken orally! If the medicine enters the stomach, it can provoke vomiting, pain in the stomach area, nausea, aversion to food. The work of the liver may worsen, craving for sleep, visions, pollakiuria, urticaria may appear. When using this drug in any form orally, one should, without wasting time, perform procedures that cleanse the digestive organs, induce artificial vomiting and take the absorbent orally.

    In some cases, such drugs can provoke swelling of the site of application, scabies, rashes, soreness and hyperemia of the genital mucosa, in isolated cases, exanthema. Sometimes when using clotrimazole preparations, the patient experiences spasms of some parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

    This drug is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Women in the first three months of pregnancy should consult their doctor before using this drug. Studies have been conducted on the impact of this drug on the development of the unborn child. No negative effects of the application were observed. But pregnant women, when using clotrimazole vaginal pills, are prohibited from using an insertion device.

    To prevent the disease from being transmitted from one sexual partner to another, therapy should be carried out simultaneously. For the treatment of trichomoniasis, the combined use of clotrimazole with drugs of general action is recommended.

    It is a broad spectrum antifungal agent. Due to the fact that clotrimazole is used to treat fungi of various localization, for ease of use, it is available in a wide variety of dosage forms.
    Vaginal tablets include in their composition the active ingredient one hundred, two hundred or five hundred milligrams, as well as some inactive components: maize starch, lactose, soda, aerosil, magnesium stearate, tartaric acid. These tablets are sold in blisters, packed in a cardboard box, one, three or six tablets per box. The package comes with a tablet inserter.

    One percent clotrimazole ointment includes ten milligrams of the active ingredient and the base for the ointment. Sold in tubes of twenty grams, packed in carton boxes.

    Clotrimazole cream 1%. It contains the active substance, as well as inactive components: cetostearyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, polysorbate 60, eutanol, span 60, specially prepared water, synthetic olbrot. This cream is sold in tubes of twenty grams and thirty grams, packed in cardboard boxes, one tube each.

    Clotrimazole liquid for external use 1% contains the main active ingredient, as well as anhydrous ethanol, isopropyl myristinate. This liquid for external use is sold in a container with a special device for dripping. The container is packed in a cardboard box.

    Vaginal clotrimazole tablets are used for various diseases provoked by fungi of the genus Candida or Trichomonas, as well as for superinfections of the genital organs provoked by microorganisms destroyed by this drug. In addition, tablets can be used to prevent after various gynecological procedures. Use one pill at night. The course of treatment is a week.

    Clotrimazole cream is used to treat ringworm, erythrasma, tinea versicolor, balanitis or vulvovaginitis caused by candida. Cream as well as ointment is used to treat washed affected parts of the body. Cream and ointment should not be smeared thickly and rubbed well. Manipulation is performed twice or thrice a day. The duration of the course of application depends on the disease.

    Clotrimazole ointment is used to treat fungal diseases of the epidermis located on the feet, in hard-to-reach places, to treat pityriasis versicolor, erythrasma, fungal infections with a transition to pyoderma, as well as to treat candidiasis provoked by dermatophytes, yeast, mold or other microorganisms destroyed by the drug.

    Liquid for the treatment of the epidermis and mucous membranes is used for fungal diseases of the feet, fingers and palms of the hands, as well as those located on any part of the body, on the face, head, provoked by dermatophytes. With erythrasma, paronychia, candidiasis of the epidermis, pityriasis versicolor. The liquid should be dropped onto the affected area and gently spread over the skin. The procedure is repeated twice or thrice a day.

    People rarely think about how detrimental they affect the environment. But a group of Swedish scientists came up with the idea to investigate the effect of the drug clotrimazole on the ecology of waters. Most likely, this decision was made due to the widespread use of this drug as an antifungal drug.
    This drug, getting through the sewer into natural water sources, adversely affects the growth of underwater plants. When the drug enters the sea waters, the drug does not allow algae to multiply.

    It turns out that clotrimazole was found in sea water. As a result, similar studies began. They are carried out by scientists from the University of Gothenburg. One of the researchers even managed to get a degree by doing scientific work on this topic. The drug was injected into the water off the west coast of Sweden and the reaction of the algae was studied. Algae occupy one of the most important ecological niches - it is a food product and a place of residence for many marine life. If the algae disappears, the seabed will most likely become lifeless and bare.

