Egilok analogues instructions for use. Hypotensive, antiarrhythmic drug Egilok: instructions for use, side effects and analogues


To prevent fatigue, normalize the functions of the atria of the heart, Egilok is used - instructions for the use of a cardioselective drug include all the necessary information for the patient. In it, you can get acquainted with the indications for prescribing the medication, check the method of administration and dosage. The drug is prescribed by a doctor, dispensed by prescription, so do not prescribe it yourself.

Egilok tablets

According to the pharmacological grouping, Egilok in tablet form belongs to beta-blockers. Their indications for the appointment (according to the instructions) are heart disease, problems with blood pressure. The active substance in the composition of the drug is metoprolol tartrate, which acts as a cardioselective adrenoceptor blocker.


Egilok tablets are available in three formats with different concentrations of the active ingredient in the preparation. Detailed composition:

The concentration of metoprolol tartrate, mg per 1 pc.


white, round, biconvex, dividing line, double bevel


Additional components of the composition

Sodium carboxymethyl starch type A, povidone K90, colloidal anhydrous silica, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose

Packaging with instructions

20 pcs. in blister packs or 60 pcs. in the bank

15 pcs. in blister packs or 60 pcs. in the bank

30 pcs. in blister packs or 60 pcs. in the bank

How the drug works

The active substance of the drug metoprolol reduces the heart rate, suppresses increased activity sympathetic system on the heart, contractility, cardiac output and blood pressure. In hypertension, metoprolol has a long-term antihypertensive effect, leads to a significant decrease in the mass of the left ventricle, and improves diastolic function. In men with mild to moderate hypertension, it reduces mortality from heart attacks and strokes.

Metoprolol lowers myocardial oxygen demand, reduces its contractility, prolongs diastole, improves blood supply:

  • With angina pectoris, it reduces the severity and duration of attacks, manifestations of ischemia, increases efficiency, and prevents ventricular fibrillation.
  • After a myocardial infarction, it reduces the likelihood of a second one.
  • In chronic heart failure improves heart function.
  • With tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, ventricular extrasystole reduces their number, as well as attacks of hypoglycemia.

Metoprolol slightly increases the concentration of triglycerides and free fatty acids in the blood serum. Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract quickly, reaching a maximum concentration in 1.5-2 hours. Bioavailability is 50% with a single dose and 70% with regular intake, food increases the rate by 30-40%. The drug is metabolized in the liver by cytochrome isoenzymes. Excreted in 1-9 hours by the kidneys. The pharmacokinetics of metoprolol does not change in old age, and even in violation of the kidneys. Cirrhosis of the liver often reduces clearance.

Indications for use

The instructions for use of the drug indicate the following indications for its use:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • heart failure, tachycardia;
  • secondary prevention myocardial infarction;
  • prevention of angina pectoris;
  • heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia, extrasystole);
  • complex therapy of hyperthyroidism;
  • migraine prevention.

Method of application and dosage

According to the instructions, the drug is taken orally, regardless of the meal. Tablets can be broken in half. The dose is selected by the doctor gradually, depending on the individual characteristics of the person, in order to avoid the development of bradycardia. The maximum daily dose is 200 mg. Other dosages:

Multiplicity of reception, times / day


Arterial hypertension

If necessary, increases to 100-200 mg

angina pectoris

May be increased to 200 mg

Supportive care after a heart attack

Heart rhythm disorders

Can increase up to 200


Functional disorders of the heart

Can be increased to 200

Migraine Prevention

How long can I take Egilok without a break

The instructions for use of Egilok say that the duration of treatment is set by the doctor individually. According to patients, they have been drinking it for several years without interruption and changing the drug. Regular use of the drug allows you to normalize the function of cardiac activity. To do this, it is worth observing the intake of tablets at the same time, preferably in the morning and in the evening.

special instructions

Instructions for use contains a section special instructions, which prescribes the rules for taking the medication:

  • in the treatment of Egilok, it is necessary to control the heart rate and blood pressure, the rate of arterial circulation;
  • with pheochromocytoma, alpha-blockers are prescribed along with the drug;
  • a dose above 200 mg/day reduces cardioselectivity;
  • it is possible to increase attacks of hypersensitivity, aggravation of peripheral circulatory disorders;
  • the dose is reduced gradually, over 14 days, abrupt cancellation threatens with angina attacks, coronary disorders;
  • against the background of treatment, the production of lacrimal fluid decreases, which should be taken into account in patients wearing contact lenses;
  • Egilok can hide some signs of hyperthyroidism, tachycardia against the background of diabetes;
  • warn the surgeon about therapy to change the choice of anesthesia before performing operations;
  • It is not recommended to drive vehicles and mechanisms while taking Egilok.

Egilok during pregnancy

Instructions for use do not recommend taking the drug during pregnancy, only if the benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the fetus. If necessary, the appointment is regularly monitored for the development of the fetus, and also for the newborn within 2-3 days after birth. Violations can be bradycardia, arterial hypotension, symptoms of hypoglycemia, respiratory depression. When breastfeeding, the drug is prohibited.

In childhood

According to the instructions for use of Egilok, the drug is not recommended for use in children and adolescents under 18 years of age. This contraindication is due to the lack of the required amount of reliable clinical data on the study of the effect of metoprolol on children's body and with the fact that at a young age manifestations of disorders of the heart are unlikely.

Egilok and alcohol

As with any drug treatment, alcohol is prohibited while taking Egilok. The combination of metoprolol with ethanol threatens the following negative consequences:

  • collapse - alcohol dilates blood vessels, leads to a sharp drop in pressure, a fatal outcome is possible;
  • overdose - methanol stimulates the production of adrenaline, which is blocked by Egilok, intoxication occurs, up to coma;

drug interaction

Instructions for use Egilok indicates the following possible drug interactions with other medicines:

  • antihypertensive drugs enhance the effect, increase the risk of hypotension;
  • blockers of slow calcium channels lead to increased negative effects;
  • oral antiarrhythmic drugs and cardiac glycosides increase the risk of bradycardia;
  • anesthesia depresses cardiac activity;
  • alpha and beta sympathomimetics can lead to cardiac arrest, ergotamine increases the vasoconstrictor effect, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and estrogens weaken the effect of Egilok;
  • enhances hypoglycemic effects;
  • muscle relaxants increase neuromuscular blockade;
  • enzyme inhibitors and recapture serotonins enhance the effect of metoprolol, and enzyme inducers and barbiturates reduce.

Side effects

According to reviews, Egilok is well tolerated by patients, but side effects there is. Weak reversible factors are indicated in the instructions for use:

  • fatigue, dizziness, depression, anxiety, convulsions, sleep problems, amnesia, hallucinations;
  • bradycardia, hypotension, syncope, cardiogenic shock, palpitations, cold extremities, arrhythmia, gangrene;
  • shortness of breath, bronchospasm, rhinitis;
  • nausea, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, dry mouth;
  • urticaria, photosensitivity, exacerbation of psoriasis, increased sweating;
  • blurred vision, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, tinnitus, loss of taste;
  • weight gain, arthralgia.


According to the instructions, the symptoms of an overdose are a sharp decrease in blood pressure, heart failure, cardiogenic shock. The patient is sick, he may begin bronchospasm, loss of consciousness and coma may occur. Symptoms appear 20-120 minutes after ingestion. Treatment consists in washing the stomach with activated charcoal, inducing vomiting. With a sharp decrease in pressure, intravenous administration of beta-agonists, dopamine, norepinephrine, glucagon, diazepam is indicated. Hemodialysis is ineffective.


Instructions for use indicate the following contraindications for the use of Egilok:

  • cardiogenic shock;
  • synotrial blockade;
  • sinus bradycardia;
  • heart failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • violation of peripheral circulation;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • combination with intravenous administration of Verapamil;
  • bronchial asthma severe degree;
  • hypersensitivity to components or beta-agonists;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • allergic history.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy Egilok only by prescription. The drug is stored away from children at a temperature of 15-25 degrees for five years (all this according to the instructions).

How to replace Egilok

According to the active substance and the effect on the body, the following Egilok analogues are distinguished, which are produced in tablet format by foreign and domestic drug manufacturers:

  • metoprolol;
  • Metocard;
  • Anepro;
  • Betaloc;
  • Vasocardin;
  • Cardolax;
  • Corvitol;
  • Metoblock;
  • Metokor;
  • Metoprol;
  • Emzok;
  • Azoprol;
  • Azoten.

Egilok price

The cost of the drug on the Internet and pharmacies is different and depends on the number of tablets in the package and concentration active substance. Approximate prices for Egilok produced in Hungary in Moscow are as follows:

Concentration, mg

Number of tablets in a package, pcs.

Internet price, rubles

Pharmacy price, rubles

Medicine for the treatment of pathologies of the heart - vascular system is Egilok. Instructions for use indicate that tablets 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg, retard help to reduce the frequency of ventricular heart rate in supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular extrasystole and atrial fibrillation. At what pressure to take this medicine, you can learn from the reviews of doctors and patients.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the following dosage forms:

  1. Tablets 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg.
  2. Long-acting film-coated tablets 50 mg and 100 mg (Retard).
  3. Long-acting film-coated tablets 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg (Egilok C).

One tablet of Egilok (Retard) contains 25, 50, 100 mg of the active substance (metoprolol tartrate), respectively.

One tablet of Egilok C, the active substance (metoprolol succinate), accounts for 23.75, 47.5, 95, 190 mg, respectively.

pharmachologic effect

Egilok instruction refers to beta1-adrenergic blocking agents. The main active ingredient is metoprolol. It has antianginal, antiarrhythmic, pressure-lowering effects. By blocking beta1-adrenergic receptors, the drug reduces the excitatory effect of the sympathetic nervous system on the heart muscle, quickly reduces heart rate and blood pressure.

The hypotensive effect of the drug is long-lasting, as peripheral vascular resistance decreases gradually. On the background long-term use Egilok with high blood pressure significantly reduces the mass of the left ventricle, it relaxes better in the diastolic phase.

