Watch what good ointments from deprived. Effective ointment from man deprived

Lishe - infectious diseaseFrom which it is difficult to get rid of. For treatment easy Stage It is recommended to use external means in the form of ointments or spray. For running process A comprehensive treatment is shown.

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What ointment is treated

Lishe - this is a disease that affects skin miscellaneous Heads. The patient notes the appearance of a strong itching, spots on the skin, soreness. Without adequate therapy, pathology goes into the chronicle, the likelihood of recurrence increases.

Relief from losing provides comprehensive measures, which is an important component of which is the course use of local drugs: cream, gel, ointment. The medication is brewing with an obligatory study of the form of depriving, the neglence of the disease.

In addition, during therapy, it is necessary to take into account the root causes of development deprived, to fight primarily with them. The predisposing factors may be a decrease in immune protection, overvoltage of the nervous system, chronic bowel disease.

Everything modern drugs From deprived, allergic reactions and other unwanted consequences rarely provoke allergic reactions.

The most effective ointment from the man deprived in humans is the one that is selected, taking into account the diagnosis of concomitant pathologies and the state of the patient's body.

Ointment from pink losing

Pink deprived is not infectious disease, Up to today, medicine cannot establish the causes of pathology.

There is a theory that the causative agent of this type of destruction in humans is a specific herpes virus.

Treatment involves the use of ointments from deprived.

The born-zinc, antihistamine, glucocorticosteroid, antimicrobial means is used.

Zinc Liniment

Antiseptic ointment boric acid and zinc oxide. The drug is applied to the damaged areas of the skin twice a day with a thin layer. There are contraindications for use, for example, children's age up to two years. Nursing women are forbidden to apply ointment on the mammary glands.


This ointment is an antihistamine, produced in the form of a gel. The drug eliminates the symptoms of allergies:

  • swelling;
  • redness.

After applying the ointment on the skin affected by depriving, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight. During the day, the agent is used not more than 4 times. Contraindications include children's age up to 1 year, lactation period.


Another effective means used for pink delay, it organically combines substances aimed at combating an inflammatory process, an allergic reaction, pathogenic microorganisms.

Sinallar should be applied 2-3 times a day, thoroughly rubbed into the affected skin. On top you need to impose a bandage. Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, children up to 1 year.

Lorinden A.

Combined cream from deprived, affecting: anti-allergic, anti-lobby, disinfection, anti-inflammatory.

To eliminate damping, the treatment is carried out several times a day, the means are applied by a thin layer. So that the drug does not pack clothes and better worked, on top of the ointment you can make bandages from a bandage or a cut of gauze.

Mazi from the rings

A ringless deprived may appear on the scalp and body parts, where the hair does not grow. Treatment of such forms of pathology involves the use of various means.

If a ringless detection is revealed on the head, before starting therapy, it is recommended to produce hair disinfection. In the list good tools Alcohol or iodine solutions were entered: vocadin, uoddicerin, nitropungin, sulfur ointment.

The treatment is not limited to the use of external means, additionally take antifungal pills.


Coocadine is made on the basis of the iodine tincture, gives an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. The drug is applied to the affected areas according to the instructions for use. It is impossible to treat under states:

  1. the pathology of the thyroid gland;
  2. pregnancy of any term;
  3. children's age up to 6 years.


This solution is a full-fledged drug against fungal infection. It is allowed to use as an independent means or complement by other ointments against deprivation.

During the day, infected parts of the body are treated at least 3-4 times, the optimal course of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks. Regarding possible adverse Reactions It is necessary to consult with the attending physician.


Made on the basis of substance terbinafin, works well against the rings, red and other types of man. It is necessary to closely monitor the dosage of the medicine, avoid excessive application.

Sulfuric ointment

Cheap I. available tool, It has a disinfecting effect, effectively fights with deprive. Ointment:

  • does not have contraindications;
  • does not give adverse reactions of the body.

Before use, the affected area is treated with iodine solution.


Cream against fungal infection is allowed to use during pregnancy. Application is carried out on purified skin, it is recommended to apply twice a day, a thin layer. There are no contraindications, but before the treatment of young children, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, a dermatologist.

Mazi from red flat deprived

The diagram of the treatment of red depends on the degree and the form of the aless. This species Diseases affects not only skin cover, it can cover mucous membranes oral cavity and genital organs.

Symptoms that manifests the skin must be treated with complex.