    A certain amount of clotrimazole is discharged into the sea along with wastewater, bypassing even treatment equipment. Although this is not too much, it turns out to be very harmful. It is possible that, entering into interactions with any substances, the drug becomes more active.

    Of course, it would be foolish to say that with the help of clotrimazole it is possible to destroy the entire flora and fauna of the world's oceans, but if other environmental factors are taken into account, this one aggravates the situation even more.

    The drug Clotrimazole cream is used for pathologies caused by a fungus, for example, vaginal candidiasis or thrush. The main active substance of the agent destroys the membranes of fungi and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Due to the low price and positive reviews, this anti-fungal drug is one of the leaders in the pharmacological market.

    What is clotrimazole cream

    With fungal diseases of the skin, nails, vaginal candidiasis (thrush) is prescribed drug therapy antibacterial ointment Clotrimazole (clotrimazole). The drug has a strong antifungal effect on pathogens of erythrasma, fungal psoriasis and other common mycotic diseases. The doctor can prescribe an ointment at the first symptoms of infection, for the prevention of mycosis in the layers of the skin and on the vaginal mucosa.

    The drug inhibits the growth, development and division of fungal cells. In addition, the drug is widely used for infections of the genital tract (for example, with vaginal mycosis of the vaginal membrane). For the treatment of candidiasis, the ointment is prescribed to both sexual partners. In this case, it is recommended to apply the cream both before sexual intercourse and immediately after it.

    The drug in the form of a cream is a mass of pale yellow color, the consistency of fatty sour cream, packed in an aluminum tube and a cardboard box with an annotation for the drug, instructions for using the antifungal drug. Clorimazole ointment is available for sale in pharmacies and online stores without a doctor's prescription.


    The drug is available in several dosage forms: vaginal tablets, suppositories, ointment, cream for external use. The latter has the following composition:

    1. The main active ingredient is clotrimazole 10 mg.
    2. Additional substances - ethanol, vaseline, glycerol, distilled water, solid fat.

    pharmachologic effect

    The drug disrupts the synthesis of ergosterol, which is part of the membrane of fungal cells. Clotrimazole inhibits the processes of cell division of pathogenic microorganisms and is one of the most effective antifungal agents, since it has a wide spectrum of action. The drug has a detrimental effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Doctors recommend starting therapy at the first sign of an infection.

    Why clotrimazole

    Cream with clotrimazole has the following indications for use:

    • fungal diseases skin;
    • mycoses of the feet, palms, skin folds;
    • pityriasis versicolor;
    • thrush;
    • erythrasma;
    • superficial and deep candidiasis.

    Instructions for use Clotrimazole cream

    The drug Clotrimazole is used for external application in antifungal therapy. The medication, according to the instructions, is applied in a thin layer 2-3 times / day. on clean and dry skin areas with affected epidermis. If the skin has serious lesions and ulcers, to achieve best effect it is recommended to use compresses with cream for several days so that the drug is absorbed in high concentrations. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, the localization of the pathology, and effectiveness.

    For women

    A drug with antifungal activity Clotrimazole is used for women suffering from frequent exacerbations of thrush, vaginitis and other bacterial lesions of the vagina. The duration of the course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the disease. Clorimazole is recommended for the prevention of exacerbations of candidiasis during colds and decrease in general immunity. Caution should be used medicinal product during menses.

    For men

    Cream with clotrimazole for men is used mainly for the treatment of chronic and acute form candidal skin lesions of the genitals. Treatment of fungal diseases in men lasts from 4 to 7 days. It is better to start using the cream when the first signs of the disease appear: severe itching, burning, redness, pain during urination. Careful hygiene of the genitals also helps. The cream should not be used hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    drug interaction

    Some drugs (Amphotericin B, Nystatin) significantly reduce the effectiveness of Clotrimazole with simultaneous drug therapy, so they do not need to be used together. When using the drug, negative interactions with other drugs as a result of clinical research has not been identified. The cream should be used with caution at the same time as other antibiotic ointments, as the combination different groups antifungal drugs can lead to allergies.