According to reviews, the drug is able to reduce mortality from cardiovascular pathology in males with a moderate increase in pressure. Like analogues, Egilok reduces the heart's need for oxygen due to a decrease in pressure and heart rate.

Due to this, diastole is lengthened - the time during which the heart rests, which improves its blood supply and the absorption of oxygen from the blood. This action reduces the frequency of angina attacks, and against the background of asymptomatic episodes of ischemia, the patient's physical condition and quality of life are significantly improved.

The use of Egilok reduces the frequency of ventricular heart contractions in atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature beats and supraventricular tachycardia. Compared with non-selective beta-blockers of Egilok's analogues, it has less pronounced vasoconstrictive and bronchial properties, and it also has less effect on carbohydrate metabolism. Against the background of taking the drug for several years, blood cholesterol is significantly reduced.

Indications for use

What helps Egilok (Retard, C)? Tablets are prescribed if the patient has:

  • angina;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • impaired functional cardiac activity;
  • disturbed heart rhythm (supraventricular tachycardia and bradycardia with ventricular extrasystoles and atrial fibrillation);
  • high blood pressure;
  • prophylactic prevention of migraine attacks.

Indications for the use of tablets also apply to people over 60 years of age.

Instructions for use (at what pressure it helps)

Egilok tablets should be taken orally during or immediately after a meal at a pressure of more than 140 to 90. They can be divided in half, but not chewed.

  • With angina pectoris, supraventricular arrhythmias, for the prevention of migraine attacks, it is prescribed at a dose of 100-200 mg per day in 2 divided doses (morning and evening).
  • For secondary prevention of myocardial infarction, it is prescribed in the middle daily dose 200 mg in 2 doses (morning and evening).
  • With functional disorders of cardiac activity, accompanied by tachycardia, a daily dose of 100 mg is prescribed in 2 divided doses (morning and evening).
  • At arterial hypertension prescribed in a daily dose of 50-100 mg per day in 1 or 2 doses (morning and evening). With insufficient therapeutic effect perhaps a gradual increase in the daily dose to 100-200 mg.

In elderly patients, patients with impaired renal function, and if hemodialysis is necessary, changes in the dosing regimen are not required. In patients with severe liver dysfunction, the drug should be used in smaller doses, due to a slowdown in the metabolism of metoprolol.


The use of Egilok is unacceptable for:

  • breastfeeding;
  • angiospastic angina;
  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • severe arterial hypotension;
  • heart failure in the phase of decompensation;
  • SSSU;
  • severe bradycardia;
  • AV blockade of the second and third degree;
  • hypersensitivity to metoprolol and other components of the drug Egilok, from which these tablets can cause side effects;
  • sinoatrial blockade.

Prescribe with extreme caution this medicine with the following pathologies: metabolic acidosis, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, obliterating peripheral vascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic renal failure, myasthenia gravis, psoriasis, depression, chronic liver failure and thyrotoxicosis.

Side effects

According to the reviews given by doctors, Egilok is sometimes able to cause:

  • stomach ache;
  • headache, fatigue;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased concentration;
  • rhinitis, nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • shortness of breath, bronchospasm;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • depression, insomnia;
  • increased sweating.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of Egilok during pregnancy is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

If it is necessary to prescribe the drug during this period, careful monitoring of the condition of the fetus and newborn within 48-72 hours after birth is necessary, since intrauterine growth retardation, bradycardia, arterial hypotension, respiratory depression, hypoglycemia are possible.

The effect of metoprolol on the newborn during breastfeeding has not been studied, so women taking Egilok should stop breastfeeding. With caution, the drug should be prescribed to children and adolescents under the age of 18 years.

special instructions

Before starting therapy and during treatment, blood pressure and heart rate should be monitored. If the heart rate drops below 50 beats per minute health care.

Patients with diabetes should regularly monitor their glucose levels and, if necessary, adjust the dosage of insulin. Egilok should be discontinued gradually, reducing the dosage over two weeks to avoid withdrawal syndrome, coronary disorders and angina pectoris.

In patients using contact lenses, the secretion of lacrimal fluid may decrease. Caution is advised when driving vehicles and when engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration.

drug interaction

The list of prohibited drugs for simultaneous use with Egilok is wide. Therefore, it is necessary to combine this drug with third-party medicines with special care.

  • When mixed with ethanol, the pumping effect on the central nervous system is enhanced.
  • When mixed with oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin, the likelihood of hypoglycemia increases.
  • When mixed with verapamil, it can cause cardiac arrest.
  • When mixed with beta-blockers (estrogens, theophylline, indomethacin), the hypotensive property of metoprolol decreases.

Egilok's analogs

According to the structure, analogues are determined:

  1. Metocard.
  2. Egilok Retard.
  3. Corvitol 100.
  4. metoprolol succinate.
  5. Betaloc.
  6. Vasocardin.
  7. Emzok.
  8. Corvitol 50.
  9. Metoprolol.
  10. Metozok.
  11. metoprolol tartrate.
  12. Metolol.
  13. Egilok S.
  14. Metokor Adifarm.

Or Egilok - which is better?

The exact answer can be given only with an individual examination. However, in general, Concor has somewhat fewer side effects compared to its counterpart, and its use with a low pulse is more acceptable. Egilok has a stronger drug effect compared to Concor.

Holiday conditions and price

The average cost of Egilok (tablets 25 mg No. 60) in Moscow is 136 rubles. The price of a dosage of 100 mg is 131 rubles for 30 tablets, 50 mg is 146 rubles. for 30 pcs. Released by prescription.

The medicine for the treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system is Egilok. Instructions for use indicate that tablets 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg, retard help to reduce the frequency of ventricular heart rate in supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular extrasystole and atrial fibrillation. At what pressure to take this medicine, you can learn from the reviews of doctors and patients.

Caution is the key to effective therapy

As folk wisdom says, with the right dose, even poison becomes an indispensable medicine, and the most useful and harmless substance in excess threatens a person with death. When it comes to medicines, this wisdom is of particular importance, since excessive (as well as insufficient) intake of the drug into the body may either not improve the patient's condition, or aggravate it. Before use, it will not be superfluous to carefully read the instructions for "Egilok". Even if the attending doctor explained in detail how to use the drug.

"Egilok" is designed for people suffering from high blood pressure, which means that it has a rather strong effect on the functioning of blood vessels, the heart muscle. Not only the state of health of the patient, but also his very life often depends on the correct use of the medication.

Reviews of doctors

Andrey (therapist), 45 years old, Voronezh

Pharmacological agent Egilok is prescribed in the treatment of hypertension, which is accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm. The drug acts quickly when applied sublingually. Good for first aid treatment hypertensive crisis and psychiatric disorders. Egilok effectively eliminates panic attacks and makes it possible to reduce the dose of tranquilizers.

The selective effect of the drug is low. Therefore, undesirable effects often appear.

Margarita (therapist), 32 years old, Astrakhan

I believe concor effective tool for the treatment of primary hypertension complicated by autonomic disorders. With its use, blood pressure and heart rate return to normal. It is included in the complex therapy of IHD.

Well tolerated by patients, one-time use per day is convenient for use. Application not recommended medication for the treatment of young men due to its negative effect on erection with prolonged use.

How it works?

As can be seen from the instructions, "Egilok" reduces pressure, bringing it to normal indicators. The drug fights arrhythmia, normalizes the heart rhythm, normalizes muscle contractions, and also stabilizes the sequence of contractions and excitations. Due to the slowing of the conduction of impulses, the excitability of the heart muscle decreases, which leads to a decrease in the frequency of contractions. Speaking about how much Egilok works, doctors usually mention an hour and a half - it is during this time period that the activity of the drug reaches its peak, after which it remains for some more time.

The predominant part of the substance that enters the body is completely processed in the liver. Here is the accumulation of metabolic products. Five percent leave the body through the urinary system.



Rapidly and completely (95%) absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax in plasma is achieved 1.5-2 hours after ingestion. Bioavailability is 50%. During treatment, bioavailability increases to 70%. Eating increases bioavailability by 20-40%.


Vd is 5.6 l / kg. Binding to plasma proteins - 12%. Penetrates through the BBB and the placental barrier. It is excreted in breast milk in small amounts.


Metoprolol is biotransformed in the liver. Metabolites do not have pharmacological activity.


T1 / 2 averages 3.5-7 hours. Metoprolol is almost completely excreted in the urine in 72 hours. About 5% of the dose is excreted unchanged.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical situations

With severe violations of liver function, the bioavailability and T1 / 2 of metoprolol increases, which may require dose adjustment.

In case of impaired renal function, T1 / 2 and systemic clearance of metoprolol do not change significantly.

What's on sale?

Reviews of "Egilok" contain references to three types of funds. People treat drugs differently. Medicines are on sale under the trade names "Egilok", "Egilok S", "Egilok Retard". A distinctive feature is the composition, although the main active ingredient in all three drugs is the same. "Egilok", "Egilok Retard" are made using metoprolol tartrate, but the third variety is based on a compound of the same metoprolol, but called succinate. In addition, each tablet contains auxiliary components that simplify the absorption of the drug and increase its activity.

In the basic Egilok, cellulose and silicon dioxide, as well as several other compounds, are used as additional compounds. "Egilok Retard" is made with inclusions of magnesium stearate and molasses, talc. Finally, the third option, that is, "Egilok C", contains, among others, stearic acid and several varieties of cellulose, glycerol. When choosing a specific drug, you need to be guided not only by the question "what are these pills from." "Egilok" effectively eliminates pressure, but individual intolerance to any component is possible, prohibiting the use of the agent in question. If, when studying the composition, the patient discovered a substance that his body does not tolerate, it is urgent to notify the doctor about this and select an effective replacement.

Which is better - Egilok or Concor?

It is difficult to say which drug is best for treatment. Both drugs have many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before conducting a course of therapy, they should be carefully studied in order to choose the best option.

The use of the drug only once a day makes it more convenient for patients.

When to apply?