For external use, the use of hormonal ointments is shown. Treatment is complemented by the reception of vitamin complexes, biologically active additives and drugs for improving immune protection.

Prednisolonal ointment

A course of treatment:

  • for adult patients, the course of treatment lasts up to 14 days;
  • for children, reduced to 7 days.

Prednisolone ointment should not be used for women during breastfeeding and pregnancy.


The antifungal drug acts well even with a launched delay, adult patients are prescribed 2 times a day, a course - 2 weeks. Children, older than two years, ointment apply 1 time per day. For children under 14, Flutsinar cannot be applied to the skin of the face. The restriction is also becoming a post-period, a pregnancy of a small term.


Hormonal ointment eliminates manifestations of red deprivation, hyperemia and itching. The duration of therapy is not more than 14 days, while the treatment is carried out 1-3 times a day.

Contraindications doctors call:

  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland.

It is forbidden to apply the drug to large areas skin Pokrov, Especially sensitive places: skin folds, face.


Another hormonal ointment recommended for the treatment of adult patients. The possibility of applying for children is negotiated with the doctor individually. The course of treatment lasts from 10 to 12 days, on the affected areas, you can apply a bandage.

If the patient was diagnosed with a wart-shaped form of a red deprivation, he will additionally appoint a sulfur ointment for treatment.


The harpes virus affecting the nerve endings becomes the cause of the liner.

On the skin of the rib nerves, it is easy to see small papulese rashes, inside which there is a liquid.

Over time, rash turn into crusts.

Skin manifestations are treated with external means.


In the ointment, the ointment is applied with a thin layer 3-4 times a day, the proposed dosage is suitable for the treatment of patients of any age. If necessary, treatment baby accurate dosage Determine individually. Contraindication can only be the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the means.


It is made in the form of a liniment, applied to the Herpes affected by the virus at least 3 times a day. Some patients do not exclude intolerance.


Basic active substance - Okomonazole. Ointment is allowed to use for the treatment of children over 5 years old, adult patients. The drug is applied to the affected areas 1-2 times during the day, but it is forbidden to process:

  1. too large sections of cover;
  2. mucous membranes;
  3. skin folds.

When pregnancy, the possibility of using ointments must be negotiated with the doctor. On top of the ointment, apply any dressings is prohibited.

Ointment from the desert

The deceive is also called multicolored, beach, spotted.

The causative agent of the disease is fungus, it affects the top layer of the epidermis, inhibits the production of melatonin. As a result, the patient on the skin appears bellic stains, alternating with dark areas of covers.

Antifungal drugs are used to treat, in particularly severe cases, there are no diseases without oral antimicose agents.


Active substance - . The drug is applied to the affected areas with a thin layer, the multiplicity of application and the duration of the course always depends on the severity of the violation. In the pharmacy you can also purchase other forms of the drug, such as shampoo.


Rubbed into the skin 1-2 times a day. To get rid of the fungus and prevent its further distribution, when applied, it is recommended to go out of the contour for several centimeters.

Treatment continues until the complete disappearance of all signs of the disease, to consolidate the resulting result, the ointment continues to use for another 12 days.


The drug-based drug is sold in the form of cream and shampoo, with both essentially applied with equal efficiency. The choice depends on the location of the foci of pathology.

Cream is applied 2 times a day, the optimal rate of at least three weeks. If the disease manifested itself on the skin of the head, the shampoo is also used. Both types of means are allowed to apply during pregnancy, lactation.


This ointment from the lesheev on the skin of a person consists immediately of several components:

  • clotrimazole;
  • gentamicin;
  • betamethazone dipropionate.

Clotrimazole inhibits pathogenic microorganisms and fungi, gentamicin removes inflammatory processThe dipropionate removes inflammation, itching. The medicine is applied 2 times a day, ideally strictly every 12 hours. Course duration from 3 to 4 weeks.

When infection, deprive is a timely formulation of an accurate diagnosis. With incorrectly selected therapy, the disease continues to progress, enters the chronic form, complications are developing.

For each variety, lingually select certain therapy, since pathology can be caused by various pathogens, in different ways to proceed. Betting make on medicationsActivated against certain fungi.

Doctors emphasize that self-medication should be avoided. If you occur on the skin or on the head of suspicious rashes, you need to contact the dermatologist and go through full diagnostics organism, pass:

  1. blood;
  2. samples from the skin;
  3. urine.