    Side effects and overdose

    When using a cream with Clotrimazole, local side reactions are often noted: itching, burning, redness of the skin at the sites of application of the drug. In some cases, blisters, erythema, swelling and peeling of the skin appear. Individual intolerance to the drug is manifested by urticaria. The use of medication in higher doses does not cause life-threatening and health conditions.


    The use of Clotrimazole is categorically contraindicated if the patient has a history of:

    • insufficiency of the kidneys or the urinary system as a whole;
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • insufficiency of the liver;
    • open wounds on the skin;
    • allergic reactions.

    special instructions

    The antibiotic Clotrimazole is intended strictly for external use for fungal infections and other skin diseases. The drug is not suitable for use in ophthalmic practice, contact of the cream with the eyes and the skin around them should be avoided. With caution, the drug is used in children under 5 years of age. Do not allow the cream to get into open wounds, on damaged mucous membranes. When the first signs of an allergic reaction appear, drug therapy with the drug must be discontinued.

    Pregnancy and lactation

    No toxic effects of the drug on the fetus have been identified, the use is relatively safe at all stages of pregnancy. Therapeutic doses drugs do not affect the development of the fetus. It is recommended to use Clorimazole to prevent fungal infections in women in the first trimester of pregnancy who have an unfavorable permanent environment (for example, if the girl works in kindergarten or medical institution). Use during breastfeeding is not prohibited if the cream does not enter the mammary glands.


    A large number of drugs are presented on the pharmacological market, which are similar in their action to Clotrimazole, but differ in the form of release, price, and composition. Some of them may cause fewer side effects or work faster. The main analogues of Сlotrimazole are:

    1. Candide. An antifungal drug that has a wide spectrum of action against fungal microorganisms. The main active substance of Candida - clotrimazole - is a form of the substance imidazole. Due to the fact that the drug damages the membranes of fungal cells, according to reviews, it is considered one of the best antifungal agents. The cost of the medicine is about 80 rubles.
    2. Canison. The drug has fungistatic and fungicidal effects, the manifestation of which depends on the doses of the drug used. The following groups of fungi are sensitive to Canizon: dermatophytes, moldy fungi, blastomycetes and dysmorphic fungi, actinomycetes. The active ingredient inhibits the synthesis of molecules of the substance ergosterol, which is necessary for the formation of cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms. The price of the drug is on average from 75 rubles per pack.


    Before buying a drug, it is advisable to find out how much Clotrimazole costs, compare prices, choose the lowest one. You can order the drug in the online store according to the proposed catalog. The cost of Clotrimazole depends on several factors:

    • percentage of the active active substance;
    • clotrimazole concentrations;
    • nature and quality of additional ingredients;
    • manufacturer.


    But is it worth overpaying hard-earned money, because a wide range of effective and affordable medicines are on sale? One of these medicines is a pharmaceutical product called Clotrimazole. Today's article will be devoted to him.

    Let us consider in detail: what is clotrimazole ointment, instructions for use, indications for use, side effects, features of use in childhood, at breastfeeding.

    Clotrimazole is an ointment (cream) for external use with a pronounced antifungal effect. The base for the liniment is medical vaseline, thanks to which the prolonged effect of the drug is ensured. The treating, and concurrently, the main active ingredient is clotrimazole, an imidazole derivative.

    The synthesized antimycotic drug is used in the etiotropic therapy of infections of fungal etiology. The drug is characterized by a wide spectrum of action, and therefore must be in the first-aid kit.

    The action of the liniment is aimed at:
    • suppression of the activity of bacteria and fungi;
    • complete destruction of pathogenic microflora;
    • resistance to the components of the drug is not developed, even with prolonged use.

    Only a few strains of Candida are known to be inert to Clotrimazole.

    Pharmacological group and action

    Clotrimazole ointment is a non-hormonal drug belonging to the antifungal clinical and pharmacological group. The medication is used only externally. The antimycotic action is aimed at preventing the intensive growth, spread of fungal cells, suppression of vital processes.