Indications "Egilok": arterial hypertension, also known as hypertension. Since the regular use of the drug reduces and normalizes blood pressure, it becomes a permanent inhabitant of the hypertensive first aid kit. The drug can be used as a prophylactic to prevent myocardial infarction. Such use is reasonable if the person belongs to a risk group for pathology.

In some cases, as can be seen from the reviews, "Egilok" is prescribed for migraine, as the remedy prevents headache attacks and reduces their frequency. All of the above indications apply to the three previously mentioned types of medication.

Therapeutic properties

The medicine "Egilok", from which it helps to normalize pressure, is an effective beta-blocker. The drug creates an antianginal, antiarrhythmic, hypotensive effect. The active component reduces the excitability of the nervous system, quickly reduces pressure and heart rate. Due to the smooth decrease in vascular resistance, a long-term hypotensive effect is observed.

Prolonged use of the drug in hypertension causes a decrease in the weight of the left ventricle of the heart. Doctors indicate that the drug reduces mortality among men with medium degree high blood pressure. The drug "Egilok", from which angina attacks occur less often, reduces the need for myocardium in oxygen. With its systematic use, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases.

Features of use

"Egilok", "Egilok Retard" are effective in hyperthyroidism, with increased activity of the heart muscle. The tool is used as part complex therapy to fight the disease. "Egilok", "Egilok S" are effective in supraventricular arrhythmias. Release forms "C", "Retard" are relevant if there is a failure in the functioning of the heart muscle in a chronic form. The tool is also used as one of the elements in integrated approach to solving the problem.

Since it is necessary to use the described component along with other drugs to prevent complications, exacerbations, and also eliminate symptoms chronic diseases heart and blood vessels, the question of compatibility is especially acute. "Egilok" enhances the effectiveness of some groups of drugs and is not combined with others. In complex therapy, this group of drugs is usually used together with diuretics, while the pressure drug activates diuretics. PAF inhibitors can be used. A common approach is to combine the drug and glycosides to maintain performance. of cardio-vascular system. But "Egilok" and alcohol categorically do not combine. Therefore, with problems with pressure, it is necessary to refrain from alcoholic beverages, even in small doses. With diagnosed heart failure acute form, associated with problems with the functioning of the ventricle on the left, Egilok C gives the greatest efficiency in combination with the above groups of medicines.


The use of Egilok is unacceptable for:

  • breastfeeding;
  • angiospastic angina;
  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • severe arterial hypotension;
  • heart failure in the phase of decompensation;
  • SSSU;
  • severe bradycardia;
  • AV blockade of the second and third degree;
  • hypersensitivity to metoprolol and other components of the drug Egilok, from which these tablets can cause side effects;
  • sinoatrial blockade.

With extreme caution, this medicine is prescribed for the following pathologies: metabolic acidosis, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, obliterating peripheral vascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic renal failure, myasthenia gravis, psoriasis, depression, chronic liver failure and thyrotoxicosis.

Prevention is the best cure

Reviews of "Egilok" demonstrate that the drug is often used as a prophylactic. Known for its effectiveness in the program for the prevention of extrasystoles. In addition, "Egilok C" gives good results in myocardial infarction. The drug can be used even on late stage thereby reducing the chance of death. At correct application"Egilok S" allows you to leave in the past tachycardia, problems of the functioning of the heart muscle.


But even without such terrible results, taking alcohol-containing drinks and drugs aggravates the course of the disease and causes various complications from other organs. Adrenaline produced in the human body contributes to the rapid processing of alcohol. Egilok blocks its action, which can lead to an overdose of ethyl and subsequent intoxication.

Taking any medication has a toxic effect on the liver, and combining them with alcohol increases the load on the organ and causes a violation of its functions. Liver diseases are usually asymptomatic, so the consequences of taking Egilok and alcohol can be expressed both in mild malaise and in the acquisition of one of the toxic hepatitis, which can later turn into cirrhosis.

In case of heart disease, the use of alcoholic beverages is not recommended, especially while taking medications such as Egilok and its analogues.

Release Features

The composition of "Egilok" can be found in the instructions for use. This information is always contained on the leaflet in the carton with blisters in which the tablets are packed. The main active components of all three forms of release are indicated earlier, the effectiveness of the agent is due to the presence of metoprolol in it in the form of derivatives.

Reviews of "Egilok" contain a mention that the tool usually has a convex shape on both sides. Only type "C" is usually oblong. The color is always white. One tablet contains the active ingredient in the amount of 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg. An indication of this is on the packaging of the drug. Also on sale is "Egilok Retard" with a content of the main active ingredient of 200 mg. The pack contains 30 tablets or twice as many.

Egilok price

The cost of the drug on the Internet and pharmacies is different and depends on the number of tablets in the package and the concentration of the active substance. Approximate prices for Egilok produced in Hungary in Moscow are as follows:

When not?

Egilok's contraindications are a rather extensive list, and all of them must be strictly observed, since the drug has a strong effect on the heart muscle. First of all, the ban on the use establishes bradycardia, that is, a slow rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle. If the frequency of contractions decreases to 50-60 per minute, "Egilok" is not applicable.

"Egilok" can not be used with a weak sinus node, sinoatrial blockade. The drug is not applicable for problems with peripheral circulation. The medication should not be used with chronically low blood pressure. The use of Egilok is associated with a certain health hazard if there is a possibility of an allergic reaction. During pregnancy, the use of the described drug must be agreed with the attending physician. There is a possibility of a negative effect on the fetus, so the drug can be used only if the benefit from its use is significantly higher than the risk. If any contraindications are identified, the doctor decides to replace the drug or adjust the dosage of Egilok. You cannot change anything in the program on your own, you must urgently seek advice from a specialist.

drug interaction

The list of prohibited drugs for simultaneous use with Egilok is wide. Therefore, it is necessary to combine this drug with third-party medicines with special care.

  • When mixed with ethanol, the pumping effect on the central nervous system is enhanced.
  • When mixed with oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin, the likelihood of hypoglycemia increases.
  • When mixed with verapamil, it can cause cardiac arrest.
  • When mixed with beta-blockers (estrogens, theophylline, indomethacin), the hypotensive property of metoprolol decreases.

How to be treated?

"Egilok" is intended for oral use. The drug is used for violations in the work of the heart and blood vessels on the recommendation of the attending doctor. The dosage, the scheme of application is also determined by the doctor, focusing on the patient's diagnosis, concomitant diseases and other drugs in the therapy program. Below are several options for using Egilok for common diseases. Please note: these are standard programs recommended by the manufacturer, but you cannot prescribe a medication for yourself according to these schemes, you must first undergo a doctor's examination to identify all significant factors.

With arterial hypertension, Egilok is used twice a day, usually in the evening, in the morning. The dosage of the drug is from 25 mg or more. With insufficient effectiveness, the dose is increased to 100 mg per 24 hours. Arrhythmia is treated similarly, the same program is used for angina pectoris. Sometimes the remedy is used three times a day, at a time taking from 25 mg or more. In the absence of a positive effect, the dose is increased to 100 mg, divided into two doses in 24 hours.

Registration numbers

tab. 100 mg: 30 or 60 pcs. P N015639/01 (2017-03-09 - 0000-00-00) tab. 25 mg: 30 or 60 pcs. P N015639/01 (2017-03-09 - 0000-00-00) tab. 50 mg: 30 or 60 pcs. P N015639/01 (2017-03-09 - 0000-00-00)


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ATX code for EGILOK

C07AB02 (Metoprolol)

Experimental determination of suitable drugs:

  • BETALOC 01.003 (Beta1-blocker) , Tablets white color, round, biconvex, ...
  • ISOPTIN 01.015 (Calcium channel blocker) , Coated tablets…
  • LASIX 01.040 (Diuretic), White or almost white tablets…
  • VICTOEL 02.001 (Antipsychotic drug (neuroleptic)), Tablets, film-coated…
  • UREGIT 01.040 (Diuretic) , White or grayish-white tablets,…
  • VERAPAMIL SOPHARMA 01.015 (Calcium channel blocker) , Tablets, film-coated…
  • MELOXIKAM 05.001 (NSAIDs) , Tablets from…
  • DIBIKOR 16.039 (Medication that improves metabolism and energy supply of tissues), composition and…
  • CARVEDIGAMMA 01.002 (Beta1-, beta2-blocker. Alpha1-blocker), Film-coated tablets…
  • ORNIDAZOL 07.001 (Antiprotozoal drug with antibacterial activity), Tablets,…
  • METOPROLOL 01.003 (Beta1-blocker) , Film-coated tablets against…
  • LEVOFLOXACIN 06.038 ( Antibacterial drug group of fluoroquinolones) , Tablets, coated…

Drug programs: what else is there?

When using an agent for the prevention of a heart attack, Egilok is taken every day in an amount of 50 mg (if necessary, the dose is doubled).

If vegetovascular dystonia was detected, if panic attacks were diagnosed that provoked a violation of the rhythm of the heartbeat, Egilok is used in a standard amount, that is, 50 mg. In the absence of a pronounced effect, the amount of the drug is doubled. It is assumed that "Egilok" is drunk twice a day. In the prevention of migraine, the agent is used in the same way.

What is the difference between Egilok and Concor

There are some features of the reception and treatment of pharmaceuticals that must be considered.

Metoprolol tartrate as part of Egilok acts for a short time. To get a lasting effect during therapy, it is necessary to take the medicine several times a day.

Bisoprolol provides a prolonged action. It is taken only once a day.

Egilok has a good effect in eliminating migraine attacks, but its use should be approached with caution if there are problems with the liver. Failures in the functioning of the body lead to the accumulation of metoprolol in the body. In this case, dosage adjustment is required.

The drugs differ in cost. Concor is more expensive.

Overdose: what to do?