It must be remembered that some forms are damaged, surrounding people may suffer from infection. Therefore, we should not neglect visits to the doctor and high-quality treatment. If the ointment of depriving for children is used, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the doctor.

If a few weeks later, there are no positive dynamics of the disease after the beginning of the course, there is no wound healing, you should contact the doctor to revise the therapy scheme, changes in the prescribed dosage of the medication.

How to cook ointment at home?

For the treatment of doctors allow the recipes folk Medicine. There are many ways to make home money. Many of them provide for the use of Mazi Vishnevsky, healing plants with anti-grapple effect.

Positive reviews received ointment from sunflower oil. A large spoon of the product is heated in a water bath, impregnate your cotton disk, apply to the affected place and keep how much it turns out. When unpleasant symptoms appear, the oil is washed off, otherwise burns may appear.

Cook medical agent From depriving you can from propolis. It will be necessary to intervene 20 g of product from 100 g butter. The mass is heated in a water bath, they insist during the day, used by intended.

Powerful antifungal action It has sea buckthorn butter, mixed with children's cream:

  • ointment applies twice a day;
  • the duration of therapy is selected individually.

No less effective is garlic, it is crushed on the grater, stirred with honey to homogeneous mass. The mixture is evenly distributed over the skin with deprive, optimally continue treatment for three weeks.

Similar antifungal properties have simply garlic if you rub it into the affected areas. Then several hours can not soak the skin, swim. Garlic ointments contribute to restoring healthy skin for several applications.

The veterinary ointment of Yam-1 also will also help in the treatment, she struggles with the degrading in animals and people. In the composition of the medication is present active substances With a fungicidal property: tar, turpentine, sulfur, zinc oxide.

In addition to an excellent antifungal effect, the prevention of the attachment of a bacterial infection is carried out, the reduction of the itch during rashes. The tool does not provoke irritation, sensitization. Thanks to the fat basis, the ointment is easily applied, it quickly helps to cope with ailment:

  1. waving deprive;
  2. tricoephyte;
  3. dermatomicosis.

At home, patients are allowed to use ointment cooked personally from ordinary aspirin. The tablet of the drug is crushed to the powder state, mixed with alcohol to a homogeneous mass. The ointment is applied to the skin, it is fixed on top of the plaster. With an impetuizable delicate symptoms of the disease, after a few days later.

However, the recipe also has contraindications. So, the remedy is forbidden to apply on the head of the head. Otherwise, hair can become brittle, dry, will begin to sneeze. It is not recommended to use ointment on sensitive skin, as this may cause allergic rashes.

- This is a skin disease that wears allergy-infectious character. The reasons and nature of its appearance have not yet been studied to the end. This disease is also found under the names of Roseola Peeling and Pitiriasis. Diverse, both with the help of ointments and using tablets.

Pink deprived manifest pink spotsthat appear on different parts of the body. They have a different diameter, sometimes more than two centimeters. Spots strong itchy and peel. After some time, a stain acquires a yellowish tint.

Effective medication from this disease is not yet invented. Spots pass independently after some time. However, since they will strongly scratch and deliver discomfort, the ointment of the pink deprived in humans is widely used, the names of which will look further.

Than to treat pink deprive in humans - ointment

With pink delay assign corticosteroid ointmentThey help to remove itching and irritation. What ointment use with pink lichen?

Pink deprived of man treatment with ointment acrider

This ointment must be applied twice a dayBy applying it to damaged skin areas. The duration of treatment is individual. If after two weeks it does not occur, it is necessary to change the treatment scheme.

It is impossible to use the tool to children up to two years, with tuberculosis, skin manifestations of syphilis, wind SpapOpen wounds.

Sulfur ointment with pink lisp

This ointment prevents the development of microbes. In addition, she reduces inflammation. It is necessary to apply it 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts until complete elimination of lichen spots. Often sulfur ointment combine salicylic acid and birch tar.

Salicyl ointment from pink depriving on the body

This tool has antiseptic, drinking, as well as anti-inflammatory Property. It is applied twice a day for damaged skin areas. It is necessary to use it until complete cure. Usually, after a couple of days, the spots lingher pale and merge with the skin in color. Preparation, despite its effectiveness, is very accessible at a price.

This ointment cannot be used in the treatment of children up to 1 year, with renal failure and hypersensitivity.

Sinaflanian ointment with pink delay

It is used in the treatment of pink, as well as red flat deprived. This tool can be used. for the treatment of children from 2 years. Ointment is used by several courses 1 week.