    Clotrimazole acts on the membrane structure of the cell, increasing its permeability Mechanism of influence on pathogenic microflora:

    The final effect is determined by the dosage of the main component: a small concentration of clotrimazole prevents the development and spread of the fungus, and high doses of the same element destroy the fungal structure at the cellular level (fungicidal effect). The active substance affects the mitochondria of the fungus, disrupts the sequence of metabolic reactions, which leads to the saturation of cells with hydrogen peroxide. As a result, the cell dies very quickly.

    Clotrimazole is characterized by mild antibacterial activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

    Release form and composition

    To date, the drug is produced by several companies located both in Russia and abroad. The drug is sold in several dosage forms:

    • ointment (1%) - in aluminum tubes of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40 g, supplied in cardboard boxes;
    • gel (1%) - in aluminum tubes of 20 and 40 g, each of which is in a carton with instructions for use;
    • clotrimazole cream (1%)- in aluminum tubes of 15, 20, 30 and 50 g in cardboard packs indicating the date of production, composition and recommendations for application.

    Available for women vaginal suppositories and clotrimazole tablets, but we will devote a separate article to them, but today I would like to dwell in more detail on external agents. It is obvious that the listed dosage forms differ not only in packaging, but in components.

    The composition of preparations based on clotrimazole:

    Some pharmaceutical companies produce the drug in granular and powder form, but these are almost non-existent in pharmacies.

    Instructions for use clotrimazole cream

    The drug Clotrimazole involves exclusively external use, especially when it comes to antifungal therapy. In accordance with official instructions the cream is applied 2 to 3 times a day with a thin layer and followed by a uniform distribution of the composition on the affected areas of the body. Regardless of what the medication is used for, only dry and clean areas of the epidermis are processed.

    With serious and extensive fungal skin lesions, ulcers, the use of compresses based on a medicinal cream is indicated. This will saturate the dermis with a large amount of medication, quickly achieve the desired effect.

    The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the attending physician on an individual basis for each patient. Specific terms depend on the effectiveness of the drugs used, the localization of the disease, the severity of the course of the disease.

    Indications for use

    If you do not know what Clotrimazole ointment helps with, we recommend that you consult a dermatologist before use. The main purpose of the drug is the elimination of pathology and concomitant ailments of fungal etiology.

    The medication is prescribed for:

    The drug is also prescribed for pathologies accompanied by bacterial infection, purulent discharge. There are cases when, with the help of clotrimazole, streptoderma and herpes were effectively eliminated. Vaginally, the cream is used before delivery to sanitize the genital tract.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Liniment is characterized by exceptional tolerability human body. But the use of clotrimazole ointment should be avoided by those patients who have a history of such complications:

    • the body's tendency to allergic reactions (hypersensitivity, including skin integuments);
    • problems with the functioning of the liver;
    • the presence on the surface of the skin of unhealed or open wounds;
    • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    Adverse reactions with dosed local application of the drug are practically not observed. But they should not be completely ruled out. It is mainly about temporary allergic manifestations:

    • peeling of the epithelium;
    • slight tingling after applying the cream;
    • erythema;
    • swelling, burning and itching.

    To eliminate them, it is enough to refuse to use the ointment and wait from 6 to 48 hours, side effects do not require any treatment.

    Many women in the position manifest a pronounced thrush, which is quite expected. Often, during the first trimester, the medication in question is not prescribed. But if a fungal disease (we are talking not only about thrush, but also other fungal infections) is actively progressing, and other drugs are not effective, the doctor can take the appropriate risks.

    It is important to note that during pregnancy, Clotrimazole is one of the safest drugs, both for the body of the expectant mother and for the fetus in the womb. It is characterized by a local effect without entering the mainstream of the bloodstream.

    When breastfeeding a child, it is better for the mother to refuse to use the medicine, because. its effect on milk has not been studied. Some doctors suggest that the components of the ointment are able to penetrate into it, i.e. be transmitted to the breast.

    Application in childhood

    Despite the safety and high tolerability of the drug, clotrimazole is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. This is due to the lack of relevant clinical studies. However, on the appointment of a pediatrician and under his supervision, the use of liniment in short courses is allowed.

    Dosage and administration

    Many patients do not know how to use the medication to treat a particular ailment. Below are the universal ways of using the drug with an indication of the average doses for each procedure. Dermatologists focus on the need to continue therapy (for 1.5-2 weeks) in cases where the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared, the doctor cancels the ointment after the patient has completely recovered.