When the permissible dose is exceeded, Egilok quite strongly affects the cardiovascular system. Bradycardia develops, dizziness, the patient feels sick. There is a high probability of hypotension, fainting, extrasystole. The rhythm of the heartbeat may be disturbed. In the most severe situations, cardiogenic shock develops, leading to loss of consciousness, up to coma. In rare cases, an overdose provokes cardialgia, atrioventricular blockade. In the absence of help, there is a chance of a complete stop of the heartbeat. Pronounced overdose symptoms appear half an hour or several hours (up to two) after the drug enters the patient's body.

In case of an overdose, it is necessary to urgently wash the stomach, take Activated carbon and conduct symptomatic therapy to eliminate the primary manifestations of the effect of the drug on the body. With a sharp decrease in pressure, the patient is placed in such a way that the level of the head is below the level of the hips. With bradycardia, hypotension in an acute form, with insufficient functioning of the heart muscle, an urgent intake of beta-adrenergic stimulants and a number of specific medications is necessary. In the absence of a quick effect, they resort to drugs containing dopamine, dobutamine. In some cases, the effectiveness shows the use of from a gram to ten grams of glucagon. Depending on the symptoms, diazepam, beta-2-agonists, and an intracardiac electrical stimulator may help. As clinical studies have shown, it is impossible to remove excess drug from the body by hemodialysis.

Characteristics of the drug

AT medical classification presented tablets were classified as beta-blockers. But such pharmaceutical terms do not mean anything to ordinary people. In simple words the term means a medicine aimed at improving and stabilizing the work of the heart.

People suffering from diseases in terms of cardiovascular abnormalities, as well as all patients at risk, must be warned to give up drinking. If you ignore the rule, then undesirable compatibility can provoke a sharp deterioration in well-being, up to a coma.

The main indications for the appointment of this drug are called hypertension. Moreover, tablets are prescribed not only as a mono-prophylaxis. They are often included in a rehabilitative or preventive course, along with related medications.

In addition to reducing the risk of exacerbation of hypertension, Egilok can often be found in the appointment of patients complaining of arrhythmia. Can't do without it medical complex to correct the lack of hormone production thyroid gland. And if the patient complains of migraines from time to time, he can be prescribed a remedy for preventive purposes.

So wide range action is explained by the capabilities of the active substance, which is metoprolol tartrate. To make it more convenient to divide the tablet, the manufacturer created a strip in the middle.

"Egilok": side effects

And that's not it. Some patients (and this is confirmed by reviews on the World Wide Web) when taking Egilok more often feel tired, others complain of increased excitability. Sometimes there is a feeling of anxiety, a depressed state, there are difficulties with concentration. There is a possibility of headaches, the head may be spinning.

"Egilok" in rare cases provokes sleep disturbances - nightmares, insomnia or drowsiness. Clinical researches showed that taking the medication can negatively affect cognitive abilities (first of all, memory suffers), the general condition becomes depressed. With an extremely low probability (and yet it exists), hallucinations, paresthesia, and convulsive states appear. The reviews on the Internet contain references to weight gain during the systematic treatment of Egilok. Laboratory tests may show an increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood. There may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, stool, decreased visual acuity. As it was revealed during the official trials of the drug, side effects accompany the drug intake quite rarely, most patients tolerate the drug well. This is also evidenced by the reviews of doctors and patients.

special instructions

Before starting therapy and during treatment, blood pressure and heart rate should be monitored. If the heart rate falls below 50 beats per minute, medical attention is required.

Patients with diabetes should regularly monitor their glucose levels and, if necessary, adjust the dosage of insulin. Egilok should be discontinued gradually, reducing the dosage over two weeks to avoid withdrawal syndrome, coronary disorders and angina pectoris.

In patients using contact lenses, the secretion of lacrimal fluid may decrease. It is recommended to exercise caution when driving vehicles and when engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration.

"Egilok": analogues

If an individual intolerance to the drug is detected, it can be replaced with another, similar medication. Be sure to coordinate the replacement with your doctor. Most often, the reason for adjusting the prescribed drug is allergic reaction. There are a lot of drugs for hypertension in pharmacies, so there are plenty to choose from. Most often prescribed:

  • "Metoprolol";
  • "Metocard";
  • "Metozok".

When studying the analogues of Egilok, it is necessary to be guided, first of all, by efficiency, health benefits, and only then evaluate the cost. The drug is relatively inexpensive (from a hundred rubles per pack), therefore, just for the sake of economy, it is categorically not recommended to replace it with cheaper drugs. Diseases of the heart and vascular system are dangerous not only for everyday activity, but also for life, which requires that you treat the issue very responsibly and coordinate all adjustments to the therapeutic program with your doctor.

Negative sides

The appointment of such a serious medication should be made only by an experienced specialist, excluding any attempts at self-treatment. After treatment, the doctor will prescribe a passage clinical examination. Also, the expert needs to voice possible chronic, genetic ailments, talking about the accompanying complaints.

Only after that, a competent specialist will say whether it is possible to prescribe this remedy to the patient. Separately, the factors of the main contraindications will be taken into account:

  • myocardial infarction with concomitant acute insufficiency;
  • types of heart block;
  • bradycardia;
  • deviations in the work of the circulatory system;
  • childhood;
  • bronchial asthma.

There are several other contraindications that are atypical. So, joint reception with Verapamil is prohibited. This also included a dangerous interaction with strong drinks, which only exacerbates the manifestation of symptoms.

But pregnancy is not a strict contraindication. It depends on the current condition of the woman and her concomitant diseases. In some cases, the medicine is still allowed, but canceled immediately after the birth of the baby, if the mother is going to breastfeed the baby.

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An allergic reaction and individual intolerance to individual components are considered separately. But here, if a person has not used such an assistant before, it will be a problematic procedure to determine the conflict without a test.

Responsibility as an aspect of successful treatment

High blood pressure is always a danger, even if the disease is not chronic, but only manifests itself from time to time. Often, hypertension is accompanied by other health disorders, which in combination creates a danger to human life. This obliges you to take your health with the utmost responsibility. As a rule, the described drug is chosen by people to whom the attending doctor advised him. If you are going to take the remedy, you need to be prepared for the possible side effects indicated in the instructions (they are listed above). If we systematize the information collected from reviews of the drug, we can see that of the most unpleasant and strong phenomena that occur relatively often, people were bothered by problems with the stool.

Feedback on Egilok from experts is mostly positive, since the drug effectively fights the main problem, is inexpensive and accessible to most people. At correct use interruptions in the work of the heart muscle are a thing of the past, pressure is stabilizing. Truth, good result"Egilok" gives only when it really suits the patient. You can’t experiment on yourself, and it won’t work: the drug is dispensed from pharmacies strictly with a prescription from the attending physician.

Possible consequences of the combined effects of Egilok and ethanol on the body

Once in the body, alcohol stimulates the production of adrenaline, which ensures its processing and oxidation. Egilok also reduces the activity of enzymes, as a result of which the ethanol molecules remain unchanged and have an increased toxic effect on most organs.

Based on this, the compatibility of Egilok and alcohol is prohibited, despite the similar effect of both substances. Such categoricalness is due to three main factors that can cause many problems and affect human health. They look like this:

  • alcohol collapse;
  • ethanol overdose;
  • increased toxic load on the liver.

The above factors in at its best describe the incompatibility of Egilok with alcohol. and each of these factors can lead to serious damage to organs and the development of various pathologies. The greatest danger to the cardiovascular system and health in general is alcohol collapse. Egilok is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system associated with hypertension and violation of the frequency of contractions. This category of people is not recommended to drink alcohol in principle. At the same time, under the action of the drug, blood pressure gradually decreases, the load on the vessels decreases, and the heart rhythm returns to normal. Taking alcohol against the background of such efficiency leads to a sharp drop in pressure and a deterioration in the course of the main processes.

A sharp drop in blood pressure provokes the development of cerebral hypoxia and leads to inhibition of the vital functions of the body. This happens due to a lack of oxygen, the supply of which decreases in proportion to the expansion of blood vessels. As a result, a person begins to feel weakness and dizziness, up to loss of consciousness. At the same time, without timely assistance, everything can end sadly and, at best, a person will be disabled, and at worst, he will die right on the spot as a result of brain failure. Adrenaline is a biologically active enzyme that increases the rate of ethanol oxidation in the body. In turn, the use of Egilok reduces the effectiveness of adrenaline, which cannot fully process alcohol and leads to an increase in the amount of toxins, up to their accumulation in tissues and the development of an overdose. An increased toxic load affects the functionality of the central nervous system, inhibiting its activity. alcohol and alcohol have an enhanced effect on the body, primary signs which are lethargy, depression, weakness, lack of coordination and slowing down of speech. To avoid toxic shock, the body stimulates the stomach to cleanse itself by causing vomiting. As a rule, after it the condition improves for a short time, and the progression of poisoning leads to impaired consciousness and respiratory dysfunction, which can result in coma and even death. The joint use of Egilok and alcoholic beverages provokes the development of transient disorders of the liver. It's no secret to anyone that most The toxic effects of alcohol are neutralized by this particular organ. At the same time, blocking the action of adrenaline makes it impossible to process ethanol in a timely manner, increasing its toxic effect on the liver. In most cases, in the absence of any pathologies in its work, the joint use of the drug with alcohol will in no way affect the human condition. However, in the presence of diseases, the consequences of such a decision can be quite strong, starting with mild functional disorders and ending with the formation of severe hepatitis lesions of a toxic nature.

Hypertension: the first signs

The sooner the treatment of the disease is started, the less blood can be dispensed with, figuratively speaking. When should I go to the doctor, when is it reasonable to start taking Egilok? The first symptoms of hypertension are often ignored - people simply cannot appreciate the full significance of what is happening. As a rule, at the beginning, the disease marks itself with an increase in irritability, frequent dizziness and a state of fatigue. Over time, pressure provokes memory impairment, headaches and weakness.

Noticing such manifestations in yourself, it is necessary to introduce a clear control over the level of blood pressure as a rule. By conducting statistics over a relatively long time period (weeks or even months), you can identify how often the indicators go beyond the norm (120/80), how strong the deviations are. With this information, you can seek help from a doctor.