Zinc ointment from pink losing

Ointment is rendered anti-inflammatory and drinking action. Promotes skin regeneration, quickly eliminates traces of deprivation. Its undoubted plus is low price. It is necessary to apply the tool on the skin quite often - up to 6 times a day.

Ointment unider with pink delay

The drug has anti-inflammatory and anti-face Property. It follows it once a day. You can apply this ointment for young children. Contraindication These are the following diseases: tuberculosis, syphilis, fungal and bacterial infection. It should not be used for this ointment during pregnancy and lactation.

Treatment of pink male clotrimazole

The principle of action of ointments in violation of the life of fungiThe destruction of their membrane. Apply this means to pre-cleaned skin. It is applied by a thin layer and rub twice a day. The course of treatment is enough long, it usually lasts from 3 to 4 weeks. Among side Effects There are swelling, formation of blisters, redness.

You can use Histan ointment when pink delay

Histan ointment is used to treat inflammation and itch in dermatosis. You can also use this ointment against pink deprivation. Apply the tool is necessary once a day. The course of treatment can be from week to month. If in two weeks it is not visible to improve, treatment is worth stopping.

Ointment from pink depriving for children

Pink deprived in children, the treatment of ointments is carried out preparations with natural composition. Among the existing components should be iodine, sulfur, salicylic acid, tar, sulfur. These substances have antimicrobial and soothing effects as well do not cause serious allergic reactions.

Before you decide which ointment to smear pink deprived of the child, consult your doctor.

Do not use folk remedies or engage in self-medication, in childhood Such experiments are dangerous.

What ointment is needed from pink depriving during pregnancy

In case of disease, pink deprived during pregnancy is possible application comprehensive treatment . In addition to tablets, doctors are most often prescribed various ointments. Among them are the safest funds based on zinc: zinc ointment, salicyl zinc paste, Sudokra with zinc.

Pink deprived is a skin disease having an infectious and allergic nature. A person has spotted rashes on the skin. Papulas have pink color. Initially, a single large papule is formed with a diameter of more than 2 cm, then multiple peeling rashes of small size appear.

Pink deprived often occurs with weak immune defense and walled diseases. Infection is not infection. It is predominantly sick of people in age group 10-35 years. When treating, it is recommended to use ointment from pink delay.

Today, will tell about the 11 most effective means.

Advantages and disadvantages of local drugs

The use of compositions for therapy of skin diseases has pros and cons.

Benefits of local means disadvantages
Easy use. It is enough just to apply a cream or ointment on the affected skin. Leave traces on underwear and clothing.
A wide selection of local drugs from pink deprivation. Can only be used within the framework of integrated therapy along with oral medications.
The provision of only local exposure without negative impact on the internal organs. Hormonal ointments are able to negatively affect the state internal organs And require careful use.
Widespread action of local drugs. They provide both anti-face and regenerating, anti-inflammatory and anti-refective effects. A number of local means with hormones are addictive. After the cessation of their use, the person is repeatedly possible to relapse pink deprivation.
Fast action. Symptomatics passes after a few days after the use of ointment.
The lack of cancellation syndrome and addiction after the termination of local means.

Mazi safer most preparations in the form of tablets for young children and pregnant women. Some of them can be used by the specified category of individuals without the risk of side effects.

Top 11 best local means

Below are the names of ointments from the pink damping, most effective in the treatment of this disease:

  • Salicyl ointment;
  • Lamizil;
  • Acrider;
  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Hydrocortisal ointment;
  • Synaflane;
  • Flucinar;
  • Tsindol;
  • Lorinden;
  • Unorders.

What ointment to treat the disease in children and pregnant women, the doctor solves individually. Special local funds have been developed for these patients.

Salicyl ointment

The base component serves salicylic acid. It is impossible to use a mixture with renal failure and a tendency to allergies to its components. Salicyl ointment is contraindicated to children under the year. When applying the composition, the appearance of burning, skin rashes.

The average cost of the mixture is 30-50 rubles.


The preparation contains terbinafin, as well as three types of alcohols: benzyl, stearlic, cetylovy. Cream is applied to the skin twice a day. Therapy means should last at least 14 days.

This cream from pink deprived contraindicated people:

  • with intolerance;
  • with liver pathologies;
  • with a fence in the work of the kidneys.