    • Fungal lesions genitals(thrush, etc. for men and women) - the affected areas of the skin are treated 2 to 3 times a day. The average dose is 1-2 mm ointment for external application. The composition is lightly rubbed into the problem area, underwear is worn only after it is completely absorbed into the skin. The duration of therapy is until the complete disappearance of painful symptoms.
    • Dermatomycosis - 1-3 mm ointment is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day. Treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks when it comes to versicolor- no more than 3 weeks.
    • Vaginal cream applied in a similar way. The optimal daily dosage for the skin and mucous membranes is 5 g / 1 pr. The frequency of repetition is 1 time per day. The duration of therapy is 3 days.

    The body of each person is individual, as well as the characteristics of the course of the pathology, and therefore it is important to coordinate each step with the doctor, strictly adhere to his recommendations, and comply with the prescribed doses.

    special instructions

    Before applying the medicinal product, it is necessary to read the instructions for use, which provides for a number of special instructions:

    • Clotrimazole gel according to the mechanism of action fully corresponds to the ointment, its main difference is a convenient form for treating hard-to-reach places. The gel is able to be evenly distributed and quickly absorbed into the skin.
    • Liniment is contraindicated in infants, during lactation it is better to refrain from using the agent in question.
    • When applying the composition, it is important to exclude contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, the adjacent area.
    • For the period of treatment of thrush, it is necessary to refrain from sexual relations for both partners.
    • The cream should not get into open wounds.

    If the slightest mistake is made when using the drug or an allergic reaction occurs, you should consult a doctor, and drug therapy stop.

    Every woman at least once in her life faced such a gynecological problem as candidiasis, or thrush. This disease brings a lot of discomfort and inconvenience and leaves behind rather unpleasant memories.

    Milkmaid is infection, which affects the mucous membrane of the genital organs in adults and the oral cavity in children. The disease develops against the background of weakened immunity, beriberi, obesity, diabetes and during pregnancy. Characteristic features of this disease is itching and curdled plaque of white color with an unpleasant odor. To treat this disease, it is necessary to select antifungal drugs. One of the most popular and effective medicines today is Clotrimazole ointment. With thrush of the genital organs, this medication is widely used in the form of vaginal tablets.

    This article will discuss how to use this drug correctly, what contraindications and side effects it has.


    This description and recommendations on how to use Clotrimazole for thrush can only be used as a source of information. The drug can only be prescribed qualified specialist after appropriate laboratory tests have been carried out and an accurate diagnosis has been established.

    The drug "Clotrimazole" - instructions

    With thrush, it is very important to choose the right medicine that contains an active ingredient that can act on a specific type of fungus that caused the problem. An imidazole derivative acts as an active ingredient in the Clotrimazole preparation. This substance has the ability to disrupt the synthesis of certain substances in the human body, in particular, it inhibits the formation of cell membranes of the causative agent of thrush. In other words, the drug simply prevents the disease from developing and kills the fungus.

    Purpose and form of release

    The drug "Clotrimazole" has a wide variety of forms of release. All these drugs are effective in the fight against mycotic diseases caused by a Candida type fungus in adults and children:

    What is the difference between ointment and cream? The difference lies in the special action. The ointment is more oily and is well suited in cases where one of the manifestations of thrush is dry skin and mucous membranes. If abundant curdled discharge is observed, it is better to give preference to a cream that will slightly dry the mucosal areas affected by the fungus. In each individual case, the attending physician will help determine the choice of the form of the drug.

    How does the drug work?

    The action of the drug "Clotrimazole" in thrush in women is due to the fact that the active ingredient in the composition of the drug destroys metabolic processes associated with ergosterol - the basis of the structure of fungi. As a result, the environment for pathogens becomes toxic, and they die.

    In addition to the Candida fungus, the active ingredient of the drug has an effect on the division of bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci, gardnerella and Trichomonas. But in relation to the formed microorganisms, the drug "Clotrimazole" is ineffective.

    Absorption of the drug through the skin and mucous membranes is only 3-10%. In the liver, in the process of transformation, it ceases to be active and is excreted from the body with feces. After using the drug, its presence in the body can be monitored for 2-3 days.