Combining Egilok and alcohol: dangerous consequences

It is impossible to take Egilok and alcohol at the same time, in a categorical form. This will cause complications, the consequences of which can adversely affect human health in general, death is not excluded.

Opposite action

First, the effect that medicine and alcoholic beverages have is diametrically opposed. Therefore, their simultaneous use can cause sudden cardiovascular failure. Its outcome may be death. In medicine, this phenomenon is called collapse. It is characterized by a sudden drop in blood pressure, the typical symptoms of which are exhaustion and severe dizziness. Often the patient loses consciousness. The collapse requires immediate medical attention. Delay threatens a person with death.


Secondly, an overdose of ethanol is a fairly common occurrence when trying to combine Egilok with alcohol. For the decay process ethyl alcohol in the body requires adrenaline. This biological substance actively influences the rate of ethanol oxidation. As a result, alcohol breaks down faster and is excreted naturally, without lingering in the internal organs and blood. Metoprolol, the main component of Egilok, counteracts adrenaline by blocking its work. This causes a slow oxidation of alcohol. As a result, there is an accumulation of ethanol, which leads to an overdose.

First of all, the central nervous system will suffer, which will be reflected in the deterioration general condition health: inhibited speech, lack of vivacity and mobility, difficulty in determining one's location. As intoxication worsens, additional signs of complications appear: difficulty breathing, a drop in blood pressure, impaired consciousness. The patient may fall into a coma or die if medical assistance is not provided.

Consequences for the liver

Thirdly, the effect on the liver. This is another reason to avoid combining Egilok and alcohol. Taking the medicine significantly affects the functioning of the gland. Alcohol not only enhances this load, but also poisons the liver with toxic substances. Consequently, there is a double negative effect on the body, which accelerates the formation of diseases, for example, toxic hepatitis. All liver diseases occur, in the initial stages, without obvious symptoms. This increases the risk of missing the development of an anomaly and seriously threatens human health.

For reference: Toxic hepatitis- liver disease, formed under the influence of various harmful substances, including chemicals: drugs; alcoholic drinks; poisons contained in plants and so on.

Price for Egilok, where to buy

The average price for Egilok Retard, set in Moscow pharmacies: 215 and 275 rubles. for a pack of 30 pcs. 50 mg and 100 mg tablets.

The average price for Egilok in Moscow: 125 and 150 rubles. for 25 and 50 mg tablets in the amount of 60 pcs. in the bank.

The average price for Egilok S in Moscow: 175, 215, 275 rubles. for a pack of 30 pcs. 25, 50, 200 mg tablets.

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Medical instructions for use

On our website you can find medical instructions more than 20 thousand medicines!

All instructions are classified according to pharmacological groups, active substance, form, indications, contraindications, method of application and interaction.

In this medical article, you can get acquainted with the drug Egilok. Instructions for use will explain at what pressure tablets can be taken, what the medicine helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the form of release of the drug and its composition.

In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Egilok, from which you can find out whether the drug helped in the treatment of coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension in adults and children, for which it is also prescribed. The instructions list the analogues of Egilok, the price of the drug in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

The medicine for the treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system is Egilok. Instructions for use indicate that tablets 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg, retard help to reduce the frequency of ventricular heart rate in supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular extrasystole and atrial fibrillation.

Egilok refers to complex preparations that regulates heart rate and normalizes blood pressure. Migraine, heart rhythm disturbance, high blood pressure - this is a short list of symptoms for which Egilok is prescribed.

This is an indispensable medicine for the elderly and all those who suffer from cardiovascular pathologies, both in acute and chronic form. With long-term use, it reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood serum.

The drug belongs to the group of cardioselective beta1-blockers. The drug has antihypertensive, antianginal, antiarrhythmic action.

Influencing the beta1-adrenergic receptors of the heart muscle, it normalizes the formation of cAMP from ATP by catecholamines, reduces the intracellular current of calcium ions, has a negative chrono-, dromo-, batmo- and inotropic action(reduces heart rate, inhibits conduction and excitability, reduces myocardial contractility).

The active substance of the drug Egilok - metoprolol tartrate, reduces the effect of the excitability of the sympathetic system on the heart muscle, additionally causing a rapid decrease in heart rate, cardiac output and blood pressure.

With hypertension long-term use Egilok leads to a significant decrease in the mass of the left ventricle of the heart and an improvement in its diastolic function.

Metoprolol is almost completely excreted in the urine in 72 hours. About 5% of the dose is excreted unchanged. Well reduces blood pressure, especially when combined with tachycardia, tachysystole. The action is fast especially when taken sublingually.

1. Egilok tablets of the usual duration of action, 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg of the active substance metoprolol tartrate.

2. Tablets Egilok Retard with prolonged action of 50 mg and 100 mg.

  • angina pectoris, unstable angina;
  • myocardial infarction (acute phase, as well as secondary prevention);
  • CHF (compensated) in combination with diuretics, ACE inhibitors and cardiac glycosides;
  • arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure), including in patients over 60 years of age, hypertensive crisis;
  • rhythm disturbances associated with an increase in heart rate (supraventricular arrhythmias, extrasystoles);
  • prophylactic prevention of migraine attacks;
  • IHD - ischemic disease hearts;
  • heart failure.

Indications for the use of tablets also apply to people over 60 years of age.

The dosage of the drug depends on the stage and symptoms of the manifestation of the disease and is selected by the attending physician in each individual case individually.

In case of arterial hypertension, it is prescribed in a daily dose of 50-100 mg / day in 1 or 2 doses (morning and evening).

The maximum allowable daily dosage is 200 mg.

When determining the dosage for angina pectoris, it is necessary to focus on the pulse, which should be 55-60 beats per minute at rest, and no more than 110 beats per minute during exercise.

Egilok tablets should be taken orally during or immediately after a meal. Tablets can be divided in half, but not chewed.

Application features

Care must be taken when driving vehicles and when engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration, as there is a risk of dizziness, weakness and increased fatigue.

When mixed with ethanol, the pumping effect on the central nervous system increases, therefore it is contraindicated to combine alcoholic drinks with pills.

The interaction of Egilok with alcohol-containing substances leads to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which in turn can cause cerebral hypoxia.

The list of prohibited drugs for simultaneous use with Egilok is wide and is fully presented in official instructions on the application attached to the medication, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with before taking the remedy. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the drug with third-party medicines with special care and take it exclusively as prescribed by the attending physician.

Patients with diabetes need to constantly monitor the level of sugar in the blood.

Possible side effects that may occur when taking Egilok:

  • shortness of breath, bronchospasm;
  • allergic rhinitis, mucus discharge from the nasal passages;
  • pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other dyspeptic disorders;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness, headache, decreased concentration, deterioration of cognitive functions of the brain;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • increased sweating - hyperhidrosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • excessive fatigue, lethargy, apathy, melancholy.

In relation to the sense organs (rarely), visual impairment may be observed.

It should be noted that a sharp refusal to take Egilok is not recommended. This can cause an angina attack. The drug should be discontinued gradually, consistently reducing its dose over 10 days.

With a sharp cessation of treatment, a withdrawal syndrome may occur (increased angina attacks, increased blood pressure). During the period of drug withdrawal, patients with angina pectoris should be under close medical supervision.

In most cases, the medication is well tolerated.


It is not recommended to increase the dose indicated in the annotation.

Symptoms of oversaturation of the body with metoprolol: arterial hypotension, acute heart failure, bradycardia, cardiac arrest, AV blockade, cardiogenic shock, bronchospasm, respiratory failure and consciousness / coma, nausea, vomiting, generalized convulsions, cyanosis (appear after 20 minutes - 2 hours after taking ).

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting.

Treatment: gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy.


  • breastfeeding (lactation period);
  • age up to 18 years;
  • heart failure in the phase of decompensation;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • hypersensitivity to metoprolol and auxiliary ingredients of the drug;
  • severe bradycardia;
  • sinoatrial blockade, AV - blockade of 2 or 3 degrees;
  • Prinzmetal's angina.

With caution: diabetes mellitus; metabolic acidosis; bronchial asthma; COPD; renal/liver failure; myasthenia gravis; pheochromocytoma (when used simultaneously with alpha-blockers); thyrotoxicosis; AV block I degree; depression (including history); psoriasis.

  1. Betaloc;
  2. Vasocardin;
  3. Lidaloc;
  4. Corvitol;
  5. Metozok;
  6. Metocard;
  7. Metokor Adifarm;
  8. Metolol;
  9. metoprolol;
  10. metoprolol succinate;
  11. Egilok Retard;
  12. Emzok.

It is important to understand that the instructions for use of Egilok, the price and reviews of the drug do not apply to analogues and cannot be used as a guide to the use or prescription for other drugs, even similar ones. For any replacement of Gordox with an analogue or other changes, a specialist consultation is necessary.

It should be understood that drug analogues cannot always fully replace the originally prescribed prescription. Therefore, when replacing a drug with a similar drug, be sure to consult with a cardiologist, therapist, neuropathologist and other specialized specialists.


Active ingredient: one 50 mg film-coated tablet contains metoprolol (in the form of 47.5 mg of metoprolol succinate, which corresponds to 50 mg of metoprolol tartrate), 100 mg contains metoprolol (in the form of 95 mg of metoprolol succinate, which corresponds to 100 mg of metoprolol tartrate ), 200 mg contains metoprolol (in the form of 190 mg metoprolol succinate, which corresponds to 200 mg metoprolol tartrate), respectively.

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose PH 101, methylcellulose, glycerol, corn starch, ethylcellulose, magnesium stearate. Tablet shell: microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, stearic acid, titanium dioxide (E171).

Tablets are taken orally, washed down with a small amount of water. Reception is allowed both during meals (recommended), and on an empty stomach.

Instructions for Egilok Retard and Egilok: the dose is divided into two doses per day, morning and evening.

Instructions for Egilok C: take 1 time per day, in the morning.

How to take (the final dose size and number of doses) the medicine is determined by the doctor individually. The maximum dose is 200 mg. With impaired renal function and with advanced age, the redistribution of the volume of the drug consumed is not required.