Cream can only use children over 12 years old. When applying laminisis, reactions are possible in the form of thrombocytopenia, headaches, deterioration of taste and appetite, diarrhea, nausea, pain in the abdomen, urticaria, muscle and articular pain.

The cost of the cream is on average 540-600 rubles.


This mixture contains betamethasone with dipropionate. The drug refers to glucocorticosteroids local application. It is enough to apply the vehicle once a day. Therapy the drug lasts 14-28 days.

Acreteers are contraindicated with wind pump. It is forbidden to use ointment under the skin tuberculosis and syphilis, trophic ulcers, herpes, vulgar echs. The tool can not be prescribed to women with lactation, as well as children under year. It is forbidden to apply the drug on open skin wounds.

The specified ointment from the pink depriving a person can provoke burning, folliculitis, acne, dermatitis and irritation. Prolonged use of the tool can lead to the appearance of PURPUR, secondary infections and Paders. Atrophy of individual sections of the skin surface are not excluded.

The price of the drug in pharmacies is 93-250 rubles.

Sulfuric ointment

It is allowed to use in the treatment of pink degrading in humans, ointments based on sulfur. This local agent also includes soft paraffin and mineral oils. It is allowed to apply a mixture to three times a day. Therapy is recommended to be carried out along with other drugs within 5 days.

The composition is contraindicated to children under 3 years of age and people with allergies to its components. After use, the means is possible an allergic manifestation in the form of itching, burning.

The cost of the drug fluctuates in the range 38-50 rubles.

Zinc ointment

The tool includes zinc and vaseline oxide. Doctors definitely answer the question whether it is possible to smear zinc ointment Skin areas affected by pink deprivation. The tool is safe and does not contain toxic inclusions. It can be used up to 6 times a day.

The mixture cannot be used with allergies to its components and in cases of presence on the skin of glasses and inflammation. The use of the means can provoke a rash with redness and itching.

To achieve a better anti-inflammatory and healing effect, it is recommended to choose a sulfur-zinc ointment. The cost of the drug is 36-40 rubles.

Hydrocortisian ointment

The remedy contains hydrocortisone acetate, which is a glucocorticosteroid. Apply the composition is recommended no more than two times a day. Treatment lasts 7-14 days. The means is contraindicated with open skin infections. It is also not prescribed for tuberculosis and manifestations of syphilis.

It is impossible to assign a mixture with children under 2 years of age. It is forbidden to apply it on ulcers and open wounds. Also the drug is contraindicated in tumor processes on the skin.

The use of the composition can provoke swelling, jewelry rash, redness with itching. Long use It is fraught with atrophy of skin sites, the development of secondary infections and the formation of scars.

The price of funds fluctuates in the area 30-80 rubles.


Ointment contains fluocinolone. The drug is also glucocorticosteroid. Sinaflane is applied to the skin with a small layer. You can use the composition no more than two times a day. The total duration of therapy is 1-2 weeks.

Sinaflane is contraindicated in trophic ulcers, pregnancy, baby feeding breasts, skin tuberculosis, extensive psoriasis and pink acne. The mixture is not used to treat children.

The use of the means can lead to folliculite, skin atrophy, changing pigmentation. With an extensive application of the composition, reactions in the form of gastritis, development sugar diabetes and steroid-type stomach ulcers, reducing immunity, raising blood pressure.

The price of the drug is equal 60 rubles.


The tool contains fluocinolone. The mixture is applied with a thin layer. Against pink deprived applied twice a day for one or two weeks. The tool is not appointed to children under 2 years old. It is contraindicated in pregnancy, skin tumors and acne. It is impossible to use it with a tendency to allergies.

The composition can provoke such side manifestations such as skin atrophy, exacerbation of the symptoms of pink deprivation. Flutsinar is able to worsen healing wounds.

The cost of ointment is 216-260 rubles.


The means contains zinc oxide and applies to 6 times a day. Treatment to them lasts 5-30 days. The mixture is contraindicated only to people with intolerance to its components. After its application, allergic manifestations are not excluded, redness with rash.

Mazi price from 56 to 86 rubles.


The ointment contains two components. One of them floechtomazone, the second - salicylic acid. The composition is used within 1-2 weeks 2-3 times per day. The mixture is contraindicated in leather tuberculosis and syphilis. It is also impossible to use it in the presence of tumors on the skin and acne.