    Indications for appointment

    The use of "Clotrimazole" for thrush is always local. The active component of the product gives good result with the following diseases:

    • thrush;
    • skin fungus (trichophytosis, lichen);
    • bacterial infections (streptoderma, pyoderma);
    • foot fungus (onychomycosis, paronychia, interdigital fungus);
    • trichomoniasis.

    Instructions for use of this tool clearly describes how the drug should be used.

    Each of the forms of release of the drug has its own characteristics of use:

    Before using Clotrimazole, it is imperative to perform hygiene procedures. For the toilet of the external genital organs during the period of illness, products with a neutral PH should be used so as not to damage the mucous membrane even more. During the treatment period, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets, as well as spicy and fatty foods.

    Contraindications for use

    The drug is strictly prohibited for people with impaired liver function, since it is she who is involved in the process of removing the drug from the body. It is also undesirable to use it in pathologies of hematopoietic organs, including iron deficiency anemia. The drug "Clotrimazole" is not prescribed to children under six years of age. A contraindication is also sensitivity to the components in the composition of the product.

    Overdose and negative effect

    If the recommended doses are exceeded, allergic reactions to Clotrimazole may develop. Tablets for thrush are used only vaginally; when taken internally, nausea, vomiting and stomach pain are inevitable. Under such conditions, it is necessary to do a flush.

    When using Clotrimazole (ointment) for thrush, irritations on the skin and mucous membranes can be observed, up to swelling and redness, which may be accompanied by itching and pain. These phenomena cannot be ignored, and in case of adverse reactions, you should immediately consult a doctor and stop taking the drug "Clotrimazole" for thrush.

    Being one of the most effective antifungal drugs, Clotrimazole is prescribed for complex treatment various skin infections caused by overgrowth of Corynebacterium minutissimum and Malassezia furfur. Having a simple method of application and a significant content of the active substance in the preparation, Clotrimazole is well tolerated by patients even with high sensitivity and has a small number of contraindications for use.

    In the article, we will consider instructions for use, price, analogues of Clotrimazole and reviews of doctors and patients about it.

    Features of the drug

    This drug has the greatest effect in the development of diseases caused by molds, yeast fungi, as well as dermatophytes and other pathogens that are sensitive to the effects of clotrimazole, the active substance of the drug.

    For information on what Clotrimazole is, see the video below:

    Composition of Clotrimazole

    The main active ingredient is clotrimazole, which contains 10 mg per 1 g of the product (meaning the conversion to dry matter 100%). Auxiliary components include the following components:

    • polyethylene glycol cetostearyl ether;
    • propylene glycol;
    • cetostearyl alcohol;
    • polyethylene glycol 400;
    • proxanol 268.

    Externally, the drug is an ointment that has White color, homogeneous consistency, with a slight specific medicinal smell.

    Dosage forms

    On sale, the drug is offered in the form of aluminum tubes with bushes, which have an internal varnish coating, which has a permit for use. A tube with a leaflet describing the composition and method of application is in a carton box.

    Clotrimazole is also sold in the following forms:

    • vaginal tablets having appearance a parallelepiped with slightly rounded corners. They contain 100 mg of the active substance. There are 6 of them in a blister;
    • ointment (cream), having a white color and a uniform consistency, for outdoor use. The active substance in the ointment is 10 mg per 1 g of ointment. The ointment is packaged in tubes of 30 g, 20 g. Vaginal cream 2% is offered in tubes of 50 g;
    • solution used also for outdoor use. The solution (1%) is packaged in orange bottles and their volume can be 15 or 30 ml.

    The cost of the drug may vary: vaginal pharmacies offer tablets at a price of 35 to 60 rubles. A solution of various volumes - at a price of 96 to 123 rubles per bottle, and an ointment - also, depending on the volume of the tube, at a price of 180-215 rubles.

    pharmachologic effect

    A feature of Clotrimazole should be considered its rapid penetration into the upper layer of the epidermis and the immediate onset of exposure to yeast fungi. At the same time, the rate of reproduction of fungi is sharply limited, the possibility for their further spread is reduced, and improvements in the condition of the skin appear.