  • Heart failure with compensation: 25 mg per day.
  • Hyperthyroidism: 50-200 mg per day.
  • Arrhythmia: 50-200 mg per day.
  • Angina pectoris: 50 mg per day.
  • Migraine attacks (prevention): 100-200 mg per day.
  • Tachycardia: 50-200 mg per day.
  • Myocardial infarction (secondary prevention): 200 mg per day.

Interaction of egilok with strong drinks

How does alcohol work? It is rapidly expanding blood vessels and as a result, blood pressure decreases. Then there is their sharp narrowing with a jump in pressure upwards. Alcohol also negatively affects the brain and liver. All strong drinks lead to an increase in the level of adrenaline in the body.

The interaction of egilok and alcohol is a threat of collapse. This condition often occurs when blood pressure drops sharply. A person has a lack of oxygen in the brain, and the result of this is a violation of vital functions. Without timely assistance to the patient, loss of consciousness and the need for resuscitation may occur. After all, the energy resources of the brain are depleted. That's why the instructions for egilok talk about a ban sharing alcohol, even in small quantities.

An equally dangerous aspect of this interaction is an overdose. This happens quite often. When taking strong drinks, the amount of adrenaline in the body increases. And the drug egilok blocks the effects of adrenaline. The result of this is manifested by a slowdown in the process of alcohol oxidation. The latter accumulates in the patient's body, and this leads to an overdose. It negatively affects the state of the central nervous system. And as a result, a person experiences difficulties in orientation, his speech slows down and becomes slurred, weakness occurs. Perhaps excessive sweating, the appearance of vomiting as a protective function of the body, slightly facilitating the human condition.

If the intoxication of the body is aggravated, then breathing will become rare, the voice will be hoarse, and blood pressure will drop. It leads to coma and risk of death.

Another danger of such combinations is a violation of the liver. A serious load on the organ occurs as a result of exposure to egilok, and alcohol also aggravates it. The work of the liver will deteriorate, even if it is completely healthy in a person. And if alcohol during the course of treatment with this drug is used even only occasionally and in small doses, then the liver can react to this with severe toxic hepatitis.

Based on the foregoing, the instructions for the drug knowingly prohibits combining it with alcoholic beverages. Therefore, the best solution is to refuse to use them during treatment with Egilok. Such a serious drug treats serious health problems. Why interfere with the body to recover? Be patient and be responsible. And the holidays and booze never end!

Often patients ask if it is possible to take alcohol while taking this or that drug. The answer is unambiguously negative: alcohol is a substance that actively affects all organs and systems, and if it is taken simultaneously with another substance that actively affects the body, then it is clear that nothing good will come of it.

How does egilok affect the body?

Egilok is a drug that suppresses the action of adrenaline on the heart (and partially on other organs). Under the action of Egilok, the coronary (feeding the heart muscle) arteries expand, as a result, additional nutrients and oxygen, which helps to reduce angina attacks and reduce the risk of myocardial infarction. The transmission of nerve impulses through the causative system of the heart is also inhibited - this restores cardiac arrhythmias and reduces the number of heartbeats. In this regard, Egilok is contraindicated in bradycardia, when the number of heartbeats is less than fifty per minute.

At the same time, under the action of Egilok, blood pressure decreases, so people prone to hypotension (low blood pressure) should not take Egilok.

Of the side effects of egilok, one can note its inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, the patient may experience lethargy, depression, confusion against the background of his admission. Egilok can also have side effects on the liver in the form of transient disorders of its function.

How alcohol affects the body

Alcohol acts on the blood vessels in two stages: first, it expands them sharply (blood pressure decreases, the pulse slows down), and then causes a persistent constriction (blood pressure may increase). Alcohol also has a direct toxic effect on brain and liver cells.

Some substances contribute to the rapid inactivation of alcohol, its decomposition in the liver. One of these substances is adrenaline.

The main danger of combining egilok and alcohol is collapse

The main and immediate danger will be a sharp decrease in blood pressure (BP) - that is why egilok cannot be combined with alcohol. As is known, healthy people Egilok is not taken, only those who have heart problems take it. For them, combining the intake of Egilok with alcohol can end in disaster - collapse.

Collapse occurs as a result of a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the brain and inhibition of vital body functions. The patient at the same time feels weakness, dizziness, sometimes loses consciousness. If medical assistance is not provided to him in time, he will die from the depletion of the energy resources of the brain.

The second danger is an overdose of alcohol.

Adrenaline is a biologically active substance that increases the rate of alcohol oxidation in the human body. And since Egilok blocks the action of adrenaline, alcohol will oxidize slowly, it may accumulate in the body and overdose.

First of all, an overdose will affect the state of the central nervous system (CNS): large doses of alcohol depress the activity of the central nervous system. That is, in this case, alcohol acts in the same way as egilok, so a person develops lethargy, weakness, speech slows down, orientation in the environment is lost. As a protective reaction of the body, vomiting may appear, after which the condition improves. With an increase in intoxication, disturbances of consciousness deepen, breathing becomes rare, hoarse, blood pressure drops, all this can end in coma and death of the patient.

The third danger is toxic effects on the liver.

When taking Egilok, transient liver dysfunction may occur, so taking even small doses of alcohol can dramatically increase the negative effect on the liver. If a person does not have any liver diseases, then, most likely, such a combination will not affect the liver in any way if you drink a small amount of a weak alcoholic drink.

But, unfortunately, many liver diseases are asymptomatic, so it is difficult to say how the simultaneous intake of Egilok and alcohol will affect the liver of a particular patient. The consequences are quite possible from mild transient liver dysfunction to severe toxic hepatitis.

What to do for patients taking egilok

Do not drink in any case, even on a birthday and New Year It's life-threatening, not to mention the health consequences.

There are medications during which it is allowed to drink a certain amount of weak alcohol, but egilok does not apply to them.

Tachycardia and low blood pressure

With a combination of symptoms of tachycardia and hypotension, you should immediately contact a specialist and look for the cause of the pathological condition. A similar condition may indicate the presence serious deviations in the body. Low blood pressure and rapid pulse appear with significant blood loss, low body temperature, acute inflammatory processes internal organs, diabetes mellitus, vegetovascular dystonia and heart damage. A similar phenomenon is often observed in pregnant women and is associated solely with changes in hormonal levels.

Drugs for tachycardia at low pressure are prescribed with extreme caution. It is extremely dangerous in this situation to self-medicate. Antiarrhythmic drugs, designed to reduce the frequency of heart beats, are not allowed to be taken with hypotension. In addition to the main therapeutic effect, this group of medicines can also lower blood pressure.

To normalize the condition and eliminate signs of tachycardia and hypotension, it is recommended to take only herbal sedatives. It can be a tincture (or tablets) of valerian, hawthorn or motherwort.

Types of illness

Pathological changes in the heart rhythm pose a serious danger, and therefore it is important to choose the right drugs for arrhythmia and tachycardia. Before determining the treatment regimen, the doctor must establish the type of syndrome. The classification of the disease is based on determining the primary source of heart contractions. In medical practice, there are the following subspecies of tachycardia:

  • ventricular;
  • sinus (nodal);
  • supraventricular;
  • atrioventricular.

For an attack of tachycardia, the appearance of such signs as lack of air, pulsation of large arteries (carotid, temporal), general weakness, increased sweating, constricting pain in the chest.

Release form and medicinal composition

"Egilok" is available in the form of tablets of 0.025; 0.05 and 0.1 g. Packages are packaged in 20, 30, 60 or 100 tablets, which is quite convenient if you have a long-term treatment. The medicinal effect of the drug is due to its high-quality composition.. The components of the tool are:

  • metoprolol tartrate;
  • starch;
  • cellulose;
  • silicon dioxide;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • povidone.

After absorption into the bloodstream through the mucous membrane digestive tract the drug affects the structures of the sinus node of the heart. A gradual decrease in its activity leads to a decrease in contractions, as well as the normalization of blood pressure levels. Another positive therapeutic property is the antiarrhythmic effect.

The appointment of the drug is possible in the presence of obstructive processes in lung tissue, because due to its selective action, there is practically no effect on the muscles of the bronchi. The maximum concentration in blood serum is observed one and a half hours after ingestion, and the active substance is metabolized directly in the liver tissue.

High blood pressure and tachycardia

An attack of tachycardia and high blood pressure are a serious danger to life. Drugs for tachycardia high pressure should not only normalize the pulse, but also eliminate tension in the vessels. Medicines such as Enap, Normodepin, Corinfar, Diroton will help to correct the heart rate and stop the hypertensive syndrome.

It is impossible to ignore such attacks. Having discovered a pathological condition, you should contact a specialist (cardiologist), who will be able to choose the best drug to prevent the occurrence of similar symptoms and relief of seizures.

How to sleep after drinking? Why do sleep problems occur? Alcohol negatively affects the central nervous system, destroying and causing some deviations. Therefore, often an alcoholic says: “I can’t sleep, what should I do?”

Types of insomnia

Depending on the state of the human body, after prolonged libations, several types of insomnia are distinguished:

  • Complete lack of desire to sleep due to the occurrence of hallucinations, both visual and auditory.
  • Sensitive and short sleep, often accompanied by a desire to drink. This is caused by constant dryness in the mouth. Also, this condition is characterized by an unusually high sensitivity to bright light and loud sounds.
  • The process of falling asleep is long, which is often accompanied by joint, headache or other pains resulting from nervous overexertion. Also, anxious thoughts and various fears may appear.

The main cause of insomnia after a long binge is the various effects of alcohol on the body, as well as severe intoxication. In order to completely and as quickly as possible get rid of this condition, it is recommended to take various sedative drugs. In some cases, doctors may prescribe a drug from the group of benzodiazepan tranquilizers, in particular diazepam.

Medications to normalize sleep

The choice of drugs to help the body and solve the problem of insomnia after a long binge is quite wide. Toxicologists for the problem of "I can not sleep" recommend taking one of the following sedatives, which have a mild effect.