Before treating Pink Lisha Lorinden, it is necessary to learn possible side effects From its application. Against the background of therapy may occur dry skin, itching with burning. Skin atrophy and impaired pigmentation are not excluded.

Cost of mix 380-520 rubles.


The drug contains mobazone. Ointment is applied once a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. The means is contraindicated in syphilis, as well as tuberculosis and the dermatitis of the perioral type. It is impossible to assign a mixture to pregnant and children under six months. Also, the drug is not used when breastfeeding and after vaccinations.

The use of unorder in adults can provoke irritation and skin itch. Folliculitis are not excluded, skin atrophy and acne. Also can appear. Mazi price 130-160 rubles.

Mazi allowed for children

The safest ointment from pink delay, which does not cause a child side manifestations, is Tsindol. It can be prescribed even to infants. Acreteers and salicyl ointment can be used in children older than the year.

Units are permitted for use by children, starting from 6 months. Children from two years fond against fluutinar.

Mazi allowed for pregnant women

This category of patients pink deprived may not be treated with local means, since the disease passes independently. It is possible to appoint local drugs only by a doctor and with highly pronounced discomfort.

Extremely rarely and with caution can be used corticosteroids of non-action (hydrocortisone ointment).

The most secure and best ointment from pink depriving for pregnant women is zinc. It is characterized by the smallest list of contraindications. It is less toxic.


The list of local agents intended for the treatment of pink deprived, wide. The greatest efficiency is the compositions containing zinc, salicylic acid, hormones and sulfur. Caution should be used tools that include glucocorticosteroids.

Read more about the treatment of pink delay you can read.

Mazi from deprived is considered one of the most effective means capable of eliminating pathogens of the disease. Under this pathology, several diseases of the skin of fungal and viral nature are meant. The selection of the medication is carried out taking into account the species deprived. Only in this way it is possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and prevent their appearance in the future.

Article Article:

Basic principles of therapy

The treatment diagram is selected individually and largely depends on the type of disease.

The incorrectly chosen drug is able to lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic form and eliminate it will be much more complicated.

List the best masses From losing consists of the following medicines:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Terbinefin;
  • Salicyl ointment;
  • Myxolon;
  • Bifonazole;
  • Isocanazole;
  • Sulfuric ointment.

Sometimes against the background of using these funds, allergic reactions are noted, redness of the skin and itching.

At the launched stage of the disease, it is resorted to the purpose of hormone-based ointments. They possess high degree Efficiency and do not cause addiction. Among the most common among them, Flutsinar and Sinalar are distinguished.

It is noted that therapy using medicines of the hormonal group does not always give the desired result. In some cases, the situation is only aggravated. For this reason, it is allowed to use them only under strict medical control.

When the pink is detected, antibiotic means in the form of ointments are prescribed.

Most often resort to the use of ELETERIN. Therapy with its use is advisable in the presence of rash infected with bacteria.

The positivity of treatment at the same time constitutes a maximum of a couple of weeks.

Some funds are contraindicated to children. It is possible to get rid of the disease by using salicyl or sulfur ointment. These medicines have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, and they are based on solely natural components.

Inexpensive ointment for a person with pink lichen

The feature of the pink losing is that even in the absence of treatment of its symptoms, after a couple of months, they disappear.

For this reason, therapy pursues two goals. First of all, it is eliminated by itching.

In addition, an obstacle is created for the penetration of secondary infection.

There are the following effective drugs For treatment deprived:

  • Etietin;
  • Cylintol;
  • Sulfur-kettyar;
  • Sulfur salicyl.

With these means, the epithelium is dry, disinfected, and itching becomes less tangible. In some cases, they resort to the use of hormonal drugs.

They are prescribed, as a rule, with a strong itching:

  • Silanar;
  • Lassar;
  • Lorinden A;
  • Fluchin.

Independently to select the medication is categorically prohibited. All drugs must be appointed by a doctor.

Mazi from ringing and rounded deprivation

The reason for the development of pathologies of these varieties is a fungus. Accordingly, the therapy scheme implies the use of antifungal agents:

With an impressive scale, lesions are resorted to the use of hormonal agents capable of rapidly eliminating unpleasant symptoms and the pathogenic microorganisms themselves.


The appearance of depriving this species is due to activation in the body of herpesvirus. Accordingly, in the process of therapy, antiviral and anticherifications are used.

The overwhelming majority of medicines that provide effective in the fight against this disease contain in their composition such a substance as acyclovir.