    Clotrimazole, penetrating the skin within 30-45 minutes after its application, destroys the cell membranes of fungi, preventing absorption nutrients from the environment. Without a negative effect on the composition of the blood, the drug penetrates into all layers of the epidermis and adversely affects the colonies of Corynebacterium minutissimum and Malassezia furfur.


    Due to the rapid rate of absorption of the active substance of the drug into the skin, the most rapid effect on the cause of the disease occurs: the skin is cleansed, its surface is leveled and functions are restored.

    Excretion of the decay products of the drug is carried out by the kidneys. Negative effects on the body during absorption of the product in the absence of increased sensitivity of the skin to the components of Clotrimazole have not been identified.

    The active substance can penetrate the tissues of the placenta and enter the body of the fetus, for this reason, careful administration of Clotrimazole during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected is required. Pregnant women can use the drug in the case where its benefit outweighs the likely negative effects on the fetus. When breastfeeding, Clotrimazole is prescribed as needed; before feeding, the mammary glands should be thoroughly wiped to avoid getting the drug into the body of the newborn.

    From what, besides the fungus, Clotrimazole helps, this video will tell:


    Clotrimazole is prescribed for many lesions of the upper layer of the skin. Due to the high activity of the active substance, it has a rapid effect on the foci of infection and a noticeable improvement in the skin condition after 1.5-2 weeks from the start of the application.

    The drug is prescribed if available the following diseases and states:

    • skin infections, which are caused by mold, yeast and other fungi, as well as dermatophytes and other types of pathogens;
    • diseases that have arisen in the layers of the skin under the influence of excessive active breeding it contains Corynebacterium minutissimum (erythrasma) and Malassezia furfur (colorful);
    • for the treatment of inflammation,;
    • during treatment.

    Usually, the drug is recommended by a dermatologist, who, when drawing up a treatment regimen, takes into account general state organism, the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, however, Clotrimazole is sold in pharmacies without the need for a prescription, which allows it to be used in the presence of severe skin lesions on its own. In this case, it is mandatory to carefully study the attached instructions.


    Before using the antifungal drug in question, the surface of the affected skin should be thoroughly cleaned using soap and plenty of water. The pH value must be neutral. After that, dry the skin and apply ointment (cream) to the affected areas, which is evenly distributed over it. The amount of ointment depends on the area of ​​the lesion.

    After application, the ointment should be rubbed lightly: this will allow it to be absorbed faster and increase the degree of exposure to the active substance. The first manifestations of improvement in the skin condition usually begin to appear after 1.5-2 weeks from the start of treatment. Also, the final effect depends on the degree of skin damage and its susceptibility to the active substance.

    After the appearance of the first manifestations of improvement, it is recommended to continue using the drug for another two weeks to consolidate the effect obtained.

    Depending on the type of disease, the duration of treatment is also prescribed:

    • with multi-colored lichen, the ointment is used for 1-3 weeks;
    • with dermatomycosis of various origins - 3-4 weeks;
    • in the treatment of erythrasma, 2.5-4 weeks of Clotrimazole is usually sufficient.

    If a pronounced improvement in the skin condition does not occur after 4 weeks of continuous use of the drug, you should inform the dermatologist about this and make adjustments to the proposed treatment regimen.

    In the presence of impaired liver or kidney function, the applied dose of the drug used does not change.


    • excessive sensitivity to active substance drug or to its other components should be considered contraindications to the use of Clotrimazole.
    • Also, some caution should be observed when prescribing the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

    Side effects

    to the most frequent side effects when using clotrimazole usually include:

    special instructions

    Pregnancy and lactation are special cases in which it is necessary to exercise special care when prescribing clotrimazole. When manifested more good for a pregnant woman, than the negative effect of the drug on the fetus, clotrimazole can be prescribed, but you should always be under the supervision of a doctor.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Strengthening the antifungal effect of elevated concentrations of propyl ester of hydroxybenzoic acid allows the use of these substances together without reducing the effect of exposure. However, Clotrimazole lowers the degree of exposure to nystatin, amphotericin, natamycin.

    When using Clotrimazole in significant concentrations on the affected areas of the skin, it increases the degree of its effectiveness.

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