  • Valerian;
  • Motherwort;
  • Grandaxin;
  • Herbal preparations of sedative (sedative action);
  • Glycine. Dosage - take two tablets no more than 5 times a day;
  • Novopasit. Take after detoxification of the body, one tablet every 7 hours;
  • Mexidol. Drink 2-3 times a day.
  • Picamilon - the dosage is 150-200 mg. during the day.

When you receive medical preparations for the treatment of insomnia after a long binge, you should follow certain rules:

  1. do not mix different sedatives;
  2. strictly adhere to the indicated dosage;
  3. be sure to conduct a general detoxification of the body.

Sedatives that should not be taken after drinking

You should know that there are a number of sedatives medicines, which can not be taken to solve the problems of "I can not sleep" after a long binge. These include:

  • Phenazepam. This is due to the fact that it is not compatible with alcohol, which can be in the blood of a person and increase the side effects of this drug - the occurrence of hallucinations, memory impairment, the appearance of suicidal tendencies, disorientation, depressed mood, fear, outbursts of aggression and others. All of them are listed in the instructions. Also, when interacting with alcohol, it significantly increases the likelihood of these same side effects.
  • Phenibut. It has a nootropic and weak tranquilizing effect. Doctors do not advise taking it during an acute hangover. It can be used during rehabilitation and exit from such a state after detoxification of the body. It is recommended to take if anxiety continues to remain before bedtime.
  • Valoserdin and Corvalol. Both drugs contain phenobarbetal. And it is completely incompatible with alcohol. Therefore, their use may lead to brain functions and even coma. Moreover, Corvalol is rather weak in this regard.
  • Afobazol. Effective only when taken regularly. The effect of the drug begins no earlier than on the third or fifth day after the start of administration. Naturally, for an emergency solution to the problem of poor falling asleep after a long binge, it simply does not fit.

You can improve your general condition on your own, using folk methods. It is important to pay special attention to the occurrence of hallucinations. In such cases, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

When answering the question of how to fall asleep after a binge, it is necessary to firmly grasp important rule- do not poison your body with alcohol. For effective treatment it is required to remove it from the body as soon as possible. To do this, you need to drink plenty of water (at least 3 three liters per day) and adjust healthy eating at home. As the main healing drink, ordinary black tea with valerian or motherwort has proven itself well. You can also use various herbal preparations that have a calming effect. They can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.

If sleep disturbances are observed for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

If a person has certain difficulties in falling asleep after a sufficiently long binge, it is recommended to physically tire yourself a little before going to bed. Any kind of load is suitable here. For example, walking the dog, doing a set of exercises, or just doing housework or other household chores. Good way full recovery after a long binge - this, of course, is a bath. In addition, the steam room relaxes the body well and generally has a beneficial effect. It is important to make sure that the pressure is normal before visiting a bath or sauna. With high blood pressure, it is better to refuse the procedure.

The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy.

The appointment and use of Egilok tablets during pregnancy is an individual matter. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the appointment of the drug is contraindicated. It is also not recommended to use it while breastfeeding.

Treatment with the drug is possible when the intended effect and benefit for the woman exceeds possible risk for the development of the child. Therefore, if the attending physician attributed Egilok to a pregnant woman, he must carefully monitor the intrauterine state of the fetus. In addition, observe the newborn for several days after his birth, thus identifying early stages baby health problems.

The main active ingredient of Egilok metoprolol is able to penetrate the placental barrier. But at the same time, there were no threatening signs of the drug.

Metoprolol is excreted in mother's milk in small doses. And, nevertheless, if there is a need to prescribe the drug to a nursing mother, breastfeeding should be stopped for this time.

Hangover use

With a hangover, a person suffers from signs of alcohol poisoning - nausea with vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, migraines, dizziness, confusion, dry mouth.

If alcohol has not completely left the blood, then taking the medicine will only aggravate the symptoms. In addition, the risk of developing other adverse reactions, dangerous to death.

The drug at hangover syndrome can be used to normalize the work of the heart. However, it is required to wait for the body to be completely cleansed of toxins. Best when feeling unwell drink special hangover pills, pickle or call an ambulance.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

For pregnant women, the drug is prescribed only according to strict indications, taking into account the benefit / risk ratio, since under the influence of Metoprolol, the development of bradycardia, hypoglycemia and arterial hypotension in the fetus is possible.
It requires careful monitoring of the development of the fetus, as well as the newborn in the first 48-72 hours after delivery. If necessary, the use of the drug during the period breastfeeding breastfeeding should be stopped.

According to the instructions, metoprolol is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age, since its effectiveness and safety when used in childhood not installed.

The correct dosage of the antihypertensive drug Egilok

Among heart diseases, a special place is occupied by supraventricular paroxysmal, or supraventricular, tachycardia. Pathology is dangerous because it affects not only the elderly, but also young people and is the cause of death. It is necessary to find out how the disease manifests itself and what factors cause malfunctions in the heart.


Supraventricular tachycardia is manifested by seizures, during which the heart rate reaches 100-250 beats per minute. An attack can last from a few seconds to several days, and disappears on its own without taking medication. The focus of paroxysmal tachycardia is located in the atrial zone, namely, above the ventricles of the heart. Therefore, tachycardia got its name.

Now the disease occupies a leading position among the pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Every year, the disease causes the death of 300,000 people. In this case, the disease most often affects people of working age, since among the causes of tachycardia are not only violations in the work of the heart, but also external factors such as leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Every fifth inhabitant of the planet and every second newborn is subject to pathological crises.

Paroxysmal tachycardia includes all types of tachycardia, the source of which is localized above the cardiac ventricles. Depending on the location of the pathology focus, it is AV-reciprocal, atrioventricular nodal, atrial and sinoatrial.

If we talk about the threat to life, then in most cases the disease is not fatal, but significantly worsens the quality of life. The patient cannot predict the onset of an attack, he does not know when he will become ill, therefore he is in constant fear. And this fear is no better than the attack itself.

Risk factors

The causes that provoke supraventricular tachycardia can be conditionally divided into cardiac and non-cardiac.

Cardiac factors include:

  1. Congenital malformations of the cardiac system that arose in utero.
  2. Heart disease, which is associated with a violation of the process of blood supply.
  3. Heart defects, expressed in the wrong structure of the organ.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the heart muscle.
  5. Cardiomyopathy is a disease that is expressed in a change in the shape of the heart muscle and a violation of its functions.
  6. Heart failure, manifested as a decrease in the contractility of the heart.

Non-cardiac reasons include:

  1. Chemical poisoning or an overdose of certain drugs.
  2. Violations in the work of the endocrine organs, in connection with which there is an increased production of hormones.
  3. Alcohol and drug addiction.
  4. Blockage of the lumen of the pulmonary artery by blood clots.
  5. Diseases of the lungs and bronchi.
  6. Disorders in the work of the nervous system.

In addition, stressful situations, emotional stress, smoking, physical abuse and excessive coffee have a strong effect on the work of the heart and the general condition of a person.

Basically, the provoking factors that lead to an increase in heart rate do not depend on the person or are influenced by the patient's lifestyle. Therefore, it is worth reviewing your daily routine, giving up bad habits.

How does the disease manifest itself? Supraventricular tachycardia occurs suddenly and can last from a few seconds to several days. In medicine, cases of heart palpitations lasting several months have been recorded. As for the intervals between attacks, they can be quite long or short.

Stressful situations, excessive physical activity, smoking or alcohol can provoke the onset of an attack of supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia. Before the crisis, the patient may feel a jolt in the region of the heart, and then dizziness and tinnitus join it.

Egilok C is a pharmacological drug whose main function is to block the β1 adrenoreceptor.

The drug is used to treat myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, persistent increase in blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias.

The main active substance is metoprolol (metoprololum). It significantly reduces the effect of physiologically active substances of catecholamines on the work of the heart and performs 2 important functions: it prevents an increase in heart rate and normalizes blood pressure.


Suction: the drug is rapidly absorbed. Its maximum amount in the blood can be detected a couple of hours after taking the pill. Egilok C is absorbed by 30-40%.

Distribution: combines with blood plasma proteins by 5-10%. Metabolized in the liver.

Derivation: excreted by the kidneys (5%) after 4-7 hours, the rest of the active substance is excreted in the form of metabolic products (metabolites) of metoprolol.

Indications for use

Egilok C is prescribed in the following cases:


The drug is taken orally once a day, preferably in the morning, with food. The maximum dose of the drug per day is 200 mg.

At high pressure Egilok C is prescribed at a dose of 50 to 100 mg per day. If after a certain period of time the necessary healing effect not reached, then on the recommendation of a doctor, the dose can be increased to 200 mg per day.

For treatment angina attacks and cardiac arrhythmias the optimal dose of the drug is 100 - 200 mg per day. After consultation with a doctor, the effect of medical device can be enhanced by taking another drug for the treatment of angina pectoris.

With heart failure 2 functional class Egilok C is prescribed first at a dose of 25 mg per day. After 2 weeks, on the recommendation of a doctor, the dose can be increased by 25 mg (up to 50 mg per day). If necessary, after another 2 weeks, the dose can be increased by 25 mg (up to 75 mg per day), etc. The maximum dose per day is 200 mg. With class 3 or 4 deficiency, the initial dose is 12.5 mg per day. The dose can be increased to 25 mg per day after 2 weeks of regular use of the drug. The maximum allowable dose is 200 mg per day.

For migraine prevention the drug is prescribed at a dose of 100 to 200 mg per day.

Tablets must not be chewed.

Release form, composition

The drug is available in the form of tablets placed in the cells of a blister pack (the pack contains 1, 2 or 3 blisters of 10 tablets each) or in glass bottles (30 or 60 tablets each).

The shape of the tablets is round. White color.

Composition of 1 tablet:

  1. Active ingredient: metoprolol (metoprolol succinate).
  2. Additional components: ethylcellulose (ethyl cellulose ether, E 462), corn starch, MCC (microcrystalline cellulose), magnesium stearate (salt of magnesium and stearic acid, E 572), methylcellulose (methocel, E 461), glycerin (glycerol).
  3. Film sheath: MCC, hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), stearic acid (cetylacetic acid), titanium dioxide (titanium dioxide, E 171).