The most popular of them are the following:

Mazi is applied to the skin until six times a day.

The active substance at the same time penetrates the cells affected by infection, destroys the virus and prevents the infection of other tissues. If the condition worsens, the therapy is not stopped. Only thus manages to achieve a strong result.

Heavy form of pathology can be heal by applying corticosteroids fluutinars, synalar or synaphlanis. Courses of their use are short. Preparations of this group are able to provoke epithelium atrophy.

If the disease is accompanied by neuralgic pain syndrome, then assigning ointments with an anesthesia effect. Among the main of them, ketoprofen and ibuprofen are distinguished. The Gel Panavir, which has an antiviral effect and promoting the activation of the body's protective forces at the local level is also effective.

It can also be used. antiviral agentlike a Merz Wir. With it, it is possible to eliminate characteristic of pathology clinical manifestations, reduce the timing of the flow of the exacerbation period and speed up the process of recovery. It is applied to foot cover up to five times a day for five days.

Mazi from red flat deprived

As a rule, this pathology proceeds in chronic form and is characterized by periodic periodic periods of exacerbation. Often, in the process of therapy, the drugs are used by the form of ointments. These can be funds based on sea buckthorn oil or nutta but the most the best results It is possible to achieve when using medicines, which contains hormonal steroids:

During local treatment others are also used hormonal agentsproviding such an action:

  • Hydrocortisone. Apply ointment on the affected sections of the epithelium up to three times during the day;
  • Prednisolone. Skin is processed by means of no more than three times a day;
  • Flumetazone. Sufficiently double applying during the day;
  • Triamcinolone. Skin covers are processed twice a day.

Regardless of which the drug of the hormonal group was chosen, it is categorically prohibited to apply its long period. Therapy is carried out only by short courses. Due to this, it is possible to avoid the development of unwanted consequences.

One tool suitable for the treatment of all varieties does not exist. It is primarily due to the fact that the nature of the development of these diseases is significantly different. However, after the formulation of an accurate diagnosis of difficulties with the selection of ointments does not arise.

There are many inexpensive and effective means that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms and suppress the activity of pathology pathogen. The main thing is not to resort to self-medication. All drugs must be appointed by a doctor.

Lishe - the term used to designate the diseases of the skin, which are characterized by the appearance of elements of rash or inflammatory stains Papul. During deprivation, skin leshes occurs.

Depending on the type of disease, the color of the races is changing, their intensity and localization in the body sections.

Before treating depriving a person, it is necessary to establish its variety and pathogen.

Types of linga

A person may have deprived of the following varieties:

  • Pink. Caused viral infections.
  • Streaming. Defeating of the skin of fungal infection.
  • Shing. It occurs when infected with some viruses.
  • Color. Founded and multicolored. Provoke fungi.
  • Red. It has unclear etiology.
  • Scaly or psoriasis. The exact causes of the appearance are not installed.
  • Asbestoid. The causative agent is fungus.

The most dangerous are deprived of viruses caused by viruses. They quickly apply to the body, and the treatment takes for a long time And it does not always end successfully. Such species suffer from people with weakened immunity. Get rid of damping caused by fungi, is also not easy and takes a lot of time.

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is required to visit a specialist who will identify the causative agent of the disease and will prescribe effective medicines.


Therapy includes ointment:

  • Sinalar.
  • Flucinar.
  • Lorinden A.

The answer to the question is whether it is possible to wet pink deprive, positive, but, taking water treatments, It is necessary to use soft cosmetics that do not drown the skin. In addition, it is impossible to use washcloths or sponges that can injure problem areas.

Treatment scheme often includes anticherine preparations:

  • Acyclovir.
  • Vallerklovir.
  • Zovirax.

The human body can not always resist the viruses independently, and antiviral therapy and immunomodulatory agents are applied to support it. Such serious drugs are appointed exclusively by the doctor, depending on the individual characteristics and condition of the body.

Treatment of shingling linga - video


What is color, branched and multicolored deprive and how to treat it? This is one kind of depriving, which arises due to the infection of the fungus. She does not constitute any threat to life, but gives discomfort.

Manifestations linguring:

  • Spots with pronounced borders.
  • Rash have a light or dark brown color.
  • Begins a seduction peeling.

Therapy includes antifungal agents in the form of ointments and solutions. Antibiotics are extremely rare - if the inflamed skin sections were infected.