Features of interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous treatment with the following drugs is prohibited: barbiturates (a type of medication that has a sedative effect), Propafenone, Verapamil.

During therapy, along with these therapeutic agents, it is necessary to select the dose of Egilok C with extreme caution: Amiodarone, antiarrhythmic drugs.

The following drugs reduce the therapeutic effect of Egilok C: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), diphenhydramine, drugs - β-blockers.

When taken together with insulin and hypoglycemic drugs, there is a risk of lowering blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

Side effects

This medicine may cause the following side effects: shortness of breath, headache, fatigue, a sharp coldness of the extremities, low heart rate, nausea, stool disorders.

The appearance of the listed side effects is individual in nature and depends on the characteristics of the patient's body.


Taking an overdose remedy can lead to a sharp decrease in heart rate, heart and respiratory failure, vomiting, convulsive state and impaired consciousness.

When these anxiety symptoms you must immediately go to the nearest emergency room for medical attention.

Overdose treatment: gastric lavage procedure, taking adsorbent preparations.


  1. Sick sinus syndrome (SSS).
  2. Severe bronchial asthma.
  3. Insufficiency of the left ventricle of the heart (cardiogenic shock).
  4. Low blood pressure.
  5. Low heart rate.
  6. The presence of SA pathology of the conduction system of the heart (sinoatrial blockade).
  7. Intolerance to the components of the remedy.
  8. Age less than 18 years old.

During pregnancy

Taking the drug at the beginning of pregnancy (1 trimester) and during lactation is strictly prohibited. In the middle and end of pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimesters), Egilok C therapy is allowed only with the permission of the doctor and if the benefit to the pregnant woman is greater than the possible negative consequences of taking the drug for the fetus.

Additional Information:

  1. With prolonged regular use, the drug reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Egilok C is a prescription drug.
  3. The drug should be taken with particular caution in the elderly and patients with abnormalities in the liver and kidneys.
  4. While taking the drug, it is highly undesirable to drink alcohol-containing drinks.

Terms and conditions of storage

The remedy should be kept in a dry place, away from children and exposure to direct sunlight. The limiting temperature for storage is 30 °C.

Shelf life Egilok S - 3 years after the date of manufacture, marked on the package.


The average price of Egilok C tablets in Russia is 300 rubles. for 60 pcs.

The average cost of these tablets in Ukrainian pharmacies is 60 UAH.


Taking a drug of a similar effect can only be started after consultation with a qualified specialist.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system diagnosed in every third person on Earth. At the same time, the ailments of this group do not have a clear link to age category, since pathologies (malformations) of the heart and coronary vessels occur even in newborns. Meanwhile, the largest percentage of patients is still in the older age category. This is explained by the fact that over time, the myocardium wears out due to numerous stresses.

Among other things, other factors can affect the heart and blood vessels - unfavorable environmental conditions, concomitant ailments, and even malnutrition.

It is virtually impossible to cure diseases of the cardiovascular system with one medicine. In the vast majority of cases, complex therapy is used for this.

Means Egilok- a medicine that has several properties that are useful for people with a diseased heart and blood vessels. First, it restores the rhythm of the heartbeat, Secondly, relieves angiospasm, third, has a beta-blocking and hypotensive effect.

Instructions for use

The components that make up the drug Egilok help to reduce cardiac output, reduce the effect on the myocardium of the sympathetic system, and also reduce blood pressure and heart rate. It is impossible to achieve such results without affecting many processes in the body, and therefore Egilok can cause complex changes in the body, which are not always favorable.

Besides, This medicine is usually used in combination with other medicines., which means that it can interact with chemical compounds. All this must be taken into account when taking the medicine. Full information on indications, contraindications, subtleties of using the drug in the presence of concomitant pathologies and compatibility with other drugs are available in the instructions for use.

Indications for use

The drug Egilok is used mainly for cardiological diseases, as well as for changes in the coronary and cerebral circulation.

The list of diagnoses for which medication is indicated:

  • myocardial infarction (as secondary prevention);
  • arterial hypertension (it is possible to use the drug in combination with other drugs);
  • angina pectoris (to prevent attacks);
  • tachycardia and supraventricular extrasystole;
  • hyperthyroidism (in combination with other drugs);
  • migraine (as a prophylaxis of attacks).

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the form of tablets with different contents of the active substance - metoprolol tartrate:

  • Tablets with a dosage of 25 mg packed in glass brown bottles of 60 pieces each, or 20 pieces in polymer contour blisters, three pieces in a carton package.
  • Tablets with a dosage of 50 mg are packed in glass bottles of 60 pieces or in polymer blisters of 15 pieces each, which are then placed in a cardboard box of 4 pieces.
  • Tablets with a dosage of 100 mg Packed in brown glass bottles of 60 pieces each.

In addition to the active ingredient, Egilok tablets include a classic set of components that stabilize the active compound: MCC, starches, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate.

Video: "About the drug Egilok - expert opinion"

Mode of application

Egilok can be taken with or without food. Tablets are produced without a shell, and therefore, to facilitate swallowing, they can be broken into several parts. The selection of the dosage is carried out individually, depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the symptoms and the general condition of the patient, but taking into account the fact that the maximum dose should not exceed 200 mg.

  • arterial hypertension of moderate severity - 25-50 mg twice a day (the dose can be adjusted up or down depending on the effect);
  • angina pectoris - from 25 to 50 mg twice or thrice a day, depending on the patient's condition;
  • post-infarction condition - 50-100 mg in the morning and evening;
  • arrhythmia - take 25 or 50 mg three times or twice a day;
  • hyperthyroidism - 50 mg per dose twice or thrice a day;
  • palpitations caused by functional changes in the myocardium - 50 mg in the morning and evening;
  • migraine (as a prophylaxis) - 50 mg per dose in the morning and evening.

In case of violation functional state kidneys or liver, it is not necessary to adjust the indicated doses of drugs. Do not require a reduction in dosages and cases of the use of Egilok in the treatment of elderly patients. Only in severe liver failure it may be necessary to reduce it by half.

drug interaction

The active substance of Egilok tablets may interact with drugs taken simultaneously with them. So, when taken in combination with antihypertensive drugs, Egilok acts more pronounced, and also enhances the effect of other drugs to control blood pressure. In this regard, when they are taken together, it is recommended to more carefully monitor blood pressure indicators and adjust the dosage in a timely manner.

When taken with drugs Verapamil or Diltiazem Egilok can provoke an increase in ionotropic and chronotropic effects. This property is especially pronounced when intravenous administration BKK.

  • quinidine and other antiarrhythmic drugs - the risk of developing bradycardia or atrioventricular block;
  • cardiac glycosides - the risk of conduction disturbances or bradycardia;
  • tranquilizers or antidepressants - the risk of hypotension (a similar effect is observed with simultaneous reception with ethanol);
  • medical anesthesia - inhibition of the activity of the heart;
  • symptomatic alpha and beta - high risk of arterial hypertension or significant bradycardia;
  • ergotamine - a significant increase in vasoconstrictor effects;
  • muscle relaxants - the development of a neuromuscular blockade;
  • hormonal estrogen-containing agents - a decrease in the effectiveness of metropolol;
  • non-steroidal analgesics - weakening of the hypertensive effect;
  • insulin-containing drugs - increased hypoglycemic effect;
  • drugs that inhibit enzymes - enhancing the effect of metropolol;
  • drugs that induce enzymes - a decrease in the effectiveness of metropolol.

Side effects

Egilok has a fairly good tolerance, which has been proven in clinical trials. About a third of patients complained about the appearance of side effects.

The most common symptoms they mentioned were:

  • the appearance of a feeling of fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • feeling strong beat hearts;
  • cold feet and hands;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • feeling short of breath during physical exertion.

There have also been isolated cases of anxiety, insomnia, dry mouth, skin rashes and itching, rhinitis, dry eyes, tinnitus, and arthralgia.

If severe side effects listed above appear, or if other symptoms appear, it is recommended to stop taking the drug and seek medical advice.

Video: "The role of beta-blockers in the treatment of cardiac diseases"


It is also forbidden to use it for the following diseases:

  • AV blockade 2 or 3 degrees;
  • sinus type bradycardia;
  • weakness of the sinus node;
  • pathology of the peripheral circulatory system;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • complicated course of bronchial asthma;
  • acute period of myocardial infarction.

Also, a contraindication to the use of Egilok tablets is the patient's childhood and adolescence, pregnancy and lactation, psoriasis.

During pregnancy

Women who are pregnant are not recommended to take Egilok tablets.

In the event that without them it is not possible to conduct a course of treatment, the woman must be placed under round-the-clock medical supervision. The fetus, as well as a newborn child whose mother has taken Egilok on the last day, may develop bradycardia or decrease blood pressure.

In this regard, it is necessary to monitor not only the condition of the mother, but also the condition of the child.

Although tablet metabolites are found in breast milk in a small amount, it is not recommended to use it during HB.

If a woman needs to take Egilok, it is recommended to transfer the child to artificial feeding.

Terms and conditions of storage

To save medicinal properties Egilok tablets are recommended to be stored for no more than 5 years from the date of issue at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees in a place inaccessible to children.


The cost of packing Egilok tablets depends on the dosage of the drug. In general, it can be classified as budget funds, since its cost is relatively low.

Dosage Number of tab. Cost in Russia Cost in Ukraine
25 mg 60 pcs. 115 rub. 55 UAH
50 mg 60 pcs. -- 66 UAH
100 mg 60 pcs. 180 rub. 89 UAH


Egilok tablets have several structural analogues that repeat it in composition and action:

  • Emzok;
  • Metalol;
  • Corvitol and others.

Despite the significant similarity, the drugs presented above cannot fully replace Egilok. Before taking medicines with analogues, you should consult with your doctor.

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