How many treatment lasts, depends on human immunity and the stage of the disease. Apply antifungal drugs need not less than 14 days.

People suffering from this deprived, additionally use:

  • Salicyl ointment.
  • Sulfur.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Myxolon.

If the use of local drugs does not give effect, we need to receive antimicotic drugs inside, for example, ketoconazole. Remove from the body of rash is usually not difficult, but frequent recurrences of the disease should be a reason for concern - they signal a serious failure in the human body.

Treatment of red (debris deprived) in humans - video


A fairly common and severe disease, which is often combined with the lesions of the internal organs. Red deprived long can be in the latent state, and during the weakening of immunity, stresses are manifested by skin rashes. The main reason for this pathology is violation of immunity.

Red deprived can manifest:

  • Polygonal plaques of pink color.
  • Large nodes.
  • Cause skin hyperpigmentation.
  • Subcutaneous bubbles.

The disease is characterized by additional symptoms.:

  • Nail changes.
  • The damage to the mucous mouth and genital organs.

The duration of the disease varies from 1 month to six months. It is heal independently, but it may arise in a couple of years again. The problem of the selection of the treatment regimen is that the causes and causative agent of this pathology have not yet been identified.

Doctors direct all efforts to detect concomitant diseases and malfunctions in the work of internal organs and systems. The most important role is the state of the disease. nervous and digestive system.

We treat with help:

  • Antihistamine preparations.
  • Sedatives .-
  • Corticosteroids.

Dispose the rash that arose during red delay is quite difficult. Most effective tool will not give positive effectif the problem is in the work fail immune system. That is why therapy should be carried out under the control of doctors and include not only local drugs, but also injections.

Treatment of red (flat) depriving a person - video


Scaly deprived, or psoriasis has non-infectious form and is chronic disease. It is characterized by the appearance of red peeling spots on the skin, which can merge and form plaques. The disease is sometimes accompanied by itching and skin cracking and is incurable.

Treatment must be comprehensive, and combine local and general preparations. During the exacerbation, the vitaminotherapy is shown, which includes several drugs that are injected injecting. Typically, the vitamins of group B, C and foliic acid.

In severe cases, the injection of gluconate is shown. Skin defect requires a long treatment - about a month, but it is not always effective.

Czechuate deprived treatment in people - video

Asbestoid lisha

One of the forms of seborrheic dermatitis. Characterized chronic inflammation Scalp. The disease most often occurs in children and people up to 25 years. With asbestosidal, foci of peeling with grayish scales, which may have different shapes and outlines appear.

When they are accumulated, the formation of "covers", which glue the hair. The disease is accompanied by itching and burning.

Treatment is reduced to the use of antifungal drugs.

Most effective medicines:

  • Clotrimazole.
  • Lamizil.
  • Exoderm.

Use medical preparations It is necessary to clean the skin on scales. To do this, salicyl oil is applied to the affected area overnight, and in the morning sheeps him with a children's shampoo. Treatment lasts a few months.

Chronic simple lisha

It is neurodermit that caused allergic reactions And manifests in the form of peeling, itching and burning. If crusts and peelings arise in the first stage, then on the second - pigment stains.

Most often rash appear:

  • Kneeling.
  • On the skin of the elbow.
  • On the stomach.
  • On the inside of the hips.

Diseases occurs with poor work of the nervous system, serious pathologies of internal organs and the immune system failure. People with unstable people are subject to nervous system.

Treatment includes:

Treatment of chronic damping by local drugs May last for yearsif his reason is not detected.

Diagnosis depriving a person

Exist a large number of species losing, which have similar symptoms, but require different treatment. That is why it is not necessary to ignore the visit of the specialist at the first signs skin pathologies. The treatment and diagnosis is engaged in a dermatologist.

Most often, you can diagnose according to the results of dermatoscopy, but can additionally be assigned:

  • Skin biopsy.
  • Bakposposev.
  • Research on HIV and syphilis.

After the diagnosis is set, the doctor's task is to identify a person failure in the human body, which caused an inflammatory process, and only after that is assigned comprehensive therapy. What will happen if not follow these rules - the disease will go into a chronic form and may cause serious complications.


Any disease is much easier to warn than to treat.

In order to protect yourself from losing, it is necessary:

  • Do not touch the arms of homeless animals.
  • Check pets for infections.
  • To strengthen immunity.
  • Use antiseptic gels for hands.
  • Carefully comply with hygiene rules.
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